Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 25 June 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
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  • 684 1 ULM FINISHES FIRST LAP OF HOME TRIP. DEPARTURE FOR RANGOON TBIS MORNING. Three-Epgined Monoplane. Not After Record: Showing Safety Of Flying. About an hour after the time announced by radio, Mr. Ul-.i, the latest to attempt che long flight Home to Australia, arrived at
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  • 539 1 CHINESE OUTCLASS WILTS. a Senior XPs In Soccer Friendly. YESTERDAY'S friendly at the Jalan Be.^ar Stadium between the first teams of the Wlltrhlres and the Chinese proved disappointin,, m that Ihe EOtdiera appeared to be compel ely off-colour. The Chinese dominated the exchanges from firs', to Uuri and ran out
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  • 51 1 Th"' Amicable A A., runners up m the SA F A League, meet the Darul Bahar F. C, runners-up m the M FA. Leagu m the friendly i at the Jalan Br.sar Stadium this afternoon. Keen interest i, being centred m this game and a large crowd is
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  • 348 1 9aar War Expected. HOSTILE GENERAL SURRENDERS. Shanghai, Jene 24. IJEN, Peng Chan Wu has formahj assumed Commandership of the anti-Japanese army m the northejft] route m Charhar. According t<> Dr. Sun Fo 4Chainman of the Legislative Yuan), \vho\ arrived m Shanghai by the miCnijrhaexpress yesterday from
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  • 26 1 J The Hon. afr. W. A. Feb baa bea M appointed to be a memoer of the SL-gapoTi Harbour Board for a further t-rm o years.
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  • 142 1 ,-eopiug Wife And Child >♦ Killed. <Ffim Our o;rn Kunii Lumpur, Jpce 24. •A TRP-daifDY ccturrcc' hi a hensa In Puau I\. \.i£Xj& a< i 1.30 p.m. >a 1 :.u, when LDe rocnover -he back rcom o:: tin Second floor o: a which Is
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 1 Dr. ii. 1. m. Ihrablm, aho was on»y ben J. T. Smith and IVI. at Paters- n m the uehfyins rcund of tli3 Island golf championship
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  • 90 1 Proposed Talks With Local Chinese. j ue straits Settlement Trade Commission viu be mtcttng icpre entativea of the Ideal Ohtaeaa business houses, guilds, etc., as eonu.uted 1- the Chinese Chamber ol Commerce at Lie Council Chamber next thuraday to di<cuca local trade conditions la>. Tay Lian Teck, the
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  • 219 1 Malacca {leader Wins $1 00 Prize. MR. s. A. Majid, of Messrs. 11. U de Souza a Co., Ifalaeca correctly forecast the margin b) wrhich five teams won m our Soccer Competitioi No. 3. Th. maUii m winch l^c \\;v, rtgh M.PII. b l -t AP.C. by
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  • 188 1 Tribute Al Perak State Council. j /From Our Oun Corrrsr>f>*iU' I I ipih, Jan 04, I At the Pefak State Council meelhr; yt*trday. H.H he Sultan paid a tribute to th.> j s;ocd woi!. dam by the lata Raja dHilir. th eldest number of the C
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  • 132 1 INDIAN PR INCE HERE Taking bmurtanl Pos. Ir, Stale Govt IKR.H Prime Jit cf Kapu t"»: i an I LB. the liaharajah of ii.vk una, I "ingaprra oa the a' i bl i I anan, < n a buaiaoei and) a'eei vi t i Be waa received a< the wharf
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  • 107 1 No Case Against Malacca Chinese Woman. iFrcn O.r Oi.n C<rrcspon;!< tit Malacca, Jam :».j In the district court, before Mr. 11. c. Win. Mr. r p. Rlngnaa. (Aoatatanl Chin rotecton produced a Can tone. 1 > v.cman. LOW T uet Chan, for procuring Chan Ah Lut. 7 years,
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  • 62 1 Tho Amateur (hamoionship F nil, London, Jun At Roylake to-dag In tla Aaaetrur championship hnil liie Hon. Michael ftoott a thre up at the ninth, put; mi- aapectatty well At the end of the morninn round. gjCOtl was fife up with a score (f 7<i to Hmun's
