Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 23 June 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 20 1 The Sunday Tribune VoJ.-> O SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JUNE 2i, 1935. FIVE CENTS The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1935.
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  • 997 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Six Chinese Warships Oil Hongkong CHIANG KAI SHEKS MOVE British Navy Prepares For Trouble WAB fever prevails at Canto n owing- to the dramatic ap pearance of additional warships from Nanking. Reuter says there are six and Chinese cables say
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  • 25 1 A special portrait of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, who is 41 to-day. He was born on June 23. 1894.
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  • 184 1 Substantial Reductions By N.Y.K. Sigapore, Sun lc.\ AX inquiries made at the Nippon Yusm v Kaisha Shipping office yesterday morning it was learned that the company has made substantial reductions m passage fares to Europe and round-the-world cruses. These reductions also app'y to the Cunard White Star Line,
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  • 94 1 Woman's Plea In Kidnapping Refused l Tacoma (Washington), June 21. Mr. and Mrv;. Herman Waley pleaded guilty to-day to charges of kidnapping and extortion m connection with the lumber King's son, George Weyerhauser, but the judge refused to accept the j voting wife's plea after her husband
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 81 1 On The Statute Book Next Month j London, June 2?. By a majority of 236 votes to 35 the House of Lords yesterday defeated the delaying amendment moved by Lord Lloyd to the second reading of the India Bill. The committee stage ot the Bill m the
    British Official Wireless  -  81 words
  • 50 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Nanking, June 22. The Legis'ative Yuan has passed the general budget. Revenue is distributed as follows: Customs taxes, $342,261,400, salt. $181,219,044, tabacco and wine $22,349,186. consolidated taxes, $113,298,177. Expenditure is estimated as follows* Party $5,870 800; state affairs, $*****.672; military. $321,000,000. educa.iun, $37,211,621.
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  • 17 1 Hongkong, June 21 The City of Victoria has gone aground at Cape Erimo, Hokkaido. Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 249 1 Talk With M. Laval FRENCH PREMIERS STATEMENT London, June 22. ]UR. Anthony Eden, Minister for j League Affairs, was the guest of i the French Premier at luncheon at the Quai DOrsay, Paris, to-day, and intimate conversations on current affairs followed. A later statement was
    British Official Wireless  -  249 words
  • 53 1 It is officially announced that Mr. Frederick Gordon Smith, AttorneyGeneral, Trinidad, has been appointed a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. A recent official statement also announced the appointment of Mr. J. Aitken, of the Gold Coast, as a Puisne I Judge of,
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  • 180 1 Negotiations For Lease j Fall Through THE Sunday Tribune understands that the recent negotiations conduced be ween the liquidators and a Chinese syndicate for a lease of the Tan Kan Kee have fallen through. It was reported at the time -hat h Chinese gen leman
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  • 748 1 was very difficult to say whether h9 was alve. A lot cf froth and water was coming out of his mouth. Ari fie al respira'ion was carried on for about ten mnu'es and at the eno. cf -hat time witness realised that the o;o was dead and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 781 2 BETTER DISTANCE RECEPTION China Coast Stations EMPIRE PROGRAMME FEATURES (By "Radiofan") i AST week I reported that local j reception of long-distance sta- tions had improved during the week. The improvement h-as been kept up land the past week's reception has I been very good indeed.
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  • 606 2 Charge Against Local Firms Singapore, Saturday. T'HE Gramophone Company, Ltd., were the complainants m two cases m ;vhich representatives of two loeai firms were charged with allegedly infringing the Trade Marks Ordinance. The parties concerned were Mr. Lee Heng Kwong of Chop Seng Tye m New
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  • 65 2 Inquiry Into T.S. Officiate Allegations Washington, Jt ne 21 THE allegations made by Mr .vlitcheu. I a former assistant m thc Commerce Department, of graft and t\,r -uotion bave all "faded into thin clr." declared Mr. Copeland. Chairman of the Commit- tee, at the conclusion of
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  • 90 2 Body Exhumed On Order Of Magistrate (Fro?n Our Own Reporter) Ipoh. Saturday. The body of a wnl dressed Tamil wa.s found near Jubilee Park. Ipoh. yesterday. A pes* mortem revealed the body of a well nourished young man of 30 btn the cause of death could not be
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  • 41 2 Appropriations Bill Approved Washington. June 21 The House of Representatives approved cf the Conference Report for lh: 5460.000 000 peace time Naval Appropriai tion Bill. The Bill will now be sent to President Roosevelt for his signature. Eteuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 ML 'X A. v ?)fc. _kiTi 1 li ri _J 1 _rf d i^V_m vHfcr fl ■HH anal ft _fl l__^H _^PO_^^^_v I^W/'-- >H| B t ™v_ _f WAW IPyr *\v^ *J™ _r 4r I' H lUaflHaV <Ar laaflflt^^ MY "PRUDENTIAL" POLICY HAS SECURED ME A GUARANTEED INCOME OX RETIREMENT.
