Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 2 October 1938

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 15 1 The Sunday Tribune f-No. IT. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, OCTOPEn 2, 1938. FIVE CENTS The Sunday Tribune
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  • 450 1 A Great Injustice To The Czechoslovak Nation Pague Broadcast Statement What The Czsrhs Think Of The Munich Atsw,**. f STATEMENT broadcast from Prague Radio last flight described the Munich agreement as a great Lee to a nation which has always served the cause Lpeace, and has gone io extremes of
    Reuter  -  450 words
  • 99 1 TH EY WILL NEVER C ROSS SWORDS AGAIN Pi., Berlin, Oct. 1. WS>l .^m!" cclara tion is hailed m the Press as the reginnitfg' of a I uiin the English and German peoples w»U ntver again uve m peace m the spirit of mutual confidence. j 2? berht^ says »t
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  • 46 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Oct. 1. j RATIFICATIONS of the treaty between Siam and Amercia wero j exchanged this morning. It is expected that the ratifications of similar treaties with France, Portugal and Holland will be f^xchan^ed before the end of the year.
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 Czech military authorities made a sudden raid ov a suspected Sudeten-German crms store m Sudetenland, found revolvers, automatic rifles (made m Suhdt, thousands o I rounds of ammunition.' Tins of fruit were found to contain high explosives and ammunition. The tiro pictures show Czech officers examining their "fruity* fold.
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  • 59 1 Prague, Oct. 1. CZECHOSLOVAKIA has accepted, under protest, the conditions of Poland's fresh note according to an ofh'cia! announcement. It is understood that the conditions were: the surrender to Poland of the Cxech part of the town of Teschen evacuation by Czech troops of l
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 4 1
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  • 61 1 Premier Goes Into No. 10 By The Back Door Mr. Neville Chambe rlain unlocking the garden door at the back entrance of No. 10, Downing Street, London, when he and Mrs. Chamber1a i n returned after a ni ox d ing walk, lie M^ was mnk« m g prepara-' tions
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  • 135 1 (Sunday Tribune Entertainment Reporter). JJONALD Duck most popular of cartoon heroes, now that Mickey is on the wane-got 900 duck equivalent of rasperries "m Singapore yesterday Nine hundred baby ducks "sat" m the stalls of the Capitol Theatre' watched wieir cinema prototype perform his
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  • 60 1 Fictitious Name Case AiW»* i i Sin g a Pore, Saturday. iami^ U L ha?JB glVen a fictitious iidme ai 4 d address io a pawnbroker at Haveiock Road, Yen Ah Sai was this Co^%^ T^J U the Thlrd Po]i^ lion Wll fu"y giving false informaAh Sai denied the charge,
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  • 361 1  -  A. Savage (By H. (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) pRIENDS, relatives »f a v.<il-know n Ckimemc journals, wkm kmm been concerned wiih his n.ysterious disappearance 'furin;! -flu- week, yesterday made the astound discovery thai he has bm m custody at the Central Police Station since Tuesday last. To-day
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2 1 a.m. Edition
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    • 92 1 LATEST NEWS JJritish Admiralty hief Resigns Page 2. Chinese Diplomat m Singapore Page 21. W ild Scenes m London Pfcgt Zh Home Football J'ii^e 22. LocaZ newsfront 2, 3, Sttr^er StrccJy Between Ourselves 7 $hort 6/0?-?/ women Id and 11, QmUt 12 K.tDIO Badminton t9. Sport end pages. interior view
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  • 285 2 UP-COUNTR Y WOMEN NOT CITY DAZZIE D Singapore Stowaways Reveal New Racket Tribune Staff Reporter) IIiDDEN h-ne.'ilh h-o small baskete, and m copboaid t trued haHiv lar^c enough to hold a dots -^eeChiraways \ver<- discovered lion officiate on board when sh« foeked m '.i- weds WiiUi i i ihr box
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  • 486 2  -  T. H. Tan Imperial Airways Wonderful By (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter), YESTERDAY f met a Singapore resident who has done all thai human beings could do" within a few months, has hud glimpses oi" the British Premier going: to and from Downing Street
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  • 31 2 M lyre, U. A., hus arrived in S Home, fcr duty here. He i np^p.ied by Mr>. Ayvo who la well-known In Singapore. She i.- the Mrs. j. Hammond.
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  • 42 2 there's aot much left Of this car —but luckily nobody was hurt. Crash occurred yesterday at Grove Road, Singapore. Air. T. Dealy, of the Gordon Highlanders was You rut semi- unconscious, was taken to hospital with cuts.
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  • 302 2 [Hi: endeavours of ;!ie Royai Air Force to find a possible landing -round m the Cameron Highlands have been completely fruitless. This ts the most interesting fact emerging from the reply pf Sir Shenton rhombs, High Commissioner, to the petition v>i interested persons for
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  • 244 2 London, Oct. 2. Itfß. A. !)uff'-< coper. First L«,rd of the Admiralty, hus resigned. En a X letter to Mr. Chamberlain, he said: "it w extremely painful to me m ?he moment of your i a{ to be obKgfedl to Rtriitc a discordant note. "For
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 152 2 ALL TIED UP IN HIGH STREET (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). rjpo most people tits are a knotty problem Rut f:rr tlifiee smart young nrlr-Jrr n who -to. me m Uk- middle :m v v l\i- trerfc, tic solved a \yvv.'cAnm. Out to < .nioy the nlz'ni iiie oi SJnga|MWßC t
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  • 211 2 '-'ImncSlar, >.. r :tW( I S'N<;AP( RfedW* I uu.n,-.u- (he poo, l(l;: I suffered a nl.uli. Hfe *|JH£» > fcl «iUMßil'> lur« B party of', I »i> l'< d< t::I. M. llai H I '«^nt holda, :,,d enthusiasm. rt I by th« highligr] that la I iJ-iO
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  • 267 2 FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL -FOR MUSIC LOVERS Thfc Ml SCHOOL Is crnment R^-JE t t; KIND wnelm for tt» ptT«nti others are the SchodgJ the -true 1 room> of enWgiS pore. The live teachers of this School m all qr.: 1 fird m thek reajpactl It oroV.des instruction leading to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 80 2 NO#E$olfcwio Class for ANY FURTHER INFORMATION ni l>4 i wi'SK I ,SM/}O'V Tcnchert will be- I >« M vR^V gin soon. Enrol now. [glADL\ SUPPLlEU BY THE IKINCIIVM- fN pOR I I I «\MI> I music can also lie taught. j j, u ff lhf I Reasonable fees for every
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  • 301 3  -  Leslie Hoffman |n A Motor -Car ivesßy Tips Alone (By (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). richesi boothbek gees to work m his car. Most of his ent? can only afford bicycles. Yesterday I met this astounding *fcrt has made a fortune from cleaning the boots
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  • 269 3 LiAir FO.I ALL READEPS ft* favourable for hits' ue^ \i£L and private maiters YJZkif the latter hair rv Jo/ hazard Better for £h interviews n the after- \%T %LVENCBS.--Uav ISjwe 20. Good for any or' Immercial enterprise, and L&Mlly favourable for jfljrj m merchandise cnia [Jpo
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  • 111 3 London, Sept. 3. CAPTAIN Thomas Bearnard Drew, who was recently appointed Commodore m command of the Naval Base at Singapore and who was wounded las^ whe i his shijj, the Royal Oak, was hit by a shell during a raid on Valencia, was married on Tuesday
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  • 51 3 Sidney Dodds, an European inspector of Police, against whom there were two Charges of wrongful restraint m respect ol two Government employees, appeared before Mr. L. C. Goli m t&e fifth court yesterday when his worship fixed the date of trial for Saturday, October '29. at 2.15
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  • 228 3 MA HA TMA GA NDHI IS 70 TO-DAY A iMASS meeting will be htld at 4.30 p.m. to-day at Farrer Park to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi's 70th birthday. Sreemati Than&ammal, daughter of <he weflknown poet, Sri Subramania Bharathiar, will preside. i The following will be the programme: 430 p.m. National song:
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  • 124 3 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). |?IFTY women members of the congregation of the Straits Chinese Methodist Church nave been working two hours a day m their spare time for the last month rooking and preparing a variety of Chinese dishes for their churcn
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  • 73 3 Here are two pictures that show the might of two nations. Top you see the American aircraft carrier "Honolulu" which arrived at Portsmouth on a visit to Britain. Below you see warships of the Home Fleet at anchor m the
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 3 Rosalind Russell, who is appearing m "Craig's Wife", film which will be screened m Singapore soon.
