Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 4 February 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
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  • 618 1 Singapore Changes Its Character Over- Night. A J^usli To Complete The Local Naval Base. GUARDIAN OF BRITAIN'S EASTERN POSSESSIONS. THE REAL MFANWG OF TflE NAVAL IB CONFERENCE. I Defensive Preparations. Outranging Ibe Biggest Naval Guns Afloat. r\R-REACHING cievelopme nts in Britain's defences in the East are expectel to resn It
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  • 47 1 Settlement Arranged With The Miners. Kalgoorlie. Feb. 3. anti f re!gn tr Üble haVC beeU mine! by an agreen *ent between the nri Monday iSLU resum P f ion of work -Reuter. lorel^" S will be employed. ?,*> houwfSi pay Several Bt tattte^^ljittoyod and a
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  • 104 1 Drastic Changes In Command lieiny Made. Washington, Feb. 3. It is announced that Admiral J. M. Reeves lias* been appointed Commander-in-Chicf of the United States fleet in accession to Admiral D. F BOniko becomes Superintendent of the Naval Academy of Annapolis, in success on to Rear- Admiral
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 157 1 Fight With Police Near Berlin, Berlin, Feb. 3. THE shooting of four Communists in a struggle with the police is related in an official announcement, which explains that the occurrence was a sequel to the recent murder of a Potsdam carpenter named Kattner, formerly a confidant
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 69 1 London. Feb. 3. A Melbourne despatch states that the Kon. J. G. Latham (Australian Minister. io. External Affairs expects to start on a projected diplomatic mission to Japan in March. He will also visit China and the Dutch East Indies. The mission is primarily one of diplomatic goodwill.
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 30 1 London, Feb. 3. London Rubber, Spot, 4%d. July-Sept. 4 15 16d. New York Rubber, Spot 9" T cts. Feb.-Mar. 9 13 16 cts. CROSS-RATE. New York— London, 4.931
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  • 194 1 A Five-Dollar Pound, j U.S NEGOTIATING j WITH BRITAIN. Washington, Feb. 3. 'TENTATIVE and informal" Anglo-American monetary discussions are proceeding, preliminary to negotiations through diplomatic channels or through the Bank of England and the New York Federal Reserve Bank. These talks, according to the "Journal
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 68 1 London. Feb. 3. A Cabinet decision to continue the National Government until after the budget in 1936 has been reached this week, according to the ''News Chronicle," which adduces the main reasons as. Qrstly, to forestall Conservative criticism 9f Mr. MacDonald and secondly, to assure a united front
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  • 190 1 American Proposal To Japan? Shanghai, Feb. 3. THE Soviet forces have completed their concentration along the Russo-Man-chukuo border, with Vladivostock and Khprbarovsk as their bases. They have constructed an elaborate svstem of defences encircling Manchuria. the cordon of trenches extending a long distance. It is reported
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  • 122 1 JOHNSON DEFEATS GUILLERMO. 4 Thrilling Battle. Filipino Unlucky To Lose Verdict. GOME stirring boxing wa. s.en by a large crowd at the N w \Y r 1 last evening. In the principal the F.M.S. B£gro, Johnson. as awarded the verdict over the Filipino crack, Guillermo, after
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  • 1192 1 Clever Boxiner And Hard Punching:. 'Special Report by "K. O") during a spell of in-fighting, Johnson ;ot home with two short uppercuts. GUILLERMO ON THE ATTACK. Towards the end of the round Guilermo landed a smashing right to the iw, but the negro was unshaken. Guil!°rmo followed
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 Yesterday's Cup And league Soccer. Ot fAGS 13.
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    • 77 1 I si-^ x o4 coolinq, A >|U£,« drink i thai cfoes you good *fy<-*j J^^^s^fi^ R*~^' a cotrle °f "Beehive Brandy." Pour out your tirst glasslull. Sip its 7 *?2^lffljߣ&^^ golden goodness! What joy! What contentment How it livens and invigorates jj^jSHßg*^ your whole system. How delightfully re sffi%m%%/>S <
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    • 21 1 LET N. E. M(National Employers' Mutual i INSURE YOU! Fire, BargUry, .Motor, v\ orkmtaf* C om pen »a iion. Special Kates.
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  • 399 2 Arabic Gibberish. FOUND WANDERING IN A VILLAGE. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 24. VIEW light has recently been thrown on one of the most wholesale hoaxes on record— a hoax that was swallowed by learned men from various parts of the world and that set
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  • 313 2 Reserve Hockey Teams Clash. WHEN the second strings of th: Singapore Recreation Club und the Indian Association met at hockey on the padang last evening, the home team were unlucky to lose the game by 2—l. in view of the fact that they were doing the attacking
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  • 264 2 Proposed Control System Unfair. B riiii. Feb 3 THE German reply t<» one French *J jnemoire presented on Jan. 19 a just made public, slut:-.. th.;i the mi* points of the French plan give rti| grave doubts as to whether this way* approach to the disarmament
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 103 2 Match Aganist The Madras Presidency. The following were to constitute I Madras Presidency team against 1 M.C.C. tourists in a throe-day match Madras on Feb. 3, 4 and 5 H. P. Ward captain), the Maha Kumar of Vizianagaram. Bharat Cha M. J. Gopalan. C. P. John.-tone, R.ll
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 151 2 m l The delightful calendar illustrated below is offered to all users of "Ovaltine" as well as those who have not yet tasted I this delicious health giving beverage. The calendar is obtainable from all stockists of "Ovaltine" throughout Malaya between February Ist and 14th. l!^ -*J6>. t^'" j^^Sxc"^ t
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    • 72 2 >l llll il lllllll|llllll^<<i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii:!( < iii:Kii']tqiuiiiiiiiuitinniniiiiiniiiiiniitiiiiMinuiaw^^ nin %.»mmm I SPECIAL OFFER... I DURING STOCK-TAKING j MADE IN ENGLAND I India T H K I cj Sizes Gauze I 34 I Fine 3G I Cotton j 38 Singlets (jg Only 1 Special m I Price 3 FOB $1.00 Robinson Co., Ltd.
