Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 23 February 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 1 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 10 1 The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1936. FIVE CENTS
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  • 678 1 VIEWS OF BRAZIL 1 MANAGER AN INTERVIEW Truth About Amazon Venture (Sunday Tribune Special) Singapore. Saturday. Jl ITBONG denial that Mr. Henry. 1 Ford, the American multi millionaire and motor manufacturer, aims to ohtain all bis rubbrr supplies fr tt n his concessions
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  • 39 1 people from Australia v nan io spend their hoiid innel Centaur arrived Friday briimin- about 40 pasAustralla. Twentynburked at Singapore, inuudlng Mr i h, who has repre- n Australia in lnter-61 >'• ball Be kl <»n honey>n trip
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  • 114 1 Familiar Voice GREAT INTEREST AROUSED London, Feb. 21. gREAT fntcre 1 has be n arou* d do only throughout the British Kmplre, but the rest of the world by the announcement that King Ed ward will br adcasi for the first time since his accession
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  • 78 1 QWIXG to (he increased demand by advertisers for space in the Mornirj Tribune, it has been dccidtd as frq?n to-morrow to iucrtyuxL the size of th* paper to 24* pages nculy. The increase is a significant sign of the popularity which th? neu morning paper for Singapore has
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  • 178 1 Miss Gertrude Walter And Mr. A. Cadtcllino THP. wedding book place at the Church Of Saint Joseph, Singapore, yesterday of Miss Qertrude Wilhelmina Walter, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter. «>f Singapore, and Mr. Alexandr. beilin son <>f Mr. and Mrs. Ca:tclUn of Ooa. The
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  • 104 1  -  PROXY BY Novel Ceremony In India iFrom Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Saturday. VTEWS has been received from Ayeuthi, near Trichur. in south India of a novel marriage, in which the bridegroom, of Singapore, w»a absent The ceremony was unprecedented in the history of Malabar Nair j The
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  • 126 1 Mr. Eden To Outline British Policy London, Feb. 22. IT is expected that during Monday s debate In the House of Commons, Mr. Anthony Eden will deliver the first con. the main aspects of the international situation and will indicate the general principles of BritTsh policy.
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  • 64 1 Central Bank Official's Statement Shanghai. Feb. 21. THE spokesman cf the Central Bank of 1 China. Interviewed by Router, declared that ther? was absolutely no foundation for the report from London A that the Chinese Government was requesting bullion dealers there to dispose cf silver which is
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  • 133 1 League Committee Of Eighteen To Meet On Mar. 2 Geneva, Feb. 22. A Meeting of the League Committee if Fiehteen to discuss oil sanctions ha^ boon convened for March 2. Reutcr. MR. EDEN TO ATTEND London, Feb. 22. Ii was announced from Geneva today that the Committee cf
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  • 117 1 'J'HAT Japan ii anxious not to engage in any competitive naval building, in spite of her withdrawal from the Naval Conference, was the gist of a statement made to a Tribune representative yesterday morning, by Admiral Nagano, the principal Japanese delegate to the London
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  • 229 1 LINDBERGH STIRS U.P US. A. PUBLIC Flight To England NEW ROUND-UP OF CRIMINALS Singapore, Saturday. THE United States is now taking stern action to eliminate crime; especially kidnapping and racketeering. The departure of Col. Lindberg and his wife for England has done more than anything else to stir up public
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  • 107 1 A delegation of the Filipinos of e lnwy>re poititi Rfnq of m>s. Portillo and Messrs. M. Anciano. C. B. Arriola. E. *ndal. P. Domingo and F. Villanueva visited Mrs. Quezon at Raffles Hotel on the evening of Feb. 10 and paid their resneets to her. Mrs. Buencamino and
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  • Article, Illustration
    79 1 $100,000 Venture For Singapore Sineapcre, Saturday. ANEW cinema is to be built at the junction of Selegie Road and Short Street. The plans have been approved by Municipal Committee No. 4. Th? building will cost about $100,000. and there will be seating accommodation for 856 persons. Work
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  • 110 1 A DEADLOCK Employers Issue An t Ultimatum rom Our aim i:ci><»tcr) [poh, Saturday. r rilK foundry worken now on strike, numbering over 800, i* i Kinta and Kampar, have now been given an ultimatum i>v the employera to resume work by Mondaj The strik- lias now heen
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  • 148 1 To Visit BaUvia In H.M.S. Kent H.e. Vice~Admiral sir Chartoi t c. Little KCI! N.:\.il-C<uinnani I Ohief. China Station, proposes to visit Batavia in H M.S. Kent. The programme oi n>ea|Nß&fcjß m leave Singapore < dfn ;it Batavia from Mar. 9 I v« bark iil SiOßapore on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1782 2 OPENING EARLY IN MARCH TRIAL TRIP Special Report For Sunday Tribune IT is now definitely established that a regular Imperial Airway- service between Penang and Hongkong v. ill be opened early next me nth. An ofTicial inn— f cm rnt is expected within the ne\t few da
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  • 175 2 KU ALA LUMPUR WEDDING Well-Known Rugby Player Marries (From Our Own Report Kuala I umpur, Baturaay< CT. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpur, was the scene of B fashionable wedding «o-day at which Miss Joy Lorraine Ferguson, elder daughter of Captain and Mrs. J 14 h\ i on Sung i Bui h
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  • 638 2 MR FORRER (,oi s<; '•gFNTIMKNTS goodwill, loyalty and d«'\(»t ion have drawn u gether here to-da> on your »i. ture on well-earned long leave and to wish you a happy holiday and i safe return i«> this country," marked Mr. Chan .Jo<> Chua, Chief Clerk <•'■' the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 CjP^ MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL Jj THIS WEEK MONDU WIhMSDW rKIDA^ COCKTAIL DANCE 6.30 to p.m: DINNER i DANCE (informal) 9.30 to midnight TUESDAY, TIIIKSDAY SATIRDAV "i:< HESTRAL CONCEKT 8.11 lo 9.U pmi: SPECIAL DINNER i DANCE (formal) 9.46 to midni-ht \kaki r IPPBABmo NIGHTLY. EVY A MARNY S ng
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  • 589 3 Amazing Complications Over F. A. League 's Decision LONDON TIN E RUBBER Market (ontinu.s Steady h Fine otrtspontmti London, Feb. 22, 1 p.m. r jMIK closing prices were as follows: LONDON feUßßtife Market Tone: Steady. Sput: 7 l H (clown 1 '52). April-.lune: 7' 2 (unchanged). LONDON TIN No Market.
