Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 23 April 1939

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 16 1 The Sunday Tribune VOL Na v: SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1939. FIVE CENTS The Sunday Tribune
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  • 48 1 it* Tribune'^ rue on: t Tit 'pond en! photographed at tin- Bukit Timah RaceLUr r whiie usins; the* mtm elirect telephone line- ta the Tribune office Use headphones allows nine to watch the- hOVSCS and talk to the- sports sub«ditors al the ame time'
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  • 196 1 Foreign Governments Consulted By Germany ltoost'% i*li\ Viva Berlin Apr. 22. |T is now admit led that Germany clistu-sed President Roosevelt's Message with a number of foreign, governments. This was revealed m a statement issued exclusively to the foreign Press. The statement has not ><» tai been made available to
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 100 1 Loooon, Apr. 22. lfflftrth. who is siring; up h".s p°t a totkh Ay. r m R naaHvitl! rail on Signer Ifu ht maap The Italian For tmkr. Count Ciano was pre tfctaS"T:?v that the Ambassad >t wa* tfltfed wttts nc special rr.:s>-!'-n
    British Official Wireless  -  100 words
  • 57 1 Shanghai Apr. 22. JUIE Japanese authorities have I'orm- ally *nadc a representation to the Shanghai Municipal Council demanding a ban en the di play ut" Chinese Nation-ili-t Flag m areas and;:: its jurisdiction. a!-> the complete suppression oi all -nil,statr -:.s, particularly m the Press, tnnected With ths
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 252 1  - Chinese Fighting Fiercely On Kiangsi Fro n t Sin Chew Jit A» Force Sinks Five Japanese Transports v !g-£ Shanghai, Apr. 22. Ban-- y tohtinu.v; m the 1 vicinity of VVuning m north '•Nto/th „,,,r the I'tosl Chinese* despatches, where the ►pa is described as excellent. important, as a »»ttld
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  • 73 1 New Zealand And British Preference Wellington, Apr. ?>. DRASTIC reductions m imports coverJ ing practically the 1 whole range ol ».e tariff schedule were announced by he Finance Minister Mr. Nash who "ated that there would be complete prohibition ol certain articles, including v.reless sets, tobacco, assembled motor*ars and many
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 47 1 NINE airmen were killed m a collision between two bombers when th* machines were about to land at Tours, says a Reuter message from Pari' last night. Another cable from Rabat says that r.x were killed when a military plane crashed m French Morocco.
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  • 31 1 It is announced, says a Reuter cable. that victory celebrations m Madrid will bs held on May 14 and 15. Gen. Franco will be present on the latter clay.
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  • 201 1 We make more Malayan newspaper history. r [MIK Malaya Tribune' Press Ltd. is the' first .Malayan newspaper organisation to instal a private tele- phone line between our office and the Press box at the racecourse, and the results of yesterday afternoon's Singapore races were thus available to
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  • 99 1 War Materials Cause Jump In Germany's Imports Berlin, Apr. 22. Germany had an adverse balance of trade of nearly 24 million marks or nearly £2,000,000 sterling despite the increase m the volume of her trade. Imports m March totalled over 50 d million marks, or over 32 millions more than
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 351 1 As Great As British Rearmament Or Roosevelt's Plea "A Champion Who Fights Alone And Is Yet Undefeated" LJAYING a tribute to China for being no mean a champion who fights alone and is yet undefeated, the Manchester Guardian m an editorial comment
    Reuter  -  351 words
  • 74 1 RUSSIAN FLEET OFF GREECE Hongkong, April 22. JT is now revealed through the Irans-Ocean Agency that twelve units of the Rusrian Navy have pas ed through the I»osI hoi us on the'a way to the Mediterranean. AM vessels sailed cinder cover of night. 'Ihe squadron is said ie> be composed
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  • 102 1 Tokyo, Apr. 22. A CCORDING to ihe Kokumin Shimbun, .•apanc>» official and private circles are greatly irritated by the news that Britain is net only seeking rapprochement with Soviet but also intends to extend the demccratic front to the Far East.
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 109 1 More U.S. Planes For China? New York, Apr. 22. A I/THOUGH a spokesman of the A Chinese Embassy m Washington denied knowledge of any impending transactions, the well-informed New York Times states that it warns that contracts for the purchase of a hundred or more planes are being negotiated for
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 25 1 The Hungarian Premier and Foreign Minister are expected to vUsit Berlin at the end of AprH, according to a Renter message from Berlin.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 Eis^Tlary d for $5Washing Dresses Td: 4772 ■fc Pa;e Extracts 6, Striciiv l7*J y«*Wes 7. Short Story. N Hanrnmnds 9. Womeirs 10 KUUn .< J 1 Stan,^ v Jones 12 r*3J* Baamint,,? W. Sport,
      33 words
    • 48 1 Elsie Mary! DRESSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS, j from $5. io $:toJ W. 4772. AJii_ i J. 11..1 v* ...-..**> warn. i- BP Ir '$j££K7*r /Bi i i'injaaa\m*\y A^W IjL lir vU mill i >"\toßtswn»*/~A? I M ,s m. Waif I pS^mo^ m P <% \1 W^ 9 e Uubran^ W^\l
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  • 577 2 THE A R. P. DEPARTMENT BUSY INQUIRIES POURING IN [Tribune Slall Reporter] NUMEROUS incjuiries have reached the A-.r Raid Precautions Department requesting iriftfrmatibn and advice as lo the construction cr benches and shelters. I he inquiries poured m from ho sehch'cs, particularly these *no have compound houses,
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  • 258 2 B.M.B.C. RECOGNISES SERVICES OF LOCAL BAND TO RADIO 4^; a token of appreciation of the voluntary sea-vices of the Now AVJffSUSc Orchestra to broadcasting durin, 1«» the Bn ,sh Malaya Broadcasting Corporation have presented a beautiful silvei cup to the band lead.-,. Mr. A. M. Da Silva Mr Da Silva's
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  • 212 2 t »i horc Repress ntativel /i|;nil. m Johore increased I notably last year, hw eccn#m3c tb nfUtiens which prerai lcd dv: ng th« year m P«ct ol the more imperial* soslrics5 oslrics of the state mamrj ccntribntcJ In the mcxeasc. Ihe totaJ number of reports mordcrs
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  • 95 2 Phviapore, Saturday. Ona* Ah CfcAn came up fcr sentence this morning before Mr. C. H. Koh m the Fourth Police Court < n a charae oJ possession s i f dutiable liquor at 2.40 p.m. on April I 17 m R:ice Course Roan. He was arrested by
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  • 208 2 The authorities m Kuala Lumpur con id< that the possibility oi' air attacks on Kuate Lumpur is very remote and nsequently no steos are being taken advise the public on A.R.P. measures j The question of air raids was disensa ■d by Government 18 months ago, and
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  • 110 2 GOVERNMENT TO GIVE THE WORD rtfHElHElt cr not the residents ci Singapore should be advised to proceed straightaway with the prevision of their own i;.v; shelters and air raid trenches is a matter o< Government policy, which w'H be decided ,vitb n the ne::t few days when Gov* > anient
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  • 134 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat, Apr. 2Z. MOTOBLSTS m Batu i'anat are HI iK w faced with a now problem as regards parkin." tbcil ears at night, for no ear is now allowed to be parked on the main road at night without lights front
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  • 16 2 >ii. George Slrether snd Ufa* Beryl* alter their weddim St. AinlrcwV athedral yeslerda>
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  • 229 2 w to effect is i ll) ol lh< N situation in E i >| 01 Lh< shipping liips plying between various ports on he continent and t!i In th< It is thought that as Holland hafi iken all precautionary measures, steps safeguard all
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  • 288 2 sii]:'.ip: re, Sal unlay. **T FIND it very dittkult indeed. Richards, to see anything m your favour m There is no evidence to show thai you were. under the influence of liquor m the medico] sense of th word, but I am satisfied that youi
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  • 157 2 WEDDING BELLS Sinjiaperf. v MISS Doreen Passman, whu m SiiißApcre l>> Ito llun>dav, was wmmai tk E drew's Cathedra! this after* She is the dau X V Passman, oi ;1 England and she b n Mr J;imcs Robert Wat and Mrs. J. R
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  • 21 2 MISS PACKARD MR. IVAN NICHOLS :f 0 Jul V.>un--. A»««y Ml I'VO Poland Mrs 1 5..-.X.! r "a vtott *Tm jA
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 62 2 L EAST M h mg EXPENSIVE ATTRACTIVE HOTEL BAR Idial situation Bungalows and Room. KKST.UKANT. g *> Maximnm Comfort. t,.i iMilimhirs: Te!. Batu Ferringhi 23. X V. TEMPI i:i '>^ I „r Taxi Cars: Tel Penan. M 9. Mauaß.ng Pioprietoc tin WEAKNESS DEBILITY AN/EMIA use DESCHIENS' Syrup of Haemoglobin a
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    • 22 2 5933 .1\ Telegraphic Address: ruONh 5934 y IV GOODWOOD Charmingly situated ideal for. visitors and touristsCOCKTAIL BAR LOUNGE— FIRST (1 ISS RFSTAFRANT.
