Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 4 October 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 14 1 The Sunday Tribune Vol. 1. No. 17. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY OCTOBER 4, 1936. VIVE CENTS.-
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  • 1445 1 STRONG WORDS AT I.S. P. MEETING SIX MONTHS' PROGRESS CONDITIONS THE BEST SINCE THE SLUMP QTUOXG criticism of the exploitation of unemployed men, by compelling them to accept any terms and refusing any provision for leave pay and passages, was expressed at the half-yearly
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  • 1048 1 MANCHESTER GUARDIAN AND A REASON FOR DESPAIR London, Oct. 3. EDITORIAL comment m the morn- ing papers is principally directed to the speech which the Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered last night at a mass meeting m connection with the Conservative Party Conference
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  • 218 1 Govt. Policy Condemned PRIVATE ARMS MANUFACTURE London, Oct. 3. THE following resolution on defence and armaments has been tabled by the National Executive of the Labour Party for discussion at next week's Party conference at Edinburgh: "That in view of the threatening attitude of dictatorships, which
    British Official Wireless  -  218 words
  • 34 1 Met On Arrival In London Yesterday London, Oct. 3. HIS Highness the Sultan of Selangor reached London to-day and was met by Rear- Admiral Bromley (representing Mr. Crmsby-Gore), Mr. V. A. Reutcr
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 119 1 BRITAIN AMERICA ARE GREATLY INTERESTS© London, Oct. 3. U/ELL-lNFORMEl) quarters re affirm that Britain is not disinterested in the present Faj Eastern crisis. i Stress is laid on the importance of British interests in China, which would be affected either by a Japanese Protectorate over
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 42 1 Two Dutch Holiday-Makers In Australia Perth. Oct. 1 The Dutch airmen, Rous and Van Beckman, who had been missing since thev left Perth on Wcdnesdaw^ on a holiday flight roun^ Australia, wei& found 'uninjured 12tf miles sdVr of Kalgoorhe.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 28 1 N.E.I. Expert Duly Fixed Reuter .Batavia, Oct 1. THF Netherlands Fast Induexport duty on native rubber has been fixed at lift > geJM per hundred kilograms dry.
    Reuter  -  28 words
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  • 268 2 GET UP, MY FACE IS BURNING" HUSBANDS DEATH CRY IN ACID DRAMA (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. FE brutal attack on a Javanese family at Ayer Molok when an unknown assailant flung acetic acid on them while they were asleep on midnight on Aug. 24, causing the instant death
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  • 209 2 Two Out Of Three Drop Out Singapore, Saturday. THE three youths who set out to tour Malaya on bicycles some weeks ago progressed well as far as Butterworth, and had during their journey made some studies of native life about which they intend to write a
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  • 123 2 Incident At The Singapore Races Singapore, Saturday. Leaving his car at the owner-drivers' car park at the Bukit Timah Race Course on the afternoon of Sept. 19, a European resident of Singapore proceeded to the grand stand. On returning to the car park after the races, he found
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  • 179 2 TOKYO ENVOY Bringing Orders For Moderation? Shanghai, Oct. 3. JAPANESE marine patrols and sentries m Hongkew were greatly reduced this morning. The tension has relaxed. Political circles believe that a breathing spell has been given as a result of the decision of Tokyo to send Mr.
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  • 46 2 Anti-Aircraft Guns In Action Madrid, Oct. 3. INSURGENT planes bombed the outskirts I of Madrid last night apparently aiming at the military aerodromes, but as far as is known no important objectives were touched. Government anti-aircraft guns were ln action against the raiders. Reuter.
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  • 14 2 Simla, Oct. 3. The Indo-Japanese trade talks were resumed to-day. Reuter.
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  • 597 2 MUCH LOST j Post Office Works Overtime Singapore, Saturday. SINGAPORE postal officials and cierks have been working overtime last night and this morning m a great endeavour to have the salvaged mai'fc from the Imperial Airways liner Athena, which were brought by relief plane to
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  • 2714 2 COLONIAL SECRETARY STRESSES f.OOI)\VII.|. DISTINGUISHED GATHERING AT BRILLIAIft LOCAL TEA PAftTY Singapore, Sunday. "I MAY mention, m this connection I that during the last 28 years, I have carefully followed the develop- I ments m Arab countries, and have found that every dispute
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    • 40 2 A Picture to Look Forward To! Hfßfewll JEAN HARLOW __^___r____ -_f l|9ki&£i3HMpv______. lH V a *$3BlJ£|j§!*. itu*^ Fraii€*lioi io?ip M.-G.-M.'s exhilarating story of a Beautiful American show-girl m the web of Wartime Espionage m Paris! < omhig to the CAPITOL SOOY!
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  • 112 3 Major Fey And Prince Starhcmberg Vienna. Oct. 3. FOLLOWING the action of Prince Starhemberg m expelling Major Fey and Major Lais, the Vice-Mayor of Vienna, from the Heimwehr on the ground that they were aiming at destroying the unity of the Heimwehr. Dr. Schuschnigg, the Austrian dictator,
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 3 X Tin- and Miss Chiang Sou Fong. who were married at ,c ConsuUue-Genera!, Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 284 3 A Brilliant Success This Year Singapore. Saturday. THE St. Andrew's School held a fair to-day which was organised by the staff and members of the school. Mrs. Tay Lian Teck opened the show at 3 p.m and business continued briskly till 9 p.m. Nearly 1,000 people
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  • 143 3 Against Ex-Secretary Of Loan Society Singapore, Saturday. Further evidence was recorded by Mr. i B Gibson, District Judge, Criminal District Court, to-day m the case m which a young Straits-born Chinese Wong Tet Conn, formerly m the employ ot a local newspaper, is appearing on two serious
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  • 1475 3 THE* il .number of surprises m Ibnw teat ball rrJatche^ full which, as cabled by I clow. ta,_wher with ion of the learns at present Fn- if -ing on points m the F o, where Derby County weiv surprisingly beaten by Brentford at h<
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  • 229 3 Several Ceremonies In Singapore Singapore, Saturday. A PRETTY wedding took place at eight-o-clock this morning at St. Joseph's Church, when Miss Irene Olive Olivero, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Augustas Olivero, was married to Mr. Roland Carlos de Roza, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Leonard d'Costa.
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  • 110 3 Both Amusement Parks Crowded SINGAPORE'S two amusement parks were thronged last night. At the New World a Lantern, Chingay and Lanchang Kuning procession was held In the cabaret, the Chinese Swimming Club held a very successful dance m aid of their Building Fund. A large gathering was present
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  • 116 3 Many Keen Games In Union Matches London, Oct. 3. TO-DAY'S matches m the Rugby Union resulted^ as follows: Coventry 17 Leicester 3 Devonport Serv. 15 Bristol 11 Gloucester 11 O. Cranleighans 10 Guy's Hospital 0 U.S. Portsmouth 25 Harlequins 13 London Scottish 5 Manchester 15 Waterloo 3 Old
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  • 48 3 London, Oct. 3. THE result of the Imperial Produce Stakes. 6 furlongs, run at Kempton Park to-day, was as follows: LOVERS' PATH 1. ALI PASHA 2. RUBY TIGER 3. Fleven ran; won by neck. Betting s—l Lovers' Path, 7—2 Ali I asha, 5-2 Ruby Tiger. —Router.
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  • 168 3 Interesting Display In Singapore Singapore, Saturday. A GENERAL inspection of scouts m Singapore by Mr. F. C. Sands, the Commission sr for Malaya, took place 'o-day on .the Victoria School ground. Mr. H. R. Cheeseman, Chief Inspector of Schools, was present and he agreed with
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    • 209 3 DICTIONARIES BOOKS) OF^REFERENCE Latest Editioiis Cloth Hon nd t on_|»e<hivo Frjceg fdfprr^^ss^ fflBIBfcegiri 1 p ISm CNCYCLOWOIA |g|| A ll Illii If TIU- NATIONAL \\\_Lm_M 11 /•^A^l^^^^l DICTIONARY IS i f^^^^^^~35| AND ENCYCLOPEDIA tf£*l fef.. ""r^P_SfjPPs^? g^F t lii| The Popular Dictionary at a popular price. 512 pages. 40,000 KING'S
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    • 521 4 I You will veil like a Redskin when you see these comics j n th« #^#>3f9C{btt*fi? -^a^^ i I SEASON EXTENDED AND NO WONDER! Badlands when the rest was yo m* and foolish! WJV iPHH|, 5 Hundreds have come back Twice to see this ALHAMBRA 6.1-, 3 SSftv Grand Thrilling
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  • 50 5 Here's A Chance To Get To Know Us S£rS rename, while his discourses an subjects, economic natinmi _.«<* "d^ttro 1 an" £*E i^S^^^S^^^ -n" ?hl ™»"th «f IL £i Sta^2f- Jone l has played an important part m the growth of the Malaya Tribune, having joined its staff seventeen years
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  • 994 5 KING TO RIDE IN ROYAL BARGE PLAN to ■tftgc the most splen- did pageant on the River Thames since the colourful days of the Tudors and Stuarts has been brought to the notice of the Coronation officials, following a suggestion by Mr. A. P. Herbert. It
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    • 116 5 f the insecticide j "9t J End the menace and torment of mosquitoes can decide right now to free yourself of the danger and annoyance of mosquitoes. Beware of weak insecticides. They often seem to kill mosquitoes but soon these dangerous pests come back to life, more full of fight
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    • 102 5 dfgdsfgdsfg Children's delicate clothes last longer WITH LUX CARE Those gay, delicate frocks and little Mouses chosen and made with such care. What a j>itv ihey lose their fresh daintiness so easily! /"Xi_^#C l*3___k cl il i- only a question of correct washing lo _S^^? have them new-looking and immaculate
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    • 180 5 Jjfe Com*! W^TT GETS- IT on an jCa aching and painful corn __^llßf______L brings a happy smile of JsmWaJ mk relief and satisfaction. B{h_L matter bow old your W corns are, where they l&W&tr \Si arc,' how badly they hurt, mf /BE, 1 tS y° u catx a^ wa vs
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  • 1181 6 AFRICA TO CE YL ON IN A DAY AIR DEFENCE PLAN FOR INDIAN OCEAN AFRICA to Ceylon m 2V 2 hours, Africa to Australia m 31 These are the possibilities m a scheme for bridging the Indian Ocean by air as part of the Overseas Defence programme. The project has
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  • 815 6 GOD OF LOVE, Not WAR Mr. Gandhi's View, ANTI-WAR AMPAK.v MISREPRESENT© El Stales m voted four lv sured condemna Q lhp war movem pard and other rttaruan. Tl;. d,. into its support I T^ Bhagwad Gita m th. n the true but difficult tea*h_». of Christianity be 1 J* must
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    • 683 6 Whole Family's r^ CORNS Keep \four <^i M M Skin rree l^^w^i iI'ATK- removed by Radox A M V-r*ll "Aching feet pul years on you," this lady. She states a literal fact. F< M^m fr* J _fßnSfSfra& early urink,es il "«i aging lines you Lave on \n Jkm lklT% mVm\
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  • 339 7 -MESSAGE TO GARCIA" A BEER V TRIUMPH GREAT AMERICAN HISTORICAL DOCUMENT IMERK AN history has again supA plied the screen with dramatic material as it did m "The Prisoner Of Shark Island.'* The basis of the ti'uv which is opening shortly at the Alhambra. is
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  • 141 7 MARY ASTOR WRITING A BOOK MARY ASTOR'S pretty fingers are l*t boay on the typewriter. She is said to be beginning the first chapters bock whether a novel or ren.ini--cenes is not revealed And Hollywood i.s perturbed. It has not yet forgotten the revelations m her famous love diary, which
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  • 350 7 BRITAIN'S GREA TEST MUSICAL COMEDY JESSIE MATTHEWS SCORES IN "ITS LOVE AGAIN* JESSIE MATTHEWS has never had a J picture thar was more elaborate produced; or m which she rec veu better support 'nan "Its Love Aw'i' .■oming shortly to the Pavilion. Robert Young, was specially brcught 'over from Hollywood
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  • 207 7 Jean Harlow In New Role A War Time Stfor^ Wrtfc Can/ Grant WAR-TIME intrigue is the background, but the sacrificing love and courage of a woman is the theme of "Suzy," which is shortly due at the Capitol with Jean Harlow m the title role. The picture was directed by
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  • 252 7 "OUR GRACIE" NOT TO RETIRE "Surprising How Money Goes" GRACIE FIELDS has scotched two rumours. Rumour One: That she was going to retire. Rumour Two: That she was going to Hollywood to make pictures at between £50,000 and £65,000 a time. An this is what Gracie said: "Don't you believe
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  • 146 7 First Film Since Illness ELIZABETH BERGNER has 5t...... work on her new lim "Dreamin.' Lins" at Denham. "Dreaming Lip.s" has been adapted ■by Margaret Kennedy (who wrote j "Escape Me Never" specially for Miss 1 Bergnen irom Henry Bernstein's famous play "Melo." Miss Bergner will star
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    • 7 7 ENG ATN TONG nn; tk-i:k iheim<vii< ham
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    • 167 7 Effect Magical In ASTHMA Relief Rapid and Complete A Doctor writes: "In two cases of Asthma the effect was magical. In one a nocturnal attack made the night unI bearable for patient and family, the I spasms subsided m about 30 minutes after one tablet. I left two tablets and
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    • 122 7 > f\ wf^^ "WEAKNESS. I^ Ul DEBILITY mI AN/EM I A fe*^DESCHiENS'SYRti> Mv// l/l of Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout thc world have agreed that this radical remedy Al w '\YS CU_U:S, and gives health and strength. Tms better than serums, raw n:«>at, Medicated wines, etc A. CLOUET CO., LTD.,
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  • 5980 8  -  J.C. Sarasin Our Short Story ByJ X REMOTE young creature, with murky eyes, and a lovely, inscrutable smile, she might have been bred m some palace, instead of a noisy hostelry. The people made way for her until she stood m the foremost ranks. The breathless pair
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 61 8 x s .7 a^-tv. ej_ a iata.ift. waaiaaiktaii n- _Mtt -ma*mb 3_l___Ns& H|l|a: At IM tl li IRi wl llli S A A A'^A7^pA7A: "A A A. A*^ A*(t:- AlA^pA»e^^ .y mm-w w$ >: '^t_iiߧ§__ v >: _________________________________________________________________X yyyjm m^^ m m^Mm w^ Jsi_f JtiSjb r _P^^^^^^ :^^^J___ >$__if v7.
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    • 242 8 i IF YOU HAVE A TIRED FEELING mUk p_,.us iq your back and aero** ibe '♦>"»•• ici »0n of wrenu. whenever you a«e»P l s-jop; have gouty or rheumatic pain* about body; experience unusual thirst, drowsinei* atter eanng, &c, if is a sure *ign ot liver and kidney trouble—often weak
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  • 1756 9  - STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES H.L. Hopkin ■HE average German or Italian— l mean the soil of man who has not travelled and seen things for himself firmly believes that Great Britain derives vast profit from her colonial possessions. It ia the general impression that the dominions and col nies pay enormous
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    • 125 9 j^^*e_____ f i *vT- j/S^jmt i wfT m^umMK '^^H_______________j^_____l ■■L. M wßm^^y&P, 'kSsHJ J^?9 4^s^* r§__iJH___________- -rm J^' i"» jl fl________B^__r /if ljmm m^ mt/^mmm m^l tf*r£&mm% mmftf'^f^ ■.<flhv J^ma. —*-—s i mtmi I MONTH-OLD BEEF AS FRESH-KILLED NEW DIET FOR MALAYAN DINNER TABLES. MALAYAN dinner tables are new being
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  • 1267 10 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. BY our woman correspondent AfTEB tn wedding of Miss Agnes C.air Cook to Mr. William Wigtteld Morton, which took place at the ircb last Saturday, a recrpi \as held at the Goodwood Pa'.tS w There were nearly a hundred assembled to congratulate the dikd couple.
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  • 644 10 WITH such a lot of good dressmakers m town we seem to be constantly making up new gowns, but ior all the new gowns, of course we need new materials, so this week I will tell you about the special offer which John Little's are making. They
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 111 10 |b^&r j j HAS A COLLECTION OF DISTINCTIVE GOWNS FROM ALL j THE FASHION CENTRES OF THE WORLD. ALSO A NEW SHIPMENT OF LE GANT CORSETS j MAYNARD'S BLDG. I PHONE 4974. n Battery Road, j t% -fr Tgreen circle libraries! 18-F, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. All th€ latest publications at
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    • 131 10 DELICIOUS SANDWICHES Marmite sandwiches are appetising, economical and quickly made just mix Marmite with three times as much butter, and spread. Excellent sandwiches may also be made with Marmite and cheese, walnut, tomato or any other salad vegetable. Marmite is the Great Yeast Food, and contains a rich supply of
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    • 293 10 At Vogue's! ______r r^^^K** a=: "*^^k mmWiK\ Stzcp&ss <uJI $acJi£as £tads tJu Cvenlaq CSzassUu 9/lodt Femininity is the keynote of the new fashions. firm curves that can be achieved only by correct brassieres. Styles to meet Every r'ashion Need No math: how revealing your most formal gown may be. VOGUE
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  • 1339 11 Am Hotel the other evening wa>. Miss Patsy Flowerdew, looking very sweet m a simply cut black frock; witn her was Mrs. Nichols, who was m white. I also noticed Mrs. Hinchey, who wore a lace frock of a pretty shade of blue.
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  • 453 11 OUR F RASE R'S HILL LETTER 'BM -".THE topic of conmm versa tion this week rv\ has been the earthJ c luake tremor, which Ju w-—w^l '"h caused tremendous exHws\i\i The pupils of St. mm I I mA JM Margaret's School were at breakfast when the tremor occurred and could
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  • 90 11 there is a big brimmed straw tru with a large stiff bow of white pique. Don't forget to go into Palais des j Modes, for they have a sale on now and i everything m the shop is greatly redac- i ed, you will be sure to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 30 11 FOR PERFECT HEALTH WATCH YOUR WEIGHT HEALTH O METER BATH ROOM SCALE Weighs up to 250 lbs. Easily read. Colours:— Green, White, Ivory. •'RICE:— S9.OO MEDICAL HALL. LIMITED. BATTERY ROAD.
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    • 116 11 I do MirZiVS 9, STAMFORD ROAD, Have J EST RECEIVED another shipment of Exclusive Model Hats, Dresses, Gloves witli Collars to match, Flowers. Novelties, etc. Hats BLOCKED and MADE TO ANY STYLE with your* Material to MATCH YOUR DRESSES. Satisfaction guarante?d. 'Phone 3188. Er SHAMPOOS and WAVE-SET JET LOVELY CURLS
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    • 28 11 ANNOUNCING The Arrival Of Another Shipment Of WHITE WASHABLE LINEN HANDBAGS with INITIALS also latest COLOURED SCARVES (Guaranteed Washable) at $5.50 each. \ttftQt(£LS ICallies Hotel, Bras Basaii Road
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    • 94 11 fhfbgdfsgdfasg II T E,^?iS% u «Tol_fi home of cockroache aj CLENiEL vumi, i: -Spray unde, [JSE JS furniture with Clensel Aftei TLI I C CHEAP iioor with Clensel an *M*-« COUPON LENrY B^Bee^ Co., 111-113, Beach Spore CM Storage, Orchard fm —j^. John Littles, Raffles Place. *s£? M. Pakirmaiden Co
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  • 586 12 Sunday Tribune Singapore: Sunday, oct, 4.1935. PROFESSIONAL ISM IN SPORT \JR. R. L. I who has retired from tl Jtion of president ol ma Sing; K>re Amat nr Football I on leaving Singap ire. y discussion by h.s •-.arks on the possibility of prolesism coming io Malaya. His a Mention
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  • 1454 12  -  C. H. Stanley-Jonts Small Boom In 1937 Expected "jLTALAYA on the whole is a progressive and prosperous country and will, we all hope, long continue to be so. Singapore -hould continue to thrive to the benefit of sdl sections, commercial and otherwise, who are interested m
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  • 581 12 TWO tales for the bridge-playing com- munity. "INY luck at bridge this afternoon, A dear?" "Yes. Two splendid scandals about people we know." V V V V rOUR retired veterans, having dined well but most unwisely, staggered ta the card room for a rubber
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  • 540 13 44 IT MUST BE RECOGNISED" FAREWELL INTERVIEW WITH MR. R HASTIE MALAYA said farewell i_m_.ii 1 adopted son^. Mr. R L Hastie th J™ f its most Wd« Messrs. Fraser and Neave Ltd wh !V n Mana ff'n£ Director of public as the President of
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  • 352 13 R"f usees' Stories PROMINENT PERSONS I EXECUTED Toulouse. DETAILS of the terror m tne arcel-AfodeJo, Madrid's model I ison. where more than a thousand P« are believed to have been shot before it was set on fire by the militia, are being told here by
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  • 389 13 New Service Reduces Climbing Risks London THE hazards of scaling Italy's Alpine peaks were considerably dinii.jibhea when a telephone and radiophone network was inaugurated by the Com- j munications Minister, Signor Antonio I Beimi. Tha inauguration took place ai Payer Refuge, 10,570 feet above sea level,
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 13 Agriculture m Bali: By means of dykes the water, which is plentiful on the island, is taken to the tilled fields, which would otherwise be parched m the great heat. As it is the crops are healthy and abundant m yield.
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  • 55 13 Sydney, N.S.W., Sept. 19. Mr. Rudyard Kipling had estate m I South Waies of £4y2. v In England he left estate of £96.006, I and tor purposes oi administration <•. I reseal of the Will, probate of which has I been taken out m England, was granted ij
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  • 299 13 j Methods Condemned By Bar Committee New York. Jl REPORT condemning the methods of crime reporting used by newspapers and radio m the United States has been drawn up by a committee ol the American Bar Association. The report, which is to be presented al the
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  • 378 13 quences that would ensue if his search I for longer life proved successful. He holds the view that if the span of life was suddenly to be increased to 100 I years with the aid of his experiments the economic burden that would ensue would prove
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    • 42 13 '^JssfSS Mtk Wm^M\ Txt. 7 .^§§BB P&*mtß9m&&Qx^i:^^Mme V LS?^>' ____r £k3f 7 :^^^j^tfill^ti __7_--^ l_H 7 > '|^^^K*\77 It t_£ ■>i 7 v »^T.'3^iV i a l *'»«w»i--»-__atMiM___fcJad-----________«___i^ imii'-i'- Urti-X-i BREWED AND BOTTLED IN SINGAPORE BY THE ARCHIPELAGO BREWERY Co.. Ltd S IME°DARBVW,Ltd
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    • 41 13 CHO.OSE CAREFULLY% w^pllii I DEAL x Xv^i^i^H^ jBf^7/// from cows of special rich milkproducing strains, pastured m the best dairy farming districts. The result of such cattle and su °h lush feeding is milk of a high standard of purity and
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  • 769 14 .Tapanese Sensation RESPECTABLE WOMEN AS SUSPECTS MRS. Hani Shimazu, former chief lady-in-waiting t'> Her Majesty the Empress. 59 yew.- old, and three other old ladies at respectable social standing have been caught m the meshes of law for complicity i_i pseudo-religious activity which involves disrespect for the
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  • 297 14 MAKING PRISONERS CONFESS Soviet Using: Powerful New Drug A POWERFUL new drug which causes anyone to whom it is administered not only to lose his will power and resistance, but to indulge m orgies of vself-accusation and abasement, is believed to have been discovered by Russian scientists. British scientists and
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  • 94 14 Paris. A man of 82 has died of frostbite sustained while climbing Mont Blanc. M. Henri Brulle was tne oldest mountaineer m Chamoix. In sixty years he visit£j_l all the European climbing centres—the Swiss Alps, French Alps. Pyrenees, Dolomites, Apennines, Corsica, and even the mountains of Greece
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  • 423 14 By R. A. Thompson D.O.Sc. (Dr. of Ocular Science) We see the sun, or an electric ligxit, because it throws out light; it Is a light source. We see other objects, building*. automobiles, trees, people, etc.. becaust they reflect light. We see most objects by reflection. There
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  • 350 14 tion. Under her father's will, if she married and had a child, tlie child would receive the income from a £2.000,000 trust fund operative at her death, if J she died childless, all the income *'a i tc go to her mother. Operation Charge DOCTORS' VICTIMS OF
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 239 14 *frmfrmfrefr*frsmlemfrty*frmfr*^ t DiDPIIUf USED AND SHOPSOILED ||MDPI|iJC. I f DJtnUAIIId I cameras iHnUAIPIO: j •> Cas^=o SUPER-IKONTA Uses Vest-Pocket size roll film. IkOFLLX 6x 6 cm. N^gel HTILLE 3x 4 cm. VOIGTLANDER PROMINENT 1G pictures 4V 2 x 6 cm. on 8-expo- wi{h lwo TesS ar F 4.5 Lenses. F.
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  • 1606 15  -  W. B. Paterson In Which I Discourse On j The Art Of Buying A Second-Hand Car What j S To Look For Where To Look For lt The j Application Of Simple But J Practical Tests And All The Other Methods Known To Experts And
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 278 15 tflp^ J^^ r V '^^^^^^^^Bb^^iHE— 2_S____c^ a^-^^pl _£3r rhlfHSS'^ou s'ilTlise Kolyno^ 4,/*^jJH^ /S' AU E ,MPROVEMENTS NON EOF THE FAULTS! You'll be delighted and amazed at what it does. BY POPULAR selection, Parker's are never touched by inJc— hence cannot corrode §]JY mm* Om, MrnVM mim. MO* T^^^^^^^^^^K P° ns
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    • 184 15 J I ISSUED BY ALL lOUat-i STOR WsFIP. AIR AND S TRAVEL AILWAY hUiES 1 j NO BOOKING FEES. t Chinese and all Asiatic clients are given the best of attention and assistance. S I 39, Robinson Road, Singapore. L Telephone 5908. .J. WATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNhs CYMA HEWELLED LEVER MOVEMENTS.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 233 16 Take SANATOGEN then you will not feel so HCfW :v^ ____B _iSCt_H9E3399___fe__Bi HEesßb^'***'" -___v* -i- T r^mjmr~°' Weak nerves are starved which usually benerves. Not dangerous comes worse unless yet, but a condition something is done. The nerves must he fed, and that is exactly what SANATOGEN does Sanatogen feeds
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    • 59 16 __Mm_HE _______Z mm liP AmVSncH Sn I _o fw^t ___k V^^__^^_£^ih___h_^__L______^_____r THE MAKERS C^gflb^. OF FAMOUS ><>. M_U_Y'_B «Jna->a»MH«MHVaH-Bn_--_____*>-___HM-l DONT DELAY Get ijour tipf' W^NOW This beai vcrik of the Coronation of Kin;' VJU di be < 1 we hy usees of NIXTLC's Quick Oats Send this couj f° r
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  • 1104 17  -  G. S. Hammond m The Problem Of Clothes j People And j Personalities Breaking j Off Acquaintanceships •j. |F there is one thing more than another which the average Englishman heart Uv ci' •is change. Not, m many cases. se the change m itself
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  • 358 17 Encouragement Of Village Improvement Simla. THE Governor of the United Provinces, Sir Harry Haig, has offered at his own cost 9 shields to be known as "Haig Shields," one to each division m his province, to be awarded annually to the village m thc division which
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 140 17 --_____-________> ■1 1 ii -____-_____-_________»-__________■_____>.» »i i When it's so hot you'd like to eat an iceberg iceberg ;oisonoas waste, cools handy, put dasfa of Eno's the Wood stream and 'Fmil ssrf water lones U P the inner system. Take Eno rink it. hno ouenenes morning, noon or night Hr.w
      140 words
    • 232 17 VITALITY RESTORED MEN AND WOMEN MADE YOUNG AGAIN REMARKABLE GLAND DISCOVERY BI GERMAN SCIENTIST iFjp /v«r JBl Diagram SHOWING ACTION OF OKASA ON HUMAN BODY. WHAT OKASA DOES OKASA Is a Gland Hormon preparation discovered by the famous German Scie_:iist Proi. Lahusen (Privy Councillor) M.D. of Berlin University. Increased vitality
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  • 925 18 RUFF AND READY PLAY RISKY TACTICS (By "Horatius") 'THERE are some players who cau- not resist ruffing with dummy's trumps and 90 preventing" the enemy from making tricks with their outside winners. Obversely, the display of a short suit and trumps m dummy will often deter the side
    925 words
  • 180 18 iiheumatism m Joints Caused Her Intense Pain Rheumatism affects its victims m many curious and inconvenient wr.ys. In the case of this woman, she dared not shake hands with people because of the pain it caused her as a result of rheumatism m the
    180 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 169 18 i^r __r eif*\ NS 393 Ift-B Iffj W3&M _a Wi '-^-'--V ::tt r.""--r-_ -r3H _rr^ I "^^^7HS;^'t4_4M^_?'_^ There's no need for your girl to suffer as PHYSICIANS she does. Periodical natural functions need en( Jorse not bring pain and discomfort with them. IS AI7A hi A Doctors say it is
      169 words
    • 208 18 Read The "Malaya Tribune 9' Dominant m Malaya. How to i make a "Single 9 Whisky j go round jj "When you are enjoying a glass of Johnnie Walker;' said I Johnnie Walker, and you take a look at the famous square I bottle, you are reminded how true is
      208 words
    • 61 18 m A I" i I _B^^__>i--i Mf~ m DIAMOND BRAND Bh 44^^ bedsti IDS BS V Tl1 ownership for ■ft -DIAMOND- bed■fcr cl brin s lasting ■»iQ| sucn a manner as to ■|M 1 provide the utmost Hew comfort and supA port during repose. HLJI I: wil last a lift*.
