Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 14 August 1938

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 13 1 The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1938. FIVE CENTS. The Sunday Tribune
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  • 161 1 WALKING FROM LONDON TO MALAYA ftmn staff Reporter) any rate PLL **hin the next t^iid^Oidff Id and FlJtßut don't expect because at the England, ZL wav they arJ is by the jJ^Mndi^putablv slow, both, they think fJ2r K JtVr/' therefore j i firt thw c^untrv. They Diuoc Pla«^ whicl i
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  • 200 1 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) -appeared m the POIJCE "OIRT last week, one charged dealing the others book Yesterday. I spoke to a **h© is trying to brinir the matter before the authorities, a mly convinced after years of experience, that there >ra Juvenile Court ii
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 1 "People rush from all parts 01 Malaya every time her films are shown/ he added.
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  • 455 1 German Reservists Called Up: Engineers In Demand For Fortification Work |\ESERVISTS have been called up m various districts around Berlin. Certain detachments, including Air Force squadron and tank regiments are being sent to Rhineland. In Schulzendorf near Berlin, bread and other foodstuffs have been requisitioned for the- troops. In Eiffel
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  • 175 1 Border Dispute: 'Mysterious Treaty' -L. Louden, Aug 13. THE Hunfrchung Treaty of 1886, on which M. Litvinoff is basing thy negotiations with Japan m the borde dispute, seems a mysterious document, says the writer <> Londor Day by Day" m the Daily I'elegrapix. The map attached to the Treaty was
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  • 90 1 Singapore, Saturday. For ste.Un; six mangosteens valued at five certs j irem Tanglin Hill yesterday at 7.3J cm. a Cantonese answering to lh*» name of Chin Phan was bound over to be of gcod behaviour for hx months m one surety of $25 by Mr. Conrad
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  • 109 1 London, Aug. 13. A START was made with the Scottish soccer league to-day, and the results of the matches played were: DIVISION I fcrbroath 3 Albion 2 Ayr 2 Raith Celtic 0 Kilmarnock I palkirfc i Queen's Park fl i Hibermars 2 Hamilton 2 I MctherweU b Queen
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  • 48 1 Britain's first bicycle smash-and-grab raid took place recently. A cyclist rode up to a photographer s shop m the Causeway, Teddington, carefully stood his bicycle against the kerb, and then hurled a brick through the window. He snatched £100 wcrth of cameras and rode oft. ei«atkiiißiiiiß»J»K
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  • 75 1 Sweeping away the last of the > sea defences, giant waves whipped f by a summer gale have caused tremendous damage m the Welsh vlila»e of Amroth, on the South Pembrokeshire coast. Hujje boulders have made the road frcm the village impassable and whole gardens have
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  • 75 1 [From Our Own ttPporferi Ipoh, Salurd:i\ CIX Chinese including two women, lost their lives when a motor boat, m which they were travelling from Lumul to l*an^k.>r, capsized m mid-sea with 12 other occupants early yesterday afternoon. j Hearing screams, iishermen rushed to the scene and
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  • 625 1 JAP MACHINE GUNS ON BRITISH SENTRIES Shanghai, A|| IS* THE most intensive precautions taken m the Internatiu* Settlement by the authorities m thfl various Concessions having so far been successful m preventing disoider, the Japanese took the matter m their own hands and to-day created thiir own terrorism. Following the
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  • 111 2 SIX BEHEADED IN REVENGE PLOT Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Aug. I. I lAMl'K^)— th c Uuwppos*-- lanky, oespectaeled king cf Brazilian J L haniits bad H* sbcotfrg bj Ibe police last week terribly avenged. ■11,,. C h.el prliee a1 Brttos, Norih-Eastern Bras itting m his dive wh.ii bulks crate addressed
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  • 365 2  -  T. K. Vellu (By (Sunday Trihtffc Staff Reporter) pORTV-'iWO >tar old France Alexander Tesseftsohn, Eurasian Singapore-Mpni student of the art of Yogis* for twenty-two years, told me yesterday that fee touW! demonstrate hypnotic power of nind evei matter. initiating him into the m rnbership
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  • 60 2 Singapore, Saturday. Inert- will be a special meeting of fche Singapore Buddhist Association tc L.orrow al 7 p.m. at the association premises 67. Spottiswoode Park Hoad tc discuss matters regarding the new Buddhist hall and the other activities tor the welfare of the association Members and Buddhists are
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  • 114 2 'Pilgrim Lovers' Happy At Last After travelling across the Atlantic and seeking permission to marry m nine different countries, Mr. George W. Fennell, millionaire owner of a chain of New York furniture stores, was married m Ireland and has returned to London with his 23-year-old bride, Annette Rcddington. They left
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  • 177 2 MOSCO W CANNOT GET MILK Helsinki. ULKY little milk is available m Moscow because of the "criminal ne^lijrence and avathy of responsible officials," according to PKAVDA, organ of th e Communist Party. Knormous quantities are delivered to the capital m special refrigerator lorries, but *he consumer is seldom able to
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  • 249 2 Singapore's "Military Road Being Made 30 Feet Wide (Sunday Tribune SlafT Reporter gING/. PORE'S most importani strategic road Changi Road, which links the big military camp of Chazigi with the town is being ?iux\. First stages m tho work wete started this week, on the section which flank/, the
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  • 39 2 The sixteenth congress of the P.E.N. Club opened at the Charles University, m Prague, under the presidency of Df. Hodza, the Prime Minister. More than 300 delegates, of whom 30 are British, are attending the congress.
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  • 315 2 COURT HEARS STORY OF PENAN G RIOTING (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) Penang, Saturday. I^RAPHIC descriptions of th<) seeent rioting m Pena:ig were given by a member of the police force m court here to-day, when a man called Chong Kok was fined. jffe was convicted of being a member of
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  • 264 2 "LAKES OF KILLARNEY" AT WORLD FAIR New York. WATER from the Shannon and Lakes of Killarney is to be brought to America for part of the Irish exhibit at the New York World's Fair next year. Soil also will be imported from Ireland for gardens and lawns of the Irish
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  • 97 2 FAMILY BARRICADE THEMSELVES IN Fighting took place at Hoe Street, Walthamstow, East LondJn, when bailiffs from the ccunty caurt arrived io eject Mr. Frederick Arthur Young, a 38-year-old unemployed fishfrier, with a wife and seven children. Mr. Young barricaded himself m hi* house and, with the assistance «if between 30
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  • 85 2 Headmaster Aquitted [From Our (fan Cvrr^ M Malawi. R. E. A. H. Ufc L headmaster. Bufe H» lish School, Mho stood rfa* vh (irivinjr al Tranawai, 19, was 10-day ac^uitirt i charged by Mr. G. E. i«r* .Magistrate No ceicncc ("ute accepting Mr. X E I M»bmissicn d case mn4r
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  • 260 3 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) I g$f tois:i in «nnn»- are worried by the apathy I rlr^ ia»r -aid precautions. is fai what a well-known vpJun"lii me this week: Will be coni with such a state of affairs, as a ..9f. Spain, still
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  • 177 3 (Sunday Tn> une Statf Reporter v UIAM miners m equal number praise and rant at the addii*l percentage of res' :ict ion imposed on the tin producing iof the world. Dutch tin miners are more enterprising. Ptofroc tin to gold, the Bill [ill
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  • 26 3 u n Covrtapoadent] Bahru. Thursaav ca «»d hurt to ha *Nk. y> his brothe: hiJ"** Bah tsOm t 'me afto' I^<M I,
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  • 144 3 A picture from the air of Windsor Castle, which has been the home of England's monarchs since the days of W;!linm the Conqueror, who constructed the first palace on this site. In foreground is the Thames, crossed by the Eton bridge. At extreme right of the
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  • 51 3 BEGGAR'S BANQUET Sanjev rflf tf ibe propriety U a t*L «aUn? hcu>e could K&reni, the be«ar,. fSsartr. and oafji. Kkfcd a H" meal r JS S»ck of tbe eatin§ /Li ud for sale gjXJ [dbinuntd by the t al liou|ht by Edhem tseiariUd a» comers :<, J ,cdb *I a
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  • 41 3 7* Otr 0*» Correspondent jobore Bahru. Thursday. -CbtSalixn bin Sabtu, third iLjfeore Bahru, Chin Chiang. T+nc ias convicted and t'uu-c n frys' simple imprisonment «ac of having carried a pas jjgfeaoodbin Haji Abdul Jamal. fc&ff. prosecuted.
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  • 68 3 I ORD Runciman, who is acting: as unofficial mediator between the Czech Government and the Sudeten Germans, has already had an interview m Prague with Dr. Hodza, the Czech Premier, and is receiving a visit from flerr Knnracl Henlein, Sudeten German leader. Shortly after
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  • 220 3 (By Leslie Hoffman) (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) "lAGA ki-etas" at one time Singapore's greatest pests, have now been replaced by another nuisance a temporary one, we hope. C'aema pirates, small, dirty boys, prey ov Singapore's cinema loving public, nir.k a little ''fortune" on the proceeds
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  • 167 3 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) SINGAPORE Harbour Board workers have been fishing m dry dock this week. From the bottom of the Kechh, Malayan coasting vessel, they filled five bags full of sucker fish, as I watched them during the week. Sucker fish, mo I coirimon
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  • 76 3 Geneva, Aug. 13. OIR Malcolm Campbell faiJed narrowly In hi.s attempt to break his own water .speed record of 129.5 m.p.n. Despite heavy rain and poor visibility. the "Bluebird" reached a speed of 128.57 m.p.h. on the outward trip, and 124.13 m.p.h. on the return
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  • 448 3  -  T. H. Tan (By (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) LIATs off to local postmen irho have li> cope n (he problematical fact thai there are i I than 34 vilhtges m without of these villages has mor v i 200 iphabitant^ so
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  • 132 3 Simla. k MAGISTRATE'S order prohibiting the carrying of lethal weapons m a district near Nahan had unsuspected complications. Eight barbers of the district were brought before the magistrate on a charge of defying the ordsr by carrynv 1 their razors and scissors, the tools ?i their trade. Sentencing
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  • 231 3 Medicine Men Use Medicine! (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) "]i/rEDICINE-MEN" have at last taken to Jhediqine! Malayan I'pawangs," at one time most cnx£&nxpcaou& of modern healing methods, have nov becoirrc converted, cure malaria-affected patient with quinine, says Mr. Geoffrey Cator, British Resident of Perak. "Whether their conversion is a true one
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  • 52 3 Buildings :tt H-<- (.'ihines? Brewers In Park Royal, London were still burning many I after an outbreak < tire rafed m the coo] Mpe, larjjr 01 lliou^li Hit* main hi PnP( j i 1 i 1 flames I HI" 1t»« < -:ul itSS "and In u
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  • 30 3 Mrs B. Heinemann, aged about .-ixty, and believed fco b( b German. found by a friend drov led In her bath ;!t a West End hot*
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  • 36 3 He Swims In His Clothes The Serpentine Swimming <Ii V.I-Clothes Kace took place m Hit* Serpentine. Hyde Park. London. the competitors had to be fatflj dad Photo shows: Cheering the wim G. Steel, after his victory.
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  • 146 3 $754 CHEQUE CHARGE OXG AH POOH claimed trial (M--terday af Singapore when pi duced before Mr. Conrad OUlha the Second Magistrate, on an alleged charge of cheating m respect i cheque valued a I H was alleged that lh< "ua» ran teed to the firm of A pear and of
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  • 160 4 DOCTOR, LA WYER, BROKER IN GANG Calcutta. k practising doctor, lawyer and broker, and a lawyer's clerk were members of a gang of burglar* run to earth by th e police of Lahore, Punjab. Fourteen members of the gang have tr been arrested on charges of bein-4 concerned m burglaries
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    • 287 4 The ANNOUNCEMENT ALL PARENTS ARE SO KEENLY AWAITING g CAPITOL I TO-DAY *■=>-.=—- (Sunday) at 10.30 a.m. 3 Special MORNING MATINEE Screening. j| IN RESPONSE TO HUNDREDS OI REQUESTS jWa!t Disney's famous Full-length RKO-Radio Production. i SNOW WHITE the SEVEN DWARFS' Admission: Downstairs: Adults 50 cts. Children 25 cts Circle:
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    • 183 4 SEASON EXTENDED^ I^ j 111- AW A TOPS HER S^, 1 [SUCCESSES with BICCER an d BIGGER^ Ito-iiay at ps I CAPITOL 1? MALAYA'S LARGEST FINEST TH 7^^ Just Cool Knou.h For Your C« mfor tt Vr lj I T fig ARTHUR TREACHER AIL I'ATHKK. LAST TWO DAYS Don't miss
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    • 57 5 One of the drama scenes from the Rritish all-colour film "The Prum", which proves conclu(if proof -were needed) tbnt S^nti, the elephant boy vns not H'st a one-film actor, but is definitely one of the world's finest child stars. Great film, full of authentic detail of
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    • 1470 5 Modern Miss Style Betto Davis i« the star of a fine nev 61m ezebel" whicti is comlnc to the Alhambra. Hor she is opposil' Ilen^v Fonda, i\r\d American critics predict she'll g;e! the award for this year's best acthig performance. Vs
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    • 87 5 JF you're (his krnd of blonde, (heji you're the kind of Monde that Bin;;: Crosby crcons his love son;;s to! She is 5 feet 1 inch tall, weighs 110 pounds, has bJue eyes, wears size 12 dress, 34 shoes, 6 glove, .i hat. Her name
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    • 196 5 Man of 80 loses 26 Pound! of Fat Apparently one li never too old to rrj duce. Here write a man of 80 who ha.s just rid himseli ol 1 Bt. 12 lbs. of uni wanted fat: "You may be Interested bo bear that ifter
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    • 185 5 J 4. thur a <■'/ to >graph- it RADIO rogues Eddie I d flm- har been yned r: ::gl Si m U c > of Hollywood. fRARLENE 1) HI try of the UntU4 States. B/V(; promising c<>t. 4h the crooner m a film. A.v.v DVORAK m 'et kmaJ debut
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    • 542 5 There is nothing that can make you feel wrote: "7 suffered HBB ~IVHB older and more rundown th;in Kidney and from nervousness, l|npHj£' Filadder trouble caused by Poisons .level- leg pains, dizziness, R<v^ '^^S oped m your body. Ordinary medicines headaches and had no <rZ~ V <^A rant h^lp you
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    • 93 5 Ifothing embarrasses comely worm n more than sparse •r Don't despair, because coiffure Is within reach ti tvardhini Kesavard- i by re Ke irdhmi accom--1. 1 r tailing, baldness and I .ir. with KM i'^* rant and beau K<- avnrdhini i family benefit Tmafrnr>vt To-rtny K(>i «vr»rdbi"« fVsH* t; K#»sav.\r<l*i
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  • 870 6 STORY OF FIGHT London, July 29. |X>MMII ii i by the V I soroner, after the jury ai an n, 27-year-old nephew oi Lord Dulverton, bad ret i I «ii t him, P.C. Stewart Reid, „r Liverpool i Police, declared thai he strucfc
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  • 32 6 MEDAL FOR QUEEN MARY The Duke of Connaught. the King's grand-uncle, who is eighty-eight, presented the Albert Medal to* Queen' Mary ii: recognition of her unremitting m i^rest m arts and manufactures."
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 6 An inciticnr that m ?ht have served as subject for f*e brush of an Old Master, as young Frank Plunge stands up m his pram to offer a tit -bit to a pigeon m Hyde Park, London.
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  • 137 6 DEVIL'S ISLAND GA OL ESCAPE Paris, FIVE convicts hjL?e escaped from the penal settlement of Saint lean do Maroni, m French Guiana, according to a letter just received at Saint Martin de Ke, where convicts used to be assembled for transportat '(111. The Guiana settlement includes Devil's island, where Captain
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  • 534 6 Rome, July 29. JgEXITO MuSsolini, dictator of Italy, is 55 years old now. But the Italian people do not know about it. There is never any mention of the Duce's birthday m the Italian papers. Despite the passage of the years Mussolini is still
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  • 97 6 New York Vice King's Appeal Washington, D.C.— Charles "Lucky" Luciano, who was convicted two years being the brains of a gang that operated m New York's white slave Lr'iffici has appealed to the United States Suprt me Court with live of his alleged henchmen. Luciano is at present serving a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 NEW STRENGTH WITH WATERBURY'S When tht vigour and vitalits of youth begins /^z-"^ to fade, take Waterbury's Compound. For \c \i \< irs this fine old ionic has proven its value v\l h\ \i m stimulating the appetite renewing tail- J v vv strength building stamina and glow- v \."-vV
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    • 146 6 Sufferers from the maddening irritation, the exhausting, agonising pain caused by piles— do not wait until piles (haemorrhoids) reach such a terrible state that a serious operation may be necessary. Ask your chemist all about this special remedy. He knows the ingredients from which this inexpensive and scientific remedy is
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    • 629 6 SIN( »A!'OK|. Uri j M 'ii vj S A L U f ATIONsT^ TO ALL HARMONICA p Uv( With the Sunday Tribune, we ha ccium for the pu column each week. \r r latest craz< HARMONICA I I ;o. I further p^| As the Lc: Vy Malayan Agents of n
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  • 1076 7 And The Reason's Not Hard To Seek: The Name Windsor Will Spell NEWS Until The End Of Time NOV. 11 1936ABDICATION VERY NEAR gIfTAN and Engl I articular^ the ->- poor, oW Duke of L^ne. A very honest, a fcDow. a man who L
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  • 123 7 I Review The News heart, he saved Britain— and royalty —from uhat might have proved a campaign disastrous m all its bearings. Concludes the American historian: "With the departure ot Edward thr (vhole aspect of British domestic politics and the politics of Europe changed. The belligerency Germany had shown while
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    • 68 7 iHMH^k 9 /I r i MflsMiHH^ r /fc j 7 I 9*7 rf WF fff Erfffif&PZZ-r' I l\V\\ European Assistants are \]%s* always at your service. Call upon x them for advice on any question dealing with table fare. We .solve your catering problems. mm mmaSk PHONE: STORE .k!76' (4
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  • 2575 8  -  Leslie Cargill Short Story -By RANKS were I !l|r to the Director of iin>a<lra were the big- g CO ni ra to his letter-bag, the '^a 1 ol the commissionaire a1 th:* main entrance, and the curse ■> the typist who had to answer their importunate communications.
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    • 257 8 HOW TO STOP n Five minutes By Dr. F.B. Scott, M.D., Pa, is. It' you want an astonishing demoa stration o! how quickly and ccmpl< teiy indigestion and stomach p; m can be stopped, just t.\ko a teaspoonful of 'Bisurated 1 Mag i m ivater. I've fouTid that the moment
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    • 858 8 %o aII who &re v i^^ffl^J!^! LOSS OF WiIGH7 IS A DANGER SIGN Hospitals are fu!l of these tragedies! r~yv^ICHE^ i VttoM* |h begins so gradually that all too many victims fail to realise what m iLBS-^^^ as impr° ved is happening until their trouble has gone too far. First,
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 9 Ip oi" Ihe British Fleel arc at homo to the public i»ly mouth, Portsmouth and Chatham. Photo Hot and a ?jirl visitor to 1-5 M.S. "Nelson" cele&rate the opening ci Navy U.-\ r Portsmcath with a kiss on one of i fi battleship^ guns.
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  • 376 9 I m |-Bi there should be ihat her husband ■m\ a nifM awaj rll'md that, it she took a r, most take it Every clay hiKUrs m his museum, w flecked doors, to Jse itey Lstfc bfKpt over Phoenix.
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  • 179 9 Istanbul. f WEDDING which was ,o laing together two clans which for many have been separated by a blood feud has ended m a fijrht dlurinfi: which the bridegroom was kitted. memb ol two families of living m the wilderness of Anatolia had be.en
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  • 495 9 London July 31. fUST before Richard Cowper, 34-year-oid actor husband of Iflllie Houston, the variety actress, collapsed m a dying condition m the street after drinking poison, he and his wife had quarrelled. I They had been married aoout six years and separated six weeks
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  • 147 9 MAKING SUCCESSFUL LAND SETTLERS P London. ROBLEMS of making successful lann .titles have been discussed a< the conference here of Cclonfal Directors of A:rir:;i';»i<\ It \vn;- decided at the r tb.e work of the L-.i.d Settlement Association m Great Br.tain nad shown that the j,. i n jt. aply situated
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  • 201 9 NEW TREAT MENT FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE i- vac °t tit, uho lirsl alkalinity of the blood j cf uric acid and other i tlie Ints and uU has found Gut t:. proaches. the bi i alkaline resei to nold In soiutideposits and othei Ich should be curried &f II
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    • 9 9 Read The MA LA YA TRIBUNE Dominant In Malaya
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    • 311 9 i rere^l^d Sf©?ti€!c>t Ulcers But thk sufferer /'4 jjjT" T escaped apcra^lon yei l r Ve een ur,a ci t^ Ul Clire Almost us difii i!t to bear as the found wvl Vere l? T hyp pain itself i the drcid that a badly /f Hosn.YaTr' peUl2l V?, 1 "o«I
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  • 582 10 RIOT of COLOUR AT FRASER'S HILL J I Welcome Rain j j Helps Bungalow I Gardens nANK H »Lday having come and gone, ft the Hal is not quite so crowded now, fl h 9 nay-comers have arrfyed he bungalows m place of vent (.b>\\-n after the holiday. c weather
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  • 731 10 THROUGH THE EYES OF A WOMAN From Our Own Correspondent Below we tell you what to buy and where to buy it! CINCE whatever colours you, personally, may favour, white must form, the basis of your wardrobe m a hot country like this, you will be interested m the new
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  • 100 10 PRETTY SINGAPORE WEDDING EMPLOYEES ing Co taraM attend the prettj byterbn Church 1 i Ml. GtoOfg von IX. Muriel Parrett were After the wedd. at the Presbyterian C p tired to the Adelpiii Hole:, a« leception was held ciivcri by Mr. and < ntrancc to the pri\ m, party m
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 209 10 "RAC-O'MUFFINS" ARE SO SMART j These new Jpft**4, head-pieces j5)OP I>^ <^ nre idea! $y~'~'~~' for travel and sports- Ml v wear. X^~ N fj k ■■&> I j I i?^ two of the many ways m which f p& they can be worn. i The golf course continues to
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    • 96 10 i y 1 attractive a slimY 1/ £s trim figure looks on the V V court Slim safely with Redex V\\*— S\ lotion. Applied externally. Re- A I duces flesh only where applied. oto^^^ I Unfailingly effective and easy to use. Absolutely harmless. j No dieting. Approved by phy- I
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    • 36 10 MADAME PAGE 52, Piccadilly, Londoa. EXPERT DBESSMAKEB AND DESIGNER /ANNOUNCES i The opening I department ol all gt insivrly designed and made by her at prices ranging from $5 to $:jo. 13, Battery Road. TW 0327
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    • 6 10 L> PRISCILLA^ M ST \T» 3335^^
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  • 264 11 Chinese In England Remember Canton ""t tin j OCFIOK —^y ta Portland P U^fS on K 1 mL*. Ambassador m I x aid of the CiviL attendance m md Madame guests, |S »et7 with her ma-nifi-WjfrL at sapphire s L^ents Of Every I Kind L,*er.:3 of^/ery kind w»-r»:-pr-.--«iB i tea
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  • 779 11 Blondes Watch Your Beauty! Your charm L 1 of the fragile, j ethereal type, 5 so guard it well 9 U/£ arc all .so used to admiring the fairhaired girl that we have come to take her type of beauty for granted and to think that those shimm< locks and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 179 11 KlliiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiir^ I DO'S DONTS j I FOR CHIC j nON'T forget to consider your S 5 arms when buying your i frocks. Never sleeveless if you have fat arms, but let your j J aoovc tte ol:;,v Cape sleeves 2 sleeves some to at v two inches are graceful for
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    • 26 11 Ichristie] 1 Just received j small shipment S Gowns for all occasions S GORGEOUS COLOURS, and LATEST STYLES. S Tel. 2526. 19, Stamford Road. S i
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    • 96 11 W GiLAGTOGEN time. n In fact, Lactogen babies ■> are alert at any time 1 during their waking hours. For brightness and intelligence come *mm from correct feeding I complete feeding~-and v, Lactogen is complete nourishment for babies. Prepared from the world's choice of pure p~- cows 1 milk, by
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  • 123 13 .--if the pubPriti'n <:i fhe I i"\ nlan fcr th<> rmat'on f I i£a \ir G-^ rl to h l! tiu Air l nrtp m time <;f emerpen aLps »nri I \er«{.h'.ne lub at Bn;xbourne Aerodrome, Brox- HertiurnMiin- an already receiving hundreds of applfcati i-if fflfn
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  • 151 13 STRIKE COSTS SHOPKEEPERS $10,000 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) uv.<ie has 'h en diverted from Arab Street rispkwpcr^ to th smaller "kedahs" since the transpori strike Lto the prolongation of the L Asp-trade m Singapore and lipped a Lpcpe: ipore confirm the Ed that their trade is not so IlsTtas wten
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  • 562 13  - Singapore Schoolboy, 17, Builds His Own Plane COST SO FAR IS LESS THAN $100 Leslie Hoffman HERE IS SOMEBODY WHO SHOULD SUCCEED IN LIFE j By (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). DTDY Prey, schoolboy, is celebrating his seventeenth birthday to-morrow. A special biilhday this for R.idy, because he is getting something
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  • 450 13 Oilfields At The South Pole? London, Aug. 2. TiHAT there are oil and mineral deposit. 1 m the region of the South Pole is the belief of Mr. Lincoln Ellsworth the American explorer, who arrived at Southampton m the Luropa from New York. He told a reporter that deposits art?
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  • 42 13 Ronald Ivan Clai ixteen, M.. tor ten days from hie bead, near Boston, L*nc was wash ng dishes at a Sk boardl house. For Uii< ]r Uce And Bj:-' I Loys searched the swamps of tin- w icr him.
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  • 96 13 t Sunday Tribune Staff Rep-rter). I FORTUNE tellers are fast disappearing m Singapore, tourists and residents being more sceptical here thin m other Eastern ports. Most popular type of fortune tt!k-Ts us:d to be found on ships coming and going from the wharfs. They are vanishing quickly.
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  • 237 13 "Angel" Falls In Harlem Joy March thousand people jl^wt to-day for the Jubila--1 Father Divine, the "Hs himself God. They J fVr n MPeace> brotherr^s££ cl ?K m the streets of wt3Pa te the gift to Father Divine by Howland Spencer a rich Roose-velt-hater, of a new "promised land' the
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  • 28 13 Gossip is a ground for divorce under the new German marriage and divorc: Itw; "stinginess" or extreme and un- vru-nnabl* 1 Jealousy nrp others
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  • 359 13  - A Chance For The Malayan Nurses Of To -Morrow T. H. Tan (By (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) WHAT is believed to be Ihe only institution of Its kind m Malaya is the nurses' hostel-cum-school m lohore liahru. H*mm4 m a fine building, the newest m design ami architecture, the institution,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 106 14 London. Aug. 4. THE Colonial Secretary, Mr. Malcom MacDonaid. has invited the President of the League of Coloured Peoples, Dr. Harold Moody to out before him views on the recent disturbances m Jamaica. D»* Moody, a Jamaican, who now practises, m London as a doctor, has i
    106 words
  • 37 14 YACHT FIRE -SKIPPER HURT Following an explosion en the yacht Kitty wake when anchored at Palmouth. The skipper, Mr. Tom Sylvester, of Chelsea, was taken to the sailors* hospital with bruises and cuts. The yaci-: caught nra.
    37 words
  • 497 14 PROGRESS OF VETERINARY SCIENCE IN THE DUTCH INDIES POULTRY NOTES By John C. Breman, WDM., C.P.E., CX Prop. "The Laying Hen\ 179, Orchard Road, Singapore. (Co-operation Bet<ween 1 Malaya Urged XiOl far from the world-famous botanical MrA where one finds hundreds of varieties of nr l !of 1J the State
    497 words
  • 128 14 TRADITIONS BROKEN BY WAR The trad* l 00 M l l WAR has broken many Chinese i^^ n^ arA »wm I down upon soldiers, for instance, **!£i+*\ broke out at the Marco Polo Bridge a year af^ d 0 f <*l -Jk the old adage: -Good iron is W *JJ
    128 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 50 14 C/TT\J^<P TICKETS ISSUED j ALL STEAM- i TRAVEL SHD> AMD I rvrWUWKAILWAY LINES. NO BOOKING FEES. l Cheese clients and Uiose of all j i cthtt resident communities are i given the best of attention and J L. c. i s i s s 38, KOBINSON £D^ SINGAPORE. TELEPHONE 590*.
      50 words
    • 348 14 m s,; v ■>''■ ."■.;>. IC^V<»*<^ LARGE TIN A: c MX^ J *\O van know what l I W m m Inner-Cleanliness r i^B' '< '"^>^ji I M health from uitliin, and I\s>S^ I f rnn cas '(y bu achieved by I^hJt7T^> i J^kb^l W taking Andrews Liver Salt "^^yVwi
      348 words
    • 194 14 llain 25 Lbs. New Cinema Way There is no lonpr'-r any mecum for m*>n and women to remain Thin, Nervous, D** derwei^ht. Run-Down, and Priendiess. m Fiolbwood the Cinema Stars are und< Revere strain night and day and require the nest of medical »ervice« to maintain normal WeWht and Health.
      194 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
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  • 377 15 OtST TIME IN HISTOR V" London, July 21). j, iam nu of prisfl" reform has been announced m the ornmon- b> Sii Samuel Hcare, the Home Secretary. he W«8 a family tnid-tion, f( )r he is a greato f the woman v. ho is
    377 words
  • 118 15 Peterborough. Ontario. MILITARY training of all able-bo-died men m Canada for purposes ef defence is advocated m a resolution adopted by the coumil of the I'nited t-cuntles of Northumberland and Durham recently. The preamble of the resolution refers to "the military aggressiveness" shown some Powers aad the
    118 words
  • 20 15 LETTING THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG litter of ten-weeks-old Siamese kittens exhibited at the Kensington (London) Kitten Show recently.
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  • 114 15 MARRIED TO GET OUT OF PRISON Nice. MLLE Frida Oberji, a yoong singer born m Kiga, Latvia, has been released after spending s-veiaj da>s under arrest t\.r having no identity card. Under recent decrees the regulations regarding control of foreigners have bsen tightened up, and the offence vjth which Mile
    114 words
  • 381 15 Renewed Migration Activity KJrby Moor side. Yorkshire. I ORI) Sianky Great Britain's Secretary for Dominion Affairs commended the renewed Kii\its m migration to Australia and other Empire countries »n a speech here. During the years of world depression, Lord .Stanley said, there were few jpportunities, and indeed little encouragement, for
    381 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 59 15 H HOLDS 2| TIMES AS I MUCH INKf S latett and moat conBl A^? 01 of p« ns ma e wcucaii, impossible to 'nm X 2, M tw kward moments j£«o »cc exactly ho^ "7 •"•m»ins simply bj Jr ptothc "o»<l» twcvind-t- tune* as much •^yw ordimry n^ftoL fillln Simplicity
      59 words
    • 163 15 TRAIN YOURSELF For a good pos*— -acquire the traineability which alone can command higr remuneration by studying at home, m your own spare time, under TIIE SCHOOL OP ACCOUNTANCY, LONDON GLASGOW, (The foremost Home Study Business Training University m the Empire). A Home Study Course has helped thousands of others
      163 words
    • 128 15 nJNO: GIVE ME ANACINIf^IJ^ The Modern, Tested Product! j You no longer have to try costly experiments that may affect your health. Today you can pet quick relief with ANACIN, the new product that doctors and dentists prescribe because they know that it is effective and safe. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIC
      128 words
    • 1019 15 The Remedy That Has Definitely Mastered BAD CIRCULATION mJ j/ S fC For Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart 1 \J {J AILMENT resulting from poor oi a^ can n. -t the curative action of ElaMto v. ilthj condition, the heart becomes stead ries sup, i tbles ear uj bad le^
      1,019 words

  • 553 16 Craze Which Can Change Your Character WIJJLK tlic earnest golfer will see very little to be facetious about m the honoured and ancient game, there is a very large proportion of th 2 population to >vhom golf is an unknown quantity. The reverence due to
    553 words
  • 46 16 CANADIAN ATTACKS BRITISH PRESS d. '"Canadian KmtMoki a»ia^ uuuiv m Mi C) tLvou The Albc: iniblic n Social C ..owed by tht :nd the Supreme Cour m a it- All the extent that th or cc. •lirough which inloi:: the Br. in'purtance it wo LadJm bu
    46 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 581 16 I Quick Relief from RHEUMATIC TWINGES itism is tson i' cripples nts. The tr- to bend, la^ ai four h an: I ifl on like thi V"; tried .1 "nevei I to ii, Place ble record- oJ idely ae Sp^j 1 Earth t atlamous &>as. I. ind I i I
      581 words
    • 837 16 Ifoaentf-Melh Ugainst Danger of HEART STRAIN Permanent Damage to Health Caused by vh 4tfSl V A Ik 5 I k B not? BH HL pgg mM ■|B mm W V B* > Gasoiatf choking, a desperate fight for air the result of every terrifying attack of A ?hma is a
      837 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 50 17 HURRY.'.' UST CTUWE j! Obta,n,ng These! «urn-vita: cifts K nChan^ f«r one JH. 1 (not outer urn p- s ex^ng c for one S j k r and Saucer s I Fi» Coupons Now! P b stained from v sDsrb y^Co., Ltd.' Or- An y Bran-ii of S Co. Lid.,
      50 words
    • 54 17 No mistaking WONDERFULLY I get much more pleasure Sm^ W$ from smoking since I switched to Craven c A.' They do not stain my fingers or stick to my g|. <^ lips. My throat, too, Ip'^K appreciates Craven cA pm!!^^«««^>«^^^fe; smoothness it really lis remarkable. < f&rf^^ <^*^l&&fy/ Whether you
      54 words
    • 349 17 >'■ v *^^^n "S SUFFERED Tur year* M^/r/i I GAS PAINS" "Then a I r tend told me about Alka-Seltzcr. Now I just take one Alka-Seltzer Tablet and t feel fine.*' It vj;:c. v\ith Stomach Gas, heor*« it.c way to get „A, i fe Civ 4 I fu-t drop an
      349 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 63 17 ffftt: AIR TO-DAY i I'OKK 0* j Is SfrL J .^"r '.-p.ayed by tne B;< j I I ffiWJN Jam to 1-" :*>w oi ti Wer-k me of thi.' week and Dutch. •re wnerc we were !mpol youth, haupiby V/erntmbrella! toys: Verses man. English) MROM M «1!).S m SI I
      63 words
    • 284 17 LONDON HONGKONG TRANSMISSIONS 3 ZBW Mcs(3l 4 PJ] fi i;.7f) >r*s 'i<;.B.> e$.3U 10.20 European and Chinese f-Sf j.kU m<s (19.8 m.) pr rrammes. 6 50 cito^k qu ations and Excliang< ous Service M rep Englanil;,* from! T~" Tin:," Signal weather report :h, Folkstone, announcemej nior Band; con- 1 10.20
      284 words
    • 229 17 HOLLAND PCJ. 15 22 Mrs (19 m.5 > 6 't'; Special broadcasi U ft la China. Japan ond Further r by khe Roman Cj B >ad- casting; A^pciation (X R.O i Nation^ anthem and openi announcement. Maria gramme. Religi< talk F'ath^-i (> M van Bee:. 8. M. The K.R.O. Synip
      229 words
    • 81 17 ROME I »«(> 11.81 Mc!s -18: m.t -ill KUAI LUMPUR E 6 13 \u (45.9 m >lc. I down. A -DIAMOND" BED LS A CIFT OF GBFT» TQ HOME MAKERS. 1 bedctea!3 the ceutre of the fcuiac Price. U'airy.w.J ecdurar> shodJ t*o euu&ideral On com'psrisoa of these three qaalitie*. DIAMOND
      81 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 727 18 Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours Gui 1 1 els Fort if tea i f M by New Discovery m WjlAzz Uo you feel old before -Mir time? .Vre you tired, run- iw^k. Men 4 down, worn cut, and unable to keep up with the si- 1 modern life? I*>
      727 words
    • 273 18 -d^^^k w ith m ynew'Kodak' f fkji^^w\s S™-20 Kodak junior cxrremeiy com- (FmL V petent but not complicated one of *~~**-f-| the world's most popular folding s^~ vS*.;- cameras. r ith modern-type shutter\)j release on the body of the camera for -^svk abS^P^C^ steac c >' e cvc^ snapping choice
      273 words
    • 97 18 nunct prices are two oj B.H.A s ffreat of any oUWBN assets. The Cycle Carriage Co., (1926) b Singapore, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Ratu Pahtt, »*ftoju?f Motors, i enao- ipob MoUn, Ipoto Motonsu bi«m, ib» /touchano«°! I WORtO'l «N»' 1 ln,.ont *H*» "f 1 Stwcfhr'' of ft. W** I todoy.-- Ij
      97 words

  • 802 19  -  Phoenix KEEN RIVALRY EXPECTED (By "Phoenix" Singapore) Special Badminton Feature EDITED BY yESTERDA i ties ushered m the open championships m Sinagpore, and from now on, badminton enthusiasts hero may look forward to witnessing first-class matches, m which, perhaps, the rivalry will be keener than
    802 words
  • 291 19 (By "R;»cquet," Perak) bmk I referred briefly to the career of A.S. Samu-1. who is v regarded as Malaya's No. 1 badminton player, and write about Tan Chen R Pho., the ex-champion of of the old brigade, Chen- Pho r started Wa badminjt
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  • 280 19 "One cannot escape making the impression that the Malays in the State of Johore have taken up badminton so well that they will, one day, be leaders in the various divisions. At present, the Chinese loads the way, but indications points to the fact tha*
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  • 693 19 PENANG CHAMPION NOT DEFENDING HIS TITLE (By >?»hinx," Penang) jiT is now a well-known fact lhat Tuns Ghim Boat, one of the old brigades but who Is nonetheless still considered good enough for the present crop of first ilighters m thi< part of the Colony, will not be defending his
    693 words
  • 189 19 New Drugless Keniedv BtcnrJl Wlht Other Remedies failed. You can be fulness and bloating that yo i your heart to stop ieel suffocated— You iec; want quick reliel So did the v the iettf r below But relief until he turned 10 dox is the
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 24 19 For MONTHLY COMPLAINTS Take "Ladies Brown Pills" Full treatment 1 bottle. PRICE SI. Sold by Mr. C. S. CHAN, 277, Race Course Road, SINGAPORE.
      24 words
    • 202 19 Kill Your Piles let da I;;. i <>i externa l j>ii<s n m! cfl us u n \p'-riM \<-. j tlon m 1"> minutes you "m i > Ijii1 j ii and qhik ly ihrin k •■< tifutiu the Doctor's t i i 1 1 1 1 Hh S n
      202 words

  • 706 20  -  N. H. L. Siebel By WITH -A: j privileg o1 writ has d >volve<l on ne <ur- I was not at the big k-end, th i. ••r [aiayn fapoi final. lowing the l> ru h of sport he Aofusi bnk holiday week was a comort!
    706 words
  • 13 20 HENRY icas quietly confident. YUSOFF Breasted home the solitary g0a1....
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  • 527 20 "ROVER" REVIEWS CUP-FINAL Selangor Deserved Victory r AST week-end -aw the momentous final of the Malaya Cup competition at the Anscn Road Stadium. when the well balanced and confident i Selangor side gained a deserving victory by an only goal over Singapoiv. i Spectators remarked that Singapore beat the Services
    527 words
  • 303 20 CRICKET HONOURS LIST BATTING 154* Hera Singh (V.I. OM Boy? K.L f)G V. C. Westerhout -11.I 1 LC. v. P Penan?). 87- A. J. Bosto<k Hill fNon Ben 1 President's XI v. D'Arcy Irvine'r XI, X.L V 78 Ap}:uni (Anderson School v. Old Boys. Ipoh). 77 Butnham (P.S.C. v. PRC
    303 words
  • Article, Illustration
    466 20 Boxing Notes "Spectator" |OE Louis, Max Schemling, Max Baer, champions come and champions go, but there seems to have beeu a regular stream of them iva atiy n the boxing world. Pii Henry Armstrong captured the ban f aiaweisrhl tnle from Barn y Ro \bc]\ Benny Lynch
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 28 20 Did you Maclean your teeth to-day? Ah! I see you did MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE If you use a snhd dentifrice, try the new MACLEANS ***** PEROXIOC DENTIFRICE
      28 words
    • 157 20 i t> n t A Happy And Hungry A chic 1 who is always ready for W« c meals is usually healthy, if, on the other hand, he has no appetite and nas to be tempted with cakes and other luxuries, it is a sign that his digestiv? i processes
      157 words
    • 58 20 Kb It is the world's most widely used Tonic RestorativeTl SB- Available m two sizes Prict $7.00 nnd $250 At a!! Chemists ",*}•> 1 1 cJc V: r: c c f^i- ■<■ ;'-;-> tyr^ and p r :«-r!cal testimonials write to: GPAFTON LABORATOPIES. 20-B, Co'Jye-r Quay, s o^aoorc Bo^ti Pharmacy
      58 words
    • 48 20 j PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYK Musj'le anomalies rrJ^^^^ Crossed eyes. p-^ —^^d 8 Complicated cave, P^S*' I of defective tL-^X vision m^^ CrLASSIiS IF NX. i)I!) R. A. THOMr^SON. IV). (Dr. of Ocular Science). 4, ARCADE, GROUND FLOOR Vhone 3002. Con- illation Without Cost or Obligation. I
      48 words

  • 404 21 Hankow, Aug. 13, ar «nbed mercilessly to-day \lgfayb; which are raiding the *,drive^ bei; l'" Roods recede from the n two toys «re W J least :i lh»u*«» f| op the and the Hanf^jpt* dropped tons ,aa bomb., fell wkfc at cf :ne f^rWaped
    404 words
  • 40 21 New World Swimming Record Wembley. Aug. 13. f A HE Danish women's team establislieri a world record of lour minutes 31.6 seconds m winning the European 400 metres' relay swimming championship final. Holland was .second. w tL Britain third. Jieuter.
    40 words
  • 71 21 \Fror: Our Own il>ipo'lcr\ Penang, Saturday. THE wedding took place tc-day at St. George's Church of Mr Lim Khye Su, the well-known State cricketer, ard Miis Kathleen Alice Blccdworth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloodworth, ci' Coventry, Warwickshire. The bride has only been In Penang for
    71 words
  • 60 21 Aicanto, Aug. 13. FIFTY people were killed and 200 injured m an air raid on the city by 10 Savoia planes irzm Majorca. One hundred und fifty high explosive bombs were dropped m the centre of Lhe town. Numerous houses were destroyed. The raid lasted half
    60 words
  • 144 21 Singapore, Saturday. THE Clerical Union presented to-night a thoroughly interesting- and »nU>rtaininei .show at the Happy World, the cf which wer^ m aid of the hina relief iwjd. The show was pat- d by Mr. Kao Ling-Pai, the Consuineral for China. cgramme was full
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  • 33 21 Portugal has granted to a German firm a contract for the .supply of enI sines and auxiliary machinery for two fishery protection vessels which are to ie bulls under the new naval programme.
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  • 161 21 Man Charged With Carrying Arms Singapore, Saturday. DROUGHT up together, but sep- ately charged, three young Chinese stood m the dock of the Criminal District Court this morning. A charge of carrying aims m public was preferred against Chan Kirn Kam who claimed trial ard the case was postponed to
    161 words
  • 221 21 [From Our Own Correspondent] BaUl Pfefcaft, Saturday. 'y-HE Batu Pahal soccer league competition this fflur ia cowing t<> a close now and there is nly one more match to p'a\ to complete the league. II is the deciding and important mit h
    221 words
  • 124 21 Air Crashes SEVERAL air mishaps took place yesterday. A Reuter message from London states that mx men are believed to have lost then lives uh"ii an R.A.T fl\ip« boat crashed into the m.i oft elixstowe. One l.orls has been tou f d. Fiom K..-rhn i<mcs the BCWI ihat 11 persons
    124 words
  • 65 21 "You are a very foolish old m i said Mr. Justice Tucker ;r ltanche« <■ t Assizes to Benjamin Hutchinson, I 'xty-five, of Sussex street. Gtertuu 1 Manchester, when sentencing him i six months m the second division 7fna r.'-'i ir t a workmate's luac i enough
    65 words
  • 28 21 A Ch'nese was stabbed at Pulai t« at 7 c'clcck Last night. He was removed, ai-coiiscicus, to hospital by ambulance. His condition Us not regarded a critical. 7.......
    28 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 218 21 rfWMHUIIHIIIH lill a>l a|| *K*aBrB«BBm«MM«M««BB^BBB«BBBB««B«BBB»*ff»*nBB«BMBB«a«M I bbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbH bbHBbB bbbbbbbbbbbbH bbßbbHE bbbbbbbb^H Ddf BbbH«9 BbKS^SH Hbbß^bbbl KL^^bß BwHgflH ECMbEwJ bbBbBH bbH IH bbbbbbb^Bß i£jt9 I bbß I BBBBBBBBBbB BBBBBBBBBbSV BBBBBBBbV^bI BBBBBBBBBBBBbB BB^BBV IbbIbBBbWW L^HP^B BBBBBBbB^SH SbBBBBBBbTT^B HlPij^Mi BBVftUW bW B^B^B^*9^bl HOBBKBBBBBfeBT^B^ bV^*T*I'CTSBBP*^ ■W^B^B^l I blb^b^H b^b^bßbH b^b^blsHS b^b^b^bl I ,B
      218 words

  • 39 22 SELANGOR TAKE THE FIELD t A. J. Bostock-Hill, Capt. J. G. Wylde and Colin Miller, three former F. 31.5. players, head the Sdangw batsmen, as they take the field against the Singapore Non-Benders m their match on the Padang.
