Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 27 August 1939

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 12 1 The Sunday Tribune ■vOlVno. 12 SIX(;APOI;E SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1939 FIVE CENTS.
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  • 297 1 ITALIAN COMMENT ON GERMAN PLAN London, Au#. 26. AFTER three hours' conversation with Mr. Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister, and Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary, at No. 10, Downing Street, following his return from Berlin, Sir Nevile Henderson, British Ambassador m Berlin, was received m audience
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  • 148 1 London, Autf. 2(i. pINESE I circles point sarcastically to Japan's apparent haste '"making up to Britain as Germany has deserted her. Some JkTebetn expressed that Japan may try to sell her neu■JTK the expense of China if war breaks out, but the best is that
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 47 1 s*sub ijl(ltl li aciivlt, from Ujy eh capital. I'^thai M (< tht> J* P«l. tv l!l Berlin. l Mll| v pri l:ni »>a-.> „iere is T l^ Cf I 5 llkeI >h(,oc' of both >h i r en «1 1n.,,, LOB-''"^'o-ln"' >"lh«'«uti-o,m. „f i> :nv:,ilnl will.
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  • 63 1 GERMANY AND BELGIAN INTEGRITY Isru els, Aur. '£<»• pi^hi: German /Unkassatlsf i»as mfiiHHci KiiiK Leopold that German) wnuiti reaped Belgian i f, provMed Bdgsun herIf remained ttrieUy n:utr;»i. Ihe Ambassador expressed deiirt of the llrith to ciitimie I»" CXJ tri'j; good on:. l»°--hreen the two countries and fsrmtly reiterated
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 94 1 Quebec, Aug. -i>. Oil k BBS i the Mounted PaHec bearini warrant for the sei/n r of the German freighter. Keningsbcrg, charged with theft. t<!«d the vessel ■tfd-streasjn lv the st. Lawrence. ■I tie warrant was i ted the ton >Xld< t > sail to
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 116 1 Rome, Aue. M. rX( lI.WCiF of tric^rinis lictweon ths Duce and the German Fuehrer yesterday afternoon, is reveaU'd m an official < onununique. llerr Hitlrr sent further message to Mussolim last night. Reports that Germany is producing peace plan have aroused fresh hopes. Commenting on
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 52 1 FRENCH DO NOT WANT ITALIANS Paris, Au^. 20. A new order prohibits Italians crossins Into Prance It Is stated that a tuimbrr of Italians bound for London &nd Pan.-, have been ordered to leave their trains at Turin. AH trains from I'aly are crowded with British and French people returning
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 30 1 Rome, Aug. 26. Signor Mussolini this morning received Count Ciano and Signor Benin. Minister <>f Communications, and heads of the general stalT. They di.v d military matters. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 33 1 Rome, Aug. 26 —The Hope replying to a better from the Kin^ of Belgians states that he is confident efTorts for pence may .still be crowned with sue- cess. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 18 1 The Hague. Aug. 26.— The German Minister saw Queen Wilhelmina aft4»r 1 1 questing an inters lew Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 28 1 CANADIAN PREMIER'S APPEAL Ottawa, Ay*. 26. lyiß. Mackenzie King- has sent messages to Hitler, Mussolini and President Mogcicki, urging them to use J-heir influence to avoid war. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 50 1 ARMED GERMAN FRONTIER GUARDS Amsteidam, Aug. 26. ARMED German .soldier.: have replaced frontier officials opposite Kerkrade province m Limburg. Barbed wire an:i ether obstructions block approaches to tho frontier on the German side, and •rafTic m the vicinity is forbidden. Railway traffic across the frontier has beon stoj ped.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 45 1 .Japanese Army intends to proceed with the attainment of l heir objectivea of the China [ncident, declared the War Office spokesman. Japan felt no small dissatisfaction over Germany's action, hu f there would be nc change m Japan's Ant i-Comintern spirit.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 47 1 Warshaw. Aim. 26.—The Nati' nal Council oi' Ukranlan3, which has been working for eventual autonomy within the Polish state, has passed a resolution urging Ukraninns to reject all forei^ i attempts t( sow discord, and to fulfil tbf>!r obligations to the Polish state.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 38 1 Windhoe (South West Africa». Aug. 20. —The Police last night raided the Hues of the Trans-Ocoan News Service, a Gorman concern operatin khUi mandated territory. The equipn.ent was removed and the oflices closed down.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 26 1 Marseille^ Auk 26.— Tne German Lufthansa Company's staff has evacuated their premises at the Marißnan c Airport and has returned to Berlin.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 22 1 Paris, Aug. 26.— Three more categories <;f French reservists have boon cnllod t<> lln 1 rnlimr.s Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 127 1 Berlin, Auj;. Zii. THAT Germany is taking no risks and is preparing ior 1 1 eventualities is evident from a number of announcements this evening. The Railways inform the public that from to-morrow traffic will be restricted and a number of trains will be cancelled. It
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 47 1 Berlin, Aug. 26. The Propaganda 'JVlini.stry thj., mornIng disclaimed any knowledge of reports that following the official cancellation of Herr Hitler's Intention to speak at Tanncnberg to-morrow, the Gorman F'uchrer would is k ue a proclamation to the German p< ople to-day Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 177 1 NOTHING KNOWN OF HITLER'S PLAN London, \tu Hi. IN London, opinion, official and unofficial, is nr< essarilv irtarkin^ lime since receipt of news of the interview which the British Ambassador, Sir Nevile Henderson, had yesterday with Hen Hitter at the latter*! request, following which the British Ambassador arranged to fly
    British Official Wireless  -  177 words
  • 63 1 Brussels, Aug. 26. A DECKEE for mobilisation of the army was submitted Uy the Cabinet by the Prime .Minister. The dCCffCC is solely .t legal measure. Mobilisation will br limited to stairs ol rvmtual rciiilnrcimonl of the army as dirtalcd by riniimstances. Another biU ci\rs the Km« special
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 22 1 Ottawa. Aug. 26. Air Force units li;;vp been ordered to be prepared Uj move- to war sta Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
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  • 62 2 SCOTT JACKSON ENGAGEMENT Sill.;. i poi P V.»< u!.l THK engagemi i( i>« twecn M> Vnrm.«n Valentine Jackson youngest son ol Mrs. Maria Dolores << on <,t Seville, *l»;«in and S(. Johns Wood i.<>»<l<m and Wi Dulcic Olj Scott TMinge&l daughter I id Master i.t <„ .i i s,, «>f
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  • 223 2 Sailor Fined For Driving Negligently ON the charge ol negligent driving Jalan Besai Road at l 45 a.m on July IG, 1939, I B Morgan, a sailor wils tliis morning fined $15 by Mr I Coleman In the Traffic Court. Accused, who claimed trial to the charge, wa .■> m
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  • 303 2 Toast Of Shanghai A Cabaret Girl Here (Tribune Staff Reporter) rpHE story Of White Dew would be classified ordinarily as 4t s<>t> stuff" if it weren't so traffic and realistic. As it is, it has the makings of fin*- scenario. ■■> a matter of fact, Miss hmy v>\: movie actress
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 2 WHITE Dew, former Shanghai screen star who came to 4".ni(apore last week to start on a new career as a dancing partner in one of the local cabarets.
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  • 160 2 IK Centre [ntellectuel Francals (UMalaisie, an intellectual and cultural association recently formed l>* the French community m Singapore, has more British than French membt re. A different social centre from anything previously existing m Singapore, the ni'W club has a.-, patron the French Consul-General, M.
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  • 74 2 $1OO BAIL FOR DRIVING CHARGE CHARGED with causing hurt to an Ensv lishman, name unknown, by negligent driving at Cambra Road "ai 1 .30 p.m. on August 25. 1939. Khani Zaman made his appearance before Mr. E. E. Coieman m the Traffic Court this morning. After the charge had been
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  • 58 2 Drove On Wrong Side Of Road Singapore, Saturday. ITASIIIM bin Manap was this morniug ciiaiged before Mr. R. K. coieman m the Traffic Court, for driving his car m a negligent manner at South 3rldcc Road on July 13, 1939 Accused also claimed trial to the amended charge, and after
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  • 71 2 Radio Talks On Health EVERYONE m Singapore should he interested m hearing the next two radio taik^ to be given over the local network by Dr. W.%L. Blak€more. On Tuesday, Dr. Blakemore will give the last of h:s series vitamin-, a discussion of Vitamin E and Vitamin Women especially will
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  • 740 2 Germany Decorated Him Then Put Him In A Concentration Camp (Tribune Stan Reporter) |)ANZI< J'S lot hasbeen a bitter one. Danzig's name has h<" m on everyone's lips !<>r \.< i;it f i!l Danzif; is happier now than ;t year ago. As a matter
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  • 75 2 DANZIG'S CRISIS IS OVER Pin l«li\ i>an/ig is <ufo and retkW :i Rood living m Sinjajwrr I*, Austria »;i V him six medaK and th, rman hij;l» rommand ninnrtl i medal on him and mv« hi tion \v, r hravfiv m the World tv 'I ii. n the Kin hrer's
    Tribune  -  75 words
  • 572 2 Was Submarine Base For Fish With Few Bones (Tribune Staff Reporter) JI- the several aged, grey and uninteresting-lookin behin 1 the glade showcase m Raffles Museum could I they i")vM probably tell a very interesting story abort days m Malaya. I moan literally the old
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    • 38 2 There's no <ihr> r!, t ,,c quite like iU batu FFRRivf;Ht 25 fyyl"kt w^i*;f l>)!i<8lljllil rhINANLj gg^siitx^im==^2z^3Mr3Ljii MII 7i jHJjUPEfrnCTR /^nx^W I WEAKNESS i V^—-(IJ DEBILITY AN/EMIA use DESCHIENS' ol riaßmogk)bin ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength.
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    • 35 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. Ocular Muscle Anomalies yJ^^W Crossed Ejes, (I ComplicMtftl Cases <»f J^^^ Defective Viston, Thompson Optical Co. Qualified Eyesight Specialists 4. ARCADE BLDC, THONE 3002. R. A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Science
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  • 513 3 CONTEMPORARY MALAYAN ART AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Painting "The Last Divers Among Exhibits From 79 Countries (Tribune Siafl Reporter) VLADIMM i: kiv arti m ;ij-<»rr. As a hoii lea, debilitate*! men ••mo notor <;ns as s; appear to pro* pective buy* r with f h<- ai ie a<l i< i
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  • Article, Illustration
    58 3 u\ TTRH I ircatiiHi.l of S delkutr subject m a unique medium, the ,1 .it Vlfcdimir Tretchikofl <>t* Bingapsw is described as s knife Sf lr«" ulllkotT x painting, "The lust Divers." reprtß— ts i «»ntrni|»«ii .v Hiimn art m an exnibition of eesitceaporarf art irum 7M countries
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  • 311 3 I(Tril»iino Stall Reporter) I on r-hle to unrave] the seeming mystery pi why I 'fichors and nurses prefer their joba t;> marriage. them, carer cornea firai, and thoughts <>i marriage second. In .Singapore Is) aw 19S women tr"ich«-r emp(z Kn;>lish nehools. Theii >a;u-
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  • 431 3 SINGAPORE MILITARY WEDDING Singapore, Sat urday. JpHE Garrison Church, Tansrlin, was t}ic scene of a fashionable wedding this afternoon, when Miss Diana < hesney became the bride of Mr Hugrh Anthony Whitehead, Royal Artillery. KCajor-Oeneral L. v Bond, General OITI er Commanding, Malaya Rave iii*bride away ;it ttu' ceremo I
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  • 609 3 MALA YANS IN LONDON idon. Aug. id ti to honour- *>th their pivsoiuv ower nobody visits u.s at 2 n»t land from the Rlance the 1: quick da 1, for il^J f-^Ai a matter ol fact. U«R me yostorduy th Malayan.; inevitably thoii destination SS fc^** Mrs v i V
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  • 643 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) SCIENTISTS call them Cimex Lectulariua Linnaeus, but rnoal ofiw th#y arc just plain bed-bugs. Singapore la full of them. A flat, windless, mahogany brown insect with Lhi '.'it «»j' legs mi a >t\i' im-iii r<! body, i\\~ common a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 1 J %/U/&4£ Mr quality is really outstanding [z^^n I eh aJK j^M l f .itti tl r isr Hi/ f Pt'€Ctt2t 4?^ In Crllophjne' wrapped Bq^^ -SP*^ J^HHRBBhHBhHbBBH P.itrnt 'TRU-VAC' tint of SO VMI tuving Jt rhu lamous Hi I ;Jjj H< jpital of Norway, jrou would I B
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  • 206 4 DEFENCE PLAN MYSTERY QXE pin-point of glue, found on the back of secret aerodrome plans, led British M.1. 5 authorities to believe that photographs of vital documents have been smuggled out of the country. Plans of new aerodromes, with estimates running into immense sums lor their construction, were .stolen from
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    • 116 4 EMPIRE TALKIE Matinee To-day Only. I Complete Serial of j "Custer's Last Stand" j GRAND (New WoHdj I Matinee To-day Only. j <5 Complete Serial of /"PIRATE TREASURE"! iiii^ TUESDAY NEXT AIJIA>IIIII.\. *lp TARAMOUNT'S GRAND MUSICAL- *l Li 4 t\ nn t o nn c A l < -ts^w l\
      116 words
    • 229 4 STOP PRESSf SENSATIONAL SCOOpT^ The MOST AMAZING DOCUMENTa INDICTMENT of GERMANY'S Bin V WORLD DOMINATION! k TO-DAY at the C APTRB 4 SHOWS.. II A.M. 3.15 6.15 «nCOUNTRIES;; GEIMANYP A Sensational Exposure of the Events m Cermam i PRE-WAR days to the Rise of Hitler and the Vom SEQUENCES THAT
      229 words

