Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 9 April 1939

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 16 1 The Sunday Tribune 5 A. M. EDITION VOL Vl SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 1939. RVK (T.X'i
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  • 445 1 BALKAN ENTENTE TO FORM ANTI AGGRESSION BLOC? Press Opinion (CONFRONTED with threats from the dictatorships, the Balkan Entente may be eompeUed to form an anti-aggres-sion bloc, preferring this action to being forced into the arms oi the Axis. dominion .mJ^- ma < llhali P<an for Mediterranean «"r^JZ,., t mnients lhe
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 22 1 In the possible event of ,mportant international developments occurring today a special edition of the Sunday Tribune will be issued.
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  • 205 1 In. h. Apr. 8. i th« unpleasant mojiiencrs attendant uj-on the ir.vai&n of their nativ island by Jipucse military forces, a number 4 Infos Wt Hainan in a -nia. 1 mSbijffitel in search of peace a v ul sum .surroundings. liter making a perilous voyage la>tH
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  • 118 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Hongkong, Apr. 8. TMIK Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in London has revealed that Japan, ever since the Mukden Incident, has been harbouring a plan for the hegemony of Asia. According to this plan, the Japanese Army will occupy the
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  • 86 1 Manila. ALL property leased to foreign interests, excepting that leased on Government licence, will shortly be confiscated according to an announcement made here by the Secretary of Agriculture. The Government's hand, says the announcement, will fall first on Davao Province. About 10,000 Japanese are said to
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  • 70 1 Home, Apr. 8. 4 COMMUNIQUE announcing the departure cf King Zog of Aibania from Tirana for an unknown destination is published by the Hal an Official News Agency. Paris, Apr. B—A Salonika telegram states that King Zog's sisters havr- ar rived at Fiorina with the Queen. Athens.
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 356 1 britons rush to the colours The Hague, Apr. S. WHILE the Netherlands Government does not consider that the international situation after Italy's invasion of Albania is disquieting, it has taken measures to protect the coasts and frontiers. A restricted number of rtserv'sts have been ordered to
    Reuter  -  356 words
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 81 1 Mary Has A Little Lamb Miss Mary Hoar of Beauuonh, Alresford, Hampshire has brought to life the oki nursery thyme "Mary had a Little Lamb,' lor she keeps as a pet a iamb which she raised on bottle since it was a fortnight old. The lamb, now a year old
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  • 112 1 Warders Policemen Battered To Death Bombay, Apr. h. ]lf ILITAKY force* from f ar.ivi-u ai th tap ud oi .aiubiiig, when a mob oi over a iNuand, aimed uiih i and staves, Backed Utc State sj.»l and battered to death eight policcwea and warders, an fire to the pri- on
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 osie Mary I Announces [Slew Shipment o f American Dresses. TEL iTJ2 *^^K J?f^^ AYLMER'S ji H natural flavour L--?>^^^ a'ways ensures repeat orders. I V^'l^^^ Only the best I I^^^^^ vegetables y 'fIV picked the \^/J JH same day are \^J^^j^JK^^^^^^^^\^ good enough "\JS£^^ I for Aylnier. A23
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    • 45 1 Elsie Man ij Buttery l( DRESSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS. from $S. to S :UK Tel. -177?. I ilin Page .">, i;xtratis 6, Strict v;t'«*n Ourselves 7 shuriM<>>\ 8 <. IlauiinoiuK I, Woman-. 10 11. 11. Slaniev Jon'-s I.', Poult n RADIO 17, Kaclmiiiton It, Spoi Taradf Hi.
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  • 382 2 SINGAPORE HAS ONE OF THE LONGEST STATION PLATFORMS IN THE WORLD STRANGE FACTS ABOUT THE F.M.S.R. (Tribune Staff Reporter) "GHOST STATION," and one of the longest platforms in the world, are some of the distinctive peculiarities possessed by the Federated Malay States Railway. Few countries, if any. posses* parallels to
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  • 11 2 .e* of aut ol Singapore's railway platforms.
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  • 196 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) ••IX us is a story of two things that are I closely associated w»m hot crojs buns and Batsei eggs Vn having made enquiries at var h >ing centres in Singapore, the following discovery about the sales oi
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  • 24 2 The annual prcmc oi the Syrian Christian association will bo held at j Bedok. to-morrow. Members and friends i are cordially invited.
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  • 85 2 (Johcrc Representai ives > JOIIOKE is to have four new cbandu shops and nearly $30,000 is tr bt expended on i*^ n scheme. The erection of the building at Pei mas. in Kukup, will eosl 811,000. At Kulai, a village a tow miles from Joborc
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  • 103 2 (Johore Representative) WHILE w r ork in the coiustruetion of the new p (J ii a costing $22,500 at Cha'ah in the district ofSegmJJ/^ |)i-i two other new police stations will won be b other narts of Jniin^ A< Kukup, fe,, h-.iy
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  • 79 2 MRS. FORSTER ENTERTAINED [/•"rc;« OlfT Ott/« Correspond'' Batu Paliai Friday. Mrs. Forstcr, wife i I II C K u ina tev of the O >vermrenl Ensiu U iv o\ 13 u Paliat, was i rwsMmt'd to >' I■■ n v by Uv mi mbers of I^-' i. hchers 1 Assoctat^on
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  • 154 2 (Tribune Stftf Reporter) t;ik strangest court in Singapore 1 is that which is contained in I<> office of the Assistant Controller f Labour, Mr. I T. N. Handy. There, disputes between members oi the [ndian labouring community aiv settled amicably i\nd decision* on
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  • 166 2 (Tribune Staff Importer) pEBTAIN S.C.K.C. members think the visit of Mi.-vs Gem liot-'-lim Ui Singapore a n<>t inopportune i-x«-vs<-for the resuscitation of their profiosa) to admit ladus as associate members »f the Chit In an interview with DllC of the sponsors of this sore topic among
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  • 78 2 Singapore, Saturday. -Noordiii Wto Mohamed Nardau, a 19 year«M l£ola>, claimed trial this morning in Uw j tend police court before Mr. c. H. wiui ten en ft charge tt*at at 248. Jalau B" _u' he committed llvsn of 533. the pv perty cr Dukkio binti Alimat. Court
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  • 118 2 AN unginecrmjr ep^l first of Its kind to Malaya-is bnnfc ondj" fieo W E. U>v of the H.PP--Ltd., and will be held at Ji Wnrld Covered Stadium JlllK 1 vPriUble exhibition s^J lyp.s of engineering apgj curs motor-cycles, mow will V on display- thprpW iiSiH In