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  • 398 3 Scottish (up BIGHI GOALS B\ THIRD LANARK (Bg l»u- I'ilurim") AN important stage in the Scottish F.A. (up was completed \e>lrrda> when the Third Round «;h |>l:i\ed. teat tire of the results is Third Lanark's victory over Dumbarton b\ B tfoals to nil. I predicted
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  • 835 3 FIRST DIVISION Goals. P. W L D. F. A Ps. •under] i2> 30 2) 9 4 75 39 46 Derby -fl> 3ft 14 7 t54 29 37 Huddor-nelri 30 15 8 7 47 43 37 Aim nal (1 i :>7 12 8 7 55
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  • 114 3 German Vkw \LLK(iLi) Violation OF LOCARNO Berlin, Feb. 22. A COMMUNIQUE issued by a German news agency stated that Germany regards the Franco-Soviet agreement as a violation of the Locarno Treaty. a communique I ued In n ply n ijorti that m. HcrHot, speaking in the French Chamber,
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  • 272 3 Speedy Irish Forwards Gain Th? Day London, Feb. tt. IRELAND beat Scotland at rugby 1 to-day by 10 points to 4 at Murrayfield. The weather was threatening and the turf was very soft as a result of yesterday's rain. The grame was witnessed by 50,000 spectators.
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  • 112 3 PORTUGAL REFUSES To Consider Redistribution Of Colonies London, Fob. 22. PORTUGAL'S refusal to consider a redistribution of colonies was affirmed by the Premier, Senor Salazar, at a meeting of the Members of Parliament. He S3 id that Portuguese Colonies could not be discussed, as the matter was more one of
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  • 189 3 P. W L. D F. APs. Celtic <2> 29 23 4 2 84 28 48 Aberdeen (6) 30 20 2 8 75 42 48 Rangers U) 28 20 2 6 84 22 46 Hearts <3» 32 18 9 5 77 44 41 Mothrrwrll <7> 29 15 6 8
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  • 260 3 U.S. Senator's Wife In Singapore JHAVE found that Eastern women are charming," says Mrs. Carev wife of Senator Robert T. D. Carey, n( Wyoming, who is now visiting Singapore She arrived with her daughter by the President Garfleld yesterday in the course of a pleasure trip round
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  • 21 3 idon, F i; 22 Si ik is 4.99 P j 74-23 32. 141 0- ,d 19-78, forward 1 Wire I
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    • 720 4 THE STAR OF "LITTLE MINISTER" IN AN EQUALLY BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE! Jj**^ PREMIERE P A VII lON :J SHOWS! u.k.o.s production of booth-tarkington*s s. lu-DAi .>.!.) ().!.> H.1.) I I, g PULITZER PRIZE NOVEI "a U| wlf«lW^^^ EWERY (.IIIL (.\Xi> MAN) WILL I |^r U M V Wb&%»^- thrill in sympathy
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  • 1268 5 "MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY" A TRUE DRAMA Filmed With flawless Accuracy tfUTTNY On 'I I Bountj is undoubtedly the? most t adventure \n modern literature trritei Prank Lloyd, wh6 direi the picture, which come« to CapitoJ short] M.G.M. 'i« »3 opinion it is the
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  • 307 5 GREAT TENOR I Nino Martini In Fine Film pRESH from radio triumph* and a sensational career in opera and concert performances, Nino Martini ■•n-ivc-s on the screen i f the Pavilion ineatre, this wi ek in his "Here's to Romance" to prove thil he ia not only
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  • 273 5 Katherine Hepburn In "Alic Adams' CATHERINE Hepburn's mighty and faithful army of admirers whose last nam?, o f course, is Legion have been demand in", Ions; and loudly that their favourite appear as a modern American nirl face to face with life and life's problems as
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  • 279 5 "Th? Great Impersonation" MONOCLE THE SOL DISGUISE I 1 VV() new and difft n-nt Bdmuii I Lowes will be seen .-it the w change at the Alhcmbra Theatre Universal^ l4 Th< fir* .t Impel ...n tion." In the exciting i sposure of what goes on
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 381 5 Doubled up fifa with Stomach W pains nf A i minutes //plater One mlnuta you are doubled op with pain, due to bloating r&a and burning i »'i In itomach. Take two r tJ) k U is, and two mlnutea It pain has gone. Otaardoj m i dr«f. it is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 124 6 BhN EBbd ■Ik. ftflllH Sriaißi kIW .aHal #J "SWI BflSfP ir ■t^. A^< WONDERFUL GIFTS FOR OLD AND YOUNC. I I M I f I Cnßl ■B'ft^PJ 5 n^Stm I flftCfltfll z PrJjV I K^pnlnVl f I'll I iX^L '^^■■^Si^^blß^' i*^ *t If tlj^riß^Bßrt^lnlfcjf liaßTWi TTtIW -"i* J li/iJi/ *~^^£m
