Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 26 January 1936

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 11 1 The Sunday Tribune Vol. S-N0.36 SINGAPORE SUNDAY, JANUARY 267~1936. FIVE CENTS
    11 words
  • 991 1 BROUGHT BACK TO THE SELLER FOR VALUATION EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY OF COSTLY GEM TlM'Tff la Btranfler than fiction if ti*« v hacl^.v,! bears SSfcf.^'.fat'yS <!»<" that the meartlng it eonveya has lost none of original rignifleanoe. Hen h the proof in brief If was the
    991 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 1 ii army doctors treating diseased inhabitants of the captured Ttßje Province of Abyssinia.
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  • 76 1 New Rsgiment For Singapore Singapore, SaUiicr". SINGAPORE'S new garrison regiment, *> the first battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. f--m Shanghai on Wednesday. Jan. is bi th« troomhip Dorset«fc3re en root* to their new station. They will arrive in Singapore on Raturday next. I. The Wiltshire Regiment* will
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  • 380 1 Miss M. Mott-Smith "MY HOME IS IN MY HAT" yyRITER, photographer, traveller and artist— all these occupations are combined into one by Miss May Mott-Smith, an accomplished American lady who arrived in Singapore yesterday. She is, using her own words, "on a Three-Year 1 lan of
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  • 119 1 Message Of Sympathy To Royal Family (From Our Own Reporter > Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. AT a meeting of the Incorporated Son ciety of Planters held here this mnrrUne. reference was made to the severe loss the British people had suffered through the death of His Majesty King George
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  • 171 1 German Opinion THE REASON FOR REARMING Cologne, Jan. 25 GERMANY'S expenditure on rearmament was defended by Dr. Goebbels, Minister for Propaganda, in an outspoken speech before an audience of 10,000. He said that the German programme was not complete. They were only playing the overture
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • Article, Illustration
    4 1 His Evening Drink McCALLUM'S
    McCALLUM'S  -  4 words
  • 389 1 SHOPS CLOSE Less Display In Festivities (By Our Chinese Correspondent t DOUSES decorated in red doth; children dressed and enjoying Ihemselves immensely; whole lamilies going in motorcars and rickshas on visits to relatives an 1 friends; groups of people on the streets, and all. Including the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

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    • 171 2 LjMH MA LAYA<S P EMI c i EL 4 TO-NIGHT S.S. VICEROY Oi^ INII iiltA.M) OfIUIIESTIIAL I OXf KKT RAFFLES CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA WJfeted by DAN HOPKINS CJO P OMPT. PROGRAMME Overture "Orpheus In The Underworld" OffepbSfh. Opera fantasy. "Cavalieria Ru.sticana MascAi^nt Violin Solos, (a > "Czardas" (bi "Baci al Bouo"
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    • 32 2 PRKVKXT "II.l" carry the LITTLK VI( TOR INHALER IX YOVR PO( KKT frequent uup relief, and n the head, na.*al catarrh ■>to. 1 :.ll Cheni st.s Graf ton Laboratories 208, Qyer Quay.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 261 2 RERUN STATION DJN 31.45 metres (9,540 fees.), DJB 19.74 metres (16.200 kcs.), D/A 31.38 metres (9,560 kcs.). TO-DAY 4.05 p.m. Call DJB. DJN, (German, English); German Folk Song; Programme Forecast (Germ., Engl.) Outstanding Broadcasts of the week. 4.20 p.m. Trio in D minor Op. 63 by Robert Schumann. Ruth Christen;