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  • 125 2 Sin^apoK?, Saturday. WHILE detective No. ?9 and P.C. 1401 ii; ;um (•!<> lies) wciv Oil their rounds vestercby evening tu Middle Koaii, they irti,.d the sus[licious movemsnts of i hinew-. aiut a Jtu minutes af abservatioii from a hidden spot, they saw thf ic-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1526 3 GHOSTS MAKE MERRY, AAONSTERS CAVORT, ISANIAAATE OBJECTS PRANCE AS CAMERA fa ntasy creates world or its own r f m rat houlies .that: FANTASY LIVES -tt the ma^c aid cT the cann JSL, can happen- and usuallj d Sfllrr Only the >i: p- pn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 M 0 S T v o*» L E A S T ATTRACTIVE EXPENSIVE HOTEL BAR Ideal Situation RESTAURANT. a Blltl al(l s and Maximum < ornhrl. For Particulars: Tel. Batu Ffrruiffhi 23. T V. TEMPLETON. For Taxi Cars: Tei Ptnanc 549. Mmiagiiig Proprietor. HiMiBaaaBBBimiBMHHa BaHk^ HMBaHMHH^ MHaHMa i^^^ H|aH||M|^ aHa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 324 4 ~i __T 1 MarlboroucH PAVILION TO-DAY AT 3.15 6.b 9.i5 H^iri^i EVERYONE LOVES A GOOD LAUGH AND HERE'S A I'ICTI RE „1 T() DAY -HOWS I EVERYONE WILL LOVE THE FUNNIEST COMEDY EVER 1 I 2 .30, 6 and 9.30 P.M. I "OLD BONES of tme RIVER" j j|f I
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    • 115 4 SENSAII« EXPOSE P^W^J^^ 1 From Broadway's hottest n/ght I p- f U G F I spots she hit the sawdust trail. SEE I *a|(/^ Qlin r»/^ I THIS DARING DRAMA OF LOVE **-rOV^f AND FAITH AGAINST CRIME AND A /Q p NEXT CHANGE PAVIUOX -> ALSiA3BERA XEXI ll.%M>fc g a
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    • 223 4 Great Easter hntertamment! Real Treat For Every Music Uer! I B Thrilling as are your memories of I I t4 Maytime" 44 Great Ziegfeld M I P **Rose Marie". even they will I B fade when you feel the charm and I 1 WALTZ I S Starring Luise Rainer Fernand
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    • 299 5 EAST ER PARADE 9iL JibnLcuu&u (i for Easter 1939, Hollywood ance for their holidays. and the necessary farm chores will .alley ranch. ther v ho will enjoy the role of gentle- \Zm monai fjUßily 1MB) StgdmMhrclul- uiM keep Myraa t O sf to horn-. Init t iMih— ur thr
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    • 97 5 IILL Hay, Graham Moffatl and n Mare .Harriott— that's the inmiUblecomedy Iris wh<> first moved uto mtous mirth in "WMbag .fctSukt." ■Ruinously acclaimed t'lM^r mwph followed up by "Oh, vfr. Porterr an excruciating saua ot ffcf niltiT which ran a laughter Wiallrt fn>m land's End to
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    • 254 5 (JO-STARRING a new learn of romantic f'unmukers Dick Powell and Olivia de Havilland— Warner Bras, comedy will follow "Men Are Such Fools"' at the Mhambra this week. It is called "Hard To Get" and has been described by preview critics as about the ti;ps of the
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    • 231 5 Glamorous Ghost Returns L^VKKY nan's dream came true J recently for Roland Young. He had to sock a fellow twice his size whom he disliked very much, without any fear of reprisal, and he had to dance >vith a partner who didn't step on his feet, fumble, trip or cause
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    • 155 5 George Raft, currently starring in •The Lady's F-cm Kentucky," once tried out for the Springfield, Mass baseball team, but gave up when he found M lacked talent to be anything better than mediocre. Most of the ndion in "Pacific L^er," featuring Victor McLaglen ch^% Morris and Wendy Barrie, takes
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    • 159 5 WHEN Priscilla Lane and Wayne .Morris wore casl in their latest Warner Bros, picture, "Men Are Such Fools/* which opens this week at the Alhambra, {hey began to wonder whether the studio officials were putting them through an intensive course of matrimonial preparation or even subtly attempting to
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    • 120 5 /lIJT of Tay Garnett's yacht cruise across, around and about the Pacific, and out of the Wanger studio under Mr. Garnett's fond directorial hand, has come a picture of rare pattern and peculiar power. In il are Frcdric March, doing his best performance of recent years,
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    • 252 5 Footage shot by Mr. Garnett in bis leisurely travels provides extraordinarily effective background material for action that starts in San Francisco and moves to Japan, China, Hawaii and a dozen other Pacific places. Aware as if wa.s of the history of the film's manufacture, the Hollywood preview
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    • 165 5 GEORGE FORMBY DOES HIS BIT "ITS Tn The Air," the latest George Formby comedy, written nnd directed by Anthony Kimmlns, ha.s Jiad an honourable history even brfore tfa release, for It was one of two Rim* (Ttat Ware" was 1 1 j- other) v.hidi whs shown at Bandringham to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 W \tir' A W Jf F~^^M > «Kh with indigestion/* toa. of Bow." that I J toTt l^ comin round. I was Wfc, bmce taking Buurated* 11 11^ 111^- M>' husband •S» r^ f <BlsUr i^d Magnesia will Them!? **A stomach min u: '"^>t^ add. J^ I'^1 ewywbcra *«oS h
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    • 84 5 PA It PAI N T S MADE IN MALAYA I O!{ NALAYA I 'By P A il Malayan lainlworks) I Manufactured in a modern factory by paint specialists with >! >t iiaint I making experience !n the tropics. I Only the finest ingredients are used. Under tlie control <<f Euroocan
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  • 162 6 VLTli'iX a wife goes out with hei husband, .she likes to have him dressed as smartly as can be. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is no exception to this rule, ami when she accompanies King' George on a public engagemeni she prefers him to wtar formal moi ning
    News Review  -  162 words
  • 92 6 At War With Germany WHEN Liechtenstein .s Franz Joseph 11. visits Reichfuhrer Adolf Hitler shortly he is expected to suggest that his tiny Principality officially makes peace with Germany. Historians points out thai when the peace- treaties were signed. Leiclitenstein was forgotten, is therefore still technically at war with Germany*—
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  • 173 6 IIifODERN boxing is a tame liusiness, in the opinion of Harry Sfiarpe, insurance agent, St. Louis. Missouri. Harry is the somewhat faded hero 01 what is claimed the longest knock-out contest ever lought under Marquis pi Queensberry rules. That was m Februi ry 1392, when,
    New York World-Telegram  -  173 words
  • 238 6 IT is not an offence for a man to raise his ha! to a pretty giri, smile admiringly at her every day for a month and .how quite plainly that he wants to meet her. Such was the ruling of Mr. Justice Soloznan, of the
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  • 81 6 PLANS for Ui2 protection of the Kins' and Queen ciuii: their American visil in June wcie discussed at conference between the King's assistant private secretary. Mr. A. I Lasccllts, and officials <>t 4 United States Secret Service in Washington yesterday. The conference \y^; lit-Jcl in great secrecy,
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  • 217 6 PROFESSOR HAS GOOD NEWS FOR SMOKERS 'IMIIS week's good news for smokers is supplied by scientists at Ih University of Southern California. Extensive search rUh -how thai effects of nicotine from smokinji ii< ir»< interfere jri'owth of Mi- bones or eriusti doi?en< cation oi '■< n Dr Clinton II.