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  • 1520 7 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES Mi: h, ;r\ Bl i i BRWORTH craved Lift with u capital L. He was forty-two yeaj of age, ."Hi'l Life, he felt, had passed him by. had hi j i arned tor adventure and ,j i lull inM« ;.(i r>f thai >„. ira the pari owner
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 118 7 SOLVE THAT COLD TIFFIN PROBLEM! 3O VARIETIES of COOKED COLD MEATS AND COOKED SAUSAGES Every Day a Different Cold Lunch Menu Pressed Brisket Beef Pressed Pork Pressed Ox Tongue Pork Brawn Baked Ham Corned Silverside Beef Boiled Pineapple Ham Roast Leg Pork Tudor Pork Pies (Small) Wall's Pork Pies Wall's
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  • 2196 8 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. AFTER the very pretty wedd. tit Andrew Cathedral of "Mis.** Diana Munscm and Mi QOOTge Tatham a reception was held at 1, Nafltfm Hill, the re HW.rc oi Mr. Justice Whitley. The b«\uit:iwl wecldm:,' presents were li.->piayrd In the dining loom and therewere many telegram.s
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 8 8 Aft FOR gk STYLE f QUALITY VALUE 9
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    • 124 8 V" J The California School of Hair- i i dressing offers the ideal profession 1 for Women. Courses In all branches i S of hairdressinu at a reasonable J tuition fee. Classes taught by i registered American operator. 1 No 9, MEYER MANSIONS, cor. i S N. Bridge Road Colcman
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    • 136 8 AN EXCLUSIVE RANGE OF STYLES IN SIIC TON FOR THE SPRING SEASON ON DISPLAY AT OUH SHOW-ROOM. YOUR INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. SS4 I IM North Uridpo Rd. \Aux Chats Noirs' Exclusive Model Evening Gowns i I, Day Afternoon Frocks, Lovely Bags, Belts and Flowers. Phone 4085. 18, Battery Koad. T^
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  • 440 9 though !<I Baturdi I WA df ingor Club was no t as I'.. those held recently, tli was üb"u' It the !'in and merriment thn from i small in pie matter to pick most cd K Rum j lf r (l fi'- n< nd houlder
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  • 134 9 OU R FRASER'S HILL LETTER VISITORS to Fraser's Hill this w. -rk inled Mr. an.! MrWaugb item Kuala Lumpur. Mr and Mrs. Hodge and their little daughter from Baiu Pahat. Mi and Mr;: Sinclair, both lyers (the latter I coun ma neat ffr&f Mr Grenlcr. and Joyce Grenief. wh -so
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  • 148 9 evening was very cheery, and dancinf? continued until the early hours of the morning. FRIENDS of Mrs Loke Yew have been 1 staying at Buona Vista, the ultramodern house on Lady Maxwell's Drive. Originally built by Major Keys of the Singapore architectural firm of Keyes :ind Dowdeswell. it
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  • 875 9 QUEEN MARY CLUTCHES HER HANDERCHIEF Impressions Of King George's Funeral London Jim. 28. QUEEN Mary clutching her h.-ndkn-chiot and blinking rapidly to reBtrair hei tears. Princess Royal, her daushter. touching li'r hand in con--1 lation. This will for ever be my most poignant memory of the funeral of King George
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 161 9 Of all the treasures in the Orient jad< k is \ho one that is wi r hin the reach of all p<jckets and r.ivonr of all ta-te. send jade from poll < Sims* €*ll COIB^ SS, North Isrid^e Kwid _W •I* •> St^ On your way home drop in for
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    • 92 9 Kfe NEW .A A SHIPMENT k \l FUR FELT \J h HATS J^ in all latest colours Vj y Now on Display \i d\ Alu*y* Something N*w At f^t I I >j<L IHI IHII St MW IHIM.i '*~/A MAYNARD^S DUNHILL Smoking is undoubtedly a pleasure ol the senses, primarily of
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    • 44 9 lot MHnmnn mm EAU OE BEAUTE A gentle astringent, mild as summer rain which can be used freely on the most sensitive skin. $2.25 per bottle Made in the British Empire JVulAmd Fatmoui Beauty Preparations ■caw ltd uiii rlaii i.i nt n (i. Singapore.
