Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 20 October 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 13 1 The Sunday Tribune V01.3— No. 22 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1935. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 508 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh THREAT OI IMC AS ||< \O REPLY iiv \\\Kl\|; TOKYO I \Kl\<. a 11% V\ tMiti Oi WOltllt ItlSltV FOLLOWING the reporter! threat to split up China if the Nanking Government docs not recognise the Manchukuo, Japan is said to
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  • 298 1 Britain's Position In Present Dispute London. Oct. IP While In Geneva the work of the technical preparation of the proposals for submission to the League Committee co-ordinating measures for application against Italy is going on steadily, diplomatic exchanges on other aspects of the Itaio-Ethiopian dispute *nd of the
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  • 82 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Hankow, Saturday. The Japanese warships hav? left Hankow and the situation has eased. It Is reported that General Chang Chi.n, the Hupeii provincial chairman, has complied with all the demands lodged by the Japanese Consul, includIng prohibition of anti-Japanese posters, which, it is
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  • 86 1 An elderly Bengali, alleged to hav: °««n -stabbed with a penknife by a comWrtot m berangoon Road iaat night, **s taken to hospital by ambulance. A dinner open to all Co-operators in Singapore (the Co-operators' Annual I Dinner) will bo held at the G. H. Cafe. lon Nov.
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  • 145 1 Shanghai Champion HONOUR FOR MALAYA TENNIS STARS Shanghai, Oct. 19. THE All-China Olympiad has closed. Dr. Wang: Chih Shiii. the i Education Minister, performing the closing ceremony. Shanghai has won the baseball championship, Kwangtung being second and Peiping third and Hopei fourth. Kwangtung has won the swimming
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  • 134 1 Italy's Feverish Naval Preparations Athens, Oct. 9. LEROS tsland is being hastily transformed into an Italian Heligoland. The island is already a thriving air base. The Harbour has been closed with a boom and mined. A cruiser and a cadet ship are stationed in the
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  • 387 1 ix-Presidsnt Interviewed SINGAPORE i A VhSITOU to Singapore is Mr. Abelardo Rodriguez, former President of Mexico, who arrived I with his wife yesterday by the President Van Buren on a holiday trip round the world. j Mr. Rodriguez replied in the negative when asked by a
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  • 116 1 Admiral Murfin Coming To Singapore THE U.S.S. Augusta, flagship of the Asiatic Fleet, with Singapore bn a vi^it <m " r-.scfe.v- liext and will remain until Oct. 30. Capt. F. x. Gyprox is in command 1 of H><» /in-i^to and the Admiral's staff is as follows:— Capt.
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  • 132 1 Fleet Street Taking Notice (By Air Mai!) (Prom Our Own Correspondent) London, Oct. 8. E<LEKT s'.reet has been watching wilh interest the extensive reorganisation in Malayan journalism, due primarily to the striking progress of the Malava Tribune. In proportion to its size, Malaya has made buffer
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  • 108 1 Mr. .T R Burnham. of the gt l^PfrfHP department, of Messsrs. Stale Darby and Co.. Ltd.. who is shortly leaw tor home on leave, was entertalnt farewell duui< Uie shigDjim >;afl of j Simp Darbv l^st W€cJ«PBday ai-UW at TTtosV orosrnt, wttr' F c: Afartln. J. R V WulfT.
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  • 47 2 Fifteen Found Guilty And Punished Jubbolpore, Oct. 19. ONE private ol ihe First Battalion King's Regiment, was sentenced by the Sessions Judge here to life penal servitude and fourteen others to varying terms of rigorous imprisonment on I I I I ■ti|!t|lil!ll>!|l!IHI!'l!t|ll|lll'!l!IIM|lll!IIM|l||i:ii:|U|i;i'llll|l!
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  • 83 2 In Territory Occupied By Italians Korne. Oct. 19. AENERAL lit Bono has i^ued a protlatr.aiio.i ahcllshittg slavery in the territory i»i .\byssi:i!a which has been < ftupitd by (he Italians and liberating all slaves. A communique was also issued rej: eat ing no change on
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  • 43 2 charges arising out ot the recent raid in the village of Benda. One accused was acquitteo.. Renter. Of the sixteen men, three were charged with the murder of a villager, three othns with assault, one with a) son and the remainder with rioting.
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  • 379 2 FURTHER OLYMPIC RESULTS Malayan Soccer Win THIRD IN TENNIS DOUBLES Shanghai, <) t t DKFORK a cr< wd of (iO.OOO special,,^ u the B— gk—g ><»<«< r tciim won th* National ham;) 'unship at the AllChina Olympus l.\ ie eattef kwg n <r. i u:\ii by
    Reuter  -  379 words
  • 1554 2 Beaten By Portsmouth RANGERS HELD TO A DRAW WHILE the leaders in the First Division won their games to-day after close finishes, Arsenal received another set-back at the hands of Portsmouth, the home team winning by the odd goal in three. The only other surprise in
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  • 111 2 I Rugby Win For Home I Team By B—3 i (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Oct. lfl. fHE R.A.F. team frOm Singapore mei the Royal Bangkok Sports Club this evening in an Inter-port rugby match. An exciting game resulted in the Airmen losing by 8 points
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  • 134 2 Combined Services Lose To New Zealanders London, Oct. 10. The following rugby matches were played to-day: Combined Serv. 5 New Zealand 0 (Av Aldershot). Warwickshire 32 Notts., Lines. Der. 3 (At Coventry). Aberavon Ik Guy's Hospital 5 Bradford 0 Birkenhead Park i> Bridgend iO London Welsh 11 Bristol
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 337 2 England's Fine Win Over Ireland London, Oct. 19. A GALE which had raged all night ling, accompanied" by wind' and j rain, continued this afternoon showery intervals, but this did no* affect the attendance at to-day's international soccer match between Ireland and England at Belfast,
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 75 2 London, Oct. 18. No announcement has yet been made as to the date of the British General Election. The decision rests with the Mne Minister. It is hoped generally that the dissolution of Parliament will take place on Friday of next week. The procedure provides that the elec-
    British Official Wireless  -  75 words
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  • 240 3 FILMS BANNED IN THE COLONY Three British Productions Included AMONG the films banned by the Colonv C nsor during the past thr^r British versions of well- known Bulldog Jack, Warn I London and Ten Minutes Alibi. The first nam d > a Jack Hulberi pictUiV and the reason giv:n for
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  • 159 3 BAIL OF $500 Charge Of Attempted Cheating Against Chinese Singapore, Saturday. A young Chinese named Loh Ah Bee was this morning diar^ed before Mr. C. H. Whitton, Ibc Third Magistrate, with attempted cheating by forwarding to one J. P. Gomez, the honorary secretary and treasurer of the Mercantile Co-operative Thrift
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  • 157 3 VISITORS TO SINGAPORE Arrivals By President Van Buren PASSENGERS who arrived in Singapore by the President Van Buren yesterday include: Mr. Thaddeus A. Davis, executive in Anderson Clayton and Co.. of Alexandria, cotton brokers, accompanied by Mrs. Davis, returning from a business and pleasure trip to Japan! Mrs. Davis will
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  • 98 3 MINERS' CONFERENCE Ballot Vote On Advance In Wages London. Oct. 18. The Delegate Conference of the Miners' Federation, after a prolonged discussion, adopted the recommenda- j tion of the National Executive that a j ballot vote of the coalfields be taken on the question of action to enforce the claim
    British Official Wireless  -  98 words
  • 124 3 Latest News Of Japan's Plans Shanghai, Oct. 19. MOIiK than 20 hijrh Japanese CM!, !Taval and Military Officials, including- three admirals and two generals, have assembled in Shanghai to conter en th?ir policy in China. The spokesman at the Japanese Kmhassy said: "The object i>f the
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 316 3 A DRAWN GAME H.K.S.R.A. And O.R.A. At Hockey THE Fifth Hongkong-Singapore Royal Artillsiy gave a good account of themselves in their first outing at hockey when they clashed wi h the Old Rafflesians Association on the Raffles Institution ground yestorday. Although the result was a draw of one goal all,
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  • 110 3 ROYAL WEDDING No Alteration In Plans London, Oct. 19 IT was officially stated to-day that the Duke of Buccleuch's death will not cause a further alteration in the plans for the Royal Wedding at which mourning dress will be worn by those attending, including the Duke of Gloucester, who has
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 48 3 MR. HU HAN MIN Taking The Cure At Badnauheim Cologne, Oct. 19. Mr. Hu Han Min, leader of the Canton Government, arrived here with his two daughters and staff en route to Badnauheim to take the cure for several weeks. He was received by the Cologne authorities. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 56 3 The following promises of donations to the proposed Boy's Club are gratefully acknowledged: x Malacca City Cabaret (proceeds of a dance on Sept. 26. 1935 $113. Mr. Tan Cliong Lek $10: Mr. Goh Peng Chiang" (for estate of Goh Soo Pin, decd.» $20: Mr. Goh Peng Chiang
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  • 59 3 Under the ausp ces of the Khalsa Dharmak Sabha there will be a lecture on "Bhakti" in Hindi by His Serene Hol^ss 1 Shr; Sv.anr R. A. Sharmaji, Yogi i Maharaj. Vedc Research Scholar, Cosmopolitan rel j?ious preacher and world tiaveller, at Teo Hoo Lye School,
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  • 744 3 British Malaya Trustee Executor Co., Ltd. Singapore, Saturday. THE annual general meeting of the British Maiaya Trustee and Executor Co. Ltd., was held in the registered offices of the company, Fuilerton Building. The Hon. Sir Davii Galloway presided j and the others present were: Messrs: J.
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  • 141 3 MR. ARTHUR GARRELS U.S. Consul-General In Tokyo Here "The relations between the United States and Japan are very friendly." This was the bare statement which Mr. Arthur Garrels, the U.S. ConsulGeneral in Tokyo for the past six years, made to a Sunday Tribune re- I prestntative on his arrival by
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  • 137 3 American Biologist Arrives DELAYED four months in Tokyo by a paralytic stroke which has caused him to walk with a limp, Dr Charles S. Dolley, a prominent American biologist, arrived in Singapore yesterday by the President Van Buren, accompanied by his wife. They left the States last
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  • 252 3 A MUSICAL TREAT Orchestral Attraction At Raffles A real musical treat is arranged for patrons of Raffles Hotel this week. On Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday an orchestra with a complement of no fewer than 12 pieces will provide the concert and dance muiic. Thi? is actually the combined talent of
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  • 95 3 Chinese Woman On Bail Of $3,000 Singapore, Saturday. IRRESTED on a charge of cheating, Chew Bee Cheng Neo, a woman, appeared before the Second Magistrate, Mr. N. Grice, to-day. She is alleged to have cheated a Mr. a. Gutwirth of $2,140. being the balance of $3,720
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  • 53 3 EX-SOLDIER CONVICTED Fraud on Local Ex-Services Association Singapore, Saturday. Samuel White, the Anglo-Indian exsoldier who pleaded guilty in the Police Courts this week to dishonestly obtaining passage tickets and cash from the Ex-Service Association of Malaya wa.j this mornine sentenced to two months ligorous imprisonment by Mr. C. H. Whitton,
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  • 23 3 Lieut. lan MacKiliop, of the R.E. (Changi) returned from a visit to China by th± President. Van Bur^n yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. MacKiliop.
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  • 81 3 Singapore, Saturday noorBuyers. Sellers. No. I X/R.S.S. in cases I (F.0.8. October) tl% 22 Good FAQ. in ca?es (F.0.8 October) 215 16 217 16 No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spot-loose) (awardabl? Spore) 21 21% do. Nov Dec. 22% 22 1 do. Jan Mar. 22 22 -n
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  • 283 3 London stocks are estimated 3.000 tons down due to heavy shi events to Russia. New York began to buy heavily in all markets for the firsl time in week?, but was unable to get much as sellers are still insistent that the market will see higher levels.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 507 4 hjvr been waiting for this thrilling Micccssor to "The «9 CaM of the Howling Dog"! M dashing new idol of ~*Vff^ detective fiction, solves his >1* tween cocktails and lss "jg^P^W^^(Ml^^^ gSky -*j *V_ mm^t JgfP^^^^^^^HgV MrSt- ■"■■•SSI gV "^W €V JSr j&fflt I f,,..- Saiiomsl Hit. U*E K U
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    • 310 4 _j- .^m- m i i _^~i i i_^~i i_^~ *-^r~* *.^r-* *.^r-* •■^r- vu^ Opening To-Day < TO-D/1F 3.15-6.15-9.15 j s "Fellow Members of the j A man dead and buried four years comes to J life and is found stabbed in the back and I J have to prove
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    • 287 4 A I "something out of the usual do not miss it <>n any account'" uyi M \r.AVA I 1 TRIBUNE, OCT. 17TH. rrsa^ft NEW SPANISH "cuwToiir Matins I I j AmM I |f I I A^^mmm H '-a i \^^^mm\ V rif IB M mm S < M<< *ij*\*»* I
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  • 1632 5  - STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES H.L. Honkin ||<>S]' of us arc interested in racing in Malaya. The various turf clubs are hosmstitutiona with large and varied mbcrshi; s, and when the horses come to n wa can betake ourselves to the course and become experts with the rest of them. We hear
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 85 5 "7.. r UJITH THOT EUmEnTHOL JUJUBES The Great Antiseptic and Prophylactic, eminently suited for Human i Being* of all age* from early childhood upward*, for the elimination from the tyttem of Caught, Colds, Sore Throatt, Influenza, and all Bronchial or Pulmonary ailmentt. Their regular ute will prevent the recurrence of
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  • 844 6 THE LURE OF THE OBVIOUS (By Horatius) TN most hands, the declarer is faced with an obvious play which may or may not yield the expected number of tricks. The most common is the simple finesse and this constitutes a trap into which many players fall, because they
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 148 6 •J, CORNS CURED Not by cutting them and running the real danger of blood poisoning but by using the marvellous SAN-DOL J the real Carlsbad corn-plaster S Known all over Europe to millions as the greatest boon to i i corn sufferers. Banish your corns by the aid of SAN-DOL
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  • 1032 7  -  G. S. Hammonds ■■■•illllti I I II t I llllli|i:liiti,li>llll!ilhl. liil.'f. l<.liili;lllliillillJi!lii|r|,il,iinlii|-il^l •J/ j Conversations In Morse j I The Bull -Frog's Contri- j 1 button— The Joy Of Life j m S I I I I I II 'l mm ll
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 130 7 3 1 /M^ 1^ .A/' T omsoir walking." J f^ ~j 1 V^ J L^^t^S^^ Now she has her washing done with <gF >^^ %i t Sunlight Soap and saves money! Sunlight's 4< extra soapiness" makes your washing wonder*f "J fully successful Sunlight's rich cleansing lather washes X "l?£-^ ji|T
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    • 7 7 CLOVERS THE FLORIST Capitol Building, Telephone 4521.
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  • 2456 8 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. BY OUR WOMAN CORRESPONDENT THE Poh Leung Kok Institution which is a home for destitute Chinese girls, held their annual "At Horrf on Saturday. Oct. 12. This Institution provides a home for girls from babyhood until they are drown women, and they are given an
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 t r Display ol S Siamese Silverware i and I Jewellery 1 Dcsigncl l>y H. SENA I s S RAFFLES HOTEL. ROOM 71. i jL j» iii in i niui ;ij|:;iHi:!riliii:ri: inirim: ii:i: i:ii:iui!i iiiii i i 1 1 iliiiii■i■ i i i i i i f^, i For the
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    • 170 8 LAMPSHADES ALL MATERIAtS COLOURS DESIGNS. ON VIEW. ij li II 111 at Special Mrs. J. de Graaf Christmas Sale 6i/ 2 milestone, for November i 92 f, Pasir and December. Panjang ORDERS TAKEN. Y FIRST CHEAP EDITION S H G s jWELLS'SJ MOST IMPORTANT BOOK FOK MANY YEARS I THE
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    • 328 8 JADE, —^^«bi varied in Design, Quality, and Antiquity, at POH CHENG CHEONG, jade merchants and jeweller*. 88, North Bridge Road, and 219, .South Bridge Road. i JUST RECEIVED J S i 3 MORNING and SPORT DRESSES HATS i HAND BAGS y Alu-oyt Something Nru- At V mi iiuis.l or _i»i*
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  • 824 9 T HE Kuala Lumpur hospitality was I ureatly a by the 200 memol the B.M.A. who visited the capital week-enr 1 Amongst man^ outing arianged tor *hem was the t<- dance at the Selangoi Club, which was i very well attended, there were
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  • 521 9 QUITE unexpectedly, the Hill, 'which x has been almost deserted for c lortnight. became tremendously crowd V over ihe week-end. Several very sman women were on the j;olf course either watching the players, or playing themselves; and as usual the Maxwell &rms W4s the centre of
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  • 845 9 HPHIS week Aurelia's has a collection of cocktail or dinner gowns that are high necked and long sleeved. Sleeves evidently, are to be lon or and big, many dresses havinor the full bishop sleeves again. It is specially chic, though, to have a transparent yoke and sleeves
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 61 9 For Something Really Different in Frocks for all occasions DRESSES sec BERNYECE HARVEY Room 31, Adelphi Hotel. For Christmas this year, send 1 ne most Personal of all gifts i vour photograph. Make an appointment to-day |L v i we will have your portraits in W* jEK^L good time for
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    • 70 9 'iiiiiiinuiiiintaintimiiiutuioianiijjiuiaaiuiiisufTnniiiitMwuuiiam' mvP 1 SHOE SHOP M ftk VOONG CHEONG THE FASHION IiSMR^ North Bridge Road 11 **********111 *****1 1111 1 Ladies' Warm Over Coats, Dust Coats, Two-piece Suits, Dresses, Panties, etc. De Souza Brothers, 42, High Street. 'Phone 3188. J I Attractive IqAmttl Gloves Afternoon Wear 61, STAMFORD ROAD. Phone
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  • 626 10 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Singapore: Sunday. Oct. 20, 1935. JAPAN'S NEW MOVE TK) people who live in and kn« something ol the Bast, the most gnifieanl news of the past momen-wt-k hits been, not the accounts ».t fighting in Abyssinia, but a teleran Cram Shanghai telling 01 new demands being presented to
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  • 1321 10  -  C. H. Stanley -Jones Economic Sanctions Are Dangerous and painfully the world has been recovering from the most disastrous slump in its history. And now the League of Nations or the j:r fessional politicians who arc holding up tht grotesque dead body of the League
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  • 487 10 WE have all been pestered by the j "wrong number" fiend. Even the j dial system has failed to stop him. Try this on him next time. nUSINESS Man (rung up in error ioi the tenth time that morning) "No. this is not the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 155 10 £1 W*s^ i rHAT a sur P risin K difference WaterviJF W bury's Compound has made in my life! I greet each day with new vigour work without fear of fatigue enjoy my leisure hours with unbounded zest! <~^^ "I have almost forgotten what it is to catch cold. I
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  • 5 11
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  • 1006 11 Tracts Of .Morphia ALTERATION OF THE WILL i By Air Mail) London, Oct. 8. ijTHILE tlu- inhabitants ot* a peaceful little Nottinghamshire village sk'pt, an eerie scene was enacted in thr graveyard of an ancient Norman church. Just on the stroke of midnight th" body
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  • Article, Illustration
    96 11 (By Air Miui [(From Our Own Correspondent' London, Oct. 8. "DEWARE of 1935. War will break u out. I look forward to that year with dread." Eiglu years ago ML Henri de Jouvenal warned the world in these words when he resigned his position as League of
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  • 579 11 QUEEN OF CHINESE PIRATES Her Amazing Carser SIXTEEN YEARS OF i ADVENTURE Canton, Oct. 1?>. gKHIXD the bars of a heavily guarded military prison in the Waiyang district (East Kwangtung), a South China coastal town which for years until recently has been terrorized by pirates, now sits one of the
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  • 210 11 Twins Puzzle Their Own Mother < By Air Mail' Liverpool. Oct. 8. SO alike are John and Dick Ellis, eighteen-year-old Liverpool twins, that even the law has been caught napping on the point. It appears that Dick having committed a minor offence John was served with
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  • 114 11 IN Peiping the ricksna coolies, finding business bad owinr to the economic depression, are actually pawning their wives. By the terms of the contract they regain possession of their "property" on payment of the loan. While (the loan is outstanding the pledged wife acts as a domestic
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  • 616 11 to see through, is fixed in front, while a long rubber tube, conveying air supplied by means of a motor-car foot pump, is attached to the side. Weights are attached to the helmet which drags the diver down into the deep. The water is prevented from
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 106 11 •> "Ci UTRA MODERN GUITARS <• *¥Vf t \o. > ,(>2o made from selected Koa V wood. Decorated with an interesting •5« Hawaiian Scene, in Tropical green •J* and pale yellow, on a nicely shaded «J» #J« mahogany finis h. Fingerboard .J. finished in a harmonizing 2-tone crys- .j. t
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    • 35 11 dhnj ilip I rfV^^MJWTli&i I>KaNC send me cop> of THK BAin BOOK W^.W M L^^^ BJpPr!9!<i cllc! c 1() cents in unusetl post;iue st:inips to cover iH>st.i^f. —————II i ll1 1 i U'crm S./ucfJ"'- i
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  • 1235 12  -  W. B. Paterson S iii Which I Discourse On The Convenience Of j Change Alley, Its Extra- ordinary Facilities Tor Providing You U ith j Thinf/s You Require ind Thiiu/s You Dont Ret/iiirc, And Us Wonderful Adapt- ability To The Demand*; Of The Public. s
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 179 12 |7 tickets issued n v^-x-'iw bv all steam- tor 'ship, air and T RAVE L LINES. j NO BOOKING FEES. Chinese and all Asiatic clients are given the best of attention and assistance. i s i 3'J, Robinson Road, Singapore. Telephone 5908. WATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNLS, CYMA JKWKM.KI) LKVER MOVEMENTS. NICKEL
      179 words
    • 57 12 If I r ho /j *(M^^W*J PROVED 5 a/trf IMPROVED I Supremacy carried yet further ahead by unrivalled design Jeat ares, > r better performance, and greater value S 8,5..%. 2. 19 h.p. 0.11.V. \tU\: CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (W26) LTD. i i SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. IVOU MOTORS, LIANG KENG ENG
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    • 148 12 PERAK TURF CLUB AUTUMN MEETING 1935. I Ist. DAY SATURDAY. 2Gih OCT., 1935 2nd. DAY WED., 30th. OCT., 1935 3rd. DAY SATURDAY, 2nd. NOV., 1935 ENTRIES CLOSE AT 3 P.M. ON •TUESDAY, THE 15th. OF OCTOBER, 1935. I The Subscriptions for Visiting Members shall be:— MEN $10.00 LADIES 5.00 I
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    • 113 12 A ±*^~J* I GLORIOUS HEALTH! I BOUNDLESS ENERGY! s Science offers them to you for the taking in the form of I i BIOCITIN I J Take Biocitin and feel the thriJl of new energy coursing in your veins. Work becomes enjoyable and play the deepest i pleasure. AH regular
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  • 685 13 Picturesque Sights On The Streets Of Singapore ALONTr the busy streets <>f Singa- pore Ywnble the remaining fewgharries and 'Millnck-carts of the island, ncivhlg as links with the good old days of the Colony. For many, many years they haw been picturesque
    Y.Y.N.  -  685 words
  • 564 13 wite and children, shop and cinema breaking and theft. There was nothing against Mrs. Archer. The Recorder at this stage stated ho understood the magistrates had declared that had they known all the facts of the case when the children were before them at the Juvenile
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 241 13 v .".v ,Jk^ .<^ /A /^B^p^,^- ■^*^^u£3^^^M|'***-y*****- ■•^..v.'.v.'.v. 1 i -\i ijWi 8 roffefiii"i 1 V k^ JT*** at^j^aiBHKBBBBMBiMKWHMiiyWI I x ■x /M»^iSSw»gßfin^»Wßyfjßi^^^B|^^MWßfWyyjpP'tf I >^^^^v j J gyH w HERE IS RELIEF IN 24 HOURS rheumatic oains, even bed-ridden, have once again enjoyed splendc Awful Backache, excruciating rheumatic pains, nd
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    • 437 13 Be your own BEAUTY SPECIALIST. i HARRIET Ht'BB\RD AVER SKIN TISSUE CREAM A rich nutrient cream for nightly massage it aids in replenishing wasted tissue? and In toning the muscles a cream unsurpassed in replacing natural ols dissipated by sun. wind, and dust. Evry one of the following beauty preparafons
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  • 1016 14 Chinese Swimming Club's Project For A Pool Sub-VommUtev Formed Campaign For Funds To Be Launched Hews Of Perak (tub* »> posed Amalgamation Of Penang Bodies New Offia -Bearer* Of Singapore A ssoHations. (By "Clubman") TT is understood that an acthe campaign for funds, for the construction
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 220 14 jßvjwßßv^B&HßbS^^V'*'^;-*.. I v ir. Svxme v jBVB*BaBffiSSSBVBV^^^^BBv2&H^?^>^ B I r^BtfffffiiilSSiß BBaflP ''^^^63^'' BBflß SBB^BBhBbV **J^9R^BB^E BBBf^UBS^L jE^Bf jkr j^ '^3i Hbb»'v^ jffHFW bbl :''-'3Hbbl bbßP^^P^t\. yfytfaM BBB^Ba )ul ri- vGBBm '.^v'vHM Bit' jßßiiSti j^Bj B^j I"*^1 jfeK*6sßK #1 '^mfn^' 1 '^ffß^hfflHl B^BSHlßßaßaPS^^'^v^^iV)^ •*"^3"t -v i jjj BffIESBSBB£ ?JB *'**> MEBB^B^BBB^BB^BBBBBHB^^fcY^^Bfe
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    • 102 14 (Me xfrund <cf Me J&*s&?im*Tua& Wume 3^63 I What a Blessing Health is "Wb have three children— all healthy, robust, full of life and vitality. Hardly ever ill. I watch their diet carefully, I've always given them (Quaker Oats every day. It feeds their bones, muscles, blood and nerves. It
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    • 256 14 -^z IHOMPSON OPTICAL CO., I! M cTy^ f> RAFFLES PLA< 1: SINGAPORE. I I SPECIALIZING: II f tolSJ^P 9 9ac°* I I**1 I i->- ighl, Ocular- Muscle Anomalies, *°!fa rich? 1 Crossed Eyes, Classes if Needed. i .^^^te. K A Thompsoi,. UO.Sc. I r Ocular Science an<l Oprology i WrT
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  • 2352 15 Vass, Keng Siang And Eng Hee Not Playing Colony Team Disorganised Selectors In A Dilemma Suggestion For Postponement Of Match Selangor School Tournament Concludes Scores Of Inter-party Games. (By "Dragon") FOLLOWERS of the game in Singapore will regret to learn i that three of the best
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 162 15 |STIli ON TOP] [ANTIDOTE forlhej FOR BEST RESULTSI Ws&tfMosr/M/>oJ?aJvr I MUST BE TAKEN j ACCORDING to these DIRECTIONS^] l^fl^^TAKE 2 ASPRO' TABLETS immediately the first sign J K of a cold appears, and 2 Tablets every three hours after- j p wards until symptoms disappear; a hot lemon drink to
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  • 1324 16 PLAYERS WHOSE CLAIMS MUST BE CONSIDERED Review Of Club Games During The Week "Sticks") (By ALTHOUGH it is still too early for J me to discuss the relative chances of Singapore's hockey players to figure in the state trials, I would like to comment briefly
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  • 781 16 A Rugger "Shock" NEWCOMERS TO HOCKEY TEAM THE rugger match against the N'esjri has come and gone, and with it. a little dampening of the enthusiasm for the Perak team in this staoon of competitive rugger. Negri. as they did to Selangor, held Ptrak to a
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  • 622 16 Singapore's Prospects Still Doubtful (By 'Scrum Hal/"/ THERE wus much in Singapore rugger during the week for followers of the game to think about. 3 On Saturday, Oct. 13, two Asiatic skies clashed on the padang, perhaps J for the first time anybody here can re-
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  • 297 16 Home Foot ball Gossip Leeds Strengthen Their Team LEEDS United have taken the first step to strengthen their team by cominu to terms with Burnley for the transfer of George Brown, their England international centre forward. Brown, who has played six times for England, was with Hudder.sfirld Town and Aston
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  • 457 16 With Gunboat Jack MARQUEZ TO MEET DIAMOND (By "K.0.") Singapore, Friday. pRANK Mulinao is anxious for a ivi urn battle with Gunboat Jack before the latter returns to India. Though there wa- nothing spectacular aUoul the fight, the FilipinoJaponeae fought cfeverjly and Jackwas hard put to it
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  • 162 16 arrive soon and the pair \£ill be matched early next month. Kawata and Aldffought to a draw in Japan last year Aime Ranrael is also returning and there is Al Riverr, I believe Mr Simon is also importing a couple of good boxers from Japan. It is not
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • Henry Hull As A Maker Of Moonlight
    • 485 17 "Werewolf Of London" TECHNICAL EXPERTS' GREAT WORK rERK arc many men who claim to be 'rain makers" but Henry Hull, Universal Pictures star, now lays claim to being a maker of moonlitrht and moonbeams! Anyone who doubt g Mr. Hulls ability to create moonlight hits the opportunity
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    • 334 17 Opens At The Cnpitol On Tuesday »OAN Blondeli, the blonde pepper box, J returns to the screen after an interval of several months, in the hilarious Fixst National" comedy romance. "TravelLng Saleslady," which comes to the Capitol Theatre on Tuesday. Her last previous picture was
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    • 182 17 SHIRLEY TEMPLE World Favourite Star For 1935 8 Frt-d Astaire. 9 Janet Gavnor *0 Wallace Beery. 11 Greta Garbo. •2 William Powell. 13 Warner Baxter. 14 Mae West 15 Bing Cnxsby. J6 Charles Laughton g. Mvrna Lov. 18 Frederic March. 19 Grace Moore 20 Eddie Cantor CHIRLEY Temple, is the
      182 words
    • 248 17 R.K.O. Radio's Musical Film "Roberta" JUS: a little matter of two letters stai ts double romance on a tunexui and glamorous war in "Kobeiia/* RKORadio's new music? 1 special starring Irene Dunne, Frsd .-vstaire and Ginger Rogers. Because a band of American musicians are Indianians
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    • 228 17 Warns Tyros Against Voice Strains THERE'S too much humbug and ritual attached to singing, according to Mary Ellis, Paramount screen star. And Miss Ellis, who achieved triumphs in the Metropolitan Opera and on the New York and London stages as a singer before coming to the screen,
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    • 549 17 A Detective Drama I WARREN WILLIAM AS "PERRY MASON" "MYSTERY fans have -long recognised that the writing of a detective story required a special technique on the part of the author, which is why there are so few really successful writers of detective fiction.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 76 17 BE CAREFUL! Hundreds of thou- sands of used r-^^ofj radio tubes are m\yN f being sold as new *>y "gyp «*eaiV^dt. ers slipped into newopen-flapcar-/\mS[ tons, so you can't v tell the difference. BE SAFE! The new RCA tessa* Sealed Carton /^r^\ guards every tube '/ay from factory to mf^ir
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    • 280 17 DEEP AV A L I 1 A Limited Stock Of Benares Mysore A Jari Naree* v S is available. S We request our Patrons to call early before the best are gone. SPECIALISTS IN SAREES. m sii\<;n x to. t 4, Battery Koad, Singapore. N s j. v W.iXk'fr* A
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  • Exhibition Tennis In Shanghai
    • 1199 18 Brilliant Play SHANGHAI PLAYERS WIN Shanghai, Oct. 7. rOOD lawn tennis was witnessed in u the second day's series of exhibition matches played at the Shanghai Tennis Club, when leading visiting and local players were matched in singles and doubles. In a well played match
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    • 364 18 Win For High School At Hockey (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Oct. 18. THOUGH the Malacca Club had the better of the exchanges on Thursday evening on the Club padang, they were unable to score more than three times against the High School, the only unbeaten team
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    • 320 18 Disappointing Fight SIAMESE CHAMPION IMPRESSES Singapore, Saturday. rpHE return battle between Kid Andre and Young Schmeling at the New World Arena last night disappointed a large crowd. It went the full distance of 12 three-minute rounds and was tame in comparison with their previous meeting. Schmeling was
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 104 18 BREADyI i/O£/r child's greatest need supplies that extra energy so essential to growing, vigorous children. Iioy;)I Oakery Uread is made of the finest Australian and Canadian flour and English yeast, under European supervision. Untouched by h and, and wrapped in waxed paper, it conies FRESH FROM OUR OVENS TO YOUR
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    • 1 18 gh
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 151 18 V.U.C. CALCUTTA (Wavelength 49.10 Metres). TO-DAY 11.56 a.m. Hindustani Songs. 12.41 p.m., Musical Selections from the Studio. 12.56 p.m. Robert Pikler and his Hungarian Orchestra. 7.56 p.m. Church Service relayed from St. Andrew's Church, Calcutta. 9.11 p.m. Weather Forecast and General News Bulletin (In English). 9.26 p.m. A Variety Programme
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    • 363 18 BERLIN STATION I (DJN 31.45 Metres: DJB 19.74 Metres; DJA 31.38 Metres.) TO-DAY 4.05 p.m.— Call DJB, DJN (German English) German Folk Song; Programme Forecast (Germ., Engl.); Outstanding Broadcasts of the Week. 4.20 p.m.— Hitler Youth Programme: For the Young Folk: We are Comrades' 4.50 p.m.— News and Review of
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    • 548 18 BRITISH EMPIRE PROGRAMMES A Mosaic Of Verse And Song TO-DAY TRANSMISSION 5. (GSC 31.32 metres and GSB 31.55 metres) 6.20 a.m. Bfe Ben. Dance Music. and h!s Embassy Club Orchestra. 7 a.m. "A Matter of Minutes." A "thrfl. Jer" by Mary Mitchell (Australian Authoress). Greenwich Time Signal at 7.20
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  • Services Defeat Singapore At Rugby
    • 937 19 Two Goals To Nil CIVILIAN THREES WEAK QIX(iAPORE and the United Services, perhaps the keenest rivals for finalist honours in the southern division of the Malaya Cup Rugby competition in is season, clashed in a friendly encounter on the padang yesterday. The match ended in a
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    • 121 19 F.M.S. Defeat Colony In Close Game ''From Our 0->cn Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IN ideal weather, and with good ground 1 conditions, the F.M.S. defeated the Colony at polo to-day by 4—3, in the match for the Mackray Cup. The F.M.S.. playing in brilliant fashion in the first
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    • 146 19 McGrath Beats John Bromwich THE New South Wales' tennis freaks Vivian McGrath and John Bromwich met in the New South Wales' Hard Courts Championship last month and McGrath won, 7 5, 6 2. i The match was a battle between double-handers and the crowd were eager to
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    • 110 19 Draw With Sclangor At Hockey I (From Oi'.r Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. fN the State hockey match with Selan- j gor, Penang were unlucky to be held j to a draw on the local padang this evening. Each side scored one. The Penang forwards played a surprisingly
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    • 68 19 Miss A. Mackenzie's Achievement Miss A. Mackenzie won the Canadian women's golf championship for the I fifth time when, in the 36-holes final at Vancouver, she defeated Mrs. J. Dagenais, of Montreal, by eight and seven. Miss Mackenzie last held the title in 1933. She lost it
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    • 62 19 Royp.l Artillery Team Beaten (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. South Johore defeated the 09th Heavy Brigade, R.A., at rugger to-day on the J.C.S.C. padang by 17 points (a goal and four tries) to three (a penalty goal) South Johore 's tries were scored- by Lavers,
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    • 88 19 Oct. 24, at 5.10 p.m. vs. Combined Fleet, S.R.C. ground: A. C. d'Sylva, J Sanderson, E. G. Wheatley, J. Ritchie, J. S. de Souza, L. Alvis. W. E. Meyer, J. Reutens, G. B. Armstrong. J. W. Zehnder, P. d'Almeida. Reserves: L. Reutens, C. Alphonso, R. Aimstrong. Oct. 25,
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    • 28 19 Singapore, Saturday. In a rugby match played on the Medical College ground this evening, the Wiltshire Regiment beat the Collegians by 19 points to 10.
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    • 177 19 Selangor's Good Win At Ipoh (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Saturday. CELANGOR beat Perak in an interState rugby match on the Ipoh Padang to-day by 6 points to 3. Selangor displayed marked .superiority in all departments. Perak lead by 3 points to nil at the
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    • 69 19 The following have been selected to play for the Junior Department against the ACS. on Tuesday, Oct. 22 on the Oldham Hall ground. Bully off at 5 p.m.: J Ferguson, E C M Hope, J. Sanderson, Wee Hong Heng. W. Pullen, K. Lesmbruggen, E. K. Yzelman, Tan Wee
      69 words
    • 99 19 The following are the result* of the Billiards Tournament played off last week: English Championship (300 up): Winner: Low Heck Kiat; Runner-Up: Tan Bock Lm. American Championship (300 up): Winner: James Lee; Runner-Up: S. P. Kwarg. i English "A" Handicap (250 up): Winner: Low Hock Kiat; Runner-Up:
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    • 56 19 The following have accepted to play hockey for S.C.C. against the Medical College at S.C.C. on Monday: H. A. Exley; Capt. Lindesay, C. E. Brooke; Lt. Horne,L. V. Taylor, J. P. Wood: A. G. Baker, T. J. L. Watkins, P. E. H. Bodel Bienfaii-, M. G. Mills, W.
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    • 53 19 The following will play for the Y.M.C.A. at hockey on Monday, against the Police at the Police Depot ground. J. Bleha, R. Lync. J. Sanderson, Thqng Sing Ching, P. C. Sands, W. Pul- J )en, J. Ferguson, Leerr bruggen, W. R. Willis, M. Armstrong and G. Day. Reserve:
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  • 91 19 Rangers Beat The Rest (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. THE Selangor Rangers beat the Rest this evening at football on the padang by 3—o, the scorers being Ishak and B. de Souza (2). The match brought the Selangcr football league to a close. The winners of
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  • 91 19 LADIES AT HOCKEY G.S.C. Trounce European Team Singapore, Saturday. IN a ladies' hockey mat h played on '.he G.S.C. ground ths evening, the Girls' Sports Club emerged winners by seven goals to nil against a European Ladles team. The game was one-sided throughout and the result was never in doubt.
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  • 112 19 DUTCH CLUB Conclusion Of Autumn Tennis Tourney, The Dutch Club Autumn lawn tennis tournament was concluded on Sunday when the Consul-Genera 1 for the Netherlands distributed the prizes to the winners. There was a largo crov;d present. The cocktail dance, which followed, was a great success The result of the
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  • 50 19 PENANG SOCCER CUP Malay Teams Fight Out The Final \(From Our Oton Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. In the final of the Penang F.A. Cup the soccer team of the D.A.F.C. beat the M.A.F.C. (both Malay teams) by 2—l. Sudan scored both goals for the winners and Meearsa scored for the losers.
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  • 590 19 WILTSHIRES R.A.F. DRAW Maitland Robertson, Hentage; Reed, May, Morse, Hanan, Logan. WILTS: Jones; Reeves, Wiggins; Jutland, Read, Halloway; Morris, Catiby May, Stopher, Clapp. Keen Hockey Match At Tanfflin Singapore, Saturday. HOCKEY 01 a high standard WU played at 'l'-inglin to-day, when the Wiltshire Regiment, team were at homo to the
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 252 20 The Marquess of Huntly, Cbieftai^ ol the Gathering *nd the Marauess of Aberdeen at the Aboyne Games. Tne Marquess of Huntly, the Cock o' the North < right*, is the Premier Marquess of Scotland. A keen fisherman and shot, he has publis ned several volumes
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 51 20 2O pages FOR 5 cents j» there is mi'hing to compare with the >f rcfrishing fragrance of "4711" Genuine Kau de Cologne. A dab <in the forehead, a da^h in the bath Mater, a Obtainable from JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorpora ed in England). SIX(; APORK, KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH AM)
      51 words
    • 34 20 For Best I Sports Reports I Read the I TRIBUNE I to )J smokeL J W^L \\ORLI)S \IRGI\IA 111 1| Tj CIGARETTE yHfHHB indication iS I P^tl your |ri| 1 1 |yj good las^P.
      34 words