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 116 1 OPPONENTS CHANGE ATTITUDE. Committee Of Inquiry. Will Support New Scheme. Amsb .xiam, June 1. PHE participation oJ two oppotMsti of forced restriction -Hr. I). 3oiderhey and Hr. Van Leeuwen k>oinkarnp, as member., el the Inernattonal Committee to Inquire i :iic> 'i:I/km- Restriction, v at< ban n Jun s
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 361 1 Celtic Men Win Rowing Trophy. I fj'Hl j.j'. the m .1 fours wa* A the aaore bnportant 01 i p wo events on j tba p: araaaaae far latt regatta which wa.% e'e ai the Royal s.. aaanw Taaag ciub yestcr- day af e .norn. j 3cm? good
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1376 2 1^ HERE ;iro many people m Malaya who believe that there i> n<> harm m selling lottery tickets. The authorities don't agree with them and occasionally very occasionally they proceed to demonstrate that disbelief. Everyone knows, as a matter of fact, that thousands
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  • 694 2 I HE Oifl Man has been up-country you know* one of those busim sa trips for the good of .he paper. c ft m k.l. :he waa afabf Bbc waa Margaret bo PerUa. m Kaantan she aaa Phyllis, Tli'. dear, st thing or. car
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 j i The Scene Shifters! 1 j The Dramatic Society Of The j V. M. A. i I Present i Three One-Act Plays] I I i I t I A I at j THE GLADE THEJITRi ii Kfl the grounds of Oldham Hall, Duneam Itoad. J I on the f
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    • 64 2 ItptaVaVlla? yne Whisky of' ffreatQcte. Malaya's Premier WHISKY Obtainable from all Clubs, Hotels and first class dealers— (This is fact) Sole Agents Sime, Darby Co., Ltd., Singapore, Malacca, Seremhan and Muar. Also obtainable from our Branches at Kuala Lumpur and Kuchiiig. dainty and elusive for discruninating toik: but Jos expensive.
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  • 3475 3 Urn £-J» t_L i_ \ir^_i Daimce Aft Tlhe Padaimg Clunlbo iWO MALAYAN ATHLETIC RECORDS NEARLY FALL. A VERY enjoyable function took place at the Singapore Recreation Club yesterday, when sports and a dance were held m celebration of the Club's jubilee. The many people
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 one ut t!.-- founders the S.R.C., the Late Mr. I 1 nris c"'.. rke, t ill 1 1 ol the Hon S< v i irki
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 T -~9 FjjaW^ f B 2 1 1 S hCD 3 -y'^i^Y l^^l^ OIL MB K. a k%==^=^- 1 1 r "Z^ZJ^^I^. "Z^Z^SZ. I- T^^7^i ■'■'■in* n» f yinoAPORB
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    • 129 3 BARGAIN OFFERS I t I mfm SuST] 3tegaT 7TT/ «i many V < £3 \\\m. 1 mi j i v LADIES LBATHBR HANDBWI I y v t Envelope Bhapi aith Zp Paatenara, Lb Blei r v-^tA, >. I Brown, Bine and Oraan eialy. Plica $1.00 each *v v fT-V^^^nS tr'
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 147 3 RESULTS AT A GLANCE. 100 Yards Flat RRan:c n A. B, Deskrr, W. E. Meyer. Time. 10 15 socs. Patting the Shot: L. C. Qalisan, O. B. K. O hlers. Distance: 33 ft 1 1 j ma. 220 Tarda Handicap: A. Desk r, D. c. p rrean. Time: 24 1
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  • 313 4 RAIN INTERRUPTS I PLAY. Test Cricket. SutcliiTe Hit By Fast Bowler. Lbndo 1, June 24. lARDINE wo i i ie toss Lo-day whe i England mcl the West Indies i;. the Kirs 4 Test at Lord's. Rain fell from 4 to 9 a.m. but the wickel
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  • 319 4 ('hung Hwa Pool's First o?>er» Competition. 1 hat swimming is becoming more and more pcpular among the Chinese m Sin^apo.e was again irdiated yest rday afi^rnoon at Pasir ranjang when the Chung Hwa Swimming Pool held its first open competition. large crowd wai presort, bachafing M:-. Tong Lao.
