Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 2 June 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 12 1 The Sunday Tribune yST.S— No.g SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JUNE, 2, 1935. FfYE CENTS
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  • 415 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh North China Crisis Very Serious WAR PLANES OVER HOPE! No Prospect Of Third Party Action f ATEST Messages from North China state that the situation* m Tientsin, erected by the new 1 4-point Japanese ultimatum to the peiping Command, is
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  • Article, Illustration
    243 1 Well Loved Respected Ruler TO-MPR&OW-: $j»> Majestj|teih& Kins-^ho. 'fit th**above. pic-tme* taken during the Jubilee celebrations, is wearing the uniform of an Admiral of the Fleet, will celebrate his seventieth birthday and the anniversary will be appropriately recognised throughout the Empire. Though the occasion will not be marked
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  • 93 1 Two Donations Of $1,000 THE twenty-second list of sub--1 ocriptior.s to the Singap Silver Jubilee Fu below The fund eac figure of $68,339, two donations oi > 1 .000 bavin _n received, one <* which is from Messrs I M. Meyer and R. M Mey Amount; previously acknowier.
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  • 91 1 Mr. T. ML McLavhlan And Miss Janet Knox AT St. Andrew's Cathedral Singapore yesterday the wedding place of Mr. Thomas Mc-j Kechnic McLachlan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McLach- of Falkirk, Scotland, 'o Miss Janet Knox Torrance. the only :rcr of Mr. and Mrs. Alexandei Torrance. of
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  • 77 1 King 1 Suffering From Slight Cold London, Saturday. IT is officially announced from Buckingham Palace that ■the cold from which the King is suffering remains slight. His Majesty is working, though he is remaining indoors. The King was seen by his medical advisers and afterwards it was decided
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 77 1 A SERVICE cruise Uo French IndoChira and Hongkong will be undertaken by two of the new Singapore 111 flying boats on June 20. They will leave Singapore on tiie morning of June 20 and fly nonto Kamranh Bay ilndoChina), which it is hoped to reach before
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  • 26 1 from Our Own Correspondent) v Saturday. randah •^cuse In X he ed the uttened the "o> to hospital bus he died on :he
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  • 90 1 Thomas Cook's Manager Leaves After 13 Years Mr j c. Walker, manager of the Singapore office of Messrs. Thomas Cook and Son Ltd., left by -he Hosang yesterday on ,ransfer to the London oflftcr of the n 29 years m tr les cf iv coirpany, 13
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  • 344 1 Civil Air Travel DOUGLAS COMPANY EXPERIMENTING (By Air Mail) iFrom Our Own Correspondent) London^ May 22. TWO arrest ing developments m aviation just recorded will be of uncommon interest to Singapore which, as the world now recognises, will soon be one I of the vital air
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  • 296 1 British Author In Singapore A BRITISH author is m Singapore m the course of a leisurely trip seeking material for a new novel with an Oriental background He is Mr. Richard Ketton-Cre-mer, of Norfolk. England. He arrived by the President Johnson from Manila yesterday morning,
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  • 31 1 Export Duty 10 cents A Half Kilogram Raid via. Satimi:»v. TIIF export duty on native rubber, from June 16. has been fixed at 10 cents a half ki!(,;ram. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 545 1 Several Cities And Many Villages Destroyed f ATEST reports of tne disastrous earthquake m British Baluchistan, India, reveal that the casualties at Quelta alone were over 20,000. There must have been many more at Chaman, 60 miles north of Quetta, where there is an »niportant
    British Official Wireless  -  545 words
  • 72 1 Four Nations Making Proposals London, May 31. ■MUCH oi' to-days debate oil national defence raised m the House of Commons by the Liberal party was concerned with the possibilities of the negotiation of a Western lit pact and Sir John Simon, who was the principal Government
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  • 99 1 Selangor Jubilee Fund Kuala Uompur, Batuntey Pis understood that the Sele 01 Jubilee Memorial Fund is-ap-proching $90,000. further big donntions being $5 000 each from Mrs. Loke Yew. who is now m Europe, and Mr. Lokc Wan Vat, the brother lof Mr. Alan Loke who has not y«t
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 531 2 Chinese Arrested At Johore Bahru (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June 1. THERE have been several Customs pro.sec ut ions m the Johore Bahru Police Courts during the week end. A Chinese merchant named Sin Ah Chcon, who got off the train arriving at Johcre
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  • 190 2 Entertained By Hokien Community (From Our Oicn Reporter) Ipoh, Saturday. MEMBERS of the Perak Hokien Kong Hoay held an r At Home" this afterneon In honour of Mr. Ton Eng Hoe, JP. of Taipint. being appointed a member of the Sta<e Council and Mr. Heah Ghim Lenaj,
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  • 109 2 Closed To-day: Gala Ball To-morrow The Nsw World will be entirely closed u -day owing to the fu.ieral of the late Mrs. Omj Sam Leung. The cortege leaves "Bukit Rose," Bukit- Timah Road, at 10.30 am. for interment r v Bukit Brown. From the advertisement columns it
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  • 93 2 Mr. W. A. Beven And Miss F. Farquharson Singapore, Saturday. A PRETTY weddinp- was solemnised at the Cathedral jf the Good Shepherd this afternoon bet-.-. en Mr. W. A. Beven, the well-known gentleman jockey and Miss F. Farquharscp, eldest daughter of Inspector F. Farc.uhaison and Mrs. Farquharson of