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    • 209 9 The Gift Shop Song. m Daisy, Daisy. I'll be food and \r\u-. Your HAT\s lovely, it's just RUMk for you. GIFT SHOP hats for ever, They are so smarl and clever. So, if you'd go nap, Wear a GIFT SHOP hat And flowers of pink and blue 157, North Bridge
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  • 1076 10  -  G. S. Hammonds J\r F.l' within thr- >)'»<r,m< of all of us Hie <j. ire to paint. Ft wof u <«tn ever hopt bo join the fmnt ranks of t!." highest spoMttti of iii Mid plre to Academic )\ni\ in-, out there is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 61 10 f^T^Jlt 'WEAKNESS 7j/ debility jfijAIMEM I A H^^>ESCHlENS'Syriii» kv of Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. f*f better than serums, raw ni<>at, Medicated wines, etc. A. CLOUET CO-, LTD. SINGAPORE' OKTAINABLK FROM ALL DiSPfc^SARIES. mF i
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    • 147 10 SHIP INSPECTIONS I Port Sanitary Work At Manchester I is shown in the Medical Officer'?: reports submitted to the Port of Manchester Sanitary Authority that 268 vessels were inspected in the period Nov. 18 to Dec. 31 last, an increase of 29 In comparison with the corresponding period of 1934.
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    • 222 10 TIGER BEER IS II I:'. S T COLDS, ME AOACAES, SCIATICA ftifißH RUEU/M/Vnsn. TOOTMACME ENG AlTi^ TONG THE H,l H 31 I IMC \l HALL HE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME There is an incomparable thrill In sing able to both recognise the chance a life.time and make the most
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  • 1239 11 UI i T\\ i: DISC AitDS II s iiicipte i bridj \^e convt #-f information by whal are, in effect <ii- .u (i Tlpi |n« •Ju-air j., our (I ii i.,i i h contii echo or I i ignal ami mnilai b- you dj hiflrh < < #*<
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 113 11 I^^ JHbfc 4M V| «l_ •^2 \\v 3 c. for a Bigger and Better Bar Containing Two Pictu re Stamps 'his iv b€h piistime which nn<* kiv»w ho.w and girfa will find great fun. Vov will love ut I ini^ out the litfuro and completing the pic(»ne<. Ml you bftVC
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    • 77 11 S( NO AY TRIHUNi:. 'Phone: 5811 and 58i2. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE T)plivcrv li)<'ludir>gr li'dudirj? n* Dflec r P stago ••■<!•.» tf> I i'-«J ri'«- I.MS. Country Yearly $3.00 .10 $6.<»(> Half -Yearly $1.50 -52.70 $&0O Quarteriy b |0.76 $l.:'»r, |i qq SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. CopiM of back
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    • 312 11 1 NEW BEAUTY SECRET i TRANSFORMS DULL TEETH a\ <jh^^ jfl Scientific Antiseptic Dentifrice QuicUly Gives Teeth Their Natural Brilliance and Whiteness If you nr*' (MM of tIICM li.ivp Kverytinv cxevict svhi almost t, r ivcn up hope of ever I ia ••konvi <«nt. Every tooth anything that will make
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  • 631 12 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Singapore: Sundav, Feb. 23, 1936. THE "MUST FIGHT" COMPLEX I IE! T OOMMANDF R Tots I mam. of the Japanese Navy, ha> written a book which, i English lied fapan Most Fighi Britain/ 1 ai d It n n given conBiderable prominence by the London Press, This being
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  • 1282 12  - THIS MALAYA How Do They Get That Way? C.H. Stanley Jones THK question above Ki or.*- I have often kcd myself during the years I have d in this country. It la probable that newspaper readers often asked it, too. in reference to cs like myself who dare, because they
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  • 631 12  -  AN GLIUS AVIATION being so much discussed ip Malaya these days, I cannot do better than begin with a little flyillg story A M •>* THE Air pilot had to contend with mist, cloud, and heavy rain After u time, completely lost, he had
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 2441 13 ANGLO-CHINESE CO-OPERATION FINE RECORD History Of A Great Venlure the ynUU-u A nglo-Chii i I during this 1 be holding its 1 1 1 'ant part it ha< pla> playing in th> edw ingapoi •••ii for Mm- Sun- Lee Ihoon Knj/. 1,.\ "t th. A.CS
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  • 237 13 A Controversy That Ended Happily The next two years, 189G-'.»7, .saw the cliool involved in a long controversy with a few Chinese leaders on the alleged proselytising carried on by the missionary teachers. 'This controversy started with a letter by 'Isaiah" regarding a report of the Rev. C.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 1162 14  -  W. B. Paterson r S In Which I Discourse On S I The Legislative Council's Recent Great Speed Burst I And Conjure Up Visions S Of What Would Happen j j In The Event Of The Record Inspiring Other Bodies In Malaya. I iLL over
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 193 14 V^-X-'lw BY ALL Si LAM S ™R *SHIP. AIR AND TRAVEL RAILWAY LINKS S NO iiOOhING FEES. 1 ChiiK'.-e SJ I A tic clients arc I > 1 br-it of attention and assistance. i:j9, Hobinson Hoad, Singapore. 7«>phnne r >yOB. OMEGA, TAV AWES (YMA IBWBIXKD i.i;\i:k movkmeni's. NICKEL POCKET from
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    • 12 14 o^fc£ GREAT EASTERN LIFE BLDG. Singapore i —n ir ii i i
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    • 27 14 f It 1 HUHMHLidM THE OPTICAL HOUSE "TiSEiTT C5 STAMFORD UOAD, N SINGAFOKK KYK WKAW Dispensing Spectacles A Specialit> i%. TAX. lt« k'lailionisl IK). M A.0.. BNO.
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  • 823 15 How It Megan NEARLY 1,000 CLUBS ORGANISED rpHE thnty-ln-t annn i s;ny of the Rotary movement is being Kluhmtrd to-day, [n SI yean it has qpread t<> nearly ho eountriei or ro^inn^ and cluhc are established in nearly 4,000 towns.* The man who founded this world- movement
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  • 1486 15 LESSENS THE CHANCES OF LUNG TROUBLE A X extremely instructive lecture entitled "Choir and choir Singing" was delivered by Mr. John IfcNeish, the accomplished conductor (;f the Say Mia Tnp Choir at the Straits Chinese Epworth League, Kamponpr Kapor Church. The members of the League were
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  • 172 15 Khodesian Motorists' Experience k RHODESIAN motorist has recently put on record his fortunate escape from what might have been an extremely costly ..cement. He instructed his native servant to drain the sump of his car and refill with fresh Gcim oil. a branch which he had been
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  • 327 15 YOUNG JAPANES NUN To Convert India GAVE IT RICHES TO BE HERMIT (By Air Mail) Tokyo, Feb. 12, J^ 22-YEAR-OLD Japanese nun i to sail for India shortly to spend the rest of her life "convert ing" Indians t<> the Nichiren sect <>t Buddhism. This sect was founded by the
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    • 84 16 j 1\ I u m m Mr M S. 1^ Mr I F5 i NEVE M ■MI KB THE CHIVALRY 'WALTER- IV J? MJ? A GIASS OF 1 U A Even Courtliness couldn't save Sir Walter from Queen Bess 1 Dungeon A r^ when his turn came— but a Sparkling
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  • 530 17 HANYANG GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL Fine Institution SIXTEEN YEARS OF PROGRESS Si Saturday. SnUATED in quiet eonser of KmtA Road, OV6P four mil<s away from the noiM and Mstle <>f the bmrfnewi (pttrter of Singapore, the Chin< X.'iiiv.MUL'- Girls' ll ijrh School continues t<> promote th<i M of education in the
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  • 217 17 First Found Intact In Ireland <By Air Mail) Dunloy. (County Antrim), Feb. 12 EXCAVATION beneath a megalith, a monument of the late Neolithic period, near Dunloy, County Antrim, has revealed the nrst completely prehistoric burial chamber to be found in Ireland. Mr. E. E. Evans,
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 94 17 Reported On Increase In India (By Air Mail) Bombay, Feb. 12. The Bombay Presidency Women's Council has passed a resolution "urging the Government of India the strict enforcement of the Child Marriage Restraint Act." it is the opinion of the women's council that the practice of child marriage
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 155 17 Programme Of To-Night's Concert THE following is the programme of the concert to be given at the Memorial j Hall this evening, beginning at 9.15. by the symphony orchestra of the Singapore Musical Society: PART I Symphony No. I, Beethoven. Adagio molto, leading to Allegro con Brie.
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  • 190 17 ALKAFF GARDENS Becoming A Popular Park Singapore, Thursday. ALKAFF Gardens, near the Junction 71 of McPhcrson and Upper Serangoon Roads, is fast develoDinß into an amus ment park with side-shows, stalls and cinemas. More than $100,000 was sr>ent to convert what was formerly a piece of swampy land, with nonds
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  • 206 17 Poison Gas Through Keyhole (By Air Mall) Joliet. Illinois, Feb. 12. WHAT appears to have been a diabo- lical plot to murder an entire family by means of p-ison gas is being investigated by the authorities here. Five people escaped death only by a matter of seconds, according
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 139 17 MEW UUCP WORKS WONDERS FOR STOMACH SUFFERERS Bisma-Rex is a now antacid treatment that is bringing welcoijM relief t»> peopjp who bare tuffered for years lrom the agoni« d stomach. Mr. 1 of Singapore writes "For a long time now I have been a sufTerer from ?astric pains 3 to
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    • 235 17 rtW\ W^T— i* -r PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE 'OAVI c PSSt s O I^^^ Ur 1S I>oint Examination, I t J i leSSS s Is A Conscientious Study Andl .f^nWVl3 V/ L' ~J ;*S \W&&\ S Covers Every Possible- Eyel k %A\J|CViT^- 4 i Deficiency. j f*** iIC^NIV^ 1
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    • 223 17 A VIEW OF THE ALKAFF GARDENS J<C HO* MAN S'S r s-^ "Tf THAT a surprising diffcronro Wntor- W b ury'« Compound has mado in my life! I greet each day with new vigour f work without fear of fatigue rnjoy my leisure hours with unbounded MM "I have almost
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  • 859 18 The rvsult of it was that the Judge fHUltod a deer»'<» nisi to Mrs. Mildred Sybil Adrenne Michel], of Thornlawraftdt West Norwood. HUSBANDS SUIT DISMISSED He dismissed a petition for divorce presented by Mrs. Michell's husband, Mr. William Edward Harput Michell, draper, of Market-place, penzance. Mr.
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  • 65 18 JUDGE'S VIEW Husband's Suit A Sham ALLEGATIONS that a husband encouraged kissing between his wife and young student with whom they wen* both acquainted figured in divorce case which Sir Boyd iCmimaa dmribtd as "one of the ftmngtst, and, in some ways, one of the most pitiable
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  • 204 18 Former P. 0. Captain I Juried At Sea CBj An Mail i Dover, Feb. G. AFTER sailing the teal for nearly half a century, 38 yean ol which were spent in the service of the P. and O. Line, Captain C. H. Allin has been
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  • 92 18 (By Air Mail) London, Feb. 12. pM^nke on four R^od^sian postal.stamps has proved worth £76 at a London stamp auction. The stamps were £1 stamps issued in IQlo— the year King George V came to the throne. Besides the portrait of thp Kin?T. they bear a portrait
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 608 18 POOREST YEAR ON RECORD llnjit' Loss A VERY GLOOMY II TURE THK Cc> lon Railwa> Department has reached critical stage. Its income has fallen Meadily during the la>t few years, and hopes of rtCOYffN lag (ho lost traHir appear remote, reports ihe Times of (c\lnn,
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  • 482 18 British Ownership ANNEXATION" BY THE I.S. (By Air Mail) London. Feb. HREE British islands in the Pacific have been "annexed" by the Jnited States of America. They are small coral islands, allost exactly half-way between lawaii ami Australia. Their im>ortance lies in their position on
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  • 141 18 Muscles Grafted On Useless Eyelids (By Air Mall) London, Feb. 12. A 5- YEAR-OLD boy -blind from birthcan now see perfectly as a result of two delicate eye operations performed in London. The operations arc believed to be the first of their kind. The child had sound
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 111 18 Queen Astriti Statue For Paris (By Air Mail) Paris, Feb. 11 A Bronze Bast of Queen Astrid. the young Queen of the Belgians who wjs killed in a motor accident last August, has been offered to the Paris Municipality by the National Federation Belgian War Volunteers. The bust
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 142 18 du/vtkefa pto&ofi of ike titonde/itfuA cubing, p/wpe/UieA off. ill ;i€S^^■l 111 §A^s^^r<s a ,^e°>^ Thousands have testified to the efficacy 000^^ 00^' of 'ASPRO.' and thousands more have proved by use that 'ASPRO' dctf r r.ootbes away the excruciating pains of Lumbago, t Sciatica. Neuralgia. HeacSachcC. etc. It quickly stops
      142 words

  • 1039 19  -  Dragon (By SINGAPORE SELANGOR MATCH UwUolion Received By t stiff Task For Local Team Utetinu Of Mahutm, i. social ion To lie (alUd Alleged Crimping Of Players In Pen* i Menace To Th, Game* Progrtu AN* invitation hi received by 1 Siii>. r .ii"»i Badminton Ai
    1,039 words
  • 1156 19 Sixth Anniversary Celebrations Of Marigold RJ\ Siotig 800 To Celebrate Similar Occasion To-Day Office-Hearer* Ot Forget-Me-Not Party Interesting Local Iletns (By "Clubman") i HOST enjoyabW week-end was spent by tlu* members of the Marifbld Badminton Party and friends on Saturday and Sunday last when the sixth anniversary
    1,156 words
  • 921 19 Coroner's Warning TREATMENT OF I INVALID WIFto AN inquest on the body of Polly Collier Orton, wife of J. Louis Orion, psychologist and author, ww held at Denham by the South Bucks Coroner (Mr. J. Baily Gibson). Mr. Reginald R. A. Johnson ap- petred for Mr. Orton.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 623 20 PREPARATIONS IN IPOH MONEY VOTED Will The Courts Be Sufficient? (By "Forward") I'HE visit, over the week-err!, to looh, of the Taiping Ram* biers, an excellent team of temis players fron the cipital of Perak State, recalls to mind the COdtly improvements that are now being' taken
    623 words
  • 378 20 Trial Games PREPARING FOR THE LEAGUE (B> "Full Back") U > iEB nthuaiaati arc keenly looking forward to th»- forthin:- I.- ikl Cup Competition l he I rta first ami. naturally ChiVf ii teresi will h«> centred <»u Division I in which their are three newcomers—
    378 words
  • 574 20 Home Turf News IMPORTANT RIDING CHANGES London, Jan. 2.'i. IT has been suggested that Gordon Richards, tru* champion jockey, has already in mind the time when he will retire from the saddle and take up the duties of trainer. Intimate friends, however, knew that he had shaped
    574 words
  • 244 20 .Many Changes LONGER OURSE AND SEVERE TESTS (By Air Mail) London. Feb. 1 1. r pIIIS year's air race for the King's ('up the fifteenth will be markedly different from previous contests. Aircraft entered will be divided into the foUdwing three classes for the purposes
    244 words
  • Article, Illustration
    123 20 Australian Team For America Barasota, Flu PEGRGE R Jacobs, president of the >* Professional Golfer."' Association of America, said recently that a challenge for possession of the Lake g-lf trophy Was cabled hero by the P.G.A. of Australia, and will be accepted. An American team won the trophy
    123 words
  • 255 20 THE NEW KING SPORT His Favourite Game Is (iolf Everyone Is confident thai the new Kin will prove a wonderful patron Of all forms of sport. His own favourite game Is g If, to which he has devoted himself with a keenness very unusual in amateur players of the game.
    255 words
  • 224 20 School Of Tennis For Young Players EVER .sine: she turned professional. cue cf Mile. Suzanne Lengfen'l pet mbftloi been to open a school of tennt! for young players. Fme t ni; .> he emus to Londci to investigate the possibility or opening one »n the Metropolis, but nothing
    224 words
  • 508 20 KOXIKG Return Hal lie YOUNG FRISCO M\\ RETURN (By k.0.") JOE Diamond is a credit to Malay. boxing. After seeing the manner in which "Baby" Johnson trimmed Ignacio Fernandez, there must been very few, if any, who fancied Diamond s chance win ii he i matched with
    508 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 46 21 r^~^^BßßKi^2Xi> %t^3m l flS*!inßGn nM Jk^ i VAb *^^yßßßHb^Bi^^ vPiEtJC -V-lßfet i<-" B^Jflß"vßi I nbBA V^Jbl _T^S^sbcKßi "b *BBM BA Bm U Ik BJ IPVIH'^V )#'i^BJßVJ'^^^^Bl IBj fU ft bßv <bfl Ewk WH I oftDCW^ BMB BTTMBl^n^Li'MiMiy^*^^ \I r BJ B^ vK^^^fiH SB» V nW^'^"*^™ WEKK
      46 words
    • 468 21 IN DESPAIR WITH r RHEUMATISM •Id* There Wu Nothing to Live For* 1 Whether you have rheuma badly as thl an had It, or i you merely I ll twi> von will certa nl) anow how such cured "I feel T woman write i since this tim Knischen Salts. 1
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 680 21 BRITISIi UMPIRE PROGRAMMES gtlmtionisl Publishing Supplicfl Band j ra „Mi <•><• 1 Hti metres y t ;m rt l» m to 7 H p.m. »n<l sn ':> to >M>:t P- m '> K-* mrln 111 iiks.) from pmi and «•>.!? ILfS ni tn •,i n i from uJO p in.
      680 words
    • 1182 21 111 n i n ii il,. North* rn Li 1 leader, Philip Whltewi conductor, K Oodfrey Brown. Jamo.3 'Pianoforte!. Orchestra- Coro•n March <Th<- Prophet* <Meyer- rhe Butterflies 1 Bah \Y°'fV Aubade; Egyptian Ballet Luiglni) James M-xxiy: Idyllr (L Jjetnen, Caprice bohemien (Bmetana), windmills (Moeran), Btincelles <M< fOWStt). Orchestra; Monckton Melor
      1,182 words
    • 695 21 RADIO-COLONIAL, FRANCE TO-DAY Wavelength 25.23 Metres -11,880 k< 420 pjn Recorded music. 435 pm. News in French. 5.03 pm Newi In English. Eiul ol LransnUssloii. Wavelenuth 10 68 metres 1 15.244 krs/> 6.15 pm. Programme announcement. 6 20 p.m. -Concert relayed from tiadfc) Paris. 7.20 pm News in »nyH«h 7
      695 words
    • 497 21 NIROM STATION TO-DAY 1 1«' 53 a.m.— Concert by the Nirom i Orchestra, ((inducted by Carel van der Bijl 11.25 am Vocal recital by Leo Morein. I 1148 a.m. Church carillon. f 11.50 a.m. Variety prcgramme by the 1 j Nirom Orchestra. 12.20 p.m. Variety lunch-hour pro■nime. 1.10 p.m Nirom
      497 words
    • 503 21 BERLIN STATION DJN 31.45 metres (9,540 kca), DJB 19.74 metres (15,200 kcs.), DJA 31.38 metres (9,560 kca.). TO-DAY 405 p.m Call DJis. djn (German, English i. German Folk Song Programme Forecast (Geim Engi.i. Outstanding Broadcasts of the Week 420 p.m. Introducing....! 4 50 p.m. News and Review of the Week
      503 words

  • 988 22 Annual Report ACTIVITIES DIKING THE TEAR Singapore, Monday. THE sixteenth annual meeting of the fturtsian Association of Singapore will be heUl at thr Singapore Rot' it'on Ciub on Monday, March 2, at 5.15 p.m. The report ami etatemcilt of accounts <>t trie flMocfation have i.f-fn ml to
    988 words
  • 442 22 His Work For Welfare Oi Malacca (From Our Oxen Correspondent) Malacca. K'-ij. 21BY the death of Captain Tan 800 Hock. J. P., Malacca has lost a man who played a prominent and valuable part In promoting the welfare ol th Settlement. The second son of
    442 words
  • 77 22 singapoi-p. &atwruay. Mr. Ong Chin Jco, a Chinese motor;v C ]rt v/ho was involvicl m an accident in Kallang Read shortly after eteht o clock on Thursday night was th^^ morning chanred before MV. Korman Grice, th? Second Magistrate with •ausiiwr rrievous hurt to a Taj namrd
    77 words
  • 894 22 Specially Written For The Sunday Tribune Til follow 'v notes have been specially compiled, by Malayan reader, for Hie Nunt'av Tribune: Waiting For The End TOMORROW IS ALSO A DAY. b; Dent, OH Lord WeyiN dying. His grandson and heir, Carl, hurries back from Ireland and thi
    894 words
  • 291 22 VERY STEADY BUT QUIET Buyers Dfeptay Caution Sing»p r< Saturri Rubber (Sini J u Ct. Marki Tom ly, Quiet Tin (Singapon i ••'h'-. 1 do To-day's Pl'Ji— London 7 .;<!., up ■.■<]. Market Tone v i Steady. New York: 15 1116 d ,up t< Market Tone: Qui<
    291 words
  • 75 22 LTALL EVATT'S DAILY REPORT Stagapore, Bi MINJNCi: Continued in ere I in local shares, Pulau nited ;it 38 cent K »nd Ulu Klangs wanted at .7 dividend. North.s In t >; Luas on reports of ui'put have improved to $1.39 ouyi lPt! Kinta $5/>0 $5.65. T .'.don* fit $1.72, Hong
    75 words
  • 112 22 Malacca ommissioner Resigns (From Our Own Correspondent) M. At the Municipal I dd 1\ Wednesday, with permis lon l President. Mr Tan StM commission cieT the resignation of Mr. i Martin. Et said thmt Marti: i served a., a com in I >r nea year;;. Mr.
    112 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 328 22 < TIIK w "GREAT" by rravon of lhc f.ut tHai i' p/-i-»il tile i»i >r'> t»-<n :i «Mi:irt*»r f»f 1 1 wt»n 11 Imm 1 !i- ft up lir^e 'm> .n'-s :»H nvrr <; 1 i:;tr;idii- oil modern ..»ti> i'. nrCfl :mpI fmm i.<T '»uitM(t. iri made t!,r tr..; t
      328 words

  • 438 23 NEW MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONER Mr. Slow P©h Leitg VIEWS ON COUNCIL REFORM ALTVOI QH be m tire«l from hii lit*' < li.iiiLin:; Mr I'. I) i purr's nrui'4 Municii I foininissfoiter, tUM tak«*v l k» n interest in public (flairs. If I ii i '>!. ile for the rrvi\al in.
    438 words
  • 44 23 Auckland Puts l T p (Jood Score A' 1 'i close ol play, Auckland tutei n eta ideclarlrl) v. i white and thr I>|- <|»\ hii pi. i rt 53 iK>« mil < c replied \\«:1» M i- HO w»ck( 54 not nu\ Reuter.
    44 words
  • 530 23 CRICKET AT THE A.C.S. Mutch PAST BOYS BEAT STUDENTS Smgapjre, Saturday. TIIF Irsf of scries of spcrting 1 fixtures between Pavt and Present Boys of the ACS. in celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the school, was played on <he S.( .K grcm.d t;>-u.)v vhen the
    530 words
  • 214 23 Novice s Competition In March tiik Novice* 1 OompetlUon orginlmi by 1 the Singapore Amateur Boxing As•or ■•'-ul begin on March 9.' fcne above competition rhould e hon. secretary. H A iva r v mate Prison, Johore Bahru before March 1. The l .50 cts. per mn< d
    214 words
  • 132 23 The (Jflefttl Badminton Party will be celebrating its third anniversary at the easide bungalow of Mr. Aw Boon Haw. Paslr Panjang, on Saturday and Sunday. March 7 and 8. Land and sea sports, annual dinner, annual general meeting, anci a reception to friends and members are ,»me of
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  • 26 23 The annual ff?ntr»? "leetina: of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club will be hcici oji rriday, Feb. 28, at 5 p.m. at the club-house.
    26 words
  • 77 23 Y.M.C.A. Cricketers Open Thsir Season Singapore, Saturday. IN a home and home cricket match by 1 the Y.M.C.A. played on their gruond at Anson Road this afternoon Mr. Willis's eleven beat Mr. Fong Lim's team by 25 runs. •A. Gibson played well for the winner* and was
    77 words
  • 134 23 The inter-team ping-pong tourna- I ment of the August Badminton Party, Singapore, will begin to-day when the "A" team meets the "B" team. This week's fixtures are as follows: Monday: "C" Team v. "D" Team. Wednesday: "E" Team v. "F" Team. Friday: "A" Team v. "G" Team. At
    134 words
  • 147 23 Sikhs And "(rocks" Beaten 'From Our Own Report' Kuala Lumpur, Sa'urd.u THE Selangor Club defeated the Sikhs at cricket on the Padai.g here by 13 runs. The Club scored 128 runs, J. G. Wyatt contributing 57. Shan-sher S'nffh was the most successful bowle. capturing four wickets for
    147 words
  • 113 23 Ladhs* Club Championship Fhst Round THE following are the iesults ot the nvst round of the above eompetiI ion Mrs. S. N. Kelly beat Mrs. J. Ba<;nall. Mrs. J. Moncur beal Mrs W. A. Phipt>s 5 and 4. Mrrv C. R. Cherry beat Mr« E A. Elder
    113 words
  • 200 23  - TO-NIGHT'S BIG BATTLES K.O. Ol.\ Natori Of Raphael? JOE EAGLE 01 I U> BEAT MARQI 1 VuNK of the J who h;t\ 2 iail ipore •roused inter* i i- Mr. Hell's latest imp'- UltlOll Bichi Sato. They juv Japan' i beat been brought out at i DIFFI('i:i I TO J
    200 words
  • 45 23 The following hai pted t<» i»i iy Association football C i n Monday. Pcb R. Mel. Whytc; capt N. L. Hammond anc< p o'Neil Dunne: H v Welch hroke and F !>. 'nil V. mum M. g. Mill E MacCreanor, a a P. Viuckiitnp.
    45 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 244 23 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii II(II ■uiiiitiiiiiit%fiiiiaimiiiiiu i i i i i i i i. i i i i i i j j| !!^i IbV B^B^BSfc^^^^***2^H^B B^B^Bi HKVHB^SS^I^BV^B^B^B^B^Bfc^J^B J; '■'3J&TE^B^BB yl^^b£^> w^^^^^^^^Wlfeß^^L. 'I k wB ''^SQB^bibU! ilkaK '■■•^SR v-SffiJ«MjPaßHjlß ft B^B^B^B^B^B^V^* '•'"JWfIBHHK^ 3 B^^s^^mHo? v? *'*^^Bk '-JvJEff^B^B^B^B^B^Baß^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bß I can u>oTk, i>lay, and dance and
      244 words
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