Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 1 September 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 13 1 The Sunday Tribune VoI.S >O. I > SINGAPORE, SUNDAY!, SEPTEMBER 1, 1935. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 430 1 PARADISE OF NO TAXES Island In South Seas ENGLISHWOMEN TO LIVE THKRE f(From Our Own Correspondent) i By Air Mail) London, Aug. 23. THREE Englishwomen are leaving ma few weeks for an island m the South Seas, where they plan to lead the
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  • 109 1 Pu.>sengers by Royal Netherlands Air .1 Frcm N F. I Mr Hi rmanides. MT. ana Mrs. Wo; Mr Gordon Burt. To Medun: Mr. and Mrs. Wouters. To Amsterdam:— Mr. Hermanid s. To London: Prof Chen Huan inigFrcm Europ' 1 and India:— Mr. Kvusius. For N.E.1.: -Mr. SomoKyi.
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  • 114 1 Extraordinary Allegations CHARGED Aidershot, Aug. i" i EXTRAORDINARY allegations of deliberate running down were made by the prosecution m charges of murder, grievous bodily harm and robbery, against Lance-Corporal Mortimer of the First Battalion Welch Regiment. It was alleged that four young women, while cycling
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  • 149 1 I pULL Report of Singapore Races on page 19. Dresses described on page 18. Pictures on Hack Paj^e. I I' I I I I I fllllillt It 'I ,|l Oakes uas nm dfllwn and fatjfclty injured, During the aftemoon^a. fourth girl, j Harwood was run down, assaulted ana
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  • 135 1 Aircraft Firms Deluged With Orders By Air Mail (From Our Oirn Correspondent > London. Aug. 23. DRITISH aircraft manufacture:!, dj- higed with Government orders, we so busy that they are searching tre country to get skilled workmen. The Bristol Aeroplane Company announce that they want 1.000 engin
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  • 59 1 The funeral of the lalo Mr. P. Oh nn'ah. youmrer brother of Mr. P. Karthigesu of tho P. T. Department, Sorcmba i. and Mr. Iff. Kamliah of the office of the D.MS.. Singapore, took place on Friday. th< 1 °>Oth instant, at No. 5 P Flat.^.
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  • 163 1 Departure From Singapore On Retirement SIR Arnold Robinson, of the iegaV firm h of Dr^^nd'Namer, who is i%fving: f the CotoiiF^n retirement. a:\<i "Miss j Robinson sailed by the Rajputana yesterday. They will ravel via China, i Japan, Vancouver, the Panama Canal and New York, the Journey
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  • 77 1 Financiers Charged With Embezzlement Shanghai, hug. FRANK Jay »<&*s& >ysiiWh\ «niL_; Arf red 'ft. Hi'fceon secyet^rr and treasurer of the American Oriental Finance Corporation, have been arrested on 15 charges of embezzlemenl relating to securities. A warrant was also issued for the arm?t of John Warner Brown, the
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  • 169 1 N.D.L. Vessel Towed Into Dover London, Aug. 30. TWO tugs from Dover reached <he N.D.L steamier Eisenaih which collided with H.M.S. Ramillies yesterday at 12.30 a.m. The Eisenach's bo;vs are stove m and she is making water but the bulkheads are holding. She is proceeding slowly
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  • 101 1 Mr. G. F. Clifford And Miss Eileen Paton Singapore, Saturday. THE mamfee. took -place to-day at the< i i Catheclial*of--«the Good Shepherd. < Singapore, erf Mr. George yitzSirfron Clifford;* o»; Mi %n<X Mrs. G. Clifford: of Peneanc,-. CoM«i; jinck'Miss Eileen I Patricia Paton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 245 1 Returning To England By The X.L.M. IN order to spend a longer holiday with his parents here, a son of Mr. Morey. of Singapore, is flying home to school m England by XX M. Koyal Dutch Air Lines on Sept. 18. thers of the bride. James and
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  • 65 1 I To Visit Kuala Lumpur Until Wednesday X E. 1 h° Governor, attended by Mr. (1. A. G. Walker, the nrivUe ser""tr>rv w ;i i i 10 p.m. to-day and return on WedLady Thomas and Miss TbcmiM and Mr. H. G. Beverley, the A.D.C.. will re- main
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  • 403 1 Singapore Reception FRIENDSHIP OF TWO NATIONS QPEAKING at the lwntion h« Id at the Netherlands CoWMlUt*i General yesterday on the occasion i of the 55th anniversary of the binhday of H.M. Quet n Wilhelmina. Mr. T. E. Schurman, th« Acting Netherlands Consul-General. refonvd to the friendly relationships
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  • 88 1 BELGIAN QUEEN'S FUNERAL Requiem Mass To Be Held In Singapore A SOLEMN Requiem Mass, offered for the repose of the soul <»; Ilrr late Majesty Queen Astrirt ot \hv Belgians, will !>o su*R a: 11»«• < :nh«'dral of the <;<<»:i Shephrrd Bras Basah Head, at 8 a.m. on Tue.\:l:i\ Blessing;
