Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 30 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 1 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
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  • 646 1 Harry Bannisters Interview IVith The "Sunday Tribune." A STORY WHICH WAS "ENTIRELY UNTRUE." DID NOT PART TO PRESERVE THEIR AFFECTION. From Hollywood To China. Warm Tribute To "Terrific Courage*' Of Chinese Soldiers. In a special interview with the ''Sunday Tribune" last night, Mr. Harry
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  • 39 1 (Yesterday's Close In New York And London. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 29. London Rubber, Spot 3%d. Oct.-Dec. 3v,;d. New York Rubber, Spot 6 13 16 cts. fAug.-Sept. 6" 3 cts. CROSS-RATE. New York— London 4.53
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  • 42 1 France Wins Doubles Match. Auieuii, July 29. France won the doubles m the Davis Cup challenge round to-day when Borotra and Bi-ugnon beat Le« and Hughes 6—3. B— <s, 6—2. Great Britain leads by two matches to one. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 145 1 Three Readers Share Prize, THREE readers correctly forecast the results of five of the soccer matches set out m our Popular Forecast Competition No. 8. advertised m the SUNDAY TRIBUNE of July 9. and will shar? the piize of $25. Their names are: MR. B. L. NICHOLAS.
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  • 79 1 All Local Copy To Be Censored. i From Our Oicn Correspondent.; Bangkok, July 29. ONE English and two Siamese UmgUfe newspapers have been ordered by the Lord Prefect to sub- j nit all local copy to the Censor priof to publication on the ground that the tone
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  • 120 1 Six MiU'on Re-Employed By Next September. Washington. July 26. i Employment for between five and six million new workers by Sept. 1 is predicted by Sen tor Johnson, adminis'rator of th 3 recovery plan, on the basis of responses to President Roos -velts appeal.— Reuter. Washington. Jul?
    Reuter Wireless  -  120 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 See Gim Hock, who has been runnr-up to Vaz CtluslM champi: n> for live y.ars m the Singapore Batimin o.\ Championship. He has now reached tha quarter-finals.
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  • 71 1 Amateur Championship At New World, Salieh bin Ka.ssim (Fathol Kanb) beut Le^ Chin Lye «Tras A. P.) 600 581 m last nlgh?« ijtmi-flnal tie m the Malayan cpeu Arrj.tcir four-ball billiards tournament at the New World. Wee Kong Lim (Tra.s A. P.) meets Teo Chwee Hoe (Clerical Union)
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  • 54 1 To-day's "Sunday Tribune" contains over 36 columns of advertisements a record for any Sunday newsI paper m Malaya! The number of advertisers who use these columns is growing every week for one reason only: to advertise m the ''Sunday Tribune" is X a cheap and profitable livay of
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  • 20 1 St. Johns*. Newfoundland. July 2U The Italian flight has been postponed indefinitely owing to unfavourable ■mUm>. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 293 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Japanese Attack. GEN. FENG HOLDS HIS HAND. Shanghai, July 29. ACCORDING to a report from Kalian, Japanese and afaaehukuo reinforcement! under Gen. Tsui Haiti Wee, have renewed their advance on Dolunor. Tension at Siuchwang* where another clash between (Jen. Feng Vu Hsiao**!
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  • 250 1 Celebration Of Tenth Anniversary. The New World, that ever popular MMBtment park m Singapore will i>e c-lrbnitit «r its tenth Anniversary early DtSl montTl. commencing tan Au«. 4. and ending on AM| 8, both day? inclusive. Fireworks have been specially ordered from Canton aixi will depict old Chinese
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  • 55 1 Gold Moves In Favour Of Sterling. London. July 29. Alter a r^nous opening th« exchange rr.Tl:«t settled down to a normal Saturday's bir;'»r.vj% The dollar erratically bu v fluctuations were narrow. Opening at 4.52 H soon inppti to 4.47 md closed at 4.50 1 Gold curr.'ncics lovrrt
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  • 136 1 ACCUSED STRIKES INSPECTOR. Case Postponed. Tirade Of Abuse At Detectives. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 29. A SENSATION was caused m the police sour! here to-day m a case m which a Penang-born Chinese, Puah Bah Ch— was charged with fcltagtd pocket-picking at a local amusement
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  • 132 1 Chettiar Sues Land Office Bailiff. (From Our Own Correspondent.! Malacca July 2S Mr MR mM. Ramasumy Chettiar m<- i »S.«lim I, in Hh.U DOCMHMI a Land OJlcc Hall. ll t r $94.30 daiK.'igos for M♦* dos'rur'ion off mi J.O.U chit rclalliiß to a loan of $33 bofi!<
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  • 80 1 Petrol Falls On Carbide Lamp. 'From Our Own Corr, sptmdent.< Brrtmban, July 29 An unusual lucid^nt lx*f« 11 a CMnc <<> tractor who MM pur(lmsin»f pttrol for hin motor-i ycii* t I-cmon iltrttt jx-Uol stat.i-u The alUndant, it Is aliened, ciirrted tl»- hM over the carbide lamp
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 THE LANKA STORKS, No. 2S, Riveraide, Malacca. Branch:— No. If, J ;i lun AbAribtfJ HOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! CASSKM/S MOVBLS. BOOK-BINDING. W huve madi ar rar.ycmtn's with a book-binder Cram Sinyapore to do bock-binding for our cuslom crs. Thust for whom such work bflt btt ii dOM ».-<• more than
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    • 27 1 Tv here is only v />. one thing nicer vs than a glass of jcjjjfcv and that is anoTtior cpass No. 1 Beehive Brandy THE WORLD'S STANDARD BRANDY.
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    • 81 1 WHY c,<) ELSEWHERE rot up-to-d at KEWB WHEN You CAN GET IT Al M. N. A. HAMB1O«1 CO., Sultan Street Station or branch at (i.P.O. l'.inld nr;. KUALA LUMPUR. Ow Other Pages. Mystery Man fie view of the Week's Local Bport V 2& 18 1 Vounjr People's ConMT 11 Local
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  • 243 2 Sunday Tribune Singapore: July 30, 1933. SCHOOL FEES. To-morrow's meeting of the Legislative Council, from the public point of view, may be the most important legislative gathering of the year. It is true that the Budget meetings are yet to come, and that the estimates are more or less prepared,
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  • 1492 2 IN AND OUT OF THE MALAYAN COURTS IT is amazing how many inquiries have been received m connection with the Wood cast 1 "What itas the verdict of the jury?" It is impossible to say more than that it was four lo three. That majority was not satisfactory m law
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  • 696 2 NEED money very urgently it's a matter of life and debt. And if I don't get sonu? quickly I'll be gill llil a nasty note from the club. I signed everything before me last night. Oh my head j Why does the Swimming Club
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 For I i Perfect Results Use Cameras. Zeiss Ikon cameras are obtainable from ill photographic dealers. "Choose a Zsiss TO I IT— fi New Houses. Ncs. 387, 389. 391. 393. Ml ~ncl 395A, Bukit Timah Road, ana two ::iry bungalows. Nos. 20 and 22. Piirkstone Ro:d. comfortable rooms, ekctric light,
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    • 85 2 Malaya's Premier WHISKY Obtainable from all Clubs, Hotels and first class dealers— (This is fact) Sole Agents SHme, Darby Co., Ltd., Singapore, Malacca, Seremban and Muar. Also obtainable from our Branches at Kuala Lumpur and Kuchin* Special Dishes For This Week. MONDAY.— Chicken Stanley. TUESDAY.— Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 42 2 TIDE TABLE. To-da> Ml a m., 3.26 p.m Ti -i.;r.m w: 4.15 a.m.. 4.11 p.m I\i •>•: 5.4K a.m., 5.11 p.m. \Vedi.c.du>: SOI a.m., 6.30 p.m. li.u sdav: §M a.m 7.55 p.m. Fi-;d3.v: iO.. !5 a.m. 9.09 p.m. Saiurday: 11.15 a.m., 10.06 p.m.