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    • 174 2 XI ROM STATION TO DAY 1(1 Nirom Orches- dtl Bill. gramme oncert. Barn- pm. 1 tin. 1.20 pm. Popular down. 55 p.m. i ncert by iNi m Orchestra. I nu 6.50 p.m. 1 s bulli I 7 p.m. i <enet. :"-r. Tavan), plaj Nu m Ori.t 7.20 p.m. t
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    • 357 2 KADIO-COLONIAL, FRANCE TO-DAY Wavelength 25 mi p ni. 1.35 p.m. Ncw.s I h p.m. W( B j; :i. I 7 1.) p.m. M p.m. Ncw.s in Englj :S5 p.m. Concert, n r |j v r t H.MO p.m. Ni s.:?o p.m. Continuation of n lay C cert. 120 p Cinema
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  • 619 3 CAITALN <;KOWKKY PREYBERG Masl i Attendant HAPPY LIFE IN SINGAPORE i i li<- in' < hai mine pw- in tfi«' Strmita will ih" country for ko<hl. I < leoflTn H. Krcythc Master Att,mi.; "i Ihe < '<»!«»ny during the ton and he sails from Feb. l.>
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  • 220 3 COALFIELDS DISPUTE ENDED Settlement Received With Satisfaction Londo I '.'.ft. tiii-: ftticnK nt of the di pute In coalfield! ha i tx 8n 1 1 ci Ived wi'h gei ttisfaction and thankfuln The newspapers hail the dccl n the Mineworkers' Federation to revl <(I offer ol the < li nei
    British Official Wireless  -  220 words
  • 201 3 LEAGUE FOOTBA LL Results 01 Yesteiylay'fl (iames The fen League flitvci yesterday wero interfered with In fog And several matches were postponed owing to weather conditions. The only surprise was in the Southern Section oi the Third Division, Coventry being beaten 2-1 by Brighton and HA Th" following arc tin-
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  • 62 3 REPRESENTATIVE SOCCE R Welsh Team To Meet England London. Jan. ~.> The foiiowin;; will be the Welsh team to meet England a 1 football at Wolverhampton on Feb. ;> John •Sheffield U Lih.s (Mother* wflh and Joins Murphy West Bromwich), OrlJßHh^ Astou Villa) and Rlchardo (Breniiford); HenUn« fßrcniforci Phillips
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 566 3 Games Postponed SPURS SURPRISE HI DOEKSIIKLI) pOGGY weather at home resulted in the most important fixture i.'i ihf Fourth Round of the English F.A. dip Sheffield \V, the hold and Newcastle U being postponed. Other matches postponed were Bradford C vs. Blackburn and Bradford vs. W".st
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  • 112 3 Selangor Colts' Success: Singapore Ladies Win <//// I tin <m n ii, a In Koala Luih|>iH Satu Tin. Colts triangßiar hockey meetUi at present taking place In I Bo Ear the Belangor Colts have won all then matches, beating Perah by iwo eroal to nil and
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  • 154 3 Sensational Cricket In South Africa Johannesburg, Jan. 2->. OENBATIONAL cricket was vttnesi ed to-di.v whin the three da] Dxlurc bHvtell the ItaUHYMU uul the Australians began here. TfcftTt ua«. an attendance «»i x.uuo, am' the weather WM line. Transvaal batted first anil ■COCMI e\ploitetl Mm le^-trap iH'fst
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 865 3 Goals. P W. L. D F. A. Ps. Sunderland »2» ?s> la 5 2 <\2 33 24 Derby (6) 25 12 a 7 41 28 31 Huddersfleld (61 2 r > 12 7 6 37 37 3^ Arsenal •i 24 10 7 7 51
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  • 262 3 Thr L>ii:u --In-Sl;ilr (iREAT UOW I)S A I ilSl MINSTKK QESPITE the cold ireatfo irdi began to ■!< w uinsto r Hall at an arl) hour Una morning i<<i ihe «»i" ninj i i the i cond daj oi the lyii i of Kinj M i
    British Official Wireless  -  262 words
  • 5 3 bvklcbkljiopko Reuter
    Reuter  -  5 words
  • 22 3 London. Jan. 25 SlfM-lmi 1 on Nev. V ik 1 >01 75-3 32, void 140 7 l ,d British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  22 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 356 4 r THK FUNERAL OF JI. M. KING GEORGE V As a token of rispect there will be no per- jj formancea at 1 h Capitol, The Pavilion, The Alhambra, The M a r 1 I) or o v g h and loyal on Tut sday next January 2<\ 1936. SWIMMING
