Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 5 March 1939

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 12 1 The Sunday Tribune VOL &-^!!lJ^ SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1939. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 966 1 One Harsh Word May End In Blows .\aval Siirgeon (Special To The Sunday Tribune) RRITAIN and Japan have both made great blunders m the Far East. One harsh word between them might lead to blows. JAPAN cannot win the war. Co-operation between China,
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  • 95 1 f tfMttlMlirgE alow will VfiWjm loose wtto takr an ■frßjflrt to tr rest m Far Ea*t*h tfffcipjtttt t J:ip.m ran never ea*rfr*Cfcina." -.iiti Dr. Horivh*C. m m exclusive intf n'icw Ctiaj ha- l.'G.etJO (W'J people; J*i»n has only 70.Jft?MjOU," he •em m "*v timing that lapan
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  • 19 1 Anxiety For Gandhi J *ttTY as to thr eatcome »l *£S5!1 f:lst ls cvit!cni m Paramoun- -owr m Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 80 1 COST OF REFUGEES TO FRENCH PEOPLE I has Jhtii ne Frcnc h Govem--1 ouiS-r? a OIU :<sklns for (>redit Spa-n 9 i-ir. ncs tc rellcv 'c refugees oTpfch i a W«> v al of the def3lmVn ai d Fs opening crethese am 4 T^' S lt l csiimatfeU »P to
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 124 1 London, Feb. 2?>. I ONDON and New York papers carry reports that Herr Hitler is afflicted with a malignant disease. Frcm an unimpeachable source Cavalcarle states, it has received a copy of what purports to be a report issued to high members ot the
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  • 162 1  - RUSSIA AND JAPAN PREPARE FOR CLASH Sin Chew Jit Poh Shanghai, Mar. 1. jV|ILITAIi V preparations arc said to Incidents Rk?ly toiarise out *or the atiction of Japanese fishing lots at VLac IJ .vo: toik tin Mar. 15. According to eye-witnesses who have ju c.nivcd here from the border disJ.ic
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  • 72 1 Chungking, Mar. 4. It is reliably learned here that there i.s no truth In the report that the Chinese Government is about to. transfer the Government offices, including the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Finance Ministry to Kunming. While .some Government offices* aro le.'ng moved
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 155 1 Arab Princes Fear French Italian War CONSIDERABLE curiosity is arouv ed regarding the nature of the mission for which the Yem3ii, Prince Seif cl Hussein, delegate to the Palestine Conference, went to Pari» a fortnight ago and from which h^ bas not yet returned. It is known that he delivered
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 59 1 Paris, Mar. 4.— lt Ls gathered that the suspension of the expulsion cf three Swiss Journalists from Italy reported earlier has not altered the decision of the French Government to exnel Sign or Monrlli, Paris correspondent of the Corriere Delia S^ra. which is stated to he due to
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 192 1 Hig Welcome In Vimiiaii QPE NINO the back door to China m spectacular fashion, the Imperial Airways survey flight ma hine Ataianta received a most enthusiastic reception on Friday afternoon on its arrival at Kunming, capita! of Yunnan Province, from Lashio, Burma. The Atalanta, Reuter
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  192 words
  • 44 1 PALESTINE COMPROMISE Cairo, Mar. 4. A POSSIBLE move towards a compromise m the Palestine negotiations is indicated by the departure of Amin Osman, Egyptian Umler-Secretary of Finance, for Beyrouth It is reported that he will confer with the Chief Mufti of the Arabs. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 94 1 Foreign Power Behind Sabotage Dublin, Mar. 4. IT is understood that secret information reaching the Government ol I'"ire about (he source of lunds supplied to Hrn Iri^h IJrpuhliran Agency (o cany on Hi^ terrorist campaign hern communicated to Kcotlaatf Yard Mr. Etuttietfge, Bire lilnlirtrr trf Ju J- n .stated
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 glsie Mary Cattrry Rotd jostrm^ed Shipment of S 5.00 Washing Dresses. M 1772. {***>** reaction: scr pu» M). Si** oSJi' EEx tracts, racts 6. Strictly iLS* C l !f m j noR ds 9. Women sports Paradf JO.
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    • 98 1 Elsie Mary Battery Road. Has a comprehensive Collection of Dres-es X Suits from .1. i«i s rto. Trl. 177 L*. 5 A. M. EDITION Pcrak Installation: story Mri pictures page 24 Latest General and Sp its news pages 21, 22 23 'JUT BHHB :> "^^HI^L. BB is matured m wood
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  • 486 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) OR some months now, the B. M. B. C has been broadcasting on short waves, catering for listeners throughout Malaya. Reception is at consistently good strength throughout the length and breadth of the Peninsula. 'I tore radio listeners have a groaai
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  • 83 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A NOMINAL grant of about $20 or $30, is expected from the Goveminent by the Cameron Highlands Society, for tJ.eir policy of making Tana Rata Village beautiful from an horticultural point of view. The scheme involved is the planting of shrubs and
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  • 548 2 Singapore, Saturday. HP I 'REE appeals were this morning dismissed by Mr. Justice Home X m the Singapore Hieh Court. The three appellants were Chinese, Tio Ah Chye, Toh Yong and Chua Lye. In the case of the first appellant, Tio Ah cv.yo, an eighteen y.oar
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  • 386 2 SINGAPORE SCHEME (Tribune Staff Reporter) WHII the object of making pupils newspaper-conscious, so that they nay take an intelligent interest m current affairs.. Uio MetiHKhsi Girls' School, Singapore, has introduced, through the .nitiiitive ot Mrs Yeo Std VII teacher, a method of making the
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  • 300 2 GALA NIGHT A T THE WORLDS SPECIAL attractions and tastefully and appropriately decorated halls were features of the gala night at the three different worlds last night m aid of the China Relief Fund. The cabaret of the New World was decorated to represent a night m Hawaii while special
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  • 537 2 MORTGAGE SCHEME (Tribune Staff Reporter) (^jF vital importance to Municipal employees ts I decision of one of the Board's standing committees, which was approved by the entire body of Commission cis at the last meeting held a few days ago.
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  • 39 2 H.H. the Tuanku Machmud Abdul JaMl Rachmat Shah, Sultan of Langkat, who has just returned after a trip to Europe, where he was decorated by (he French Government. Langkat is the richest Sultanate m Sumatra.
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  • 91 2 London. Mar. 4. IN a report on the progress of the na--1 tional servic3 campaign, bcoadca it to th 2 nation, the Lord Privy Seal declared that the resp:ns- UJ dats wa> definitely good and encouraging. Oi the 1,500 000 men and women required for civil defence,
    British Official Wireless  -  91 words
  • 122 2 JHE < lumn> of ihe Sunday Th. 1 hL-iiP have t.-und pen-t rifn l fui quite a number 01 p*m|f^ \aritua p::rl of the world «J m« Lhe »a,i i* w monilis rL !ur iPqust tor this s»e rv a. :i Australian ir i name is fetty
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  • 202 2 BOOK ON JOHORE iyK hav<» received a copy of J V*Y i" i bo klel entitled i 3 State of Johoro," and published. M authority, by the Advertising m Publicity Bureau, l.iv. Alt i actively produced, and preM Ly a map of the State and a p!M graph oi His
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  • 99 2 Diiflc-r tV- au. ac< oi the Tnifl core Mil :ii i CMdcn Club a w entertainment, a;; wc-'l as B t ui v. hold at the premise [Kluin Youth League, n&. Ra» Read (kindly bent tor the ocei«"».: Thursday night. M;my ijrunin .it Muslims W«J Lh
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  • 37 2 Foieign imports .4 rubber u>^f" duiiii^ F( bruary were 13JW tf total r the first two montw year of 32.938 tons. The estimated export of o^ from Malaya. Brunei and uw Ftbiuary was 23,500 tons.
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  • 178 2 Singapore, Saturday. LEE KAM CHOR, a 21 year-old Cnntpntse, to-day, appeared fc3frrt Mr. Kenneth A. Blacker m the Fourth Polirr Com I on a charge of attempting to commit robbery of a rr)d necklace from Mrs. Snm Williams m Kinla Lav? yesterday. In outlining th* facts
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 25 2 rj|_|^U^f|^ OJIoJ A^ Telegrapnir Address :m4 V IV GOODWOOD (hat mindly situaK-d idea! fo^ visitors ami toiui !s. (Of KIAII. RAX I.OlNfil— FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT.
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    • 78 2 g f MOST T Heret ttAT cow {?'-< rs ATTRACTIVE jjil >i#t^^^^ EXPENSE HOTEL BAR t l«^I "'!i»^ RESTAURANT tusli and s«t Water Thr***^ Bathing yy< T*fJ Term i s Dancing, PgSil ffirlll^ Spr ng Floor, Etc. ittißfcfl Hfcl^yi iF^ «INCiLC lit A Delightful \inxis- I li!^ Pm iWlff* jihere
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  • 509 3 SINGAPORE MAN ADVISES LONDON (Tribune Staff Reporter) iN entertaining i >rresponden -e OB the correct drink to take with A ir rv ha rctvntly been published m the London Times, and one a n < who have contributed a letter en
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  • 238 3 Postal Official's Lapse Singapore, Saturday.— Pleading guilty this morning to a charge of criminal breach of trust as a public servant, Jcscph Mesenas, until his arrest on Feb. 7 postmaster m charge of theKandang Kerbau sub-;ost office, was sentenced by the District Judge (Mr. L. |B. Gibson > to four
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 3 -.i» Rosemary Goujh Howe!!, who is e«|a?cd to Squadron-Leader R. Kaaray Rae, elder son of Mr. and Mr>. G. Ramsay Rae, of Line* field, St* Stttth Wale?. Miss Gough H ..»ril is the daughter of Mr. C. Geugb HoirH. X.C.. Attorney GeneSUaits Settlements, and of Mrs. Cough H<roell, Singapore.
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  • 232 3 Singanore. Saturday. tI'RTUfR evidence" was tc-day rerurdfd m the case m when Mr Tan Jao Thoan is charged with causi«t \ht death of Mr. Sng Geok Gee i nf»iif:nt act not amounting: to idjakif hcmicide through negligent 'fr-rng. uuMHi; grievous hurt to M-. Lim Soo Tw
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  • 33 3 NEW BUILDING IN K. L. In common with Singapore, Kuala Lumpur is finding new buildings springing up. Here are the offices of Messrs. Harrisons, Barksr Co., Ltd., which were opened for uss yesterday.
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  • 269 3 \From Our Own Correspondent] London, Feb. 24. A FORMER R. A. F. flying ace who served through the Great War and was a member of Sir Alan Cobham's and Sir Charles KingsfordSmith's flying circuses, Flight-Lieut. Rodney Beresford, aged 41, died at His home, the
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  • 159 3 MALACCA LOSES DETECTIVE CHIEF (Tribune Staff Reporter) Malacca, Friday. WITH the departure of Mr. William Martin, Chief Detective Inspector Malacca, on leave this month, the Settlement will lose an efficient police officer, who has done much towards the reduction of crime both m town as well as the outskirts. S'nce
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  • 32 3 Tuan Haji Ambo' Sooloh bin Haji Omar, J.P.. well-known member of the Singapore Malay Community, left Singapore on Thursday night for Kuala Kangsar to attend the installation of the Sultan of Peruk.
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  • 182 3 JOHORE VOLUNTEERS' RADIO VANS (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE Johore Volunteer Force have introduced radio patrols. This scheme, new to volunteers m Malaya, allows an independent unit to keep m touch with headquarters by radio. In time of war it will be possible for the headquarters to issue orders and receive
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  • 106 3 Singapore, Saturday. Tan Kia Tuan. a 35 year-oid Hainancse, claimed trial this mbrnilig m the Second Police Court before Mr. Conrad Olriham to a charge that he en Feb. 17 at Rcchore Police Station [;a\o false information to a public seivai that his mistress named Tan Took
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    • 331 3 conceited male who struts around fancying himself as the Great American Lover took a terrific verbal beating m an interview given by Dr. Lena Levine, medical director of the Sex Educational Research Bureau to an American newspaper who charges that most men are "love slackers
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    • 129 3 MALAYAN MALE ALSO NOT SO GOOD A SINGAPORE doctor, a European, to whom the story m the adjoining column was shown, expressed tho view that 80 per cent, of Singapore's foreign married male population were poor lovers. 'This very largely accounts for tho neurasthanic excitability and irritability of married women,"
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  • 142 3 The "Great American Lover," she said, "had better get wise to himself Or else, m this changing world when* woman is already his equal, he will and that she will throw him over m favour of some person who is less conceited and who has taken the
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  • 266 3 [From Our Own Correspondent] Malacca, Saturday. BEFORE a representative gathering of Malacca Volunteers and prominent Malacca people, the Hon. the Resident Councillor, Mr G. W. Bryant, on Thursday presented CSgt. A. D. Stevenson the medal of the military division of the order of the British Empire at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 Guard Your /^^V Priceless Eyes! IfSS* They Govern Your Comfort. .Youi Efficiency. .Your Pleasures. Protect Them with Good Light... Good Glasses. .And That Vitally Necessary Yearly Cheek-Up. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO., 4, Arcade, Ground Floor. Tel. 3002 R. A. THOMPSON Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 Years European Clinical Experience.
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    • 20 3 II) M*n*u In y r^^(U debilit *j AN/EMIA use DESCHIENS' Syrup, of Hemoglobin <X ALWAYS CURES, and gives health ~*a4~*tftQgU^
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 What a grand feeling to be able to enjoy a hearty LAUGH Again! I CAPITUL 4 SHOWS TO-DAY 11 A.M. 3.15 6.15 9.15 You'll i oar at Screendom's funniest pair m their latest M.-G.-M. Riot of Hilarity— ds they return from the wor just 20 years .^ms. late 1 It's
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    • 160 4 lALHAMBRA Two Great Stars Together, m an Unforgettable Picture rs was a love wfh H/s /ore passes all ffa^ at J u *t Heart-stirring Man-urecknt jn| ERROL i^^ *IVBETTE t ANITA LOUISE bW W^A t^i^hW lAN HUNTER M to i^^^Ul/^m fcl" (v'Jm DONALD CRISP ll?l/^r^Lil I ViflT^ BEULAH BONDI M^B
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  • 139 5 THE Disney Studios certainly promise something very extraordinary m their new production. As we already know, Leopold Stokowski is m charge of the musical store and he works hard and lung and every day, but there is no further news. The studio wishes to keep
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  • 23 5 i 5 W "5* lWe fe an e *pert amateur S-JJjP'ctoK^ is bafcing /?s*, /«W» daiJy drinAr. a T* 0110 touch tnt>
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  • 13 5 The Marcus Show bmJP^^bt nt ys> w 1 bring i£T\m "^CUig to the
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  • 250 5 END OF A TWO-YEAR SEARCH FOR A TYPICAL FILM NEWS SCARLETT O'HARA DAVID O. SELZXICK has ended a two-year search for a Scarlett I- Hara by deciding upon Vivien Leigh, yountr British actress, as the screen heroine of "Gone with the Wind." The film producer said that the greeneyed girl
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  • 246 5 piVE outstanding- film personalities Joan Crawford, Margaret Sullavan, Robert Young, Melvyn Douglas and Fay Bainter bring to the screen "The Shining Hour," dynamic, ultra modern story, opening at the Pavilion next Wednesday. Besides giving her usual brilliant dramatic performance, Miss Crawford dances for the
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  • 172 5 T^HE three Ritz Brothers, taking a hilarious, tongue-in-t he-cheek poke at the radio broadcasting studio's penchant for ta!ent quests, are to be seen at the Alhambra on Tuesday next m their latest starring comedy, "Kentucky Moonshine." In this 20th Century-Fox film, with Darryl F. Zanuck
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  • 256 5 most people know that it is bad form to ask the driver of a truck carrying dynamite for a match, many do not know that it is also poor taste to ask these drivers for the time or change for a dollar. The reason is that
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  • 29 5 Dance mad Joan Crawford dances for the first time m five years m "The Shining Hour," which cc.;ies to the Pavilion on Wednesday. Tony De Marco is h?r partner.
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  • 97 5 Must Not Work With Brother In Law Paris DECAUSE he has married the sister of v a colleague of his on the municipal council of Narbonne, m the department of Aude, M. Roux, first assistant to the Mayor of Narbonne, has been forced to resign his position. M Roux has
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  • 426 5 Liver And Bacon At 1 1.30 p. m. "Stout Fellow" Says Judge TiTrTrkT^xT^m, London, Feb 28. JHIDENCE about a scene that followed a liver-and-bacon supper was given m the King's Bench Division, when judgment was given against Mr Louis Brooks, a cigar merchant, o! ffl^r," win^l ai T d^ that
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  • 76 5 GOOD SAMARITAN'S SWEEP LUCK Grmn c Johannesburg. OOD Samaritan C. J. Bornman, a Transvaal farmer came on the scene of a car accident late one night, and drove the injured, persons 20 miles to Pretoria Hospital. He refused payment, but hnally agreed to accept a sweepstake ticket as a gift.
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  • 310 5 Philadelphia. A MURDER ring whose members A used deadly typhoid germs, arsenic, lead piping, and anything else lethal they could find to get rid of "a long series of victims whom they had insured for £10,000 to £20,000" was unmasked recently by District Attorney
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 304 5 NER VESf Are you a nerve sufferer? a victim of needless fears? Do you feel you want to cry or scream for no apparent cause? Are you depressed, lacking mi n hope tor the future, distrustful of yourself, dis inclined to meet new acquaintances, to make new friends? If so
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  • 255 6 Beauty From Stone "Mistery" Society HRITAIN'S strangest secret society is called "The English Mistery."* ♦According to the Century Dictionary, mistery is an out-of-date spelling of mystery With a membership of about 200.00 C, society's task is to "foster, encourage, and guard the English breed, its character and manners,"
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 6 Can Chamberlain's umbrella stop Mussolini's sword? New York Daily Mirror
    New York Daily Mirror  -  12 words
  • 143 6 OIXTEEN-YLAR-OLD Kumar Hardayal Singh, cause of a civil war m the Indian State of Jaipur last summer, is lost. Son of the old Rajah of Sikar, a small dependency m Jaipur, the boy became the source of royal ructions when the allpowerful Maharajah of the State wanted to
    London Newspapers  -  143 words
  • 87 6 BAITING the bull-fighter has assumed such proportions m Lima, Peru, that local police are thinking of banning bull-fighting. Last week Spanish matador Laserna received one of the noisiest jeeririgs ever accorded to a fighter m the history of the bull-ring. So excited were the crowd that they pelted
    American Magazine  -  87 words
  • 75 6 i WHEN he was thirty-nine Franklin Delano Roosevelt was stricken with the disease which claims so many victims in the U.S.A. infantile paralysis. He has never walked properly since. The President's triumph over his infirmity is an epic of great courage. This week to celebrate the President':* fifty-seventh
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  • 414 6 Singapore Attracts Triplomats For Secret Defence Talks WHILE political btgshots «ive forth spiels of appeasement f or dome** consumption, real moves on the diplomatic chessboard now, p^ take place behind closed doors, including Government House, according to "Cavalcade* (London). One of the.^e. little publicised, took place m Paris, Sunday, when
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  • 56 6 An aerial signpost which patau the way to almost every comtij of Europe and a good many «gtside it at the Royal Dutch Airtan terminal at Amsterdam, ItnVMl At the aerodrome there are mm than 600 landings daily by 14 air* lines which collective? tern
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  • 161 6 THE Directors of the Manatarftfai Life Insurance OmpW increases m business to come and asset* at the flftyii^ annual meeting. Although the disturbed conditions g ing the year were reflected by WJ that the new business, taetaOTT ferred annuities, of M&]W*»£ per cent less than that of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 340 6 f^ LX > STYLED TOUT heod t' ;^N 7sl!wMsM made m England m many J CSa v yfflfflma/jk styles, and varying UCW CJ |2Li-!^lw/ weights for climates hoi 411 Fur fiat A y or coid." I A* *^^^l IbßeM^ ■'•BoßKi^' I y ioBS^*y*3BB^^^^B6oKo^s ns^l sy^^ErJEKm ft^ PHOSFERINE and fed better"/
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    • 117 6 WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS Bright Prospects and Big Pay Opportunities for the Trained Man I NOW Is the time to get out of the rut and qualify for a permanent well-paid post. Write TO-DAY for our great Guide which contains the world's < widest choice of home-study engineering courses
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    • 360 7 READ with interest and appreciation an extract Iron a leading article m the the journal of the Ox lord undergra "L with reference Uj the Duke and i^hess of Windsor. The extract fc a* *M&* Gecnie :md uvvu Ebaabctn a ve the whole country behind them to a there is
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    • 160 7 THE underjpriduate writer has said something with which many people will agree. Many of u.s are profoundly uneasy about t»* Bitter of the Duke of Windsor. v twdlse that there is much we do not know r«jjarding the events which led up to the abdication of
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    • 160 7 P° and three months is a long W- We remember the Duke's (Jeep l «*hment to the country which he left *c wonder uneasily why he still stays The people are anxious to give -i welcome to the man who gave up ail ior love. or «ive
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    • 243 7 I'^^1 written of lhe wonderful Queen y f Ma J estip < Kin? Sfn,..'. Which I s a\v many evidences einEnorlll^^tvear. Theil Hut (>th(il v| l th c splendid llh *hich the Kinjf faced the tasl which prompted England to enter the war m J!>l4. The writer
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    • 168 7 TN quoting from Freiherr von Rheinbaben 1 have been careful to use the name "England" where he says "England" merely for the .sake of giving an exact quotation. 1 mention this m order to prevent possible protests by my friends from Scotland. I know perfectly
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    • Article, Illustration
      77 7 Grrm any Speaks f HAVE been reading "Germany Speaks," a book by 21 leading members o* Party and State m Germany and a symposium of German aims and aspirations. The chapter headed "Germany and England" is by Freiherr von Rheinbaben. It is a discussion m detail of the relations between
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    • 275 7 HTHESE nre excellent sentiments, to which we all subscribe. But there is on c important omission m considering the realities of the situation m he world to-day. What of the Far East If the ambitions of Japan .should bring that country into conflict with Britain— we may
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    • 225 7 T HAVE on various occasions mused on the credulity of the people who fall for the famous confidence trick. Strange are the tales of the extraordinary trust they place m their fellow men, but surely the championship prize should go to the farmer who recently paid a visit
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    • 124 7 rPHAT is the story, and admittedly it Xi hard to believe, as are all Ihe other tales of confidence trick victim* when they aro told m bare outline. What has to be remembered is that the tricksters work with great skill. A friend of mine once told
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    • 63 7 A LESSON m humility is taught by the story of the man who called at a newspaper office and asked to see the oditor. "Editor?" replied one of the staff. "Novlet me see." Then, turninir to a colleague, lie asked, "Who is ov.r editor?" "I don't think
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 2603 8  -  Henry Grierson UTHP C\l 'XBOSO" By "I SEE there's been a revolution iii Spain," he said, "I thoughi Europe had forgotten that trick Ion*? ago, and left it all to comic States like this." "It occurred some time back," 1 laughed; "that newspaper is months old,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 331 8 WAS BALD JH Bih s H Hra r Grew B^^^ KOTALK3 i Oldham. ■pf J ftaM alt »»tf th« if ol my Wt htatf. 1 tried ditferput %£L pr, r>-ir«tlons>. but they 'li'l no good. I eutf Kotalko. JlpS^Bf*"**' New hair came ann si iflKgJp* Immediately, an«l kept .n «w«^
      331 words
    • 52 8 Kirsi Hiii); r every mornih;'. drink a glass oi KXO'S FRUJT SALT. B ENO'S will cleanse your i^fe» system, purify the blood. fe^fl V re€ y° u const i palien, headaches, sleepiyfv^ j| ness an'! restore your I X; Ktf^fl V 'latural hcaM h and ■E^BK^kU*-''-; /■'■^W H -j^^ri^^H^ m
      52 words
    • 139 8 JS^ It is imp*- h Mblr f«r ft* J^ individual provide his valued poss^rons the s«'^ that is afforded b? our where we have various sizes for hire at m<*erm*c rates. t i,. HIKERS themselvw hoW KEYS and ONLY THJtf have access to th^'/j'*^ so «hat SAFETY and PRIVICI may
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  • 600 9  -  C. S. Hammonds (By mem *»W' r i> ..J5. month« back to th« who were not t«o young to rethe nisht, I**™ ?in« .he black-out on the f Feb 2:5-2 4 there were f.hdidnotco-op.ratetotheex-£t the authorities would have Zi the offenders did not
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  • 235 9 'No Major War,' Says Hearst Tt|R. William Randolph Hearst, the United States newspaper magnate and financier, m an interview with the "Melbourne Herald"* recently said: "I do not think there is the slightest likelihood of a general European war for the next few years. "England does not want war and
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  • 85 9 Belgrade. A 30-year-old unemployed Belgrade man has announced his willingness to do any little odd job such as: Breaking rocks with his hands or on his head; Lifting- an object weighing five cwt. with his teeth; Holding- fcur horses pulling m different directions; Dancing bare ft ot on broken
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  • 84 9 TO ALL FEVER SUFFERERS 'Mum yuu !eel hot uid tol(l .that cause violent pains ovei i>; that maße you d.por- »< m^° nS WaSte aWay YOUr nerve lv tUisUes an^ weaken your l^ of OrSans Thats why solid t r c y U leCl SUk^ But crto l °K et
    84 words
  • 287 9 London. THE figure of an ibis, dating from the Ptolymaic period, about 100 8.C., and one of the finest Egyptian bronzes m existence, has been presented to the British Museum by the trustees of the letters of the late Colonel T. E. Lawrence, i The
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 375 9 Piles Cause 15 Dangerous df* mmd* ma m Bs^sl m headache r m fTC W\ m\ WWW loss of memory I J f 1 1 1 Plvlll^ Eft; New Discovery Stops -^L/fIKSo-^ Pain m 15 Minutes and |,JgrSS£.M,U A Avoids Dangerous "T~" "X(lL4,*^ L_. Operations .|ffiter laec the discover? of
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    • 270 9 I if*' A y^M___l^^\ SUITABLE I I PICK-MS- rrp OLD fc YO«Q j all diupcnr.dne-; Sinyye<<. THE NEW ECONOMY TIN contains as much as the bottle I PR AND COSTS LESS// I lI^IIpJ lill MNDREWS LIVER SALT now y^Jfj I' V L- >s- 11 present to you their New s
      270 words
    • 157 9 USE THIS 00jf)$£ M^n SOAP Cuticura is a MEDICINAL and N. TOILET soap, combining m one N. x^ big tablet the unique soothing, healing and antiseptic niedica- T <*'"« rW9Tfl^ ments of Cuticura Ointment, o th t^.^J h with the mildest and most I Antiseptic WKr^ l>eautifying soap base that
      157 words

  • 1742 10 THROUGH THE EYES OF A WOMAN News And Notes Of The Week By Our Own Correspondent CTILL another week has passed by— a week crowded with engagements. Last Saturday was specially exciting fo v apart from attractions offered by the hotels and "World V on this night, there *as the
    1,742 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 405 10 +-PRISCILLA ltd -s. PIRE SI!,K Hosie<:iSY j j NEW SHIPMENT. S LATEST COLOURS. J Tel. 3335. 61, Stamford I. i Sour Stomach? Try the New Modern Method for Quick Relief Use Alka-Seltzer Are you sometimes bothered by a sour condition. Get Alka-Seltzer today— and acid stomach, gas, hearlburn, and keep
      405 words
    • 518 10 LARGE COMPANIES ADDING NEW MEN Only physically fit are selected With business conditions improving, large firms throughout the world are selecting men, sound m body and health. Better business is demanding more strenuous effort m all walks of life. Weak, anaemic, rundown men find Waterbury's Compound a marvelous source of
      518 words
    • 41 10 I W£JAo£TO££ •In si Ite€*€ k iv< k fl Unusual and Inexpensive 13 Bat'r.ry Road, Itt floor Phone 7!43 Can only oc achieved by itiUg MM correct foundation. Let the Expert Riv you advice at the < AIR -CONDITIONED rrRRY MAYNARD'S, liATW*^*-
      41 words
    • 20 10 ELSIE MARY Has a New Collection of Dresses for all Occasions. $5 to $30 Rodney House. Tel. 4772. Baltery** m
      20 words

  • 392 11 Tricky Weather AT FRASER'S HILL fJe sold m the heaven, seemed la more .settled spell For W warmer afternoon, latoweJ %2% '^e fan- and wari Tun-interrupted by showers t t t <m sn<lay^u B ..ppomt- tl r.-atc- the weather had bad relapse, TwTand more- ram I>H Ctartoß tn, le If
    392 words
  • 85 11 UR. Shearn, the lawyer from Kuala Lumpur, is one of the guests at Ledeghem. Also Mr. and Mrs. Sear, Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, and Mr. G. Bailey of Rawang. Mojor Koe, from Singapore, and Mr. Grindluy ol Kuala Lumpur arc at Hollebeke Mr. and Mrs. Elbury, of the P.W.D.
    85 words
  • 250 11 *PHE popularity of the Cameron Highlands as a holiday resort for those wishing to enjoy their local leave m ccoler spots is becoming widespread and this week's letter brings news of visitors from as far away as Rangoon. Among these are Mr. C. Lane, Mr. J. iirodie
    250 words
  • 447 11 Where To Spend Short Leave? WE, In Singapore, with a distance of five hundred miles to travel, are apt to overlook the amenities offered by Penang as a holiday resort. Actually, however, the journey is a.i easy out? on account of the excellent F.M.S. roads. Two
    447 words
  • 143 11 MEMBERS of the Singapore Gardening Society .spent a most enjoyable afternoon on Monday last when they paid a visit to Ungku and Mrs. Aziz' garden at the kind invitation of the latter. The garden, a formal one, is laid m the vast grounds surrounding the house and
    143 words
  • 720 11 One of the most successful of the season llMllilllliii lilliliur r Penang hot eh with modern I cottages attach- ed, solves the problem. y£ iniiMimiiMiiimnriMiiij ANOTHER week has flown by, the chief event of which was the larpe Police Dance held at the Lake Club on Saturday
    720 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 70 11 THINK tfjfji V OGUE'S NEW F ures tunform to the 'v\\br mI ted bodices P^ )MINANT AT RECENT TOC! wScn" b^ ss| kk^ Jist ton Un" Uards Xh VIKM. J^and nJt heav '"-than avcraie ft? Pr'mlf th m cai the fine ture br^kin X down. mi and ler<4 aIM uplifts
      70 words
    • 53 11 north »kij»c;f road C 2 C 2 DO sIMi\PORF. rur>cs m MV f leather exlia compartment ir^.tl.- $I."»o m all colours. AT 4 "y\A/YFAIR HOI SF <>< FASHIONS New Styles m Men's JEWELLERY Cuff-IJnks Dress ButtonsTie Chains Collar Grips In Gift S<ts or Individuals Boxes. 157^ NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Showrooms
      53 words
    • 205 11 LATEST ARRIVAL FRENCH ENGLISH PRINTED MATERIALS IN MOST EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. AT PARMANANDS i> HIGH STREET. DEAFNESS— «> a w total complicated with head noises and other troubles cured absolutely m four weeks. Success, complete satisfaction. Full particulars on request KAM ALA WORKS (M.T.), Panchpota, Bengal, INDIA. Highßlood Pressure Kills Men
      205 words
    • 45 11 .*O-*^- **r~~*~yp£ S r S swimming pool; or I i BEACH i Sbathinc caps! Sbeach goggles! Swimming GOGGLES j ISUN CLASSES! SsUN TAN OILS' j and CREAMS! J EAR PLUGS J EAR DROPS. S I i h rn I Medical Hall Ltd.; 3, Battery RoadA
      45 words
    • 92 11 PYRAMID II D X E X f II I E I S PvramUJ handkerchiefs always win through After eve'y rough an.! f /unble their colours remain as cheerful as ever And it cannot be sail that a Pyramid is afraid of the wash. You can choose your Pyramid handkerchiefs from
      92 words

  • 500 12 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Sunday, March 5, 1939. The Social Evil In Malaya page appears a letter from he secretary of an organisation inch purports to sp^ak ith on the social evil m ...iiuaya. Th*s organisation has no official standing and is m fact a semireligious propaganda group, but piesumably it has
    500 words
  • 868 12  -  C.H. Stanley Jones SHANGHAI— TIENTSIN CHALLENGE SERIOUS MMM !j\J J a PAX EAST CRir-IS, foretold m articles, with increasing emphasis week by week, is upon us. The developments at Shanghai. Tientsin and other key points are -he logical culmination of Japan's policy
    868 words
  • 31 12 Members of the light anti-air- craft batteries of the London i S Territorial Army, still m civi- I Han clothes, firing Lewis guns with tracer bullets.
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  • 426 12 "AH, but wnat a strange looking cow," cried a sweet young thing. But why hadn't she any horns?" "Well, you see," explained the farmer, "some cows is born without horns and never had any, and others shed tfieirs. and some we de-1 orn, and
    426 words
  • 45 12 iiie King, wiio was accom- panied by the Queen, launched 5 the battleship "King George V, the first built m Britain for 14 years, from the Vickers-Arm- S strong yards at Wallsend-ou- Tyne. The new battleship will S displace 35,000 tons.
    45 words
  • The World Looks At Malaya
    • 309 12 IF, m regard to venereal diseases, the "mt'dica] authorities" of Singapore "insist that licensed houses are the sole means of combating the spread of disease both among the girls and the troops" they must be considerably out of date m their medical knowledge. The whole system of licensed
      309 words
    • 98 12 ASIATICS of Singapore are deriving huge, delight ir.nn English AJU> methods. Every n::;ht m one of tile city's amusement parks, air nud wardons give a demonstration m digging trenches, state kin putting a; gas-masks. The display altiu« thousands of Chinese, Malays, ana Indians, who look on with amused
      Cavalcade  -  98 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 82 12 Mjr^ MM t "'VH f Ml A^ m ml 4 **~*^H I JH^^H H-MV REFRIGERATORS ,^1 RADIOS AND %1 RECORDS SALE NOW ON to 1/f/i o/ March. i if ONCE A YEAR ONLY Moutrie's hold a »le REFRIGERATORS, RADIOS and RECOW^ The stock offered is either deleted from catalogues or
      82 words

  • 610 13 MANY NEW SPECIMENS (Tribune Staff Reporter) Raffles Museum, which received a large number of visitors from among the Chinese community over the Chinese New Year, follows very modern methods m taxidermy. ::iibits on view. v* Yer y Jong aeo. fish, snakes mr
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  • 205 13 (Tribune Staff Reporter) TIGHT lady students will he v trained m Johore as teachers beginning this month understand that over 50 applications have been received by the Education Department for po>ts as lady teachers. Applications were received from various parts of Malaya. One application came as
    205 words
  • 67 13 The efficacy of the steel air raid shelters which are being provided by the Government for the protection of the occupants of houses without basements was shown on the experimental ranges at Shoehuryness, Essex, when heavy bombs were exploded close to a specimen shelter. Our photo shows
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  • 297 13 London, Feb. 28. 4 GIRL whose jet-black hair and vivid blue eyes had won her the name "the black butterfly," was found murdered recently m a flat m Dover-street, Mayfair. She had been stabbed with a table knife. An hour after she is believed
    297 words
  • 304 13 Crown Jewels Will Cross The Atlantic London. WHEN the King and Queen go to Canada m the spring it has been decided that they shall take royal crowns with them. This will be. the first time m history that British Crown Jewels have crossed the Atlantic. Most likely the crown
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  • 90 13 Belgrade. AS Stefan Georgevitch, a peasant of Mali Negorcahani m Northern Macedonia, was entering his village, he was charged by an enormous wolf. He sidestepped, leapt on its back, and grasped it by the ears. The maddened beast galloped off into the country, Stefan shouting for help
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  • 460 13 (Tribune Staff Reporter) TiR. P. S. HUNTER, Municipal Health Officer, Singapore, leaves on Friday on retirement. He is jroinjr to visit England and Sootland, and will also travel to South Africa just "to see the place." It was m May, 1913, 26
    460 words
  • 123 13 Colombo. ABRAM Sineno, a Otfl— village lad, was sent to gaol for six months for committing a theft on behalf of his liancee. When he came out he found that his liancee had broken off the engagement and was •walking out" with another. Stung to the quick, Abram
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 35 13 EYESIGHT SERVICE OF UTMOST SATISFACTION 1939 Model. Brst Equipment Scientinr Eye Examination. Latest Styles of Glasses, Surprisingly Low Charges. Everbright Optical Co. Qualified Eyesight Specialists 19. Chulia Street, Singapore. T S CHONG, Or. of Ontotn?try.
      35 words
    • 106 13 HE CAN'T STAND |^jJPgI CASTOR OIL Jf^gnj Compared with unpleasant-tasting and nasty- I m^, K9 imalling castor oil, CASTOPHENE, th« modern MR Wgtf Uiative— efficient, gentle, pUasant, quick— is M|^ jSk?**WL W~> marvellous. Does not upset weak sensitive \Q j^g^'^gfe 1 constitution*, and quickly relieves headache, dizziness, catarrh, depression, «tc
      106 words
    • 479 13 For The Blood, J/eins, Arteries and Heart T&tlC And Stop Limping DON'T let Leg Troubles cripple you. Take Elasto, the Great New Biomedical Remedy that cures through the blood, and have done with enforced rest, worry su tiering and expense. Leg aches and pains soon vanish when Elasto is taken
      479 words

  • 369 14 Roulette In Woman's Flat Lone! on, Feb. 28. npHE interruption of a game of roulette by detectives m evening dress was referred to at Marl-borough-street police-court. Mrs. Frances Bergman, 47. owner of a riding establishment, cf Oxford-street, was fined £60. with £12 costs, on a charge of keeping a gaming
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  • 48 14 Lucknow. THE first sloth-bear tub to be born m the Lucknow Zoo for 15 years has been killed by its mother. Upset when a keeper entered her cage as she was nursing the cub, the mother seized it by the threat and strangled it.
    48 words
  • 251 14 Hollywood. BERNARD Shaw and two British films, "Pygmalion" and "The Citadel," are among nominations by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science for awards at the annual banquet on February 23. Shaw is among those Dominated us authors of
    251 words
  • 131 14 MONSTER WITH 'ELECTRIC BULB' EYES Ciiafton, w south Ual~ I« tody of a huge •no,M,r,' has beea washed^ on Kunjry Head Be wh I i ana N«. w South Hales Though it weighed nearly t*o tons, a Raping wound mi n S body suggested thai it had Z a desperate
    131 words
  • 405 14 London, Feb. 28. S E N 7 S'£ vf death the Old bailey on Leonard Arthtr Jellicoe -Bond. 2:5. B labourer, o' J oplar-road, Lowestoft, who •*< found guilty of the murder of Syhi» Irene Ellen Kiel f»s, 10. on WimWe dOQ Common. The jury added
    405 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 180 14 fVT'NIre.TICKCTS ISSUED S •OR J TRAVFI **>) 1 r "*»k* RAILWAY LINES. NO BOOKING FEES. Cblneae clients and those of all owr resident communities are given the best ol attention and 1 as&istance. 1 3*. ROBINSON RD, SINGAPORE r I TELEPHONE 5908. i IVATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNES CYMA JEWELLED LEVER MOVEMENTS.
      180 words
    • 488 14 SYMPHONIC VOICE RADIOS AND THE CATHEDKAL TONE TUNNEL. WORLDWIDE RADIO CO. 98, Robinson Road, Singapore. Ctrn't Let Skin Blotches Make You a Wallflower 808 DOES-WT LDVP MP |If y s£ NIXCPEP,M 1|F NE WEEK LATER| 5fM A o U S c E c° F M V UGIY TONIGHT MV DEAR
      488 words
    • 426 14 BACKACHE Look to /mX your Kidneys Only those who sufter t^^Ji^^ yOU wiU n 7 P crscvrr< can realise the utter 1\ i^^ the y win nd y° ur s y stpm mitery, the maddening iH^i^i^a^a.^^ the P o^ oos and im torture, the dreadful weak- purities that cause yoin
      426 words

  • 755 15 Mystery Beauty In Kidnap Drama Of British Spy Paris. A M JST1[ M c m .v«<«ri»us disappearance from his Sen ice .nH.i," n ieved l,clon ,he I5ri,i «h IntelliKence sm.^L ,he l"' 1 hehef is (hat he has been kidnapped and smupRled across the frontier bv interested persons The proverbial
    755 words
  • 297 15 What The Stars Foretell MONDAY FOR ALL READ- ERS A day of adverse influen- res from a business viewpoint, j JL very favourable for friendly and social affairs. If you are m late you should have a happy I m s? ECIAL INFL UENCES I May 21 to June 21.
    297 words
  • 82 15 vmc^ Shanghai. of a sensational case of WMiWisni has just reached Fenjfhua, Chekian^ Z*X* the b «rthp!ace of Gena oS^T 1 iV w Hen g-^ h °v seized iwSiS ""w? hls wn clansman. wJ h f kUled him cooked Went occurred on January 31. s
    82 words
  • 307 15 London. QREAT interest is felt m scientific circles at the news that Dr Yen to fE 1Wof nals leadin sdenti *ts, is shortly coming whe > art lv" th v invitatio of the Universities China Committee, ZwrZ b im o a Sl>ecial grant for a
    307 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 26 15 relief^ I HUDACHE I fiSfi RH EUMATiSM JB 7^ COld^ and frtMShhii^ AA V *^-^}~1% turn tO V^"*l^r I|||Tl w 1 i •h^n. <u«wuon or harm
      26 words
    • 120 15 "'TT suffered so much with indigestion," I writes Mrs. Singleton, of Bow, "that I dreaded mealtimes coming round. I was a/ra^ to eat. Since taking Bisurated Magnesia I can eat anything. My husband also suffered for years with Gastric Ulcers, but since taking Bisurated Magnesia he has been free from
      120 words
    • 484 15 NERVOUS EXHAUSTION made her an INVALID FOR WARS. Too often the sufferers from exhaustion get little or no sympathy. Weighed down by a burden of fatigue, they drag their way through the i^at and fever ol the day, half -dead *itn lassitude. Yet there is a way out a diet
      484 words

  • 674 16 Dangers Of "Indifferent feeding" Of Poultry Food Ratios i>on 1 1 1 > Xotes By "Orpingtoto^ EVERYONE woh has read poultry Books t ha* been impressed by the wora "Ratios" What are ratios? They are -imply Lhe amount of albuminoid^ balanced to the amount ol carbohydrate* and fats combined. You.
    674 words
  • 72 16 DOLPHIN HELPS FISHERMEN Split, Dalraatia. Till: fishermen of Ploche. near Split, have lost a valuable ally m the person of Adolf, the dolphin, who for some m9nUis took a delight m driving fish into their nets. Unfortunately other dolphins were less unselfish, and their depredations led to a dolphin hunt.
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  • 440 16 London, Feb. 28 THE Hon. Mrs. Hodgson, seventyfive 0 B.E., returned from shopping- in London to her home at Sherecroft, Botley, Hants, and found that she had an extra brown paper parcel. She opened it-and got a shock. Sis delator "and a mechanism for a time
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  • 178 16 Woman with Severe Neuritis For the benefit of others who maybe troubled with the complaint she suffered from a grateful woman writes: ff^! May I had a very severe attack of neuritis m the leg, which made it m\p^sible for me to
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  • 262 16 "Peace May Be Cheaper For Japan" London. men.', .T. luncheon here of the Interna.ional S.uden. tort*. Dr Koo said that when one-third of China's universities were occupied by the invading armies and sometimes turned into barracks, refugee students mo?ed 2,200 miles and restarted their studies. "While we have not worshipped
    262 words
  • 459 16  -  R.A. Thompson (By Doctor Of Ocular Science) H/f]LTON author of "Paradise 1. 05t," wag bttnd. Keethoven. the great' musical composer, was deaf. Robert 1. mis Stevenson, author was tubercular, and Louis Pasteur, scientist differ.*! a strok* at 46 'Milton wrots: "It is not
    459 words
  • 325 16 out again. ae?s 'out the smile would not come "%rt good am I without WjggJ he cried. "What good am I wit no. Ief Mbnt Edward B rice is not inanities. He M» never been to BKIa d The nearest he has ever got
    325 words
  • 133 16 110 YEARS MARRIED Istanbul. A MARRIED couple whose ages add up to 273 say they are still as happy as at the lime of their honeymoon 110 yean age They are Ismail Agha. aged 132, a water-carrier, and his wife Cherine. aged 141, and the? live m Chermak, Anatolia. They
    133 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 245 16 fit I^x^tP^S Bifc -^V •*jMR': .JB V v V Ik. Will you Ha "lean your teeth to-day? B EfeS^^ course I will" HACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE I f you qk tolid dcntifcice, tiy tbtnewr MACLEAMS SOUS MtMISI IWTimtl "what's that "ha. ha I 1 YOU'RE EATING WOULO'NT YOU .j^Qy SE
      245 words
    • 4 16 dVLb OLBRO'S PILLS IoPIJiUW
      4 words
    • 84 16 SAVE YOUR MONEY through the BUILDING SOCIETY QFMAUYA LTD him .Jnw!' not less than 3% PER ANNUM. Monies received from Depositors are invested only in:— Advances by way of mortgaf c on T Purchase of freehold and leasehold properties. I Public Funds. IT Trustee Securities. YOUR MQNEY IS SAFE WITH
      84 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 491 17 Quick Relief from MI.TTJMFWffTf^. RHEUMATIC TWINGES WWi?JafflMiM The fiery, piercing pain of Rheumatism n M P"^ ao respecter of times or seasons. It cripple i^^ iM #Al von at unexpected, awkward moments. The I 11 Iff #A% Indroiis IS ouv when you try to bend, sto..p _Tf lj^^ ##11 or
      491 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1008 17 ON THE AIR TO-DAY j TFA -3 15.24 Mcs (19.7 m.) When And Where To Listen In 7.30 Arts and folklore o| the French SINGAPORE LONDON >0 3C neUgious Service- (Church ,f 8.05 SttT Immm England), from Lichfield Cath..- 8.20 Concert relayed from' Radioz hl 225 metres (1.3.J mcs TRANSMISSION
      1,008 words

  • 67 18 MENTAL HOSPITALS FULL UP New Delhi. THE 17 mental hospitals m British India are so full that some cases of criminal insanity have had to be lodged m gaols where facilities for treatment are lacking. Whil« full accommodation is available for only 8.425 patients. 11,792 cases have been treated m
    67 words
  • 753 18 London. A DOCTOR, who, in November last, was found guilty by the eral Medical Council of "professional misconduct." was defendant in a case at Birmingham in which a married woman alleged he h^ the father of two of her children. The summonses were brought against Dr
    753 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 460 18 STOMACHS BURNED WITH ACID the result of neglected indigestion n> !v «houkl neglect indigestion pa.n-. 1 Of indigestion i-> a sign that, alter anting, too much acid is being made m your stoma, b. li you allow tins to continue, more and more of this at id will be produced,
      460 words
    • 463 18 Give Your Dog A Regular Course Of SHERLEY'S TONIC CONDITION POWDERS The cause of Moodiness, Poor Coat, Losr Appetite, Listlessness, Itching, Scratching, Hair Shedding,' etc., is over- heated blood. But a dog's blood only gets overheated when it «is impure. Keep your dog's blood PURE and you will keep it
      463 words

    • 327 19  - BRITISH TEAM TO VISIT MALAYA? Phoenix (By Singapore) yy^ ALA VAN badminton enthusiasts may have the opportunity of seeing Britain's best exponents m action if the met ambiiicus tour ever planned for first-class British players materialises. An invitation h^s bean extended to Great Britain to send a team, representing th?
      327 words
    • 400 19 MALAYS SHINE IN Batu Pahat pOR the first time this year the r Java Stia R.I 1 champions m the Batu Pahat district interteam tourney, ntot nn'l defeatei the "Aloha" KP. by four games to two at the former's court kst week. The < -i?: > .dr.!d c! pi^y on
      400 words
    • 405 19 Insufficient Notice Of Tournaments? (By f Sphinx" Pcnang) 1^" Settlement arc doubtless surprised to hear thai men ton Atari fl* »S Xl!!\h S8 iallo n s Ufldeniv *****> to run this years junior tournament on ftiaicn lfc and that they have decided to close the entrieson
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    • 15 19 Traffic IJranch badminton "team, w inners oi ihe annual TPolice interteam badminton championship.
      15 words
    • 272 19 (By ''Racquet"— Perak) g,\!>Ml\TO\ m Peak, particularly m Ipoh. has sained a firm footing. which hLIWi I"/ *y r re lhe pioneerh oT "> is father same It was about a decade ago, if 1 remember correctly, that badminton m Perak was conducted on an
      272 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 519 19 Nore Youthful Vigour Glands m 24 Hours ■••Discovery Brings Jf^wres of Life to Men *gM J»o Feel Old Before fL^ TWpT™ 1 ▼"tor Restored <-"pHvote m^Mf W SjSi^^F^- romen li^*^ 3 tWWtt 1 0^ 61^ y throu S u this ••n> study, and practice, it is my opinion tt« n«i
      519 words
    • 375 19 i MOTHERS-TO-BE WHO HAVE HEARTBURN Should Head this Norse's Letter Hero is something of real interest to those mothers-to-be who are suffering J with Indigestion in one or another of j its various forms: flatulence. UiL'EltlMRL, sickness 01 acidity. To-ciay If if 1* j longer necessary to endure this penalty.
      375 words

    • 642 20 Hugh Savage Discusses gOCCER (lays are here again, for the S.A.F.A. League starts to-morrow when the Malays meet the Manchesters at the Anson Road Stadium and the Gordons play the Loyals out m Changi, m the first division. Other fixtures for the same day are R.A.F.
      642 words
    • Article, Illustration
      430 20  -  Pete $IL rp\VO English boxers arrived m Singapore last Tuesday and a programme was put up and presented to the Singapore Roxing Board of Control for sanction. The fights were billed for Friday, but unfortunately the board did not approve the promotion. Tile notice was too short. It
      430 words
    • 744 20 FORWARDS DECIDE ISSUE OF CAME THERE is nothing new m the plan of selecting one or two extra players for a cricket team md deciding the final side when the state of the weather is known. This scheme, however, has not so
      744 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 163 20 Getting Fat IHri slit*. mm** 5U* 1 853^8" W m_^ IP JhJFJL^Jh.w' ttjJH The apple is acknowledged to be the m ■l\ most health-giving of all firuits. Cyder, M lilimti product of the juice of the finest cyderJ^^^mH^l apples and ±erefore is extremely tf(g^ I ,otf«^M»j\ healthful and refreshing. It
      163 words
    • 200 20 BE A SUPERMAN IN 1939. The "World -Beater" Course of Home Training by HAROLD LAURANCE, Triple Undefeated Strength Champion of Great Britain Official Olympic Games Representative, so phenomenally successful for over 50,000 men between the ages of 16 and 60, including eminent Doctors, members of the Army, Navy and Air
      200 words
    • 55 20 AFTER GIVING BIRTH TAKE H® herb ilifi^i Tfl HIP Gf all Chemists and Sto-os or from trie Agents: T. K. HOCK Coy.— Ki..U Lumpur. TROPICAL DISPENSARY LhM CIIOE LYE PeittO HONG lIIN ft Coy Ma'acci. LOH CHIN SOON.— B:ia»kob. V.'ONG LEI YAM— Laharl Data. Borneo. L. ENG COMPANY -Segamat. 'OUR
      55 words
    • 108 20 Lose Fat Secret Method Discovered By Hollywood Cinema Stars Now Obtainable at Chemists A sfcfe. Becrat bm Uiod of r.«]u< m»? uply rat has been discovered l>y a California physician m prescribing to tha famous m. ...a Stars of Hollywood. This discovi ry, called Pormode, quickly and safely dissolves ugly
      108 words

  • 722 21 Malayan Indians Appeal To Gandhi (By Our Indian Correspondent) -IK news that Mabatma Gandhi TL undertaken yet another fast tfdeath-ihis t»me at Ra.fkot m Wh £?r of his liie-has caused r a Tnef among the Indian commui ty m Singapore who are appeal"H him to break the fast. m*m are
    722 words
  • 49 21 PFREIRA— On March 4th, 19C9, at No. 217, Race Course Road, I Ingap^re, Annie Pereira. 82 yeaiv, widow of t'^.e late Mr. John Perfira. The funeral service will take place at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd at 430 p.m. today, interment at Bidadari Cemetery later. Deeply regretted.
    49 words
  • 30 21 LIM— S'HIH. The engagement is announced cf Mr. L'm Teik Hoe rhe rldest srandron of the late Mr. Mrs. lim Choon Eng of Penang to Miss Shin Him Nnn.
    30 words
  • 64 21 Kajkot, Mar. 4. A BULLETIN, issued by Dr. Gilder -rl Congress Minister of Health, and other doctors declares that Gandhi is cheerful 24 hours after beginning his fast, and is suffering irom no nausea. Dr. Gilder told Reuter that Gr>ndhi's heart is much weaker than last Sunday, lie
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 153 21 Viceroy To Act A Patna messages says that there is indication that the provincial Congress ministries would not remain passive m the face of Gandhis fast, and a direct hint that the Ministries might resign unbss the Viceroy intervened has been given by Maulana AbduJ Kalam Azad, until recently an
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  • 62 21 Paris, Mar. 4 Strong declarations against any concessions to Germany m her former colonies m Camerocns and werg made at a meeting called by the committee for defence at Camerocns. The speakers, including Mr. Moutpt, former Minister for the Colonies, declured that French Cameroons and
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 316 21 Chungking, Mar. 4. £JIIIXESE people are greatly moved by Lord Strabolgi's statement on the China situation m tho House of Lords, heartily endorsing nis views. They are impressed by Lord Strab 1Ti's pertinent enervation on the Far Eastern situation m general, especially *iis assertion that
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  316 words
  • 358 21 R A. And Scottish Cup Quarter-Final Results QUARTER final ties lor the F.A. Cup were played on Saturday, and the results appear below. Results of other English and Scottish league matches are also given m the following list. All the results were cabled from London by Reuter. Reuter
    Reuter  -  358 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
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    • 345 21 fNo mistaking I quality and smoothness 11 LID* IVXjr LlllUdL^ LUU^ *ffi &Qk iHI 10 1 Wllldl IxCl l^/XVar i^'JiVJOTCaftwSv, 1 1 .'>.'.-.■..■. <■■■■■■;- '•»>* -4IHJPI k-^S^K^^r^Slai^Jßy)^ VChether you buy Craven 'A' m the patent I ijkJ^^^^SEjS^^^^.jik air-ti^ht 'Tru-vac' Tins, or m moisture- I I 'tM^^^^^^jrtft^m^, proof Cellophane wrapped packets
      345 words

  • 116 22 British Industries Fair London, Mar. 4 THE British Industries Fair, which 1 h^s now closed, has been one of the most notable m the 24 years of is history. A large volume of foreign ord-i- has been taken m all sections, and the errecta of ths recent trade apreenvnt wit-i
    British Official Wireless  -  116 words
  • 172 22 R Washington Mar 4 EADINFSS of the Confess to co-operate with the administration m removing trade damping (axes is proved by the joint letter to Mr. Morgenthau from Mr. Harri<:>n. fhaiimnn of the Senate Finance Committee and Mr. Doughton chairman of the House
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 17 22 The first conference between Cardena and Richberg is taking place on 7. (Reuter menage from Mexico City).
    17 words
  • 91 22 London, Mar. 4. British Boxing Board of Contro". -1 has taken an important step m rci,.ii.l to the question of televising and broadcasting big fights. The Board der'Cicd that the promoter cou d not, m future, allow a -fight to be televised, broadcast or photographed for motion
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 59 22 Berlin, Mar. 4.— Reports of a new appointment for Dr. Schacht and his forthcoming visit to rumania are described as a pure inveniton by m close touch with Dr. Schacht. It is staled that Dr. Schacht is likely shortly to go en an extended holiday,
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 217 22 Lancashire Losing Huge Order From China? London. Mar. 4. APPREHENSION is growing m Lancashire that Britain may fail to secure a twenty-million-yard cloth order for the Chinese (iovernment. Alter negotiations, during which many manufacturing iirnts were asked ie send quotations, a point has now been reached regarding financing ihe deal.
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 142 22 London, Mar. 4. AN appeal for funds to help thousands cf children whose parents have bee 1 killed or maimed m the fighting or disturbances m Palestine is made m a Lett3i* to The Times signed, among other.;, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Cardinal Hensley
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 104 22 SPY TRIAL Severe Sentences Passed At Hamburg Hamburg, Mar. 4. HP-HE trial of thirteen men accused of spying at Blohm and Voss shipyard resulted death sentence being passed on He: bert Michaeiis, penal servitude for life on another prisoner, while five others received sentences ranging from five to twelve years.
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 56 22 Chungking, Alar. 3.— I Henri Cosme, French Ambassador Designate to Chin?, who is now In Kunming, is expected here by air on Sunday, according to local French circles. E plomatic circles have no knowledge of the Ambassador's reported change oi nlnn. PnortL' to that effect are. believed, to
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  56 words
  • 47 22 Hs inking Mar. 4.-Eleve B Soviet w killed according to an announ^ ment made here, mi n thf £?5 °i lw attac^ on (he MancfaukiMi frontier I>o miles north of Manchouli |t is claimed that then? were no losses on theManciiu. ku<; side. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 165 22 China's Financial Stability Hongkong, Mar. /CHINA'S financial conditions tt gradually being stabilised if dared Mr. T. E. Pearce, cha.rn^n the Board of Directors of the Hunt Iccng Shanghai Banking Corporator at the annual meeting of siockholc ers yesterday. Mr. Pearce praised the way the tional Government discharged the It service
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  165 words
  • 27 22 Rangoon. Mar. 4.- -Two more i killed and eight were injured m Hin: Moslem disturbances, bringing the V The situation, however, is smtec ioai'' Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 28 22 London, Mar. 4.— Rabbi Stephen chief mericar delegate to i he Pal talks, loft for, America on boar d.enn v t*'rp. is as(;ribcd to purely perse reasons. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 275 22 SINGAPORE DENTALS HOLD FIRST ANNUAL DINNER THE first annual dinner of the Malayan Dental Association held night at the Sea View Hotel proved to be a great success. Mr. C. F. Mummery presided at the dinner, and his address which he titled "The Status of the Dental Surgeon" was 1
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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    • 139 22 t o-day 3 shows MARLBOROUGH P«TI. (Direction by Shew Bros. LidJ A new pnlh lit with divine light paved with delightful ideas 'AMRIT MANTHAN' SUPPORTED By: AN INDIA?, CARTOON "JAMBUKAKA" A pageantry of stars hea«!ed by: Shanta Apte, Chandrmohan, Nalani tarkhad host of others! i (HE SINGAPORE MU.SICAL SOCIETY. FriJL
      139 words
    • 55 22 THE NEW (Late Riiz» 'PHONE 5570 To-night To-morrow SHOWING. "JOY OF LIVING" THE BIGGEST LAI GH HIT OF THE YEAR. Next Change:— Tues. 7th MAR. ANNA MAY WONG IN •wihi:\ wi:ki: Y«l HOItX?" Special Reduction In Prices By Public Request. Upstairs wmmm 30 cents. Downstairs 20 cents. Matinee To-day :~To.:*O
      55 words

  • TURF
    • 228 23 Good Entry For Gold Cup Meet [From Our Oun Reporter] FiXOWING are handicaps for Saturday, March !1, the first day Turf Club's Gold Cup meeting at Kuala Lumpur. ffcrs*. riass I, !>"'• >• six fuls Royal Hamnto.-i j 8.8 7KJ Aerial I Meadi-?. 7 v
      228 words
  • 18 23 I Cai &POell who v I ye successI the v!-' I 4" c H^>>ry World offlw
    18 words
  • 16 23 I- **C c *tr M is c Ke rr 4H U 45 lo 3^
    16 words
  • 29 23 At close uf play yesterday South Alnra had piled up 423 runs for the was of six v/ickets. Van der By I contributed 125 to this total.
    29 words
  • 577 23 Singapore, Saturday. A BELATED eroal scored by Kok 1^ ('hoy a minute and a half before the final whistle gave the Rest of the S.C.F.A. victory over the Siong" 800 m a charity soccer game played at Anson Road Stadium to-day. The game received fair support from
    577 words
  • 662 23 jjjHOUIJ) Johore endeavour to run a representative cricket team this year the side should be a strong one. It might be stronger than Negri Sembilan and Malacca and even about as good as that of Singapore. Efforts have been made m the past to
    662 words
  • 202 23 S. C. R. C. Dismiss School For 77 DAIN stopped the cricket match bctwtcn the S.C.R.C. and A.C.S. played at Hong Lim Green on Saturday. The school boys were dismissed for 77 runs, Un Hoh Wing being top-scorer with 12. Tiie Club had 44 run;; for five wickets Kce Choc
    202 words
  • 116 23 The following members have accepted to play for a Trial match at the. F> C.C. on Sunday, March 5 at 11 a.m,: C. G. Jenner, G. G. Dunbar, R. A. U. Todd, W. van den Bosch, A. Poster. A. C. Growder, C. Milton. T. G. D. A. Cooper,
    116 words
  • 31 23 S. R. C. TRIAL MATCH Roy Bain, S.R.C. captain, and his team photographed before the trial match on the Padang on Saturday Thgame was abandoned after 20 minutes owing to rain,
    31 words
  • 98 23 MALAYAN BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIPS ENTRIES are invited for the lsp Malayan Badminton Open Cham pkmMiips for the following events to be held at the Penana; Free School Hal. Penang, on Apr. 7, 8, 9 and 10: Men's Singles, Men's Doubles, Ladies' Singles, Ladies' Doubles, Mixed Double Veteran's Singles, Veteran'? Doubles. The
    98 words
  • 114 23 RAIN SPOILS S'PORE CRICKET RAIN caused the X i] prefect i m Piv><; <; c^ iiv Pad l j( pud 'hr fhe trlaj eltcr r >'ie i i ih ea cored »<>:• I i j and :'-0 rev nn lo g oj > i lln ieket iiub -s g^uoacs msXch
    114 words
  • 90 23 [From Our Own Correspondent} M.u;ii\ K'iday. 'i he ■-■'■v ma, 01 ot i will be played oa Sundry 5 when the Muar Hospital Sports Club v.iil meet the Jalan Cu'ti Footbnll m :ii a iriendly match. The match dr/ the Hosplt: cH.b padang and kick off will be
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  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • 8 24 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1»39.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 7 24 7T~ 1 24 Pages for 5 cents
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    • 224 24 For Best Sports Reports Read The Emm \i: OUR "SMALL-ADVERT" OFFER Will YOU accept this remarkable opportunity? SIX INSERTIONS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE (Commencing Mar. I, 1939) To convince YOU of the advertising value ol the MaLyu Tribune, j? «J*fJJ •jj*jB a merely nominal cost, we will insert any
      224 words