Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 16 April 1939

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 20 1 The Sunday Tribune I 5 A.M. EDITION VOL &-Na 45 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1939. FIVE CENTS. The Sunday Tribune
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  • 295 1 Merchant Ships Com ma ndeered I ITALIANS j 1 TO BE ON THE j f MOVE j AGAIN? i j Concern s Felt m Greece over the concentration of Italian troops and large quantities of war materials and stores at Dodecanese m the Aegean Sea which
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 181 1 "Any Attempt To Upset Italian -Albanian Union Will Be Met By Action" Cart Ciano Says Hji^ Rome, Apr. In. of his speech before thc Chamber of Fascists and CorporaNimb T t(,an delared thal ,h(> A,han an were being oppressed :inN T m f»rmed persons could have been surprised that Albania
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 151 1 Lindbergh's Views Being Sought Quick Action Urged New York, Apr. 1.5 IT is announced In Washington tha f Col. Lindbergh who returned to the United States from Europe last night will appear before representatives of the Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday or Wednesday to b" questioned a^ to his viev.-:?
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 64 1 JAPS TO ACT AGAINST GREAT BRITAIN? Tokyo. Apr. 15. THE Japanese Cabinet intends to bring drastic diplomatic pressure to bear on Britain and other pro-Chiang Kai Shek powers according to the newspiper Nichi Nichi Shimbun. Japan Is also to extend unqualified moral support to Italy's and Germany's efforts to construct
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 49 1 London, Apr. 15. Mr Basil Newton yesterday proceeded to Windsor Castle, where the King received him in audience. Mr. Newton kissed hard.s upon his appointment as Ambassador to Baghdad. The King then conferred upon him a knighthood f>nd invested him with the insignia of K.C.M.G.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 67 1 Chungking, Apr. 15. THE independent daily nenspaper Ta hung la». China's* "Hmpartiar published an e\dttive Hongkong message statin? that reliable foreign *)Brce< report that tha Japanese Navy is attempting to emjy all small islands m the VMith China sea between Annan and Borneo for submarine ba>es,
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  67 words
  • 116 1 KING SEES BRITAIN'S LATEST BOMBERS DISARMAMENT secrets known only to a few men were shown to the King when he made a tour of aircraft factories at Manchester and saw the latest types of bomber planes m production* Strict precautions were taken to prevent unauthorised persons gaining admittance to the
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  • 100 1 MORE ALLEGATIONS OF ILL-TREATMENT OF GERMANS IN POLAND Adding Fuel To Fire Berlin, Apr. 15. ALLEGATIONS of the ill-treatment of Germans m Poland were suddenly revived to-day by the official German news agency m a message from Gleiwitz m Silesia, which states: "From everywhere comes the news of attacks and
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 245 1 CHINESE REGAIN STRATEGIC POINTS 600 JAPS KILLED IN HONAN ftiiio— l apa itc**c War Chungking, Apr. IS. WEST Honan and the entire Shansi provinces at present constitute the main war arenas on the north China front. Chinese forces m northwest Shansi have commenced a general counter-attack and have recovered Wuchai-
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  • 20 1 A Rome message, received last night, stated that the first viceroy of Albania wculd probably be Duke Aosta.
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  • 28 1 Territorials Reach War Strength Seventy Territorial Army units have reached war establishment, and are now recruiting for their .second line, states a British Official Wireless message from London.
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  • 30 1 Mrs. David Lamb wife <>i the Salvation Army Cetnn r, dKed In London y< sterday a! the age of 75, .says a message Reute r
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 284 1 Russia To Join With Britain, France? London, Apr. 15. 4DDED significance is given to yesterday's 'interview between the .Jbviet Ambassador, _v 5. Maisky, and Lord Halifax, British Foreign Secretary, m view of the ministerial statements m both Houses of Parliament on Thurs. day and of the
    British Official Wireless  -  284 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 o s ie Mary Announces |sjew Shipment 0 American Dresses. TEL. -TBI *VERY MAM TO HIS TRADE b i ft I Ji a /Jo v re 7 lv y ft v s& fyf 1 -lb- J_jT>" ">l CS *__L I H e J m Know anything abouj PLUMBING BUT m
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    • 56 1 UM p«nnMa_H_M_a__n_ Elsie Mary Eattery Koad. DRESSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS. from $S. lo 30. Tel. 4772. Front Page Xews Inside Film Page 5, Extracts 6, Strictiy Between Ourselves 7, Slmrt Story, 8, G. S Hammonds H, Women's 10 and 11, C. H. Stanli v Jones 12. Poultry Notes 16, RADIO
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  • 946 2 prprp T T-l T\ ,T T> '\T rp T "NT oh 11LbMb IN i UN (Tribune Stan Reporter) ■"if I HE suggestion foi the establishment of a settlement for Government pensioner., made m ihe Legislative Council some time ago by the Mbtay unofficial
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  • 272 2 jMli. fir I nai ional T< a Agreement of v hie-h Ala a\ a waa a i i 1 1 ami nat cxl at Ihe nel ol Mure 11*98. Negotiations as t ih<terra upon whk'fc Malaya is prepared lv enter a a*- c eraent have been
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  • 182 2 OROFUSELY illustrated, brightly aeif up and .ilto^ether splendid effort is the Straits Settlements Volunteer F«wre_ Year Hook for the year IMS 39, which is now on sale ai .?"> cts. per copy. Is Ihe Ecbte>r puts it at the very beginning, "In the Spring a young mans
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  • 71 2 [From Ovr Own Correspondent] Malacca, Apr 15. As a sequel to the disappearance of two fishermen, a father and son, on Jan. 11, while fishing, a ('< rorter*s inquiry was held into the- deaths to-day. preN n v n wcr? 'a- secra at sea I by
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  • 8 2 Government makes a sale
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  • 399 2 (Tril)une Stall* Reporter) HPHE first complete new pipe organ to he installed m any church m Selangor will be dedicated at St. Andrew's Pregbyteeriau Church, Kuala Lumpur, to-day. The organ haa been bfiiti locally by the Robinson Piano Company, under the personal supervision of
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  • 237 2 Closing Of Governmert House Gate Creates New Traffic Trouble jf I'll ihe <-o?r;pietie, inema ni f; 'i already Ikadopt ihe womir.cndei i railic I ird m Ihe cki titig a\ l.oad. a. ing kcchsm lo P Ihe Trimmer TrtAt i ded that m view trail I ii-. uc! ta..:.
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  • 76 2 I fro?/. Oar Own Reporter} Ipeh, Apr, IS. SI. BOO tn cash and I jewellery, valued tf 8200. was stolen from Go perm Estate, Batu Co. jah, on Thursday BftgM. The loss was discovered the foil*. wins morning. No leiia: <! entry was made to where
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  • 181 2 Singapore, Saturday— Mr Charles Webb, a lecturer m Raffles ollee* to-day gave evidence fn the case m which Chirag Din, a aj driver, was fined $15 on a i haree ol n< gligenl driving along Hill Street on lb \p 23 Mr. Webb slated fhal a-- Iter
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  • 116 2 Singapore. Site T| vVO men who a; peart, yet nm-ning before Mi District Judge, m c< hi" chandu scizurai it the wta. Apr. 13. were produce im? lejr remand till Apr. 20 bong Cheng, one of thrift* arrest«»d by revenue oflh tin' discovery of 716 tal
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  • 47 2 Durir.", I..* wit. oi lined Malayan port, arr.oi- te the T--2.775 <2 ncr cent J nmi f Furo*" J s^ to Canada, and am elsewhere. U AD 8 "v.»- Uer- average of 54,545 CA*> I Total 7*j4|t** 1 of 1938 rre Of 51 ft-
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  • 184 2 IMPORTANT SCHEMES I (Johei c Refjfrepeetttativej IMPORTANT extensions i<> hospital accommodation aj Johore are under way. BdHding operations havo commenced c a the new five-storey third class hos- pitai at Johore Bahru, Consiructed oi reinforced concrete aad designed m i modem fashion, Who new hospital is
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  • 124 2 pairn j: v Ma: y JKj learnt, wi lscin ■< ado I am w m ci ph tetl i 'ol I! i Uii b ugu Th i w v.stem, el Veil Ii: sa Chu i ii.<- mto I tC. Ciy i. (.11 ' ly lie d
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 106 2 ATTRACTIVE **t. i 'Aet.' .SXPENiIVE HOTEL BAR ldi situation C Bungalows and KoeMO* RESTAURANT. 1 Maximum Comfort. ltathin? a,. Tf _tM-_S!^_-v__ (Rl -MJ-_l_-^-»vV. Sprint; Hour, Sm Ha Hh_^_l *^1 no vv.»r«l S __^I^^___'^R a^r*^__P l '*i_fe IJOITiLK t<> nor <~a.ii i B -fl hp_rßmhm! Kit____rfl i Waa Particulars: Tel.