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  • 1576 3  -  Norman Soong USHIO SEETHING WITH ACT] VY: DAILY CONVOYS BELOW is given the firsl of a series of articles by AAr. Norman Soong, the young Chinese journalist cf international reputation, who has been commissioned by the Sunday Tribune to travel to
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  • 64 3 Singapore, Saturday. Ahmat bin Naster, a Javanese, was produced from hospital this morning before Mr. C. H. Koh m the Fourth Police Court when he claimed trial en a charge that he on April 18 at Singapore committed criminal trespass by going on board the s.s. "Klang." His
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  • 542 3 (Tribune StnflT Reporter) VHOSE who hold the view that Government service clerks ;nv among the most fortunate employees in Singaixire to-day Itave another to-day guess coming to 1 hem. According to a number Governi servants, clerks iv various departmei I wa 5
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  • 164 3 Mysterious Visitor At Leonie Hill Singapore Saturday. lEE TEO MAN, a 21 -year-old Hai- uancse, claimed trial Ihis morning m the Fifth Police Court before Mr. L. CO Goh on a charge that he at about 8.15 p.m. yesterday at No. 16, Leonie Hill, commit ted house trespass by entering
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  • 202 3 Uncle Declines The Privilege Singe- pore, Saturday. AT one time employed by his maternal uncle who discharged him four months ;<go, Sim Lian Soo, a youth, went to his uncle's shop m Market Street last night. Finding his uncle's motor-van parked m ironi ol the shop, he entered into the
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  • 132 3 Youths Fined For Carrying Offensive Weapons Singapore Saturday. TMIK question as to whether a coffeeshop is a public place was raised by Mr. Kenneth A. Blacker, of the Third Police Court, when two youths, Ghoo Ah Lek. 15, and Chan Siu Hing, 20. pleaded
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  • 81 3 Singapore, Saturday. Rajathiamal, a Tamil woman, appeared before Mr. Conrad Oldham m the second police court this morning on a charge of theft m a building of jewellery and valued at $457, the movable property of Mr. A. Mandez. Court Inspector H. Astin informed his worship that
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  • 77 3 Singapore, Saturday r Soh Ah Chen'.;, a Teocl a pear before Mr C hV Koh m the Fourth Police Court this morning charged with, being found m possession of dutiabli liquor* distillitig intoxicating liquor and fomenting rice v.! hout a licen< e. Accused pleaded guilty to th.c "first
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  • 112 3 MALAYAN TRADE SUFFERS FROM RESTRICTION (From Our Own IJcportrn. [poh April 22. BOTH our principal industries have been earned on under extremely difficult conditions due to the very heavy degree Ql restriction imposed on tin and rubber under the international restriction scheme, to which our Government is party. Whatever the
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  • 54 3 Singapore, Saturday —Son Seng Tool. a Teocbew, was this morning fined $20 or m default two weeks' rl. by Mr. C. H Boh m the Fourth Police Court on pleading guilty to a charge of possession of dutiable Liquor In Mandai Road yesterday. The duty on
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  • 26 3 Mr. Alexander Brown has been appointed an Inspector of Machinery and a member of the Board of Examiners under t h«* Machinery Ordinance.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 119 4 TWO CRFAT FAVOIJRITT^ TOfFTHFR' WU KtAl lUtjtlHtK. MICKEI ROONEY returns from hLs Triu«nphs m "BOY'S TOWN' and "HARDY FAMILY" >eric> to .u-ive nN !JKSTI?()LE VET! T CA Dj'TAT SHOWS TO-DAY /lir^^iir _T_lJ_ JL J! Vf gj M v •r,_ii r, m 1.") -*<_*_ ._>-» il M AGAiKST the WORLD ;'yjjßßfcL
      119 words
    • 189 4 I TRULI A MEMORABLE PICTURE! p hotographed for the first time m Glorious ™l^^ j %^7ZP^fttm\m \l anH(iV 4 I fl rf/f CHnVI fe^^l^^^^^aCUU^UL) M*thVln 1 ffi^ ffi Wfi>>^S V,CTOk Hy7 rS M*STP^ E /^7-| I f^^&_^X A>^^y^^^^o£ I 1 X^__l_^^>o^^^ f^T^ moraan ray bolgfr i «?S_™s >w FLORENCE
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    • 128 4 Laughs Galore in A Grand AV C A\ PAVILION 3-.5-6-,5-9.',5 10^ ROSALIND had her name in -^Bft^ KATY. wasn't even listcJ in the j^fffS^^Pt". But any girl can fiet her man if yr^ she'll only do what Katydid! It's the ~3jfe* Jmm?*^L laugh-and-love topper to t^jr "3 Loves Has Nancy"'
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    • 779 5 (JML dtlA. 3<DAJtWUL! j. g \[',[A. worritd about hi reel throughout the filming of f There was nothing a chiropodist could do a- feel we perfect for all ordinary purpe*V ide, hut m prorx>rtion to the rest of him. The ay ir: the fact that cv r
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    • 212 5 BarrymoreCharacter King IT? £*?Mr erfeinal note, ***rt*" Votes" pre- ar :>^^ an:l ;i di>- •»aHeli,htfuls.o r> a*5Er U *™s*a 4 character --son's best films. Zyy'yyy are Z** M a ware of the! they kn i? the r»ch relal »*N Van* Fiane* Mercer and Alice White figure prominently as a rival
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    • 95 5 Annabel Arrives At The Pavilion EIOLLYWOOD (urns the spotlight on itself m general, and on personal appearance 'ours i.i particular, m "Annabel Takes a Tour," the second m Ihe series of Annabel Series co-starring .lack Oakie and Lucille Hall which comes to the Pavilion this week. Ku!h Donnelly and Bradley
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    • 122 5 npHREE motion picture .stunt men were >avec'Xrom possi\!e death by Cary Grant and Victor P^lcLaKlen recently, when an automobile driven by .It:}.}) Alban, former Uoubi<' for John Barrymore, rolled ov< r a rocky embankment near Lone Pine Calif., and plunged into a mountain creek eight feet
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    • 103 5 pECIL B. DeMILLE. confined to a stretcher .since he collapsed on tne set of "Union Pacific" two weeks ago. has surprised his physicians by _smissing his stretcher bearers and resuming direction m a vertical position. They had expected the &7-year-old veteran to remain stretcher-bound for threp months. Wallace Ford,
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    • 384 5 Thin' The Lam beth Walk OI! "jMIE LAMBETH WALK", Lhe ilm version of the hij London musical she Girl," filmed at Pi lvei\ Bucks, will i m London very S0( n. With Lupino Lane, tar stage production h< I i id with Sally c feminine lead, the film was d
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    • 87 5 SONG- AND -D AN (>: MAN. Clark Gable displays soms line tomimmrk ia hi variety dance routine foi "Idiot' Delight", (iabl*- plays Harr? "IN r»e«alits Van, i« typical sma!l-time varisiy dancer m the liim. lint* he started to work with George King, d; n< instructor. Gable !iad
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 "HERBTO" mm THE TRUE HERBAL REJUVENATOR 'JHQi men. \vomi;n |N^? CHII DRKN. Hi ■iiivja XX( OXSTIU (TIVL, Kjfej*^3 STIMI'I ATIXG, :_j^ XN,) T()NN V,N( Obtainable from all high-class chemists and stcr„ or from. Distributors: A. HAJEE MOHD. ISMAIL (OV.. ip^-iri Beach Road, Singapore. Sole Distributors: N.V. STRAITS JAVA TRADING COY.,
      52 words
    • 97 5 s J SJ lll, a l —nw 9 p* r m y^?f*Wot B n?*--2r-7m W PA It\ T S M VDE IN M VLAYA FOR MAI.W A. Manufactured m a modern factory by paii I p^cialrsi with 20 jreai ol paint* making experience m tlir tropics. Only the finest
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  • 402 6 I'aris. DRITISH and American visitors to Paris nighl resorts arc railing for ihe latest variation of the confidence trick, said to be the speciality of two overseas crooks. Por victim, choice is made of a seemingly wealthy man who is alone In a I
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  • 43 6 Kaanai Lithuania. 80l I LL UiiO.UOU.DO.- bees have been counted m Lithuania, according tt, statistics Issued bj Ihe Lithuanian Chamber <>* Agriculture. The !*ers are registered at the variovs bte farms i(i till non Lithuanian honey exports have been absorbed by Germany.