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  • 55 3 Mr. Lim Hock Ann was acquitted ol a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to his sister-in-law, Madam Nancy Chong, at her house m Lavender Street on Aug. 11. The case was heard by Mr. S. H. Cheah, the Sixth Magistrate, yesterday. His worship acquitted defendant after recording
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  • 245 3 25-Stone Man (Plus 7-Stone Wife) Is Here (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) TnVKNTY-FIVE stone manmountain. King-Konc?, World Champion wrestler, arrived m Singapore yesterday on hoard the Potsdam. He was not alone. With him, ww his se"en-x 4 O!i< wife, petite attractive Eleanor Ivanova of Bulgaria. Through an interpreter. Eleanor told me
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 JJ/C Vj WEAKNES S L 1 DEBILITY AN/EMIA use DESCHIENS' Syrup ol Haemoglobin HWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength,
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    • 49 3 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? f ip J^B *!^!l^. .^^^^B !^^M White first time! MACLEANSf| ffeprf i-fltof PCR w A 1 1/ t Macleans patented A T GilfoDie P" rt white nuz^c S5? TOOTHPASTE •qucex to U»; It" you use a solid dentifrice, try Macleans Solid Peroxide Dentifrice
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 275 4 j Jfoe'j /fe &»j/p«3/ <»»/ F«««K3/ 5//OW Z!V TOWN// S Greeted By Packed Houses at ALL SHOWS! CAPITOL FOUR SHOWS TO-DAY j 10-30 A.M. 3-15-6-15 and 9-15. YOUR FAVOURITE SINGING A Fan photo of Breen will be given away j STAR IS IN HONOLULU iii at the 1030 and 3.15
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    • 245 4 Packed Houses nightly acclaimed the greatest motion Picture ever flamed across the Screen! 4 SHOWS DAILY— II A.M., 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. At The Air-Conditioned A I H AMb ft A Jl W*B m AM Wr THE GREAT V Ii^^MHHIV^ MOTION PIC8 i TURE! diS^P^^^^^^X k^^m k W F^A m
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    • 244 4 s£A^OA^ EXTENDED 7H?/?/f7C SWCGEK' 7^ I SHOWS TO-D\ir PAVILION jN| ll.ousands! Sf/z»/^ International presents Adventures /Tbii Sawyer /n Technicolor UNIIED ARTISTS PRODUCTION. ALSO DISNEY CARTOON WO^DLAND~CAFE~ PAR /«£?S£ NEWSREEL SHOWING MEETING of CHAMBERLAIN End rIITLER. tiiiWll Fresh from its Record-Breaking Stage Triumph come. I^r Most Successful Musical Comedy Show Filmed
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  • 1584 5 Doug. Fairbanks Junior Puts His FOOT IN IT Soel Barber's Sunday film Fanfare JF you don't know who this is, you ought to. Glorious Olympe Bradna takes a spell m the country (and, incidentally, shows you a pretty line m slacks, though that's none of your business). Car Breaks Down
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  • 159 5 How Baby's Own Tablets Help. Teething time is often a period of trial, with disturbed nights for baby and parents alike. Baby is feverish, irritable and restless, crying with pain until parents are almost distracted to know what to do for the best. In innumerable instances Baby's
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  • 13 5 THEY'RE BOTH RIVALS r m s lim starring Put O'Brien and Henry Fonda.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 27 5 BY APPOINTMENT TO H.H. THE RAJAH OF SARAWAK AND H.H. THE SULTAN OF BRUNEI. Ellison S. Ezekiel Co. OPTICIANS WATCHMAKER'S ONLY ADDRESS:— Ib«sss^ss%sbVssVssslbslssV 3, Capitol Building, Singapore.
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    • 397 5 Due to High Blood Pressure Cause Many ,g#fcr Dangerous Symptoms rru^Ji^l j LOSS OF >f HHHssssssssssssssVsssssHssjsjsHsssssss«ss^ memory Jfoflft£>SS ii^— > Jjy r [I HEART Check These Symptoms JM^iffi^r^* With Your Condition [g^^^M^ll Before It Is Too Late ljiiW^ffi^ 3 The lives of thousands, yes, millions of men arid "■> Jj
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  • 254 6 PUT ON MOURNING New York, Sept. 13. \IJ EH a niuht spent m Nc>v > oik ni^ r ht clubs. Mrs. Harold Strotz *w (A Jay («ou'(i, the t'.r.nis chamj>:on millionaire, nr.(\ da ughof an ii;iv,.Mi;ni prin' v.^s —h iiivd hejr^eil > r
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  • 202 6 FRENCH WOMEN MAKE GOOD HOUSEWIVES, BUT NON-CO-OPERATE Helsinki. CANADIAN ucnun were the first to oi^aiiise themselves into chibs and asseeiatitas. according to Mrs. Margaret Roso Watt, founder and president of the "Associated Country Women Of The World" organisation, w)ia has arrived here for the purpose of establishing personal •tntact v
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  • 135 6 81-Year-Old Chief Justice Engaged R(£\na Sr.. c kat:-iievvan. Ollt Frederick Hauitain, Eng-lish-born SI -year-old Chief Justice of Saskatchewan, has become engaged to Mrs. W. I». Gilmuur o f Montreal, it is announced here. The wedding is expected to take pluc? m Montreal m September. Sir Frederick is a former Premier
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  • 69 6 "HAD ENOUGH OF LIFE" BOY'S SUICIDE NOTE Paris. npHE fourth child suicide within a few weeks has shocked French public opinion. "I have had enough of life," wrote 36--year-old Pierre Labasse of Angouleaie, m a short note to his parents before shooting himself at Angouleme station. Three weeks earlier he
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  • 40 6 Los Angeles. Keith H. Rapp, aged 28, who was arrested m Memphis, Tennessee, on a charge of writing a letter threatening the life of President Roosevelt has been oirmitted to p hospital for the criminally insane here.