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  • 481 19 DEFEAT OF SEAH ENG HEE HARD TUSSLE Koh Keng Siang's "Come-Back" <By "Dragon") KOH Keng Siang, the 1933 Singapore badminton champion and runn?r-up last year, is making a great "come-back." last week he defeated Seah Eng Hee. the .Mayflower champion, who was regarded by many to
    481 words
  • 368 19 Selangor Championshio Results COME thrilling: games were witnessed at v the V.I. Hall during the week-end further games m the annual Badminton ChampionshiDs wefe completed. Miss Ida Lim and Miss Chan Kon Neong as expected found little difficulty m entering the final. They defeated their opponents m
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  • 534 19 THE tenth annual report of the Union Sporting Association has been issued. The present membership is 45. The statement of accounts shows a credit balance of $563.69. During the year six death claims were entertained, compared with one for the previous year. Attendance by members at funerals
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  • 122 19 Strange Creature With Wild Cat's Head Cape Town. A deep sea fish with "port-holes" is the latest acquisition to the South African museum here. KnoMii as "astronrsthes boulengeri," the creature has tiny rjoles which arc brightly illuminated from the inside along the lower sides of the body.
    122 words
  • 967 19 IMPRESSIONS Championships Over And Due (By "Racquet") Ipoh, Tuesday. THE Perak Novices and the Junior badminton championships have been held and thoughts of enthusiasts are at j ths moment turning to the fast approaching major ev^nt m the State— the Perak Open Championship tournament. The
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 666 20 WHAT IT COSTS TO ARRANGE TOUR MACAO AND HONGKONG LOCAL JAPANESE TO BRING A NATIONAL SIDE? (By "Forward**) T^HE disappointment felt at the cancellation of the hockey fixture, between a representative Singapore eleven and the Japanese Olympic representatives some t.m i ago appears
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  • 430 20 Australian "Find" Who Is Also Googly Bowler AUSTRALIA may have a "rod m pickle" for the M.C.C. tourists m the shape of Cecil Pepper, a 20-year-old Sydney player, who is hailed as ano- I ther Bradmctn. Pepper (what a name for the "bar--1 acker"! > is Doth batsman
    430 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2056 20 (Conducted by -IOKWARD MALAYA'S Chinese representatives m the Berlin Olympiad have returned from their visit, which will for ever remain a life-long memory. It is given to few to be able to participate m such a noteworthy meeting, and they will be the envy of the many
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  • 623 20 ROXIIKG KEEN BOUTS Revival Of Public AMATEUR toxin Singapore hi. reached a high standard. Tht Singapore Amaleui Championship Competition, which concluded at the Drill Hall last night proved Ihere are many boxers who could hold their own with some of the •nd rate professionals. I Not only
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • 575 21 CODE OF CONDUCT" FOR STARS THE UNWRITTEN LAWS OF HOLL YWOOD AS aaeged breach of Hollywood's rigid "cade of conduct for stars" lies behind the contract dispute between Miss Bette Davis, the United Stale- Warn actress, mid Warner 3rothers m America. writ*»s a special i m respondent of the Daily
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  • 72 21 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE DEATH MR. CHOO JIM HUAT, aged 64, passed away peace tully at his residence No. 63 Kampong Chia Heng, off Thomson Road, Singapore, on Friday. 2nd October. 1936, leaving behind his wife, four sons. Messrs. Koh Yong Kiang. Choo Buck Suah. Choo Buck Tee and Choo Poh Suah.
    72 words
  • 103 21 (48.92 and 110 metr.-s) TO-DAY 7 p.m. May Day Overture (Light Symphony Orchestra). Barcarolle (Comedy Harmonists). Damnation of Faust (Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra). On Whigs of Song (Joan Cross and Henry Wendon). Waltz Dream (Marek Weber and Orchestra). 7.30 p.m. Schubert's Unfinished (Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra). 755 p.m. The
    103 words
  • Article, Illustration
    144 21 TO-DAY 7.20 a.m.— 9.50 a.m. Church services. 10.53 a.m. Orchestral music. 11.20 a.m. The Nirom Orchestra, conducted by Carel van der Bijl. 11.48 a.m. Church carillon. 11.50 a.m. Light vocal programr,_e 12.20 p.m. Matinee music by Niror_.* Orchestra 1.10 p.m. N'rom news bulletin. 1.20 p.m. Popular music. 1.50
    144 words
  • 122 21 TO-DAY 7.20 p.m Special transmission fox Asia, China,- Japan, Further India given by the by R. Cath. Broadcasting Association Wavelength 19.71 metres. 1 Music 2 Political review oy Paul de Waart. 3. Mission news. Music. 5. Talk. 6. Journal. Beginning of the Phohi programme for the Netherlands Indies.
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  • 23 21 (49.9 metres) TO-DAY 11 a.m. 1.30 p.m. Recorded music. 5.30—7 p.m. Relay of Presbyterian Church service preceded by an organ recital.