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  • 198 6 Dutch Guiana To House Refugees i y Hague a DELEGATION is btixig sent by the International Refugee Colonisation Society lure to examine rite possibilities oi Colonisation m I)', ,h Guiana. Ie delegation will consist of professi Swellengrehel, a; an expert m troI Vink, late Di rector of Uore m the
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  • 71 6 Ottawa. POUR convertible. seven-passehger motor-cars are being supplied by three Canadian companies tor the use of tiie King ana Queen on their tour through Canada. Each will be painted a royal maroon, the same colour as that ci cars used by the Kina and Queen
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  • 212 6 WIDOW OF OIL KING HAS £250,000 BABY j ADY H AULOT'H; DETERDING, 40-year-old wi^ow oi Sir llcnri k Deterding, the millionaire oil king who died alter a sudden heart attack elgVt weeks ago! has given birth to a baby daughter m a jterliu nursing home. The baby is to
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  • 113 6 Astrologers Say: No War his Year Harrogate, Friday. 'Plii. im.^l uptinuslir people m all Britain met here at the Astrologers' Conference. They plan summer holidays atul arrange business and ioaaestic affairs with confidence m tl.r belief thai Hit, at all events, will !><■ yt-ai ai pence They are convinced that
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 6 "IX wartime it would be impossible for" Britain to *ond troops freely across to France and to dominate the sea as m the last war," thinks II Teveie, Rome. ■•There is now the German air force, which would not wail, for 19 British divisions to be m their
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  • 34 6 THE award i«r the best bead* line of the week goes to Tbe Irish Times for their:—"NATIONAL EGG LAYING CONTEST. THE CUP I OR 1937-8 WON BY COUNTY KJLDARE WOMAN
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  • 192 6 A BARONET who became a Moslem, Sir Charles Edward Archibald Hamilton, of Paisley Cottage, SeJsey, Sussex, died recentb at th»age of C 2. He became a Moslem m 1924— because lie said, at the time, it seemed to mm the enly religion that appealed to men
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  • 27 6 He Talked To Gracie He iv 8*Wr, ;ti t .1 it, U)|e[ls can s,,(ak. w; ,lk and k h\ 1 u his master, Btrr AutHsiiLi! Daily Mail
    Daily Mail  -  27 words
  • 160 6 Then there is Mr. H Husking liv: v 'ii, oi Pooi-in-Wharfedale, organiser <^; the convention, who, with many fellov. students, feels that war can be avoided "Nations must co-operate In Ihe cause of peace to overcome the strong, llarnan influences now prevailing." he explained. "We stand or
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  • 161 6 SOUTH Africa* Anna Swwtpff. »\M< h:>' been almost ;ontinuall> asleep for ncic than twenty -live y< ars, has keen moved from her mod m the Chronic Bfick Home. Kh'lfoittcin, to tin Idinii mmafi Qaaamat Hospital. i I Bhe had upicd the bed tor nme- teen yeai Attempts
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  • 65 6 This Might Cause A Revolution In Germany j'PHK abstemious Adolf littler, who neither irnoke« nor drink*, is to \uw e an abstemious army. Marshal c; rina Ltaa been obliged I issue trli t order.- t i the tore forbidding all ranks to drink alcohol be. 'tween meals while uu
    News Chronicle  -  65 words
  • 172 6 England's Mystery Man Speaks Nl i to thai Mipcr nuauiMm ts>| mail. Ihr- !:'(<■ Sir Basil Zatunf thi man v.liv has most s*rtt»ii! paved as Evropc'<; Mystrn iii Mniitaru Collet Norman timtn of thr Hank of England. ali»t 1 Skinuor." R CM.M !i.. peara uch bat '"•^■■j ovei his dark,
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  • 33 6 MIHKN Mi W hv.shipH: Fellowship HiH foi i; ic i lectures. Tt" Hunt tak HK t^^a It wouldaM do tn t* t pfjW :.iid vi, Hunt- Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 219 6 imm a%^'. \m^ art ]|^X "^MSIK J IE > Warn H______^____________________________i :.-y^ m\. _L BI L ____l rJ______ __a! —I IA _fbi bi BR B_vH fl_____Sl__M__ I ybc yvi> arc saving up jut cnc au., U'ittn pvit uftll fiwoe to give up work. Mayor, too, you fir* concerned at times
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    • 610 6 Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours^^^l Glands Fortified m -^/jm by New Discovery m 3Mf/4j= Do a-ou feel old before jour time? Are you tired, run- TgrW Jlf^BB_V Mtrn n v. ni tit, an<l unable to k--- p up with the speed Mp; .i Wm^^^a\ lU i ..i,, i: modern
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  • 1637 7 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES diV E spent a omsMltTable time wiwUmg thabook which purports to explain th* flth V.F^ntui!i^m.- The writer, w^ hart* of the movement, states ji» Ufe applied to in th-ir most literal ai •|2if or tn. It will cure all the ills from 2^ e suffer at present
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 Itd Ukt That is what you'll say if you choose il from our fine selection of Australian and Argentine Beef. Why worry about your roast when you can purchase juicy joints, tender and tasty, from our numerous branches. Ensure the success of your dinner with "COLD STORAGE" Peef. YHONE: STORE
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  • 1232 8  -  NOEL DANE ESCAPE —By IT was through the fault of the good-natured prison (hap lain that Vernon Hobart was able to walk nuleteetetl out < I Slowmoor Gaol, for the chaplain had formed the habit of reading improving literature v -th thi> model prisoner on Sunday
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 101 8 Mwi fm i. a:....;.: DIAMOND METAL PRODUCTS CO., LTD. 601. KAMPONC BaHRU road, SINCaPORL Ask for decriptive folder (C.) ■inriiffiiii "Nn ''''^y^y \n ..:>■ v v\ Ig■ fi s* < s&iy Hi w _JJiM_i Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? n----_^iiYr w A^, SBftfcSfr. > liill fIK%J_: &?i Us B&__
      101 words
    • 85 8 GROW THICK, STRONG WAVY HAIR LIKE THIS .gjagw^ Beware of Falling ft«a&jS_^_l^* tree trom Dandruff, JtHfffiyf^yy l,ki s0 many othere. j&tfamE&P us,ns Kotalko my cuntinued and tha Hair it now thick and It a mat* «r waves, and Is more healthy looking." lfrg»__!_lW?€o_ WAKES up TRUE HAIR cwowei jTHE ROOTS
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    • 373 8 PILES can be Cured There are thousands of men and women who suffer awful agony day and night because of pile trouble, who do not know that every chemist stocks a special remedy that does most surely and quickly banish the misery of this wretched trouble. Make a confidant of
      373 words
    • 35 8 •nyrtJ L. llflt a^f jQ Sv jole Distributors fur Malaya: GRAFTON L.VIiOUATORIKS. LTD.. Singapore and KnaH l.nitipnr. Sol* Agents for Malaxa. Dutch l.ast Indus and Siam. J. A. Parker. Co.. P. O. Box 473, Singapore.
