Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 9 December 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 11 1 The Sunday Tribune XTT- < > Singapore, Sunday; December 9, 1934. Vive cents.
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  • 290 1 Man Kills Wife Priest On His Honeymoon double Slaying At Hotel DRUNKEN STUPOR "Followed Her Into His Room' 1 4 SENSATION has !k en caused mi n New York by a dou' le-slaying at the Columbus Hotel. A student ©said to have shot d ;ul his 17-year-old wife and a
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  • 139 1 A Strange Scene At Raffles rhave a'l heard of the bull ir a ctvna shop, but a bull m a brvel is s^ill a nove'ty. Nevertheless it rmpp°ned irine^»pore on Thursday n ght, an^ R-fTl c Ho^el. By some mean' he animpl got loose, wanderer'
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  • 105 1  -  Min Kuo Jih Pao Hunan Troops Defeat The Reds Hongkong, Dec. 8. GENERAL Ho Chien, the chalrilnan of Hunan, reports that the M ie c divisions of HunaS*^ under General Liv Kien Shui hay. -l sre-sed the Ist, 3rd and stn R^d armies around Kokshan and Red's casualties
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  • 177 1 SINGAPORE BASE EQUIPMENT latest Type Of Flying Boats ißy Ar Mail.) from Our Own Cjri espondent London, Nov. 28 i up- o d-i.e and mud* il me power!ul equipment io. flbgapore s implied by th 'am dspesitars of the RAF. Qw oi the four new squadron? Air Force (not countinr
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  • 36 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh ***d Of Beins A onummist Fir the headmaster ™".M dd*e School, m have r. d by the Peipinff r^ of b ing ComomS? taken to Nri ntr'al. u-der or <^overnmenl
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  • 513 1 I' Mistaken For Smugglers A ROUND the world by yachts seems to be the vogue these days. It is one of the best ways to see distant lands and places and get adventure that adventure that only those with the wanderlust relish to the
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  • 108 1  -  Sin Che w Jit Poh Shanghai, Dec. 8. THE National Educational Conference was opened at Nanking yesterday at the offices of the Education Ministry. There are more than 60 delegates from, the provinces. Th* Education Ministry has submitted nine proposals to the conference and th* various provncial and
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  • 112 1 London, Dec- 8. fHE "Dai'y Mail" corresponden at Aarbus (Denmark) r^Dort that the British steamer Ori~n C'ty has arrived P f ter a terr'bl voyage from Dairen via the Panama. Terrific ga^es were encountered off the west coast of the Unte'' States and great waves con+inua I]y swept
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 359 1 Dick-Rennie AT ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL 3T. Andrew's Cathedral was the scene of another prett. r wedding yesterday afternoon. The bride and bridegroom are veil-known m Singapore and r ohore, the bridegroom being Mr. Alastair Mackay Dick, son it Mr. and Mrs. A. Dick, of Edinburgh, and manager of
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  • 153 1 Tarred And Tied To Prison Gates Dublin, Dec. S. A LARGE force of police is scouring the city for the kidnappers of the State Counsel, Mr. Patrick McEnery, who has been appearing for the State m prosecutions of members of the IRA I before a military tribunal
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 169 1 Reptile Cannibal From Singapore (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 28. FINE example of the world 1 most deadly snake has just ai rived from S ngapore to enricr the reptile colectio n at the Zoo. It is a nine foot hamadryad he gift of
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  • 319 1 WOMAN'S HEAD SMASHED Four Injured Terrible Accident At Woodlands Singapore, Saturday. A SERIOUS collision betweui A a motor lorry and a t**xi, which occurred this morning ai about 9.30 at the 15th milestone, Woodlands, resulted la .wo women being killed and tour people suffering various n
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  • 105 1  - ANTI-RED WAR Sin Chew Jit Poh Record Celebrations In Nanking Shanghai, Dec. 8 >NE of the b.ggest eeL bration.; J m Nanking will take place on Monday to mark the success f the campagn against the R^ md also the opening of the Fiitli ?:enary Congress. Marshal Chiang Kai Shek
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 816 2 Brighter Prospects For The Asiatic Clerks Relief Fund Is Now In A Very Strong Position (SUNDAY TRIBUNE SPECIAL) i From Our Own Reporter) > Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. UNEMPLOYMENT m Selanijor U* practiially finished now, and I prospects are that it will not come again for
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  • 446 2 Smart Dresses At J Robinson's Cafe (By Our Woman Reporter) j Singapore, Saturday. J ROBINSON'S cafe was crowded to capa- city with Singapore's smartest women and a fair sprinkling of men. to-day to watch the Fashion Shov/, inaugurating the special display of gowns which will be
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  • 176 2 Aged Chinese Womais Fail Downstairs A Chinese fell from the ro ;1 of a house whilst repairing it m gfeo Street yesterday. He sustained injuries to his Vico and was removed to the General Hospita' m a semi-conscious coriditior.. An aged Chinese woman i-Al down the stairs of
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  • 36 2 Singapore, Saturday. A grass fire occurred m Bukit Timah to-day at th e Bth Mile Stone. It was however, partly extinguished by the Police before the arrival of the Firo Brigade.
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  • 120 2 Shares Sought m London And New York i London, Dec. 7. FOLLOWING various informal meetings held m London m a most favourable atmosphere, the way is now paved for a European Copper Conference m January with the probable participation of the Americans, bui the place oi the meeting
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 118 2 American Judge's Rules For Married Couples New Yor.v. Husbands ana wives must p-y each other compliments occasionally if .vant to keep their married iiie happy This is the opinion of Judge Lutt Z. Rosser, of Fulton County iMuniclpa Court, Georgia. He says that he has, on the average,
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 2 A severe sale wa.s exp me boats which lei: for the fish rounds had to o pori i to the heavy seas. One ci th-. wh'en rid
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  • 141 2 New Troops fcorming Ambulance Corps (From Our Oicn Correspondent) Johorc Bahru. Dec. 8. For the first time m the history vi Johore a Rover Scout Troop has bet., r.cti and is fcnown as the FUM Wvmt ore Bahru. Among them aiv Wahid of the Johore •de School,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 268 2 Tum-.m > t i i < i i i i i i t i i i i i i t v yJ@W would give us pleasure |^fggrfßp) welcome yen at our JffiM\ W^-W/ SP sc a l down Display any I a y between December /WA a/if? /sf ft, between
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    • 682 2 11l I If Jf\ .#%iiiAMrl First Prize $SOO Second Prize $250 CONDITIONS: n ras A M mb I. Address the s. iutiun to T. B. ROGERS 0 jjfi fe^ <<• r<> T/m f,4. RAhmsop Road, ani wr*- !W t';-«, v mark the envelope "X'mae Crossword." 2 ia< 1 locio, ,be
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 151 2 CROSSWORD SOLUTION No. 4G ACROSS:— I. Tom: 3. Inapt; 3 High; 0. An; 12. Uniat; 15. Mamba; 17. Solule; 19. Tune; 20. Natal; 23. Roam-d; 24. > eg&: 26. Unbar: 29. Bay; 30. S-edy: 31 £>. Or; 23. Herd; 34. Pan; 35. Reo; 7. Wo.: 33. Tyre; 39. Per; 42.
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  • 254 3 TWO MALAYAN CASES Suicide Or Murder? VERDICT AT K.L. INQUEST i METHOD of ilUtinjfuishing su A A c ide by hanging from murcler t^foir hanging: was mentioned b.\ Kuala Lumpur Coroner y ester U y at an inquest on a Tamil found mm ii
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  • 90 3 Successful Treatment m London London. Dec. 8. fIOLD a^ a cure for rheumatism has f been tried successfully at the Royal Waterloo Hospital, London, accord- > a report to the Hospital Com- itee by a specialise physician. The treatment consists m giving the ptoent
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  • 203 3 Sixth Anniversary Celebrations In Johore From Our Oun Correspondent > Johore Bahru, Dec. 8. jne Thong Ngian Association, No. 40. B Ibrahim. Johore Bahru. was well g"»<*l v.\:h vari-coloured ufectricQtf night on the occasion of the JJJJJjJOD of the Association's sixth '^rsary. a sumptuous Chinese din--1 was
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  • 414 3 Colts Give Superior display Singapore, Sunday IsSff Sft%ffU?s? Q reflix Noe' H k i j for* 01 <:iyui at centreP*at asset to his team 1 Pl-vPci l i C^-'v an Mottwwnw, who ,«o Ws twm S bafk WaS a ?reai hel Messrs F.
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  • 104 3 More Prisoners And Decrease In Maintenance Costs Berlin nri Hini rrd a striking decease il) Prussian prisons m l»o.s. i PrSSS? number d 56.928 m IW. cc> mreS with 37.982 m 1982, This n- P v attributed to the "more toadministration of punishment I ba i^ s N^«eedlng,
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  • 184 3 Second Round j TRANMERE BEATEN BY MANSFIELD London, Dec. 8. THE matches m the Second Round of the English F\A. Cup whici, were played to-day contain a fe« interest ing results. The mosi unexpected result was Tranmere's defeat by Manslield by 4 goals to 2. Tramnere
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  • 231 3 Fracas" After Allegiiig Enticement (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Saturday. J>AMASAMY and Kaihirvelu. employees W cl the Posts and Telegraphs Department, unsuccessfully appealed a^ains; the r conviction h: the MagJs.rates Court. In which they were bound ever to keep the peace for ihiee mouths on a charge of
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  • 47 3 London, Nov. 28. Visitors io Malaya House th s week were:- Mr. Ernest Jell. Serembang; Mr and Mrs. W. w. Lcvell. Ipoh; Mr. W. J. Thorogcocl. Mr. and Mrs. Gairtmana, Mr R. T. M. Willcocks, Mr. E. L. 18$ C. D Quanny. and Miss Mice Gelfces.
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  • 68 3 BIT OFF PART OF MAN'S EAR lamil Sentenced ORDERED TO PAY OMPENSATION From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. pOR interfering m a quarrel and biting off a portion of a man's ear, Kandiah, a Tamil, was to-day •ontenced by Mr. F. K. Wilson matristrate, to tour months' rigorou-linv-ri^onment and
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  • 121 3 Positions In Southern Section THK southern seceiun of Hie Malaya Vu? I'.u^by V<mf*t\tie» Is ncv. :eft \i an inttreh Jinj» vvrs." on. The <lc "Uhv.z mat civ ■\n\ h the hi.vf <:»>c b©fw««a the Sertle^s and l^u ivinuers win sik to rtw final a^ainvr P«iafc. The latest
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  • 95 3 4, 000 MEN FOR SAAR FORCE To Be L nder British Commander Genpva; l>.c. 8. IT is almost certain that the Inter- national Force for the Saar v:in number 4.000 and be as mobile bub possible under a British Commancler-in- lei as Britaic will s«Bd he lar«e;i ngei3 and owing
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  • 78 3 Ex-Reformatory Boy Again In Trouble Singapore; Saturday. A 17-yeai old Chinese youth wh, J.h ir.omiug chaxgrd 'oiiore Grice. the S^cg^.wJ Magjsfcrate. wun tht theft oi" jewellery valued at $200 belong- ing to his step-.: M,Liier. Faitii T- n. Lim Tcck pleaded guilty to the the; and admitted
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  • 159 3 Drawn Game In Irish Trial London, Dec. 8. The following are thie results oi' ihe principal rugby matcher, played to-day: Cheshire Northumberland 5' Cornwall 0 Gloucestershire 0 at Camborne. Devon :> Somerset tj at Exeter. i'urham 22 Cumberland 11 at Sunderland. \crth Midlands 3 Vfanrictinire £2 at Bfesctoy.
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  • 431 3 League Soccer ARSENAL HELD TO A DRAW London. IK'C. fib HEAVY scoring was the feature o; today's matches m bbc First Division of th^* English*'. \hr mad notable result m this connection b6tag Derby's hint 1 goal* iCOftd against unlv three l>y wv^i Bromwktli
    Reuter  -  431 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 tiger beer i "ARTBUR'S RESTAURANT" 11, Collyer Quay. EXCELLENT GRILL We Specialise m Continent! !>i>hcs. COOKING AM) SERVICE I NOKK KIKOI^AN St'PEK VISION. tatering tor prUate parties undertaken. U*^^ OPEN ON SUNDAY KVBNIM^
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    • 63 3 ,ii. iii i it iii r iiiiiiiiiiiiiii I iiiiii I tifiiiiiiiJi:. i »iiifiiiiiiiiii«iiisti«**»'*>'«»''*' "ifii'iiiiiiiiiii i»ii!i«ltii!Hjmnii^ >> e«^ /%/yfy >$ l»' l M(| »»i»in»i»unmiH»w!imniiJHfjiuim!;m!!iii::iiiisJiiiU! Richmond Castle, Yorfcs. 7 ?wm VTA Lv JL# O I CIGARETTES w. d. h. o. wills fVIADE 2N ENGLAND BRISTOL AND LONDON ,•ii■il I I I IMimi
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  • 396 4 Coming To The Local Cinemas CHU CHIN CHOW Opening At The Capitol On Wednesday ANE of the finest screen entertain- i inen+s ever offered distinguishes the Caoitol programme on Wednesday when "Chu Chin Chow" which has the s:or <r of "All Baba and thi Fcrty Thieves" opens a seasor The
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  • 411 4 Will Rogers In "David Harum n TK>X Film's latest release, 'David f Harum." starring Will Rogers, will be the next change a: this theatre. 3ecauJe of the nations friendly interest n the humorist-philosopher-star, letters x>ur into his home regularly, suggestng a particular story or theme or .•haracter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 266 4 OPENING TODAY 3.15 6.U 9.15. A I U/IMft 1> A he reates^ humorist back m LHA In D X /I another delightful comedy You'll Laugh as You've Never jflljfr. Laughed Before V Will Rogers mixing r yv his young friends' romance binging his trotJf ter to victory m a
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    • 421 4 1 l iiiiiiii«pililllliiti»«ii»i»«>»» *****11 l 'IHnu I J^^^^^* Dance 1 Unemployed Members I OF THE xj. c imt. js.. I Sunday Dec. 9 I FROxM 8.30 TO 12 P.M. 1 THE POPULAR ORCHESTRA OF THE T.C.M.A. 1 Will Play Alternately with I D'SOUZA'S FAMOUS BAND i HAVE A GOOD TIME
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  • 5588 5  -  Denis Mackail OUR SHORT STORY By IS it possible to avoid passion, preI juaite and polemic when mentioning the ll(H>T1 bar of the Three feathers". 1 Wi- hope so, though we c certainly taking a risk m thtvse i a vs of organised rivalry between rjje
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 APPETIZING 1 Dishes that continental JHVa appeal to the eqe CHEF iLf taste Faultless |lmj service. A cool I LKfjf licensed restful atmosphere ||2vt ?vi von y|J^i wfcere excellence U not extravagance^^
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    • 101 5 TIGER BEER IS BEST JBMMlWII ll t[f ttT[lTl ||t|^ (tl| l: n|;.| .n.lMlllllllltlllltllMllllllllllJllllllllllllllllllK I I I I lllk"lllll'|lll II I Tiger Headache Powder is an infallible headache f'\ y vUOBg *^£N JKJ cure. Its effect is instan- Awi WK taneous and the patient />*- KiCPßBMs^v^^^>) \<^ is relieved of pain
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  • 1346 6 i Making Flights Safe ROUTES ROUND THE WORLD (By Air Mail) London, Nov. 21. i 'THOSE who heard the memorable; §p< fi h to the Institute of Inter- Affairs of Goners! Smuts j Monday declare that he felt and H the deepest feeling during j hi>
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  • 425 6 Summonses Agaiilst Bone Setter Dismissed (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 21. PAIGNTON magistrates yesterday dismissed summonses against Captain Horace Barrow. 40, a bone setter, of Belle Vue-road, Paignton, which alleged that he had unlawfully implied that he was registered under the Medical
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  • 119 6 7-Foot Skeleton Of Prehistoric Man A complete 7-foot skeleton of a prehistoric man has been found standing upright m a limestone quary at Eyam ijorun Derbyshire. It Is believed to have been buried lor thousands of years. The skull is extremely thin but only two teeth are missing
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  • 46 6 Erkelenz, WOtt***^ A wedding was beir-g ttlrbnjita the village of Kehrbusch by uw of shot guns, according to me custom. ovm»ctsoOne of the guns went off u^JSJj^y ly and two of the guest* were icr. wounded. One died on the uay I pltal.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 76 6 Kh mE^^S t Bournville Chocolate Biscuits I— m a new type of airtight tin "I"T^T container which will attract distinguished. It is practical if^S" D 1 too; it prevents breakage and j 4h JLJJB«^» J it keeps the biscuits as fresh I "wn^*V^ V T"M M" 1 as the day
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    • 41 6 SUPER NETTEL S^G?4L. gtijier VeJie! with tern fessarf/Sii SB6/24P. Saper Nettel with Zeiss Tessar f /2.8. You are cordially initcci to .see these models at our showrooms. The Singapore Photo Go. 39, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents: Tiie *cienUiic Instrument (iompan,
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  • 1459 7 STRICTTY BETWEEN OURSELVES iN all my envying of the other fellow's job, I have never had any wish to be a lion mmer. It seems almost preferable to be a journalist. (Joke). jfy feeling that I had chosen rightly""in not faßowing this calling was confirmed when I heard some of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 174 7 I "I live miles from J I any cow., but I have \^yt j r fresh milk K^^y I I "\>\/ OULD Y U HkC tO giVC y Ur Kee P s without refrigeration Jk V V baby fresh milk all the time vv c m c K hm keeps
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  • 1753 8 FINEST ARMY SACRIFICED USELESSLY ALLEGATIONS AGAINST GENERALS CONSENT TO OFFENSIVE OBTAINED BY DECEIT THAT the finest '<ivr.)y ever com-. unaided by a British general was sacrificed ssly and uselessly w ihe Battle oi Passchendaele ami thai U.< c ttf the Cabinet to Ihe offen was obtained
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  • 1271 8 GUNMEN ACTIVE IN PO AN Citywide Search NEWSPAPER OWNER KILLED i i AFTER a city-wide search m Hang. chow, the Chinese police last Wednesday detained a chauffeur suspected to be concerned m the outi rage m Po An village, near Haininjr I on the Hangchow highway, on Tuesj day afternoon
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  • 384 8 "The Crowning Thorns* IN l<mm xv a iona! Gallery picture was j xhiUtted h itL .0 unknown to modem art hi t ia 1S aml ':> r eprinu ed m our splendid f Old j by Hieronimu.^ Uh > When Bosch w;,> I, i unknown died
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 L^JBr CHILDREN W,^l UV^WAMPOLES^y MAG NO LAX is the nearest to nature's remedy #^55=i2» i« r curing indigestion, const ipa- fv i^^jj^fc lion anri all stomach Uls by cor- V itiiinu the action of bowels without harmful after effects. It g%T)lff^, ii;i- a pleasant and palatable taste I BR|/!^Ja\ '^j3
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    • 195 8 Pnr oil SHFAFrF.P^ LIFETIME Do:.k Sets, Skrlp 9v6 siso th» ww VACUUM KH PENS wi h 1 1 str< ki' phiiitrcr. ('(insul! tfcf Iffl X RH(K) HENC PHO oft. 1 !M. N»;rth Hrid»,<' R« ti. Sr.l n] L-i fcS^r < a v v^K^fßsi* V L" §&ss&' :-:i I^^Hfem J -i'."':^:'
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  • 349 9 A PILGRIMAGE OF THE BLIND Appeal To Miraculous Picture -HE •'Masy-u-^iT reports that m p o j nai:v of fifty blind persons 1 has arrived at Czenstochowa to apggjj to the miraculous picture of the The pilgrimage, which was accomby r lativ:s and attendants of blind pi grims, covered a
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  • 125 9 Man Hands Over £3 To Stranger T H Y^ ry th,! man wh with m hopt of winning a Srizoif&Tw' m r ee Nt B ™stead said thai He called and saw the owner ¥r I During conversation over the win etted^ ie^ Uoned that he toSSe fir
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  • 65 9 Unknown Passe iger\s 300-Foot Death 1 cap Remscheid, Rhinelanc^ An unknown man thxew himself from the window et a train as it roarcc across the MucngsWn Bridge 300 feet above a valley. Horrified passengers m tne same compartment at once informed the guard. The body was found bruised
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  • 43 9 Warsaw. A woman chained to a dog's kennei i has been discovered by the police at Slonim. She was m a terribly emaciated condition, scantiiy covered with rags, raving mad. The person responsible for ill-treating j tlie woman has been arrested.
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  • 398 9 Winston Churchill On War Prevention WE must, without another day's delay, begin to make ourselves at least the strongest air power m the European world," said Mr. Winston Churchill, broadcasting m the "Causes of War" series. This he considered to be the first measure
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  • 459 9 Contest Next Year Unlikely THE ten months' notice required of a Cup challenger having almost expired, a match m 1935 is'unlikely; j indeed, opinion on both sides of the Atlantic favours a postponement until j mutual agreement is reached on the points which were m dispute during
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  • 300 9 Eleven ISiew Aerodromes To Be Built ELEVEN new aerodromes are to be constructed m Great Britain for the Royal Air Force. This was announced m the House of Lords by Viscount Hailshara, Minister for War. when replying to a question by Lord Mottistone formerly M.xjar-General Seelyi as to
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  • 94 9 Plane Crashes Near Shanghai LIEUT. Edward Dorsey. a young American pilot, was killed 'o-day. when demonstrating a Boem.; lij?». plane over the Hungjao Aorodrom- Lieut. Dorsey was flying low when ttte wing of his machine rouched the ground. The piano crumpKd up, HrfWng Uu pilot. Lieut. Dorsey
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  • 195 9 Officer Who Landed First Body Of Men At Gallipoli The officer command body of men to land a, Gallipot) ;a 1915, Brigadier-General Henry Edward Beikeley Newwnham, ha;j died a( the age of 67. General Newenham. who lived at Lymington. Hants, was fou d m bed by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 218 9 1 iamon S^> ;R I gRAN-^ BCOSTEAD g Are "y owriershi-) of a "Diamond" bedstead in© lasting satisfaction s des irned m such a manner as to prothe ntmust comfort and soppart tebg repose. I a life-tine and m.->re, for k is of strong steel and is inSfe-^t proof NblbVm
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    • 182 9 t«miamranmnßiinnmiivnsiiHuaKa;-aijfli BiißPßiia[iaiiaitauenauauaiißiiaii>riiiiiiiß[iii!aiiaiißiiaii»n«uwiaiiaiis«ißiiaiiaiiß:ißUi<i* ibjhuih ■iiiiiiiifiittWHttttiiiiiiniiinititiiiiMr;riitwfft(-i < iriiiitwtf fiti)ttttii«iiii«tii"iinii<mtir t wtitiwatwH^.'-taMi-Wi i-xriiism take: your doctor's tip i aa I| i I aV^faf I all' ■fl 0 .^J BHB^MariSCu Efi i PB JH vflJ^BaaMßrv aak I 1 1 jT 1 .^bH^L^LHR H^h B^QBB»ani^a»^aaj^|pjp^ '^"^^gfcaJßnf <rJBS W^^^^^^b^B Ensures Against Physical and Mental Fatigue. gß^^^^^^g^SJ"gg**?^^^^^^P
      182 words
    • 363 9 TIGKR BEER IS BEST v 1 I l i i iiii i I m |i.i:i t i l iiint'imtw Wlilch Would You Rather j Have? A r.liln which uniy Kotki I>eauli- ful, or a skin which is really I 1 beautiful. W 5 j BRAND TABLETS introduce a new t
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  • 1430 10 THIS BUSINESS OF SHOPPING 1 THE ROYAL WEDDING 3 OIMPLICITY of design and skill in colour blending were the keynotes 3 of both dress and trousseau chosen by Princess Marina for her wedding. The wedding gown, composed of elegant white and silver brocade, streamline fashioned with an undefined waist, was
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 248 10 i i i i i i i i i i ,i!iiiiiiiiiiiii';riiiiiiiii!iniiiiniHiiiiiitiiiiii!iii!ii>i!iliiiiiliiaiiliilHiii|iiiiifiitiiliiiiitiiliilMliiliilHin* JUST ARRIVED A Large Selection Of I ovely Evening Gowns I also "Dorville" Jumpers "Dorville" Slacks and Inexpensive Xmas Gifts. I iKf 45*74. Enid Petrie, Nikko House, \>ceii;> for "Dorville" Sports Ckrthee. 10, Battery Road. r i I I
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    • 225 10 I :lM|"t I I I l.iliil i|u|'!|ii||||,|| H|l |l(||l|l(|i-w I SWASTIKA FOR j Eastern Arts And Crafts I NEW GOODS" ARRIVED SUITABLE FOR X'MAS GIFTS. I I 1 3, ORCHARD ROAD, I AMBER MANSIONS, 1 SINGAPORE. m. m I A consignment of lovely gown? and attractive novelties specially chosen for
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    • 80 10 liiwiimiiiiiiiiiininiitiniitmmin'H'W" 1 1 1 1 1 MAISON MADGE 31. STAMFORD ROAD. 'PHONE 4227 Big new shipment of hats from England and Australia every fortnight. AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. I/Ladies' hats at 50 ets. to make iroom for new X'mas Stock. t€ M*Jge I Flower Shop NCKI Door— 29. Stamford Koad
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  • 1560 11 A Woman Peeps At Singapore < -'lutut ii:i''i :i::|:i|-:t::l!!lMi.!:liii.:ti!!iin:>iJini''l!!liiliiini:!inf!ilir^ I Did You See Her I i At Sea View last Sunday I a morning, the orchestra playing seething music... In white and ***** brown. A lielit woollen I dr. -ks with a brown belt. A scarf g "i Iffd m
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 153 11 wiuuuuuilU. AH Ul!>iy JJllir* LI UIUIv'U PMRENE ULLMANN f\ M VNOTHfiR n BI^ SHIPMENT A GOWNS— HATS— NOVELTIES. M M < HRIST.VI vS PRESENTS FROM PARIS. rW N RENE UF-.LJMf.ANN M H Capitol Building. .Stafford Kikkl -Jlii C JE2 C^ JL JLj JE2 X MAS SALK Distinctive Gowns and Model
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    • 160 11 GREEN CIRCLE LIBRARY 15, Capitol Building, Singapore. Victorian Family Robinson. Beatrice Grimshaw. Tho Frolt?4oncrs, Algernon L-teckwood. The Electric Torch, Ethyl Dell. ITic Case ct the Dead Shepherd, Christopher Bosh. The Fireside Hook, Arthur Stanley. The Story of Mont.,'>:e, Margaret Irwin. Six Stories from Shakespeare Redhenp, Norman Lindsay. Gally^rd. SheH.-t Kaye
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    • 286 11 i j^ really *[Jl) a little Atkinsons Eau-de- iJf&fmjf I Cologne to your bath water Mi/4Pj pnd revel m the sense of luxurious jffi*f£Brv freshness that it gives you. A Lath with Atkinsons Eau-de- t lj^ Cologne makes the skin smooth V v l and leaves you with a welcome
      286 words
    • 49 11 3 -SaSHS2SHS2S2SHSHF2SfH£iZS^SBSHSKHSdS?SH Id ITI Ir *M 9 1W HM;il O» ."O.** T»4I»'N New Shipment c Gowns of Dramatic 5 Beauty I $40.00 to $85.00 S GAGE HATS a S Novelties And X'mas gifts a Every article is person- f i p} Jj ally selected by our 3 j buyer
      49 words

  • Sunday Tribune
    • 501 12 CINCE Sir Shentoii iiiomas arrived m Malaya, we tow fail id to bring to the notice oi Hx3 Excellency on every pusle occasion the fact that mere m this colony a very derinite ire for the establishment of unofficial majority on the gislative Council. It is claimed a right
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  • 1060 12  - Council Reform Is Also On The Way C. H. Stanley-Jones 'Deiayiirng Tlhe REFORM is coming. As the Tribune said of Rubber Control, it's "On the Way." His Excellency's assurance that Unofficial opinion will always be fully considered, an«i that if he were confront d w;th a solid vote of opposition
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 224 12 Serravallos Tonic j The Tonic for the Tropics 1 I Your Tonic! 1 "Serravallo's Tonic" (Cinchona Iron Wine) restores kmt I energy and vitality and builds up the entire system, until I brain, nerves and body regain and retain perfect health. 1 enabling you to defeat attacks of Tropical diseases.I
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 45 12 TIDE TABLE SUNDAY TRIBUNE tO-DAY: UJO urn., iii:B am. •ro-MORROW: 1.13 a.n. 12.15 p.m. SSUAY: 157 a.m., i.^ P4B. V EDNESDAY: 2.43 a.m., <s p.m. IiIURSDAY: 3.3;* a.m., 4.u5 p.m. .day 4.27 am, *M pjn. URDAY: 5.25 a.m.. 0.00 p.m. 6.23 a.m., r <3u p.m.
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    • 685 12 WIT and WISDOM of the WEEK. 1 HAD twelve bottles of whisky m my ijATHER: "Why do you have dates with is I stepped up to the lonesome lady m cellar and my wife made me empty f that girl?" A tne hotel lobbv x toQa*««*. Are ihe contents of
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  • 1772 13 GIBL STRANGLED WITH hfb OWN SCARF R YOUNG BRIDE IN COURT ALLEGED CRIME THE NIGHT RFFftUP ACCUSED WAS MARRIED E issratasi tfas? a artyoun? husband for trial on a diSSSSLSJl l£ the night before they were married. The v>VhL anegwl crime was a
    1,772 words
  • 61 13 Callande.r, Ontaro. The Dionne quintuplets which are now five months and one week old iac? round the of each bearing hpr SS54** they can be re ea Uy i Dr. Dafoe stated recently that th P Trvii?^ haVe ths same chaSce'of ■survival as any normal baby
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  • 88 13 Budapest. All gypsy babies In the Marczali District must be tattooed a few days utter their birth with their names and birth place. This was decided at the autumn meeting of the local Agricultural Committee. It was also resolved that the gypsies must stop roving and
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  • 796 13 Granted A Decree JUDGE ON HUSBAND'S SHORTCOMINGS (By Air Mail) London, Nov. 2fc>. AFTER the lads m a statement which CotmteM (Dora Win ired) Russeli, nw Black, of Telegraph House, Halting, near Pttarti* field, Hampshire, filed ooncer&iitg her past hud been put before him. Sir Boyd
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 75 13 W Interest To Residents Of Johore Bahru Por the convenience of our numerous customers m Johore Bahru. we take pleasure to announce that we h ;l ve appomtea Messrs. WONG BROS, MUSIC STORE, I 67. Jalan Ibrahim, Johore Bahru M our Sole Selling Agents for Johore Bahru. g i! r^ds,
      75 words
    • 95 13 TIGER BEER Ca €"> Jmß& I\'• I I Housewives! Christmas n approaching get ready with your cookery books, but remember it is the S foundation that counts. With a good rich milk, such as "IDEAL" MILK I as the basis of your fare you can count on success, if you
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  • 697 14 Sir Bernard Spilsbury Called In (By Air Mail) London, Nov. 28. 11JEYMOUTH Saturday— Sensational \f| developments have taken place m connection with the death of Mr. Jtilreys Charles Allen, an 88-year-oid Somerset magistrate and sportsman, j who was found dead m a burning room .he
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  • 138 14 Russian Peasant Born Before Catherine Tiflis, Oct. 20. pOLLOWING recent reports about a f Georgian peasant, Artsmy Lagashvi i. whose age is som -where betwe:ji 146 and 150, a report, has nov/ been received to the effect that an inhabitant of Abkhasia (Transcaucasia) has reached the
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  • 107 14 May Move Into New Home In Long Island Brooklyn, New York. The Lindberghs may shortly mov* injto a new hou.e m Long Island/ stages the "Brooklyn Eagle". It is believed that Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh will take a cottage m the fashionable colony at Sand Points. This cottage
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  • 129 14 Silver Bayonet For Italy's Best Child Soldier Rome. A silyer bayonet is to be the annual prize given to the best child soldier m Italy under the new programme or military culture m the various Government schools by which boys from the age of 8 upwards are
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  • 145 14 List Of Three Thousand Words Repeated Sofia. Martn Karadimitroff, a 38-year-olc Bulgarian, is preparing to come to England to demonstrate his feats of memory. Renter's correspondent and a special committee were present m the studio ol the Radio Sofia Station when Marir> gave a broadcast. This is
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  • 124 14 i Attacked Children And Made Off With Toy Motor-Car Be'lairo, Quo ns. Long I A bird, believed to have bern either hawk or a largv* crow, attacked tw i children, seized m its claws a motorca-. n toy one and flew away with 11 here. A hue
    124 words
  • 289 14 j Programmes For To-Day And To-morrow frHE wireless programmes for to-day I and to-morrow as announced by Phohi, Holland, broadcasting on a wavelength of 25.57 metres, are as I follows SUNDAY 8.20 p.m. Dutch National Anthem and opening announcement. 830 p.m. Piano recital by Julia Noach 1. Sonate
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  • 147 14 Wireless The Scottish Studio Orchestra TO-DAY'S Empire wireless programme is as follows: 3.20 p.m.: Big Ben. A Scottish Religious Service. Relayed from Mayfleld Korth Church, Ednburgh. 4.05 p.m.: The P B.C. Fmnire Orcb^ra. Conductor. Eric Fogg. Greenwich Time Signal at 4.20 p.m. 5.05 p.m.: Weekly Newsletter. 5.20
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  • 92 14 Programmes For To-Day And To-morrow rpilE wireless programmes for 10-day and to-morroW as announced by Station ZHI, Singapore. broadcasting on a wavelength of 49.9 meires, are as follows SUNDAY 11 a.m.— 1.30 p.m.: Recorded Music. MONDAY C p.m.: Recorded Music. 630 p.m.: Relay of Dance Muse by Rafnes
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  • 113 14 Up-Bringin": Of The 11 -YearOld Monarch Belgrade. The widowed Queen Mario of Yugoslavia is determined that tier son, the 11 -year-old King Peter, .-.hall not be spoiled. His life is governed by the same .met routine of exercise and lessons as wh:n he was Crown Prince. At
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  • 36 14 For Novel On Franco-German Understanding Berlin. A prize of 20.000 marks (about £l,SUU> has been offered by the Batsciiari Publishing Company m Berlin lor tlie best novel on the problem of Franco-Germaii understanding.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 50 14 'DERFUMES* and (x&mdia,* J^^m>K MM\ The Very Gift W)iw& For Her Christmas V^m£^ Particularly from MAYNARD'S where famous creations m all their newest varieties and a host of gift suggestions are on display the right place to get your ideal gifts MAYNARD CO., LTD. 11, Battery Road, Tel. 6115. MAA3-1&
      50 words
    • 209 14 ASHAMED OF HER FHiVRE Husband Persuaded Her To Take Krusehen By following her husband'- advien *v- woman took oil 32 g^JJJ J* Tellins oi her < .'rne<-^ "A year apo 1 was troubiij with rh*a mutism, nrrvou and other co plaints. And 1 got so fat that I *T ashamci
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  • 243 15 Soldiers' Marriage Age Raised Durban, Natal. IXSS Joy EWey, President of the Durt»a Bachelor Girls' Club, is annoyed —because the earliest age at which >cu.h African soldiers may marry has *b raised lo 28--"Back to barbarism" was her comment 3 be new Defence Force regulation ■,fc
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  • 64 15 Ifiltitude At Sermon red With Loaves Berlin. pRBS remlniseen": of the biole were enacted at Doberikow. near Lueckentaide, south of Berlin, when 1,000 lmaa from the surrounding country Sphered to hear a sermon by Dr. fcarlch Vogel, one of the evangelical fltes suspended by Reichsbishop people
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  • 547 15 Exploring Heavens With Huge Telescope FIRMLY convinced of the feasibility of °?n St K^ Cting c y cl <>Pean eyes which will bring outer planets of the universe to the earth's optical back yard a group of glass scientists completed plans to build a new mirror for a
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  • 41 15 Mystery Creature Like A Football Durban, Natal. ,;.bi.« -SJ-21 *JK Bay. The Fisheries Department unable to similar to those of a turUe. frAviSfsca^ron thVsea floor. The specimen has "1 awaits promotion to the y lengthy Latin name.
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  • 215 15 Alleged To Have A Wife In Every Town Warsaw A COMMERCIAL traveller with a wife m every I own where he does business. Such, according to allegations made here by eight women, is Abraham X. They havr appeared with their 42 children at the Warsaw
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  • 221 15 Hollywood Mothers Sell Unwanted Babies OENSATIONAL charges that new-born j babies of unwed Hollywood mothers are sold by doctors to childless cowries for adoption have been made by State Welfare Director Rheba Crawford Bplivalo, formerly known as the "Angel of Broadway" for her work m New York
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  • 157 15 Some Queer Hollywood Hobbies Hollywood. Hollywood's film colony has several members who are accustomed to working 12 or 14 hours a day, but most of the stars find time for hobbies. Here are snapshots of famous Hollywood players with a few hours off: John Bo;es: Pedalling a
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  • 451 15  -  D. M. Greig Tennis Hints By THE SMASH TO be able to smash well is one of the greatest assets that a lawn tennis player can have. It is a stroke which looks supremely simple and one always feels that any ball up m the
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  • 111 15 Neither Bullat Nor Ham mer Could Hurt FROM Sofia comes the news that Vasil Todoroff Shkolnik, a Russian criminal, tried to shoot himself m the head to escape arrest at Ihe frontier between Rumania and Bulgaria. He fired po\nt-blank but his skull wa3 so hard the bullets could
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  • 154 15 Convict Who Was Stabbed By Fellow-Prisoner New York. JAMES Fatiga c, a convict at Welfare Island prison, j s living with the blade of a table-knife m his brain. He was stabbed with the knife by a fellow pr.soner whose name he refuses to divulge
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  • 140 15 Astronomers Scratch Heads Hongkong. r HAVELLERS from the interior of I Kwangtung relat a 3tory ol peculiar weather phenomena m Ching Yuan Hsien, a district famous tor its tea, when recently copper "rain" fell m large quantities over a wide area and is now causing astronomers
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  • 105 15 Killed In Hold-Up In Los Angeles TWO negroes were held by the Los Angeles police to-night on suspicion of slaying Mr. Lawrence Lyon. Shanghai-born son of Dr. D. Willard Lyon. Young Lyon apparently was killed during a hold-up near Los Angeles. The murdered man was born m Shanghai
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 64 15 B.S.A-the fyular Choice **»C lia 1 llMrt 8.8.A.'« mrm r Motor Cycles on *^J^*^*y. They ofTer the money, the wideet IHkT m «««l«-1.49 h.p. to 5 l «2^??* lfor ever y rlder 1^ •••quipped ready |NlH i TJ' w| th electric lighting, wST ord choo»« your bV* until y° u
      64 words
    • 241 15 A GIFT that s really accept dfFf^ a^ e n( y° ur fiends rf^'*\r* \t Mfm couple of cases, of PHOENIX f (^'^|V'^jf^*^9 Aerated Waters lhl^ v Christmas. Then- is a wide 1 L^ t variety to choose from, or V^ HB^^ J usl sa v a mixed case or
      241 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 25 15 ar ds dress reform are all "<** M^O \ed IkjZ TZ&hfOnf* HBk j) A. -^<£^) wan^ noea bave tried io c^cap^ $euercillij supposed _JM I II l^—^M_^___^^^^^^^
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  • 328 16 Gallery Of Volunteer Officers NO. 7 —LIEUT. COL. W. A. GUTSELL J T.-COL. William Allison Outsell. Malay States Volunteer Regiment. Born 1888 at Tonbridge, Kent. He was educated privately, and subsequently became an Agricultural Engineer. Joined the Herts Yeomanry on the outbreak of War m 1914, and was commissioned to
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  • 58 16 Five Women Buried Under Mud Madras, Nov. 22. A Berliampore message says that five women while digging earth near Lanjiya village five miles off Derhampore were buried under mud. All were found dead when taken out. It appears that the sides of the pit which they were
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  • 39 16 Wage Resolution Passed By Union Madras, Nov. 22. The Madras Textile Labour Union has passed a resolution urging the Government to appoint a Committee to enquire into the wages and conditions <>f testile w«rk of the Presidency.
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  • 290 16 Pleasures Which Bishops! Sanction (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 28. BRITAIN Ls o have a Brighter Sui\- j day" Charter. It will be sponsorod by the special committee of Bishop:; I which for some months pas- has been debating whether or not church people
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  • 509 16 Passenger Taken 111 v 'Plane (By Air Mail) Ttrcm Our Oun Correspondent, London, Nov. 28 HJR. J. H. Wright, the American mw who. with Polando. took If? -ho E;igiancl-Melbournn Air i. m "Wi h ,a "baby" 'plane, was forced hT* on the last lap of his
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 310 16 Keep your throat, chest and lungs healthy by regularly using HUDSON*) A^ife EUMENTHOL' OWM JUJUBES %^H pleasant, safe, tmi efficient ,~Jy 'ft'!" S 3 remedy l"»r all affections of Urn ASIjt I *^j V'X/ f'r/ (y^ throat, chest irui lungs, and '^J OvS/'i I "l uy.rryiTij< th«> end >rsomvnt «>f
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    • 142 16 II I II I M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ml Mil I
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  • 977 17 mKK-OWTS MIST BE jTHIiNGTH BIDS i (Bt "Horatius**) VfcRV con ake made at the bridge UibUi is that oj rfjiuf out partner from weakness, ,p dangerous practice because i fourajfts a rebid and this, almos' •aJi'v. w tulxt tJu s oul °f depth. tract, every bi<l should bo
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  • 202 17 t Decrease In Weight Among Schoolgirls i Hoban, Tatman a i ALARMING disclosures m a medic** i\ report now m the hands of thGovemmem may cause the abo i tion of homework m Stan .rtiuols an.l hiiih .schools m Tasmania. The report raised ihe Question whether homework studies
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  • 127 17 Youth's Four-To-Qne Chance Of Life HarbinA 25-year-old student, named L. FedDsoft, has played a ?ame of chance with death and he has lost. His nerves being m a bad state, he was liable to fits of depression, m one of which he toyed with the idea ot
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 49 17 Bit 1 y*flHy^^^vt|^B^V I HfOSS jrfi I TAKE I (T I MY ADVICE amd -TRY fc r* f 1 A^^Q-S Dy THE Mri^k\ Bmrf™ 1 Wm '*M i ARCHIPELAGO BRE WE KY {^'J^ WS) W^ W& Wi^L I sTSi^'darbV ft.'" co., wo. tt .i 1 1 ii Studios iZ.
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    • 246 17 n Y- :>gjM^ m V The Cork Tip If^o\^ on a Lraven A x -f keeps the CigareSe-end dry: The warer-thin Tip of a Craven "A" keeps the Cigarette-end dry, the smoke cool, the flavour rich; and teeth, lips and fingers ie^s readily jgj|| become stained. '•'*^y^ r Moist Tobacco
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  • 70 18 Hospital To Be Run Entirely By Women Toronto. Ontario. A Women's College Hospital staffed entirely by women— is to be built at 'fcrortto. It will be the first hospital of its kind m Canada and the Prime Minister, Mr. P B. Bennett, has laid the foundation stone. The
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  • 68 18 Military Expcndiutre In A Chinese Province Shanghai. The Province of Szechuan is going bankrupt, according to its Governor, General Liv Hsiang. In order to remedy this state of affairs, he has cut down the pay of his soldiers, who from new en will receive four shillings a
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  • 1352 18 i i i S. C. F. A. I I I I INTER-CLUB j SOCCER: I SPECIAL j ARTICLE i i I ~l ;|iitiiiM|iiiii|iiii!i:;i:iiiiiiiiiiiiii.ii;itiil'iii!i'iltil!ilni'iii:iMi:'ii.i!. The S.C.F.A. Inter-Club Tournament Latest Positions In League Table j Some Features Of This Year's Play Report Of Singapore Athletic Union (By
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  • 107 18 WHEN MANY CAMELS ARRIVE It Means Improved Business Suiyuei, No,- v MORE than 1.000 camels have arm* here during the las- few dav< ftZ Sinkiaiiß province me. dec ded turn for the bet. or m ih ness cf the provinces. These camels weiv all hea\. v:iih horns, goat skins, furs,
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  • 99 18 Closed Door Policy Out Of Favour Nank Dg, No THE Chinese Ma Manufactwtt 1 Fed era ion has sent an official the Ministry of Industry requesti: Federation has sen; an official the Ministry of Industry reques v Shansi province abolish th< door" policy to products from o h<
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  • 129 18 Two-Storey House Carried M To Sea Macinc; Violent snow and raits storm broken Spain's foth months draught. From all over the East < v oa ;t comer; ports of rivers overflowing the r t and m some places houses have bwu washed away. More than 200
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  • 115 18 Seven Lancashire Lads Who Had Drifted Apart St Thomas. Ontaw Seven Lancashire lads who had no met for 32 years have held a reun.oi. They are the Rev. Harold Wile Dawn Mills. Ontario: Herbert Thomas Willgoose and l?****^^ of St. Thomas: A. PilkingUm oi B Ontario;
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  • 67 18 Ambitions Of Schoolboys I" Saxony Dr< Saxon schoolboys before i< i elementary schools huvr. with a new custom, m wishes wtth regard to tnjr careers. The most popular WCH Lorry drivers. Motor Mechanics Electricians. Builders. Carpenters. Bakers. The least popular dW r wa.s B a foundry man.
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  • 76 18 DragoauuK To Dwf Ll> From Visitors The dragoman* of Cairo wU! no •fjj !be able to extort prohib"> vc lee tourists. H v The Government 'erial Decree layii^ down a i«w» ,pn vale^t to: 2 s. 0' 2 an houi 6i. i3,d a day li 10 s.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 179 18 m» LI o/ where a large variety of imported fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Groceries and Provisions Wines Spirits. Tobaccos and Cold Storage supplies are displayed for your inspection and approval. mmm mmmmm m^^ mmm mm^ m^ mm^ m^ m^^ mm mm m 1- Warm Studios 60. i i i, ii.
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    • 26 18 BE UP-TO-DATE I HI I I BUY THE NEW II I rarker. 1 ■Ba Solo As:ent» jH Weill Montor Ltd., 37, THE ARCADE, SINGAPORE. Thone 6046.
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  • 2411 19 sff5 ffl rpri§e§ fa Snegaipoire foter ix i± is >^^ iX iX Li > Mw( For R^, B.P Ani VnUei Chinese Amateurs -Strenuous GameS rimer CM. rrapm p r<Hfa^ Frfen% /ferns (By "Dragon") „-KPRISES this year m the Sin^as "per- ra c F' s OCCIU jgeetioiis.
    2,411 words
  • 190 19 Fcund In A Church Cupboard Brussels. A SIXTEENTH century polyptych has just been discovered m he 1 ttle church of S-. Julien at Ath, which is w.thin a thir y-mile rad us of Brussels. It is considered by experts to be a fine specimen of tha'^
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  • 107 19 Giant Theatre To Be Built In Moscow Moscow. M. Meyerhold, the famous Soviet stage irodueer. has planned a gargantuan j re for Moscow. It wi'l be built on the latest modernistic lines with seats for thousands. The stage itself will be bigger than any ot'ier m
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  • 94 19 Six- Year Search For Bandjt Who Is In Gaol Buc hire.:'.. Police have been searching for Ten:: Gheoi£he, the most ferocious bandife Rumania has known for decades, for pa,..-!/ six years. Ke was alleged to have killed chaiir'eurs, iDeasants and riewly-^edded couijle.;. But ne alv/cys escaped. A prisoner
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2 19 tiger beerA
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    • 129 19 m mw Prevent CoSds conquer Sore Throat by {t-.king j it. :u-'vfttiijj Throat liujlet A Tasteless Castor 0:1 I \ilB;il)jrys U'AS'IOK j l L Pure, Active and Pleasant to Tak? 7he 'Allenburys' Castor Oil is a j mild and soothinjr aperient which is neither weakening nor j lowering m any
      129 words
    • 206 19 M i««t!.|.||..|;»<««:«i««*«i*!« IIIMIMt. MN I CL^QDKS TICKETS IPSUKI) I FOR SHIP, AIR AND I TRAVEL RAILWAY LINTS. m m t NO BOOKING FEES. I m m I Chinese and all Asiatic clients I are g.ven the- best of attention and assistance. I :W, Robinson Road, Singapore. TtUflum 5908. *<t iiii
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  • 1691 20 The Week's Malayan SPORT REVIEWED Perak's Rugger Successes tn Their Ninth Malaya Cup Final Northern Section's Worthy Representatives The All Blues Competition Concluding Perak Asiatics Win Through To Final Selangor's Hockey Success Tennis In Perak. (By "Forward"). w\ERAK have demonstrated once again 1 that they are ant of the best
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  • 681 20 (By "X.0.") OUBJECT to the approval of the Board of Control, two of the three new arrivals from Japan will be seen m action at the Olympic Stadium, on Dec. 14. Matches Donald Stewart, the American, will tight For Next Battling Guiliermo and
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  • 174 20 Discovery Of Site WTiere Stone Axes Were Made Durban. Nat;'.. 1 A site where prehistoric man played on the be.ach perhap^ 100.000 years or more ago has been discovered by Ifr. C. van^ Riet Lowe, the South African ■yn apologist. The discovery is of considerable scientific importance. Between
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  • 104 20 Budapest. Sanyi Gulyas has become church organist at Halas at the age of nine. His father is professor of English and Hungarian Literature at the famous Hala.s College. This is how he de^cribt-b nis son's musical career: Aged 4. Showed great appreciation or i,rr>mor)hone records. Aged 5.
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  • 136 20 Wardrobe Of Edward Everett Horton Hollywooc Mr. Edward Everett Horton the fi* actor, has nearly three hundred m* of clothes. This was revealed by Mr Jules Ijg del, the expert on men's fashions, wjj he arrived m Hollywood from York. Mr. Mondel said that: m •Lewis Stone
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  • 49 20 Cart Overturned And Egtfs Smashed Cop«W' Prime Minister. comPJJ Barely was the ma f^£ne <&" ed when an egg m er <**s! alontf with a load of egg*- Dict ur*«s The horse did not liki- th' Pj gnd shied. The cart, was overturnec l>*>oau«e of the picture.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 173 20 I m ALICE-IN- WONDERLAND. |CT The Best SHOW In Town jj C CHILDREN'S FANCY DRESS PARTY Meet MEECHIE, the winner of War ncr Bros/ medal for Tap Dancing, m: The Mad Hatter's Tap-Dance, The Duchess' Highland Fling 3 and the Cook's Irish Jigg, q| with PERDITA as Billy Barty m
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  • 1116 21 Dramatic Evidence cnDY MOVED FROM B ROAD (By Air Mail) London, Nov. 28. MATIC demonstrations, includ.(Tthe^ma a windscreen, feature of an inquest on an ?riv woman cyclist who was disJ^d dead on a footpath. The jury declare d m a rider that body "and bicycle were
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  • 60 21 No Motive For Indian's Crime i Bombay, Nor. 24 jer, and the, dashed off. H, w^um'S -Mrs. Evans was sent to hospital and is progressing satisfactorily tra^ O d m °Th Ye f r M the Crim has be^' traced. The assailant Ls from Secundera- j The
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  • 158 21 Appeals Against Sentence Of Deportation i Madrid. "K^g Boris I" of Andorra who m July last procla'm.d himself Kin"" of he tny mountain R pub'c and win was arrested and imprisoned, has op' oeared at court to ipp- a against tlv nee cf deportation pass d upir
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  • 100 21 No Evidence Of Criminal Negligence If the iury were entirely satisfied that r was Mr John's car which run the woman down, they must con^dwhether he knew he had done it. were hey satisfied with the explanation give- fSr y the car being taken to London for re^er°an
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  • 172 21 bpecial Stamps To Celebrate 50th Anniversary Port Moresby, British New Guinea. Special postage stamps have been is- sued m Papua m celebration of the i 50th anniversary of the declaration of j Fapua as a British protectorate. There are four designs of stamps. One shews a
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  • 66 21 £800 Awarded To Workless Man Sydney, New South Wales. A man living at Punchbowl, near Sydney, has been awarded £800 compensation because his father said to be his sole means of support— has died from injuries received at an iron undry. He is Jack Archibald McDonald,
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  • 231 21 A notice to mariners received by the Master Attendants Office, Singapore, from the Harbour Master, Selangor, states: Malacca Straits, Eastern Shore, Port Swcttenham. Beacons erected E. (a and bt Clearing Marks for Spit off Tanjong Lamuet. Red fixed lights have now been established on those beacons and
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  • 125 21 Gull And Fish Fought To Death Nahant, Massachusetts. A gull swooped angrily to the wateis of a lake near here. At the same time a large fish glided up towards the surface. In a lew seconds bird and fish, were I m mortal combat. The fish, an
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  • 120 21 German Exneriment With Yucca Plantation Berlin. An exp'riniantal yucca plantation i e ths larest liope of German industry m the search for home-grown raw materials, accordng to a speaker broadcast ing from Frankfort. It is elated that the yucca ha'j proved itself very hardy m the Germr.n climate,
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  • 250 21 No one should requili intro- i auction to Talbot Mundy. He I has, been compared to Riaer Haggard and has been called Kpling's nearest rival and is 3 certainly one of Jie most popu- I lar writers of adventure. Here 5 1 at last is his
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  • 275 21 brings m 1,450 Guineas At Christie's (By Air Mai) London, Nov. 23. AN astute picture-finder, who travels many miles to remote country auctions m the hope of picking up unconsidered trifles, had the thrill of his life at Christie's yesterday. He watched a finished panel sketch
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  • 122 21 French Agitation For Creation Of Air Line Paris. DwelCcrs m the northern industrial ••-g.ons of France are agitating for the creation of an air line between London nd Strasburg. There are many indu tries m this part ot the country, which have clo c relaions with Great
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  • 68 21 Appointed Director Of Museum Frankfurt-on-Main. Dr. Leo Frobenius, the German anJioropologist who last made a motor-car expedition from the Nile through the Libyan Desert to the Kufra Oasis and the British Sudan, has been appointed director of a museum at rankiurt-on-Main. N~w German expeditions organised by Dr.
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  • 638 21 Press Comment MONEY TO DEVELOP INDUSTRIES ACCORDING to Chinese prau m ports, Mr. Hu Wen Hu, (Mr. Aw Boon Haw) wealthy overseas Chinese merchant of the Straits Settlements, arrived m Shanghai on Monday aboard the President Collidfe iuv\ was warmly welcomed by Chinese leaders,
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  • Page 21 Advertisements

  • 720 22 Close Thing For Rivers HOOLIGANS CREATE SCENE (BY "REFEREE") YOUNG Aide has most certainly made good In his ten threeminute round contest at the Olymi Stadium on Friday he gave A Rivers the hardest fight the Amcr can has i)een m for years, and tir fact
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  • 48 22 A Very Wide Range Of Activities (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 7. THE assets and liabilities of the Ladies Musical Society, ten-year-old organisation, were unanimously handed over to the new Women's Club, emlpracing musical, sculpture, beauty culture, eugenics, chemistry, literature 1 and drama.
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  • 57 22 I The following will represent the V.M.C.A. Ist Xi against A.P.C. Ist XI at I A.P.C on Monday, Dec. 10 at 5.15 p.m.: J. Bleha, R. Lyne. P. C. Sands, T. P. F. McNeice, Lee Fong Lim, G. Day, F. Pullen, C. Reshty, A. N. Kacyal, W. R.
    57 words
  • 144 22 Results Of December Mix2d Foursomes THE following cards were returned iv the December Mixed Foursomes played on Thursday, Dec. 6, over the j Ist nine holes: i Mrs. S. G. Rainsford and Fi. Lt, Davies 51— 13V2=37Vs> Miss Abed and Yong Loon Chong 47— 9V 4 rr37
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  • 166 22 Results Of Malcolm Cup Competition The following aa c the results for the Malcolm Cup was played during Nov~ ember, and the scores were Ist Rounds Major L. A. J. Graham I and Lt. J. L. R. Huelin beat MajOi. 1 j E. Percival and Major J.
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  • 185 22 Another Win In Basket-Bail League Playing m the Great World sporting j field on Saturday night on the Ist incst., the Yayu Yu Team heavliy deaf eated the Chuan Woo (last year's runners-up) hi the basket-ball league of the S.B.V.A. The game was very interesting aiic I
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  • 31 22 Sir Arnold Robinson's Cup Final In the final of the above competition i Miss Hadley and Miss Lucas beat Mis. j Payne and Mrs. Wyckoff 2 and 1.
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  • 161 22 Dying Woman's Gift To Baby Princess Placenza, Italy. A blind woman of 70 made a beautiful embroidered pair of shoes for the i Princess Maria Pia, the baby daughter of the Crown Prince and Princess Oi Italy. She was a poor woman who had been a long time
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  • 54 22 1 Campaign Organised Under Official Support (From Our Oivn Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 8. A campaign to flght the scourge ol tuberculosis has been commenced m I Siam by 'the formation of an organ 1 sation of medicos, nurses, civil servants and merchants under official support and work
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  • 204 22 Inter-State Match At Kuala Kangsar (From Our Oion Correspondent Ipoh, Saturday. IN a return inter-Staie hockey match, Per-ik defeated Kedah by 7—o, at Kuala Kangsar. The game was played at a fast pace. Perak showed good combination and all goals were obtained as the result oi gocd
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  • 145 22 WOMEN S HOCKEY Likely Visit By Ipoh Team Singapore, Saturday. THERE is a possibility of the I Ipoh girls* hockey team visiting Singapore next year during the Chinese New Year holidays. The team m question is the Y.W.C.A. XI, captained by Miss N. Moreira and holds an unbeaten record. They
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  • 161 22 Memoer Of Japanese Imperial Family, Ncv. 22. Prince Tadahiko Asafca, 21-yciar old midshipman who graduated from ihc Naval Academy here on November 17, tcday Won -he distinction of bein^r the first merabev of >he Japanese Imperial family to obtain a tirs -grade certificate m j.u,p L su.
    161 words
  • 147 22 Preparations For Bob Run And Ice Stadium Carmisch-Par enkhchen, Nov. 25. The < racks ar.d sporting grounds for the fourth Olympic Winter Games are nearing completion The bobsleigh track has a length of 340 metres with lie finishing point 145 metres lower than 'he s "art. Tes^s have
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  • 240 22 Rovers Win First Round In Championships Singapore. Saturday. THE first round m the bottom section of the Singapore Inter-Club Badminton Championships played at the Clercial Union Hall this afternoon between the Rovers Badminton Part and the Jovial B.P. proved a one-stdea Those who fancied the Jovial Paity
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  • 23 22 Minto, Dawson, Davies and Egli, wellknown jockeys, will be arriving m Singapore on the Niew Zealand on Monda: from Australia.
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  • 159 22 Centenarian Lady Revives Oki Scenes Of Adelaide Adelaide, South Australia. An Englishwoman who can remember when Adelaide was a city of women— because all the men were taking pan m Australia's gold rush has just celebrated her 100 th birthday. She is Mrs. Mary Lockwood who
    159 words
  • 184 22 Rodents Fooled Into Committing Suicide Camden, New Jersey. A '•/a-psychologist" i s at work hero, lidd'ng he tewn of a plague of rats by excH.t^ the creatures' curiosit/. He is Mr. \V. F. Amann, and his we* hed is to "fcol" the ra s into eommii ing
    184 words
  • 557 22 <*r(;at Struggle At Wembley i (By Air Mail, THE big ma he final day fey 0 wS aA, I r r lamem atSjJ^ j deicaied. wen the trophy pveiiEr, Lord Desborough There was always he Uiailc despite his age. T.ldens resmirL i will to win might
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  • 93 22 S.C.F.A. Inter-Club l*tf« Game On Mondiy The foUowing players JjJJjKj tcted to represent the f m A c J^ A I letic Association against llu As^on ft letic Club on Monday, Dec. Clerical Union ground at «••> share: hpu Yeo Ah Kow, Goh Ah' p**. Cheow Hin. S.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements

  • 1115 23 J 7 billing Tussle On Jhe S.C.C. Ground Singapore, Sunday. by being forced to a w padang yesterday ibined Services, the scores s all, practically lost ppearing m the final Cup Rugger competiPerak. Hiring already been forced to a the Nesrri-Malacca side, Brtpore lost a very
    1,115 words
  • 98 23 Negri-Malacca Prove Too Strong (Frcm Our Oicn Correspondent/ Seremban, Saturday. Negri-Malacca proved too strong for Tnhore when they met here this evenX a match inthe Malaya Cup Rugby competition winning by 24 points fthree goals and three tries) to nil. The Netfri-Malacca led by IJ--C l the interval.
    98 words
  • 33 23 Nc^ri And Malacca In Drawn Game fftUM O.'jr Own Correspondent) Serembah. Saturday. CI The e °Ncgri led at the interval, O'Hara S n vries equaUsed for Malacca m the second half
    33 words
  • 1052 23 SULTAN'S FIRST WIN Brilliant Waather DEAD HEAT IN RACE 7 (From Our Oion Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. JHJ6J concluding day of the Perak Amateur Races opened m tine weather, and the going was good. There waa a slightly impnovecT attendance which was reflected m the
    1,052 words
  • 184 23 N2vv Equipment Cars THERE tttt var ous. way* •i v r.un dazzle. Visors of various typ be ii.-cd to the <v.. Son i a!. eve the windscreen hers ar< ec! inside ir-mi .he roof or i Most are adju atle and do#n when ivquivo!. I v:n en-.e a
    184 words
  • 134 23 Memorial To German Missionary Explorer Na re bi. A memorial has beeu onveiled at Monibasa io Dr. Ludwig Krapf, he German mifislcnary wtptorer, and the .tir?- white man to discover Moun- Kenya. The memorial was oaveUed by the Ki^h Reverend Dr. Heyv,-o c d, Bishop of tfOmi
    134 words
  • 257 23 SCRAPPY RUGGER IN K.L. Corabuu Team Defeats The Real Kuaia Lumpur. Saturday. |N a ppy rugger match played on or Cii b padapg this «tnio representing Scotland m,i4 beat a Re: t Team by 12 trios and a penalty to ii point fc i one iryj winn. Ed sixteen men
    257 words
  • 22 23 v Four Goals ixi {Hay. :ore Colly' scored a convir.when they th< CeylOn Bp "ub by f f -ur
    22 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 119 23 [v SLO i<£ p c mom^nt^ and thfilHl S The SIX 20 adventures to b? lived "BROWNIE" JUNIOR ovef and over again Ta, g a small G n t your Kol ,i 3 camera that takes big j snaps, 01.o 1 i. x 4*4,. iLd*) rt to load; easy
      119 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 177 24 An incident m the Malaya Cup rugby match yesterday between Singapore and the combined Services, who drew 6— 6. Another incident m the Singapore v. Combined Services rugby match yesterday. A group photograph of the New Malay Regiment, F.M.S picture, taken by special permission
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  • Page 24 Advertisements