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    • 315 4 /I SHOWS! ITJ THE IHC FILM OK THK WKKK |-j ..snows to-day, _».i.-, I %MBl r l^ftl IP| The Reckless Sons of the, .1? i Flashing Blade Ride and I I Fight and Lowe Again! 1 MEET Iriiri^ nrnovs XJk rONDES'I DARE-DEVII HERO 4- i* Jfe Jf «|J J^lH^
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    • 203 4 GAY %ND IRRESPONSIBLE FARCE PACKED WITH LAUGHS, BUBBLING WITH ViLKIHMLM •As brighi .1 British pictun j :i <; j;, «».i:, a> you could wish to amr S4 fc Sunday Dispatch. A J Vintage Wine" OAUMONT-BRITISH PICTURE .^BBn^^T^ uith X Jk SEYMOUR HiCKS I U CLAIRE LUCE m U "Sparkling entertainment"
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  • 441 5 FRANK MCHUGH Fine Role In "The Irish In Us" DRANK McHugh never triei to be ny. In character he'i th.most ol picture's But when the ca aren't prrindii different 'i fi< <nn }»<• ju t ai funny which usually i (|uitc funny. I ver play<<l." McHugh
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  • 470 5 In Hollywood VERY HOMELY ATMOSPHERE J l you are thinking of visiting Hollywood .sometime in the near future but hesitate to do it alone, dally no longer before making up your mind. Vnii can nvvf-r be lonesomp in Hollywood. Vmi may be a complete stranger
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  • 400 5 IN MUSICALE The Big Broadcast Of 1936" A WIDE assortment of nationalities is represented in the cast of Paramount* comedy, with music. 'The Bitf Broadcast of HKiG," which opens at the Capitol Theatre this week, and featuring Jack Oakie, Burns and All. 11, Lyda Robert!, W<ndy Barrte
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  • 159 5 Naples. WOMEN and children wailed and lamented In the streets of Naples, waited for a miracle which failed to oc cur St Januarius. a fourth century martyr, is buried in Naples Cathedral. Every year on December 16th, says legend the blood of the saint, preserved in
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  • 259 5 Big Biergarten Set In "Heart's Desire" in -Heart's D.vsiiv." due tor screening 1 at the Pavilion this week Richard Tauber's enthralling voice has never been heard to better advantage The Biergarten set. where, as 'Steidler," an Austrian singer with local popularity Richard Tauber) holds everyone
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 y i L In rvcellent s lection <>< FREK (ill* IS is now offered !<> nsers <>i Bournvillc Cocoa. f I H». tin con ai;i- 1 eoupony. .1 '/-Ib. tin coupons and '|-lb. (in I c<»up>n. Save B—^ """V ifi'iu. they ar \..hial>U\ There arc certain st')ck« 011 the market
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  • 1942 7  -  H.L. Hopkin tii; ecn in Bmpin plunged into mournin To v ill the death «»f King m< a< the Joss of a relative mi. We fed, each one of us, that KMneone whom we knew Ultimately I on, ami the in cone with all
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 ■■praff the and eat as much as you |p J^ like yourself, if it is IILX wholesome, and made I§i[ from Cream, which is only 'f T another way of saying r "Cold Storage" ice cream. <4>^
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  • 956 8 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. .m,kl;mjkl;jkl J HIS a sad Ml m Siii^apore 1 daj of the actual ben when fiiire more placei Ol "i ajid music pi. (Unelng, there vmi a reel ob.tiering dejectedly at half t. shop windows filled with articles (/f indicative of the mourning. M ta
    Light Studio  -  956 words
  • 891 8 JJOT-SO-FGRMAL evening dresses are beiiiT shown at Amelia's featuring metal threaded taffeta, some bouffant, some slick and tight to the knee high flare, all smart and different in line. Our particular favourite is a black taffeta model with a tiny gold spot, cut exquisitely plain. The bodice
    Light Studio  -  891 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 19 8 CHINESE NEW YEAS SALE DO n<>» miss ims QOIDBN OPPORI i\ili n\n ONCE YOO\«. < lIIOM. SHOE TO.. Phok<« 429
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    • 36 8 Our Special for To-morrow f 100 ball from $1.00 f and up i 2.1 Silk dresses at $5.00 each. Economy Depl. A IMS MOtM UT HIM IMIM.k I I 4fffTOL lii.ix;. \f I, STAMFORD BOAD, J
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    • 205 8 JIST RECEIVED Woollen Tweed Suits for thoso eoner en leave also Advanced 1936 Models in Dinner, Cocktail and Evening Gowns. Hungarian Embroidered Blouses. r tifiral Flowers f»,r Snrefy Cowns Bridal Wreaths. Vei's, Stitched Hats in all colours, etc. De Souza Brothers, 42, High Street, 'Phone 3188. I i OFFERS A
      205 words
    • 186 8 JUST ARRIVED Hats to tTOT] IA( every DRKSS .md ..cry POCKKT. The Gift Shop 157 North Kndjfe Kd.. Smart Jewollt-ry and L >vely Flowers. PBISCIUA Ldtl, im i jo i.ii: Girdles Corsc-lettes also TWO-WAY STRETCH PANTIES 61 Stamford Road. I'hune SSSfu 7 T I I I I I I I
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  • 1146 9 Notes From Kuala Lumpur and Eraser's Hill THI ll lajeiiic j ended last Satu: mven by imong those wni took Ridley. Mrs. D. wltt vi Mr D W. Allen U Dawson. Mi. I Facksotl, Mr Cl aimers, Mrs But; oke Tai Nun. Mr. and Mrs. Mr O line, on acdeath
    Light Studio  -  1,146 words
  • 102 9 NOWADAYS, with shoes echoing th? ."ostumes every subtle shading of varying degrees of formality, it is imperative that shoes be understood. As wilh costumes, the material the shoo is made of counts importantly. And then the way it is cut. Very important is the
    102 words
  • 505 9 you may think thai a nightie Is Just a nightie -but a really smart, lie* nightie is a whole story ancha feminine thrill In Itself Nighties, to bo really .smart, must look like little Sister to an c eninc sewn. That is the first ar.d most amusing trend.
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  • 340 9 RICE Is 01 Ol th 6 most i ory ot nil starches H extremely adf table to b wide vain"> ul food PJ boiled rice, with i i very grain separated from iUs neighbour. i.s most delic:<>u it her for breakfast wttl i i anil en
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 OUR FRASER'S HILL LETTER pjlj r\ CT MARGARETS W f-'hool. Fraser's I J Hill, has re-opened L Vfl v k with a flourish Seven A f new pupils have ar4 rIV( cl including Mi.;. I N Anderson's twin y and Jean. Dr. and Mrs. Murdoch^ Ifttlr i^irl Janet, Judy Haines.
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    • 77 9 'f '^j Sj^ i^f J On your wiiv home drop in for 4*^~-~ r '+s¥r 0m ii rr n\ our special California San^wicbe Sboppe 235, ORCHARD ROAD, (opp. Orchard Road MnrkMV T#>l. 4790. 11. A. MrKNir.HT, Proprietor. EUTII YMOL THE PERFECT TOOTH PASTE. P lea sa n t i n
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    • 167 9 PERSONAL MAGNETISM is the Key to Achievement. Send for the most Inspiring Book that has ever been published on the Subject. It's absolutely FREE. Write now! "PSYCHOLOGIST" Sunday Tribune. Tut 1 -A^H Hp BW^ J fcS* <^^ Vwl B» J^^-*-SBF >, <§Ss^Si '< V pi #_-|,ii«| > _J BB^^ J
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    • 30 9 gh Aux Chats Noirs Owing to th? lamented death of His Most (Gracious Majesty King (Jiorgr: V. The Fashion Parade arrang :d for Friday, January 31, will not take place.
