Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 28 June 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 21 1 The Sunday Tribune VeL I—No. 3. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1936. FIVE CENTS. The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 19.%,
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  • 729 1 INTERVIEW WITH TRIBUNE MORE TRADE WITH COLONIES JAPAN'S PENETRATION KEPT IN CHECK "THKKK i no real Japanese penetration in Australia/ said the Hon. Mr. Charles A. S. Hawker, a leading Australian politician (former Minister for Markets) in a special interview with the Sunday Tribune on
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  • 152 1 Japanese Committed To The Assizes Singapore. Saturday, on two char ■»•> of v ing c J nu i uneni and chart f tf forge abutment oi forgery, i Japanese, v a Arima. reserved his com nitted to stand llls trial I forthcoming Assizes by Mr. A D York,
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  • 65 1 Observation Of '(institution Day (From Our Oxen Correspondent) Bangkok, June 27. Provisional Constitution Day was ob:CMv:d by a general cessation of work to-day in Siamese foieign circles followed this Afternoon Kty a big military display of the mechanised defence forcfs plus tee presentation of new colours to
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  • 57 1 At a committee meeting of the Planters' Association, Mr. Tan Chin Tuan roported that since an elephant had been shot, there had been a further visit to the estate by elephants and that the Game Warden was attending to the matter. It was decided to take no action
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  • 112 1 ON DOORSTEP Malacca Police Investigation (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, June 29. pONSIDERABLE, mystery surrounds the tragic death of a five-year-oM Malay girl which occurred on Tuesday evening in the district of Alor Gajah, as the result of a gunshot wound received when she was on
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  • 80 1 The lollowing passengers left Southampton on June 23 by the Boringia Tor Penang and Singapore. Mr J Hunter Balwin, Mrs A Wpuinrd. Mr and Mrs G. H Eoddmgton, Mr. and Mrs I! J W. Brown. From Marseilles ana Rotterdam to Singapore. Mis& G. H. M. Rienks, Miss Feith,
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 1 COL. CECIL RAE
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  • 122 1 PARTY VOTE Measures To Protect His Person Philadelphia, June 27. PRESIDENT Roosevelit was to-day formally nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the Presidency. The greatest precautions are being taken to protect Mr. Roosevelt when he arrives this evening to deliver his speech of acceptance of his
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 102 1 2nd Vice-President Of Rotary International THE Hon. Co'onel Cecil Rae. District Commissioner for Rotary in Malaya raid Siam, was ekjj J ed Second Vice-pre-sident of Rotary International at the convention held in Atlantic City. The convention was attended by 10.431 Kotarians and their families, from 4/
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  • 213 1 ARMY CANTEEN RAIDED AT TANG LIN Attempt To Steal $3,000 Singapore, Saturday. THE Navy, Army and Air Force canteen at Tanijlin Barracks (where the Inniskillinjr Fusiliers are stationed) was raided last night and an attempt was made to break open the safe. Fortunately the safe, which contained $3,000, resisted the
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  • 101 1 Singapore. Saturday. Two Chinese, Lee Ah Choon and Ang Sin Tee. v;er« arrested on the night of June 19 in Lorong 101. Changi Road, v/hile in the alleged possession of a pistol, four rounds of ammunition and a dagger When they were produced next day hefore Mr
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  • 200 1 AFTER SCHOOL Finds Malaya A Wonderland Singapore. S.ttur%l.iv. AROUND i\\v worM Miiisc on a tramp steadier »s !>« ing undertaken by a young Englbh uirl, Miss Edna Ta\l >r. who is fresh from school. She and h«r falln-r skipjx r of the tramp Athrlriuke wviv in Bingftpora
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 Mr. Muanett B. uavis, the iv-w Aiu ricaii consul- General for Singapore, and his wife, photograph-d f 0 the Sirndav Tribune on their arrival by the President Polk yesterday.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 2948 2 IMPORTANT MEETING FUTURE OF THE MALAYAN PLANTERS Singapore, Saturday. FFFORTS to resuscitate the South Johore Branch of the Incorporated Society of Planters were brought to fruition at a meeting held to-day at the Johore Civil Service Club, Johore Bahru. Mr. E. M. Allen,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 244 2 MALAYA 1 PREMIER HOTEL THIS WEEK Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday k Satim«;i\. THK POrCLAI ABARKT ATTRACTION THE COWAN BAILEY REVUE < OU IN A BAIM V TKI> EVELYN ESTIXLF DAVIS Fojuihu Soritjs. fiano Banjo. >lod?rn Rhythm Exhibition Dam-ing. ostume Charactt Numbers and Latest Parisian Vogues. Tiirftsp w. Grand Charity Ball
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    • 175 2 ASIA/IH OFFER OF THE M M fIUENDI ii Aii I o it l] Ci:l v i it s iM^^BB fl^Pw^^S^Bß -w^m '"W W I t ifflKfll Bb S^HK^^^w^^^itt&^HHHr -.^HHHI -KBh bY '■■■Mr mm. H flfc^^^^Bri^^* i«M^^rfH^^flflß-9^ t& I^^^ Super J55 $20 /-CASH and 7 iieonllilv install iiiciiiN of $20 Distinguished
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  • 144 3 JAPANESE MOB A TTA CKS BRITISH CUSTOMS OFFICES OFFICIALS FORCED TO FLEE NORTH CHINA CRISIS WORSE INTERNATIONAL COMPLICATIONS FEARED JNTKK.N VI lOVVI. complication, are feared as the result of an attempt l» Japanese mol, to seize the Customs building in ran,ku. p.,M near Ti.MUsin. an-l their effort to ransack the
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  • 135 3 Tientsin, June 27. THE Japanese, destroyer Kiku has :iinv«([ at Tangku from Port Aithui. bringing a Staff Officer and Lieut. Commander Oh Nishi to investigate the hikou and Tsingtao incidents.- Reuter Tsingtao, June 27. A mob of 700 Japanese attempted to seize the Customs building
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 141 3 Alleged Attack On Japanese Women Tientsin, Saturday Afternoon. Serious Sino-Japanese trouble has broken out in Tangku. A Japanese destroyer, the Kiku, arrived in the port this morning with the object of investigating the Customs incidents. A Japanese report alleges that Chines* coolie? attacked a Japanese woman in (Continued
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  141 words
  • 124 3 Well-Known Malacca Resident (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. THE death occurred last night at 11 o'clock, at the age of 54, of Ilaji Arshad bin Hati Omar at his residence. Deceased was a retired pensioner having served the government 31 years. The iast appointment he
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  • 72 3 No Fresh Move By Canton Troops Shanghai, June 27. Chinese and foreign observers returning from south Hunan report that the districts around Hcngyang are quiet, although minor conflicts occurred during the past few days. The situation is not being aggravated, the South-west troops have not made any fresh
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  72 words
  • 99 3 Funeral Service In Singapore THE late Mr. William Dußois Thome, the Vice-Consul for the United Btatee in Singapore, who was drowned during the week ne-ar Pakan Baroe, Sumatra, while travelling up the Siak River in a motorboat with a friend. The body is due to arrive in
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  • 62 3 Alleged Breach Of Trust Charge Fails Singapore, Saturday. A charge of criminal breach of trust as an agent against Ng Moae was withdrawn before Mr. A. D. YorK, the Third Magistrate, this morning, on Instructions from the D.P.P. In the absence of any details of th^ case, his
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  • 187 3 District Judge's Scathing Oommtentfl Singapore, Saturday. PCATHING the reliibility a\ it ivy wltes for the kition and the defence by Mr. L. B. Gibson, in Inal dl I ourt, in the com gment, acquit I Lee X a charge of crip.Mnal Iweach His honour was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 29 3 Monday, 29th June Thursday. 2nd July Saturday, Uh July Wednesday, sth July Friday, 10th July Bat ui day, Mth July at »M p.m. Thursday, 9th July at ft p.m.
