Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 17 December 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
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  • 167 1 Commanders Are To Meet Here In January. INCOMPLETE STATE OF THE BASE. QUESTION OF SPEEDING UP TO BE CONSIDERED? Growing Anxiety Felt. Defences Of Australia And New Zealand Inadequate, London, Dec. 16. THE Admiralty announce th°t the next periodical conference of Far Eastern British
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  • 349 1 French "Rapprochement" With Russia. Paris, Dec. 16. A NEW crystallisation o£ French foreign policy appears to be emerging from consultations now j being held m Paris between M. Paul Boncour Foreign Minister) aid Dr. Benes, the Czecho-Slovakiar. rapporteur at the Disarmament Con ference, according to "L'Oeuvre,"
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  • 211 1 Agitation For Speeding Up The Work. WHEN the Singapore Naval Bass was first proposed there was strong opposition to it by the Labour and Liberal Parties m "Britain, on the ground that it would provoke Japan. In 1929, when the second Labour Government came into office,
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  • 129 1 U.S. To Buy More Gold Abroad. Washington, Dec. 16. «¥I7"ORSE than a bad guess is the tT Administration's view of the posj sibility of a monetary agreement with i Britain and France. Mr. Harrison (Governor of the Fede--5 rai Reserve Bank of New York I conl fosses
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 532 1 STRAITS CHINESE CONSULTATIVE COMMITTIE. Leaders Give Their Views To The "Sunlay Tiife^'' THE appointment oi" the Governors Straits Chinese Consultative Committee, which will enable his Excellency to discuss informally with the >eaders of the Straits Chinese community important matters of Government policy which speciall affect that community, is being well
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  • 125 1 House Of Lords Upholds Gold Clause. London, Dec. 16. npHE Bouse of Lords has unanI imously upheld the validity oi" the gold clause by reversing the Court of Appeal's judgment against the British holder of a bearer bon',l m the Societe Intercom munale Beige d'Electritfte Brussels, who
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 110 1 ENGLAND MASTER THE INDIAN ATTACK. WALTERS, VALENTINE AND JARDINE COLLECT RUNS. Test Cricket In Bombay. Bowlers Let Down In Field: Sillers Dropped. THE first official Test ever to be played on Indian 90S commenced m Bombay on Friday m fine weather. The Indians won the toss and batted first, scoring
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  • 606 1 Bombay, Dec. 16. T^HE First Test between All-India and England was resum d here to-day m fine weather, before an attendance of 30,000 spectators. The wicket was rather soft, owing to overnight dew. The Indians, who won ".he toss and batted all day on Friday,
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  • 34 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 16. London Rubber, Spot, 4 5 32d. April-June 4 9;32d. New York Rubber, Spot, 8% cts. Jan.-Fcb.-Mar. 8 11J16 cts. CROSS-RATE. New York London, 5.12. i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 THE LANKA STORES, 28. Rlvtmidc. Malacca, ■nnch: 16, Jalan Abdullah, Mnar. Albums g^ve you sevn oiu- aUU K K > COMBINED ALBUMS" jo* Autographs, Photos and only 80 centa each? OUT fclcCorquodale^s Snapshot Albums are 60 cents each.
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    • 35 1 THE EASTERN AGENCIES, LTD. WINE MERCHANTS. REMOVAL TO LARGER PREMISES AT CORNER OF CECIL ST. MARKET STREET. SINGAPORE. Wholesale Retail Wine Spirit Merchants. Suppliers to H.M. Forces, Ships, Clubs etc. Illustrated catalogue sent on request.
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    • 6 1 Read The j The People's Paper.
