Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 15 April 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 1 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 16 1 The Sunday Tribune VoC«- N ?l I 8 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1934. FIVE CENTS. I
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  • 325 1 MOST ADVANCED SHIP OF ITS KIND. To Locate Aircraft 200 Miles Away* i (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 5. gINGAPORE is the destination of a small steel ship, the "Aquarius,".which has been built to the order of the
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  • 363 1 A Daring Diver. MANY ESCAPES FROM DEATH. .By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 5. CQUADROX Leader R. A. George, perhaps the most darins of all the "hel! divers" Iff th* Royal Aif Force, has %mm appointed to the Air Ftree headquarters at SingaHe
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  • 105 1  -  Soviet-Japan Squabble Intensified. Shanghai, Apr. 14. MSTAVUTSKY. the Soviet Minister at Harbin, called on the Manchukuo authorities yesterday to demand the release of the Russian employees of the Chinese Eastern Railway, who have been arrested, so that the obstruction m the negotiations for the sale of the
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  • 95 1 Rapidly Making A Name For Himself. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 5. AL. HENRY, the Malayan foot- bailer, has devoted his Easter holiday playing for Golders Green m the Athenian League. On Good Friday he turned out for the second eleven and scored a capital goal
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  • 91 1 Govt. Inspector Of Airways Here. An important visitor to Singapore at present is Mr. E. B. Nelson, Inspector of Airways of the British Government, who arrived m the Colony on Friday from Penang. He said, m an interview, that he could not make a statement i
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  • 71 1 An Uproar In Germany Foreshadowed. Berlin, April 14. A further uproar m the German Church is foreshadowed by Bishops Mueller's appointment of Dr Jaeger, of the Prussian Ministry of Education, to carry out the external organisation of the church 'leaving for the present all questions of faith and
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 112 1 Four Readers Share $100 Prize. I^OUR readers, who correctly foreA cast the results of all ten matches m our Soccer Contest No. 45 share the prize of $100 offered by the "Sunday Tribune." Their names and addresses are: Mr. L. T. Jok, N.A.A.F.1., Blakan Mati. Mr. K.
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  • 81 1 Sir Clement Everitt Leaves £30,000 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 4. SIR Clement Everitt, High Mocr, Sheringham, a member of the Legislative and Executive Councils of the Straits Settlements, 1922-27, left £30.000 (n.p. £27,850). He gave the bulk of the property upon trust for his wife during
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  • 34 1 (From Our Ov:n Correspondent.) London, Apr. 14. London Rubber, Spot, 5 ll;16d. Oct.-Dec. 5 1936 d. New York Rubber, Spot, 12 I|l6 cts. May-June 12i/ 8 cts. CROSS-RATE. New York London, 5.15%.
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  • Article, Illustration
    109 1 Soviet Press Alleges Sedition. Riga, April 14. A film called "Sailors of the Royal, Navy" is being shown m Russia quoting an "atmosphere of revolt now prevailing m British warships.' i The film was produced by the; Soviet cinema industry, which an-! nounces that the public can now*
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  • 31 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, April 5. VISITORS to Malaya House during Easter included Mr. H. H. Brown, of the Johore Government Service and Mr. A. L. T. Richardson.
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  • 221 1 FRENCH INVASION OF YUNNAN. Town Taken: Citizens Flee. Shanghai, Apr. 14. THE bandits under Yang Hou j Hsiap are besieging PeilingTiiao, m Mongolia. Prince Yun Wang has wired to Nanking asking for assistance. The "Reds" are still holding Changlo, m west Fukien. Gen. Wei Lip Wang, the present comnander of
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  • 215 1 A TRIBUTE TO ROTARY. "Crossroads Of The Far East." (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 5. to the initiative of its Rotary Club and Municipal Commissioners, Singapore, set 3 an example to Englsh cities m the way it tells the world about
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  • 242 1 Momentous Step. NANKING IGNORES THREAT. ShangHai, Apr. 14. MR. Wang Ching Wei, the lfl "Premier," and Gen. Huang Fu, the Chairman of the Peiping Political Council, arrived at Nanking to-day from Nanchang, where they conferred with Marshal Chiang Kai Shek on#problems m North China. It is
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 1 A lumped overboard from Swanage lifeboat m heavy seas off Boscombc Pier, Bournemouth, Hampshire, and saved Piorro Kcnoux. of Chicago, when the sailing yacht "Hally Liso" capgtoed nn<i was washed ashore on the Bournemouth Promenade. The other occupant of the yacht, h vessel of about 20 tons, was Dr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 629 2 "Refree" Reviews WeberGraham Battle. A Word On Costume: And The Question Of Judging. critic rw\l l OSK extra two rounds beat Graham, on Friday night. Twelve three-minute rounds is a long and v. ary journey against a boy as fit as !>♦*»•, and condition earned the verdict, writes "Referee," our
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  • 541 2 St. Francis' Institution's Record. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Apr. 12. THE St. Francis' Institution first eleven have been enjoying a phenomenally successful cricket season up to-date. Undertaking what appeared a very ambitious programme the side has played thirteen matches to date, taking on every cricket club or
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  • 237 2 Packed House And A Good Show. EVERYBODY decided to go to Izako's Circus last night. The big tent was packed, and the audience wer In a thorough circus-goin", mood. They laughed at the clowns, thrilled at the trapeze act. admired the skill of the animal trainers. Let it
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  • 57 2 Bangkok Rice Mills Resuming Work. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Apr. 14. It is hoped that the rice mills will be running full time again on Monday. The authorities are arresting the strike leaders as fast as they can find them, and no bail is allowed pending their
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  • 391 2 WILTS' RESERVES WIN. V.M.C.A. Suffer Sever* Defeat. ON the Harbour Board BrftllK the Wiltshire, inflicted n^ defeat on the V.M.C.A. by ihe marK** four goals to nil m the Third KSi* •B" of the S.A.F.A Lpuku,. DlVl^. There was no question about .superiority of the Will and it i the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 139 2 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Great Easter. Lif« Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. London Office: 27, Old Jewry, E. C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
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  • 774 3 The Wrong Form. CHINESE TO BE RETRIED. j\S the ground that the memorandum <& appeal had llot been periv drawn up. two appeals which came up before Mr. Justice prichard m the Supreme Court yesterday were dismissed. It was slated that a recent amendment to the law
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  • 1007 3 I^ocal Money-Lending Case Concluded. JUDGMENT was delivered by Mr taken as claimed. In the course of his judgment he remarked that he did not believe the defendant. FULL JUDGMENT. The ull Judgment is as follows:--iefencKntC^ e tV he p laintiff engaged the letendant m the terms of
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  • 161 3 Four Thousand Schoolboys Visit Exhibition. THE second annual Livestock and Trades Exhibition at the old race course continue;-; to draw large crowds. Four thousand schoolboys isited the exhibition on Friday free of charge as the result of arrangements made with the Director of Education. Many cars were
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  • 204 3 Bengalis Convicted On Charge Of Extortion. After a long hearing lasting several days, two Bengalis, Muneshar Rai and Raj Kishore Rai, who were charged with extortion, were convicted and sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment by the Second Magistrate, Mr. N. Grice, yesterday. According to the prosecution, conducted
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  • 117 3 Alleged False Evidence In Civil Suit. A CHINESE Choo Soo Pin, was yesterf* day charged before the District Judge Mr H. A. Forrer, with giving false evidence m judicial proceedings before the Civil District Judge on Nov 29 of last year. According to the prosecution, which is conducted
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  • 90 3 Two Tamils In Police Court. Two Tamils. Thermahngam and Singaram, were produced before the Second Magistrate, Mr. N. Grice, yesterday on a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. It is alleged that the two accused assaulted one Rahman, m a iorong off Paya Lebar on March
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  • 74 3 Complainant Ordered To Pay Compensation. (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. April 13. Nanab Khan, having brought a charge of cheating against Quay Van Teck before Mr. B. R. Whitehouse m the District Court to-day, was. upon accused's acquittal and discharge. ordered to pay him $75 or go to
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  • 495 3 The Volunteers. A LTHOUGH detailed arrangements have not yet been made, further particulars about the presentation of Colours to the S.V.C. are available. The presentation will be made by the Officer Administering the Government, the Hon. Mr. Andrew Caldecott, at a parade on the Padang at
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  • 675 3 An Exile's View. INTERVIEWED IN SAIGON. TMIK Saigon "Opinion" records visit to the Siamese officers, political ixiles, at Saigon." The follow ing translation Kfl taken from the "Banjrkok Times". "La Pompelle, Montdidier, dear okl memories of wretchedness! In mv country wm are a phalanx who
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  • 70 3 Chinese Lorry Driver Fined At Malacca. (From Our Oion Correspondent.) Malacca, April 13. Charged with driving a lorry dangermsly, as the result of which he knocked town a woman named Lim Ang Say, a Chinese. Tan Kye Kong, was to-day ined $20 m the police court by Mr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 1752 4 Malayan In Nanking Government. Romantic Stories Of How They Made Good. (Special to the 'fSun&ay Tribune") npHERE lives m Singapore to-da> a Chinese gentleman who 1 knows almost every "big shot" m Chinese officialdom. He runs a dispensary \n Peck Seah Street, but he is an influential figure m China,
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  • 73 4 pecial Screen Performance After Midnight. Madrid. SPANISH actors and actresses may m future view the best films of thp season without payment after lam One of the leading picturo houses n Madrid— The Cine Del Callao— has offered to show films several tim^s a mouth lor
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  • 249 4 Former Hon^kon^ Club Secretary Leaves. Lieut-Col. T. A. Robertson, 0.8. E., the former secretary of the Hongkong Club has left Hongkong on retirement. Col. Robertson was extremely popular m social and sporting circles and will be missed by a large number of friends m Hongkong. He retired from
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  • 80 4 Tientsin Mar. 26. The northern section of the Grand Canal m Hopei has inundated all the districts to the east of Yangtsun along the Peiping-Tientsin Railway. The embankment of the railway is almost covered although the rails are till abote water. According to experts there will be
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  • 67 4 Shanghai, Mar. 19. Madame Chang Hsueh Liang, who has Deen m London with her sons, has left England for China and she is expected to arrive here on or about April 2. Madame Chang is returning at' the telegraphic request of her husband. She is returning
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  • 43 4 Prague Pigs are living m marble sties at Neresnice. Ruthenia. Villagers take stone to build their sheds and pigsties from a neighbouring quarry. To them it is just the cheapest material available but it is marble all tne same.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 139 4 Zlppg ani Kftj that's typical of all Phoenix X^g^frj/ Drink.s m thr particular flavour you like... hUP^ Ir' Um<\ liimw" Onutgr, Raspberry, Strawberry Choc o- Mi*& i;\!e. Grnpv, Chary,, Pineapple, Kola. Cream JMiU^' tj«>ca. Ointcr. Phcne 3463 and have a case delivered /^»*i*^| > you home Only $2 40
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    • 20 4 •II If I I I I I 1 1 111 I I I I |u|.i| :»i.ti,|,ii,.iil|tl|H|llllliliiiHii|llimilllHiHiHil|iHil|i.|,;iii|l*.*llil«l«t«i«<««>*** ffli^^-T-j BIJY BETTBII IC
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  • 2232 5 Strictly Between Ourselves THERE h yer > liltU> reBt fOf th€ DeWS 1 paperman. A feu- boars after last SunJ7 budget o f new*, wit and humoir had off the sfiant Passes ivide any ,vin* picture dealing with journalism), Twscame of the arrest of the man suspected of the murder
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 417 6 ill /I 11 188 B M B^ m Ir X*. V /< 1 r ttk)^ l\ x^7v\ AVv \lii^pSEßß^^^^^^^ S^scd- e^^ec^^ wa \e^^ tsal es- A\ J^?^ l/\. \W •+0* 0^ o**0 ixiati* > f I \t ess L v A \v i^t>*'^^^^rcx&^' i a XXN packet of Rinso with
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  • 2398 7  -  Malaya Sacks The Undertaker. |f fctbc aS()l1 of Home leavea and i'«tiren l nts— and reminiscences. The number f ■Mptr. not born m Malaya, who can look over a quarter of a century m this 'ountry is amazing, and a forty-years review mm so
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 165 7 WATCHES OMEGA, ROSKOPF, TAVANNES, CYMA. IRWELLEU LEVER Mo\ IMIM I. NICKEL POCKET fn.,n WHIST 12 SILVJ'R 1-orKKT 17.50 WHIST 20.0(1 Dust Water Proof JS -tULD POCKEI \inm WHIST LB.W M I.S et. III! Dust 8c Water Trool 14 d. U&.UQ cnOp-WATCIIKS fn,,n $12.M ftVKKI WATCH (il AI.'A.N I l;i;i). RhPAIRS
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  • 743 8  - Indoor Photography For The Amateur. Reflex at H C.\ MERA CORNER. (By Taking Snapshots By Atlificial Light, INTERIOR photography is a tra ich of the art which Is not practiced by thOU an- \cvy fe ;i v :CCSS of it if b I iteri -i work offers much more scop"
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  • 336 8 Holdings In Air Transport Companies. <pOL. Charles A. Lindbergh's total profit? from stocks and warrants, over a period of six years, m the two airtransport companies with which he is connected have been $187,838.55. exclusive of investment m those stocks since then, according to a statement made public
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  • 44 8 Nanking, March 23. The authorities here have received a telegram from the Chinese m the Philippines asking that no more attempts be made to collect contributions on that island m view of the general business depression m that country. "China Times."
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  • 625 8 Virtues Attributed In Folklore. THE tigiress, 'he most fierce and dangerous among jungle animals, was the symbol 01 virue rated by Chinese for thousands ol years as one of the mos, important moml tjuali ies, writes L. Z. Yuan m the Shanghai "Evening Post." It is
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  • 219 8 Military Situation In Ninghsia. Taiyuan. Mar. 26. ACCORDING to military reports flfcj\ cefved hrrs from the front the Shansi and Suiyuan troops yesterday succeeded m breaking the first line -of lef*»nce of the rebel troops m Ninghsia at Tienhsinchuan and occupied that, point towards the evening. Tre
    China Times  -  219 words
  • 89 8  -  Min Pao Anti-Red Campaign In Northern Fukien. F(ir; "'arch 26. "1/TILITARY repor ived here stat* iV1 tha: f are pourinp rKiangsi as a re? lit oS ron« n r p, sure brought to bf "'-bvthl Govern.- J ne Tlie Oovei Fukiw. rqvo r r OerSS red for
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  • 154 8  -  Sin Wen Pao Reorganisation Of Kwangiung Nanking. Mar. 26. The Government has b™n informn ly General Chen Chi Tauc of Kwan< fung that ho has no objection loth* of a Branrh Militar Council m Canton. Gtencral Chen suggested. however hat the troops m Kv a :v. line sh
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  • 47 8  - MR. HU HAN- MIN. Shun Pao Hongkong. Mar. 26. Mr. Hu Han Mm has sent a telegram to the South-west Political Council expressing his approval of the proposed reorganisation of the provincial systemic Kwangtung. The Council will meet next Monday to find a solution for this question-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 590 8 I c vote portrait I M*WTWWffflMll»Wy*^^ IBHHnBBBBffIBHMW TAKEN AT OUR STUDIOS jy*^PHF^B I /^Afßfli^y TAKE YOUR DOCTOR S TIP I Eleven BrC ad must en no IF TIME HANGS HEAV\ i^^l k ¥^T j C Ql jWe ii^c the most up-to-date READ A GOOD BOOK. (WV^W I'^fl^ I^3nC Si I
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    • 187 8 Hello! Where lo? ENSIGN BOOK STORE, Booksellers Newstgeati Stationers. FOR ECONOMY, PROMPT EFFICIENT SKK\ H K. Deal with us as we both U] British and American Books and jYriodicals. Books not m stock can be obtained to order. Ensign Book Store, 47, High Street, Thonc 3218. SINGAPORE. LONDON INIVERSITV DEGREES.
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  • 1805 9 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. Our Woman Correspondent ore we hear about it the more Pageant and Cajo fJd 19 m aid of the Children's V'iJty sounds. Many nous ni history are to bt- repra nted ooien Ka'herine Howard. Cathe*dUT g ßu£ia the celebrated China* °< R t y Hsi
    Topical Press  -  1,805 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 220 9 Men Always Like Hot Biscuits And How Easy It Is To Make Them. 16 Crusty Golden Biscuits costing only 8 cts. Biscuits made >vith Royal Baking Powder have a nner flavour. They are flakier and lighter. You c a n »»ake them without any fuss or bother. Follow these simple
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    • 21 9 I I I I I I I lljll |:i|:ill!|l!|II|!l|!||<IBII|lll''lll|ll|il||||MIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|ll|l||ll|l|||||liajl||l|!l|ll|ll|li| l ||l||!||l||,||||||||!||i|||>|||f HARBINGERS OF SPRING %v /X] Via^ ot (SSa alpaca i^^^^B
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    • 90 9 BH^h J^^TO I ATKINSON'S PERFUMERYI Established 1769. 1 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. i insn i All leading dealers stock Atkinson's exquisite I toilet creations. Their refreshing fragrance, concentrated I strength, and lasting quality are the reasons for I their great reputation. I Agents j J& E. Alkinscn Ltd., Brinkmann Co., I
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  • 2638 10 BKILLANT CKREMONY AT PENANG TO-DAY. POMP AND SPLENDOUR. GORGEOUS RITES OF THE CHURCH OF ROME. (By A Catholic.) Church of Rome is unique among the Christian Churches, m respect of her rites and ceremonies. Their number literally is legion. Their significance is varied and interesting m
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  • 344 10 Service In The Great War Recalled. THE education of Leopold 111, Beleiu new King, was partly English I was sent to Eton at the outbreak the World War. With him m EneL were his younger brother, Prince Cha7 Count of Flanders, and his sister pT cess Marie Jose,
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  • 220 10 Radio Set Fails To Give Satisfaction. Germans figured m a dispute to j 1 Supreme Court. Hongkong, before > Justice Lindsell. Puisne Judfe, J^ Messrs. Brandt and Co.. Ud.. Queen's Road Central, s^,* Haefke. c o Jimmy's Kitchen, for Mr T. P. K. Kemble represent fendant. and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 169 10 4biwt»: •''i-i ■.'•j:i:i»iti;iiii»Mi:'iM«':^Bf:ir:ifiiiiiM«»iil«Ji«l«u«il«ii«uiit«niii«ii«iii»«Jiii™(tiiiiiiiiitir«iiiiiii!»i!iiii:iiiiirT»rT»tf HC Jl I lr \^ByiLj4^j| J I MARVEL PRODUCTS CO. ~^WTM*iiw» VERY bbH^b«V^bbbl bbbV *5j S9!s^^Bl bY Vblßbbl BBBBB^*^-^"f^l bCIbBBBBv BBB^^^^^^^^^H t BBH BBBBBBT^ B^BBBK^BBk. Al J vT^bt bbbbbF^bV fl JbbbV i^\ aWbbbbvd cbAwl d a c nr v /B I bbbl^l B^ THROUGHOUT MALAYA. SPECIAL NOTICE.
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  • 1822 11  -  CINEQUE f 1 AN exceptional cast, both of comedy characters and actors who play straight parts, appear m support of Joe. E. Brown m his latest First National fun film, "Elmer The Great," which opens at the Alhambra Theatre to-day, JOE'S leading lady is the beautiful and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 338 11 l/fi^^lHßSll LAST TWO DAYS! [I ;iis*Mlyb MATINEE 3.15 5000 PEOPLE CAN'T UE iW Z*~~"^ WH I i MORE THAN THAT NUMBER HAVE PAID |B I TBE GREAT" ELIZABETH KKKKNKR. uona.As \ißin\Ks. ju. i^t.; .jOi i sin i' \rtists m ii vsk. i, mi rpoi\ 4V" Just A Sensitive Girl Who
      338 words
    • 53 11 A smart selection of Ladies' Australian Hats of velvets, crepes, straws, silk stitched m close fitting, Turbans, and also large Organdy Hats, will be on display at the Livestock and Trades >| Exhibition, at the Old Race Course, Ladies' Pavilion, Stall No. 45, j| and at MAISON MADGE, at, S|amford
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    • 247 11 ''•'•■:il;iliilM|ii|:iii:|M| l: r;llll a .itiiini ;.i:i|H|i;ii>«. m i:j:iiiiaii|iiiii|u|ii|ii|ii|ii|iilii|iilii|ii|M|nl m LILIAN [Jfi|^ (iENE HARVEY C%\J%«% RAYMOND "I AM SUZANNE" A JESSE LASKY PRODUCTION. i ■■> o C N E T j 8. V THREE SENSATIONAL REVUE NUMBERS. COMING 'SHORTLY. 4 liill!l!ii::liiii!iti.liilM|uliilii|:i|!ilillJlii|i:|.:iiil!il:iliil:ilnliil ilMliil'Jiiliiliil ilnl I^l ilN|i!liiln|.'l I I I I I I
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  • 450 12 Sunday Tribune. Singapore: Sunday, April 15, 1934. THE PRINCIPLE OF RETRENCHMENT. r PHK High Commissioner has m a letter to the Hon. Mr. Veerasamy, published a few days ago, stated the principles upon which the F.M.S. Govertnaent has proceeded m achieving retrenchment m that huge item, Personal Emoluments. There has
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  • 1326 12  - When They Built Malaya's Tower Of Babel G.S.H. IUHKX all that trouble started at the Tower of Babel I wonder if anybody could foresee the consequences to posterity? If there \h anything more annoying than the languid difficulty m uny part of the world I have yet to hear about
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  • 589 12 rf'Vt By "«»iz" The Week J mmmmmmmmmm nj_mmmm *m. m m m r PROGRESS m Malaya— Malacca Rest House now has a tea-garden Add an ice-cream parlour, and the old "Sleepy Hollow" touch will be gone for ever. A A A Bobby Jones was described as playing badly when
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 90 12 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET -Bungalow No. 1. Margate Road, off Rr ad. and close to Ka cng Park, Furth'r :'u!ars from Tel. No. 3170. WANTED Well established Life Insurant f fTSc>' extending BBjriKM m this country, invite ?ppl>rati<;n from capable and experi need Life E -.«im; s pr due it,
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    • 46 12 REMOVAL SALE < FURNITURE BEDDING etc. TO BE CLEARED BELOW COST i From Tuesday, 10th April, DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY I PASKOE CO. I 25-29, ORCHARD ROAD. I J j iiliilii|iiliiln|iilni;ilnli,i;;|i.iiili I|ii1 |ii| Iliiiliil!Hiiii1 liiiliil!Hiiiin li|iiiM|1 i|iiiM|i lill |i llll |i ltl |11 l i i .••••<• 1
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 56 12 THE WEEK'S TIDE TABLE. TO-DAY, APRIL 15. h Tides.— ll.49 a.m., 11.35 p.m. TO-MORROW, APRIL 16. gll Ticks. 12.26 p.m., Midnight. TUESDAY, APRIL 17. Efgh Tidf. 1.01 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18. H h Tides— 0.26 a.m., 1.40 p.m. THURSDAY. APRIL 19. High Tides— o.s6 a.m., 2.20 p.m. FRIDAY. AI%tIL 20.
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  • Hainan Mayor's Objections To "I'm No Angel."
    • 247 13 THE MAE WEST PICTURE. DECLINES TO OPEN Vt CINEMA. Manager s View Not Half So Bad As Others-" ißy Air Mail.' ftm Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 4. AXFORD'S first woman Mayor, Alderman Miss L. S. TawBey, cancelled an engagement to «pen last night the new Majestic lima at Oxford
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    • 19 13 I No Angel" has been passed for exhibition m Malaya and will be shown a the Capitol next week.
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    • 65 13  -  Sin Wen Pao Shanghai, Mar. 21. In view of the recent attempts made alas life by his political enemies. Gen. cnan Shan has abandoned his proPfc* trip to the United States, it is •f'-irned here. But to avoid further dangers to his *r.eral Ma may move
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    • 224 13 An Important Tin Consumer. <By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent > London, April 4. COMPARATIVE figures for the big y etttos of the world give London as the third largest user of the telephone New York is estimated to have 1,579,616 instruments or 22.3 for every
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    • 150 13 February Outputs Up On Last Year. (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Ariril 4. The Rubber Growers' Association has issued its analysis of the outputs during February of 615 rubber-producing companies. Following are the detailed figures, with those for the previous month and Februnrv, 1933: RUSSIA'S
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    • 767 13 Brooklands Record. CAR IN AIR AT ONE TIME. (By Air M.ail.) (From Out Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 4. A LARGE crowd of spectators at Brooklands track yesterday watched Mr. John Cobb, driving his Napier Railton car, break the lap record by averaging 139.71 m.p.h, for the complete
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    • 234 13 Easter Holidays Make A Quiet Week. (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Corresponds L) London, April 4. THE only news to affect the market was the r.?ttlement of the American automobile dispute, and even that had less effect than had been anticipated. A small advance did take place,
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    • 81 13 Searching The World For Scrap Metal. Port of Spain, Trinidad. April 4. Pursuing their world-wide search for scrap-metal to feed the demands of Osaka's busy factories, Japanese agents are scouring the British West Indies for ancient sugar-making machinery. Thousands of tons of this machinery, some of which was
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    • 275 13 Dr. J. Heron And Miss Joan Frank. AT a very pretty wedding at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday Miss Joan Frank, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frank, became the bride of Dr. John Heron, the Rev. L. S. G. Petter officiating. The church was
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    • 347 13 Vesta Til ley's Scorn. THOSE "GAD-ABOUT ACTRESSES." (By Air Mail.i (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 4. VfESTA fffley pours loom on actresses who have achieved notoriety more by beauty than talen:, and to whom "romantic love adventures seem to be the be-all and end-all of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 178 13 '••►■•'«l'llHIMII! l Hll l |l t w |11|(1||||;|iM|1|^, tl||l||; il||||i| |i|l|lj|l|||||||i |n| |nr /C3\ AN IDEAL TONIC. *rj A Has fapen awar( j c j 04 O)id anri •3^-jfißvi Silver Medals. /^jf r Stimulates '.he Appetite. \\v -^j readily as grown up people. Over 1000 Medical Testimonials. s BE SURE
      178 words
    • 113 13 >;<:i<i!'iii:tiii::iiiii!iiiii!iiiiiiiiii!!ii>i!iiiiiiiii:ii'ii ininiiiiiiiiiii «iai:i!:iMiitaiiiMai[ii;ii;iNanaitatianß!iati«MßtiaiiiNaia.,s-tßujraticiiauaiii ik.» < iinr'iaiiiiia!iattatiisei:r'-?'"'v^- > r ie: t^uiniiiiiiiii I If s Saturday m the morning Early m the morning they'll be off to the sweetshop. See the great decision being made So hard to choose from all 1 those Nestles, Cailler's and Kohler's bars when they're all I
      113 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 121 14 To all Visitors to the Livestock and Trade Exhibition. CROSLEY SHELVADOR ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR The Shelves m the door increase A REFRIGERATOR WITH SHELVES IN THE DOOR FOR tf b «j f EGCSS, BUHER, BACON, AND OTHER SMAU ARTICLE*" Ilie SlOra 8 e S P aCe D^ U P er cenL
      121 words

  • 1848 15 F^ n /T^/P >S\ o o TT Important Preparations Made Inaugural Meeting On May 10 Description Of The Game In The State Singapore Champion Defeated Vass Makes A Come-Back Exhibition Series At Livestock And Trades Show Jottings From Here And There. PREPARATIONS are now
    1,848 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 112 15 Br^r 'I^J" Ibh Bp IP^ B B vl B fl B^ w *l. m W' -By b X' M ■jjSj^: ;:l|;|ii|(B B "^B B :J tP' H H B^^^j^Bp^^f^B B B S •'jS^iiiiifß i xiflj HBPB^k-:-:*.-. SBVBHVBVBhHVBV ■k. H Bl -B Bfe* B I B »^B R-'SIB *^;m wm-' JH^B
      112 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 361 15 EMPIRE RADIO. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. Local Time 12.35 p.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. A summary of the week's news. 12.50 p.m. A light orchestral concert (gramophone records >. (Time Signal from Greenwich at 6.15 a.m.). 1.50 p.m.— 2.35 pm A religious service: address by the Reverend Pat McCormick, D.5.0.. relayed
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  • 2349 16 Epivorth League* In Selangor Co-ordinating Committee Formed New Club-House For Chin Lok Dramatists Another Society Formed In Negri Sembilan Local Club's Debate Is Experience Or Qualification A Greater Asset In Life? COME of the Epworth Leaguers m s< langor felt that certain League activities bave
    2,349 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 416 16 A ll X 5 ml Jl ir BRAND CONDENSED MILK 'Info *^i£ J 1 [•''T'L-it:' There has been a phenomenal demand for "AIRSHIP" Condensed Milk since its introduction into Malaya, that iedrife are finding it hard to cope with the increasing demand. Users unable to jret supplies are requested I<>
      416 words

  • 968 17 «r<> industries, Not 3. HOW THE AIR IS FREED FROM n HUiWIDITY. DELICATE ELECTBICAL INSFAUUE-Nrs. Dehydration Plant And A Sealed Roof. „-HEN you lift V*n telephone re- Zm from the hook and dial have you; any idea of thy *Zrra! process? it entails m
    968 words
  • 78 17  -  Shun Pao. Nanking, Mar. 16. The Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission has received an urgent report from Sikang reporting the capture of Tehkeh by the Tibetans on the eear,o r bank of the Chinsha River. Fighting of a sericus nature is still in* progress In that region.
    78 words
  • 76 17  -  Shun Pao To Study Judicial Administration In Europe. Shanghai. Mar. 21. Mr. Chin Cheng. Vice-President of the Judicial Yuan, has decided to leave for Europe on May 5 on a trip of inspection of the judicial administration on that Continent. The period of his inspection is one year
    76 words
  • 637 17  -  Tibetans' Demands All Rejected. Kangting, Mar. 1 (By Mail). !-T is learned that before the preseni war between Sikang and Tibet started, both sides made an attempt to settle their dispute by peaceful means. A rervespn^-M^e of the Tibetan authorities at Changtu went to Ya-an m
    637 words
  • 213 17 NEW METHOD OF INSULATION. Ilelnicrced Aluminium Foil. ITHE Turner Asbestos Cement Co.. a ■I. branch of Messrs. Turner a.nd bewail, Ltd., at Trafford Park, Manchester, have succeeded m producing a reinforced aluminium foil to meet the requirements of a new method of insuHagainst heat introduced by Dr. G. P Crowdsn,
    213 words
  • 183 17 Retrocession Of Great Wall Passes. Peiping, March 16. When interviewed by the press, Mr. Tao Shang Mm, Chinese Retrocession Commissioner, declared that the customs office at Shanhaikuan has been restored and is functioning as usual. The Manchukuo authorities have established their own customs office at Tunglochen, a
    183 words
  • 55 17 Hongkong, Feb. 28. Mr. Hsu Mm Hung, a prominent leader of the Third Party and Chairman of the Changchuan Province of the Fukien People's Government, has been executed at Tapu by order of General Chen Chi Tang. Mr. Hsu was arrested while he was frying to escape-*
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  • 62 17  -  Shun Pao Organised Campaign For Development. Shanghai, Mar 20. A national Aviation Conference will be held In Shanghai on May 5, it is learned from the Chinese "National Aviation Association. The meeting will be attended by representatives from different provinces and cities when measures will be drawn up
    62 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 125 17 Save yotr -.mi liliiir I Vi+amin mal 5 L lonic food I O^tf'mi't fas the family vtUrafn brolc a baianoed. H piandardis^d and extremely app t) mc prrpaiai'n of fttamtas A. B, C and D TL i- inva'uab'o 13 a general H tonic and i recommended for children rr.d ariulls
      125 words

  • 885 18 Accuracy At Potting: Reason For Repeated Failure: Tricky Two-Cushion Cannon. Billiards For Amateurs. STRENGTHEN YOUR WEAKNESS. By SYDNEY LEE I WHERE is nothing like strengtheji- ing the weakest part of your game if you want to make real improvement. Taking amateurs as a body, p tting a ball is the
    885 words
  • 141 18  -  Shun Pao Preparing To Stage A Come-Back. Nanking, Mar. 26. THE Government is m possession of reports about renewed activities of Genera! Tsai Ting Kai m Fukien. It is said that General Tsai has instructed his followers to proceed secretly to Nanking. Tientsin and Shanghai with funds for
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  • 129 18  -  Shun Pao Economic Blockade Ot Kiangsi. Nanchang. March 26. General Chiang Kai Shek has issued a strict order further tightening the teonomic blockade against the Red regions m Kiangsi. By the new order each family m the districts under blockade is only allowed to consume an ounce
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  • 233 18  -  Gen. Chen Tsi Tang To Reorganise Them. Nanking, Mar 21. According to inform alien from mill- i tary sources, General Chen Chi Tang m Canton has definitely decidtu to reorganise the troops m Kwangtuiu?In future the troops m Kwangtung will be known as the Southern Route Anti-Red Army.
    233 words
  • 80 18 Tsinan, March IG. The "Now Life" movement started by General Chiang Kai Shek, which is aimed at the restoration of China's old morality, has spread to Shantung. The Reconstruction Department of the Shantung Provincial Government has received orders from General Han Fuchu, the Shantung Chairman, to hold
    China Times  -  80 words
  • 270 18 insurance Manager's Death In Shanghai. THE death is announced with regret ot Mr. T. E. ("Birdie") Mitchell, Far Eastern manager of the General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corporation. Ltd. He died uf heart failure m the Country Hospital, Shanghai, following a long illness. He had
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  • 65 18  -  Shun Pao Tientsin. Mar. 26. Arrangements to send the families ol Chinese volunteers killed m Manchuria to the North-wost for land reclamation pur Doses are now under way. The scheme is supported by all former volunteer commanders including Generals Chu Tsi Chins and Ma Chan Shan.
    65 words
  • 542 18 Another Step To World War. 'TINDER the protection of and at the U instigation of the Japanese Henry Pu Vi will be proclaimed emperor of Manchukuo to-day at Changchun. It is a comic scene m a tragic show. "Japan has been working hard for world conquest.
    China Times  -  542 words
  • 44 18 A three days' conference of the International Round Table is \o be held en board the White liner "Doric" anchored m the Mersey on* Liverpool, on May 16, 17, and 18. Seven hundred delegates are expected to attend from all par.s of Britain.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 228 18 A 7\ M& I P"* -ihui lN^y 1U X --h „,n ieeU /c IM^^ write* a physician ta tfc. ''■\'lt\Hl ir 1 JrfS^&Z^^Z&^^^L t i4 n Medical Mccortf.* jg>~^ -tslv-™^ Banish Malarial Debility Malarial fevers have sapped your strength and vitality. The parasites have reduced your blood to a staie
      228 words

  • 1026 19 O,p«SGAPORK.-6,0 ,p«SGAPORK.-6, And Servants Took Their Own Leisure. ,By a "Sunday Tribune" Special Correspondent.) week I propose U> relate further Tridents from contemporary life m 1 m^Z about a century ago. S^KJ l£v article i quotrd passages 1° TVmrthy journal kept by Major liw
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  • 781 19  -  K.O. (By VICKY Sullivan created a sensation A in Rangoon on March 31 by knocking out Young Gondie in the second round of their fight there. Sullivan fared badly in his reSuRhm's cent battles in Singapore and Penang. jmmh Alter bein^r knock d
    781 words
  • 311 19 For Britain's Overseas Visitors. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, March 15. This summer's varied programme of international sporting events is expected to attract more overseas visitors than ever before. Shipping companies already report bookings for more than 10,000 passages io this country from Australia alone. Dominion and
    311 words
  • 58 19 The annual tournament of the Marigold BP. will commence er.-ly r.e:-:. month an:l member; are requested ,o turn up regularly for practice. The events will be "A" and "B" singles championship, League system. Entries are now open and m ending competitors can ob.a>:i entiy forms from the captain,
    58 words
  • 36 19 Mtmbcs of the Juvenile B.P. are informed ihat the Par y*s annual tournament will commence early m May. The events will be: open singles' championship (League), "B" singles championship (League), open doubles champioirr,hip < knock-out).
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 322 19 DISORDER IN NORTH CHINA. %^r Roving In S^T Districts. s s \^r^^^k^ Shanghai, Apr. 13j >^ M f arc enlisting Chinese a^^^^a* at tho P° rts of Hopei :yy f 4 and sendin 6 them to /^L^3 steamers, pref y^k m construct ins roads J fi^^y es a re
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  • 1967 20 Th e Week's Malaya n SPORT REVIEWED Malaya's Conquering Hockey Heroes Return To-Day Inter-Port Cricketers' Feat Emulated Last Week's Cricket Matches School Team At The S.C.C. Risky Declaration Costs Ceylonese A Game Next Week's Padang Cricket "Derby." (By "Rimau.") (CRICKET, the Swimming Carnival i at the Y.M.C.A. pool, and the
    1,967 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 522 20 i i.M,,,,n.,..-.-i I"' i *tiiii m i m i n n urn iiiiinininniiiwmmnMinimiHi I SOCCER COMPETITION. Test Your Skill and Win Cash Prize of 100 ~$\QQ "Sunday Tribune" No Must Be PoP °J ar Footba France T Contest. v U^lJ (No. 48.) Fe<! The "SUNDAY TRIBUNE" will plvc a prize
      522 words

  • 1181 21 THE SIKHS' NEW YEAR. History Of "Visakhi." nrVOIT OBSERVANCES *fl W -s W" the r.-n New Year's Day. From a .^nt. JB.S., we have reinteresting article. late for publication Our correspondent ■jij- ,i o r the New Year Day, known 4F Shs as Visakhi." is commemor!ft^ pa" of the world
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  • 64 21 industry Minister Gbinjr'To D.E.I. Shanghai, Mar. 20. ¥T is learned that Mr. Chen Kung Po 1 Minister of Industry, is planning to take a trip to the Dutch East Indies to m thatVe^n^ conditions of Chinese^ No definite date for this departure has yet ü been
    64 words
  • 1452 21 Book Reviews. "Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf ALMOST overnight, "Three Little Pigs" has changed from just another fairy tale to a national institution. The guiding genius of Walt Disney added the touches needed a new swing to the story, suparb illustrations, and lyrics which have
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  • 81 21 Congressmen Welcome President. Washington, April 13. PRESIDENT Roosevelt's return from a brief fishing trip was the occasion of a remarkable demonstration by 200 members of Congress, mostly Democrats. They marched to the station to welcome the President m column of fours, headed by a scarlet-coated band of
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 166 21 American Students Fight With Police. New York, April 13. Strikes and threats of strikes are reported from various parts of the country. Three thousand tool and die workers are idle at Detroit. Workers affiliated to the American Federation of Labour, employed by the Fisher body plant, Flint, Michigan,
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 73 21 Huge Total Of Exchange Subscriptions. Washington. April 13. The Treasury announced to-day that exchange subscriptions to the recent conversion loan of $200,000,000 FouTth Liberty Bonds and $49,000,000 In Trea;ury Notes totalled $797,000,000 for the Liberty Bonds and- $234,000,000 for the Treasury Notes. Mr. Morgenthau has called an additional
    73 words
  • 113 21 An unofficial Ball to nboish ths practi?? nf dedicating women as 'D:vadasis" for :ervice m Hindu ernp'es was passed m i*s fast reading m the Bombay legislative Council (<n March 16. The Bill ha: been referred lo a IKlec OamMHittee. -r Bcle moving the measure, ia!p:es.sed. u^on th?
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 514 21 Japanese Roving In Districts. Shanghai, Apr. 13*. 1 l APANESE agents arc enlisting Chinese J labourers at the ports of Hopoi and Shantung and sending them to Manchuria by Japanese steamers, presumably for work m constructing roads and railways, states a report from Worth China. Many
    514 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 117 21 HI THE LATEST COLOURS r Tl1 new i Tobralro designs \iJ^*/t'3^'/' arr hc:c A!1 th lat st co'ours. and 0t n^ such fascinating pattern?. Everywhere ~^*^i the sheps are making special displays. -V^? >** B^ early and choose for your frocks. ."Miy k **\*l v Ycu know now beautifully Tobralco
      117 words
    • 104 21 \s^SSSSEa^ilf V«Srarctc±ions speak BEBaßßilkLygliM iis not enough. 2SE2S^I ialk economy i here's where you can pocket a savingj Every car owner wants to economise nowadays, but. j economies are apt to prove expensive m the lon# run, and where is one to befflti Here's a useful tip lit Oldfield Tyres.
      104 words

  • 828 22 Excellent Times Recorded By Newcomers. Scrubbing Brush Runs Second To Great Mirador. (From Our Oxen Correspondent.) Penang, April 14. i i was a large attendance for i the opening' of the Penang Turf Club's three-day April professional extra race meeting this afternoon. II
    828 words
  • 159 22 Unfinished Match At Hong Lim Green. The rain caused the abandonment of the cricket match at Hong Lim Green yesterday between the S.C.R.C. and the j A.P.C. The former, who batted first, had scored 98 runs for four wickets, of which j Chua Choon Leong was responsible
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  • 53 22 S.C.C. team v. the Straits Cattle Trading Co. F.C. on Thursday at S.C.C. m Second Division of the S.A.F.A. League A. Van Bachove; F. E. E. Hindley, J. A. Hunt, C. Q. Starkey, L. V. Taylor, J. Crichton; S. Webb, M. C. Elliott, P. D. Cork, A. Ferguson,
    53 words
  • 62 22 Match Abandoned At Half -Way Stage. Rain spoiled the cricket match yesterday between the Ceylon Sports Club II and the St. Andrew's School at the latter's grounds. The Ceylonese had just completed their innings for a total of 69 runs when rain set m. Dr. Manian
    62 words
  • 51 22 S.C.C. v. Indian Association on April 22 at 2 p.m. at Balestier Road ground A. G. Cooke, L. V. Taylor, J. A. Dean, J. W. Jackson, J. M .Brander, G. L. F. Bamford, A. I. Horsley, K. M. Jopp, C. F. Clifford, A. P. Craigie, C. F.
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  • 42 22 (Frovi Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, April 13. In the final of the badminton tournament held by the Tamil Union for a cup presented by Mr. S. Thamby Rajah. J.P., J. D. Sundaraj beat N. S. Maniam 14-14 (3-1) 6-15, 16-6.
    42 words
  • 25 22 The .Happilads Athletic Party will entertain the Hawks B.P. to a friendly game of badminton at their court at 3 p.m. to-day. i
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  • 209 22 Raffles Institution's Easy Victory. ON the Raffles Institution ground yesterday, the schoolboys scored a decisive victory m a cricket match against the Police II team, by the margin of eight wickets. The Police took first knock and were only able to collect 42 runs, none of the
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  • 240 22 Celebration Of Their New Year. The Ceylon Tamil Association had a gala, day yesterday celebrating their New Year with sports and other actlvi- ties. Their President, Mr. I. I. Mdr. Nagalingam, being unavoidably absent. Mr. S. Ambalavanar i vice-President took the chair at last night's gathering. The hall
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  • 187 22 Chinese Beat Police In Keen Encounter. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 14. In spite of the free admission to the Stadium, the crowd was not lajvje for to-day's soccer match, considering the fact that threequarters of the men from the Police Depot turned out to watch
    187 words
  • 119 22 The Rovers B.P. cuter .ained ihc United Chinese Amateurs last Sunday to a match of seven singles at ;hoir court, and the results were as follow.;: <U. C. A. players mentioned first Chan Seak Choon beat Low Poh Hye 15—10. 13 13 (s— o>; Tan Hock
    119 words
  • 210 22 RECORD FIRST- WICKET PARTNERSHIP. Opening P.W.I). Baw Score 212 runs. THE match played ai McNair between the Nondescripts- J* Club and the Public Work* D<W Sports Ciub ended m a draw? A feature of thp ?iame wag iB broken partnership between thT ing P.W.D.S pair, which prorXL? runs. Scores N
    210 words
  • 237 22 Interesting Mafoh Interrupted. PLAYING against a strong SJtC I the Combined Schools gave at a ceedingly good display and were cidedly unlucky that the ram down and prevented them from M a possible victory. Before the game was abandonee boys had captured eight of the h wickets
    237 words
  • 58 22 Tuesday's First Division League Match. The S.C.C. team for the First H match at the Padang on Tuesday be: H Cherrington Van Houten, Met* Robertson, Harper, Donald: Morga: Brand, Fyfe. King. The ground will be enclosed charges will be 50 cents 'seats* cents f stand m R.i.
    58 words
  • 45 22 COMMERC IAL CUP. It is notified thai the Commerce match F. and N A" v. Munidpa^ vices, fixed for tcj-morrow n* s postponed. tA j S.H.B. v. APC also fined f< row will be played at the Ja -*Lj Stadium instead of the S.HB P^
    45 words
  • 41 22 The followii.u have been f\ play Pinß-poi v, lor the CeyH" l Association v General Hospi" 1 'ion Club to-day at 3 p.m.: N. Paramanathan. S X Sm^^.i lhasan, R. K. Sundram. N. S tgnatius and S X Williams.
    41 words
  • 28 22 The newly formed basebjrt i J the Chinese Companion Atw* nation will make their aaw»e w» a m friendly match against >{^ at St. Joseph jund, startw
    28 words
  • 14 22 The cricket match arrantf? ihe R.A.F. and the .lohore tj>e postponed on account 01
    14 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
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  • 1090 23 But The "Blades' Remain Wedged At The vpsterciays English O n tsO.« cabled by Reuter Nfi I..SH LEAGUE. Piv. I. 1 BirmuKham 1 Ever it n v .1 i- 1 .htiv-* T I Sewcattl* l. d T Sheffield W. 0 I 2 Arsenal
    1,090 words
  • 170 23 Yesterday's Cricket On The Padang. r]s swilt both yesterday's cricket glares on the Padang. On the jjL^iide the game between the anbined Schools and the Club had to abandoned at an interesting stage. t between the S.C.C. and the fitehires had to be called off when
    170 words
  • 183 23 Matches At Livestock Exhibition. THERE was an interesting series of badminton matches at the Second Annual Livestock and Trades Exhibition at the old race-course yesterday evening when the Novices B.P. beat the Diehards B.P. by four games to one. The matches were arranged m conjunction with the Singapore
    183 words
  • 221 23 Ties In Spring Handicap Tournament. TIES m the Spring Handicap tournament at the S.C.R.C. have been arranged as follows: TO-MORROW'S TIES. "A" Doubles Handicap: Seng Watt and Chin Siew v. Teck Yam and Yong Poh, Scow Kee and Sian Chye v. Kirn Sang and Hong Sang. "B"
    221 words
  • 58 23 Services to Soccer Recognised. London, April 14. TIHE Council of the Football Association have decided to present the Secretary, Sir Frederick Wall, who is retiring m July, with £10,000, m recognition of his untiring energy and valuable service to British Football. The announcement was a pleasing birthday present
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  • 512 23 Several Good Bowling Performances. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 14. rE weather m Kuala Lumpur to-day was remarkably fine and a full programme of cricket matches was possible. A feature of all the games played was the excellent performances put up oy the bowlers,
    512 words
  • 780 23 Honours Divided. CHINESE HOLD THE WILTSHIRES. AFTER dominating the exchanges for about three-quarters of the game, the Wiltshire Regiment had to be content with only a point m their encounter with the Chinese m the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League yesterday, at the Jalan Bes;ir Stadium.
    Reuter  -  780 words
  • 37 23 Soccer International At Wembley. London, April 14. England beat Scotland 3 o m the soccer international at the Wembley Stadium. The half-time score was I—o1 0 m England's favour, Bast m being tin* scorer.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 132 23 YOU'LL HOWL YOU'LL SCREAM YOU'LL ROAR and otherwise make a general nuisance of yourself when you see the second Don Juan and he's twice as good as the first! JIMMY DUBANTE LUPE VALEZ STUART ERWIN m COMING TO THE ALHAMBRA I I I I 1 1 I I I I
      132 words
    • 45 23 ANNUAL. 1 CASH j half-price! DAYS I MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY I TERRIFIC FINAL REDUCTIONS j I EVERYTHING GENUINELY REDUCED JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., T^eSST i HmUIUl.;lillllllHilllHlllulul l ilal l iliili l li;inii l l ,1:11 ;l 1 .1. Ifii i i.^..1i.1.i«.,1.i1:.1 iHi.1:.1..1..1..1i11ii1..*. I«ii1 «ii
      45 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 15 1 Th e Sunday Tri bun e 24 PAGES. SINGAPORE, STTNDAY. APRIL 15, 1934. FIVE CENT?
      15 words
    • 144 1 The badminton mixed doubles champions of Malacca, Mr. Charlie Scow and Miss Ho Yih En. The management committee of the Malacca Badminton Association A group photograph pi the Sunlight 8.P. Kuala Lumpur, Che Indoot, the first Malay girl to compete m the Selangor badminton tournament. Two
      144 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 5 1 24J Pages Fop 3 Cents.
        5 words
      • 109 1 Read the TRIBUNE Far Best SPORTS REPORTS fflßrannrmPli aB ■»--3^ iH a." Am fS^^ffl tor I .^^^^r >^^ Nicotine never stained finders and never l^^V caused a cough. Staining and coughing '^k 5^ caused by tobacco tar hot, benii-solid* intensely irritant. > >/// /^/f ow/y $w K'Arf"' -=^K^^^|^^^^^P^^SMul^^ </o« /o
        109 words