  • 609 5 A MIRACLE OF MAKEUP IN THE FILM OF THE YEAR «>u that Mr. hi«»" picture that yom mustn't miv>.) m L o i n ml 4, i. t nrra r tease you mi! probably be curious .ilmmij Hie foreword Hrhirh nas| u s „n the screen |usl fore the opening
    609 words
  • 143 5 The Great Garbo Plays A Snappy Game Darts! -^f /1 IRKO vs »>«• l>) .I I I 2 nn i <\ vim.i n sol J tin r m H" Rb v.ian ll.ii i.iliom oi ii- ith m hi ni'u 2 pi! :irr. "\i! iik.i 'i M.<-M. proved i)• it m
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  • 108 5 IiMBERS of Oui who have cade Urn h at th< Ir auto on the tarted < aapaißn to i>v their offbuildl ttu f i lr needy children. Spanky McFa:land suggested th€ foldwynMiyer's "Ga;. I The others «re so enthusiastic thai donations K|inpourin« In Immediately after
    108 words
  • 28 5 Juan Bennett looks gorgeous, and Jack Benny pensive, m this scene from Paramount* "Artists and Models \l>road." which is due at the Alhambra on Wednesday.
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    • 286 5 SCREEN FARE OF THE WEEK i \li loi show m- No* "Lucky Night ring M Loy and Robert Whim-. .Xi v Tvesdaj rhe iti h fiUn >r f 'i the es to ihe m m (.1 M i odbj i < Robert Donal and I■■ i '•'ill- HiltOl ,111.- it-
      286 words
    • 180 5 rpHINGS aic hummii I titieU.' c utury-Fox and urea th ay m i "inn! iVi told you about Tvi Myrna I and George Brent being m "The Rains Came v. n. the cast al :n- for I hat n«-v. < ero will play Ail
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    • 58 5 USE NOURISHING for SANDWICHES C^^g? for SOUPS for COOKING V^F WITH MILK p^ W HOT OF* COLD L^^__ >^^ with soda gy)^ tf^fc Eft 1 I •id im \g( rating and can be sen i api recial i<><i t ery hour of the day. |nU tii i: noRN i: 0
      58 words
    • 145 5 mgr \Si:i»TIC OINTMIM HEALED HER P^^O^S I SCALDED I 1/ /y/ ii rOC SUFFER if/ i/J IIMi\l:~ With GERMOLENE In the If/ IRBCESSBS SUNBURN house vuu have quick VI I BOILS BAD LEQ ling at hand! i: ad ITCH i.( ZEMA thiseaaeol Mrs. L. E.:— GERMOLENE ncr- FILES RINGWORM kin
      145 words