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  • 240 3 More Accommodation For Free Patients (Tribune Staff Reporter) fERNMEN proceeding with the extension o Hospital, with a vie~ to providing I On xtensit.ns to the m win be i m. ov< m m me buili the bur upon il fell thai ild ii
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  • 212 3 Wife's Claim Against Former Warder if,. rhe W nt rirri c Rose Vhi ..ndenV- wife, mini- n c HnTS-C sr* o! Summary J« S^W. and wa. grant. **VK 'nr Ssional mainte r rontirmat! J _t I tdered tl „1, oi hi, b. a v:ce Offered 5! 7 _r de Souza
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  • 22 3 COUNTERFEIT COINS CHARGE b .iZ niAf .b ra r v r Mon materia". I JfiiJ? 1 Am _-.j al Ire ferr mt
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  • 383 3 Singapore People Are Eating More Fruit (Tribune Staff Reporter) VLTE all know the old, old rhyme which relates to an apple a day keeping the doctor away, but if this is true then Sinjrapoiv people must be an ai my of huskies and the profession pf the doctors on the
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  • 138 3 RACKETEERS NOW DEAL IN BOYS I i LOOPHOLE m the law i A of the Colony, under 5 j which it is an offence te> im- I pari girls from China tor sale y into domestic service, has led lo a new "racket" under 1 which small hoys are brought
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  • 132 3 Singapore. Saturday.— Heng Yong Tow, a lorry driver, v.a.-, to-day charged with causing grievous hurt to a woman, £*aripah Mahani, by driving negligently j along Upper Serangoon Road on Apr. j 14. and with causing hurt to Said Ahmat bin Said Abdullah, aba by a
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  • 370 3 Verey Pistols To Disperse Elephant Herd (Tribune Stall Reporter) PHE rogu^ elephanl which killed a 1 Chinese gardener at Kuala a foi might ago is believed t;> t i a heard oi elephants m the District which: for some years made a practice of "house- during the last four
    370 words
  • 394 3 Singapore. Saturday. pGHTibTN brilliants, set m wax, and a E lump of geld were to day returned to the complainant at the end of a ••snatch" case tried before Mr. Kenneth A Blacker of the Third Police Court. The complainant. Madam Ang Nonya, id r ntified
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  • 94 3 Tae Band of the Straits Settlements Te.ue will perform m public during the we I: as follows under the direction of Mr S. Chapman. Bandmaster: Monday. Arr. 17, at Botanic Gardens a; 5.30 pan.: March "'A Bunch oi Roses." <. bapi; overture "Light Cavalry." Suppe; I .selection "Magyar
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  • 48 3 >f i Chow (liar, of the Town Cleansing Department of the' Singa pcre Municipality, son <>! .Mr. and Mrs Chow Tai heonj;, and Miss Poh Kwai, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Kum Tan, who were married al tlie Chinese Consulate-General m Singapore yesterday.
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  • 286 3 Singapore Indians' Gift To Pandit Nehru Stolen Allahabad. Apr. I I. a SENSATIONAL theft Uiofc |»uue m Ihe' Allahabad Main. i|»a! ..a ..ami eai the- EUjgbl cd' Apr. li an. l V. A casked valne'd aj li s. |,tMMI was lcinove.'d by soma enie- who came down through the
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  • 364 3 Singapore, Satui dav. PTE. Richard Taylor (30), of the Ist Battn., Manchester Regt, claimed trial this morning m the Fifth Police Ccurt before Mr. L. C Ge»h lo a charge thai at midnight en Apr 7 at Pierce Koad he carmmitlLd theft of three one deillar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 420 4 U.AK.NhK hkos: ASV^ro-L aTT; h SENSAT ION! r.^^ m^M. JA L II A M II It A 1 never could find *"If you want to be A k'irl who *oulJ pet Hard to forget v v Lnn! I lc;irnt>d to be Always rtmember be HARD TO itHT H A ltl>
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    • 242 4 RIOTOUSLY FUNNY COMEDY. THE FILM PRODUCES LAUGI AFTER UPROARIOUS LAUGH, —SAYS SATURDAY'S FREE PRESS PAVILION 3.15 8.15 9.15 TO-DAY $%*£j>oNl LOOK NOW vt *«9r _P___HFf^ iMmm mmmw^ ie __Rs aavaaaaaaae»^t jgj ff^B^jl ...BUT TOPPER'S ECTOPLASM IS SHOWING i head ■■■■-■■■■pi Kg Ir I IV I over heels m I Wmm
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    • 280 4 1 SEASON EXTENDED Everybody's nocking to see I REDRK M \R( H |(i;v Uvx IJt >N'ETI at the Singapore Races. and amidst other well-known Local Scenic liackurouti'! I 3 SHOWS TO-DAY... (\\l*lT^)|~| FREDRIC MARCH JOAN BENNETT I m "TRADE WINDS" ft _bbe_**" jo.-' atm -^imawa 4flff mm Ami M^ft m
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  • 380 5 „nvr time- since' a star, mr even a featured player, has taken a screen Uiih at the' film studios. Anel it's all he-, .a very discour fer the studio plumbers, whose Uvea have been no more exciting n *th -hHikl what with scenario writers dodjrinir cinematic ;"Vth..y
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  • 192 5 Lie li earnest; lire is alum. Do your darndest, have some fun. WHAT, m rhyme, is the true Epi- curian philosophy, m the opinion of Lionel ttarrvmore, who considers his current screen character oi "Grandpa Yanderhof" m Frank Capra's "Yon Can't Take It With You"
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  • 245 5 BATH TUBS Are In Vogue Again ma .b rp ccc, Bar; ymoi c ia d the e Spring Byington is a p.iinter and playwright. .Ann Miller Is a Dailet clancea- ana i ki M a Aver. an ex-wrestler, Ls a ballet teacher. Barrym i play the harmonica and collects .stamps.
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  • 79 5 An expected Hollywood marriage, alter a thousand denied rumours and speculations, i; Clark Gable's to Carole Lombard. Here sue is presenting hrn with a bouquet ed congratulation leu* his dancing performauca m his new li: -i "Idiot's Delight" which has .just been completed. The happy couple
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  • 299 5 "ALWAYS Goodbye" says "hello" to motion picture audiences of Singapore when it starts its run at the Alhambra this week. In (he arrival of this 20th CenturyFox dramatic production the fans are promised suna surprising features. First, the picture co-stars those ever-and-increasinirly popular experts of the
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  • 59 5 TN Galveston. Texas. 6. Mar- I I tin?, assistant ma racer e»f a J j local theatre, was on his way to J deposit the day's be»x-ofTiee J receipts of "You Can t Take l l I With You" In the lobby a Z bandit held up
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  • 201 5 IRENE RICH, one- of Warner Bru Irad- ing stars m silent film days, will re' urn to her home studio to star .here attain In •Mr. Martin Comes Home, a patriotic featuret m which John Lite! and C:ibriel Dell will appear with her. "IfSCAPE from Alcatraz" will be pio"duced
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 232 5 Lose Fat Secret Method Discovered By Hollywood Cinema Stars Now Obtainable at Chemists :.i'. secrei method of reducing ugly fal hai been discover. -J l.y a California physician m prescribing to t ti famous e'tiK ..a St;ns ..t" 1 1 oily w I This discovery, tailed Iformode, quickly and safely
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    • 93 5 The GOODNESS I^E^^l Us UiC a%I IB mjHu f *_r fill JBK -L. P J.a_aL_i «_L mv gr Sb&__lj There arc no finer cyder-apples than those grown and used by Ibj Hi Whiteways. A delicious natural jS3| stimulant, Whiteways Cyder -,_lillli :;nJ at any other ,ime Wll ITE WAYS CYDER
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    • 161 5 vs"7____R____E •"■7&r'*' FILM PAGE f -xJxLWS&L m ~.-Tvafr~. Z—Z «BM___(_S3___c_U_r.-----!--.X'.^ ._6_l__TB»- «__QTW____W____M_B_-~81~1-il^ia)-i)^'""'^ I^ l^^^^^^^^^^^^^ l to Gel Furfher l^ Ahead This Year Than pX/* You Did Last Year... __pe k 3_i_h_i_i _B_b__l t_t 4 tEACH DOLLAR YOI' SAVE POR FUTURE NEEDS SHOULD PERFORM rWO MAIN DUTIES:— FIRSTLY II musl provide
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  • 360 6 Control Of All Food Within 24 Hours I> A TIOMNi; and control of Hie nations food supplies can lie brought into existence within 21 hours of the outbreak of war, saiel Sir Henry French, Director of Ihe Board of Trade's Food (Defence Plans) Dept., al Manchester Pood Control Committees
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  • 21 6 This Is Not A New Star Not a cosmic discovery, but thc new propaganda deviepe of tho London Transport Co: poratton.