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  • 30 6 SHE MUST HAVE PUZZLED LONDON A very Icii*, pigtail, culminating m a neat bow, a curious effect to this girl i -veUst from Bombay, photographed m St. John's Wo^di, I.oiicion.
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  • 127 6 Dakar, French West Africa. A LARGE and speedy increase m health services m French West Africa has been ordered by M. Mandel, Minister for the Colonies. He has informed the administrators oC the various regions that they may increase their estimates for heaith services m 1939
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 POLAROID SUN GLASSES NOW 5 6. 00 complete. See our demonstration of this remarkable new invention. Thompson Optical Co. Qualified Eyesight Specialists. 4. AKCADE BLDG., 'PHOftfi 3002. FREE FAMPHLET ON REQUEST kt last New Minx— an Elegant tin Exceptional Ivlmx. Uuman after all... The artist admits a drawing naraly does
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    • 323 6 Thin, Rundown, Weak Nervous? Gain 10 to 25 Pounds, Build Rich, Red Blood and _jrr Stimulate Glands m w||| with New Discov- cry Direct from j^^& Hollywood, Jmm I^l California wttmimr^* —^m^ »h^IS^.4SS fs SC n?, v ?o r K ?r \S?2%£ Men Or* Charmed for men and women to
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    • 482 6 TO-NIGHT! SINCAPORE'si^S?. The Grand Hannuiica \i« h t the first of it to-night tt the Happy World covered stadium d in M *»**a Harmonica Bands ard several l<*a! amateur musioLnV' 0^ M >r M Paient*! Bring your children down' n^, ptft The lony-awaited Harrrcnica Con- Thn cor, takes place to-nipht
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  • 1514 7 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES f that as much publicity as possible to the case of Warrant h>rt Quaiitrell. of the London Police. He is an example to ■fcinr from overweight to the I can be <l°' 1(i that 'ou can Iggormalvjjntrell was known as Buster to his m th? old days.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 Oivjtis is the most important item on my shopping list Eaten at every meal and cf vital necessity to every member of the family, Butter must be of the very best quality and full of concentrated goodness and nourishment. S.C.S. Butter possesses these attributes and is always a favourite with
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  • 2476 8  -  H. Grierson This Week's Short Story By DON"! you ever r v\ tired oi this sort of lite?" I asked him. "I mean, ha\ you no desire at all to mingle with Englishmen nnr-e more?" "I haw- not," said Bill Thompson spitting a piece of angar-cane int-j
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 800 8 > *I MMBRtHA t'^jM ill rl A* M jLafliiH A I H>t i ;v -iffim X I X l^^HiH W^A I l^^rrr^^ Jf 1j RELIEF IN A FEW SECONDS tfrf WITH COMPLETE STOMACH TREATMENT u> t '*£ld i Practically every form of stomach trouble is 'i'sJf |l caused by excess
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    • 198 8 We'll give you a tip!! The 1939 MINX I tS COM l\c I LYONS MOTORS LIMITED J^^^k jSS^ORTAGE OF STRENGTH GIVING W& J MINERALS IS THE V Z%&'~^\ CAUSE OF YOUR jr^aHSffg^ m«>s That is the Doctor s 1 y° ur bod y has not sufficient pf OV*O c when
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  • 235 9 I.C.S. Men To Motor From London To India I London, Sept 11 > h e «Knt of adventur* was the explanation pt one of the K^prcbation iv- India and Burma Civil Service are e from London tv In .to take up their appointments. j .^divided themselves into HZcf four each,
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  • 7 9 askhgkjkh auhh;hasdlkjn dgf
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  • 22 9 SCAVENGER LEAVES £345 3 Ji\^ as r f icldin S' of Todmorden- L wer Change. Bacup (Lanes) retired corporation scavenger, left £345!
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  • 218 9 But Hatry Plans To Repay All His Victims I £13,000,000 Was The Deficit OARENCE HATRV. the fancier, who is to he JJ^L ont rtei > tOld of Hatry s resol ve by whin H 1 T friCndS He StateS thal when Hatry faces the world again hwill rejoin friends who
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 373 9 RHEUMATISM tyiestions every sufferer should ask himself g^ foi do suffer the excruciating pains of §< jV n V 3raatism? Why are my joints painful and Stl l^\ Why do my muscles feel as though they Ott/ aad into knots There are thousands of Wtf jj^ Yy mermen and women
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    • 166 9 irs /tOUCH AND GO 1 I WORLD'S FINEST PEN Instant writing, beauty, hand comfort and a Life■k time* guarantee make 1& Sheaffer's the thriftiest and most pleasing pen value ever offered. Only Sheaffer's has ALL Seven of the features desired A Visulated Lifetime* jfl a guarantee 2-Way mm Feathartoi'ch point...
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    • 287 9 j* is* iff *o t livß -^c^S "V V fkm\ 1 1 1 1 *^m J9B of good C \y^\ kM^jv A grooming V^^\\ A LITTLE Brylcreem In the morning keeps your hair neat and well-groomed for the rest of the day. Yet it doesn't look plastered' down. Brylcreem contains
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  • 1157 10 THROUGH The Eyes Of A WOMAN By Our Own Correspondent CITH a lot is being said every day about the nutritive and disease- resisting qualities of milk, that Government schools cannot be too WgUy praised for encouraffinff the sale of milk to school-children at only 3 cents a cup. The
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  • 443 10 There's Chic In a "Shirmaster" American women have made a r| this style dress and now we ar* Ni ror it too. THERE is one type of drag vhfcfa, because it always looks trim and because it can be made m such a variety of styles and fabrics, is an
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  • 24 10 A UH.TE Placed i,, Mn breasted and <oraptet(^i slipping on after iia I Ml as rood t. war*,* open car on chulj
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  • 297 10 Notes From K.L. lITTLE has been happen og recently. Life has been c< m the usual manner, with tmusn at the cinemas and the ci** dancing at the "Dog' on feic evening. It has been announced that fen Majestic is engaging a new band.^ will have its opening night Bite
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 89 10 POINTS FOR \l^mS PERFECTION \if &f*4&l' 11 i\ makes it easy to remove every I I h trace of sup>erfluous hair from face, arms II or legs with her Electra Hairoff Eradi--11 cator. This wax treatment is simple to u^e, harmless, and the most effective answer to this problem. Ask
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    • 39 10 has just received some unusual chiffon hankies* Monograms made to order; also for scarves and other accessories. 18, BATTERY ROAD, Ist floor. Phone 7143. 1%l X AUK CHATS NOIRS Dresses for all occasions BATTERY BATTERY BUILDING. THONE 4085. ROAD.
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    • 23 10 MADAME PAGE 92, Piccadilly, London. EXPERT DRESSMAKER AND DESIGNER. OPENS NEW DEPT. Gowns Designed Created m her work rooms. 13, BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE.
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    • 41 10 making at minimum cast //7§\ Vitfe the PopuiT ftii^wWw ••Browme"-"'** oo^ J^f_^ ti\) Kodak yOUaagt |frOT KODAK j d >roM r Kodak lh^J^jm Remember snaps come ©a» !M^ best on KODAK tUM L, Kodak Ltd. (Incorporated ,n England I, 30 RoM»"^^^^^^Q
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  • 485 11 "WIND U P" At Fraser's Hill j But not the sort 1 [we mean only j j the start of the! j breezy season. I not much to say about the fir*. J> vu v:**ti con rci a ippeara:-ift» at times. during f^^Ou Sunday quite a numen mo course, and
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  • 73 11 m m public! The walk" a popular new by all the dancers at Saturday evening Stark is having a .jne! Proud and happy tjaby sons are Mr. and t Carles Pow. Mr. and Mis. IgniUjw unci Dr. and Mrs. jit yacGarr:/ Our hearty L^jaiauons to them all.
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  • 682 11 Look After YOUR DOG'S Eyesight A clog's eyes are particularly delicate and require special care when anything is wrong -< f < IMI UM HH IHI NMI|NHN J DOGGI DOS DONTB DO see that yow do& is \\>li careii fut m ever? way, Jmr IKINT etnldip him. DO feed him
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  • 251 11 Forty Years A Doctor TO celebrate her fortieth v?ai as :i doctor llr«. V\ Butler (Dr, Dexter Alien) an! Mr. Hutter |p>vc ft tea party on Tuesday last. It was attended by titiiny t>i her formei associatfeh and also hy thrown -ups who, as bahie^. ihe helped brin^ int»» tho
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 140 11 llaH 2 m m m mm mWJ sßtf' v^(B:v C: '^HBHM^feCfej&^LSlßifflß? k_J > I mm m mm. mm 9&& L j*m^^ "^t Ait mm Jmrn^Mr mm 'JtMrnf W^9kHßh! »^^H *A I I m _Mww mm I <- lII^KS «l /-v>:.-/jB^9HuIF^ a flff J .^^K wmT m m "Sf ?BBH Okv
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    • 70 11 HOUSE= SELECT RESIDENTIAL ESTABLISHMENT, BEST LOCATION IN KATONG. EXCELLENT CUISINE LARGE AIRY ROOMS WITH 3ATHROOMS ATTACHED, OWN SITTING ROOM FACING SEA. BATHING PAGAR. TENNIS. GARAGES. TELEPHONE 5553. Tbb famous Cleansing Cream. Cleanses thoroughly. Leaves the skin soft and lovely. It is the starting point of all beauty care. S 2-25
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    • 167 11 t f ELSIE MARY j 'RODNEY HOUSK' i r Battery lloua j DRESSES FOR ALL. j OCCASSIONS j I*s to S3o\ s i i j v WHY ENDIiRE i Monthly Complaints WHEN "Ladies Brown Pills 9 J i CURE THEM i Price SI. a bottle j from i Mr. C.
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    • 167 11 Hair -Washing Without .Tears i)' y«.: i .ciclic hates having her hair ri'-hfu iry Letting her lie across an armchair that has btcn iilicd up with cushi n i and netting your busin at lU*.side, under her head, which Ls tipped l.H-iiwani.s. The iioap Uocm'i get. in her tins way.
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  • 628 12 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Sunday, October 2, 1938. A REFORMATION r|*HUSE whti mate it their business periodically to agitate for lbs. l prohibition of toddy on estates wiU doubtless learn with somewhat mixed feelings that this reform :s gradually coming about of its own accord Tbua :hey are faced with the threat
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  • 708 12 THE American proudly exhibited a small scar. 'See that? I got it when I fell from the window of a room on the fortysixth floor of the skyscraper where I work "The forty-sixth floor? And you ware n<n killed!" "No, I was lucky— l
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  • 1080 12  -  T. H. W. Goult IN THE NEWS AGAIN "TB^TKXT week-end the Picki^B thorn Commssion o i education w'll havo itrn.v! In Singapore and begun its 'ivjuii v .i hasty one, it woul appear into the defect > of Mio Malayan system of eduta.i >v. You don't need to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 75 12 THE LAST WORD '•H.M.V ls the last word' v r. ?v!*J f£?m*b* I convenience and durability. We est a t^/ one jnodei id^ the fuU ran— of '"H.M.Y." r^frlgeraUtti. There u> df/ jd€ suitable for you nd ycur family. 11 is just iw And the. best Llm< to do RIOBI
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  • 248 13  - "GENTS" FOR A DAY (AT $2) L es lie Hoffman v Tribune Staff Reporter). I,f Singapore's best dress- have never possessed a O it m their lives, yet JL lo look*he"t'.ps" msilk J^jn^r coat and spats LflTOUcan nave a photograph J -gurself dressed like an amI _to present his credentials
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  • 68 13 WOP shelters m the London clay, fifty feet below lariace, estimated to cost £11 a head are suggested m 2 tae shown to the Home Office. **hem<» was based on the Borough of St. Pancras— 5 j centre with three main railway termini, a residential district, with open spaces,
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  • 28 13 Ana her namey is Mary new find who is starring m Ha- rold Lloyds "Professor Be- ware," coming to the Singapore Capitol soon.
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  • 206 13 PENSIONED OFF A FIT MAN Rigours of Police Life Did Not Harm Him At 50 j ears of age he was presumed to be beyond the arduous demands of police duties But was he? Read wha! he says now— five years after he was pensioned: "I am a man of
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  • 67 13 T. U.C MEMBERS Moscow. DURING the last ten years the tradeUnion membership of the U.S S.R. has i: creased by 10,000,000, according to Tass, the Soviet news agency. This increase is ascribt-ri to the development of Soviet national economy over the past decade. By January ot this year, the Soviet
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  • 334 13  -  G. T. BOON Officials Think Not BY (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). rHINKSE m Malaya have not «>een given sufficient opportunity to study their mother tongue, and a radical change m the educational system is recosf^rv. So thinks :i hijrh official of the
    334 words
  • 48 13 Blind, Swam To His Death swimming m a 5 river at Wind- J sor, Ontario, was drowned because he swam m the wrong direction. He thought he was making for the shore but all the time he was swimming further out, un- hi, exhausted, 2 he vanished. ■■■■■■■■■■i^.
    48 words
  • 266 13 London, Sept. 18. THREK men took it in turns to squat at the foot of a sultan's bed at one of London's luxury hotels throughout the night recently. They were guarding the sixty-three-year-old Sultan of Deli, Dutch East Indies. He will be
    266 words
  • 45 13 London, Sept. 19--fOLONEL P. de WaaJ, Director of Military Operations and Intelligence m South Africa, is shortly arriving m Singapore by air. He will spend a fortnight studying the fortifications and will then proceed to England on an official visit.
    45 words
  • 92 13 Signs Smashed In Eger Riots r II :j picture was taken at Eger, Siidetenlaiid storm centre where picturesque thoroughfares are being battered by serious disturbances. Though the Henleinists have been deprived of legal statui, supporters of the movement are still extremely active m Eger, which has been considered the headquarters
    92 words
  • 40 13 Mr. Patrick N. C. Cummins, only son ot Mr. and Mrs. E. N. T. Cummins of Malaya was married recently at Rushin gton to Miss Margaret Burrows, twin i daughter of Mr. R. Burrows K.C., Re- corder of Bambridge.
    40 words
  • 405 13 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter), DIG Bill Tilden, doyen of the lawn tennis world, ace player known m every corner of the earth, has some unpleasant thinirs t,> say about Malayan tennis m his latent book Aces. Places And Faults." Below ye print
    405 words
  • 238 13  -  H. A. SAVAGE BY (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). A BOLD new plan is being formed to teach Malayan children to save their lives according to a report of a Commits composed of tic Headmasters of various schools m Singapore, which recommends to Government the propagation of
    238 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 221 13 rjycusmoN SPRING feyUE NO-SCRU ■JJJIJM* used m Ful-Vue No-Scru UUjj^Tk the Electrically pBC* 0 ««d :he lenses tightly and' Hfefe* m P'-^ce. Naturally that ■Kl^ajNPunst breakage and makes k*m an* m eyewear tr ul>* practical B*«l s(r^f rable or Inconspicuousm !a££L? mCAL COMPANY m£sfc OPT D (USJU ■jgaandgp Pn.ri Singapore.
      221 words
    • 45 13 Standard Radio Components and Tubes Transmission Parts and Tubes Test Instruments' And everything for radio and sound. CONSULT US ON YOUR RADIO SOUND PROBLEMS i ill .^-w^^^t lIIIT »1| ml lIIB^^MIMMI I For particulars, apply to: WORLD WIDE RADIO CO. 98, Hobinson I'oad, SINGAPORE
      45 words
    • 72 13 I TH T T N A "DIAMOND" BED IS A GIFT OF CTFTt TO HOME MAKERS The bedsteiH I* fhe etotre of the Koatr. Price, beauty^ad endurance should he considered On comparison of these thrrc quiliti^*. DIAMOND bed* c«a«ot b« •quallad DIAMOND METAL PRODUCTS CO LTD 601 KRnPONG BBMQU QOAO
      72 words
    • 126 13 It LOOK! This pen SHOWS you the ink inside! To see at any time how I much ink is left m this I pen, just hold it up to the light 1 Needsfilling less frequently because it holds twice N N as much ink as an \< S^J ordinary self-filling
      126 words

  • 42 14 ATLANTIC IN ERROR FLIGHT FILM Douglas Corrigan's life and "mistake" flight from the U.S. to Ireland are to be filmed, announce R.K.O. Radio Pictures Corporation, Corrigan's services have been secured, and it is possible that he himself will appear m the picture.
    42 words
  • 544 14 'WINDSORS HAVE NOT MADE ME RICH' London, Sept. 18. 'THE Rev. Robert Anderson Jardine, former Vicar of St. Paul's Darlington, who married the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, complains bitterly of "persecution" by the Church :*f EnglandWhile denying reports that he is penniless, ho
    544 words
  • 57 14 232 -Ton Barque Makes 35,000 -Mile World Voyage Halifax \'ai« t»;;., 2Eft 1o 1.0,, aft er world voyage irti ,J" o.Ugman of Wimbledin. enS, -ondon m September m k The (Jan Pilar left London*. voyage 1 aS hCT "■"■"s are Mrs. Seligman and soven'JSSfif Jtthmen. including scientific rive New Zealanders
    57 words
  • 369 14 Tur r u By A Tb4}m P* on < Dr. of Ocular Science). HE Creator blessed man w>th Ught and si*ht, otherwise wt nurtt w g roping along like moles to-day. But being blessed with iSu sight we have moved up to a finer life. For
    369 words
  • 183 14 WOMEN OF 40 LEARN MUSIC (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). NEVER too old to learn, trite but true, for there is a school m Singapore, a music school that number amongst its pupils men and women of over 40 years of age. The name of the school is the Far Fastern
    183 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 187 14 w m "j^^>V\l/^nCKETh ISSUED S i ALL STEAM- t TnA\/ci SHIP> AIR AND KnVLli RAILWAY LINES. NO BOOKING FEES. S Chinese clients and those of all S < f h; i resident communities are givei- the best of attention and I I JB, KOBINSON KD., SINGAPORE. S TELEPHONE 5908. S
      187 words
    • 921 14 VIKING'S ENERGY FOR EVERY MAN. The Vikings of old were gods amon=; men. Superb m physique— energy and vitality pulsed through every muscle and sinew— through nerves, body ard brain. Their diet was rich m laden with strengthening Vitamins. The Halibut, caught m the ice-cool waters of the North
      921 words
    • 208 14 PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC ...THE IDEAL MOUTH WASH! In Germ' Killing Power Even when diluted /f^iSßte one bottle of F'epso' with 2 parts of water, tlßi dent Antiseptic equals it still kills germs m :Ljj§jP|' three bottles of ordi- seconds— lasts 3 times 4||^w nary kinds. as long. R PEPSODERT ANTISEPTIC mmm
      208 words
    • 47 14 TRAIN YOUNBJ (The .""•"".rhJSS'iniSfeS* Training V'i.»e«* l net into trains xjow SUBJECTS:- A«jJ»f '.C**, ASM, A^ A A.t X AC £*JJ Bus ness Trainuw BuW' e "jr«« Moderate Fee-, w kS k 37.39 Bifh Street, Please send mej Way To Smcc-s* on above. Name Address.. Occupation l
      47 words

  • 518 15 30SE-DEW FOR GIRLS London, Sept. IS. Hous* »f the Fi e J '*weis» overlooking Cannes, France, built by madman t<i ktq» 1X <if henuliful nafiv c trirKs prisoners for flutes* 1 :ke m Eastern Mosq JTj^er towers r aching
    518 words
  • 137 15 Artist Gave His All To Oppose Vaccination Santiago, Chile. yHE ashes of Alfred Helsby, an English artist, who won fame n Chile, have been saved from burial m a common grave by the generous action of a Santiago business man who remains anonymous. Helsby was buried m a "non permanent
    137 words
  • 146 15 LINDBERGH SOVIET AIR CHIEF London, Sept 18 CiOLONEL Lindbergh is to be- come Russia's Civil Air Chief, it is reported m Sweden. This is said to be the reason for his recent visit to Moscow. During that visit Lindbergh had many long talks with the Soviet air aces, Stepney, Dr.
    146 words
  • 85 15 SCHOOL WORK TOO EASY SO PUPILS WALKED OUT Salisbury, Rhodesia. CEVERAL senior pupils at the Gov- ernment native schools at Dombashawa, near Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, have left the school— because the work was too easy! They have made representations to the headmastr. claimina that they had advanced beyond the standard
    85 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 198 15 No 4 BSfei-i: tseixJi Knock out that STOMACH ACIDITY acidity is a dangerous enemy to health. It is caused by over-eating or o many late hour-., over-work, or over-indulgence. When you have l Acid condition, you become an easy prey for Headaches, Colds, Rheupains, Stomach Disorders, and many other common,
      198 words
    • 503 15 USE THIS gggjQtff I and iuppte .•and avoicT'P^N I BLEMISHED A^r^ilk SIC IN V pur^'*- M Because Cuticura is a MEDTCINaL porm S and TOILET Soap, it does two ii j essential things to your skin. It mam- 4 tarns radiant skin health In spite of -v^ '^^a frequent exposure
      503 words

  • 462 16 iMONOCLED_AQYENTURER GAOLED FOR LQVEk 1-ondo'i <*„. JW exploits of "Piccadilly Algy," adventurer with (on^ue KnH many aliases, are over for a Ipu """"^le. a dik rin R < worth £2,500 from a jeweller's shop „&^<M J was his Dndoins. H "«iniey, S{uke-M,. rr 1 At the Old Bailey yesterday. |q
    462 words
  • 103 16 St. John's, Newfoundland. A SALMON fisherman had his catch snatched away by a <p a i as he was about to laad it from a Newfoundland rJv?r. 12? was just playiiiß a fina fish which he had hooked when a seal suddenly rese to the surface, seized
    103 words
  • 118 16 Geologists Searching For Oil In Greece Athens. HPWO British geologists, Mr. B. A. Thompson and Mr. H. Vincpnt have bean reporting on the possibilities of boring for oil m E|>irus valley, following the ratification of a convention between the Greek Government and the National Bank of Greece. i Boring of
    118 words
  • 182 16 FARR'S £4,000 RISK FOR FRIEND (By Air Mail) London, Sept. 19. ILLNESS of an old friend nicy cc^t Tommy Farr, the boxer, £4 000. It may prevent him from taking part m U.S. m the eliminating bout for the J world championship en Oct. 19. j The sick man is
    182 words
  • 39 16 Seventy pony foals have died through road accidents m the New Forest this year; The R.S.P.C.A., Dumb Friends League and the A.A. are appealing to motorists to be careful when driving m the New Forest.
    39 words
  • 157 16 Londen, «rpt R U/HEN riira Harrison shot 'n wl Jc an Al^> i rd for H»r art m thnrlc Id" N <rY '■< h -H wrote of <he man .ho od net 'jvc her truly car-.-h" c' Mna m Pnrr whe; a revue
    157 words
  • 35 16 Si'"*!* 8 wh 0 i s nor n, MDHlIci beoi maTed to^ l^ "or Ivanova mi n The brid, ce i berf crowd of fans. Stoeh,"? lar<r? ceremory J^^ormed the
    35 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 684 16 NATURE'S WAY TO REMOVE POUNDS OF FAT! RolK of unsightly fat at waist an<] hips, double dins, vw,\y, bulging lirrtbs all th^se are caused wh^n waste products left after j-vf-r- meal ar«* not tinptiecl regularly from the aystem. Hut thorc iii a danger m drastic, artificial slimraing method*, and violent
      684 words
    • 101 16 KP\ Y\ P ill Dw i Xil Qt LAI WO W .'.'.Wv •^^^^'^St^Bßv W1 V C VQU rwC* oil IviS 1 1 1 fci "■>'■"' ■'■'■■•*■"•'•'•"•>"■"•■• gfigyvi vSft I pH| \u a^« are I I [Craven AJ I^QTIuU^I v V LONDON FRESH! 1 4 AitCfi \Xhcihcryou buy Craven A' m
      101 words
    • 22 16 Wil ITWVAYS *^?y jjK pPjPH' q Wt y aii^ l It** Represented m MalajniUj^* LT j). t SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO, J*o**
      22 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 747 17 vl/ll UiioCf "^^fr^^ And Stop Limpigig LEG ACHES AND PAINS soon vanish when EUsto is taken Paioful .>nJ swollen (varicose) veins are forgotten and soon disappear, =k:n trix up, leg sores become clean and healthy aad quickly heal, piles art- < Bred, innanun i and irritation are soothed, rheumatism simply
      747 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 861 17 (/>" ZBW 9.52 Mos (31.4 m.) A I |I|| T G2O Deliu:; Parls—Em Nachtstuck pen And Where lo Listen m ss |^~7t Major, Op. 105 Prague String nCD O 720 Local time signal and weather LONDON ed by M. WiUson Lisher. music I nn report. An hour of Handel. yw
      861 words

  • 129 18 WIRELESS AERIAL KILLS FAMILY Dwow. Poland. I FAMILY of three has been electrocuted at Bobrey. near here, by a faulty wireless aerial. The son of a local tinsmith climbed to the roof of the house to repair his aerial and picked up the end of the wire without noticing that
    129 words
  • 31 18 OCTOPUS OFFERS ITS OWN RANSOM K 0B fi'henaen U new tale-* J? *«H out Ito^^S** Hooked with they say, extend* 10 yen notes. "tin Disbelievers ar worth m an. lh »««»^j
    31 words
  • 66 18 American Professor For Oxford pROFESSOH Thomas Werten»iakcr. of Princeton Q. wsity, has been appoints u,-i Harmsworth Chair of America B tory at Oxford for the academics 1939-40. Professor Werienbaker. a former paper man, is known especial!-, authority on early American histon most recent book is "the FouaS American Civilisation M
    66 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 618 18 NEGLECTED STOMACH PAINS nay end m DANGEROUS OPERATIONS Many a stomach sufierer has had to •übmit to the surgeons knife -because he disnii.wd those little twinges that came on after citing as nothing more tban ordinary indigestion and has paid the price of his neglect. Foi those little pains after
      618 words
    • 659 18 Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours"\ Glands fortified t^%y« by New Discovery m 1 Do you feel old before your time? Are you tired, run- A\ Men down, worn out, and unable to keep up with the speed :^^WSK\ and pleasures of modenn life? Do you suffer from loss of
      659 words
    • 112 18 safely \l >r tor immediate I mL*^ Mm relief from vMbr^ headache, neu- v mi-, neuralgia and all fever and rfaeuOMUt paias. ufct two 'Genasprin tablets m Imk Their pain-soothmg plppettift 9: X once released into the blood rtreasr. m. carried all over the body. Gmospn* cannot inter j ere
      112 words

  • 35 19 .ore Badminton Association "Commercial Houses" tournament has iiei»a S rou P P icture vi the Eraser and .Neave team which beat the u thrie*s Sports Club by live matches to nil. (Tribune)