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  • 608 10 SUNDAY TRIBUNE STRONG TO ENDURE Singapore: Sunday. Jan. UK, IMS. •i BT ii- ba both to endure ami Thai is a quotation li-.n the <"hri-" I mnaaagn broadcaal to all nil paoyU- by the b» lnwd Kinj/ Georg almost, ai late would have it, th !a.>t BMaaagv of tfca kind
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  • 1555 10  -  C. H. Stanley-Jones Opening A New Era In Kingship y^HAT is in store for Ring Edward the Eighth? It is i quart loii everybody is asking, not ■km Ix-cause of the eventful reign of his father, not alone because of the rapid de- lnpjnent, and increased
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  • 384 10 German Spies? "BLACK CASTLE" SECRETS Q()MK curious secrets of the English countryside are revealed in General Goerintf's organ, the National Zeitung" of Essen, which in turn ascribes them to a special correspondent of the Neve Lodze.ZeitUQff, who apparently went to England to investigate the matter. They
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  • 215 10 Found During Excavations Under House Wall Warrington, Cheshire, Jan. 6 GOLD deposits have been found during excavations under an outhouse wall of a country mansion at Great Bud worth, a village 12 miles from Warringlon, Cheshire. Workmen were digging a pit. They were trying to remove
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  • 192 10 Gross Exaggeration In English Papers AN over-zealous or an over-imagina-tive reporter must have been responsible for the report which appeared in some of the English newspapers, of tho recent earthquake tremors experienced in these parts. The telegram, dated Singapore, Dec. 28. reads as follows: "People rushea
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1328 11 TIME-TABLE DRAWN UP ADVANCE PARTY'S PLAN A COMBINED MOVE ON MARCH 20 jyjß. Hu«h Rvttfedge, feftdkr ot (he Fifth M<MMt Everest Expedition, has told the "Daily Telegraph" that he will he leaving Rutland with an advance party on Jan. SI, Other parties will
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 11 A picture showing the pageant staged by the Ist Battalion, Royal Innis-ill lir Jubilee C The Inn! killli up garrison in Singapore n< ek-end.
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  • 234 11 Merchants Refuse To Order More Addis Ababa. •THERE is now a macaroni "famine" in Addis Ababa. The shopkeepers, who laid in large stocks of this Italian delicacy just before the actual outbreak of war, have "only a few sticks left" and they will not order
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  • 442 11  -  R. A. THOMPSON Ky D.O.Sc. (Doctor of Ocular Science) The eye is a more delicate and more complicated mechanism than the finest watch In the world; yet thousands every day expose their eyes to hasafdl of flying particles to which they would not
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 1173 12  -  W. B. Pater son Fourteen Years Have ft lapsed Since King Edward Mil, Then Vrinct Of W<de* 9 Visited Malaya, This Article Deals Briefly With The Tour And Recalls The Remarkable Outburst Of Spontaneous Enthusiasm Which Marked Ttv Visit. prUDAY. Mar. 22. 1<)22, was
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 186 12 S V^-H-^lw By ALL SI KAM- rOR 1 1 1 1-. AIK AND S R/WEL RAILWAY LINES. NO BOOKING FKES. Chinese and all Asiatic clients t ■re given the bc.-t <»f attention i and assistance. 39, Rtihinson Road, Singapore. WATCHES j OMEGA, T\Y\\\!:S (V\l\ JSWKLLtit) lkvkr mo\ i;mi:nix MIGKEL PCM
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    • 94 12 t T I rtlil? a! *rl y Wlse for athletes and Sportsmen to carry a bottle of TIGER BALM when out on the t neins Unforeseen mishaps, such afe accidents, sprains, nervous breakdown clue to overexertion > can be cured on the very spot by application of the WORLD FAMED
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    • 26 12 "GOLD MEDAL BRAND* 1 TEA IS GOOD c» e T Quniity Botter favour— and much better IVcc IN DO-MALAY AX. AGENCIES. ROBINSON UOAD, I'HOM: HTft. nbnbnb
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  • 1637 13  -  C.H.W.G M MAYAN XOTKBOOK "HOW IS THE EMPIRE?" ASKED THE KING "lIOW thr Krnpir. Tit \s«u-(iv the last uttered by his lat. M.i *ty King Georfe the Fifth, will go down in th<> most famous of dying words. They ny -lit they mean so much.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 80 13 SUNDAY TRIBUNE. 'Phone: 5811 and 5812. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Including at office Postage P stage or close to to Foreign residence F.M.S. Countries. Yearly $3.00 $5.40 $6.00 Half -Yearly $1.50 $2.70 $3.00 Quarterly $0.73 $1.35 $1.50 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. Copies of back numbers of the
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    • 181 13 j*^>-r\JT SI i% N X I! A L S The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemerig for 1936 $3 60 Whitaker's Almanack 1986 (Cloth Cover) 3*oo Whitaker's Almanack 1936 (Paper Cover) 1.80 Handicrafts Annual 1936 Hobble? Handbook 1936 'jq Popuiar Gardening Annual 1936 j 5q Photograms of the Year 1936 qq
      181 words

  • 1034 14  -  G. S. Hammonds An Idea Becomes A Reality Effect Of The War Years •HE distil oi King G< the Fifth bae used in tho<e of u^ who have no recollection! of King Wwtrd UM Seventh, bom tad beyond the mbm of in tb pasting
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 108 14 v isr i \u no i 'si: J'hi> masterp we of the radio-making 111 \IB W// eml'odyinsr in its chassis dcs jm every B\ vSI si'^^^'Wl' 7 r thwhile impr vement known to the il^vi li' all-metAl^tubes. il'^J 'S y-N r SHADOWGRAPH TUNING. !lV Jllf colour wave band rY\/All^> ATTTOMATIC
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    • 51 14 nbnbnb I BUY A SIMPLEX AND THROW AWAY COLD CREAM Soothinj? oinvments For 75 cents you for the sore face > may buy the dehave no place 'n lights of effortless ffr'' RlBfa2 wmadt&lk A STORCH K. L. Spore. 1 PENAXG. IT WILL SAVE YOU TEN TIMES ITS VALUE IN
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    • 420 14 ENGINEERS ARK V()l! EARNING LESS THAN $400 PBS MONTH".' If so you cannot afford to carry on without reeding, our 226 v-mv Handbook, "Engineering Opportan 1 The b explains clearly and definitely many way* of carving out :i toccc ail career. Asßong many other Interesting things, it <*utl nai Home
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  • 1887 15 Activities Ot Treamirw Audit SpoH. Union At Critm Medians Of OMce-Bewrtn Stew Sin Sia Celebration* MerriladS Anninrsaif/ At Tanjonf/ iihii (Isy !u!>man") N of tin death of Hia latr .M.i itj King George V Malayan cli;i»s have luspenddd their U tp Ktiec until after th<« funeral,
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  • 1744 15 MISS CHAN KENG BOON A COMING CHAMPION Her Defied Of Mrs. L. M. rvnmfaiher- Annual Match For Tan 800 Teck Trophy \m Handbook Of Tin Gmme Another Successful Season Anticipated for Perak Singapore I Urns ("By "Dragon") 4 MATCH to which all koofetd tdrwmrd took place <m
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  • 892 16 ARE ROUNDS TOO LONG? ENGLISH BOXER'S VIEWS MANY INTERESTING BOUTS COMING (llv "X.0." IX my report of the Joe Diamond- Ventura llarquex I said that both tho judges agreed the NegfO won. That was not so, for I wa« informed later that they
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  • 608 16 "Little* 1 Shows HARVEY n. PETERSEN ON JAN. 2\> r v\\l. ,<n. bifl boxing boot that m the moment, i in- coming ii that on Jamil ,i\ WVmhl* v. whci" Ln Har. .md en meet for third time, tlx British Kmpi-v til!.- Ix-ing at start,
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  • 425 16 Mil I wall's Search For Players THERE If general delight in London 1 football circles over the fine spurt made by Brentford. Six points from the last three games have brought real relief to the officials at Griffin Park, and there is now complete confidence that •he
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  • 125 16 Possible New Terms For Applicants THE MCC may delay their announceJ menl that the coming vacancy m .he secretaryship at Lords has boon nlled It was intendrd to appoint Mr. W Findlay's .successor from among the applications received after the November announcement. In thLs the committee stipulated that
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  • 609 16 Moat Important Fixtures Over (By "Forward") SPORT in the North is somewhat In th^ doldrums. The important local engagements of the year have come anri me and there remains the outstand Ing fixtures of the hockey and rugger >easons to interest enthusiasts all over
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  • 232 16 BRIGHTER R U GBY Proposals By Union Conference REVOLUTIONARY proposals were to be made to the International Rugby Football Board following a conference held by the Rugby Union recently and attended by delegates lrom New Zea!and, Nov.- South Wales and South Africa. They are: The value of a dropped goal
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  • 452 16 Picking The Colony's Team (By "Sticks") HOCKEY has become more or less •stale" in Singapore and a very few matches have been played during the week The death of King George the Fifth also resulted in the cancellation of all games until Wednesday. COLONY VS F.M.S.