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    • 14 8 No Asthma IMs I roppi dace Mettclaco j Emit irthma Bronchitis *Mv f« r
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  • 560 9  - THE JOYS AND SORROWS OF MOTOR CYCLING G. S. Hammonds By ml i". 1 1 v tii. i 'it unity of enthrills of motor-cycling. recent.} of re pleasures o* vra youth <•„ a borrow* ami it i- a ti..u,and pities ol reasons we do „.a ,l:;ya ,l:;y to motor-cycles a,
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  • 173 9 Bombay. a GOVERNOR'S Hie m India was described by Sir Roger Lumlcv. tfOvernof of Bombay, speaking on "My Job" at a dinpier here. •I somelime« think il is an exciting life." he said, "and for that reason you will not. I am .sure, e.rudge me
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  • 127 9 i>,*Ts c Cairo. an-oaud ayrea, number of touri is witnessed a »W« "i the Instory of Egypt when a Kurdish dancer, performed Kurdish and Moorish dances at the The Sphinx is Roodlit The three pyramids, casting their shad) .v.s m th< tneen light, provided
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  • 54 9 Ban On Toy Pistols In Jerusalem Jer I m I art' i..,\. i f, ,'i i M M "< Mrfeiice Re-ula S&^^fcel that 'h J*o pistols miMt ib OH, ■inlanders im wnwer tl 'losing of f var, °tts district* r *rtaS V Sho J rU- -o fhe «nU„M? ke for
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  • 120 9 Berlin. QOMK 6,500 lon; »f scrap metal have been collected here, it is announced, following the decree of tne Reich? ronrnvssar for the Collec tion of Old Materials ordering the re mova] of unwanted wrap from fac '<••> ies and ot her works. Tii wcess of
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  • 98 9 "Bullet -Proof" Man J, Belgrade. IhO BUSHITCH, a peasmt known as the "bullet-proof man" because he had sun ved «?o many snooting attacks, has died at a village near here from a knife wound. iie had been fired al more than 50 times am! hit 32 times m his life
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  • 142 9  - 'I' Tired Of Being A Star' Leslic Howard —Says i J^ESLIE Howard, 'Ted up with life as a movie star," has refused j to take his part m "Intermezzo," his new Hollywood film, unless he is made associate producer. I So David Selznick signed him on m i that capacity.
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  • 203 9 U lhne vWrfSf Painters have completed work cm the apartments In the White H^u -a m which j the King D.nd Queen will stay. The Queen's mom v.iil be ihe Monroe suit' j which overlooks Pennsylvania Avenue ot the east end of the
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  • 123 9 Poet's Remains To Be Taken To Greece Athens. TIIK remains of Andrea Joanidis, the Greek poet who wrote under the pen-name of "Calves," are to be brought to Greece at Government expense from Keddinglon, Louth (Lines), where they rest. "Calvos" was born m 17JJ2 m the I \c of Zante.
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  • 157 9 Fans Follow Jack Benny Into Court New York. JACK BENNY, film and radio comedian* voted the funniest man m America, hadn't a smile 01 a wisecrack as he pleaded guilty m New York to smuggling charges, and wa s fined £2,000 and ordered to report t > the Federal pronation
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  • 259 9 I BRITAIN'S new Territorial Army is marching to Lhi* |M>|tular oi" Walt Disney. "Hi ho! Hi ho! Off To Wort; We (hi," th« dwarfs' marching song from "Snow White.** is most jKipuiar. Al o, it has revived "Alexander's Ragtime Band" and "Tipnerai But an
    259 words
  • 208 9 licrliii. FIFTY per real of the wamcn m German prison* chouse love stories as their favorite reading, accoidir.: 1 m statistic* compiled here. The more there i.- of kn i er, t ia the book, it is s*ated. the r.'on popular it is. One
    208 words
  • 149 9 Disney's Song In Parliament I Washington. "Who's afraid of llie Bij; Bad Wolf. "The Bi« C-d Wolf, the Bis Bad Wolf? "Whc\ afraid of th? Tie- Bad Wolf? T:a-la-la-la-ia!" The strains of "The B ig Bad Wolf" Vail Disney's famous song- hook the House of Representatives when Con-pre.-man Geyer of
    149 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 665 9 Piles (ripple Your Nerves Stop Pain and Itching m 15 I headache 1/^ LOSS OF MEMORY M mutes, Avoid Operation \fa A with New Discovery l____ir\ Bjj f Since t i" disrovery of Chinaroid by an n\ i\ s >^^ Ai lean Physician il is no longer ne.-es- I mfb«oijsnesS
      665 words
    • 155 9 'Tin out to *enjoy life... that's why I take PHOSFERINE" Jj[ YOU, also, will feel better after a I T Mk7*J___S_: r t^i i /"^tTTlil VII 7 fcaw* found Phosfenne short COUrse Ot rllvJbrL.KllNli. j wonderfully effective when I teas suffering terrtblv with The reason is the rapid tonic effect
      155 words

  • 214 10 Is it brae.. ..that a certain J young cor.o'e are planning to 2 tread 'he bridal path?. They j have been seen very often m Z each other's company lately, l and It's *vcn b^en heerd that a y:\nr teller has predicted 5 S .such an event.
    214 words
  • 1657 10  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore VERA ARDMORE BY (U^g* i ha, Li -d i y ar U i»k place ai S Anorcw'3 Cathedra] on Tuesday atternuon when Mi s Barbara Mary Brown me: Hi- brlue of P'v.ia'sur Li Commander Claudius Alexander BercThen n Ihi e hundr d people a the
    1,657 words
  • 1198 10 Chiffon m the news: Quick-chant, frocks: Colourful dresses: Interetth sale: New table a lass < /^IIIFFON is very much m the fashion v news at present and excellent bargains m the way of this diaphanous and lovely fabric are being ottered al Parmanand's. Every colour ol the
    1,198 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 73 10 /^s\ Tired? Jl Then have a treatment. V. J a\m\\rm\\\\m\\ e^' x m 'nxury while clever fingers V N t delightful things face. J Emerge an hour later cool and refreshed. &}JO* AutiH, SftZoH* (air-conditioned). MAYNARD'S Battery Rd. Palais des Modes 12 A. .STAMFORD POAD, 'PHONE 4'UG. FOR THE RACgg;
      73 words
    • 91 10 At Vogue's!!! EXCITED? NEW SHIPMENTJUST UNPACKED. HIGHLIGHTS OF A PRETTY SEA JON IN PRINTS "Paris Review" ihe open'ngs weht gay and charming »his season they showed the youngest clothes m years. We've spot-lighted soma of the fashions that were cabie news, and we're ready with them now. Do You Like
      91 words
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    • 47 10 i ELSIE MARY < I Dresses for all j Occasions. $.1 lo .938 ltodllf> House. Tel. 4772. Battery Roid I "CARLOS" I No. 2, THE ARCADE, Telephone 6332 European Hair Dressers For Ladies Gentlemen Specialist m all the latest methods and experts m pediewe and manicure. Prices moderate.
      47 words
    • 19 10 PRISCILLA Ltd IMPORTED Is** MOSIKKV. <' riEIS ■KASSIE.JS. tnl*** HOI ÜBOM** 4 Phone ISSfc HighßloodPtfg Dangerous hjr mm»* psyfe Ti*vei»
      19 words

  • 330 11 Latest Hair- Styles Must MATCH CLOTHES tSays our London j Correspondent j f to rrove that the) are leadcuv's ha.'r lash* i orde. jfjfettne efforts known th s taged m gnificent exhibition at on* i I Lon pleading hotel, recently the first time they combined rijr with huir-dre- n-_ and
    330 words
  • 1 11 '■••■•■l
    1 words
  • 259 11 SAVOURY SNACKS To Make at Home PH AW N CASSOLETTES **.2 lb. fresh butter Fried parsley Shelled prawns, mixed with a little white sauce Egg and crumbs Divide the butter into 12 small phce.*, roll into balls and place on ice until hard, then coat with egg and crumbs, pressiny
    259 words
  • 338 11 K. L. Residents Find HOLIDAY GOLF A Hazardous Affair EACH day now fresh batches of X L residents are returning from their Easter holidays at Fraser's Hill and Port Dickson. Some have complainto make about the weather, others about the jelly fish, but one and an look sunburnt urn\ better
    338 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 43 11 a\ Us t*uL. mm 1 an j_ r^ mn w^m «ar I aT7# Bran \vra^fc|* SV?**^^. AT V«**»*l.W« WRITE! t&fr&S' Lv Urt KREE __UWm_ I>>tta Btat>l !*Q R..u.ftfi A tt, VVi JfWANT HAIRS" **XT?- UTK. rVit* Aw "vi:n from 5333 ft rv mTs
      43 words
      49 words
    • 57 11 House of Fashions FLASH.xxxx (Advanced- 1939 New York World's Fair (Opening at NY. on April 30th) For Gent's Tf A fit £1 For Ladies' IlAllJ xxxx Now on Sale at: 1")';. North Bridge Road. j Showrooms at Great World. Lingerie Negligees Dressing Gowns Pyjamas Blouses In stock and orders lakrn
      57 words
    • 47 11 Ml Wm 5 I I ATtMNMNT 1 I j t«4» teMC II I«. 1 EAU DE BEAUTE A gentle astringent, mild as summer rain which can be used freely on the most sensitive skin. MEDICAL HALL LTD Made m tbe Rritiib Umpire Famous Beauty Preparations nri 1
      47 words
    • 644 11 Hearing Restored, Head Noises Banished rt r, Z•« D_«-•• f c tH OiO.iTTrx a r..J m a natural way rt t. n .^1 nciZl II 9 iieSU JIS bearing In aomeof tbe most obstinate c i Started m 24 Hours by Praised By Users Femur sufferers naturally are hip!' Ui
      644 words

  • SUNDAY TRIBUNE Sunday, April 23, 1939.