  • 228 6 After weeks on milk and soda Havt you ever had to choose between semi-starvation and si kness? How depre^in* it is, for week after week, to have barely enough n ment to keep life together V. joy when this nightmare is ssjddenly banished, and healthy,
    228 words
  • 101 6 Girl Of 7 Gets £500 For Scar On Leg IN tin belfef that short skirts shorts will still be m fashion vvhen a jrir! of seven :r up. Jutluv \S G. Earenawarded a girl of £500 dama^* s. child. Ifargaret Rose Spendifl road, Holloway. claimed ClerkenweO County Court rbert Luckcuck.
    101 words
  • 63 6 FIVE wimen are among 400 appli fcr the post of executioner at £'ing prison. The job has became vacan through the breakdown after Uln Robert Elliot, the veteran electrocu tlonlst of New York ijtate. Prison officials refused u> reveal ai details about the women's applii
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  • 76 6 BY telephone from the «-h*»riff of Ventura, California, Deputy Grant Frazer received what he thought nas an orrler to buy two thousand pigs for th county farm. All day he drove from farm to farm but succeeded m bar°?in~ inj* for only 120 pJgs. Apolo^.Mially he
    76 words
  • 257 6 Being Frozen Alive Is So Refreshing! f\XE uf the New York World Fair's spiciest sideshows is the Frozen Alive Death Defying Feat, m which 9n 9 per cent nak ed girls are laid into ice "coffins" and left until they can bear it no longer. One of them, named Anita,
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  • 355 6 A Campaign To Reduce Noise POUND one m a campaign against noise has been won, and credit mu-l <jo to scientists for ti.i*. From Octobur 1 manufacturera of motor vehicles have promised {he Ministry oi Transport that they will not lit horns which give a blaiv of over 10(1
    355 words
  • 197 6 mans who no 100 U ««lhe pleasures oM,^ delivered rccenilv Z V a speech m Jf buttons thai m Ufc appititi. they wow nilu Germany had experienced A Wire, an immense SxS^JZ of all kinds of capital^?- m*. Just as^fte--(tothea were being sold t|S J? l'
    The Times  -  197 words
  • 145 6 Court Gives Ear To Sentiment PLOUGH magistrate! hayan appeal by residents of agninsi a decision of the tt District Council to alter the of Love Lane to Swallov The decision to ckaap the had been made by th»- cil on the request of the her Council. The protest came from
    The Times  -  145 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 225 6 Trust your dentist M he says KOLYNOS ijj|^|r 1 Because of its unusual, scientific, BR I BRIGHTEN you SMILE w,fh KOLYNOS pL %Pl|B^| L f li >.#M iA^ _v«B I < afr t&et He /l^Wjk Km vßulmHml •■J^rtff^Ti^^'T BH^^^Bh BhV d 'H^*jf *-^XHHHMBvIHHfI Afaj/bc you arc sarfny up /or da^/
      225 words
    • 278 6 7 rv m Arinit nro- CiS > i^' mail." shown heiO la n^\A S fl (Jvaltine is invaluable m i- /7^ 7 111- I K3IMJ g|t to me jwau yralrida JiiUiard fm jr7{V^s DELICIOUS '' l| the Ycu, too can enjoy ::eep, restful i K^lfeJ M^V^ worlds be. I nightcap.
      278 words
    • 44 6 PILE5 9 NEGLECTED, MAY HAP SERIOUS OPERATION^ Many peopto *llfi** tod P^^^^tES*^ isk your cheffl^ bfl S JS**s quick W»^3^s*S jj^jjj^i^a the mo«t 10 agonising troobk k n Man Zan P* "^i^jS for those with +*Z it HlBpto *°d CM" cbemisU eTerfWßo* piu DT
      44 words

  • 1295 7 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELV E S pi deal" vto tor Dr. Kin« I la]'. tnouH the them rijrht t hai on his own )< ti.-r i or J r( j uith th 'id inspire! I 'Defenceh Gi rmany" A emphasis noi be accused Lord II irni ant tv 1 to you,
    1,295 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 2053 8  -  Boyd Cable By \This Week si Short Story s Ah the n i m li. r ,n louTiKed oi with th«-. I ¥ou with their li i him "More or !< aid Tex. "1 < h and i 4 goe enough to of t South I 'I I
    2,053 words
  • 147 8 Dicring can't cure you, says I Jr. 1 .11 Scott, M.D. Paris Y'ju'd be surprised how many stom sufferer c with this complaint I\u y say: "1 I ctos, Vta afraid to I pains after m< al Often they are really I ik froir. uj:dcr i hment
    147 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 36 8 ■W WySw Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day jHk maw jPSr k /A>*^M£'^A ■xUPt 4^H>>^yw'^ Vfc^. 5 IThe answer is "Yes" Sales Representative: A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Sin apore 3 Macleans Solid Peroxide Denrifrice
      36 words
    • 140 8 MAKARADHWAJA/g-'JJ, Kayasiddhi Makr-radhwaia j Vim, Vigour, Vuality. ''Sr~f^^\S£fciitHte!!s/*' F*% Phosphates, Sulphor, Organic fi *~4&.~ V"« matter, Virilinc Seeds, etc.. "^^^x^il^^ It Is an unfailing remedy In case r^^J/ r***^ N ■iv 1 bility, [mpurity poverty //^^yS/^&^'rt^-'**^ of bl^od, Loss of Memoi?, Palpitation >r \*M v«vAl7a\v\\V r>~4 of Hip li art,
      140 words