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  • 105 1 Death Of Kheh Community Guild Secretary Singapore. The death oi Mr Leong Sieu Kh the popular secretary of the Singapore Khetl Community Guild, too* yesterday at hli r< s: a pro- n nP The hue Mr Loon- Slew TClrfft 1 was zo o Through his
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  • 205 2 Wonderful Result Of Taking Kruschen Here ifl a-' <:her authentic case of a Woman who is successfully reducing by tak ng Krubcht-n Salts, on* the advice of her doctor. After taking four bottles she has lost 40 pounds uf her exns~ fat. As she is
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  • 212 2 Proving a fcnuaiac for success m the Accountancy i'rutessioa has been a jm-min-ent leature of ihe vocational and eciuca.i.-nal < f .THE JSCHUOL OF ACCUt X i ANCY, Londen. for many years. Long- exptr.tnce enables i w tvniideniiy to oli#r to equip you with
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  • 734 2 Visit To Austria ASSASSINATION AND CIVIL WAR ¥N a further letter to the Sunday Tribune, written during his present tour of the world, Mr. C. S. See, of Kuala Lumpur, describes his visit to Austria. While m Vienna, he says, I managed, after some
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  • 628 2 Visit To Scene Of The Civil War Hedwicek' then opened a glass door through which I entered and stood m the balcony from which a little over a year ago Major Fey had shouted to the Heimwehr troops below to desist from action against the Nazi invaders. As
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  • 216 2 Not Detained By 'ileds" In Szechuen Shanghai. Aug. SI. THE Japanese rumour that Marshal Chiang kai Shek ha.s been detained at Chengtu, the capital of Szc-chuen, by "Reds" or rebel officers has been branded by Mr. Wang Ching Wei, as being unfounded. Mr. Wang Ching Wei,
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  • 41 2 LIQUOR IN U.S. Washington. Auc; 30. President Roosevelt signed the Lioucr Control Bill establishing a new Alcohol Commission under the control of the Treasury, replacing the Federal Agency v/hich was torpedoed when the N.R.A. was adjudged unconstitutional.—Reuter.
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  • 35 2 Dr. J. C. Tull. F.R.C.P., Government Pathologist, will be the speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club at the Adelphi Hotel on Wednesday. His subject will be "Milestones m Medicine."
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  • 253 2 Court Circular DATE OF WEDDING NOT FIXED London, Aug 30 |*HE engagement of the Dvk eof Gloucester, the third son of the King and Queen, was announced m he following terms m a Court circa lar issued from Balmoral Castle hut ig'%ht: "It is with great pleasure
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    • 197 2 MALAYA'S PREMIER -QTIEL j THIS WEEKS I»ROGRAM\ii\ I >IONI) v I COCKTAIL DANCE 6.30 to 8.15 p.m. 1 DINNER DANCE (informal) 9.30 to midnight. I TUESDAY ft THURSDAY. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT 8.15 to 9.15 p.m. SPECIAL DINNER DANCE (formal) 9.45 to midnight Z SATfKDAY. SPECIAL RACE DINNER BALL 1 I With
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    • 40 2 SUPREME doctor m M i&.n^^Bfeamr Mi wm&u.Wm Kuti+Zfl^k (Geoffrey Buck i; *s 1 /~^^m^^ /^^^y I J w A^ SON l s°' Lm, I The Best Milk for Baby when Natural Feeding Faili" I cVsi ■>•> KoDinson Koad, Singa])')rc. fcfci^ B
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  • 634 3 START OF HOME FOOTBALL Wednesday's Hard light ANOTHER WIN FOR RANGERS London. Au,;. 31. THt English Icuibau sea on upem*d to-day when •lie Hr^i nuiUlies m the Uacue were pla.vtU. Much inurest v*a> centred u\\ nutUiu between the Ltag«e < iiamp ltDS and SiuulerlauU. t»ui
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  • 61 3 To-Days (James In Second Round This afternoon two games -n the ad round of the Singapore Baseball League will be played on the St. Joseph's field. In the first game, starting at 1 p.m.. the Sj c Cubs will oppose the Junior Buttons and at 3 p.m. the
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  • 413 3 Enjoyable Contest At St. Andrew's School A VERY acceptable and enjoyable even- tag's entertainment was held at the bt Andrew's School Hail last night W a charity concert was given m aid ol the St. P-tei's Tamil Church, and the of England Missionary work among Indians
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  • 182 3 Asahan B.P. Beat Alor Gajah Recreation Club On Sunday last the Asahan Badminton Party maintained their unbeaten record when they defeated the Alor Gajah team by four games to one. Che Abdullah, the best singles player for Asahan, was unable to turn up. Wahap substituted for him and was
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  • 52 3 Salleh Bin Kassim Retains Title Singapore. Saturday. The final of the Malayan Amateur tFour-Ball» Billiards Championship was played to-night at the Metropole Hotel Salleh bin Kassim, the holder of the title, beat Victor Woodford 600—409. The trophies were presented at the conclusion of the game by Mr.