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  • 1767 2 JOHORE STATE COUNCIL. Breathing Space Needed. OUTLOOK IS STILL UNCERTAIN. A MEETING of the Council of State. Johore, was held yesterday at the Dewan, the Hon. Dato Abdul Hamid bin Yusof. D.P.M.J.. P. 1.5., Mentri Besar, presiding. The Hon. Dato Abdullah bin Esa asked:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 Give a "Zeiss" Camera this X'mas ZeUslkon i Cameras art 1 obtainable from all photographic s t o r e s throughout Malaya. SOLE AGENTS: The Scientific Instrument Company, SINGAPORE. Otiitltitiiitiiiitiiiiaa i>.»i;liili!liitMlH|ii|ii tiiii i i r i'>iriHt: liiihlul il:.r I I••II I I II II I I I I I
      381 words
    • 185 2 Actually Costs Less a' f'^Si''' £/>'u4^ m m i '/fnmvH Wm < f > -^^KijwbaSSSrcJJti ytft>* rill tlllt lll mW <^f^iS HETnuft w^t^JTlllf'lllllillll^^ \Af It h ml > i^B^| Bbftfi ill ni we» i BH Ih^j V Bxi mv en W Bm^Bm^BwC Bm ufflalifißß v %s■s*% BBi^BI BBk^^^^" I r^fl
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  • Yesterday's Reports From Malayan Courts.
    • 211 3 Curl Maltreated. i BODY A MASS OF MARKS. MIE District Judge (Mr, H. a. Porn r) passed sentence of nine months' rigorous imprisonment yesterday, oa a middle-aged Chinese woman named Geak Ah Pee. She was ..'victt (i mi a charge ft? wilfully assaulting a^d ill-treating i
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    • 190 3 Subject Matter Less Than SI 00. The case m which Bikarma Singh sued Shivabatak Shah, regarding which a difficult point of court procedure was argued recently m the Court of Appeal before the Chief Justice (Sir Walter Huggardi and Mr. Justice Mills, came up m the Supreme Court
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    • 128 3 Ponce Informer Con fated 4m 1 Fined. An informer who was rewarded $50 by the Crown m connection with a recent attempted murder case at the Assizes, was yesterday convicted of attempted extortion from the 'then complainant, and fined $100. or five -months' r.i.. by the Third Magistrate.
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    • 118 3 Magistrate's Warning To Eurasian Woman. Iris Anthony, a Eurasian salewoman. who was charged before the Third Magistrate (Mi R. J P. Curtis' the other day on a charge of cheating m respect of articles of clothes belonging to Maison Vogue, a dressmaking establishment m High Street, made another
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    • 60 3 Pleading guilty, before tne nn^ Magistrate (Mr. R. J P Curtis, yesterday, on a charge of criminal breacii ot trust involving a sum of $70. a Chinese. Tan E- [vk. was sentenced to tint.i month lous imprisonment. Coun sector Goodship we? Jf"; censed was the "Kepala" of
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    • 440 3 Wife's Complaints Against Husband. A t Y °u, NG chinese c O"Ple had their vP.tPrT lbles u thrasned out m open court Poh WhCn the "usband. Soh Chui to Jin^r mmon d by his wife for maint M? re the Fourth Magistrate. «r. j. m. Brander wa T
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    • 320 3 Alleged To Be On Way To Robbery. Two middle-aged Chinese named £wav Kung Tee and Ng Tai were proiucect before the Third Magistrate. Mr. R. J. F. Curtis and asked to show cause why they should not be bound over to be of good behaviour m the
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    • 90 3 Corporal Punishment For Chinese Boy. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Dec. 15. In the Police Court to-day before Mr. j C Derrick, a Hokien boy named Lim Soo Keok was ordered to receive rive i strokes of the rattan for having stolen is* singlets valued at $2.10 at
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    • 135 3 Court Sequel To A Daring Robbery. /CHARGED before the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice> yesterday, with dishonestly retaining stolen property, a Malay named Hassan bin Abdul pleaded guilty and was remanded until Dec. 20, fcr sentence. Following -a daring burglary of a jeweller's store m Saigon, m
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    • 88 3 Possession Of Illicit Chanchi. A Chinese coolie m a rubber factory coolie lines was yesterday fined $130. or five months' r.i., m audition to a day's simple imprisonment, by the District Judge. Mr. H. A. Forrer. for possession of non-Government chandu. A party of Revenue Officers raided the
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    • 240 3 Husband's Action Against Dealer. AN allegation that a married Chinese woman's photograph was exposed for sale m public without the knowledge or consent of the parties was made before Mr. J. M. Brander. the Fourth Magistrate. M. s. Gani, a Tamil Mohammedan, was produced m court
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    • 314 3 for the accused, submitted that the woman had grossly exaggerated the assault. All the accused had done was to defend himself. His worship convicted the accused and fined him $2. Elderly, Chinese Woman's Complaint. LIM Koh Thye, a 70-year-old Chinese woman, was the complainant m a case which
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    • 97 3 MOTHER ON MURDER CHARGE. Buy Suffocated. ANOTHER REMAND ORDERED. HP HE mother <>t" a tan-day-old fei infaTit, who was found dead <>n the Uoach at Sitflap, made second ifi nmmimi before the Mafigtrjrte (Mr. N. Ghrio i ycsterdayi on a charge of murdering her child. She claimed t<» l»t- triad
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    • 72 3 Chinese Opium-Smoker Smartly Punished. Choon Ah Phoon. ;i Chinese opiumsmoker. was fined $50 or, m default, out month's rigorous imprisonment, ami on* day's simple imprisonment, yesterday m the Police Courts when he pleaded guilt) to a charge of thefi of three opium pipe valued at $300. The complainant
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 r TTTTB 'I a If J ne name I is such an ab s olute Aik^ „iu_ guarantee of the Jr. quality, purity and ft satisfaction you seek y that it pays to pay P the little,, more for j|f W/lls* t CAPSTAN 4 CIGARETTES XH I :i:::::::::::::::::;|jiA '-'A 'V
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  • 636 4 Fluffy Styles Depart. SILHOUETTE LINES PREDOMINATE. (By Our Woman Correspondent) j TT was interesting to compare the dresses at John Little's Mannequin Parade yesterday with those at the first show some three months ago and to note what radical changes m silhouette have come fo-vvard hi that
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  • 145 4 The Volunteers' "Panto" In Singapore. QINGAPORE'S Christmas festivities were inaugurated last night when the local pantomime, "The Babes In The Wood," arranged by the Singapore Volunteer Corps, opened at the Victoria Theatre to a crowded audience. The show went with a swing from start to
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  • 68 4 Important Discussions In Holland. The Hague. Dec. 16. THE Japanese cotton delegation has discussed with the Dutch cotton industry delegation the question of the importation of cotton goods into the Dutch East Indies. The Netherlands delegates outlined a basis for future discussions, which the Japanese delegation promised
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  • 229 4 Nanking Accepts Demands Of South-West. Shanghai, Dec. 16. *J<HE Nanking Government has accepted the demands of the SouthWest and promises to allot to Kwangtung $15,000,000 out of the proceeds of the $50,000,000 cotton and wheat loan from the United States for the development of the province.