    35 words
  • 329 19 JOHORE STATE TOURNEYS git o*n Correspondent i Batu I'uhat. *iU£S for tb€ Johore State bad- la championship tournament KTiEK-- Oct. 11 They **h Mr. C R. Krrshnan. Z^ttizry, Batu Pahat District tWiation. before "> p m. The entrance fee per Jp fn erent is $1.50. ..jnderstood that players who •'fCfcuffipeted
    329 words
  • 479 19 (By "Sphinx"— Penang) J^Y now, am sure everyone knows that this year's final m the singles of the Penang Open Badminton Championships is an AM-Limstead aftair. Ine finalists are Lim Ewe Chye, the 1936 junior champion, and h»s old rival, Tan Kin Hong, the runner-up, who
    479 words
  • 219 19 TONG SEONG CUP REPLAY TO -DAY (By Qui\''— Johore) **ORE»itts Malacca to day m the replay of the Foonfc Seonff Cup Nainton semi-final. The jjames v. ill be played off at the Bukit tali School hall, Johore iJahru at 2 p.m. Ii is understood that Mr. LViods, President of the
    219 words
  • 336 19 (By "Racquet"— Pcrak) milF I>{B annual Kinta Leogue competition open to teams m this disTtrkt. ivhich are affiliated to the Kinta District Badnunton Association, w ill be hold shortly m Ipoh. An taporUnt change m the method of running this tcumameiu win oe m H^erto it e
    336 words
  • 555 19  - Wong Peng Soon Assured Of Place In Annals Of Badminton In Malaya Phoenix •f* j SPECIAL j I BADMINTON j j FEATURE I (Edited By By "Phoenix" Singapore) 'JHE distinction of having their members figuring m the open doubles and sjngies finals of the men's op?n tournaments m Singapore falls
    555 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 93 19 K4 H6E DOG ■T^ aW Ail «1,,r«« tBjosiph tracers rc I iAU™ aC j« 1 »^O V^a^lU X .U a#fwll **ll^ n?Orc and m<)St pc °P k> realise The s «c bad breath, poor S|? coat diarrhaa and 1^" bur a do^ r may bo inib^J?w shoving h vc SJt
      93 words
    • 758 19 I FLATILEXCK GOBS IJKE MAGIC Painful Stomach DKtrrss Stopped Instantly I wgtSOEk n"((\ your 9U landed I f No more hf No rr.oj flatulence. Chardox giv« lellef. Read thts I wonderful i .1 n d about r. and bought pack' I of the first, dose w I a v inct
      758 words

  • 1169 20  -  ARGUS BY NEWCOMERS have been beaten with such unfailing regularity m recent years, m the annual start-of-the-eeaaou rugby football try-out at the Cricket Club m Singapore, that the game had begun to lose a great deal «f t'm- importance previously attache:! t<j it. but this
    1,169 words
  • 30 20 Incident In Ihe match between Newcomers *««1 the F~ f at *he S 5 r<rapore Crkßci Club. The Newcomers (m white) won this annual try-out.
    30 words
  • 367 20 When policemen have to control our "sport" I refuse to be called a sportsman. This week Singapore Police chiefs conferred m private, came to a decision which made front page news. They imposed a ban on wrestling m Singapore, refused to grant an extension of
    367 words
  • 85 20 The wrestling we saw I might have been good wrestling not know. I also do not proff able to pass judgment on wb»t temporaries have written Meriting of (he so-called Intern*^ Wrestling Tournament But what I know is tbib l» like wrestling I have wttc :Md f-tr a lon R
    85 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 135 20 Xt m m mr^m m mm m ■^^^B S*^ m m —Wm t m 3 j- S^^SSSSmWtm^ mv^mW m m M m Mm m M M m There is nothing to compare nor even '%UL:A to approach the sure and prompt |teEl«/v*^tew efficacy of this supreme Hormone f/WNB 1 r
      135 words
    • 784 20 MALAYA CUP: ROLL OF RUGBY CHAMPIONS 1921-2 Srlangor beat S'porp 5—3 1922-3 Perak beat N. S'bilan 3—o 1923-4 Selangor v. Singapore (abandoned) rain. 1924-5 Spore beat S'gor 30—13 1925-6 Spore beat Perak 18—3 1926-7 Perak beat N. S'bilan 14—3 1927-8 Spore beat Perak 11—6 IS2B-9 Services beat Perak s—o 1929-30
      784 words
    • 28 20 PERAKJIWO2 UT.MN 193* Mggj^ SATURDAY. 2J>» Ke: MEN jj. lADIFS fcr the Meeting or J to be m.iuc T ci^'ED A> r'l B Visitor 4T e W
      28 words

  • 772 21 LONDON SINGS AND DANCES ALL NIGHT IN THE STREETS Crowds Shout For Chamberlain And The King Thousands Feverishly Excited [ONDON has not seen such scenes of popular 'enthusiasm since the Armistice of 191 S as which have followed the return of the 'yiish P rifT:e Minister from the Munich pe-ce
    Reuter  -  772 words
  • 691 21 I>EFORE a small gathering, the men's oper. d&ubles final was played at (he Clerical Union Hai' -his afternoon, resulting m a win for Wong Pen": Soon and Chan Chin. Bo )k after a rubber. Play m the fir^t two setvS v/as disappointing, and only reached a
    691 words
  • 39 21 IMPERIAL PRODUCE STAKES London, Oci. 3. RESULTS of the Imperil! Produce Stakes run at Kempton Park, over distance of (> tur'ongs, were: Heliopolis (7-2) first. Casanova (1:5-8) second. Admirn'i s Walk (20-0> third. Nineteen ran; v.o: h^ two length. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 357 21 (Sunday Tribune Slaflf Reporter) DEFERENCE to the recent Four-Power fart concluded by (ireat Britain, France, (iermany and Italy, was made by Dr. Cheng IKm Fang, former Chinese Ambassador to Berlin, m an interview with me y?sterday on board the "PotwUur-" "The recent efforts made by
    357 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 21 Dr. Chenjr Tien ani», former Chinese Ambassador to Germany, photographed on board the Potsdam with his wifr and children They are returning to ChftUL
    26 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 390 21 So You See f/m Parker Vacumatic jw Leads all other pens m excellence of performance... in \f^i§m smartness and beauty of design... holds greater ink supply [f^&s Here' 9 a new leader among pens, head scratch-proof point- 14K solid <; sS^^' and shoulders above the rest, setting gold, Osmiridium tipped.
      390 words

  • 377 22 Home Football Results ±\/t he footteH m; > he.- m the BffgUsll and Scottish Leagues were !>!;, yesterday* A the matches played Ur :ticn of the English KMi Pi.-: ;v Reutei were I ENGLISH LEAGUE, DIV. 1. Asi v 2 Portsmouth o W. 4 v T ddlesbrough l A 4
    Reuter  -  377 words
  • 42 22 MOHAMED Idris bin Maksil, cashier of Wirta Malaya was arrested yestei day on a charge of criminal breach ol trust m the sum cf 522.12 cts. It is alleged that this sum represented a cash payment to the firm.