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  • 70 3 Charge Against A Circus Employee (from Our Own Reporter j Ipoh, Samraay. Arrested on a Kuala Lumpur warrant*, Foot lick, a Russian employed by the Isako Circus WM charged m the First Magistrate's Court with voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon to Stephen Petroveion Bezvodny, another Russian,
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  • 277 3 FUTURE OF AMY AND JIM Still Wandering About The World MRS, Amy Millison, Britain's Number 1 woman pilot, is marking time. So is her record-breaking husband, James Mollison, of Australian and Atlantic flight fame. The fact that this proved couple have no flying plans reflects the changed conditions m aviation.
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  • 575 3 Ethiopian Concession DISREGARD OF U.S. NEUTRALITY BILL London. Aui;. 31. IT was learned m ollicial quarters to- clay that the British Government bad i\(, information about the reported concession "ranted by the Ethiopian Government to an AngloAmerican financial gprojip, represented hy !\lr. Rickftt, ;v. AdtSis Ababa
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  • 68 3 Accident To Yankee At Dartmouth London, Atm. 31; Ifie famous American racing yacht Yankee, owned by the millionaire, Mr. Lambert, which has been competing m BngJiSh regattas, capsized at Dartmcuth while comjoeting m a big yacht race and her mast, was carried away. Other yachts: went to
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 43 3 Washington. Aug. 30. President Roosevelt has i^n.u the £50,000.000 'soak the rich" Bill {.rovidim? for mi increase m taxes on estates, capital stcck issues and individual .surtax. The bnl imposes gift taxes, corporation income-tax and an BXccbs profits tax.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 62 3 Singapore, Saturday. Whilst flushing the drains m Keppel Harbour Road shortly after six o'clock this morning, two Municipal coolies wer^ knocked down by a passing car. One of the men received severe head injuries and a fracture of the right upper arm. He was taken to
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  • 146 3 Was He Shot By Soviet Orders Berlin, Aug. 30. THE suggestion that Mr. Gareth Jones may have been shot by orders from Moscow is made m the "anti-komin-tern," a publication subsidised by the German Government, which supplies free information .on Soviet-Russia to the German press. The journal says:
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  • 90 3 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Saturday noon. Buyers. Sellers. No. I.X.R.S.S. m cases (F. 0.8. September) J'J 11 4 VJ'JH Good F.A.Q. m cases (F. 0.8. September) 18 15 16 lit 1 10 No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spot-loose) (awardable Singapore) 19 316 196)16 do. September 19 1,4 193(8 do.
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  • 150 3 LITTLE HI SIN ESS PASSING U.K. Stocks Expected To Be Up (From Our Financial Corn :spo»Ornt Singapore, Saturday tmndag. Rubber (Singapore). l#)ft d down ii ct. Market Tone: Dull. Tj'ji (Singapore, $107*4, domrn Hi. To-day's Prices: London: 5!).16d.. tluwn 1 Kid. Market Tone: Slightly easier. New York:
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  • 87 3 to be up about 1.290 tons on the week has had a depressing effect on prices v/hich are down locally about cent all round. Little business has passed and the usual week-end stagnation is m evidence. CLOSING PRICES Buyers Sellers Spot 19«« I'M/* Sept. i&»/4 19^3 Oct.SDec.
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    • 951 4 ■••••iitiitriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i;ii,;ii i:ii i i ii m i i i i- i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i j m i i i i i i i i i i i rrn i i
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  • 1614 5 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES m\\y_ pi aph which I publish to-day unique interest. It shows Mrs. Sydney Smith, wife of Air Commodore Sydney Smith, at the wheel of her speedboat a t Plymouth, and her companion was the one! T. K. Lawrence Lawrence of Arabia who afterwards preferred to be known
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    • 226 5 Mi!liiirii:ini;i|i li!lnti!iiiii!l:<i:i|!!|iir!llir:|i:l ill I*i I I I ll■ I I I "iiili'l!it<iti>i:'i I I I i I I •I I I I I J > iiiii r>|'i|ii|ii|i.| <i I m S''*t>*Utlltllttl|M|M||||Mtlll!lt'!llllllll'l:!|l!||l|t^|l|Mlltlli|lllt'lll|i'l'i|' llllMI!!llitltllillll<'t!ill'i1l«<ll:'l!;|li|i!|i'| > .t'l I'-lliUi jIIH i<*!>* ••itf'ir I I GLORIOUS HEALTH. j j BOUNDLESS ENERGY w Science offers them
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  • 907 6  -  "OBSERVER") j (BY IN PRAISE OF THE GROUND ENGINEER WHAT HE MEANS TO THE PILOT CLUB CONFERENCES NEED FOR KEEPING A MACHINE IN RESERVE npHERE has been much m the press from time to time on the feats of dare-devil or record breaking pilots, but one seldom
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  • 76 6 Breeds Divorces, Says Justice Of The Peace Seattle. More divorces are caused by "women who talk too much" than by any other one thing. Justice of the Peace Charles Claypool said recently. "Men learn, when they are small, not to s&y everything they think," he explained. "If they
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  • 206 6 i Hope Of Aid In Diabetes Control DISCOVERY of a vitamin which may play j a part m the further control of diabetes was reported to the joint meeting of the Canadian and American Medical Associations by Dr. C. H. Best, professor of physiology m the University of
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  • 521 6 Details Of The "< learo S0 l" Process PALLED iho most revolutionary qVv*, lopment Id the history of puroleiun refining since the discovery of oil itsS? the Clearosol Process is now beiiig us? ri exclusively m refining motor oil* forth?. Standard -Vacuum Oil Company The new process
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 I pnnxfv BUY BRITISH AND FsE PROUD OF IT. 1 I ROOm SIMPLE Although it takes up so little room it's It's very simple the single control 1 really surprising how much food it gives a choice of 8 different freezing M miinWc a -a *k^ fl.^ iL A temperatures
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  • 1016 7 Why You Should Let The Boy" Do His Worst s"" •i^ n:!i.t:ililfj'i'i| l ,,iiiiri 1 II Il:l! nl :»;,.i,«:!»ti«r!«i!»i>«::»H«!!»n«it«n«tiltilii«i'.iiilii«ii»iilii«;'»nßni:«';Bj!Bn»i!ii(«rt«ifi[ißu«ußr!B!!Biir>T«iißij«n*^ I Secrets Of Home Comfort Feats Of Memory The Customer Is Always Right j tjAl-AVAN ociety "knows n<> more useful a ppr!Ml. than the common or garden "boy." He fa übiquitous.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 2458 8 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. By Our Woman Correspondent gATTUDAi", Aug. 21, was the first time an air pageant was held m Singapore, m fact I belike m the Far Kust. and naturally many of my women readers were there. kain had been Either persistent m spoiling outdoor sports m
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 96 8 I SELETAR GRANGE t I g EUROPEAN RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 14 \'i Mile Thomson Seletar Road, ki (Adjoining Naval Base Opposite Gate "E"). Large Swimming Enclosure. Beautiful Garden, peaceful and attractive surroundings. Dinner served by the sea. Under European Supervision. jvj [iJ |i|:. I l..|ii|!!|l.|i!|j!|ll|i:|ll||i|ii|;i||||:i||i|;!|||||:|!||||||j l^ J —^*J^\ 4k' Eve hat
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    • 121 8 JADE, varied m Design, Quality, and Antiquity, at FOH CHENG CHEONG, jade merchants and jewellers. 88, North Bridge Road, and 219, South Bridge Road. *L£ If -of Lampshades Ready made, or made to order. All colours and designs. MRS. J. DE GRAAF, Slfc Milestone. 192F, Pawr Panjanß. THE SMART SHOP
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    • 30 8 I -'^^%k -I t Hot, angry insect bites can be relieved instantly by dabbing on a little undiluted Scrubb's Ammonia. Be sure to have a bottle handy. SCRUBBS CLOUDY AMMONIA
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  • 1185 9 Notes From Kuala Lumpur and Frasers Mill ifUALA LUMPUR has been unusualiy h quiet during the past week, except r a sudden revival m the hum of soal life on Wednesday, when the vari--0 forms of amusement offering drew tair crowds. On thai night the weekly tea dance it the
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  • 809 9 SHOPS seem to be sold out at present their new stock after the sales being already empty from the raids of racegoers, and specially from upcountry people who have descended on us en mase since last week end. However, great things are promised us which will have
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  • 88 9 T SO often hear it said, "I met her 1 up the Hill, a little while ago, and thought her topping, but since Pve been hack, I find her absolutely impossible.'' Evidently the woman referred to let us call her Mrs. X has a holiday manner.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 4|tfß^ 17;i9 AMBER MANSIONS ORCHARD ROAD. jm EpP^ where 9 Dark tresses o Oriental ladies are waved H P^ with scientific understanding of the BL texture and arranged with special re-jK'-^Jto-ff tfanl for indivduai characters m National types. MAISON MAHTIW I 0 X?, I ANNOUNCES A SPECIAL COLLECTION 1 GOWNS
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    • 161 9 iiitini i mill mi iiiiii hi i ii m m i in ■iiniiin i j ik THE FINEST SHOE SHOP ii_y IN MALAYA. j #^^||VOONGCHEONGJ %/**T SHOE CO. THE FASHION V SHOE SHOP, 354 and 356, I North Bridge Road. I. I I iirnjiii.ii'i;itDji>i!'Hiin»iiin»-tjiiii. I»iifMiy1 »iifMiy* i iiiirißwimMwi!iiiii-, C±. "ALLEN
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    • 270 9 tkjs W MILLINERY DEPARTMEN'I mk ANXOI'NCES THE ARRI \AL OF iHE I\ ESI fM 1^ PARIS MODELS OF MORNING DRESSES— TAILOR sJ H SUITS— HATS NOVELT iLS ON VIEW FROM. 9[ f SEPT. 2ND. ALSO LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ON PREVIOUS STOCKS. M .•mnniimiiiiiiiMii'ii'i .iiii.Hiiiiiiinin i iiiiiiiEiiiini:i'ii''ii'i"i' ll ll 11 ••.•■'if!tm.!i.«i«i«.».iii»niimiiiWi»wi.mMMtin.«w^ I
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  • 549 10 Sunday Tribune. Singapore: Sunday, Sept. 1, 1935. TELEVISION Ml (II has been heard of television, that remarkable younger sister of broadcasting, but even wireless enthusiasts have been content to regard its general use as something which will come about at a vague date in the future. Now, however, it is
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  • 1262 10 z!Mussolwi 9 s Big Gamble In Abyssinia UERRINGS and hornets do not go together but a hornets' nest has been drawn about my ears by my contention last week that the Abyssinian question is a red herring as far as the British Empire is concerned.
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  • 540 10 FRIEND sends me a few stories irom the "Excavating Engineer," and I judge that these excavating engineers are a fine, robust lot ot leiiows. nere are some samples. CAN I touch you for nve dollars?" "For five dollars you can sock me on the
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    • 63 10 I /LxFhM hhea c for over 4n 1 A SUcces *fcl/v T year >>een ■I //Id Jubes etc c tc pcople r ft sn l onfid ence th Bain >>«bl ic \I genuine hr °**Rh tk Yv N\\\ t ilyt^T w I SS /n W Ondlt 'on. ,SJ>LE IMPORTERS SIMCv,
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  • 1073 11 Visiting The Country's Beauty Spots penang Hill, Pangkor Island And The Camerons (By Lim Kentf Hor) i aVHR a thousand milts of matorins: 0 jn 4'-i days. I have jttrt returned from such a during tn( course of which 1 SJe "covered" more than half
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  • 783 11 Perak's New Seaside Health Resort At seven o'clock after picking up another companion, we set out for Lumut and the Pangkor Islands, the seaside resort which the Perak Government has now decided to develop. From Ipoh to Sitiawan is about 58 miles, and en the way you
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  • 654 11 Capturing The Wintry Atmosphere Then up the 38 miles of hill climb to reach the Camerons. The road, going up, is really trying to the motorist and it takes you almost two hours to reach the top. The gradient is pretty steep at times, but the beautiful
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  • 265 11 Charge Of Starving Commit Suicide •By Air Mail i (From Our Oun Correspond* London, Au HAROLD Ftindi Davidson former rector of Sti and described as a showman, terday found not guilty, at I' Quarter Sessions, of a < of unlawfully starving himself with I tention of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 104 11 'IN INCH f STIIL REIGNS SOPfIEME. GRAND REX ANNIVERSARY SALE TO COMMEMORATE THE 2nd year of success m Malaya. T.M.A. alone aw RESPONSIBLE m raisin- the Standard of Granwphon, S to a par with the Best Houses m England, just as XXX- ALONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REDUCING THE PRICK OF
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    • 88 11 teja3 ||1 111 111 VA^Vav r >^"b B^Wj m XVIV l m 1 VA&. A\ \\l^^' I m J^m w*\ V W* 1 /r^^mm\lpW"jr^^B 11l ***"™**S^k. B wfl^^BF i .^BB^Bb B^P^^^^^BE 1 1 b^bW I BBbI B^k, 111 (VBw B^^BB BE ,^^BBI u3&^^Bßßbw 881 881 BBt^*" i mil BBbW. BBm
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  • 1173 12 OnTiiT. iciiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!:!! SINGAPORE is as uncertain as the weather these days. Last week it was airminded. Yesterday it was race-minded. Bukit Timah basked m the presence of all Singapore and his wife the copyright of this phrase has expired so if our lady gossip writer
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    • 174 12 TICKETS ISSUED Ha^vJl^lw BY ALL STEAM- SHIP, AIR AND RAVEL RAILWAY ONES. NO BOOKING FEES. Chinese and all Asiatic clients are given the best of attention and assistance. 39, Robinson Road, Singapore. Telephone 5908. WATCHES OMEGA, TAVANNLS, CYMA JEW ELLED LEVER MOVEMENTS. NICKEL POCKET from 8.50 WRIST 12.00 SILVER POCKET
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    • 239 12 jjW^Hni aJS 4 IP^WHaaMBHI J^W U/V X X XV I X> V_ i^ ■JB^^.Sllk^H Prepared from /^M lj/ DEBILITY ■beß.'^^P^JF^W ni^\/l r i\TCslT¥l>i^ Half- Yearly $1.50 $2.70 $3.00 l/ _jM ■■F j^pil Quarterly .$0.75 $1.35 $1.50 t V/ \l llt '.HB^ aB— __CYDER single copy 5 cents. (T^W A /C
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  • 1262 13 CONTR AC T BRIDGE DO NOT ALWAYS USE THE HOXOI'R COUNT (By "Bermttqm*) M^\^ ar< thrown away because players refuse to bid on hands which do not contain the honour couni or quick trick valuation which is demanded bf whatever system they arc playing. I am not forgetting that a
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  • 446 13 Claim I or False Imprisonment Oxford. A SPECIAL jury Oxford Assizes awarded 1800 damages to Mrs. Gwendoline Humlivy. of Chance, near Blewbury. a daughter ol the formerRural Dean of Rhyl. who claimed on tot grounds of lalse imprisonment, slandei and assault against w W. Poolworth
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 233 13 TIGER BFER IS REST /Wos^ Important Refining Discovery m 75 Years! REVOLUTIONARY NEW PROCESS rcvolu^onuJ 1 the oil industry. \'ou will get 20% to 50% less carbon I j^^l I l l^^B -.M^^ 'W*f*^ f 9 t oil for it -^^Sl H i^ 91 rf <j^H t" v 1 jjgpi
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  • 2747 14 (By "Clubman") The I inted Chinese Musical Association Report For The Year -Orchestra Opt n To Engagement Merrilads Entertain Mr. Chua Boon Swee Three (tubs In Upper Serangoon District Merge Singapore Amateur Weight-Lifting Championship Tournament On Saturday. WELL-KNOWN m the load musi- cal worid is the
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    • 153 14 *sSim '''""^lllWBWtiWlWT^^"''' s BiL, "^^NiS^^ '■■^^■fc'^^x^S '-'^!^»l 9Hi^^lßß^^%^ 'sii-. >■ OF THIS GENERATION Marvellous evening Yes, good going too Cigarette Thanks, but zvhy the cork tip Obvious reasons, Child Well, what are they, then Carerras the Craven "A" people declaied war on throat irritation and? sent the bogey skidding, without,
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    • 180 14 CLOVERS FOR H FLOWERS CwfitM Iluiidinfr. Telephone 4J21. I Especially when Royal Baking Pow- mj Delight your thends *.th thu tempting dor costs so little. And remember, URAMCL PECAK LOAF p this high-quality baking powder is =J 3 J"*j^ fa^«^ unbeaten a umo! f \A 1 1 1. Dealing iv
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  • 2067 15  -  Dragon (By C^i p3T] (f^ o Building I P A Weil-Balanced Team Need For More Parties To Join Competition I seful Hints By "Katty L." Girls 9 Events May Be Cancelled Amicable Party Celebrates First Anniversary Johore Bahru Championships In September. r«HE men's senior events m
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  • Article, Illustration
    596 15 The Open Doubles Event Kuala Lumpur. A. S. SAMUEL, for many years champion of Selangor. and reputed to be one of the best badminton players m the country, is once again seriously m the running for championship honours, for m the Selangor Badminton Championships played at the Victoria
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  • 120 15 District Championship Tournament In September (From Our Own Correspondent j Johore Bahru. Au:'. 27. Entries are invited Tor the following events m the Johore Bahru District BadBadminton Championship Tournament which will be held m thy Johor.- Badminton Association Hail at JaJan Ah Fook, Johore Bahru, on Sept. 2i»
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  • 1013 15  -  Racquet Very Promising Form Revealed By I poll. THE Perak Junior Badminton cliuinpion- ship tournament organised oy the Pcrak Badminton Association, MM 1 brought to a very successful conclusion on Sunday. The success of the tournament, let me at once say. is due chiefly to the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 742 16 Sappers Win League Honours A Splendid Record NEW TALENT FOR SINGAPORE A I (ante's Form TO MEET ALDE ON SEPT. 6 By "K.O'i Singapore, Saturday. 11 [IH |he arrival of fresh talent, there will be plenty of good fights m the near future. Mr. Ball's latest importations are Al (ante.
