Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 19 September 1937

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 14 1 The Sunday Tribune VOL, s— No. 15. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1937. FIVE CENTS
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  • 143 1 German View On The Far Eastern Crisis JAPAN ADVISED TO STOP ADVANCE SOVIET OR INTERNATIONAL HELP FOR CHINA? Berlin, Sept. 18. JN a critical review of the situation in the Far East, ihe "AngriflT says it is "almost a question of conscience" for Europeans
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 1606 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh SHANGHAI WAR CHINESE PLANES ATTRACT JAPAN'S ANTI-AIRCRAFT SHELLS WHILE the Japanese are unloading troops from transports and making: preparations generally for a major attack the new Chinese lines as soon as conditions are favouro Tor the use of mechanised units, the Chinese
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 1 The mattered Palace Motel, Shanghai, showing the great hole in the roof alter a recent bomb explosion Planet News
    Planet News  -  19 words
  • 341 1 W. Lead In X First Division l5: London, Sept. 18. FOLLOWING are the results of to-day's English and Scottish League matches; Reuter Arsenal 4 Sunderland I Birmingham 1 Charlton A. 1 Blackpool 2 Leicester C. 4 Bolton W. I Everton 2 Brentford 2 Wolverhampton 1 Leeds 2 Huddersfield
    Reuter  -  341 words
  • 97 1 Fired On By The Chinese? Shanghai, Sept. 18. THE Nagasaki Maru, whose late arrival here has caused such speculation, is now in harbour. N.Y.K. officials refuse to explain the reason for the delay, but foreign quarters report 'hat the ship did not enter the harbour on schedule,
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 98 1 Man's Leg Broken While Blasting Rock Singapore, Saturday. WITH his left leg broken In the middle and hanging by a slender piece oi skin, a Chinese quarry worker was this afternoon conveyed to hospital in a serious condition. He and a co-worker, who received minor injuries, were engaged
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  • 112 1 Rugby, Sept. 18. THE quarterly return of the Registrar'^ Annual foi England and Wales, shows that there were 6.215 more births in the second quarter of thi.s year than in the corresponding quarter Of 1936 The total was 163 C67 and the birth rate wa.s 16.1
    British Official Wireless  -  112 words
  • 235 1 PEACE THREATS Roosevelt Talks On Dictators Washington, Sept 18. A spirited attack upon dictatori* ships was the feature of President Roosevelt's speech on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the signing of the American Constitution. "It takes,"' said Mr. Roosevelt, "foresight, intelligence and patience to
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 46 1 Incident Off Spanish Coast London Sept. 18. Six heavy bombs were dropped near the British destroyer 1 earless when off Gijon (Spain) b\ Mi acioplane, which 'hen returned in the direction «,f CJijon. Ther?* are no casualties, and no damage m done. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 j 5 a.m. i Edition I j. KEY RR4NDY /C S j£M is distilled from pure C j^^*B^L=!^iu grape wine and is f\c s f^^ B ll strongly recommend- r~^~/ J tw-OSm&wlilly ed for its medicinal c=^r\\C S^^S^Sllii/i^ villus. Over 3>o hos- N^ hQj&jkk pitals in England use A Q*^
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    • 11 1 i w;: \l;ws IV. TiI VOUR BREAKFAST Try The MMNINCS Tiiinr>E
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 422 2 BUREAU TO OPEN SOON IN MALAYA More Visitors To Singapore? (Sunday Tribune Special.) COME TO MALAYA* is a cry which has been heard in various comers of the slobe in recent y«*ars and although Malaya and the Ihitch Cast Indies continue to draw their quota
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  • 109 2 Interesting Ceremony At Malacca Malacca. Friday From Our Own Correspondent > IN response to invitations issued by Mr Ong Kim Yam. a large gathering ol friends and relatives attended a ten; arty at the Capitol dance hall last Wednesday in honour of the marriage of his brother-in-law. Mr
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  • 299 2 Treat In Store For U>cal Listeners Singapore. Sunday. A N interesting item in to-day's proA gramme from the 8.M.8.C and in place of the musical interlude at 12.30 p.m.. will be a pianoforte recital by Mr. H. Bavton-Povver. Mr. Baynton-Power is accompaning the Salisbury Company as musical
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  • 170 2 Swatow Resident Fined In Singapore Singapore. Saturday. AN echo of the bombing of Swatow by the Japanese was related in the Singapore fourth police court, to-day when Lin Yian Pin appeared before Mr. L. C. Goh to answer a charge of possession of unstamped letters from China. The
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  • 129 2 Chinese Fined For Illegal Possession Singapore, Saturday. "I am 76 years old and before long I shall be going to my grave. I stoutly deny possession," said Low Sim who appeared before Mr. L. C. Goh. the fourth magistrate, at the police court to-day, on charges of possession
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  • 138 2 Attractive Stae:e And Screen Show The Theatre Royal in North Bridge Road opens to-day a big stage and screen attraction for South Indian theatregoers. The stage attraction is a troupe of very attractive South Indian dancing girls who perform ancient and modern dances and also render many popular
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  • 391 2 State Celebrations LARGELY ATTENDED GARDEN PARTY <From Our Qion Correspondent) Johore, Bahru. Saturday. rpHK sixty-tVi-th birthday of Hs Highness the Sultan cf Johore, who is a1 present in England with the Sultcnia, was celebrated throughout the State without the usual pom]) and ceremony. In Johore Bahru, the
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 2 The Hon. Unfffcu Azis, the Dato Mentri Besar. Johore. and Mrs. Azis. at the garden par'y en Friday in honour cf <hc birthday of His Highness the Sultan.