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  • Reports From The Malayan Courts.
    • 215 3 REVENUE OFFICERS BUSY. Alleged Smuggling. CHANDI FOUND IN A PILLOW. rr\vo chaiges oi opium being smuggled into the Colony by pgßeJfeera arriving from China ports pot mentioned yesterday before Mr. H. A. Fotser, the District, Judge. In one case 15 tahils of opium were discovered hidden in a pillow, the
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    • 95 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 2. In the Police Court to-day, before Mr. J. C. Derrick, a Chinese. Pan Suck, was charged with possessing dutiable liquor in a place other than a bonded warehouse at Lorong Pandan, with fermenting intoxicating liquor without a licence and with possessing
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    • 148 3 Cheating Charge Against Tamil Fails. OEFORE the Third Magistrate «Mr Dohoo» yesterday Somoo. a Tamil charged a compatriot. Retnam, with having cheated him of SlO, which the lormer paid to the latter three months ago for the of procuring him a job in Tan Kah Koe's biscuit
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    • 193 3 Convicted On Charges Of Extortion. AHMAT bin Dugang, a Malay detective with 15 years' service, was sentenced to three months' r.i. on each of two charges of extortion of $1 and attempted extortion of S2O by the Third Magistrate, yesterday. The prosecution story was that on Aug. 23.
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    • 177 3 Alleged Use Of Criminal Force. TWO girls, smartly dressed were summoned before the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Brander, yesterday, to answer a scries of charges against them. In the first summons. Miss E. Carson, Miss A. Carson, and the amah of Miss E. Carson, were
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    • 124 3 Flogging For A Chinese Boy. A SQUEAKING bas was exhibited yesterday b efore the Third Magistrate, (Mr. Doohoo) when a Chinese boy of 15 years. Lai Wee Hong, was charged with cruelty to the creature. The boy was arrested at 10.30 yesterday morning, when he was
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    • 78 3 Chinese Charged With Breach Of Trust. Charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant, in respect of $20, S7O, and $31.90. a Chinese named Chong Foo claimed trial yesterday before the Third Magistrate (Mr, Dcohoo>. Mr. A. de Mello, who appeared for the prosecution, mentioned that a
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    • 59 3 Sentences On The Civilians Concerned. Tokyo, Feb. 3. Sentences have been delivered on twenty civilians concerned in the attempted assassinations of May, 1 -932. Tactilbana is sentenced to life imprisonment, Okawa to 15 years, Toyama to eight years. Kawasaki to 12 years, Homma. to ten years and others
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    • 136 3 Weil-Known Chinese Charged. LEE Siong Kiat, a well-known Chinese"towkay," was produced before the Third Magistrate. Mr. K. J. A. Doohoo. yesterday to answer charges of criminal breach of trust of money amounting to over $4,000. The first charge was that on July 2, 1932, he committed
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    • 139 3 Separate Committees For Each State. A meeting of the committee of the Malay States Association will be held in the near future and the following are the principal items to be discussed: 1. Election of committee members to represent the States outside Selangor. 2. Pending legislation. 3.
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    • 123 3 Said Constable Stole His Wallet. A FINE of $20 or in default 21 days' r.i., was imposed on a young Chinese named Lim Kim Sing- by the Second Magistrate, yesterday. The accused was convicted .of giving false information to the injury of a police constable. It appears that
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    • 198 3 Need Not Hold Up Penang Hil! Road. "When in the nineties rubber was first planted in Malaya. each estate that was opened up brought in its trail an epidemic of malaria, but they did not stop rubber j planting because of that, and to-day it 1 is possible
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    • 659 3 Sir S. Wilsons Speech: Malaya And Decentralisation (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 20. ||IGH officials in the Colonies were advised to-night to get off their office stools and see things for them•ehta by Brig.-General Sir Samuel Wilson, former Permanent Undersecretary for the Colonies
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    • 501 3 Terrorist liejfime. CHALLENGE TO OLD CIVILISATION. of a million Chinese arc directly involved In a desperate campaign on the result of which hangs the fate of mt "Chinese Soviet Republic.'' This development in China's internal convulsions is a State in the Kiangvi province, '250 miles West Shanghai,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 93 4 Middle-Apred Man And Girl Sentenced. < From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Feb. 3. I AT the Perak Assizes to-day a middleil r rrpH Malay, Puteh Bin Mat Tab and Che Nab Bint: Jusoh. about 16 years old. were found guilty of incest. The former was sentenced to
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  • 467 4 How Rum-Runners Work In Singapore. Illicit Samsu Supplied To A Large Population. A MONGST the countless, exhibits in the museum attached to the Government Monopolies Dept., in Maxwell aojc, are some which would puzzle the Lsitor v. no is unfamiliar with the me- .hods cnip.oyed by the local bootleggers in
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  • 192 4 Admitted To Practise In Johore. MR. Tomoji Sasagawa was admitted to practise in the Supreme Court of "ohore, by Mr. Justice W. H. Thorne, yesterday. The application was made by Mr. W. G. Coltart, and Mr. F. A. Briggs, appearing on behalf of the Johore Bar Committee, stated
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  • 540 4 "Frozen" Debts. THE SLUMP IN CHINA. Shanghai, Feb. SHANGHAI is under the grip of an "extreme" business depression. It is expected that over 1,000 firms will close before the Chinese- New Year. Fifty business houses in Nanking Road alone have been "wrecked" by "frozen" debts.
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  • 186 4 Plans To Build A Chapel In S'ngapore. The introduction of Christianity into Hhma. particularly In the remote provinces, hos do^e much towards imD v ovin(* the conditions of living and the minds of thousands of ae ignorant classes of Chinese r,f both ■exes. Ministers of all branches of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 './//i I (^lZ2&S&£f «.-eakenin K influence oi the fn.ilar;.i p;iras;te-> rt-furn^. rlo J* 0T I j -r f mnsbcr i>[ rcJ blood cor 1 :v.^ increases .;i am' 1 in -.fiort fhi i■■ J^tivj WJT- \v lit and healthy >sam' e I fc bO^^^ *rrlte« a physician in the k
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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    • 219 4 TODAY'S RADIO. (Continued from Page 17) 8.0 p.m. A religious service: D.K.H. Patterson (organist), relayed from St. Enoch's Parish Church, Dundee. 8.45 p.m. A summary of the week's news. 9.0 p.m. Time Signal from Greenwich. An Interlude. 0.5 p.m. Tom Jones and the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne. Orchestra, reeved from the
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  • 382 6 BOOK REVIEWS. Thrilling Volume In The Bounty' Trilogy. I" Men against the Sea." by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall. Chapman and Hall. Ltd.. 7s. 6d.l Mutinous outbreaks in the British Navy have been so rare that such as have occurred are t'iven groao prominence
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  • 195 6 Money Returns Here From China. FOR the first time since the Chinese began to emigrate to Malaya more than 100 years ago, large sums of money have been flowing into the country. Hitherto it is only usual for large remittance to be sent home from
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  • 295 6 The Book Of A Remarkable Play. ["The Child Manuela" (the novel oj "Madehen in Uniform"), by Christa Winsloe. Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 7s. 6d.] This is an English translation, by Agnes Neill Scott, from the German, and a very competent translation, too. As play and as picture,
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  • 310 6 A New Text-Book On Mathematics. ["Middle School Mathematics," by L. Crossland and M. Helme. Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 4s. 6d.] This book is a combined text-book of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. It has been carefully arranged on original lines to form a comprehensive course for
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  • 184 6 Death Of Former Weil-Known Singaporean. News has been received of the death of Prof. Edward William Gibbs, who was at one time Assistant Chemist to the Straits Trading Co., of Singapore. Prof. Gibbs gained a reputation in his post which eventually led to a distinguished career
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  • 862 6  - Let Lindrum Teach You Billiards. Walter Lindrum.) What Sm©®kerite§" Meed t Increase Yomit Score. (By BY request, 1 am putting up a snooker shot at the spot-end of my first diagram, No. 28. It is purely a practice stroke designed to help the many followers of the twenty-two-ball game. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 75 6 Distributors N. V. STRAITS JAVA TRADING CO co you want sound sleep avoid WEAK SPRATS-^ Kill mosquitoes with powerful FLIT Weak imitations of FLIT will bring you no relief from mosquitoes. Don't risk your comfort and health. Powerful FLIT kills mosquitoes by the roomful. Gel FLIT and sleep in peaee.
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    • 146 6 HELPS .^^^L FIGHT COLDS^H When coughs, colds, or bronchitis attack the B)>tem T^*»> AT^l J^' <J tonic is needed. i. 'j f^vvif Waterbury v 8 Compound m. n f.'\\\il gives the strength to throw xWv\cvV«//£i '7*^s\. °ff these diseases. It builds /fl ~^\^'^\^\ii^V^ i U P run-down vitality— r^-Ljj! *Sl~\]
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  • 1081 7  -  CINEQUE B;I u _f ■lacti fas the setting sun, f" f^i^ .houts ot men pic--1 U barbed in turbans iare sque!> f Xl !r dxl^ Ul u*e mountain aani roo f 5 ho bard-riding Rlfis ol camp ol <m XOiOCCO' P £BFL:nt:i. rantojjtte tribe has if;
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  • 93 7 Free Shows For Lucky Readers. <FIiE curious hieroglyphics 3-011 see 1- here represent the title of a Fox picture which will shortly be screened m Singapore. Can you decipher them, and how? Six free tickets to the theatre at tfhich the picture will be shown will be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 221 7 _fl_. lu -<___CS_A,^_r .^^K «£_rf_P _v_l o^lic* BsiflS^ jSci N^^B_^^ i| ■MB j'ywr* phjin IS 4S?? '■^HmHP^ ->^ vV Sswk Jks c i Ik 1 M W* v'^ >^^ >: '^?^i_B i HV ADlr n W>" -j« '_a^.-;- ?s:£_s3^j| -_^_B_w%_M_lH_HEßßEr_V^fc_&B_i_*9-c7'_--' > N^^^_^_>^i :^S!'^w» T*^&*^^3_«4_l K7 _^_Fl _2^<_i_r^_? __i_P l_l TP
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    • 257 7 THE YEAR'S GREAT A EXCITING FROM I_^<£^W H START TO FINISH! J|^ jM A Champion cast in a champion i MM ship screen achievement J||4 M |W| Hear MYHNA LOY sin«: the V% latest hit "Downstream Drifter" iJ^M^T- m\ delightful dance sequences! 'Be V% iMm tm Kiire of your ringside
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  • 1046 8 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. Dy Our Woman Correspondent SOME clever Cabaret turns by members of tho Fleet at present stationed in Singapore were featured in the programme at Raffles Hotel last Saturday at the Ball to mark the wind-up of th^ Malayan Rugger season. The return of the Mackey
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 8 Maurice Chevalier and Ann Dvorak in a scene from The Way to Love," which is coming to the Capitol soon.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 8 Iris Ashley, the popular London cabaret star, wearing a handsome gown of gold tissue, with an effective fringe of gold beads.
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  • 538 8 HpHE importance of choosing the right shade of face powder cannot be over-estimated and yet manv women continue buying it haphazardly without any care or thought as to quality or colour. When you try new powder shades for daylight, do it before a window in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 EgHi^ ORANGEPOP JH j li contains the Pure Juice of fresh CSS y /J Jl "Sunkist" Oranges. It's delightful /J anc^ vvno^ esomo M"^o it your regular fe B^^^ tlrink. g tf<^^ 1 1 1 v/ ■> t.;'i ■■■ip^ Iv I. Nli ■>>>•>. f 13 4T? I^T Y HT m
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    • 204 8 We recei\e regular weekly ship. menfs of AMERICAN. WASH FROCKS. V W RAALTE and ALLEN-A- HOSIERY. VAN RAALTE INDIES and (iLOYES BIEN JOLI CORSETS GIRDLE.* scientifically designed to fit and; improve any figure and FRANCETT!: MODEL HATS. Priscilla Ltd. 61, Stamford Road, SINGAPORE. Tel: 3335. Slysi^'-" A i* ;-X<i>X(wS^^^^B^^^^ JAj^Hi
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 442 9 A SELECTION OF CAMtRAS T0 sl it ALL POCKETS. j TOr.Kd.KAKKOr.EFOKE CHINESE NEW YEAR BELOW COST I vM| i /~^B Wk i i* Iv^v* YOUR INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED. i LEE FLETCHER, I 102, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, 'Phone 2850. Singapore, j prrrrrrrr:................T I 7v i Periodicals, Magazines and Fashion Journals
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    • 304 9 TAKE YOUR DOCTOR'S TIP BIOC I T I N Charges Your Brain and Nerve Cells With Energy, and m> Ensures Against Physical and Mental Fatigue. !i Obtainable in powder and tablet from all jirst-class Dispensaries, and Stores or front HINNAM LITTLE DISPENSARY, LTD., j j 4 309, 311 313, North
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    • 434 9 I c> 9 1 j Rg PIUDKNT— Gain knowledge ec(»nomic««l!y j)> J beinj» h constant touch with J j Ensign Book Store, j 17, High Street, Singapore. for all latest British and America! j J rnagmtnpg, tashi >n journals, j novels, literary books, stati ncry, j j fountain pen, &c
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  • 402 10 Sunday Tribune Singapore: Sunday, Feb. 4, 1934. LETS ALL SHAKE HANDS! ||IS HIGHNESS the Sultan of Perak made a timely apptal for •ae restoration of the traditional ;;ood fellowship among the communities in Malaya, when speaking he other day at a dinner given in -is honour, following the conferment upon
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  • 790 10 »THE situation surrounding both j Malaya's main commodities is i rather hectic just now. So far as j rubber is concerned, there is real optimism it is in- RUBBER creasingly believed that the Dutch j AND TIN will discover means of overcoming their admitted difficulties and that therefore
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  • 673 10 The Week By Quiz Welcome to General Lewin, Malaya's new G.O.C. He sort of Blewin yesterday. A A A Malaya is to have "a chain of aerodromes." And maybe, lots of years hence, aircraft to use them. A A A Singapore Rotarians have managed to distribute, to good purpose,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 159 10 e 1 25 29, Orchard Road, j lilt 111 I I !|M|!;t::tii|it|i!|P|i'|i!t::|MlM!'li t'it!'ii:|iiltiii:iiii!!liilii|i:i:iH'a •isiiiul'HiiliiliHiHi* P THE NAME P A PASKOE A s MEANS S K i HIGH EST QUALITY S K O 1N I O EJ FURNITURE F e BEDDING I^ 1 <K j CARPETS !CK c {BUY FROM PASKOE;
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    • 28 10 B. i i ff-i Ig d Z h y M V NO Influenza |U Colds, Grippe, By Sore Throat ES£ At at* Chemists rORMAMINf The germ-killing Throat Tables
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 39 10 THE WEEK'S TIDE TABLE. To-day: 1.24 a.m., 1.14 p.m. To-morrow: 1.48 a.m., 1.53 p.m. Tuesday: 2.17 a.m., 2.36 p.m. Wednesday: 2.49 a.m., 3.32 p.m. 'hiusday: 3.26 a.m., 4.52 p.m. 'riday: 4.18 a.m., 7.21 p.m. Saturday: 5.34 a.m.. 0.20 p.m.
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  • 450 11 they Live 0y Spear and Hook. MEN WHO WORK AND DIE IN BOATS. IN 'he shelter of a group of palms, i»**af s*ntly with the ebbing tae, i, moored a Malay boat, rather Wa kokk with an awning oJ attap to ke-p oi the son.
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  • 328 11 How Chinese In Malaya Practice It. THE Co-operative idea has been known 1 and practised by the Chinese thous- years ago. and is to-day widely popular axnorxst the Chinese in Malaya -claims the Sunday Tribune Chinese undent. Amongst many clerks in this country. the system of ••fluai" or
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  • 254 11 Experiment Of Dunlop's Successful. 'From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 23 iby air mail). REGULAR monthly bulk shipments to Europe of latex *v U in future b° made by Dunlops following the arrival this week of the first ot the company's bulk shipments to England. This consignment consisting
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  • 232 11 Queensland Minister Coming Here. MR. W. H. Austin. Commissioner of Trade «md Under-Secretary for Labour and Industry in the QueensI land Government, and Mr. W. Thomas, Secretary of the Queensland Government Colliery Federation, are at present on a goodwill mission in the Far East. They are
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  • 555 11 BEAUTY O F BATU PAHAT. A Land 01 Promise For Hunters. 'BY L. A. S. JERMYNj "So to the land our hearts we give Tid the sure magic strike, And Memory, Use and Love make live Us and our fields alike— That deeper than our speech and thought. Beyond our
    The Pilot  -  555 words
  • 73 11 Sofia. A crowd was gazing into the window of a naturalist's shop in Sofia. Walking about inside was a tame stork which had escaped from its cage after the shop was closed. The bird was "having tho time of its life"— eating up all the pet mice,
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  • 275 11 New Work For Chinese Girls. i Tonsorial work for Chinese girls: this is the latest development of the inroad of Singapore's women into what have I been exclusive fields for male employment, writes a Sunday Tribune representative. It is surprising how many local Chinese Rirls, some of
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  • 122 11 The latest issue of the "Pilot" the RrfSS* i° f ti > e Batu Pahat English Scnool, has just made its appearance It contains for the most part accounts" fc s P° r K ts activities of the school. This is probably due to the fact that the
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  • 790 11 Where, Oh] Where, Is Thsit "Night Life? (BY CONRAD \V. SIMPSON.' k It is a great pleasure to read many novels in which' Singapore, place "somewhere in India." figures largely, i Oh! that "sink of iniquity"! It is really wonderful, according to one school
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 All Tfivn v and WEWART PENS" are fully guaranteed e "Jo> a world wide reputation for efficiency. BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. Ob tainabl e f rnm stor 1 adinjr THE CHINA OPTICAL CO., s stationers. 5-1, Upper Cross Street, SINGAPORE.
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    • 24 11 <"it>rt«'niniimnwiiuniuu.j,, 8 n ia RMaMM^^ "FDFAI Mil k^! (Unsweetened Condensed) ENGLISH \^**s^Sw^^/ farm milk of exceptionally high quality, rich in cream and absolutely pure.
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  • 1427 12 Report Of Amateur Sporting Association The "Bing Boys" Of Klang Annual Business Meeting Of Union Epworth League Of Kuala Lumpur. "LVXTRACTS from the animal report oi the Amateur Sporting Association which was presented at their annual general meeting last week am as follows: There were 58 memoers
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  • 835 12 Annual Report And Accounts. attracts from the annual report of the Siew Sin Sia for 1933 ■"■^"S I Mr See Tho Bu and Mr. Tan nank Seei owing to pressure of office work, rafcnS from the posts of boa audttor and hon. asst sports captain in May
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  • 171 12 The fourteenth an ral dm ing of the Amateur Sporting Assam ion wlil be held on Friday. Jan. *1 7.30 p.m. 31 tho residence' <>f Mr. Km Eii£ Watt, 41, Craig Road The following will form the agendj <1> To confirm th« minutes ol^ thirteenth annual general
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 136 12 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance. Company, Limited. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. London Office: 27, Old Jewry, E. C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
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    • 339 12 f tt•l•c 1 1 1 1 111; 1 'Mp*^ w n HOK 3 I gy^^^^v^y Sj ■X' S^T^ vg *t «^h H> A OKI id IW ■Mwt' r^m. I gv S 1 """t *~^gl I m n '*^g 'SS^Bv3Hß^BSMflH_ '^nMPP'nfla^^^u'^S^^BSl JM&- 35 »ywr »v «i *S^BSa^wIJBP^W^yjS^^jWMBBB|BBM iBBBBa** ln sy\i. Tjft'
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  • Latest News From Home By Air Mail.
    • 293 14 Dutch Statement. CONTROL MAY LAST FIVE YEARS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 23. A CERTAIN amount of delirium in tho robber share market was tli*' natural sequel to the conference news from Amsterdam. The commodity stepped up to i 9[l6cL, the highest \'<>r months. Tin- communique,
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    • 219 14 Patient For The New Dock. [From Our Oun Correspondent.) Lionaon, Jan. zs. HM. S. "Caradoc," Captain E. N. Syfrct. which hi>s been stationed at Hankow throughout the winter, is ordered to leave there in mid-April for Hongkong to refit. She will afterwards be docked a' Singapore
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    • 373 14  -  H. G. WELLS.> 'BY We rcjrret that owing to extreme pressure on our space to-day, it is impossible to publish the brilliant short story by Mr. H. G. WeOs, announced for this issue. It runs to eight columns. It will definitely appear in the "Sunday Tribune" next
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    • 238 14 Students In British Workshops. (Trent Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 23. rpHREE Chinese engineeiing students A have arrived in England and, with four who arrived last week, are to start a period of practical training in British engineering works. These seven students are the first to gain the
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    • 125 14 Eminent Doctors Coming To MalayaJ (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 23. Ii ailing members of the community in Malaya can only hang out until 1935, they will be surrounded by a galaxy of medical talent that, in variety and extent will dwarf Harley Street. Resultant upon
      125 words
    • 72 14 Weil-Known Padre To Visit Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 23. Bishop Taylor Smith, formerly Chaplain-General to the Forces, who is 'in his 74th year, told the Crovdon I Brotherhood that on Feb. 24, he would leave on a world missionary tour, including Ceylon, Singapore, Java
      72 words
    • Article, Illustration
      21 14 Muriel Evans Linda Parker and Florine McKinney, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer players, learning the manly art of self-defence from Mike Cantwell, Max Baer's trainer.
      21 words
    • 423 14 The Future On Tin Control. (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 23. i AT the annual general meeting of Jos Tin Area (Nigeria) Ltd., at which a dividend cf 1C per cent, and 2% per centbonus were declared the Chairman, Mr. J. G. M. Brown John, made the
      423 words
    • 82 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Jan. 23. It is announced that a marriage has been arranged, and will take place in Penang on Ivtarch 14. between Mr. Robert Dudgeon Macintyre, B.Sc, Malayan Civil Engineering Services, Public Works Department, Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S., son of the Rev. A. S.
      82 words
    • 47 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 23. Making the most of the mild winter at home at the moment are: Col. M. J. T. Reilly, M.C.. Major Leslie, and Mrs. Horley. They are all staying in London and looked in at Malaya House this week.
      47 words
    • 334 14 Sinister Designs Are Foreseen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Jan. 23. rfiRENCHANT criticism of the buffer 1 poo) proposals and complaint of the unfair treatment of Malaya were features of a statement by Mr. C. V. Thomas. Chairman of Tronoli Mines. Ltd.. in an interim report to
      334 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 36 14 IHE FIRST PERFECT MALAY TALKIE A fe Kestian Ashik" "Jcoob sang JSecbabgia" t r I aI Produced S> HaUmooi Film Co. |N 1)^ OPENING AT THL I* < p IMARLBOROUGH, f] A" NEXT FRIDAY, 9th FEBRUARY. 0
      36 words
    • 43 14 Give a "Zeiss" Camera this Time. Zefcslkon Cameras are obtainable from all photographic stores throughout Malaya, BOLE iIGBNTSr The Scientific Instrument Company, SINGAPORE. THE HUNTER The best bag he ever bagged A bag of Fraser Neave, Ltd. DtSTRiBUTORS. )>l|!l|lll!!l!!llllll|Hlll| fill till! 111,,,,, M
      43 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 198 15 YOU NEED BOURN \ITA the perfect food-drink i- "^jfi^S^^^**' *^^^rtHj^E^H£#^fe2tei^^HiEia»^i^^B s* .■.'jfe> ■-x~ < '«^bk^ jß^^B Biitfs^^' s -..^v RECOMMENDED BY OVER 14,500 ENGLISH DOCTORS and MORE THAN 450 LOCAL DOCTORS* You're a very fortunate man, or woman, if you don't Bourn-vita helps you to sleep soundly, refreshingly, find life
      198 words

  • 1934 16 End Of Rugger Season North's Fine Win Over South Singapore Cup Winners Taste Defeat Combined Fleet Give, Improved Display Malayan Rugby Union's Sporting Gesture Encouragement Of Non-European Teams. (By "Rimau.") I T4IE rugger season proper came to a close last week when the North met
    1,934 words
  • 612 16 (By "K.O.") T»HE visit of the China and East Indies naval squadrons to these waters will long be remembered by local sportsmen. They have been the means of proTribute viding the sports loving public with to Naval excellent recreation in many Visitors branches
    612 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 691 16 SOCCER COMPETITION. Test Your Skill and Win Cash Prize of 100 ~ST6Q~ "Sunday Tribune" No Musi Be f France Contest. p Won (No> 38 ree The -SUNDAY TRIBUNE" will give a prize of $100 to readers submitting entries wjth the largest number of correct forecasts of tne resmw of matches
      691 words

  • 1612 17 And Tlkereo Move To Form A Malayan Association Lastest News The Selangor Championship Finals Samuel Again Champion Results Of Local Matches What's On To-day. i: is umU-rstood, trie Lad A min ton authorities i>, Setongor re takin^teps to formula., v Association. But *P lence
    1,612 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 17 Selangor's lady Badminton stars Miss Betty Ho, the dethroned champion, is third from the left, while on her left is Miss Chan Kon Leong. the new champion.
    27 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 71 17 \^^\\f\}\lJlf/////////O fk WARNER EROT(I I. W/ J^ Spectacular V\w'WV\ -y A > \f/MM wk BK mfwwmm. L /fl IB I Jfl^ »fl V AI bW6^^ "■ft 'l R^^^b 9^Lfi •^f^SJ V ft I wF^l BpK jJ BBBBk^ .^BBBE BBbT/^P*K .^^^^bWa^bbbb^^^^^bbbb^ bbb^^bbbW j^^ i V I^L bP^^^^/^ f&SSf^SS^pf f''4st witching son
      71 words
    • 38 17 I i^^^r^^i^TwK jG^^^^^Bß^ s£R2J^** w W& to be always fiddling marvellous you just M&f^^a turn the pointer to what you want plus Loud Speaker $18 $214, ,U7?^. o/ r/ie General Electric Co., Ltd., (of England), Singapore— Kuala Lumpur.
      38 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 397 17 WHAT'S ON TO-DAY. The seventh annual general meeting of the Juvenile B.P. will be held at the residence of Mr. Choa Be:i^ Wan. 380. Orchard Road, at 10.30 a.m. The finals in the Anson B.P.'s tournament will be played to-day at 10 a.m. The ties are as follows. Open Singles:
      397 words
    • 310 17 To-l)ay\s Radio. BRITISH AND DUTCH PROGRAMMES-Listen-In For Some Good Music. BOTH Daventry (Bngtandl and PHOHI Holland* are giving good programmes to-day and full details of both are given below. For the English programme seven hours and twenty minut must be added to the G.M.T. tim< given. The Dutch programme begins
      310 words

  • 847 18 (From t)ur Own Correspondent) Taping, Feb. 3. A SERIES of sensations were provided on the second and conducting day of the Taipinj? Turf Club's two-day professional race meeting this afternoon. In the opening race for the day, Marcelle II turned up winner to pay
    847 words
  • 149 18 Central Meeting And Annual Election. The fourteenth annual general meeting of the Amateur S.A. was held at 41. Craig Road, on Friday last, when the following were elected Patron, Mr. Aw Boon Haw; President, Mr. Lim Hock Seng; vice-Presidents, Mr. An» Lian Koe, Mr. Chew Keow Bock, Mr
    149 words
  • 79 18 Ties in the Amicable A.A.'s Gold F3ike billiards .tournament for this week are as follows: TO-MORROW: Chia Ah 'Kow v. P. L. Khoo. at 7.15 pm., Ong Heng Teow V. Sim Kiong Siew at 8.15 p.m. TUESDAY: Fan Ah Poh v. Sean Lip Hock at 7.15 p.m.. Koh
    79 words
  • 59 18 At an annual general meeting hold on Thursday the following were elected to bo dfßce-bearrs for the current year: President, Mr. Tan Kim Joo:' VicePresklenU, Mr. Chua Boon Hock and Mr. Chan Tiung Cnoon; hon. secretary. Mr. Tan Keng Yam; hon. treasurer, Mr. Charlie Chun: hon. auditor. Mr.
    59 words
  • 122 18 Second Annual Ping-Pong Tournament. The second annual ping-pong championship tournament of the Ai Tong Old Boys' Society commenced on Thursday at the Society's premises., The results of the first and second days are as follows FIRST ROUND. Leo Kim Chuan beat Lim Yong Seng 3-0; Ang Thiam
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  • 188 18 TREASURY— AUDIT SOCCER. In the presence of a large number of .spectators consisting of the staff of the Treasury-Audit Department, including the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer, Mr A. S. Small, Mrs. A. S. Small, Mr. L. Rayman (Deputy Treasurer) the Married avenged their defeat of last year In the annual
    188 words
  • 533 18 S.C.R.C. Handicapped. HOCKEY AT HONG LIM GREEN. /CONSIDERING that they had only nine men, the S.C.R.C. did well to lose by only three goals when they entertained the Wiltshire Regi- i ment at hockey yesterday at Hong Lim Green. Full credit for this went to the
    533 words
  • 52 18 Owing to Fleet arrangement.", the following matches have been cancelled by the S.A.F.A.: Wednesday: H.M.S. "Eagle" I v. M.P.H.: at Jalan Besar. H.MS "Ea"le" II v. R.E. The match H.M. Destroyers v. Fraser and Ncave Ltd. fixfd for to-morrow w-11 be played at the Anson Koad Stadium
    52 words
  • 51 18 Upper Serangoon R.C. 2nd XI v. the Holy Innocents English School XI today at the Serangoon English School ground Douglas Gray; I. Sattar, Marmod; John Hamilton. Jon Loh (capt.i, Teng Kwang; 8..h Chee, Chye Yan. Alex Fernandez. Ching Poh. Teck Lim. Reserves: Koon Chye, Bala Suppu and Sukor.
    51 words
  • 28 18 Lourdes XI defeated the Imports and Exports Office XI 3—o on Wednesday in a friendly game »>r soccer ttl the J. c. S. A. ground.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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  • 1148 19 Derby County Draw Ahead On Points. «r<;T'LTS of yesterday's English R L-iue matches, as cabled by p -iter and the tables broughi right d o date, are as follows: ENGLISH LEAGUE, Div. 1. 1 E \Crt on 2 1 Newcastle L\ 2
    1,148 words
  • 1208 19 Refuted At Yesterday* s S.C.F.A. Meeting. A STRONG disclaimer that there was any professionalism in the Straits i Chinese Football Association was made by Mr. Tay Lian Teck, presiding at the annual general meeting of the associa- tion yesterday afternoon at the Garden Club. As
    1,208 words
  • 132 19 Hockey At Raffles Institution. THE past and presentjstudents of the Raffles Institution tried conclusions last eveing, and the former had to own at .hockey on the Institution grounds defeat by 2—o. The old Rafflesians played one man short throughout, only four forwards working for them. The present
    132 words
  • 64 19 Merripals B. P. team v. the Grange B.P. at 3 p.m. to-day at the latter's court: Singles: iLee Yang Chim, Chan Kek Beng, Koh Lock Num. Robert Chia, Sim Yeow Lim. Doubles: Yeo Kuan Meng and Tan Cheok Koon, Robert Chia and Chan Kek Beng. Reserves: Koh Pway
    64 words
  • 41 19 Perry's Win In Fourth Tennis Test. Adelaide. Feb. 3. IN the fourth match of the Anglo-Aus-tralian series of lawn tennis tests, Fred Perry (Britain) bea^ Jaeii Crawford (Australia) 6—4, 6—2. Australia leads by five matches to three Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 115 19 Two Readers Share $100 Prize. TWO readers correctly forecast all ten results in connection with the "Sunday Tribune" Soccer Contest No. 35 and they accordingly share the prize of $100 offered. Their names and addresses are: Mr. H. S. Oth, General Hospital, Johore Bahru. Mr. Vincent Caleb,
    115 words
  • 88 19 Entries for the Clerical Union English and four-ball billiards tournament are now open. Competitors will be divided into four classes: championship, "A," "B" and "C." The entrance fee for all events is $2, and, excluding the championship, $1. Members desiring to compete are requested to forward their
    88 words
  • 51 19 Yesterday's International At Murrayfield. London, Feb. 3. Wales beat Scotland by two goals and a try (13 pts.> to two tries (6 pts.i at Murrayfield to-day in the rugger international. The half-time score was Wales 5 Scotland 0. Reuter. England beat Wales a fortnight ago at Cardiff
    51 words
  • 85 19 Second Round Ties. KILMARNOCK DROP OUT. London. Feb. T^O-DAY'S second round ties in thi Scottish Cup competition resulted as follows: Queen of South, bye. Aberdeen 2 Dundee I E. Sterling 1 Arbroath t Hibernians 6 Allra Ross County 3 Galston I Ayr U. 2 Celtic Third Lanark
    85 words
  • 94 19 At the recent general meeting of the Union Chinese B. P. the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: President. Mr. Chan Ah Kuan: vicepresident. Mr. Chua Chian Nee; hon secretary, Mr. W. C. Teck; hon. treasurer, Mr. Joseph Lau: hon. auditor. Mr. Chan Ah Wai;
    94 words
  • 69 19 At the annual general meeting held ecently, the following were elected jffice-bearers of the Unison B. P. for the :urrent year: President, Mr. Gan Eng Thiam •reflected!; vice-president. Mr. Khoo Peck Kim < re-elected hon. secretary Mi 3. P. Seah < re-elected hon. treasurer. Mr Goh Lai Seng:
    69 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 112 19 I EMPIRE j WINES FINEST AUSTRALIAN WINES I FOR ALL OCCASIONS SUPERB QUALITY— MODERATE PRICE j Duty Paid. j "CANBERRA" Sparkling Burgundy $2.70 per qt. bottle. "A RAW ATTA" Claret Type $1.05 per qt. bottle. j do. do. 50.55 per pt. bottle. j "ARAWATTA" Chablis Type HM per qt. bottle.
      112 words

  • 68 20 A view of the play in yesterday's hockey match between the Chinese and the Wiltshires Another view of yesterday's hockey match in which the Wiltshire^ beat the S.C.R.C. 3—o IMO. 14 Platoon. "D" iM.GJ Co., Ist. Wiltshire Regiment, winners of the inter-platoon Machine Gun
    68 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements