Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 12 March 1939

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 14 1 The Sunday Tribune VOL. 6— No. 10. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1939. FIVE CENTS
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  • 448 1 SOVIET POLICY OUTLINED A WARNING to warmongers was issued by Stalin in the course of his speech at the eighteenth congress of the Communist Party. "We are ready/' he declared, "to reply with a double Wow to warmongers daring to violate our frontiers/' Dealing with the international
    Reuter  -  448 words
  • 76 1 CHINA TO OFFER HOME FOR JEWS Chungking, y THE Chinese .Gov«pn/n*itt i»j rijfurtc;) !6Th* giving at-* tention (6 a proposal for aj-yium in China for Jewish refvffees. The locality is not yet decided. Premier H. H. Kun« had or.'ginally proposed to establish a Jewish settlement en Hainai but this had
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 54 1 Fire On P. O. Carthage London, Mar. 11— The P. O. announces a slight outbreak of fne in the Carthage, bound for the Far East between London and Southampton. The fire wai quicklv detected and extinguished. The cargo was slightly damaged. Ths -hip is sailing according 10 the timetable this
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 40 1 A model of an automatic "one-way" garage suitable in a special design as an air-raid shelter, is being shown at an exhibition opened by Mr. Herbert Morrison at the Royal Institute of British Architects in Portland Place.
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  • 251 1 London, Mar. 11. WAR in China from the viewpoint of Britain, France and Soviet Russia was discussed at a conference on China in London. Mr. Archibald Sinclair, who presided, said that dictatorship powers had a common interest in exploiting the weakness of China and the
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • 50 1 Madrid, Mar. 11. The suburbs are still busy but the city is calmer as the battle is localised in tne e&s< i the city. It is stated that the process of repression is slow as junta forces must carry on the fight without harming the civilian population.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 60 1 Tripuri, Mar. 11. Disapproval and disassociation from the British foreign policy "which has consistently aided the Fascist powers" is voiced in two resolutions parsed by the Subjects Committee of the Congress. Condemnation of Japanese aggression in China is also expressed. The resolution will come up for
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 40 1 1,500 Victims Of Air Raid Chungking, Mar. 11. T^HE total casualties in the recent bombings of Ichang, when 50 Japanese planes took part in all-day assaults, are not yet available but they are believed to be well over 1,500. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 247 1 Budapest, Mar. 11. CONSULTATIONS went on throughout the night between Slovak leaders and Prague authorities, in which, it is stated, M. Tiso participated. Most of the Czech troops and gendarmes have withdrawn from the streets of Bratislava, and order is be :ng maintained
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 109 1 Paris, Mar. 11. THE Nationalists launched a strong attack on the Republican lines around Madrid at 7.30 a.m. to-day, states a Madrid message. The Republican batteries replied with an intensive fire till 11 a.m. when the shelling died down, indicating that the relative positions of
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 213 1 I rniH-o Ik'k'ios Wariiini; J^ DRAMATIC sequel to the warning by the British Foreign Minister that the Navy would act if British ships were again attacked is the seizure of two British merchantmen by Franco's war vessels and the despatch of two
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 33 1 London. Mar. ll.—The Education Estimates isj^ed to-day total £52,246,026, an increase of £1239,696, of which nearly hall arises from automatic growth under the provision for teachers' pensions. British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  33 words
  • 151 1 London, Mar. 11. fpHE position of British shipping in the Orient is reviewed in a Times leader which describes the proposals' made in the report of the Imperial Shipping Committee as deserving of practical consideration. The position of British shipping in the
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 ?Mc Mary Batten Road Just received Shipment of 8 5.00 Washing Dresses. Tel. 1772. Film n««. E xtr a cts B. strictly i 8 elves Short Story 8, il. c J° nds 9 W e n 10 and Not lfi p kV J nPs l2 Poultrv »e atur RAI)| 17.
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    • 84 1 ONE SMALL AD. -OVER 300 REPLIES! AN artkle by A. J. Stryker on page 2 of this issue provides s'nking testimony to the pulling power of the Malaya Tribune's small advertisement feature. A. J. Stryker recently helped a Singapore bir inesv man, who had advertised a position in the Malaya
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    • 66 1 Elsie Mary Battery Road. Has a comprehensive Collection of Dresses Suits from s .>. to s no. Tel. 4772. m A mv 5 A.M. j Edition Latest Sports News^ on page 22 Safest best If V^i U0 1 for children Wr^jg^w lift m*^ I **SB£op£ "D I? A D I
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  • 202 2 JOHORE TO TRAIN NURSES (Tribune Staff Reporter) rpWENTY girls nosh from school with qualifications ranging from the seventh standard to the < ambridge certificate, have been taken in by the Johore Government recently to be trained locally as nurses. The batch of twelve girls who were admitted in September have
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  • 124 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) NEARLY $109,000 will be spent by the Johore Government in the course of this year for the construction of four new markets at Batu Pahai, Kota Tinggi, Kulai and Paioh. A new market at Batu Pahat is necessary- as the old meat market
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  • 277 2 Singapore, Saturday. "THE verdict of the jury is that the deceased took his own )ife, by inflicting injures on his person with a pen-knife." These words by Mr. W. 6. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, brought to a conclusion the* inquest to-day on Mnthayam, a Tamil
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  • 36 2 MALAYAN DRY RUBBER EXPORTS Export of dry rubber, uncorrected figures from Malaya, Brunei and Labuaa IV r February were: Mainland 23,170 Ions; Straits Settlements Islands 153 tens; Brunei 83 tons; Labuan 10 tons. Tctel 23,421 tons.
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  • 473 2 "WEIL-DEFINED POLICY" (Tribune Staff Reporter) ThE Bill recently read at the Legislative Council which wili repeal and re-enact with amendments the Children's Ordinance is one which will affect the Chinese community to a very great extent. However, the other communities too are affe2ted,
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  • 95 2 TINNED PINEAPPLES During the week ending Mar. 4, experts of finned pineapples from Malayan ports amouni.ea to 94,689 cases, ot which 88,513 <93 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,934 (2 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 3443 <4 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 799
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  • 271 2 I Fro;?: Our Own Correspondent] Malacca, Saturday. AFTER a protracted trial which extended over eight days, during which nearly 30 witnesses were examined, Lim Kim Teck, an Eng-lish-speaking young Chinese, and a Malay seaman, who stood charged with the murder of Bachik, a mrtcr-ear driver at
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  • 506 2 Court Sequel To Road Fatality Singapore, Saturday. "FURTHER evidence was to-day recorded in the rase in which Mr. P. C. S. Tillhrook, a 22-year-old merchant, is charged with causing the death of Yen Ann Tian by negligently driving along Te'ok Blangah Road on Jan: 18. Mr. Tillbrook is also charged
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  • 113 2 U.S. -German Struggle In Latin America New York, Mar. 11. NOW that an agreement with Brazil has been concluded financial circles are discussing a substantial credit for Chile, according to the New York Journal of Commerce. It is pointed cut that such a lean would probably eliminate the necessity for
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  • 859 2  - DO YOU WANT THAT JOB?— Then Read This! A.J. Stryker QNE small advertisement in the Malaya Tribune the- other day drew over three hundred replies From in. o, e people needing the job it offered. An assistant to the Siniranore employer Mfi <l t* own these letters, and helow is
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  • 29 2 Joy Flower, a member of ti* Greater Marcus Shew, opening, at the Capitcl on Tiu lay. pholograj*cd en bard the Empress of Britait at Fenanjj
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  • 220 2 ALIBI ON DRIVING CHARGE Sinsap^rr Saturday. CHAKGID with n^ffli?:* nt driving i» the |enctir:i <»f u-tcria Sir** anil Kochorr R ad rn Dec. a» n p.m.. Ccrporal S. G. Donaldson ©1 flic R.A.F.. <>dny jravc an alibi. «tafine, that c» III" and at linir i^ qucsticn hr ua- al e**?"*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 MOST w» -»»T«i«tM«r com??t*s ftgft<y»* >*.«-»>< -LEAST ATTRACTIVE J^,^ jtfjWJfc EXPENSIVE HOTEL BAR Idea situation v Bungalows and Rooms RESTAURANT Max mum Comfort. Fresh and sea Wate s Modern Sanitation Bathing i^jßldlißKiSf^tmi Throughout. Tennis. Dancin m W£^j^M KPJb Ke^^Sm 6pr.n K Floor. Etc. nil i Inclusive Tariff:— A Delightful Atmoil
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    • 23 2 T>l4n!Ml? 5933 -AX Telegraphic Address: iuuinl 5934 /1 V GOODWOOD Charmingly situated ideal for. visitors and tourists* COCKTAIL BAR LOINGE— FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT.
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    • 46 2 Guard Your JN Priceless Eyes! (i*^ They Govern Your Comf** Efficiency Your Pleasure* r* Them with (.ood UP^J Glasses And That W* f^ sary Year!;. Check-l'P-t:*c-.'.-a):: optical 00. 4, Areaee, Gr< unci Fl^ nr U. A. THOMPSON Of. v s ipil< •r, Year, Fun^ riiaJral W**
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  • 1085 3 Trade Between Malaya And India Shows Decrease HIGH FREIGHT RATES (Tram <*•. .'ndian Corre^pon'fe;*! THF Indo-Mabyan trade improved in 1937 as com; ared with 1936, increasing bj 8.8 million dollars; in 1938 however it dropped below the I9W figur< by I 5 million Hollars. Malaya exported to India about five
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  • 82 3 4 HOHCI fc tl:t> CWonial A g TttMty states: j*. T.aftfr Wvisory < mi'tf apr' nt as a usuU oi j,, :;5 B1 ns vi tne Ti win?: R'VV'i h > 51 me^tn' r •nd c! last year -•vj wi h it b« kninm ttesl ;„v
    82 words
  • 333 3 Alleged Attempt To Smuggle Singapore, Saturday. H'HAT was belkwed to be comr plete signalling paraphernalia \*a< exhibited in Ike Criminal District Court to-day in connection with a case against three men <m a efcarge of "doing an act preparatory to importing 500 tahils of nonGovenroent chandu into the Colony." The
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  • 23 3 T 0 PERFORM AT VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL W s n^tti,,,,. Mii-ital «mi»i> \\i will pla> al to-da\'s concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall
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  • 112 3 A soldier who was in Singapore with the Welch Regiment. Lance- Corporal C. Hall, has just arrived in England for the first time since 1919. He has gone home to spend his honeymoon, having last year married a missionary at Agra. Lance-Corpora! Halt,
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  • 580 3 Singapore, Saturday. h KEEN flying enthusiast, grey-haired and slirnly-built, Mrs. A. U. Osborne who arrived here by Imperial Airways flying-boat, from England told a Tribune reporter this morning that if it was not for her age and eyesight she would probably have
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  • 36 3 The death occurred on Saturday of M SVed Alwee bin Ahmad Alsree/jp.. C.H.. secretary of the Mohammedan Ad- v- i Rnar-d: [uu\ a prominent member J i the Malay community.
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  • 416 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) QNE hundred and forty brand now cars wore sold laM mottta n Singapore and in addition thirty-five new trucks wore sol i. During the first week of this month -12 cars were purchased. This looks certainly like a record month
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  • 56 3 Mrs. A. B. Osborne, who arrived in Singapore in the Imperial Airways flying boat yesterday. She is 73 years r,ld and once wanted to be a pilot, but was dissuaded. She is a survivor of the sinking of the Lusitania. the incident which brought Amenta into the
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  • 160 3 Singapore, Saturday. "IN this case I have to remember that the accused is a police officer, and a police officer is particularly expected to have regard for an oath, because he has the power or opportunity to swear away the liberty of his fellow men," said
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  • 65 3 LFrom Our Own Correspondent] London, Feb. 7. Recent visitors to Malaya House were: Mr and Mrs. T. E. R. Morphy, Kuala Lumour: Mr. E. C. Trevor. P.W.D.. Singapore; Mr. W. E. Ainger, Malacca; Mr° W. J. Dickson, Kuala Lumpur; Mr W. M. Edwards. Singapore; Major G. Mel.
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  • 41 3 The "Conte Rosso" is due in Singapore at 7 am. on Tuesday from Shanghai and Hongkong, She is expected to sad again at 5.30 p.m. on ih.e same day Go* Colombo. Bombay. Massaua, Port Said. Brindisi, Venice and Trieste.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 tin WEAKNESS OEBILITY AN/EMIA use DESCHIENS' Syrup of Haemoglobin 9 ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength," V f V l*fWP«t f* w o>***. Medjc»ted wine*
      26 words

  • 275 4 Chinese Language In Shorthand THE Chinese written language, on account of its lack of an alphabetical .system. Is most difficult to learn. Each character is a symbol in itself and is composed of such a variety of strokes that it is impossible to master the language properly without at least
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 -jmm... PAVILION. TO DAY r 0M v 00K L,KK A LADYi p I'M AS CHEAP AS THE LIFE i WJLV 4i For the daring of its sensa- %'< v*f tional theme... this was the most ylip|tf .^t^-- w:^« discussed .stage triumph of two con- m^Ss^ W-Jit. tinents! Now with its
      242 words
    • 254 4 I THRILLS! ADVENTURE! EXCITEMENtTT One of the Most Sensational ACTION-PACKED Dramatic Pictures of the Year! [OPENING TO-PAY 3.15-6.15 -9.i5 < AIMTQL THE RISKIEST JOB IN THE WORLD! "Soup handler"— a daredevil who transports nitro-glycerme With in the oil fields Average life, six years! See their amazing, thrilling story on a
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    • 153 4 THEATRE ROYAL I to-day-3 shows I 3 p.m.— 15.15 p.m.— 9.15 p.m. A Super Hindustani Thriller 'KULDIPAK" Featuring Master Shiraz Miss Gohar Karnataki. The one and only picture that has everything Stunts! Action* Magic! Songs! Comedy! Romance! G.15 9.15 ■IJHB^^MiM^^HRHI I TRULY DEANNA DURBIN'S R3fflr^^W^^«L^C^^^B I MAGNIFICENT MUSICAL h i
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  • 285 5 Wanted: GAS MASKS IN BRITISH STUDIOS For The Soup! THE STORY OF A "PROP" MAN'S MISTAKE JJU.H Sinclair. Griffith Jones, Frank Lawton and Francis L. Sullivan, the "Four Just iMen" of the British Edgar Wallace film now m production, had a surprising foretaste of a gas attack on the set
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    • 397 5 rfHls small person, Jane Withers. 1 lives some excellent a< ting in *mJkmr Twentieth Century Fox pl-Lrecomin, to the Alhambra ,n a mm da vs i \n expert dimmer, equestrienne J dancer, she will soon add fc* to her other sporting feats. made when Jane J?wd
      397 words
    • 34 5 ■gnald (Hen. who hao Mist coi M the role 0 f Scrooge in a Chrfe--mscu-ol." a^d Billv Gilbert hsve been j^w to the cast of Metr Goldwyxv■jert -The Awakening ol Katerinn
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    • 263 5 p*ARCICAL„ funny, fast -moving and grand entertainment. That's what the critics are saying about "Vacation from Love," which teams two of the most promising young players in pictures. Dennis O'Keefe and Florence Rice, for the first time, at the Pavilion on March 14. Here is a
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    • 43 5 This is Bobby Re nee, a delicious bit of the cast of The Marcus Show. The first night is on Tuesday Mar. 14 and judging by the reception these charming; ladies have had in Malaya so far, Singapore should be no exception.
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    • 188 5 ISA Miranda, international screen star, and Bcniamino Gigli, famous operatic tenor, have kept a date in Hollywood which "Miss Miranda ran away from three years ago in Munich, Germany. At the invitation of Miss Miranda, the tenor, now in San Francisco, visit* 1 d Paramount Studio
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 5 Florence Rice and Denis O'Keefe In "Vacation From Love."
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  • 192 5 "Captain Fury" has gone before the cameras in Hollywood. The film tells the story of a political convict's adventurous fight Ito free early Australian settlers from the domination of rathless land barons in the 1840's. Brian Aherne plays the tile role. witti victor ftfcLaglen and June Lang in
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  • 160 5 THREE BOYS "BLACK-OUT" VILLAGE Warsaw. BY playing a trick on a farmer three small boys have caused a standstill of the electric train service and the failure of all electricity over a considerable area near here. All the electric lights suddenly failed in the village of Jelonki and the surrounding
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  • 97 5 Helsinki. IGNORANT Russian peasants appear to have been filled with panic I when the new census was taken in j the Soviet Union, according to reports received here from the U.S.S.B. i In many places, it is said, when i informed of the coming visit of
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  • 443 5 London. A REPORT to be published soon will reveal that fights between dogs backed to tear each other to pieces are being regularly staged by groups of sportsmen in Britain. For 15 months a National Canine De. fence League investigator, in secret, has
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  • 118 5 PAID 48 -YEAR OLD DEBT Auckland, New Zealand. FE cashier of an old-estab- lished grocery firm here got the surprise of his life when a man walked up to his desk and paid a debt of 19 11 contracted with the firm 48 Z years ago. Z The debt was
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  • 197 5 Hamilton. COME of the leading citizens of Canada, even Ministers, are devotees of cock-fighting, according to a statement in court here, when 15 "fans" appeared as the result of a police raid on a cockfight "pen." Mr. Matthew Murphy, counsel for the def ndants told the court
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 365 5 WITHOUT PURE BLOOD HEALTH 19 IMPOSSIBLE. e*»B«-»* VETARZO^ Never before was there anything like it. nor are its marvellous properties likely K-lo."^ ever to be equalled in diseases arising from impure blood. It searches out and expels t affV^ from the vital current every lurking trace of poisonous matter, curing
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  • 210 6 LAWYER IS REFUSED A DIVORCE Mr. Justice BuckniU refused to riant a decree nisi in a case in which adultery was admitted by both fcusband and wife, because, he said, the interests of matrimony generally came before those of individuals. Mr Bernard John Benson, a soßeitGr, ci Beattv House. Dolphin-square,
    Daily Express  -  210 words
  • 88 6 FAMED for his Oriental type sculptures, ex-Civil Servant William Stirling, formerly of Malaya, has spent two months modelling this cruel and relentless head, which he titles "Pogrom." It is an expression of his disgust fcr the brutality and race persecution indulged in by Nazi bigwigs.
    News Review  -  88 words
  • 147 6 THE Duke and Pyehess of Windsor have sent, £20 to Dr. Marie Stcpes for the benefit of her birth control clinic in Cardiff. A -The cheque arrived yesterday with a very charming letter,"' Dr. Stopes told me last night. The letter said:— "Knowing: the wonderful
    Daily Mirror  -  147 words
  • Article, Illustration
    70 6 Your skill at bowls, and other games, just as your success in the affair;.' of life, depends to a considerable degree upon the state of your health. And this, in turn is dependent largely upon daily intestinal regularity. If .you are constipated, liverish, bijious, headachy, see "spots" before your eye:.-,
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  • Article, Illustration
    172 6 Scientist Energy From The ATOM 4TOM-SHAVTRIUVC scieat^ have hoi yd ->\, ceded in dri, tin* "Qut<n Mary" tctOfeiL Atlantic on a mt«ij) of radium, bat thoy came rn-asfr t<> such feats Ik; wtvk. Split into two ]>an.s t wif; 4 L*imnium at- m. A tromei4^ burst o1otu'],\ wuH
    News Review  -  172 words
  • 436 6 THE JOKE'S ON HITLER IN GERMANY DEPRIVED of any ether means of relieving their pent-up feelings under the oppressive Nazi rule, Germans have managed to let off steam by invcntim, iokesTp.ainst the regime, whispering them When out cf Gestapo earshot A vast crop of these 'Flusterwitz?' (whispered witticisms) has thus
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  • 177 6 -»F!OM nowhere, and tor nothing, to f Bank of England is going to r 194.625.000. Just by having a lew words Witt ttT:-- a-vary. Here's how it will happen: At prese: all the gold in the Paul; of England j valued at 85s. a line ounce;
    Daily Mail  -  177 words
  • 62 6 GENERAL I. Soots. Chief Btt**f U ol Tallinn, hones to turn into bag-pipes players. Touring Scotland .recent^ «J enraptured by the inMrawjte learned to master one hunim. pair back to Esthoma. H For the past month he ing to enlist the interest ol h£ men. but has
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 39 6 -^TTTnww—Mh i— nimbi i— ii ii—— < iifii ■Him— JIIMWIwIM MMISMMiMMMiZSIIr 11^ always fresh V i ma// Aops yeas/ Distributed by Frascr Cf Neave Ltd, ..w r A i.: ■■■r j^T *^7 "^■■■i **aW Vufl |^V ■»r^^'^»*a» ,jrji.^|My^^J^K^^PJMfc>t^-~~^~^^M nu^ji—^al^T 1
      39 words
    • 152 6 HJBI /9h. X Ce*i\ Bra.>l b| e Rat* aEh I^S>alf»E^ AadOfandsOnsmsWay In Hollywood the Cinema star.- are under a ucrvoua strain nisfrt u I daj lu pn i'i thing i<<, and im i* i >r.s i I •"■'!•> .t < .lit'. ::i:t i.h'.'.'ii.i (i In < ombinir r D <
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  • 1691 7  - STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES H.L. Hohkin m sackcloth and ashes I offer my apologies to the American community for the unfortunate remark 1 made the other week about waffles. 'Weighed down by rich and soggy waffles smeared thickly with syrup" was the expression used, and I hereby withdraw it with the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 aaaaaaßawK :^P^^^'^^K^iift^™"BKTte^: Sfo&-3^&is^ii ''Ts&s^ss^i^* '^Ssaß b^^ >^^a^a'^y^sifo'^Bt- Everyone likes bread but make sure that it is pure bread you are eating! "ROYAL BAKERY" BREAD is made from the purest ingredients under European supervision each loaf is wrapped before it leaves the Bakery. EELE grEG/^G 'PHONE: STORE 5376 (5 lines), K.
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  • This Week's Short Story
    • 2293 8  -  R. H. MOTTRAM By r rHE day crtainly was perfect, one of the finest of a marvellous summer. Western Bay. too, looked all that had ever been said about it, which was a good deal. The tare was not so high as to be prohibitive, but it was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 380 8 Provisions Delicacies. Dainty Sagu Pearls. Dainty Sagu Dalima. Kechap Rat a via No. 1. Makassar Red fish. Sambal Goreng Cdang. Sambal Uoreng Tlor lkau. Sambai Cioreng ShHI fish. Seasoned Dried Beef. Java Svrups. Java Dessert Calfee. Crystallized Fruits. Tepuni* Hunkwe. Tcpung .Maizena. Cakes Flavouring Essences and Colourings. Vanillin Sticks and
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    • 16 8 BRIiIt#CLES DIAMOND METAL PRODUCTS CO., LTD. 601, KAA\rCNC EAHRU ROAD, SINCAPORE. Ask lor decriptive folder (C.)
      16 words
    • 118 8 RE-AWAKEN FEED Mj^^m Hair Roots! ■ow This N*"mir f 1 Thick Growth HHaal I WAS ALMOST §ALO." A multitude at nan and womtn— all egee— have had new hair growtn or other hair Unt-ftts alnoe using KOTALKO and KOTALKO SOAP. They are aiflerent from anything alte. AH I aak ia
      118 words
    • 919 8 P dH| AfTAI H aV^S J I I Aat I Ell Mr I^Ha^Hal F r Pu PP' eS D °9 S ,~~r~-z*c«^'- >^^ remedy the trouble by cutting down his meat (SHERLEY S 164 P AG E| supply and substituting LACTOL. A daily drink Vr\»*\p UnTlnf^laT'i means continued good health
      919 words
    • 15 8 I s«t»** JLLwJi '^mmmmm Inal .*t,i... j. mm*? '^ani jN^M I \M m rmfmmr J-jf
      15 words

  • 632 9  - SILENCE ZONES AND THE OWNER DRIVER G. S. Hammonds (By ajajgaaaofl boating in CoHyer Quay I ati( tributary streets has now ;1! foirc a fortnight. Lei us how it has worked out ami f p to the time <•! writing I have „u nl only one born sounded, and lUf
    632 words
  • 134 9 BOY FOUND AFTER FOUR YEARS Karachi. I OST in the disastrous Qucila earthquake hi 1935. a boy who had been given up for dead has just been found by his father. Chuharmal. a trader, was living in Quetta with his four sons and thjes rfaw&tera at the time of the
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  • 76 9 Munich —A used-car dealer has been fined £4.000 by the President of the Bavarian Price-Cuurol Bureau for making excess profits on the sale of second-hand motorcars. Since the delivery of new cars in Germany takes from four to six months from thc date they are ordered,
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  • 153 9 S. AFRICA'S SHARE OF EMPIRE DEFENCE Durban. THE suggestion that South Africa should "bear her share'* of Empire defence by increasing lhe strength of her merchant fleet was made, in an interview, by Sir William Garthwaits, the British shipowner and authority upon Empire trade. Sir William arrived bore from Mauritius
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  • 68 9 "The Cat" For Drunken Drivers Helena. Montana. Lashes with a cat-o'-nine tails would be made the punishment for persons convicted cf driving a motorcar while diunk. under a Bill propesed here by State Senator Robert Pauline. First offenders would receive five lashes, second offenders 10 and those guilty a third
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 118 9 WumT "I never thought people like us mfi^ f could offend through neglecting PERSONAL FRESHNESS. M But, now I've learnt my lesson, l use Lifebuoy Toilet Soap js*^ regularly j^^ I _Z*m^sfffi%&*£: v. Many people are under the mistaken impression I I'^''^1 lnat tllcv cant P O->siDl y offend through
      118 words
    • 106 9 A Damand the fwk WHITE DOT ISi ill lifet|me ffffT 1m Be sure y° u et a ljj} j |U genuine LIFE* I'll} ifjlfi TIME buy your 1 ■M pen in a repnt- I k Ira afcle store. Guar- I k. BnWli ''"tees come and Lk. iaWll £0. but SHEAF-
      106 words
    • 574 9 lie i^W iilldlls !¥&y Safely Lsse S Lbs. a r 1 Week S3 Lbs. a Month Stout men and w< on 1 lioul the b y- i£ii><s&'/ J .-Vi»r v ->C^^^^-*i^*i u Purvis*, such :^i^^^-'^ V "talw. win cause you to In S^i^MWfWM l i v,n Ba*>|» for i "ill
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  • News and Notes of the week
    • 1594 10 THROUGH THE EYES OF A WOMAN By our own correspondent THE Hon. Mr. A. B. Jordan and Mrs. Jordan who go on leave en Mar. 24. together with Dr. and Mrs. PS Hunter, who left here on Friday last, were jointly entertained to a farewell party by Mr. and Mrs.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 78 10 Mew Stoeks Reeeived Unusual and Inexpensive 18 Batt»n Read, Ist floor Phone 7143 ELSIE MARY Has a New Collection of Dresses for all Occasions. Rodney House. Tel. 4772. Battery Road /&l&r jAf* M_S mm lW m>W9* Mr 1 1.^5% the \v^ Elizabeth Arden Way u ncr Protective foundations to
      78 words
    • 75 10 At Vogue's! AT VOGUE'S.. Clothes Make the Woman Highlights of Fashion FLASHES FROM PARIS JUST UNPACKED FXCIUSIVE SELECTION OF EVENING AND AFTERNOON GOWNS FROM PARIS. New Fashions Authentic Styles At Vogue's where worotn havs always been particular about their appearance will find the largest selection in town for smart evening
      75 words
    • 78 10 fm^ NORTH BRIDGE ROAD dO% tf*^ :^^H^^aVa^a^a^a^aUa^aa^aßL Y^L VflaW^a^' CUFF LINKS. We have just unpacked a nice collection of Siamese silver ware (Neillo Works > in as; cases, flap-jaclrs, rings, tic-pins, clc. AT MADAME PAGE LATE 92. Picadilly. IVm^n: d Dress Maker Designer. "Tailor Mades:— Gowns" For all occasions: in
      78 words
      35 words
    • 71 10 "CARLOS" No. 2, THE ARCADE, Telephone 6332 European Hair Dressers From Berlin For Ladie's Gentlemen Specialist in all the latest methods and experts in pedicure and manicure. Prices moderate. j PRISCILLA Ltd. i IMPORTED DRESSUs, HOSIERY, CORSETS, j BRASSIERS, AC (ESSORIES HOUSECOATS. Phone 3335. I r til, Stamford Road. I
      71 words
    • 39 10 CAMPHORWOOD CHESTS PLAIN CARVED. IN 3IOST ATTRACTIVE SHAPES at Parmanand'Si 4? HICII STREET. .J HOUSE of FASHION? LATEST IMITATION JEWELLERIES for WOMEN. Assorted Colours Styles Brooch s Earclips Bu<**» (lips Bracelets Chains. -157. NORTH BRIDGE RO^ Showrooms at Oreat
      39 words

  • Clever New Revue
    • 126 11 Enjoys up-country success 1 ,la a-c!rc= c Nrh; ave so lew o:-> J pgrtunitJ enjoy a real stage Interest has been Peninsula by the Path seems to b~ whoever it goes. Th be expected, howeve.-. n vu the most siupenws ever seen out lere this, each item la the p
      126 words
    • 58 11 4 7 making a a earned pupdlng 01 steamed cake weigh oat the f*uis the n.uht before. Just cover with boiling "ater and leave overnight. If there j little Juice still in the bowl with th^ rait use it for mixing the cake or pudfcg fro will
      58 words
    • 241 11 PAMERON Highlands is aeain enjoying distinguished patronage, for anions the visitors at present staying there are 11. F. Sir Shenton Thomas and Lady Thomas. They are accompanied by His Excellency's secretary, Mr. L. H. N. Davles and Ca;:t. R. A. Owyn, A.D.C. The party is staying at
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  • 253 11 ONION CRISPS 12 small onions \'z pint milk 4 tablespoonfuls tinned peas 2 tablespoonfuls minced nuts 2 ozs. butter 2 ozs. flour. 2 ozs. breadcrumbs Peel the onions, boil in the milk and a little water, and when tender remove whole and place on a greased tin. Cover
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  • 531 11 Pretty Kuala Lumpur Wedding *THis week was "a particularly ,j'>. one for so much seemed to haw* Bt| once |n town. To begin with, there was Lhe verv ptrotty wedding of Miss Nancy mIcC >i mick eldest daughter of Mr. a cl Mis Mccormick of Rawang to Sir !> glas
    531 words
  • 166 11 Little Things To Know r \X remove the Effects of sunshine, i a air, and satt water tram the coal i iexion, smear gently the well-beat, n i white oi an Egg "vcr the face and t throat, and let i dry on the skin. vvc lor hal i -an-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 159 11 every sjp of SANATOOEN a>/#\ i* a sip > W HEALTH Convalescence after malaria, fever and other serious illness is often a ions and difficult process. But weakness can be quickly overcome. Take Sanatogen All the elements lor building up the strength oi blood and nerve cells are contained in
      159 words
    • 208 11 Sj> DIAMOND $£j£gg" A variety of Chairs, Tables. Stools and V '"VM i» f I Bedsteads available in artistic dedfn* jJ V JLif^* at reasonable prices, v V n Write /or descriptive folio to the Manufacturers:- Xj -"^^sss-****"'*"' DIAMOND METAL PRODUCTS CO., LTD., 601. Kampon? Bahru Road, Singapore. A* for
      208 words
    • 281 11 HEALED HER S^^£f^3 i s a' a l d e-: zfSo^7l^\^f bs am p no"'/ 1 AnvN;:/ JJx\^ With UEKMOLfcNfc |D LhO /V XT^T* nouse you nave quick healing W\. }l y:: :|w r^,/^. at nand! Read this case A }r/S/ .-iv was terrible, but tn lesa than an m
      281 words

  • 610 12 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Sunday, March 12, 1939. IS IT A CHARTER? AMONG enlightened Chinese, as; well as European residents who take an interest in the matter, there is some regret that in its new legislation on mui tsai, which the Governor describes as a "Children's Charter," the practice of buying and
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  • 1221 12 Little Dictators For Malaya? White Man's Last Chance On China's Seaboard DOES anyone in Malaya aspire to be a little dictator? His ambition may be granted if we are ever involved in war. Britain is appointing twelve divisional "dictators" and a considerable number of minor Napoleons, to take charge of
    1,221 words
  • 170 12 ANTICIPATION REVELATION Keep up-to-date! Re ad this weekly page by the Tribune special writer, C. H. STANLEY JONES. Jan. 22: C. H. Stanley Jones in Srnday Tribune forecasts vast plan of restoration of British power in the Far East, "which, without firing a shot, without imposing a single sanction, may
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  • 218 12 THE film actor was talking to an admiring girl. "And so you're one of my fans, eh?" he drawled. "Well, I'm a great believer in hero-worship, you know." j "Really?" said the girl; "and I suppose you have some hero that you worship, too?"
    218 words
  • 64 12 Equipment Of New Army THE LATEST TYPES of weapons and equipment for Britain's mechanised army were shown to a party of Members of Parliament at Aldershot, Hampshire. The display demonstrated how far mechanisation of the Army has progressed. Members of Parliament are shown inspecting the 40 mm. Bofors (right) and
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  • 347 12 WORLD Looks At MALA YA POLITICAL commentators have re 1 marked that the foundation of Anglo-American fri"nci. ,Mp is the Fa East. That is why the visit to Sine! 1 pore by lean Paul Y McNutt, US vSh Commissioner to the Philippines i* causing speculation anting the inhabi tants of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 453 13 Development Of China HAVING devoted twenty-seven of his best years in the Far n East to instructing numerous Chinese engineers in the fundamental principles of applied science, Professor C. A. Middleton Smith, who has just recently vacated the Taikoo Chair of Engineering in
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  • 19 13 STUDENTS AT WORK A 39-ton testing machine which is electrically controlled in one of the laboratories of Hongkong University.
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  • 310 13 MOSDAY FOR ALL READERS. A day of doubtful influences. Be wary of trickery and deceit, don't le too free with your ccn- fidences, and when interview- ing use the utmost tact. Busi- 2 ness not likely to be very sa^s- I factory so be prepared for
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  • 151 13 Woman Of 45 Marries Boy Of 14 OLtaua, Ontario. A WOMAN who, at the age of 45, married a boy of 14, has sued her husband here for non-support. The marriage took place 20 years ago The case was dismissed by the magis--1 rate, who said: "The situation is a
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  • 143 13 London, Feb. 18. A M. WOSNISIENSKY, operator of Russia's most northerly radio station in Siberia, has confessed he sent the Soviet's North Pole flier, Levanevsky, to his death in a storm in July 1937 by giving him a false weather report. Levanevsky disappeared on
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  • 128 13 ANCIENT VILLAGE BENEATH HIS PLOUGH Athens. A PLOUGHMAN named John AngeIcudis who scraped away some earth to find what was obstructing his plough discovered the top of an ancient tomb beneath the blade. He hurried off to the neighbouring village of St. Nico'aos, situated in the Chalkidiki, and the authorities
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  • 8 13 Professor C. A. Middleton Smith.
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  • 167 13 Nine Legal Casinos For Belgium Brussels. AUTHORITY to introduce a draft bill permitting games of chance in nine popular tourists resorts has been given to the Belgian Minister of Justice by a decision of the Cabinet. Brussels is not one of the towns mentioned. They are: Chaudfontaine. Namur. Dinant, Spa
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  • 149 13 Helsinki. RUSSIAN women seem to consider 30 as lhe most attractive age, according to the recent census. This i.s revealed by the Soviet press, which states that investigations have shown that many women in the midalo th.rties gave their age as 30. while i:' the majority
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  • 352 13 (Tribune Staff Reporter) £JITY fathers don't want eye-sores in Singapore, and it is for this reason that they hold discretionary powera, under the Ordinance, to permit or disallow the erection of attap houses within Municipal limits. With the setting up of thc Singapore Improvement
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  • 212 13 London. Mar. 4 THE Malay States and Singapore 1 will be included in the itinerary of a young Richmond man, Mr. J L. Forbes, who with a companion. Mr. Robert MacArthur, of Kent, is to start a motor-cycle combination tour of the world this month. They
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 25 13 F,)H CLEARER VISION ne& CONSULTATION 30', CHEAPER •HAN ANYWHERE! KNT K?E SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. fright Optical Co. ci B rßAv5 ri:KKI sIN<;AFORE. w, I»r „f Optometry.
      25 words
    • 77 13 A beautiful skin can be yours— use LUX TOILET SDAP Every woman wants .1 beautiful complexion. And (^|fc^^l^B^^^Bß^M¥hy^= every woman can have it if she uses Lux Toilet -^E==iip^j|^Bp!..- ''~^Wmmmm'mWM^~ impunties from the pores of the skin, keeping '-^Z^^^tLjS^ r^^F^ the complexion clear and radiant. Nine out of ten 2==3^§^'^H^
      77 words
    • 661 13 Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours^^-! Glands Fortified £^€/M by New Discovery fe WmAz- 1 T>o you feci old before your time? Are you fired, run |^L\ Men down* worn out, and unable to keep mi wifh the ■peed all( j p i, asui i n life? I>o ou uffer
      661 words

  • 332 14 London. QIR DAWSON BATES, Lister's Minister of Home Affairs, recently brought to London a "murder list" of 20 prominent English and Irish officials holding key posts in Northern Ireland. Alleged to have been drawn up by terrorists, it was handed over to Scotland Yard. The list
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  • 189 14 How To Become A Dictator Paris. ADVICE on how to become a dictator and how "to change the whole tenor of your life," comes from the well-known French medical men. Doctors Cast on and Andre Durville. The method recommended is to be facial exercises in front ol a mirror each
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  • 73 14 SCORPION KILLS SNAKE l Istanbul. 4 TOO INCH scorpion and a n. ißer-iooi fought a 5 fierce 15-minulc bailie at Diar bckir. Eastern Anatnha— and the scorpion won. While a Turkish lamilv S there mmtm dinin« lntv hear(J a scuftlinq nois" in (he kit- i ehen. and ruslud in to
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  • 119 14 East London, (ape Province HAILSTONES are estimated to have done £3,000 damage in 20 minutes when the worst hailstorm in memory broke over Cathcart in the Cape Province. The storm started at 4.10 pm and was over by 4.30, bun- followed bv heavy rain. In its wake it
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  • 218 14 Paris. HATS have certainly gone to Parisian heads this season. The Church, international affairs, summer holidays, and the Arabian Nights seem to have contributed ideas. Here are some of the new production* with sources. From the Church— birettas that shut j with
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  • 100 14 Berlin. S THERE will be much grunting j on the open air stage at Zons in the Lower Rhine dis- trict this summer. S Fifty pigs will make their i stage debut here in a nU»y entitled "The Pigs' Feud at I Zons." For this play, which will
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  • 235 14 New Murder Technique Revealed Ji'iarine^burg. A technique in murder appears to nave been evolved by S»uth Africa natives whereby the victim is lettered unconscious aw* held down on a railway line just before a train is due to pass. Tfce train does the rest. Two cases of attempted murder of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 194 14 I f^nOj£^ 11CKETSLSS UED I^BY ALL STEAM- c TpM/pi Bmp AIR AND I 1 KMYUIb) RAILWAY LINES. 5 NO BOOKING FEES. I t lneae ciients *"<* those of all 1 ~t* resident communities are r gUan the beat oX attention and i tmmmmmm 3* ROBINSON RD, SINGAPORE. 1 TELEPHONE 5908.
      194 words
    • 720 14 For The Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart x Take And Stop Limping DON'T let Leg Troubles cripple you. Take Elasto, the Great New Biomedical Remedy that cures through the blood, and have done with enforced rest, ■worry, raftering and expense. Leg aches and pains soon vanish when Elasto is takeu.
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    • 10 14 L^t HATS deserves an ww/P b B«n«r*by F* f* M
      10 words

  • 984 15 London Borough Plans Air Raid Protection At £10. 5s A Head London. V |,,..|.jjl. \>l\ K and detailed plans for the 100 per cent, protec- :is t aii raids of tho entire population in the Metropolitan ,h of Finsbury bv means of large bomb-proo!' shelters were lbv the borough council
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  • 81 15 T°^jj <• rs and M i*9* in va S var> eld ll( v ,s first ventcneec-to s trss I— I '?ff; h r »as Ml to the "Thi MM Shortly afterS*t »"s condemned to V "Ik hut the sentence was SataS to j fCr Fre-
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  • 254 15 Paris, VO class of "worker' in France has been harder hit by the crisis than the professional dancing partMr*. Only a few years ago they numbered thousands, and the majority enjoyed an income that a cabinet minister might have envied. Now they fad it impossible
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  • 369 15 London. A NEW State motor-car designed to save the Queen from catching colds or chills is to be delivered at the Royal Mews, Buckingham Palace, this week. An inlaid glass roof over the back of the car has been introduced at the special suggestion
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  • 224 15 VIKING'S ENERGY FOR EVERY MAN The Vikings of old were gods amonfc men. Superb In physique energy and vitality pulsed through every muscl* and sinew through nerves, body and brain. Their diet was rich In laden with strengthening Vitamins. The Halibut, caught In the ice -cool waters of the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 62 15 Brßa al Hb _a k j _i_t# aH _____l m _w j__HHß*l ni __asa__w x -CT _h ~y ak fl I Bpr a TEETH like the Don't of th nvy the Wutifu! teeth j* movi e star*. You. too, B^hm I r? P arkling teeth d a le Jast »^Koivnos
      62 words
    • 215 15 Sm^— nihil EE-SEE E E E E EEEEES£ E S E E S E EE 2 E E Ertsl V: •■••>>*K%s><«:>.-« E3 I -i TO-DAY 1 k| Those Awful Pains I m^\ After Meals |Bp (to-morrow I fl| Eat what you Like and I 5 NO PAIN I IJHBBH This
      215 words
    • 335 15 Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Minutes Choking, gasping, wheestng Asthma ami Bronchitis poison your system, ruin your health and weaken yoiir heart. Mendaco, the prescription of an American physician, starts killing Asthma Germs in :< minutes, purifies the blood and builds tu w vitality so that you can Bleep soundly
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  • 135 16 ARMOURED CARS FOR BURNS VOLUME Kearny, New Jersey. TWO armed officers and an armoured car were used to brinu a Robert Burns first edition from the New York library of the wealthy Mr J. P. Morgan to an exhibition here. The book was on display at a local celebration of
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  • 212 16 i Friends Wonder How She Does it Those friends ot Mrs. E. M. D. who have been wondering how that lady Is reducing her hip measurement, are now let into the secret. She has been taking Kruschen. Here ia a letter fiom her: "I
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  • 78 16 Budapest. ILONA Fredlich, a 27-year-old artist, made three unsuc- eessfdl attempts to take her own life. After the third at- tempt she confessed thc rca- sen to a doctor When a easterner cancelled J a la irc order for pictures, she had pronounced a dreadful curse oil
    78 words
  • 97 16 DEATH OF VETERAN SOLDIER Da* ban. C ATTAIN John Ileugli van Ryncveld. a veteran of the Zulu Wars, has died near here at the age of 87. The son of Judge van Ryneveld, jud^c of the Transkeian native territories for 30 years. Captain van Ryneveld led an eventful life. He
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  • 966 16 THE HATCHING AND FEEDING OF CHICKS FOOD FORMULA Ifty Orpington WITH Ul-'breeding season just starting, one should remembei that next year's prosperity absolutely depends on the rearing results during the next few months and therefore if the eggs are not of the right type, the future stock too vriH not
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  • 419 16 (By RA. Thompson, Doctor Of Ocular Science) IVHII E it has become fashionable to call the photo-electri< the viectric eve" recent researches have proved that eves-except Bias* ones-are electrical Besearches show Una there are feirty constant electric potentials m the eye. That the
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  • 151 16 Policeman Killed In Car Smash 'aire. A POLICEMAN was killed, a doctor seriously injured and an Kv tian military officer and two women were slightly hurt when their car collided with a train at a level crossing near here. Eight persons, including the policeman, who was standing on the running
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 124 16 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY, THERAPION No. 1 THERAPION N0.2 THERAPION No 3 Wo. 1 Coras Discharges. No. 9 Cures Blood Poison. Mo. 3 Cares Chronic Weaknesses* Bngtisb Price 3s. Chemists. or either No. return Mall, DR.LEC_E-RCMed.Co.H-verstoc-Rd,N.W.s,_ondOS. DR. LB CLERCS PILLS for the Liver *Kld ney a- weak W mm bladder.
      124 words
    • 107 16 ATKINSONS yfe \jt3 EAU DE COLOGNE lilßP^ restores energy WHEN hours of ijjm unremitting Atkinsons Eau dc Cologne is famous activity have worn you out, when your for its supreme quality. Its fragrance head begins to spin and your energy to and freshness, its restorative properties, fade, a touch of
      107 words
    • 166 16 The "World-Beater" Course «f Training by "^^Si«l? Triple Undefeated St rength of Great Britain omc*i Games Representative, w P^ successful for over 50 OOfl it^ end** the ages of 16 and 6 0 mciuair Doctors, members of the Army, Air Force, Professional Men, b Men. Clerical and M"^ Athletes-in tact
      166 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1042 17 Pi%t Cripple Your Nerves Sfop Pain and Itching in 15 I m^ U^\ Mlku Jcs, Avoid Operation I Wrkk New Discovery f^TET. pC J Slna 1.1 nt Ispovcry r,f rhinarri,] by _.n _^S f American Phj slcian it is r.o longer n i >v sary f..- an m s to
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 259 17 ON THE AIR TO-DAY When And Where To Listen In SINGAPORE 7H i *25 metres (1.33 mcs) /HP 30.96 metres (9.69 mcs) A Military Band mask >; r,gm orchestral concert bv Rel--11 lers Hungarian Band, directed bv c Reller 'relayed from the Sea View Hotel I Hunt 'pianoforte. orchestral concert
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    • 259 17 RN.)— a story of fortitude, selfsacrifice, and discipline in the face of danger, production by Howard Rose. 7 15 Music of the Years.'t presented by Eric Gillett. 7.55 Religious Service* (Roman Citholici, from St. Edmund'- College Chapel. Ware. Herefordshire. The oldest Reman Catholic educational establishment in Britain. St. Edmund's Collet
      259 words
    • 246 17 NIROM YDC 15.15 Mcs (10.8 m.) a.m. J 7.20 Opening. Musical programme. j 7.50 Church Service. 9.05 National anthem 9.07 'Van Overal" 10.20 Classical concert. 11 35 Foorman's Orchestra p.m 12.05 John McCormack (song recital) 12.20 Carel van der Bijl's Septet. 12.50 Film selections. 1.10 News bulletin. 120 Omroep Orchestra.
      246 words
    • 147 17 BERLIN OJB 15.20 Mcs (10.7 m.) p.m. G.20 Conceit of light music 7 20 Ne-ws in English, j 7.35 Concert of light music (con j t.inueri). 820 i\'ews and review of the week in German. i 835 A Sunday evening programme j 8.50 Beethoven's Piano Sonatas: So- nata in c
      147 words

  • 1639 18 London. ANCE a novice in a monastery, now branded as a ruthless West-end blackmailer and bogus priest, a suave well-dressed man left the dock at the Old Bailey to start a sentence of ten years* penal servitude. So persistent were his demands that in two
    1,639 words
  • 80 18 Bombay il RAT set a house on fire at Bhind. United Provinces causing the death of a woman and serious injuries to her husband. Thc rat dragged away the burning wick of a lamp near where they were sleeping and dropped it on their bedding This caught
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 290 18 SYMPHONIC VOICE RADIOS AND IHE CATIIEDhAL TONE TUNNEL. WORLD WJDE RADIO CO. 98. Kobin&on Road. Singapore. o^h{^&mss won we job m? me] \W '"JFwSs'' Neatness personal appear- hair in place, even stubborn I *pj ance attractively groomed hair. It adds a delightful natural Tk j hair, all help spell success
      290 words
    • 195 18 NATURE'S *WL FOR ACHES, PAINS, LIVER TROUBLE, etc. Here is good news for those who suffer from rheumatism, or whose sluggish liver makes them tired, irritable, and depressed. Nature herself has provided the remedy and now man has brought it to your door. In many parts of the earth there
      195 words
    • 138 18 PILES can be Cured There are thousands of men and women who suffer awful agony day and night because of pile trouble, who do not know that every chemist stocks a special remedy that does most surely and quickly banish the misery of this wretched trouble. Make a confidant of
      138 words
    • 59 18 Eczema Ifcb Killed in 7 Mil* Your sk,n has noarly 50 jJ«B5tf ribJ. Itching, < ™<; kln *£E Piorl'^. Burning A-.-, "'"f'^urh *J, b!«-mishe8..0rdman tr,aU f T hev do t.-mporary n-llef th.- B< raus.-. The new.^» t rA* derm kills th. r IftSEfSS Uve. M) th in one I.a.!< on
      59 words

  • 457 19 STATE TOURNEY ENDS {v >«hin\ -iVnang) JSt Se Kedah Malay 1 an taking as much m t in lhe fame ol" had Ur nh,n as others is amplj Sottrated by the hold n Tof an a'l-Kcdah Mala. "dminton tournamon !hich «as su.cessldl ut to
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  • 233 19 Selangor Millionaire Forming A Team (i>y "Rambler" Selangor) pROM the end of this month, Selangor badminton enthusiasts will no longer be welcome at the Victoria Institution hall. It is the new policy of the authorities, and after very many years of practices and tournaments and championships, the hall will be
    233 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 19 Above and on the right are two pictures of Mrs. Teo Ah Kcw, Singapore badminton player, who recently paid visits to Karimoon and Rhio where she defeated some of the best players there. Mrs. Teo takes an active interest in badminton not only in Singapore, Karimoon and Rhio, but also
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  • 240 19 FORTHCOMING MALAYAN TOURNEY AT PENANG: PLAYERS PRACTISE IN EARNEST (By "Phoenix" Singapore) J INTENDING participants all over Malaya are reported to be practising in earnest for the biggest of all badminton tournaments in Malaya, which are taking place in Penang during the Easter holidays. H. S. Ong who has just
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  • 359 19 Perak Is Sending A Con ti ngen t Of 'Stars' To Penang (By "Racquet'— Perak) fTHE Malayan badminton championship tournament, which will be held in Penang during the Easter holidays (April 7 to April 10) has aroused keen enthusiasm among badminton players and fans in the State m Perak. Taking
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  • 488 19 MALAYAN DESCRIBED AS BADMINTON WONDER IN ENGLAND (By "Phoenix" —Singapore) ]y|ORE good news from A. S. Samuel Yes, Samuel whose name is now striking the headlines on the sports pages of the leading papers in England,. Scotland and Ireland. Aialaya owes a great debt to him for it is Samuel
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  • 21 19 Khoo Eng Tee, singles champion of the Spartan B.P. (Singapore) for three years in succession, photographed with his trophies.
    21 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 477 19 UIDITY RELIEVED IS TWO MINUTES Sm DraglesH Rei^edy Succeeds Where Other Remedies Failed. Too can be so distressed with gas and iaas md bloating that you think hart U total tc s>^P beating. feel suffocated -You feel di-zy. i want quick relief. So did the mter o[ the letter behw.
      477 words
    • 32 19 mi iiiiiiiiBiiiliriillllltilliilsta «3L WMJk^&'~mmwrr'MwikrJiL. ~_BF' I ___^o britain's best s Bmotoj^ycleJ Mechanical perfection l^^^^HH for your enjoyment. NB____i___^____B Cycle Carriage CO., (1926) LTD. n j J ffl M_.u.»-fiir>-u-. \£____L' TJJSH 5 *jS2ft_J_E-S-B--M-i
      32 words

    • 978 20 FORM OF SOME DIV. I TEAMS Hugh Savage Discusses Erratic form has marked the beginning of the j 1939 football season in Singapore. There have been i numerous upsets since the league started. j The failure of both the Manchester Regiment i the Cordons was due to the poor ball
      978 words
    • 404 20 r "C rV I horeign Invasion Promises Some Interesting Bouts SINGAPORE is soon to have some 'me boxim^ from the Philippine Islands. Readers will rem** that 1 called attention to the lack of new mat among our boxers last week. Evidently our nrom« thought BO too. for I
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 374 20 X H«rm* tun f.O* 99 OF flSfli GASTRIC HI ULCERS! 11l Perhaps your stomach trouble is not so serious vJBBfe-^KM-k"Bl^^ as that of Mr. H. J. George, whose letter appears :^HP^^^^pß llt§tf! "After taking your wonder- illustration shows how Stomach ful powder, I felt a different man X-Ray Photographs are
      374 words
    • 113 20 WATERBURY'S COMPOUND HELPS BUILD YOU UP -STIMULATES APPETITE-KEEPS YOU FIT There's strength and vigour in every bottle of Waterbury's Compound. It has helped thousands to new health new vitality new stamina and energy. You soon lose that tired, listless feeling because Waterbury's stimulates and tones up the entire system improves
      113 words
    • 40 20 _r^^__________i OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic developments, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience.
      40 words
    • 14 20 G/V£ Wltf HAIR Polished Lovely FJr*^^N Xmajm KrillianMKf plc.^c -rue to A. I *^f~*
      14 words

  • 135 21 GUNS BESIDE THEM TwO Britons have been found fatally shot, with guns beside them, in Shanghai, one in the French Concession and the other in the Settlement. The oedies ere discovered almost simultaneously and an j rnystery surrounds them, no explanation being given
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 115 21 Burgo>. Alar. 11 <iin;t_D Offence Council l-road-i many bailing he-d b> g SISS in -ntre of Madriet Jeande Luz, Mar. 11. <« ftocrted General Miaja's troop,; i!2Sd the Mini-try and Marine, EffiS* 'Madrid's 17-storey sky--IS,Td other important bu-'ding* gSteWby the Communists. Paris, Ma/. 11. t*
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 801 21 Centralisation Plan To Be Launched By The A. A. M. "I SHWID like to stress how much the governing bodies of the Avjnatum throughout 'Malaya appreciate the very cordial reutiMtfhip which exists with all Governments and public bodies," jaid Mr G. M. Coltart, speaking at the annual general meeting mi
    801 words
  • 104 21  - JAPANESE THREAT TO BRITAIN? Sin Chew Jit Poh China Loan Shanghai, Mar. 11. IT is reported that the decision arrived 1 at after exhaustive discussion at the meeting of the Japanese Imperial Diet yesterday was that Japan should make a vigorous protest to the British Government against the recent currency
    104 words
  • 18 21 Paris, Mar. 11.— The Council of Ministers nas rixed April 5 for th. presidential election Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 100 21 I 1 IN view of Mussolini's promise to 1 withdraw his forces from Spain and the hesitation of Gen. Franco in attacking Madrid, special interest attaches to reports that Italian 3 "tourists" of military age are flockf ing to Barcelona. Rome, Mar. 11.— Since the fall
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 66 21 Berlin, Mar. 11.— Reuter learns that Herr Schacht, former President of the German Reichsbank and __conom.cs Minister, is starting his holiday to-mor-row. He is not going direct to India but is making a stop in between, prvbably in Italy or Egypt, and going on to India at the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 239 21  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Hongkong, Mar. 11. CMIINESE war planes have been i extremely active during the past week in Kwangtung. They went <nto action in bombing Japanese military establishments in Samshui, Hohow and Sainam on the West River, about 33 miles west
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  • 105 21 Peking, Mar. 11. A CERTAIN amount of confusion reigning here since the introduction yesterday of the new rules as regards circulation of Federal Reserve Bank notes in North China was cleared up to-day when it was announced definitely that Peiping, Tientsin, Tsingtao and Chefoo
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 60 21 Los Angeles, Mar. 11. Mr. Mikhail Gorin, manager of the local office of Intourist, and Hafia Salich, a naturalised American citizen, have been convicted under the Espionage Act. Gorin's wife, Natasha, was acquitted. Salich was found guilty of tiansmitting to Gorin. and Gorin to his superiors in Russia,
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 55 21 Berlin, Mar. 11. —It is understood that Germany will not make any claim to the Antarctic region said to have been discovered bv Ritscher until Rltscher has returned to Berlin and submitted a report to competent quarters. The land concerned, whicn Norway claims to have discovered earlier, Is
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 34 21 London, Mar. 11. A supplementary estimate issued to-day provides £42,730, 559 for expenditure on A.R.P. in trf» coming financial year. Over £30,000,000 will be spent on equipment and materials. British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  34 words
  • 24 21 La Rochelle, Mar. 11. A BATTALION of Senga- lese sharpshooters is entraining to-night for Marseilles, to embark for Jibouti. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 118 21  - CHECK ON JAPANESE AT HAINAN Sin Chew Jit Poh Hongkong, Mar. 11. JAPANESE troops invading Hainan Island have made abortive attempts to round up the Chinese main force on the island. Adopting guerilla tactics and making full use of the hilly terrain, the Chines? have been able to avoid frontal
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  • 132 21 1 Lon don. Mar. 11. T is understood that the proposals which the British Government will present to the Arab and Jewish delegates on the future of Palestine early next week are to be completed during the week-end and are expected to differ in some respects
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 60 21 MEXICO U. S. OIL PACT Mexico City, IvAir. 11. It is officially stated that President Cardenas and Mr. Riehberg have reached an agreement for a settlement of the petroleum dispute, arising out of the Mexican Government's confiscation of U.S. oil property. No detail- are revealed but it is said that
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 80 21 OPENING MONDAY 13 th MARCH 1 vmVßlGo\*G«> WJ6H Moft THW 4 WttT" nd cry oW^ 1^ 00 <Wt look out!) ■RS^C/ yy f fi j«-i I^T \l______L if'lK^ \TH A F%m* Wei******' '.a„,i it c n a t M~~nBr:_Wn~ v» *'___^__v __< _FeiT?»^»^^!sl >V__^ _S__Y_P li 1 k aven _j
      80 words

  • 178 22 Farr To Wed College Girl Southampton, Feb. 26. piUNNINC- an amiable, unaccus- tomed grin. Tommy Farr leane! against the walnut-lined walls of hi-; suite in the Queen Mary at South arnplon to-night and told me about his plans for the future, writes John Macadam. They are very rosy p.lans, which
    178 words
  • 614 22 LOYALS DEFEAT "TADS" IN DIV. SOCCER MATCH Fine Game At The Stadium IJTRST-CLASS s(sc er was served up a( lhe Anson Mmmi Sladiu terday afternoon when, in a firs! <li\i-i< n A.I-. League fi the Lovals defeated the MjUKrbcster Kc^imeni h v one goal t When almost everyone thought thai
    614 words
  • 282 22 Singapore, Saturday. njpKRRIFIC bowling by Se_akh_in Singh and Dharmaraj was responsible for the rout of an S.C.R.C. cricket eleven on Hong Um Green last evening when the Khalsa Association beat the Chinese by the impressive margin of 103 runs. I Batting first the Khalsas compiled
    282 words
  • 361 22 Fine Innings By D 'Almeida Singapore, Saturday. TpHANKS to an excellent innings of 53 by P. d'Almeida and his partner at the other end, L. Reutens who compiled a .steady innings of 38 not out, the P.W.D. scored a decisive victory over the S.C.C. this evening by 3<" runs and
    361 words
  • 40 22 Durban, Mar. 11. RAIN prevented play from being resumed to-day in the England vs. South Africa cric- ket Tect match. ..At the close of play on Friday. England had scored 253 runs for the loss of one wicket.
    40 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 202 22 'Jw< r *i* T&ta* _^_H S**2m\ _-__fl_-_BBaas_-_-_U 'mmmWMKK&S&MiffI m^j^\g^^^^^^£L^Jl^<d^m^i-^a\^^.^,y£y^j' jj WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS Bright Prospects and Big Pay Opportunities for the Trained Man I NOW I. tha time to get out of the rut and qualify for a permanent well-paid post. Write TO-DAY for our great G-ide which
      202 words
    • 146 22 ITHE SINGAPORE MUSICAL SOCIETY. Ft 1 1 Qm "i^TitAL C»xcraftr TO-NIGHT AT 9.15 P. M. THE VICTORJA MEMORIAL HALL Conductor, JOHN TRYNER (Farew !1 Appearance) EVA CLARK— Prof. HARRY ORE—R. A. WADDLE. SEATS $2, $1, 50cts. BOOK AT LITTLES. I i.. ijitniiirr r j r~l •».»•»•»•*••■*»••*•■•■••..■••»••■>•• ZZZlZZilZZ*awZammmw***»t mm9mmUmmm umm m
      146 words

  • 1079 23 OPENING DAY OF GOLD CUP MEET \Fnm Our Oun Reporter] ]A Tud meeting »>I the Selan^or Turf Club opened this afterT KE t Kuala Lumpur in fine weather. Sir George Trimmer's 1 noon at first n|ce and simultaneously scored her PH >e
    1,079 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 23 Itoytd Um .1 1 ...i.i an lahiftaj
    7 words
  • 100 23 Kate I—PRINCESS PRIM SIS and $8. Salmon Par Sl3. Wait a Bit SB. Race 2—JUST MY LUCK $20 and j $7. New Cslk) blO. Cosmetic !S9. Race J—CLIFTON LAD $75 and $12. A.D.C. SIC. All Geld $8. Race 4.—MARCHETA II $17 and Sll. Ponover SlB. M.s
    100 words
  • 86 23 New York, Mar. 11. DEDRO Montanez of Puerto Rico beat the former British lightweight champion. Kid Berg, by a technical knock-out in the fifth round of a scheduled tenround fight and claims a fight with the world welterweight and lightweight champion Hen* ry Armstrong. Berg won three
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 133 23 S.C.F. A. DINNER Singapore, Saturday. A LARGE number of membsrs, well-wishers and friends were present at the S.C.i'.A. dinner neid 1.1 the Clerical Union hall this evenArricng th<\se present v/cre Eae Pre*'> dent of the L'.C* .A., fcJL\ 'lay L:an Teck. Vice-Fresiconta Messrs. Kong twV.i Kong ndf.oh Ghee Soon, ar-d
    133 words
  • 370 23 ENGLISH SCOTTISH FOOTBALL RESULTS C'OLLOWING are the results of English and Scottish league football matches played on Saturday: ENGLISH LEAGUE, DIV. I. Birmingham 3 Wolves W. 2 Boltcn W. 1 Brentford 1 Charlton A. 3 Elackoool^ f Chelsea 5 Gr'msbv T. 1 Leeds V. 4 Arsenal [Bicester C 0 Huddcrsfield
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 337 23 (By "PETE") THE fourth annual Singapore 1 Olympic Weight-lifting championship was held last night at the Covered Stadium of the Happy World before a large gathering. Great credit must be paid to the organisers as the event was well run. Wong Ssah Kee who partook in the world's
    337 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 23 C. G. Jenner and E. G. Staunton, opening for the S.C.C. in their match again! t the P.W.D. yesterday.
    19 words
  • 212 23 Chinese Team Leaves For Manila THE Straits Chinese football Z i ..n's i«u ing team leave Singapore on Honda] h> the "Victoria on :t i* extruded tour Of tllO Far Bast lhe team will couafart of 19 r players and a secretary. Tl if 1 following are Use players: l.r
    212 words
  • 297 23 S. R. C. Cricket Trial j Singapore, Saturday, j IN a home and home game at the S.R.C. this afternoon the Captain XI (R. Bain) beat the Vice-Captaij side (P. do Souza) by 11 runs. Bains side batted first, Hoffman be«rf top scorer with 52 runs, not out. Hoffman's innings
    297 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 158 23 High Blood Pressure Dangerous fo Heart Thousands of men and women past 40 face the dangers of heart trouble and paralysis because of High Blood Pressure. High Blood Pressure is a mysterious disease that causes more deaths than cancer, largely because people mistake the symptoms for indigestion or some simple
      158 words
    • 94 23 SAVE YOUR MONEY through /lie o BUILDING SOCIETY OF MALAYA LTDmil firn M|l lw Z fMI WmW not less than 3% PER ANNUM. SJonies pecatvod urom Depositors are uvesieu only in: I Advances by way of mortgage on properties. Purchase oi licehold and leasehoio prupert es. Public i r unds.
      94 words