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  • 1083 3 SENTENCE INCREASED AFTER A RE-TRIAL. ACCUSED CARRIED INTO COURT. GAOL FOR P.W.D. MASON AFFER 26 YEARS' SERVICE. A P.W.D. mason who Had served 26 years m Government employ was yesterday sentenced to three months m £aol and ordered to pay a fine of $100
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  • 534 3 Tamil Lover Gets Inte Trouble, THE itory of How five Tamils visited a. iious n i m Chang! with the object, it is alleged, j 1 abducting a woman who had previously left no of their number, was told before the Dts- j rk'. Judije. Mr. H.
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  • 30 3 i From Our Oun Correspondent.) Seremban, July 29. For houfebreaking m a residence m ri'.sah noad. the property of Aziz, a Chinese was sentenced to thi*ee months' r.i.
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  • 165 3 Roles Reversed. PLAINTIFF BECOMES ACCUSED. MILDRED Tan. a pretty Straits-born Cfa UItJ. c c woman, who was the comptainaiti m B case that was concluded before the Fourth Magistrate yestercay morning, appeared b fore the Second Magistrate (Mr. JF. r Oregg) later the same morning, but m
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  • 165 3 E!even-Year-Old Bound Over In Stabbing Case. Hee Seng Hin. aged eleven jretrs, wns charged before the Third Magistrate (Mr. IC R. P'pcker) yesterday with voluntarily causing hurt with a pen-knife en July 6 at Telok Aycr. Court Inspector Whiteman prosecuted. I: was alleged that the accused, With a
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  • 83 3 Coroner Reserves His Finding. 'JIHE Sinisapon Coroner (Ml X G. BOttra hap ruqrvtd ni.s Otjdlmj —y^fru dM tyanese motor-ear driver who wa murdered •i PrankeTl Estate, Si:Jnp. on Jam Wl. The evidence of 26 wltnessei ra takM ta o conrso of the hiqui.y. which s 'ral hearing
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  • 154 3 Police Supervisee's Now Conviction. Rnr:ns:rrv. nn OffeodCT witli a '»>eord f ft previom convictions, was chars (i d y si rday before th" Third Ma^l trat»-. Mi. J. V F Orcff, with house tro priss m ord^r to "cm.nit an effenee. The accused stole into a room m
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  • 121 3 Why They Must Have Kubbsh Receptacles. The question as to whether a hawker is responsible fcr the rubbiih left behind by his customers arose before the Second Magist iftf Mr. J. F. F Gregg) on Satu.cby, when rive Chinese frui; sellers were charged with oeposuing fruit skins on
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  • 160 3 P. AND T. MONEY TAKEN. CLERK GAOLED AT KUALA KAVJSAR. j Savings Bank Entries. Heavily Indebted: tsed Money Fo; Family. I r<,m Our Ouv L orrripcindrnt. Ku Ua KangNur, July l"j. I yiXCEXT, I dork m the J\>st (Mfci Savings Uan^ i)r:nuh at Kual;; Kangir, pleaded guilty to-day to chaifefl
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  • 61 3 I* 11. Prince Pur chi ra of Siam. fornr r'y Mini ter of Cumin -«r and Communications. Who is en a v sit to S:ncapor took a largo l):i:;y to the Pavilion Cinema last Qfcfe to he second bouse to b c "t;t Oo d Comn»nlons M 1b»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 1526 4 Coming Malay an Films Reviewed. CINEQUE romance behind commercial aviation is brought to the screen for the first time m Columbia's film, 'Air Hostess," which opens at the Capitol to-day. WfAR aviation has been glorified m a series of splendid productions, notably "Wings," "Hell's Angels" and "Dirigible," but never before
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 234 4 Owing to Brilliant Success PRESENT n SEASON EXTENDED! MATINEE: TO-DAY, US—TO-NIGHT Fox's Inusually Beautiful Masterpiece produced by Jesse Lasky Nominated for the Gold Medal of the Industry ZOO IN BUDAPEST VVitfc LORETTA YOUNG and GENE RAYMOND. Never have such beautiful scenes f 4 Irj*^ Love and Passion, he knew W
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    • 248 4 CIPITOL TJEAJiff Malacca TO-n\V i, MOM)A\:— TOLrnca" (Mai ip Drrsslir and Polly M«», A Metro-Ooldwyn -Mayer PJctuir BOOKINGS PHONE J POPI LAR -•*•*>■ I PRICES Tl ISD.W A WKHNLSDAV:H PLBABURI CRUISE/(Roland Y< ung:. Gi nrvirvr Tofc'.n *ni Minna Gomhrll). A Fox I'.r m. i THURSDAY FRIDAY A SATIRDAY;"KISS ME AQAOt"
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  • 1349 5 WBY DO WOMEN hFFP THEIR AGES DARK n GIVEN SEVEN DAYS TO LIVE! Difficult Queries Satisfactorily Answered. This week's questions for the "Mystery Man" to answer were selected by Mr. R. A. Mitchell, of Singapore, who dSVfa work exceedingly well, but Mid not
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  • 1069 5 Taking a Trip To The Moon. 'If the "Mystery Man" were given only eeven days to live m ,this world: during which time whatever he cares to have were given: after the cxp ration of ir filch tic will have 'o make a maiden trip to
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  • 118 5 Popular Contest To He Continued. DEADERS want more couplet competitions, bo thN v« I k \v arc resuming this popular content. Take any two heading! from the news section of thil issue af the "Sunday Tribune" and put then together bo that they m;:kt» Interesting, amnsJag; or
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 716 5 Weak Teetla 7^^ are usually due to a lack of Calcium m the body /-JSF^ -5« ft /IFm Remember thar your teeth are I y~| by V'*V %\\wl« livinB parts oi your hcxiy The Make v/ v -s/ P\w4jP food they require is Ka]?ana ycur t^ th Chilblains Kalzana is
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  • 906 6  -  Norma QOING along tv Baffles Hotel on Tuesday night 1 noted an h attractive party being given by Lt. Commander S. (i. Rainsford and Mrs. Rainsford, who was beautifully gowned m heavy white crepe.... ln their ai ty were L*. Commander Currle and Mrs.
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  • 427 6 FASHIONS for outdoor wear arc fascinating this year. .but this years fashions for hostessing and teaing have left 118 breathless. In the ultra-chic circles. .you'll tind that "Orientalism" is the last word! The glorified py.jama outfit brings the opportunity to be colourful. .feminine. .and completely self -satisfied.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 138 6 MODERN FRENCH HAIR DRESSING By EXPERTS. PERMANENT WAVES. Short Hair Gallia Oil $10. Long n $15. Opera system $15. Eugene system $25. MAISON ttMt£ELLE <lATB MAISON MTTO), 35, Stamford Road. (TEL. 4807). Lumbago A^l lllH throhbing V^ flb| k> "V pains of lumbago soon dis- vß^fc I*^ i^^^ appear when
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    • 297 6 T44-t N-EWtST T, GALLET CREATION m POWDtR/ ASK FOII /^^~"X Thu lovely new pcwdtl ii dtHgbtfalli IV /I pfiiuiiu-.l m .vtveral odoan, an.l l^v S I ».»mc.s m >i)l desired thftditt it LJ is s.» lielit it will n.»t tl.. X the pon-s K^ j| jet clings for hours md
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 274 7 By Special Appointment I [3 H. M THE KING OF SIAM. 1 E«tablUhed 1872 '1 ihstinctim; desic;ns m X rOPVLAB lEWELLEEY X nJ BET WITH DIAMONDS AND OEMS W Sj DBBIONED IN THE MODERN TASTf N Sj IND PRICED AT TO-DAY* NSW fO V LEVELS ?5 iA Lri Of WE
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    • 175 7 SDFSDAF 8 HIGH GRADE 1 •Swiss Made K. M. Oli Mohamed 7 38, High Street |d! Phone 4508 MORNY TOILET LUXURIES. PINK LILAC "The true fragrance of the I blossoms." j j Perfume. Hath Soap. J Toilet Soap. Bath Salts. j Hath Powder. Complexion Powder. I Concentrated Perfume. Stockists: i
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    • 355 7 Imoniaue Capitol BUg. j FRENCH [I GOWNS I j HATS ACCESSORIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS h maison "Vogue" ~t I fl^ SINGAPORE. gj fashions for jjrj >^ Tr^^^^ swimming «j3 jfE jT—^3 AND BATHING V»^ f COSTUMES C! fl See GEVE'S fl| Ba!hing Costume Q. jj B &t Vogue's and L*
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    • 207 7 ■MHMnM ■■<• i a 5 J PAULOPHONE RECORDS. J MONOLOGUES IJY RONALD KKANK AII. I I I Rlo43— Crepe Soles. Ni. tiling ever happens to some Rirls. i Rl2GB— You've got to pay for evirythin^ i you get. 2 Slie iOMnt only got you with htr I bc*uty. I Rlll4
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    • 258 7 fi To be slim Übo B l. Problem m gowns /ft^tlj&sk ji exptrUy dvai« I to create •Ilmneu j even when allmnc&s I Hi I Chic ParUien, U 3 42, High Street, I Singapore. Phone 4185. Thiw*. prizes will be -r.j.d J o Ilir Ih bst pho ogruj.h-, takrn m
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  • 1442 8 Some Odd Corners Customs of Malaya. WhaU The Sea Means To Singapore. Did you know that Chinese hawkers make fancy cakes from seaweed and sell them from house to house I IFE m any land is what the people make it. Malaya shelters mystery m the ha Jits of its
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  • 1230 8  -  Charles Pilgrim London, July 11 IN these days of intense introspection and subtle analysis it i> becoming rain to H>:d a master novelist who is all for outwar i adventure and the high colour of heroic i*fe. Amongst these rarities is Mr. John BucUhii who
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 151 8 WATCHES OMEGA, ROSKOPF, 7AVANNES, CYMA. ii/Vi:i.u:i) LEVEfi MOVEMENTS. NICKEL POCKET from 5.00 WBIST 12.50 SILVKR POCKET 17.50 WHIST 20.00 Dust 8c Water Proof 28.50 COLD POCKBT ttom 40.00 WHIST 18.50 18 c-t. 75.00 Dust Water Proof It it. 05.00 ITOP.WATCHES from £12.50 IHY WATCH GUARANTEED. REPAIRS PRECISION INSTRUMENTS THEODOLITES DUMPY
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    • 108 8 A NEW SELECTION OF BOOKS. Cheiro's When Were You Born?" Your Character Told Your Future Indicated; Your Tendencies Explained; Your Marriage Partner Selected; From your Date of Birth With Illustrations. Price $1.50. Speeches And Toasts "How To Make And Propose Them." (Revised and Rewritten By Leslie F. Stemp. B.A.LL.R). Price
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  • Article, Illustration
    100 9 Tlu- m> nib Ith Broadway Musical Party, who c lcbratocl 'he Party's second anniversary at Mr. Aw Boon Haw's bungalow I The Royal Singapore Plying Clubs Cutty Sa:tt < top on the right) with the Instructor ar.d nvmbeis of the ground staff. Und rneath are two of the Club's seaplanes.
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  • 1154 10 WHAT THE MALAYAN VOLUNTEERS ARE DOING. By "Shoulder-Strap." Death of Mr. Edgar Galistan Malay Company's Loss With The Intelligence Platoon The S. VJ*. A. At Work-"B" Company's Camp. ALL members of the Volunteer movement not only m Singapore but throughout Malaya will have learnt with the deepest regret of the
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  • 1724 10 LOCAL CLUB LIFE. The Sambodians Small but Efficient Troupe New club at Seremban General Meeting of Rushdiah Club Anniversary of A.A.A* The Bachelors 9 Physical Culture Association. IN Singapore, as m many Oiber parts ot j IfsdiftyAi amateur musical associations abound. For the BBOSt part these u asocial \oiif conihv
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  • 469 10 Yarns at the Totem. Notes and News For Malayan Boy Scouts i I WANT to say something this week about camping, sine* every troop will be going into camp as part of the District Flag; ooim's Shield competitions very shortly. I suppose most Scouts m S ngapore haw been to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 910 11 A Corner For Our Young Folk. ALTHOUGH 1 have had plenty of •n: ries for i he competition m which I asked you to submit snapshots of jour pet*, 1 am afraid that not one oi the pictures is good enough to prim. I have decided, however, to award the
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  • 109 11 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. j PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Including at office Postage Postage or close t«> to Foreign residence. F.M.S. Countries, j Yearly $2.40 Half-Yearly fi.2o *i.68 J2.64 Quarterly $0.60 $0.84 $1.32 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. Conies of back numbers of the "Sunday Tribune" if obtainable
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  • 913 11 4 Story For The Very I Young, Written By Uncle 1 Harry. I a Lesson. CAN you imagine any Mftle boy or <iirl wfao doesn't bulieve m fairies? Ve v thorp VMJ ence a little girl named Joyce who used 10 laugh when people talced
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 4 11 EvoryWher^^j Br \^T < PASTE
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    • 317 11 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $36,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS) HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, £.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1836 13 Etceteras have now played five matches, all of which nave been drawn. They tie with the Merchants with five points each after five matches. To-day Public Services and Law meet the Services (Malaya Command Officers). When these sides met earlier m the season, the civilians made 81 and
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  • 596 13  -  K.O. (BY PONSIDERABLE interest is being taken m the forthcoming return bout between Aircraftsman Graham aiid Bud Walley, which will be staged on Aug. 11, at the New World Arena, subject to the approval of the local Board of Control. Those who have
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 148 13 J^9^ [3 I' If Thai keeps lee Th •BrillianT wifh Lu r Jre and I Fr p c from De c ay. Oblair.ahlr Everywhere C 2|P» •AT TNLV y W 3 t per large Tube AJ p.^.^g I Sic .i k DELIOOCS ft ECONOMICAL MILK. HOUSEWIVES Follow thesif |^^^^^^^^^^^^C advertisements
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  • 683 14 Wiits Heat I.C.F.A. THREE PLAYERS SENT OFF. 'BY FULL-BACK." 'J'WO dgty biddentfl marred the match between the Ist Wiltshire* and th<> Indo-Ceyloneae In the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League at tht- Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, resulting m three players being on vixd oil' the field, including
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  • 373 14 (.arwood And Bartels Bowl Well.' THE r.a.f. defeated the BJI.O. yesterday -n the SJt.C. ?,:ound by 97 run.". Taking flr.^t knock, the r.a.f. eomnv*nced '-:dly. i: inp three wickrts for IS rum, iv.r hanks to steady batUng by Oarwood and Oaidiner they were aide to total 140.
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  • 46 14 I Chinese 111 team v. S.H.B. on Tftflimsfljii I at Jalan Besar: Jwee Yeow, Yong Chin. Sens I Quee. Seng Hock. Ah Cheong. y«nv Len- M\ > tok, twee Thye, All Hcng. Chit Bah, Yin* Kit, Un Sun. Weng Sow. Chin Ann, Pone Kong and Kong Guan.
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  • 293 14 Police And PAY.D. Sports. From Our Own Correspondent. > Koala Lumpr;-. July 12'J "THNE weather favoured the two s]x>rt.. 1' meetings held hero this afternoon. One was the aimuil sports of the F.M.S. Public Works Department and the oh;r thai of tho Selangor Police. Both were wry
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  • 48 14 Darul Apiah meet- N. K. Raja m the M.F.A. CoLman Shield League match at the JaUn Besar Stadium this afternoon. Dam! Apiah team: A. Ngaii. Omar A., Ahmed Panjang, Oseman D.. Ismail, Ahmed Bidln, All J.. Auang. Osmen. Salleh (capt.». Ali Sungil, Muman. Ibrahim, Omar Din.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 55 14 ARE You m search of a GOOD RELIABLE CLOCK OK WATCH U so. make it a point of visiting VICK WOH HING 425, North Bridge Koad, i (Near Middle R4) WBBSI You can be sure of securing what you desire. Contractors for th*> Repair ol CBodta and Watches to Urn
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    • 111 14 Tooth Paste I Is exNentiatii| I vii article of I vk coiifi ile nee. I i|«mi m:iij truxt 4 f*> of^^M B^BV^^~^ IQ r IAI?GI ll'Bl *H| 1 C.UCTS. Everywhere C€*mft*rt A Style From tbe Ist to tfee 18th W CREAM 52.50 Kach. COLOURED ?2.73 Kach. Sizes 36 to 42
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    • 366 14 FIFTY PRIZES FOR FOOTBALf FANS. l THE MALAYA CUP FINAL. j READERS TO FOREC4SI INCIDENT IN MATCB. 5 In {>yi\er to encourage a closer knowlei f tly Association Footiwll, a nne which is m this country, and to afford followers ol the ranw»»i tunity of possessing an up-to-date rvo-v) the
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 152 14 SPORTS DIARY. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. TO-MORROW, JULY 31 Ai.p.ii v. ilansflslds, .in inn Beaar poatali v afunlolpaHty, Anaoa R TL'ES3DAY. AUG. M*im?a S.C.r.. WL'DNESDAY. AUG. I R.A. v. Pul.u; Brani. Ahmui Rond. Chinese 111 v. S.H B.J.S.C Jalfin BeaV Marine I v. M.C.U. Cantotum i:i Road Abattoirs v. P.
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  • 385 15 PULAU BRANI BEAT R.A. Throe Goals In Five Minutes, pvLAU BRANI Beeurcd full points la Div. l of the S.A.F.A. Leattuf yesterd'y at the JaJan B:ar Stadium from thr Royal Artillery wham they beat 4—l. 'I he lame Vas m doubt until seven minutes from the end when the r
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  • 165 15 Anglo-Chinese School Beaten. Playing on their ground at Haw Still the Ififlto Youngsters beat the A.C.B. "A team nt cricket by 125 runs. ACS. -A." Kothari b Leklie 2 Ram Singh c. Almnt b Leklio 0 Paraman c Amin b Lcklic 4 Selankan Singh c Amin b
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  • 112 15 New Events Introduced At I Ipoh Meeting. (From Our Oun Correspondent.) Ipoh, July U9. Rain made the going heavy for the intcrschool sports here to»day. P'cur senior schools did not compete ar.d the Anglo-Chinese School dominated the n;crt- j Ing. Two new events int-oduved this year v. tr
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  • 80 15 Malacca Team To Meet S.C.F.A. The .Molucca Sprinle.s soccer Xi wi! m »l ihe S.C.F.A. xii Jr. lan Bestir next Suiu".*y. I en the day After tbe Mr.laya Cup final The Liußnan University students, •.'•ho^o ■oeccr team beat, the i3.C.F.\, champions iMffC lnsi •.veek. will bu rpturnins; to
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  • 20 15 Playing at MacNair Road School ground. Ismail bin Salleh's eleven drew with tho Vicioriu Bridge Aitc;- School XI I—l.1 1.
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  • 232 15 Asliworth's Unavailing Effort DESPITE a pood Inntnga by R A. Ashworth the S.C.C. XI had to Jicimit deftal when they enteittincd the Mrclkal College Union on th<.fading m \h.- two-day nmtch corcludi-d y«surday. Stoics: m.c.v.— ist fnnliip Ml hd. Din b Cvanford o C. AtfeOM b Mt N
    232 words
  • 354 15 Gunners Win By Two Runs In Bowlers' Match. Two runs was the margiu by which tht- Royal AralUry defeated Raffles College on the latier'.s ground yest.rday erecicg, \h< aeorei being X for the Artilierj-, who batted Ozst, and .)3 for the College I. was isscntially a bcwlers'
    354 words
  • 179 15 Results Of Yesterday's Ties. BtWlHl of Uei m the fclia^apore Dadmtnton (hampionshipr;, played at tfM S.V.C. Drill hall yesterday, were: OPFN SINGLES: Lim Boon Gunn boat VLh Cheng Moli is— i, 15—6: Lim Han Wan '-it hnt Wluut Ktn 15—4. is—l 3 .11 N1O>?, SINGLES THIRD BOUND): Cher
    179 words
  • 63 15 In rppcntt In many icquests from enthusiastic golf Singapore. UM Pavilion theatre will on Tuesday <at the (5.15 and 0.15 perform- nf og|jr) BCTecp llw comptete "BoMif Jootft* it. roxapi \Mhag iv» Iw reeli n wWch tht fanoui champion dtnior.stratcs the best mcihort cf play. Plan, are
    63 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 612 15 Test Your Skill and Win Cash Prize of $25. ~525~ Sunda y Trib Si km n Popular Football r Must Be CM. Brtra Cc 1 Won (No uj Fee. The jr.dav Trl'ounf has decided to give a ptte of $23 must be won) to the reader or readers who forecast
      612 words
    • 7 15 EvcrvWhereJ R^ rjPinißiTV 1 rjiMSWNCf Wrt Wft
      7 words
    • 284 15 Grand Clearance Sale Closing on August 10. Heavy Reduction. Gents' Leather Shoe From $1 90 Ladies' .90 Children's .50 Don't miss this great opportunity Visit our store and make your selections. sh i re 671, .North Kridiic Rink). Singapore. (Near Arab Street). NAN YANG HOTEL, RIUAR EXPRESS CAR SERVCE Twice
      284 words

  • The Sunday Tribune.
      20 words
    • 785 1 MANY UPSETS IN HEAVY GOING. 808-THE GORGFR PUTS DP A POOR SHOW. Wadsworths Ihree Wins. Refill Wins Again And Cheerful lady Pays $89. An outstanding feature of yesterday's racing at Penang was the success of Mr. T. L. Fox who
      785 words
    • 133 1 Lall Sin«h Fails To Score. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 29. FAST scoring was the feature of to-day's Cricket here. The V.M.C.A. lest to the dftt Club m a match la which qui^e a number of fours and sixes were hit. Tlm V.M.C.A. took first
      133 words
    • 208 1 Close Finish To Good Game. RAFFLES Institution beat Ibt Indian Association by eight HUM at the R.I. ground ycrtercny. Scores RAFFLES INSTITUTION BofIMMB st. Paramso hy b Fernandez 0 Ravital lbw. Fernanda *> Thillainathan c and b Rajah: am 1 G Valbcrg lbw. b Fernandez 37 M.
      208 words
    • 62 1 Lin Seng: Fook Cup Competition. 'Frcnn Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. July BJI THE Pink Clvtb visited Ipoh to-dny for tiieir match with ;hf Railways m t)M Lim Btd| Vook Cup con:pt'tition. SieTi- Hona scored for the Railways J'i the Meond mlnu'e ct pltiy and this tuinrcl out to
      62 words
    • 70 1 Athletic Meeting In Seremban. From Our Oicn Correspondent.' x Seremban. Julo 9s, Tht're was a record attendance of spectators at tin- annual police sports en the depot grMMi to-day. At the conclusion of a Kn<»thy pro? r mime prizes nn pivm by Mrs. London, wife of .ne BritL-h
      70 words
    • 60 1 Wiltshires Visit the J.C.C. Johcre Bahru. July 29. The match playd on vhe J.C.S. Club gtound between the Johcre C.C. and the Wiltshires 111 left drawn. The Wilts went Jti first a:.d scored 155 for 9 wkts. d clarei. LL Bond making 44. The J.C.C. had scored 62
      60 words
    • 220 1 Y.M.C.A. BEAT THE A.P.C. Yesterday's Cricket At Anson Road. rWMiE A PC. *h<> were enterUU*d by iht X V.MC.A. on I* Utt r, ground M Anian Road wn ti. rated by 33 runs ywterdar The home team b«tUd flrst and i*j*,*i 110 runs, toward* which W.llu com n ltd* rJH
      220 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 157 1 YICK WAII SING, THE REPAIRER. Wttq ASS BVmi T.i orr:: you the best serVICI \l) BKILLEO WOM .IANSHIi' IN REPAIRS all or nu oomrtnjsoM articles as clocks. Vv.AIC'IiES AND OS iHQr linifffl. ETC.. ETC. WATCH DEALER GENERAL STORE, SI, North liridjije Road, Singapore. Ml'" AT *V,l Uf 4 Vf^nVC* NEWEST
        157 words
      • 11 1 Vl" faMflflfAUT CCtKfCT CTS« l^i^Gl TUBE I 2 XT Everywhere I
        11 words
        407 words