    42 words
  • 28 22 A Reuter message from Santa Barbara, California, says Ronald Colman, the popular tilm hero, was married yesterday to the London-born actress. iviiss Benita Hume.
    28 words
  • 43 22 Ferang, Saturday.— The final of the senior inter-team doubles badminton championship was played at the Free School hall this afternoon. The Limstead team proved themselves master of the day by beating the Hu Yew Seali team by three games to nil.
    43 words
  • 62 22 IN the first round of the S.A.F.A. Challenge Cup competition nlayed at Seletar yesterday, the lirst string of the Royal Air Force beat their second eleven by three goals to one. Although the scores may inuicate that the losers were not sc impressive, it
    62 words
    • 375 22 Inter- State Rugg er S ta rs JrliZtch S.S.V.F. R F.M.S. V.F. 8 TN a thrilling and exceedingly fast rugger game on the Padang Ihe annual fixture between th'> S.S.V.F. and the F.M.S. V.F. resulted m a draw. Each s'dc scoring ei.^ht points (a goal and i try). Chances wont
      375 words
    • Article, Illustration
      460 22 The Colony now made a number of abortive re ids which were effectively dealt with by Harper, who en one occaFion brought Lundon down when he had only Harper to beat. A few minutes from the interval Street picked the ball up from the joose and £,aye
      460 words
    • 743 22 |b!RST State rugby male!, <| the s*as< w at hl yesterday brou-ht a victory to th. avv 7^ r Johore by 'he margin of nir. v <nrU (throe tries) a penalty goal) and provided some indication <,Mh. pravemenf m both leans this year. >itm Last campaign
      743 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 312 22 These Amazing Recoveries Actually Happened! Real-Lite Cases of severe Miraculous Cure NIDSGESI SON *M w t^d everything without X:: SUCCESS— BUT CAN NOW EAT Cured by jgJBWI- and enjoy a good meal Cl B" A. W&^ 4|f.■ NVrs. M. Watson, Chcster-lc-Strect. I I M JK JB SE£* »Jb^ A^lL has
      312 words
    • 94 22 BIXT CHANGE! 5 NVarner Bros/ Biggest Musical Hit! < j T^ i^ J I i I JwK. S» ing rdicc K6Q t^B^BBI^BBBr fLf sips w l§ ft ILL I I* 1 .^^ctß ROSEMARY LANE HB iflb^f* HUGH HEPREPT MbM^Bßf^&iPlßßi^B^ i I ALLEN JENKINS r^i^B^^ Gl ORIA DICKSON MELVILLE COOPER wdrW***
      94 words
    • 56 22 v i:^BPini> J (Tanjong Pagar— 7 n m.. 015 p.m. FV.HBARA JOEL. i STANWYCK WeCREA. J IN I BANJO ON MY KNEE WITH COMEDIAN BUDDY r.BSE.V River life and Love Set to the i throbbing Rhythm vi the wtgW Mississippi. HATTNFE TO-DAY A 1 PM. .SHIRLEY TEMPJ.E m "LITfLEeT REBF:.
      56 words

  • 26 23 Ready for the Splash nb r ftong Koni Aquatic team, who appearctl m yespivai tf the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club, intlui in-, m sonw sUrtlng practise.
    26 words
  • 421 23 HONG-KONG WIN ALL AQUATIC RACES, LOSE WATER POLO Singapore, Saturday. aquatic *t»irs outshone Sinifapore (.'hinese swimmers noon ai 'he C.S.C. Carnival m thr friendly competition b aid of tne (l.<na Ktii 1 Fund. Of the eight events on the i „n!y uin iuo. these beinir the 160 Metres tree Malayan
    421 words
  • 6 23 W' chwee him Quee
    6 words
  • 881 23 Final Day Of Selangor Races Pipe Of Peace, Mint Score Doubles THE final day of the Aulvmn race meeting of the Selan^or Turf Club was worked off this afternoon m brilliant sunshine at Kuala Ltitapuf. The goiny; was hard and fast.
    881 words
  • 66 23 Batu Pahat Beat Sega mat At Muar [From Our Own Correspondent] Muar, Saturday. DUNGLfcD chances m front oi iho goalnMMrtfc by the forwards, coupled with £ood work by MentoJ, the j^nalkeeper, resulied :n the liatu Pahat Football Association emerging winners by four soa!^ to two over the Sesramat Foothall Association,
    66 words
  • 28 23 Kliney Cup- S.C.C. vs. R. A. F. If* SCC won the 2 Singles Matches >U The final 2 singles matches will be red it the S(/C. on Tuesday.
    28 words
  • 93 23 Race 1— ;<HM $2fl and SI.J. Majors $17. Rac< >. HARVEST FESTIVAL .SI S and $9. Reauo $13. Race 3.— WIN MOKE Sl9 and S7. Jack (/urdon 88. In Ver $I©. Race I— OMMA $25 attd SB. Inventory SB. Kissing Tup $21. feacfe S— PIPE OF
    93 words
  • 408 23 AMATEUR SPORTING ASSN. The A s A Open Singh s Champion ship Annual Tournament, (League System > will begin on Monday and the folIdWtng arc the tir\s to be playra: MONDAY: Sim Tiam &wee vs. K. H. Yeo; Tan Ohee Eiv v.s. Tan Soc Li^w. SATURDAY: K. K. Vro VS.
    408 words
  • 34 23 ttiai; ai swtminer, 1~-vear-Jlri Mi-,> h:\n YuU Khirf I 'nu '•> ban 'it stroke, gavr an exhibition yesterday, breast v tiuk i'g4Go:' 5 sees. Shfe <o»nptt^ m lfto Metre* breas* to-day
    34 words
  • 186 23 Gunners (Changi) i: VoYuv X SUPERIOR stamina vf bettM foiskilsg lr, tile fettn Itti minutes <»i play gave the R.A. (Chaitfci) a convintini» virr.ry by 1 I to one over the Pofice m the lira! roiHMl l >iy »f lint Siai pore Challenge Cap
    186 words
  • 12 23 Th i' h< rs* A have b< the n i
    12 words
  • 234 23 S. C. R. C. TENNIS TOURNEY STARTS A START was madf m «he S.CRC *»p« o lavn ttaMfe Tournament ;< trrday afternoon when IfM m open jurior sinsics. men's singles handicap, mixed dowWos hnndtrap, vfctHmirt singles handicap and men's doubks handicap v.r-re OMH|MtoA« The 1 -> we** she restil OPEN
    234 words
  • 41 23 E TingHn Ciub a; i ericati 1 ph TV n a ment < »m I* StturdA? Dei 15 Wi 1 Sun d.»v Ort. 10. play to p r... i rikl ,1 on th* slip. ,-i r 13. -3 per pJa\
    41 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
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