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  • 184 6 Baby Panda Earns £500 A LTHOUGH Ming, the Zoo', baby giant iV panda, cost £800 to buy, she ia rapidly paying for herself. Already this year the attendance at Ihe Ze;u shows i>n increase of more than 7.50-3 visitors ccmutred with the corresponding period for la -i year. This represents
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  • 40 6 li .Vluss» had marched mam fire -ec these ire (h? t roups h would have me-l, but probably not m these pain- 'line hdx I s *'*> ••'.ai li.ll'b They an- Rred: guards urn« nam jrSiT* l
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  • 134 6 ''Hitler's Wooden Walls" Silence VyiiAT proportion of ili«' GSermati army ia;ik^ :ir<> man.' ni* iilvw.kkT' asked Air. A K.h.a.b i1..,!... Kft?d Middle br.aa'l m fee Hi* of Commons amid the loud laughter of M r Mr. Bdwanis sought information from the Premier about :< neeeut collision between v tank
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  • 88 6 HAIFA'S military authorities have Adopted the novel idea of sending m armoured car round the .streets with an announcer inside proclaiming the curfew through a loud-speaker. Posting of notices on public hoardings is considered .sufficient m other parts of the country. Nearly every £mm and area of Palestine,
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  • 52 6 (GEORGE WAHLGREN, who BT has the ricksha concession a? the Golden Gate Exposition, San Francisco, can't get any Chinese youths to haul me sag* «;;cs at th? Fair. Thr lads say it is coolie work. Bo HTaittsteta has s*Kned «'i> seme students from California and Stanford Iniversities. Los
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  • 44 6 The Japanese have completed cor, slructed ci a large ah neitt Ln Meeicheottg, south east of Hoihow. Hunan Islam?. Twenty-five Japanese acre planes have ban transferred from We: chow Island to Ifencheong, where tehere sre 100 Japanese planes. Cert (tal China News.
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  • 66 6 7 Ft. Man Of Stee Shocks A Town I N,.r.ha»»is. JM-Hfld J^a* 1 .•■no rubbed Uieir i V I another lo I: But he **JJV 1 He a mon«UwiiS kniuht in h»nint- arnww^H Ed by Mi. C U« 1 u ft engineer M i^Mit^lSI Mi Law on pl*n* "iL jii^l
    Dealy Mutoi  -  66 words
  • 61 6 EXCLUSIVE: The Picture Not The PRINCESSES Prim ess Elizabeth and Prince* K u« I Kesr attended a rhtW tam-v di-ss p.rU al Ihr hew Vi^euuueNS Astor HI S». <J*b Square. Und< a. U» i»« P ?J* historical costumes oMojJ, y.ihetl an pel iod. They ,frt JL with M other
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 534 6 SLEEPLESS THROUGH STOMACH PAINS i 1 1 11l I G.!»tl t; ..ii I.• r,f ippetite, ••<•■-• c iorm ol the j<l. it In tb» i c ot the rm torn_' 'i write*: I leH I how 1 came I B id i One night m c 1 told l I
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    • 710 6 After 2 Years' Baldness tThis Thick New Growth "For two years I waa bald all < ver the top fmy head. I tried different preparations, but they did no good. 1 remained bald until I used Kotalho. New hair came almost in:me~ diately, and hept on growing. In a short
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    • 25 6 BRITAINS°BEST I I MOTOR CYCLE 1 -B-fc-^yr-r mm --KS-F-H wl^^^RV_fefi__^l_E#____P^^SsW Rcj__M£__Qm! K\l^__-^ Mechanical perfection J^!^^_jjß for your enjoyment. <■*_*___*_____■ lyrl«» A Carriage *CO., (1926) LTD. j
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  • 1582 7 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES CALKIN*, aiiv.rt: 1 pghlsßds came er day aamofMr.J. <;. < ornwe iomwell la seventy old, b hi* la* 1011 :ai ail Jlourvou would tak. b. about five He has been <> w forty years m He tame hen a the Railways T-jßuuncd i'> five „tead ot going
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 68 7 P*- X^s*^,*V«s>Sax //Ne^^Mand I w s> janaanwt '^=^-s^^___. Imperial Bee" IJ \1 wir*** 17/I 7 Woney' 1/ X. lilt >v. _r \^> %r il if v y Qpj* 4 The NEW ZEALAND COOPERATIVE HONEY PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION L™ STOCKED BY CQ3EQ3 gtreti/--s_i THONE: SPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3
      68 words

  • 1317 8 I Mhtx wVmWiWmf^pWn^f^t AfO-TV^f m mm* mtmm W W E/Ci mrm* mm -wPLMm •Wr' m imW m> mw -a*maW mw^aw m _r a, int m t, mam. m mr owOmw w- w -^aPsmpaLjat mw Q^Sot%-' **3S?^**»:^.<7^^. s m^ J^_£-_-. aIL mi'^'J. *Ul ,*-__k^W*fi_^_fcb piSHRR
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  • 47 8 STAMP TO COMMEMORATE PAINTER pi I ct nlenarv of Ife i,, r( tl| is to e'umneme.raU'd lhis liie- i ue r»f .i m w vianip. abi oa(b Views On Art Paul i Aa- m- n P I II arks by die' i land fruit a] Lou* I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 440 8 Afraid to Eat? Dieting can't cure you, Says Dr. F. B Scott, M.D.. Para You'd be surprised how many -an ea sufferers come to me with this com plaint They say: "But, Doctor, I'm iraid to eat- I get such terrible pain alter meals." otten they are really ill weak
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    • 266 8 SHERieS Firstly, it is a complete' and reliable gruide to Ila brae ding. _«^«tf#A? rearing, f^edin.-r. trabnin'- 1 and .«1k wb S.-mdK it jaives expert Va ..bice on lai" -£r* you exactly what to del m canine illi twP^mi now you can diagnose the complaint an i mf° M 1
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  • 554 9  - So This Is MERRIE ENGLAND! G. S. Hammonds By rajj*f hy side with I ober from Home tome letter n> m ißiividuab reflect the n.wiau-h latesl crisis i When the air I rnved mu i(li(.' at h week was beritten Hitler lions m re m not intr war to the
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  • 78 9 Absolute Neutrality Of Norway ()sle». W K haV UO( asked aml we (l V n °t want a guarantee m any form whatever from any individual power t group of powers," declared M. J. Elambro, President of the Storting, speaking at a political meeting, M. Hambio added. "On policy e>l
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 HI Mi -,^-.«_E— IMT^I —^a« Will you Maclean j your teeth to-day? -.course! will" MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE i If you use a solid dentifrice, try the new MACLEANS SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE PA| I PA II PAINf T S MAM. IN MALAYA FOR MALAYA By PAR Malayan Fatntworks) J»ufacM,rfd m
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    • 613 9 Hearing Restored m Twenly- Four Hours Deafness and Head Noises need not be dreaded any longer since the discovery of an American Physician. X>>\v it is possible for some of thc most obstinate cases of Deafness to l»e relieved m a day's time by Hie application of the prescription called
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    • 164 9 c^*j dvist! gm^ LET THAT m^% MRMLESS'SCRATCH W^ BECOME SEPTIC £>■ Cuticura Ointment prevents bloodpoisoning- hcslu ugly skfn disease SMI i V FIRS! Si ver nej i j slightest scratch. The germ ol poisoning abound everywhere ,\.> lionie sho ioul this scratch the top of anirritati ■,m -t pi i<
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  • 1710 10  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore. VERA ARDMORE BY SEEN AND HEARD j A HMSfl enjoyable day. a as S sp< nt by who were Invited by the H'.m. Mr. J V. p: Ptpys a:ui Mrs. Pepys S S and IfiSS Sheila Trump, to S join them on their launch
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  • 746 10 Round The Shops tpooh sheers for afternoon wear are featured this week at Palais des Me>dis and these, characterised by an enchanting simplicity, ar? well worth seeing. Particularly lovely is one pure while georgette, with a design of true lovers' knots m pink and blue wool running round the wide,
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  • 228 10 Below We Tell You Where What to Buy lively one freeing of ice-blu? .satin n a uaned kn yellow, green and bright red with pencil thm hues n navy streakia across the- suri acta Distinctly reuimeab.*: m inspiration was a Chic two-pirc,.. striped mi n bluwith mteiveming .layers bnght yellow
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 Announcing tb. iy v^rK.^ If \jL J F.lizaLeth Aiwen's new shade lo accompany the new mino a yellows, terracottas, cinnamon, amber tones aS and greens. m W Available n Lip ticks, Rouge Nail Vanish. I\f' dpmM*-J*h&l Sp*&#l, MA WARD'S BA ITER V R PAD. aaaaaaaaamammma mmmmmmmmmmMAmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmm l Palais des Modes
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    • 116 10 Itcwloii Fver the leader m nail enamel 'Lades Revlon again scores with a new and entirely different enamel share, called Jueltone orchid with a faint red undertone It is made up m three colour depths, light, medium and dark known as Jueltone— l, Jueltone— 2 and Jueltone— 3. It may
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    • 49 10 ELSIE MARY Dresses for all Occasions. .S.I lo $30 Rodney House. Tel. 4772. Battery Koad lumaiMaiKi^ici.i ■•■■•t«ii im\rfm\\r f I;,:,,K r.o _^_B «ivf;\p<nj, RTEAR A Ji;W! L BUT ONE Willi "ELEPHANT HAIRS" THAT GIVES YOU LCC K. NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED PROM PARIS. EARRINGS. BP I LFTS, BROOCHES, l\v.