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    • 163 2 iMA.^mggm^^^^ij^^s^Mmmmmammmmmtmmm^ qj.. »*jym.r^MALAYAN PREMIER HOTEL A THIS WEEKS PROGRAMME Monday, Wednesday Friday. I COCKTAIL DANCK 6.30 to 8.15 i .m. I I DINNER DANCE (informal) 9.30 to midnight. m Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. i 1 SPECIAL DINNER CONCEPT 8.15 to 9.15 j>.m. I DANCE (formal) 9.45 to midnight. CABARET APPEARING NIGHTLY
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    • 198 2 Stomach gas condensed m 2 minutes Why continue to suffer unneces<„*i from the pains of indigestion' v* can get rid of those stomach nainc two minutes with palns Chardox, a superactivated form of _A^^ vegetable charcoal, Amm''-- which has the power of attracting p to itself all gases w I
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  • 1048 3 STEADY FLOW OF PRODUCE Small Net Gains DRIVING FORCE OF PATRIOTISM (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 12. JAPANESE efforts to capture trade m the Far East and particularly the Straits Settlements are the subject of some interesting comments by a special
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  • 209 3 Gives Others "Electric Shocks" (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspondent) Brighton, June 12. IUILLIE is a Real Live Wire; but he's a "shocking" boy all the same— he clicks. Yes, clicks "liko the ticking of a clock, only louder." he told me to-day. And Willie—
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  • 57 3 Recital At Memorial Hall On Wednesday An interesting programme will be presented by Mme. Rence Florigny, the well-known pianist, who will give a recital a T the Memorial Hall on Wednesday evening. Mme. Florigny is engaged on an extensive tour of the Far East and has played witb
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  • 79 3 Singapore. Saturday. A straits Settlements Govt. Gazette Extrao.dinary, dated to-day, states that, information having been received that a dangerous, infecticus or contagous disease, namely, cholera, exists m an epidemic state at Moulmein, it is hereby declared by His Excellency the Governor, m exercise of the powers conferred
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 3 Hertna Schlutow. the little German dancer who has made such a hit m fast Russian dances m the Tropical Express Non-Sto^ Revue; which is breaking records at the Capitol Theatre. Singapore.
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  • 386 3 MALACCA NOTES AND NEWS Rotary Club Institutes A Ladies' Night (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, June 21 ROTARIANS of Malacca will meet again on Thursday, when the installation eremony will take place after the usual linner The new President will receive the gaval. Rotarian Chan Choo Tiong will be the
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  • 53 3 Young Malay Found Drowned In Taiping (From Our Oion Correspondent) Taiping, Saturday. A young Malay who was found drowned m the River Ulu Ijok was identified as Mat bin Taha, who went bathing early this morning. It Ls believed that he developed fits when nobody was near. Police
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  • 21 3 Omaha (Nebraska), June 21. As a result of arbitration by the Governor, the tramway strike hero has ended Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 84 3 "WONDER SHADOWS In the Tropical Revue now at the Capitol, one of the most popular numbers is entitled "Wonder Shadows," m which shadows are thrown on a screen and a colour filter is needed to get them m correct perspective The colour filter is provided by coloured "spectacles," which are,
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  • 20 3 Honolulu, June 22. The American flying clipper took off to-day on a 2,000-mile flight to California.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 46 3 Apart from May, 1934, postal receipts have been higher than m the corresponding nun.ha year earlier for each moriTn since thc end cf 1932. The increase for April 'vas 4.G per cent., as compared with 1.6 per cent, for the first quarter of the year. B
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  • 391 3 Special Events Being Organised IT a meeting held by the entertainAm n t committee of the Singapore vei Jubnee Fund recently, ar- anger were mada fcr a series of special attractive events to be held during the comng months, with the oojeci oi aug- j mentmg the Fund.
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  • 29 3 The P. and O. Somali has left Hongkong and is expected to arrive at Singapore at 11 a.m. on Wednesday. She will proceed alcngs'de the S.H.B. Wharf on arrival.