    • 226 12 DUMOURS and fears are spread from mouth to mouth m this country as m others. During this week we have heard more talk ot fresh coups and the imminence <>< war than for many weeks past and some of our friends who have not previously shown symptoms of
      226 words
    • 364 12 CONSCRIPTION has become a matter ol practical politics m Britain, and 'at any moment the National Govern me ni may decide with the approval of Parliament, on some form of compulsory training. Military experts regard it as a foregone conclusion and wait with ad mirable patience for the politicians
      364 words
  • 1384 12  -  C. H. Stanley Jones ■By- RAPID SETTLEMENT IS NOT POSSIBLE AFRICA Is The Real DANGER SPOT M |>USINESS Ims gone to olazes," said a broker friend the other day. 'and its all due to this fear of war. Why don't the governments reach
    1,384 words
  • 201 12 THE electrician was puzzled "•Hey." hi called to his assistant, t'put four hand on one of these wires. Feel anything?" "Nil "Good 1 wasn't sure which was .vhirh. Don't touch the other or you'll 'n>p dead." HUSBAND (returning fisai -sea voy- age): "I wanted
    201 words
  • 76 12 In this picture Mr. Charles* Kccl'e is seen putting the red mto«riiuj un(»-\i,. and other parts of Hie Empire m a six-fool globe mad" for the Geehgio Museum, South Kensinnton. by Mr. Pit— ngion Jackson, the rigfe k
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 178 13 HERE ARE SOME GOOD FIGURES f 1, Britain ill ra- ►205 907 rluring the Ding includ and £202 52a. f, ortr c MM moon than and ar.d Wales dunng accord- return istalle o 143.84 D, ol ***** a proporFtiEW ta U* ir*. (t E''-*c-were uded _ri,i__ spent on etanen ffStVarion
    178 words
  • 163 13 Society Girl Weds "Mystery Fiance" Pfal aews John Christopher Blainwaring Lonsdale, one-time •i»air"m a a Mlllt mvir will hear when he comes out of prison 0 be the secret marriage of the girl to wh« m he was once *P&(L old i' S*.*^" "Moon" WoLslov popular "J™t* ol 1933. who
    163 words
  • 69 13 Lend >n, 10. A STANDARD gas mask and a par cf abber boots are now included m the compulsory equipment oi Eton boys. Mr. Clandt Elli< tt, headmaster, I :i j informed the parents of seventy boys who will join the school at the
    69 words
  • 16 13 GIGANTIC WHALE CAUGHT I lch had beta rtnuwfed j^b?^ and identi 1 NhMb^^otor-bo a t. p
    16 words
  • 499 13 MALAYAN PEASANTRY'S SPECIAL PLACE IN FOOD CONTROL PLAN RICE STORES NEEDED [Tribune Staff Reporter] jAYING IN of food m Malayan homes as a precaution against possible deficiency m time of emergency is not going to be a simple matter where the Asiatics are concerned. Very few Asiatics m AAihya consume
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  • 528 13 Double Life Kept Secret 23 Years London, Apr. 10. pOR 23 years a married man with two grown-up .sons kept from hi.s wife and family the secret that there was another v.*oman m his life. He had been married 36 years, and. according to hi? wife, had always been a
    528 words
  • 124 13 Eat More Fish Campaign In Germany I Munich. A FREE course on how to rook ftsh i j being offered to Munich women Thi- is to help Genera! Goering' m re fish" cam; aign. The course has b d I y di arict con /enl lon i the N whi<
    124 words
  • 112 13 F i I Oio« Corrc; pond* THE rngafcments at t\\" Ma- I were announced i«-dav. lh< first was that between Mr. I ii U r llalscy. .\>sist:int Supertntendent of Police, Malaya, sci of the late Edward scph llalscy :\\n\ Mrs Ha.'a>. of Rochford, Essex, and Nancy Wil--1 cm,
    112 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 146 13 DIED IN OBSCURITY 17 \M- >US r »f ;i I I Ivan Mosdl 'in a Paris clinic of H( wi -IT. At the age of I Ma joukine wa > n lav rr m M;:. low. Then N 1 went into pmost he s becan t a he Star with
      146 words
    • 113 13 WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS Bright Prospects and Big Pay Opportunities for the Trained Mjn I NOW Is the time to get out of the rut and qualify for a permanent well-paid post. Write TO-DAY for our great Guide whi:h contains {'he world's widest choice of home-study engineering courses covering
      113 words
    • 96 13 SAVE YOUR MONEY through ihe o BUILDINO SOOIETY OF MALAYA LTDI trm ram vm [Bj mm BUILDING SOCIETY INTEREST not less than 3% PER ANNUM. j Monies received trom Depositors are feivested only m: Advances b\ way of morl^agc on J properties. V Purchase of freehold and leasehold I properties.
      96 words
    • 219 13 "Be like me— Enjoy LIFE again w«*e fm*,*^!*^ z Look how healthy and happy I am! And to think that only six months ago I felt run-down and dead-tired. The doctor recommended Sanatogen. Sanatogen helped me at once. It seemed as if a stream of new life flowed through my
      219 words

  • 1131 14 Woman Raffles Amazing Exploits Raids On Houses Near Her Home London, Apr 10. AX innocent-looking, silver-haired woman "Raffles'" of 56 was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment at East Kent Quarter Sessions after confessing to an amazing series of burglaries. 15 By her neighbours at Greatstone, the popular sea ;ide bungalow
    1,131 words
  • 38 14 Efforts \vf re recently wide to refloat t f 1 submarine "Kiiniisir the "Sterlet."' ran igRwnd off Sandouu. Iv|». O U'igh |.>kl picture s».'>\vs pt'op!* 1 matchini* efforts (o u(lo;!t >ti'ifish rx Ot- Phnet News
    Planet News  -  38 words
  • 372 14 Undo*, Aj.i ]m yOUNG, blond German, Heinrich Berndt, was m the Old hmJaa l a\ with the Baron, Friedrich .Max Wilhelm von Richttujfa, I described as an author. They wore accused ot conspiracy to defraud and of obtainin* cheques by false pretences. Berndt. was alleged
    372 words
  • 55 14 Berlin. Apr J^ HUGE photograph of British ummnluved carrying the words, "why support alien* while !iriion> duced in the National Socialist wall p stcr. which i> P'* le<1 works, factories anri tMcts. s t help the &t*%M op mobilised first J uidrj^ I
    55 words
  • 83 14 CEYLON OFFERS HOME FOR HAILE SELASSIE Colombo, Apr. 12. HALF SELASSIE, nice Emperor wi Abyvsinia, has been attevem heme m Ceylon. Certain prominent citizens hen h sent him an invitation to accent the [stand's hospitality, and make hi: home m Ceylon. It Is felt that the climate here be more
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 77 14 Auckland, New Z.-alam /p\VO motorists, following an u& A meni whether a unall rtreai ui-ai a large one, turned the sti* of the New Zealand city of (hr* church intj a spe?d irack For a wager they raced (1m tv cats through the busy *t r ttu,ioL
    77 words
  • 72 14 Kinder Treatment For Gypsies Santiago. Apr KINDER treatment far gyj* been ordered by Chile's ft and Minister of ihe Interior P< dro Alfonso. In a circular to cttf and j jfovnncr.s he -stated that R\jsif be permitted t<> establish then c und rarry on their trade v P the same
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 183 14 b TICKETS ISSUED ALL STEAM- i TDA\/tl p> AIR AND ■^•Vtlsj RAILWAY LINES I NO BOOKING ILLS. 1 Chinese clients and those of all j J other resident communities are i t given the besl of attention and a_Ut«nce. I M, KOBINSON RD., SINGAPORE 1 TELEPHONE 5908. WATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNES
      183 words
    • 867 14 12 Months of severe STOMACH PAIN Suffcrtr't letter published by request "I write this letter,** say* Mr. J. S. "•<-> that othen will berrfit and not ■uffei as I have done for 12 months mr.ih terrible j>aias m the pit of th« rtomach and sides. "I am a cLauffeur, but
      867 words
    • 30 14 wjif yg r r m m > iy n >>I^ >^ p^ r &j^ yAi 4 ffi ~lfmmm liam\W t rnV^Jml L ~ma\m\\\w I ißimißS'S best I Cycle Carriage CO., (1926) LTD.