  • 252 9 EFFECTIVE CHECK ON PLAGUE HERE 1 1 ibune Stall \U p< rter) m every ci w „-ij I wag( la rat the for the nic |)Jj le. ca Ti<1 j,. ,f rats can n I; to the < noi i nui i of ,i
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  • 80 9 LINDBERGH'S PAPERS TO BE PRESERVED St. Lenta, Mo.. Aa« IS POLONEI Cfcarlea LJndberth hns Inrned over all I i.if «»"<1 l« at is ;|ut i i' be of historical interest to the Mi*>ouri Histciical Soci 1 ;»<• documents were sent ihirc l;v Colonel Lindbergh '»<•- foi r i v tor
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  • 290 9 Gang Warfare In Ne e w York Again New York, Aug. 12. rANd warfare has broken oul m Nem York a?ain. From a hiding place hi h the police have been unable to find Cor two years, s\v rt.l kii rt I."vi- BucJnlter, last tf America* prrcai the U mal
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  • 135 9 Rearmament Helps Timber Industries Vanconver, Auj. if). DRITAINS rearmament and A.R.P. activity are bei Canada'^ nber industi Buildiiif; needed to house the sxmy. and ttie British Qoveri!. ent's plan to establish evacautlon < imps to serve aa peacetims holiday i pear i<> be the main cauae for the inert hipm
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  • 122 9 King's Hand Shake Gave Youth Job Rochester, Pennsylvania, Aug. l 'JThe King's handshake with John t Dratiunzu, an vi. .'in.ik y d Americar. youth has put him on the royal road nieces* for not only has he received free and shoe-sh'.n< but h >8 got a job. A l trge
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 162 9 WEAK KIDNEYS CAUSE I RHEUMATISM H a Kidney Restorative can help you I I usually due I When yon ■tart to take Dc Witt*l int Pills you ha prool wittwn M MMn work hours from 1 I pills I strengthen I «ks U --not m-down waa |e mattei and impurities
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    • 617 9 PUPPIES snlWmliiatt DOG m| SHERLEY'S v 1 Oear yoor Duppies on I.artoi 5> I ra^ Too much meat means too B stltutiona sounJT their t n^W- acute di^omiort. You can I iperb. Puppies take t i remedy the trouble by cut- •uii'.y and thrive tingr down hts meat supply I
      617 words
    • 345 9 I "LOOM HI ME! I .1 tit »<.rry ak<>nt frvrr. I unrd to Lr weak and irritable ami wowhl cafcilj bave fallen victim to malaria #c otln r feven if iht* doctor had uot General raknrss prescribed Kalsana. has I made me lit and strong and has Ltiilt up
      345 words

  • 187 10 Who was it eating cuiry with a soup spoon at a "fashion- Z able" luncheon held lasi week? f Z Smart figure s Mrs Z Pit rcy at the m the other day. She wore a beauti- S ful tailored afternoon frock In Z jj lid and
    187 words
  • 1442 10  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore VERA ARDMORE BY f\y course the BIG news to report this week is the wedding of Mi i R mary Dough H >well to Squadron Leader i Ramsay Hue which happened on i definite Ij the ties! show I have >m for many moons. St
    1,442 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 379 10 I SHIPMENT oi AMERICAN pigskin! I IN \!l. THE I \1» si SHADI S. IHi IDFAL LOTH i (>?• i\v ft MCHT WEAR. T". PARMANANDSI ii It q-Ai -US; Wf^MH GY.MN IS .IN KM IiATHS. Redo ing ti. atments Mrs Emslh Xii g, erl sscwe, kj ii. Ri Nurse
      379 words
    • 25 10 Ist AID HOUSEHOLD SET As recommended m the blue booklet recently distributed to all residents by the Singapore Air Raid Department. AM tl MAYNARD'S CHEMI&
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  • 149 11 ROUND THE SHOPS 000 Mttt Is. lividu j teu (though d think ol -.1 .11 chin r use v i 'i i. Bl m ti II m Whitraway; M I 1 I Oil ins slim tlcati rlded by the I k tted which pith id m nril] appr« i i
    149 words
  • 59 11 Try Dindings For Short Leave those who .ii|«»v the 'simpW- j M« niffhi well onsklcr S Panfkor, m the Dindini is- S i himis. iicvt tinir thej u;mt .i short holiday. This eosttpletelj unspoilt island ;»fTnnl ;»n o\ cellcnl opportunity t<» suim t«» fish, to sail-, oi nerelj to l.«/>
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  • 392 11 news from up-Country I HHr.. r piot i > i i c to be the gei :ii diet A' i-• eune Inn rti he Pavilion to ••<< :t The eoloui lny m th Ls delight fu ad i t to -1 ::>■. beri and Bullivan longs, but to til us
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    • 4 11 BEGS in f haul <(
      4 words
    • 27 11 Prisrilla B Hi. j i! vs ii si jm( cn bd M\l. l SHIPMENI v v J j HOUSECOATS J Si I, StumXord Rtf. J j i»
      27 words
    • 121 11 I NEW REVLON NAIL POLISH SHADES tkat men like! ff.evlons new shades refW« rron'i nail polish preferences ♦oryou. A shade for every coi I *vmm ond orcosion. Retoint its lui^o, V/eari ond woart. MEDICAL II ILL LTD., li;it tr\ Rand Women Suffering Hot Flushes Don't let th f Hot 1
      121 words
    • 394 11 j tif*- jf&i braul> prod Mdv I'mmii the Sprinii- !K <« s ty IH'V lii\clini's« h^^"^ in.ik*- up fiom \"U. lor appoint v'tfOß Ji^ Kw; -I -i to ment pU*;i-4' phone "\f" Kk? S< pl MAISON MARCELLE <■ at M.« \MIITt\U\\ I \II>I \U CO.. LID i MPOKM BALI lll».
      394 words

  • 618 12 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Sunday, August 27, 1939. OYSTERS TO THE RESCUE QOURMETS' mouthfl will water on reading m th«.» annual report of the Director of Fisheries that, an attempt 13 l*-inv in*<l<- to establih!. standard methods i r cultivation at Pulau Kra. Since philosoph\ and consumption of oysters are traditionally associated,
    618 words
  • 1337 12  - MICROBES not BOMBS May Destroy Us C. H. Stanley Jones By $OML time ago 1 gave strong support to the suggestion of evacuation camps m Singapore snd other crowded centres of Malaya, as part of the A.R.P. preparations. I Consideration was given to the 1 suggestion by the Government's recently
    1,337 words
  • 238 12 J^. AN American judge, failing to be reelectee, was made cashier of a loca? bank. A man presented a cheque to b» cashed. Don't know you." said the new a.Over. The cpctomer produced a credit card, business card, and a bundle of letters Rddreued
    238 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 48 12 Tmerson m Itatlio m >lalava KAI/lv 13 Valves Less Io<^o C S. fc i£ $265 S»S Console Model trial wnle or P Soli Agenu id H. L Carter Co. p 7 T Emerson R^ 10 R««o «.<• sou, L* 23 D ROAD, J P I1O» SINGAPORE PHONI W»18. >IN(iU*)»^
      48 words