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  • 59 6 romi lii Siam whof ry (rv :11<: irt ol fh( -.val cnionnj*--kept in special m, themsuounds. til,- piMijjf consider a hT pr< -f c;m only »>■• 'iid-pd b» bcr ol white il< Dh.intS tw kepn* u: No wlut< < loph:int.v no presto nr ;»iiy rate,
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  • 52 6 How Long Do Notes Last? AUSTRALIAN Uankoffldalii ui.-'cd Ihai Len hiinir' n Sydney l» ni -hi under thn <• m totte: t 11 1 1 1 in io^ a month .N 1 hjj her deiwo^. 'ion I I loi |Qr. iL i>n i: I am U;<. greate i man in
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  • 42 6 "H.M.V. Whisky" From Japan pAUSINC annoyance to 1 whisky manufacture* *J Japanese practice of ,I' U; J TJ -Scotch" labels or. «f**Lt\ of Jaj.iHs,. s|»:ri^. iinF> "I he nal ihinp." g "jSiiflfi— SKIN PAW*.: .v ,sra ;t tiff *yi if I i
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  • 101 6 Tell It In Whispers ROME'S J.tU t UM(I. TSnuii) story: An :H'ti-| :<>< it, toddntinrd i-> U.r, firing i{tj;ui. wa-. asU«d it hv vanlft! uiyttUng Ji.loro lie died. Suiti '1 v. «i:!d Iik«» to .j'.iin the '.'.l ui.-hirts.'' Before h; wsat pat ygainsl ihr wmU the officer hi citansp
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  • 190 6 CI'EtIAL air offence tnanoeovrps modelled on the British balloon barrage, will be lieid over Berlin won, according to the newspaper Nachtau* gabe. The li- pi says thai the ballw 'i be placed m draughtboard Ecirmation a i claimed that 'no aeroplane would be able to penetrate
    Sydney Sun  -  190 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 482 6 bs^^ UCvCIVwU The wonderful curative pn'iperties of Maclean Brand Stomach Powdef in all kinds oi >{'iii!.t; It trouble have l>ct-n proved by hlifidreds <»! thousands of grateful sufferers. Often tiitv li.tvc- t.*!ii their friends how they have healed by this famous remedy, talking oi it a* "Maclean Stomach Powder*"
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    • 115 6 WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS Bright Prospects and Big Pay Oppor'unHles for the Trained Man I NOW Is the time lo get out of the rut and qualify for a permanent well-paid post. Wri/e TO-DAY for our great Guide which contains foe world's widest Choice of home-stud/ engineering courses covering
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  • 1329 7  - STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES H.L. Hontin the "i>!»"' a r S ipreme ouii<fe '-vhi'-h it I;"."-'! to open if i- a nn i I Bti reali in all wrote af>out I up Hi riles. J find that one of the i" t} East— a m fourt which lav be loath riticfa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 PARKINSON'S lIIKk CELEBPATEDJM CONFECTIOHEI«JH Drops Vv>^^^^^l^y^'^H| Enqliah Doncasicr Toffc* i*jQ}\ Knylish num. and nutter I f V3f}A /*> CEtQ] gfEBMO 'I'HO\K: STORE 5;57«i (."> lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (i lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 1501, BUTTBEWOKTH 3'*. Advt.of Singapore Cold Storage Co., Li L
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  • This Week's Short Story
    • 1535 8  -  RUTH BRADBURY By UIIK wrung out tin- steaming dishk eloth and spread it over the taps t«> dry. The washing-up was done. It did not take so long with Cyril i here to help. Bang went the front door knocker. "See who's there, Cyril I'm not
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    • 235 8 POUNTBSS ln«e«erd Ahkfeldt, the Danish artist and friend o Queen Mary, was informed recently by Chelsea A.R.F. held quarters thai she must (ease officially to be an air-raid warden. The reason fo:- this action is the Hcmc j Office order which states that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 265 8 Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Minutes Cbokinff, gasping, wheexing Asttamaand Bronchitis poison your Bystem, ruinyoui h?alth :i!.d weaken your heart. Mendaco. re^cription <>f an American physician, killing Asthma Germs in 3 minutes. <t and builds nf^ vltaMty you tan sleep soundly all night, eal aad enjoy life. Mendaco i-M. that
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    • 219 8 Another JHeaiiac hk? Quick Relief this New Modern Way Double Acting-Safe-Use Alka-Seltzer Alka Seltzer today keep it o always, at home and at AlkaSeltze. the i«-xt ttW* 3 and muscular paiM u for sour ami arid In-art burn or whenever acifl tion bfthen >" u DLst: Joseph Travars W 7
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  • 510 9  - WHEN WILL MEN DEMAND NEW HAT STYLES? G. S. Hammonds (By nROPERLY. 1 -i>i" I this ought to to _ai»n bv <>ur v.;>man corre pondjs qualified to expr J-oii ai'v article of feminine ZL let h a ntncato „d (ration as the modhat. R^laHv there come to the 1n- i.ho;^raph>
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  • 49 9 Ifanaw. JJIRING a real estate survey of the Horodenka district of *>uth-eaNtern Poland, a house «s found built entirely of lanh *«hJ and without i ingle metal nail Only oak pins were used in construction of the house has three storeys and was hu 'lt m 1785
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  • 228 9 London. n th A l)S l)rou^ hl fw» »<•«€ <t'l s in the Seychelles Islands !>;^ine( dlan Os ai lo Ih tlelegates of Ihe Grand >lulti at the vv n »n!erenu>, leii their suites m the Dorchester Hotel, Park.^*>ft':^ ren|lv return to exile
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  • 489 9 Officer Dismissed For Stranding His Vessel London. CITBIVIARINE-COMMANDER Lieutenani Thomas T. Human was l'i uind liiiiily at a Portsmouth court martial of hazarding and stranding his vessel, the Sunfish (<>7o tons). He was sentenced lo be dismissed his ship and reprimanded. The sunfish was one oi two submarines which grounded
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  • 289 9 London, Mar. 27. WITCHCRAFT practised by natives in some parts of Africa to cure bad dreams was described to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The committee was considering a petition for special leave to appeal submiv ted en behalf of Chief Fakisandhla Tkambule,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 253 9 w% aw4^TVT*aHft f^a r u Ihthlki.l II i I BMtt^Mfe^iS^ W&m °'Brylo r c f m h\ >v\ i^ZUST* 1 There i*> ni> ampler f *^w I **n.'^».«" 1 if m bair and ensuring its vnwiv f 1 jfm Sf,i r t tOii a V to fc jp C/y\ f
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  • 1868 10 Through The Eyes Of A Woman By cur Own Correspondent ETEEN dancers crowded the floor ai Dm Raffles Hotel en Saturday nighi to tak p i i In th Greal Waliz Competition organised by Mr. Joe risher. for thfc v re Mrs. C\>\. -V- j Mi Nadia Il(;j/kin, Mi Juliu
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  • 106 10 Seen Heard Hrs A. rafr m Belgian Dons*, h Uiß her young daufhttr *-n i» Oei^ral H n S p iu f\ cuperaUiiß after an for app< tidicltts I The Singapore Gar^n, Sotipt > arranging a serit J visits for member, to the ho a iCl ardon s of other
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 Linijorie Negligees Drcssini** Gowns Pyjamas fn stork and orders takci. iv. Battery Road. ist floor. Phone 714.". ft vjr S BEAUTY 7 WITH Jj clva Cream Masque Jl The WjnferXul Elizabeth Arden pre- a ov< ly, frcih, vivid !cjk. A/D/X.i/^/J CO., LTD. Battery Road. CHEMISTS Phone 6115. j Palais des
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    • 156 10 3. XOKTI! BRIDGE ROAD JJJj crVGAPORfc. LARGE VARIETIES OF LADIES' HAND-BAGS JUBT ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND. ALSO IMI. JEWELLERY OF THE LATEST DESIGNS IN EARRINGS, EAR-CLIPS. DRESS BUCKLES, BROOCHES. Etr. ■■■•■■■■■■■■■a Revlon Ever the leader in nail enamel shades Revlon again .scores with a new and entirely different enamel .share, called
      156 words
    • 119 10 ♦-PRISCILLA ltd t I HA> ICFC^IVED PLAYSriTS. j BEAC'IIRAUS j i and t j LASTEX j SWIMSUITS S TEL. 3335. 61. Stamford il«»a'i 1 THINK $}-^5\ VOGUE'S V^3P When Shopping for HAIDER r»K^I BRASSIERES Romantic Waltztime BRASSIERES with i n\\ Back j WHEIHER YOUB BUSTLIXE IS FULL, WFIDIUM OP SMALL.
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    • 95 10 ELSIE MARY Dresses for all Occasions. $5 t€» s:;o Rodnt'N House. Tel. 4772. Battery Road Farmanands' Easter |J<^ FI7STBEK RCDUntOKS HAVU iWJ n Han^ li»r(f' Eng.lh Crepes. -htv %<#■ 13 H,, .I.VJ Sal- WJM xH. f^jj 1 |J5 1.1.i L;cpe Diet Lcttcths. P ,int^ >4 I s,;.r>. Sale |3 SifftJl.
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    • 15 10 "CARLOS' No. 2, THE ARCAtf Telephone 6332 For Ucs Gd*[ Special^ in Tg#^ Prices modera'^
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  • 226 11 Makes dancin g a pleasure at Kuala Lumpur Amuflfi W wear,ith a i- Pa •■< 1 1 1 Lulled blou black bolero H „ib>. while Skri e a white far«d v the b<;c. with .j^ct ve Wart *Mrt lop- This n-atiued fLjt-^ti dire and fu'.l swim The usual Saturday
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  • 206 11 mctcry hop j girl I pp.icvsiona! iomw are amenrr fMKC planning to •ar in and Garden Assj.itlon ai i i»n" in Kent the 1 1 uaclcr it land service me, which celebrates thlsi anniversury ci its Ban f!.li v Ministry of Agriculture the Association
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  • 975 11 AN informal dinner-party when a few friends gather together after the day's work is done, can be one Of the pleasantesi forrn.^ of entertaining, provided thai you "mix your company with care. Buch entertainment need not be an undue drain upon the bOUSCkeeping exchequer either as
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 496 11 Glands Restored Io Youthful Vigour In 24 Hours £1 Scientist Explains How \ir_ N «w Discovery Makes T*V n «n Feel Years Younger Or TSKr.*..!. 'Physician, with more than aft.r long Mudy t«.iS>. par-i.-uiarly in the! AdSfi 1 hl «acovety .Si liu! has pers S3? 11 11 1 1 h
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    • 74 11 House of Fashions Annotmcing New Shipment Gents' shoes Elastic Swim Suiis 0 Novelty powder pouches 0 I adics' sports Gents' Hats Ladies 1 handbags J5), North Brk'.ge Iload. Showrooms at Great World Park HlllH jar/ ill N BWlrt EAU DE BEAUTE A gentle astringent, mild as summer ram which
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    • 554 11 HAIR Is your case here? IF YOUR HAIR TROUBLE IS BELOW, KOTALKO HAS PUT IT RIGHT BEFORE AND CAN DO SO AGAIN. ToM h^ umillH > had no hair on my head at ail Iwm jpP I UIU IIC WOUIU told 1 should never have Another W? --W I
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    • 23 11 Did you Maclean your teeth to-day? Ah! I see you did MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE 1/ you u»c fcoLd Denufritt, try ti»« nrw
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    • 378 12 Tribune Group, owned by Asiatics, and mostly produced by Asiatics, striving for tlu' welfare of the domiciled communities, have not failed in fearless criticism of the British Administrators of this country or of any other part of the Empire when it was considered that they were pursuing
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    • 177 12 There is a closing net of vicious tnd violent propaganda, worse than anything that has yet come out of Moscow, on various parts of the world where British, French, Dutch nd I'.S. interests lie, and it is not to le imagined thai Malaya can remain untouched by it. The
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  • 826 12 Axis Preparing A Threat To France? JJANGING breathless on to the speeches of dictators and statesmen is a procedure not to be recommended. It gets you nowhere. If you take their speeches seriously you are likely to become alarmed at one time and lulled
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  • 378 12 WIT and WISDOM o f THE WEEK. -CEEN a little white dog round here. v sonny?" "One wiv brahn spots, a short tail like, an 1 floppy oars?" ■That's light! Where is he?" -Oh. I never seen "im, but I know the sort you mean." AN Englishman staying on the
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  • 325 12  -  C.h. Stanley Jones over but you cannot feel lull confidence in old men who were so competely bamboozled. Remember thai Chamberlain, let down badly by Hitler, still stands by his appeasement contact with Mussolini. He may stand by it until. just as suddenly and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 56 12 Till; "SILENT (IKCIXVIOK ~thr Success of H.IWV." Refrigeratf* A Cul -away tion oi Lhe h'jwing it simplo bui moving part., continuou ....(2) The Bl ice tl lone Uf< I Circ ator KKGAPOKE PCMAHQ f Agents f.ifiK. a Geaeral rndin# «<> i" 1 1 'M ir K«i t- I Swcf Radio
      56 words

  • 27 13 MACHINE FINDS TREASURE |„ml"i) V .^r. Sorth r a r«lin;t. J n m srSflMrf** ..Hi at. "".rfxsurf hint i> arrieil tnr Th^ Walkers leased 1V««ii! t«.
    27 words
  • 173 13 EASTER FLIGHT FROM SCHOOL London, Mar 28. miWren whn are I then bags for tl .",',|j !ay< wffl hau- rovere i Smiifs "i.y air l»-tw.--n tl.r-n ntoth€ircl rhis is a «.isthe impenul Airways' air B* it different points many tho JPI miles tw«9 ate* "Swwgest child. 10 yt-nr eld T
    173 words
  • 14 13 AUSTRALIAN MINISTER IN COLOMBO \|i; u l'»mb«» Mar. it. l m «on boar;! bv
    14 words
  • 6 13 NEW VITALITY AFTER FEVER rupiu.y wa
    6 words
  • 506 13 HOW NEON LIGHTING WAS INTRODUCED TO MALAYA LOW RUNNING COST (Tribune Staff Reporter) T I ~j m li&nts, hrst used as a noveity thai attract- within a short space of aboul ten years practndescenf lamps in electrical advertisement in 0 >]] light 4 v I mind < cannot lous tubes
    506 words
  • 259 13 70 SLAIN IN MAGIC RACKET New York. OEVENTY victims of a "magic potion" syndicate were exhumed from Philadelphia cemeteries recently. Sobbing 1 relatives watched the .urav; diggers hundreds of them at work. Meanwhile, the hypnotic-eyed tsar of the syndicate— littln Herman Petrillo, aged forty, condemned to death sat in his
    259 words
  • 225 13 (Tribune Staff Reporter) OEGUN last year, the new Customs Office has just L»een completed and work on the general lay-out of roads in lion! of the building for incoming and outgoing traffic is progressing. The building is constructed of reinforced concrete and costs nearly
    225 words
  • 218 13 \From Our Own Correspondent] London, Mar. 27. KEEX concern was expressed at last Wednesday's meeting of the I.T.C. over the heavy over exports, particularly by Bolivia and the Belgian Congo. The accumulated figures are 3.073 tons j n the case ci Bclivia and 1,573 tons
    218 words
  • 94 13 Sydney, New South Wales. A 58-year-old man was seriously injured heie when a tin of sardines "exploded" in an incinerator at his home. He is Mr. Thomas Hayes, of Redfern, a Sydney suburb. Explaining that Mr. Hayes disliked sardines, his wife told a reporter that a tin had
    94 words
  • 96 13 Mr Hugh P Pilklngton, who will be well remembered in Negri Sembilan, has been appointed by the National Fitness Council as Secretary to the Norfolk and Si'ffcik Ccmmittee. Before coming he me last year, Mr. Pilklngton represented Negri Sembilan in rugby, association football ana heckey. 1^ is
    96 words
  • 14 13 A general view of the nev.- Customs building at Johorc Bahru
    14 words
  • 239 13 Capo low n. JJURING the last two years, I.WW Jews <>u< of a total of 5,288 immigrants have entered the Union. Information regarding the numb:;- o. I persons who admitted that they were of Jewish extraction compared wit-i ti; total number of immigrants was
    239 words
  • 210 13 AFTER waiting two and half ic the deal h c* I iti Los A Gs >!. Rombeii S. James, dto d< at i' i 1 ki'.lmtr h\< ■I) wife aftei l ori until? her v il h rat ha just had hi:-* ed the
    210 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 34 13 Modern Method of Scientific Eyt Examination nproved Amoriean Instruments lecuracy. Chic, Modish Glasses for Vour Need. Lowest i barges. Everbrigfat Optical Co. hi cialists 19, tIH i.i SIREEI STORE. s. CHONG, Or. of Optomctry.