      49 words
    • 118 10 Lingerie WbjKP" Dressing (.owns I'vi-"*" Blouses In <<n -k and «Her* egg JB, Battery Road, m floor. one:l4: j i A BROKEN DOWN SViJif Thi- is condition ior dffM I are Riven b* <2^Jn it unapt, weakness a break do" <■ttt.av.ul eorce. tbat tustam tton^ uiumt wn.! may "_JT3
      118 words

  • 214 11 PENANG NEWS Notes of the Week ••aciv take ad,b iovely ir .r. popular resort H1 hear, has ***ZZZfx ousv and rH-tOM heID* P,.ak. Mr. Ma a a **?*<*** of Sing-pore, htf J S hofe res.- r I DI.C. F.rit J et Mr> i-DJ Kwaa Chung "■fLTiBDiV'Ki lw iiway as Mr
    214 words
  • 506 11 5 Minute Beauty Tips IJUSY women are sometimes heard bo say that they have no time for personal grooming, but actually fifteen minutes wisely spent every day. can result m a meticulous appearance. Five minutes oi" this should be spenr on the hair, five more on care of the face
    506 words
  • 453 11 KUALA LUMPUR in Holiday Mood WEDNESDAY night once again proved to ba popular at the Majestic Hotel, where many familiar faces were to be seen among the crowd dancing to music provided by Joachim's band. However, I noticed one newcomei pre. sent m MLss Penelope Mobson who i. here on
    453 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 94 11 CARLOS" So. 2, THE ARCADE, Telephone 6332 hmm Flair Dressers Ifa Ulio cr Gentlemen ]f9mmt ii ail the latest roWM, M experts m pedicure <n<j manicure. j Pnces moderate. MADAME PAGEJ J-W Piccadilly LONDON EX, W DRESSMAKER *mm wear, Waux^Tailormades. I fctrriFiL WADYMADKS ALWAYS m rows ii fe Hou^. Top
      94 words
    • 187 11 Gain New Cinema Way Tb«-r> is no ion^^r any excnat for men _nd women t»» remain Thin, Nervous. Undfa Wight, Ku.i-IV.\v»i, and Kriendles?:. In U !:v\vi K>q th* e.Mnenia Stars are under a neve-re utrato ntjjht and d;iy and roqaire h»- ae*t of m-dieal acrt-ce-i to maintain ROnaal Weight and
      187 words
    • 30 11 House of Fashions FLASH. ww (Advanced) 1939 New York World's Fair (Opening at NY. on April _oth) HATS Now on Sale at: 157, North Bridge Road. Showrooms at Great World.
      30 words
    • 39 11 The famous Cleansing Cream. Cleanses thoroughly. Leaves the skin soft and lovely. It is thc starting point of all beauty care. $2.25 $4.00 Made m the British Empira Momst «HubWuL Famous Beauty Preparations e.Et7 Medical Hall ltd. Battery Koad.
      39 words
    • 170 11 SA 1 R ll PRISCILLA Ltd. —SB X _S._ lii HAS nCOTBB With Hundreds Of 111 sn,: Smashing Bargains j|AFTERNOOK NOW AT j I Parmanand'S DRESSES ai Ij I SMALL SHITMENT. CGME AND SEE IRE THINGS II I l **>** 3335—11, Etamisri naas\ WHICH ABE SOLD AT PRH E I
      170 words

    • 194 12 GINCE the- delegation to India arrived hack m Malaya several weeks ago there hits been much anxiety among different sent ions *i* the public m this country employers of labour, Indian workers and the Indian communities generally as to whether the negotiations with India are te> be' resumed Officially
      194 words
    • 224 12 I ABOUR conditions generally m Malaya are understood to be under some kind of review, judging by the statement which Sir Shenton Thomas made m an article m the January number of the Crown Colonist, but no indication of the line being taken has been given beyond the
      224 words
    • 138 12 DEADERS ot* the Tribune who are interested m these questions and they are many expect that some statement will be made at the Spring meeting of the Legislative Council, and at the approaching Federal Council meeting, both on Indian labour and on labour policy as a whole. There
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  • 715 12  - Malaya Will Make Big Increase In Defence Contribution C. H. Stanley Jones By l 1 OIII|Ull*ie3»ll is .Will* CONSCRIPTION IS ON THE WAY. I have said that before and now feel inclined to amend it to CONSCRIPTION IS NEAR. CONSCRIPTION m Malaya as well as at Home, for Britons at
    715 words
  • 44 12 Gen. Franco's Fasci-.t (Phalangist) flag flying m the Avenue do I'Opera, Paris, with Spanish, Italian and German officials on the balcony of thc Spanish Chamber of Commerce all giving the Fascist salute. Great hope of the Axis is a Fascist France.
    44 words
  • 390 12  -  Anglius ■nO you think genius is hereditary?" "I don't know. I have no children." >;: OON at the university was applying pressure for more money from home. '•I cannot understand why you call yourself a kind father," h e wrote his parent, "when you
    390 words
  • 321 12 < Jre* cc. lie has actually guai ai its safety. But, with partners frequently saj ing one thin.c ;nd meaning an< ther— to put it mildly— there is no a. surance i hat he would not a!; aik m tlie near future it' he thought t
    321 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 38 12 f KEEP h7TOUur WITH TBE WORLD 1 H.M.V. j Wh Receiver Modd 5.% i-C pW*^ J Pf!Sk on a scientific hasis m jk <-a!.ine{ gener-i AW \V ___M mmmmmW g S. Moutrie ft Co., Ltd. y |[J i
      38 words

  • 402 13 Sirens Arrive, Will Be Installed Shortly (Tribune Staff Reporter) FvERY schoolboy m a secondary school m Singapore w.ll shortly receive training and instruction m air raid precautions, as part of the A.R.P. scheme of Singapore. Arrangements for this to be done have
    402 words
  • 170 13 ljaj--. Cape Town. O ol^ AFRICA will spend over £5,000 a day on defence m the « votr. te of expenditure tabled m lb!?!? Nt TThe:,1. 1 a:b i'nau i-\-niH> iundsis put '"''•an **mT' -200.000 P ercus i-- vlsloi] trcml 0?: »°.ooo. 47 ted
    170 words
  • 158 13 I.eaulon Apr 3. U(OKDIN(' It caMt Hean .\»_rburv. >" :,th Rhodesia, a nt_ "nhxse i" the systematic attack on malar:, i^ marked h\ the d-oartore eif thr'-e memhtrs ct the colony's Medical Research tail m study malaria research m India. Ceylon am! Malaya. Ihe unit,
    158 words
  • 46 13 KweihV. *v than worth ol cere "ten MUlmted to families ol JJJJte ttghtir.g at the front by the fry Government J*^-! help ha. a'., be-n _,'v rt n f i^ttkr.' far i lhey n.i *Ka_mpte<. Iron certain taxe^ and tees for their children
    46 words
  • 75 13 leer the* fir.s 1 time, the London Rifle Brigade (Territorial Army) and sections cf the- Women's Auxiliary Territorials worked together when they held exer eises at Chobham Ridges, near Camberley, Surrey. The exercises included instruction m transport work, "unclitehing" (hauling vehicles from mud and ditches) and lectures. The
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  • 153 13 {From Our Own Correspondent] London, Apr. 3. "H^O-DAY half the world is ill and the other half has something the matter with it. Tho continual consumption of faulty food is the primary cause of the want of complete success m medical and nutritional
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  • 38 13 RUSk. Texas WHILE Mrs. Frank Musick was being taken to hospital here with a broken hip, the. car carrying her collided with another one. She eventually reached hospital with an additional two fractures of the right leg.
