Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 14 October 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 13 1 The Sunday Tribune Vol-2-- No 21 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1934. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 743 1 RET URN OF PROSPERITY TO MALAYA STRIKING EVIDENCE AT TEE DOCKS MAN* MORE SHIPS CALLING IN CARGO a PASSENGER TRAFFIC JAVA'S return to commercial prosperity is inj dicated by remarkable facts gathered at the ingapore docks and from steamship companies by tlaya Tribune reporter. The wharves to-day are very busy
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  • 45 1 Tr sns-Pacifi c Air 1 "vice Urged (B y Air Man.) Oicn Correspondent) tfahaigton, oct 4 <*?*> War ended, c" Rickenbacker, < ct«Srf° rce was credited **>-% rial combat > af*2P :;1 hs P**n*. the Federal '>^Wil'"V P^P-niiV «B l^s?SuS? Ja P^. and a repetition ot
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  • 102 1 Rich Field Found In Canada (By Air Mail.) <From Our Oivn Correspondent. Toronto, Oct. 5. MINING experts of the Ontario Provincial Government have confirmed reports of the discovery of what may prove to be the greatest gold strike m the history 01 th? world. Government engineers returned to-day
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  • 238 1 Clues To Marseilles Crime Geneva, Oct. 13. h LL threac's m the "international crime" n Marseilles seem to eid to Hu igarjf, particularly to the obscure village of Yankapousta. which m really a big farm house, five miles from the YugoS.av frontier. A terrorsts' training camp there
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  • 85 1 Mickey Mouse Is Going Surf Riding (By Air Mail.) 'From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 5. BEFORE long Mickey Mouse will be seen sky-larking on a Hawaiian surf-board. Walt Disney promised this to more than a thousand children m a theatre at Honolulu, while on ho'iday there.
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  • 307 1 Selfe-Horsford BRIDE'S CHARM INC DRESS gT. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, was the scene of a pretty wedding yesterday afternoon. Tie bridegroom was M Montague P. Selfe, of William Jacks and Co. (Malaya), Ltd. son of the late Mr. F. V. Selfe and Mrs. Selfe, of Watford Hertfordshire, and the
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  • 590 1 Cabinets Scared ARMS CENTRES IN DANGER Paris, Oct. 1 'J'HE military map of France, revised by the Hip:h Command ro meet modern war conditions, now has circled m heavy red six "power barrels" which, if ever struck by borrb would render the nation crippled and helpless. These
    United Press  -  590 words
  • 548 1 INTEGRAL PART Ob EDUCATION The Army Cult Soldier-Citizens From Age Of Eight hopes aw U expressed that the as a.~ inations of King Alexander mid ML Barthou will not lead io irny international complications, the news contained m yesterday's cables from Geneva that Italy has at once reinforced
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  • 584 2 Arsenal Win 3-0 ANOTHER VICTORY FOR GRIMSBY London, Oct. K5. HP HE clash between Arsenal, the League Champions, and Manchester City, the Cup-Holders, was looked forward to with much interest, and the result of a clear victory by three goals for Arsenal indicates how determined the Champions are
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  • 112 2 Rangers Defeated By Partick T. London, Oct. 13. IN the Glasgow Cup Final. Partick Thistle beat the Rangers at Hampden Park by one goal to nil. Keuter. BANGKOK RUGBY United Services Lose To Sports Club (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Oc*. 13. THE match between the United
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  • 529 2 Wheeler And Woolsey REASON TO REMEMBER SINGAPORE WHEELER and Woolsey, the famous RKO-Radio comedians, who visited the Orient m December last year, and who appear m a film at the Capitol this week, are nowadays keen boosters of the Far East. In a recent letter to
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  • 113 2 London. Oct. 13. The following are the results of the principal rugby matches played io-day: COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP Leicestershire 19 North Midlands 5 (at Leicester). Y/arwickshire 16 East Midlands 8 (at Coventry). RUGBY UNION Klackheath 23 Newport 3 Bristol 9 Bath Cambridge Uni. 36 Old Leysians Exeter 3 p?vonport
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 142 2 ACROSS:— I. Tepid; 4. Unicycle; 10 Nose; 12. M:en; 13. Risk; 15. Apposite; 17. Mend; 19. Epos; 21. Moony; 22. Claw; 25. He; 28. Opi; 29. Cloak; 31 Lea; 33. Bye; 34. Paced; 35. Ire- 36 Yen; 39. 8.C.; 41. Po: 44. TA; 46 Ottar 43.
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    • 164 2 i •ii i i i i iii i i i <i i i ,i n rr i i i !i;.ii!iiiii:r>i;<iii' i irii.i i i i i i i i i a i »tii, I I I it's time now to think of a very I personal gift for those you
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    • 845 2 Every Year A Bonus Year! That is What Insurance with the ?v S. f Prudential Means. 9 fi *A All policy holders of with profit poli- ""S. cies receive a bonus on December t^'y,. I'--,1 [r 31st every year that the policy is m I r/'^P'^' S S V >v
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  • 1237 3 GROOM WHO WAS DISILLUSIONED Parents-ln-Law Sued For Dowry; interesting judgment was delivered A* M the District Judge, at £,er«onh 1* B. Gibson* EZtIV m civi case m whlcil Dinted msn named Chan Xi ued i*i parents-in-law, Mr. and f Ss Tan Hock, tor a sum of $350 ins dow'-v and
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  • 195 3 Singapore Supreme Court Judgment THh hearing of the case m which Moona Kader Sultan. trading as ™L C ?r u i c Traclln Company, sued Moona Mohamed Abubukar trading as the National Trading Company was concluded m the Supreme Court' betcre Mr. Justice Pilchard on Thursday. His lordship
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  • 317 3 Calls At Singapore On Maiden Voyage Singapore, Sunday. TO celebrate the arrival of the Norwegian motor-ship Hai Lee, on #its maiden voyage, inaugurating a regular service between Rangoon and Amoy. Musi's. Tan Quan Lee, th e local agents for the vessel, held a reception on board yesterday when
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  • 33 3 Commercial Treaty To Terminate Washington. Oct. 13. /GERMANY has notified the terminavJ tion of ber unconditional Most Favoured Nation Commercial Treaty with the United States as from tome now. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 63 3 Medical College Union Fail To Score The Medical CollegE Union entertained th. HMS. Terror uiyby XV yestercav and were beaten by^ 18—0. The Terror representatives were runerfpr ail rour.rj nnd after scoring iwo tries m the first half, ore of whici; wp.s converted, added c»i jspore point
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  • 90 3 Latest Raid By Revenue Officers Singapore. Saturday. 4 RAID organised by Officers of the Revenue Department and conducted on a house m Duxton Roac' on Sept. 21 resulted m a fairly large seizure oi opium and chandu. No arrests were made at the time ut the
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  • 118 3 "PRO-NOTE CLAIM Judgment In Ipoh Court (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. 12. MR. Justice Howse, m the Ipon Supreme Court, d-livered judgmen: to-day m the case m which Seer Hup Leong, rubber dealer. Kota Bharu, sought to recover from Haji Osman bi.i Majid. a sum of $13,120 alleged to
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  • 194 3 Suspected Bad Character Discharged (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Friday. Charged with being a suspect d bad character and with having no visib'.e means of subsistence, a Chinese named Lim Thiam was to-day produced before the first magistrate. Mr. F. K. Wilson The accused was arrested
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  • 25 3 The Yrok/Chew Public School. Singapore, are staging a concert at the Nfsv World on Nov. 20 at 3 p.m. m aid of the School Fund.
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  • 185 3 Sequel To Accident In Singapore Singapore, Saturday. THE death of a 56-year-old Hokien, Lim Tham, formed the subject of un enquiry h:ld by the Singapore Coro- ner. Mr. W. G. Porter, to-day. The deceased expired m the General Hospital on 29, the cause of death being subdural
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  • 305 3 Fall Off A Moving Trolley Bus Singapore, Saturday. An aged Chinese was knocked dow;. by a motor-car past the fourth milestone at Bukit Timah ye.sterdav. He sustained severe injuries to the head and face and a suspected fracture of both knoe. <: and ".as removed io the Tan
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  • 246 3 Useful Information For Beginners (Vlalayan hunters, par tcularty th< youii^er men who aiv [list Laid to the sport, run now buy a verj lit tie compilation conlai i sol i of Information thej are ol It provides the beginner with a lo 1 o: data which
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  • 129 3 Sentenced To Twelve Months Imprisonment (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Luinpui. Friday. Twelve mouths hard labour lo be u>\ lowad b\ gup year', police supervision was the sentence pasted to-day by m Second Magistrate. Mr. J P. Bitfdulnh on Khoa Kirn bc'ip who wa.s < with cheating by
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  • 50 3 Siianghai, Oct. L 3. The Chinese m lyCanchuria celebrate Chinese National nay <o<-t km. states a late message from North ("iuna. Expect iiv; trouble. Lhe Japanese and Manchuku', took strict precauUons and tnaii-ial law was declared a( MuJcien, Changchun and several other cities. Mir Kuo Jin Pao.
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  • 55 3 Bmii tannings, who was :i favourite [with the German theatre-going |Htbl« [;..besoffe h' became w«:ld fameu I film star <-f 'Vaudeville" and, "Tin Bin" Af\gel/' wil ii-.v t >\A >ii cm the B< stage LlUjs season r J Lafl m tin forthcoming produettGii ol Bha^csprave' "BenfT
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    • 35 3 tli I!l Itll I ill 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 5K> Bt^TV //V-vyy -i/'y'^^B Richmond Castle, Yorfcs. ©WILLS* THREE CASTLES CIGARETTES w. d. h. o. wills MADE IN ENGLAND BRISTOL AND LONDON
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  • 1351 4 Coining To The Local Cinemas ITNREELING their endless humorous U repartee against unusual backgrounds ranging from a superlatively i ultra-chic beauty saloon to the he-man atmosphere of the auto-race tracks, is i a striking feature of "Hips. Kips, Hoo- i rpy," Bert Wheeler and Robert Wool- sey's latest musical comedy
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 WUf lk. H-d. a^JrMA RION li*s t f t.- \sfc MuSfiH Lifetime GARY Laurel m 1 o'** Robert W. Chambers' MJ I romance irfM nrnaic I roma .AMetro-Goldwyn Mayer M 1 with mopolitan Production^ m I rmMdl( J t -an Parker Directed by I iillMl. Kalharine Alexander Richard Boleslavsky V
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    • 101 4 T/ie World's most famous pair of Funsters Coming back m their Grandest Musical Girl Show CSUPIYOL Opening NEXT TUESDAY! ill It If **j»^jjß fcrii f wCIU ill TICS ttaSK.'mS^ ■> «W/~A s^-Ol™' 0 cheers< YOU'RE DOIN'" 1 Famous Star <;f "ROMAN" SCANDALS" It's a RADIO production made by the company
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  • 1657 5  -  HARRY LEE Putting Life Into Their Drawings By (Author of "High Company" IF a"v one could explain why he when a fat woman falls fey sidewalk— or why a dignl- i Za «nt chasing his hat m a wind- torm invariably creates a snicker—
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  • 170 5 Medical Adviser To Red Indians Retires Vancouver, British Columbia. T^OR 35 years, Dr. Vernon Ardagh has been medical adviser to the Red Indians of British Columbia. Now he has retired at the age of 70. He was once a schoolfellow of Mr. Rudyard Kipling. They Doth attended
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  • 53 5 adsfjajsdf An historical pageant 11 of firemen has been held at Versailles, at which uniforms n/i-l engines, ranging from the first horse-drawn cisterns to the latest "speed" ears, paiaded through the afreets. The firemen of the Napoleon 111 era were the chief attraction of the parade. They
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  • 48 5 Belgrade. Moslems living m Sarajevo, Bosnia, have decided that m future the Feast of Ramazan shall be announced by a siren instead of by the tiring of cannons and guns. They intend to spend £300 on buying a huge siren for t>he purpose.
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  • 404 5 NO PRESENTATION AT COURT Love Of Drama And Music ORINCESS Marina, who is to be married to Prince George nexi month, is the youngest of the three daughters of Prince and Princess Nicholas of Greece and was born on November 30, 190 G. Marina's early life
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  • 123 5 Belgrade. Workmen digging' a cellar on a State farm j near Pozharovatz came across walls, and underneath these a vault. Inside it th^y found 14 skeletons, tome still chained t«o the walls, while others were arranged m a neat pile on one side of the dungeon with their
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  • 120 5 Madrid A bullfight was being helil—illegallyin the village of Gavilanes, m the province of Avila. The Civil Guard soon arnv«d and attempted to put a stop to it. The women spectators at once pTOOecdod to stone them, and m order to calm At furious women the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 45 5 MB FOR ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE BJU TBROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS mm HudsonV^ Lion for over 4fl B years. Always i^HHHHl^HH^l^^^^RiH^Hl^^^D keeD b tt,h' W^^^BBB^SoB^B^^K^^KK^KEmß& handy there is IS 0S no better remedy Kfl^l V^l lor y° ung antl CO., LTD., British Malaya and Sarawak.
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    • 147 5 Regain Radiant Health Fall of Energy and Joy of Life— free from depressing ailments. Wouldn't you like to feel like that You can For unless you are suSering from organic disease, there is absolutely no reason why the priceless joys of youth should be denied you, even though middle-age is
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  • 5343 6  - THE FOUNTAIN OUR SHORT STORY Horace Annesley Vachell OUR SHORT STORY By «JE day Sir Edward Heath came into the Gridiron Club looking ss. During luncheon, he gave i iivided attention to the spiced I f. Later, instead of huriyiHg k to chambers, as was his wont, j engaged Leo
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1767 7 Strictly Between OUrselves A riTE the nicest thiny said about me for h ears appeared the other day m the Guardian. Here it is" -It is fashionable m these days to publish weekly letter from a wei! -known man m whkb he discusses life m general We have examples of
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  • 1997 8  - Getting Into Hot Water: Where Malaya Needs A Clean-Up C. H. Stanley-Janes Still On The Warpath pVERY time I open my mouth, as the saying goes, I seem to put my foot m it. I was pulled to pieces, m my own hearing (unbeknown to the company) for defending the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 V^vJLylX J TICKETS ISSUED FOR BY ALL STEAMTDAX/FI SHIP AIR AND I IXMYLL- RAILWAY LINES. NO BOOKING FEES. Chinrsf* nnd all Asiatic clients j are given tr.e best of attention and assistance. i 39, Robinson Road. Singapore. Telephoce 5908. I W4TCHES OMEGA, ROSKOPF, TAVANNES, CYMA. JEWELLED LEVER MOVEMENTS NICKEL POCKET
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  • 570 9 PHOTOGRAPHING A SUNSET Our Camera Corner Beware Of UnderExposure aSE uf the most beautiful of natural subjects, and yet one of the most difficult to photograph, is a sunset. It makes a deep impression on the observer with artistic tastes and his first thought is how to preserve it. It
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  • 42 9 Toddler Slams Door Of Icebox On Girls A TWO-vpnr ni^ v Sacramento. ***** baby brother who leaned against th itn-Li YeV c han s were tom and bi™<*stamed from battering on the heavy door when they were found eventually
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  • 252 9 Marie Dressler's List Plea "^HEN I am dead, Claire, I want you to tell them the truth. You know me better than anyone else, and I can trust you. Not just the nice things, remember tell them the bad ones too. I've got plenty of faults,
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  • 102 9 "End Of The World" Storm In Portugal Lisbon. A thui^erstorm. so violent that peasants ran shrieking from their houses believing that the end of the world had come, has been experienced at Arcos, Northern Portugal. The sky was lit up by lightning for more than two hours
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  • 153 9 EUROPE'S OLDEST WOMAN DOCTOR How She Attained Her Success 'I*HE oldest woman doctor In Burofx recently celebrated her ninety sixty-birthday. She is Dr. Matilda Theyssen, of Bt A doctor of wide experi I v/r sixty years ap,o she was minister;. as army doctor to the s ck and ed of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 250 9 V^| i «<!t> iamo r^^^> ji BRAND BEDSTEAD t< of a "Diamond" bedstead wings lasting satisfaction it .s designed m such a manner as to pro- I J* the utmost comfort and support fenaf repose. tt will last a life-time and more, for m is onstrueted of strong steel and
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    • 191 9 adsfjajsdf TAKE YOUR DOCTO«'Sf*TIP i a m -IJB I OC IT I N Charges Your Brain and Nerve Cells With Energy, and so Ensures Against Physical and Menial Fatigue. m Obtainable m powder and tablet from all firsVclass Dispensaries, 4 and Stores or from: j HINNAM LITTLE DISPENSARY, LTD., I
      191 words
    • 91 9 lili iiiii I i i ■i l >i;i3nii'i:,ri,iiniii!;i::ii:iniiii;iiiu-iii!i>'.iii'ir.ii.i iiUWMmmw i.u.ii'ii.i m«hki j I —^*^>^rN i^^dj^^ m 1 HENINAM IJ'rilJK CSSPENSARY LIU. SINGAPORE. 38, High Street, i Singapore. llurrmmmmmm mm MgJMM MM nuriminiiiiiiiiiiiniiriiiiiiniwiHiniwiOTiwwMiiiiniinii i STENOWRITER For particulars apply to the Agent: LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, 10, Lor. D., St. George's Rd., Singapore.
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    • 277 9 TIGER BEER IS BEST J 'Mil II ll.[i|i i i 11-. j Which would you I j rather have A skin v hich o-ly \oqks beauif- I I i'ul, or a skin which is really 1 beautiful. BRAND TABLETS introduce a new epoch m derZ matology, because they produce an
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  • 1117 10 THIS BUSINESS OF SHOPPING r |'HEY LOOK daring and dashing— and DANGEROUS these strapless, backless, practically topless, evening gowns that have just ARRIVED m town, and even the advance guard of those who lead the Fashionable Way here HESITATED wondering if caution, as exemplified by a shoulder strap, were not
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 267 10 n hi i mini i i n inmirii-ft i i i i i i i a f EXCLUSIVE MODEL GOWNS FOR ALL I I OCCASIONS. CHOSEN PERSONALLYBY I ENID PETRIE FOR HER SINGAPORE I CLIENTELE. i n rp I Telephone 4974. MKKO HOUSE 10, Battery Road. totiiinin i i i
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    • 292 10 !l I I ,1 ■llHlHiHiil.iliilMimmil'* SWASTIKA 1 FOR I Eastern Arts And Crafts 1 NEW GOODS ARRIVED i I 1 3. ORCHARD ROAD, AMBER MANSIONS, I SINGAPORE. j I I 'I ■|iilillil|llltmill'i|Ulil|iilii|ii|.:|l!iti|iHiil: l :|..IHIi:|ll| l >llllll||l|!l|ll|ll|M|liaill!!llltll|MI<>t>:l> i M I I t 'I I I i lilt, iiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiminiiinMiinnii'.'iiiiiiiii^i-iiif'iiiitTiiinMnttTtiiiiniii.iiiiniiiii nmi i i
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    • 64 10 MAISON MADGE 31, STAVrOtO ROM). THONE 4227 I .a die*' Drosses, Glovos, Novelties. Girls' Frocks Boys* Suits from Vienna. Ladies' Children's Hats from AustraJia. AT very moderate PRICES. t€ M*Jge n Flower Shop Next P— f 21, Stamford Koad. Cut Flowers From Java. Wreaths, Bouquets, Presentation i Baskets, etc. Gold
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  • 1646 11 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. ior Woman {orrespoDdent .^Evening-- Tanglin Club las: t wM*«- fofth the very latest |H*" Jst Singapore's menfolk >h.. being the 5|» BJIt L sin Moray. Meredith. P fSSi Li«UT ppal Mr Moirm?L V Taylor, were quitk^JL Bohemian Riviera standI*? &wke*wood and Mr. E. C j^donn^
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  • 13 11 Did you see her Well, here she is, last week's Lady m Brown.
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  • 191 11 That versatile novelist. John Buchan. who has taken time from his several vocations u.^ lawyer, soldier, man of business. Member of Parliament, and Lcrct High Commissioner of ScotLand, to write some :icc:t ana a half of books— has -jivon fio, ir. "Free Fishers," a romance m
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 138 11 RENE ULLMANN T\ (Millinery Department). \jL NOW ON VIEW The Smartest GOWNS for all occasions. f\ Also SPORTS SUITS, SHORTS STX DRESSES, LI Very attractive price-. Kg New HATS BAGS m exclusive patterns. pO RENE "lulXlWf ANN U <-apitoi BviMing, Stamford Road. mk i t i i i i i
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    • 90 11 •*'i::nil!il I t i I l I ll li i ii i i i i ii iii, a I FRANKELS I i I QLumoxouA. WEDDING GIFTS Shining Colourful I CUT CRYSTAL 5 G lea mini; I s i;l ye r wa k c i AND A HOST OF OTHER SUITABLE
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    • 428 11 ..»m« ;;i i i I it.i 1 i i t l i b i r HANDICRAFTS DISPLAY I at the (iKEEN CIRCLE LIBRARIES I 15 CAPIToi. BUILDING. I Opens Monday, October 15. I Bridge Bcxcs, Scorers, etc. M.- eel- laneous coHection of Kand-dccorated Z nrticlos. Mnliiliiiiiii,! fi,j;,li!i:il!!|i'i:;|;;|M| >t i
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  • 529 12 Sunday tribune. Singapore: Sunday, Oct. 14, 1934. MIND AND BODY COME weeks ago we suggested, as a suitable topic for conrotion on a Sunday morning, thai Hit- craze for exercise, the perpetual anxiety over keeping fit, might be overdone m a tropical country like Malaya. Sunday is the <!ay when
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  • 1132 12  -  G. S. Hammonds WSnere The AMONG ill numerous minor vices of life, worming its way slowly and insidiously into tin- international consciousness, is the halm <>f wearing uniforms. Now iii the ordinary way there i.s nothing wrong with a uniform. It serves as a franuthrough which
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  • 610 12 /IOME, brothers, and let us again dip into that book of a thousand alleged new jokes. A thousand jokes all at once are something of a trial, but given m small doses perhaps you can stand it. A A SHE (awkward dancer). —This floor
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 165 12 Serravallo's Tonic The Tonic for the Tropics! lour lonic! "Serravallo's Tonic" (Cincho na Iron Wine) restores lost energy and vitality and builds up the entire system, until brain, nerves and body regain and retain perfect health, enabling you to defeat attacks of Tropical diseases.— Over 10,000 Medical Men from every
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  • 2034 13  - Valuable Papers Discovered In Shark's Gullet VALUABLE PAPERS DISCOVERED Hay den Church A MASS OF IVEAL TH L YING UNCLAIMED WHERE ARE THE HEIRS? ACCUMULATED PRIZE-MONEY OE LONG DEAD FIGHTERS (By AMONGST the mass of mo.icy that is lying unclaimed m A England there is one hoard amounting to nearly
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  • 367 13 Lord Trsdegar On Austria (from Our Own Correspondent) London, Oct. 5. > USTRIA was referred 10 as "th pawn of Europe" by Lord Tredegcr, describing impressions h? had gathere i during an extensive tour of that country. "I have spent several weeks m Austria, meeting people of
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 13 A UNIQUE GRAND STAND.— Spec a^ors at the annual St. Bude. Plymouth Regatta, being rowed to the Saltash Perry, for which they had special permission from the Cornwall County Council to use as a grand stand to watch the events. In background is the famous Saltash Bridg"? with the Cornish
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  • 235 13 Fate Of Spanish Genera! In 1921 Massacre <By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspondent) Madrid. Oct. 5. /GENERAL Silvestre who disappeared vJ from civili7-i < on m IS2I m the Moorish ma sacre of 10.000 Spaniards at Annual, is still alive and is a prisoner of the
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  • 294 13 Baroness Killed By Man She Befriended (Bj Air Muili {From Our Own Corrcspoyident London. (Xt. 5. 11 IE shooting m i mediaeval castle of A. a baioness by :>n electrican whom she had befriended is a tragedy wh < b has shocked all France and has
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 91 13 RECORDS OF THE MONTH. She reminds me of you F.T. Ed. Lloyd's Orchestra 820? V f ood n: ght. Lovely little Ladj F.T. Ed. Lloyd's Orchestra 4 Jiay I? K.T. Ed. Elkins Orchestra 8151 n thy neighbour F.T. Will Osb^rne's Orchestra t *ay Good-night Waltz Ed. Lloyd's Orchestra jgj V°
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    • 164 13 i y;^— *r— ■~tr— > T~~ p. l r i-_... "^T™.!. i, Ir— Ft |r»» tr Ij '.I— 'r-—'r— >r 'It I r*^lr*~~ Ir I S Ideal" j 111 f^IOBM j To Whip "Idear Milk. j !j V 4 oz of Gelatine 1 teaspoonful of Sugar 3 tablespoonfuls of 1
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  • 193 14 No. i._ Lieut.-Coi. G. C Meredith, M.C., 0.8. E. Lx'i.-lOL. G. C. Mei-erikh, MX.. 0.1>.!\,., f as been m command of j rir.-t ?>.ttaiion, S.V.C., since! cr. 3, 1928. Enrolling m "B" Co. m January, )22, he •..a-; promoted Major kfl j [arch, 1922,
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  • 325 14 Volunteer Notes Successful Annual Rifle Meeting (By One Of Them) The tenth annual Rifle Meeting of the Malay Company of the S.V.C. was held at Bukit Timah Rifle Range last Sunday. The meeting was v>pen to all members of "F" Company. S.V.C and the 2nd Battalion S.V.C.
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  • 140 14 Youth Who Makes Death Threats On The Te'ephone Berlin. Death threats on the telephone were employed by a twenty-year-eld Jen? youth who was anxious to emulate tbp American gangster and the heroes of detective fiction. He always announced himself on tht lelephone as the "Co-operative Society o'
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  • 117 14 President Roosevelt Writes To wSick Boy Ocean Ci'y, New Jersey. A letter from President Roosevelt ha:< 3taxted 12-year-old Thomas Fitzgerald on J.C road ti recovery from lockjaw. The 1,-oy wan burned by ho r tar. Ikdeveloped lock-jaw, and it was "touch-and-go" whether he was going to pull round
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  • 97 14 Moved 85 Feet In Five Hours Vienna A record was set up when m the short space of five hours the old "Empire" Bridge, a construction of iron. 1,133 feet m length and weighing 2*450 tons, was moved a distance of about 85 fee; downstream and then placed
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  • 33 14 Spezia, Italy. Despair has been caused among the shepherds on the Saosalvo hills by the ravages of wolves this summer. The wolves have eaten more than one huaclMd wolves.
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  • 807 14 Reform Needed At The New Pier In the following Article "T.W.0." deals satirically with the matter of accommodation at the New Nfer which has been the subject of a good deal of comment. AN American writer has referred to Singapore as "a city with that certain peculiar
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  • 47 14 Sofia A live bomb was left m v Divotino, near here, alter the r< cent Army manoeuvres A party of little children f<.und it and bejran to play with it. Suddenly it exploded, blowing three of them to pieces and severely wounding several others.
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  • 1501 14  -  Richard Sidney Experiences In Many Lands (By 'i'HK whole subject of baths and bathing needs a treatise. Wbt \vould be capable of such a work I do not know. The writer's expei\dnce would have to be vast, his learn ing prodigious, and his travelling s extensive. Ferhaps
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  • 82 14 In theL work, of treat'nu women 1 for mental and nervous troubles, psvchi- atrists have discovered tint there a more happy single woman than mar* ricd ones. So declares Dr. Mary OMullc-. p chiatrisi at S ESizabr bs Hi pi here. But— The happily married cront h says.
    82 words
  • 87 14 A propoi ai ?o utral to" dcstrial Intelligence and R.'snurn Bureau In [ndia ha., been approved IV the Standing Finance I unmtttW oi the Assentb] A sum of £37.50u ha.> bean voted to cover the costs of this new -nsti'ution over the first four yetjn ftf M The
    87 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 127 14 Constructed for the finesT work ye/ handy m 0 Afif f M Aflf nttftlJl 111 II mmlm I .^^^^^lli^l IN this splendid Nagel camera .he ANCA the expert photouraphi r will find all the optical and mechanical refinements he deatrei for the most exacting studies, yet it is so tjiii
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    • 32 14 For all SHEAFFER'S LIFETIME PENS— PENCILS Desk Sets, Skrip ;ind also the new VACUUM— FIL PENS with one stroke plunger. Consult the asreits: KHOO HBNG PHO A CO. 119. \i,rth Rridue Road.
      32 words

  • 591 15  -  Sydney Lee |-*ja^- By (Empire And Amateur Champion) rf players realise that the retook surface ot a biUiard |iBll ot much larger than a two--51 piece--** I have hinted beThis point came into my mind JL the recent Amateur Chamjjjn
    591 words
  • 148 15 1 Formidable Instrument Of War" SaLso Maggiore, Palma. 1O Italian army of to-day is a perl ftttiy-equipped formidable instruct <tf or, according to Ex- King Also who Is staying at Salso Maggiore. it has revealed that he was on the ■Wteoian during the critical days ■Atoiiowed the
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  • 166 15 Ten People Arrested For House Stealing Houston, Taxas. When cue of the houses on her bocksuddenly disappeared, Miss Janie Settegasi, a nouse agent, here did not pay much attention. Eut when nine other three-roomed residences Usd similarly vanished off the i~ce of ilie eartu she thought it
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  • 223 15 Honeymoon Couples Want His Blessing Castel Gandolfo. Alban Hills, Italy. T:HE Pope may have to curtail hi summer holiday at Castel Gan lolfo, the papal summer villa m Albai Hills 20 miles from Rome, because o he hundreds of honeymoon couple, who come to receive his blessing ever:
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  • 103 15 Spanish Campaign To Stop People Swearing Madrid. All persons heard swearing m the streets will be arrested— if an association, which has just been formed here, has its way. The "Cultural Association of Spanish Action for Refined Speech and Good Manners" has started an anti-blas-phemy campaign, and
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  • 58 15 Government Finance For Fishing 1 Scheme Nanking, Sept. 28. The Nanking Ministry of Industry has approved a plan for the establishment of a fishery market at Shanghai with a capital of $1,671,000, which will be jointly subscribed by the Government and individuals. I The Ministry of Industry will
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  • 123 15 As Large As Hen's Eggs Chinkiang, Kiangsu. ITAILSTONES, described as "large as hen's eggs," m the course of a violent storm which swept over Shaopo, a coast town of Northern Kiangsu, caused three heavy junks off the port to capsise. A number of smaller houses of the
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  • 180 15 Two Cities Fighting For Its Possession Belgrade. Two cities m Yugo-Slavia are fightng over the body of a whale. Llubljana has its Great Fair on, and Zagreb its Exhibition and each wa?its he monster as an attraction. Fisherman at Grabovo caught the /hale m their nets after a
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  • 132 15 Boxer's Comment On Prince Sacramento, California. REMARKING that he believed his *A former wife. Dorothy Dunbai. and Prince Serge Mdivani 'ntend to be I married. Max Baer, the heavyweight boxer, said: "Yea, I know all about her being with that Mdivani. It's okay with me. Glad
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  • 174 15 Thief's Spontaneous Reply On Being Found Out Prague. Mrs. Fiala, the wire of an income-tax commissioner m the Vrsovice district of Prague, returned from shopping to find the front door open. The catch of the lock had evidently not worked when she pulled the door to as
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  • 215 15 The Real Bachelor WHY WOMEN LOATHE HIM "I'HE real bachelor k bathed \v women, especially unmarried women, respected by m» Ti won envied by married n i against, signalled ou( foi peci i taxation, hunted by men and h women." This is the opinion of Mr;
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 126 15 Wtf j I HR hot woa»hrr always made work an W X effort and recreation less enjoyable. f^ "But now, thanks to Waterbury's Com- Pound, I am filled with new vitality! I feel J "*esh and vigorous. I eagerly attack my daily and have an abundance of excess- \^ijm| energy
      126 words
    • 78 15 TIGER BEER IS BEST riiJ''l J'l^'liJi4::i J-fil j:j:j''|i|;'lMs!i.;ji;|:,|^,iii:| !i!:|'!i::|ii|i:ii:|]iluii;liji,i::i 1 j, II Mli:r iMf^: l ni.ji:isini,j l i |r,ri'i:i i i I i lllllHilimilllUllirnnilllinimminßlllllllllKrDllltllllllUPlini ft 1 f»|> fff™" I thei| atfect 1 g^^^^^^r .^OBB^Bli^^jH^^^ each c. 2 arettc I n desperation I tried various brands of FKESHN E: S S
      78 words

  • 951 16  - CONTRACT BRIDGE Horatius adsfjajsdf DESIGNING THE PLAY A COMMON mistake made >y player is that of too hurriedly adopting a plan of campaign and relying Op avoidable hazards, such as a **blind" fim ring their contract. When dummy goes down, th€ rer should contemplate I possibilities of the combined hands
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  • 118 16 King Hippo's Bones Beneath Church Foundations Port Elizabeth, Cape Province. The fossilised jaw and hip-bone of a giant hippopotamus l?ave been found beneath the foundations of St. Mary's Church here. Mr. F. W. Fitzsimons, the museum director, who identified the bones as belonging to a king hippo,
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  • 101 16 Vast Undertaking Already Started Canton, Oct. 1. The taking of the census m Kwangtuhg will begin to-day. Blank forms have been distributed to various county governments by the Civil Affairs Department. They are not only required to enforce registration of the 'numbers of people m their respective counties,
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  • 98 16 Nearly 100 Cars To Take Part In 2,000-Mile Relay Perth, Western Australia. Nearly a hundred car& will travel the 2,000 miles from Perth to Melbourne together m connection with the Victorian Centenary celebrations. The drivers will have to take m adequate supplies of petrol and water, for on
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  • 183 16 Miss Anita Loos Again Hollywood. f 'HE most interesting and charming women I have ever met have been blondes and I can prove it," says diminutive, black-haired Anita Loos, of Gentleman Prefer Blondes" fame. "Blondes all over the world have accused me of 'typing' all blondes
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  • 80 16 Prince 'Kaya of Japan was contemplating the beauty of the Grand Canyon, one of the West's many wonders. An unidentified woman suddenly rushod up to him and said, excitedly: "Hullo, how are you, Prince. lam sure you must know the Japanese boy who works for my sister
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  • 61 16  -  Sin Wen Pao Shanghai, Sept. 21. A representative of the Ar-.hui Provincial Government has arrived here for the purpose of concluding a small loan of $100,000 with the Central Bank for the purpose of relieving the famine refugees m Anhui province. The money will be paid to the
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  • 79 16 Girl. Recovers From Spinal Disease Lourdes. Pronounced officially oy dt cluis here as cured, Mdlle EUsabjth Fratetir, aged 25 daughter of a French university professor, owes her recovery from a serious disease of the spine to the waters of Lourdes. The symptom" of the disease, which had
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  • 77 16  -  Sin Wen Pao Dr. Wang Chung HueFs Views Sought Shanghai. Sept. L>|. Mr. Sun Fo, President of the Legiala tive Yuan, who arrived here from Nankhp, yesterday, called on Dr. Wang Chung Huei yesterday afternoon and views wci»« exchanged regarding the revised draft oi China's Permanent Constitution. Dr.
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  • 294 16 Now A General Warden In Same Place AMAN who spent the early years of his life m Africa elephant poaching and evading game wardens is himseii now a chief same ranger m the country which was the scene of his early exploits. He is Mr. F. G.
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  • 115 16 Experiment To Rear Them In Belgium Brussels. A consignment of live grouse will leave Scotland by air for Belgium shortly, if the plans or Baron fe w<T mont work satisfactorily. The Baron is at present shooting ie Scotland, and intends to dispatch Mm birds froyi there to his
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  • 54 16 New Chinese Issue On Nov. 1. Shanghai, Oct. The sale of the new Chinese issu> internal revenue tax stamps will cmmenc? on Ncv. 1 at various Post Offices throughout the country, m accordar with the original plans of the Mm. of Finance. The old issue will be invalid
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 37 16 i **>\ ~^J \v 3 B^m. J it? BhT3^^^ X S bcdbu^' s ants cocfcrojches. W ffg£HJ| TO 1i n rteJS /<tc etc Hjs a the fc Cirr'.^^^sii I.i^SSSS power of famous F/i( Sprjy. *U t!/ I^^"!^ I
      37 words
    • 38 16 H v"■ Wv* ■£*>f*r*Kv^sß f2l\ I B^^^J Ih^ZJ ]h^% llm y^Mi BH' H' #i "k > v I BY THE jji (BSK^. '^^^ysVyk ARCHIPELAGO BREWERY CO.. LTD I (^9J SIME DARBY&Co,IrD I 111 IBB^" *v (I Warln S'udns. 7.
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  • 219 17 OPIUM SMOKERS TO DIE adsfjajsdf Drastic Rule fh China Peking. fI TTTtf smokers who fail to heed a fl*«t warring to give up tho habit U £behe*<e d This threat is con«11 7- a proclamation by the autho""Vof Peking and Tientsin. i*j* proclamation states that no r«« will be shown
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  • 90 17 >o Medical Examination For Air-Race Pilots Canberra. New South Wales. Competitors m the Lci^don-Melbourne hi Race will not have to undergo the jsaal FWteral medical examinaticn 4kb they arrive at Port Darwin after M race across the world. Ttis wa.s made Ly the X'ec'.or-General of Health, Dr. Cumpttti
    90 words
  • 188 17 Highly Fatal To Tiny Plants Washington. WEIGHT kinds of "death ray" which come from the sun are described m i a report which has been presented to the Smithsonian Institute here by Dr. Florence E. Meier, one of the Institute's i young women scientists. These rays are
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  • 95 17 Sydney The Church of England will celebrate the centenary of the establishment o the Diocese of Australia here from Ma\ i 24 to June 6. 1935. The programme will include pageantry of Australian Ciiurch history and demonstrations of youth and exhi biuons cf church work. Hhe archbishop
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  • 147 17 THEODORE DREISER A COMMUNIST Wants Complete Transfer Of Power 11/fR. Theodore Dreiser, the American novelist, who was commissioned by a newspaper to report the proceedings m the trial of Robert Edwards last week line ''American Tragedy Case" because it is similar to the story m his novel "American Tragedy" is
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  • 106 17 Stockholm. Inhabitants of the little town oi (Caevlinge m Scania were awakened by a terrific explosion m the middle of the night.. It was found that the office of a local agricultural society had been wrecked and the safe blown to bits. Apparently the thieves hud wished te
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  • 175 17 "You Are Afraid To Fly" Says A Youth Sydney. OIR Hubert Wilklns, who Is now enO gaged m an Antarctic expedition, was recently taunted by a boy m Sydney with being "afraid" to fly. '•It's no use. you're a 'squib.' You'll never be game to fly,"
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  • 78 17 Travels By 'Plane To Fulfil Engagements T Madrid. Mr. Rupert Belleville, an EnglisJimai. has become an enthusiastic bull fi^btei and flies by plane to all important fixture He appeared m Pastrana, arrayed m he glory of a Toreador and very credit t..iy plated a pair of darts
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  • 1014 17 MARRIED LIFE PAST AND PRESENT A Bachelor Looks On To Be Or Not To Be Wedded? FREQUENTLY m the attempt to dc scniethirig rather than sit at hem —which i i the strict sense of the wort 1 nm unable to c!o since my homo is \v. Penang, about 500
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  • 201 17 Severe Sentences By Naz? Courts Berlin. SOME severe sentences had been passed m political trials which had been concluded here last monih. Rudolf Kuestermeie.r, a 30-year-oln scientist, editor of the "Red Shock Troop," an illegal Socialist periodical of which 40,000 copies were duplicated and distributed between Februaiy and
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  • 50 17 Leningrad. Ths rename of a -.peck's of armoured fisHi h thertp ur.knoAv i to science, has bern fQiitki r iv the bnnlcß of the Lovaica River, m .v,: Leningrad Region. j The di^covcrv \v:>. m;un by an cxpedi t'm of the Archaeological [nstitutc of th; Academy of Scicnvc.
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  • 233 17  -  D. M. GREIG Tennis No. 19 By TOE THE LINE poOT faulting is an error into which too many pla\vvs Call. One of the earliest phases of t'i" fame to be mastered should be loarring to serve \rithin the law. When serving you may not
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 81 17 adsfjajsdf "Ask me/ Am I a proud Father" I roO IS 1 I i\ I :J Mtwm L n vU TQ ulk "°-«^ir.Thou g h < *^M 7P^^^ Every member of the family needs Quaker Oats! VJF~ i- It creates sound bodies, beneiits blood and nerves, helps form sound iceth.
      81 words
    • 72 17 2.ippy zivd i st;. that 1 ypical of -ill Phpeatx /ypfaf^ *W^ Drinks m the particular flavor: y;; Jiko... Ir /ff\}' Lime. Lomon, Orange, Ra-,pb"rry, 3tta»vb r. v Choco- (mffjik latr, Grape. Cbenf, Rose. Pineapple, K< !a, Creui x"lilr^b Soda, Ginger. Plicnc 31fi3 and hay. a CMC delivered //V/fe^'^l to
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 45 17 «e readily pardon a AA <i 1 7 ~*m& V little exaggeration in the fifCm M«bcl 4& Tior*te~y j| j&h in Vx&h Society M^O ■fipgibo nobten?w > lS \^J' m^^ Mavia M/^ QCe 1 n j ost ■b»**^T%^ .'/l.W<L heee incog. buynfy otwosedfec> shouia stop if.
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  • 2851 18 i_y Dethronement Of The Champion Seah Eng Hee's Sensational Victory Hl lo mv Secure The Title? Miss Wang Siew Eng Expected To Win Again Badminton In Johore, Pahang And Selangor (By "Dragon") >k LARGE crowd, probably the bitf- gesi since the start of th« tournament, was
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 56 18 rfl fefe^^^^r^S^^Sp Send now for fully i?histra 4 ed list of 'Royal Bakrry' sum ionr. showing a Orders arc accepted for all spend w occasiojis, such as V/rddivc Bit hc'ajs, Chr:steni?igs, etc.. and in'W n be executed m acccrdcnc" nHh j) rsona' v iihet. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE C° l r
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  • 2059 19 0 I '"onsporung Association r In TrZ r T eSt Balu Pahat i** fl^« /«6 FaAe, Lp r enms Singapore AM.'sTour Ping. Pong And Basketball Results. (By "Clubman") ii— l repun 21 Association. of MngalT^' a good financial >oar which was i o £tee, live
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  • 148 19 Account Of Mussolini's Early Days Paris. A PORTRAIT of Signor Mussolini as i\ a youth m his twentieth year is given by an old friend of the Italian leader m the journal Excelsior. The writer is now an old locksmith of Annemasse, m French Savoy, who know
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  • 118 19 Dog's Transatlantic Fare Costs £40 New York. Mrs. Ottolie Gobel Moore, iieiresi of the Gobel "Frankfurter" millions, has just returned from Europe—third class. Mrs. Moore's father was the. late Mr. Adolf Gobel, the well-known meat-packer, who specialised m the preparation of the famous American "hot-dog." Mrs. Moore
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  • 103 19 Thief Who Has Currency Note Under His Tongue Chicago Leo Scecki hailed a policeman, poinrei .o John Gooley and shouted: "That jus: robbed me of a ten-dollar (£2) note. Gooley protested vigorously. "Thay, 1 never thaw that man before. I haven't got hith money. Thearch me.
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  • 101 19 Man Who Shot Himself Nine Times Prague. Viieni Acs, a 31-year-old farmhand at Tornoic, n&ar Bra islava, was jilted by his swee heart. So he determined to die. He stole a revolver and iired six shots into his k'f side, aiming at his heart. When the bombardment
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  • 42 19 To-day: 1.58 a.m., 1.13 p.m. To-morrow: 2.57 a.m., 1.58 p.m. Tuesday: 4.21 a.m., 3.03 p.m. Wednesday: 6.15 a.m., 4.42 p.m. Thursday: 7.37 a.m., 6.37 p.m. Friday: 8.27 a.m., 8.07 p.m. Saturday: 9.06 a.m., 9.11 p.m. Sunday: 9.38 a.m., 10.03 p.m.
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  • 287 19 Italy's Plan To Reduce Unemployment Milan. p EDUCTION of working noun and the *V substitution of men for Machinery is the keynote of a ae\\ Kalian plan to reduce unemployment. This plan was outlined by Si-, nor Tullio Cianetti, Commissioner of the Confederation of Industrial
    287 words
  • 107 19 Always Stood When Playing The National Anthem St. Thomas, On'ario. Miss Mary Fitzgibbon, a music teacher and orchestra leader who died at the afro of 86 always stood at the piano when playing the National Anthem. Despite failing health, this prand old woman rose at f» a.m. on
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  • 99 19 Electrical Discharges Into The Clouds From 200-Ft. Tower Moscow The Turkemian "Irtsutu'-^ of Artiik-ial Rain" is erecting a 20'J-f owev near Askkabad, capital of Turkmerin, for producing rain artificially from the clouds. The tower will be on a h'irh hill and will incorporate a device for precipia inp
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 2343 20  - The Week's Malayan SPORT REVIEWED Rimau (By Singapore And Perak For Malaya Cup Rugger Final? Penang Disappoint m Match At Ipoh Selangor's Success Against Negri-Malacca— Asiatic Rugger Tea ns At Play Forthcoming Inter Slate Hockey Fixtures Malac :a Have No Fixture With Selangor LVHAT are. this season's Malaya Cup rugby
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  • 819 20 (By "K.O.") JEVERAL new amateurs participated m the tournament held at the Drill Hall by the jingapore Amateur Boxing Association. This proves Young that the efforts oi the Association u> Dollak's levive interest m amateur boxing is Debut meeting with success Incidentally, one of"
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • 388 21 Wild Rioting In Hongkong •J'HE worst waterfront riots m the re later on th e Kowloon wharves ripped off" bv S t h iSthumb whi(:h '/as bo^ Z h o U Usa s S ?e d cciv ce ce d f ?er?/ bl c Thr l?
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  • 42 21 Thousand-year-old imperial relics was shown at tne special exhibition to be held m me Museum at Goslar on Sept. 21. One oi tne rarest exhibits was a pa.rcnment document oi the Emperor I aating irom ihe year 937 A.D.
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  • 399 21 FIGHT FOR MOTHERS Wireless LTFE "Quintuplets" Doctor Tells Their Story j (From Our Own Correspondent) j London, Oct. 5. JHE doctor who helped to bring the now famous Canadian quintuplets into the world gives an official account, of his experience, m the 'Journal of the American Medical Association" The children-
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  • 700 21 King And His Orchestra i i TO-DAY'S Empire wheless programme is as follows: 7.50 p.m. Big Ben. The Bernard Crook Quintet La Fringante (Fiocco, arr. O'Neill). Canzonetta. Minuet (Boccher- I mi). Clair de Lune, Passepied, (Debussy). Children's Dance, Banquet Scene (The j Miracle* (Humperdinck). Dance, Indian i
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  • 150 21 Program mes For Sunday And Monday riyn- i for 6u A and Monday at announced by Station Z.H.I Singapore, broadcasting on a wavelength of 49.2 metres are as follows: SUNDAY. 11— l.3o p.m.: Recorded Musjc. 5.30 p.m.— 7 p.m.: Relay of church service from Presbyterian Church, Singapore
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  • Page 21 Advertisements

  • 543 22 TOURNAMENT PLAY IN THE MEN'S DOUBLES Holders Beaten Yesterday's Games Described Singapore, Saturday. THE Singapore doubles champions, Veo Kian Ann and Charlie Chua, were beaten by the era k Mayflower pair, Scan En<? Hee and Chan Chim Bock, at the Cterical Union hall m the first round
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  • 57 22 The following will represent the Chinese Companion Athletic Association against the Amicable Athletic Asscciation m an S.C.F.A L:ague match on Thursday at the Jalan Bssar Stadium. Yong Chin. Seng Hock, lm Peng, Chen? Hoe, Chee Kit. Chwee Chua, Seng Cheng. Tre Sian. Keng Hock. Hoi San, Peng Cher.
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  • 57 22 The following will represent the Lotus B.P. against the Reynard B.P. "B" team m a friendly game of badminton at the former's court, 627 9, Lorong 23, Geylang. on Oct. 21: Raymond Lee. Tan Chwe? Kang, Lim Tat Tee. Chin Hock and P. P. Lim. Goh Lye Seng.
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  • 50 22 The following will represent the Kampong Kapor cricket team m the M.F.A. Cricket League against the Minlo Roaci cricket team at Balestier Road on Sunday: Pollah, Salleh. Ibrahim, Salim. Rashid, Baba. Hashim. A. Kabalak Hussain. Mat Noor and A. D. Abdul Razik Reserves :Mingu and A. B. D. Tahir.
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  • 367 22 Selangor Club And Chinese (By Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. OONOURS were shared m the firsi meeting for the season of the Selangor Club and the Chinese hockey teams, the game ending m a draw of 2— .a11. Originally fixed to be played on the
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  • 32 22 Members of the Amicable Badminton Party are r>o 4 ified that a group photograph win be taken on Saturday at 2 .m. sharp at Mr. Sin Keong Ho's residence, 24. Angus Street.
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  • 399 22 Junior And Senior Open Doubles (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Friday. PIE Klang District Badminton Association's men's open doubles junior and senior championships came to a close on Tuesday when the finals of both tournaments were played. In the junior event Chee Thiam Chuan and
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  • 216 22 Ties In S.V.C. Tournament At Drill Hall The following is the draw m th S.V.C. badminton tournament whicl begins at the Drill Hall on Tuesday:Doubles: Pte L. de Souza and Pt F, Lazaroo v. Pte G. Bingh and Pc S. J. VareJla; Sgt. A. Shakoore an. Pte C.
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  • 75 22 (From Ouv Own Correspondent) Malacca.. Oct. 12. Playing on the High School ground, the St. Francis Association lowered the colours of the undefeated High School by four goals to one. The game wa:very fast. The School's goal was netted b?, H M dc Souza, jr. In he .second
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  • 91 22 Ties m the Bcndemeer A.C. Americar. billiards handicap tournament are a' follows: Oct. 15 Tan Joo Siang— 7s v. Koh Ho: Khoon— Bo, Oct. 16 Seah Peng Howe— If v. Tan Jui Ngah 100, Oct. 17 Gan Hock Chye 100 v. Lee Pens Hwee (scr.), Oct. 18
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  • 59 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) S:remban. Oct. 11. L. Stork. the Stats and the Negri Colts hockey player, met with c nasty motor-cycle accident yesterday m front of the Borneo Motors. He wa; immediately taken to hospital by Mi Pechioni. manager cf Borneo Motcrs. and it was later
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  • 107 22 The follow'ng are further re uH i of ies m the Malacca badminton chai oionships: JUNIOR SINGLES: -Yoo!, J p O v '^•eat Tong Hoc Kbnc 15—7. IS 12; "TheUadnral beai Yon^ Moh Pow io :o JUNIOR DOUBLES: -Ygug (Jl.i Tan Quee Hoc lo«< to Ciiona Sions Joon
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  • 50 22 The Sngapore Oolf Club comoei will be played on Saturday and Bui da: Ocv. 20 and 21, and members wl turn, the sixteen best scores \v 11 < v •o piay for the "Vade Cup." The usual monthly mixed fotrsomf* competition will be held on Sunday aftei noon,
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  • 712 22 Penalty Kick Has To Be Taken Three Times Thompson Cup Soccer Nearly Leads To Team Leavhin f (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. AN atmosphere of dissatisfaction was created m the Thompson Cup inter-school semi-final on the Padang this afternoon through Uie ordering, by the referee, of a penalty
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  • 256 22 Hopes To Realise His Greatest Ambition ALL Singh, the Malayan cricketer ha returned to India to complete Ills residential qualifications to enable him o play for All-India, if selected m th< coming 1936 season against the M.C.C. 11l an interview h~ said: "I am not
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 112 22 Assets exceed $12,000,000, Assurance m force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. V lncorporated ia the Straits Settlemeuta). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. 1 LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. j The Company has £29,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and
      112 words
    • 115 22 Noted Actress Slain I Whil< dozens wutchrt i lead ng lady of a musical cor fa ally \vr < mystiocd M wj? ol flu shot r;>iPA i theatre. Sec this amazing crime re-eiiictt] 1 "Journal oi a Crime," the next rtj at the Pavilion Theatre, star*!*] t Chatterton. Adolphe M
      115 words

  • 980 23 last Day Of The Autumn Meeting Car wren's $142: Big Sweep Record: Huge Double Tote Dividends from Our Our. Reporter; Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. -gg outstanding features of toI day's racing at Kuala Lumpur the high (H^nds paid on the ,*e and the sweeps. The
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  • 65 23 Believed To Have Taken Lysol. Singapore, Saturday. Believe: 1 to have taken lysol, a middle-aged Chinese and a woman, said uc be his Wife*, were found lying- dead m a house at Lorong 30, Geylang Road. about 11 o'clock this morning when the ambulance arrived m answer to
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  • 300 23 Roberts Confident TWO, MAIN EVENTS AT GREAT WORLD lif R. Nai Kirn Lin's protege. Brown Roberts, is very confident ol beating Little Lewis for the Malayan flyweight title to be decided at the Great World Arena to-night. The fight is over 12 three-mini:'. rounds, which is
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  • 83 23 Negri Beaten At Seremban (From Our Own Correspondent. Seiemban, Saturday. IN the inter-State hockey fixture here to-day. Selangor beat Negri Sembilan by 4 2. The visitors were unpromising. Except for a short spell early m the gam 2 exchanges were i'airly even. Grenier (2*. Dr. Yzelman
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  • 103 23 Perak Easily Beat The Negri (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Saturday. PERAK beat Negri S'mbilan at rugby to-day for the Farleigh Robertson Trophy by 24 points to 3. Perak were superior all round. Bell scored the first try for Perak and Rex kicked a penalty goal. Pummell added
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  • 93 23 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IN the final of the Selangor open ladies' doubles championship final played here to-day, Miss Betty Ho and Miss Dorothy Low retained their tit'^ by beating Miss- Chan Kofi Neong and Miss Tan Kirn Lvi, 15 XI, 15—8. In the Boy
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  • 856 23 JOHORE BEATEN 20 NIL Yesterday's Gtnie Only One Oi Six Tries Converted IN the presence oi" a large crow..!, 1 which included H.E. the Officer Administering the Government, Mr. Andrew Cald.ecott, Singapore defeated Johore at rugby yesterda 1' on the padang by 20 points (a koal
    856 words
  • 57 23 COULD NOT DRESS HERSELF Nsuritis In I, s km ari ;i real ben fit for I elf Bomettm e», mi I i tak- Km pain ha i I i nded by that d I fii w.v > take it. am 60 P, 1 I mpt4 mof < II t!' umj
    57 words
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    • 119 23 I OWING TO IXCLE.MEXCY OF \V :ATHEK THE FIGHT BETWEEN I I. FERNANDEZ &A. SUAREZ AT THE GREAT WORLD j Was Postposed To z j SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1934 J The Promoter S- C. SENG Tenders his apologies to all Patrons Z any inconvenience sustained. 3 >»i; *>•* t( t
      119 words
    • 104 23 SUPEe 1 "*^K? '73 F^fc-jMB *j*f jk. 5: I 24L. w"i Z S4P. Sap r N with Ze 8 Tess You are eordiall! 1 ..-<.■ mod is at our Ike Singapore PH? r oCe •i 9 ECIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Sole Agent The Scieoti'ic instrument Company StNGAPOI MMM A&wr jf f
      104 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 12 24 The Sunday Tribune PAGES SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, OC J ÜBER 14, 193-1 :x'ts
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    • 160 24 re the safety of pedestrians at busy London traiTic crossings chains are being erected to prevent people ilng the road at places other than where safety lanps are laid down. Phc?o shows "safety chains" m Trafalgar Square. rhe wedding at Bath Abbey, Bath, of
      160 words
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