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  • 46 4 An effort to form a soccer t am to compete for tho thne being m fnendlies with other local clubs is being made by the Khal a Association As a< present arranged they will Play una- arst eoccer match againa lbs Ceylon Tamil Association on Thursday
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  • 969 4 Athletic Sports. CHAN AH KuW THE CHAMPION. TWIK spacious playing ground adjoining the King Edward VII ollege *>i* Medicine was the scene ol a very happy miction yesterday afternoon. 11 marked the first annual ath! tic ting of the College m 20 Kavou .1 fino weatlier
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  • 3 4 gh rt6 45
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  • 238 4 Canzoneri Loses His Title. Chicago, June 24. DARNEY Ross outpointed the holdei Ton) Canzoneri, m a light tor the world's light weight championship to-day. The stadium was packed with over 50,000 spectators of wnom 16,000 were without their coats owing to sultry weather. The crowd booed the
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 48 4 Outbreak Yesterday In Moulmein Road. A a: as: fire occurred en a piece of priva'e 'and In Moubn m Road about six o'clock last night. Two fire engines wer? quickly on t he scene uad all danger of a spread was quickly put •t an end.
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  • 137 4 Malaya Golf Champior. Eliminated. Mm. paTEP.Son. Malayan goil champion was Jeffatßd *oy P. J. Isher&OOd m thi first .round of the Island God Championship at the bland Ctufa yeaterdai Th* full results are as follow. W. Aldred beat R. Rmton 1 up. S. N. Kelly beat F.
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  • 120 4 Selangor's Seven-Nil Victory. (Fron Our Oun Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. June 94. Once again Negri Sen.bilan went aown to Stlar.gor State m th' ir return soccer tntu*Sta c match played here to-day at >he Stadium before a large crowd. Selangcc wen by seven clear goals. When these two States
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  • 260 4 Nondescripts Beaten By 15 Runs. KaffLes College t:a: the Mandeßorftßta by i Bfteca run: playing at th; College gfeanaa ycterdav afternoon Th Cohere batting fir-t made thy not impr.---.-iVr- total d o4 but tin b eppencntf Inatiraiaad even Laai Bcwlen had a field oa Fo the 800 i
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  • 68 4 PoLce Eliminate Postal Teaßt. •From Orr Ouv Cvrrespondtn!.. Malacca. June 21. The Police, playing with bt er combma Son rurraitingly b at the PeaftU xi by J- -2 ;.e ctay m the 'as: s cend-round ti^ cf the Ge,\trnment Inter-Depai taicntal Footbuil Com tion. The draw for the
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  • 156 4 Hurricane Hittinrr Cy Tin ltu tion father a I hu 4b beint. Sin B c; will. Haw i) M 2 9 L. M. Per.nefath r ian a i.i \i( k b 1 m f< rrl ra c Bchelkl i i> W. Will i Ra B I yne
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  • 77 4 Lail Singh Scon A Century, f n m Our Oun C> rrI aaa at wing 1.15 Qgh, v. tf 1 v athar wa fa t. The I < ran (1 S I < i' > i th Bay. ihe matt h wJ morrow. S.C.R.< The Baku, i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 19 4 2 5 Cents <X Every Where^J^^S^ V^ 9 PASTE r übvitV i Hi MSiiNcim diNfFI SIUMMM \n> COMfCT I
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    • 54 4 10 j£\ KLj ar% Ite&v. §T 9 p /;■■'> llP>^v Ff©6s^ S *j?S\ ,J *^vw x *E»* r >^?<^ >^\ab> «oi2y s^ lh-e^ s :^^;i"" *»*h*J /^Sr^\ i Wss*^ //sS^^\ IP Morn inn J, CEnL,ftjBPAN'< I I iVOOfla aa i aw |a% «f rf^© mf®^ o Yip I (J ?v
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    • 893 5 ARMED CANTONESE GET A WARM RECEPTION. Bottle Thrown At Head. Alleged Ringleader Betrayed By His Defective Eye. Excitement m a bedroom was described by witnesses m a case oi alleged gang robbery heard m the Singapore Police Court yesterday. A trail of bloodstains and a
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    • 126 5 Involved In Accident On Way To Stadium. Onr* of the Johore players who took part m the fßngapore V. J >hore Malaya Cup match at the Alison road Stadium yest°rday, was involved m an accident shortly before the match at the junction of Scott's Road and S.'evenson Road.
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    • 76 5 Accused On Bail Of $1,000 Alleged to have seed false trade marks, a Chinese. Tan Sion Hock, appeared before the District Judge <Mr H. A. Forrer) yesterday. It was stated that the complainants Were tin manufacturers of Tiger Balm. Mentioning the case, Mr. V. D. Knowles sale
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    • 70 5 European Befjre Police Courts. Charged with criminal trespass, W. H. Daley a European, appeared before the Third Magistrate (Mr. M. H. Blacker) yesterday it waa alleged that Daley entered the examination room m the ofhep of the Inspectm ni' School:- yaaterday morning adtil intent tc commit en offence.