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  • 461 4 Drive Against Vendors MUNICIPAL W TION TAKEN (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Thursdny. IVITH the introduction by the Malacca Municipality of a ne<v apparatus, Hortvel Cryoteopt, 10 determine the percentage of added water in milk, several milk vtndon were brought before the magistral and fined f<»r
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  • 217 4 Napoleon Of Baltimore Dies Aged 19 Baltimore, Maryland. One of the most famou In the United States, Napoleon, of Baltimore. Maryland, famed as an accurate weather prophet, has died here aged 19. From his attitude when asleep, people were able to judge what the weather would be
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  • 158 4 Now Over 15,000 Years Old I AXE Windermere, after is 000 years of existence, has become middleaged. That fact emerged at the annual general meeting of the Freshwater Biological Association of the British Empire held in London recently; it was possible in the English Lake district,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 Peep behind the scenes oi a mal Hollywood Studio whilst the film city is in the ffrip of a KILLER jjjjj II HERE'S MOVIEL AND'S f^o^t baffling mystery While the jjjjj cameras turn- an unknown murderer take his toll of Death I First the Star then tht director I 1
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    • 233 4 4< Come along, folks, join us in a Grand, t^3<\ Saucy Musical Jamboree M jW^ M Opening To-day at the ALHAMBRA /StT- S 1 '.15 -U5 j S Warn ?_r Bros.' Riotous Girl-Filled Regatta of Rowing, Rhythm j and Romance "FRESHMAN LOVE" j m£B^^ f il li PATRICIA ELLIS, Pretty
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  • 458 5 BRIGHT ROMANTIC PICTURE M.G.M. FILM I To Be Screened At The Capitol j J\\i I GAYNOR and Robert Taylor form the striking new screen tram coming shortly to the Capitol Theatre, in "Small Town Girl," M.G M.'« picturisatloß of the popular no\el hy Ben Ames
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  • 157 5 Her spoken lines .snap like a whip, crackling hkr static in a lightning .storm. The smart dialogue m "Love Before i Breakfast" gn aturally from tiie humorous Situations The climax of the laughs is heightened by the happenings during a storm at sea Carole is "she who i^'ts
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  • 313 5 GA Y CUBAN CAPITAL Scenes In "Wife vs. Secretary* TOR a moment Clark Gable thought he was back in Havana. But it was Havana as constructed for "Wife Versus Secretary." >I?tro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture starring Gable. Jean Harlow and Myrna Ley, and opening this week at the Capitol Theatre. It Is not
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  • 67 5 A Chinese film star is selllnc npw«s papers-U, supplement her income Cneta Miss Yang Pi-chu. a 15-year-oW girl of Shanghai, considered to b China f Ur loadinS >>Child star n Miss Yang receives 2 6 a day— tmi only during production. This 'is Inuifflnent to support
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  • 41 5 Miss Claudettp Colbrrt has 249 younc namesakes in the United States it U Duiounccd in Hollywood. They range :rom Claudettp Colbert Jones to ClauDette Colbert Ginsberg. Carole Lombard runs her follow-star B second. She has 241 namesakes.
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  • 314 5 AL JOLSON IN "THE SINGING KID" A GIGANTIC MUSICAL SPECTACLE "TIIF. Singing Kid. 11 First Nationals latest gigantic musical spectacle with \l Jolson in the stellar role, comes to the Alhambra Theatre on July 1. The picture combines hilarious comedy with h-art throbbing drama, >nectacular specialty numbers and catchy new
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 5 A km* from Xove Before BtMkfa"*" which opens to-day at the Pavilion Theatre.
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  • 189 5 Dances With Gina Malo In New Him One <if Jack Hulbert's dances with i which he entertain! us in his new film i -Jack of All Trades" which opens at the j Pavilion Theatre shortly is highly origi- nal in its setting. Jack and Gina Malo, j the
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 5 Ciarkr Gable and Myrna Loy who appear in "Wife vs Secretary which opens at the Capitol this week
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  • 172 5 ROMANTIC COMEDY "Love Before Breakfast TO-DAY the Pavilion Thea begin, a run of "Lore II fore Breakfast." the >\ picture starring Carole Lombard The story reflect-, the modem attitude toward romance, treat. n^ it with Sophistication and a ?<»y fcuch cf "who-gives-a-hoot-whethrr Tchool Itucpi or not."*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 177 5 ftr^fl VEAKNLS9, IL\ Yj/i DEBILITY fe^'s.f A) s^A k i" MJT i ii m ffC^^ESCHIENS^SYRUP fe^. of Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. fat better than serums, raw n;«at. Medicated wines, eta A. CLOUE? it CO.,
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  • 1224 6 THE FAULTY DOUBLE (By "Horatiufi") THE heavy penalties which can be exacted from vulnerable opponents when the contract is doubled sometime* constitute a snare into which players blindly walk. As a general rale, a contract i.^ Mot worth doubling unless it is fairly certain that the declarer will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 398 6 It It O X II I T I S GUARANTEED RELIEF IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. SENSATIONAL SUCCESS OF NEW REMEDY. Send for "Ephazone" tablets, the amazingly successful remedy discovered by a Harley Street Specialist. Is your Asthma "dry" or "wet", BronchiticAsthma or associated with T. 8.? Complete and wonderful
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    • 119 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT PBRAK Tl Xl W* B JULY MRIM 193« Saturday, 4th MM Profe»ional Wednesday, Bth July, 1936, Saturday, 11th July. 1936. Saturday, 18th July. 1936, Skye The Subscriptions lot Vbitin* bers shall be: MEN for each Meeting or any clay tl tlP^ f VISITING MEMBERS must be uun duced
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  • 1713 7 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES I SOMETIMES think that thfafli would run a good deal more smoothly if the editors who are ho sure of themselves were given administrative powers instead of merely commenting on what other people do. Take, for roampto, the editor of one of my esteemed contemporaries who expre
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 46 7 "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." AND THE SAME IS TRUE OF OUR CHILLED BEEF which is deli -iously tender, retaining all its natural juices and having a flavour all its own. A trial will prove the truth of our statement. TEL. 5378
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  • 1533 8 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. lIV our woman < orr<'S|»oiitl<'iil irious day ItQ Party given Hou \j\ His KxrellenI kin mn the Gov(1 Mrs Small m honour of bout 78 ■> present, hi with the ol the Government .inc. .1 background for the picturesque worn by the Mi iked \<
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  • 1133 8 PALAIS dcs Modes h*VO .received borne veiv beautiful fropks. One we liked best was the floral printed geo r %£tie for dinner or formal evening wear. It Ls cut on plain, fitting lines. The high neck line trimmed with a stand>up collar iined .with' black velvet. To
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 A j Latest Creations in Ladies' Dresses, Hats, Novelties and BiU displaying at j tie SOIZASj i), Stamford Road. Phone 3188. i j j \Aux Chats Noirsi Isi lloor. 18, Rattery Road. S Aiinoiiiirr Their ANNUAL CASH SALE j Commencing J \\4€lii4sil:i> Jult Ist. 1 X
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    • 87 8 PALAIS DES MODES 33, STAMFORD ROAD. Have received cry attractive selection of (iarden Part} Frocks and Evening (.'own also Sidky girdle and panties. j SINGAPORE'S ri»-T()-ii.\TE LIBRARY < ALL THK LATEST FICTION j /CHEAP RATES, SI'KCI AI- TERMS FOR CLUBS MESSES 1 Green Circle Libraries > i!at tki v road
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    • 122 8 .In si Arrived Ladies' Uftdenfttr, Satin r J o\v n s and Negliges also Russian Pajamas G&ckecs HAH IKS lIOTKI. and BKAS BASAI! ROAD. EVE'S 12th anniversary SALE Commences July 29th Usual Genuine Reductions PHISfILLA Lid, i Smart HUBRITE Linen Suits Droses. (Jl Stamford Rd.. I'hoiu- SSU. •J. -'•> I
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  • 1500 9 THF. h the King's i for i: o Kualu during the md Th- i D oyabie d clul arc woj.t t I I tsne all The s« langoi r > a good num b«-r ci<v.ii\. I.i: d »t the R charm! lit with.
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  • 98 9 this week of i ittort sfem to have kept excluto their bun ws The :)it(> lovely has beoii illy deserted. he datrj morning have been «ctrao!\ .pty The dance at w dub v 'ht. usually s uch i iorly at- BTeen Prillini Pink or<.',:!:.(iic bodice, and
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  • 921 9 Fa ster Faster A BOOK REVIEW FASTER! Faster!" is what the Red Queen sci earned ru Alicr— and ii is what a good marry people pecna to be screaming at one another at the present day. Claudia Win.sloe. like many anoth modern woman, bcre on her shoulders the whole responsibiKt]
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 <r if 7 \upfc/\Xc /^oveftu Store Cap 9^wa^. PVsv^ SBl
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    • 51 9 L. isn't it jmipler and J^ safer to isk for I^*^'^ Southalls "-when 18 x^.^ by doing so you ar« aisu'ed of r _-J frie completr protection, soft I f soothing comfort :nd prrfect purity V that nj^t stands O1 all Chemists and Stores--" Sole Agents for Malaya nRAFTON LABORATORIES.
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    • 70 9 A Beauty Salon m MINIATURE HARRIET HUttfcARD AVER WEEK-END BEAUTIBOX COMPACT. CONVENIENT. ATTRACTIVE the Harriet Hubbard Aver Beaut ibox is just the thing for carrying these famous bounty aids while travelling. Contain i enerous supply or LUXURIA. the famous cleansing am, EAU DE BEAUTE SKIN TONIC BEAUTIFYING FACE FOWDER and
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    • 118 9 M A L A VAN PEWT E R Hundreds of Oontemporary Designs. Every Faultlessly S S Made by Hand. Sole Agenti I MAYNARDa CO.. LIU, S S 11, Battery Road, Blngapi 2 Another British r-^' F/ n^ llcrc she comes, with her rich yift 3^ S^ trom the green pastures
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  • 820 10 %The Ideal Servant? Culinary Problems Cleaning Up Overdone vUiM I i rumble? Malayans may have about n fttry whkh they live, ■!•>• largo consolation in ii excellent servants who are b these days. Rumours of vacancies for boys or amahs, spi rapidly as such
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 121 10 t V Ijgg yj^HßLi i v^^l wjHHim-mwmm K|iM'U MY WIFEUSEDTOBETHE I uFovp-NnußicuiNG 1 SAME WAY- ALWAYS JUMPY, TME VITAL NERVE-NOURISHING IRRITABLE. THEN THE VITAMIN B IN QUAKER OATS NFW WOM AN v^^ilk V<^' -_^fv-j**g Our bodies must l\ave a frcsli supply of Vitamin B i c\cry cLy. We cannot store
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    • 125 10 ATTENTION! STOMACH SUFFERERS Too much acid may be the cause of the stomach agonies you are suffering. You can get almost instant relief from Bisma-Rex, a delicious tasting antacid powder that is bringing relief to thousands of stomach sufferers everywhere. It acts in four ways: neutralises excess acid: soothes the
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    • 199 10 SPOIL YOUR FOOD gjfewe) FLIT BSByyuiMijß HI IMB Wk I^^^ ■'•^8 What Made His Hair Grow? Read His Letter for the Answer. "Two years ago I was bald Jtu& lIH a^ over ne top ►jj f^*w^ "I felt ashamed for people tv p see my head. I JE»||fe. ««j-v tried
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    • 93 10 '■^jWHSKvi" i wMWg: TBT^BWf^B^t j 'flfifi i Ir 0 > v/TylM SbbW .joTT, x/ i' <^" •■i p BPWfflßiiririiPWTMirlr r<rr iKsa£^!A. f^m*i r X* >* i.' 5//^ knows that Craven "A y <k. b vS7/r appreciates that extra *^^^B /o/zc/i o/ QUALITY! Wc*aveN'*J ■HIHBH^BHiHHHHIIIHHIHIHHHHHHIIBHI JfA(JLvt| *^fch PACKING TIME VRU 1S
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 168 11 Id l^fl MR I Jf Jr wl^ m mm m JJr SB ifl kl V Ik A «fl Pm M M at Jr _jbT Jr _"Tl *^^fSHB J^H bV^i! 1 1 bTb^b^^bTJ bTbt x BS *^bP^^ KKm §FFR c/r Lertaintu is BBB^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BBBP^^ b^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^^^^^^^^H| mB^B^BT B^B^Z^BT^LJBHtP^k^^Pm 9BBi fl^P tfBK
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  • 549 12 Singapore: Sunday, June 28, 19!t>. H MODERN MANNERS a GLOOMY picture of life In thni day and age v painted by !>»' Alexis Carrel, of the Neeardl stud of the Rockefeller Institute, In his book "Man. the Unknown." He li referring to American civilis .tio i in partiiul.r.
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  • 1268 12 Clouds Cobwebs: Dreams Realities rpHE love of fanatics for their shibboleths passes all understanding. \ut content with the statements of leading Ministers that the policy of following the Geneva bloodhound around like a little lapdog should be dropped, notwithstanding the overwhelming vote of the
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  • 592 12 iiEFtE is a warning to motorists, to be read any way you like. PONSTABLE Uo motorist): "Excuse me, sir, but your lights are out." Motorist: "Oh, thanks, but it doesn't really matter." "Yes, it does. By the way, have you got your driving licence?"