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  • 284 3 I Wealth Under The Sea HOLES TO BE BOUEJ) IN LUSITANI A (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspond Glasgow, June 1-. FINAL preparations are being made for an adventure which may win for Britain world supremacy m deep-sea salvage and bring untold wealth io a Scottish
    284 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 IBilWllti I Ifi fj** **i i I jj 117 1 1 J r^fl V J^r.J'>^- r l^-iir*: "j^^Sf^yfek^"^^ «iaMftftwiiMiMiiwi«i*ie7H^aMiiMa^Hialim 1 JAn unbroken tradUion of 1 1 quality malnlained for nearly I 1 jjulf a renturu 1 9 c* m 1 m T ATE fcXDDESS m |Q§ fa m^r y __s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 1460 5 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES YOU have grown rich beyond your expectations" tho clergyman is reported ing. "The whole of this groat country tjas grown rich. Richer than any country has ever been. Richer than is good for any country to be. And what is the source of IUI wealth? Rubber, my
    1,460 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 138 5 .11l I I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I IM J. I, J I, ll .:!«:itV|i;i:iil,l;,|, II I I I I 1,:,..,.,.,;,,,,,,,,,, 1 BERNARR MACFADDEN'S BOOKS. ASTHMA HAY FEVER *fi 00 I COLD, COUGHS CATARRH 4 00 I s CONSTIPATION l\oa 1
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  • 3837 6  -  Leonard Merrick OUR SHORT STORY By »n ihe 21st of Decern- t». moil ieur Petitpas, a clerk h bohemian yearnings, packed pOl'tti for a week's hollI iii Pari on the same date, mon- and pauper, was omftii; by Ihe Editor of Le litiiit Moi to convert
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 210 6 a.<%OH M\%V^» QUICK RELIEF !HL >v STOmACH SUF F ERIRS IMmnltd Magnesia most recent medical research and X-ray experi- pv«« exceaftit results and prove there i> no better, quicker or surer stomach can h th tyobl aahle than Magnesia. It is Tf* v lns and hvporai'idr.v. It is pat un«
      210 words
    • 54 6 IJ jK^Jf VFAKNESB, I^ lEu DEBILITY hQaiivem I a y^^PESCHIENSPSYWiP I \W lj f W\ v Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines, etc A. CLOUET CO., LTD., SINGAPORE.
      54 words

  • Contract Bridge
    • 959 7  -  Horatius (By THERE are many bridge players— they will never be first class who fail to appreciate the significance of the bidding ami so, are incapable of designing the play m accordance with the information which should have been conveyed to them by the Auction. It
      959 words
    • 120 7 JULY MEETING, 1935. 1 >«iv. < uurdav. 29th. June, 1933 2nd. Day. Wednesday, 3rd. July, 1935. i. IHv. Saturday. 6th. July. 1935. Tho Subs rp <>r.s for Visiting Members MEN SlO LADIES 5 5 Mtet'nc or any day thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must be introdu" by Members ol
      120 words
    • 75 7 Thone: 5811 and 5812. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Includ ng Including at office Postage Postage or close t<o to Foreign residence F.M.S. Countries. Yearly $3.00 $5.40 $6.00 Half-Yearly $1.50 $2.70 $3.00 Quarterly $0.75 $1.35 $1.50 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. Copies of back numbers of the "Sunday
      75 words
    • 145 7 Home Authorities Most Concerned i London. June 8. THE increase of suicides m Britain is j characterised as a "matter of public concern" m the report of the Poisons Board to the Home Secretary. The number of suicides due to drugs and disinfectants, which are found m nearly
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 707 7 'i, would I) interesting A*^4U^ T>^JU<. Ass**,*, PWP m^v^x T sd to kno« how many sweep- 7 r% if|\flf YW^m° ll I-" from the V^^^S»?-^ "^PBl^k^^^ U^^'^!! mo „ey so acquired. ticM^dvawa the' V 1®& W***4Jh „r/-G,,^£K winner m ihe office l. dqla^' :ysz-Un -^^T 7 W oni T\. f\-
      707 words
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  • 1538 8 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. By Our Woman Correspondent MOONLIGHT, a gentle breeze, swaying palm trees, bustling leaves, and a lippled sea. What more romantic setting can you want for a party? But how very often m the rush of Singapore night ttU such an evening passes unnoticed, its beauty
    1,538 words