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    • Article, Illustration
      9 5 Heather Andrei, the "Priiish star, m a Kinking wrap
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    • 87 5 m ease tn the Police courts yesterday a witness tin Sun. was asked how be knew the exact time of an alleged robbery. Be .viid tha' When he woke op bearing cries Of Mate Ma'a V be looked at his clock and H said 9.30 pm Asked if
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    • 582 5 Series Of Charges Before District Judge. A series of caeca involving alleged "rum*a runners and opium ettnagglerfl came up before the District Judge (Mr. 11. A. POrrer) yesterday. Mr. Baker. Controller attached to tin -Monopolies Dept.. appeared for the prosecution. Some eases were dealt with Immediately
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    • 237 5 Lower Court Finding Upheld. I see no reaaon to Interfere with the A Magistrate's decision," said afr. Justin Ocbbett yesterday. In dlam sating the appeal of Lim Ah Teck and Goh Ah Soon from tin flnd- 01 the Singapore District Judge, convicting them oi tiie possr-.vion
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    • 98 5 Removed Beasts from Vet's Abdul Malik, a cattle supplier, was fined $19 m the Second Magistrate's C >urt (Mr. J. P. r Qregg) yesterday for having removed contact cattle from the charge c{ a Veterinary Officer 'Mr. V. R. Kale>. It seems he had sold seme of
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    • 58 5 Trouble At The Civil Aerodrome. A rather serious affray occurred amongst a Bi of Indian coohes at the Ch il Aerodrome n Friday afternoon. Bticks were freely used and three men sus'fined nasty head ir juries. The police came on the scene and took the natter m hand.
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    • 433 5 Aerodrome Case. ALLEGED CHEATING OF UNEMPLOYED, pURTHER evidence Bras recorded before thi Distri •< J n. •V. Forrer) yo rej bi ding ;< .d<o m n/hi h a < tor i mplo: ;.t the i iyil Aen drome m i to lave obtai ted money from tl
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    • 127 5 Oven Maker Who Refused Wort A Chtnea oven maker, of Bim Chuaa Boad raja Labar, 9gu d ai complainanl before M J. f. f. On od Magi ra when he accused a oocnpatriol of hairing causa grievous hurt to his hand on Hay :<:> Complainanl atated bi
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    • 241 5 TH7 FF! INSPECTOR CHARGED. Daath Of Hawker. Importanl Legal Poinl Raised. rr.HK fad thai the statement <>f Bl ai v > ob i annof •>«• taken until the nd "i a preliminary inquiry! was poi :t« fie I K i it Public Pros utor, .Mr. J. 11.
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    • 185 5 Chinese Whj lugged Parts of .Machine. a CTimaai ith oami i Ob a Ah ch.i>n. ajht up befor thi Met :.n Magi tratc. f I ..mi cb ungad adtb i a bicycle, the of bm a Mala; i I I 9 1' p 1 It Bai tall
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 1 JsJ|^oi# \\^no^ MOTH**-* 1 1 IMIfCT CTS. UUvGE TUBE I r\ p- Everywhere I
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    • 163 5 XZ'J&xfS 2ST^r ZZ.' -^-rrZ T3na,jims y.aryitr^^ Tr? y^-py^,^ FIGHT COLDS W Inn roiigli-. i old*. BaWBBBI *B Itronrliiii- attack tin- ayatsaa iw| -v r"'\"^\ i« li.i!>l«- i<iim« i- .1. pjfgaasj s -^*> .'Xjh ?v it Waicrbarv*M i«• m t > i r n I frSr*> t aTfl r vVf
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 6 IPOH WBJJQptO, a (Sfjtaj photograph b*ea after the recent murriage. at the Church of St John the Divine, gf Mr. Oliver Che** i tfwtawa of F^tnr.-b Hto.h-rs and Miss Dori, Mariorie Alvrnetby, of Ipoh.
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  • 1153 6 A MALAYAN GOES ON LONG LEAVE Correcting A Popular Misapprehension French Women are not especially beautiful DERBY DAY THRILLS Somewhere m VTorkshire, Ma) ;i. j T'S Derby Day to-day. A beautiful ipfing day sun phintaig over v bright green countryside, an extensive view of which, throu.-h a broad bay window,
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 6 M. m Pateraon, the Malayan Golf Champion, who qualified for match paay In the Island champion hip now m progress.
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  • 447 6 Australia And Trade Ship's Visit. Lf A LAVA'S opinion of the Alls--1 tralian Trade Ship, which brought an exhibition oi Australian goods to Singapore and Per.ang recently, is apparently widely shared In Australia, according t<> Mr. Lester Goodman, of Messrs. Getz Bros., who returned the other
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  • 99 6 Ten Submarines Built In Five Months. San Fancisco. June 7. The death has ocvurred. at the age of 62. of Mr. Jus:ph Jaaaei Tynan, the American .shipbuilder. Mr. Tynan, > w-s born m Ircladn. first came tfc America it; 1890 and was naturalised m 1896. He WBB connected
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  • 569 6 (ercniony At Hotel Rembrandt* From Our Own Correspondent.! 1. I-. tune i-' IMPRBSSfVB cci mor.ial marked til meeting <I Id i- M M ilaya a. th N Rembrandt, Bcuth Kensington. Br.. A. B. Bailey, th Worshipful 4ai evened Lhl pre ,!m with a eddrcsa In allusion to
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  • 968 6 Jimim Tilleki Dies. MR. BANNER'S NEW THRILLER Our O.'f. I I'g-i > i. v.. ria\ n had i •rl that < i mh Ui m win th. it inti An I write, for m the i• i hinirtfc and erytl i üßly glimmer- ike; bill m\ I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 I OU if (J* nS" wstwcfnt TV atr J CCSgfCI a 9B CTS. LAFGt TIBE I O(Z Everywhere I w£K£ Everybody It af*> > Sees Your Hair r^^i bw 7 9B 9J^J* I fnae light daaacate aVaaaa ajrwaaa as mWg§n§r if^^tSßp .„_> 0,,> works woiuhrs for your hair Keeps it
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  • 868 7  -  CINEQUE By B.IJ comedy, Sunshim opens J to-day. Prom all •duction la likely to !>'•<• ti local audi.-, cea •i' British co le- !> n shown m Singav M incidi nts occurred making ol the film. 1 tan Ai rt Burdon, who la.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 THE SEASONS BIGGEST SUCCESS PAVILION ,m j Baa?'. I "^BSBw. I iCJS BB^" :v9| Bg. tallTTPSin V" Sylvia Sidney (As (ho-Cho-San). Charlie Rugbies I ■Sa^L^'a^aflH B ft^EBBBBBBBBBBBBaVaaa^ t «?■£»> BaSseT*'" J at Baaaat*saw A aaaaa^aaaft Janm. ♦fiSJISSI* ft ft aaail9r^iaaaaaaT^ v >• aaa BBt% >; daftPK^A a NEXT CHANGE Maurice
      67 words
    • 28 7 Tooth Paste is «jxseiiti;il!ij hii urlidc oi ijou u»:tij frii 3 vf J2M-M a sua vj*. si* a jk. 4*.!' or lAi;'OT lUM C D CTS. E\ery Where
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    • 195 7 C* A Of T-Taf m*r a IUL Another Side-splitting British >hiV>\ the prodncera of "SLEEPLESS a'l I!IT> j ALBERT Oi Jf± "IfTTINT IN a^tv' fa^^^? THE SUNSHINE "^BOPV? With RENEE GADD. W *i .fl! .•^'%/k j a Ti)x of i.Arcns *$*wQk v. ip. t'OMi.m 111 1 f*ft^*^- 'w "i 11
      195 words

  • 1206 8  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore. Norma Sy PAR'S SNAPSHOTS. yiONNET shcwi a new kiat y of evening wrap for iam Bier. 11 is a very wide and Uxixr scarf, the midi thrown < *os hesl and hultc \cd Pal I 1 I ki c-1 bite nj<v. I ao ends a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 I StopsTicklinq I I Throat Ifg Stop it, quickly, with Chamberlain's Js;, |r*" 1 vu t K?." AJJ^I Cough R(;medy.Soc!hesawaythe sore- >■-<. Na^i^'lS.foMx ness, breaks up inflainmation, clears the air passages. Safe for children as I IT V „.s Y well as adults, for it contains no narcot- I rv-=
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    • 37 8 M 0 D i. IN FRENCH HAIR DRESSING By EXPERTS PERMANENT WAVES. Short Hair Gallia fit I'Ong n n Sl5 Opera system g|§ Eugene system $20 $25 MAISON MARCELLE LATE MAISON NITTO. 35, Stamford Road. (TEL. 4807).