      30 words

  • 131 15 What The Stars Foretell «d rf iljftoMr^jm fern- I -rtndu! *i fl I I one it P* *re ><!<•>! 'auaj'd dr tors, 90 Af«. wwsna is your birth- m tuo"/ *■*■*< deception in Z mMctj 0/ Niiiwess a'u/ rorres- vndenee. This is an uncertain Z i i rdhtr difficult
    131 words
  • 326 15 Bomb Plot Plan Revealed By Secret Radio London, Apr. 12. £UB"i kty point m the Urilish Isles public buildings, mas and tktricity cialres wil ha\c extra guards during the next few f |jr bombs. J"* IMS. a;y,i v rsarv of the Iri Jand battle cry ot the Irish i J"«aAniiy
    326 words
  • 398 15  -  R. A. Thompson (By Doctor Of Ocular Science) Flukes and flounders Insisted on becoming flat as pancakes and swimming n their .sides along the bottom, so the er eye was moved to the top side th< other one. One little fish
    398 words
  • 176 15 Heroism Of Britons In Palestine TIRAMA m a cave m Palestine during a search for Arab rebels is recounted m a War Office statement issued recently describing the gallantry of British soldiers who were recently awarded either the Military Cross <»r the Military Medal. The awards were as follows: Military
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  • 318 15 Not knowing how many other armed men were there, and being unable to use his rifle freely, he withdrew. The armed man m the cave now covered the area m front of the cave and fired at the slightest movement. Regardless of danger. Hilton kept on trying
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  • 416 15 Girl Of 18 Dupe Of I. R. A. Gang "A DECENT, respectable girl, but a tool of I.R.A. terrorists," Molly Gallagher, aged eighteen, stood before Mr. Justice Humphreys and I awaited sentence with an expression- less face at the Old Bailey. She had been found guilty of having m her
    416 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 54 15 beautiful skin can be yours— use 5f TOILET SOAP J^^Sy w oman wants a hc.iurifu' complexion. And V /^^^SBs^^^Bl^^^l^fe^^ """purities ir ma\a*m 9L f^V^/ Et f s*s^ \v/d6r a m\ _-.<■" 'Sis. sv .^,\ciAUDETfi raißiin^^^^P^af; Vv^^t UUX TOILET SOAPf ff»^Ar V KEEPS MY SKIN V^W^T*** V yS£> WONDERFULLY l^lfcyjS^ **->\awt^
      54 words
    • 236 15 Read The MALAYA TRIBUNE Dominant In Malaya QUAKER OATS A BLESSING SAYS SINGAPORE MOTHER P*™' a^^^^^~'V I ...AND /A NUMEROUS OTHER 1 1S» of iony JoT mwths—^k BABY ALWAYS CROSS AND Mi^J^^\ r^X ryE SEEN IT HAPPEN L^ OH BABY F^\ i-S;r) JSO MANY TIMES BEFORE, ff^ff^ rMSO /fc°^ V^>>
      236 words
    • 479 15 For The Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart And Stop Limping DON'T let Leg Troubles cripple you. Take Elasto, the Great New Biomedical Remedy thai cures through the blood, and have done with enforced rest, worry, suffering and expense. Leg aches and pains soon vanish when Elasto is taken. Painful, swollen
      479 words

  • 385 16 Jewish Refugees Smuggled Into Palestine Hue ha rest. L A RIENI)LY co-operation between the Rumanian authorities. I lie local British Authorities, and recognised Jewish organisations at Constanza is expected to result m a better system of dealing with the Jews who have been crowding to the Port hoping to emigrate.
    385 words
  • 91 16 AtyIEHSHAM (Bucks) had its third wedding m 400 years m the tiny chapel at Hyde Heath. The whole village turned out to see the ceremony The bride was Mrs. Agnes Brett, fifty-four-year-old widow, of Brays lane. Hyde Heatn, and the bridegroom was forty-nine-yrar-f Id
    91 words
  • 155 16 Holland Police Arrest Passport Forgers Amsterdam. a WIDELY organised gang of passport forgers has been discovered by the Dutch police Vere. A number of alleged leaders have been arrested. The forged passports, which were sold principally to refugee German Jews m Amsterdam who were without a passport, are said to
    155 words
  • 91 16 Thousands Of Jews Leave Bulgaria Sofia. A BOUT 2,500 Jews living m Bulgaria have received orders to leave the country within a certain period. The Jews concerned are .said to have lived m Bulgaria for many years most of them having been born In Bulgaria— but to have changed their
    91 words
  • 618 16 piFTY-FIVE-YEAK-OLD Charles Edgerley, West end play-boy, financier, gambler, and ex-Parliamentary candidate, walked into Maidenhead Workhouse, a pauper. Edgerley, who spent £100,000 m four year.', is now bankrupt, supported by the ratepayers of the town he once represented on the Buckinghamshire County Council. The fantastic
    618 words
  • 314 16 Loi.doii, Apr. LONDON wife jumped into the Thames at Tilbury yesterday and swam after a liner m which her husband was a niemlier of thy crew. i Ihe si ip. Highland Chi< fain, the R< j I val Ma'l liner was railing For South
    314 words
  • 132 16 Latvian Wood For Germany Riga. 4 N agrr.-iii a.i uhich is initially A rahd I > three amaiam has been reminded bc'y.cvn th- Latvian and the German f*ovrt*imcnl» for tee supply lo Q?rmansr of wood mate laL <rf all ffescrtptfons. Negotiations were broken oil lo i month but iter resumed.
    132 words
  • 216 16 Knliaf (liench amfa Tfll' reopen mjf nf Ilu I nmtirr between Ihe Ireneri and I 1 hmm»s of Morocco :s expected to lake place very soon. I m well* informed circles here. This is considered a very Important .step for Moorish prosperity and Britisi interests
    216 words
  • 32 16 BEQUEATHED "BEAUTIFUL NECK" 1 Oklahoma dv oMsk N hoi uili Mrs. I F a^" iCMdoui hen brq„ ca 'h u«»n. m> v of rnf v *p-* fecaatitvl n» tK." I some I**9.