      34 words
    • 472 13 For The Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart And Stop Limping DON'T let Leg Troubles cripple you. Take Elasto. the Great Mew Remedy that cures through the blood, and have done with enforced raft, worry, suffering and expense. I -eg aches and pains soon vanish when Elasto is taken. Painful,
      472 words

  • 149 14 Onlj One Remedy Needed Having rheumi tisn o badly that she could scan man began to put oi i fiuous Xlcsli. In a i' writes: ••I had <■■ rheumatism in both kn J w bad that for t c not ;ii my feet to the
    149 words
  • 594 14 HOTEL INCIDENT LEADS TO GAOL rpHREE men walked stealthily through the corridors oi a Bournemouth hotel to their rooms at three o'clock in the morning. One of them broke a flower-pot. That incident helped to send him from the Old Bailey dock to seven years'
    594 words
  • 69 14 Calcutta.— An "anli thumb Impression" drive an attempt to teach illiterate villagers to substitute written signatures for their thumb impressions— has been started at Bogra. Bengal. Oilicials and welfare workers ar:e cooperating in the work, which has aroiused great interest. The drive will last 15
    69 words
  • 488 14 CE\ EMY-lOIR men ol the 11th Alpine Uti^ade returned recen to a world from which they had l>een cu| oft U,v five days an avalanche which killed four of them and penned the M in I W ildhorn refuse hut, 7,000 feet up
    488 words
  • 87 14 LEPERS "AT HOME" Cairo. EGYPTIAN lepers were home" in their colony at Abou Zaabal, when they entertained Dr Hamed MahmouO. Minister va Public Health, senior officials of the Ministry and representatives of the Press. The party began with a patient chanting verses from the Koran, tie was followed by another
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 129 14 ''•hi MorHn i» $>™ 0.,1u. taEftJj I'apua find the Kao Moresby so attractive that t L. unwilling In leave it. A native etnote tribe ol murdi Ho w,,, arrested an^ down to ihe coast, where he" victed and sentenced to 12 I pris; nment conviction doubt ar^
    129 words
  • 95 14 HollyvMd MISS Mynia Loy, thf star, \v< rtoi hard all to hc:c making ;i new picture <-n tc find at the end that shf hi brrn photographed ihnmtvwith a "ladder" in her stadufc The upv tiling detail was covered at Itw end of the da> "•■lunting" w^f't
    95 words
  • 189 14 Wives Stay Home As Husbands Dance PIKST woman to I* r Court of Appeal decision te wife can \>o made to tell twccii hrr husband and her* the marriage "comes town Mrs. Edith Lilian Tyler- 1 bttMlght about the decision. Fermu-sion was given toJJ Annie Shenton by the CM* «J
    189 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 176 14 ISSUED TRAVFI KHTPI ATR AND l^"V*»fci RAILWAY LINES. NO BOOKING FEES. Chinese clients and those of all i othfr resident communities are t Rivei> the best of attention and 1 38, KOBIN'SON Kl>., SINGAPORE. S TELEPHONE 5908. S iVATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNES CYMA I 1 JEWELLED LEVER MOVEMENTS. NICKEL POCKET from
      176 words
    • 688 14 DEAFNESS- total complicated whh bead noises and other troubles cared a! iii lour weeks. Sacces complete satisfaction. Full particulars on request KAMALmI WORKS (M.T.), Panchpota, Bengal INDIA. WOtmFY YOU* SYSTEM LAgTtNG HEALTH j $lfvir STRENGTH Pg AwATERBURYS KEEPS^ J ME STRON6 AND WELL 1 v< /V"0 T I TAKE IT
      688 words
    • 20 14 jOtoLES DIAMOND METAL PRODUCTS CO., LTD. I 601, KAMPONC BAHRU ROAD, I SINCAPOPL ***~-a.«^. I Ask for detriptive folder (C.)
      20 words
    • 8 14 MALAYA TRIBUNE Dominant In Malaya 1 h®iDs mm
      8 words

  • 398 15 Patients Baked In Cabinet London, Mar 27 ItTEAR-OU) Highland ha. man, Robert Mack Kh^.sh, who came A o \.vndi>n eiuhl months a^o in search of better wages, is helping I(P;t ke meflit-al bwtorj at the London Hospital, Whitechape] Road. i i/ H h;KI hls
    398 words
  • 231 15 I IOM ALL i'.KAD- i jiir nee:, prevail 1 bll 2i Take no risks then ijrfn "i-drum, {S» >low-m<,r>na. and h w Ikcly I vu 9tur r.< .r ,yed. I AI. fNFLUE.VCES ■>: u Ahn' It. The Moon's I h Mar- makes I -ryttrnq out a
    231 words
  • 89 15 .Melbourne. POUR years ago while fishing 1 oil a jetty at Lake Wendouree, Ballarat, Mr. R (ox, of Ballarat, dropped »iis silver watch into deep water. New, as a result of the severe drought in Australia, the water roi nd the jetty has disappeared and been replaced bv
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 342 15  - World Progress Through Eye An d Hand R- A. Thompson, (By Doctor Of Ocular Science) j\j AXV *wperior eye and superior hand originally .r aV p i; r ments O j e pionen,., o f sc i e nce. cm °«^h the Wsion and experi- duls pasteur will always rank
    342 words
  • 124 15 Meanest Theft On Record Washington, D.C. ft' HAI Is meanest theft you ever heard of? i Frank Portillo, an amateur clown here, believes the worst example is j the thett of his Punch and Judy set i from his car when he was about to j drive to an orphanage
    124 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 42 15 Killed Six Of His Ten Children I xv-1..,,,- hi,,,., in "hfch Ithalon-sur-Saon I »a fit «f ,te i,i,. n re D^^baise, wh ffi'^cnan r ld< ;t looo 'K»ncs \s& E YOUR MONEY imgh the J le« Can 3^ p ER ANNUAA. i
      42 words
    • 77 15 IS YOUR HEALTH BEING RUINED BY TROPICAL' (If you suffer from PAINS AFTER MEALS, ILATULENCE, HEADACHES or BILIOUSNESS If ycu ore a victim of ACIDITY, CONSTIPATION, PAINS IN THE CHEST, or LACK OF APPE riTE otnach is being affected KiT bj living in this climate and \i :i should rommence
      77 words
    • 188 15 i.lrybf you are savinn up for the da-, when ycu will ?> r :rc k in give up work. Maybe, too, you ir- :oncervcd at Vines I ret (lie problem of investing the movey you her- saved. 1 >iny not prepare for retirement by m"u:is of a pi n which
      188 words
    • 233 15 "There is IL J HEALTH \^f every A x BOTTLE of SANATOQE^" That is the opinion of one of the 25.000 physicians all over the world who have written to us praising the value of Sanatogen During and afrer illness it is a godsend. Sanatogen brings real health to the
      233 words

  • 1596 16 TYPES OF POULTRY FOODS AND THEIR USES READERS' PROBLEMS THEIR SOL UTIONS (BY "ORPINGTON") THIS week, "Orpington" describes the various types of pLhry foods obtainable in Malaya and discusses their merits and suitability. Topics, very ,n range, are also dealt with in this week's article. 4 WIDE range of
    1,596 words
  • 125 16 London. COHO is mystified by the death, ot S nretty 24-year-old Rene Adams, a danS Thcstess. **o wa| f lound dying he r room in RcmiUy Street. "Apparently friendless, she had be<v. -tayin- in the house for two month, A,\? J Geuibe. the landlord heard
    125 words
  • 120 16 AN (.hi Bhoc Bllrd uiih K»'i |»M coins ha« been ailli"«' i" \nU\ bv ;i \iiins plmmimian in thr vi!!:r.-i Of Prte*ll«\ Hritlanv. The coin- v.*hich d it< from 1800 t 1891 -becar. e eds d In Uie tieel i l hi ri. ugli and
    120 words
  • 85 16 BORN TOGETHER, DIED TOGETHER UlLanJ M« S. I>. Oiumlv. rll. I^l were born on the »me ia) 90 years M Boit«»n. i .j"casbiie. have iust ilai uithm a dav «»f each other bete. Mr Cntndy w«« ta*j««« f rail :»nd tiiko.i to h«>s l ulnl. Mis v.iiv. informed <>i tin-
    85 words
  • 130 16 Butler Gives Up Claim To Fortune New York. ENGLISH "model" Ikitler. William [jo"e ini'i Norwoj'iMii boosemaid Olivia Olaen. have withdrawn SSr'df liiih to ftituiu. of igJ-OOJ. rj n der the second will of 94 year-old mistress, Mrs J«^Mar*il Pester Now York Society widow uk\ po-session of her mansion Ui fashionable
    130 words
  • 256 16 LADY CYNTHIA KEEPS ME STRAIGHT Says Her Ex-Burglar Friend i MIDDLE AGED A.U.I'. w..rk«r l.» j" vhlim M publir meet in ß IU h»s ypt-nl HOcenj^ hm and i^'.hcr ■ITi.TXfs. Flaying draughts in the Kiu^nri *i« his (air-haired daughter, he .f"^ first vmt to prison In South AH ica wh?n
    256 words
  • 157 16 SILENT M.P. SPEAKS UP TO PROVE HIS SILENCE I II W E not ulieivd a word in th h Hmmc hw almut >ear and 1 half." Sir ICduard < amplielt. C'nnwr \ati\t M.I 1 i«»r Br«mU\. said ;r House ol Common > ie<entl\. Reason for Sir Edward's hmft i speech,
    157 words
  • 120 16 lIIIDKI N at the local srh«»l Huton in North -Last B"hfm have sent 1"» «t«\vii* Uuo shillim to the Prajrue zoo for thf purrhj* t I a n«*\v hipimiw.t.i'nus t«> »<*P^ one that has just died. When they heard Ol the d^ uimal. which was
    120 words
  • 8 16 HE STRUCK OIL SiM-cn v,,r- jaS-^JI ;;,"V;.; sws
    8 words
  • 13 16 Keeper Worked In Relay s To Save Him i 11 notfv ft A
    13 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 176 16 1 1 L y Btn oi WOULDN'T THINK SO. \vit\ i i: some men well past age rei >te vlgoni and b youthful nee whllsi others more t!>:«n in'>k .i* Mi< ageing is frequently mum unpoveiished and inadequate sup* ol blood. It is the blood that carries •nt niiri
      176 words
    • 301 16 Radio Experts vJP**' C— EARN BIG MONEY Vp~' VPw NO PREVIOUS EXPERUNCf HEOUIXO Syfi I Write for FREE BOOK iflK/ <" NI V A d »pm< >«1 1^ uI nc lnc -^L—Z-^yfluLMMßii rou ins induMries in the world, w!W7IWT3TJITH f '\o [•JhiAfl liv op. -i. Ii p fro iiondous money-making
      301 words
    • 96 16 x I I rt fl I I i CDCBtnOu I SAVIIVIGS s^^7 to A dollar saved Is an extra dollar earned. A Savings Account is the best inducement to save. m To lwe a Savings Account and to r ee this account grow from timr to time is to be
      96 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 643 17 NATURE'S CURE FOR LIVtR TROUBLE A slugß^., liver, ina live ki lq«ys and lazy boWels tii> v all "tin la< k oi enei jy, depi livers and poison<\l sterns n« da < leai cool draught oi N; in own toni waters water charged •w.h purifying natural n ineral salts, drawn
      643 words
    • 130 17 1 \vi sti\(;to\ RADIO. RECEIVEO Ni'VV SHIPMENT H! i NATIONAL IRANSMITTING PARTS. WORIJI WIDE RADIO CU. MB, Kohii)M>n Koutl. Singapore. 1 PERAK TURF CLUB FASTI- P SKVi: MKI-.-'UNii, tflt. EASTER saitrday. ITM APlill rftf. EASTER MONDAY, 10TH iPRIL, It9i. Sub.scriptioiii; for ViMiii" \iembei. hall be: MEN |S LADIES for the
      130 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 601 17 Oi V THE AIR TO-DAY When And Where To Listen In cf\(;\PORK f ith 'V^ Uh( b 940 Greetings to listeners. 3l* >l s {jfL?h!Ud a WuodsDJ »50 Easter bells ring out songs /HL fi^et7rs '.'^'"wr'i t|iudt 10.35 The Snc Chambei Trio to] iHr^^ 111 Davidson and his Orchts old
      601 words
    • 141 17 45 Opening announcement. 7.50 "Easter" by August Strindberg 1 framentary form; 8.15 Phohi newspaper illustrated first page— news commentary. 45 Close down. 50 9 05 Special broadcast for tho Netherlands Ea t mdi< s on oehalf oi the Liberal Protestant Radio Society <V.I J R.0.). Sunday evening speech by the
      141 words

  • 258 18 Took Tasteless Vitamin Tablets. If you art- worried to death because you cant put or. weight, do as this lady did. She u;us weak and thin after a bao attack of influenza, but after taking a course of tiny, tasteless, tablets which
    258 words
  • 487 18 The ftist explosion was at a street corner; a car loaded with bombs blew iP The second was in a bed-sitting room boarding hcuse 40 yards away. FU"i broke out there The car blew up at the corner of Princess road and Balsall
    487 words
  • 158 18 THEY GO 1,000 MILES FOR LESSONS Toronto, Ontario. EVERY other Tuesday 14-year-old Roy Wilcox and his brother, Werden. aged 12, have an hour's music lesson here, after travelling 500 miles south from their home in Agate, Ontario. In 1938 the brothers travelled 2(».000 miles for their lessons Roy plays the
    158 words
  • 229 18 EaJR five minutes at the Oui Bailey a deteetive-in^prcUfr of Scotlandyard's S-it ci^l Branch read in the witness-box a "proclamation of the Irish Republic' to .jud^e and jury. Mr. Justice Humphreys sat back in his chair tapping with a pen as he listened to
    229 words
  • 500 18 ALLEGING that he was wrongfully imprisoned, a chief petty oftj, serving on the cruiser Curaeoa brought an acti<n n Bench Division claiming damages ■gainst his captain and commander m-chief. The question raised was whether .u 1 offence with which the man was changed was
    500 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 214 18 Read The MALAYA TRIBUNE M Dominant In Malaya K't^WSBY LONDON o f\\ x m^ STYLED D 1 MM HATS r^^^7»%| Personality count*. Add Tour he^cf >oym/sfs!t to y° urs b y wearin 9 a deserves an V^p Ba e sb y Fu F^ H L All Fur hdl fe?#i i
      214 words

    • 845 19 RULES OF SINGAPORE CONTROLLING BODY REQUIRE REVISION Question Of Committee's Discretionary Powers (BY "PHOENiX") y GREAT interest was a point which arose out of a lengthy discussion that took place at the annual general meeting of the Singapore Badminton Association last Saturday. An amendment to item 12 of the Association's
      845 words
    • 489 19 More Support For Junior Tourneys The Singapore Badminton As sociation held its annual general meeting last Saturday. No reference was made to the suggestion that a lady should be appointed a committee member, and the Association was more concerned with having (By "Phoenix" Singapore) gADMINTON players in Singapore welcome the
      489 words
  • 137 19 Adameveans Hold Annual General Meeting |;> Dolphin"— Malaga) j;l y|k only live bat F ,ini«n iNid3 in I*** Ibc J^ held ann.»;.l uri *«e d;,- a«... a were elected a. I "r Loli Hung L< o; Vi( lan K- II ran Kj n S H Mr Chun Sow K«\
    137 words
  • 267 19 Novices' Competition For Perak Girls First Of Its Kind (By "Racquet"— Perak) MHXGinthe wake of their success in running the novices' I'umament, concluded recently, the Kinta Badminton Asson contemplates holding a similar competition for tfirls. imament, if I remember correctly, has not been conducted m this State and the proposed
    267 words
  • 204 19 (By "Quix" Johorc) a considerable period of inactivity, badminton players in Johore Bahru are once again practising in Almost all the courts of the local badminton parties were seen engaged during the week and ihv prospects off badminton in the southern
    204 words
  • 172 19 STOMACH PAIN GOES INSTANTLY \«'u Remedy ih.u Kem*vti fllC .HIM 1 Flatulei pain, dlsteft* .sion paJ i breath you km t! dii tressing syi of ind |y too well. Do you know their cause? They are caused by wind which in turn is caused by undine »ted 11 tenting food.
    172 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 305 19 i^ij Press* OU 1 i I r iiiif I I u. i 1 I nnc< rotur.i of < |*l |j Josepr Tr»Ter« Son. Ltd.. ein»»por». II Provisions Delicacies. Jj| Daintj Sagn Pearls |f r; inty Sagu Dalima. j Kcchap Batavia So. 1. if Makassar Bed fish. lj vn'-'i Gorencf Viar.?.
      305 words

    • 1273 20 A MISFIT AGAINST THE TEAM TO TOUR SAIGON? (JA Friday, March :\U a soccer I I SIDESHOW PRESENTED I j BY HUGH I I SAVAGE I Rest learn played against the Probables A7, which comprised players going on the S.A.F.A. tour to Saigon. The Rest team was not the best
      1,273 words
    • 48 20 CONSTIPATIONTHE CAUSE OF MOST HUMAN ILLS! Poisonous waste in the intestines affects the entire system blood, nerves. Ox'?ans and brain! To b^ perfectly health'-. and free from headaches, 'nerves. indigestion, colds, influenza, etc it i^ therefore necessary to relieve intestinal cong stion for CONRTIP4TION), by taking CASTOPHENE occasionally!
      48 words
    • 72 20 A PERFECT COMPI EXION You can win back youthful freshness. the clear l)e:>!i!i\ complexion ol your school-girl self if you rid the system of poisonous waste hy taking a table! ol CASTOPHI-.NE .very da\! lone the stomich reli vc indigestion and intestinal congestion tha.< >s tl.e recipe for rad ant
      72 words
    • 51 20 1 1 CASTOPHEXE is lie chotolates to look at uid oat. Children take teadily. II <an bo given them ivithoul r.'sk— f'.r cisn imh:nk stimulates the iute<>t:nes >i rv gently without harmtng delicate stomach linings or intestinal walls! 11 is < s-i 'itiain t modern laxative—efficient, null
      51 words
    • 841 20 PETE'S BOXING NOTES HEMCHIT WANTED THEFIGHT In a letter to the Tribune, Hemchit writes: I understand tticrc i* movement on loot to match Ventura Marques and Joe Diamond a (he Welterweight iimit. and as ih«' liijht is still in abeyance, 1 think
      841 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 169 20 ill %v x €utd with it flit you gel i Ider and weaker. You may nut feel it the ch nge slow and gradual. The fact, however, remains that it passe you grove older and \v< aker. f3ome get; others suffer from weak nerves, weak brain; in some 'ance
      169 words
    • 95 20 MThe Finest Food For Puppies A Dogs Too much vicat means too much heat f()r your dog*s blood, causes hima^ui.i"cT^OJiPci rcm l y the trouble by cutting down his rni-at SdnCKLCI d 104 KAUtJ supply and substituting LA< '1 1 .1 A d lily drink DOG BOOK! 1 n^'i'^ continued
      95 words

  • 114 21 Quarter I nn! ESi^ull^ o ing, Saturday. watched I Q{ the Malayan badminton championships. a titanic strode be !»ten(hec i'hwm Keng and Tun Cheng Phor. The latfpr laq* i.i I 1 1 n t i-» /-i Mill. IW> I '-''•'■'r'"- h (i -*t set. >at losl the
    114 words
  • Article, Illustration
    6 21 Ihou-m^ .v. Hbove was being held.
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  • 4 21 agfdgf Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 129 21 JAN I: The apnea* ?menUma!cJ r s may put off the evil day but they cannot avoir? a showpown of some kind for very much loneer. MB. 12: Mussolini r:n t Mjorllv go ahead after new glory. FEB. 1!). Events are moving quickly towards a
    129 words
  • 79 21 March and Api'jl brought the double crisis— Hitlers threat to Rumania ami Poland :>mJ ths seizure of Czechoslovakia and Mn:soliniV A attack on Albania and first official statement of demands from France. There months brought a«so the first showdown on th<* threat to Poland and Rumania.
    79 words
  • 319 21 sh and Scottish League football matches, played given below. All the results were cabled by LEAGUE, DIV. I. I Ira 2 3 013 V (j 0 v Ci msby T. l k >ol 4 C by 1 I ;i:\- 1 B itl Td 1 T -v es
    Reuter  -  319 words
  • 75 21 The annual dinner of the branch ol the British Medical /> tion was held at SVa View Hotel la night, and there was a v< ry iai tendance of members who hav< bi attending th< Easter conference in Sin .1 Dr j. English, the President, was in tho
    75 words
  • 210 21 CHINESE FORCES ONLY 11 MILES FROM CANTON -wV W,m rfg «^SL. Cnivr,- v r v, Kweilin, Apr. s. t T eS <ho Wes( River -vein, (he north Kwang. U.., -.-'.i..-!' have launched a Teneral counto. -offensive Kwangtuns^ \LT T hi h railwa y i despatch"" aW y e even miles
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  210 words
  • 63 21 Two Motor Mishaps Within Ten Minutes Singapore, Saturday. I ambulance deall with Iwe i .mishaps this even. V, lh« space of Ji saHS 726 m the ambulance was sum--1 run ;;t(» a male Chi in the drain ,T iese suffered abrasions on the OVCL on the righr wrist H was
    63 words
  • 30 21 I; p 8 plenary >n <v -i i nee of in ning appn the fisher modu vi vendi i tuded wan f,vi:i Kussia oii Apr. 2- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 80 21 Paris, Apr. 8. DIPLOMATIC activity was resumed to-day at the Quai d'Orsay whore M- > :t'.v the Greek Minister 1 olish Ambassador. 1 arned that the developments in üba is causing considerable appre in Greece, where the question is p^ked v 'irtnrv the Italians intend to reach
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 49 21 PENANG SINGAPORE BOWLS TOURNEY [From Our Own Reporter} Penan*? fc-'atwiay. r T:":- Penang.-Singapore bowls t^uri r?y r*osed to--' '.v. Singapore won 12 q-a- Penang four. The result of (he last game v as follow^: D Sturrock and W. H. Brodie 6, E. 11. R. Bowerman and E. Evans 21.