    38 words
  • 272 13 ape I <'\\ n. r PHE world is suffering from ihe modern disease nf air-idnlb' according to Vice-Admiral J. E. 1 Harper. Navy League lecture. m an interview on his arrival here. "Air Punk," he feared, might lead to people placing undue emphasi. on
    272 words
  • 192 13 HIGHER SUPPLIES OF TIN [From Our Own Correspondent London, Apr. •>. ►'pOTAL visible supply of tin during March increased by 825 lens. On Feb. 28 the' Rgure was 24.489 tons; it hael risen al the 1 end of last month to 25.314 terns. which comj pares with 18.037 tons at
    192 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 11 13 _!p a „"we 111 i« 24 Hours tk h Mch.i "*^m,;
      11 words
    • 42 13 Modern Method of Scientific Eye Examination j t Improved American Instruments n arc Greatest \tiurai" Chie, .M(» f li>h I and Practk-ai Glasses for Yt:ur Nesd. Lowest i barges. Everbright Optical Co. 19, riHUA STREET STORE. S. (.HONG. Dr. of Optomelry. i
      42 words
    • 281 13 WILL MAKE l^^p^^^ ITW E i. 1, XJlpgi THAT dangerous Cut --that open iipiyi y 1 Wound— that Sore— that fright- j V UI LY ful Ulcer— that burned and scalded CONQUERS Skin: treat it with Germolene ulc er s, sores. inqtantlV l PIMPLES, BAD LEG, b, ;x „.oilt ECZEMA,
      281 words
    • 324 13 "LOOK Af MW! £-^^j^o^iSM IP >__- -<^r 7xafy?< Tie m^ I don't worry abetut fever. I u«ed to be wrak anil irritable and would easily have lallen viclini to malaria or other feveen il ihe* doctor had not General Weakness prescribed Kal/ana. Kal/ana ha 3 i \\r made me fit
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  • 810 14 Convicted Sharepusher In Bankrupt cy Court London. Mar. 211. CPIRO, the sharepusher, sentenced to tight years' penal servitude at the Old l?ailey last September made a day nf it when he came from Maidstone Prison to the Bankruptcy Court, (arty-street. W.C, yesterday for his
    810 words
  • 102 14 Jerusalem. TO the many other jobs that the British soldier has to do ;n Palestine has now been added that of "bicycle bouncer." Following widespread disobedience of the recent order issued by Major. General R. N. O'Connor, Military Commander of Jerusalem, that bicycles were not to be
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  • 214 14 12,000 MILE PAN-AMERICAN HIGHWAY Santiago. Chile. •"THE United States is to bo asked to supply the money to build uncompleted sections of the new 12,000-mile Pan-American Highway, so that it may be inaugurated on Oct. 12, 1942, the 450 th anniversary of the discovery of the New World by Christopher
    214 words
  • 240 14 Paris. Mar. 27. jXNOCEXT-LOOKIXC. jrramophoia- records, bearing the titles of famous songs or dance tunes and the names of well known makers, are now being used by enemy agents m France to y\ their Reports across the frontier. It was by the merest chance that
    240 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 14 A public demonstration was g iveti n Hoinchurch (Kssex) Aereslrorrp be the 908 Squadron of ttn |fa_«» r( Barrage from the Chifu*l| head quarters. Many people who sate mn London would be protected agtfts: air raideis tie th? event of nar femm the demonstration an out-of-tlt ordinary entertainment.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 187 14 1 TICKETS ISSUED j J** **BY ALL STEAIVf- TRAVFI SHIP ATR AND rWIYUfc, RAILWAY LINES J NO BOOKING FEES. .C* 1 11 5 clients and those of all other resident communrtie- are given the best ol attention and 1 assistance. I 31, ROBINSON RD- SINGAPORE TELEPHONE 5908. S WATCHES OMEGA,
      187 words
    • 268 14 am Sbl Kruschen Has Made Me Young Again "At 40. pur on "eight alarmingly, going from 8 sr. ro i_ sr. I was bulging everywhere neck. b;i<r, rcaist, hips and I puffed like an engine when I went upstairs. I was m d&spair until I turned to Kruschen. To-day, I
      268 words
    • 207 14 BACKACHE /5 there anything wrong with my Kidnep--__K&t_ rat That is thc question you should j£a 1 when you feel the first sharp pains ot «fV Pain m any part of thc body Jf j. N X v warning that something is w*W mmmm\ mV^mWl kidneys become inflamed andclogXB 5
      207 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
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  • 283 15 What The Stars Foretell O RALLRKADt.LS 0 i the Moon and Jmilar configura- 2 d he a ioon and Mercury 2 exceedingly good mid fortunate }<» 2 P" 3 interests Get a T«**£ nQ I therefore, inter. a**: h Zndence. ask fay- 'employed and t .^me is salary -'4*o March
    283 words
  • 381 15 WA YS TO INCREASE IT Wa hin«rton. A NATIONAL income of $100,000,000,000 (.£20,000,000,000) is the _roal at which the United States should aim, declared Mr. Walla-, Secretary of Ajrricultnre, m an interview here. Going beyond the figure mentioned recently as desirable by tho President <,ooo,oo(M
    Reuter  -  381 words
  • 433 15 FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT |Bj It A. Thompson, Doctor of Ocular Science) '[•HE starfish has an eye- m every one- of its five arms, but it looks through only one at a time. Many human beings use only erne eve, anil future man may have only one. Present man wouldn't
    433 words
  • 92 15 Jerusalem. WIFE'S cooking proved ww much for ri J: vi h ktHoo:. m Tel Aviv vho «veiil on a hunger-strike. ting against what he lb, unjustified di.s--t inadequate compensation by the school authorities. !l i a hunger-strike i«» the He fasted for twe> days on:-.. At the
    92 words
  • 160 15 XV nnes A N unsuccessful attempt has been made to repeal the so-called "Monkey law." which forbids theteaching of the' thepory of evolution m the State- of Tennessee. bill which would have repealed th< law has been sheiwd by the State's Representatives, aad therefore the ban en
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 210 15 AJwykrEUMATICIIwhY DON'T youlA^ WjPAINS ARE rjTRY SLOAN'S ?_M__ NT'S WONDERFU ifM •Ll2_2fljJ FOR RELIEVING 11 [pains/ r I If Yotbu Nevw Tried Sloan's for rheumatic aches and pains 1 jdul be surpnsed how quickly this liniment will soothe you mt ■mH "usde, and help to limber up your stiffened p.nt^
      210 words
    • 1806 15 II J-t m\ 1 ff^ H P B 11% |mm he^ P#^ 111 II 1 1 ___L_l PS to 1 »^^r^^7 HEADPRESSiM SiMJ/ 1 1 m a 1 1 c ;h n^^^ B SI m ffl S I memory I mJ_T IJw lIJP s|b >^i 7ct^W^ heart %W mW WmM
      1,806 words

  • 1693 16 More Queries A nswered (Hy" Orpington") /VvORl: advice on thc selection of poultry foods is given m the following article. The types of poultry foods available to poultry rearers i n Malaya and their relative merits are discussed at length. 'Oipmgton" also answers queries
    1,693 words
  • 204 16 BENEFITS PROVED BY FITNESS INQUIRY Johannesburg. rpWENTY «irls have been subjected JL to tests here as part of a scientific inquiry to prove ihe benefits to be derived from physical culture. Tlie inquiry is being conducted by tbe Johannesburg League of the Pit, which receives Governrient and Municipal support. Tbe
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 56 16 I 0 friffniiii'i'i'Wi-i^^^ NOMINAL CAPITAL: $10,000,000 I ISSUED PAID UP j CAPITAL: $10,000,000 1 BRANCHES throughout I Malaya, Siam, Rurma. g South China, French I Indo-China and NetherI lands Fast Indies. AGJ-NTS COHRFSr I PONnKNTS m all prin r npal citieps of the World. HANKING TRANS AC 1 TIONS of
      56 words
    • 83 16 SAVE YOUR MONEY through the BUILDING SOCIETY 01-MALAYA LTD 1 iii^~^Wmti BUILDING SOCIETY IXTKK'KST not loss Ihau 3% PUR ANNUM. received from Depn Iton arc a. Bel only m Ivaneei bj way of mortgage e»n properties. V Purchase ed Ibtahold and leasehold properties. II Public Punds. Trusty Securities. YOUR MONEY
      83 words
    • 471 16 _rjjg gj gj 0 0 gi gj fa fo) o tsssa® IS IS E IU E ia E asaSSBSBSHBBBBB a to I Dizziness and Palpitation i early symptoms of m 1 INDIGESTION H A few doses of De Witt's Antacid Powder will 0 relieve you of dangerous excess acid When
      471 words
    • 492 16 For The Blood, Veins. Arteries and Htan And Stop Limping DONT lrt I Troubles crii^ple you. Take V. lasto, th«- Great New Hiomec Kenudv l'\ii iuir the bli.i-l, and have done with enforced rw worry. Buffering and expense Leg a< het and pain« s<Min vanuh whenEluioi taken. I'ainful, Kve.'ollen (van
      492 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1022 17 THAT SUDDEN STAS OF PAIN Tn the bai k oi the 1 uldei >udden t\\ ingc a me daj I ban oth< people put up with it until a TT fora them to ro the I they li.:-. ci h* umatism i umula tions un, ai id i
      1,022 words
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 680 17 oi v r/a: -4/R to-day When And Where To Listen In SINGAPORE 7,11 >V, inures 1 ?>1 ,j from A 1 ed from the S itinued u In iervai i r (it H W from Shakespwir. I symphony 25 S No 6 hi I DeB»35 The r Uaxdon rrn land?