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  • 52 21 Jacqueline O Donovan, aged five, fell 14ft. from a bed-room window m Princes S.reet, Brighton, through the glass roof of a garage. At the Royal Sussex County Hospital i t was found that she had escaped with facial cuts and a few bruises, and after treatment she was able to
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 257 21 K. A. THOMPSON, D.O.Sc, (Doctor of Ocular Science) Specializing: Eyesight. Nervous, squint, subnormal vision, problem cases. Glasses if needed. 4, Arcade, Ground Floor. Phone 3002. 35 Years European Clinical Experience KATTEIISIIY fnr felt HATS f* am _l_____________. fm\ -J" '*_____l _sv i__ s British and Best 4^^^^____^(P^ 3 There is
      257 words
    • 183 21 |WEAR THE PSYCHO RAY BADGE* i mmmmmmmmm SELF-TREATMENT OF DISEASE S i Kbgg|sss3; WITH MARVELLOUS RESULTS. H_^l v 1 cc each 1 !l^y'!^W^_ SOLE SUPPLIER:- l j |111§M MAX TING SUM, mt, m. s .p., j F.P.C. (Lond.), F.N.A.M.-Th. (Lond.) t I w^tL.^^ Mechano-Therapy, Psycho-Therapy J L- f' n,r ■•^^aJb
      183 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 580 21 Malayan Listeners' Radio BRITISH EMPIRE PROGRAMMES A Recital Of Pianoforte Duets Transmission 2: GSH 13.9? metres (>i.47 mcs.) and GSG 16.86 metres 1 17.79 mc? 'rom 6.20 p.m. to 9.05 pjn. Transmit 3: GSG 16.86 metres (17.79 mcs.) and GSF 19.82 metres (15.14 mcs.) from 9.20 p.m. to 0.20 a.m.
      580 words
    • 774 21 the Cows and The Gentle Maiden (B. I Walton O'Donnell) Ballet Suite, La Source: (1) Scarf Dance (2) Love Scene (3) Variation (4) Circassian Dance (Delibes). Academic Festival Overture (Brahms) 10.20 p.m.— Empire Talk. 10.40 p.m.— A Recital by Bessie Rowlins (Violin) 11 p.m. Evensong, from York Minster. Order of
      774 words
    • 741 21 BERLIN STATION DJB 19.74 metres (15,200 kcs.). DJA 51.38 metres (9,650 kcs >; DJQ 19.63 metres (15,280 kcs.) DJE 16.89 metrea (17,760 kcs.) TO-DAY 12.25 p m Call DJA. DJB (I man. English). German Folk So_.g. Outstanding Broadcast! of the Weak. 12.30 p.m. Happy Celebration. 1.20 p.m. N»-ws m German.
      741 words

  • 681 22 A New Msthod CESS FOR A CENTRAL FUND HTHK new method of taxation of the rubber industry m Malaya, whereby it is to contribute a cess for the maintenance of a Cential Malayan Rubber Fund and .ray a separate export duly to general revenue, came into
    681 words
  • 41 22 Mr. J. B. des Roziers. the French Trnde Commissioner m Batavia, is m Singapore. He has ccmoleted a trip to thc Philippines Hongkong. Canton and Indo-Ph r.a. In Saigon lis discussed the -•lion of importation of Indo-China rice into the N.E.I.
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  • 108 22 Election Of President And Vice-President London. Oct. 2. A GENEVA message etites that the Third Disarmament Committee of tne League Assembly iiiol this afternoon and elected Si. L&hge or Norway, as President, and M. Sadak of Turkey, as Vice-President. The delegates stood fnr a moment's 'Pence
    108 words
  • 89 22 Luncheon In Honour Of Mr. Anthony Eden London. Oct. 2. M. BLUM, the French Premier, arrived at Geneva by train this morning. He began a series of private talks at the luncheon which he gave to-day m honour of the British Foreign Minister, Mr. Anthony Eden.
    89 words
  • 161 22 Two Million Dollars Added In July THE revenue of the F.M.S. for July amounted to very nearly $7,000,000, the heads contribtfting largely to this satisfactory result being Customs (nearly $3 000,000), Interest and Rent on Government Property (more than $250,000. Excise. Lands, and Mines, and Licences and Internal
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  • 64 22 The Police Band will play the following programme at the Botanic Gardens to- night (Sunday), beginning at 8.30: March, "The Advance Guard," Hume; Overture, "The Barber oi Seville," Rorsini; Selection, irom "Rigoletto." Verdi; Waltz Medley, "The Gay 90's," arranged by T. C. Brown; Selection, from the ballet "Cappelia,"
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  • 266 22 'From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Saturday morning. RUBBER Sin <>ap ore 27 3 j 16 cts. Market Tone: Very steady. London: 7^j;d., down l:16d. Market Tone: Quiet. New York: 16 7 16 cts., up 1 16 ct. Market Tone: Steady. Singapore, Saturday evening. This morning's market opened
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  • 91 22 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore. Saturday noon. Buyers. Sellers. Nc. I.X.R.S.S. m cases (F. 0.8. October) 27% 27 7 16 Good F.A.Q. m cases (F. 0.8. October) 27 516 27% No. I.X.R.S.S. <Spot-loose) (awardable Spore) 27 V. 27 516 do. October 27% 27 7
    91 words
  • 173 22 The following have been invited to olav hockey for S.C.C. v. Medical College on Friday next at S.C.C: —T. W. Morrav: Lt. W. P. M. Allen, G. E. C. Ash; F. M. W. Smith, G. A. L. Plummer. A. T. Aird; C. Fittock, J. McKinlay. R. J. Forbes.
    173 words
  • 48 22 October Ladies' Spoon (Bogtf) At Keppei CX Fourteen cards were taken out .orKeppei Golf Club October ladies or which resulted m a tie between. Mrs. W. P Douglas Mi. s.s B. H. Ei: Mrs P G Fo m€ The tii played ofl wnh.n week from d
    48 words
  • 90 22 The £i Athletic Party m a I 0 party against the August Badmin">" n5 to-day Kraser and Nea* pang ground at 5.10 p.m Sim Tok Koh Chve Tuan. Leon H< s„ L A j» Som Mm reo Ban \r% lCt pt.». Ang Chi v 3ian, Soh
    90 words
  • 1179 22 THE DECLINE OF MALAYS IN ALL COMPETITIONS Hockey JUDGING from the very good att.ndm ance at last Friday's committee meeting of ihe Malacca Jlockcy Association, a successful administrative season can be anticipated. The presence of Mr A W Hay a The Club's representative dispelled all doubts
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 182 22 teeth that sparkle and charm You, too, can have them if you know this secret about removing film rushin* with ordinary dentifrices can never testh. Yet it contains no grit nothing to »r.* ive ycu the gleaming white teeth you envy, jure tooth enamel. )nly brushing with an effective film-removing
      182 words
    • 35 22 A General meeting of the members of the Amateur Sporting Association will b° held on Monday, a, the residence of Mr KTioq Eng Watt, N., ii Prole Road i'l H 01) |j. 11l .sii;ij Q
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 189 22 PASSENGERS BY THE NIEUW ZEELAND The following passengers are travelling on the Nienw Zeeland which io dv.. at Singapore from Australia on Oct. 12: Mr. Percy S. Allen, Mrs. R. A. Mrs. D. C. Boyes, Mr. ar.d Mrs N. Br:arl .y, Mr. F. N. Carter, Mr. H. E. Co'lins,
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  • 692 23 SUPERIOR IN ALL DEPARTMENTS 16-0 Newcomers' Poor Handling Singapore, Saturday. DISPLAYING ail round superiority the Rest defeated the Newcomers m the Annual Rugby fixture on the S.C.C ground to day by (two goals and *wo tri€>> ltt points to nil. Though beaten by such a
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  • 1307 23 INNISKILLINGS WIN THE TOLLEY CUP FULL REPORT OF LAST NIGHT'S FINALS AND SPECIAL CONTESTS THE Singapore Amateur boxing championship competition was brought to a very successful ccnclu.si7,n at the S.V.C. Drill Hall last night with the finals. K::cellent boxing was seen m every one
    1,307 words
  • 413 23 Exciting Polo In Singapore Singapore, Saturday. DRILLIANT riding and accurate shooting gave the Singapore Civilians an easy victory by ten goals to five at polo against the Services at the Singapore Polo Club ground this evening The Civilians thus won the Inniskillirvs Cup presented to the Singapore
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  • 166 23 Own Club House And Playing Ground (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Oct. 4. The progress of the Johore Chinese Football Association, which will m the near future be known as the Johore Bahru Chinese Recreation Club has been very satisfactory Indeed since its re-opehing m August last.
    166 words
  • 60 23 Singapore, Saturday. In the final of the "B Handicap Singles event of the V.M.C.A. Autumn tennis tourney to-day, J. Manasseh —15 beat T. Nagashima ser S— 2; 6—l. The mixed doubles match betweer I. A. Alsagoff and Mi. c o Wemyss 15.3 and Yap Ah Hian and Mrs.
    60 words
  • 118 23 E.V.C. Beat A lor Gaja In Exciting Game i From Our Own Corespondent) Malacca. Saturday. AT Kubu yesterday evening the E. V. C. hockey team, m a very fast and exciting game, beat Alor Gaja Recreation Club by 2—l. Kesslcr netted the first goal with a clean drive
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  • 204 23 League To Start In Joh arc Bahru (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Oct. 4. For the first time In its history the India-Ceylon Association of JohonBahru, is organizing a Soccer League which is to begin on Oct. 10. Five teams consisting of Indians and Ceylonese have been
    204 words
  • 210 23 63 POINTS TO NIL IN 2 MATCHES S langer Win Well STATE RUGGER AT K.L. AND SEREMBAN (from Our Oam BamorU Kuala Lumpur. Oct. IN tine weather and before a large e:o Ad. Selangor outclassed NegriMalacca m the first interstate rugi fixture at Seremban to-day n> points (one drop goal,
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  • 118 23 Great Eastern Life Hold A Dinner Singapore, Saturday The Great Eastern Life AStttlaulce Company held a dinner at the New Life Restaurant at the Great World to-night m honour oi the founding oi" a new Sports Club of thc Company. The dinner was a success Mr. j.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 158 23 Guard Your Dog's i^i I shX. ucai TYJk/^iILA DOG H E A LT H fc»»yp4ll book Too mu!i BBfßt means too much Am* l or fm'^fcg Ijtj I guide to tha yourdo^'s blood. And especially m a hot \0 j*f7 care of dog*. clunatethi^.iUM-shinr*torture"through AtaiMJß* \f li I 1 etching,
      158 words
    • 30 23 TIGER BEER good m anu case out better M&r Amvmmgm\ mvAvUu /VvV/^X rTwt^M* PS JR b»b? afil bw wb/^b! aflaß»-r b flflafc^-^S FRASER NEAVE, LTD., hJ>Tiiii;i t(,Ks p| Th.F.U RFI.K,
      30 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 8 24 The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1936.
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    • 136 24 H.E. the High Commissioner, Sir Shenton Thomas, arriving for the opening of the I.S.P. conference m Kuala Lum pur. A plaque of the late Hon. Mr. J S. Arter, former chairman ji I.S. P. and the old P. A.M placed iii the offices ol
      136 words
    • 47 24 H.E. the High Commissioner, fourth fro m left, at the Planters' annual conference. Mr. Davis with Carol Hughes, Guy Kibbie and Mervin Le Roy (director) Mr. Sydney Davis, Manager of the Alhiimbra and other theatres m Singapore, with Dick Powell m Hollywood
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    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 349 24 21 Pages For 5 Cents fll CeMflflfll a|Jbaßw > At 'jJLw^^MmW I «a*% af)Of 3** Ammm^^mmi U tirf W' j jM& M bVbT fIC flaBBa! fljb A—^A^a -suy Auntie Sarbau lor a change. One |JflJ| lißaflal- IMW> ejH mmPWM^Wmm^m^mf the cousins played -photographers- Auntie a clue I She
        349 words
      • 7 24 For Best Sports Reports Read the TKIIIITIVE
        7 words