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  • 132 16 Statistics For The 1935 Season New York AMAHA, a three-year-old^olt, winner v of the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes, and the Bclmont Stakes won most stake money during the American flat racing season in 1935 Owned by the Belair Stud Farms Omaha won altgoether 142,255 dollars <
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  • 71 16 £10,000 In Prizes This Year DRIZE money to the value of t!0,000 b to be won in bir, WMd S olf tournaments in Great Britain during 1936. This is by far the ureatx\.t sum ever offered in one year, ye\ one of the .smallest first prizes
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  • 704 17 SYSTEMS AND PSYCHICS bn./n,l;tiopfth iokjo oi modlflcattons arc luced so :ls to retain the M fird the raulta of the Idlng mi tl od 1* It the foundation of t lirFoui point*. K:nt;. ihree points. Queen Two points. Knave. One point Bidding 1 based o.i the value nl
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 101 17 Danger and disaster perched en i^SSjJ -v way to triumph in the world's P>^, I i^— greatest air derby! Ifflk ml iU<M;l<l PACKED DRAMAS r Jgr %j§i?^ x \B i yJpgMJIMSB IMiiP^yM<nv^iHfi ulllt lv>l(<ls toomey Two hijr films that exceed the speed limit The biggest two feature programme ever put
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    • 150 17 gfggfgd nbnbnb 3jA/dhe/i/ ptootf off ike i4/onde/ufu£ cu/una ptope/ztie4> qf. Ik ?'*s*•' r "Tt\ *X Lt In ijw^ I m mm t«h^ -^v*^ 1:111 *^^-:::-^^i-^ lllljll Thousands 0^^ og^^ have testified to the efTsc:? of 'ASPRO,' U-^^^ anc' thousands more have proved by use that ASPRO' defif C; ooolhcs awry
      150 words
    • 57 17 f\ W$7 > E A X N l Ss^ //J >fj DEBILITY ffIAN>EM I A fe^€>ESCHIENS'SYRiii> NHY/yy fes^ °f Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that th.s rad cai remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives heaJth and strength. fas better than serums, raw m*>at, Medicated wines etc A.
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  • 514 18 TROOPSHIP FROM SINGAPORE FIREMAN'S END Evidence Of Ship's Company (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspond* I mdon, Jan MEMBERS <>f the i company of the Anchor Uim eronii !.t\c evidence when at Southaiqpton when Eklward Styles, p 1 1 iireman «it' Plori R Woolston,
    514 words
  • 363 18 "All People Nice" TAKING AWAY MEMENTOS IMPRESSIONS typical of those of the party of 37 Australian boy-; who looked in at Singapore this w rek were those related to a Sunday Tribune representative by Lloyd Davits, a 18-year-old member of the prroup, before their
    363 words
  • 212 18 Singapore. Saturday. A 14-year-old Chinese boy fell on" a moving tro.Uey bus in North Bridge Road last morning. He received a j laceration which extended from above j to below the knee exposing the muscle i and tendons of the right leg. He was j conscious, when removed
    212 words
  • 47 18 Under the auspices of the Chinese Association a lecture entitled "Cultural Relations between China and the WestPast and Present," will be delivered by Dr. Wu Lien Teh at the Association on Friday, Jan. 31, at 8 p.m. Dr. Philip K. C. Tyau will preside.