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 67 12 Sold with our Guarantee Certificate Chromium $12.50 18 ct. rolled gold 14. 14 ct. gold 24. i IK^9/*& AA^ I i Send your <>hl<t us. we will c\»'c'ii' Chromium $11.— ti n Stainlesr steel 15.— ll ni h >' U U 18 ct. rolled gold IG.— is ct. gold 58.-
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  • 360 13 VARIOUS SITES CONSIDERED LAYOUTS MADE Finest School In Singapore nitlMlt 4 rc bruuj taken b> V the (imcrnment to bring the lonp- promised neu Kaffirs Institution buildm Inte being neus which nill bo \s«'< nifU by the pubic in SiIIKUIKM* Inquiries it the
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  • 244 13 Many Entertainments In Singapore IN addition to the cinema show and cocktail bar at the Capitol on Monday. June 29, and the Hospital Ball at Raffles Hotel on July 2, a grand cabaret dance is to be held at the New World *.r, Saturday, July 4 a
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  • 106 13 A .shrunken human head, little larger j l nan an apple, kept In a glass case at Mineola. Long Island, New York, is now teported to be growing whiskers. The head, once the prized possession «>f a South American Indian tribe stands in the office of Mr. Martin
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  • 104 13 A native caused a sensation in court ax Bloemfontein, Orange Free State. nen he produced a part of his lower fp 11 o!ii his DocKet as an exhibit in v case against his wife. According to the evidence, the hu^ xiiiu stopped the wife entering then
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  • 684 13 CHARACTER WORK OF SIR JOHN BAGNALL (By A Sunday Tribune Reporter) 01H John Bagnall. Malaya's new knight, is, what we in newspaper offices call, our man of the moment. Fori > -eight years of age, he is in his prime of life, and what an
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  • 214 13 For Volunteers SHORTER TERM IN TROPICS ?T will not be long now before Volunteers in the Straits Settlements wiH know the new provisions regarding the award of lontf lervice medals. The old Long Service Medal required 20 years' service, but that has been felt to be
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  • 36 13 A 40-year-old woman, Mme. Marguerite Gauthier. reached up to pick a branch of hawthorn In the Bois de Boulogne, Paris. Her foot slipped, and she fell, breaking her spine. She died shortly afterwards.
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  • 449 13 worries. Interest on debts ceases tt> run, the debtor is able to liquidate Ids debts by monthly instalments, which is usually deducted by his employer from his salary. Dividends are paid on the amount of principal plus interest at eight per ceiit, so that a lot of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 68 13 _^^^^t^o^^^^^^ _^jrf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bhfciiij'!'! yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.'i-' >v^r^"^~— It, Mi >^ jfcZ^ [[[< I M x:x x x x x x x :^V^ v X^B ;:v:v.-. I' \^B ••■••■x xiii(i(^^— is yyyyyyjji^' L A V^ I vJ v» t. IN i'\\* liU /?as been on sale in Malaya, China, ftM i dnd ¥^^a <"
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  • 1278 14 A SCOTSMAN LOOKS A T MALAY A In Which I Describe An All Scots Stag Party. The j S Idea Belongs To Sandy S McWhirter. The Police Are Anxiously Inquiring As To His Whereabouts. j THIS week, it falls to my lot— that's a most original ph*M4 st as orijrinar
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 186 14 TICKETS ISSUED j V^QOKS BY AIL SIMM- S TOR AIR AND S T RAVE L^ An way lines NO BOOKING FEES. Chime and all Asiatic clients are fivtn tho best of attention and assistance. s i 39, Robinson R«wid t Singapore. Telephone 5908. WATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNES CYMA IBWUXm LEVKR MOVEMENTS.
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    • 222 14 THE NEW REVOLUTIONARY STEWART -WARNER FERRODYNE RADIO Equipped with metal tubes matched and balanced to form a unit of exceptional power and amazing musical quality 7, 9 11 TUBE MODELS AVAILABLE. '*v METAL TUBES I OVERSIZE SPEAKERS AUTOMATIC STATION REGISTER 4 I DUAL TONE CONTROL m CURVILINEAR CONE (incorporated to
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    • 258 14 AMBITIOUS MEN Mr. J. D. C. Mackay j m greatest changes in fs J men's lives have come HflH from a moment's ins- J K'ik. *^P piration. Newton saw Lyy '^kjm the apple fall. Watt V*f|^L saw the kettle boil. And m^L everything was changed NbbHMHbV Many an important ExecUv^t,
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    • 102 14 I RESTORE pi (^u^ (yxstaJUUf Are you nervous, weak, irrilahle a inrr*' vV^p^^ shadow of your former self/ W;j|erl>iiiV- iompound will help you l»u«k t<» health and jfjO^^^f^^ strength! It contains essential elements tin' ■fflHf^i Inxly needs pure li\er extra«"t, mall ■JA/J'^ extract the organic minerals the M«mml H >?
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  • 936 15 Annual Tourne> PREPARATIONS WELL IN HAND (By L. C. C.) rpHI Pii -Pong Aifhiflft- ti<>n ire bus"- preparing the y.. amme for the annual championship and the Inter-dub championship touraaUM nls. which due to -tart next month. Thi ymi many new clubs and parti* tr taking an
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  • 342 15 BARRISTER'S BAD CHEQUES Former Legal Adviser To Ex-Kin^ Of Siam (By Air Mail) London, June 17. CAID to have been legal adviser to the J King of Siam, James Matthew, aged 35, a barrister, of Seymour-place, W., was remanded for a medical re port at Bowstreet on charges of obtaining
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 15 Tin Himalayas' taken from 14,000 feet near Badrinath. Shell Photo
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  • 390 15 Employment Bureau SPONSORED BY WAR OFFICE (By Air Mail) London, June 17. BAILORS, they say, can turn a hand to anything. Retired officers of the regular Army seem to be able to do the same. Since October, 1934, an employment bureau, partly sponsored by the War
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  • 77 15 Mr. B. Perkins, a barber of Sydney, N.S.W.. claims to possess the cleverest love bird in the world. The bird is 3 inches long and can pull a match from a box and present it to a customer, saying "O.K. Chief as it does so. Its favourite
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 175 15 FOR THOSE WHO DRiVE FOR THE FUN OMT 9flH^ B j^bßßhkß Dr TJiPj| Here is the sportsman's car 1! SBhBP^ B^mmt Plw ever there was one! Low built, _^^L^^ Jy A with sporting lines and a real H^ BBi Bf sports pcrformanc?. Accelera'ct BVBp*^ Jl Bj^^^BP^ lion, top-gear performance, road-holding
      175 words
    • 146 15 FOR H EALTH AND VITALITY USE OKASA There is nothing to compart nor even to approach the sure and prompt efficacy of this supreme Hormon Tonic. OKASA I enormous Health and Vitality restoring properties. It completely moves every trace of debility and weakness from your ism making you a New
      146 words

  • 453 16 Danger To Shipping BURVE) SUITS BUSif VI WORK k\\ EAL 1 11 ol i"t- nd v i ful „M ii about tin «'.-i 1 jt s mv^i ei ontained in the slim t |ght-paK< A hl(h lU v the "I Uw Hydrotfimph«r "i the Savj
    453 words
  • 183 16 C74JMH) To I) STpent By CJovornmeni (in-;. June I L".i-i •.•>! „i Hi, om in bringing M« If ii|. to date is con trinpfnrf«>rl Ij lie F'<drr..i Oovcrnment <r <" made recentlj «i for f>< Mi I'.u lull 'ITll -ill Inchld C 1 000 lor lu-lit-II!'. "The nrv.c
    183 words
  • 46 16 <Uti H hi u\ < ounfcU b \.i v< :ed fen nddll flji i t a n hertfl tor Hnmpshirr. ■nd a membi-i ol <>" council "is ber;uise Mr Horn Bell h i 1 surh a ltv#» J[ re n(1 wants i,,i done In quick
    46 words
  • 470 16 WHY SOME EYES WATER AND WHAT TO DO FOR THEM \U U. A, Thompson D.OJSr. Doctot <>l ficultn Sin When •> ii ■<• v :ii<«i bubbling i hirough a *i> the pavement. <>; a middy place In an other dry i< 'i* you know there i a leak in Lhe
    470 words
  • 129 16 Spoiling Count rys»Ho\ Beauty Simla Utnnpiafoing that the beauties ol Simla, seat vi the Indian and Punjab Oovwnments during: the summ«- months, are being disfigured by th«^ indiscriminate posting or film ndver- i tlapments, 'he Muniripalilv has tin eat curd to prosecute managers oi «»]1 local cinemas
    129 words
  • 73 16 111 hvr v lonp as they make whisky and tofcmcco." said ;tn old tramp, when taken to hospital in Salt Lake City. USA., after a heart -attack. The old man. who gavp his age as 102. was 'Colonel" James A. Handcock He said that he was born in
    73 words
  • 62 16 Whtte cat ti*» -fiipT"Tip was being carnrd on eH form near Bulawayo. Southern Rhodesia, X was noticed th&t blue nHdebeasi or pnu hart joined the cattlr n» Hie prn, wnltimr to be flipped Without any fn^. the unw entered th«> <np |tnnped out at. the far
    62 words
  • 31 16 unnu-: ..m trfßcc In Chetfolon, Bucks. ff *-mpiv fur ho seconds. thleres Mr a vtfagee bag containing ElOO Tl^p hae was lound H lltUc latfr <iir police i.tatioii.
    31 words
  • 218 16 Trade Delegate To Malaya (By An Mail* London, July 17. thk dcfttfa i. reported nron Perth > Western Australia* ;<^ the ane o sixty-: ix of Sir Charles Nathan, B Ive worket in promoting the devr lopment of Australian trade, who wa i\ im mber
    218 words
  • 142 16 Man Who Disliked Women Announcers Sydney, June 10 A I HINEBE living '<■" ttadlnrn, v suburb ol Sydney, smaslied his radio set nUv because Ol his intense dislike of j tim voices oi women announcers. Red fern police- heard startling si when .1 Chinese boy rushed Into the
    142 words
  • 321 16 Birmingham Girl Seeks bridegroom Sydney, June 6 AUSTRALIAN bachelors are In demand. In his mail recently, the Lord Mayor i of Sydney (Aid. Howie) receiver! Inquiries from Birmingham (England) and Jr^hannfesburffri (South Africa) iron; < r to be •"perfect" \k:vcs: "Cah I trespass upon your kindness,"
    321 words
  • 85 16 VII Public Roads Now Opon To Them Quilon. A meeting oi the Elantboot branch of the AU-Travancore Parayar Mahasabha (an organisation of Harijans* was held to thank the Government of Travancorp for having thrown open all public roads and schools for the use of Hariians UNTOUCHABLES The hope
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 85 17 AMAZING STORY IN POLICE COURT MARRIED MAN CHARGED DEMANDING MONEY WITH MENACES London, June 16. from love letters stated to have b en written arried woman of "substajus un i a Jt and■ry worker adclreased a, u Passi. i rack i amazing jtory told in
    85 words
  • 1761 17 JN i h t icing ihi< <• wrhiiehaired mapristrat Uill.-im I. 6 colliery Li< hfield-road, Lit I wk'h, VValsall, .(I with uttering a ruling money with menhim v) tin < ouii sat the homely-looking Agure ot" d in a hluc d hat with veil, and^.vith le
    1,761 words
  • 118 17 Awaited hiring Squad lor Six Years Farmington, Utah. A mail, convicted of th<" murdec ot kUi „s ago. la to be execute^ toe his crime here on July lv. Ever since 1 93u be hai been waiting in Utah Prison's "deatn row," hoping and fearing. His lawyers have
    118 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 124 17 jWtHWtMWIMIIM.tM>tWHrtMIIIIMI||ini,,,,,,n.,.M lr !1 I PERFECTION fIND BEAUTY I IN MODERN ELECTRIC I •J. xso Hi >«^ {I; l^u REFRIGERATORS I /^iMn IJ«3^ -i J OFFERED IN THE 1936 Z S H f P^V THE SHELVES IN THK i)()()R OF A SHKLVADOi; a E is the greatest aitractir M mak e
      124 words

  • 553 18 Start in. sr In Septpmb?r PROGRESS AT HOME \M> AIiKOAD (By Air London, -I van 17. is now i ally priven ai tin Sate when pul)lic prmframmfs from the new Alexandra Palace station will shirt, after about a month of experimental work. Th<i 8.8.C. is not
    553 words
  • 182 18 Salvaged By Soviet Vessels Moscow. DRITISH ships, sunk during the Great War, are being baivaged by the Soviet Ship Salvaging Trust. The 13,000-ton British transport "Patagonia," sunk by a torpedo ctt Odessa, Crimea, during the first year of the war, is to be raised shortly. Th? ship will
    182 words
  • Article, Illustration
    8 18 The Willingdon Air Station, New Delhi. Shell Photo
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  • 214 18 English Woman Sends It To American Mayor Boston. Massachusetts. Insomnia .sufferers throughout the world may be cured permanently if they adopt this "infallible" Bibk- cure, jent to the Mayor of Boston, by an Englishwoman, Iflss A. E. Dyson, of Fitzroy Street. Cambridge. She writs*: "A few weeks
    214 words
  • 59 18 Fifty monkeys of a peculiar specie will be arriving at the house of Mis*; Mac West in Hollywood shortly. The film star has sent her fiiilei Beverly to Ecuador to obtain them, at she wants to use them in her next film. She says that the
    59 words
  • 34 18 An exhibition, showing how housewives in different countries decorat3 their tables, is to be held shortly in Warsaw. The tables will be laid as for a dln- ncr party of eight persons
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  • 37 18 In 1901 a group ot 14 young men oi Salt Lake City, Utah, formed a society "Women haters." Ten of them have just celebrated a reunion par .y— and discovered that they were all married.
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  • 280 18 Alleged Murderer Of PolicHman Parts A MAN who escaped irom "Devil's Is.and," the French Guiana Penal Settlement, has been re-arre.sttd near Biarriiz after, it Ls alleged, killing a policeman when discovered trying to break into a jeweller's premises. The man, Armand Spilers, aged 34, escaped
    280 words
  • 87 18 Because he did not wish to see his v.'itf any more. ;> man of Neunkirchen. in th" Baar district, has blinded himself. He was found in the market-place. In danger of being run over by a car A policeman took him to the station, where he told
    87 words
  • 690 18 Cas«c In Hritain SOME POPULAR FALLACIEB IBj An ifaji) l^ndon, June it. JUDGING by th< number of pe r sons bitten recently by ovreoa. mon viper or add., (vipera M ,V hl JV would appear thi.s v »ar to be specially abundant, and th authorities of
    690 words
  • 48 18 Kinjs Boris of I has rlertrd an honorary mmober OJJJ Locomotive Mechanics 1 Union in Tho King's exploits as an ama'^ 1 engine-driver were referred K» j" J* mechanics 1 cor tUt D f,« and tho resolution to elect T honorary member wmj carried unaw mouslv
    48 words
  • 53 18 Mrs Nancy Poitra; who jlauW-. bo the oldest woman i' 1 M;in I lt f l rj. v .< nadi celebrated her 103 rd p 11 0^ Winnipeg by leading the dance party in her honour )00 The party was tendoC V^: lM rfn grandchildren 3 .:rpat-granacm
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 359 18 k aal '^fl^av hI IIV A Mr x. -^M™^^ Went in less than a week She calls that corn a beauty but only ncn that it's oijt. Can't you iran^um y-turhflf holding in old offflSMW b< finjror and thumb, gloatiiig «.v»t your rorK|ti<'»t, and Snyiiig it'« fl bcatity Head her
      359 words
    • 116 18 Me insecticide V that at wans I End t/ie menace and torment of mosquitoes can decide riclu now to frrr A yourself oi the danger and annoyanco of mosquitoes. Urn-arc of in«ectict<lrs. T!iej- oflcn seem to kill mo'Tuitocs but soon thar dangerous |ir«.fs < ome hiirk to life, njore full
      116 words
    • 88 18 J MAJESTIC CHILLY SAUCE it Sumptuous In Taste I Wild In Fragrance w ik Unique In Preparation s 9imm "J!n R«commcndrd by lead in^ f.imilies and «»x- 1 I ptrlenced cooks. Wefl known everywhere on *«tk*V <&&» I account of its quality and fata*. Buy a pjl.H bo ttie and
      88 words

  • 2123 19 VIEWS OF SELANGOR CHAMPION TIJT", UP PiniOn Competition May lose ZnZ t S ™<W"e »<** Nat Enter— Wh. W,H Win The Junior Championship? M ne BnMea j,, ler School Tourney (By "Dragon") A I I »till ratio* i A v i Sfngapore'i dV o
    2,123 words
  • 121 19 At the sixth annual general nutting of the Silver Star Min.:irel.s held on the inst., the following w?re elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: Patron, Mr. Chia Eng Say; hon. vicepatron, Mr. Chew Kok Teow president. Mr. Sect Ghin Si?w (re-elected); v presidents. Messrs. Tan Cheng
    121 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 171 19 ■p^^^^j The ownership for ■jLV I stead brings lasting fji-.A A satisfaction; ■fen/ I! designed In I such a manner as to ■Wrj provide the utmost j!Mb|-- comfort and supmyk l )urf during repose. lle uiul mere, for |^r i is constructed of mr A -♦long steel and is rpiAMOND
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  • 1927 20 COLONY -F. M. S. CRICKET PROSPECTS DISCUSSED MORE CHANCES FOR YOUNG BLOOD? LESSONS OF STATE GAMES COLONY SELECTIONS LIKELY TO BE MORE DIFFICULT "Forward") (By TM-IK inter-State cricket programmes in Malaya have been completed, and thoughts of enthusiasts throughout the country are being centred on the coming encounter between the
    1,927 words
  • Article, Illustration
    6 20 Vee Chan, lightweight champion of Penang.
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  • 1124 20 LOW SCORES Week-End Cricket Review (By Spectator) THh ascendancy of bowttn over batsmen is jirtlinu to be a feature of local cricket these days, and never was this so marked ;is in the week-end fixtures, when playing on wickets which ordinarily should have brought about tall scoring
    1,124 words
  • 178 20 The Cinderella Of Cricket I WANT to put In a pica lor the cricket or. who seems to Le something oi a Cindee n a in the game I refer to the wicket-keeper, writes a London rta jarrespondent. He has to do something remarkabls spectacula- before the average
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 20 Som Pong, welterweight champion of Siam
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  • 73 20 me names 01 RU tnose who strovo to bring success to the Xlth Olympiad are to be recorded In a Book of Honour Headed with the name of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor, the Book will contain the names— written by thrmselves of all the guests of
    73 words
  • 763 20 BOXING SOM PONG AND DIAMOND MATCH MADE Siamese A Great Drawing Card (By -X.0.) ON Friday, July i >. fight fag ought i" be well compc for the recent disappointment! ti, have suffered. Mr. Bertk BtH hi submitted an excellent programm for th«- approv; I of the Board of Control.
    763 words

  • 19 21 THE SINGAPORE MARKET QLMET WITH NO Bl SINESS Kuhht-r Shmrei Shaw Revival (From Our Financial Correspondent! Singapore, Saturday, Closing.
    19 words
  • 75 21 13 38 n ro 1.-. i Lnthem t in iii 1 1, .i.i Hoi I 8 ():> ;i Bi << a t h\ the u>.in n Pathollc Broadcasting A elation foi the Indl Murcn, Holland and the Missions in the East ond West Indies. Talk by Mr. by
    75 words
  • 31 21 -I I ro 1 •a'i 11 am to 1 :'.<i in Recorded van to 5.30 p.m. to 7 pin. Relay of Fitsbytexian church Service, preceded by an an Recital
    31 words
  • 226 21 Singapore: (Spot) 26* eta., down Vh ct Market Tone: Steady. London 7 1 gd, unchanged. Market Tone: Very Stead v. New York: (Sp t) 15 16 IC> eta., down 1 16 Ct« Markd Tone: Dull. Tone: Stejidv. To-day his been vory quiet on the local market, no transactions being
    226 words
  • 108 21 THE -SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Saturday noon. Buyers. Sellers. No. I.X.R.S S. in cases (F.OB. June) 26 716 26>0 Good FAQ. in cases (F.OB. June i 26 3 8 26 7 16 No. I.X.R.SS. (Spot-loose) (awardable Spore 26 3 K 26 U do. July
    108 words
  • 263 21 Romantic Schoolgirl Defies Parents T w Matale, Ceylon. "A 1 a runaway coupU* missed the train at two stations, Kandy and and finally continued their Journey to their destination. Badulla. oy car. was stated by Tikin Appu, a car driver of Matale. He gave evidence before
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 23 21 Btff -Nf W FRENCH REMEDY. IfcJERAPION No:1 IHERAPION Nc.2 IllUc, Chen.:.!.., r No. r#lurn Mftll. OR LJB M. C £S Co kRa.N.W.S.UonU.^
      23 words
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    • 167 21 lIKRE'S A QUESTION FOR JEALOUS WIVES If you phoned your husband who w;is upcountrv M ;i business trip, and his pretty lady Secretary answered flnsn his bedroom ph(»;;i ;it 2 < 'clock in the mornini> worn) vor ijmmkve shi: was mkkij^ ffw TAKING DOWN SOME IMPORTANT "DICTATION* S *£d M«G«M*i
      167 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 504 21 Malayan Listeners 9 Radio BRITISH EMPIRE PROGRAMMES Bi irrard Crook Quintal Transmission 2: HSU 13.97 metre* M W mcs.) and GSG 16.86 metres (17.79 mcs.), from 6.20 p.m. to 9.05 p.m. Transmission 3: GSG 16.86 metre* 17.79 mcs.) and GSF 19.82 metres '15.14 mcs.), from 9.20 p.m. to 0.20 a.m.
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    • 460 21 <R. Revelli. Muriel Liddle: The Brook iHolcombe), Hark, Hark, the Lark (Schubert-Liszt>, Serenade (StraussGieseking) Edith Penville- Fantaisie caractcristi*4ue Anderson I 11 Ou pm Weekly Newsletter, Sport Summary And Atinouncement Qreen ..i>. ii i'uin.- ftlgnal at ii SM pin 1 1 i'u pm "Bverynuui'i Clulo a p««j{rsinme designed to celebrate the
      460 words
    • 316 21 2.00 p.m.— Relay from P.T.T. Transmitter. 2.15 p.m.— Records. 2 50 p m —Talk cr. events in France OS s, m -neccrdo 5 p.n Men v, Pi h v:, ij vi M( in Engil i. i *v H :i End oi in...: i Wavelength ih gc metre 15.244 i 15
      316 words
    • 13 21 in jo p i i h mv t0. 50 9. in lose down.
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  • 182 22 Kczema Sufferer's Frank Letter There is an unusual frankness about thi letter from woman who was once victim of illiUmilhi eczema. Other sufferer* who are looking for a remedy It #i this unpleasant complaint will be interested in what she writes: "i am forty-six
    182 words
  • 165 22 England's Leading Golf Lady IT may .seem late in the day to say tha Miss Pamela Barton is Britain's Number One woman golfer o< the future It may, indeed, be asserted thn.i it ha* long been obvious that she was th* Number One o; the present. But those
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  • 820 22 REVIEW OF LOCAL SOCCER NO CHANGE IN LEAGUE POSITIONS i ßy 'Full Back") THKKK is no change lhe P osl 1 finns in 111' I r t Dl'llN ef the League, no matches having been played during the week. On Tuesday the Innisk Mings meet the Chinese at Anson Koad.
    820 words
  • 230 22 Results Of Tournament Ties THE following are the results in last week's matches: Open Singles:— Miss Maureen Clarke beat Mrs. Koh 6— i, 6 2. Miss D. Burgess beat Miss D. Fcston 6 4, 7—5. Handicap Singles: Miss G. Nathan 3) beat Miss D. Fones —15.3) 5—7 6—2,
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 22 Rees heading in the first goal for the Combined Services following a corner. An rnfident in Friday's Malaya Cup match in which the Services beat Johore by 5-nil.
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  • 190 22 Ping-Pong, Tennis And Billiards Tournaments Thr following- ties h;>ve been arranged: TENNIS SINGLES HANDICAP June 30. Dr. Loh Poon Lip (—l2) vs. Y. P Tan (—l2). July 1. Woon Chow Tat (—2l) vs. Khoo Peck Kirn (—3). July 2. Lim Boon Hin 6) vs. Koh Tian Seng 9).
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  • 255 22 Keen Competition In Malacca (From Our Own Correspondent} Malacca, Saturday. THE annual Inter-School Sports were held on Thursday under brilliant weather conditions at the High School grounds. The following schools took part: The High School. SF I Anglo Chinese School. St Mary's School and the Penuel English School.
    255 words
  • 103 22 The election of office-bearers for thf year 1936 at the third annual genial meeting of the Malacca Badminton elation held on June 21. resulted as follows: President: Mr. P. G. Pamadasa; Vicepresident: Mrs. Khoo Sian Eng; Viio President: Mr. Tan Kirn Sun; Hon Secretary: Mr. Tan Kirn Swee;
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 172 22 I i;i\i\ sii\i;irs I I I. Hi: A I \\\l Al CASH STO(klAkl\<, I SALE Sen: I commences to-morrow Monday 29th June 1936 for 3 weeks only. I I AM*E'*<" KIBM < I lO\S BMItlllMILi: lt\lU,\l\S I I ABSOLUTELY UNBEATABLE PRICES. I §3 To buy now is to buy at
      172 words

  • 302 23 PERAK DRA W WITH SELANGOR "MALAYA CUP" SOCCER MANY THRILLS Huge Crowd At The Stadium ,yrom Our Our. Reporter) Kuala l.umpur, Saturday. A VERY large crowd assembled at the Stadium to-day for th« first Mal*>a (up Match in Kuala Lumpur this season, when Selanpor met Perak in a thrilling frame,
    302 words
  • 228 23 TJI.C.A. Tournament Concludes Singapoie. Saturday DRILLIANT tennis by H. Kamis was a feature this afternoon of the Men's open Singles, which wound up the tennis tournament run by the V MCA His opponent. A S Pereira. never eemed to be able to get going and was
    228 words
  • 107 23 tthtl Conditions For Final Rounds Tup London, June 26. «c second daj of the competition pro P< r in the British Open Golf 5l!! amp onship at H-'ylake bt«rted in 2SJk. Wealher ihb «nornlnc. with a ««Kht north-westerly wind. Players went out in reverse "*<w from yesterday.
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  • 18 23 |j a ;l" V, UUI<II s 'Cap St. Coin,, on Tune 30 from 2';' pdayfo-
    18 words
  • 231 23 Results Of Inter-Club Competition THE following are the results of the Inter-club Swimming Competition vhieh w;>.s held at the V.M.C A. Bath, recently: 40 YARDS FREE STYLE SCRATCH Ist. K. Leembruggen and Sim Boon Howe (Tie); 3rd. Scan Yun II?en. 40 YARDS BREAST STROKE: ?3CRATCH: Ist. Heng Ah
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  • 43 23 New Time For 1,500 Metres Copenhagen, June 27. Miss Grethe Frederiskrn set up a new world record for the 1,500 metres fre^ style, her time being 22 minutes 36 7 10 seconds, beating Miss Wingard's record which she made yesterday Reuter.
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  • 163 23 The following have been selected to represent the Junior DeDartment against the Royal Inniskillings Fusilliers or. Tuesday, June 30 at Tanghn:— J. Ferguson, J. Webber, Ong Swee Keng Onfj Swee Law. Shim Kah Foo. K. T,eembruggen, Suratta, B M. Barker. Tan Guan Kiat, I H. Newman, Goh Kens
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  • 208 23 Engagrements During The Week BY kind peimission_ of Mr. N. A. M. Gritlin, tne Acting Inspector-Gen-eral of Police, the Band of the Straits Settlements Police will perform in public during the week as follows, under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., R.M.S.M. Tuesday June 30,
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  • 242 23 Psrak Tennis MEN'S SINGLES FINAL TO-DAY (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh. Saturday. THE Perak Tennis Championship meeting was continued to-day in glorious weather. Only one final was played, Mrs E. K. Allin, the Malayan Champion, beaiinp Mrs J L. Woods to once again secure the ladies'
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  • 42 23 The friendly football ma ten between the Social Athletic Party and the Lam Yew Athletic Party which was to have been played to-day at the J.C.S.A. ground has been altered to the G.P.O. ground at Serangoon Road.
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  • 299 23 CHINESE SWIMMING CLUB Tw:nty-Sixth Anniversary Celebrated Singapore, Saturday. k CROWD of several hundreds, which included mnny Europeans, celebrated the 26th nnniversiry of the Chinese Swimming Club this afternoon at the riub premies l .r, Ambei Road. Ideal weather, vhe attendance of many mems ol the iair zex. and excellent anisin*
    299 words
  • 63 23 Result Of June Ladies' Foursome Competition Eight cards were taken out for the c competition and the following were thr* scores returned: Mrs E O'Suliivan and Mrs. R. McCrcath 47 13%=*3Vfc. Mrs. E Litchflcld and Mrs. A. M Low 44 -8 1 3 -35* 2 Mrs J.
    63 words
  • 57 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. AN interesting two-day crciket match between the Penang Sports Club and the Selansor Club began on the padanp to-day. The visitors batted first and scored 98, Hunter, the Selanc:or bowler, being ii jrrc it form to take 5 wickets Tor
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  • 57 23 The s?OOnd cloven of the Ceylon Sportr Club, playing at home this afternoon beat the Anglo-Chinese School by seven wickets. Scores: A.C.5.:88 (Param 35; Muthu. thre? for 14. Joseph, two for 11; Chelliah, two for 14. CSC 1 140 for seven wickets (S M. Joseph 48. C.
    57 words
  • 31 23 Singapore, Saturday. Thf Ni>nde.< C.C. Win beaten afternoon ptf cricket by M>c Middle N C C 88 MIDDLESEX REOT. 140 (Pte. Wilson 87: De Vnz, s!x for 68
    31 words
  • 26 23 Playing at Hong Lim Green to-day the g C R C wrrc defeated by Raffles Col•M!!.:; I'M) <v 4ie Colteft'f 215 for l
    26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 23 Woon Chow Tat. who beat A D Anderson i n the Mm'.s Singles of UH Btafapore Tennis Championships on Thursday.
    20 words
  • 280 23 Results Of Tournament Games lAURING the past week 6 games were v played, and the four leading teams were all beaten. As a result, Bowerman's team move up to second place. They, themselves, had a narrow victory by 10 points to 9 over Edwards' team. but it
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  • 121 23 The Mercantile Institute met Gwee's Ping-Pong Party on Friday night at Lee Villa, IG6, Upper Serangoon rtoad, and beat them by 3 games to 2. Results: (Mercantile Players mentioned first): Teo Cheng Song (capt.) beat Noel Rodrigues, 3 o; Lim Eng Seng beat Douglas Rodrigues, 3 l; Chan Kwok
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  • 345 23 Sparkling Play MISS ANN IK WEK BEATEN Singapore, Satunl.iCPARKLING badminton ma MM in the Ccrioal Union Ball this nfternr.ii v.iirn farther i < i In the Singapore Junior Badminton Tour njinenl were played In the first men's singles, Le« Siak Kenff, of the Amateur Athletic Union, had
    345 words
  • 60 23 Singapore Baturdaj. St. Joseph's Institution, plajfinfl on their own ground this afternoon, bi at an S.C.C. eleven at cricket by live wickets. Scores. P.C.C.: 116 (H. Gibson 32. J K. C. MitchelJ 22; C. Donoimh. <!m and c. de Souza. three for 21 8. J. I. 124 for
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  • 67 23 Time saved the S.C.C. from deft the Mediral College in a crick on the Padang yesterday, when th. collegians were six run.s short of victory S.C.C. 162 (Hewaii 50. Orlfflth-Jone? 36; Alvis three for 49, Boon Bcnu f<-ur for 52 Medical College 157 for eight Chong
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 167 23 THIS WEEK'S TIES The following are the games arranged for this week: Monday June 29, O. P. Griffith Jones's team vs. A. Ferguson's team; H. R. L Dyne's team vs. W. Y. Semple's team. Tuesday, June 30, E. H. R. Bowerman's team vs. H. R. Wilson's team; H. R L.
      167 words

  • Article, Illustration
    38 24 n»Vfl CUP TENNIS IN DUBLIN: T. G. McVeagh (Ireland* and C. Oestbcr";, can' of Ul3 Swedish k nm, on the way to th3ir battle, v.i.i-h McVeagh won 6 4. 6—4, 6—.. Ireland beat Sweden 4 to 1.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 24 The Resident Councillor of Malacca, the Hon. Mr. G. W. Bryant, taking the Salute at the King's Birthday parade last Tuesday.
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  • 65 24 Miss Di.ina Churchill (left) a dom "»th**» factor in Ihc protracted .sucof "The Dominant Sex," with Mr. John Churchill, the arti t Of Major and Lady Gwendoline Churchill, and his first cou.sin. MUs .S'r:>h Churchill, who understudies Claire Luce in "Follow tin- Sun". re photographed
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  • 93 24 The Odecn Theatre, a new cinema which was opened in Kuala Lumpur recently. Fifi the Chimpanzee, a well-known character at the London "Zoo", U here seen Acting as Foreman during th? building of the naw Pets' Corner in Regent's Park. She take; a very active
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  • 86 24 A striking picture of the Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur The esily roundi of the Women's open Champftoi s ,%p were notable for surprises Miss Chirlotte Glutting, a momfoei U.S.A. Ladies Curtis Cup team, met the iamous American I Mrs. E H. Vare. junior, the reigning
    86 words
  • 34 24 A consignment of 10,000 fancy fish were imported recently by Mr. K. Johno, of Singapore. The photograph shows the fish on board the Kashima Maru which brought them to Singapore
    34 words
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    • 136 24 24 PAGES for 5 CENTS i \hi aiii.i: v a it c I N ll a ii «_►<'!' in <!<•*■ Itapior liiwlf llubs ALL SHAFTS ARE Section \l*v\ of Wood llca(f. vho^maih* method of ftxint CHROMIUM PLATED special m«tal sle«\c,tap«re«l Jm^F r!^i^ IM Thr iTanft^ndlr y^T THE IRON HEADS Ka|u<-r
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    • 5 24 Sports Reports Read the TRIBUNE
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