    49 words
  • 56 21 Singapore, Saturday. Penang Fly n C (J i, !ia f foiced landing ,t ScvdaJ U».<Uy HiiiJe on the w.ty from Peoang t<» Singapore. Ii::i aeroplane uas daraaxctf «>ui u> two occupants, .Mr it Hope-FaJkncr, <>i ihe SiraiU Sf'.tl^nents Police, 'iwi \\v. Ly«n, ground en«ineei t tii
    56 words
  • 83 21 Pope's Speech To- Day Rome. Apr |HE Pope us expected to make im portant references to foreign affairs in his broadcast speech to-morrow morning. It i^ thought that he may touch on the Polish sii nation, as the Vatican is understood to be pursuing an active policy in the Mediterranean,
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 34 21 Edmon Town, Alberta, Apr 8. Mf Jon i Leslie. Secretary lo the Canadian Ama Athletic Union, announces sul compliance with requirement Lreal has been awarded iho Emuire ame.s in 194'! Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 91 21 Piles Crippie Your Nerves 5t »P Poin end 1 uhimj in 1 5 Ml Avoid Operotion New Discovery X i PAUPITAI > rHi mAkr i -»ss Caused by F n MACH AND 111. LIVER TROUBIti vw r i |ITCHIN&PiMr:\ r /A I I r< n! i< >bs. from heall h
      91 words
    • 547 21 VOTICF. HAPPY CABARET. Notice i.s hereby given that ttie tianagement of the Happy Cabaret proooses to Issue now dance coupons as rom the 27th anarch 1939. All coupons .ssued before thai date will not be valid, and patrons are requc-:<i to exchi these for new coupons. Such exchi must bp
      547 words

  • 1184 22 Bukit Timah (By A Special Correspondent) noi PING stars from all over the country are contending this weekend over the course of the Royal Singapore Golf Club for the M Ia y"n amateur championship, v^w the auspices oi the Malayan G ii' Association. ,>. es
    1,184 words
  • 15 22 .c Sultan of Peiak In actien at the Kfaißs Ttmns T«urnam nt.
    15 words
  • 213 22 M.G.A. COUNCIL MEETING THE annual meeting of the ounci] of the Malayan Golf Asocial ion was held on Fridav evening at the R.S.G.C. <iu;>mwse. Mr. A. L. Btrs*, VteePresident, was in the chair, and there was an attendance of o. fhteen. Mr. Birse was: elected President, and Mr. F. S.
    213 words
  • 74 22 i^~~Thc weather cleared in the a!ol the rain the course though Diaying surprisingly well in the circumstances, was on the heavy siae during the morning, with the fairways "dead" and therefore demanding a lonj "carry" for drives and second shots because of the lack of ''run," and the greens rather
    74 words
  • 106 22 Rain Stops Play At An son Road OAIX stopped the crtefcet fixtnr- **> beUern fee V.M.C.A. t»i:> A.F. at AiiMin Koad yilttl'i The "Y" .-.ommled 95 runs l'-i' wickets, Chrysostcm, who so red S3 Guan K'-' 1 bein« still in "!u- runni Y.MC A IST INNINGS A. C Witton b
    106 words
  • 404 22 The Qualifiers Title Holder Fails By One Stroke rHE 1 foi afternoon and then U 1! continuously not b pl( antly. making pood play ciiffieiili. Wet clips, and v. i:s. caused many Lrok pec, and a number of pi badly that they tore their card withdi In Mich v\n umstaiicfv
    404 words
  • 25 22 T HK imfitii-h" 1 i |'„;i.e i"" 1 «,!ii»""CMC U. a Z Kt time •*»•*< L«?ife 1.,;1K.U1 (lH I
    25 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
      152 words
    • 63 22 EMPIRE TALKIE j S Matinees: To-day To-narrow. 1 "SOULS AT SEA" KID GALAHAD a aaaaaaaaaail< I GRANDJHEATRE I Matinees: To-day To-morrow "CHARLIE CHAN AT -THE r>PERA and The I LIFE of EMILE ZOLA" n JU. ..«•>->>«>> >—■■« B""*^ J^L..«. a Coming Shortly i if w^^Hl*' Olvn Powell De Ha villa
      63 words

  • 535 23 \tm -';;<»»i, Saturday. iIAW^ 1 10-daj at the I'erak Turf Clui, !< SI i. mating. lh« going was Voiding after for thi big sweep (value $51,515) resulted as follows: IDOL 1664/ BAY LADDIE ***** i H U MOTHEK ***** iv ***** ie ***** J ***** üblican
    535 words
  • 108 23 Iprh, S'« urdai DANDIIAPM for llvj Pel dav's r;n*">. u iic i Uke at -P' >h ,irt2> ft!!;?**:— KtSK OJBB 5 I 1 S 9 7 !> 4 Ifl Q it) HGM g g 9 7 S I oo o. DIV 3 i. ps
    108 words
  • 5 23 S.C.C. TENNIS TIES kJ 1k
    5 words
  • 61 23 Henry Armstrong Goes To England To Defend His Welter Title New York. Henry Armstrong ?!ir World welter and lightweight champion has gone to Englan with the intention of defending his welerweighl v in London against the British champion, Eanie Roderi '<. of Liverpool. It is reported that Armstrong's share ol
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 291 23 Dividends At A Glance RACE I—SILVER KIT $35 SlO Bay Rose $10 Lassa S8 RACE 2 -HARFLEUR $31 $11 Soho .SlB Empennage S8 RACE 3—TINKIRRJN $21 $3 Happy Boy Sll M. CM. $7 RACE I—RACKAROCK $18 SS Army Contractor 59 Mountain ij^llc SIC RACE S—PHAR TAR $14 Sl2 Blue Bird
    291 words
  • 43 23 {From Our Oivn Correspondent] Johore Bahru, Saturday. RELEGATES from the various dis- tritt associations in Johore met at the first AU-Johore India Ceylon Association conference held at J<>-hc*-e B:i!ir!i. Rain interfered witii \hv out-dooj games arranged and it was only possi-
    43 words
  • 582 23 S'PORE START WELL, BUT COLLAPSE FOR 124 RUNS S^PORE-SELANGOR STATE CRICKET Selangor Oat For 79; lnoy lakes Six (rood Wickets For 26 Runs [From Our Own Reporter] Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. S'^TlNc; s^knuidly, breaking off for lunch with a score of two or BO Si^g f JMJ* 2 n M Gnl3
    582 words
  • 184 23 Rain Stops Padanp Cricket I Singapore, Saturday. j*HE three-day crickel fixture bet- xv the S.C.C. \l and Colin >; tlhi XI on the Padaag was raf i 1 fh aflern m when farther ;«> was abandoned <;v. i»i;> La v shower of rala uhidi fcfl shortly after 3.15 j>.m. Club
    184 words
  • 46 23 jN \b? Interstate match ut ivn-.uig iwrrn I -n S and Pcrak. F; nan« scored 2, J »7 runs |n f;, r i r f ir t innings, Andres top scoriaf 01. Pcrafe h«4 icsl five wickets for G! runs at close of play.
    46 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 84 23 LIGHT WEIGHT H CHAMPIONSHIP f OF SINGAPORE OVEB 15 CO FH)S. fl^j FRIDAY, 14th APRIL ij^^Br f> b;, rxccllci.l, Pr fi !;ininarie^ I ;7| CLEVER SiSO R V Alirr MM W UtLE ijk Kid Carpcnlier vs. Bait. Rmmy Mm KW Sharkcy vs. Vo-jmi- Ncusi-I Freddie Misson vs. Blue Warren pP
      84 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 86 24 MADRID A SHATTERED CITY AFIER 2½ YEARS' SIEGE PICTURES published on this page I show th-j terrible effects on th> city of Madrid M 2' 2 years' siei^ I coupled with air and land bombard- inents. Madrid surrendered to Cen. Fianco only recently. 1 Although the people have leanud to
      86 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements