Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 2 September 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 13 1 The Sunday Tribune Vol. r*o. is SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER. 2, 1934. FIVE CENTS
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  • 362 1 THE BRITISH ARMY >»'ew Tactics a WAR OFFICE EXPERIMENT (By Air Mail) n Our Own Cwrespc den. > London, Aug. 20. THE offensive power and 1 nobility of the British SBfan try will, it is hoped, bt anttrtd as the result oi an .•neriment
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  • 41 1 DIE T SECRETS getarian B Air Mail.. Our n vu Correspondent Vf R o Undon. Aug 21 M-^-ciShawisnotanou:. V'c** UJUi checs! feer BciSi N h Cw Health So^ ft^ W U e^ ded tha J ha a W? 1 S meUme
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  • 553 1 Bicycles 18 Shillings Each By Air Mail.) 'From Our Oicn Correspondent.) London, Aug. 15. FIGURES showing the exlent of Japans challenge to British trade m the Overseas Empire and criticisms of British methods are given by the British Trade Commissioner m East Africa, Mr. C. Kemp, m
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  • 145 1 Singapore Pier Tragedy THE New Pier. Singapore, was the scene of a distressing: fatality on Friday night, the victim being Petty Officer Henry McBrearty. of H.M.S. Terror. The deceased was returning to his ship, and was about to board a launch at the pier, when he slipped
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  • 307 1 Capt. Mark-Wardlaw To Command (By Air MailJ 'From Our Oun Correspondent./ London. Aug. 22. r l HE Board of Admiralty has apI proved of one of the small erafl at Singapore being commissioned with the 112 me of Terror 11. as the base ship at Singapore
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  • 318 1 Engagements And Appointments <By Air Mail.) < From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 22. r f*HE engagement is announced, and the marriage will take place m the middle of September, between George Holmes Day-Lewis, of Seabrook, Kent, and the F.M..S Government Service, and Marjorie, youngest daughter of
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  • 402 1 High Prices Produce Ominous Sequel (By Air Mail) 'From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Aug. 22. OK PORTS from America indicate that the search for tin substitutes is being more energetically pursued than ever. It is, m fact, problematical whether the results arc not outpacing the
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  • 534 1 Indian Supplies LIMITATION OF PRODUCTION (By Air Mail) Prom Our Oun Corresponded London. A u jj 22. r riiK Advisory Committee <>f the League of Nations opium and other dangerou drugs reviewed the wh situation regarding Enter national Control at its lat< si meeting. The area under
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 558 2 A (ireat Leader VIEWS OF TIENTSIN JOI'RNAL WHEN H became kn v.n that Presidgnt vun Hindenburj; had taken to his b«i! and wis critically ill. the v hole vioi was concerned. Thi> uas uu< i.. l fact that nol only did fife posii ive an important bearing
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  • 94 2 Loan For Their Construction Negotiated Shanghai, Aug. 6. The Sha imh.ii-Nankin--H angc h o w Railway Administration is norn i.- jotlating f th the Chinese banks for i loan ;i 515.000.i500 it>r the construction oi ,vn> along the two railways. At ..o,i\cniont i:< reported to have al'bcu>n reached
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  • 77 2 Comedy Of Confiscation Of The "Times" In Berlin Berlin, July 30. Copies of tbt "Times" were confiscated by the Berlin polite to-day bur unfortunately for thorn they were the wrong: copfosi It ippmn that the authorities were trying to prevent further circulation of the paner containing
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  • 589 2 FEMININE FASHION AT THE RACES Fluffy Frocks Definitely In The Minority (BY OUB WOMAN CORRESPONDENT.) a LTIIOUGH it lcoked for a time as i\ though one might have to swim out to the racecourse, a large crowd gathered at Bukit Timah for the first race of the autumn meeting yesterday
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  • 163 2 Englishman Plays Golf On Bicycle Cafrnes-Sur-Mer. TWO golfers and their caddie?, ail mounted on bicycles and pedalling; along the fairway that is the sight that has greeted the eyes of early risers hero on recent morning. Every now and then the one of the cyclists would dismount, accept
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  • 111 2 Guards Sergeants To Put "Pep" Into The Soldiers Cape Tow a. Three drill Bergeants from the Brigade of Guards have arrived here-. liey A-iH yi)ei;d a year instructing soldiery of the '.'nion forces. They are: Sergeant-Major A. J. Brand, Grenadier Guards. Sergeant P. Plynn, Irish Guards Serjeant
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  • 122 2 Foot brake Alleged To Be Inefficient (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept. 1. a MOTOR-CAR owned by Mr. C. J\ Wilde., an engineer of the Posts and Telegraphs Department and driven by a Malay syce, was involved m an ac- cider: with a Chinese- motor-cyclist to-day. The force
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  • 157 2 "An Affront To Ex-Enemy Nations" Sydney, X.S.W. The Federal Government has refused "to issue a special stamp commemorating •ie 20th. anniversary of the landing <>£ \nzac troops nt Gallipoli, because it. would he 4 'ao affront ■<> the ex-enemy nations." The Returned Soliders' League, who had pplied
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  • 127 2 Wood-Cutter Who Wanted To Bake Bread Istanbul because sonic wood-cutters wanted to ako some bread a vast forest at > vumdukeii, near Eskishebr, m the heart f Anatolia, has been partially dfestroyed The men lit a fire m the middle of thp barest. A strong wind
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  • 115 2 Brussels' Precautions Against Drought Last Winter Brussels In spile of a very dry summer, no "save water" notices confront the inhabitants f the Belgian capital, which has ample applies, ihanks to the foresight of the uthorities, who made adequate provision winter against a drought. Every
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  • 110 2 I Warning To America About World Opinion Nashville (Tennessee). If America realised the effect of her Sims m forming world opinion about Americans, not another film would b" allowed bo leave the country. This view was expressed m an address at the Nashville Institute of International Relations at
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  • 84 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES DEATH CHING- Chingr Keng Leo alias Francis Chi rig, aged 77, passed away peacefully at No. 19; Kirn Yam Rjad this afternoon at 430 p.m.. Sept. 1, 1934. He leaves behind his wife, five .sens and live daughters and three daughters-in-law and two sons-in-law and many grandchildren and
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  • 426 2 Local Agents Entertain I Guests Singapore, Saturday. TO celebrate the arrival of the Kano Mam on its maiden voyage, inaugurating a regular service from Singapore to Japan, thence proceeding to Los Angele? and New York via the Panama Canal. the Kokusai Kisen Kaisha. local agents of the
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  • 118 2 Changes At Singapore's Theatres BOTH the Alhambra and the Pavilion are making changes oi programme to-day. At the Alhambra the picture has a special interest for Malaya, for it presents our old friend Frank Buck, of "Bring "Em Bock Alive" fame., m his latest' success 'Wild Carf>o."
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  • 68 2 Resignation Of Mr. Louis Douglas Washington. Sept. 1. LOUIS DOUGLAS. Director oi trr Budget, is reported to hnve resi during a recent visit to P. Rccseveit at Hyde Park, acco 6i to the New York Times' Wsshin lespondenu He dcoiares lhat Mi. D Us rcme time been tinsym]
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  • 36 2 Plane Struck By Lightning St. Joseph (Missouri i. Seui. 1. 1 IGHTNING struck a night-aying M>J plane last night and ihe m&ebinc tell m flames. The pilot and £oui passengers were killed. Renter.
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  • 130 2 PORTUGUE SE OCCUPY ISLANDS Situated In Macao Vicinity PfcfeiiH, Au r i 2 T HREE irimi. .1 yi.inity on Iho KwanX!! k have practi ally bei-n <.<•, ijpied by "ff^ pucso from Macoa. H iirces here. i «m^p^ Tin- Portuguese ;nv -»i|ld have police offices on these island* tain |>ea<
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  • 34 2 Paris, July 30 11. Hiflibert B tf^ -jj^ Uiro M to a monluisMiinoi arid injury polk i he cuhm'.i mai ''tlvcoar M. liO-un. v. ho is a popular rowde outside.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 498 2 CROSSWORD PUZZLE No. 40 $400 MUST BE WON First Prize $250 Second Prize $150 THIS PUZZLE APPEARS ONLY IN THIS ISSUE OF THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE. CONDITIONS fl [2 [3 X \s [c WMf T5~" 1. Address the solution to T. B. ROGERS ■LJ_ i_ ULi— CO.. LTD., 94, R'binson Road,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 104 2 CROSSWORD SOU T!O\ V A.ROSS: -3. Hd; 4a. Sti] i 10. Assemble; 12. Sprits: 14 Tip: 16. Man: 17 I Stench: 22. Eic: 24 Gri 25 Brno: 28. fete; 32. Who:,o; li i 36. Never: 37. Cai: 33. Btutts: Rede: 44. One: 43 Seen; 4€ Cp Altered 52. D. >3.
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  • 900 3 BRIIISH RECORDS BROKEN In Four Lifts COME EXCELLENT PERFORMANCES Singapore Sunday. I rol'K British records iver< broken t d the first official Singapore kt-Uftmg championships held BDxinir Arena of thr New iy, )r id la>t nijrhtThe ntw records, are, however, M,bK-t to confirmation by the
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  • 138 3 Kwangsi Troops Closing j i In I Shanghai, Sept. 1. j rrHE Reds under Siao Hak have A occupied Chaiwo, near the Kwangsi- Runan border. They apoear to be forcing way to Linwu. The Kwangsi troops are closing m on them. The. Honan troops under General
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  • 102 3 Husband's Charge Against His Wife 'From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Aug. 31. A young Tamil married woman named Le.?humi, who was arrested at the instance of her husband on a charge ot cheating m respect of a gold necklace valued at 5135. was produced before Sheikh Abu
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  • 78 3 Woman Competitor In Highlands Events 'Fran Our Oxen Correspondent > Ipoh. Sept. l. Seventy-one entries were "received for the Highlands .Motor Rally, organised under the auspices of the Perak branch of the A. A. A. Miss Corv Lee is the only ljuiy competitor. The wesjtrcr is likely t.)
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  • 69 3 No Loan Agreement With Bankers Shanghai. Sept. 1. Mr. Yen Tung, the managing director (of ihe Peiping-Mukden Railway, m a statement, said that the report that the administration of the Peiping-Hankow Railway is .securing a loan for the overhauling of the line is not true. They are only
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  • 125 3 The August B.P. "C" team lost to ihe Straits Physical Athletic Party "C M team by five games to two at the latter court, on Sunday the results (August B.P. players mentioned first)" SINGLES: Ong Hong Tee lost to Ai 'A Teck Hock 8—15, 13—13 (1—5); Soh Swce
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  • 55 3 Shanghai, Sept. 1. The- national postal conference held under the auspices of the Ministry of Ccminun cations opened air Nanking this morning. The meeting, which will last three days, will discuss measures for reforms m the administration of the postal service. It will be followed by the Telegraphic
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  • 74 3 Singapore. Saturday. A tine of $50 and 1 day, cr In default. four weeks' imprisonment, was imposed on a 17-year-old Cantonese, Ches Ah Soo who appeared for sentence this, morning before the Third Magistrate i Mr. J. M. Brander i on a charge of theft of a
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  • 58 3 < l Singapore. Saturday. A Chinese- named Low Soon who had two previous convictions, was sentenced to four months' Imprisonment, to b? followed by one years' police supervision, when he appeared for sentence before the. Third Magistrate (Mr. J. M. Brnnden this morning. The change against him
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  • 350 3 Japanese Charged CONFISCATION OF 600 COPIES Singapore, Saturday. J^S order, for the confiscation of 600 maps of Singapore's business area was made by the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Forrer) to-day, when Shichitaro Kashimo, the proprietor of a Japanese shop m Middle Road, was charged with
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  • 100 3 Suares v. Fernandez Fight To-morrow OWING to the inclement weather night, the boxing programme which was to have been carried out at the Great World last night had to be postponed, and will take place to-morrow night. The main event is between Arthui j Scares and Ignacio Fernandez
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  • 24 3 Coventry Overwhelm Halifax By 30 Points London. Sept. 1. Principal Rugby results to-day as follows: Coventry 30 Halifax Leicester X) Bedford 3
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  • 483 3 Liverpool Trounced B—l8 1 TOTTENHAM DRAW \T HUDDERSFIELD London, Saturday QuTSTANDING results <n the Horn* i« tball matches played to-day were Arsenal's big victory ai houu over Liverpool by eight goal* to oiw and Tottenham's goal-l< •draw at Eiuddersfteld. The Wednesday, visiting Manchester, lost to the City
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  • 77 3 Yorkshire v. M.C.C. Scores London. Sept. 1. /\nly two first-class cricketmatches wne to have begun to-day but owing to rain, it was impossible to make a start at Folkestone where the Australians were to have met an Ail-England side. At Scarborough, the M.C.C were onposed to Yorkshire and
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  • 165 3 Intruders In New Police Barracks Singapore. Saturday A charge of criminal trespass was prepared against two Sikhs and three Indians when they were brought before the Third Magistrate «Mr. J. M. Branden this morning. All the accused pleaded guilty. Court-Inspector D. R. Cowie remarked that since the Hill
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  • 154 3 Indian On Charge Involvings4,o26.Bo Singapore. Saturday. An Indian. Subramaniam Anandaya was charged before the Third Maßistrate. iMr. J. M. Brandon this mornilg with having committed criminal breach of trnst on July 6 this year m respect of 126 brilliants worth $4,026.80 the property of Messrs. A. Onderwyzer and
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  • 1195 4 Coming To The Local Cinemas "IVIERRY Wives of Reno," the Warner Bros, picture which gives a humorous .-ia nt on the doing m the world's famous divorce colony, is the feature attraction that starts at the Capitol Theatre on Sept. 7th. :Je MARGARET Lindsay, Glenda Farrell and Ruth Donnelly are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 aiBBBBBfc "i^ x ff^-t f** /^^K S y *^S '^^BbVß^ a. *^F AB^BBdfB^BBBV iTvßL'v A. r T.^jy -I I^F^'-"'^**^^ i wW^BTj Hf^J^J «Bni S Ju* 1 aVbbbV i .q \V*^ I 5 Bb «nf i vtf A MhEQ 1 Mir J jßm/ M p r iy I M i IB
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    • 271 4 -HtALT^ WAMPOL€S MAGNOLAX is the nearest to nature's remedy for curing indigtion, constipation and all stomach ills by correcting the action of bowi Is withoui harmful iI «vt>. I' has a and palatal/. ai taJcM with ease by children and idults. A British Product made m Cum\da. MAAS-11. SHEAFFER'S LIFETIME
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  • 587 5  -  Ta Kong Pao Defects Of System H v STUDENTS FAIL IN TKSTS nI KIN(. the last few days we D ,d many letters from stateaciHi> and educators i» tion with the recent joint for senior and junior graduates m Hop jtve selected some of the mon J(
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  • 373 5 Tangle Follows Fatal Motor Smash (By Air Mail) London. Any •>•> laiieton, near Preston i> t a W? w man bet n buril>(l with mother man, ,w,f ein mKs tak, for her husband k««!i > senousl >' injured man the husband of one of the victims
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  • 98 5 0.03 Degrees Above "Absolute Zero" Amsterdam. A now low temperature record of 0.03 decrees above absolute zero has been achieved by two Dutch professors at the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory at Leyden. The scientists. Professor De Hass an<l Dr. Wiersma, introduced 50 cubic centimetres of paramagnetic salt into
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  • 62 5 New York. Motorists who leave their cars parked m the streets here all ni^ht may find m the morning: they have been badly damaged as the result of police action. This warning has just betn issued by Police Commissioner John O'Ryan The police will tow away cars
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  • Article, Illustration
    129 5 Thousands Arrested In Tientsin Tientsin, Aug. 8. I ATEST investigation show that nearJ^ ly 29.000 people are engaged m thu 'beggar trade" m Tientsin. Beginning from yesterday the Chines unthoritiei have started a general round-up of beggars and so far about I 100 havo already been arrested.
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  • 153 5 Family Buys Police Car To Patrol Estates Glen Cove, (Long Island). bearing the attentions of kidnappers, a wealthy family of Glen Cove, a fashionable New York suburb, have bought a fully equipped wireless police car to patrol their large estates. The estates, inherited from the late Mr. Charles
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  • 109 5 Special Detectives To Protect Duke Of Gloucester Canberra. A special bodyguard oi' Scotland Van Special Branch officers, collaborating witl selected detectives from the various Stal« forces, will act as bodyguard to the Duk of Gloucester when ho visits Australia to) the Melbourne Centenary celebrations. The provision of
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  • 121 5 Man Who Felt He Should Have Died 20 Years Ago Prague. "I ought to have died twenty years ago with pay pais. I have felt lonely ever since. "Now it all seems to be starting again p.nd I cannot bear it a second time nor the memories it
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  • 268 5 Reorganisation Of Government Hongkong. July 38. IT is understood that when General Ho Chien was m Canton the southsrn leaders informed him that Cantor would be prepared to abolish their semindependent status and pledge then support to the Central Government ii the leaders at Nanking could
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  • 51 5  -  Shanghai, July 23. As a result of the protests made from quarters the Rice Merchants' Association m Shanghai has abandoned the intention of purchasing foreign rice. It is pointed out that the recent rainfall has saved the crops and a serious drought is unlikely. Chao Jan Pao Shun
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  • 68 5 Officer Studying Canadian Methods Vancouver. MAJOR R. 1. Nunn, from Singapore, who is m charge of the organisation of aviation for the Malayan Government, has started on an air tour of the north American continent via Seattle and San Francisco. He will study airport and aviation methods
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  • 487 5  - THE SHANHAIKWAN INCIDENT Sin Wen Pao Briton Killed FOUR DEMANDS TO JAPANESE Peiping, An"-. ft. IN spite of > iiicial denials From both the Japanese and British Legat'ons at Peiping reports from Shanhail I persist that a British soldier lias nen killed by a stray bullet from the Japanese camp.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 1 1 1 lulu*!! I lii-ritii .lui.iiiitiitaußiiiiiiitiiiiiiliiiiiliiliiliiiiiliiliitiiliilciiiliiliiliiliiluiiiliiliiliiiiii.iliiliil Hlglf;^ you™ (^^i'vpU Lfl 1 BUY BETTER i fC nJQF^I biscuits. i\M
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    • 29 5 TAKE YOUR PICK j FOR YOUR RACE j GOWNS AND HATS j at Rene Ullmanns Millinery Department, i YOU CAN'T GO WRONG AND ARE CERTAIN TO BE SMART i
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    • 223 5 HLRE is youthful health t<L and irritability, that sleeping for you, here at last is a ness and anemia. A few we< k I tonic that will really conquer and you will be full of vigour weakness of body and nerves \j and aglow with health. Sanatogen. <\ I Every
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  • 6862 6  -  Rafael Sabatini OUR SHORT STORY By THERE aro elements of mystery about massacre of St. Bartholomew hich, presumably, historians will 0 dl-pute as long as histories t. [ndeed, it is largely of .r disputes that the mystery is beten. Broadly speaking, these histomay be divided into
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1521 7 S trictly Between Ourselves I HAVK BEEN admiring the model of the wonderful new club house it is proposed build at the Swimming Club, and it seems o me that Mr. F. W. Brewer has evolved ju3t what is wanted. architect can show a layman blue prints, and the latter
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 188 7 v i:,|i||:ii!'|!iiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiii|ii|i!|ii|iiiniii| l :iMliil!iliil I 'liliiliiliiliiliil»liiliiliiii^i!« l| ii < l! < ll ll nlll| J IIIIIMIIII!l|i |i l:ilMIIIilll l|llll:li;|1 I'^1 MM j MILK WHILE TRAVELLING? 1 1 j I IT IS EASY AND SAFE WITH {£LI]VI KLIM IS THE PERFECT ANSWER TO THE QUESTION WHICH TRAVELLING I 1 COMPELS EVERY
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  • 333 8 Cross-England Air Race (By Air Mai!) London, Aug. 15. MR. J. Lipton, m a Gipsy Moth, won the <ross-England Air Race yesterday a race made more thrilling than usual by the fight put up by two women against adverse weather conditions, including a .10 m.p.h. cross-wind. His
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  • 184 8 Bought For Aviation At Cost Of £100,000 (By Air Mai] London, Aug. 15. TJANWORTH Aerodrome, Feltham, £1 Middlesex, is to be retained as an aerodrome, and the present flying facilities and the club-house there are to remain. The aerodrome has been m the market for some time, and
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  • 135 8 Plunges Over Cliff Soon After Sydney. The popular superstition that to kill a white owl brings disaster has proved true ia the case of three men motoring: on the road from Gosford to Terrigal m New South Wales, They are mining experts, Messrs. A. H. Stewart,
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  • 116 8 No Retrocession Of Dolonor IViping, Au<j. 8. IN connexion with Mr. Yin Tung's recent statement made m Nanking that the Chinese authorities would soon take up the question of retrocession of Dolonor with the Japanese Colonel Shibayama declared to-day that the question of eastern Chahar and the question
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  • 96 8 Preference For Electricity Poles For Nests Stockholm. Woodpeckers m Soulh Sweden are givingelectricity supply companies a lot of extra work by their preference for pcles supporting high tension electric cables for their nests. A special staff is kept permanently at work replacing pules which have been weakened by
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  • 88 8 Vienna. New Austrian stamps rendered liccessary by the alteration m postal rates will be issued on August 15. The now issues will be of 1. 3, 4, 5, 6, .8, 12, 20, 24, 25, 30, 35. 40, 45 60 and 64 I groschen and 1 and 2
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 575 9 Corner. Some Peculiarities Of Malaya l IGHTIN^ conditions m the East L ma ke photography a mere intritf business for the amateur than ns m other and more temperate The shadows are harder 5 the highlights more intense !m the rouit that unless you have: c
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  • 125 9 Driver And Stationary Car 'By Air Mail.i A MOTORIST can \f decided by Sir Rollo Graham -Campbel? chief metropolitan magistrate n^'% CaSe b?fore him concerned a cfcaufftur accused of being under the influence of drink while m charge of a It was staled that one night, after
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  • 152 9 Ten Commandments For Choosing A Mate Berlin. AS part of its campaign to make Cupid heredity-conscious and to raise the "racial" standard of German marriages, the Nazi Committee for National Service has published "Ten Commandments for Choosing a Mate." These are the work of a Dr. Heinsius, and
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  • 100 9 Tourists "Boom" This Summer Berlin. Tourists resorts m Germany are experiencing 3 minor boom this summer owing to Germany's economic troubles Holiday makers who want to go abroad are unable to do so because of the severe currency restrictions which make it virtually impossible for Germans to obtain
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  • 31 9 Japanese Aviator's Ambitious Plan Tokyo, Aug. 15. Katsutaro Ano. a Japanese civilian pilot, is sailing: for Berlin on Thursday (to-mor-row) to prepare for a Berlin-Tokyo flight. United Press
    United Press  -  31 words
  • 431 9 Descendants Of Alexander The Great? Simla. i A BRITISH couple, Mr. and Mrs. <**■ D. L. R. Lorimer, have arrived at Baltit, the capital of Hunza, en one of the most romantic quests m the world. They hope, m th e course of a year's
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  • 309 9 Lost Daughter Restored To Her Mother Belgrade. THE story of Vana, the lost child who has just been found by her mother, after seventeen years, reads like a fairy tale but it is true. Seventeen years ago, during the invasion of Serbia by the Bulgarians, a party
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  • 289 9 Serving Both Bolivia And Paraguay Brisbane, Queensland. INFORMATION lias just been received here la a letter from Bolivia that numbers of Australians are fighting m the Gran Chaco war, lietwci n Bolivia and Paraguay. Some of them are ad ve; hirers, others descendants of Australians who
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1891 10 mfpi T-uis business wSHtiox. swopping &122 i i i i i i i i i ■':iiiiiHMiHiii:iiiiliHiilHiiinniH!:|inniM| i iiUM'i HiiiiH'H:n)Hiiiinimminniiiiii i t iMM^ iit•i•i••iiiiii••ii• l l|!|n| 1 •fiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiniHinii't my|ORE than ever before this looks like a TAILORED Race Meeting —^-,I^-. i and really it seems a very good idea. For out
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  • 1823 11 A Wom an Peeps At Singapore »y i Our Woman Correspondent -r mm Club Gymkhana held a T^a'Lumpur t-< nd attract*^rnH breaking crowds. Early m 4 Vnernoon all reads leading to the nub were jammed with traffic fit along m single file and by 5 (no r less tnan 1.000
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  • 163 11 ONE'S Company" by Peter 11cm- I! int;, <-«t lame Serial Correspon- i dtnt ici The Tims m China and Manchukno, ts a delightful account 2 oi r> journey round the world told m a witty aixl fir,bt-heaite:l manner. t ■He was derailed on the Trans- j
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 80 11 llt j Announcement I I JUDGE I FOR j yourselfl Tb "Wence m our favour Quality!] Service showroom at I j Xo >< Raffles Place j hon Monday, wpiember FtAHKEL BROS. I VJCWWIA STREET. To Sfcwrrnoms: I kw "--H.«,, jIAISON CHARNETTE N <>. 10. HKiH STREET. SALE l( ue arc
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    • 31 11 HATS V i t,n<) T i I)#ESS£S y h s§i ANNUAL SALE Now on Morning and Afternoon Frocks, Hats and Handbags, I nderwear. Corsets and Hosiery. PRISCILLA LTD. 61, SJAMFpRD ROAD.
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    • 50 11 v I* i i; i iii i i i uiKintiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuini CHINESE TWISTED j I MATTING I I m attractive colours and all sizes. Now selling- at reduced prices I at S j SINGAPORE SILK STORE g 3C-JO, NORTH BRIDGE RI). I r, i i i i i ii iii uituiiini»iiti>iiiii>iuaiiinitiiiiiitiititii!iiii>iiii»-
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    • 393 11 pS^^fmS^Sft?~ J •33g rj fB.^syxnarv^gef.u.,«iJ in—am»iu^ SANOCRIN I t!AVi: vor I{KAI( i f Star by BMHKk E f lit {;r l<> Phi&if M;ud<n;ilJ. B r.rra VI t >«.- h\ Doni'id Vat<w. Thp nr%v >< j»> t.realrnent for Iqss of hair. By destroy- I:!u c SSL-SSRI t* rEBT •^jjxuc- R I
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  • 557 12 Sunday Tribune Singapore: Sunday. Sept. 2, 1934. THIS LUXURY ()KK of the attractions of life m a place like Singapore fa that its amusements are, as it wore, at our doorstep. If race j \v<«k is u\><>n us and it is our pleasure to attend, we reach the BCene m
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  • 1135 12  - Pepping Up These Fashion Shows cut is so limited G. S. Hammonds Ulnsunic© I I^YKKY now and again, something happen? {ha! shakes Singapore to the core. It is aroused from its lethargy with such a start that it is fully a day before the wheels begin to run smoothly again
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  • 809 12  -  A nqlius 1 If AVING won $9,999,999 at yesterday's races backing rank outsiders (and were they rank?) I hf»ve decided to take I a small spot of leave— always providing of course, that I don't lose the money ■again during the remaining race days.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 45 12 LOST ENERGY I b amkkly rt'ir-un-. by f;tkin(? a rour" I p)| .v; a delicious full I Ed wine n blended the world oaa Ph< the greatest od »U j tinable m pint or <hj:u-? bottle JOSEPH TR.W KKS H SONS. LTD., Sinraporo IVnang. 1
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    • 169 12 Thousands and thousands of Doctors all over the world testify to the exceptional value of SERRAVALLOS TONIC (Cinchona Iron Wine) and prefer to prescribe it m cases of ANAEMIA, etc., etc. Start taking "SerravaUo's Tonic" and proof that it does, what claims! Proof that it really improves the condition of
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  • 4127 13 A FAMOUS PATHOLOGIST ON CAUSE OF DEATH ACCUSED WAITERS LAUGH QUESTIONS REGARDING MORPHINE FOUND IN THE BODY TO support the case as prese ited for the Crown a large number of witnesses were called by prosecuting counsel when on several separate days
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 85 13 1 I I I I I 1 I j f l I I il illil.ililllillllllllllllll till <I>lt j THE j EtECTSIC RfCOROIMG S^ Ite; Wonder L tf els. """"of 1934 T SKPTtMRER ISSUES ARRIVED. j May T Sh iJ P M lent i^lud-s some of the latest Talkie Hits, such
      85 words
    • 48 13 ■jSS?w*ywßR Sil» > vXv!vK*£duowwBV v '"X" > i'^^^^^^^B c&vvWilOoßHhhV HKv.'.v/ Children are naturally industrious, eager to learn if knowledge is imparted m a fascinating manner. Nestles "Wonders of the World" album satisfies, interestingly, this inherent desire for knowledge and is within the reach of every child. y^^^^^^ CHOCOLATE DEPARTMENT, "NESTLES"
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  • 612 14  -  Sydney Lee BILLIARDS PLAYING WITH CONFIDENCE by (Empire And Amateur Champion) STROKE selection is one never failing source of interest to the billiards enthusiast. Almost every position offers more ways of scoring than one. and when a man has reached the
    Sunday Tribune  -  612 words
  • 358 14 i Siamese Twins Puzzle New York Officials New York. CITY officials are bewildered ever the case of Mr. Maurice Lambert and j Miss Violet Hilton, one of the English- j born Siamese twins. They went to get married but have already been refused a Licence m
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  • 63 14 Wunu. Ano;. 5. In view of the continued ris- m the mm» of ric Wuhu tn^ Chamber of Commerce held an urgent, mr.etina today and decided to declare an embargo on rice e.xports for a period of two weeks beginning from Aur 7 The meeting also decided that
    Eastern Times  -  63 words
  • 223 14 Two Ocean Crossings: Crash In Hedge (By Air Main. London, Au?. lb. IVfOLLISON'S plane. Seafarer (now i? named Trial of the Caribou), after two of the most hazardous crossings m the history* of Atlantic rights, crashed m an English hedge Bft. high yesterday after a quiet afternoon
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  • 184 14 London The Exchange Centre (By Air Mail.) i London, Aug. 10. THE arrangements made for the Japanese women athletes who are here for the world games, to speak to thr. .r friends m Tokyo over a distance of 0.500 miles for the first time m history, his drawn
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  • 258 14 American Hunting For Buried Treasure Simla. AN American, armed with a "metal diviner' of his own contrivance, has obtained permission from the Afghan Government to search for the hirtaei: treasure of Bacho Sakao, the "watercarrier King" who usurped the throne of Afghanistan after Ihe flight ot
    258 words
  • Article, Illustration
    287 14  -  D. M. Greig HOW TO IMPRovp YOUR GAME by Against The Base Line JHERE arc many players k while they are good on the bast' I line or m taking any sort of ground 1 stroke, are quite unablo to volley nr smash. ur Mohammed Slum, the bo*
    Sunday Tribune  -  287 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 170 14 V^-K-^W TICKETS ISSUE! TOR BY ALL STEAM TDAX/FI smp > AIR ANE I I^MYLL RAILWAY LTNES NO BOOKING PEES. Chinese and all Asiatic clients are given the best of attention and assistance. 39, Robinson Road, Singapore. Telephone 5908. WATCHES OMEGA, ROSKOPF, TAVANNES, CYMA. JEWELLED LEVER MOVEMENTS NICKEL POCKET from 5.
      170 words
    • 85 14 I mm m I •••and ///tf/ ,9 f^ £1 I \4 r al T I II I B^^ lW^^» ■W'^to I^Mr I I rf I KOI WHICH CONTAINS I|| \____J FINEST BARLEY I I V ~W GROWN THE I I \^y MALT FROM I I w THAT BARLEY I I
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  • 61 15 Hundreds Succumb ln Chien-an Peiping Aug. 10 /CHOLERA of a senous nature has v^ broken out at Chien-an, a city m the Luantung area. So far 350 persons have already succumbed to the disease. The authorities are giving free anticholera injections to the people and the cholera affected
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  • 185 15 Scotland's Longest-Lived Quintuplet Saskatoon (Saskatchewan). A CLAIM that to Scotland, and r.ot Canada, belongs the distinction of having produced the longest-lived quintuplet m medical history, has been made by Sergeant "Jock" Hadden of the City Police here. When the Dionne quintuplets of Corbeil (Ontario) recently survived
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  • 188 15 Modelled On Croydon Airport Colombo VVORK on Ceylon's first aerodrome has been started at Ratmalana. It is hoped that construction will be completed by the end of the year, and thai for the, first :time. Christmas air mails will be delivered direct by air. It is understood that
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  • 198 15 Journal Published Within Prison Walls <By Air Mail.) London. Aug. 11. PRISONERS In British gaols now have i their own newspaper edited and primed within, the prison walls. The first number has just oeen produced m Maidstone gaol under the authority of the Prison Commissioneis,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 35 16 It is onl y on the Serean that we meet »y the cinema we are itroduced to many phases f life of which, lacking his aid, we should tave remained n ignorance. A FILM CORRESPONDENT.
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  • 470 16 Six Children At A Birth: Some Strange Facts 11/ORLD-WIDE interest taken m the Vl case of the Canadian mother who gave birth to five children at one time has been somewhat eclipsed by the news that a Roumanian woman has given birth to six children
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  • 240 16 Healing Powers Of Ancient Princess Cairo. THE famous Magic Mummy of Alexandria, which is reputed to bring good iuck and health to anyone who touches it, is being despatched to the United States, for exhibition at the World Fair at Chicago. The mummy, which the British Museum authorities
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  • 439 16 Fat The Buffer Of Ths Body (By Air Mail) London, Aug 22 DR. J. Neil Leitch, of the London School of Dietetics, speaking at the New Health Society's summer school at Malvern yesterday, described slimming as the most idiotic craze of the present day. "In spite of all
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  • 114 16 Ingenious Trick Of 11-Year-OM Boy Belgrade. A wealthy citizen of Zagreb noticed that several bottles of his exceUent wine disappeared from his cellars every day. As the windows were covered with strong grilles, and the bottles were some distance from them, he could not understand how
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  • 81 16 Wive Sounds Car's Hooter While Husband Drives Frankfort, Kentucky. A woman drove into a garage here, and said to the proprietor: "My husband never sounds the horn when passing cars or turning corners. 1 have often told him that we shall have a bad accident, but he pays no
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  • 93 16 "Drink Beer And Smoke Cigars" New Orleans. Smoke a dozen cigars a day and take a cheese sandwich and a bottle of beer before going to bed if you want to enjoy i long and healthy life. That is the advice of Mr. Isador Levy, a
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  • 517 16 Plans For Launch Of Giant Liner (By Air Mail) i London, Aug. 22. NEXT month millions of people all over the world will hear the voice of Her Majesty the Queen for the first time. The occasion will be the launching of No. 534, the
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  • 152 16 Grave Warning By The Pope Vatican City. A GRAVE warning against the "Protestant Peril" m Italy was uttered by Pope Pius XI m a speech 10 the Catholic Women's Organisations here. A vast network of "snares and devastations" had been extended by Protestantism from the Alps to Etna,
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  • 53 16 Raleigh (North Carolina). Dallas Brown, a convict, was fielding m a prison basi-bail g;*nif here, wht n the batsman hit a "homorun." Dftllns ran after the ball hoping he micjht catch it. Whon ho raw that *hat wai hn possible he ju^t kept en running and they have
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  • 192 16 Weeping Women File Past Flowerdecked Bier Maywood, Indiana, July 25. IJUNDREDS of morbid sightseers had JTS to be held back by the police when the funeral of John Diliinger. AmerVaV super bandit, was held here this afternoon. The ceremony had been originally fixed for ten o'clock to-morrow morning
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  • 250 16 New £250,000 Headquarter, To He Uuilt AT the end of July the R oyt l FW Society vacated the premiies ii thumberland Avenue. London which had occupied fur the past half C J* The present building is to be *SL down and, on the site, the new
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  • 79 16 lion,, A snaKo i?i the grass brought tn^f to a honeymoon couple at Capri, tht beautiful island off the coast of Naples. The couple were ;.;lmirinp the mapij Scent vVw from the hi^rh promoniery or, which the ruins of Tib<<rius'& Villa' re r'tuaUd, when thei-e \\a- rustle
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 198 16 It's Time for Tea! what will You Serve TODAY? WHEN guests drop m for tea, are they always sure of finding something new unusual or have you formed the habit of offering them the same thing, over and over. Why don't you send fcr your free copy of the Royal
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    • 80 16 (J^ T\vV\ a But wave Shampoo makes your hair, and tne the Durvw.vt <i.Ri. ioft natural waves it ov B Pine encourages. The Shampoo is double cleansing, scalp stimulating, cooling j| and refreshing. BUTYWAVE Soapless Shampoo BUTYWAVE Cocoanut Oil Shampoo BUTYWAVE Baby Shampoo Each Shampoo is perfect m its kind.
      80 words

  • 955 17  - CON TA CT BRIDGE Horatius 9y -vrfiie or bluff bidding is deplored WZnr-e bridge players because it is Vtu-u into i boomerang and *?Ltte side which makes it, but there »ras* when a ,'^oa b'-.i: bid is D y f->* dKhu-.iiiJn vhicr. can ze p-aeriy Unied. it may preven: the
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  • 112 17 foims Of Capital In Turkestan MO,C7,V. PS?;' a mighty cily which Arabian *ff£ la s? wy wa for centuries the vanished State of Ilak. p *.p uncovered 11^ 50 mile *B?tE are described Via??r^S ncy a:i "enormous." *kik SS? S of Angron and Chiraal r?bM^ nket had
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  • 100 17 I Blood Transfusion For Mongrel j Macon, Georgia. Polly, a black and white mongrel, ha^ oeen saved when on the point of death by a blood transfusion from another dog m this town. Polly had bloud poisoning and wu:. sinking fast. The veterinary surgeon announced that a
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  • 71 17 Three Years Needed To Repair Damage Warsaw. No fewer than 200,000 persons, mostly peasants, will need public assistance i -ntii the next harvest as the result ol the bavee wrought by the floods m Poland. According to an official announcemerif U will take two or three years
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  • 167 17 Discoveries On Infantile Paralysis i Cambridge (Massachusetts). I i EVIDENCE that infantile paralysis may be a hereditary disease has teen revealed, after exhaustive investigations, by Dr. W. Lloyd Aycock, of the Harvard Infantile Paralysis commit. on Dr Aycock declared that the Commission, working at its Boston clinic,
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  • 98 17 Murderous Knife Struck Victim's Small Mirror Stockholm. A man at Umea, North Sweden, owe his life to the small mirror he carrier m his waistcoat pocket. He was drinking with some friends when one of them became quarr. 1 some and drew a knife. He stabbed
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  • 247 17 Notices Sent By Runner And Dog Train San Francisco, California. A WOMEN'S club whose membership extends to the Arctic regions—the Women's Club of Juneau, Alaska— was described by its president, pretty Mrs. Hazel Ferguson, when she arrived m I San Francisco on holiday. The club, with its
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  • 113 17 Classics To Be Played In Market New York. The music of Mozart and Schubert will mingle with the odour of bass and cod m New York's midtown municipal iishmarket. Officially, the market is celebrating its eighteenth anniversary. Actually, the music is an attempt to nake business
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  • 88 17 Cowboy's Lasso Saws Baby Calgary, (Alberta). Jack Manley, 44-year-old Cal^ruy cgv. boy, played the hero 1 role m a real Wild West drama here when he rescu d a two-year-old child m distress. The baby was m a p-i; mbui.ih.j which started to run down a subway tfhiie
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  • 78 17 Tramp Who Breaks Town's "Good Behaviour*' Record Prague. The people cf Sedlf£, near Tabor (n Bohemia are angry with a tramp wh 1 as broken the local 'good behaviour record. For more than a year a white fit.: been flying ever the local prison as a sign that
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 42 17 TIDE TABLE To-c!ay: 4.58 a.m., 3.57 p.m. To-morrow: 7.06 a.m., 5.13 p.m. Tuesday: 8.38 a.m., 6.56 p.m. Wednesday: 9.30 a.m., 8.17 p.m. Thursday: 10.03 a.m., 9.13 p.m. Friday 10.30 a.m., 9.55 p.m. Saturday: 10.54 a.m., 10.32 p.m. Sunday: 11.15 am., 11.05 p.m.
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    • 301 17 Wireless TO-DAY'S EMPIRE PROGRAMME The Scottish Studio Orchestra TO-DAY'S Empire wireless programme is as follows: 1.35 p.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. The Royal Au^cmobile Club Internal ional Tourist Trophy Motor Race over the ArdV; Circuit, near Belfast: A running commentary by John Snagge at Newtown-ards. and Henry McMullan ai
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    • 159 17 loncello). 0 -50a.m.- -1.05 a.m. A nummary of *hr» week's news. 1.20 a. Til. Time Sicnal from Big B The Drawing Room of the Empire The Woman's Point 1 i View, a talk by ICiss W;n<--fride Wrench. 1.35 a.m. The Gershom ParkiOgton Quintet. 2.15 a.m. A religious service, relayed from
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  • 2768 18  -  Dragon (By Popularity Of Game Continues Unabated Badm'nton At The S.C.C. Delay In Singapore Tournament Problem Of Finding A Suitable Court Play In Doubles Of Selangor Championships. rFHE popularity of Badminton m Malaya continues unabated. Since the introduction of the game o this country, a few
    2,768 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 191 18 1 Zippy and zosty that's typical of all Phoenix /^^sSi^k Drinks m the particular flavour you like... r^ jfl[__ Lime. Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry Choco- far** late. Grape. Cherry, Rose, Pineapple, Kcla, Cream 'fl^fF Soda, Ginger. Phone 3463 and have a case delivered to your home. Only $2.40 for a
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    • 31 18 V'tll|ii||i|ll|M|;i|| ir I I I 111 iMlnn, i t I I I STENOWRTTBB i o for Particulars apply to the Agent: LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, 10, Lor. D., St. Ge^rf* d •[JJJggi
      31 words

  • 927 19  -  Clubman (By Importance Of Healthy Institutions What The Rev. W. Murray Wrote Years Ago Still Holds Good To-Day Perak Dramatists Celebrate Singapore Athletic Union. I rnR those who>c conception or Ufe] 1 Antside the hour> of necessary i/l entertainment and frivolity, 5i numbtr of clubs exist. Sf«te
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  • 81 19 Alleged Murderer Still Waiting For His Trial Paris. J^years ago Antonio Barraneo was Sy ai on a of murder. He is still waiting Kisoc for his trial. \tlJ^** who cx amined him after JLJf** m 1924 declared he was not d?h»r »v time ot th alleged nuira'anS lhe
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  • 48 19 New York. a pet squirrel jumped out of asix-teentn-noov window m a skyscrapei hive 1 m New York. Ii fell 13 floors on to the concrete rsol of a low part of the building. When it was caughc again, the squirrel'- nose was bleeding slightly.
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  • 48 19 New York! Two goats at Waynesburg. Pennsylvania saw a strange object m a fieldCurious to see what it was, they butted it over Unfortunately, it was a bee-hive and the erraged owners stung the goats so badly that they died within a few minutes.
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  • 176 19 Italy To Help Marketing Discoveries Rome. ITALY is likely soon to become an- Inventors' Paradise. Under the joint auspices of Signor Mussolini and Senator Marchese Mai> coni— ltaly's two greatest "inventors m their respective fields— an organisation has been formed to help inveritorlo put their discoveries on the
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  • 77 19 Nice The £1,000.000 Casino Palais de la Mediterranee, which was damaged by fire just before it was due to open for the winter season, is to be completely restored and will be re-opened about tho beginning of Dec?mber. For a long time it was feared that the
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  • 37 19 Belgrade. A miner named Stjepan Korunek rushed out of doors tc unharness his horses during a terrible hailstorm near Tchakovetz. He was knocked senseless by hailstones weighing 1 lb. each, and died shortly afterwards.
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  • 240 19 Dowry From Telephone Subscribers Warsaw. A YOUNG Warsaw telephone exchange operator. Miss Zofia P found herself out of work when the automatic exchange was introduced. She pondered for some time what was best to do. and then decided shs should get married. But there was a snag. She
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 2944 20  - The Week's Malayan SPORT REVIEWED Rimau (By Flying As A Sport Last Week's Gymkhana At The K.L.F.C. Penang's Polo Success Ladies 9 Cricket Schools Team Visits The S.C.C. Stonor Shield Matches Selangor Cup Soc er Singapore Chinese Gone Stale? Penang A.A.A. Sports Malayan Record Surpassed In Pole Vault. i AST
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  • 624 20  -  K.O. (By SHERLOCK Warren is on his way to Japan. Warren is not with Mr. i Alwis' stable, nor has his departure got anything to do with boxing. He is returning to his country for th? specific purpose of joining the Warren Navy.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 32 20 j "ARTHURS RESTAURANT*' 11. Col!y«r Quay. j EXCELLENT GRILL j I We Specialise ni ( DM**. ALL COOKING AND SKR\ X X LJND6B BOWWUIi sn»i:iuisio\. j j OPEN ON SUNDAY EVfc'M N <
      32 words

  • 387 21 TH E SNOBBERY OF WIMBLEDO N Cochet Slighted? fll[)E ALSO HAS TO fl^y FOR SEAT j Dav i< Cup match between •ainami Ameri t at Wim- was! t? th{l j^Bbletlon crowds. --i Cochet. ob< c world •Lous player,, came -to London **^eh. The last tin tobtofcn h >atrur r/ tetimeCochtn
    387 words
  • 157 21 Champion Not Defending; Title Yf AX Baer. who won the world's heavyM weight title from Primo Camera probably not take part S any more contests this year rJS h informed the Madison Square n\?°£ po^ lon through his m^uHtl^ mS Ch Se 11Ot tO defend his v
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  • 65 21 :iy badminton match of three a id two doubles will be played betthe SerangDon Friendly Party ami the Ideal Badminton Party at the former's on Sunday commencing 4 pm. The ing will represent the S. F. Party: s: Cher Poh Chia, Tay Ken s Hock. vih Km Soon.
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  • 794 21 DOROTHY ROUND AND WIMBLEDON Its Personalities And Atmosphere V^ r IMBLEDON is the most cosmopolitan gathering of sportsmen and spectators that England knows, writes Dorothy Round m the Daily Sketch. In cricket, footuall, racing, and mosl other big sporting events, principals and onlookers seiaom represent rnoie than two nations. i
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  • 86 21 New York. Sept 1 Latest results m the U.S. major baseball Leagues aie as follows: NATIONAL LEAGUE H. If. E. New York "Giants" 2 X 1 Brooklyn "Dodffers" 1 5 1 St. Louis "Cardinals" 10 1 Chicago "Cubs" 1 0 2 Hartnelt scored a home vnu for the
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  • 200 21 Unanimous Decision To Form An Association A MEETING of those interested m the formation of a Hockey Association for Penang which was convened by the P.C.C. Hockey Sub-Committee was held at the Penang Cricket Club and was attended by representatives of the various clubs and schools m Penang.
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  • 75 21 Head English Averages Up To Aug. 18 London, Aug. 18. The latest English cricket averages are: BATSMEN \V. R. Hammond 86.96 J. H Human 64.52 Ames 61 31 Tyldesley 60.33 O'Connor 58.68 Cook 58.55 j Todd 57.10 j Gregory 56.66 Iddon 55.30 Sutcliffe 55.19 KOWLERS Verity 10.6
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  • 100 21 To-Day's Charity Soccer At Jalan Besar The annual charity soccer match between the Press and Jockeys and Trainers Combined will take place to-day at the Jalan Besar Stadium. The proceeds this year wiU be devoted ro the Fire Relief Fund. The match is for the Todd Cup,
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  • 541 21 Tournament Results At (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Aug. 31. THE final stage m the Johore Civil Service Club's annual Lawn Tennis Tournament has been reached m the mixed doubles and the men's doubles. Due to the wet weather during the past few days, several matches could
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  • 182 21 And Now Feels Absolutely Fit A fat man is commonly supposed to bo good-humoured, easy-going. But there is many a fat man who fin<Ls the goinjr far from easy. The f 'iinwing letter describes one typical instance: "I began t<> put on weight
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 94 21 Ma Marmite soys; idwiches are like the child m the nur- when they're good they're j very very good, but when they're bad-!' 1 j > don't take an —make your sandwiches Wonmte. Marmite Sandwiches are the j things— everyone enjoys them. And j 'Soeasy to make Simply mix the
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    • 1 21 xfykt
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    • 844 21 ABRIDGED STATEMENT OF INFORMATION. A copy of the Full Prospectus has been fil?d with the Registrar cf Companies, Singapore. The Subscription list will open on the 30th day of August, 19M, and will close on or before the sth day of September, 1934. PALAIS DE DANSE LIMITED. Incorporated m Singapore
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  • 414 22 SUCCESSFUL DAY'S MEETING Exciting Tug-Of-War EVENT LASTS NEARLY 45 MINUTES! Singapore, Saturday. "i HE annual athletic sports of the A.P.c. Sports Club were held on the company's ground to-day. One of the most interesting features of the programme was the Tug-of-war event
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  • 83 22 Sporting Suggestion Of Mr. T. 0. M. Sopwith New Port, Sept. 1 It is disclosed that before, the selec- tion of the Rainbow to be the defender for the America's Cup, Mr. T. O. M. Sopwith sportingly suggested that if Selection CommiUee wished to pit the Yankee
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  • 133 22 Bendemeer AC. Tournament Ties The following are the ties m the 1 Bendemeer Athletic Club American Billiards championship tournament: —Sept. 4, Lim Tee Seng v. Wong Teck Fah; Sept 5. Cheong Chee Tong v. Tan Joo Siang: Sept. 6. Loo Cheng Swee v. winner of Lim Tee Seng and
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  • 40 22 Singapore, Saturday. The V.M.C.A. v. United Engineers, and the P.W.D. v. Railway Institute cricket fixtures to have been played to-day, on the V.M.C.A. and the Railway Institute grounds respectively, were cancelled o\v- ing to unfavourable ground conditions. rr
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  • 277 22 Customs Champions After Replay (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. THE replay of In. League match between the Customs and the Corin-th-ans lor the leadership of the Ipcn Football League produced an excellent name. T he Corinthians, holders of the shield, went down fighting gamely Opening Strongly,
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  • 42 22 Season Begins Witli Practice Game (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 1. The first game of rugby of the seasor took place this afternoon when a num ber of players organised a practie < game on the Selangor Club ground.
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  • 489 22 Good Win For Bras Easah Road Sprinters Singapore. Saturday. IWO well matched teams, the Bras Basah Roaa Sprinters and the Kallang Rovers, met m a kes nly con•estPd soccer match on the b.u.r.A. D round yesterday, the Sprinters defeating the Rovers by 2-0 playing to the SC.F.A.
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  • 68 22 The following ties m the Horlicks B.P. open singles handicap will be clayed off to-day at 3 p.m. at 350. East Coast Road: Yeo Khian Swee v. Fred Stanley Yeo v. Tan Kirn Guan, Ronnie Chan v. Tan Tiang Bee, E. Tean v. Tan Hon° Hoon, E. Cheng
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  • 176 22 T.P.CA. Beaf The Rangers <F,rom Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 1. p; the Selangor Cup semi-final, played 1 at Kuala Lumpur this afternoon, the ri-C.A. beat the Rangers by 2 i. thus qualifying to meet the Chinese m the final at the Selangor Club next Saturday- The
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  • 27 22 At the Anson Road Stadium to-day. I th a Chinese ipresejit League cham- i pions) will meet the Malays (last year's i shampipns i
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  • 404 22 CARNERA'S FIGHTS "FAKED" Manager's Allegations FANTASTIC TALE By LEON SEE I EON See, onetime man;, l>lim ii n ported i have written a book contain^ amazing allegations. Of forty-nin of Camera's fights, he decW thirty wore iai. H< particularly mentions t^ Italian's two contests with Youi* Striblingr, m which, he
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 149 22 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance m force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance I Company, Limited. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with
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    • 1 22 tkj4
      1 words
    • 70 22 yf** 'WEAKNESS DEBILITY 0O AN/EM IA 2PC^L>ES CH I EN S'Syrup M^h) 'I* fes> of Hapmo C !obin Already 30.000 Doctors throvghoui the world have agreed that this radic* remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines, «tc i DKTAINAULE FROM ALL
      70 words

  • 3913 23 SUCCESSES OF TRAINER FOX AND JOCKEY WADSWORTH HEAVY GOING BUT FIiNE WEAIBI R BELLS EDNA WINS TBE BIG EVfcNT: SATISFACTORY DIVIDENDS Singapore, Saturday. -B-rtil-nt weather, the Singapore IttefClub Autumn Gold Cup rin* openal to-tiay. Vnt going :8 ihu« crowd attended th- day's J^Twh'th
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  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 13 24 The Sunday Tribune 21 PAGES SINGAPORE. SUNDAY, SE 'IEMBER, 2, 1934. FIVE CENTS
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    • 128 24 oish of the first race, which \va won by Coral Moore. Coral Moore (McPhcrson up> being led m after winning the first race. A fair visitor iulps one of the divers on with his helmet, during Plymouth Navy Week at Dcvonport D tkyard.
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    • Page 24 Advertisements