    39 words
  • 244 22 ST. Andrews %> A" team scored a good victory over the V.M.C.A. Seniors yesterday afternoon m a cricket match played at the Anson Road grounds. Following are scores and bowlirlg analysis; ST ANDftSWS "A" TEAM M. Hope c Duvall b Xavier 21 J. Anchant b
    244 words
  • 310 22 Sir Shenton Thomas Watches Cricket i I VISITORS START WEIL S ngapore, Saturday. IJATTIKC 6rs| m their v c-i^ket fixture agains^ the Mannar Igon Benders on the S.C.i 1 Fadanff tb's afiernocn, the Singapore Nnn-^n^-s wrr^ d'.smissed for 101 runs. H's Excellency the Goveuior,
    310 words
  • 55 22 J. C.S. A. Billiard Tourneys rNTRIES are invited for the following j ii events m the Junior Civil Ser- vice Association billiards tourney. Open championship (three balls): 'A" Handicap (three balls) "B" Handicap (three balls) and "C" Handicap (three balls). The closing date is Sept. 10, and the entrance fee
    55 words
  • 188 22 MARA THON QUOITS RECORD Melbourne. WHAT is probably an Australian record for quoits, is claimed by 19--year-old Frank Stapleton of Geelong. His score was 1,691. For more than me hour twenty minutes, he flicked quoits on to the peg- 9 feet way. at the rate of twenty a minute. Stapleton
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  • 129 22 \trom uur vwn correspondent] Muar, Saturday. DISPLAYING better combination and adopting more aggressive methods F. K. Wilson and L. A. Marshall had little difficulty m winning their first round tie m the men's open doubles event of the Johere Lawn Tennis Association championship meeting when they
    129 words
  • 585 22 Action Thrills In S'pore Tourney Tham Swee And Keng fa Win Junior Doubles Title gXCELLENT sport was proMded at the Clerical Inion hall**, day afternoon when thrco ties m the SB.A. men's open I tournament were played.. AH the matches were full of action thrills. The junior doubles final, won
    585 words
  • 325 22 Peter Kane Fights Again London, July 27. /CONTRACTS for a world fly-weight championship contest between Jackie Jurich, of California, the American title-holder, and Peter Kane, the young blacksmith from Golborne, are expected to be signed within the iu;ct few days, writes Joe Brcmley m the Sporting Life. Negotiations have been
    325 words
  • 205 22 (Pv -Rover") PLAYING sixteen BUMS, U»c Chinese hnve colW; are well established at the head of the first 1 Having provided most representatives m the Singapore Sfc m the Chiaes« should find no difficulty m repeating their league success of Im£ year. They
    205 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 138 22 ■■■■■■■■■■■■iiiiiiiTiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiii>iiaiiiMii»ii)iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii» j THRILLS! ADVENTURE! ACTION! CLASHES ON THE INDIAN N. W. FRONTIER! i SEE THE GORDON HIGHLANDERS IN ACTION! I j SEE THE THRILLING RESCUE THRILL TO SABU'S GREAT LOYALTY j Gala Premiere at THE CAPITOL TUESDAY NEXT yis s l JfBBV *^V^r J *^W- >» SBfILT
      138 words

  • 106 23 Saddled Most Winners hVIDENDS AT A GLANCE I lke-.-lIL.UUTt |33 and S9. H" tmttn. J Aim Tok 59. ■w _rUTH $10 and SB. iray Contractor *9. Tihkling Eyes SlO ■teJ-FOXY $1j and S7. 2*l W*t H. I Sir Patrick S9. ■toi-B.UZLE B] and §1 j Bay Laddie SB. Mi* Polly
    106 words
  • 70 23 Colleges Trounce S.R. C. Singapore, Saturday. ceJle«;e> gained a J *rtct victcrv against V**" f^o they met m a iJJJ]* m S.R.C. Padans ■ttol was responsible f<w v R^ the SRC were clis- JJJ^s-the Collegians m aliuued to bat and P* r «s f Or the loii of foiu ij^Foo.bSwec
    70 words
  • 797 23 Phil Logue's Success \From Our Own F.tfjOrre. Ipoh, Saturday. |N fine weather, the skyc nuHing of (he Perak Turf Club was con(hlfl nwoii, wher the favourites had things aH their own dividends uf the day beino P a d out by Hilarity,
    797 words
  • 147 23 S. C. C. DEFEAT P. W. D. Singapore. Saturday. THE S.C.C. scored a j,rood win over the P.VV.D. by five wickets and 45 runs to-day. Scores: P.W.D C. Tillamathan b Leonard 33 P. M. D'Almeida run out 19 C. P. Sutton b Potter 2 V. R. Sabapathy 16 R. S.
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  • 57 23 PllAl Brani and the Maiaya Publ shins House met m a ccond division game of the S.A.F.A. league yesterday at Pulau Brani. Drab football predominated during the first half, but brightened up m the second Not one player was outstanding and the match faded out
    57 words
  • 181 23 Stockholm. Aug. 1. Atweiity-y\iar-old Norwegian girl named Gudran Dahle swam from the Aaland Islands to the Swedish mainland on Sunday crossing the thirty kilometres wide Aaland Sea m thirteen hours and ten minutes. SfcvJ was Compelled to board a boat, however, when she was only one
    181 words
  • 223 23 Engineers' Good Win In First Division Singapore. Saturday K. E 3; SKINS THE Royal Engineers, playiup m good form, l,cat the Skin skoals to nil m a first di\ Yion sen -or fixture at the Art Stadium this afternoon. 3o h team* neided mai |of whom Whiting, R X In
    223 words
  • 133 23 Swimming Champions At Wembley London, .lulv 30. THE world's two finest teams of women wimmers, representing Denmark and Holland, who holri between them seventeen individual world records are among: the entries for the European championshins now beinrr staged at the Empire Pool. Wembley. It certainly looks as if a fair
    133 words
  • 51 23 Singapore. Saturday. gRIGHT weather and keen rnnpetition were features <>i lw o mmrU meets held to-day m Singapore. The Girls Sports Club and the A.P.C. Sports Club held (htir annual athletic sports at SYran^con Road and McPherson Road respectively. A quod attendance Barked both
    51 words
  • 123 23 Malacca "Stars" To Tour Malacca, Saturday. I UNDER STAND that Raphael Leon, the Chinese F.A. captain, will be travelling with the Ipoh Corinthians on a tour to Burma. Leon is the former Maiacca skipper and is a star player who nas figured us many Malaya Cup ties. Low Ah Sang,
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  • 263 23 At The A.P. C. FINE weather and keen finishes made the A.P.C. sports held at Paya Lebar Road, yesterday a complete success. A large arid cosmopolitan gathering attended the function. The events were well contested Prizes were distributed to the winners by Mrs. H. H. Stuart. The results are as
    263 words
  • 75 23 JN the seoond divi.sicn league lixture ol the S.A F A between the Police second string and the S C F A second team, the Chinese- were forced bo con cede a walk-over to the Police m up 5.20 o.m the Chinese had 02.
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  • 255 23 Singapore, Saturday. THE Gills Sports Club. Ik lei their ;.n- nual sports, this afternoon, I .deal weather conditions. Mrs. c. H. Clarke, distributed the prizes a i the conclusion r.t th< which were a gveat success. Results. <30 YARDS I-LAT BACK 1 Mi.'is L. Fernandez: 2M; 3u'va:
    255 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
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