  • 360 13 $o Great Influx From China I ribune Htaf Repoi lei hARLIAMENT has di ed them, and .-.><. being disr fogged all through the East from SI a ]t(tV{ I i avellers aa well as ades on their I From home. The fan >u Prei
    360 words
  • 46 13 WHAT FASCISTS MUST NOT BE HBa-p Boiogna, An "ill Bood Fa cisl mvs b f^ntanifcU m a notiC) ,by tli earth s l th( i>: lf v Bawler. evil -p. I *»c1 v >]vt»i tabh publicly demoj '■narar vvhu li 11." ned the party m 193tl
    46 words
  • 169 13 A HUNDRED coloured artists employed m crowd scenes bed recently frum Denham, Bucks, station to the film studios carryng i annera c illing for tht support of trade union agi ncy. They were n ol ilv Oriental Film A: I Union. Their contention was that, contrary to v
    169 words
  • 60 13 Life of A Cabaret Dancer No matter arhai Lime it is or nho ihv next patron may be. she n fi»t up with a smile as In the pti to above. Bohm ol the bam. m local dance palace are imported n Ane music, bat it*s iu-t wort uiils who
    60 words
  • 188 13 1 noon, An.*- 1 r_?. pNGLAND*S mosl notable archer for manj ears, Mr. A. H. Mole, lant »r m India, has gone 1(1 i'> corr.p< U m !he ninetysecond Grand National Archery i dole's perfor- little less acles. i > v ai Oxford Jn* ■corod
    188 words
  • 454 13 S( hcNeninuon Hoiiatid) > 5 QO\ MI-ss JAUNEZ DES MARES, the German uirooman —under Ihe name of Elizabeth Buttner— to havr been central figure m the Nazi spy plot m Prance, has been Maying frith a Scheveningen family who haw relative working m
    454 words
  • 71 13 Berlin. rill t«un which is bring innii with lightning speed for the workmen *»f the new Peopled Car factory near Falleersleben has now «ut its own newspaper. The paper is called "Die Nenc Zeif (The New Bra) md is an «rgan of the National s.uiahst party. Dr.
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 27 13 Hearing Restored, Head Noises Banished "dazing Results m 24 Hours by Neur Discovery I ..11. .1 with How It Works n .••it i i i 1 Inn.
      27 words
    • 20 13 UK In Praised By Users .•i i ''m ;i V 1 laii i all Money Back Guarantee i In full
      20 words
    • 144 13 Tlit^Perfcct Conule l«-wr^* t Y?~j*g^MafcL| fM^Mrila^BwiaVi _it^__^___ I^_W^W_^l_R^R J^jSJPTjr Hae arc I Vl_l /'I I w |l VI W/AW^S^rf )Übt a tew (jf lr^ Ci" i k Lg_jP^^ !hc spcciai x V Swan nib is unequalled for Alw3yS ft V jjut smooth writing and is tipped US© i^/^^* 5 4lr\
      144 words
    • 343 13 IF YOU ARE ILL-RUNDOWN NERVCUS-WEAK-DEPRESSED-^ HB^PJjj^jk-..'- "jfeTisr^3y* T (^^^.^y^Wßp^^^^ L 4e ;V «m ici sun >' 'fl w|j^-*' x *^i c>» m i \iiviii'l HH^flj rs^ WKS^ \(«lll«h Milt pi. I hs^^^^^/^^^ IP >4 r l t 't t>\ .-mi HB EflJ^V^ >► 'A l.miilv |'1.. R I^j&BJfs^ ill B^
      343 words

  • 1170 14  - A TONIC FOR THE FIRST SEVEN YEARS W. A. HARPUR 1 \j\J IVl'l'H the "war <>i nerve%" »>r m other words high pressure politics on a "money-or-your-life" basis, about to enter it i tw i H'th month, we may perhaps Feel justified m assuring the more nervous o>. our friends
    1,170 words
  • 53 14 Famous Actor Dies Th O ran hear hi, i £lt! H wal name r marchand but k Cf U "Jed himsd, 3,*; w An art collector w?*?*- -disn,ve r e;^ cta *Nl. •>I. Donval va v v dtaS .nd'h* »£5 the young arlin t0 „"J?«« ">e when hi» ••m.4,,,,2 I.'*-
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 229 14 "Dead" Man Speaks Bos ion (Mass.) aux pEOI'LE of Boston, M were to-night threa vade the local pribon trie <hair. foil ektrt the slow executi < nmtfar- arlier m the < The usual executioner. Rcb«: erioualy ill m New York A»* hue, v. hose iv. cret, m yd to electrw
    229 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 186 14 TDA\/F1 mi AIH A:JD j IKAVEL RAILWAYUNI S .j V NO BOOKING PEEa Chinese clients and those of an cthn resident communities an- 4 i Riven the belt ol attention and as.sis bailee. j i i 3fi, KOCINSON RD., SINGAPORE t Yixiiruom: 5908. l BATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNES CYMA JBWELLED LEVES
      186 words
    • 649 14 BII£ GAINED 8 1 ins. of 1 INK, r IKM, FLESH. Took ta.steh. .-iuiniiiigr tablets. Here Is a letter Irom a qualified nurse which bring new hope to tdl who are worried about their weight. This lady hud actually lost nearly 10 lbs. yet m .six weeks she got 2
      649 words
    • 319 14 SEE YOUR HAIR GROWING YOU «fi tmmt U m* y.ur Mir grawiag with r»D AU7 TUWV QTRHN(I lii<>;' Health, itiltWocaa, fiUcngtb IjKU Tf I niCl\)»3 IWIW .t». tol.urlog. nM rv If A ID If|7CTUK Ik dm Ikal Hat Mn prtTtl fey WAVY HAIK LINt I"!" •houia' i n <J ivouivu—
      319 words

  • 126 15 Crime On The High Seas ndon, A ug. hi I SHIP which is now on ihe h'j'h neag bound !<• rv.ul point of la-.v that was ai m.- I East 1 H <«irt 10-d;ty. A Chinese ■wdou remand with the murdei <
    126 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 15 kwieCitbdii 22 rear-old girl of San i California, is ring af the Dorlhestcr Hotel in London dnri tour < in very CI i untrj in <■ ope and .,nbiti«m i.. sue Ihe world led to hei becom id CatheUneau practising hig
    39 words
  • 92 15 v i f tan r and four i evidcn ;;t -ii oi a I d an need rafl r A idence it i i< nt 4 nani u.i i killer bui the di ro with the I i it!«> wrll- o m!u .m M D i<
    92 words
  • 148 15 Medieval Village Unearthed j g:: ai the medieval vil between ham and within the indary of Oxford on tin' western i tided for t his year, and \i summer if availai time dleval villa-/ has de. Th ul;-!i n\ 1439 had «-i^K two houses which wrre not m i-.rns. housed
    148 words
  • 304 15 What The Stars Foretell 'r;\ DIV READERS 2 f/r/?/ /or huuinu I m and '•< rgain-h J i port and i n 1 1 I <- I D answer I s important careful thought Do nothing Z 1 in \m Stick t I SPECIAL INFLUENCES Jan ?o Feb Some mi
    304 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 109 15 Do You Suffer Fro „"i,-jL, rw 1^ you any C OF THESE SYMPTOMS? 1 llLUONSofpeoplcinthispMrt )FLATULENCE( IVI of i orld are victims of CTHMAPM DA IN constant digestive trouble Their STUIYJAbrI PAIN eyaresuffer- C LI YE RIS H N ESS > i a condition known as I ropical J J
      109 words
    • 143 15 NEW VITALITY I AFTER FEVER Dunne fever body tissues rapidly waste away and the pati^;.? tiuickly loses weight unless he Is supplied with adequate and suitable food Horlicks supplle uti menu which thr body require and enables the exhausted body to rebuild Itaell quickly Doctor proved that Horlicks .> not
      143 words
    • 657 15 For The Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart y. 3/SaiP^ wv Ofiaer S^^bm^PV^ n. And Stop Limping DON'T let l^g Troubles cripple you. Take Elasto, the Great Mr* Hi xoodw *J Remedy that cures through the bloo-l, and have done with rnfrtrvod reel, worry, sutfrnng and expense. Leg achrs and pains
      657 words