      37 words
    • 267 8 g^ T+4-E N£W4rST fHI ROGER r GALLET L .1 aal CR-EATION m POWDER.' ASK FOR S* N N2. 1016 j Ilia relj new powder is ileliafhtfallv pel nunc i m aeveral o lour*, .ri<! I^^V cosnea ;:i .-ii! desired shades f a Ji^v>vS^ SSN^^^ taaaß is ao li.^l-.t it will
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 202 9 BaY Baral Ba^ jßpßßSaa^fßy*gS>gTß*T*^ I Baa bW#all e!bbw > *^T^ B^sa^^ i €*^^lT^'s F^S KIGHGRADE, 8 f'V m I W T I *£o U 14,1 I i. -\ttm I hi II i '.l^r tl i j a«.*ii ii Phone 4508 I New Consignment! I By S. S. <c Naldea.' 8
      202 words
    • 371 9 1 i monique j Capitol Bldg. j 1 II FREN' H j GOWKS j HATS j ACCESSORIES j FOR j ALL OCCASIONS j 1 1 I t I MAISON ,4 Vogue M I Li 22, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. ri r (Europe Hold Bailding). hi j FASHION HAS GONE GAY! j
      371 words
    • 167 9 FOR SPORTS Stanley Co, 'London Sports House). PllOl,e AAA 3725 7 .1 f[i i Cricket If§ Tennis I J Hockey B Badninlon I Foot-Bail I Table-Teanis. I iOnr Speciality 4 In Re Sti io K '.nr jg\ A A Indoor Games U 107, Noriti bridge Road, I SINGAPORE. ♦.<♦ ♦>
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    • 314 9 I PARLOPHONE RECORDS. 1 MONOLOGUES BY RONALD FRANKAI I i I Rlo43— Crepe Soles. I N thing l; i r happens to some rurls. 2 RI2G8 You've got to pay for everything Z you Slu< doesn't only gel you with htr Z beauty. I RI 1 14— I'd like to
      314 words
    • 298 9 ivjnsrT, rsznnvar^s^: eBfIBBBBafIBBBBBBBB' tfejCjLje&Fk BAISOB 1 Chic Parisien, It, Biroßl Biiigapore. Phone 4485 i ..tit" a Bana»aßßiav3Bßsaaa^^* 4 vi^ T ara:v/r'a3aat I i i i TRI Afl Vol MAY, YOU j CANT I -TND A GIFT THAI I WILL MEAN M> IfUCU TO j j Yoru friends AS von;
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  • 1455 10 Some Odd Corners Customs of Malaya. Tree Which Made A 1 I Did you know that n before a Malay moves j [j into another house it I n has to be cleared of {j 8 evil influences by a I Medicine-man y IIfHEN y v want to remove to
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  • 1156 10  -  Charles Pilgrim By London. June 6. MESSRS Putnam have brought out yet another bcok about the circus and etrcua folk. It costs twelve and sixpence and has the title: "Circus Company: Life on the Road with a Travelling Sligw" by Edward Ceago, who has il
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 147 10 a^ The Control Of I Motherhood. (By J. I». (.air). I !This is the fIKB Au'hn.tic Tr«a?i I on th BBBjl T >, h |v j pvb'i hid. Shows how to mnk- t I Marriag as aBBBf BBT th V.' on m as J for the Man; A Bo 1:
      147 words

  • 975 11  -  Mystery Man By The A NEW NAME FOR A NEW THAT "SEABELLE SYNDICATE!" MOONLIGHT CRUISES FOR POOR RUBBER BROKERS. THI ry Man" tongue cry obviii om the many all ovi r Malaya Led the subject sen: rC. 15. ONG, M CORPORATION, I IPORE. ibmitted 'il* I
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  • 137 11 A Fascinating Yet Simple Contest. I TO make a couplet take any two headings fr m this issue of the \Sunday Tribune and put them to- pffther so that they make amusing;. interesting, or clever reading. Most i the paragraphs m this paper have two or three
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  • 156 11 Here's A Chance For (Grandfather! Y OL n »ve all met the man who dashes up with -Stop me il you j have heard mis one' unci j roceeds to leU you the yen tatesi tunny story. I always respect ago (particularly l when l find tt
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  • 95 11 Five Dollars For Sharp dj CO. I £)LT. printer thought it was his birthday when he was told that I he coul make two errors m the Sunday Tribune without being mas- j s acred, so he has deliberately mis- I spelled two words. Each of' these I
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  • 839 11 COMPETITIONS TO TEST YOUR SKILL. H RULES TO BE OBSERVED Tflh "MYSTERY MAN GIVES HINTS AM) UPS •MYSTERY MAN" GENERAL COMPETITION COUPON. This Coupon must bo sent along with your entries for any of the competitions on this page. 'line, 25 1933 THE response to the "Mystery Man's Cha lengi
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 T~. ii ii -> H New Eveready j KBlpfll flashlights I HI Regular Eveready Superior j Quality, Workmanship j For Sale Everywhere la' I I T5£ iff TRAP* MAVK j sSI FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES j It -they last longer. I Sole Agents f E. TELS Co., SINGAPORE. j
      46 words
    • 182 11 f To Tin-: BtBTOa, I M SUNDAY TRimxi:," B Anson Koad, Singapore 1 I challenge the Mystery Man to writ B.i haaanruna -t«.r\ an tha aaabjati <.f I Name I Address I June 25 IMS. REGLYKOL «s a great CBfB for DIABHTBS. It was shown upon chemical j analysis that
      182 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 452 11 CROSSWORD PUZZLE: WIN $10. I ''IP ***** wcvk G Crraaword Puzzle has been I en worded to make you do a lictle thinkin: crafted by the "Mystery Man and i un- A prizj of $10 will be given to the road" csual for the reason that it does not Contain
      452 words

  • 6256 12 By MR. Beaael was the senior partner m the < firm of Beaael, Hart, and Brown, of St. i i Pawls Churchyard, and for many years he ana well known among those Intereated In psychical i k search as a Überal-minded and conscieuuou i
    6,256 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 77 12 Listless Conquer debility, regain health and atrength with the aid of SANATOCEH The True Tonic-Food I ALWAYS KEEP WITH YOU A POT OF AMRUTANJAN A SOVEREIGN REMEDY a? Si fet •■J^.^'^ I bßbW9bbW •»»<*>*/ ■^aaaaa Bgy?PxJ^rß>en^y 7 yac.s-^ < j y Aafik* TOOTHA I lififl^^ CUTS. BRUISES I «a*e cough,
      77 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 411 12 TO-BAVS BABIO,— £3SH3S3tBs amaxgr.-: r.r l m the new scheme of extending oroerammp. wa. on an omni-directional aerial programmes **> programme transmitted at th* period is the same as Daventry National and will Many readers have asked for details oi it 221! ma,n1 of !i ght concerts by Btestfo, This
      411 words

  • 1248 13 WITH OUR YOUNG PEOPLE. A corner for child- I i 7 j ren, conducted by I Uncle Harry. t I 1 AM afraid that you were not given enough time to prepare your snapshots for the hist competition for, although there was a fair number of ies, I was a
    1,248 words
  • 544 13 A London Letter. Lor don. June C. I ONDON is bewileloring. It is beA wildering if you are not used to the endless rush and roar of the 1 affic, to its immense network of streets, of 'bus routes, of tram lines, and railways and underground. I 1 bewildering if
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 265 13 mSSETS EXCEED 512,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, £.C. The Company has £20,000 deposfted with tnp Supreme Court of England and complies with the British
      265 words
    • 102 13 I FOR WEAK DIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION USE OUR FAUOi S "ATANK NIGRAH PILLS" I 5 32 Pills for 80 cents only. j Tht Pills are a sine CBfB for urinary diatheses, for all diaßasea «<- anlting front youthful indule^rßoa, imparting a'onderful strength an*l f vigour, siding digestion aad Itaare- j
      102 words

  • 1089 14  - WHAT THE MALAYAN VOLUNTEERS ARE DOING. Shoulder-Strap Bj I The Gunners get going— Appeal for Recruits j All-weather Soldiers —Ambulance Field Day I —Chinese On The Range Praciice with the Bayonets. j 1*: S.K.A. ).i g real iti :n thi r v ork wit h the new anti-aircraft guns,
    1,089 words
  • 819 14 LOCAL CLUB LIFE. The AnHo-Malayan Internaiioi :al Correspondence Club Opportunities it Presents The Friendly Bands Chin se Heading ClubWhat il has Done S dec? Slav Minstrels. nCRRESPONDENCE Clubs are not popular m {j Idalaya as In America. Australia and other ar s f the world, and although there exists jch
    819 words
  • 176 14 The anniversary reports of the Young Men's friendly Band and the Girls Friendly Band tale that much PTOgreaa was made &nd ex%Uent work was done during the past year. Besides religions meetings, literary meetings were conducted, which always attracted a good deal of attention. Keen interest was
