Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 12 January 1936

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 14 1 The Sunday Tribune V 01.3 No 34 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1936. FIVE CENTS
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  • 547 1 MANY FOREIGN INQUIRIES BIG ORDERS Flo Mining Rights For Japanese MINERS in Pakang and dthor In the T'.M.s. v*« Mitlj isn. rested \n a rmtk ci T1 r «»m loreittn COWJltries, Gerauuty ami Japan, for in minerals which are alwc for war BtvpeM
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  • 76 1 ghl Damage Tv The Qantas I'ia Sint;ap«ue. Satui(l.i\ As! U.IIT miship o((iirrrd t(» the .n; mh! nl;:n< n arrival \n Basa, Beietar, thi> bummIn landiti Itiw r;'insform th< plane skijijfod neat the on«i of mi i"t«' Kroinui that ivai il. The tail was slii>htl> i.i^ed. tw«>
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  • 29 1 Eoropeaa Woman Loses Diamond Rtef Bin sat ui>. A i). .1 1 md i t on board tin K.P.M v< The ii h.i. made .1 i
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  • 34 1 IMIICKK Kb no racing event at the Singapore Swimming C\ub to-d«iv. hut this evening, from p.m. to 7 p.m., the Wiltshire ltt'irimciit hand will give their farewell hand performance.
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  • 118 1 Coming Departure For Manila JANUARY is r^oing to be a particularly •J busy month for Bisiiop Edwin F. Let', head of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Malaysia. Alter a .Uivnuous week at the Malaya conference in Singapore, he left yesterday for upcountry. He will lay the corner .stone
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  • 600 1 Singapore Ceremony 450 GUESTS AT RECEPTION Sitlgap ire, Saturday. A FASHIONABLE Chinese wed: ding took place at the Presbyterian Church in Orchard Road thii afternoon, the contracting parties UMiitf Mr. B. H. Chia. form ny Acting Deputy Registrar, s iprem Court, and now with the taw fir
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  • 708 1 V m T 7 5 A.M. EDITION S HOME FOOTBALL RESULTS S (SEE PAGE 3) I I alistic feeling, which was being deliberately cultivated in the schools. In his opinion the pressure brcu/jht to bear by Japan was intensifying this nationalistic spirit. But he found there
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  • 1242 2 First Appeal Against Death Sentence FROM SINGAPORE ASSIZES LIVES SAVED Direction Of Jury Criticised Singapore, Saturday. "^THIS case appears to furnish another illustration of the danger which may arise from taking propositions of law which have been laid down in relation to the facts of a particular case and applying
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  • 1172 2 Which Accused Carried A Knife? The evidence, however, given on bci half of the prosecution as to which of the two accused carried or used a knife and inflicted this fatal wound was quite I inconclusive: there was no evidence of any express agreement between the two men
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    • 340 2 SECOND WEtK Ol ffnl i C A if H I w GENUINE CLEARANCE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCKS AT LESS THAN COST. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS MEN'S RAIN COATS lh Pleated Front- well made, and >ng material P'! r(1 ist belted style, lenffthi Sizea 13V4— 18 inch. Usually |4J| W And 10.
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    • 8 2 I■ I 1 1 11 1 1111 I
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    • 42 2 j^^^^ Cj^ fa Cjr^c s^__i^;^A^s_^EMl^ HOTEL THIS WEEK MOXDW. \\rt)\FSl)\Y KKIDAV c;ocktm L DANCE g^ to M| OKC'MKSTRAL CONCERT 8.15 <o 9.15 m DUO ROSSILIANOS 1( UI SS? IAIM) II "..KN «N .'KNSN,; S~ Directed by I)\\ HOPKINS Al lliK l; HOTEI
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  • 521 3 THIRD ROUND RESULTS Vrsenal's Triumph SUNDERLAND (JKT A SURPRISE YESTERDAY'S game* in the Third Round of the English F.A. ("up must have abounded in thrills and tru« 1 that nine match's were left Aii shows how keenly they must h;i\ <• been
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  • 131 3 International Trial At Edinburgh London, Jan. 11. The following rugby matches wore played to-day. Hat I- 11 \< rthampto n <> I Tlu- Army U up. rt Sir\. 1(.) l!\in«uth Albion 10 Guy'i Hotp'.tal H R"rkiMilu ad Park 21 Hal t Bale equina in Blaekbeatb 0 j pIOOCC
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 208 3 Rangers Catching Up On Leaders fHIEF interest in League football v centred on the Scottish fixtures yesterday, the cup games preventing most of the trams in the English Lcapue from fulfilling their engagement In the north, while the Rancen moved up a step nearer to leadership by
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  • 137 3 Paleolithic Warfare REPORTED CAPTURE OF ITALIAN TANKS Addis Ababa, Jan. 11. ABYSSINIA is being 1 soaked by torrential downpours, which th^ oldest residents declare are without precedent at this time ol the year There is every indication that the rain, which is regarded generally a. very
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  • 45 3 Reported Capture Of Makale Titr ,k d dis Ahaba, Jan. 11. THE Abyssinians have entered the outskirts of Makale, acre riling to an unconfirmed report It is also claimed that the Abvsltr n m S on?h Pt r (I e <J Unki Reuter
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  • 16 3 f4 Rcmc. Jan. 11. U fa officially denied that the Abyssinians recaptured M&k Reuter
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  • 1225 3 from the mount- ins carrying thousand, d °S were placed at boih ncis of the defile, preventing ecrem nf the tanks at either end. MASS ATTACK At dawn the Abyssinians attacked in mass formation, but found the Itali-r" ready for them with devastates fire
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  • 216 3 Eleven New Squadrons PROGRESS IN TRAINING PERSONNEL London, Jan. 11. gINCE the British Government announced its two-year expansion programme, the Air Force has increased rapidly and it is understood that 10 or 11 new squadrons have already been created and now that the initial work is
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 86 3 Suffering From High Blood Pressure Wardha, Jan. 11. Mahatma Gandhi is suffering trom hin:h blood pressure but has improved slightly recently following the extraction of two septic teeth. The pressure r^v, 10 Was tne lowest for a week Gandhi is weak and exhausted owing to hori h f
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  • 92 3 Australia Dismissed For 166 rw .v Lahore, Jan. 11. pi A* in the third unofficial test between India and* Australia was continued to-day. In reply to the Indians' score of 149. towards which Wazir Ali scored 76. Australia replied with 166 Macartney contributing 34. Nissar 4 for
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 50 3 Fast London, Jan. 11. THE Australians touring South Afr'^a met a Border X! to-day. The home team batted first and s< 909. S. White Bfi O'Reilly took 8 for 73. The Australians had scored 96 for 0 at close of olav, McCabe being 56 not out Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 512 3 Not Closed To Local Graduates PREAT conviviality prevailed at the Sea view Hotel last ni&ht, when the Alumni Association of the King Edward VII College of Medicine held its annual dinner and dance. Coverj were laid for 70 members and gu.-sls and among those present were Dr.
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  • 78 3 The Police Band, under Mr. John C Hitch, L.R.A.M., A R.C.M., will play at the Botanic Gardens from 8 to 9.30 p.m. to-day. The programme will be as follows March. "The Uhlan's Call. EilenbergOverture, "Light Cavalry." Suppe; Select tion, "The Arcadians." Monckton; Ori< n tal Fantasy, "In a
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  • 320 3 Not Singing Here AKKIVAL AT THE DOCKS ingapore, Saturday. JMMEDIATELY alter the ten-thou-sand tor liner Hakone Maru berthed at Keppel Harbour late thta afternoon a (all. well-built man stepped d<»\vn the gangway, got Into a motor-car and was driven awi He was Fedor Chaliapin, the world-famous basa
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  • 178 3 Delightful Film At The Pavilion PYLVIA Sidney solves an unusual romantic problem in the Paramount picture "Accent on Youth," which opened at the Pavilion Theatre la?t night. Placed in the position of having to chese between a young and attractive youth and a deeply sincere middleaged man,
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    • 229 4 until i i:i( hi keep vx ON I 111 EDGE or \<n i: Vft l\ SI BPENBE &UT "OF THE ""GREENIiEER OF SOUTH AMERICA Comes the Kjrs! rframu of tbat con* tinert bloodiest fcumon «onlli(t^^^^^^^ m Kail i aimmii p»hinis] f jESaJm CNlViltul w<wti with] W MO^A BARRii I fANTONIO
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    • 247 4 HERE SHE IS! EXOTIC, GLAMOROUS DOLORES DEL RIO— STAR of "IN CAUENTE" in a grand WARNER MUSICAL HIT tf 1 \l* I r ß^ ffe I m OPENING TO-DAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 %T Whtn millions of hearts total tint* to a single rhythm, ye« When rs icow^, EVERETT MARSHALL i iSBn 9.B
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    • 261 4 9 QDAWQ TA-nAY CRITICS PICKED IT OJ •iSHCmS I()-l)A^ TEN BEST PLAYS IMI !> 3.15—6.15 !U"> XVK PREDICT THAT 11 pavilion pfSragaftaw* Paramount* Much-Discussed Laugh l/il! The Year 's Highest Comedy HERBERTMARSHALL with Phillip Reed Astrid Allwya InMlt Oott Holmes Herbert Dueled by v;»»i-> n SAUCY! PIQUANT HILARIOUS! (MAE ASKKI)
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  • 252 5 SOLVED ON THE SCREEN STRANGE LOVE Moving Climax In "Shanghai" IS love < enough t<> era down tin barriers of race, to face the Morn and hatred of th world That is the problem with which Paramoui ihanghaT iVnin Starring I retl ing with Charlee Boyer,
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  • 429 5 Thrills And Romance In "I Uv* For Love" "I LIVE For I/ivr." WarniT Brothers' gay comedy romance featuring Dolores Del Rio of 'la Caliente" fame and Everett Marshall is the next change at the Capitol Theatre. The famous song team of Wrubel and Dixon, wrote
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  • 509 5 Helen Cahatfan TALENTED ROLE IN "SHE" POR twelve yean the ftlma have been inviting Helen Gahagan beautiful rtar of tUoe and opera, W step Into a studio and make a movie. For twelve yean Helen dodined with thanks. Now, having given in to the fan.
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  • 479 5 'The Three Musketeers" SCENES OF FLASHING RAPIER-PLAY jyjOTIOX picture actors arc, in the main, a versatile lot of fellows. ready for tragedy, comedy or farce M the drop of a cuo, but fightin^ duels with sharp swords and pointed rapiers is not one of their every(Jay accomplishments.
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  • 915 5  -  "Horatius" (By CUTTING OIT THE RISKS |N planning the play of a hand, it is important that cwvy pi- caution should be taken against the danger of bad distribution. On many occasions 1 have heard declarers deplore their bad luck when, with a little more care, they could
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 Read The "Malaya Tribune" Dominant in Malaya.
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    • 53 5 lIW 1/ I L^C^CN m H^ WORKS IN rrr, I'.^^1 sr^rjt7 r oiv ±-»a REMINGTON V RAND INC. Pfe** 'Zfa™ P*rtieul«r* nfgvmrl J^^fij^^ Singapore. flßJSgggj^^^^^j^j^aß^' /' L>l2r>. Name. Addre«« j !ivP^^^ lj HH|Bb^HHblb^b^b^b^bl^b« A W N I'ALS, THE PBDBRAL Rl BRER STAMP ''ca,' 1.1. Collyer Quay, also at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 1884 7 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES DINED the other evening in men only party of eh yen. The ho t v. Chin. the an c Chinese, American, Bng--1 nd Welsh. En that pleaI conditions which follows an tlent dinner and benign brandy, we d in general, business, art, 1 politics. On< ing topic
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 59 7 V«o S4t down sesiz>£ r\7^ 7-— *7*mt co»*f s wow CO£o STORAw ESKIMO PIES Vanilla Ice Cream, coated with Chocolate We can recommend this delicious confection, frr, m personal trial. Having some special friends to tea, we looked round for "something different" and found it in ESKIMO PIES which proved
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  • 1485 8  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore. our woman by SI PPI at fl I •;fT fll< ron, < the .►•< I M r correspondent HI I .op (,ianam Mi Mr an( Mr w ftblett. SmL^ r|j Mi- D l -mrt Mr.s Kcble. Mr and V t! hill. M 1 Muriel and
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  • 629 8 A round The Shops SILHOUETTES nre becoming bouffant once more, which is g:o;l new.s to tho extra-slim and ev<=*i to the vaguely plump, for puff sleeves and -nut; -hipped wide ski. is are extraordin- rr r g wmbs g moire frocks cut on full lines^ One wa a dinner dress
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 32 8 here ire gowns to suit every type C* o| woman at Eve's, suitable for V morning afternoon, and evening. V\^P^L X Selection of bags, belts, and hats. •»'ho.. AMBBB MANBNMa RAKKUKS HOTEL.
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    • 76 8 JUST RECEIVED \V<<»llen I weed Suits for those ffl&Bg <n leave also Advanced 19.J6 M< dels in Dinner, Cocktail and Evening Gowfe*. Hungarian Kmhroidered Hl«»u es, \rtifi- <* al Flnwers fr.r Society (Jowns. Hridal Wreaths, Veils, etc." De Souza Brokers, 42, Hitfh Street. 'Phone 3188. The "ARDEN LOOK" CLEAR EYES,
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    • 59 8 /jT If it's New... It's HERE! X^ Every High Fashion Cr?ati n."t,^ X that you've heard about jf I Every plamorous ityli that T/ you've read about VT |V You will find 7| Aurelia's U /L Xow on Display *A I J HATS i I DRESSES NOVELTIES I a A
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    • 210 8 Ljl si ARRIVED Ml la su!t every FACE, evoiy DRESS ami POCKET. The Gift Shop 1&I V.irth Hr.(l« t K,|.. Smart JfWtllery and L >v<'lv Klowora. radium-vita creams foam bath for reducing. 3^ all kinds of beauty treatments. Ant; Ame Lotion Just Received. /^Kjß^ i i dorothy more jy.V 18,
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  • 582 9 Notes From Kuala Lumpur and Fraser's Hill THr i down A ince 1 and N which i hankful until tlvpn, a., tl Club in aid oJ th Plant are to b- -t fun! we to W< ana si b no R OHIN tea S urday moj til Those who notlc
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  • 220 9 DING out the Old: "Riniz in the New" Once again the year begins, and we the best of everything to our friends. A pood many people left the Hill after unrisuna out tnere was a cheery dance at the Club on New Year's Eve. I
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  • 90 9 ON Fii(!:iv morning in the Cyclax I Salon at Robinson and Co., Ltd., Sir/apore. IWrs. McFarlane. who recently came out from Horn? of the beauty department. <Jtave a most interesting talk on the fundamental care of the skin, j Particular emphasis was laid on the treatments which are
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  • 334 9 The Trick Of Blending Shades Toe/ether tike millionaires 1 children, practically ii ph eyes so abcut shadowed these days. It is getting so that you would as soon bo without your eye-shadow as wi houl your lipstick. On- v. nity-ca c has a little p:;n of eyt
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  • 337 9 HERE is good news for the hostess. To make sherbet it is no longer necessary to crank an old-fashicned ice cream freezer, but by means of freezing units that can be obtained at Slight cost from your ice company, you can make delicious sherbets and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 8 9 CHm€/€ TUJI/T€D /TRPUJ mfiT/ lit i k\ l
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    • 201 9 Of all the treasures in the Orient is the one that is wichin the reach of all pockets and favour of all taste. send jade from poll cheng clie«»iig 88, North Uridge Uoad i I ••>.:•: I .•i■ n,,j, SMALL SHIPMENT OF J |eg ''r -iiuiritk- j /^Wo.ud Dresses* Costumes
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    • 203 9 CHINESE NEW YEAR SALE DO NOT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. ONLY ONCE A YEAR. YOO*<. Ii I OM, SHOE CO., 354 356 North Bridge Rd. Phone 4293. •Some Recent, Cow it Gate A The support and prescription of the Doctor the warm recom- /^^k '^M'fM T* £_lk IB^ j£ I
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    • 83 9 TIGERBEER I I HAS A LARGE SELECTION OF GOWNS i FOR ALL OCCASIONS Also WOOLLEN and TWEED SI HOME and the HILLS ?!.\vx.\i.irs BLDG., S 2nd Floor I S 11, Batter Road, Singapore I Phone 4074. A_ jL t S^ic^^rV n J()UI wav nome ro P n f° r J
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  • 7 10 SiiUMpnri Sun<la\ Jan. 12, 1936.
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  • 604 10 npHEj latest nt Malaya Command ord (1<l of tht in <-'>lWiui«ii Mala) f for General Staff officei i Candid i wJII h rt quired to: 1 Con Malay on military rab 'x :imiiM r 'J. Interpret for an (ducat.. l Malay unacquainted with Rnglish 3 Hav< knowledge of military
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  • 1515 10  -  C .H. Stanley-Jones all of us* «>i" whatever race who are colonial subjects of EUi IW«rty and earn our living in Malaya, aw concerned at time or othi r with the eAcieni runing of the c uni r\. It' we come from another land we
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  • 600 10  -  Anglius. DEOPLE who buy cars, refrigerator.^, pIUMM and other things on the "never never" system may get hiiV. irom the story that follows. A A A A Jl SALESMAN called on a negro farmer, and after some explanation booked, an order for a tractor.
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  • 347 11 RESULTS MAY LEAD TO WAR (> .rman Programme COLONIES' DEMAND QERMANY j< now launched on an mansion policy that is likely t<( i< i ad to war, Harrison Brown, English journalist and foreign corpondent, told the Empire Club, Toronto, at luncheon In the Royal V<»rk
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  • 252 11 League Taking Measures Against The Ply •By Air Mail) London, Dec. 28. THE League of Nations is preparing I sanctions against the common n*y. An international commission of exports under the chairmanship of Major E. E. Austen, of the British Museum, is sitting at the London School
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  • 93 11 Philadelphia. Thousands cheer but few of them realize their own over-emphasis on football may mean a tumour or laryngitis. For that warning credit Dr. Chevalier Jackson, of Canada, who perhaps has looked into as many throats as" any man living. "The larynx is utterly ruined by football
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  • 328 11 Young Woman Dies In England Now York. WHEN a woman makes passes at her eyebrow.s with a pair of tweezers, is she merely indulging in a harmless feminine, beauty whim or is she unwittingly risking danger for the sake of a streamlined effect? This question achieved
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  • 718 11 (Continued from last column) don. husband of the dead man's sister, told the News of the World last night, 'but I do not know very much about his wife. IN SCOTTISH COURTS "About a year after their marriage he divorced his wife In the Scottish
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  • 409 11 Knight's Wife Discovers Tragedy <By Air Mail) London, Dec. 3. TOO ill to be told of the death of his son, a famous scientist lies In nil homo in a grave condition, while his iio discovered the tragedy, tends h igh nothing had happened. n
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  • 331 11 ARTIST'S END Found Dead In His Car (By Air Mail) WITH the world at his feet incivasiii.i-!;. i v n s pr(> fession, and "supn mely happy" with the girl h»> was about t<> marry a young artist was found dead betkU his car in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 16 11 c Jgffiyi ■Biff w ■Sr |{Bh^ |B ■tmm^m^mm\ i<*E^ %v ?t^« i/w 'W- ta^ m ,^-4
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    • 75 11 l_j_BßßW^>j^p7^^^"T B l>> Book" and tpuun in.«*ur.. I inclutc 20 crnto M ynuMNl tit _f £/_L i O• y r\jf T* 1 "Sr*^ mm __l^_______l^^^^ I_l_^\ V lUidtaqen" is milk, whole -muh and nct.'umf fut mdk. <a W*^f*^^ u ir 'Jxepuxed tv a puuxv< u-^ik/j cwnc. > m-uwhut t W&3+&&&
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  • 1281 12  -  W. B. Paterson S In Which I Discourse On S Inspiration And The Lack j Of It And Emphasise The S Awful Results That Follow j When Men Are Deprived Of It. 1 UAVK you ever searched for inspiration? If you haven't, don't try. It
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 173 12 ::«kets issued i, J By ALL STEAM tor 'ship, air and TRAVEL Irailwaylines NO BOOKING FEES. Chinefle and all Asiatic clients are given the best of attention I and assistance. 39, Robinson Road, Singapore. Tt-lephone 5908. WATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNEB CYMA JEWELLED LEVER MOVEMENTS. NICKEL POCKET from 8.50 WRIST 12.00 SILVER
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    • 39 12 "LET TIGER ESCORT YOU BACK TO HEALTH/ /%V 1 Bit IV w < I If it is Headache or any other ache TIGER HEADACHE CURE will cure in a jiffy. I K\« rfFS TOKG S THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL. i
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    • 17 12 TIGER BEER IS HIST N^l |H IWDO- MALAYAN AGENCIES SINGAPORE Indo-Malayan Agenciw g, Robinson Road, Phone 4470
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  • 1628 13  -  C.H.W.G. A MALAYAN NOTEBOOK AND A FEW MINOR REFLECTIONS a am there li beard in Malaya an emphatic snort of ■■ist at th< apparent Ignorance niy in London of the dom< i affair* ol th<- Colonies generally and <>r Malaya in particular. ill the unkind
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  • 687 13 ROMANTIC CAREKK IN NAVY Captain I. C. S. Martin NEW COMMANDER lOK CHINA Loud m. i>T m. PFW hoys in modern time* have hrvl urh romantic career as Cut. B. C. S. Martin, who joined the Navy "before the mpst." and ifl now 1«» pommand
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  • 742 13 d\F flying, people will say "piv- 1935" and "post-1035," as today they say "pro- War" and "postWar," for tho year that is passing has been the year of greatest fulfil merit, as \vell_as that of swift preparation for still greater things, writes
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  • 964 14  -  »J« »J« «J« «J« •J« e^ y «J# *J« A »J« t Awful Fate Of The Im- t pecunious —On Over- drafts Suggestion t •> To Government t j,,j. :k B •> tli-' lif<- ol every man irbcn (1 Wlth the awful that
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 79 14 11 W> f\ 'WEAKNESS. lIS DEBILITY feT^^ESCHIENS'SYRUP OB Y/y y gs^s. of Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and give* health aad strength. Fat better than serums, raw m^at, Medicated wines, etc A. CLOUET CO., LTD, SINGAPORE OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DISPENSARIES.
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    • 263 14 STOCKTAKING SALE BURPMJB STOCKS OF GRAMOPHONE RECORDS TO BE CLEARED AT BELOW COST PRICE. I BRUNSWICK RECORDS 50 cts. each. t j A large quanfty of Brunswick Records offered at this surpris ngly bw price, includes many reccrds by Bins Crosby, Boswell Sifters. Mills Brothers avd I needless to say.
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    • 102 14 E SUNDAY TRIBUNE. Thone: 5811 and 5812. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVA* Delivery Including Including at office Postal orclu.-v to to Foreign residence F.M.S. Cour Yearly $3.00 .40 Sfi.OO Half -Yearly $1.50 70 |3.00 Quarterly |0.75 $1.35 $1.50 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. Copies of back numbers of the "Sunday Tribune"
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  • 1530 15  -  "Dragon" (By RANKING LISTS FOR SINGAPORE AND PERAK fe«C Kun laU Ind Tan Cheng Phor Head Lists For Men Local Latins Shi/ oi Open Tournaments Need For A Leader Report Of Mourn Hotter Par tii. I HAVEo a in th< oltuni I red to the ihyi i
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  • 1027 15  -  "Clubman" brale Annivirmry (By Yayu Athletic Party Become* \n Association Name Altered Annual Mtetingt- Election Of Office-Hearers Stew Sin Sia To CtU- \|M. I „f the Malayan dubfl ar<> now im--\ preparing for another active year. Thin week I hay* received I reportfi of annual general
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 327 15 Doubled up J^n with Stomach Sjs pains >» \/jf fM minutes f— later One minute yovi are donbled up with pain, due to bloating pas and burning acid in Take tw o or three Cl tablets, and two niir K"ue. It Is Bimply dftv tlmei mot' i n ord i
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  • 1348 16  -  C. H. W. Goult. NEED FOR A STATE TRIAL M<l A V I TS TA N 1) I N G Plu IRS VA I LA BLE t/.v Out Rugi i>Y the tip Cup final prill 01 more h;i\«- Im-«-m won and lost
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  • 552 16 Asiatic Rugby: F.M.S. v. Colony Hockey ißy "Forward") pERAK sportsmen are rather disap- pointed at the display of their Asiatic < i :cam In the All-Blues competition linaj. It had been generally exted that they would be able to beat Singapore and thus retain the trophy
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  • 532 16 BY STICKS" i The Europeans v. Rest Match IN brilliant sunshine and before a large gathering of spectators, the Rest beat the Europeans for the third year in succession in their annual hockey match on the S.C.C. padang on Thursday. The margin of victory was
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  • 134 16 Ruling Authorities' Decision Calcutta, Dec. 28 THE annual general meeting of the Ali- India Lawn Tennis Association, held In Calcutta at the South Club, on Friday and Saturday, lasted altogether for about ten hours. There was a good deal of desultory talking, and
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  • 431 16 Brentford's £2,000 In Transfer Fees UfHEN promotion was gained at the end of last- season by Brentford the officials of the club derided, as many other officials have done previously, that the staff which was good enough to take the side to the top class would be good
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  • 569 16 HIS CAREER Contests In Many Lands By "K.O 'ITENTURA Marquei has added another scalp to his long list of victories. This Mexican sensation has won all his fights in the Colony. beating Frank Weber (twice), Joe Diamond and Eagle. Ventura's victory over the last named has enhanced
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  • 688 17 SALVATION ARMY EFFORTS NEW PLANS Homes For Women And Boys food, clothing, ■I other articles t<> t h« ■<!. helping unforliaiiK*' their mo !<■ ing th««m shelter and m in household Hating (lisohaiv the work done I y Army who eatabliahe i in Singapore
    T.W.A.  -  688 words
  • 205 17 'Beauty is only skin deep,' but it is nevertheless, a very important fact that a healthy, fresh, wholesome skin is one of the most admired features in a woman. A lovely skin of fine tcxhire, smooth and supple, enhances charm and attra?tiveness, and that is why the modern
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  • 59 17 Pedestrian Arrosted By Three Men Singapore. Saturday. A daylight robbery is reported to have occurred In Havelock Road at 2 o'clock Tday afternoon. A Chincsp was on foot when In- was accosted by three compatriots. Whilst one man barged into him one oi his comnanions took $45 from
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  • 191 17 Swollen With Khcumatism At Thirty She had begun to feel 1 ke an old woman yet she was only thirty. Her joints sounded like squeaking shoes; her hands and ankles wen- badly swollen. Then she startid taking Kruschen Salts. Read what <he says after
    191 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 138 17 XSnafsne told tier RUNDOWN m husband ""I AM worried about you you are distressingly weary in body and mind, your spirits and vitality are alarmingly low— you must do something about it. Take Waterbury's Com- fs\ pound. Uemember last year Mabel's husband felt R^jtt jiisi as on do now The
      138 words
    • 45 17 THE UNCANNY MASTER OF MAKE-UP IN A NEW AMAZING SHOCKER! MERCIFULLY hit surgical genius saved her life I FIENDISHLY" his twisted brain tried to bring about her .^^^k r i IRENE WARE I'M LESTER MATTHEWS! m INEZ COURTNEY HBa universal picture| ALHAMBRA FRIDAY 17TH JAN.
      45 words
    • 536 17 TELEFUNKEN Imfel si i>i;koci;an iS Bon It 65<J NVLK B^BB 1B3m£&~ yfc f aVGfiBfIS^BIBKJ Bp A i"Vffe tJBBBoi ■Pf, I^H •B^BE^H HbP \C IBB^^Bb FOR WORLD-WIDE RECEPTION. I «>r Informa :«in Apply: EASTEKM KADio CO. PENANG SISOW KUAN CO. ENT H I SIASi I pRI sg PRAISE FOR A SPARK]
      536 words

  • 917 18 MARGIN OF ONE PERAK RALLY Great Struggle In Kuala Lumpur A MAGNIFICENT rally in the closing Btagw of the "Malaya* cup final at Kuala Lumpur, yesterday, nearly resulted in the trophy ehangtag Perak, after beinir six points down, scored a try which was converted and only
    917 words
  • 203 18 DOTTED SERVICES:— Ft* McCar- j ier (Wilts); L. A. C. Cnstcll (R.A.F.), j L. Edr. Knight (R.A.), Lt. hestnutt I V> F. O. Robert! (R.A.F.): L. A. C. Claytcn (WULF.I, F. O Gilding (R.A.F.); C. Beeves (RJLF.), A. ft. Derhyshiri (Ten .r>. Lieut. Kingston (R.A.), Dyer (Wilts), CpL
    203 words
  • 213 18 THE ACCOUNTANCY TRAINED MAN DOMINATES 'n<, r a vra "ninir f<>r success n the Ac untnncy Pr n ha been a pvmin ni feature of the voca ional and edn .:ional guidance of THE SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY, London, for many years. xperience enable* it confidently to i ffer to oqvrp
    213 words
  • 35 18 1 he committee meeting of the\ Grange B.P. will be held to-day at 1 p.m. at th.? "pi trident's residence 54. Grange Road. Attendance from every committee members will be very much appreciated.
    35 words
    • 45 18 (From Our Financial Correspond*}** Singapore, Saturday m rning. Uul)!)( r (Singapore) 23| j. eta vi Market Tone: Wry steady. Tin (Singapore) |102%, up si To-day's Prices; London: 6 1116 d., unchanged. Market Tone: Very steady. New York: 14 cts., up 16 cts.
      45 words
    • 31 18 London: Spot £210 10s., down r» three months £202 55., down New York: 47' 1 its., up et. Market Tone: Steady. Cross-rate I London-New York l!»! New York-London 1 95>
      31 words
    • 61 18 The market has fully recovered its loss of yesterday and is quite firm this morning with sellers holding for high prices. Good buying is again rep rted from both London and New York, U.K. stocks arc estimated to be 'own 950 tons this week. Spot 2$W ZK Feb. Mar.
      61 words
    • 174 18 Firm With Little Rubber Offering Singapore, Saturday noon. Good buying by both the trade and outside interests in the home markets has steadied values again and the market here to-day has been quite firm with sellers holding for higher prices Business has passed in Feb. Mar at
      174 words
  • 78 18 DAILY PMCBfI CURRENT S'ngftp ft, Saturday, i Buyer S No. IXRB 1.1 m (F. 0.8. January) 2:i"\f, l».:'. Good F.AQ. in en (F. 0.8. January) g i,; g No. I.X.R.SS. (Spot-1«. (awardable Singapore) 29 j:7 1«"» do. I'cb. Mar. 28 i do. Apr
    78 words
  • 73 18 Malay Driver Has A Miracubilfl Escape Singapore, Saturday. A Malay taxi driver bad a miraculous escape from .serious injury last night in a collision with a Baby Au. tin motor car at the junction of Coleman 81 and North Bridge Road. Tin- taxi turned turtle and he
    73 words
  • 48 18 Singapoie, Saturd Claiming trial to a charge ol allegedly offering a police constable an ill gratification of $1.12, a Chine c named leng Ec Nong appealed in (he Third Police Court this morning The case was postponed until Jan. 14, bail of $25 being allowed
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  • 39 18 WM Dorothy Stevenson th man Foreign Missionary 801 I ruit tor Malaya, arrived by the IV ident Wilson yesterday. Her home is in Dresden Ohio \M graduate ol Ohio University with a B.S. device in education.
    39 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 263 18 Til! GREAT EA^'fa'iu. I LiFE "GRK \T" !i\ reason «>f f•> f «h«t in a pifU Mttk m'lr,- thl r „f .i i < n t ti r > it h.i--1(1) MM up i Kavii hmimm «"> »v€i < nll«(i lh»l— ffMl im 1 1 «>'|<jf '«l iiifuli m iiin.i\,i'M.r-
      263 words
    • 40 18 I We Advise Appointments to ensure individual undivided attention and careful concentration to your requirements. Phone 3002 for a mutually convenient appointment! Thompson Optical Company. I Qualified Bye Spocalisfv THi: "ARCADE" Ground Floor. (Entrance at Kaflles Place or Collyer Quay).
      40 words
    • 7 18 r|| I I J M J S
      7 words

  • 976 19 SE LAST DAY'S RESULTS HEAVY RAIN Davies Performs "Hat Trick" P< nan irday, |>l NNING a -<><><1 i liltondal >n tl the eluding I' nang Turf Clv! and a II durii nil (I; HAT TRK the The most Btj v .-a« 1 rode the winners
    976 words
  • 94 19 Selangor'a Victory In Ipoh 1 Our O u< porU Ipoh, v lay. T en hockey encounter o.i between or, the i .uc being In uoubt until th inutea of the n by 2 l and were desei :im o! the exch; tak put up a Q B in,
    94 words
  • 148 19 Electrifying Displaj POOK FIELDING BY NEW ZEALAND DumUthn, Jan. 11. THE Rf.CC. declared their innings clo d at UjU for five wicket. 1 ISarbci scored 173. hitting one 6 and twenty boundaries. Hardstall and Human scored 7(i and 79 respectively. Human gave a scintillating display hitting
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 53 19 The following players will represent \he Combined Schools against the S.C.R.C. ir hockey to-morrow < Monday t on the s.c.R.c. ground: Mahenara (A.CJ9.), Tack Bee <R.I. >. 6. Sta^h (A.C.S.), R. Cordeiro 'S.J.I. >. M. Kohloff fRI.i. V.xh Foo 'A.C.S.L Fundram fR.I.), G. C'arkc < 5.J.1. A. W*tt<i
    53 words
  • 237 19  - MR. HU HAN MIN'S RETURN Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai Kuomintang Takes Action Shanghai, Jan. li. THE Shanghai City Kuomintang Branch has requested the puDlic bodies In the city tc send a joint telegram to Mr. H u Han fcytin, the veteran Kuomintanc; leader is now returning to China
    237 words
  • 267 19 Frank Weber Wins Again Singapore, Saturday. rXCITING fights were witnessed at the Olympic Stadium last night. Frank Weber again proved Sanada's superior, winning on points over 12 three-minute rounds. In the first meeting the decision in favour of Weber met with a mixed reception, but
    267 words
  • 107 19 Kr.oek Out Victory Over Star Frisco SINGAPORE fight fans will be interested to learn that Joe Mendiola, who was seen against Frank Weber recently, knocked out Star Frisco in the sixth round of a twelve- three minute bout in Manila recently. The latter is a leading contender for
    107 words
  • 102 19 At the annual general meeting of the Unison Badminton Party, the following i were elected office-bearers for the current year: President: Mr. Gan Eng Thiam (re-elected). Vice-President: Mr. Khoo Peck Kirn (re-elected), Hon. Secretary: Mr. Ng Hong: Seng, Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Goh Eng Koon, Hon. Asst. Treasurer: Mr.
    102 words
  • 101 19 On Monday, Jan. 13 v. Police at the Police Depot at 5.10 p.m.: J. Blehi. r. Lyne, Sanderson, P. O'Dwyer, Tee Fons Llm. W. R. Willis, C. Reshty, K. mbruggen. G. Day. J. Ferguson M Armstrong. Reserves: M. Hope and Thong Sing Ching. Umpire: M. S. Mcnon. On
    101 words
  • 131 19 Arab Double Wedding Jn Johore i From Our Own Correspondent > Johore Bahru, Jan. 10. DATHER a rare occurrence in Johore took place yesterday "when an Arab double wedding was solemnised by th< Imam ol the Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque. The brides were the two
    131 words
  • 74 19 Mr. F. D. Harrison Again Elected Prescient At annual meeting of the American Association of Malaya, held at tb phi Hotol. the followin«i were elected oflice bearers for 1936: President, Mr. F. D. Harrison; VicePre.sident, Mr. E. A. Stevens; hon. secrotarv. Mr. P. Mallon: hon. treasurer, Mr L.
    74 words
  • 98 19 Singapore. Saturday. While plavin<y about it the Singapore Swimming cir»b yesterday mornine:, the "Oun*" riir^Mer of M r T 9 M-Do^nell Boarding Officer, attached to the ShipDin»s Office. Singapore, fell and fractu^ed her rlcrftt les She was taken to the General Hospii tal by ambulance. Mr. and Mrs
    98 words
  • 292 19 THE CHINA-MALAYA RUN Larger Carg< EFFECT Ol CbßttßNd REFORM r<H A L hipp i reporl I, i goes For th< I I I !hina-Malaya run. Thi i sidered to be partly due i<> the p parationa for i he i: which falls and eel( tinh-- ol which will continue for
    292 words
  • 135 19 The August B.P. entertained the Youngsters Friendly Benevolent Society in a friendly Ping-Pon^ fixture of 7 tir\, played at the Club House last week, the August B.P. winning by 5 games to 2. The most exciting game of the evening was between Yeo Cheng Hai of the August
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 98 19 PASSENGERS B> AIR Mrs. Mallard and Master Mai'.ard arrived at Singapore from Karachi by the Imperial Airways liner Aurora. H.H. the Ranee of Sarawak and Mr. W. Hutchison left en route to London by the Astraea. By X.L.M. and K.N.I. L.M. planis; Baehne, Mr. A. v. Scheltcma. Mr. Clarke. From
      98 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 163 20 Mr and Tan Keng Bee. and Miss An« di Ml Ang Eou Cl md Mrs. Rot i < iiiiV s Cor rday morning. The Chine Mr. R:u' Zau ed Th»> Duke and DttChMl nf York opened the now £***** mtmHoa] Lainmentl hall on the seafront
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  • Page 20 Advertisements