    32 words
  • 198 16 Man Has Guilty Conscience For 17 Years G4p A MAN ol DosNau. Ninth C m.nn. has liM'd loMh, i 17 u'Jiis under ihc impnviirj UmU he ww a murderer. In Uic political strife of H in. m hi* hom< .Mi. tin- iuipir.^iou thai p policeman by shootiiig I n\v«y Inti
    198 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1005 16 ~"T, r URGENT! BF~- A MESSAGE 7F Bt) ALL WHO AM f LOSING WEIGHT «\n over Malaya, .here are men arv* •omen who are gradually losing weight first their cheeks begin to get a little thinner then their <Lcessea and suits seem to hang a little more loosely They try
      1,005 words
    • 189 16 Do You Suffer From a wW^^^ OF THESE SYMPTOMS? A ILLIONS of people m this part >FLATULENCE( iVI of the World are victims of C jam* no pAIW constant digestive trouble. Then /bIUIYIAkH PAIN} stomachs are weak They are suffer- M.VERISHNESS) ing from a condition known as tropical J Stomach"
      189 words
    • 12 16 "X c PS BY l ndon 41 1 Vs"^sT*T^>s^^fc awmawmww* km\\\ f^
      12 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 647 17 NATURE'S WAY TO HOtfOVE POUNDS OF FAT! Rolls ol imsi ;hth I it al wai t and h ible din ugly, I are i auv*J w hi n nu .ii are not pmpttt d n gul irl\ I i hf. i v-i'-iji. But there i .1 dang< 1 iti di
      647 words
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 642 17 ntf THE AIR TO-DAY When And Where To Listen In j g^GAPORE LONDON m.i.- TRANSMISSION /Ill- t lin s IV* U c;sk!> 51 Mrs (M.55 m Y,. i ra 6 50 Bi» Ben. Music Hall/ with. Gudtc uv A Haver ;m(1 l^ lThe Fun I from "if a Racketeers); Lily
      642 words
    • 121 17 BERLIN I)JB 15 20 M(. (19 7 j pm $20 Concert of light music. ,20 News m English. ''.35 Concert of light music (contl- I andreviewofthcweekin J-- eve„ing PTOgramme. 8.50 Fairy tales of all nations: Arabi f t 920 News and revfe% of the week m English and Dutch. 9.40
      121 words

  • 150 18 Berlin. 'VUE young men of England sit and drink whisky while the women ;ro fire fighting, declines Dr. Goebbels' paper Angriff, The comment refers to a picture m that paper showing the commandant oi the women members of the London Auxiliary Fire Service Inspecting a parade
    150 words
  • 133 18 EUROPEANS STILL BELIEVE IN RED INDIANS Washington. D.C. AMERICANS often complain of Euro--re pean ignorance which causes some people to believe that Red Indians are still roaming the United States. There was some excuse for this European conception, however, when a reporter called at the Office of Indian Affairs h^re
    133 words
  • 87 18 High Average Of Crime In Jerusalem IMP) 'IUIU'K niMPI-r.s oriliuil*^ 1 du<:-!avv.asthel^^ of major „j^. m Palestine. ing bo official .tatistics JU* m If rusalem. This average "J^SS* death:: m action o. British o'icomen. Palestine regular aa~ numerarv P°< lcr ie f s jTa* C* Arabs killed to !ltln Forces
    87 words
  • 519 18 End Of Ten- Year War In Sight? Nairobi, Kenya. npHE end ol' the 10-year war against the invasion of locusts m Bald Africa and other vast areas of Ihe Continent is ill sii^ht. declared Mr. H. Wilkinson, Senior Entomologist, Kenya, m an address here. saw— went
    519 words
  • 139 18 < amnrid>c. Massaehusui lo sign a ulster when nT return to college from evwT eiuv. ;emonts now Usf pencils to indicate what S Z time the> have had By this means the girls tee* m touch with their taZ companions who maintain iE unwritte,, law of
    139 words
  • 377 18 Cape Town. T-HK i .!e of British cars m ihe Inion of South Africa will be greatly encouraged by a »ew system oi rated duties on moior-cars which i< at pre < nt under consideration. The committee of the South African Motor Traders' Association
    377 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 296 18 1- r> .-<^Y«^>tl- r Jill 1 s ■j^*'| 1 vr- (V'f'-x lonic Food Beverage x&f*- f II Recognized everywhere as the Supreme Beverage for 1 1 Health.Sirenqth and Vitality II pOOD health is the most precious of possessions the heritage of the young and £j the consolation of the aged.
      296 words
    • 121 18 sHcnUyp The basis ol Rood health m .til dogs is pure, cool bjy* 1 n#sfjgflp onies impure, hi.s system bet omes slukkisH l ™*2^gM their*** his coat loses All wise own-:- and breeders week I v rourse of .Sherlev's Tome and v, *^^kl Condition Powders. They are relied upon LV
      121 words

  • 328 19  -  Phoenix Two Matches A Day Too Strenuous (IU -Singapore) ■HfgIENCE at the recent Malayan championships decided at IVnang over the Easter holidays has borne out Singawr es contention that it is too strenuous tor a player to take j,art m two matches a
    328 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 19 itttr UlUl us>^' H i !i.uli»Miil«>M fans >\i!l follow With est ll4^ OUffi mi this Held ul
    17 words
  • 36 19 FAIR CHAMPION OF MA YFAIR Foremost among ike rising players 01 the fair sex m Singa' pore is Miss Winnie Goh, whose picture appear.., above, Winnie is the lady singles champion v/ the Mayfair Badminton Party.
    36 words
  • 519 19  -  Gay Reveller The Biggest Battle For Years? (By -Perak) fHE Malayan Badminton Championship Tournament having just been concluded, interest is now beint; centred on the {"angular Tourney which will take place m I|ioh during the Uliitsun holidays. In the past years this tourney had
    519 words
  • 476 19  -  Sphinx SINGLES TITLE FOR TEIK HOCK? (By inx pHE third and fourth rounds oi thePenang Junior Badminton Tournament were played ai the Free School Hall on 5 iturday and Sunday last. The standard s*t up by some of these youngsters was fairly hi<>h. The
    476 words
  • 169 19  -  Phoenix If the Singapore Badminton Association is rea!!y keen on having a lady on its committee (By -Singapore) NOW that the Singapore Badminton Association has settled its 1939 programme, it will not be out of place to revive the question of having a lady on
    169 words
  • 255 19 Mayflowers Hold "Success" Dinner Sports Captain Complimented WHERE was a very good at- ter dance at the "Success Celebration" dinner held at the Great World by the Mayflower, ."Malaya's premier badminton party. The dinner look place last Saturday. In the course of a speech at the dinner, the President of
    255 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 681 19 DARED NOT BAT FOOD HE FANCIED Until He Discovered Chardox Are you at w ir ith your in Afraid to eat tiis, I to o .< h of bi cau e d i i agree '.mi *i There's to end LhJ stoi tyranny there's Chardo: < new form of highly-activated
      681 words

  • 1058 20  -  Pete FILIPINO BOYS DUE SHORTLY Boxing notes by J CANNOT understand the delay m boxing promotions being held at the New World Arena. and again 1 have urged the management to continue staging fights there and ling has s!iil beer done. I now
    1,058 words
  • 666 20  - Bodyr Weight Advantage Clearly Discernible In S'pore vs. Chinese Match Hugh Sava ge Who's Getting At The Ball First Soccer Topics The Straits Time Here is an excellent action picture taken of an incident m the match bet w ecu th c h i n c s c a n
    666 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 320 20 a"^* mwsVmwVmm. at n\6 v AID stomach, ni^ht indigestion that's what causes those sleepless ts, nights when you toss and turn usl cam'i rest. The food -you've a during the day is turning acid c night, and i ty so irritat< I tomach nerves that your whole system is upset,
      320 words
    • 63 20 GiwmA' quality is really outstanding [lyyy] \H 1 JU W SiS^ r^ k I in v.(h/, rd^ n iu di Mfl SP^ inffe* *amm\ ma »ci uU J*"^"*" Islll^ 1. w^ vis m// re f buy fh I B .a— 3| In Cellophane' wrapped It If til. 0 s f
      63 words

  • 234 21 POWERS TO STOP JAPAN ADVANCING? So vie t Secu ri ty Plan PACT MUST COVER THE FAR EAST igAHNG British newspapers of Saturday state that Ku>siaV main condition lor joining with her full rnkht iLimtfln iruitu.".! guarantees against aggression is that ♦he pact is ntended t<> Asia, intending guarantee that,
    234 words
  • 151 21 From Our Own Correspondent Seremban, Apr. 21. lEONG Tow Chow (-2:5). until rec branch manager of the Swee Radio Comnany, pleaded guilty before Mr. J. IJ. Biddurph, the Seremban magistrate, to a charge of criminal breach of trust m respect of $774.80 and
    151 words
  • 391 21 PALESTINE TRADE DEFIES POLITICS AFFK lAL statistic of econ io spite of tii. conl inui I state < will be mai ked by pn 1 1 m tnj One outstanding fact is that the citrus industry is assured of a 1(( li year. Already, some weeks before the season closes,
    391 words
  • 128 21 GIBRALTAR PROMISED TO SPAIN? Paris, Apr. 14. THE erm* of a military pact sta r e hi c 1)' en coi H [d( I e1 c i Franco and Germ my, Italy nd Jai n are si I forth by Madam Tabouis m "L'Oeuvre." Points train the agreement arc: Spain
    128 words
  • 44 21 lIIS Majesty the King has been jj rae ou sly phased to approve award of the Colonial Police Medal to Mr. Claude Steele Kinder, Assistant Superintendent, Malayan Felice Service, states an efficial communique from the I cl< nial Secretariat.
    44 words
  • 30 21 lon, April H.— The Turkish Press hi vs al; rm at the danger io the Balkan and < xhcrts them tc unity, states he Angora correspondent of The Times.
    30 words
  • 393 21 From Our Own Correspondent London, Apr. 1 I. (By Air Mail) JfjESSAGES from various European capitals, just received, indicate a general feai thai the Axis is contemplating a m w move again I Yugoslavia, where considerable tension has existed since the Italian seizure of the
    393 words
  • 94 21 INCREASING discontent m Moslem circles m Tripoli Is reperlcd by travellers m Tunisia. Rumours cl i revolt by the m the Sahara frontier, which through Tripoli In spit* oi all official precautions, nave aroused an under current el hostility towards the tl Government. According to the
    94 words
  • 42 21 Allowances and y n^r(>u< comm's- ion terms given to successful Li c Insurance Agents Ly lending Briti h Company. It is to your advantage to make full enquiries c "icen i.his scheme. Apply Box So. I, Sunday Tribune, iitgapore.
    42 words
  • 314 21 UM TER NO T TO BLAME MB HEALTH OFFICER Seremban, Friday. I recent "diarrhoea scare" m Seremban, as a result ol which many ,J Pc- raiding Europeans, were indisposed with a very mild atdisease, was discussed by Dr. B. A. Taylor, Health Officer, I.yesterday mant
    314 words
  • 96 21 Says Ganja Was 'Planted' On Him (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, pr, 21. STATING that a Bengali had 'planted' ganja on him, Rajoo, a Tain I, wa i pr< 0 ic. d b Fore Mr. ;^.J. Qrattan Bellcw, the Fir 1 Magistrate, claimed trial en a eh cf
    96 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 118 21 1 <%r ¥M The travciier sh vi nol f< rg; t, For nn or-« w 11 d iy i Dig< ton -i* en is uj By eh: nge sod diet. Take Pinkcttes! Avoid i' up >3 ts which tinu I■" ul! 1 rom eh rhai je of air and eh
      118 words
    • 332 21 Rumanian A\ove Rumania, m line ot c;« rman a d Italian drive lo eaj .•eady to make territorial cone to Bulgaria m order U bring Bulgaria mto the Balkan Entente (Daily Express April llj k gmggjm^mcaiMmimj m m A MILLION Et*ES Ti Ji\ jtt I TO THE SH V. \~%rZmmW7S22em
      332 words

  • 398 22 DULL GAME AT STADIUM Loyals I S.C.C 0 AS dull as Ihe weather m which ii was played, the Div. 1 fixture be- tween the Loyals and the S.C.C. resulted ir a >yin for the former by lour goals to nil. A persistent drizzle
    398 words
  • 266 22 Cricket Club And A.P.G Draw At Cricket THE cricket match between the S.C.C. and the A.P.C. played on the Fadang yesterday ended m a eh aw. Batting first the Cricket Club were DUt Icr 123. Pierce batted well to run rp 33. with Purnell a clos.e second with 31. V.
    266 words
  • 436 22 Conclusion Of Chinese Inter-School Sports 'THE Jalar Besar Stadium was an animated scene yesterday when over 1 500 people witnessed the finals of the Fourth Annual [nter-Sdiool sports for Chinese schools. It was the last day of the sports and yesterday .alone 38 final items were competed for. Two more
    436 words
  • 214 22  -  H. A. Savage S.A.F.A. Tourists Sail On I l/f aT\ &\m i y~# y"%' /I f tvMwMar a.m Mm M, (By AN Monday morning the S.A.F.A. Team and Reserves selected t:> go to Saigon will leave by Ihe "G.G. Maurice Long." Those making the
    214 words
  • 102 22 HACKED TO DEA TH ALLEGED to have witnessed an attempt to burgle the cash counter of i dor's shop m Pagoda Street at 11.30 p.m. Last night, a 14-year-ofd Chinese lad wa a: ;aulted and hacked with a chopper by the robber. The lea I an hour alter admission to
    102 words
  • 144 22 BASEBALL AT ST. JOSEPH'S GROUND a CRACK team from the s.s. "Ste?l J\ Navigator" slugged their way to victory when they trounced the local Filipino Nine ro the tune of 5 to 1 at the St. Joseph's Diamond yesterday afternoon. The local team was cut -pitched, out- hit and a
    144 words
  • 19 22 Paris. Apr. 22.—Further decrees were promulgated authorising credits totalling nearly £20,000,000 sterling for na- tional defence Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 483 22 i RECORD attendance ol about .">.(HM> people Bed the Happ\ V Covered Stadium last nighl to witness one of the Imm kA?. matches yet played m Singapore, when the Philippine World Otateam of the Far Eastern University upheld their record of victork. when they
    483 words
  • 45 22 Ei re Invited 1 >r the ou i :i,;r i ibl champioi I jt< t Singapore Ihe i s are $2 per competitor for I aa the doubl I j m tl:' hon ry 5.8.A., co Thi am (S.S. Ltd the to
    45 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 262 22 NOTICE. OMENTAL TELEPHONE ELECTRIC tO, LTD.. Incorporated hi the United Kingdom). NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS Telephone Subscribers are hereby notified that from Ist July, 1&39, the basic rate for RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONES will be REDUC2D from 1 40 to $103 per annum. The question of a reduction m rates for INTERNAL
      262 words
    • 45 22 PLANjS NOV FILLING! Gab Premiere CAPITOL WEDS. APRIL 26th As presented before Their Majesties rHE KING and QUEEN at Sandringham. 1119 UwlpSEk Is 4 W wi, w* Bmia TJT |jJi Ui| j X c ■jf£ P Wnd Si 8s p? bHI <*$«3 c r;oi n
      45 words
    • 69 22 NEW WORLI DANG PALACE ((The Air-CondtaJ liCabaret m Malaya BarOJ R taurant Attached' j ra. No. 24;;. NIGHT DANJ NIGHTLY AT 941 Pilj TEA DANOT Every lues., Thurs. k la *^j suxt ay my is w>| Special Entrance To Cttorf.4 I i :\v Park at Petaiii I oil J
      69 words

  • 2628 23 BOMBUS SENASATIONAL VICTORY IN ANNIVERSARY CUP RACE Summer Meeting Opens At Bukit Timah irhUaN/k I IrSr I S A Nil Mll!Al\ ANNIVERSARY Cup Dry at Bukit Timah io day, the first day of ihe Singapore Turf Club's Summer Meeting", wa& favoured with warm and sunny weather. The shower which fell
    2,628 words
  • 90 23 Dividends At A Glance Race I.—SPERANZA, $58 and SIT. Tht Poacher Sll. Harvesl Festival Sii«. Race QUISANA -11 and $12. Judith Anton M 3. Bu Sl4. Race lI—WAETERK S.iK and $15. Bcaudekin $37. Calvados S2t». Race 4.—NEW MOON S£« an-' SB. Applcuood S7. Empress ST. Race S.—THE PI'RIiAN 524 and
    90 words
  • 239 23 Dresses At The Races tv .mi im i 'londent j ,gy Our tt...: :11'l mil at Wthto- flip) ith th( r c:i: l hei vertc.r.J>. She wore mmcd With v.. undsne Siipa>-b:ue H featur d white hat. flower 'n front t to 0 f -he «ort fas ,J 4 f
    239 words
  • 98 23 'THE following will represent the YM.C.A. Junior Department against Loyal Regiment on Tuesday, Apr. 25 at Fat Canning at 4.15 a.m.: Chan Jco Miang. Loh Heng Kee. Choc Seng Chye, Chua Kirn Chiang, Wong Fatt Lim, Chan ia v Bah (Captain), Kwik Sam York. Reserves: fong Kirn
    98 words
  • 277 23 CLYDE WINS SCOTTISH CUP ir JUDtcauttstf Kniiiish and Scottish league soccer matches appear the Scottish (up fin tl, Clyde defeated Mothcnvell by four clear JZHH'J'Wlf k>sm» U Charlton Scottish Cup OVER 100.000 people watchei the Si-oUi h (up iia» »1 pl*y«* at Bampdeu prk in
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 41 23 t 22 tion.s in a m ipcr that the Government contemplating .,i measures w n< .1 oV( r r e Briti h Broadcasting r oraticn were i to an c^ ftl i the Po .J Offlcc to duv. IrriI
    41 words
  • 27 23 I ndon Apr. 22 Lord Baldwin's lund 1,1 i;.,-f III II I M tV ti .1 I I 1.; i;i miili t ' W !i<-|.
    British Official Wireless  -  27 words

  • 238 24 i SOva's Band of Uie New World Cabaret, who hay? been presented with a silv< cup by the liriiisli Th.a Braadeasdhif Corporation, for their voluntary services to broadcasting during lo.'is. Mr. i. \i. Da :*..\a is seLn m the picture with the cup m h.s hand.
    238 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements