Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 22 November 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 14 1 The Sunday Tribune VOL. 4— No. 21. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1936 FIVE CENTS
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  • 1462 1 T^rTTH SHIPS MET OFF THE (OAST? SMUGGLING ACROSS CHANNEL VICTIM OF A GANG? LONDON COURT STORY OF DOPE AND WHISKY MAN who is said to have been employed m Singapore not so Jong ago, J. Vv\ S. Coe, and who is a keen yachtsman,
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  • 111 1 Weil-Known Chinese Lady Dead (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 21. THE Police, called out to Pa^ar yesterday, found a Chinese woman lying, bleeding. •m the bathroom of a house, at the Government quarters. She was found to he suffering from several cuts on the back of
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  • 121 1 Courtesy Visit To Malta Station London, Nov. 21. THE Turkish Fleet, under the command 1 of Admiral Shukur Okan, entered Malta Harbour this morning on its first official visit to a foreign naval station .since the War. Admiral Okan's flag was flying on the battle cruiser Sultan Selim.
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  • 601 1 THE DAYANG VALARIE ON MARRIAGE ft Singapore, Saturday. Wearing j^ark flasses^i«esiHn>bly to hfffe her identity, a blonde was seen leaning against the rails of the P. and O. Comorin and chattingheartily with an elderly man as the ship drew alone-side the Taniong Pagar Wharves this
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  • 160 1 Fiancee Dead DRAMATIC CASE IN AMERICA Newcastle (Kentucky), Nov. 21. STANDING statue-like and surrounded by State troopers, Brigadier-General Henry Denhardt, the well-known picturesque military figure o! Kentucky and veteran of three wars, heard a grand jury commit him to trial on a charge of
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 191 1 Spain Will They Be Accorded The New Government? London, Nov. 21. A REPLY is still awaited from the Burgos authorities to the renewed representations made by the British Ambassador to Spain. The representations arose cut of a communication received by the British Government of a possible bombardment of
    British Official Wireless  -  191 words
  • 131 1 Eight People Kidnapped But Released Tientsin, Nov. 21 FOUR hundred mutinous Chinese militiamen invaded Changli railway station In Bast Hopei and forcibly boarded a train. They disarmed tbe railway police and robbed the pa gers. Alter travelling a hundred miles they left the train near Tongshan
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 315 1 DEBTS QUESTION RE -OPENED? ITALY^S MOVE Britain France To Negotiate? RrMOrttS that Ifaly has hint the question of <ttlinu her war ebts to America m order t-> float a loan -ml that Britain and Franco are also com derins fre* h negotiations for debt settlements witii the I'^S.A. are abroad
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 55 1 Northern Spam Bilbao, Nov. 22 IT is officially announced that Hie Tonsil!' for Austria and Hun«»inv. a Paraguayan official and an Italian military official have been executed l>y Courtmartial. Reuter. 1 Bilbao is on the northern HWI of Spain and is th? centre of a still held
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  • 119 1 "ALL QUIET" AT BATU A RANG Member Of Unlawful Society Charged 'From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturc NORMAL condition* wn Batu Anii!!' Colltertel io-d:iv \i final itati .-.sued by Messrs. J. A. Rus' my. All other than a fei have left the roperty. have returned to work and yesterday's
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 351 2 it PRETTY veddlng was solemnized ■^yesterday afternoon at the St. An- crew's Cathedral, the Yen. Archdeacon ham White officiating, when Mr. Soo Yin Tong, ol the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, the third son of Mr. and lira Tong Sum Stong of Kudal
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  • 331 2 NEXT APRIL At Local Medical College IIIE League of Nations is arranging for a four h Course of Instruction m Maiariology which will commence at the King Edward VII College of Medicine at Singapore, on Monday, April 19, 1937. The object of the Course is to compute
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  • 81 2 Anglo-Argentine Pact To Be Revised London Nov. 21. MEGOTIATIONS for a revision of th.: Analo-Arpentine trade aeresmeni are now m the final stage, and agreement has been reached on most points. It is hoped that the new agreement will be signed very shortly nnd m su^r a rnse.
    British Official Wireless  -  81 words
  • 100 2 Return To Singapore From Leave Singapore, Saturday. MR. J. M. Sime manager of the Sime l Darby and Company, arrived m Singapore from his leave this morning by the Comorin. Interviewed by a Malaya Tribuno reporter he said that he had spent much of his time
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  • 113 2 Industrial Inspection Fixed For Next Month London, Nov. 21. Plans for the King's visit 'to South Staffordshire and Birmingham on Dec. 9 and 10 are now almost complete. His Majesty will inspect the works of the various industries m the areas where, m striking contrast to South Wales,
    British Official Wireless  -  113 words
  • 114 2 RUBBER Singapore, Saturday morning. Singapore: 30"a cts., unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. London: 8 11 16 d., up 1 16 d. Market Tone: Steady. New York: 18 3 16 cts., unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. This morning's market is again dull at around yesterday's level and trade interest is
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  • 192 2 30s. Drop In Price For Spot Fraser and Co. m their daily report on the tin market states: Tin is down 25 m London for 3 montns, 30- for Spot ant l A to New York Lon don Tin orders are of the usual weekend cautious nature. A
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  • 136 2 Mr. Julian Israel, m his daily report of the share market states: In London down 25 and 20 New York down J 4. Rubber London up 1 16, New York unchanged. Locally opens slightly firmer. MINING. Raubs unchanged $7.20— $7.30, London had a quieter market yesterday for Tin
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  • 110 2 DAILY PRICES CURRENT Singapore, Saturday noon. M T t. or, Buyers. Sellers. No. I.X.R.S.S. m cases 'F. 0.8. November) 30 15 16 31 1 16 Good F.A.Q. m cases (F. 0.8. Novemberi 30 7 8 30 15 16 No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spot-Joose) (awardable Spore)
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  • 91 2 Orders Being Executed For Government London, Nov. 21. Much interest has been o roused m the exhibit at the Paris Aero Show of n new double- bank engine with 11 cylinders, shown by the Bristol Aeroplane Company. The British air ministry has not permitted the engine-power and
    British Official Wireless  -  91 words
  • 67 2 The 19th Singapore Group of the Boy Scouts, assisted by the Gir! Guides, will give a historical pageant m the grounds ol St. Andrew's School. Stamford Road, by the kind permission of the Headmaster, the Rev. R. K. S. Adams, on Monday, Nov. 23, at 4.30 p.m. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 Raffles Brasserie! V BRAS BASAH ROAD f~T CURRY TIFFIN $1.00 A x WV\s> 12.30 to 3 p.m. •> WE SERVE THE BEST CURRY •> •J. 4f DISHES IN TOWN <• ALSO POPULAR GRILL FOR EXCELLENT •> CONTINENTAL DISHES. J£ •J» Radio and Gramophone Entertainment <• <• Jiiim! ixass €Oxfectio:\i:ry£ WE
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    • 343 2 Inferior Ground Sun Glasses Injurious To Eyesight. ARE YOU JEOPARDIZINf; YOIK IYFSICIIT IN THIS MANNI.R? Thousands of persons are daily raining their Eyesight by purchasing crudely ground sun glasses from street stands and bargain counters. They have caused many to suffer from serious Eye trouble. The accomp:inyiri> photos show just
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  • 1322 3 FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 5 Middlesbro' 3 olton 0 Manchester City 2 Brentford 2 West Brom. l P^by /3 Grimsby Everton 4 Portsmouth 0 Huddersfield 4 Chelsea Manchester Utd. 2 Liverpool 5 Preston 2 Birmingham 2 Sheffield Wed. 1 Leeds Sunderland 3 Stoke 0
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  • 152 3 DiV. F Surprises TALI SCOWNG AT HHJHBURY JJANY unexpected results marked rrday's home football, all ding teams m Div. 1 going I n m their games, with the exof the champions, Sunderi. whose home victory of 3-0 -ri.t Stoke gives them leadership at the present. Wolves,
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  • 239 3 221 V The Close INSPIRED BOWLING IJY HIPPERFIELD Sydney, Nov. 21. Till-: Australian XI, playing against the M.( made 1.">3 for one by tea-time The score was 37 for none at lunch. This was m reply to a total of 288 by the M.C.C., whose innings
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 145 3 Third Round In Singapore Championship The toi'.i.wing uve the third-round the Singapore Billiards Associa- jment: rr«,. Voi day. Nov. 23. 6 p.m.: .Tay Yew Ttk (Straits Chinese Recreation Cub. v Qnek Chua Kirn (Amicable Athletic 3 p.m.. Loy Martin JS, rhurch Brigade* v. Loh Koon Hock (United Confederate
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  • 22 3 Th Eurasian Association, Singapore, will hold its 17th tnnn* 1 general meetRecreation ciud on Thin d;. 28, at 5.15 pi"
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  • 488 3 KEEN GALLOWAY CUP RUGBY MEDICAL COLLEGE MEET RAFFLES Singapore, Saturday. THE annual match for the Galloway Cup, between the Medical College and Raffles College, produced interesting rugby on the latter's ground this afternoon. The Medical College ran out winners by 11 points two tiles and a goal thus winning the
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  • 351 3 I'enang Trounced RUGGER FRIENDLY AT TATPING (From Our Own Reporter) Taiping, Saturday. IN an interesting rugger game today. played on the King Edward VII School padang, Perak beat Penang by 26 points (four goals, a penalty and a try) to five points (a goal). Perak played
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  • 139 3 Singapore Trounced ONE-SIDED HOCKEY IN K.L. (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. QELANGOR beat Singapore at hockey to-day on the Padang by six goals to nil. Selangor were superior m every department and dominated play from the first whistle. Cariappa scored m the middle of the
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  • 155 3 "Educating Father" Good Entertainment THE Pavilion opened a new season last night with Educating Father,'" an amusing and thrilling picture. It is all about the doings of the Jones family, and each one of this family has his or her n\vn peculiai characteristic But they are all very
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  • 42 3 (From Our Oicn Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. The 9th Heavy Brigade, R.A. (Changi) defeated Johore South rugger fifteen on the Civil Service Club ground to-day by 30 pts. (3 goals, 5 tries) to 8 pts. (1 goal, 1 try).
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  • 453 3 A Duty Of Teachers ANNUAL DINNER LAST NIGHT Singapore. Saturday. THE second annual dinner of the i Singapore Teachers 1 Association was held to-night, at John Little's Cafe. A large number was present. The toast of the Association, was proposed by the Hon. Mr. P. A.
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  • 106 3 Japanese Soldiers Joining Bandits? Shanghai. Nov. 21 Heavy casualties were suffered by bandits when they attacked H'inu kehertu. which necessitated their withdrawal to await reinforcements from the fifth and eighth divisions before renewing their attack on a bigger scale It is alleged that Japanese soldiers have joined the
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  • 105 3 Reuter Full Results Of (iames Yesterday London, Nov. 21. TO-DAY'S rugby results Cheshire 5 Cumberland 3 Northumberland 8 Lancashire ly Yorkshire 5 Durham 0 Bath 11 Gloucester 5 Blackheath 8 Cambridge U. 19 Bradford 14 Liverpool 9 Bristol 8 Devonport Ser. 3 Harlequins 7 Oxford Univ. 11 Leicester
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 H E ALTH AND VITALITY USE OKASA There is nothing to compare noi even to approach the sure and prompt efficacy of this supreme Hormon Tonic. OKASA possesses enormous Health and Vitality restoring properties. It completely removes every trace of debility and weakness from your organism making you a New
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  • 505 4 Might Even Come To Help Of Germany London. Nov. 21. "IT is hard to believe that any important section of the public anywhere can want war, since war must, .spell universal impoverishment if not universal destruction." said Mr. Anthony Eden m a speech to his constituents at Leamington
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  • 173 4 Engagements For The Week I>Y kind permission of the Hon. Mr. N. -UA. M. Griffin, the Acting InspectorGeneral of Police, the Band of the Straits Settlements Police will perform m public during the week as follows, under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch, L.R A M A.R.C.M.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 196 4 COME AM) ENJOY THIS LAUGH RIOT! IVAVI L 1 O S T«-n vhi I SPECIAL MATINEE 3.1f TO-DAY kra&k HOW CAN THE KIDS 'W^ Ij MAKE LOVE I with the grown-ups &mt always under foot? Back again happier Jp and scrappier than ever! M^ Jones Family EDUCATING FATHER FOX
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  • 24 5 Here's A Chance To Get To Know Us rnhun* S roup of m-^pu.Hrs. but f <>r many Ma^Ja" bLiness i e s as well.
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  • 298 5 Are They More Vain Than Women? ißv A Staff Reporter) IT may be hard to believe it, but Sing- apore men are more vain than the opposite sex. It is really difficult for a loyal male like myself to give the show but I have just
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  • 773 5 Wide Range PLANE WHICH FLIES SIX MILES JJOYS have a 3trong sense of pride. They take a special delight m toys which look good, vvhope quality is m no way inferior to the "real I ihing." They like their railway engine?, i for example, to be
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  • 280 5 Saved by flesh-forming tablets This man had been so terribly ill thai he was almost as thin and bony as a skeleton. Yet simply by taking a course or tiny, tasteless tablets, he quickly put on pounds of firm, healthy flesh. In fact, he got
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 367 5 TUf vhil.- .1..1 <& Writes instantly! the Platinum channel of the FEAI 111!: J L TOUCH poiul bees to that. Six other outcUud- Jy[ 4? ing Sbeaffer advantage* bring new plftMMB »«> > /y writing. One-etroke ailing, napfyiag ami mr mf cleaning. Lifetime Guarantee. 4 ?>tr»-aiijJii.'- 6ALAMCE design to eliminate
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    • 78 5 3L I w*- v I v fie t it. 3 DIAMOND BEDS m* DIAMOND BRAND ~M BEDSTEADS DURABLE AND AXE COMFORTABLE. HANDSOME. It Is a handsome piece of furniture T for any room. Its beautiful lines and elegant ornamenta- ~*M tion are a continual pleasure to the eye. Its cost
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  • Page 61 Advertisements
    • 62 61 CADBURYS ATTRACTIVE UhrtK //w fIOIBOUMnfITA r^3V\ L > No. 5. One Bread and Butter plate 3 Mb. C W"* 1 LI Akl E JTf\ D iFOOO »MX No. 6. Two small plates ..3 Mb. IN tALnAnUt Ul\ L^)f A? r BC^ ,'Hi-t^l THESE LABELS I Send to— "WEDGWOOD GIFTS" itf-jO^lK^i
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  • 358 7 GREATEST CHAN THRILLER PHANTOM HORSESHOE AND POISON FOAM MENACE fHARUE (HAN encounters the v» stran -t ami most baffling case of I Mhe combats the 'miations of a ruthless c (nan at the Race th Vntury-Fox pici coming shortly to the Theatre. a phantom horseay
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  • 297 7 "THE ROAD TO GLORY GRAND FILM Love And Heroism In Battle A DRAMATIC star-shell Is promise* m -Thp Rom To Glory. Twentieth <'. ntury-Fo\ production nn« to the Capitol Theatre. ituring Uic year's most impresIhe film Ls bme<l as the ;trangest, strongest drama of love e\- v t the st-rctn.
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  • 224 7 My American Wife Lederer Sothern Romance T^HE romantic story of a titled nobleman who marries an American girl, and then sets about to prove himself a better American than she is and a better cowboy than his neighbours m Arizona, ia presented m "My American Wife," Paramount picture starring Francis
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  • 286 7 Yours For The Asking A NEW GEORGE RAFT HIT MEW honours are won by both George Raft and Dolores Costellt* Barrymoic. co-stars m the Paramount coroedy-romance. "Fours for the Asking," which opens shortly at the Pavilion. Raft appears as a gambling kause proprietor s-.oefring to start the swcfai climb: to
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  • 119 7 AN EMINENT Doctor Writes: l 7 HAVE FOUND THEY SUCCEED WHERE ALL ELSE HAS FAILED." M.D., M.R.C.S. Be guided by this, and the 12,000 other Asthma Specialists who constantly prescribe "EPHAZONE" for Asthma, Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma. Don't waste time. Use the best remedy. GET "EPHAZONE" TABLETS to-day. Even the worst
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  • 264 7 Fine Comedy For The Capitol THEY laugher! when Hugh Herbert stood up to play thu bass vioJ But they didn't know that he had been coached for a week by Louis Previati, former bass player of the San Francisco Symphony Orchestia! Laughter gave way to npplause when Herbert
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  • 199 7 Nights were Torture (hiou^li Lumbago only those who have suffered Uom lumbago know how excruciatingly painful it can b<\ And when they discover a remedy lor this complaint, they are anxious bo pass on the good news to other .sufferers. Let this man tell
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 Obtain rapid relief GET 'EPHAZONE" TO-DAY From All Chemists ij.. t CB I Packed m paper packets of J^ i 3's. and bottles of 15's. and 45's. EL IT ACTS QUICKLY' "^^T Sole Agents: THE EPHAZONE COMPANY, P. O. Box 217, Singapore 2 APB 8
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    • 25 7 YOU n SHOULD EAT L-^. NtSTLbS^r^C QUICK 9W£-^&S FOR EXTRA DRIVE FS I hJi OATS •NOW ON SALE flearf The MALAYA TRIBUNE Dominant In Malaya
      25 words
    • 245 7 sfasfasfsa your Hat §ir!\ /®sfe) -be sure it is a f < ~--^^^ft^ BATTERSBY < There is certainly a style fl^Wi to fit your personality and \i^'Sw^ i a weight for •very season. l^ f'jj^ BATTERSBY HATS FOP* MEN F^^^^^^^i3 i^3ii|&:' Beautifully polished solid Teak I «^T^*s«^fe^^i aSi^^Si 1 bedsteads
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    • 114 7 Nothing 6iiits a dog J)rtter m a hot climate than a Daily Dnnk of Sberleyt LACTOL. It keeps him tit and sprightly as nothing else can. Whereas much moat overloads a dog'l digCStkM and overheats his blOOd Siierlry's LACTOL, while Rivir.^; him the MM nouti hmrnt, keeps hisblood cool, hisdiprstionuorking
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  • 2898 8 THE SEA-WALL By S EA- WRA CK" Our Short Story RfeKE w wrong with j the m Hut ill -<- Cotrimaml r was uneasy, that aft< i noon we w playing soli' against the Conception Clvb ken of us aU tokl, out of four* i dfneers. fftkahiruK) to the full
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 45 8 _e***«s'v <4. d^ X.-^ Jk jp JffiMn. m»» 1 -4 ••^3 v >'' fIMR^)&^V '^'Sr' iSf a. P rinse and dry. That's all you h^mvv f^^Bi^l^i^lv iE IV JS^^ jk\ a/ i *0 pi^N. JEmfll fc I-EVEB BR(>Mir.R< !IM!TFI>. PORT M NMCHT. tNCTAND V **'«i/|l f
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    • 212 8 Look what film may cause STUBBORN STAINS For clean, sound teeth Remove FILM this way The fate of your teeth may rest on what you germs to teeth. Millions know how it polbbca do to remove film Don't risk ineffective meth- teeth to natural brilliance. And it does these ods
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  • 1706 9  - TALK OF THE TOWN- A MAVU WEEL" C. H. Stanley-Jones No Defence Talks: The University Project haw had a kind of unofficial Navy Week m Singapore, with about eighteen warps tiffereni nationality knocking around the harbour. Fir*! (am, 6ve of the Netherlands India mptfeJron under the command of Commodore and
    Rosalind Wong  -  1,706 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 1887 10 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. -by mi r woman correspondent HL'filNG the week Singapore and all its residents seem to have been very full of life, and it's all on account 01 the Navy, for we know that "all the nice tfirls love a sailor To begin with we had
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  • 280 10 AT Palais des Modes this week, they are making a special display of the handbags. They have just received a very smart selection m all the colours you could ever want. One of the nicest is a bright canary coloured yellow m. patent leather. Tt is quite
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  • 221 10 IN "Crocus" Mr. Neil Bell has gone all Romany. The wind on the heath, brother, and a host oi gipsy words, and a great deal ol brutality, and some fourth -form dirt all the well-known ingredients are here. The hero of "Crocus" is a gipsy medicine-seller called
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  • Article, Illustration
    1808 10 The other gown is also georgette and is white with tulips m red and blue scattered widely m different directions This has a cape to match, a lovely thing, almost hip length and just Hed at ih< neck so that the rest just flares way out. New flowers are also
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 178 10 9 Messrs. AURALIA'S HAT depart- de >011/a S ment which was run by Mr. Antonio is now back from Manila 9, STAMFORD ROAD. i to ffive you the same service m i Have always m stock Dresses for I Blocking, Bleaching. Remodelling, All Occasions, Model Hats, Slacks, vye-mg and also
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    • 85 10 s l A SHIPMENT OF BEAUTIFUL EVENING GOWNS ALSO HATS j FOB THE RACES HAVE Jl ST ARRIVED AT S 5 Stamford Kd., Singapore. Ca P itol BWngs. i> hone :j8:j8 m w m Announcing j I PRISCILLA LTD. i AWIAL SALE j j Commencing From \ov. 'Jitth *> 61
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    • 233 10 JUST UNPACKED j I Latest Cut of Ladies' 1 underwear Pekin Jewellery at j RACHELS Raffles Hotel, Bras Basah Road j WORKS BY SJrf AWHUk QUILLEK-COUCH Price $3.00 Each. STUDIES IN LITERATURE (Ist Series) "Only the most human and lov- S able of authors are slipped into S our pockets
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    • 71 10 CELTEX soluble easily disposed o} THE ORIGINAL very popular X jll wool with very soft cover Of all Chemists and Stores Sole Agents for Malaya GRAFTQN LABORATORIES .Sinfapore. f«.«TO»lt I EAU OE BEAUTE A gentle astringent, mild as summer rain which can be used freely on the most sensitive skin.
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  • 926 11 MOTES from KUALA LUMPUR and FRASER'S HILL THERE was a big attendance at the Ex-Services dance, held at the Selangor Club last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lin ford wils looking very smart m a brick-red tunic over a dark choclate brown skirt, and Mrs. Sharpe wore a striking frock of gold,
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  • 109 11 ARMISTICE week was full of events, which were all very well patronised. The visitors were most generous, considering 'his was their second contribution towards the fund The total sum collected war, well over $300 much to everyone's delight All thos o who helped to make our
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 164 11 At Vogue's!!! Where the Singapore Smart-Dressed Ladies Are Quick To Recognise Arrestingly Smart Clothes. Silhouettes Changes m Basic Types Exclusive 1 Selection for Evening and Afternoon Wear. Turnover Collar Wide Shoulders Armhole Fulness m Sleeve Basque Bodice-Flared Tunics. At Vogue's any Nowhere Else m Town you will find such large
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    • 66 11 t I ANNOUNCES A SPECIAL DISPLAY of CLOTH AND TWEED SUITS and ENSEMBLES j for TOWN and COUNTRY WEAK and for TRAVELLING Phone Maynards Bldgs. i 4974 11, Battery Road. 1 .5. I PALAIS DES MODES, j 33, Stamford Road, S Phone 4616. Have just unpacked a large selection of
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    • 192 11 safafasf Alt 4^^ fc m> FOR ll\U\US ATIIOII I< GIFT HAMPER No. 12. t^^&^jj^^^Sr Containine: i 1 fGwi <approx. weight A l 2 lbs.) vwf Bot. Sherry (Real). /^> j. Bot. Port (Fine Tawny). i Box Pulled Figs. 2 lb. Basin X'mas Pudding. TURKEYS 1 2 lb. Jordan Almonds. "J
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  • 617 12 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Singapore: Sunday. Nov. 22, 1936. DEFENCE OF MALAYA AT the meeting >i the Lsgisiaiiv; Cornell on Wednesd -y slio paper by the neral, j an introduction to Commandant Fink's import on Volunttcrina m the Colony, pleaded for attention to local Forces. Tiie public is accusWd to the annual
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  • 984 12  -  G S. Hammonds Telling The PublicGetting Away With mm Errors When We Hope For The Best A New Method Of Holding The Purse-Strings THE season of budgets has once more come and i» one, and official faces register isure at the generous surpluses that have been
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  • 671 12  -  HERE is an aspect of the servant problem which we m Malaya can appreciate. A A A A •THE mistress entered the kitchen hur- j riedly "Weren't you told to watch when th milk boiled over?" she said. "I did, ma'am." replied the maid.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 69 12 Tiger Beer IS lI I'M j7nexnettAtve <Swiss c>Ce4ser UAJcnes fJf^WEK^B 15 jewels lever IJKs^Eiri^sß Chromium from $7.7f 18ct. rolled gold ft \SSfi^Ss^==^i ii ■jEHM% \7^^^"\\^BB Stainless .steel 15 KKv° vy^^vSl Gold ao>- BMbV^JE?! |j!^^_- yW UtuxZ 4&L <>u/l Py i -\m fJ y- y y^ b^^Bbl bH P*** m MMi
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  • 635 13 RESTRICTION POLICY REVERSED DOCTOR'S GRAVE STATEMENT GOVERNMENT TRYING TO KEEP DRUG REVENUE? (Hy a Staff Reporter) ALLEGATIONS that the local Government has reversed its former po!ic-> tf r-strictimc the sale of opium and that it is not vi in* la -ive up the opium
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  • 625 13 A PERSONAL EXPERIENC E No Sane Man Trust* An Opium Smoker One of the latest is from a Straitsburn Chinese who lives m Ipoh. He formerly a clerk m the Government service. He had an operation m 1932 and became affected with a queer malady m the form of acute
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  • 194 13 New Consul-General's Statement I HAVE become used to Singapore j and I like the place," said Mr. Kao i Ling Pai, the Chinese Consul-General, i !in a chat with a Sunday Tribune reporter. "At the various receptions given m my honour I have indicated rrvy views
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  • 283 13 Carrying Of Torch For Olympic Games IN the .spring of 1940, if present ulan* materialise, long distance runners wii! trod the Malayan roads to Singapore and then take steamship for Manila and Shanghai, carrying the Olympic torch to Tokyo, where lie next World Olympic Games will
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  • 421 13 (By R A Thompson D O Sc > <Dr. of Ocular Science". THE son of a doctor friend of mine en- tered school not iong ago, and then two or three weeks afterwards the teacher came to his father and said that she believed the boy
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  • 306 13 AUSPICIOUS START MADE IN SING A PORE TWENTY-THREE boy,- of various j nationalities comprise the inmates of the new Singapore Indus trial Boys' Home, run by the Salvation Army with funds furnished by the Rotary Club. The home is situated at 8, Kirn Keat Road, and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 52 13 «i AfTflfTlVP' b M|K| I^HBsSl fll 1 1 Proof and praise from everywhere. wk Your baby, too, will tlifive J& on "Lactogren. w Mother! p< I :1 ?0$ to-day. For a sample tin ot Lactogen, gpoon Measure and Baby Book s°ntl 20 cents m unused post2JC tO! "LACTOOKN," 129/135, Cebil
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  • 1383 14  -  W. B. Paterson COME people arc never satisfied. One of my readers, wh i gives his address as Central Mental Hospital, Tanjoftg Rambutan, complains that the emergency exit which I gave free with last week's issue of the Sunday Tribune won't work. He says that
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 179 14 i j*\^^ < TICKETS ISSUED S BY ALL STEAM- j FOR AIR AND TRAVEL iRAILWAYLrnss !NO BOOKING FEES. Chinese and all Asiatic clients are given the best of attention S and assistance. 39, Robinson Koad, Singapore. Telephone 5908. j._ WATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNES CYMA JEWELLED LEVER MOVEMENTS NICKEL POCKET from 8.50
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  • 686 15 TRAFFIC IN WOMEN CHILDREN CONFERENCE IN JAVA IN FEBRUARY Malaya Will Be Represented (Sunihiv Tribune Special) f\lh Sunday Tribune is m v position to give details concerning the international conference to be held m Bandoeng, Java, early m IVlHuary next year to discuss the a'i-impor\ant world-wide problem •I traffic m
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  • 505 15 Was In Singapore Recently DARWIN message states that Dr. Clyde Fenton. known as the "Flying Doctor of Australia", who was In Singapore for th- international anti-malaria course, crashed and was injured. Darwin, Nov. 10. Dr. Clyde Teuton. 34, the Flying Doctor, crashed m dense jungle near Darwin
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  • 273 15 The "Pepper King" Is Released By Air Mail* Ockley (Surrey), Oct. 31. PARABED BISHIRGIAN, the "Pepper King," who was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment last February, is due for release from Wormwood Scrubs next week. Good conduct has earned him the tun three months' remission. He has been
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  • 431 15 Creatures Which Thrive In Darkness IT is a pity that visitors to the Zoo are never likely to obtain a glimpse of some remarkable little creatuies known )S Olms which arrived at the Aquarium. The teason is th°.i Olms thrive only m complete darkness, In
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  • 303 15 At Official Launching Demonstration London. MAN'S newest wonder— television— has just been officially "launched" m Britain by the inauguration of the world's first television service, and it is now possible for a large number of Londoners who care to buy receivers to "look on" as well as "listen
    303 words
  • 95 15 Berlin. The hundredth anniversary of the birth of "the man who never used a swear-word" was celebrated by Berlin students recently. Ht was a teacher named Professor Ledwig Bellermann. of Berlin University. He always declared that a man's character could be told by how he spoke
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  • 564 15 Comminsion's Report ITS ABOLITION IS "UNDESIRABLE" (By Air Mail) London, Nov. 4. J3RIYATE firms which manufacture or trarh m amis are unlikely to quarrel over the report issued yesterday by the Royal Commission that has been inquiring into the British arms industry. Other people will be bitterly
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  • 107 15 Listed As "War" Customer For First Time Washington. Pitcaiin Island, the home of the mutineers from H.M.S. Bounty who settled there m 1790, is now listed officially as a "War Implements" customer of the United States. The South Sea settlement purchased £9 worth of rifles and carbines and
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  • 477 15 Annual Picnic A MUSLIM VISITS JAPAN "THE fir>t annual picnic of the Sehabat Pena of Singapore (a branch of the All-Malaya Sehabat Pena) was held at the Tanjong Rhu Post Office Bungalow on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Among those present were Mr. A. M. Alsagoff, J.P. (Patron),
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  • 92 15 Muni.ii A memorial to a man who is Mill alive has been unveiled at Parsbtif:. i town m the Upper Palatinate. The man Is Konstantin, Hieil. the Nazi Labour Service Leaoer and head of some million young Qennan workers. As a tribute to his w^rk, iu Nazi have
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 122 15 The enormous sales enjoyed by Andrew* Liver Salt are proof of its great popularity— proof that its healthful, invigorating and refreshing qualities are widely appreciated Now, laboratory research enables Andrews to be packed for Malaya m the economy tin. Andrews m tin is the same bubbly Andrews that you have
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  • 624 16 Formation Of An R.N.V.S. Reserve (By Air itail) London. Nov. 4. THE formation of a Royal Naval Volunteer Supplementary Reserve, announced last week by Sir Samuel Hoare, ii a step m the right direction, ana II it to be hoped that it may be regarded as
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  • 154 16 STOMACH GAS GONE AFTER ONE DOSE kWiiui M Absorbed And (ondenstd instantly ;i:' (>r in(ir-'f.-.t.ion, ilnwfil to I'-nu'nt m your .;:u-h the .-iloiiu-clj b« onifs distend'VlLh -V..::0.." 'Iln- i-'".'»lT i, OV. ii.-ui-tburn, m th< ttiroa't. It tnut il you condenSft volume—you wonM more. And this is i ac'iivated charcoal I
    154 words
  • 205 16 Minister Announces Higher Prizes 'By Air Mail i HOLLOWING the failure oT the Paris--1 Saigon and return air race M Pierre Cot. the French Air Minister" announces to-night an increase m the prizes which he is to distribute m the Paris-New York race organised for next Spring
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  • 716 16 Clubs Victimised A METHOD OF SHKER BLUFF <liy ki\ Hail) London. \<>\ 4. gEWARE football's first confidence trickster." That Is the warning which has been posted by the Poot- ball Association to all clubs. Behind it lies amazing story of a North of England youth who.
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  • 82 16 K. Tobin To Help IVm m Cricket Ixa^ue Stockport Cricket Club, who ljj JJ been elected to »he Central League- tor nexi have arrangements with H Josepn^ the Australian To' pift] heir P fessional for next season i .....iraiigns Tobin lius p! llu A"? lr< H against South
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 277 16 Mpp^^ JIhWfVV^ B [j PV'Vix^^R^n »^l Ti wJ 3| k4 iß&i'' <•.-■.• v? ■'TfTfmT^TVi^^r •<l?"'/ Sxfl m^^ ma 0 t by thi wakens O? mmOuj r^j c 1 1 T I R*?^3 CrT'*^^: v J/* JTA&*~ W?\jr j %y HKIAi A/^r^^^J^J^ jflit^ WmvxxL* Sfe ORIENTAL STSIIAi OS nS^S^ ,>- S!Mfi«pORE.
      277 words
    • 57 16 l\ V*^ Jl 'WEAKNESS. \ll DEBILITY CH I EN S'Syru p N«Y//y KS^s of Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy AL <I7 "YS CURES, and gives health and strength. T«f better than serums, raw n: o at, Medicated wines, etc A. CLOUET CO.,
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    • 1 16 dfsfasfsaf
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  • 699 17 /A DEFENCE OF XO Till UPS By H oral i us IS genera] rule it may be accepted that game bids are easier to make m suit than at Trumps because where the declarer has a prcponder- unce of trumps, he Is able to use them as definite
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  • 132 17 1,635 Applicants Had Criminal Records Washington, D.C. No fewer than 1,G35 persons, who applied for civil service posts m America during 1935, had criminal records. This was discovered by their fingerprints. Since 1922 every candidate for the civil service has been olliged to have his, or her,
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  • 88 17 Winter cold Ls already brinpinff mlxfortunp m Eastern Europ°. Wcflve s In i North -East Poland are becoming aggressive and are entering villages and attacking cattle. One park has caused considerable damage at the village of Szydtowfce, while ir. another hamlet three wolves entered a barn and
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  • 633 17 "KRUGER SOVEREIGN TRICK ALLEGED /DOCTORS STORY OF HOW £2,300 DISAPPEARED (By Air Mail) London, Nov. 11. ALLEGATIONS that a doctor was defrauded of £2,300 by the "Kruger sovereign confidence trick" were made m a remarkable case at Plymouth. "This," declared Mr. J. Scott Henderson, prosecuting, **is an illustration of a
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 106 17 o?ha Cat fot Spcfctlncf People 1937 W^rir J ffk 8. S.A SCOUT W^ C 1 If '^*tifc\> qJou)l c)eatez ac JLuxa L ji 1 Remote control gear lever g£T aVc^C^^S-^. under the detail and the F pelightfuDjr smart and pleas- f^^Tj|»4'| j c: *^\> inir m appearance, outstand- 0 a
      106 words
    • 218 17 Read The MALAYA TRIBUNE Dominant In Malaya Lite 1& JBii y A ;t^^^^^^^mhi^^^^M^ FOUR YEARS' CONSTANT USE PROVE tsjg£ Ul IT THE PERFECT SACLESS PEN! S ■%3 ii nitr *»k »<»hWOTWITIi'JTANDINf: that sacles** pen-, are nothing n»w, Co\ernment« »f' •«»«r»«»« m all over the world have recognized the g<-niu» of
      218 words
    • 114 17 fIPMi Hawe kirf w r v j^p^W You Tried IX LLL M L A MEL 0 i DURING COLDS? ~jsKfi These soft, absorbent tissues aro won--42| r ritfPrf er f u "y soothing. And they don't spread i^FidP^l germs as handkerchiefs do. Kleenex holds a- i^^B germs fast then rts
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  • 303 18 BETTER TERMS IN FUTURE NANKING MOVE Pensions In Case Of Accidents PIPORTANT ituwi to protect the intcrrsts of the Chinese labourers m Malaya and other parts of the world have been taken by the Chinese Government, according to information reaching the Sunday Tribune. It is announced
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  • 793 18 60-YEAR-OLD WIDOW PLEADS INNOCENCE (By Air Mail) London, Nov. 4. FOR the second day m succession a 60-year-old widowed mother faced the magistrates here to-day on a charge of murdering her 37--year-old dwarf son. Pleading not guilty, she was committed for trial at Suffolk Assizes
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  • 253 18 Scientific Research In New Guinea FOR the last ten months, Miss L. E. Cheesman, an entomologist, has been m the wilds of New Guinea, her only companions being some 30 carriers and four camp boys. She arrived m Sydney by the Macdhui, on her way
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  • 683 18 Students Passing Through Singapore A Significant Fact Worldsworth Gold Coming A Crusader For International Friendship New Chinese Bank For Ipoh? (By Our Chinese Correspondent) I^ACH Italian passenger vessel passing through Singapore invariably has on board a number of Chinese student:- either on the way to or returning
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 104 18 WMV IS THIS WHISKY J&*iW ISECAUSE there is that subtle jr^x^r «j* difference m its flavour MmtW/ an^ Q^^-^y which distinguishes rom ai^ other whiskies. jW3fc^K It has been said that there is no difference to-day between ni one we!i-knou m brand and c^^^^^^r another, but convinclns: proof i> '**^^Bw
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    • 2 18 v»™ J
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  • 816 19  -  Dragon <By PROBABLE COLONY TEAM i NINE TIES Tan Chong Tee To Play No. 1 DADMINTON followers throughout Malaya are lookin forward to the inter-state mat, h between Sinsapor. !uJ Perak which wi|| hp Ipoh f!urins the Ckrtstmas JlHidays. As I had already m these columns,
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  • 154 19 Coming Match Between Kudai And Sandakan Badminton has become very popular m Kudat. Prominent persons such as the D.O. and the D.A. D.O. are very ki. j en. The July Badminton Party, which Is one of the strongest parties m North Borneo, due to the advantage of
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  • 650 19 Enjoyable Picnic At Bedok THE .seventh anniversary oi the Novice Badminton Party was celebrated on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 7 and h. On Saturday a dinner was held at the Great World Restaurant where a gathering of about forty members and friends, including several ladies, sat
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  • 565 19 IT the annual general meeting of the Junior Civil Service Association held on Nov. 14, 1936, the following gentlemen were elected to form the committee of management for 1936 1937: President, Mr. Kiong Chin Eng; Ist vice-president, Mr. Lim Seng Kiang, 2nd vice-president, Mr. L. A. Joseph;
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  • 99 19 London. TEST matches between England and Australia m England m 1938 the date of the next Australian tour here— are likely to be given five days each instead of the present four. An official request to this effect irom Australia will come before the Board or Control of
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  • 1047 19  -  Racquet KEEN GAMES Tan Cheng Phor Wins Again (By 'PHE 1936 Perak Badminton championship tournament held ai the week-end was one of the most successful events m recent years m the State. Although the entries received were rather disappointing, enthusiasm displayed by all competitors was keener than
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 5 19 Ml H I H fill
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    • 112 19 I cVsSLDREN LIKE THIS I I ANTISEPTIC CLEANSING I I DENTAL CREAM I BjS f-jJii^%' Recosnirt end Ct Too! 9 Dentists recommend Kolynos Have your children use because of its antiseptic Kolynos morning and night, cleansing properties. It m- Just a half-inch on a dry stantly destroy? the dangerous brush
      112 words
    • 203 19 TRAIN YOURSELF. For a good post- acquire the trained ability which alone can com- J^ mand high remunera- |b tion by studying at -«m. home under THE I* I SCHOOL OF ACCOUNT- M ANCY, London and j^Mm Glasgow, (the foremost Home Study Bu.sjness Training University m 4HHHHIP the Empire) for
      203 words

  • 848 20 MORE TITLE EIGHTS WANTED MUDDLE OF THE ORIENT CHAMPIONSHIPS (By "X.0.") gINGAPORE has become just as important a c< ntre for b xi g as Manila and Japan. A few years ago cham] msh p fights were only staged m Manila and
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  • 746 20 PROSPECTS Weaknesses In Hockey Side mi Our Own Correspondent) Malacca MALACCA fielded a depleted hockey n against Selangor at Kuala Lumpur last Saturday. Forbes, Hodgkinson, Wood and Salmon did not assist the si:ie. all three first-named ausMllng the more urgent call of rugger, while Salmon failed
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  • 260 20 Vs. Selangor Malacca (BY STKKS") TINGAPORE and Sela wore iohave •3 met m their fixture at Kuala Lumpur yesterday evening. Both ;<'ams h;, iar been uncu feated both their matches against Sembilan and Malacca by conifo margins, while Singapore convincingly beat the Negri m their first encounter. Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
    1030 20 TWO correspondents, one m Singapore and the other from Bandar Bahru, Kedah. have written m on subjects which are of great interest. The Singapore correspondent refers to the impending visit of a hockey team from Japan, comprising many of their players who played at Berlin m the
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 272 20 V.^t-Vite not only yy^m^ft?^ Don't suffer days <&^\ paifl and discom- V < V^~«\ 0/ />fli» a«t/ l//- WT^^/ a lort bwt too« the whole £g/ £wWi relief J^T "*A well! It nour- f^A <Q f^X. 1 /^w '~"^J a the nerves aud V 4£ jl^" J a purities the
      272 words

  • Article, Illustration
    542 21 A Toy Pa ra de Some of the soft how, With an Ark, at R d Co. Thi, hristmaa display NOV. no other time of the year children are being catered for and display of toys this year is more Mian last year's h mak- wish that one did not
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  • 68 21 Shanghai, Nov. 20. A Japanese, by name Matsiimoto, disguised as a lama was detained oy Gen. Ma Pu Fang's men at Kanning, while allegedly attempting to forge ni:> wa:/ into the interior of Tibet on espionage work An alleged forged passport has been found on his person
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  • 439 21 Lt. Col. Williams Interviewed Singapore, Saturday. ICINING the British Army as a subJ altern In the Second Battalion, the Middlesex Regiment, now stationed m Singapore, and rising to the rank of Lt. -Colonel, and now Travelling Commissioner of the Royal Empire Society, Lt.-Colonel S. P. Williams, C.1.E.,
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  • 38 21 The 2nd annual inspection of the Fifth Singapore Company of the Boys' Brigade will be held at the Choon Guan Presbyterian Mission School ground, 41, Kcon Seng Road, Katong, on Saturday. Nov. 28, at 4.30 p.m.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 182 21 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Perak Turf Club llTWiriß SKYK MEETING 1936. Thursday. 10th December, 1936 Saturday. 12th December, 1936 The Subscription for Visiting Members I be:— MEN $5 LADIES $2 for the Meeting or any day thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must be introduced by Members of the Club and MUST LV TO THE
      182 words
    • 265 21 /""Quick ReiiefN VjTOMACH PAIMI A HERE is no other stomach remedy known I I *s-j} to medical science with a curative action more 't^ simple, certain and complete than Bisurated 4fe J Magnesia. It is so remarkable that it gives vT practically instant relief, even when you arr writhing with
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  • 27 22 McLarnin Outpoints Ambers New York, Nov. 21. IN a ten -round bout at catchweichts, McLarnin, the former welterweight champion, ou'pointfti Ambers the Lightweight champion. Reuter.
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  • 91 22 The following have been invited to play Association Football on Monday Nov. 30 at S.C.C.:— THE REST 'm Whites*: J. D. Hawtey: Caot. N. L. Hammond, R. V. Welch: O. R. T. Henman. J. H. Abbott. L. D. S. Gardiner: A. E. Minns. W. D. J. Vincent C
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  • 56 22 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES DEATH. KOGAN— On Nov. 21, at No. 15 Lane B. [St. George's Road, Singapore. Mrs. Josephine Marie Hogan nee Cazala.s m her 76th year. The Cortege will leave for the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd at 4 p.m. for the funeral service, and then for interment at Bidaciaii
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  • 895 22 AIRMEN NAVY BEATEN KEEN PLAY Persistency Well I Rewarded PAIN, which came down just before the start of the game evidently kept the crowd away from the Malaya Cup Rugger match between Singapore and the R.A.F. and R.N. a! Jalan Besar Stadium to-day, and a
    895 words
  • 484 22 What The I^adies M nr*> At The Hay I ILTHOUGH the weather was rather I A fluti at thi ftrsi day of the Winter J Race Meeting, then- was a attend* I Bukn. Timah day. I saw Mrs. Weier then togethei t&4. and Mrs. Fred Knight.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 181 22 the insecticide ,^mm*^mm\ End the menace and torment of mosquitoes can deridr right now to free yourself of the danger and annovanrc of tiu»quitoes. Beware of viA MMdicMw. Tliey often setni iiosquitix-s but soon these rnmt- buck to life, ;hl than before. FLIT |MiMti\eiy Lili.H ni\)*>quitoes and all oiiirr in>«j-<-t-..
      181 words
    • 271 22 WHY HAVE CORNS? The writer ot che etter below naa six a^onisinK enrns She walked m -nisery Then she tried Radox Out jame those corns They fust 'iad :o when Radox ?ot busy Read lief rratefui letter: have always suffered mm :orns md after trying many iifferem emedies find Radox
      271 words
    • 194 22 Mr II ■••'•'i\ I \W A^Sa mi *l/\ 9 'Y^ Vv^^^a M #the clock for any room m the house! In your bedroom Big Ben Chime Alarm ticks so quietly that you scarcely hear him all night long. Then, at the appointed hour, comes his first call a gentle whisper.
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  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 8 24 The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1936.
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    • 28 24 Above and below (light) are lour pictures of the annual inspection of the R.N.V.R., by Commodore Clarke, Chief of Naval Establishments, Singapore, on Friday.
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    • 47 24 CHAPLAIN OF THE U.S. ASIATIC FLEET The Rev. A. E. Stone, Ohap/n of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet which is now m Singapore AN UNUSUAL SETTING: Tommy Farr, who recently beat Jimmy Wilde, of Swansea, thereby winning the Welsh heavy-weight championship, is a candidate for Ben Foord's title.
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      4 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 144 24 24 Pages for 5 CENTS LISTEN fto the latest Song anri /)j9/tf& Hits OH late arrivals. You'll sway to their per- IP^ jßJllfsir M A rER s feet rhythm and thoroughly enjoy them. WHft^ fc*f- M.R. 2159 Is well worth having "IT'S A M.R. 2189 "LAUGHING IRISH EYES" SIN TO
        144 words
      • 7 24 For Best \Sports Reports Read the TItIBIJNE
        7 words