  • 166 16 ifrmut of Negta led Rhtnmatltm Here is lettfr th»t to prove that e?en rheumatism ol loi standing can j oe relieved by the right treatment: **I hav< b<"n a Bufferer from rheu- malign) lor some 12 to 14 years now and have foolishly taken
    166 words
  • 170 16 What The Thetis Widows Will Get ttHDOWS and p. •>»»* of naval men yj v\h<» In 1 their live.-, m the Mih niarin I h;t is letnied that they air to .'<: i»ai(! smaller allowances than were given t<> dependants of men m the last wai Colom \A> llin, Ci
    170 words
  • 67 16 GERMAN WRECK BLOWN UP Riga. tiji: Mf<k ol the German patrcl boat Blitz, irhicta sank during the war oil th<' Latvian coast and lay about 15 fed undei water, tins been blown up. I- i< res 'hr vi < tin n lifted io (he sutface and taken to land. 'l
    67 words
  • 321 16 (By K. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science). IN six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, and on the seventh day he rested and vaa refreshed," Thus King J nmcs the greatest law r of all ages pictured to his people, nd the people of
    321 words
  • 222 16 NEW SWINDLES OF PASSENGERS (TribuiM Staff Reporter) T MKKK is 1):: a P°« m*n. enth retimw i is ni :it ali 1; Port Saidersin n h n Eurf^ wH, treatment he saw «2R? tJigj <' ii m his ojiinio-! (hat t\tt ii r iiii n
    222 words
  • 53 16 jPERMAN cigart tv ppe i .< dulterated with dried stir t ettle mint lemon leave A dcCrei i ued 1 Finance m ike It obli I factun i mix on or more ol i icbai I Hi' Cherrj 11 'I I m to i prod with
    53 words
  • 249 16 London. R K! E '"^/J?/ aternen t mad Gen, Hub ,1 aims at the coj qu India ™"P» a^ k: to the Sunday Tim, recalls a relation Lhal I the Darjeelii Club m the summer df 1918 vit n a Jap: i neral. "After :i friendly
    249 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 853 16 ANNUAL READING §on family. love, profession, health, wealth, Journeys, iurk la lotferlet, races, etc., larlty number, colour and days by monthly detail*, for 1 jr'ai §2, Weekly |7. ft antwers SI. N» C on. liolUr nott-s arrrpted, Mtte birth deUtllf or sex, age and writing time. Hanuman Ashrainam lLruUnl. f.
      853 words
    • 162 16 f OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic developments, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking Institution with Tears of financial experience. SEsnSE kCH HIM THE tBUO Y HABIT lIS HEALTH ENDS
      162 words
    • 116 16 CfF* \*f~ [< y &3k WATERBURY'S COMPOUND HELPS BUILO YOU UP -STIMULATES APPETITE-KEEPS YOU FIT I There's strength and vigour m ever) bottle of Waterbory's Compound, Jt has helped thousands to mv health new vitalitj ne* itamina ul »oofi lose thai tired, listlesi feeling because Watei borj i stimulates and
      116 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 392 17 HP b? WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS i Bright Prospects and Big Pay Opportunities for the Trained Man I NOW Is the time to get out of the rut and qualify for a permanent well-paid post. Write TO-DAY for our great Guide which contains the world's widest choice of home-study
      392 words
    • 233 17 ff IT a$ J\ fttlllONT) Jf PEELING fi fi| -s: A Skin rash M\*fy&r t 4mL d |sa ppears r b |he way when you > :-i one ailm< I m Fynnon bloo i and moni troubles >tai i mi »h»> Mood iream. Read imi>« woman i ng ITynnon .■>i
      233 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 78 17 j)S I tin ili< IU-DAY fHEN AND WHERE TO LISTEN IN IjINGAPORK in* si t -iteiodv and c MKOM HUftkl (M 8 m r Anthem I I 0 if arcrded music. chuntei m .j sadio orchestra j Loodcm Piano Accordeon Hand. rrh (organist) I Band. cullctin Sudio orchestra. I.
      78 words
    • 214 17 LONDON TRANSMISSION 5 GSB I SI Mcli (Ji SS m plon, AAtd t I boi Produced and i tafle 7 1;. P WB Tin < nnu i a t jo 45 m o.jr.r.i Londo l r two piano(New 1 and Cyril t t. 1( watchman Epl r.M" 2: rrial by
      214 words
    • 294 17 10 Bpoi ie i i .m Jenkins and the tbourne) Ore [roaa r.i. id Hotel, Ba tboui imc 12 15 Saturday sport. 12 M Close down. MANILA C liiwr k/k.m 9 SI Mi i <.;i I si.) ga^mm v l< dane music. •»11<» mes, (19.0:, m.) Si' m i« v
      294 words
    • 97 17 Y/.W Mil LION I ISI'INLRS /ut' vr Britain h;is nmw were i ban 9.000.M6 lirrnseil listcntrs, Rccrrdinn «•> an aimounceitaeill icccntly i u»ml l)> thf Hritish Post Offi«*e Durtef the month el June. 19,546 licences u«ic taken out, repn mi t inn a net Increase of 26.667 and bringing the
      97 words
    • 95 17 BERUN 1)1 15 19 IQ NC I «1!) 7 m p m. G. 20 Mv: .<• from B 1 1 7.20 New. In English. 7 35 Music I m: Berlin (continued) 8.20 Mi mic i' Oei man I lio re port from Gi from 1> w in I I is]
      95 words

  • 516 18 THAI GOV'T DENIES BEING ANTI- CHINESE FRIENDSHIP FOR ALL NAT lONS THE Thai Government, through its publicity Bureau, has issued a communique denying reports that the recent actions against Chinese and Chinese-owned institutions m Thailand, constituted any anti-Chinese movement. The full text of the communique reads as follow M II
    516 words
  • 269 18 Many Gold Producing Areas In Free China Chunfkinf, Ar EXPERTS estimate thai between 37,000 and 47,000 mm remain m private hands m China llll «*ofg« 100o 1 the 12 months from June 1928 to .May 1939, four Chinese government banks, acting as agents °J ths national treasury, bought 14.*,000 cmiccs
    269 words
  • 85 18 University For Puppet In Canton? shaok *»n. au. M* Wang Ching Wei h, iU Japanese in r a l hl3 -'tiU.UOO to e,ta b sh f^ *w* fusing the buiU^^ Jjn University in *tS?L«*% cnnii^^S? "V 1^ l p w bogus regime Problem U to i th'W are already aecL,
    International News Agency  -  85 words
  • 125 18 Japan Buys U.S. Copper Shanghai. Au| l| Japanese buying of ccppsr is J American market called ixm m financial circles as to the h9 that Japan may be stepping fij| purchaser of raw materials prior ten lification of the Nippon-United Stl tiade treaty of 1911. effectl I which would halt
    125 words
  • 79 18 A* ACCORDING lo a report wjM A ceivcd by the Japan CMJ*^ Commerce Indus K,iSßU' Japanese Commerce Chamber £JJ the Jap.Mi.vH- product whttfj better thtO f^fV^S** sardines and c< the following Ja F "SU>» flasks, > tt h jrh tf* tooth brushes, P^ nc n l^
    79 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 758 18 ''illfiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiifillilliillilllilijiii!!^ M j ii'J!.^iilliilili!ii!l[!Tlflll[ii111l!!ll!ll!lPIIIIII!n!lll!lllll!!llill|ll'|[ |i!ii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiii;iiiiiii;|Ti iij|[i]MiMiliu::i=':'-^^ i: iiiini!lii!lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH^ the claims made are proved a fallacy? Would you buy that article a second time? While advertising IB is a powerful force m educating as to the uses, merits or money saving advantages of a product, >.. the people are the judges
      758 words
    • 17 18 DIAMOND METAL PRODUCIS CO., LTD. I 601. KA-ViPON'C BAHRU ROAD. 5 SINCAPORL Aik for decriptivo folder <c..»
      17 words
    • 347 18 W^V^MfW^ fill 3Pi TiffTii rt4n Bk^^Jl \A f Train You at Home m s P a »*e Time x for a Radio Business of Your Own Or A GOOD RADIO POSITION Would you like to be your own employer I -have your own name over a money ™l* i PO
      347 words
    • 5 18 HearlTroyg r.l.i.v .»«^?.ff v deatl
      5 words

  • 366 19 THE S.B.A. AND RUMOURS OF DISSENSION IN ITS COMMITTEE 'End All This S«ys **l p lio^iii\" }f\l H discontentment has arisen from the mistake made m th« drain of the men's staples open tournament In Singapore and the impartial observer is led to believe that there ia a rift imong
    366 words
  • 250 19 MORE WOMEN PLAYERS NEEDED IN PENANG Sphinx" Penang J' Penanj iv over and -er\ little interest I iM now. Those oui-and-ovi enthoHiastfl who j nu-relv doliig «o .m l l*, i for the sake I i k !)tll> panics. most 'own can relax, especially already taken par* m Ition durii
    250 words
  • 211 19 Balasingam Natkunam Deserve Their Victory (By **<jui\" —Singapore) CONGRATULATIONS to P. ftobtingiw and Nntkuram. the Novice crack combination, m winning the doubles litle of the S.B.A. junior chamniorsiiip-. when they heat I»eh Teng Sieu and Cyril Wee (Devonshire) 21—16, 13—21, 21—17 after a thrilling gajae i n\he final This was
    211 words
  • 262 19 By "RtaMer- Selangor) DADMINTON enthusiasts m Selangor had only one topic under discussion last weeK the Selanyor junior men's douhies championships which have now reached Ibe Amai stage. 'i v. L;m s id Wong Bse Pook. i the Postal Union combination who have
    262 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 19 MiM Lee Shao Meng 1 (rlffct), last year's champion, who lost to her sister. Mi** ice Hong Sif m thr si: tromenV ianlor sitig lea tournnmrnt
    26 words
  • 398 19 I Bj "Coss v Johorc the Fooii* B—mg Cup competition over. hat.minton players m .lohoro are now eagerly looking forward to th, Slate i hampionship. '.vhich will take place m Johore IJahru on Thursday. I rid;u and Saturday ;Sep(. II to I(>. J Those who
    398 words
  • Article, Illustration
    82 19 lii the news to-day are three of Singapore's lady players, MrUO&c i/iuuiii appear above. On tin left is Miss Rosalind C'hua (Marigold BP.) who meets Miss Vasuda m ihe second round «»t the 5.15 A .junior siiiul.'s tournument. Central lijjun* is 'iiss \\aii<«n w«>n«. (Mayflower li.P.) whu
    82 words
  • 68 19 Muar District Tourney I I from Our Own O. n spt>iident Wwcfnti> concluded Muar disItitt thnt n:-tlin- 01I ruiKd iv |i,,. M U ar Dv BadI "n to n A i l! .it INarh^. evenl promisini; plaj MIUuW (Jn \.v\\ ID tl i I trill InI I I i stran
    68 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 582 20  -  HUGH SAVAGE _Sin&i/>ore \s "Malaya (ail> Victory i By j H'l'lil Iht'ir ihrei l:(»;iK hi <>m«- viciorj over St!;i!ii,». last Saturday pore won the 11. M.5. "Malaya*" Cup for Iht unth year Rinc« ihi in< «.j ,m cries. ir fine < uti a nee, especially
    582 words
  • 313 20  - IN THIS CORNER "Pete" PICHTERS wii- 1 fading m •H brin n Lin i.i prow Qucv, t( 3-minute rounds t- .v,»;'r hful p '"iiixl after round prove toV a 2 crowd. Hoy Quer is m me that helsdetermir h lV on the other determined to be the all out m
    313 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 69 20 v mi Ay/ n, iuid with It YOUR STRENGTH (An European Preparation) i :er. Y( v n l r, remains thai w Ir> and v.f aker. i A< ak i. weak brain; m son grey. Y.-.i cannol stop v con mpiaintfl. You can Jtrong and vihl watch HI vitality h««l
      69 words
    • 229 20 Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth Slopped m 24 Hours Bleeding sums, sore mouth, or ioo?!(> teeth mean thai you ;> i <■ .i i<-t iin <>i Pyorrhea <>i Trench Mouth, or some bad disease that will Rventuallj cause you t<> lose all your teeth and have to wear false teeth before
      229 words
    • 43 20 <Gs©DID IBYE NO MORE UNPALATABLE PURCA I S! Simp!} take a iU li< hu: tablet i < laxative, (t cl< ars the int< h thi whole digestive and eliminative system fjj iv and tin I to D <;-.-' i ■i l»arl p. o Box i.
      43 words

    Reuter  -  498 words
  • 29 21 tto aup 26 An i I appeal ,11 diff. l d SSIv behind th< I' M 111 think of difference choulri rcm^mbrr thoii du'-. cannoi ■JtStofc
    29 words
  • 25 21 I AuK M B I h roW holdi] about foui million Zm hut British financial n *L drain on K"ld stock Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 62 21 I inbul, An", M X Miinn that Turkey wUJ (l > olutcly faithful to her ■'n to tand by the Balkan peac iront. Bonds of friend hip and the een Turkey, Britain f: alwaya afford tho sin front against agn and that it. Ls csthat Balkan
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 277 21 (Tribune st;ilT Reporter) HOHITII KS ltl lilllk n»«» s \i fans, Huns, tanks ami »th«r mobile units are hut feu of the armament! for dfffner uith irhieh Blngn— I now equipped. It is i rliwrI in #at the moment to know ttjat this inland fortrrss and krv Mt-
    277 words
  • 373 21  - DRESSES AT THE RACES VERA ARDMORE (By Singapore, Saturday. IUK are back at hukit Tim*;!' again W with another chance of adding to or lessening our savings. It was not too crowded this afternoon, and the racing was very enjoyable. W(,mcn chor;e very tailtred gowns, and I noticed that the
    373 words
  • 89 21 MOSCICKI ON ANGLO -POLISH RELATIONS Warsaw, Aug. 26. President ifotctekJ has addressed the following telegram to King George: "At the moment when our two Governments attach great Importan to the Anglo-Polish pact, winch is intended to .strengthen .still further relations cf friendship existing between Poland and the United Kingdom,
    89 words
  • 40 21 No Arrests Yet For Coventry Explosions London, Aug. 26 Contrary to earlier reports, no arrest has been made following the c explosion. Three men were taken to the police station for iii >" w Di the hostility of the crowd Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 52 21 Maritsburg, Aug ~<"> "Never i there a i er libel," d< dared 111 Cl r. ton, Minister of Public Works, rep' y ing t.> the sun n that Hertzog an cabinet had for neutrality. Be added tim: Bbuth African p< p,t would decido when the
    52 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
      280 words

  • 808 22 riirsl Division L<>a«»ii<' Football Thrilling Match Ends In 2-1 Victory For S.C.F.A KENC HOCK PLAYS A GREAT CAME S.C.F.A 2; R.A.F I. IN a first division soccer encounter between the R.A.F., leader* of the first division, and the S.C.F.A., their close-;! ri^als. the Chinese
    808 words
  • 283 22 Singapore, Saturday p»LOBELY contested matches were witVv .v the Haw-Pur gymnasium hall wh< '.at was made to-day with men's </}vn singles championship tic; of ihe S.B.A. Each of the three d a rubber to decide the i lie Smashing with great effect, Wee Boon Hai (Mayflower) defeated
    283 words
  • 101 22 Washington, Aim. 2<>. IYJR. Hanes, acting Secretary of the Treasury, statea thai the Treaair.v i.s not considering adjiLstment of the dollar m view of tho sharp drop of the sterling. He .-ays that Britain hai notirted the United States of her Intention to withdraw su&ort
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 21 22 Berlin, Aupf. 26— .The .speech whica Von Braaschitch wa.s to broadca.-t Ka the Army to-night ha.s been cancelled Router.
    21 words
  • 183 22 Selangor Board Bans Player Hrom Our own Report F° IN( V 'nquiry he the Disciplinary Eoard ot anjor, m eonnerticn with an Z authorised footba,' tour, organ,. by a private individual, who is sUt^ to have persuaded playi Singapore and Clangor to foi team for matches" m .lava, w obtaining
    183 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 226 22 S|»oi*4s Diary To Day Badminton Championship Haw-Par Ball Cricket: sec S.C.R.C Padan C 8 C R a f (H.Q.) C.B.C To Morrow Soccer: Dlvl lon I R I v M.F A Stadium; R< S.C.C. vs. R.E. Padang 2A R R A M C Naval B Division 2A Mental Hospital vs
      226 words
    • 694 22 Wm^Jt^ f< f^^tJJSUm^^ l coming ?'|\?'t I ;$< J SOON Vj^yK&^Bg^ Insulted and reviled, she boarded the stagecoach with eight hostile travelers who si I never dreamed of W^^Kl mL.A the strange hours *9mBßf te ahead that would prove her the bray- JV BB 1^ est of them all! B^i
      694 words
    • 295 22 CENSORSHIP OF CORRESPONDENCE Singapore, Saturday. IN an official communique issued by the Governments of the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States to-day a censorship is imposed as from to-day on all correspondent passing m and out of Malaya. Every postal article must have the nam^ and juldreai «f (he
      295 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

  • 1656 23 Opening Day Of Singapore Autumn Races s I At A j z 3f... nM _«««~~GlaDce ai,>,a 3i» Race l RvcMian sets ss I'iiauol S7 Shoes Up 99 Race I Grand Pria 122 0 Mini |25 Gronol 111 Race Pinafore 118 st Glitter If
    1,656 words
  • 556 23 Two Matches In Baseball League TWo interesting games of league baseball will •><' played at 3 o'clock this afternoon when the American Association t&cklea the much improved I m nf at St. Joseph's grroun I i!<% th» i lead m Japanese lub will clash vith the nowly formed Singapore M<'<\
    556 words
  • 368 23 London, \ug, 26. pf SI lIS Of English ami Scott 1 !i Iw Itagi Ifcall matches pi ij I 10-daj were: ENGLISH LEAGUE, »>l\ Micicii* ibio i> i: .iijp w 2. Hie.nlU ni l. hi! ]iT. 0, BJackpo; 1 i. Li ■er U i. Grlmsby T. ci i
    368 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 109 23 Should Children Eat Ice Cream? Pi nicmlly ired for hildirn. unlei i r c t. When this 1 and quickest way to !<■- ig h by adiii'Mi'-- Tablets. Ihe <■ plea t ast in? little f »bU ta ars n I t di r and ,i mild lax itive artio»n
      109 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 880 24 Colony's Defence irlC/lfOlt'f $Z> iIVC/ t/C-'S-w ftO*^' A (iovernmert (iazette Extraordinary published late to-day contains full details of the Emergency Powers (J)efenc^ Act, 1939, and the powen vested m the Governor of the Straits Settlements which come into operation to-day. The act gives Government
      880 words
    • 47 24 Hongkong. Aug. 26. Government regulations suddenly enj forced here, regarding the sending and I receipt oi telegrams, prohibit, the use of cyphers, codes and languages othe: than English, French, and Chinese and i the of abbreviated or coded ad- r i- sses.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 81 24 Friendly Statement By Consul General Hongkong, Aug. 26. m a statement to the Hongkong Telegraph to-day the Jaoanese ConsulGeneral, Mr. Yajira said: "I have no intention of ordering evacuation of Japanoo women and children, as I cannct see how Hongkong can he involved, even m the case of
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 177 24 Japanese Saluting British Police Shanghai, Au^. 26. The news that Japan has decided to abandon her "formula' m connection with the European situation has created tremendous interest. This announcement is regarded as supporting the theory held m many quarters that Japan will remain neutral m the event of
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 73 24  - MANY PEOPLE DROWNED IN TIENTSIN FLOOD Sin Chew Jit Poh Shanghai, Ann. M. THM Hoods m 1 irntsiii arc Rssamiltg 1 threatening form. Many people have bom drowned, and those who remain on house-tops are facing starvation. The Japa i« i tely under wa f «sr. Large r of Japanese
      73 words
    • 41 24 Tokyo. Aug. 25. THE Government la understood to be making arrangements to evacuate Japanese residents from Europe. The liner Yasukuni Maru, which left Hamburg to-day, has been ordered to cancel her sailing and stand by to embark Ju- panese nationals Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 301 24 HTUh lunrral of Hr, Donald i m x Knhy, an assistant of Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Milk h* ducts, Ltd.. who passed auav lt a, Cleneral Httfltal y ynlii af T ni»oii after a\m >hort «ll n^ v UK if* of 32 years, look
      301 words
    • 88 24 OWNERS of racing and hominj JjH m Singapore may nnd thdf"*J bit cramped foi exercise mJJJtJ I ncy Powers iW* remains m folti J Under the m-wly-promuißaiM person .shall hay In his P»**EJ under blf control, or liberate, any pigecn or homing authority of *ntun
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    • 5 24 -no
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    • 9 24 111 Plnce, but no trace
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  • Page 24 Advertisements