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  • 130 4 ACROSS: 1. Wells. 5. Sling. 9. Bay. 11. Arias. 12. Picaroon. 14 Fans. 15. Mate, 16. Oasts. 18. Thrash, 20. Bash, 22. Ecn. 23. One. 25. Gross. 27. Soda. 29. Art. 31. Bar. 33. Slip. 35. Elate. 39. Lure* 40. Rouse, 41. Bats. 45. Cobbles. 46.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 206 4 WEAK M^4J^^= SPRAYS m^s^^^ coa v/onV /c/// filthy insects INSIST on powers FLST It's useless to try to rid your house of flies and mosquitoes with weak Insect sprays. It can't be done. You need the one and only powerful FLlT— the insect spray of proved killing power. Ask for
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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  • 1078 5  -  CINEQUE By >"*• i,..! jtrongesT role to date For m addition to hei well known wistfuiness she i iif-i<- required to display her newly-found spirit. She is a rogue— and she is irresistibly charming. As the man who brings her down to earth and convinces her of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 204 5 •i••• ••>•••• i i CONTINUED SUCCESS! HWI YniT SESS PICTURE Last zdays^* THIS (;]lKxr m SP *W&l fei^ IB g B i &tk S r «"^r %ii Jr*& fin B B Wk M> "vv Mill H V i>.\7. X 5.15, m British Triumph that 100,000 Deonle naiH oHn,j 00 to
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    • 123 5 j TO-DAY TO-3IORROW:— LIONEL BARRYMORK I < m "THE WASHINGTON 1 MASQUERADER" J J with j KAREN MORLEY. NILS ASTHER. J I TUESDAY WEDNESDAY:— I Hindustani Talkie J 'ID-KA-CHAND.' j j t iiiiiiitiii!li!liiiiiii:iiiiiiiiii::«!:i!'li'lMi!tiiii'.ii<ii>iiiiiiitiii!ii;i!!luiiil!ii: PdYQVn OUYII PRESENTS:- !@S!B X I I J^&m&Mfak''' vJ^^^ v/V/v/l ILIX 9 j FAY VVRAY NEIL HAMILTON.
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    • 217 5 -1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 m 1 > i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i < i w 1 i i 1 1 \Tx> attractions m BABES i l
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  • 1184 6 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. ,4 LL those i;ood resolutions about stay- m- home and resting up for tn<> naßdays .somehow just oon't seem to lasi and Saturday night finds us dancing ut Rallies ana Sea View as enthusiastically ao ever, not to mention th*Bwunming Club after midnight ictoffee and
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  • 104 6 Can You Combine Them Is beauty an asset or a liability m marriage? Metro-Goldwyn-Maysr 'has recently completed a picture "Beauty For Sale," which starts at the Pavilion Theatre today, which answers this In part. The story concerns four women, played by Madge Evans. Alice Brady, Una Merkel
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  • 380 6 I I j Especially m the Tropics where J I one is* so constantly m danger of j j eye-strain it is necessary to take t j particular care of the eyes. An j I eye-bath is just as essential' as the j ordinary soap and
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  • 161 6 UNDER this heading, many suggestions will be made m connection with the coming festivities. Some will be practical, others will be not so practical. Many people m choosing gifts must consider economy though at *he same fcirfte they long to buy for someoir* t.hoy cherish a gift that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 .*--'*^^^^^^^ta«* "Ideal" Milk Fruit A delightful and economical combination. "Ideal" Milk is pure, rich milk, condensed to i he consistency of cream. That is why it can be substituted for cream, whenever the occasion demands. Try it once and convince yourself. "IDEAL MILK is a BRITISH PRODUCT.
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    • 336 6 INew World Cabaret. j MALAYA'S PREMIER DAME lIAI SPECIAL ANNOTNCEMENT j&j*' OF X XMAS AND NEW YEAR FESTIVITIES. "BOPiILK" MGHf I I DANCING COMPETITION J SAFliil!)4Y Handsome Prizes Will Be Pr m iu<d |;> J .MI.SSRS. IKAMKOZ A DEC. 23rd lor The Fox Trol And j I The Wuiners
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 341 7 UNBELIEVABLE YET TRUE S YOUR PHOTOGRAPH ARTISTICALLY TAKEN 10 (OPIESfxrFOR $1.00 HAVE YOURS TAKEN NOW. t take photos day and night no matter if it is sunshine or rain. LEE FLETCHER 102, North Bridge Road, 'Phone 2850. Singapore. Poll Cheng Cheong 84, South Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. The Best Shop m
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    • 181 7 STRENGTHENS j BODY AND NERVES Because^ atcrhury'sCom/f^k pound contains generous W^^^^^K^^^^M |f\VM Kvv^f amounts of cod liver oil, it 'f*\ W jvwil gives the strength to resist \^^L vW^Nv dangerous bronchial fliv^AJ^'^V^^^^i v7v%>^K seases. It guards vitality I^^^^^^^^^^H y^H —^xS^V* \r/ during hot weather...beneIf < I nls nerves as well
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    • 404 7 Be Wise 4l^ Deal With jL^ ENSK.N IiOOK STORE. An Announcement. i We beg to announce i have obtained th< Ilinj j rights by the publisher "SINGAPORE CINEMA REX MStt im:}:{-:u. A])} >l ical iotlfl TOT sat;:- hou made to us. Ensign Book Store, 17. Hij»h Street, Sin^apm 'PHOXK SStt.
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  • 506 8 Sunday Tribune. Singapore: Sunday, Dec, 1933. CURRENT TOPICS. IMS Excellency is to he congratukri ed <>n the appointment of Straits (Chinese Consultative Committees m -eh of the throe Settlements of tlr Colony. The personnel of the Singapore Committee, announced yester ii y. is well cbosen and representative, <i should ensure
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  • 1174 8 When Night -Time Falls On Singapore. By "The Picaroon." »irrinii:iHiiTinii!ii!ininiMi!ii''i'i:i!;i:iii!iiiii'i I !i!'ii:» i ii':i i iiiiii:ii;iniiii!!ii!ii;iiiiiiii!i!iiii»*'ii!ii:iiii:ii;iiiiiiiii i ii!iiii'!iMiiiii!iri.ii:!i;:i:'iiif j Watch "The Picaroon. He Is A 1 Man Who Witt Teach You Things f m j About The City In Which You Live r|ll|!llll|ll|l||ll|lllllll!llllllllli:ii;illll!ll!lllllllllllill!lllli:illilill llllllll!li'.llllfi'll.| ll''|l||lllllll!llllhl!!ll!l|ll'll!!l:!l!l|:i|:i|,!|!, i in l 1,, THERE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 THI *i r f 3 iii^F i ABLE Tu-j m a rr* U p m I'uiii.-m.w. 1.25 .i m Tuesday: 029 a.m.. 11 21 a.m. Wednesday: 1.11 a.m., 12.09 p.m. Thursday. 1 5."> am.. 1. p.m. Friday: 2.37 a.m.. 1.54 p.m. Saturday: 3.21 a.m.. 252 p.m.
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    • 148 8 J\ yt^ Si 'WEAKNESS. IL\ >/J DEBILITY (Cf amem i a Hfc. DESCHIENS'Syrup sm^'/j '/I BsN Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better than serums r raw_ meat, Medicated wines, etc OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DISPENSARIES.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 696 8 fiinniiiiniimniuiiri^riiTiiiiiniiTiiiiiiiiri'iiiiiiiiiiiiisKiiiiQii.nitti IHlUl niuiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiimiininiiiiiiiniuini!iiHiMiniiiiniM SPARKLES [1^ By "Quiz»| I* eiliilllllllllllllllUllilklillllllilllll!^^ AN icy Christmas is expected at j Home. But credit isn't as frozen as it was. A Some of Singapore's weight-lifters seem inclined to throw their weight about m the wrong way. j A A A j The W T ilts
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  • 920 9 HOPES ol< NfcW USES. Dr. Tempany's Talk. ROTARY CONVENTION AT K.L. ME annual ention of the Rotary Clubs of Malaya and Siam \va^ opened by the Sultan of Selan^or at Kuala Lumpur Town Hall on Friday, under the Pr.-idency of Col. Cecil Rae, District Commissioner.
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  • 120 9 Annual Meeting Held At Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 15. The annual general meeting of the Neeri Sembilan Malaya Teachers Association was held at the Hakka Cluo Tomiang, with Che Ahmat bin Abdul Rahman presiding. After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and
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  • 1320 9 Eloquent Speeches At The Dinner. npHE speakers were m great form at A last night's Itotary Convention pinner, at which 140 persons sat down, including many ladies. Mr E D. Butler presided and after Mr. f. F. Cooray had proposed the toast ?r» Ur v rulers
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 33 9 WILL MAKE AN IDEAL PRESENT THIS'XMAS BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. I EVERY PEN IS FULLY GUARANTEED. -mi THIN A OPTICAL CO., Obtainable from all leading IH 5^ LTpper Cross Street, stores and stationers. SINGAPORE.
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    • 229 9 W CHRISTMAS FOOD NEW W PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW 18 1. W.JW. 11L08 RESULTS CBOSSE (l BLACKWELL BALLOT t<£* m cash prices inn on xmasi fall H AlWrfclf a FIRST PRIZE. SECOND PRIZE. THIRD PRIZE. $50 and Ilamper s3o and Hainpfr $20 and llamper 17 OTHER XMAS HAMPER CONSOLATION PRIZES.
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  • 689 10 A FAREWELL message has been cir mlatcd to members cl the S.V.C from Lkut.-Col. M. J. T P.oilly, late Commandant of the S.S.V.F., who left for Home by the P. and O. "Chitral" last week. The message reads: 'T<> II those of you who so very kindly
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  • 724 10  - Let Lindrum Teach You Billiards. Walter Lindrum ff^/p (Sn °nn a ji /t^tu (By I DO not suppose that one of my readers m a hundred has practised the double-baulk shot at red shown m my first diagram (No. 21). In competitive play, the man who can score off that
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  • 840 10  -  UNCLE HARRY CONDUCTED BY VTOU have all heard of the habit news- papermen have of interviewing people who are m the news, such as politicians, airmen and film stars. This week I want to pass on to you a little story about the way
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 195 10 a Lovely Lustre... and Every Hair m Place w^lSK^^\ Alluring new lights will gleam m your I **W^ jJf hair when you bring out its beauty with V*^v yB^M Stacomb. You can be sure that your hair V^i 5 is always neat and attractive, too, for this I I JmK
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    • 83 10 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCK OVER $:jr»,000,OOD. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. London OHUe: 27, OM Jewry, E.C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of Bftgfotd .md r«»i»uli<^ Hit the British
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 196 11 I NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED 4 The Grosley Shelvador Electric Refrigerator <5/fl€tLs nWttt JlWtMit... Here is some thlng new-an Electric Refrigerator A REFRIGERATOR WITH SHELVES IN THE DOOR FOR eggs, butter, bacon, and other small articles" with shelves m the door. A feature so simple you li^Br^^&==^ IWSiHI Ifh w^*
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  • 2016 12  -  Rimau (By The Malaya Cup Rugby Football Competition Singapore Wins Through To Final If Selangor Are The Other Finalists Should Match Not Be Played In Singapore? The Coming Cricket Season Need For An A 11-Malayan Cricket Association. SINGAPORE had to fight very hard J j
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  • 647 12  -  K,O. (By WITHIN a month or so Singapore will boast of a splendid new boxing stadium. The plot of vacant land at the junction of Bukit Timah Road and Selegie Road A New where the former Lion City Ring was Boxing situated, has
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 485 12 aubUER COMPETITION, Test Your Skill and Win Cash Prize of 100 <Mnn "Sunday Tribune" No Mus.Be "•tL?* 1 Won 1 (No. 31.) _cc The "SUNDAY TRIBUNE" wUI give a prize of $100 to readers submitting entries with the largest number of correct forecasts o f the fesults of matches listed
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  • On The Malayan Badminton Courts.