      680 words
    • 256 17 NIROM YDC 15.15 Mc-s (1M8 m a.m. '< 20 Church Service. '•'< 35 Classical interlude 9 >( Church Service. 9 50 National Anthem. Llghl music 1 1 20 r wo sonates. 11 5(j The Avulon Boys. }> m l 10 Pikler's Band conducted by uobf rt Pikler. 1 10 News
      256 words

  • 277 18 Streamlined Suits For Men! New York. MEN are to have streamlined suits to make them appear taller and more slender, American tailors have decided. Their decision was revealed at the annual fashion show here of the New York Custom Cutters Club. The "slenderising" process, creating an illusion of greater height
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  • 1105 18 Grahame-White And Ex -Chorus Girl London. Mar. 31. AFTER a live-nay hearing m the Divorce Omit, Mrs. Kthel (.race Grahame-White Ethel Levey, the actress was yesterday granted a decree nisi against Mr. Claude Grahame-White. the pioneer airman, on the ground of his adultery. Mr. Just ire
    1,105 words
  • 101 18 Munich CHIPS will sail throurt S vh en the f Weser-.Mam canal i s comple'ed Oil sect. on—between M-r keis and I ntermassfeld-lih, engine* is building the raila we re confronted with the nr 0 bum of ciosv.n,, a sleep tain, making numerous otks
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 280 18 bPRING LATH WAI i r 5 'j No V.Ll": 3TEFL ANCLE FRAME WITH CA5T IRON' CORNERS BRACKETS. The close set steel laths axe alum!n!um •plated and supported ea h with a 1 ateel ter.Mon «{7rini{ v.r.:ch galv-\nr,ed] J afterwaijj RUU&Cllcd to pTCTe&t iUit. 6i2e 3 ft 6 in.
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    • 282 18 SHE GAINED B'/2 LBS. OF FINE, FIRM, FLESIL Took tasteless, flesh-forming tablets. Here is a letter from a qualified nurse which brings new hope to all who are worried about their weight. This lady had actually lost nearly 10 lbs. yet m six weeks she got BV_ lbs. back again.
      282 words
    • 387 18 X C-I\OD LONDON X)' JmSi) UATC Ymir head Yi fm' r^^^^^^^il "Enhanca th» ImprastdeServeS dn \W ißr wearing a Batter. by ur at r^^^mji^^ FEEL UPSET? Late irregular hours and overinduEgence call for Alka-Seltzer Why endure a headache, acid indiges- based on proved medical principles. tion, "morning alter" misery, or
      387 words
    • 86 18 Provisions Delicacies. Dainty Sagu Pearls. Dainty Sagu Dalima. Keehap Batavia No. 1. Makassar Red fish. Samhal Goreng Udang. Sambal Goreng Tlor Ikan. Sambal Goreng Shell fish. Seasoned Dried Beef. Java Syrups. lava D?ssert Coffee. Crystallized Fruits. Tepung Hunk we. Te pung Maizena. Cakes Flavouring Essences and Colourings. Vanillin Sticks and
      86 words
    • 154 18 liKAi\-iiHU)!.N(. FOBSlfl A Master Mental Fitness Oaj* I to the needs of IP* W. J. WmWm Thc Founder •< "ELMANISM-^f f est ol all Mind-Tralnui<w-* aays to you "Everyone M c «r to be a b'ucce_b-to get more njrj jobs to make more monfT —to climb to the top of
      154 words

  • 517 19 15 ACE DOUBLES SHOULD BE STANDARDISED Result Of Rigid Test At Malayan Championships (It* I*lmm ni>b Singapore) A$ a rcsuk of the rigid lest lo winch the 15-ace doubles game was subjected at the third all-Malaya badminton championships just concluded at Penang, opinion should no longer be divided as to
    517 words
  • 297 19  -  "PHOENIX" fJitid by Merridales Celebrate Sixth Anniversary THE M.rri'hui Party celebrated its untersary un Apr. 2 at the SIM akmat. East Coast Road, 3-Vpre. where members ana tarts wjoyed an excellev: pat A<saa-rw_»iven on Saturday night, udalntoy. tiffin was served. The iwwif? secretary, Mr Tan
    297 words
  • 143 19 a? Tal?!?* '*ft to h-kV* 1 v s ai!ti ,;I '<»"*«> of the Menidal* B.r. during the Party's sixth anniversary eelebra**"'W nit c 'hia eh Messr !ie.« Meng !*h?w (assist, treasure r), Lew Kce Seng, Lee Kirn Heng (hon. trea_L^*Wiw Vr Ve__r_- NMr ti,v T„n Xt, Bng
    143 words
  • 265 19 Comments On Malayan Championships ANI) so Penang was not unduly optimistic as to the chances of (heir pla yers m the third all-Malaya badminton championships which were decided ever the Easter holidays. The results oi the various tournaments more than justified their optimism, and Penarig's players
    265 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 19 Above are two promising; players of the Friendly Band I. P. They are Miss Helen fan (top) and Miss Sally Fong.
    21 words
  • 303 19 NINE ENTRANTS COLLECTED 13 PRIZES Great satisfaction is (elf tn selangor over thc results cf the th rd Malayan championship- their By "Ram Me r Selangor gELANf_OR fared satisfactorily at Penang .seven prizes, on** a championship, and six runner-up prizes, distributed among nine entrants not too bad for an outing.
    303 words
  • 194 19 RESULTS of the Malayan championships just concluded at Pcnang may well serve as a pointer to the likely outcome of the Foong Seong Cup tournament, which is considered second m importance only to the all-Malaya championships. If they maintain their form, Penang players are likely to
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 30 19 BLINDFOLD CONTEST An interesting preture taken whin the Blindfold Fating Contest was m progress. This was one of the sportevents held during the sixth anniversary celebration of the Merridale BP.
      30 words
    • 346 19 CECT LIKE Rt3 HOT HAT WHS l! your feet ret tired Off- M illy- .'.< he .ill day. *Btf\)+i m burn inside your shoes /a* "am until they lee I like red- Jf /?//> JF fiat-iron that m ACID has jju: you Stale deposits of waste acid choke up the
      346 words

  • 839 20  -  HUGH SAVAGE By f\N Thursday lasl. the Malays met (heir Waterloo when they .sustained their first defeat this season m their first division fixture ngainst the Loyals at the Anson Road Stadium. The score of two goals to one by v.iueh the Loyals emerged victors hardly credits the
    839 words
  • 300 20 SmiMY MORNING $P€>MSVABADE I\IKTY play, yes the deliberate dirty play that may result m the permanent cisablcnicnt rr even Ihe possible death of thc object at which it is directed, crept into the game between two teams Ihe ih<.r day, who could have produced
    300 words
  • Article, Illustration
    490 20  -  "PETE" By T^HE Singapore Amateur Bating Association will soon he holding their annual Championships of Singapore and several entries aiv expected from the Services as well as from the Civilians. Tk_ venue will be the Happy World covered Stadium and the dates will be from May 22 to
    490 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 99 20 O iC A S A __T^ s^^_*___^^mx THF HEAR T~___s?X_Xv "_irs^ 'x-:v:*'x ':X^yf^^l K :v: 'xxvX^!*i"» "i" '-T^*_L'^- >^S>:X:X x x*x:.B mm-• A. i_lv*. .v>X*X_H ■■■vXvXv:^ \V r r-''- •>:-:-x-:v:-Xv__EB_____i KEEPS YOU YOUNG HEALTHY STRONG] STAUT T AK_C\€ OKASA TO-DAY 7 Obtainable at all leading Chemists. Large $7.00. Small $2.50.
      99 words
    • 127 20 PYRAMID lIAXDKB; ItCHIEFS Er^a%Sb^a?xbtyz^_b^^ 7 r _^4jfo^ i 'ry.','au^^ .tf 'B^^^tb'i'^^^^^^'"" r Y^%?sb~v^' /,^§^-b_M_^_£''&_&'3 l?i&iS?ttgSi^— Mr -^jlflfflßSrajfljffi^^MS^ -.rL.Vr "---/fe^SWJ'.'V, tl. -'•«>. Z*^___ 'P^w^g^Ayqy __JSS3^?_ a.^jcft -'^yyT' -^v- -^y-. ;t x Jr jggjj*_BPlß|f J > %iff ai l^"wlllM?^ a r.ei<_r_iM_Pr___P^__T __4-- J| fe 3&L tcS ffi *V l b *"~'b f^b-
      127 words
    • 399 20 Pimples and Bad B f FoughHn lfi| j i.4 nOlirS v^ b,^|: BEFORE .^.B** Sine.- the 'lis. r,\.,v of Nixoderni by an co work imm^ellaielv. c^^ m m American physician it Nno longer ne<-e_- your skin. X1 1 B IUKt eto>* kJ( > nary for anyone to suffer iron, urlv.
      399 words

  • 43 21 TV marria-, te»ok place em April 11 it the Chine a- Consulate between ZZZlmm Cmam.. jounce *»*> of Madam Chan Ghee Neo and ihelate f.uun Km:; and Mi Jam Chan \> second laughter Mr. and Mr JV k s«»h of Singapore
    43 words
  • 7 21 >.. ,1... ffh-e r:l1 Till X
    7 words
  • 174 21 London, Apr, 1 5. EUROPEAN implications of Mr. Roosevelt's speech are being fully canvassed m the British press among \\hi\h there is a consensus erfopinion that the President has taken the- I.S. the farthesl yet awa} frum the U.S. classical doct rine of isolation Tbe Time-
    174 words
  • 57 21 Amsterdam, Apr, 1~». V ROYAL decree stipulates Heat troops u Ju> have finished their first period of servi shall noi be disbanded bal shall remain under arms. Political tension m Eorope, it is stated, iiecessitaic-c measures to ~ecure t lir* frontiers, and the !.ie'\ disposal eel'
    57 words
  • 6 21 CAROL MEETING PAUL neral in *^aiional
    6 words
  • 204 21 Trade School Boys In R.A.F. H*Hre, Saturday. C^o h L R >al Force B.^n cLh i S Prmr se|S m>, f rce »us D a d IV^'aratih Ra,H,rt> an R^ G„ Vr h n eannu^Pri^ P ove fn mfnt Trade *^CT curried out year found Ji^^furthea 'JJ^rs *L Urces toozt
    204 words
  • 216 21 F. M. S. EMERGENCY RICE SUPPLY Prom Our Own Correspondent) ULrTTH the growing tension m international a_Fa J rs more and mor? j the big employers of labour m ihe F.M.S. are getting interested m tbe offer of a local firm to stock rice applies a! a nominal charge for
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  • 476 21 STAR TIINGSTA TEMENT MADE IN SELANGOR CASE Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A REGULAR (ride m Chinese children is helievej be m existence between Malaya and Chin;;, and the Chinese Protectorate m Hongkong is ateo perturbed about it, bu Snds cases hard to prove,
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  • 53 21 MORE BRITISH FINANCIAL AID FOR CHINA London. Apr. 15. I NEGOTIATIONS are proceeding in London for the extension of large credits to China out of the inI creased funds of the Exports Credits Guarantee Department. i However, nothing concrete ha- hitherto emerged, and any summentioned may be regarded its pure-
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 188 21 McLcod. Capt. Goodman Ambler, Dr. Hawes and many others including members of the Royal Air Force. Mrs. Macnab was called upon to present the prizes. The following were th? prize-winners: Special Prizes: Lee Soe Sang (Student No. 31)— most efficient boy m the School; Quek Ewe Kian (Student
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  • 132 21 Paris, Apr. 15. THE French press welcomes President Roosevelt's Pan-American Union speech, but regrets that the terms were not more categorical The Ie I oque urges the United States to help the western democracies immediately with arms, munitions and raw materials. "Humanite" considers that Roosevelt
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 50 21 Chinese Planes Over West Shanghai Chungking. Apr. 15. CHINESE planes were active over Kianesu and Chekiang provinces In east China. A squadron of Chinese observation planes reconnoitered over Japanese positions in west Shanghai yesterday morning, while a squadron of Chinese bombers raided Japanese defenses near Hanschow.- Chinese Central News Agency
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  50 words
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  • 196 21 Cordell Hull Condemns Power Politics Washington, Apr. 15. pMPHATIC coneiemnat ion of **|m > i r politics** was voiced hy Mr. Cordell Hull m a speech at the PanAmerican meeting yesterday. Tlie Secretary of States declared ihat between neighbour nations e»i the' western hemisphere brother hood was stronger tnan weight
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  • 27 21 The Excise Dept. drew with the Moravia, each side .-coring five goals, m a Division 28, S'.A.FA. league aame played rt the Police Depot yesterday
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 320 21 Do You Need /^V Classes? vtP^eW A litthi attention to your tfta row will reward you with !nng years ef perfect vision. Let a modern examination reveal the exact condition of your eyes! If glasses are not needed, none will he recommended. Thompson Optical Co. 4, Arcade Bldg., Phone 3002.;;
      320 words

  • 296 22 England Beat Scotland Charlton Lose To Wolves pILL results of Saturday's English and Scottish league footbal. matches, as tabled from London by Renter, are given below: ENGLISH LEAGUE, DIV. I. -It mai 2 Manchester U. 1 AS aa bHa 1 Bolton 3 Blackpool Middlesbrough 0 R:tm bra
    296 words
  • 96 22 AS a result oi a motor collision betwee n a saloon car bearing a Johore numj ber and a lorry at the Bras Basah Read and Bcmcool-n Street intersection, five Chinese, who were among ihe passenI gers of the lorry, were removed to Tan I
    96 words
  • 88 22 London, Aptf. 15. T.HE King's Empire Day message will be broadcast frcm Winnipeg on May ?4 at 8 p.m. British summer time. His Majesty's speech will provide a climax to the "Round. The Empire" progiamine which is being prepared by the Canadian Corporation. This will
    88 words
  • 568 22 Chinese, Loyals Draw In Reserve Division S. A. F. A. League Soeeer >.( .I\ Res. o. Loyals Res. 0. GOALLESS draw was the result of yesterday's match in the Reserve Division of t hi S.A.F.A. League between the S C.F.A. and the I. ovals at the Stadium. j c, who
    568 words
  • 164 22 MOVE FOR FASTER WICKETS Gicne-Cstershirc County Cricket Clnfa are aking j.s b> improve the wickets at Bristol, which have, states the annua] report, been a source of vo.\ inxiety. mm imen turfs by a i Agricultural CcHeg< i a thai an undue proportion Of c rg: nic matter was the
    164 words
  • 92 22 France has selected five players, m!- eluding H. Bolelli. who wa.s at one time reported to be giving up the game. frcm which the team to meet China iii i Paris m the second round oi the Davis i Cup will he chosen. They are: B.
    92 words
  • 29 22 London, Apr. 15.— 1n accordance with the Summer Time Act, summer time will come into force throughout Britain at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning.— Brit isn Official Wireless.
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  • 176 22 "Mussolini Has Saved Albania" Count Cuuw Home. Apr. IS. COUNT (iano addressing the Chamber of Fascists an (t Coi porations ■llll— llffld that the Crown of Albania had been offered i«» Knig Victor Emmanuel. He declared tbat personal union had been brought about m the two thrones, and their common
    176 words
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  • 126 22 WHEN the fleet of British trucks which China P ur( ha^J^ of (he British credits arrive, they are expected X \J^o\ Chinese hands for the Ministry of Communication* institute to train drivers and mechanics to comply h J. t various highway stations m order to keep
    126 words
  • 95 22 Neil Hemchit, the ne*« _j pore lightweight champion i the trophies he won a: Happy World last night he scored a great virtena the reigning rhampion b Marques, the Mexican. N_? was so badly beaten up itu le wel had to be thrown g the end of
    95 words
  • 90 22 Sinhalese National Day SINHALESE m Sinjaporf ed their National I>a% at at their Association m Mrte 1 At the cJese of the M served f ollov.ed by speeches J sneaker for ihe evening Perera. Ptesirient of the principal of Mercantile WJ Anion? tbe present wereP Khan Sur.ltee (F.i-sidenttf* A-sociaticni. Mr
    90 words
  • 47 22 Guests At Windsor Case London. Apr. »--^J_S night's Court circularwho had arrived at when the court u if g i Mr C. R. Attlee. leader o. tion. and Mr.. AW* H_J The Prime M^Jrfi berlain w^l dnjjjgj Windsor Castle to^J:^ ihe guest* oth f ggffc* Monday -B-.ti*
    47 words
  • 6 22 rock whjlf One body m
    6 words
  • 140 22 VISITORS WIN BASKETBALL MATCH (Rv r'EiE"). THE Far Eastern University basketball team from the Philippines made their debut last night at the Happy World Covered Stadium, when" they mcl and defeated the Strang Chinese High School team. It was a fast and furious game throughout. The final scor^ was 52
    140 words
  • 728 22 MENTION was to-day made at the annual general meeting of the Changkat Serdang Estates, Ltd., of the comparatively small profit this year of $16,524 only, as against a profit of $5^.847 for the previous year. It was proposed to pay a dividend of Vk per
    728 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 152 22 -f£ :j. ji-r :.i:.iiß.auiiiiaiiiiiitii NEW IWORLD! I f}A2VCE I IML.irE j ba. Air-Conditioned bare! a Malaya wath Bar and J Attached,] I 2 Siaappy D^nee ban* 1 Th? Pick of I v a stc es East of Suez. .la':: B ar SeraPaocn Rd. r.nna" Entrance. TEL. No. 2177. j
      152 words
      47 words

  • 376 23 COTTON' S TRIUMPH IN THE £2,000 TOURNAMENT Compsto n Fa Iters In The Replay HKNrO (otton (.Wiridjje) made a grand start to the English professional jjolf season at Queen's Park, Bournemouth, hv winning his iK-hnlrs plav-olt with \rehie (ompston (Coombc Hill) for the fist prize <»t* ..">UO m the *i>ail\
    376 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 23 ftiMtrmin {h( Stadium on Friday m the match between the S.A.F.A. touring side kSmima and Ihe S.C lA. tour who have just returned tram the Far East. The match provided thrills a-plent> S.A.I s*de scored a line victory not vary many minutes from the end.