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  • 224 2 Local Inquest Into Road Accident Singapore, Saturday. THE circumstances leading to the death of al5 year-old Malay boy, who was killed by a car driven by a European. Mr. J. A. Sutor, near the junction of Telok Blanga Road and Keppel Road on the night of Sept. 9,
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  • 1598 2 K. L. MEETING The Training Of Staffs From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday ri UK training of Asiatic estate staffs 1 ;«nd the invaluable MMMNI g.vea by tfee Rubber Researefa institute to ti-.e planting industry genet ally, u re jeferred to by Mr. to T.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 438 3 NEW PROPOSALS TO ITALY SPANISH WAR End Of Naval Patrol Scheme Rugby. Sept. 18. TU tpims »J agressaeat suppieA nuntarv to the Nyon Arrtn Hani which u^s signed yesterday by all sigMtteaies to th latter were withrld from publication yesterday pending re; ipt by the Italian Government
    British Official Wireless  -  438 words
  • 71 3 Week-End Of Rejoicing" Throughout Country (From Our Oven Correzpondt Bangkok. Saturday. OWING to the incidence of the King's birthdav on Monday, th Government. Commercial and Bankin? circle- in Bangkok "fhmne.! las la" at mid-day to-day until Tues day morning. Bangkok will ho decorated and illuminated over the
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  • 68 3 Attempt To Renew London Agreement Likely V :k, Sept 18. ACCORDING to the Administration the Treasury are Hi I tn com pay the premium on •aver I produce] A time M Is thought Trr a reduction hi no drastic conti mplated. held the Treasury is also t(
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 276 3 Appointment Of Mr. E M. Smart tFrom Our Own Correspondent,' ißy Air Mailt London. Sept 8 ,V[R. E. SMART, general manager of the Gold Coast Railways, West Aiica. who is meantime on leave, has b en appointed general manager of the Federated Malay States Railway with arters
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  • 285 3 Young Chinese Sent To Prison Singapore, Saturday. FOUND guilty by the majority verdict of a special jury of culpable homicde not amounting to murder, Kwek Ah Ngow, a young meehoon manufacturer, was sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Laville in 'the Assize Court
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  • 71 3 The Singapore Buddhist Association *s celebrating the fufl-moon to-day at 67 SpottiSWOOde Park Road. This day is observed by all Buddhists with great ration; The programme for the evening is as oforing of flowers, fruit Juice. 7 pm A sermon by the Ven. Bhikkhu M. M Mahaweera, 8
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  • 936 3 Home League Positions To-Date P. W. L. D.F. A.Pts. P.olton W. 7 5 1 1 11 4 11 Charlton A. 7 3 0 4 9 5 10 Arsenal 7 4 2 1 18 7 9 Stoke C. 7 4 2 1 19 9 0 1 Volverhampton W. 7
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  • 92 3 Results Of League Matches London, Sept. 18. FpLLOWING are the results of Rugby League matches played to-day: London Iri'-h 8 Portsmouth Ser. 11 Richmond 16 Northampton 16 Bedford 14 Bath 3 Bradford 11 Sale 14 Bristol 6 Cardiff 14 Devon 5 Wakefield F'teen 11 Devcnport Ser. 3 Aberavon
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  • 261 3 START OF HOCKEY SEASON Police Trounce F.W.I). In Opening Match Singapore, Saturday. I^HE Police and the P.W.D. opened the local hockey season to-day in their match at the Police Depoi, Thomson Rd., which the Police won by 5 goals to 1. Play was fast from the and the Police
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  • 288 3 "Riff Raffs" Defeated By 11 Points To 6 Singapore, Saturday. AT the Parrer Park this afternoon, the R.A.F. defeated the RnT Raffs, in a Rugger match bv eleven points (a goal and two penalty goals) to six points (two tries). The Riff Raffs however played a creditable
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  • 169 3 Ties for Monday in the tennis tournament at the S.R.C. are as followsSingles Handicap "A" (Semi-final): H. M. de Souza (plus 3) vs. R. G. Lancre S) Mixed Doubles Handicap. A. M. Jaisen an/d Miss E. de Souza (ser.) vs. Dr. S. L. Oehlers and Miss M. Clarke
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  • 24 3 The Police beat the P.W.D. in a hockey match at Thomnson Road Depot yesterday, by five goals to one. jw*
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  • 18 3 The Skins beat the Gordons at Wateipolo by five goals to nil at Tangln yesterday.
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  • 157 3 HUSBAND WINS HIS CASE Mrs Southern's (hum Fails From Our Own Reporter) Penang, Sept, is MR. J. L. M. McFall, District Judge, giving judgment to-day, decided not ;o confirm the order made by a Blackpool court under which Rob I them now Superintendent of the Settlement at Pulau Jerejak, and
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  • 216 3 Unlicensed Importation Denied Singapore. Saturdt "rr'HERE is no presumption in law -I. that possession of an article wrongly imported leads to a presumption of guilt," said the Acting Chat Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell, In the High Court to-day. when he allowed the appeal ol a Chinese named Wong
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  • 89 3 Singapore, Saturday. AN old Chinese pedestrian was badly injured in South Bridge Road shortly after 2.15 p.m. to day when, it is alleged a motor cat ran into him a was crossing the road. The man's left forearms was ripped open from the elbow to the
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  • 88 3 Fatal Road Accident In Singapore Singapore. Saturday. A Chinese boy of about nine is reported to have been knocked down and fatally injured by a motor lorry In Havelock Road to-day. The accident took place not far from the police station It appears that the boy was In
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  • 197 3 Malayan Tour L-GENERAI, ON tJNITV F \|K- Kao Ling I'ai. Chin < In Sinjafapore first riflicial Mali in the T<>\\ n Hal more than WO was i resent, ine! din about 7<l clubs ai 1 ehoolchii.ii In an ddi g hall" an he exhorted all Chinese h
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  • 297 3 Official Commission Of Inquiry Band.icru.asin. Dutch B NEWS of an agrarian uprising in the interior has been received here from Amocntai to 'he effect that over one hundred natives gave battle to s oi iield Police at Harian, a vl. 1; r from the town of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 S. E LEVY CO. Shanghai, Hongkong, Manila, eingapore. Investment Bankers and Brokers in Fccvrities and Commodities. Daily Foreign Market Cable* and Quotation Service. Members: NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. OF. N.Y. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE
      69 words

  • 623 4 WHAT DESIGN? A Plea For Open Competition (By Air Mail) I London, Sept. 8. lITIIEN the National Theatre Com- mittee meet this month they are to consider the important question (whether the design for the theatre in South Kensington is to be thrown open to competition or
    623 words
  • 95 4 the following were elected olliccbearers: Patron, Mr. G. D. Wee: President, Mr. Ang Whatt Kim (re- 1 ejected): Vice-Presidents. Mr. Chean*! Kum Choy ire-elected); and Mr. Chew: Boon Beng: non. secretary Mr. Mah Bah Chee (re-elected); hen. treasurer; Mr. Seel Kim Cheng; assist, hon. trea- surer
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 309 4 J 4 3/4 N WITH A BIG MOUTH IS COMING j .ftfiflhaßMß 'mTWt'^^/ I ■I-■ I I .Will I t B^l— I.M —>^l— ■>^—>^l...tW H^ i^ltaaTl S^HBI' TO-lIAY ai n.e CAPITOL T& Here'- The World's Worst Fortune-teller Sees All Knows S tm&mqk joee.'bhown 1 v**!! "WHEN'S YOUR v p' >|
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    • 339 4 |HI j^B^^3| MARLENE DIETRICH 4. Three men with but a single thought Claudette and Clauc ette takes them lor a romanlk gle%h--f ride in a guy and giddy frolw that hits the high-spots of the Alps. i c PARAMOUNT BRING ,01 ANOTHR y I CAPITOL Next Change COMEin miiliKK. s
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  • 662 5 FILM PLAYERS HAVE THEIR METHODS NEVER GET TOO HIGH LIKE A STEAMBOAT WHISTLE £OLOIIATURE sopranos shouldn't try to scream. screamers are contraltos who remember to keep their voices low-pitched. When creaming it is helpful to be able to imagine that you are being strangled at the
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  • 333 5 A HILARIOUS FARCE George Fonnby Florence Desmond EXPLOSIVE merriment born of a 1 hilarious mixture of comic adventure and side-slitting situations l Ls said to characterise the new George Formby and Florence Desmond offering, "Keep Your Seats Please" which is scheduled for tne Pavilion Theatre, Singapore,
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  • 222 5 Colbert, Ruggles Binyon "T MET Him in Paris," third in the smashing series of successful films turned out by the trio of Claudette Colbert as star; Wesley Ruggies as director; and Claude Blny„n as writer, arrives this week at the Capitol Theatre, Singapore. Previous successes credited to
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  • 126 5 Tyrone Power In "Lloyds THE emotional glory of a woman's love, the flaming courage of a hero's lie, and the vengeful fury of a husband's hate bring intrigue, romance and adventure to new peaks in "Lloyds of London," Twentieth Century-Fox picture which opens at the Pavilion Theatre
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 5 Freddie Bartholomew in a scene from "Lloyds of London" which will have a premieie at tha Pavilion Theatre, Singapore, en Sept. 28.
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  • 513 5  - EXCELLENT DOUBLE FEA TURE James Dunn film "J COVER THE WAR" fif 'WE HAVE OUR MOMENTS" T ESS publicised than France's famed Foreign Legion. 1 It a« ferocious and effective a bann of fighter! is the which Great Britain maintains in her d I It is this little known military
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 Sr^ v«*>"i«<a» <£\ GENTLE IN ACTION! Though scarcely true of the gentlemen depicted above, 'gentle in action' is accurately descriptive of Pinettes. the dainty, little laxatives which act as gently as nature itself. Sugar-coated all vegetable pilules, Pinkettes dispel constiption, banish •liver' and sick headache, correct offensive breath, coated tongue
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    • 535 5 ASTHMA ENDED IN JO MINUTES Thousands of supers amazed at relief felt in 30 seconds after only 1 dose of Ephazone. NOT THE SLIGHTEST DIFFICULTY SINCE TAKING EPHAZONE. MIRACULOUS EFFECT of ONE l naa a bad attack of Bronchial Ephazone Tablet in all cases of Asthma and severe cough. After
      535 words
    • 38 5 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? I fell*, >*?■'''*' I i^i^ftiiSJlHpaaa^aaaaafe'-- -^2lHpMatfii. wiiy J^n^.<o>i> —*>'"ja. Ah! I see you did j If you use a solid dentifrice, try the new Macleans Solid A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore
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  • 471 6 Australia's Loss NEARLY 30,000 SINCE 1930 Canberra, Aug. 26. AUSTRALIA, in the seven years from 1930 to 1936. lost nearly 30,000 pcope of British stock through migration. In the financial year that has just closed, 1,248 Britons were lost to the Commonalt.h. «W Tn the five years
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  • 149 6 New Claim Reported From Australia YET another claim to the £3,600,000 fortune of Lady Houston, whose will was sought in vain for months after her death last December, was reported from Australia. Mrs. Anna Houston, an elderly Melbourne widow, has lodged the claim, stating that her husband, Mr.
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  • 130 6 Workers Obtain Demand GAS-MASKS have been supplied to workmen cutting up two large whales which were washed ashore recently near Dunkirk. The whales were first offered for sale by auction but no one bid beyond the reserve price. Now an industrialist from Dousi has
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  • 114 6 Dressed In Gendarmes' Uniforms Belgrade A gang of bandits, who dressed on In gendarmes' uniforms, carried service nfles, and specialised in robbing the nouses of priests, has been broken up ay the police in the Koprivnica district ,i Yugosalavia. When surrounded by gendarmes In the woods of
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  • 95 6 "Hammer And Sickle" Abolished Santiago, Chile. A new type of coinage— an alloy oi nickel and silver— with the nominal value of five pesos (about 2.6d> is to be placed in Chilean circulation. The "heads" side of the coin will show a national Condor bird full-fa^e, while
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  • 465 6 Bv R. A. Thompson, D. O. Sc (Doctor of Ocular Science) THE demon patient. He or she is always trying a new doctor, or telling you that that doctor had sent him to an eye and nose specialist, and that was a very good thing because he
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 295 6 STOMACH TROUBLES ENDED AT 62 Thanks to Chardox the New Drugless Remedy For twenty years she suffered with her stomach, getting worse all the time. For twenty years she tried one remedy after j another, without success. Yet at the rge of 62. her digestion Is greatly im- proved aid
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  • 887 7 (ON\ ETIONS MUST BE OBEYED (By "Horatius") Wou may or may not think entions. the fact remains that ree to piay any particular your partner an injustice torm to the convention* it. the other day against l .i had declared itself Culbertson Approachone bid in that :s more
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  • 147 7 C A E S RE AN OPERATION London I Trie New York correspondent of "The Tim that fcr two days and s the surgeons of Philadelphia hosier a baby to be born or for other, incurably ill with tubercular menigitis, to die, so they might deliver her child by a
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  • 249 7 Cornwall Decoration For Crippled Boy Scout London A 16-YEAR-OLD Boy Scout, crippled in every limb since birth, has been awarded the Cornwall Scout Decoration the highest Boy Scout award, for his indomitable courage in the face of great suffering He is Scout William Monksfield of the 14th Epping
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  • 92 7 Soviet Experiments In Arctic Rivers Moscow. An experimental farm for Cultivating river pearls is being organised s n the Kola Peninsula, bordering the >rctic Ocean. Last summer an expedition sent, by Ihe All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Fishing Industry found bout three million pearl-oysters in the uvers
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  • 278 7 Legion Of Honour For French Girl A FRENCHWOMAN seventeen was I Battle of Loos has bc< Legion of Ho: Emilienne e. when Loos en C the enemy in October 1914. She hid her father in a pigeon loft to saw from a German concentration c but he
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 80 7 1-DLVMOND" BEDS ARE A You spend oae-thtrd of jmmu your life in twd. therefore k |B your l>rd.:eud n the m.»»t KaP aBE9 important item oi fornitura 'Jm fe* in yuur house. f*.'^^ 1 mrmt Oo ant be satisfied with %^>> Bk anything inferior to a aaBl.T _3 IHAMO.ND Besbtead.
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    • 488 7 f»!?H!!s«Mafe fciiw siii! ftaiiittii :^ut tali lii 24 tars American Doctor's Discovery Strengthens Biood, Nerves, Body, Memory, Brain, Muccies, and EnduranceBetter Than Gland Operations. Thanks to the discovery of an American Doctor, it is nou possible for those who feel prematurely old. Run-down and Worn-out, to experience again the thrill
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    • 377 7 ThisP' fc i <** > -three terrible corns banished! Sister P. M how she found work easier. I the Bame for you. am without fght i fu ten mmutt ru of tl right i an prat and try\ IOX t'h.T: pivi I bee i lowed by rem w'< <! tergy
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  • Our Short Story
    • 2839 8  -  Reginald M. Lester By WOHIN ed at tin- dock, saw its inds showing S-12, and tucking paper under one arm hi umbrella under the other Iced his wile's cheek tfood-bye, and front door, ready to leave s home on the stroke 13. uy years he had never
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 256 8 SHERLEY'S LACTOL Too mm h meat means too much heat blood. And especially in a hot climate this causes him tortus- through continual scratching, f.te. moodiness, irritability aml Vou can remedy the trn; g down his meat supply i ACTOL. A, daily drink Ik;. ith for your dog, keen perfed
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    • 115 8 ITS acid that causes those terrible stomach pains corrosive, ulcerating txcess acid which burms the dehcate lining of the stomach aDd turns your food into a fermenting, indigestible mass The only way to get relief is to neutralist cne excess stomach acid just take una dose of Eisurated Magnesia and
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    • 245 8 A BROKEN DOWN SYSTEM. This is a condition (or disease) to which many names are piven bu* few really understand, lt is sirnplv weakness— a break down as it were, ot the vital force* that sustain the system. No matter what may be its causes (they are almost numberless*, its
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    • 742 8 n t l Ml | fM yi ia i i yMM ia^.^^Mi|li.i FT.- l.'if jljaj laaV^^^^^^^^^aßPßnalLJ Kraß^aa^W'"- Wl»*Si. r--iaaTaaTa^»"^aTaTaaa»anaUaaa^aaX^aa»Bßaaaa^Baaaaaa»^ BRIGHTEN YOUR SWILE Kolvnos makes dull teeth beautiful J 0^ and white. Its antiseptic, cleansing foam reaches every pit and crevice f&j s |P^|k o+' your teeth and destroys the VH|
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  • 1789 9  - STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES H. L. Hopkin d^i i r. oeen reading -.bout bygone times in rk, 'way Lack in 1927, when Prohibition ruled the land of the free, the home of Ike brmv*. The article describes the speakeasies in particular, and it would seem that th bac k upon those
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 51 9 XT Ay You be just as sure. Commence the day with a tasty breakfast. There is nothing like a good start. Make your selection AUSTRALIAN DEVONSHIRE DANISH mm mmms 'Phone Singapore: 5376 (4 lines). Kuala Lumpur: 3310 (2 lints) Ipoh: 110 and 111 (2 lines). —a— —a— M^HMHVMNMMHMIStBSMmp W9M W
      51 words

  • 1747 10 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. our worn**** cor res |>o n eJ n i 0; oiliest parties ever held on rd a ship was that on the Ranpura when the Peninsular and Oriental Steam r rhip Navigation Co. held a cocktail perty in celebration of their A pleasing note was
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  • 124 10 CeteHratin? their first wedding anniversary by dining and d mcing a deux at the Raffles last Saturday were Mi. and Mrs. D. H. Palmer. They .ed at SL Andrew's Cathedral on Sept. 11 Mrs. IS the former Miss Romd Savage- Bailey. Who was she? who wore a
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  • 852 10 I REALLY am getting bewildered at Dame Fa.-hion these days I don't quite know what she is goi; do next. First we take styles from our grandma's days and then we go so far ahead in things definitely ultra modern that one hardly knows where one is!
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 133 10 Harriet Hubbard Ayer's COMPLEXION BALM. A fragrant liquid powder for the face, neck, arms and back. Conceals blemishes and discolourations. Gives the skin a soft pearly lustre. So exquisitely fine it will not clog the pores. In three shades Flesh, Rachel and French Rachel. $2.25 per bottle. Medical Hall, Ltd.
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    • 82 10 I 33 1 JSTUDIO tf FOR NATURAL CHILD '.<GTOS. THONE 3304. A V AU the Chic GAIETY! and ORIGINALITY j i symbolical of the French capital are embodied in S the selection of lightweight suits and gowns > received from Paris this week by J AIL\ CHATS NOIRS BATTERY BUILDING,
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    • 20 10 M£ JAX>£ WE* i Jewel Trees Jewelry Lingerie Linen Rugs etc., etc., etc. 118, Battery Road, Ist floor. Phone 7143.
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    • 170 10 JUST RECEIVED 4 selected shipment of very smart Morning Frocks Two Piece- Suits also Jabots. de SOUZA BROS 9, Stamford Road, Capitol Building. FASHION SUGGESTIONS FROM THE CONTINENT BALLY." BALLY." Black Crepe de Chire Court. Trimmed fan shape silver kid Black Corded Biik Court Shoe ornament. Spanish heel. Sizes: Trimmed
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    • 27 10 dorolny more is selling flowers suitable Ist day and evening wear ai $1.0 each to make room for new stocks. 18, battery road Ist floor. phone 6995.
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  • 410 11 NOTES from KUALA LUMPUR and FRASER 'S HILL LAST week the unofficial opening of ming pool at the Golf was made the most of and the I has rather noticeably left its mark on many of the swimmers. Saturday morning being a holiday, a number of asiasta attended the tournta
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  • 1176 11 ALTHOUGH the holiday season is practically over, the Hill still remains quite full of visitors, and apparently accommodation is rather difficult to obtain hi the vari- ous Government bungalows. However, likely that October will see a slackening off. as th^ rainy season should then be commencing
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 At Vogue's! ALLO —MAIDEN FORM'S LATEST SENSATION A NEW BRASSIERE created for figures with heavier-than-average breasts designed for bosoms still youthfully firm— to prevent premature 'break down.' Girls a::d women whose breasts are heavier-than-average and still retain good, youthfully firm contours, are apt to think they "need no brassiere." This
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    • 30 11 ''^""■^"■"■'^■^■■"•■■■'■'""'■■•■■■'aaaaßaßaaaaaßaßaaßaaaaßaaßaaßMajßj Visit CHRISTIE for ALL ADVANCED STYLES. For Evening Gowns, Dinner Afternoon Dresses, Sequins, Bolero, Silk Linen Costumes, Hats, Flowers and Peking Jewellery. Prices Moderate. 19, STAMFORD ROAD, 'PHONE 2526.
      30 words
    • 232 11 isAßaTaaa. :K *<*** "mm iT ~V H* jj means (ovdq hair/ The finishing touch bfffiSSS sft Sft "SMSS* j s lessiy cic^n hair this is true Amami loveliness. AMAMI Natural colour, gleaming in the Hght,a soft sUkv texture so easy to manage, and perfect freedom WAVE-SET from fading, falling or
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  • 570 12 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Singapore: Sunday, Sept. 19, 1937. THEATRE vs. CINEMA VEARS ays before te took Ihe nt rm, the nr; |I American in- in the Near and was ai some im per about in trn ch; hotel lounges for days beyers actually arrived and nm iter they had i real,
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  • 1139 12  -  C. H. W. Goult Hitler's Price For Peace In Europe? LITTLE over fifty years ago th- 1 powers of Europe met in c: nference in Berlin to com' 1 to agree:. :ent in regard to their various political rights in the continent of Africa It was the first
    Emery Walker  -  1,139 words
  • 632 12  -  Anglius •QMILIN' Through" seems to be the appropriate title for the following. JL mother was attracted by the loud wailing of her baby. On going into the nursery, she asked her little girl what was wrong with the child. "He's mad at me," confessed
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 26 12 U JEWELS SWISS LEVER STAINLESS STEEL. S24— 28— 36— 43— 63— DEPENDING ON Ql ALITY. i* 'ai.a P m mT JBSf Am\mT&W£?m\^Ti ~mi^mmm\^4mm\ a *ma 'a^aa^BWßflßß
      26 words

  • 678 13 ARE THE DANGERS EXAGGERATED? PLAIN STATEMENTS WHOLE COUNTRY WARNED IN TEN MINUTES (By Air Mail) London, Sept. 4. QXLY by organisation in time or peace can the country be prepared to protect itself against the air raids which are certain to be one ot
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  • 129 13 Safety Of Non-Combatants In Santander (By Air Mail) London, Aug. 31. An appeal to President Roosevelt and the Dominion Premiers to intercede with General Franco to guarantee the safety of non-combatants in Santander, has been made by the Duchess of Athol. On behalf of the National Joint
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  • 126 13 16th Century Monument Found In Bengal Calcutta Deep in a dense jungle near Naldange in Jessore (Bengal) an archaeologist named Mr. N. G. Das claims to have disccvered a strange monument believed to date back to the 16th century. It is thought to have been built under the
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  • 276 13 American Proposal To Australia Canberra, Aug. 26. COMMERCIAL flying at night, on a scale never before attempted in Australia, is envisaged by American interests, which are seeking a contract with the Federal Government for air mail services between all the capitals. The proposal is to employ
    276 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 13 The new "big screen" television set at Radiolympia. It was built by Phillips. The girl ir the picture is Miss Elmina Humphreys, the "Spirit of Radio" at the show Planet News
    Planet News  -  31 words
  • 248 13 Diver's Escape POKED THUMBS INTO ITS EYES (By Air Mail) Brisbane, Queensland, Aug. 30. WHEN his nead was seized by a shark near Maugiuag Island, near Thursday Island, a native diver named lona poked his thumbs intc the shark's eyes, forcing it to relinquish its
    248 words
  • 160 13 Heavy Damages For Blonde Paris. COMPUUNINO to the Parrs Courts that £14,000 had been extracted from her by a fortune-teller, Mme. de Tanis. for love philtres and potions Miss "Baby" Siegfried Knudsen, a beautiful blonde, born in Manchester, has been awarded £460 damages. The ohiltres and potions were
    160 words
  • 148 13 To Marry Polish Opera Singer London, Aug 20 MR. H. Grindell-Matthews. famous a.s the British inventor of the "deathray," is shortly to marry Madame Ganna Walska, the Polish opera singer and the owner of the Champs Elysee Theatre m Paris. Speaking over the telephone from his home at
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  • 132 13 Request To Mandates Commission Jerusalem THE Arab Higher Committee has teleI graphed the Mandates Commission at Geneva, urging it to send an Inquiry 1 Delegation to Palestine and make a i thorough investigation of the position. Fuad Saba, the Secretary oi the Arab Higher Committee, described
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 74 13 A m BEDAK WJW VIRGIN j FACE POWDER j A soothing and beautifying preparation. It clears freckles, pimples and blackheads. It is delightfully scented and imparts a wonderful freshness. The finest face powder for the tropics. It keeps you S feeling cool and lovely all day long. Guaranteed to contain
      74 words
    • 900 13 Not a Bruz, but a Vital Cell -Food For the Veins, Arteries and Heart NO ailment resulting from poor or sluggish circulation of the blood can reelet tbe curative action of Elasto. Varicose Teiue are forgotten and eoon oieappear, the heart becomes steady, the arteries supp.'e, skin troubles clear up
      900 words

  • 1213 14  -  G. S. Hammonds Artificial Cooling And Its Aftermath .j. S The Menthol Method J S No Grandmother's j I Remedy Under I The Fan j .5. POURING the heat wave which we have been experiencing in Singapore during the last week or two, the skins of
    1,213 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 218 14 40%^-^ rjiTICKETS ISSTJEDT v^(jL/I\s BrEAM FOR «iirrp AW AND j j TRAVEU lUILWAT UFEB 7 NO BOOKING FEES. Chinese clients and those of all J other resident communities are I given the best of attention and assistance. —Ai/Ril l 1 j 39, Roblnnoa Road, Si»f*p ore, S Metleree j ■—1
      218 words
    • 69 14 fM WISE SAVING THt ECONUTv. i .-^or qZa«t",, V» u ff for *e che m*W? -•~.<^ t uoz.*.**- «.nue m formula; A a»^*»ws is unique In ia i m l ts acuon e lt overcome* co I Q and *en utes the l.ver^ 1 reUevcs ac,d.^ od ald the
      69 words
    • 39 14 1 S^|i?^ H S \)^/J^ W J^^ """"'"'^^'aWa^.aaaaa^PaT^^'^ "flk j (*^"B" B "2" B^" B "^^^iw7*r~'~^>r^^V aWfcH THE CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LTD. SINGAPORE, MALACCA, KUALA LUMPUR, BATU PAHAT, MUAR. PENANG MOTORS, PENANG. IPOH MOTORS, IPOH. MOTORISTS STORES, SEREMBAN.
      39 words

  • 374 15 PACIFIC NAVAL STRENGTH SHORT OF SHIPS Much Speculation Abroad (From Our Own Correspondent) i (Bv Air Mall* London, Sept. 2. rl view of recent developments in ♦he Far East, it is considered probable that the reinforcement of the British fleet in those waters, di^cnssed during the
    374 words
  • 103 15 £2.000 For Employees Of Oil Firm London, Aue:. 23. THE Duchess of Bedford, who dis- smeared when flying over the flooded fen* area in Min»h. left £*****0. She becmeathed £3 000 and her aeroplanes to h*r private pilot, and £5.000 to the Guild of Air
    103 words
  • 192 15 700 People At Work On Arctic Peninsula Moscow Seven hundred people are hard at work on the Peninsula of Norwlck in the extreme north of the Soviet Dmou creating an Arctic industrial centre. Tne centre wnl develop the natural wealth of the peninsula, which is rich in
    192 words
  • 242 15 Plea Of Bigamist's "Wife" DRETTY, blonde Rose May Turner smartly dressed in blue, pleaded i reentry with Mr. Justice Hawke at Sussex Assizes, Lewes, to be lenlem with the. man who had bigamously narried her a year ago. "Have you made up your
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 544 15 Wi y Al! the impurities which clog VC-ur skin .md prevent it from being transparently clear, are cleansed away by the Cuticura method. Your skin becomes fresh and radiant, because it i< deancr and healthier than ever before. Start to-day c!e.~nsing your face twice daily with Cuticura Soap. The creamy
      544 words

  • 100 16 Australian Sailor In Colombo SUB-Lieut. P. R. Jcllicoe, a nephew of the late Earl Jellicoe. and one of the eight young officers of the Australian Navy, who have just completed a course of training with th Mediterranean Fleet in England, passea through Colombo In the Chitral recently.
    100 words
  • 163 16 Expected To Sea More British Goods In Shops Capt. A. U. M. Hudson, M.P., .Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department 'p-id a visit to Mr. Rudolf Hoisti, Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs, during the two-day call he made her: v.hile yachting in the Baltic, recently. Interviewed bv
    163 words
  • 328 16 Descendant Of Swedish Army Officer New Yurk. PRESIDENT Roosevelt is a direct de? cendant of a Swedish army officer, named Martin Hoffman, who was born 312 years ago in Revel, now 1 present capital of Estonia, inquiries In Estonia and at the public library here nave revealed.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 486 16 HE SUFFERED AGONY IN WET WEATHER Rheumatism Attacked Limbs And Body He had been bothered with rheumatism for years. The pain in wet weatl to use his own expression— was "indescribable." But ah gone now— thanks to Kriiochen. bis le.ter: "I suffered with rheumatism for years, I dreaded wet weather,
      486 words
    • 181 16 tead Tfv MALAYA Till Hi For Tht He>.t Spttrt* krport* SUNLIGHT SOAP T J is a true \g|f COnomy SUNLIGHT |SpPs^ \fe keeps hands |H z- j~J~\ so^ anc^ sm °oth IPis j§ -Il tB V y ie mu^» pure lather Ww^^r^mm^^ Kf iI 1/ o,r Sunlight Soap i^ fcwW^Tll
      181 words

  • 464 17 MUSLIN TORN OFF SPIRIT FORM" r continued at the Ctt kce Court, recently, of the c ten Clive Holmes. 47, en- iaekhpath Christian P hie Centre. The Grov*. id with obtain: Ml Violet Evens, nmander of the Royal Avenue, Bexley iritu "ice at which the medium.
    464 words
  • 134 17 Stamps In Honour Of .Man Who Was Hanged Sofia. Tl rail of a man who was a revolutionary will appear e| of postage stamps to be .n October. The stamps will commemorate the 100t: >f the birth of one of Bulgaria's greatest national heroes Levsky was among
    134 words
  • 144 17 Belgian Soldiers Who Died In England •By Air Mail* London. Aug. 31. Busts of the late King Albert and Queen Elizabeth cf the Belgians have been unveiled at the Shorncliffe Garliscn Cemeteiy, near Folkestone, by Baron Zuylen van Nyevelt, Belgian Military Commandant at Folkestone during the war. About
    144 words
  • 144 17 Spec al Corps Of Motor Drivers To He Created Ankara. A special corps of motor drivers and mechani. be created for the ay. The rapid mechanisation of the army ilted in a shortage of qualified rs and mechanics. Up to the pre- sent the army's drivers have been
    144 words
  • 382 17 Journey By The "White Train" Paris THREE hundred sick pilgrims three quarters of them stretcher cases Whom doctors have given up have left here in the "white train,"" which once a year carries invalids on the annual national pilgrimage to lourdes. A great white banner,
    382 words
  • 134 17 Export Ore To Be Discouraged Canberra, Aug. 28. yHE Commonwealth Government 's discouraging any extension o r Australian mining which will result In the expert of iron ore to foreign coun tiles until the general survey of Australian iron resources has been completed. This statement was made in
    134 words
  • 139 17 Workers Save To Go To Olympic Games Mannheim, Rhineland. Contributions of a halfpenny a week are to be made by the employees of a firm here in order to save up to go to Ihe Olympic Games which are to be held in Tokyo in 1940.
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  • 114 17 More than 100 passengers on board ihe pleasure steamer Essex Queen saw an R.A.F. aeroplane crash into the sea of Bawdsey, near Felixstowe, recently. Powerless to help, they saw the pitot. Fit. -Lieut. Simmonds, who had taken to his parachute, hit the water, and, dragged under by the
    114 words
  • 146 17 Tourist Train CINEMA AND DANCING HALL Paris. A "MODEL"' tourist train containing shower-baths, a cinema, a dancing-hall a cocktail-bar and ar operatii g theatre is on view at tht Railway Exhibition at the Gare des In valid ps. here The train is exhibited by Poland Its
    146 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 311 17 THE wise woman iioee not experiment when a trouWesome *<orn makes her life burden •he knows it can be removed quickly and safely with ■^GETS -ff^ "jWpKy«"W?**^t t~HiT"-T J cBaJ t- NEW LIFE FOR HAIR "Dead" Hair Roots Rart. They Simply Become Too Weak le Grow New Hair THROUGH Hard
      311 words
    • 227 17 Read The MALAYA TRIBUNE For The Best Sports Reports awtaa ui as m *^r XC» at mmtm mm mj "ft m*. f DETii^iiiisriyT i fM h__ *sj| %M if m% gwj 8 i i. The world over, there's nothing like Pepsodent's new H $200,000 tooth paste formula. Its sensational new
      227 words
    • 919 17 GOOD NEWS FOR LANGUID WOMEN AND TIRED MEN New Vitality From Tasteless Tablets When wvr.ther conditions or weakening Illness have tapped stren: and energy, left you languid, inert and uninterested in life, it is time for you to recharge your devitalized body with life giving, energising Vitamins. It's quite easy
      919 words

  • 1587 18  -  W. B. Paterson In Which I Discourse On The Peculiar Names Which Some Parents Give To Their Offspring, Lead On To A Few Remarks About Love And Conclude With The Suggestion That The Emotion Should Be Put On A Stale-Controlled Basis. VTOW that the destination
    1,587 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 546 18 C O K f VKSI OF (ILD AGE IS IT POSSIBLE? Old Age Is the most difficult problem which scientists have ever had to tackle. It defies solution! No process is known by which men and women can be made to enjoy permanent youth and vitality. The progress cf modern
      546 words
    • 78 18 An*s*s Wufhcr finds (*H t b\ K best for grown-ups.- no. *flHBs?s wSmWjmM^'- 'k,<, >V v-C > That's one of the msa-h^b.,- calftiMAa rvf limn I* SCiAJXtXJ'r*::^:^ m ImL\2SSZZSt and retreshed. Gibbs Dentifrice has the whole- \\W'// hearted support of Dentists every- N^ A \r^\ where. It is the most
      78 words
    • 31 18 JLi- a. L s JS) MEAtT/4 f iJC p«F?r\ i '^'sai TV i m/M£jftcfm\ xt ~'S ImW/r'/AWmmWimwrm Mm^t&r^ \to n wt NA/ORLT3 K**wjr. Jl ENG iUJN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL
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  • 1170 19  -  Phoenix JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT JOHN LEE'S FINE EXAMPLE OF SPOR TSMANSHIP (Ry £OXCRATULATIOXS to Mist Annie Wee and John Lee foi winning the ladies' and men's junior sinsies championships respectively. Annie's win over her sister, Mary. kfl most unexpected, but none the less, i
    1,170 words
  • 123 19 Association's Delay Criticised rpHE fact that four parties are willing to participate is no excuse for the delay in holding the badminton tournament, writes a Batu Pahat reader in reference to the official letter from the hon. secretary and treasurer of the Batu Pahat District Badminton
    123 words
  • 71 19 At the general meeting of the Mayblossom B.P. on Sunday at Mr AOubakar Mattar's residence, 23 Lorong 24-A, Geylang Road, the following were elected office-bearers for 1937 19^ President. Mr. Mansor bin Mono. Alkadree; Vice-President, Mr. EusofT Patail: hon. secretary, Mr. S. Abd^ ah Mattar; hon. treasurer Mr.
    71 words
  • 298 19  -  Racquet Kinta Notes BATANG PADANG D.B.A. INACTIVE? By Ipoh, Tuesday. YMTTH the approach of the Perak open championships, interest in badminton cirlces all over the State has been revised and players of both sexes are at the moment busy practicising hard for the tournament. While the interest
    298 words
  • 255 19 To Begin In Ipoh On Sept. 26 Arrangements are well in hand for the start of the Kinta League competition which will begin on Sept. 26. The ties will be played on Sundays and in the absence of indoor courts, the games will be played on outdoor courts
    255 words
  • 754 19 Sports Jottings Fr orn Ma lacca 'From Our Own Correspondent) j Malacca, Saturday. rrHE past week saw the finals in the Various events of the j Malacca Badminton Association championships worked out sucessfully. In the ladies' singles, Miss Loong Ch&l Tien, winner for the last two y-ars, was stretched all
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 357 19 MAD WITH STOMACH PAIN It doesn't matter how long-stand. ag your stomach trouble may be it d m matter how bad your pain is V.<]*<*h 1 Stomach Powder will almf»at inly eas>e it away and its cause *u well. lake the casf of Mr J R Fver since he left
      357 words

  • 1424 20  -  Argus Tokyo Olympic Games and Malaya— Proposed Participation by Hotkey Players— Why not teams for aM Games?— Malaya lagging behind her neighbours— Country should be represented si Empire Games in Sydney next February A Malayan Sports Federation needed see to the^e things— Co-operation of Malayan
    1,424 words
  • 793 20  -  Referee By T ASKED recently when the boxmg stadium at the Happy World would have the roof put on. for making the boxing independent of the weather was the original design. I now learn that ihe work will begin next month. The les programme there under
    793 words
  • 182 20 The following are the results of the tits in the Inter Team H.mdicap Singles Tournament played last Sunday:— TEAM B BEAT TEAM C Tan Guan Chuan beat G. Isaac, 13—13 (s— l), 15—11. Patrick Foo beat Goh Peng Sian, 15—9. 15—12. Goh Kang Seng vs. Lim Huay Hoon,
    182 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 20 The third annual general meeting I the Enggor Football Association w.n be heiu at 124, Anson Road, to-day 3 p.m. Chung Cheng Hock, runner-uA in the innior singles cl >ion*c T
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 342 20 You know it's Indigestion but is it Stomach or INTESTINAL? This Is How You Can Tell:If the Pain is Here, it's If the Pain is Here, it's STOMACH INDIGESTION m INDIGESTION which causes s~^\^^ which causes ACIDITY, with 4r\l |Vyp/ CONSTIPATION, Heartburn. lv /I aj w^h Rnpine oains. GASES with
      342 words
    • 132 20 u\ m\B Thousands of weak, anaemic people hive found >*4^\^s. new strength and glowing vigour in Waterbury's Compound. This time-tested tonic tones tip the ;'^^',;.»;i entire system fortifies the body against disease. i>:^It contains many nourishing ingredients that are r~~rJfi&L essential to health Hver and malt extracts, iron, j,\ /4'
      132 words

  • 43 21 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. A verdict of death by misadventure was returned by the Malacca Coroner yesterday at an inquest on Jin Whatt. a ten-year-old boy who was drowned when out fishing with a companion of the same age.
    43 words
    • 13 21 The price of tin at noon in Singapore to-day was: $131*4 (unchanged).
      13 words
    • 17 21 The price of rubber at noon Buyers 30V», (down Vr>) Sellers SO 1 2 (down V»).
      17 words
  • 91 21 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. o.ngapore, Saiuraay noon. Buyers. Sellers. No. I.X.R.S.S. in cases (F.0.8. Sept.) 30% 30% Good F.A.Q. in bales (F.0.8. Sept.) 29 9,16 29*A (awardable S'pore) 30 y 4 30% do. Sept. 30 y 2 30% do. Oct. 30% 30% do. Oct.
    91 words
  • 51 21 Singapore, Saturday. Messrs. S. E. Levy and Co., Singapore have received cabled news from Manila giving the following prices: Previous To-day Pesos Antamok 0.53 0.56 Benguet Consolidated unquoted 10.00* Consoliated Mines 0.013 0.013 I.X.L. 0.50 0.51 San Mauricio 0.49 0.51 United Paracale 0.43 y 2 0.45
    51 words
  • 64 21 During the week ended Sept. 11, exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 11,033 cases. Of these, 3.450 cases for the United Kingdom, 100 for the continent of Eurone, 5,116 for Canada and 2,367 for Canada. The total exports for the year to Sept. 11 were
    64 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 48 21 IIERFWnii UE Axxoi'NTE THE OPKMM; of our store "THE LAYING HEN" Poultry Eood Suppliers. Phone 6*34. 179, Orchard Rd., Singapore. Manufacturers of All British Poultry j F °od. Dry Mash Laying Meal 22 Protein. Mixed scratch feed, dirt free. f Samples at request. Guaranteed fresh i eggs. I
      48 words
    • 42 21 I R. A. THOMPSON D.O.Sc. (Dr. of Ocular Science.) Practice Limited To The Lye. 4, ARCADE, GROUND FLOOR. 'Phone 3002. Hours 9 5. Saturday 9 l. or by appointment. 35 Years European Clinical Experience. Consultation Without cost or obligation. Glasses if needed.
      42 words
    • 31 21 has taught me that for 11 j unvarying perfection you can't beat 1 ,t-.- i&v J WW? >->■ '■dz%^ z^who^w y Jffia &s£&s&&s&. ?-S3 ff M sts^tlW:•.**" "Am*^. '339 C K. J<6
      31 words
    • 963 21 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ENGINEERING OPPORI UNITIES LN I THE FAR EAST AND MALAYA I Increasing Demand fcr Trained Men in Every Branch of the Industry. THE developments and applications of Engineering during recent years have been so phenomenal, so rapid and m numerous, that the opportunities of the Specialist are continually
      963 words
    • 822 21 textbook, and to give additional r... I. worked examples, sketches, etc., where necessary and the viewpoints and ions of other authorities to ei detail any matters which the 1. tutors krow, after many yeai ing the particular .subject, is likely to present difficulty to the stu d I; discuss and
      822 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 619 21 LOCAL PROGRAMMES FOR THE WEEK SINGAPORE STATION ON 225 METRES IJ>0LLOWING are the programmeto be broadcast from the B.M.B.C station during the coming week: TO-DAY 1130 a.m.: Light Orchestral Concert played by the Tanglin Club Orchestra. Relayed from the Tanglin Club: March, "A Bunch of Roses,'* Cappi. Waltz, "Tales from
      619 words
    • 601 21 the Station Dance Orchestra, under I the direction of Rex Alien. 10. GO p.m.: —Close Down WEDNESDAY 6.00 p.m.: Chinese Music. Teochew Music. (Gramophone Records): Song; "Sun K Han Yee". Sung bv Lee Kwang Hua. Drama; "Pun Chap Poon Sung by Teck Lye and Keng Hee. Drama; "Bung Lae Khoon."
      601 words
    • 260 21 from Raffles Hotel. 10.00 p.m.:— Close Down. SATURDAY 12.45 p.m.:— Light Orchestral Concert played by Keller's Famous Hungarian Band. Relayed from the Adelphi Hotel. 2.00 p.m.:— Interval. 6.00 p.m. Chinese Music. Cantonese (Gramophone Records): Song, "Second Uncle Changes Profession." Sung by Lee Lilian. Drama, "Wai Cheng Teen Tow." Sung by
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  • 1046 22 SINGLES DOUBLES MATCHES FIRST ROUND TIES AT THE CLERICAL UNION Singapore, Saturday. FURTHER ties were played in the Men's Open Singles and doubles championships at tht Haw-Par gjsnstasinsi hall this afternoon. The a tendance was fair, and an outs anding feature of the afternoon's
    1,046 words
  • 76 22 In our Malacca Correspondent's notes on the Malacca Badminton championships he gave the name of N. Kadiah S. Kandiah who partnered J. Raman ir. the junior double section of the championship. Mr. N. Kandiah's usual nnrtner is M Kandiah and he has not partnered with S. Kandiah so
    76 words
  • 39 22 The Useful Badminton Party will n^ay akaihst the Merry Union B.P. at 11. Lor^nn; 21A, Geylang, to-day (Sunda' I > at 30.m. Players and supporters of the Useful R.P. ass^mbl" at St. Thomas English Kampong Bahru Road, befoie
    39 words
  • 1055 22 CHINESE WIN THEIR CUP TIE FOUR GOALS TO ONE AT THE ANSON ROAD STADIUM Singapore, Saturday. c IN a very fast game, the Chinese beat the H.M.S. Terror XI by four goals to one in th?ir S.A.I. Cup iixtme played at the Anson UoaJ
    1,055 words
  • 111 22 Teams For Tournament Match On Padang THE teams for to-day's tournament cricket match at the S.C.C. are a^ follows United Services < Officers): Lt. W. D. H. Duke, Lt. G. R. Elsmie. Lt. A. W. Gush, Lt. A. T. Hingston. Lt. H G. H. Kenion, Lt. J. C.
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  • 112 22 S.R.C. hockey team vs. Terror on Mondav at 5.15 p.m. on the S.R.C. ground: F. H. Smith. A. B. Ccllick, R. de Souza, R. E. Dennouch F. C. Math'ew, H. V. Street. D C Perrau H. R. de Souza. A. M. Pennefather,' R. V. Ebert, A.
    112 words
  • 36 22 An extra-ordinary general meeting of the Gentle Badminton Party will be held to-day, at the residence of the I hon. treasurer, 29 Gentle Road, at 1 J p.m. Attendance of members is compulsory h
    36 words
  • 174 22 Unattractive Team Says Australia THE tour which the British women lawn tern is plavers were to have made in Australia after the Wightman Cup matches in New York, has been cancelled at the request of the Australian L.T.A. This Is the outcome of communications between the two
    174 words
  • 29 22 In a ru*;by football match at Jarre* Park yesterday, the K.A.F (Town Office' ihe Riff Raffs by 11 points <a go* l to six poinis
    29 words
  • 24 22 PRIN CE CHICHIBU London. Sept It Prince Chichibu has left London for Southhampton, where he embarks on the Fmpre. of Britain for Japan, Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 38 22 The Y.M.C.A. tennis team, with the "Kliney" Cup which they won in the int. r-club championship tournament. L*eft to right: Mr. A. I. Pzrera, Kamis. F*r. G. Haridas, Yadi and Mr. J. T. N. Handy.
    38 words
  • 504 22 Team Likely To Visit Australia PRANK Tarrant, now in Australia has 1 been telling the Australians of' the i standard of cricket as played in India He told an interviewer from "The Au*'tialasian," a leading weekly paper ther° the', there is a move in India to
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  • 66 22 The final of the football competition for the Malay school boys, who are not above 4' 6" feet in height, will be played on the Victoria School ground on Monday at 5.15 p.m. The finalists are the Kota Raja I and Siglap. Inche M. Hassan will give
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 120 22 a— '"pwin'W' i i.«.wwjppSS»*HpM*'****-**^^ EXCITEMENT ON A RAMPAGE! /AmmWkmm I An exciting triple murder af**S am 9 in a large department u#^ ~V^”^ m W' B a store! Exciting thrills! >^iT JJB 1 Exciting suspense! And yr .-J^H^pW. _ih»- !j^^LW a exciting romance as a at^^^H*^ l^! .^'a* >*•?** B
      120 words

  • 2709 23 SIL VERLA W UPSETS TO PAY $126 A RIDER FALLS IN FRONT OF GRANDSTAND Singapore. Saturday. THERE was a good attendance at Bukit Timah to-day for the sect nd day of the Skye Meeting which marked the close of the Sir ;r»pore Autumn
    2,709 words
  • 326 23 Malays Meet The S.C.C. At Cricket Low-scoring Game On The Padang Singapore, Saturday. noWLERS were on top in the cricket c fixture between the S.C.C. and the M.F.A. on the padang to-day, a *4cw scoring match ending in a win for the Cub by 29 runs. Good bowling by Ainan
    326 words
  • 614 23 We ig hts Fo r Se la ngor Races he explained, "and had to be content with watching the play. I was able to piay only in Mexico City." Accompanying Qui t was Mr. D. T. 1 Dunlop, son of A. W. DunlOp, the forme:" Australian Davis Cup player. "Australia*-'
    614 words
  • 118 23 Imprcfisfons Of Donald Buctee ■TJERMANY, the Uni!cd B**tes and Australia have the biggest ia the Du\.. Cup next y. 1 K. Quist, the famous A player, who p I through I his y iy home in the Mooltam n "Cm prese 11 orm Donald Bue doubtedly
    118 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 23 Pacarose (Sirdar Khan up), being led in by Major Lindsay Vears after winning the first racs vesterday Tribune
    Tribune  -  18 words