    47 words
  • 580 18 Malayan Visit "AMBASSADORS OF TRADE" "VOt" will be surprised at tin- way in which this visit w !l improve the trade relations betwe< I Aa*tr:ilia and Malaya. The fathers of some <if these boys are prominent businessmen in Australia and alro Kotarians and what their sons will
    580 words
  • 181 18 New Factory At AdderU\v Park Morris Commercial Caw Ltd beßun the building of a new L2n factory, to adjoin thell exiltini at Adderley Park. Btl mlngbig Thi.s txtenaion. which has been n sitated by the increMinv popularity 01 Morris-Comr-ui.ia! trucks :it horn.abroad, will be ol t" ft
    181 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 363 18 Svingitom* Of li.i i f«3 "tJ 53 hum 1 ii «d llurn lull. t «l. i h« adarbe ■ftet Z d<» ">v. il i<r tilm i-.i\»- to i"-'k v ii MM M obj«rt ill .be t tm«- I > <i hi lien l v try |c look -i worn
      363 words
    • 166 18 In 2 5 minutes 1 Indigestion and m^^kv stumacn pains are c aused jf^3 U by K'ases and b'-rning #T acids which form in the stomach as a result ol food fermenting. By r A n removing these harmful s nml actda, you a automatically en<l yoor Indigestion. The way
      166 words
    • 185 18 THE CflgtEAT EASTEIIX LIFE is "GREAT" by reason of the fact ...that in a period of little more than a quarter of a t century it has (1) built up a large business all over Asia; (2) acquired a thoroughly sound (inane ia! position; (3) introduced modern innovations that were
      185 words
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  • 1230 19 FORM IHIRIM; TIIK YEAR I he Top Twenty VALUE <>I (O\ BRED oi TI.AV Tot th» year tli«- most suitable the relative principal plajPl 1,;,^ RI the;. ikOflU dm. ar, ri I K. Kuitow D 29. QfW pi !<• publish own in The i K;it to
    1,230 words
  • 162 19 Damage Repaired In Singapore Sinpaporc, Saturday AFTER three *veek.s in dry dock at Keppt-l Haibour while n.-pair.s have carried out to her hull plates and ■♦'i'ova'. cecuted in the salons, the k.p M. steamer Togian is in service again, one sailed to-day lrom Singapore for and
    162 words
  • 112 19 Clifford Huntsman To Play In Singapore IN English pinnist who is command- invr a conci d^ai of attention It' musical c^rrlos will I r pjj vlpt ii Btn*a»x>re H t^e Victoria Memor'al Hnil neirt WPdne~dav. Mr. Clifford Huntsman— that i* hi.s name- is to bnvo a rpmarkablp
    112 words
  • 1406 19 INTERESTING SKETCHES OF SOME DRIVERS 'THOSE who are Interested In motor racing will certainly turn to this book with the greatest possible interest, writes Earl Howe in his review of the book entitled "Motor Racing and Record Breaking" by (I.E.T. Eyston and Banv Lyndon. Captain
    1,406 words
  • 75 19 M.C.C. Win Aga ns Wanganui Wanganui. N.Z Jan. 25 THE M.C.C won by 195 'Wanganui made 130 in the innings, Sims taking four wickets fol 23, and 45 in the second. Sims captir five wickets for 40 and Parks four for 11 The M.C.C. declared
    75 words
  • 258 19 Trouble Ov:r Choosing U.S. Team Detroit 11NITED Stated, like Canada, is hartafi U trouble v.irh its Olympic hockey U am prospertc. Eleven Detroit players, selected to try out for the team, having been decuiri'd ineligible because oi *heii connection with the suspended Michigan-Ontario League, according the George Graves,
    258 words
  • 197 19 Tour Of .Mi! lava PRESIDENT MONROE'S PASSENGERS ngaporx Sal ird i PARTI of < tin' 'ho an* to make a tour of Mai. and the Netherlands lndi< he<i Singapore from Hongkong to-daj the l>(>i!a»- liner President M There in the party, which la organised by the National
    197 words
  • 71 19 Manchukuo Troops Abandon Attack Nanking. Jan Marshal Yen Shi Shan, the Rl Pacification Commissioner, hu.s win d Marshal Chiang Kai Shck stating that the defences of Shansi and Suiyuen h been competed. Knowing this. the Manchukuo troops under Qent Li Shiu Hsin have abandoned tl. attack. The telegram
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 8 20 The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY. JANUARY 26, 1936.
      8 words
    • Article, Illustration
      184 20 n M. Si ng a scene for t obses Ion," which inie Dunne, Robert Taylor, Furness, Charles Butterrth and Bara Haden. Sailiiu; Rej n the lake- of Zurich Alois HavrlllA, who has just yon the American Academy of Arts und Letters Gold Medal for diction. Kis voice describes
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    • Page 20 Advertisements