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  • 125 23 BOXERS UNDERPAID IN ENGLAND The complaint that boxers In England are underpaid ior lights was made by James J. Rritt. tke South African heavyweight, who has returned home after lighting m Great Britain for 18 months, saya; a (ape Town message. He said he was never paid more than i'4o
    125 words
  • 25 23 CI t py re lrthe r ties sa I Monday *W Merrier I ?^W«fc, M M A Cbrdeiro *a* I I k_J N|
    25 words
  • 285 23 Y's Trounce S. R. C. To Score Season's First Win CRICKET Singapore, Saturday. DRILUANT inniogs oi 74 and 7(> runs by Dr. Xavier and Shaw respectively, together with the deadly bowling of Barker who took six wickets ft>r 20 runs enabled the V.M.C.A. to boat the SRC. by the comfortable
    285 words
  • 47 23 m a soccer match played on the I .na Padang Johore ifcu-ru, yester- Be lia Club beat the Singapore < rical Union b -hree goals f <> one. A', t Yusool bin Shore and 'Lab cored foi the wt-iners, white Teick Kin red lor the- lowers.
    47 words
  • 99 23 SOUTH AFRICAN TOUR OF ENGLAND The possibility of the eight-ball over being used during the South African cricket tour of England next year was discussed by the South African Cricket Board of Control at Durban. It was decided that all the test matches should be of four days duration, irrespective
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 23 Three of the Eastern University Basket Rail players v. ho represented the Philippines at Berlin m the 1936 Olympic games. Antonio Corillo (Capt.), A Penaloza (centre) and (.uan Lao (right).
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  • 191 23 JUKI ShalTi. a 25-year-old London barrister, has been hailed as a second Fred Perry. His victory over W. C. Choy. the Chinese Davis Cup player, m the final of the recent Queen's club covered courts tournament, following an impressive list oi scalps already bagged, raises hones m Britain
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  • 208 23 TENNIS RULES AMENDED AS the result of recent events m Mid-Europe, Ibe International Lawn Tennis Federation, at its annual general meetins: m Paris, decided upon an imnortant amendment to the rules of the game. In future. Davis Cup players whose country has been absorbed by same other power will be
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  • 29 23 NESTANGLO LOSE TO A. P. C. In the Business Houses' League fixture en the F. and N. ground yesterday evening, the A.P.C. defeated Nestanglo by six goals to four.
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  • 382 23 FIRST DAY'S HANDICAPS AT S'PORE FGGFGDFGFDGDFGFDGDFG Following :ir« the weights fe.r ihe fir t day of the Singapore Turf Club's meeting on April 22: ANNIVERSARY CUP HORSES— CLASS I— DIV. I—6 FURS. Eastern Knight ;i 7 Rcyal Hampton g Jack Druce j> Tovarich (late- Epicea) x 12 Pure Gold g
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  • 270 23 Malacca Badminton Notes Malacca, Thursday. THE Stiachan Badminton party ol Malacca were engaged m a match with ihe Simit Spoits Club and won hv I l The following arc the results: Strachan players mentioned EtffS-t SINGLES. Goh Heng Chuan beat R Kylasam 5—2. 15—7. Tan Kirn ftoe h>st to J
    270 words
  • 56 23 PONIES— 1 1 ASS I— DIV. 3—s', rrics. Silver I. ace 1.1 Winsome v g Pratique I.U Mabel I.U CodcflftS 8 10 Comma 8 9 Omah Boy 8 8 Sycitlian 8.6 Shoot lp 8 I Li 1 been Order of running will bo published ?.ftter Acceptances dote on
    56 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 40 23 Just Thc Right Show For RACE WEEK! 1 Great Favourites In A New M. G. M. Coid Riband Picture Of The Turf! P\>?^beery Roontr Kfcta^J*' A r GoldwynMaytr Pxtvrt -t-----------aßQßr_^^-yr.A T_^-n>jir_r_-i ril i iM»MIIiKiIMIgIMIIWaMBIiaiM Opening Shortly st the CAPITOL I
      40 words

  • 278 24 W EVENT OF AGGRESSION PROJECT by which Britain, France and Russia will nVdjere joint action by their air forces in the event of attack on any state guaranteed by them is at present under consideration, according to the Daily Telegraph diplomatic
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 71 24 Hongkong Emergency Measures Hongkong, Apr. 15 EMERGENCY regulations em- v ring am si of aliens and (her detention in camps withoui i!.al have been issued. An Order-in •Council empower the Governor to offer the British Admin Ity ihe services ol efficers and men «,t th< Hcngkong Naval Volunteers, who may
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 56 24 MALAYAN DRIVERS IN BURMA London, Apr. 15, Rangoon correspondent of The Times (London) says thai nearly K>0 Chinese lorry drivers and mechanics s-- mi ai the expense of Chinese loyalists in Malaya have arrived from Singapore to drive Chinese transpori on the YunnanBurma road. Their smart blue uniforms and keen
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 37 24 Oslo. April 15.— The Norwegian Government has decided to ask Parliament for an extraordinary appropriation of twenty million kroner (about £1,000,000) for defenc purposes in 1939-40 The money \v hg produced bv c\tr> tnvntlon.B Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 90 24 China's 600 Million Bond Issue Chungking, Apr. 15. {FLOTATION of $600,000,000 in bonds to finance reconstruction projects is officially announced. These "Reconstruction Bonds" will be redeemable in 25 years and will bear interest at a rate of six per cent, annually. The bonds will be secured on prcfit s derived
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 141 24 Shanghai Apr. 15. r JPHE first Japanese air raid on the Hanoi-Kunming Railway, owned by Sino-French interests occurred yesterday afternoon, when Japanese naval planes bombed Mem'tze, situaf ed about 50 miles from the nearest point on the Sino-French border. An official Japanese account
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 30 24 Paris. April 15. Marshal Petain, Ambassador to Spain, has returned to j Spain. He was recalled a few days a°o j on rumours that Italy\vouldno^withher troops. H Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 405 24 PEACE TALK DENIED London, Apr. 15. HiE Chinese offensive, in spite of ab- sorbing European preoccupations, is aven prominence in the newspapers correspondents describe it as involving a million and a half Chinese trcops along a 1,500 mile front. Wnile cauticus in
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • 52 24 Hongkong, April 15. WAR Risk rates on cargoes from all countries have been .substantially increased, in some instances by as much as 200 per cent, but the British Government's assistance has made possible preferential rates on cargoes to and from the United
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 223 24 Honskons, Apr. 15. I A CCORDING to the report LssuPd by General Wang Ye, Chinese Garrisor Commander of Hainan Island, to Chungking, it is stated that Tlngan has been recovered and that the Japanese are unable to make much progress. A stale mate is also developing in
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  223 words
  • 114 24 MYSTERY MOVE OF JAPS IN SHANGHAI Shanghai, Apr. 15. JTlIIE arrival on the northern 1 outskirts of Shanghai to-day of a force of Jananeve troons estimated at between 6.009 ftni 8.090, who are reported to have come from the Nankintr area, caused much nu7z!eme«Tf here. Eiscmbark^ig nsar Shanghai, the troens
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 125 24 Xt'ii I ra I i I y Pari V Geneva. April 1 1. T^IIF. Spanish Government has not ii!'':l M. Avenol (£e< peta y G neral of the League) that she wishes f o withdraw her signature from th pact of arbitration for pacific settlement
    125 words
  • 53 24 Daring the pa da* I Minister has lxe n frequently with the Bul;vri;m Pm day received the Ministea United States. Germany, Turkf, f Italy. Hungary and other rou:.,;. ine tJuij-'.aiuti pns.s nv in lies to anne.d f» th' 1 j,at) calm, also in readiness to act le
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 63 24 London, April L5. -Oil the Stock Exchange yesterday the week-end evening up of positions.',, go,h,r wUh .outinued political nervousness, created a generally easier trend, tfcough the !os^ in most groups were only smai edued were weak but motors inc. i turns were moderately steady finished
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 40 24 Arrange to buy voui MOVIE OUTFIT WOW. X 01 Mi mm. and ■vail yourself ol our speciaJ KASY PA YMF NT ierms. Our repreaentatVre win demonstrate at vfMir own horns. MARNEY'S 25, Hii;h Street, Singapore. 'Phone till r.o. Box 71
      40 words
    • 30 24 24 P AGEs FOR 5 CENTS I v quafifg C Mf!lcBlHi ;,> .TDM VAC t ,n$ *'_irj« I fp'' k A" Cellophane wrapped r* lf f .i LONDON MADE T I
      30 words