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  • 61 2 Force Bangkok Mills To Close (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Saturday. Seme mills have ceased work owing to the high prices ol padi which soared recently, making it impossible to mill at a profit. Opinion inclines to the view that while the present prices of padi prevail
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  • 66 2 The number of calls attended to by the local ambulance service auring the monui of May was 240, and ol these 25 were cases outside Municipal limits. l'iie cases are classified as icllows: Motor car accidents 25, motor lorry accidents 12, motor bus accidents 3, trolley car accidents
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  • 274 2 Old Collegians Entertain j President (From Our Oxen Correspondent j Johore Bahru, Jane 1. THE Old Collegians Society 01 Johore Bahru were "At Home at the Johcre Club on Thursday evening to bid farewell to Inche Ismail bin AJxlul Rahman, their president, who \s shortly leaving for
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  • 235 2 Opened By 'onsul-Gsners,' For hina Tiiri-i Saturday HI IJ nt attendance 't CfcttS baza/r (i lr 1 M«-:h«di 8 t cfil; School -..-'lay. and opened b\ i>r in.-' Tyau. Congul-Genera] for China p tails which i the eye were tao. adbury Broth and Nestle', comprising their pop
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 416 2 77/£ Cooking Section delicious dumplings arc popular served with star. FLIFFY DUMPLINGS O Xil > tfu> i^mt^m covered while they are steaming. ADD TO A STEW v,_- T1u 0 mus( bp |)lenly of fmy to cook dumpings successfully. I',- T^/,».;- Ticflalp lo P reven t a soggy, heavy texDons iisaaie,
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    • 173 2 THE GRE4T EASTERN LIFE IS "GREAT' by reason of the fact that m a period of little more than a quarter of a century it has (1) bu^lt up a large business all over A6ia; (2) acquired a thoroughly sound financial position (3) introduced modern innovations that were previously absent
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  • 1085 3 TO CONTINUE FOR A YEAR Important Resolution SALVATION ARMY -OPERATION ngapore, Saturday. 4 ition was made meeting of SlDga v Association. i the Criminal Priso] day. There was long discussion as to wfeethe 'i should pursue and it was eventually j cIK-i ior ano'h- r with operation
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  • 310 3 Higher Technical Training (From Our Own Correspondent) (By Air Mail). London, May 22. THE regulations for officers holding per- manent commissions who wish tjp qualify for higher technical duties havbeen revised. Th R.A.F. has no special centre for higher technical training (such as the R.N. College at
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  • 76 3 n-.,,, London, May 31. Middlesex County Council have decide to make representation to the Government London Ccunty Council and Westminster City Council for the preservation as an open space of the recently acquired property adjoining Parliament Square The new site would g-ive added dignity to the square which
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  • Article, Illustration
    137 3 Malayan Chinese To Make World Tour MR C. S. See, of Kuala Lumpur, will leave on a round the world tour on June 13. He will sail for Italy and vLsit Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany; Holland, Belgium and France, before going on to Great Britain, where
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  • 438 3 Funeral At Bidadari Cemetery Singapore, Saturday. THhfuneral of Mrs. Ruih icileen Lambert, wife of Mr. W. Lambert, took place at the Bidadari Cemetery j'esterday afternoon, following a choral service at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. The Rev Father Maury officiated. Among those present were: The
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  • 42 3 Report Sta^e Now Completed London, May 31. The report stage of the Government of India 8.1 l was completed last night and everything is now m readiness for tho third reading- which wi'l take place next week. —British Official Wireless.
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  • 61 3 London, May 31. The Cabinet sub-committee which has been investigating Mr. Lloyd George'c proposals for dealing 1 with unemployment m company with their author, met agai yesterday and fina 1 meetings will take* place next week when the financial rrc POscils and the machinery sugsre<=ted for
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  • 388 3 Anglo-Belgian Union's Appeal THE Anglo-Belgian Union is endeavouring to raise funds for the St. ndiew's Hospital, London, as a British -.mpire memorial to the late King of the Jelgians. The appeal issued by the Union is signed by Lord Elobisham, Lord Granville. Sir Roger Keyes, Sir
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  • 413 3 Social Activities In Hollywood UOSTESSES of the film colony outdo each other m planning entertainment which ranges from novel "afternoon teas" to formal dinners relieved by sparkling fun with games. "Mys'ery" was the theme of the dinner party that Joan Crawford gave reently. After dinner the guests retired
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  • 310 3 Captured Shark Disgorg; Human Arm AN April 6, James Sm: V billiard saloon- k< he was going on i with an unnamed friend, home and m vex return On April 18 two I Coogee 8,-ach a 1 >v; i which they pliced m c The change of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 438 4 "Brewster's Millions" MANY SPECTACULAR SCENES "DREWSTER'S Millions," Jack Buchanan's latest musical film, which opens at the Pavilion Theatre to-morrow, has well proved itself tho most ambitious "musical" yet made n this country. For the big scene of the film, a Corsican carnival m which more than a
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  • 95 4 Star Studded Sea Comedy V/ith a cast that includes ten big ar natres, Lewis Milestone's Columbia production, "The Captain Hates the Sea" comes to the Alhambra Theatre shortly. "The Captain Hates the Sea" is a highy hilarious film dealing- with several jhajacters related only through their