  • 222 8 LOUIS Goldins's latest book "Camberwell Beauty" starts like his "Magnolia Street" and the "Five Silver Daughter" m a street, but it goes much further, half way across Europe to place unthought of, as unt bought Of as China and certainly much more unthought of than Singapore,
    222 words
  • 1803 8 l INEN. linen! That is the order of the day. Very practical too, always so fiesh irom the laundry, and so cool, and with :he loosely woven tweedy looking ones you can make a rag of them and still no a crease. Rene Ullmami has a arge
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  • 60 8 Much silk taffeta— also silk faille-* •:sed m the fashioning oi tlv Via? wishy skins And both of tbev "obi ics. especially taffeta an- to l£ almost as widely worn for daytime s oi evening S Sheers, too. are hiehhghtcd lor formal .fterncon and cveninc Ai^d here comes silk, makinn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 ;~^SEs_s_SHs_s_sEsZs_sHS_s_^£s-E^^ j SELETAR GRANGE 1 EUROPEAN RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. ffi 14«, Mile Thomson Seletar Road, (Adjoining Naval Rase Opposite Gate 4 *E"). Large Swimming Enclosure. Beautiful Garden, peaceful and attractive surroundings. Dinner {3 served by the sea. Under European Supervision. B
      40 words
    • 71 8 V>l)illiininii:i::l:i|iii:!li!liiliill!liiliilMliilliliiliiliiliilliliii(iiiilUliUiVr 1 Unpacked X^ 2 J New Shioment X I AMERICAN X I DRESSES X 1 I /spectator sports X j i X NOVELTY GLOVES I BERNYCB HARVEY I X ADELPHI X HOTEL X. Room m X 26. rrtl>|ll|!l|ll|l!|MII!|tllll|l(||l|l||lltMII||M|lltl||lltlllMtll«lll:itll|UIIIIII|!U PALAIS DES MODES 33, Stamford Road. Exclusive Model Gowns for Evening,
      71 words
    • 45 8 TBE J |j MOVIE STAR H 5( MODELS X f 1 are /iou? o/t display 11 V Models that are V )6 truly Outstanding Don'f fail to see them. Tl Kj Aluly* Something Mriß 1 *H9 f \P^ IHK not st Ot MV. IHIX-s wQf
      45 words
    • 197 8 Lampshades Ready made, ur made io order. Aai colours and des^s. MRS. J. HE CRAAF. ()'2 Milestone. J<i2l I'air Panjaii". FOR 3 DAYS ONLY V) 20 DISCOUNT ON ALL STOCK At I The Smart Shop tt 67. STAMFORD ROAD. DIAL WT. m mmmmwmm*r-m*mAa**MMWMMawm* I DURING JUNE AL Jl LV OM
      197 words

  • 1248 9 Notes From Kuala Lumpur and Fraser' s Hill THIS racing is an expensive business! T li th« noise ia really a .rienci of man his acquaintance ii a very expensive one to cultivate. The different ways of betting are so numerous that by the time th*" have been eajh and
    1,248 words
  • 320 9 TO stan with what is called popular music, His Master's Voice has recorded ;ome very good new tunes m the way of dance records. -What 're ycu doing m the rain," D 8145 is a pretty, tune, and has a sentimental vocal refrain refrain which would suit those
    320 words
  • 505 9 April, May June. .three months whe wedding bells ring out with vie mcc persistent frequency. Three months when the romantic ceremonial of marriage seems to call forth the best of thc imaginations of brides, dressmakers, florists, jewelers and caterer 0 The old. old
    505 words
  • 184 9 it i 1 recipe In winch a duck, a chicken and a squab are used In a I way. The duck, chicken, and sq boned. The squabs and the chick* n are seared lightly In hot butter until a ri, and then spread quite thiCk.y
    184 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 69 9 •mmmmtm pmmni ww«wiMii»i«»i»t»i« «wwiww«|BWW'*g THE FINEST w^3Lt c^_ Wjß mW .IK-^-i tv. I_^w SH I YOONG CHEONG SHOE CO. Z I THE FASHION SHOE SHOP, 554 366, North Bridge Rd. Phone 4293. m '.XI II F I I I I I I I .t.laWlßliil!*'^ ■(•'lllUllilliilillilllllaV t >_-_t-V-tjlt+T^^^^ M Bh] 1
      69 words
    • 41 9 A striking coiffeur created by Maison Interlandi. Specialists m all kinds of hair-dressing, permanent wave, marcel, finger-waving, etc. Maison Interlandi 159, CAPITOL BUILDINGS. Phone 4419. Duro Linens FOR Sports Frocks BRITISH MAKE FAST COLOURS TAJMAHAL STORE 23, HIGH STREET. TEL: 3849.
      41 words
    • 46 9 New Revised Edition "CHEIRG'S WIIEIn WERE YOU BORN?" JANUARY. FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUKE, JULY. AUGUST, SEPTEMBER; OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER. Your Marriage, Future, Character, Tendencies, Clearly Shown Explained. A BOOK THAT COMPELS SUCCESS PRICE $1.50 Only Kelly Walsh, Ltd. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Ka files Place Singapore.
      46 words
    • 254 9 M RENE ULLMANN W R CiliWn!s KOK ALL OCCASIONS W U Hats Novelties y ■■•Wi a i!lll«ll.lillllillirill: a .ii:tllH..iilim'liHllll' l"ll.ti:l"«'*il»'l':«' l ■••■••..•i .•..•:■«•.•:•*>■-•. 'j Aux Chats Noirs j m L Commencing July Ist I 1 I Annual Sale Amazing Reductions i TEL. NO. 4085. ISA, BATTERY ROAP. m at m
      254 words

  • 551 10 Sunday Tribune. Singapore: Sunday, June 23, 1935. THE VOLUNTEERS MUCH interest has been created by Major-General Le win's report on the Straits Settlements Volunteers. For years past successive General Officers Commanding have deplored tbe fact that recruiting for the European units is not sufficient, but Major General Lewin goes Car.
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  • 1213 10  -  C. H. Stanley -J ones Americas National Recovery A Certainty jtfHEN Hie Rotary movement was started m Malaya there were critics who said .hat it could serve no useful purpose. That criticism is not often advanced m these days. The movement has already oved useful
    1,213 words
  • 463 10  -  Anglius I AM trying a new line of shcrt and snappy stcries this werk. All right. Lex's go. A JADY: "You would stand more charn. of getting a joh if you would shave and make yourself respectable." Tramp: "'Yes, lady. I found oa'. iut
    463 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 133 10 fc.V— £a^_ aßl_^Br4 ._T j«S?_ Mm. mt il F 7^ a Mm t Aniseikonia Reading, eyes grow blurred, skip words and lines. Heads ache, nerves twitch, stomachs misbehave. Students fail m ther classes. Motorist* and aviators misjudge distances, sometimes fatally. Many persons so afflicted go from one doctor to another
      133 words
    • 56 10 J Radiant 1 Beauty j I LUXURIA g A superior cleansing fgr I cream 1 it pena- t trates deep into tbe pores, removing dust and grime. It preserves and enriches the skin's uaWOa\ oils the real secret of fresh, suppie, young skin. .1 < •3taHran*l CtHev FAMOUS BEAUTY PREPARATIONS
      56 words

  • 568 11 FLIRTED WITH DEATH TO AVENGE HER SWEETHEART (By Air Mail) London, June 12. pgfl JoJ Diilingei*, Public W fcnemy No, 1 of the United Urn ruthless, merciless out*bo eluded the forces of the law' for so long\ ft 11 riddled with the ilWintf bullets ol
    568 words
  • 457 11 Scenes At Funeral Of Mrs. Rattenbury •By Air Mail* Bornemouh, Jun? 12. yRS. Alma Victoria Rattenbury. who '^committed suicide af:er she was acquitted land her lover convicted' of the tier of her elderly husband, was buried here to-day a few yards from *rave of the husband.
    457 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 11 MISS 1935 MEETS MISS 1905: Miss Joan Beer a.<: a modern bathingbelle and Miss Dorothy Smart as a bathing belle of 30 years ago, at a dancing recital at S r Luke's Hall, Crosby, near Liverpool.
    36 words
  • 142 11 Evidence Of Servant's Shop Purchases Jaffna (Ceylon). June 7. MR. K. Alvapillai, Police Magistrate ot Mallakam (Ceylon) recorded further evidence m the case m which Chief Inspector Fernando, of the Jaffna police, charged Abeyewardene Simon, a Sinhalese servant, with the murder of Mrs. Jane Thangammah. a wealthy
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  • 408 11 FELL IN LOVE WITH HEIRESS Cinema Manager's Letter To Wife (By Air Mail) London, June 12 I 1 I OTATED to have made a confession to i I•» his wife that he had fallen m love I with a £15,000 heiress, Anthony Wil'iam Hamilton Nelson, a cinema manager, of Essex-read,
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  • 816 11 Amazing (rime Career i SLIP THAT LEO TO AKKEST t (By Air Mail) i (Prom our Oam Conaapoamtmt} London, June 12. j fjONFIDBNCE trickster of international repute; and regarded by the under-world as one of the greatest "steerers" m the history of the "con*' game,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 194 11 *'»t«aa« WHaNaiiailtlltliaiianai|aiiai)aitß (llvr<v^ l!ll riaiiai^ SILVER JLTILEE SOUVENIR RECORDS I Z issued m commemoration of Their Majesties' Silver Jubilee, these three magni- 1 ticent records prestnt a sirring cavalcade of popular, martial and patriotic g I tunes every record with a strikingly handsome PICTORIAL SOUVENIR LABEL IN SIX COLOURS ya^
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    • 11 11 CLOVERS FOR FLOWERS Capitol Holding, Telephone 4521. TIGIR BUR IS BEST
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    • 69 11 m_r __^a_nFl_l a_EKaV_F __h /ft *Sm M AwF '1 4 U wMmm A a__fEfi_. af _l _Hf#V* l^ *A WjAw t^mWmmmWlm _r »m» m m IS Jlat \H HiBr i flv ■B_^\NF tl. '•A SfIMH __«r/ W fl _w£_r k vk l L L EX _LaPt WAmmw^^AwA 'wW mMw^mw 'Mr
      69 words

  • 1222 12  -  G. S. Hammonds I I I I I .n.,.!,.,.::.:,.,^^^ Respect These Lnrge Boots Silent Travel Vision Of An Awful Predicament zz a. a r-"«iilliinin|ii|.:. nm. n|ii| ('.|i:|ii|i;|iill.|.i|illli|:llHlilllllllliiliiliriilliilii|iiiii|u|„|: im,..,.. ■^■'■"•''•''•"•"•iit-'!iiinii i li ll l I|ilill|li|ll| |!iilll :|i g THERE arc no other trains
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 143 12 j When I think of how timjdl my boys used to be j MMMMMMMA^MMwALwiXB&£ 1 I began watching I hem myself. The neigh- -T" d, ,a rD and Jo "THE NEIGHBOURS cant gossip now. Quaker Oats certainly made a difference. My boys arc °:*o the most robust, hcukhicst boys ever
      143 words
    • 303 12 -wiMm- *~^"'~TrriTimtmwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiii j TONGUE-TIED! I j j Does your English "let you down"? Do i s you lack the power to express your 1 1 ideas fluently and vividly? Thousands l\ 5 b of men and women are handicapped C- 11 socially, professionally or commercial- 1 i 2 ly because
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    • 19 12 I I 8 USE TIGER BALM Tiger Balm Combats All Diseases I ENG AUN TONG The Tiger Medical Hall
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  • 2174 14  -  Clubman Singapore Ping-Pong Teams In Inter-Club Tournament Poor Entries For Ladies' Event More Clubs Take Up Dancing A.A.ASs Anniversary Results Of Sunnydale Tournament (By [THE Singapore ping-pong championships will soon commence. The inter-club tournament will probably start at the end of July. Fifteen teams will compete
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  • 128 14 (By Air Mail.) London, June 12 Accounts of the Kuala Rerun* Syndicate irubber growers a preliminary notice of which appeared m The Financial Times on 30th May, show profit for 1934 £4.923 tagst £337) plus £12.830 «£l3.4oJbrought m. making £17.754 To d<»pn £422 (£4O0 1. development account
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 3821 15 The Selaimgor Imilteir-Sclhiool ToMmameirrt The Opming Matches Comments On The Play Girls Take To The Game Perak Notes The Taiping District Competition Malaccas Probable T*am For The Chinese Olympiad What's On In Singapore. (By "Dragon") THE most important event m Kuala Lumpur badminton this week was
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 2499 16 The Week's Malayan SPORT REVIEWED Cricket And Soccer Sensations Selangor And Perak Cricket Complete Mastery Of Ball Over Bat Low Totals In Big Matches Recalled When The Australians Failed Against Malaya A Tennis Protest Penang Left In Colony-F.M.S. Match. (By "Forward') IF the last week-end was not so full cf
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  • 644 16  -  K.O. (By jy|K. Bell has chosen Friday, June 28, for his next promotion. Tarley and Young Johnson will top the bill over 12 three-minute rounds, and Midget Ito and Tarley Tony Darcy are next. Tarley has not And tasted defeat during his stay
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 140 16 mcmmU^^M^m^^^MMMmMmW^^^^'^i r^^^'- ki, m(^ W^^^tmmmWti ImTKWfnv mw*i *M tßar^ TiTi Tn "TluHTf jil IrMaTfMiiilllMiti M SP 1 jtC|W^- <K^aS£Jc3iWßw^^>- fi3^Tf iy ysst iaw v^ftgaaagaßßwaaja^t^g^/'l'KJ r Pl"afr^P^£^**^^ac^**! ■■&>■ $S^S ie 'fli mF 4$ ■B^HHalm Mmi J v* 9a IS W W Kr^mmmT^^^^W^^Ft^^B 3k. fl ||i J a i j *^E^ 7i?^^^^
      140 words

  • 389 17 "CHve Of India" STIRRING LIFE OF ENGLISH HERO rfllfa overworked ;r>erlatives seem futile indeed when one come 3 to merits cf "Cli/e d rryj F. Zar: ,i-V's rirst rjJUo'n oi'ar production for 2?th rv Pictures, which will br ar the Capitol Theatre nn July 2. etter
    389 words
  • 318 17 Another "Old Clothes" Part THE most successful pictures Will Rogers a has made are those m .vhich he has worn old clothes. On many occasions these have been the identical overalls and jumper he wears on his ranch. Rogers says so himself, pointing to "David
    318 words
  • 249 17 To Be Screened At The Alhambra FOR persons who cannot afford to pursue i'he extensive itinerary prescribed by the j multi-coloured literature of the travel j agencies, "Red Morning," the new thrilling melodrama of the South Seas, which comes j to the Alhambra Theatre shortly, is
    249 words
  • 375 17 wm* aj^bj ■ajßßaw 'gentleman's shoulder and they do a circulai Fox Trot. The pair, drawn into greater intimacy, now soar into a frivoTous but simple tap step. The joy of their meeting thu<* expressed, the couple again become romantic, m series of Waltz whirls to
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 95 17 |The good word is spreading ifast You simply cant do better 1 than buy a- I WESTIN6HOUSE A.C. 8 TUBE SUPERHET i m. i *mmm^--yn^^ig?^mM^ma^^k. I The same engineering genius that J huilt the world's first Broadcasting Station is responsible for this master I receiver V/hich has M brilliant tone
      95 words
    • 319 17 'relieved m twenty A .minutes A Vi* itT" ii 1 t One corn one Radox gone! Two more Radox I quished' What a quii to years ol woman has Radox. Bui tell e\ sufferer, so hare used feet with un t m the feet entirel jceling. an painful pain Jul
      319 words

  • 178 18 Wishes She Had Taken Krusehen Earlier If only she had taken Krusehen Salt* at first, this woman could have saved nounds and avoidd weeks of suffering. She writes: "I had rheumatism all over me for nearly 12 months. In fact, I could hardly move. My
    178 words
  • 439 18 Full Results Of Meet At Muar Singapore, Saturday. THE following are the Ist day results ut 'he All-Johore Chinese Olympiad held at Muar yesterday: 100 Metres (Men)— lst Heat: Yeo Lip Chee (Jchore Bahru) 1; Loh Fook Mens? (Must) 2; time 11.8 sees. 2nd Heat: Tay Boey
    439 words
  • 242 18 Rain Interferes With Play London, June 21. RAIN fell throughout the country for three days, seriously inter? sring with all cricket fixtures. Not a single ball was bowied at the Oval m the game between Surrey and Cambridge University and each side were allotted four points m the
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 211 18 Jasin Club Beaten By Chinese (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, June 21. On Wednesday last, June 19, a friendly game of soccer was payed betw'en the J asm Recreation Club and the Cnine^e Football Association at the Kubu padang which ended m a convincing victory lothe latter by
    211 words
  • 306 18 "SSSSBSSSSE S3S SSSSSSSB l>- '>— Tay Bcey Chua (Muar) 2; Lee Milk Tsow (8.P.) 3; time 60.6 sees. 800 METRES 800 Metres (Men): Chan Kong Meng (B.P.> 1; Teo Teck Leong (Muarj 2' K(/h Koon Yam (J. 8.) 3; (Soh Swee Guan (8.P.) 4; time 2 mins. 20.8 I sees.
    306 words
  • 146 18 Two Matches In Novices' Singles (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Juno 21. ON wet courts due to the rain which fell earlier m the afternoon, which made play rather difficult, two more games were played to-day m the Southern Section of the Johore lawn tennis championships at
    146 words
  • 69 18 Combined Services v Negri Sembilan i i The next interesting game m the Malaya Cup Series will be the match between the Combined Services and Negri Sembilan, which will be played at the Anson Road Stadium on Saturday r next, June 29, at 5.15 p.m. Admission charges
    69 words
  • 35 18 The Straits Settlements Police tfoxce stationed m Singapore will hold their annual athletic sports meet at the Police > Depot m Thompson Road en Saturday, July 6, beginning at 3.15 p.m. 555? S"aSESESESESESEScb"HSeS2SESESZSSSHSES?
    35 words
  • 228 18 Weber's Great Win A FIERCE BATTLE STAGED (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. J^ LARGE crowd saw Fraiikie Weber outpoint Little Abayan at the Fun and Frolic last night in a 16-round contest. The Filipino turned the scales at 7st. 121b., and Web<* was 8st. 6UIb. Displaying
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 259 18 V Aw^^^^A A m 4bE3K^v \9bH IV*?* '-;Jxj*hpbßßp^bßßb^b^b^b^bß b^Ksbßm p^w^^ijv^s&T^M^;-,- m m m «r m y-**'" A* :|^^a^^^^^^^^y'^ ?,y C^SS i JwP I-^ j Because of its A]p supreme quality k th^i^Tl HAPPY the mother, too, who is able to feed baby herself. Uie laea loo f How deep her
      259 words
    • 186 18 y^A^' M m ~mammmi^mmmmtm^mmmmemmmmmmm SUPR6MACY\ IHE I GREAT EASTERN LIFE BS "GREAT" by reason of the fact that m a period of little more than a quarter of a century it has (1) built up a large business all over Asia; (2) acquired a thoroughly sound financial position (3) introduced
      186 words

  • 1175 19 RIDERS HORSES UNHURT Final Day's Racing THREE WINNERS FOR SULTAN OF PERAK (From Oar Own Rcpor'jf/ Kuaia Lumpur, Saturday. THE second and final day of the Selangor Turf Club's Skye metting was held to-day m Kuala Lumpur. There was a sharp tall of rain
    1,175 words
  • 332 19 JUNIOR BADMINTON TO URNAMENT Roalfs Of Tlie Quarier Finals Singapore, Saturday. THE follow'ng are the- icsmts oi the quarter-finals m the Jun. or Championship Me.i's Singles and m the first round of the ladies' singles played at the Har-Par Hail, Clerical Union, today: MEN*S SINGLES QUARTER-FINALS Chan Seak Choon Uoviai*
    332 words
  • 758 19 First Division Game i LOSERS PLAY WITH NINE MEN Singapore, Saturday. A STEADY drizzle that fell throughout the game robbed the match between the R.A.F. and the S.R.C. of much of its interest. The game which was a first division fixture was played at the
    758 words
  • 391 19 had scored 109 runs for be less of five wickets at the close of play. A. F. Hunter was ihe n'ghest far with 29, while G. Morgan was unbeaten with 29. THE SCORES S.C.C. Team First Innings -C C- Windle b de Souza 9; A.
    391 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 138 19 ok Times X»m*ft»X4c3 ;M>«mm»jrmclD BERTIE BELL RESPONDS GD LIVE WIRES I4j I TARLEY JOHNSON ITO DARCY i Filipino) (American *****) (Japanese) (Spaniard) No Boosting Necessary AH Proved Warriors of the Ring. PLUS 2 SPLENDID PRELIMS. N FRIDAY JUNE ggth. fTH-b Nfc ifrftßi-» ARENA 1 G' ON THE NIGHT OF FRIDAY
      138 words
    • 81 19 .'CiiaiianaKßi.'aita! B'afiinaraMaiti:.*! ■hiHa"it'a>:ii-a<iatiß;iaii«natiaua<'aiiauai.rrtai.a.:a J aiia.>anai.««,ai.auaita,iaiiaua.iaHahajißiiat!aii»Jiai:aiiait|[vr CAPITOL. THEATRE MALACCA 1 TO-NIGHT Pfwae 2«::». WITH I LIONEL ATWILL ai t .a ams'lffi? ■».!a..»'>BiHi!tiri'i«'««i'»ni -aUIBHKrTi. TB a I •■!»iia)iaiß»Wlliii»i^'l'iajlllliHll<BliaM»ill^BiatMat»llltl»!l»llillilli,i|iiii(aii» BtsKE^ftatßreKTcflrt:- ff sd I^iT e^ a^w? f a' |r f aiar *Mra^^ THE PICNfC "T| I mm. t^^ ■^P-j.tti I.— 'b^w w^«»--JK-b--- i f
      81 words

  • 162 20 Malaya Cup Soccer And Chinese Athletics All tohcre Chinese Olympiad at Muar: The winner deft* and run-ner-up m the 200 Metre- Race for Girls. The Johore team which Ics*: tc Singapore m Friday's Malaya Cup soccer match by 8 goals to nil. Keng Hock gains possession of he ball during
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 43 20 :SM) pages FOR «5 cents iriirti*iiititiiiiiiii*i*i***i>*i |,a *>' 111,a,1,, ,l, i,,,, P^~*-J5 fc«a»a 111 $>&F?ffi*i? f sw lii V aaaa^. _a-|_ &**J) f* >l DUUkI/j THE ORIGINAL a BASIS OF ALL GOOD f COCKTAILS I 8 o QRtvSfnAl JCSIN lims lid. SINGAPORE any 'J
      43 words
    • 48 20 For Hest Sports Rcrcit? Read the TRIBUNE II I I I il.illlllllul I I I l I I I ll I I .I.HHllilltiri i I i i I I II I i i i i I I fl Black I ""White I The Worlds Best I Virginia Cigarette
      48 words