    • 1265 13 The All-Malayan Chinese Olympiad. Conclusion Of The Singapore Championship Prospects Of Competing States At The Chinese Games. N OW that the Singapore tournament has been brought to a successful conclusion, local players and "fans" will look forward to the badminton games at the All-Malayan Chinese Olympaid, which is scheduled take
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    • 890 13 The Straits Chinese Recreation Club's Successful Year Extracts From Report The CSX. A. Anniversary. HPHE Straits Chinese Recreation Club is to be congratulated on its com pletion of a highly successful year, j At a time, when owing to the trade depression almost every Ciub or Asfo-
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 244 13 WATCHES I OMEGA, ROSKOPF, TAVANNES, CYMA. gffKLLED LEVER MOVEMENTS. NICKEL POCKET from 5.00 WRIST 12.50 SILVER POCKET n.50 WRIST 20.00 Dust Water Proof 28.50 GOLD POCKET from 40.00 WRIST 18.50 18 et 75.00 Dust Water Proof 14 ct 85.00 .H>l'-VYATUIKS fron $12.6T j ;VKHV WAIT!! GFABA9TKSH RtPAIRS PRECISION INSTRUMENTS TF-EODOLITKS
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    • 111 13 In wbfl MMD ARROW jfpB&7 Tooth Brashes <Qi For Whiter M)\ And Brighter Ml VaS^%. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHEKE. '^T*' Sole Agents L. E. Tcls Co.'s Tradip R Society imnfininnunnninnnnM 4«jfe MALAYAN BREWERIES, LTD. N Proud Proprietors of TIGER BEER. SEEISS43 186 lIELJEVISIS«. Our brewery, from top Make up your own party
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  • 611 14 MALAYA CUT RUGGER COMPETITION. Yesterdays Games In Seremban And Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 16. THE Malaya Command beat Negri-Malacca by two goals and two tries (16 points) to a goal (5 points) m the last game m the Southern section of
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  • 373 14 The "Best Footballer" Competition. VXTREMELY heavy voting on Friday E* precludes all possibility of any announcement being made to-day as to the winner of the "Tiger" Beer competHion which will result m the selected footballer being sent on a i'oui* months' trip to England at the expense of
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  • 172 14 Syed Mohamed Alkaff Cup Competition. The final of the Singapore Malay inter-School football competition for the Syed Mohamed Alkaff Cup will be played to-day at Victoria Bridge School ground, Jalan Besar. between the Geylang Malay School (champions of the East Division) and Teluk Saga Malay School (champions
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  • 690 14 Singapore's Missed Chances. 4FTER having the better of the play In a goalless first half. Malacca allowed Singapore to take the initiative i out of their hanas m the second period. m yesterday's inter-State hockey match at the s.C.C. The game ended in' a draw of two-all,
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  • 109 14 I Two Readers Share $](io Prize. rp\VO readers correctly forecast v*. A results of all the matches invert l! connection with our Contest No 28 V they accordingly share the prize of *i 2 offered by m l Their names and addresses are: Mr L. y<ok. Army,
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  • 78 14 Programme For Anniversary Celebrations. The Amateur Sportiu a sociution will hold the following spoils events m celebiation of their fourteenth anniversary on Sunday, Dec Si. commencing 6 a.m. Walking competition imm the junction of Kallaim Kouci and Grove Road to the 1\' 2 milestone. Easi Coast Road 3.30
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  • 50 14 The ninth annual athletic sports of the Royal English School will be held m Thursday at the Jalan Bcsar Stadium Th^re will b^ an old boys' race <one mile), intending competitors m whicfc are requested to communicate with tbt Principal of the school, not later that Wednesday.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 129 14 WHITEAWAYS I Extraordinary Xmas Offer Commences I Monday Dec. 18th I Discount of cts. 15 off every Dollar will be made on all i Toys and Presentation I Goods. :A Discount of cts. 2O I off every Dollar will I ibe made on electro- 1 i plate ware. j I
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    • 38 14 Have you been invited to the Banquet of the Stars "DINNER AT EIGHT" CAPITOL, Dec. 29th. Plans Are Already Filling Miss your breakfast, your lunch and your tea, but don't miss 'DINNER AT EIGHT M.-G.-M.'s Gala Feast Entertainment.
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    • 39 14 OidJjanduw m TUalaua/ It |W* I A real furo/ieo* M D'5T(flBUTOffS Lager Beer of the H§ y 5 JRAI TS HiiUst standar,. f/^^\ f JAVA TRAOIHC CO bttwid m Jinqaporc Wißß^\Kn A PROOUGT OF THE ARCHIPELAGO BREWERY C?, U»
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  • 1635 15 1; esterday*a English and Sc(r tgue soccer matches as cabled '>:■ Renter, and League tables broi. to date are as follows: ENGLISH LEAGUE, Div. I. Arsenal 2 Chelsea 1 Birmingham 1 Leicester v.!ien abandoned ufter 70 minutes). Blat :^Mirn 11. Z Huddersfield T. 2 D^rbv
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  • 34 15 I'irsi Day. LOW WEIGHTS FOB JAVA HORSES. Penang, Dec. 16 UTANDICAPS for the opening da) <ii" i lie Penang Turf Clul»*s Christmas and New ¥ear race meetI ing are as follows
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  • 313 15 Yesterday's Championship Results. A J- 1 of championship iffl connection with the Ulttl moments organised by the Singapon.- Badminton Association came 1 conclusion yesterdaj' at Villu Dolce Katong. Only four o! the five ties m interclub championship finals were played of. as the last was conceded
    313 words
  • 44 15 Batting And Bowling Averages. (Frn-m Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Dec. IG. According to the annuai report of the Perak Cricket Association. C. N. Reed heads the batting averages with 30 runs and W. O. Jonklaas the bowling with six runs per wicket.
    44 words
  • 25 15 South Johore Beat Kota Raja. South Johore beat the Kota Raja Club XV by 9 pts. to 3 pts. at Johore Bahru yesterday.
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  • 241 15 Yesterday's Rugger At The S.C.C. rrilE Command reserves avenged their 1 senior team's Malaya Cup defeat by beating- the S.C.C. II m yesterday's rugger friendly at the S.C.C. by a goal (5 pts.) to a try <3 pis.). P'ive minutes from the commencement the Command carried out their
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  • 141 15 Festerday's Hockey Match In Ipoh. (from Cur Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 16. Perak defeated Penang 5—2 at Ipoh to-day m ideal weather conditions. Perak played .at the top of their form m the first half but couid not reproduce the same form m the second period, when
    141 words
  • 130 15 Yesterday's Soccer At Jalan Kesar. OPPOSING the Malays at the 3 Besar Stadium yesterday, the Belangor Heng Wah Athletic Association were defeated to the tune of 5-1 before ;i j airly large crowd. The players found it extremely dJi'icult to keep their feet and control i.h. ball
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 279 15 I r a*o compan I THINK B rr^e pxnJ^ 6 0 -n0^ c*e a I B *me sinC a^ BO^ uS This letter could quite easily I B CO 11 BO^^nO- haye 1 been written by you. On B reC ci v^ ein t ato the 31at< December of each
      279 words
    • 22 15 -DONT BE NO;FINER WHISKY GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE* SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLE IQ°.M? INCCMPCK^'ED ir< ENGLAND) Singapore; kuala lumpup, penang. c ipoh.
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  • The Sunday Tribune
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    • 49 16 Singapore Volunteers produced a rollicking pantomine, "Babes m tee^ood^or^Lost m the Lallang," at the Vie toria Theatre last night Above is seen ,_> -t-^.*-' Going hard for the line. An Airman being assailed by the Chinese defence. Si£l*t«U ♦i«i- tal#l«lfli^Sl WeU-toown local badminton players.
      49 words
    • 69 16 Local Chine se Rugger XV In Action. Singapore's ftnt all-Chinese rugby XV Tan Chon? Beng. "A" singles badminton champion of the Amateur Sporting Association. New Malay settlement at Kampong Pahang. Trlok Blangah. Mr. Lim K& Check. J.P.. who took a keen interest Jn its c^nblishment, with some 01 tne
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
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