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 480 4 j Acclaimed by Knthusiastic Audiences Nightly as MAE WEST'S best picture yet! CAPITOL I C .^nF SH()WS TO-DAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 r^'.- *SPE(TAITIIOLn)TY~MATINEE TO-MORROW M-^ %i %sskiS^ 2>: The irl wsth the Hour lass figure that makes every second W) Mac West -<r* >% J m Paramounfs new Musical Romance
      480 words
    • 158 4 TO-DAY 3.15 6.15-9.15 PAVILION BihKBs£ j>. ■"•'•V. •:■> W& V SfSSSr c^nfi^Bfl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^ .7JHSHSESHSESESESSSES2Si2SESaSZSiaSaSZSH^ NIGHTLY /k pITnl l ho< N ri vi MALACCA. SUNDAY, 2XD: TO MONDAY, 3RD: Jl NX, IMS. EDWARD G. ROBIXSOX m I "THE MAN WITH TWO FACES j I 1 I I I I I NEW WORLD
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  • 1586 5 STRICTLY BETWEEN OURSELVES mV London correspondent writes: "The „ther flight i was m the long bar of the Trocadero. and five of the seven names which had just been signed m the book were those of Malayans, ranging from Singapore to li>oh. I won't mention the names m case they
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 190 5 GLORIOUS HEALTH BOUNDLESS ENERGY! Science offers them to you for the taking m the form of .'BIOCITIN^ 1 Take Biocitin and feel the thrill of new energy coursing m your veins. Work becomes enjoyable and play the deepest pleasure. All regular userc oi Biocitin attain and maintain a V high
      190 words

  • 1232 6  -  G. S. Hammonds 1 The Great Sale Time Invasions I Fun In A Restaurant j j Warning Against Violence I WHERE art no crowds m the world like the London crowds, U you go Home direct from the wide open spaces of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 42 6 Si!SESHS2SHS 2525H585H5a5a*****525H*****55E525a5r51j25H*****H5H5E585^ SESZSdSESESESESESHSESHSHS2SrdrcII^?aSHSE?SSHS?j o n USE TIGER BALMf I I Tiger Balm Combats All Diseases j It nJ n. In Lr In Lr X c cLI j,.,,,,,,^ n. m pJ |X ffl I ENG AUN TONG L The Tiger Medical Hall 1
      42 words
    • 24 6 /ci ill W Ikon PERNOX RlNTB ERFECT--C- U ICTURES-I ILIII Sole Agents: Tbe Scientific Instrument Company 2, FINLAYSON GREEN SINGAPORE. From all Photo dealers.
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    • 62 6 I*^-^ 'WEAKNESS, feT^©ESCHIENS f SYRiip NHV//y fc^ v x of Hapmoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that tins rad caJ remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines, etc A. CLOUET CO., LTD., SINGAPORE. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DttKNSAIUft. I
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  • 1834 7 "David Copperfield M.-G.-M.'s Great Masterpiece Of 1935 Brilliant Film Achievement For The Capitol Nexr Week HOLLYWOOD'S ggSPONSIBILITY 1 1 il vi"«mp oi o are si rict ly pr >- tieth century fe?3 nek a resj only Hollygtod couW conceive; the reconstructs of London and rural England a s r years
    1,834 words
  • 117 7 Micawber W. C. FIELDS Dan Peggotty LIONEL BAKKY MORE Agnes MADGE EVANS Dora MAUREEN O'SULUVAN Aunt Betsey EDNA MAY OLIVER Mr. Wickfield LEWIS STONE David, the man FRANK LAWTON David, the child FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW Mrs. Copperfielfl ELIZABETH ALLAN Uriah Heep ROLAND YOUNG Mr. Murdstone BASIL RATHBONE Clickett ELSA
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  • 145 7 A Grand-daughter's Tribute "I cannot let the day pass without sending you all a word of congratulation on yesterday's triumph. I don't mind confessing that m spite of all I had heard I went to 'David Copperfield' last night with a slight feeling of trepidation. This passed two
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  • 64 7 Bol'ywood has eoi i <" pkin market and chuanalai d, «i all the besi skin.-, come from, ti toU mi Film actresses mud h nui leopard skins and the prk high that the P; b"! t OOtttbed for skin.s to supply th demai A.^ b result thex< ft
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  • 116 7 Hollywood. An inconspicuous young: man m flannel trousers lV'l off a camera boom m a studio here straight into a tank of water. ■Good beavensJ" crieu Harry Albee, a property man, "it's the Prince!" And he jumped into the water to rescue His Royal Highness Prince Sigvard
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  • 66 7 Reproductions Of Speeches To Be Recorded Geneva. Statesmen may talk for ever if a plan devised by the Communications Section of the League of Nations Seen- tariat meets with success. The voices of various statesmen an? reproductions of outstanding speeches are being recorded by a new apparatus and
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  • 87 7 Bengal's Crime Record For 2 id Half Of Last Year Calcutta. Three hundred and fifty-seven cases of murcier were reported to 'he police from different districts of Bengal during the 6 months ended Dec. 31, 1934. In only 38 was gain the rnouive. The remainder were political
    87 words
  • 47 7 Satirised In Sonir, Dame And Pantomime In ('aba ret Dnessefclorf. holding up tc critics" of the G v, mm is to »ret. A <•■ -i j,.. opened here of i gremxne consists ha tl( mcc and pantomino .li. rains" wii^ critic :^m they can ft,
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  • 99 7 Florence A "miraculous Virgin" has appeared In the little village of Castelfiorentino, near here, and is causing great excitement among the devout of the inhabitants. She is Santa Verdiana, the patron saint of the district, whose marble statue, hou&ed m a little chapel, has been noticed lately to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 1801 8 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. By Our Woman Correspondent I WONDER f anyone can be so bla^e, even m the sophisticated atmosphere ol Singapore, as to say that sitting on the verandah of Raffles, for the space of a drink, or a few drinks, as your thirst decrees, is boring.
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  • 512 8 A.s a mere brunette one had hardly been aware that there were any bachelors m Kuala Lumpur. If anything, thcr-: seemed to be a surplus of vie fairer sex.jwect sixtcens and seven teens who pir cur own twenty-odd summers well m th shade and made u.s feel
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 25 8 A specially selected shipment ot smart "Ritzy Girl" Frocks arriving Monday, 3rd June. The Smart Shop G7, STAMFORD ROAD. DIAL 6707. >IF%>k^c Have all yotr/*^
      25 words
    • 148 8 ■iiimiiiiiiii!;^ikr?iiiiiiiiiiun^:iiiiiii<iiMi;iii'i..ifiCMii;i' 1 wammm i '-^y^y^ I LATEST REMEDY. I Now we fan htlp those with un- healthy hair, too dry or broken ends. Even m the worst edses, «nc application of Thysai v ill convince you. Appiy for particulars to Maison Marcelle I J. Kooy, Prop. I Phone 4807. 5
      148 words
    • 190 8 1 THI! FINEST J^^ SHOK SnOP H^ !N MM \'i A. MB BA ITOONG CHVONG SHOK CO. 1 THE FASHION SHOE SHOP, 351 &M, Nortfi Rri.l^c H.(l. Pbooe 4-293. f You can't keep children as |j "^T I they are to-day they will 1 y;row and change, hut 9$P Photographs
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  • 1970 9 Seen In The Shops- AK2W I °P nas come to town! the Studio Beauty Shop wWcli ;s the name of this new alon. will not be m town but out at the Crescent I tiw Sea View. It w ill" be very convenient for those who live out i and
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  • 248 9 Short plaid taffeta gloves and a big: plaid taffeta hat are worn m Paris as accessories to black or dark blue dresses. The twin carnation boutonniere Es back m style to wear m the left Japel of a tailored su.:. Dark red tarnations are the preferred flowers.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 i'liiiiiiiiininiiiiniHtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiliiiiilMliililliiK I THE STUDIO BEAUTY I SHOP I 4. CRESCENT FLATS. Croquonole Permanent Waving (The Natural Wave) Latest Styles m Finger Waving, Manteuring, Haircuts StyHng. I A Facial that is a Joy. FLORENCE CAMPBELL, f '^iiili;ili;liii:tlin:!liHliiiili:iiiliililliiliiliHMlii|illliliHiiliiliili:l!i|ii." v •i i i i i i i i iin jiiniininiiiii>wiiiiniwiwi^pwwiiww"w lir -rrl r~
      86 words
    • 113 9 HATS DRESSES GLOVES Just Received de SOIiZA BROS. 42, High Street, 'Phone 3188. iai;B!:B::BiißHßtißMßiiatiß!!Biiaußi:BußiißttßUßHßiißiiaii«iißnat]B!iaii«ii«iiatiai!Biißtiaußiißnanaiißt!BHa!!aiißiißjiat!B.i»i«>:».« SPECIAL SALE AMERICAN DRESSES MONDAY TUESDAY ONLY. Entire Stock Afternoon and Evening Dresses $19.00 to $28.00 Morning Dresses $5.00 to $8.00. BERNYECE HARVEY ROOM 26. ADELPHI HOTEL. int..aHß. t ß l iinßniiiiHiuiH» l i > n«i,BMßnß
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    • 203 9 H B S' 3 5"8 4th of JUNE, 1935, h Grand Opening Oi Tho New Showrooms Of H Illi 3 RENE ULLMANN d nil ffl FOR MILLINKRY DEPT.. j] AT RAFFLES i»LA( E. I f|! GOWNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. W l! HATS NOVELTIES. |L^=iT=^i=Jr==Jf===Jt=^f==^i=^r=^ l'i|ii|ii|i<|ii|iiri|ii||iti'»rni»i'l'ii<'l"l>:«H"' 1 ••:il"fl"t'l-H I I I•
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  • 528 10 Sunday Tribune. Singapore: Sunday, June 2, 1935. PRAISE FOR THE PRESS TMIK running of newspaper has its trials and its compensations The trials arc self-evident; the compensations come m serving th« public to the best of our ability anc. 1 m the praise and congratulations which sometimes are bestowed. In
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  • 1408 10  -  C. H. Stanley -Jones Developing zA New Trade Policy *>iliiliiliiliiliiliiiiil!||ilf.iliiiiiliiiiiliiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiMii'iiiviii'iltiii'iiil'iii.'iiiliiliwitiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiifliiii;! i i i i i i i i n j }N this furtner article on the future of Malaya as a nation, the author urg s a co-operative outlook, based on the good will
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  • 431 10 THIS cne is vouched for by a member of a Malayan Flying Club, so it must je true. When he was learning to fly, some /ears ago, his instructor was a man who believed m mak ng the pupil burn iis boats behind him.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE. Our 18 Point Eye-examination Is A Conscientious Study And Covers Every Possible Eye Deficiency. SPECIALIZING: Ocular Muscle anomalies. Crossed eyes. Complicated cases of defective vision. Glasses ii needed. R.A. Thompson Dr. of Optometry Govt. Licentiate (U.S.A.) M.0.1. (London). Member BETA SIGMA KAPPA International Honorary Fraternity
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    • 56 10 ?JMUMII••I•IIIiiii i i a j a I Bathers I Protect Your Ears I I with the m I Ex wa te r 'I Ear Drum Protector j Fits any ear and is an BflMiVt I 1 aid m preventing ear trouble-. PBfCB $.40 Per Pair. c Obtainable from I MEDICAL
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  • 675 11 They Are Too Good EVEN THE TURF EXPERTS ARE NONPLUSSED FIVE lacefcorses threaten to cause the biggest slump m betting the Turf has ever known. They art- all 0 good that hardly anyone will back their rivals. fke Derby is regarded as a ctrtainty
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  • 202 11 Aoplications For Prospecfn^ Licences London, May 17. -p Ma t y a PP- ic ations for licences to «arch for petroleum m kills country 5* expected to be made shortly under £?J e !l! lauois Earned under tne Petrose «m Production Act pa.ssed last yeai. w.m
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  • 118 11 Salisbury, Maryland. Scotland Yard could not solve America^ crime problem for Licr i.s the contention of Mr. Hush Clegg, Assistani Director of the Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice. "The present system m this country of co-ordinating local. Stale and Federal agencies is more effective than thu
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  • 322 11 Old Men As Big-Game Killers OLD men ars m the neWb as blg-gauie killers. From India and Africa Reuter reports fierce life and deatl) struggles with a panther and leopard. Dibrugaph, Assam. Aimed with only a stick, a 70-year-old chephered named Monigasbura, foupht and killed a
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  • 939 11 Former Beaut} Queer LOST BREACH OF PROMISE ACTION (By An llaiU (From Out Own Correspondent) Lfttwiff", Maj QCORES t l«'opo alts of ni.n iiage have poured m on .Mi s Angeta Joyce, ihe i"i met beaut) <p whose real name is Miss ivy D&wkina, since she
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 11 The wedding took place recently at St. Peter's Church. Eaton. Square. London, of Mr. Reginald Bradshaigh Hodgkinson, 15th|19th Hussars, and Miss Iris Mary Weatherby.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 '•*»:*.|.:|l.l:- l i. t!!!!!!!!!!!! > |,'|.l|i;|i;|i:|liailll;lllll.V!|i;l!;|'l|ilUI|ll|l!|>l|lllll|l>|ll|IIIMI>!ti:l!ll>l|<llllf ir^ 5 s PRIMQ SGALA'S ww Accordeon Band, i^^yt'. r f »428. Waltz mv around again. <Wi*F Jltai I I No moon, No stars, just you. j^H\ Sl^ipH A^ tor latest Catalogue, Free |J?| m *»M,A. Music House, j I^ Obtainable from our Branches
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    • 77 11 TIGER BEER IS BEST /I It Is The Desire Of Every Mother to see her baby grow m health, beauty, and intelligence. During infancy baby entirely dependent on milk and the mother who realises what an important part milk plays m baby's well-being chooses with discretion. She chooses a \'<><><\
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  • 1364 12  -  W. B. Paterson IV) you ever stop to think what you would think if you think, that you could think? 1 lave bee* domg that for a week now and bbfi only thirij? I can be reasonably accurate aboul i that 1 think that I
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 185 12 (T^/^tTSfc fc TTCKET.S ISSUE!) V^vX*/l\.J by ALL STEAM M* AIR AND TRAVEL RAILWAY UNES. NO HOOKING HB|ft Chine*? and all Asiatic clients are given the best of attention and assistance. S& Hobinson Road, Singapore, 1 elephant- S9M. WATCHES OMEGA, TAVANXf.S. CYMA JffWEM.KI' I.KVKK MOVEMENTS. NICKKL Pix KET fmm H.f,o wmsn
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    • 187 12 STRENGTH FOR MY SON* AND YOURS My boy wo* listless— prone to catch N *Kk coughs and coidi surpassed by W o»h«sr boys m sports and studies. 'i N>Jv^n3L idßi-/ Now he is sturdy and strong and *<s^>&\ W" pulsing with new vitality I I WANT every Mother to share
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    • 180 12 Are you prepared trained ready to respond to the invitation? Are you emi'pped ta seize golden opportunities as they arise? Moments fly, days are hurrvinff into weeks and months. SUCCESS beckons YOU! it is for you to pespond* Success m life waits only upon thos who seek it. You can
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    • 52 12 >r^ ojbilsi SoapFragrant and delicate m ]>erfume I\O 'J«.;j«i Soap keeps the skin smooth and soil simply be cause no artificial colouring is used m its msoti facture for export LHH|lllliu and what's more, if^ Hritish. SOLI AGEWTS. T. C. HAY C 9 StNCAPOBE 3^>-€f —^c> 1 i a r
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  • 1027 13 «EW VALUE OF ONE NO TRUMPS BID I (liy "Horalius") j PCOBABJ V most important change which will result from th«* new laws of Contract Bridge, whch have been sponsored and accepted by the United States. Great Britain and France, is the award of points for the first
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  • 874 13 Mothball Kills Child- -This Vicar Welcomes Buttons Lunatics In Army- World's Noisiest Birds i HERE are sonic strange stories sent by Router c< rrespohdents from all parts of thj world: THOUGHT IT WAS A SWEET. A 4-year-old girl, named Germaine Beauchamp, has died m Ottawa as the
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  • 131 13 Admission To Enclosures By Ticket Only Admission to the enclosures on the Padang on the occasion of in* parade <-;n Monday mt>rning m honour of His i Majesty's Birthday will be by ticket only Ticket holders are rsked to co-operate with the officials m charge of the seating
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 25 13 BroP^s iOC hd h ltp 1 Ml v© V— 6T)\ Oft nl/ /OD*A/~ r J W Singapore BKf fe» t v yjA&Qli i > u ,7r:
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    • 35 13 THE STRONCEST COCOA OF ALL. Thanks to the exclusive use of selected beans roasted by a special process, Van Houten's is itronger than any other cocoa. For nourishment and digestibility make sure of VAN COCOA
      35 words
    • 363 13 Wakenedbf indigesiion PAIH GONE—^Sr ASLEEP AGAIN IN 5 MINUTES Do you know that awful feeling of wakening In the middle of the night with the pains of Indigestion gnawing at your Inside? Read how one such sufferer ended his trouble >— "J find that now 1 am turned 50, ff
      363 words

  • 1440 14 Its Importance Problems To Be Discussed Malaya To Become A Regular District Spreading Goodwill Among The Various Communities Activities Of Treasury- Audit Spcrts Union News Of Mai an an Ciubs. (By "Clubman") ILL Rotarians m Malaya are lookin*/ forward to the District Rotary Conference to be
    1,440 words
  • 349 14 Alleged Effort To Evade War Debts New York. BRITISH capitalists. Through the Bank of England, are deliberately prolonging the world depression m an eft or. 10 rid England of war debts without technical default, according to Mr. Emerson Bigelow, foreign exchange expert, m an interview here. Mr.
    349 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 14 The Siong 800 Athletic Associatio s basket -ball team, champions ol Singapore 1935.
    13 words
  • 270 14 Nun Heroin: 1 Of Ladysmith Siege Dead Ladysmith. Natal. THE death has occurred heie of ••Mother Mary of the Angel*." the nun heioine of the Ladysmith siege m the Boer War. at the age ol 80. Her official title was Mother Emeritus of the August
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 190 14 I CORNS CURED I 1 a Not by cutting them and running the real danger of blood poisoning but by using the marvellous I san-dol I the real Carlsbad corn-plaster. Cj Known all over Europe to millions as the greatest boon to corn sufferers. Banish your corns by the aid
      190 words
    • 111 14 THI MAKERS nSS^^^^^^, OF FAMOUS fTHSHS CII T f More Health and Happiness h MALAYA! Mm*, "^k^i. f'~**v V^ VfcA j0* mt ""mi^. «*m Here she comes, with her rich gift -25! S l s s^ from the green pastures of England ..^^^c^ in-zZaJSm* iiwimii Faaor >' packed with its
      111 words

  • 3176 15 Perak Team For TriaimOTlstfF HP Sotes About The Players- Rise Of Kajapathy And Lee Fan Leong Sews From Selangor- -Klang District Competition Concludes- -The 9m§apore Junior Championships To-day's Match Between TaVs And Mayflowers (By "Dragon") held I heir first badminton I -rial for ladies and men
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 216 15 PROVED and IMPROVED B. S. A. Supremacy carried yet further ahead by unrivalled desist features, better performance, and greater value B.S. 2. 19 h.p. O.H.V. THE CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH MOTORS, LIANG KENG ENG CO., PENANG MOTORS, IPOH. BATU PAHAT. PENANG. SANATOGEN will soon put
      216 words

  • 2328 16 The Week's Malayan SPORT REVIEWED Malaya Cup Soccer Selangor Overwhelm The Riflemen Johore And Negri Share Points Singapore Preparing Tennis Champions A Correspondent Disagrees And Is Answered Penang Record Created Important Cricket Matches. (By "Forward") a:m arc m the midst of the Cup 3 asm. Johore and the Southern section
    2,328 words
  • 666 16 (By X.0.") gUBJPXT to the approval of tto Board of Control, Aime Raphail and Young Frisco will meet for the third time at the New World Arem on Friday,' June 7. Raphael The contract is such that Frisco will be And Frisco compelled
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 244 16 iIiiIIIi■IIIIiI■I■MHMMMMiiIiiIIii I i I I I i i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i j j CRAVEN 7¥ l&i M m. Never used io be able to I smoke more than two or ji^ three a day. Sensitive Mfff? throat wouldn't
      244 words

  • 1284 17 MARRIAGE PROMISE NULL VOID Nurse Sues Baronet DIVORCE NOT YET ABSOLUTE (By Air Mail) from Our Own Correspondent) London, May 22. NOTWITHSTANDING that a King's Bench jury assessed £2,000 damages m her favour, a nurse whu brought an action for breach of promise against a baronet is not to benefit
    1,284 words
  • 395 17 1 Kinpr To Review Biggest Air Display (By Air Mail) (From Our Oion Correspondent) London, May 22. THK biggest force of aircraft ever gathered together m Britain— 3so machines, from tiny fiphters to monster bombers— will be reviewed by the King at. MildenhaU Aerodrome, Suffolk
    395 words
  • 380 17 Train Stopped In Time As 'Plane Crashes (By Air Mail) (From Our Oion Correspondent) London, May 22. PLYING Officer P. W. Johnson, No. 41 1 Squadron, R.A.F., Northolt, made a remarkable escape by parachute from his disabled 'plane, which crashed m n amos on the L.M.S.
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  • 161 17 Secret Ray To Stop Car Engine London. The Rome correspondent of the "Daily Mail" says Italians are intrigued by the issue of an official communique announcing that the Marchese Marconi has performed experiments at Bocess Fort, near Rome, m the presence of Signor Mussolini, General Baistrocchi, and military
    161 words
  • 168 17 "More Than 40 Per Cent. Owned By Women Belgrade. Belgrade, capital of the Yugoslav Kingdom, is passing into the hanas of women. In 1921. only 6 per cent, of the property m Belgrade was owned by women. To-day over 40 per cent, of Belgrade property is possessed by
    168 words
  • 128 17 Nova Scotia Introduces Bi 1 To Settle Disputes Halifax, Nova .Scotia. For 140 years treasure-hunters have been tearing Oak Island, off the Nova Scotia coast, to pieces m search of Captain Kidd's vast pirate treasure, said to have been buried there more than 200 years ago. Although
    128 words
  • 826 17 Strange Happenings RESIDENT'S ESCAPE FROM DEATH (By Air Mail). (From Our Oiqu Correspondent) London, May 22. I^ATK last night the "News of the World" learned that the Sussex police were m possession of a clue to the identity of the person responsible for the poison
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 660 17 HIS LUMBAGO HAS GONE FOR GOOD A Sailor Finds That Kruschen Keeps Him It Pour year ago this sailor had an of lumbago. Kruschen put him rigfal an(i has kept him riprht ever I "Four years ago," h< write i trovbled with lumbago intermitl tried several remedies, w Liioul r
      660 words

  • 137 18 An Easy Victory COMBINED SERVICES BEAT MALACCA <Ff Oun Correspondent) .Malacca, Saturday. THE Combined S< rvkes, playing good football and keeping the ball low. had an easy victory over Malacca m the Malaya Cup fixture (Southern Section) at Malacca to-day. Rain made t'n- ground very sol-. BOLMES
    137 words
  • 77 18 The Closing date for entries for the the Clerical Union's billiard and Soccer competitions ha; been extended to Juno 15. An entrance fee cf 50 cents wi'l be charged for each event m the billiards competition and 50 cents fan the soccer competition. Entries may be sent
    77 words
  • 71 18 Probable Starters And Jockeys London, June 1. THE following are the probable startlers and jockeys for the Oaks: Enkaret fNicoll). Buchanite <Wes;on). Blue Girl (Neveto. Corrida < Wrickaby Coronal (Perrymanj. Clerestory Jones). Fairstonian <Packham>. Hyncitord Bridge (Harry Wragg). Irish Lassie II (Dicki. Light Tackle <E. Smith*. Merry Maid
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 137 18 Siong 800 To Visit Johore Bahru The Siong 800 A. A.'s soccer team Will be engaged m a friendly match with the Johore Chinese F.A. this afternoon at Johore Bahru. Members and playeis will be provided with transport and they s-hotild assemble at the Association's pgcmists at 2
    137 words
  • 31 18 London, May 31. The Prince of Woles to-day inaugurated the new nine word* for sixpence telegram service by sending the first telegram to the Kng. British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  31 words
  • 810 18 Clarke Cup Match To Begin To-Day YESTERDAY'S cricket fixtures were all washed out by the rain. The Europeans v. The Rest match, which was t o have been begun yesterday on the padang, will start this morning at 10.30. Play'on Monday will begin at 11 a.m. THE
    810 words
  • 75 18 Amended List Of Probables And Jockeys London, June 1. THE following is the amended list of the Derby accepters and their probable jockeys: Field Trial (Dick) Plymouth Sound (Bieman) Japetus (Lane) Robin Goodfellow (Weston) Peaceful Walter (D. Smith) St. Botolph (Dines) Fairhaven (Peeryraan) First Son (Jones) Screamer (A.
    75 words
  • 63 18 A volley-ball match will be played at the H.Y.M.L.U. ground m Kampons; Bahru on Monday at 5 p.m. between th' Hindu Young Men's Literary Union an.l the Johore Indo Ceylonese team ot Johore Bahru The following represent the Union: S. Sinnadurai, S. T. Pillai, A. Veeravagu, K.
    63 words
  • 56 18 A specal general meeting cf the members of the Amateur Sporting Association will be held next Wednesday, at 8 p.m. at the residence of Mr. Khoo Eng Walt. One of the items of the agenda is to pass the revised rules and bye-laws of the Association, which have been gona
    56 words
  • 626 18 Selecting Singapore's Badminton Team THK committee of the Singapore B.ui- minton Association has bc«.-n requested to help the Third Singapore Chinese Sport. s Meeting, m selecting a badminton team to represent Singapore m j. Malayan Chinese Athletic Meeting to be h"Cd m Penang during the August holidays.
    626 words
  • 653 18 Fint- Hiulminton DILJiAKDS B. l.vl'S -> l urday. ■jpIRST-CLAS^ ton waB w in-.-' dai i Clerical Utuoi this afternoon whei -cries maU-lu's were laye, two* Tai's B.P. oi I-, la Lumpur, aii. Diehard U.i'. The visitors, wii< players, \v< i i,y tin to two. Five game- were
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 310 18 I Ovaltine makes the I mid-morning I |V/^ <^i age and renders it much more L\ I*** r HV^ nourishing and digestible. 14 tf OVALTINE' encourages children I I |\I v'^i^S to drink milk willingly |/M <^^i> V T^HE experience of school authorities shows that children Amm jJSHgT-^-syrf*. 1. ".f^
      310 words
    • 181 18 a a I I 4iat*o ■■■11l *'l Illlllllllll!' 11 1 ***************1-lll!! *****1 111 IHiil I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /^L^^rN, FRIDAY, JUNE 7— FOR THE BI(, FIGHTS. /^^Hl^^ :mm r m**^ 1 -main eventers-all ix one nj<;ut M JT*
      181 words

  • 209 19 geaiarkabfe Incident OVERTURNED BOAI RIGHTS ITSELF May 21. nnr>K Norwegians hl Sydney from ittcr Ho- r itage «>'" ted US t pond i .i> TSchy! and B. Bryhn— I berg. m rlj a i out One <■ >u(l> for iSenhav Aires nCe ages ia IDE XT
    209 words
  • 250 19 £20,000,000 LIES IN TABLE BAY Search For Treasure Of I 300 Wrecks A SEARCH for i2O 000.000. Taid to lie n buried m Tab!- Bay, may scon be Started on a huge scale by an Italian salvage company. The- company Is at present negotiating v:\in a Capo Town salvage syndicate,
    250 words
  • 377 19 "Short-wave" Therapy Successes THE latest form of electrical treatment, commonly known as "short wave" therapy, is becoming increasingly popular for certain forms of localised disease, and the great authority on this subject, Dr. Erwin Sehliephake, of Jena, is doinc? valuable work m perfect. ng and experiment-ing
    377 words
  • 57 19 Man Stabbed Near Bidor 'From Our Oxen Repprter) Ipoh. Saturday. An alleged murder occurred on an estate m Bidor yesterday morning when Narainan. a coolie, \a said to have stabed Ramadco, the rndal who died later, and another man arid a woman. The man is m a serious
    57 words
  • 68 19 Failed To Comply With Harbour Notice Singapore, Saturday. Three Chinese, Lav Teng Kang, Soh Koey and Chua Kee, v:ere fined $15 each m the Marine Court yesterday before Capt. G. Frc-yhcrg, the Master Attendant, for failing to comply with a I notice served or. them on Jan.
    68 words
  • 682 19 SOCCER NOTES AND COMMENTS The Malaya Cup SINGAPORE'S STRONG TEAM (By "Full-Rack") JJURING the week no matches were played In the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League, but there were two very surprising results inthe Commercial Cup competition. Two of the best teams were defeated. Fraser and Neave were beaten
    682 words
  • 86 19 Singapore, Saturday. "You are charged with being a vagrant, having no homo or place or abode," said the court usher. "ThatM quite (•bireet' replied William John Garten when he appeared before Mr. Norman Grirc the Second Magistrate, this mominq Garton arrived m Singapore about a weefc ago
    86 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 56 19 REMARKABLE VALUE THE >clc Type•er with ita simplified but tttcicnt raechwi- ir i of luring the riod EVERY BARLOCK C ARRIES YE AK£' FREE SERVICE POST COUPON. ro Bv-lcck Typewriter Agency. 62. The Arcade, Singapore OK* forward io me, without alligation, illustrated printed matter re^rdiv^ Bar-lock typewriters. *jxb v
      56 words
      123 words
    • 59 19 High jinks cnJTe^^BP seas! A rioT^Fn every state roo rat t| t |t»li«rlAill HATES SEA L»w*» Mttostonc Pio<MCtt»w wtth VICTOK McUGUN JOHN ttILBEUT ALISON SKirWOftTM WYNNE CIBSON MILIU VtNSO« WaK»r CoitnoNy fr«d KcMtm t on Crral Walter C«tte« T«U eir»» Ste r> and Scr**n ptay toy Watoc* «MtHh liiU 6v
      59 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 164 20 Yesterday's badminton: the Tai*a B P. team of Kuala Lumpur (above) who met the Diehard B.P. team oi Singapore (below). %r 0 model mechanised army— comprising 2.000 pieces La now on show at the United Service* Mu&cum, London, W. Triis wonderful collection is the property of
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 125 20 2Opages For cents \y\i "Talk about sauce says Ma Marmite I "I call it a shame to spoil good food with In I the tasteless stuff that some folk call sauce," It] I says Ma Marmite. <_? If! I Sauce made with Marmite, now that's a 111 I different matter!
      125 words
    • 31 20 For Best Sports Reports Head the TRIBUTE NEfH Jk. m /si^^l >^1 k^St'' I f^f- 3 i WHITE Vir^riuia Cigarettes /ole Di/TmBUTOR/:-HENRy WAUCH t Co., Ltd. /INGAPORE PENAHC IPQH KUALA LUMPUR
      31 words