Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 26 June 1938

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 12 1 The Sunday Tribune Jfa 3. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JUNK 26, 1938 FIVE CENTS
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  • 332 1 ROBBERS KILL EUROPEAN GOLD WORTH $10,000 STOLEN FROM MINE SAFE Servant Murdered .Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IEt'BOPEAN uold miner ;.nd his Chinese gardener A c brutaliv murdered !>v robbers, who stolt anafcram wwrtfl lep tllousaml clollars fnim -bw?il low. ninet> roil'x from here, just before gjfcjght last
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 1 i 'acUitirs torn keeping lit are a feature of London's most modern M\ui\ fiats, Park West, at \:..bie Arch A club has been cpened at the flats under the -apcrvisicn cf an ex- Army major and here tenants can meet either for reeieatJon -every kind oi Same is
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  • 5 1 3.30 o cock
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  • 132 1 JAP TROOPS RETREA T: GUNBOATS SUNK Hankow, Juno 26. BETWEEN "five and six thousand Jap; <ye troops, who landed yesday -d Hsiangkou on the south n£ of the Yangts« for an overland drive on the powerful boom at Mat- ire m full retreat following the laiinchififl cf a gettetal offensive
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 56 1 Miles City, Montana. AT one person was killed and 1 others injured when, for the c within a week, the Mili ways' express "Olympian" on into another train which, occasion, was a special tram ins; youths of the Civilian Conservation Corp The accident happened near Ingomar, Montana. Details
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  • 67 1 Soviets Detain Chinese OOVIET frontier guards have detained 29 Koreans and Chinese on the banks of the Amur River near the Manchukuo border village of Sergeyevka, according to an official report. It is alleged that arms of Japanese make were found m the possession of some of the detained persons,
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  • 181 1 Shanghai, June 25. i xrfF bodkftf lananese troops estimated at several thousand strong, has The Japanese wore retreating on the western fringe of the floods when they vere suddenly intercepted by the Chinese. They are now between tw.i enemies. The flood waters, comma^inß the low
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  • 72 1 Canton, June 25. EXTENSIVE damage was suf- feted <>» the south sections ».f the < 'anton-Jfankow railway yesterday owins: to raids by a verilable armada, comprising of 53 lapanesc planes. T*>e raflway station^ and tracks were blown up m several sections, while a eoous train rwrtninhflg war
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  • 211 1 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) U *PHE acceptance of a policy which abolishes brothels is Government's pigeon. It has nothing to do with me. I am concerned with the mothers who come to me m a state of pregnancy having been infected with vcneieal dsieases by
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  • 268 1 Roosevelt Defends His New Deal To The Na tion Washington, June 25. PRESIDENT Roosevelt m a "fireside chat" to the nation to-ftfght made an uncompromising defence of every aspect of (he New Deal programme. ;r<> admitted that the government, as •■!<: <v; business and labour leaders, had j&m* mi/stEp&s, which
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 1 AIR SYMPHONY Outflunt; arms of the graceful diver and outspread wings of the shapely giant air liner soar as one through the curtain of clouds at Croydon, Surrey. This effective picture was made a* the bathing- pool opposite the Croydon Airport, where many stay-at-home Londoners spend their holidays.
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  • 69 1 Ten Japanese Warships Hit Shanghai, Jam 25. It is reported that cholera I spreading m Swatovv. So far 300 fatal case.-; rave been reported. Chinese planes this morn ig raided Japanese warships m the Yangtse basin. Ten warships have been hit In one raid. Huge clouds cf smoke can now
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  • 68 1 Singapore. Sal urda y A young Eurasian, ftfr. Ram>jy. health inspector, Jchcre, was lined $30 by Mr. R. A. Ward, the Fourth Mag trite, on his pleading gully this ir"'\ing to a charge of negligent driving. Tfte charge was tha sequal to a collisicir. at 9.30 p.m. March
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 13 2 Will She Let The Fur Fly? ne Paramount to Keep Cool m gs.
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  • 69 2 Singapore, Saturday. S2OO «or 4 months' rigorous unent) was impcsed to-day m I District Court on a HengI v c, Teng Ah Kay, motor-bus 5i his bei] .curd puilty of offering a bri^c of $10 to a oolice cfficer Tfae charge alleged that accused cio] ifVoolncugh
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  • 28 2 It is officially announce*! m Vienna the castle belonging to Prince Suarhemberg, fofmer leader of the Heimwehr. at Eferding. Upper Austria i being turned into a labour camp.
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  • 54 2 ry,\ THREE-YEAR-OLD Slavitsa Kranchitch, a i p (,f the village ol Mostye, near been n trrted to three brothers m turn. busband lour years ago alter they been mai a year. a she married his brother, Styepan. He ng afterwards, by a runaway horse. Now married the
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  • 49 2 Guarantee To Swiss Fune 24. HERR von Ribbentro] the Foreign Mil Reich, has given formal recognition to Swiss neutrality in c note addressed to the Swiss Government. A Rome message states that in a note essed to the Swiss Government, has recognised the complete neu- ality of Switzerland- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 31 2 Elizabeth Lion > I the airen's 1< nee record, made I te Mi A 'A EarharL, on land- I Abadan; m w. after having 7.500 miles fro:;: to 'ting poin' \i ire
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  • 219 2 Malaya London Radio Link Next Week (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) 4 MEMBER of the 8.8.C. staff m London, Miss How let t is boarding the first through plans to Australia this week-end and should arrive m Singapore next Friday afternoon. A special link-up of the 8.M.8C. with the 8.8.C. has
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  • 122 2 TUV complete carcase of a pre- histcric monster the first of Its kind ever found— is to be brought from VVrangel Island. South -Eastern Alaska, to Soviet Russia m a ship remodelled for the purpose. A scientific expedition will sail from Vladivostok early next month m a
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  • 21 2 Argentina has contracted for the services of eight instructors from the U.S. Army Air Corps to teach the Argentine Air Corps.
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  • 152 2 THIS IS ONE WAY OF KEEPING FIT a MAX who talks of conti Aas if they were Islands walked '> cur office yesterday. Travelling an average of r;o tirles a day is the keep-fit method chosen bj 53-year-old Juan arrived m Singafrom Batavia. He has alrc idy travelled almost round
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  • 184 2 (From Our Own Reporter; Iv Lump", Saturday. PERAK and Penang beat Singatre ard Lumpur m an <: al "ai I f>n Kus la I v npur bj the 1 i. r rv ing cities I th aerial 'attack" lie the let the 1(> e:l. of
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  • 72 2 Dr. Wm Pin, Bishop of Nankins:, who i, i) visit Singapore on July 2. During the past few years he has been responsible for forming amongst the clergy m Hankow a union for the relief of suffering m China. He is calling at Singapore on the way
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  • 35 2 Special badges will be worn by the 1,750 Hull Royal Infirmary collectors who are soon to start their door-i.o-door attempt to raise f 35.000, so housewives can distinguish them from boiri collectors.
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  • 339 2 SINGAPORE'S BOYS AND GIRLS HAVE HIGH MORAL STANDARDS Co -Eds A Success J AM abelo reveal u,-day that them,, ol younp men and women m Mabva dtal higher than thai of their congfe* ta fikl 1^ Recent pre-s reports m Bangkok sUiT!?* lag fo the lack of morality am<,n R
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  • 102 2 a ladder which took him among the steel girders and beams of Singapore's new Supreme Court, the Tribune cameraman yesterday risked his life to tal.e these pictures of the city from a new ani^i?. The photograph above shows the steel skeleton of the dome, from which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 HOUSE- select residential establishment, best location m [katong. excellent cuisine j large airy rooms with bathrooms attached own [ting room facing sea. bathing pagar, tennis, i garages, telephone 5553. have your NEW SLUTS MADE EXPERT TAILORS MODERATE PRICES i it '4 LATEST WOOLL: AND PALM BEACH SUITINGS ALWAYS IN STOCK
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    • 4 2 *ZT^ CHO CO LATE
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  • 29 3 This picture gives you some i wiial Raffles Square Id look iskr if the ordinary parking ground w^ro transformed into a "garage."
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  • 407 3 Raffles Square Car Park? Ho t Controversy (Sunday Tribune S<;ifl" Reporter) pROPOSED traffic regulations m Raffles Square, Singapore, are likely to cause one <>f the most intense controversies m that hisnps ?»f opinion have been formed, people on the east side of the square favouring Ihe new regulations, those on
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  • 32 3 q rod tv talent comDetitiOn m certain Gaumont-British cinemas, to have been broadcast m its final stages, has been cancelled after protests that it night hit I onal artists.
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  • 78 3 lottyvillc. Ken tin m** we killed and SIX iifcr persons wounded m r. ■Afcfff m the r»" nris nf Zrta** vn d of 4CO v> n ililHir is said to nave -yttetpotice attcmt-'td 7Z& i roadhcase proprietor. L* fer*»v W*> 8 who f *t( th-we
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  • 19 3 More Valuable Than Riches f-'^MKiiS wealthy 1 Halts' ,1? lackin»l»?'rhefn ce frorn headI>» say S? l^ that di lit:
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  • 9 3 A party of Danish newspapers editors Is visiting Britain.
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  • 94 3 ONCE HE DROVE ROYALTY BNr\ kn'm him as ".Jones of Mm." Ftr years he drove a Kfi^J VII. always ihosp his ikfb m the West End. He also on his visits to j^ «f lain" is now 7fl, '.years ■•*<*<*" whiskers, is a carman, ■Bte Twley-street, London, S.F. lifemittiae, Alfred
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  • 190 3 B.M.B.C. To Change Malay Chinese Radio Hours RESPONSE TO REQUESTS (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) 'HE Sunday Tribune is able to announce that, m response to numerous Is, the 8.M.8.C. are to start an entirely new schedule of sic hours for Malay and Chinese listeners, starting on July 4. ant from
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  • 174 3 KING QUEEN LEAVE FOR SCOTLAND London, June 25. THE King and Queen will leave London to-night for Scotland to attend the funeral at Glamis on Monday of tho Countess of Strathmore, Queen Elizabeth's mother. The funeral will be private. The Royal train will leave London for Glamis late to-night with
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  • 110 3 BUSINESS PLEASURE Miss Mary Chen (above) secretary to the y.W. C.A. m Singapore, who has been selected by Malayan Committee of the Y.W.C.A. to represent them at a world Conference m Ontario, America. "I have never been to America before," she said, "although I have travelled m Europe, and I
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  • 207 3 IN SINGAPORE TO-DAY Twelve Girls Love Mrs. Robinson (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter). IX the cool of the evening I walked up the drive ol' i onr of Singapore's prettiest houses. Smiling, greyj haired Mrs. Robinson greeted me under the .porch. "Come in/' she invited and led the way to a
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  • 33 3 Hankow. June 24. The Yellow River flood waters have entered the Sha River, which is a tributary of the Kwai River. It is believed the floods, may flow finally into the Yartgtse, Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 271 3 London, Jurte 25. IT is understood that the Spanish Ambassador, m an interview uith Lord Halifax, stressed the urgency of sending to Spain the proposed international commission to re wort on bom Mug. Opening discussions and Btwrnatirjial action will, he emphasised. prevent .such bombing. it
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 80 3 Tribune Staff Reporter) HAWKERS who stand I Singapore sch sweets, cakes and drinks are being- badly hit m some <: ruined by the typhoid epidemic at present sv thl the city. All children at schools have been warned n»>l to buy sweets, cakes, ice-c cr drinks sold
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  • 122 3 NIGHT RELA YS WILL BUILD SINGAPORE'S NEWEST CINEMA (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) I IKE ants on a window pane, 150 men are 'working; eight hours a day m order finish levelling the site of Malaya's new ffiant cinema, the Cathay. on iis location near Dhoby Ghaut. Air compressors, pneumatic fashioned
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  • 63 3 Birds Eye View Climbing up '<<> the top of (lie hill, I bui MM s.f the most \uvturo.que of Singapore. Stretching troni the Mte is Bras Bas a h It oa. d running i wmrds U»e h i The flats t| selves will <niisist of nine st<>I at the Up,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 16 3 WT!C£ LIMITED TO THfc EYE. «B«Buiies defective \3/ t9r^ocQbr Science). GROUND FLOOR ll Without Cost or
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    • 92 3 I .sJMC-y* -A. Yv* 'A r MILLIONS THRILLED BY MOBEHNIZED TOOTH PASTE PEPSODENT alonm of all tooth pastes contains [RIUM! Millions long denied the thrill of lovely, brilliant teeth are finding It again with IRIUM. Once you change to this modernised tooth pa*te you bid goodbye to dull, din#y, film-stained
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  • 561 4 The health bulletin of the League ol Nations Eastern Bureau for the week ended June 18. is as follows:-^-Plague. Rangoon was the only port m the Eastern Arena to report the presence of human plague during the week, an imported case having been notified, while Colombo
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  • 104 4 Grants To Child Welfare Singapore, Friday. p RANTS of $4,000 and $25,200 to the U Child Welfare Society for 1938 and the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital for the permanent endowment of seven beds m the hospital's orthopaedic sanatorium to be established m Siglap were confirmed at to-day's meeting of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 135 4 The LOUIS SCHMELING I lOHT^T****^' to this! XE %^i The BIG WEEK-END" v r 7T~ I CAPITOL 3, 5 L;? SAY/^tC^5 AY /^tC^ UNITED ARTffiift. ;^^^Bv^^. «^^l B F ft ft M I' IHM^JifIHHHUL 1 Added Attraction By AIR MAIL PARAMOUNT BRITISH NJ tTJIE TROOPING OF THE COLOIRni THE FIRST
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  • 23 5 I from the skies lj? o* the many |Zy*^ ttake *"i>st I wTJ 1 Clark Gable, *|Sh aerial
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  • 1128 5 HERE'S A $2,000,000 FILM AND IT COULD HAVE BEEN NOEL BARBER'S SHOW PAGE Pm 8 1 F 98 9 roduced In tngland i i#»that I e{ ri allv ann °y^' ]i Isn l often tiuil l feel Id rown somebody, or put ihcm out of my misery as quickfilm "Test
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  • 56 5 THEY LOOK AS THOUGH THEY WANT TO SING And so the% should t<u they're the rasl of "Fvrrvbod\ Sing" coming to the Capitol on July 5. Left to right, they read: Fanny Briee, Allan Jones, Billie Burke, Reginald Owen. Judy (iarland. Reginald Gardener Lvnne Carver. Which for one fi'm, isn't
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  • 147 5 JOHNNY DOWNS, who d became violent:}* ill after tmoki ■pipe m a fihti. DONALD O'CONNOR, teen-age known is a discovery of BUQ assistant, Arthur Jacobson. CECIL B. de Mille has announced A Tamiroff as the only player "definite" for his next film. JIGGS, the Chimp v Hollywood after Six
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 E sins- ™«i jJ hFALTHvy i üBOD|ESu B0D|ES EVERY day J\^r^jgm !f1 f. JyQ S^~P /GREAT. THERE'S NOTHING 1 Quaker Oats is the ideal food for every stase of life from baby. ''i sl^'-jj hood IO old »£<-- Fvcryone likes its delicious flavour. And B Ak^lt^l everyone will benefit by
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    • 414 5 If The Pain C^ If The Pain is Herey^-^k is Here ITS /X [V..^/iX -^7" 5 STOMACH F*n INTESTINAL flwl INDIGESTION WZMWah Remove the CAUSE Clf"/tf(if l^fr 7^^ c?nc/ Weakness ?r -< i nil flB stomach complaint. And that m exact- ffi"""r\ •S&'m jt x-rsur nr ly why 8O much
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  • 722 6 (Hy Air Mail) London, June 10. QOON after he had stepped from the dock at Marylebone Police-court to *H intents ard purposes a free man. a youn ff Australian told a reporter how he escaped from a London hospital m his
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 454 6 MOTHERS-TO-BE WHO, HAVE IIK.AllTM'RN t Should Berne this N_urse*_ Letter real Interest I > j to-be who are suffering v itti i: j her Oi j iou fOJ sj tbur i, j leknesi or acidity It is i "'in Relit in a math of minute I I aft Read this
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    • 452 6 Gain 25lb$. New Cinema Way There la no longer any excuse for nieiri r»d worn* a to remain Thin, Nervous, ('n- rweight, Run-Down, and Friendless. In llullywood the f'inema Stars are und*.r a ere strain nitfht and day and require •ti«- ben' of n.<Mji<::ii service* to maintain rmal Wt itfht
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    • 1 6 !ij
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  • 1330 7 Always In Danger: Disease Is No Respecter Of Persons jfJpSjV 72H, THE ('iflference between a bookkeeper and a financier is that one keeps books and the other keeps bookkeepers. 'THERE arc peroi s and honei i z',s. i cdi nvt o', VI leads v.p to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 2662 8  - DANCING DOG- H.A. MAHOOD H. A. MANHOOD By FULLY, after the death of her father from melanand not drowning, as Ffttlx Scanton argued bullishly with D (VHalluran, Mary Flusk one m the old stone cabin Island with only her terrier dog for company besides the two the small, wayward flock
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 369 8 SHE COULD NEITHER WALK NOR SLEEP Arm na4 Feet Swollen with Kheumatism offered for many years l her strength until she lost of recovery. Many remedies were ing broke the grip of her pling rheumatism. At last her husI persuaded her to try Kruschen arms and feet were swollen witn
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    • 118 8 SSSBBS^^^B^^ •DIAMOND- BEDS ARE A vC^^ffl SOUND INVESTMENT <%F s& Yo« tread one-third ol aty ffi jvur fite bad. therefore V%j t 1 ye** brdstead U the moss S\ by iiK to: purlin! item of furniturv Jvff\ Is rout houa» KV^SJ L^'-i anything inferior to AnA^^W DIAMOND METAL PRODUCTS CO
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    • 175 8 Asthma Gone! SOUND SLEEP EVERY NIGHT It doesn't matter how long you have suffered. Tak: oue Ephazone Tablet and fall into a deep, sound sleep soon after. Uoth Doctors' and Sufferers' t\ proves this to be so. Doctor writes "'Relief was rapid and restful night assured." Another Doctor writes
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    • 87 8 PYRAMID lIAXDKi: RC II I II S jftfr^ 'ffi^il^ftwcfi^ iK^lofflipmKy %*m^'Vi|^Wj^y^ W^Wm BS^fJßfflHHfcSß^jrrlir^rTFnßi Bf^M'inr^^Mß^^BwF Pyramid handkerchiefs always win through. After every rouph and tumble their colours remain as cheerful as ever. And it cannot be said that Pyramid i.s afraid of the wash. You can your Pyramid bar.akerchiefs from
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    • 24 8 j«b^^q7%'v vM^B^B^Bfi 9Hb^Hf9Bxb« > GiVe roar A>^ mi lOHK CONWTH^, W*f I Liven evervwetf I*- YIP the Wu $M«in ih w« *p DOG BOOK r^Tf
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  • 374 9 WAR S UPPLIES REACH china in CONTINUOUS STREAM Uotne Factories Also Productive r B LE stream of war material continues to flow almost ted into Chin.: alMg three major routes, and has placed ion relatively firmer than at the start of the Japanese Jir ust. according to foreign military experts
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  • 41 9 WHEN a band competition was held at Maryborough, Queensland, 200 pipers, mostly Scotsmen, took part. And every one of the pipers walked over a £1 note lyinjr m the street, and not one stopped to pick it up.
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  • 47 9 The Probation Committee of the Don-i-aster Petty Sessional Division of the West Riding "feel that they must adhere tc their opinion that the birch rod is a form of punishment it would be unwise to abolish/ says their report covering the last, four years.
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  • 197 9 GOD brought us together/ says, the seventy-one-year-old bridegroom who prayed day nnd night for nineteen months for a wife. His bride, he told a reporter was not his own choice. It was the selection of God. In October 1936, Mr. J. Morris Jones, of Winthrop
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  • 165 9 NUDE PICNICS THIS SUMMER J^ V ELL-KNOWN author will give a lead to nudism m strict, puritanical Scotland, by atending nudist v/eek-end picnics m tho hill near Stirling. Nudist colonies are practically unknown In Scotland, although some of the nature-life lovers now planning weekly meetings met on a few "nudist
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1 9 fc.HAIR
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    • 198 9 OLD PRICES LARGE Boz.sMocts jIN BOTTLES SMALL 4oz, 65ct3^^ Careful experiment has definitely proved IT;'! 1 that ANDREWS LIVER SALT keeps better .n C\vUill3UilJ !Hc improved fin containers than m bofHes. Ma|^^^^^lßbp Accordingly the Salt is now being sold m HI M fc^3^3B tfat this country m tins, but will
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    • 150 9 f the pick of the hop y, I f harvests goes into 1 j^jA T I f^ C D OETSTD j -y .,:;>"■; ?n 8 ERFECT, sun ripened hops, cultivnted and grown with scientific care, and J^^Fm3^^^^^^^Sk with one thought m mind the V^^Ef^t Tiger, brewed with the finest fftf
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  • 1280 10 RICH COLLECTION I ATTENTION la dra-vn this week to the ani uncement made by the Jade Tree on this pa?e of a sale of goods bought here from China personally by their Controlling Director, Mrs. Wood, o Is the guiding spirit
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  • 536 10 K.L. Dances In Floodlit Garden rpHERE was quite a festiv tir BOT- rounding the Kind's House at tl..> ball— the first since Sir Cecil Clement] dayr held by the High Comnusi Sir Shenton Thcmas. on evening last. About three hundred guests attended. including Their H.^b:tcsse; the Suit; oi Perak
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 71 10 "CHRISTIE" GRAND SALE COMMENCED JUNE 20th. Reduction 20 to .>O% To Mako Room For Our New Shipment We Give Ylu This Opportunity To Obtain Good At Bargain Prices EVENING DRESSES, DINNER COCKTAIL, DAY SILK VOIL AND MORNING FROCKS. Linen Costumes, Hats. Hand Bags Flower-Underwear, etc. 2V>G 19, STAMFORD Phore *>-o.
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    • 50 10 MADAME PAGE Late of 92. Piccadilly, London. EXPER T DRESSMAKER and DESIGNER Specialist m Maternity Wear. Battery Bldg. Battery Road, rnone 6327 Singapore Invites you to visit her saloon and see tha prettiest afternoon dresses and the most gorgeous evening gowns, all the latest styles from Paris. 11, Stamford Road.
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    • 118 10 ■si&tnl I w£?A 61, STEVENS RD. Renowred lesidential establishment situated on 5 acres of elevated and well-kept grounds. First class FOOD. (Cold Storage supplies). Highly recommended by past and present residents. Extra large with longbath, shower, verandah, own entrance and o'^her** distinctive features. Free garages, syces' qrs. Tennis. Badminton. PHONE
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    • 173 10 T4-)£ JA££?A££ Our Controlling Director, Mrs. Wood, arrived m Smgapoiv by the s.s. "Shirala," yesterday and will be wit* us umn the "Scharnhorst" sails on July 2nd. During the time she is here we u'e foinf to hold a sak' of all interior decoration stocks, embroideries, wal! n^ in s
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  • 635 11 SCOTS IN FORCE AT FRASER'S HILL up „M another week "weather. Th em fateful for the **£ll a^ everywhere .n •lor-' un many visitor up ,-.-a«ly tteree weeks, and Fats t>rs I ult (:(>ur st **L*r C C Browr. British Pe**£l. raying at the Pa**JE*v' He hi been seen fre-
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  • 826 11 SINGAPORE SEEKS RELIEF IN MALAYA'S COOLEST BALLROOM $cc*ii And Heard Reported Doing Well is Mrs. H. L. Hopkin after her recent operation for stones m the kidneys m a London nursing home. Her many friend': will be glad to hear of this. "Hear comes the Bride" the tune of this
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 27 11 C °VERMARK •"•to*!* Scarred l^f^acreamofaplas*»«ii.« applied t0 thc ig^ij' track, ncr peel nor Jggttcms; neithe gUR X C 5 the wearer of C 1 ,^1 Ltd. Road.
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    • 110 11 ELSIE MARY Late of London for Day Evening Gowns Designed by MADAME PAGE at "Rodney House* 9 2 Battery Road. Prices Remain $£-$30. v*^!^^i^ > RL tßi t n(7 t" hf^l X* \A/^ klf^ O* Lactogen is complete f* nourishment for ba- bies. Prepared from the X world's choice of
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    • 20 11 GRAND SALE at MARINA Starting on Monday 27th. UOWXS tV lI A IS For Every Occasion 2nd Floor Rodney House.
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    • 78 11 BRUNETTES ust Amami Mo. i BLONDES urn Amami Mo. j and always remember FRIDAY NIGHT IS NiDKT It y.i have jfiv ilirfkuhy jn uLuimnp AMAMI ShftfDSOm vifcasf MTttC lv A T. < nlie-pic, Arv<n.if hiiikiinxs. Rattles Square P.O. U's :i-, Siacaymre. w s* r^' »i^^^* *'^o^* J A VERY NICE
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  • 608 12 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Singapore: Sunday, June 26, 1938. NOT WANTED V')'! al< rig tim \n> then- beei I :tion to '< V>\\\ a off red the liusines? Bill trhich to a beei drafted for the Federal Counci meeting n June 30. Tl^ Chinesi besjneas community is unanimous!] against tl measure and
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  • 958 12  - MALAYAN TRADE UNIONS Mean ECONOMIC STABILITY C.H.W.GOULT By V^EARLY two years ago, when the series of strikes which so disorganised labour m Malaya for a time were at their height, it was unbred m the Tribune thut it was high time that the Government reviewed the labour situation m this
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  • 829 12 WIT and WISDOM o F THE WEEK. AMLSTrIEfeS was enquiring how her new maid had spent her first day out. It appeared that the girl's mother had come up for the day and taken her out. "Where did your mother take you. Mary?" asked the mistross. And Mr,ry replied: "Oh,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 72 12 S|iiP iira llnlffi Mii'if i9lif- f I (*ODlLlll*Pr' VL' 1 1 h OVPI* fil V f P£L r S Of !l rll'ulf^BM fall 1 1 IT I f> I w tf* SI W* W 1 1 v 4 Y%^^ V* If f"l £*ft* >l 1 1 fI!!' I ft ili
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  • 21 13 M fetae as she appears m «y fhith" Columbia comedy I* icftening at the Capitol, Singapore, shortly
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  • 30 13 3 YEARS ATTACKED GIRL &Bee of i'aree y^ars peanl ser?i- the OKI Bai] -y on iiy lateen, Iwcntv-ni*-*' dealer, fcn|Hfe<! guiitv to robbir.'.' ith vi.:«ilK G*Tr,:ni O'Cnnn cinema Wandsworth-road, London.
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  • 23 13 Iffcoffrey Evans, the principal of imperial College of Tropical AgriSB, Tnn:dud, whose resignation has artwicfc, is visiting Jamaica for Mbss on agricultural education.
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  • 313 13 Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours f Women Admire Vigourous i Men wnds Fortified iNeiv Discovery out- «S c y*" r Mm«^ At* >v tired, runI n "r- x,,.;^' LH> you suffer from loss of rt d > Do»S? > < Xb l >- "'"Pure h! I? Vre to rt
    313 words
  • 267 13 500 CASES HERE YEAR tSunda Trib ti n c Sic. p R eport c i DRIXGING the G-neral Hospital, S'ng*aDore, m line with the i^yal Cancer Hospital, London, a new apparatus costing aearly $8 000 the most
    267 words
  • 322 13 Fighting Fish 'Ban' To Lose Malaya $20,000 'Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) t AM able to reveal to-day that Malaya's annual ?20,000 trade m Shim's famous fighting fish, on whose prowess have sometimes been wagered the destinies of women and children, will be absolutely destroyed by the recent action of the
    322 words
  • 35 13 The Australian Commonwealth Cabilet has asked Great Britain to send Vlajor-General Ernest Ker Squires to Australia for two years as Inspectorgeneral of the Australian Army. General Squires is Director of Staf*
    35 words
  • 259 13 BRITAIN AND U. S. BAN 18-INCH GUNS (By Air Mail) London, June 12. WHATEVER the tonnage of their future battleships may be. Great Britain and the United States have agreed to restrict the calibre of 'he guns to 16in. sect! or of American naval opinion I8 n puns for the
    259 words
  • 13 13 HE CALLS A SPADE A SPADE MR R. E. HOLTTUM Director of Gardens
    13 words
  • 311 13 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) 'pHAT Malayan pitcher plants grow better m London than they do m Malaya was the astounding discovery made by Mr. R. E. Holttum, director of the Botanic Gardens who returned from leave m England last week. A visit to
    311 words
    370 words
  • 31 13 The apparatus used for cancer cures which is to be installed at the General Hospital, Singapore, next month. The treatment apparatus has been perfected by Prof. Chaoue.
    31 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 38 13 yj L V UjE I B Bf J AVh' Strength ii«/^ji Glasses tee are co screws through the ftally soldered pins hold the gWand permanently m place: ft are rinv sDrin^ cushionaga'nst breakage: you and fit you Singapore.
      38 words
    • 91 13 CARMINATIVE k\ Wf^'^ \Vv D- Jayne's Carminative is the finest v-ii-^3;?/ -emcc!-/ for colic, cramps, diarrho; *"^^<?^\l\ all ether stomach ar.ments. G t bcttle to-day and eniov rood r.r»ali Hl\i>-''* I ':;^.i';A\\\ mm 1 v^rne^s ?t n small cost. '<" A single dose is generally sufficient to >»\\<r^ v '-\<.^E^W
      91 words
    • 158 13 Rheumatism Mkv^J^ CANI BE CURED BY &f£%^st& i FOOLISH SUPERSTITION, B'Jl Alka-Seltzer A RE'JEP FOP. RHEUMATISM IM imsvlvania is TO tie A THE MARVELOUS DEVELOPSAIt mackerel o n the MEN! OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Sole of the foot DOES r EL EV e PAIN QUICKLY r: nf pT To; AND EFFECTIVELY
      158 words

  • 815 14 VISITORS to Ipoh at the present time can scarcely fail to have noticed that the dorian is with us again. In other words, the durian season is "on." The assertive fruit makes its presence felt everywhers, <Ji' course, the old stagers do not
    815 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 14 The A&a Khan and the Begum Aga Khan took their vo«r# Sadrnddin, to the London Zoo recently. Photo shows the ZJH riding on a camel.- Planet News
    Planet News  -  28 words
  • 290 14 ANGLO -AUSTRALIAN MYSTERY AIR Ministry and Admiralty experts are considering the possibility ol an air and sea search for the London steamer Anglo- Australian, which has been missing since she sent an "all well" radio message when off th* Azores en March 14. On behalf of the relatives of the
    290 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 191 14 l«« w^-. w^> --*»■< TICKETS ISSUED I V^^*"* JflY ALL STFAM- i roR J Tnil/Ti SHIP AIR AND I PCMVm-.RAILWAY LINES. NO BOOKING FEES. S Chinese clients and those of all I inhti resident communitiec are i I give:? the best of attention and s s s 18, KOBINSON XI)
      191 words
    • 201 14 FIVE YEARS OLDj WmT T I AND LOOKS LIKE I CjrJrljf^^SE* (^ml NEW thanks to I lip yr/ SUNLIGHT SOAP'S 1 C j I safe washing J V^fi^JF ml/ 1 m /^ty jBW^. Bi^^l \^m I J X. 1 X S I sunlight's gentle Your clothes will soon wear I
      201 words
    • 3 14 Suppliec obUiinable ever>where.
      3 words

  • 286 15  - What Lies Behind The Other Person's Mask? R.A. Thomp By son. ])«•<•! ot oi Ocular Science) -old W* v !1 r face is i 1 r fortunf a prof^ r n-i'-!*. for Cinci< rella, He] of Troy, and every lovely v n; the days oi fairy tales: gearcornph by intriaite
    286 words
  • 163 15 Appeal To Go To House Of Lords THE Film Division of the Court of Session. Edinburgh, had again before them the appeal by the defenders m tho action by the Government of the Spanish Republic anfl their Ambassador m London against the master of the Alona Mendi,
    163 words
  • 108 15 i (By Air Mail) i Lyallpur, June 18. m reply to hi s application requesting the Sind and the Punjab Governments to allow Hansraj "Wireless" to visit tllpu? on the occasion oi his mar- Mr. Girdhailal. father of Hansraj. has been asked by the Sind Government
    108 words
  • 32 15 Ministry of Labour statistics of building plans approved during April show a drop of 24.1 per cent, compared with April last year, the figures being £8.178,700 against £10,709,900.
    32 words
  • 203 15 American Losses In China Loss to American commerce and industry m China as result of the Japanese invasion totals more than U.S. 5150,000,000 already with the contingent potential losses running tar more; according to an estimate by the secretary of the Ex:>urt Managers' Club of New York. He;s his
    203 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 89 15 KODAK Film get the detail *3j2T Clear, sharp details is f what makes a good a^^ f s nap dirtcrt- ar from an *^B'~^U^ ordinary one. Use Kodak Verichrome Film, tt is extra fast m^> a ul double-coated— X -p^^ ''/-^^fc^T/^^ ets the detail m Sg^AN, iX highlight and shadow,
      89 words
    • 41 15 instantly with because it's liquid. I^/ Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? Ah! I see you did If you use a solid dentifrice, try *"**^7 the new Macleans Solid <- "^^^fliKs^-fN X^^gj^yufr* Sales Representative N*^ A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore
      41 words
    • 638 15 l* srjtr^ ■■r"^ Tat J IEG ACHES IND oon vanufei when i I (va rtenandsooi dv leg sores becom i -.itioa and irritation v Eadesaway, tent is braced aiid 1. 1 is I loti seem magical it i of revitalised blood and brought abo with wonderful hemlit Not a
      638 words

  • 192 16 What can be more distressing than th« right of a child m the toils of stomach trouble U your little boy or girl su fieri from indigestion or loss of appetite, take a tip from Mrs. Surguy. This is what she writes My little
    192 words
  • 313 16 (By Air Mai!) Sikar, June 15. PUBLIC demand ior introduction cf responsible and democratic government under the aegis of the Rao Raja cf Sikar State is becoming inert? sin sly insistant. Meetings ar3 being held all over the State to mit forward this demand vigorously
    313 words
  • 227 16 Austin Seven Trials And Racing Cars BE redoubtable Austin Seven racing I car -cored yet further successes m the Coronation Trophy Races at. Donmgton on Saturday. May 14, coming m ii the up to 850 c.c. handicap, and the up to 1.500 c.c. handicap events run r
    227 words
  • 631 16 AMATEUR theatricals occupies a large place m the affections of Malayans, and the rapidity with r hich newcomers to the country who show any aptitude for it get snapped up by '-talent scouts" sDeaks well for the keenness of the local producers. The
    631 words
  • 342 16 A BITTER denunciation of the abandonment of the principle of collective security and reversion to the pre-war balance of power through alliances and alignments is contained m a lengthy manifesto issued by the Chinese League of Nations Union. After recalling China's disappointments m the
    342 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 341 16 For MONTHLY COMPLAINTS Take "Ladies Brown Pills" f*ull treatment 1 bottle. PRICE SI. Sold by Mr. C. S. CHAN. 277. Rmcc Co :r.v.' Road, SING A. oi:Z. AN OPPORTUNIH FOR ALL!! 28th JUNE 1938 to 9th JULY 1938 H P xs^Bk I \3 S vß^^ SB I Of FINE WELL
      341 words
    • 413 16 Lose A Pound A Day This New Easy Way /^l^ r -'^')ABa>ish ThatN} L> «^1 fc**K-y/ Usf Ins Fat. A Jji *^^^B^S oiood, Calif U*««bg I Cinema Stars. Mitoj f J3^ yiO Ytin Yni<w> V :<iMKm -lay and yo.i B rl the^ wuit* 1. JJ^ y^ fl^'-^MsWBa '"'d vitality an
      413 words

  • 971 17 THE AIR TO-DAY And Where T o Listen In I Wo" Cocker l**iiea! rel^ ed from th< Sf Yashin violin ard SJTBfcnuhin 'Piano-. E^L* p ve cord < ■•Sonata oSr. OP*" >au Jiethe: Lind an [S?2& read by 'Sapper.' Zi woocert played by the Orchestra, Serge Kassevitzky. tea tKsn Concert
    971 words
  • 142 17 Men Women Live On Wool TJL'NDUFDS of thousands of men and women m the north of England depend for their livelihood on the wool that the Empire sends to the spinning and weaving mills of Yorkshire. The 13. 8.C. s oversea listeners will he given a glimpse ixto ihc working
    142 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 78 17 No MORE CASTOR OIL ■H nasty snrit ]j an(l iiisagreeable taste _^-C~"^ C USE INSTEAD »^S\ Lt| CASTOR OIL CHOCOLATES. \3/X. "^s. *Va t PPmg) Non-Mabit-Fwrming, Sweet, $S and Effective Laxative and Purgative. AS NOT THE SLIGHTEST TASTE or SMELL of CASTOR Oil. |V\ Tastes Only Like Chocolate. Pi* For
      78 words
    • 355 17 HIGH SPEW RLLIMfO Two half-turns only! THIS h quite the simplest way io tbc world of filing a fountain pen. Simply one! two 1 1 and you are ready ro go ou writing with your pen filled m a flash I And the mechanism of the LHVERLESS Swan is to
      355 words
    • 216 17 You \ort% to be totally Iree fiton rKe xormtiiUi B A itch ami disfiguring eruptions of '-kin dsMDEe. B MAf ir *i You long to sec tliQse pimple*, b<.>ils, uktsrs and ,-j L 1 sealing p.ucLcs and disappear. Then buy -4 tf i Cuticura Ointanent and your recovery wiJl
      216 words

  • 186 18 THIN WOMAN GAINS 11 1b IN WEIGHT Took Tasteless, Fleshforming tablets. Here's good news for men and women who are geuing too ihin and run-auwn: For now you can put flesh on scraggy bones, nil out hollow cheeks and thin limbs. Now you cun build up your system to resist
    186 words
  • 611 18 will put me right and then I will be off to find another dog for you. Tell me your name now and is it a dog or a ***** ye prefer? Mary, that's it, same as my mother. I remember now." "But you can't go off like that.
    611 words
  • 81 18 (By Air Mail) Madras, June 15 THE Madras Government have selected ten candidates frcm eight districts of the Presidency to be sent tor training m industries m the Ashram of the Village Industries Association. Wardha m pursuance of their decision taken m this connection a few
    81 words
  • 24 18 v\^ IT 1 s Mahomed Chester a^^^ April 11. The case for ik. Mahomed, stacked b waited <H* attacked Hag J 3 instrument
    24 words
  • 39 18 Th e bad example of fulness set by £L 2 ?*M authority is on *f £A fngnsh aft, £t »i 3 ♦-on, the Pa rL'V 1 3< m Kingston sps: I imagine that if 2 23W!.""*''
    39 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 101 18 fafe} without washing j^p^ the perspiration sfettsHeW ■Buni E^^^9sVJnW^> J keep l*A*e* amy r OU see, perspiration left m stockings is acid, and the next day offends. It is easy to perspire m hot climates. Therefore you should be extra careful. What's more, second-day-on 6tockings loee their spring and ladder
      101 words
    • 858 18 I Illllllllliililiillllllil'llill^ f v*\ VifHEN Headaches Pain High remperaiures, and J I numerous conditions of lil-healrh appear you want 9 mSP RELIEF, and Quick Relief, to get back to normal. This J CSwIl s where the use of 'ASPRO' is so valuable. It acts quickly I W\rai I anc^ sa^
      858 words
    • 148 18 and value far to ad« service-after-purchase and high second o t any other Mfc pnees are two oj B.S.A'B great assets. The Cycle Carriage Co., (IB) Singapore, Malacca, Koala Lumpur Bato Ptiwt 1'Penan f Motors. r«nane ipon Motors, Ipob MoUrisU St*» y imi\m\\\iiiiig \w> EASY BuNNINoy^ BBK Sirt r VY
      148 words

  • 390 19 TAKING STOCK OF SINGAPORE'S JUNIOR PLAYERS Special Badminton Feature Edited By "Phoenix" n tries For j^ies' Tourneys appointing ip,\ "Phoenix") let too early to say whether the current S.B.A. tourna- Hyp served as an eye-opener to the talent that is avail- Xx players m the Southern Settlement. rtamly not arrived
    390 words
  • 132 19 (By "Rambler") FURTHER progress m the Junior badminton tournament m Selan£or has brought the Victoria Institution right to the top of the list with 20 points, four points ahead of their nearest rivals, the Selangor Malay Reserves. The Lian Hwa occupy third place and are
    132 words
  • 543 19 CHOOSING PENANG'S TEAM FOR "FOONG SEONG" CUP MATCH (By "Sphinx") THERE is no doubt that the task confronting the Northern Settlement m the forthcoming Foong Seong Cup badminton tournament is even more formidable this season than many enthusiasts of the game will, perhaps, admit. That fact, of course, need not
    543 words
  • 558 19 WILL SAMUEL PLAY FOR SELANGOR Alter The Rules! WITH preparations going on m several States and Settlements m Malaya for the forthcoming "Foaug Seong" Cup tournament, once again regret is expressed at the refusal of Singapore to compete for the trophy. No one will, however, blame the Singapore Badminton Association
    558 words
  • 180 19 On the Teat Clock of Time there Is but one word— NOW! Don't dwell on what you MIGHT have done m the Past, or what you INTEND to do m tbe FUTURE: Bo a man of action TO-DAY. If you want
    180 words
  • 17 19 I hot f pat( i enoi ol I Limi liot drinb youi
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 230 19 mm\f\ *4 \l\y^ THE SMART CLOCK FOR SMART PEOPLE Big Ben is a household name m many of the world's best homes. There's a reason. Big Ben gives you value exceptional value not found m other makes of alarm docks. First, a reliable calL Second, precision construction for longer life.
      230 words

  • 682 20 "ARGUS" T AWN tennis has been iii the limelight during the past week or all the State tournaments being held i: for the Malayan on" touniam which take^ j lace m Singapore m August, .a!s being arranged to take place on the Hank holiday. V.
    682 words
  • 463 20 BATTING l? 0 VC. Westerhout (B.K.C. v. P.S.C 1 Penang). IC9 Sutton (S.C.C. v. Police Depot). 108 P. Stagh (Khalsa v. Victoria School). lOfr R. Bain (S.R.C v. YM.C.A.) ice R Ransom (Kampong Kuanlan v Sel. Non-Benders). R Hassan (G.P.D.S.C. v. Kajanjc High School). 82 I W.
    463 words
  • 113 20 JULY 1938 MEETING SATURDAY, 2ND JULY 1938 WEDNESDAY, GTH JULY 1933 FATU^DAY, 9TH JULY 1938 (Jatecription fur Visiting Members shall ;e:— M3N $5 LADIES $2 ioi- the meeting or any day thereof. VISiTINC MEMBERS must be introduced by Members of the Club and MUST APPLY TO THE
    113 words
  • 465 20 IN THIS CORVf, THOSE who saw Lii his title nn< the other day will mak ev< effor* to bo oreflent is b I with I v Rosenberg next July 1. Thrill-; are ;:< ml?* for both these men are well-known for their fighting spirit and their
    465 words
  • 9 20 19:4 :{T^r«s^-* ass* 1931 1912 TrSKfr"" 1934 .rsffjsvj
    9 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 130 20 *ftex x^7 IV your life is being made miserable I" 1 distressing heartburn, ilatuletv c, i k headaches and pain after meals, then follow example of NORM Jennings, of Weston. irril ■•I was gnat soilerer with neartbuni an d i tns aft< i eating, and I dread- I •m Aitei
      130 words
    • 524 20 Restore \wi njalth TF RP \lltl H ERE READ TH I S 4I? '*»Qft Pt f I FEEL TEN YEARS YOUNGER rScVcv 6 Mpr- I WILL FIX US UP vV^ v~v KM L J i'_ so do now we -9 Jm I CAN ENJOY LIFE AGAIN J /IC-.\^ There is
      524 words
    • 110 20 I Nothing embarrassrs comely women more than sparse I hair. Don't despair, because h perfect coiffure Is withiti reach through Kesavardhini. Kesavardhini restores women '.s loveliness by re growing hair. Short of magic- Kesavardhini accomplishes everything— stops hair fallme. overcomes premature baldness ana greying, grows glorim: Preserve Men's hair with
      110 words

  • 440 21 coM E KILLED ll jjy ROBBERS PIOUSLY WARNED VI BY POLICE I Raub w here the Tersani? Coid Mine is situated, l^^fmtal murders m the history of Malaya, was enI death <>f a European, Mr. F. \Y. Dunsford.
    440 words
  • 220 21 S. H. B. FUNCTION Singapore, Saturday. 4 THERE was z large number of members and friends of the Singapore Harbour Board Emnloyees' Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., at a farewell tea party given m honour of Mr. F. H. Robinson, President of the Society, who
    220 words
  • 102 21 Inter-School Cricket At St. Joseph's Singapore, Saturday. ST. Joseph's and Raffles Institution tied with 74 runs each In their cricket match on St. Joseph's ground to-day. Scores ST. JOSEPH'S INSTITUTION N. Aeria c Hussein b Sundram W. Galistan c Nair b Singh 0 L. de Souza lbw Singh J. Galistan
    102 words
  • 135 21 Kho Sin Kie Bea ten London. June 25. TN the i jurth rcund of the Davis Cup b tournament, Oejnar <Czechoslovakiai d< ECho fiftn Kle (China) 7—5, 3-6, 3—6. 8 if; 3 Renter 'Continued prom previous column) Singh, 4 for 22 E Barker. 1 for 13. RAFFLES INSTITUTION S. Nair
    135 words
  • 227 21 l_ ingapore, Saturday. I m the initial stages I*l*l tetween Evan Won^ pfcllKk, who were out for 39 Pjpaibte for the S.C.R.C.'s IMB orer the M.C.U m Jjßtfayedat the Union k» fielded 10 men and al- '-^eir batsmen were ■utoout much difficulty ■Mjtner forced the sec re act J"^
    227 words
  • 50 21 London. Conn., U.S.A. June 25. In the inter-varsity boat race on the Thames River, Harvard beat Yale by 3 4 length. Harward also won the two mile Freshman's two junior event and made a clean sweep of three races for the first time since 1916.— Reuter
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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    • 118 21 jMjjf J^F^T M What an opportunity I Lots of T^^am Jfi& f mF little luxuries yours for nothing o^r*^^%s^''^ mflfflMfMrn to send for lhem ihe cou P° ns rs X^aPftf* aP* jf/Wws Im m tins of Bournvill Cocoa bring \r you almost an > thinff from y W^ Jf^wJr- 'W'Sy^
      118 words

  • 246 22  - "Recs" And Ceylonese Draw At Cricket JANSEN GOOD BOWLING BY Singapore. Saturday. T!HF Oyloii Spcrts Club, batting first, declared at 07 for 8 wickets m their cricket fixture with the S.R.C. at Balestier plain this afternoon. Alex Watts bowl d well for the Rets., Inking four wickets for 27 runs.
    246 words
  • 229 22 La Brocy 6 2 8 0 Westerhout 14 5 22 1 Watts 10 1 27 4 Balhatchct 3 13 1 S.R.C. R. Bain run cut 0 P. D'Aimeida c Kanagaretnam b Jans en 5 H. N. Balhatchet c Jansen b Aruriasalam 0 La
    229 words
  • 372 22 MALACCA AND NEGRI DRAW IN CUP SOCCER Settlement Narv^ Escape, ZvfiJ* From Our Own Cor^ p0 pf the Malaya Cup Megri Sembilan, I re being j— i. Pinl<) for Negri m ih> third mi> iUle wH Tiang equalised m the twelfth -mute for MaWj" l aroug^ k The same was
    372 words
  • 383 22 THE Commard Sports were brought to a successful conclusion, yesterday. With 147 points, the R.A. (Biakang Mati) were the champions, the Punjabs emerging a close second with only half a point less. Third and fourth places went to the R.A.F. (116 poir.ts) and the Malay
    383 words
  • 178 22 INDIAN ASSN. BEAT Y.M.C.A. AT CRICKET Singapore, Saturday. r^HE Indian Association beat the Y.M.CA. m the cricket mutch at Prince Edward Road to-day by 3C runs. Scoreo Y.M.CA. Suratta lbw. b Choor Sin^h n G. L. Kan b Dhamara.i 3 G. K. Tan lbw. b Choor Singh Xavier b Dhamarai
    178 words
  • 54 22 SELANGOR STATE TEN Kuala U«F* S suited IB S«PF»r j. IH holder, whom I the al |#^j It wa, a d-d Jftjj lists and **JT m* t scintillating. Wt sefSre S^P^ l« then levelled t» Bone went tfg^ service, but J From then^ of the duel reeded *jf I s
    54 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 367 22 A Noted Business Man's Pocket y^ *vJ I -reveals that where the finest /^^^-/^^rrr^V pen is wanted, Parker Vacu- f is 1 If C=l >^r| matic is the pen preferred. 3 i f \&r I ThePenT^ oi Distinction if That You Can Afford to Own and Can't Afford to be
      367 words
      34 words

  • 68 23  -  \nFR SAVES CLUB JJ? COURSE nin BOWLING PERFORMANCE LOCKHART BY Wao*l and Ukißl tr^^td tc-»«rrow. W> met I***** 5 ■Knoettart J MT t Lgdftsrt hSU 1 I ToUl 111 M R WI 48 T S i 906 Lfi^; a GrowCer 13 h« L\ I £xt~as 4 to ikts.) 31
    68 words
  • 2 23 fgdf
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  • 67 23 SATURDAY'S ties m the SB. A. junior O men's championship tournament resuited as follows: Chan Khek Eng beat C. B. Nair, 15—6, 7—15, 15—12. Raymond Frois beat Tan Liang Peng, C-15. 15—7. 15—9. R. Ragunatban beat Chew Swee Kee 15—6. 11 15. 15—3. Lee Kiia Seng beat
    67 words
  • 177 23 IN a erk&ei match at the Railway mound, the Railway Youngsters XI he»| a Loyals' Co. teem by 66 runs. Score*: RAILWAY YOUNGSTERS K. B. Sin^am st Smith b Martin 39 Chelliah b Martin I. C. Stevens c Smith b Martin 18 W. Ponniah retired 20 A.
    177 words
  • 118 23 7 A League P^Pn icrised to date Goals ?»LDF a. Pts. 2 J 40 15 20 3 1 24 15 17 3 14 14 15 J 2 21 8 14 B U 23 14 I 4 18 17 12 J 23 27 12 l J 1 20 11 7
    118 words
  • 297 23 ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL LOSE TO THE S.R.C. Singapore, Saturday GOOD bowling by the SRC and bi particular by B Birker who took five wickets for 18 runs m six overs, inabled the Recs to take the honours the'r cricket fixture against the ACS on the padang to-day, by ;>0 1 rU
    297 words
  • 365 23 (From Our Own Correspondent; Batu Fahat, Saturday. BEFORE a large crowd, the Batu Pahat Public Works Department defeated the Muar Public Wcrks Depaitment by 5 goals to 2 m 1 he McConechy Cup soccer final after leading 3—o at half-time. In all respects Batu Pahat were superior
    365 words
  • 91 23 The Khalsa Association, who a lew weeks ago were beaten by Victoria School, had their revenge last week at McNair Road, when they trounred the Schoolboys by seven wickets and *i 3 runs. The School taking- first knock collected 59 runs, Williams taking seven wickets for 19. The
    91 words
  • 164 23 DUPILS and staff of the Pcnuel Erig- lish School, Malacca, met at the M. Y.C. swimming pool at Tanjong Kling, Malacca, on Friday at 10 a.rr,. for their annual aquatic sports. Houses as well hs individuals contested very keenly Xa~ vier House won the inter-house championship, Empire
    164 words
  • 106 23 In the Y.W.C.A. Sports Club Championship Singles final Miss E. Smith beat Miss M. Clarke 2—6; 6—2; 6 2. MIXED DOUBLES: Miss S. Nathan and R. Nathan beat Miss Z. Elias and N. S. Hogan. 4—6. 6—4, 6—2. Miss P. Eber and Kobyashi beat Miss Smith and Dr.
    106 words
  • 751 23 Sappers Beat R.A.M.C (BY PETE") WITH Gillmr.n enjoying the sportin" FTiot-light this week there has only been a few fixtures at Tanglin. J The main activities have been centred on the Military Hospital tennis courts, where the Medicals are busy playing the elementary rounds of
    751 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 310 23 170 FREE PRIZES POPULAR FILM STAR COMPETITION ot\ CRFF rr-^^^Yy CONOITKWS £U BtGYGLES Ifltl, /J^. A^ T« Will THESE VALUABLE PWKS D D S T C C S^^iKS? 7 rSgi^S/ j^^^fc V 7 pective popularity of the 7 film* stars rK I C. J 1 Jpi-pP^Pf /^"^^*^v\ Tn| > SP*T
      310 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 256 24 HONOURS EVEN IN SECOND DAY AT LORD England Out For 494; Australia 299 For AUSPICIOUS STAAtI FOR R. A. F. Djt'J FOR RecrM \TEARLY 1,000 in.juirivs about lh« condition of I Air Force were made al recruilinfr offices t«i«i of the new Royal Air Force drive for rwu^jH Minister's appeal
      256 words
    • 397 24 London, June 25. THE Air Minister, Sir Kingsley Wocd, speaking at the ceremony of naming one of the latest types of British bombing aeroplanes yesterday, said that military aeroplanes produced to-day m this country were amen? the finest m the world not only m
      397 words
    • 320 24 WELL-ATTENDED FUNCTION THE annual inter-house sports of the Victoria School were held yesterday on the school grounds and attracted many spectators. Mrs. M. K. Holffate, wife of the Inspector of Schools, distributed the prizes at tho end of the very successful function. Th° following were
      320 words
      969 words
    • 237 24 ENGLAND—IST INNINGS !C. J. Barnett, c Brown b McCormick 18 L. Hutton, c Brown b McCormick W. J. Edrieh, b McCormick 0 W. R. Hammond, b McCormick 210 E. Paynter, lbw b O'Reilly 93 W. Ccmpton, lbw b O'Reilly L. E. G. Ames, c McCormick b Fleetwood Smith
      237 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 52 24 24 Pages 5 CENTS wT^^fl WEAKNESS, If l^i I DEBIHT* \J*'/; P^ Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy Al S CUvJLS, axid gives health and ctrcrigth. ?Bff better than scrums, raw m^i* Medicated wine^ etc A. CLOUKT (.0., LTD., SINGAPORE Obtainable From All
      52 words
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