    742 words
  • 357 16  -  Several Surprises Expected (By The Referee ALMOST simultaneously with the clo>e of the local soccer season, the homo football season cpens ard yesterday saw the start of the English Football League'/ames. 1 The Scottish League smarted their programme three weeks ago and the .season There is
    357 words
  • 1009 16  -  FULL BACK Tribute To The Skipper REVIEW OF LEAGUE AND CUP GAMES iBY pONGRATULATIONS to the Royal Engineers' By beating the L SRC. on Friday they made certain of capturmg the honours m the S.A.F.A. League. or C. The results of the two rema ining matches with
    1,009 words
  • 252 16  -  Need To Build A Team Early (By Sticks DESPITE the fact that the official hockey season docs not start till- October Singapore are first on the field with their fixture list— mn indication. I hope, that a definite elfort: is to be made to regain their once
    252 words
  • 816 16  -  Fleetfoot The "Iron Game PING-PONG, CHLSS AND BILLIARDS By THK immense popularity of football cricket, badmint »n, and m a less^degree, rujrby, tennis and hockey Malaya, is bound to dim the inters displayed m other tfames, of wl then is a quite a number. It is onSv
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 37 16 THE SmONCEST COCOA OF ALL. Thanks to the exclusive use of selected beans roasted by a special proem. Van Houtcn's is stronger than any other cocoa. For nourishment and dif«tibilicy make ture of VAN HOUTEN| ft M;'\v:
      37 words

  • 399 17 < EE N IN "ESCAPE ME NEVER" A Stage Hit \T THK PAVILION THIS WEEK "TLtf prod* unetimea choose i vt-ry sobtk and indirect routes attach your emotions. An in- cc of this is provided by "Esm** Never;' Elisabeth Bei-gner'a ne w starring vehicle which
    399 words
  • 198 17 Signs Business And Studio Contract Ml PAKKER dipped her pen and J ••.gned her name twice. One signature gave her a long-term fcntract with Metro-Goldv.yn-Mayer. ae other made the actress a busi2«s womrn. Her second contract is an agreement jjjt she will supply the Beverly Hills wic-A-Brac Shoppee
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  • 246 17 Jan Kispura's Latest Film THE overwhelming success of Jan Kiepura m 'Tell Me To-night" inevitably invests his latest picture with more than ordinary interest, and it will be agreed that "My Song for You" which is now drawing crowded houses at the Pavilion is a worthy
    246 words
  • 374 17 Hollywood's "Curly Headed" Quartette EVERY 'curly-head" has a secret all her own for shampooing! That goes for blondes, brunettes, redheads and platinums, too! The fact that "a woman's hair is her crowning glory." is not overlooked by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayt'i- players. The successful treatment for one who is
    374 words
  • 51 17 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. MR. P. KARTHIGESU of P. T Engineering Dept., Seremban. and Mr. P. KANDIAH of D.M.S. Office, Sinjrapore, b^ir to thank all relative? and friends who kindly attended and sent messages of condole. ice and wreaths on the occasion of the funeral of their beloved brother, Mr. P.
    51 words
  • 919 17 E. H. Griffith's View DIRECTOR OF "NO MORE LADIES' TN bringing "No More Ladies" to the screen, we tried to retain the spirit and theme of the play. My experience m adapting and directing pictures based on successful theatrical productions had taug-h me that if a
    919 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 112 17 IE ''1|,,, a|■|ll4 I I I I I 1 •n:U!UjH!lii!ilHllll!i:i|lHIHIIlMll!|:'|!!l'Tl!J!^ j^&^lK*- EVERY i «ACE NIGBT f I ;ss^^^F* GAY NIGHT I SUMS UP THE AMBITIOUS EFFORTS OF NINO FELtf (The Imemational Artistes and Singers) i hl> a ally engaged to provide AI. entertainment for the thousands of I ami romen
      112 words
    • 487 17 Are rtnriA Heartburn, acidity, .tomach ga»- f tf\ j E »U disappear within two minute. li i| tfv'Sff B of taking a dose of Cnardox. i E Chardox is not a drug—it It a 'VA > F JlgMy-wflned and extremely activ* form of charcoal. It is at least fifty p-\\l/v
      487 words

  • 341 18 Championship Matches Yesterday OWING to the weather, the standard of badminton put up yesterday at the Clerical Union Hall was rather Thill. Three ties were decided m. the open singles championship, two of which were quarter-finals, none however reached the "rubber." The other quarter-final, fixed to be
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  • 55 18 17- Year-Old Girl's Success In Semi-Finals Minneapolis, Aug. 30. In the semi-finals of the American Women's Open Golf Championship, Mr*:. G. C. Vare (Abingdon, Pennsylvania) beat Miss Beatrice Barrett (Minneapolis) 2 up and 1. The seventeen-year-old Miss Patty Berg (Hopkins, Minnesota) beat Miss Charlottee Glutting, (West Orange,
    55 words
  • 160 18 Keppel G,C- Ladies Beaten By S.G.C. Ladies THE match between the ladies of Ktppel Golf Club and the ladies of Singapore Golf Club played over the course of Keppel Golf Club on Friday, August 30, resulted m a win for the visitors by 6V2 to 3 3 i.
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  • 749 18 DRESSES AT THE RACES Prepared For The Weather BY OUR WOMAN CORRESPONDENT THOSE who laid out their frills and furbelows yesterday morning, at the promise of a fine day from the warm temperature and clear sky were bitterly disappointed when dark masses of rain clouds gathered towards lunch time, and
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  • 117 18 Result Of Second Round In Duffers' Cup THE following are the results of the second round of the above competition: Kemlo beat Green 4 2 Holley beat Windle 4 3 Maclachlan beat Stevens w. o. Piercy beat Stephen 4 3 CLIFFORD CUP: The following are the results
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  • 31 18 World's Twenty-Four Hour Record Broken Utah, Aug. 31. Racing on the salt beds here Jenkins averaged 135.47 m.p.h. for twenty-four hours, beating Cobb's world record of 134.85 m.p.h.— Reuter.
    31 words
  • 45 18 The following will represent the Rangoon Road School Old Boys' Association m a friendly soccer match against the Kramat Rangers: Kow Thye, Syed Mohamed and G. Veerappan; Eusoff. Muthuvelu and Shunmugam; Sivasamboo, Cheng Tung. Ismail, Tahir and Wee Thiam Swee. Reserves: Aziz. Kathirveln.
    45 words
  • 45 18 Members are informed that a PmgPong Tournament < Championship and Handicap* will be held this month, and entries, which close on Sepi. 15. are now invited. Intending entrants .should fill m 4 he pntrancf form which i- pc i..i up h \\\c Club
    45 words
  • 202 18 A .\>w Discovery. After lung and patient research* the peculiar many P"***?. skin di ,>.,Knmente*^ varying proportion* of mgrean---anil* formula.' a wonderful new|* mcdv m the form of K»tano °f™*J is Jffcred f< r the treatment 01 typoa of skin di-eu- Kilano Ointment is a bU f*u
    202 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 146 18 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE IS "GREAT" by reason of the fact that m a period of little more than a quarter of a century it has. (1) built up a large business all over Asia: (2) acquired a thoroughly sound financial position: (3) introduced modern innovations that were previously absent
      146 words
    • 194 18 Htrm Is "C^ss IT is as well to know that whatever the cause of your weakness, new health and new vitality are near at hand. With Sanatogen you can build up your health again m a perfectly natural manner. And Sanatogen is something of which you can be sure. For
      194 words
    • 335 18 MARCHINGI ORDERS/ 1 FOUR PAINFUL ©©rms When Radox pives a corn Its marchint orders it GOBS! And poes for food! Ju^ read what Eadox did for this corn sufferer:— suffered with four corns for five |ears and it teas torture to walk. I tried ell kinds of remedies without result.
      335 words

  • 3005 19 LARGE CROWD PRESENT DESPITE WET WEATHER Unity Pays Highest Dividend McPHERSON AND J. DONNELLY THE MOST SUCCESSFUL JOCKEYS Singapore, Saturday. rE wet afternoon which ushered m the Singapore Tori Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting ai Bukit Timah to-day by no means damped the
    3,005 words
  • 574 19 Mat Noor's Double GOOD FOOTBALL AT THE STADIUM Singapore, Saturday. OLAYING with only tea men, the Malays did excellently to beat the Chinese at the Anson Road Stadium this afternoon, m the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League. There were pools of water aboul the
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 8 20 The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAX, "SEPTEMBER 1, 1935.
      8 words
    • Article, Illustration
      62 20 Greenstone, the winner of the Penan^ Plate. Greenstone winning the first race at the opening o£ the Singapore Tori Cluo- Autumn Meeting at Bukit Tin.uh ye-.vcy Unity -Kirwan up— had a comforts ble three lengths win m the first griffin race Sea Lion, the winner of Race 3 A scene
      62 words
    • 82 20 Recital By Leo Liegeois On Monday To-day's broadcast by station Z.H.1., Singapore 11 a.m. to 1 30 p.m.- Recorded music 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.— Relay of Presbyterian Church service, followed by organ rec!\il. MONDAY 6 p.m. Recorded music, 6.45 p.m. News bulletin. 7 p.m. Relay of concert
      82 words
    • 103 20 Alterations To Royal Victoria Dock London, Au?>. 30. Progress is beins made with the Port of London authorities development scheme, which is to cost £1.750,000 and will pive regular employment to 60C men for five years. When alterations to the Royal Victoria Dx:k are completed, it will
      103 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 129 20 2O pages FOR 5 cents „i „i i U i. l ii.tuwii«iiiriiii>ii»i"i>'i'*'«'i«'«" tttt f j I SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFERS I m iw^nDir'cj ladies* celialar HANDBAGS QpnpT<; s .tt TR^ I THE NEWEST OrUKlo BllllilO I PMCBB FROM Colours: White. Saxe Blue, Navy I 51.!10t03.25 Red, Light Green and Be Ri'.
        129 words
      • 40 20 For Best Sports Reports Read the TRIBUNE VJ T f I g- J 111 J 8 fl fl H v fl ♦M '•<! fl fl H AS fl v^ fl fl H iH Htiilo I The Worlds Best I Virginia Cigarette
        40 words