Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 15 May 1938

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 12 1 The Sunday Tribnne jfPfo 49- SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1938. FIVE CENTS
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  • 95 1 BRITON'S STORY OF JAPANESE BAYONETING Sfctfghai, May 11. m* censor suppresLI f or London filed last ft?* Wilkinson told RevLle sev« rel v man S<Tri»C bi» detention At a Japanese sentry SfEUt at his throat and B\t8 \t ck surrounded by Ja- panese soldiers who performed a sort of war
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 238 1 I ippyorr Saturday. <V Gutrßiaent of Johore would I Itt aunarfced by the Johore I i&ti isMfiation to make the Man! of co-operative socie 1 I »«*tfßeorapa!sory by legislaI lib us announced by Mr. S. I ""TffH hft presided over the I mtfuni
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  • 149 1 London, May 14. I ORD Swinton is reported to have resigned the post cf Secretary of State fcr Air, thcugh thei'j Is no confirmation of this at present. In fact, this v/ould net create surprise m view cf the severe criticism of the Air Ministry's alleged inefficient
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  • 7 1 Elephant Hunt In Siam Bangkck May H
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  • 88 1 'From Our Own Correspondent Muar. May 13 MR P. H Andrews, Chiet Police Officer. Muar and Mrs. Andrews TO entertained to a dinner by Mr. L-e Thian Soo J.P., prior to their de'lire on Home leave. There was a large gathering present, and among them were
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  • 500 1 JOHORE PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION MEETING CHANGE SHOULD SEE RISING PRICES Singapore, Saturday. I<f THE future of rubber is still depressingly bound up m the American trade recession, and the disturbing situation arising out of international politics," said Mr. S. Harper Ball, m the
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  • 111 1 U.S. BANKS NEED REVISION Remedy For Low Values Atlantic City. May H MR. Ecctes. Governor of the Federal Reserve Board ha.s advocated the revision of the Federal Stair Bank and examination of policies with a view to stimulating credit and business m tree United States. He was of opinion these
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 132 1 Woman Wants To Go To Prison With Husband <From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday "IF you bend my husband to prison, 1 want to with him. I have thrt-e children and, if my husband goes to prison, who will support my children anrt myself?" said a Chinese woman m the
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  • 39 1 Singapore, Saturday. ONG Kiar.g Seng, a Hokien resident of Bukit Brown, had an unpleasant experience this afternoon, when he founci the body cf a stout, 30-year-old unknovu. Chinese hanging at Bukit Brown. The police were informed.
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  • 227 1 LEAGUE COUNCIL'S RESOLUTION Use Of Poison Gas Condemned SYMPATHY with China is expressed m a resolution which will be submitted to the League Council, acccrdrnff to a Reuter message from Geneva dated May 14. The resolution states "This Ccuncil, having heard the statement by
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  • 109 1 Shanghai. May 14. ON the occasion of the meeting of the League Council to discuss latest developments m the Sino-Japanese conflict. Madame Chian° Kai Shek. m a broadcast, said that China neither asked nor expected any Western Power to intervene m the present conflict, but only asked
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  • 22 1 TO-NIGHT AT EIGHT THIRTY Sybil Simond playim m the S.A DCs. productior of "To-Ntylu at 8 30." Other picture.; on page BW-
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  • 73 1 Burgos, May 13. TIGHTEEN Nationalist to-day engaged 50 Republican machines m s ireirendous battle on the Teruel 'rent, the Nationalists claiming to have shot down certainly eight and probably three more of the enemy without losing a single Nationalist machine. On the ground the
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  • 142 1 MEXICO BREAKS WITH BRITAIN— BUT PAYS UP AREVTER message from Washington yesterday stated a renoit is current that Mexiro has broken off diplomatic relations with Great Britain. The Mexican Foreign Ministei formed Mr. British M that the reason for this action was the unfriendly attitude of the B: Government
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 |5 a.m- 1 Edition I I B| NES? RECOVER AMOY £lfl*tfn* r Bm&kmg, May 14. by ii^' aillon il is slaU(l tha t Amoy was completeL hinese yesterda> at noon, when the enemy h>h uilht details of this report are unavail-
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    • 59 1 nir: i:\vs with voir breakfast Try The >ion\i\(. tin hi \i: jffif^jitmgzX because of iU incllou maluiilv. /F '^^V as a nu( iC na v «'lut'. It rS& $osyffi%^'. °f &mt better o" a^<. v Ummi Mm f& %*4 Knipire hrandrr. and you should l^>^^^^^&/' .-W always Keep a lot
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  • 271 2 Latest Situation In China Shanghai, May 14. QTRONG Chinese forces m the Hsu- chowfn area, estimated :it over H;(>,<!uO are likely to find their position untenable, unless they are able to arrest two separate pineer movements which are threatening to encircle them. i t of Tsinpu
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  • 31 2 F J Kemlo, appearing m the coming S.A.D.C. productions Fumed Oak and' Red Peppers, ano Diana Tatham, who pla\s m fUel Peppers and iiantiv Aerc>s The Seu.
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  • 271 2 up bridges on the Lunghai laihvay between Siancheng and Haichow. The action is the result of the seriousness of the Ja; anese threat to Siancheng which is 65 miles to the east of Hsuchowfu. Shanghai. May 14. Japanese headquarters m central China m a communique state 'that
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 176 2 LOCAL AMATEURS IN COWARD PLAYS n productions hJ? I**,*1 P mittee is b*i ne mZL^*** t* I a »»d Captain N?£>*ri* i during thr w *k I and 5. J^ P -Hands a toucf afe J -aline a. it does jjjSt ft jratic acqualnuSS^*" tr Malayan plant. f. a chance
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  • 522 2 it is not equitable that the responsibiI lity of providing education should be tnrust upon the planting community," he continued. "I personally do not know any other country where one section of employers is forced by law to educate the children of its employees. f
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  • 257 2 WANTED immediately architectural draughtsman, Box No. 200 i o Sunday Tribune, Singapore. m i lying out the rpeotnmwAlfcP hai. conimitiee which ha* it tl mand a tremendous amount of ta» lion, ail of which a most seriwifl id-.ic'd be lore a recommentea "1 know that this aswutitaßfl and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 118 2 Raffles Brasserie AS BASAH ROAD To DA y Special CURR y TIFFIN Sl.oo si;k\ i;i> iko.m I2JM r<> 3 P.M. also POPUI AR GRILL FOR CONTINENTAL DISHES lIK.II CLASS CONFECTIONERY. RADIOGRAM Outside catering Undcr- m r r f -s-TKHTAINMENT taken at Moderate Terms. i* If ON X 5934 MV^ GOODW
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    • 71 2 PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE. Muscle anomalies yR?^ .1 Crossed eyes. /^SJJjJ^t. Complicated cases H of defective >?^ R. A. THOMPSON, D.O.Sc, (Dr. of Ocular Science). 4, ARCADE, GROUND FLOOR 'Phone 3002. Consultation Without Cost or Obligation. iOIt LAIliE^ O^lj For The Convenient Of The I Women Patron* (ADITTS OM'I
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  • 134 3 MOST MODERN DANCE HAL IN MALAYA ROCK 400 DAYS TO BUILD The general interior decoration is modern, but not too futuristic. There .ft s r 1.500 grouped about tables with shiny black tops and legs vi creen. and the surrounding floor is palf brown flecked stone, with a squared design
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  • 41 3 But it '-'ill be the air conditioning will intrigue most people, and they may not realise the painstaking efforts made to make two things possible air conditioning m which you can smoke. In many air conditioned rooms it Is
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  • 97 3 Special Matinee For Women Only TUT mana«i*ment of the Capitol Theatre has decided to hold a special matinee of "Damaged Lives" now showing! :tt that theatre, for women only, at 3.15 p m. to-morrow, Monday, at the Capitol. I not possible to moke, as the smoke hangs about
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  • 221 3 Singapore, Saturday. THOUGH housebreakin? and theft were extensively reported to-day, there was no evidence of serious crime m Singapore. A European living m the R.A. premises, Chsngi, had $120 worth of gold jewellery, including a cigarette case, stolen Unknown thieves entered the Sikh temple at Waterloo Street this
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  • 64 3 Singapore, Saturday. HAVING an attack of fits while seated m a mosquito bus at 6 2 mile, Upper Serangqcn Road, a Chinese was taken to hospital. Xt is said that he had been unconscious for some time and had only recovered before the ambulance arrived. He hnd a
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  • 70 3 1 dancingI ?t««»« plat r. I ilter 'floor shows I Tmt* bow it worked. I rittn? stage rests I tte ft? massive motorI b;g screw jacks I id are worked elecI tticoirol The olatform I r tomrtfrun tTSband- I uufenious device 4a| e This is 18 feet I
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  • 396 3 i Honour of the King's I i las previously been tag, will this year be Lit Part I uiKd yesterday read: I |Para<te of the Troops ftrtfeday of His Ma P&t «ii be held at Farrer Muutytfe* 9th June. 1933, I tecj *J» Governor and t
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  • 36 3 R. E. L. Featherstonhaush, widely fancied for the British Empire Trophy race at Donington Park, near Derby, escaped with a shaking when his car somersaulted at 75 m.p.h. and was wrecked during practice.
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  • 197 3 Singapore. Saturday. WE are very proud to have the opportunity to serve the general publi<in the transport communications or this famous city," said Mr X T Sen';, ihe hon. secretary ot the 31) rapore Traction Co. Employees' Association, speaking at the tea party held thU evening
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  • 103 3 Juniors Stage Successful Variety Show Singapore, Saturday. THERE was a large attendance at the variety corcert given by members &f ihe Junior Deportment of the V.M.C.A.. to-night at the V.M.C.A. Hall. Under the able production of Mr. Rowland Lyne, secretary of the V MCA., and \vf!h the co-operation
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 259 4 STARTS TUESDAY ■B^^^^^^^^^^^imkl ml ■^^■^mL^ *y*% ofyti 111 Mil m\ mmml zL .41 I M W- j2| £-ii^iW iw'/ i\iVl ■■■■ll^Hf yS iIBHHw- isF* i§ I^HEATRE ROYAL]! OPENING TO-DAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 NAD I RAX t SVX TALKIES r-^ v World 1 TO-NIGHT 7.30 9.30 P.M. j HAROLD LLOYD m
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  • 722 5 THERE IS THE SHOW THAT HAS •Romance For Three at the Pavilion last week, you 1«»n— and enioved a little lady m it by name Rice She's what America calls k the tops.' 4 """rLffected! Honest jrirlhood. Well, to-day I've got T*** 1 v tter c hatter about Florence and
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 5 I^a*«h»? mp l es for you Perli^JJJtod nobody could call me rea fro *n eating that m U !T d to 1 her next ftlm ji^J^ry carefully, just I half?
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 20 5 An artist portrays some of the players m "The fiolqwm el'fef at \hv Capita! I \i.vk Oirm out?
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  • Article, Illustration
    443 5 tender age of 13, found he'd got a voice that played tricks. He worked his wa> through college with Charlie and when vaudeville died, Edgar dressed Charlie up m top hat and tails and he promptly became the toast of New York's night life And after all, despite
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  • 312 5 Such a book was "South Riding" oy Winifred Holtby, and the film is the natural corollorary to the book a delightful masterpiece of sensitive direction I speak feelingly about this show. 1 knew Winifred Holtby, ardent socku reformer before she died, and I know well very
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  • 46 5 Leslie Howard and Bette Davis are t srether again m Its Love I'm After at the Alhambra. Leslie is a matinee idol, Bette is his leading lady. You'll find they're acting m a new stylescomedy, as a change from their usual high-ppwered dramas.
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  • 499 5 STARDUST FROM HOLLOYWOD SLOES CTAND-ins have become a regular J Hollywood institution There have been stand-ins for dogs, birds, dummies— in fact, for every kind if actor But recently the most striking of all stand-ins one for the human voice was added to the list Bernice Altstock, a young mezzo-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 276 5 Watch your KIDNEYS after any illness P~^feAn enormous strain is placed on the j^^T's^ij} kidneys by illness owing to the Jy^j^///\I accumulated impurities which the /idf kidneys must clear away before -7<^W^^^fe^^/ perfect health returns Jlll?3*^^^^ In most illnesses the kidneys get weak or impaired. So when they are called
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    • 353 5 A oflisfJ?g IT'S acid that causes those terrible stomach pains corrosive, ulcerating excess acid which burns the delicate lining of the stomach and turns your food into a fermenting, indigestible mass. The only way to get relief is to neutralise the excess stomach acid. Just take ons dose of Bisurated
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  • 215 6 Should Read this Nurse's Letter Here is something of real interest to those mothers-to-be who are suffering with indigestion m one or another of its various forms: flatulence, heartburn, sickness or acidit" To-day it is no longer necessary to endure this penalty. Relief can be obtained
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  • 390 6 RATIONING PLANS By Air Mail London, April 29. ABROAD outline of the preparations which are being made for feeding the nation m time of war is given m a report of the food (defence plans) department for the year ended
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  • 149 6 CHILD BORN IN A BLIZZARD St. John's Newfoundland. DURING a two-day snowstorm which swept south-eastern Newfoundland, blocking all traffic, a mother gave birth to a child on a rough sleigh m the snowdrifts about 10 miles from the city. The woman, who lives m a small settlement connected by road
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  • 157 6 If rationing of foodstuffs should become necessary each member of the public would be supplied with a ration book entitling the holder to purchase specified quantities of meat, sugar, butter etc. The report goes on to point out that milk and potatoes are the only foods met almost
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  • 157 6 Graduates As Guides For Tourists rVERY year more and more tourists arr visiting India and the development of this trade is engaging the attention of the Government of Bombay. Mr. Macrae, of "The Times of India." who sailed from Bombay on a tour of the Continent has, at the request
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  • 52 6 AFTE THE BATTLE Damage m Toriosa. vital seaplane base on the Mediterranean coast, caused by repeated raids of Francos bombeis. Many of the inhabitants were killed Although the Nationalists have entered the suburbs, the town is holding out. Photo shows the shattered front of a building m the centre of
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  • 166 6 "DEAD" MAN CLAIMS FORTUNE i Stavfj, lj fIECLARED dead 15 fmnmm v Isaac James HeUt, J rid -job man of this tot* i south of Calgary, is seeki&f ttdl m a £30,000 estate of v fel ther. Application for a govern^ M pension and search lor Mr |J certificate at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 190 6 Lose Fat Seerel Method Discovered By Hollywood Cinema Stars Now Obtainable at Chemists A safe, secret method of reducing ugly fat has been discovered by a California physician In prescribing to the famous Cinema Stars of Hollywood This discovery, called Kormode, quickly and safely dissolves ugly fat 5 pounds a
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    • 33 6 Standard Radio Components and Tubes Transmission Parts and Tubes Test Instruments And everything for radio and sound. CONSULT US ON YOUR RADIO SOUND PROBLEMS For particulars, please apply to: World-Wide Radio Co. SINGAPORE.
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    • 115 6 After 2 Years' Baldness Mm, This Thick mw^^^^^Q& New Growth WR'-- W For two y—n M MsjMt: W wa» bald all over thm M m^-:M^-My--M to .P r f m y h***d' I tried aHE' :^i ;^l different preparoUonm, bat they did no good, I M mm- W remained bald
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  • 554 7 BRITAIN NEEDS MORE NOT BIGGER MERGHANTMEN f*STY-FIVE years ago. f ''v half the merchant--1 m which sailed the -j^ttrr/ingrawandmaniduct from ore another, flew »he £ifcu fat August 1914, whoa )et his war-hi.umi.* y Britain boasted 44 per ft* total world steam and 4mm which found its the world's trade it
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  • 99 7 Cologne. I OVAL NAZIS may no linger play "Ole Man River" or "Red Sails m the Sunset" on their gramophones. One of Germany's leading record companies hzs jvst issued a #&t o! Jewish composers and song writers, with the request that eco'ds by them should be returned
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  • 59 7 he was there, he had won and lost £31,000. But he stuck to his guns and did not let life beat him. To-day, he is a millionaire, but he has still got to fight against life. I AST year, at 72 years of age, he lost the use of a
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  • 177 7 I Reved the Mews I I tie sain arteria 1 waterw* ys tki- the position to-day? I i aerthant fleet stands at I fr 21 per cent, of the world's I m other words, Great I I iOOO fewer merchant■■•ttenhehad m 191 1, while I »f mouths she has to
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  • 180 7 Don't let life Beat you! able to use it again he said, "Right, cut it off, I am not going to hank it round for nothing/ Lord Dawson of Perm described Bailey as "the most courageous man 1 have ever seen." This year, life dealt him another raw deal by
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  • 31 7 NOT BEATEN.— Sir Abe Bailey at seventeen wa? a penniless office boy to-day a South African legless millionaire "Observer" deals with his philosophy of life on this page.
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  • 122 7 MJL live under-rated, d> oveiestimated. scher,ir», struggle, suffer and succrmb, and lie at lasl when* we arc m thing more than a tu il ght topic on a wet fatttaj. .t, .1. -J5 I^OA'T let prospailj üb9CUf€ the need of thrift a gamst tlie day
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 160 7 —ON WORRY IUHEN you're a soldier, you're one of two thing either you are at the front or behind the lines. If you are behind the lines, you needn't worry; if you're at the front you are one cf two things you are either m a danger zone or m
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    • 126 7 > vjjjpfly*' "Xf ****->fr^r*-jWttfliy jdc* 'jfc, '4K .^cbdh^^rf '''js/fyjy&m sJvSyyyjVss.'sV.'.- TMiiL i^l^WßßjWßßjßt*Stf a y t^BhbHC^B 'OiHflHv '■'■?&l-'*^y- ■■'■W'Jv iiWiWMi" JSt" H'Jbk V- mBB&L jBBHBk j^BW,v.'.'.' \^BJBBi^t^^Vßßß^Bß^^#r > 9 -S>" rffffly Wi'iß-ji>; X ■jis^'” tCpOMMMb! ViK'.yflWß X-^S6TBfiP jVJ9?i>>l< v,^^BBBBB> -jGEI jK"-'-' vV 1 vflu'^BHßv A v -VXi^lfe 'wiSSHSL. r^s ::^!b¥b» T^ro?'''
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  • 1646 8 Jj eyes even m Mayfair, lunged deeper into darker Do kstde. It reached decaying ■it* glimy children broke <:fi* pavement games to cat-call after "Muck more of this?" Tony He asked the £'>! sitting behind "Upsetting your lordly conscience. .Murdoch Reynolds sneered. (lin-h Re noidS was feeling
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  • 1008 8 lrowsty houses. As one thoroughly nt l'cmc she pulled a bit of cord that came through the door, where a handle aught to be. It opened the door. Peering into the dreggy gloom within she called In at voice none of the children could
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 i "iQf *-hat nervous Jr indigestion '^fflfck. °f y ours I lake PHOSFERINE, and it wilt Lvery age engenders its own ailments. The curse of ours is nervous indigestion. Never before have gastric troubles been so common. Men ;*nd women m every walk of life are suffering today from stomach
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    • 134 8 iBIV/ A GERMOLENE is the world's |Aj^^^|N| A most successful Healing OintTO (J W I |J O ment. It is something very "'V^ r\ ki/ w different from an ordinary salve, d* f\ f* ITrpT anr^ P OSSP?S€S remarkable HealfiU r A r a m anr penetrating properties. \3nLni Llll
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    • 4 8 adfs dsf sdf I
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  • 572 9 THE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF ROUP **3 /w*&^ thts P a S c Po lr \t d doubtlessly rofil by the advice given by an J ,he methods, recommended by experts, *A fc re l ers Snuaott nair.t Ur nothing else than 'Avian Diphieria' «t«l and curtd by vaccination and
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  • 111 9 "With reference to the poultry note*, ro Wcrms m ihe Sunday Tribune, I would like to mention that the treatment prescribed and the statement that worm medicine is a poison, are far from encouraging," writes -Melayu," also of Johore Bahru. "1 have treaty my birds for worms with
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  • 786 9 Diphtheritic roup is distinguished rrom nasal roup icoryzs) by the formation of false membranes on the mucous surface of the nostrils, eyes, mouth, throat, trachea or bronchi. membranes are a tough, greyish or yellowish growth and adhere very firmly to the underlying tissue. The best treatment is,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 92 9 "MTIVfPiILSIWP I B*st Remedy for Sick rkadachos and Constipation. **lS__^ System vith waste. Expel ihese dangerous am M^SSt^ lly The Po^on originating from remaining focd JSJf bloc d stream and absorbed by all organs of th da gercus and will lead to very .serious i ilne^: cjj^ Fills p,feguard your
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    • 229 9 J_ssK The Joy of \CM t\iqc»ous Health _^V Fitness for games as well as fitness VU ior the daily round can only be built 7vf and maintained on a foundation of [Ai adequate and correct nourishment Iwj fiucfi as is provided so abundantly by A W /-v^. delicious 'Ovaltine' especially
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    • 700 9 ■Rn ßfeup •'Spm tr S £.*< /tßti f 'IKvm 1 Kaki, V 3 wM being transparently clear, are cleansed away by the Cuticura method. Your skin becomes fresh and radiant, because it is cleaner and healthier than ever before. Start to-day cleansing your face twice daily with Cuticura Soap. The
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  • 369 10 THE NEW SEASON'S FASH lONS VEILS for witchery, feathers far frivolity, ribbons, taffeta, garden flowers or florLsts's favourites and appetizing vegetables, all m either vibrant hues or palest tones, are feature-: Hats seems to have gone completely gm like way. Each one is more feminine
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  • 128 10 Other successes include the rough straw turban— not, of course, that you can find much straw visible, for it only peaks out at odd places from under the llovers plunked down on top. The bouquets tower heavenward m z-. little heap and give you the look of a
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  • 605 10 Colour, m fact, has taken complete control of the hat situation. Now your hat may be any shade you fancy and will be quite chic regardless. Not onl:* are the most vivid shades used, but they are thrown together without any apparent reason, to give a pleasantly
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  • 397 10 1 rrtHE cinemas offered ink > i ''■-■>' tainment last week, especially the Pavilion, where the screerrng of Sun' 1 Hiding attracted large audiena Eleanor Powell and Nelson Eddy m 'Ro-.aiH.-'" at the Prince's were also popular. On Saturday I visited the Odeon I cinem? for the return
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  • 81 10 St. George' Night Memories R' Morthcotr ir d «iv Government \u.n Oth rer, t? fc^ the Mr? ivl^ Mar T, dri(>r ice m Mrl A P Small. M r B^ Mrs Roberts Mr J Roberi&on. as hmu. St. Andrew'? Society Murnane v vmten of trick's, were also offi prese r
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 110 10 m the sun. Innoxa Skin I Balm, with its soothing and healing < effect, will counteract all redness and i roughness of the skin. This preparation Is irtvaluabk m these trying climatic conditions and should always have a place m your toiiec equipment. It is one of the delightful series
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    • 55 10 OQt p —-r~*-.^—' 4.^*' .^r-* :^r-' "OQt PRISCILLA Ltd. CORSETS GIRDLES S "HITBRITE" 1 INFORMAL FROCKS EXTRA SMALL LARGE SIZES. 61. STAMFORD ROAD. TEL. 3335. •2* r i Just Received from NEW YORK EVENING GOWNS SILK VOIL FROCKS Linen Costumes. MORNING COATS with SLAKS Smart ;t»i<l reasonable. at "CHRISTIE"j 19,
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    • 113 10 E- ?^I %-r f=* 61, BTEVENS RD Reiiuvvred residential es'tablUhmeut situated on 5 acres of elevated and well-kept grounds. First class FOOD. 'Cold Storage supplies). Highly recomm ended by past, and present residents. Extra large rooms with longbath, shower, .erandali. own entrance and o'lhei distinctive features Free garages. syces' qrs.
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    • 89 10 In' i mij In visit ho wk sacs and th* rawt pffMfl i ening sowbi -all— He rf 11. Stamford Rorf. MM rfUTARATI CLEANSING OG j tpqj with I j^l \smrNCFNTM 5 y\ sou tg SHOWING V COLLECTION oi &0^ lUST ARRIVED FROM LONDON Argent for DORVILL* MATTTA SPORTSWEAR GANT
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  • 1149 11 00 WAY STYLE f£?^°™- b rinss you a *^ff£o* ere you Ca I»"T£ U* only the me,, i* TJf the answer is easy sSVitr hi J^ *c currents m style. < fj«*terials. The prices arc <jfj£U too, if you kr. <* Tw
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 11 Jean Parker, of Columbia, demonstrates a new style m beach wear. Notice the split skirt buttoning over her shorts.
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  • 229 11 THE great excitement of the week has been the shooting of a black panther by a policeman on duty up here. The bea.M. was shot early o* Sunday morning, and the body was the centre of Ln'terest for the short time thai it was
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  • 182 11 THE bungalows are fairly full this week. Sir Lewis Fermor has been staying at Staff House tor the week-end. At Red Cross are Mr. and Mrs. fc. Wright of Kuala Lumpur, and Mr. Marshall. Quite a number oi visitors are staying at Parr. The Rev. B.
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  • 220 11 THERE were many people at the Club dance on Saturday evening. Dancing proved as popular as ever, but there uae bridge ior those who preterred it. Mr* Pike, who has a very fine voice, delighted the company by her rendering nt two songs, "My Dear Soul." and "My
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 34 11 Se Stock Lingerie uni «ual designs j S I" 51 received. i Phone 7143. new eel S€| ection of MATITA linens ideal In Singapore just received at i? C HATS XOIRS ><<^^^ 'PHOXE 4085. CATTERY
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    • 46 11 NEW SHIPMENT OF WHITE PATENT LEATHER HANDBAGS JUST UNPACKED At The Novelty Store, 88. NOR^H BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE I SEL Sli" MARY I Late of London S for iDay Evening j j Gowns S Designed by Smadame pages S J'*Rodneyllouse"j 2 Battery Road. Prices Remain $S«s3O.
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    • 59 11 VISIT i Dresses from $4 to i js27 Materials S designed by expert j designer. 5 i S Phone 6832. 10, Battery Rd. "STORK" BABY SCALE. Enamel Finish m Blue, Pink or White $10.00. "HEALTH-O-IVJETER" BATHROOM SCALE. An accurate machine which wUI stand up to many years' hard service. In
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    • 82 11 Lactogen is complete nourishment for ba- bies. Prepared from the £L d world's choice of pure fIP S—~^^^^ to resemble human h .ifc^^^C A^ milk m its constituents and m the lS^9^///g/m M^ ease with which it can be assimi- I WtSd^^KEffa iWK lated by the infantile digestion. 'M^ ltl'
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    • 617 12 EYIEEdDM o! n <•';.. by which la to express opinions though Lh •>• m sharp contrast t» expressed official policy, is one of the most cherished privileges of the British subject. It is a thing whL-h ha. diminished greatly since fchs rise to power of the m
      617 words
  • Article, Illustration
    699 12 All Europe Is Clamouring For A SCHEME of bounties for babies and an involved plan of state control of marriage to ensure that children of the future shall be A.I are said to be included m the proposals which have been made m connection with a new drive
    699 words
  • 872 12 "DEALLY, Herbert," said Mrs. Newly- wed, "I'll put up with your untidi- ness, I'll tolerate the ash on the car- J pet, I'll s and for the noise you make In the bathroom, I'll endure your irregular hours but it's really going a little
    872 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 73 12 /^4 x /^/Y'.f BOW sow f>™ k I FILM Wf "His I Master's sgfc^^iS&Sf Records r With a SmiW" and S«W :>ls l' Ul.istle whik-vouwark' anb tlje of rt* HIS MASTER'S VOICE RECORDS OF "SVOW ?J*H' T^ 00* OM.Y ONES RECORDED FROM THE ACTI'ALI LB W«j£^^ ARRANGEMENT WITH WALT DISNEY
      73 words

  • 109 13 ißv Ail U London, May 3. mr-mina its pcUcv on eaual pay and equal oppor—xfiO* rea ni the *üb-c!sricaJ erodes to me^ v>,- 1?*!1*&* #ln c o^ 'V encouraged try the re ***BZr## mit c r- •->*• pr Comrpittee to re(j a r d v:o i&tr&ffl^'tr'dr
    109 words
  • 20 13 Should We tax golf? Hhiittn the Chancellor of BfcfcjKr, competing m the KfcßxT ooif Match at Wal- a Heath Surrey.
    20 words
  • 56 13 RL OF 15 ?A 15 'A DANGER TO MEN' to fe &i should be reported m J&nu 'jet neopi' hat Is ■•Ijoani? people," said \«i\ inn ai Hull i M few*jwr-<>id prl. described as a *to 70O| p n was remanded or a iwk. after the Vnagls- taffd of serious
    56 words
  • 122 13 "FIVE YEARS OR LESS" ARMS PLAN BRITAIN'S five-year arms nro- gramme is to be completed m a Jess space of time if at all possible. Tne Government's decision to this effect was revealed by Sir Thomas Inskip. A^inister for the Co-ordina-tion of Defence. Speakin? at the Constitutional Chih. London, Sir
    122 words
  • 221 13 REGIMENT GETS BACK ITS COLOURS Lancaster. A 1-ONG-FELT wish will be ful- Riled when the Colours of the ttmss Own Royal P«?iment (Lan(™l\?trJ, r^ hung with olher Regimental Colours m the Regimental Chanel at the O'd Rectory Priory Church her? on May 17. oSniSi ycara they have huns ln
    221 words
  • 260 13 THt fro P nTl b i!- ly t r !T f l0pill f *offe* cement and other^goods from Kalian East Africa t« the Union of South Africa is beinsr studied m Italian business and shipping circles. Deinff sludied The Roods would pay for
    260 words
  • 62 13 Royal Canadian Mounted Police are searching snow-chocked roads for a school bus carrying twelve children, a woman driver and a garage mechanic, lost m a blizzard ne?.r Parkland. Southern Alberta. Rescue parties are battering their way through the blizzard and digging paths through the snowed-up roads.
    62 words
  • 118 13 TIPPING will not be permitted at che New York World's Fair under a plan now before officials. Careful studies have been made of tipping practices both m America and abroad where the custom has been largely supplanted by adding a service charge to bills.
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  • 51 13 LAT MATCVH, 150 FIRE William Valentine, thirty-seven of Chirk Green, Chirk, used the last match he had to set fire to a £150 hayMack because he did not want to sleep out, he stated at Denbighshire Quarter Sessions. The Court made an orded for his detention m a mental defectives'
    51 words
  • 134 13 DECAUSE he has £175 000 to give away, Mr. T. Desmond McLoughUn, Dublin socilitor is searching among church registers and tomb-stones. These thousands are the balance < the estate of Mrs. Ida E. Wocd, eccentric widow cf Benjamin Wocd, New Yor-; publisher. Mrs. Wood died m
    134 words
  • 24 13 Cyclists from many European nations are practising at Wembley Empire Pool, London, for the Six-Day Cycle Race.
    24 words
  • 582 13 MASSED pipers and drummers from all Scots regiments and a spectacular d'snlay ol mechanised troops m action will be star attractions of the Royal Tournament this year. It is to We opened by the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester on Thursday, May 19. This pipers
    582 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 51 13 jjL- V U E Strength Classes >J*m through the t vjJ2l^Pirw hold the ■■"west breakage: L^^ and fi; y3IL I <>m( -U COMfANY, fw OPTI);rSV I Sv^ Sole A &ents:— I tin < no\<. 1 Su lessors to Cheong Brotliers), J^^^ No. 4 9g^ c 51 South Bridge Road, I
      51 words
    • 545 13 Thin, Rundown, Weak, Nervous? Gain 10 to 25 Pounds, Build JuV Rich, Red Blood and Jf'f Stimulate Glands (%M v/ith New Discov- id cry Direct from y^ai^TL '^^b Hollywood, j&jm 1 Thanks to the discovery of a California Men Are Charmed physician, there is no longer any excuse d^-.—j^j r»;«..««c--for
      545 words
    • 312 13 Boz. 65 cts r^ Ask for ANDREWS m the NEW CMAI I CI7F ECONOMY TINS containing the M SAME QUANTITY as the former A n 35 cts M bottles at a LOWER PRICE. Uif >#1 Hitherto you heve bought your Andrews Liver Salt m bottles. From now on it will
      312 words

  • 1420 14 FANFARE ON A TIM TRUMPET THOSE of you who read your newspapers and don't stop snort after you have found out what Blakan Mati paid m the big- race and what the prospects are for Banya Gila at the Bukit Hantu Stratosphere Meeting, will have gathered by now that there
    1,420 words
  • 132 14 Solomon, the famous pianist, will be the solo artist m the third of the series of BBC Empire Symphony Concerts, to be broadcast from Daventry m the near future. He will play Tchaikov.skys Concerto No. 1 m B flat minor. The orchestra will open the concert with
    132 words
  • 130 14 MADE HM A GENTLEMAN- EMILY M«»< aj?ed twenty-eight BROW ftjjl Salvationist." X* J ■'•moked a cinrefe i But a hen I met »mm> J "My love for Etuje^J U an my iov c foTJ* »!I a queer tbin r L ven £L| "ten m the blackest thought of suicifo-tiTfl me.
    130 words
  • 181 14 English Journalist? On The Bad TOM CLARKE, the (Mopn lish journalist, who t known m Australia as s* Bi lell Daventry listeners is 2 luiure about the remart# inps at the first official into held m England. Hif taft£ first of a new series fn» B
    181 words
  • 31 14 STORY OF THE CANAL Programme <" Indi»« Suez Canal. y*« i -4te Chanel *f m 4 8an* °\SI%A man's eflor»» fl* Jt^ 1 I® Transriisso 11 m G M.T. 4-Al I, P*
    31 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 192 14 w TICKETS ISSUED V^"*^»U B y ALL STEAM- t TRAVEL SHn> AIR AND 1 %r f RAILWAY LINES. NO BOOKING FEES. Chinese clients and those of all S other resident communities are giver the best of attention and assistance. s n, ROBINSON RD., SINGAPORE. J A TELEPHONE 5908. S WATCHES
      192 words
    • 37 14 bid you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? Ah! I see you did If you use a solid dentifrice, try too^>^ o^l the new Macleans Solid I X!mL^^X\ N^" i Sales Representative A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore
      37 words
    • 120 14 v\ 1 n V I S r M^ II kJ v «J I Thousands of weak, anaemic people have found new strength and glowing vigour m Watcrbury's /fl <\^ Compound. This time-tested tonic tones up the entire system fortifies the body against disease. It contains many nourishing ingredients that arc
      120 words

  • 356 15 Some Ey es Are Too Powerful! )W Who 1 ds Gramophone Records i ThomP^ n D.O.S*, md oa* to* o**0 the Lord" fell ;»*S2 Zv™ a un j *2STU. stonr raise. tWrty-four-ycn:-Pfe^Tpo^rfuMhat an V**!iSm or perforation In M*2tW these things an> fSfSy tor him. What he P*?J£*X out famous songs
    356 words
  • 373 15 1 London. HI the Boy Seoul movement penri.inrutly from financial nations has been inaugurated at a nick-ting at the Mansion fc^^. House here. ten The Duke of Kent attended the meet- i log, and moved the formation of a Council for Hie fund, members of
    373 words
  • 90 15 AMBULANCE SEAPLANE CRASH Stockholm. A MECHANIC was drowned and the pilot rescued ivhen an ambulance seaplane capsized and sank on the water at Vaettan. an inlet of the Baltic near Stockholm. The pilot was practising alighting on the water when the disaster occurred. The tw«> occupants managed to ?et clear
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  • 28 15 Ships m the h3rbour were dresser? and a salute fired from Fort Teregeh m honour of the anniversary of the Coronation of His Majesty the King
    28 words
  • 296 15 Air M;<;> I- ndon, May 3 JIIIS is a joy -week for soldiers and their wives, for the increased scales of pay and allowances annon need to Parliament by JTr. HoreRcJisha. Minister for War. come into operation. Fulditrs' wives will rrreive the new
    296 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 26 15 jtk W^^THK UQVW m^\ AM CORK CURE rx Ccto-u win kin 1l F_£ v v^S^^** 10 p*™ y 00 V^^ corn trouble* nCjCICAQ^^/ will be ended:
      26 words
    • 354 15 fe 1 feverish flk Malaria and other feverish diseases attack weak people lk% a PiLV^ more eas^y t^ ian stron S people. Strength is nothing I^l%!^*^ more than a sufficient amount of strength giving •1 Jc \JI^ substances m the body. Too little of such substances 1#" means weakness. Weakness
      354 words

  • 502 16 OLD FEET IN NEW BOOTS VTOW and aKain, even m a country where one is not very heavy on shoe-leather there arises the necessity for replacing the remnants which, by some happy chance, still manage to retain a hold on your feet. Shoes, as an article of apparel, receive little
    502 words
  • 699 16 assist you. the certainty that within twenty-four hours you will be m the middle of your sufferings disturbs you. If you are going to get the very best which, of course are North-ampton-made you have either got to fit yourself from the dealer's stock, or measure
    699 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 612 16 DYSPEPSIA Of all f'.'rn* of d > .tive derangement, fly- uepsia is not one that will be pat ri^'ht by wavi:..' tad When therad treatment been prescribed a certain amount of itience may \>*-. called tor belore the final cure is effr ted fool ibty the n.o-t reliable an! f-rtain!v
      612 words
    • 98 16 Will auickly des- Jwtl^K 9m H B/fl troy your property g J? unless effectively 4 treated. White ants multiply at the rate Write, phone or call for particulars of our White Ant of 80,000 per day each one Destroying Services. Have your property cleared and kept clear 1 of white
      98 words
    • 94 16 Time traits for no mm M HH gentleman w the picture a not enjoying the moment— because he gate up runmnt 20 years ago. But he suddenly found that hs watch had Itimmt had to keep his appointment, so there he goc< When he get will come to us for
      94 words

  • 197 17 Film Star Lost 43 Days Woke, So Claims £2,976 fßy Air Mail) M £TKi £500-a-weck film star, who said sh m had lost forty-three days of her "film life" because of injuries received m a cur crash m London on March 16, 19:n. claimed E2,976 (loss al salary) m the
    197 words
  • 6 17 A from
    6 words
  • 98 17 SOUTH Wales miners will be prepared to strike to enforce a change m the Government's policy on Spain if then: is "fairly general support" for tha^ policy among the trade unions. Mr Oliver Harris, beneral secretary of the Miners' Federation, made this statement. The miners, he said, have
    98 words
  • 333 17 T&ECAUSB a love si Übeiri g show Ing m it. public element f school tern c gathi d sapproval at a m Oth ne m the car Th r, csi into t senper'^ waist* The Safely Fir t Co\ and that many of the
    333 words
  • 199 17 PUT IN ASYLUM BY MISTAKE TflE Government have offered £300 compensation to a man arrested and detained for several weeks m j urn \!:mi by mistake. The man is William Hargreaves. wh<> was arrested at the Ministry of Laboui offices at Bootle. He has accepted the offer. Mr. D. G.
    199 words
  • 142 17 -r,\ \ii MaH) Vi r 1 1 1 > ia J A< 1 Ir> «,i li.iudc iniiril- band, i oi». her imighter, (hem, Martha Mai <»hl. h Bf i t <« -i iiu".r uoin.ui, composedly j.l. g uil( j i had lopted •ult inhei d
    142 words
  • 91 17 Indian Soil Research JM' I i| and a hall acres of i oil and the health anil prosperity i soire thousands oi Indians are i n tied m the laboratories of ih« Ma* aulay Soil i•• search Institute t( ai>< rd M Mr. A I). I i;i a»ij W")l ci
    91 words
  • 48 17 Uted h Uo I. f>J W >f you are underweight, pale. \o 'J rly ':i<i povei i it hr»M,i ■< Lore <he v-< blo< i r h built bo wliir-h !>!' >. s< i i pillc i -•'I anJ v k normal health i^km" l! i
    48 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 900 17 I 1 1111 l Bi kit *AVTi > oftheAPPLfi[^igj^j is m CYDER |8^ •■'^l There are no finer cyder-apples jU i 4 than those grown and used by m R Whiteways. x\ delicious natural Ely|ft\ stimulant, Whiteways Cyder "y^|lß3 V tones up the digestive system I i V keeps you
      900 words
    • 40 17 I Eal fI I) fltf 1 IK Bi 0^ V^ «J-^ BEpRJr i —to protect yourTEETH Use Kolynos, the dentifrice that dentists recommend because of its proved antiseptic cleansing" action. Brighten your smile Economite with KOLYNOS buy the large tube
      40 words
    • 122 17 I X .J -f f 1 KODAK Film, of course' if/ j j X. (i V rbe >naps you'll prize much— j make sure they're dear, sharp, A .>^jy true-to hie. Use Rodak "Veri- ;^^,-.">' chrome^ Pilm~,t\ extra fa "W v '> and double-coated— gets all the .i !^V>o^' detail
      122 words

  • 153 18 After 10 Years of Pcrferi Health There la no need I i be number" at thrt Ever since she vaj 31. r-old woman has Kj hen Salts. During those 40 years, she has been m perfect health. She still is. 'I feel I must write m
    153 words
  • 618 18 Mayfair Man Spent £75,000 In Four Years COMES OUT OF GAOL AGAIN (By Air Mail) London, April 28. MAURICE FRIEND twirJed his guardsman "s moustache with a wellh manicured hand as he said to me yesterday (writes a reporter) "1 have \nz 4 come out of Wandsworth jail again." Vevl
    618 words
  • 189 18 'Home-Made' Warship Belgrade. THE first warship ever lo be built m Yugoslavia has been launched at Split (Spaloto). the Yug.slav poit on the AdrbO by Mine Maritch, tht- wife 01 th. Mn.istrr of War and -,c Ui* the torpcd -boat "Zagreb. Sir Ronald Campbell, the Bri Minister In Belgrade, and
    189 words
  • 129 18 Calcutta. SECTION 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code has fcteen invoked m -jn action against a pet deer at Barhmara, Bihar. A resident of Baghmara had for som? time kept the doer as a pet, and it was allowed to roam at will. Lately, howIt has taken a
    129 words
  • 100 18 WOMAN LEADS "GOOD WILL" FLIGHT Ankara. LED by the only woman military a?r ifficer m the world L'-eu tenant Sabiha Guektcbjen. known as the "Flying Turkish Amazon," a souadron of Turkish aeroplanes will make a "good will" tour of the capitals of the Balkan Entente this month. During the tour,
    100 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 18 < i than diivwi by *1 helped to make nauL tory took part n ar« enham orner. E,* ffi J" Dyke, near Bri^a i noto shows I. a. Manatf, Ae*ul Hint*
    32 words
  • 116 18 AN ALL-ELECTRIC WORLD IN 198 THE world of l'Jtt will te. *M electricity, whfrr ftmfpi vanquished and maa wl a) food frcm scil-less, (aiw,HlE by drought, frost, heiL iuml plant diseases, according blfl Kdward Pendray, offkiltfsß electric company. In an address before a meetgL New York Railroad Club Mr .said
    116 words
  • 177 18 <By Air Mail) Darjeeling, May 1. rpHE "United Press" understands that 1- the Bengal Government contemplate convening a small conference of Leading scientists and engineers whose expert advice will b.? sought In connection with pursuing a "forward irrigation policy," which has been decided upon. The complexities
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 67 18 <^ /THEY'RE SJT^I I DELICIOUS.. I 1 CANT RESIST J THEM J People can't resist Wall's Sausages, they taste so deliriously of tender meat subtly flavoured with spices. Wall's Sausages, fresh or m tins, are obtainable from all good dealers. £?wy sow* to-day and have a really delicious meat. {jyjV^^^^L;
      67 words
    • 353 18 Attacks of BRONCHITIS Ended m 10 Minutes Don't risk Bronchitis becominr Bronchial Pneumonia. A Chill on top of an attack briogs this, danger very close. Take Hphazone and get rid of your Bronchitis. "My chronic Bronchitis is quite cured and I have had no tpturn of the old complaint." That
      353 words
    • 54 18 ;:;p'" ■> '3&&S&JT S rC V") Jim. i::;e all \veli-«i -cd vounv nun to details. He selects his handkertf to tone with his suit, his /hi) ls or 'J 1 l moiv than a 4 Bk. them >' R««»»tereo Traao fwSari. <x vVIOC V 8 J PYRAMID M .n i
      54 words

  • 484 19 PENANG PREPARES FOR TRIANGULAR TOURNEY NATION CREATED AT £N' M 5 TA TE TRIALS (By "Sphinx") es 0 preparation for the forthcoming Malayan d 3&° ton competition for the Toons Seong Cup." Three rjjjp|« fcidmir t hc lirst one proving a failure owing to late ]thou? h the second ivas
    484 words
  • 110 19 Malacca Prepares To Meet Kelantan •Or Om Correspondent/ I Malacca. I badminton associaI alretdy begun preI the forthcoming I the K-Untan bad IfcM*!? 11 are cx Pwted to I ™*v shortly. K« a?* 0 f the association fc^-r of the preP* Jr I™*1 wb-committtes have |3*L e!eCted T* election I
    110 words
  • 95 19 Special Badminton Feature (Edited By 'Phoenix') also the number among their ranks uho are about equal m merits, I understand that no one is to be selected on reputation alone. Every player is to be considered on his or her own merits. It is, theiefore, to be hoped that all
    95 words
  • 355 19 KINTA'S COMMERICAL LEAGUE UNDER WAY PROMINENT TEAMS TAKE PART (By "Racquet") THE chief topic of interest m local badminton circles is the Commercial League that is being held by the Kinta Badminton Association. This is the first time that an event of this kind has been arranged to be held
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  • 69 19 BELANTAN BADMINTON ASSN.'S PRIZE -GIVING y trib *l U ;L n of the Kelantan Badminton Association was held Ml Feb. 29, following -the genera111^ Kene iil meeting the following office-bearers ere elected: f r^mitw S Ten^" MahydffP* Ten K ku Mahmood: Hon Sec. \ec Boon Huat, Hon. Treas«irer «*Mte«: Messrs.
    69 words
  • 507 19 PLA YERS SHOULD MAKE FEWER MISTAKES (BY "PHOENIX") WITH the Singapore junior charnprenships about to commence, one is aot to reflect on the projects for the current season. In doing; so, it Is dimcuit to escape making comparisons with 1921?-* year which will long be remembered by
    507 words
  • 397 19 SELANCOR GIRLS NOT KEEN ON TRIANGULAR MATCH (By "Rambler") OELANGOR'S chances m the forthcoming triangular tournament, (Perak and. Penang being- the other sides) which is to take place during Whitsuntide, do not seem very bright. With th-3 enly exception of the Y'jw Seng-Hean seang combinaticr*, no
    397 words
  • 177 19 Put on 3 lbs m 30 Days. Dorto-.s know that Halibut Liver O 1 is full of Vitamins that moke f create appetite, build up the power \o resist disease, and put good, solid flesh on men and women who are underweight. But many people's stomachs rebel
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 177 19 1 RlOHtt^ 6 MM 'l& Hk BIG BEN If you want a dependable alarm clock to wake you on the dot, to serve you a long time then what you want is a Big Ben! Big Ben always on time. Big Ben is precisely made. Big Ben's case is dustproof.
      177 words

  • 2113 20  -  "ARGUS" The Singapore Summer Ra ce Meeting Popular Success Of The Sultan Of Perak Lord Gray A nd Stormy Night Both Champions The Singapore Soccer Leagues Loyals Show Improvement They May Prove To Be Better Cup Fighters Than Anticipated Malacca's Tennis Team Criticism Not Justified?
    2,113 words
  • 145 20 Results Of Annual Tournament THE following are the results of the Sunnydale badminton party's annual tournaments: Inter-Team: Winners D Tram <Pau Lim (Captj, Cher Poh Chia, H. J. Chan and Yeo Koon Guam; Runner-up A Team <Cho Kirn Hawlte 'Capt.», Chan Joo Hee, Wee Peng Hon^ and
    145 words
  • 69 20 Penang P aft y* f HE fourth anntjjl* the Mayfleld rTpt* beld at No 59- A^j^ Sunday. May The minutes meeting hav ll^, o^ f d the iollowinp, f 16^"?" suing year 193 President *JfJ^i<J Presidents ljj»" *5 t Swiee Hoe. Ch^ 1 Kwan TanL^JudJ^ Kok Fnp A^sJrSsi
    69 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 350 20 < O N <J I i: T OF OLD A«;E IS IT POSSIBLE Old Age is the mest difficult problem which scientists have ever had to tackle. It defies solution! No process is known by which men and women car be mado to enjoy permanent youth and vitality. The progress
      350 words
    • 430 20 These Amazingßecoveries Actually Happened ACUTE INDIGESTION Cured by CICFA I If mealtimes mean misery and Atr^in AT AlfAVlf discomfort to you If you are Ml I CIIU Ul Vf VI f in pain, headachy, listless, |ff| m m appetite gone,constipated,never mniithtiil ai taaH feeljng fit lf you are losing lIIUIIIIIIUI
      430 words

  • 273 21 .ONDON (2153 mc|>; S l%£* SIS i iS'^'fis p»- 62 b ri«Sl 1 "d. C 147 mc»>; Kifi** "Si Orchestra, s fCf^Bordin-. Stiles- plflfLpe Art HI ft** 1 Service r "iXTo D. Henderson, l h^mJ'ji Church His- J »tfW£ic C Cho- 3 Weefly NewsleffSr and ■Jii Signal at 9.05 p.m.
    273 words
  • 238 21 11.00 a.m.— Military Band Music. (Gramophone Records) Selection "Sousa Marches On". Played by the Regimental Band of H. M. Grenadier Guards. "Le Majeur"— March. Played b" the Grand Massed Brass Bands. 11.10 a.m. Light Orchestral Con cert playod by Reller's Hungarian Band, directed by C. Reller (Relayed from the
    238 words
  • 75 21 (Wavelength: 19.68 metres. 15.243 kcs.i 5.20 p.m. Concert Relayed from Par-is.-P.T.T. 620 p.m. News m English. 6.35 p.m. Concert Relayed from Par-is-P.T.T. 705 p.m. Talk on French Events. 7.20 p.m. Concert Relayed from Par-is-P.T.T. 7.50 p.m. News m French. Colonial Tar'-cet Prides '8~20 p.m. Talk on the Cinema by
    75 words
  • 65 21 YDC 19.S metres (15.15 mes) and PMN 29.2 metres (10.26 mcs.). 4.50 p.m.— Time signal. Orchestra" selections. 5.50 p.m.— Concert by the Studio Orchestra, conducted by Boris Marieff. 7.10 p.m.— Song recital. 7.35 p.m.— News bulletin. 7.50 p.m.— Concert by the Foorman^ Orchestra, conducted by Julien Foorman. 8.50 p.m.—
    65 words
  • 18 21 25.4 metres (11.810 kcs). 6.20 p.m. Opening announcement. News m English. Varied musical programme. News m Italian.
    18 words
  • 16 21 V^avelength 31.28 metres (9,590 kcs). Broadcasting daily, Monday to Saturday (inclusive): 6.20 p.m. 8.20 p.m.
    16 words
  • 113 21 DJA 31.38 metres (9,560 kcs) DJB 1974 metres (15.200 kcs): DJN 31.45 metres (9.540 kcs): DJE 16.89 metres (17.760 kcs) and DJQ 19.63 metres (15.280 kcs). 6.20 p.m. Concert of Light Music. 7.20 p.m. News m English. 7.35 p.m. Concert of Light Music (continued). 8.15 p.m. Greetings to Listeners
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  • 121 21 The following are the principal American short-wave transmissions. The numbers immediately after the call-letters refer to kilocycles, and the second number set to metres. 9.50 p.m. Music and American Youth —New York, W3XAL 17,780; 16.8. 10.50 p.m. Major Bowes' Capital Family, musical variety— New York W2;iE 21.520;
    121 words
  • 31 21 Wavelengths 485 metres (618.5 kcs.) and 31.35 metres (9570 kcs.) Week Days:— 4.2o a.m.— 7.20 a.m.; 11.35 a.m.— 12.35 p.m. and 4.20 p.m. —10.20 p.m. Sundays:— 4.2o p.m., 10.20 p.m.
    31 words
  • 16 21 Wavelength 31.5 metres t9,510 kcs). Broadcasting daily. Monday to Saturday (inclusive): 4.20 p.m.— 7.'JO p.m.
    16 words
  • 23 21 Wavelength 31.28 metre*: (0 500 kcsV Sundays:— l2o p.m.— 2.20 and s°° «*f* —9 ?O n.m. Mondays:— p.m.— 0.50 a.m
    23 words
  • 87 21 (Wavelength 16.88 metres) 6.45 p.m. to 7.45 p.m.— National anthem and opening announcement. Records Talk. Records. Political Talk. Mission news. Actualities and Journal. Close down. 7.45 p.m.— National anthem and opering announcement. 7.50 p.m. Organ concert. 8.00 p.m. Special broadcast on behalf of the V.M.C.A. by Dr. G. J.
    87 words
  • 116 21 31.49 metres (9.52 mcs>. 6.20 p.m.- Berlin State Opera Ortnouth. 6.35 p.m.— London— 'What If Success?' A talk by Anthony Weymouth 6.50 p.m.— Mischa Levitzki at the Piano. 7.03 p.m. Hr.ndel Water Music" Suit-Movement m D London Philnonic Orchestra. 720 p.m T H f. 1 and W ather F?i
    116 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 53 21 1 *> j\ 'WEAKNESS. 9 sir i I- XI DEBILIT* -^B j fli^^feflflift I^| mIT 5 _W bS vHv^ v£Q S^M V^b I fESCHIENS'SYRtp *3 Actors IK a *HaL" U^ hou! l^e world have agreed that this radical ri k^ES, and gives health and strength. 1 CO., LTD., SINGAPORE 1
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    • 27 21 /K^i^ J&x^ jdo^ derful free gifts Cou pons from Bournville n^^^^i^ J^^^ Ci>:oa will bring you lots of luxuries and .^^^^^l^C a^ useful things— all absolutely free!
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  • 444 22 Chinese Beat Loyals DIVISiON II Fast Game At Anson Road S.C.F.A. II 2; Lovals II 0. Singapore, Saturday. nOMINATING the exchanges for I* the major portion of the game the Chinese second string scored a convincing victory over the Loyal Regiment m the Second Division
    444 words
  • 154 22 STATE CRICKET Kedah v. Perak In Ipoh (From Our Own Reporter) Ipon, Saturday. KEDAH'S first inter-state cricket fixture of the season commenced m Ipoh this morning when they were opposed to Perak m a two-day game. Perak won the toss and elected to bat first on a hard wicket. At
    154 words
  • 429 22 DRESSES AT THE RACES (By Our Woman Correspondent). ALL'of Singapore's fair ladies turned out m their best to watch the great day's sport at the Singapore Turf Club's summer meeting yesterday afternoon. "Tailored costumes and short street length dresses, so ideal for racing, were again favoured. Mrs. L. L. Goodman's
    429 words
  • 251 22 Services XI A t S.R.C. Singapore, Saturday. BATTING first m their two-day cricket match against the United Services on the Padang this afternoon, the S.R.C. were dismissed Tor 119 runs. P. E. de Souza was fete highest accrei With 37. Dynes <>:ix for 43' and Simpson 'three for 26) were
    251 words
  • 223 22 BEATING an ACS. eleven by 126 runs m their cricket fixture played at Hong Lim Green yesterday, the S.C.R.C. added yet another win to a long list of successes Batting first, the Chinese compiled a score 185 runs which Swee Law and Swee Keng were the main
    223 words
  • 116 22 Victoria School ju Out For 20 |J CT Josephs Institttkfci^ toria Sch«i >• Victoria School groLrf I r a low scorinß mttdi **fc Scores: ST. JOSEPH* Qfsr P. De Souza b Tram K. Eber run out Paul Cheah b Traili i O Campbell b ShMmtm Hong Chow
    116 words
  • 43 22 In a cricket matcii against at Lord's yesterday, the Austr&i&s scored 428 for five wickea it c play. Thirty -two thousand people m the grounds to capacity Don Bractmac knocked up 25: and Hassett contributed 57 ru sage from Renter
    43 words
  • 103 22 London. Kwfc Port Marnock. third few: Derby at 9-1 against was on Urn ing list at Newmarket this with its near tw*X fc B Reuter. Fong Kirn Wah c Jan Jeg t A Seah Cheng Siang b Si*^ E Doraisamy lbw Swee M Ajit Singh b S^Pte
    103 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 115 22 THK CRITICS U I v»M IT V "i-:.\«. lands i;rkatest film. G STANDARD. "I d. any film UU DAILI MlttKOK. mm RALPH RICHARDSON EDNA BEST EDMUND GWENN ANN 'ODD JOHN ClfvfN T S "1 t V jtiS&*?£ ca ii c w SJ \KTS titlDW. 1» A V I L I
      115 words
    • 81 22 Absolutely the LAST WORD m Magnificent Screen Entertainment |The CAPITOL'S NEXT ATTRAOTONJ Celebrating The Bth Anniversary Of Our Opening B "CHARLIE MCCARTHY" the irresis- J|L ml lv tibie man of the year, clowns and I V P^ romances his way through the If /4 Pwii funniest, the most tuneful and
      81 words
    • 99 22 Ri2al Ctennis jtadjug Sat March 1 9 8:30 P- M.Jharp Sangle Brothers Goodman Pr«e»« 3 MAIN EVENTS 3 Clever Henry vs. Wondßr Bar ij R huvei£ht Cham- 1Q f{ds 135 Lbs pion of the Oneru) ..nrrkkicufp' FOR THE LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Tiger Flowers vs. Rush Milin§ ,1.,,,,1 ing Contender V^TSI&SSi Wclterwoght
      99 words

  • 2739 23 Brawny Lad Pays $1 79 After Successful Objection c CUP P AYS 61 v |n first race am AND NO LIMIT DEAD HEAT *m Sport At Summer 1 1 Race Meeting •■^ibeocald von P^ jl tttt could be ccI jggjjiy oelter Uiaii and the tun,
    2,739 words
  • 108 23 DIVIDENDS AT A GLANCE Race I— DAVIS (IP S«l and 81$ Quick Money 811 Fantci $27 j»ace 2— FARNLEY S3O and si 2 Zen tree SI 8 Bilsdc^n Sll Race DEVON KING S:>4 and SlO Char Sl2 Shoot Vp SlO Hare 4— NUTCRACKER S2l and $8 Rell Press $14 Mnwßf
    108 words
  • 175 23 the order was the sanue, but at the valley bend Flying Star drew level with Romano, who was gradually weakening while Speranza unci Brawny Lad had increasesd their speed and closed up on the leaders. Flying Star lead into the straight, but Brawny Lad overhauled him and The Poacher wils
    175 words
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    • 4 23 'ait, T ii i
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    • 527 23 And Stop Limping LEG ACHES AND PAINS soon vanish when Elasto is taken Painful and swollen (varicose) veins are iorgotten and soon disappear, skin troubles clear up, leg sores become clean and healthy and quickly heal, piles are cured, inflammation and irritation are soothed, rheumatism simply fades away, and the
      527 words