    176 words
  • 170 14 The four h annual general meeting of thSilver Star Min.tiels was held on Sunday 1 Bl Bt the r Sktence of Ifr. Ong Ker.g We. Lorcng 24. Geylang. M-.\ Khoo Kirn Leong prcc d and there was a gc>od attendance oi memb rs. Several matters of inter
    170 words
  • 401 14 Notes and News For Malayan Boy Scouts It cannot be stressed too often that very useful work Ls being done by the Straits Chinese Reading Club under the leadership of such able men a.s Mr. Sons One Siang and the Rev. Ifr. W. Murray. For the past
    401 words
  • 56 14 The Chinese Students' Literary Association are holding badminton practices for ladies on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, and for men en Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, while mixed badminton practice will b- held on Sundays. Kuo Yee clasecs will \>? held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 pm
    56 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 175 14 ■Bl m'aWaXfqM^BBBaIBWB I<lIL J I nIBBBJ :SK ■■'assf Lumbago at Til L throbbing W j\> pains oi lumbago soon dis- 1 V'^" l\ A^J-v^ ■PpCBT when circulation is f j-.JV >c£j| stimulated. That is why V. f A A sd^sM Sloan's 1 animent is so effect *{j£f 1 ive. It
      175 words
    • 141 14 SUNDAY TRIBUNE 'PHONE 6171. SfTBSCRIPI K>N ILXTI.S. r w \iii.i: m iDVAMCS. Deliver) tnclnding itu-iuiling ..t oßa t p. ata ftaahaga c* ctdaa t.. to I effeaga rtfliflflSßl 1 s c ..untrue. Vi-arty 5 j J<. Ic.s Hall-Yeatl) >i > Qnarteriy >, i 2 BINGLB COPY CBNTI Copies <>f back
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 308 14 TO-DAY'S CLUB In d tj I I Tba 1 taial taanj, a badminton tournam V A spa 'al I D ;'iiys>ical Atlili- ir- Pa. ty Wl 1 id ro 8f Mr. Kok Lai Si on;; 1, en e\ 1 S r.-et. at noon The atl nd.u-.e. ol mfmbi-rs i compulsory.
      308 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 391 15 CBg^r_gggggga ggßflflflflflflflkflfllß flllfll LflflV Aflflß Lflflflß Ja\\\ -flflflfl—l LWhflflt-. f^lflßflflfl^flflV 'fl atflflflflfltflfllflflflflflflflflflflßb afllflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflßßa--. aan tt— I *^H *^H H A Iflßflfla Lb l r «flflifliiflit ob^^-c>- ««t J>S**3 Bflstd Lflflflr Bflflß Lflflflr I X ggß gggp gggm LflflflflßaJ LiflflflM^. \fliV [I flliaflflr —a> a afliflflflW tfljggjaß Bflflfliflflß gjßflaW ri I
      391 words

  • 1115 16 Brief Answers To Readers' Queries. gACri week the "Mystery Man" replies to the questions submitted I y raiders. Do not I).- disappointed ii' yon,- name does not appear thi^ week, as there W no ro.jiTi io print nl! the questions received, keep nt it yours may
    1,115 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 16 A photograph taken at the wedding of Mr. B Victor Perera and Miss Dona Agnes Basnayake, daughter ol Mr. D. W. Basnayake, Ipoh.
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  • 169 16 Thrilling Adventure In The Jungle. A thrilling «tory of the way m which a Chinese fofajht with and killed a bear m the juggle, comes from Tainpin. Ar Yap £we°. a Chinee plank sawer for a timber depot, was walking m the jungle las; Thursday a
    169 words
  • 192 16 Spanish Toreadors Kill Three Bulls. Brisbane, Queensland. SPANISH bull lighting has been introduced to Queensland. At a great rodeo at Townsville, attended by 14.000 people, three Spanish toreros, m picturesque red, gold and black costumes, battled with three wild scrub bulls. And, eventually, the Spaniards were
    192 words
  • 235 16 Exchanging Views. THE ROYAL SOCIETY'S SUMMER SCHOOL. (From Our Own Correspondent.' MKN and women from many countries of the Empire are 0{ e\chan views and information tDOUt Imperial matters and to hear famous mm speak al>out Empire questions this summer. For the Royal Empir Society is,
    235 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 594 16 paras sincre I was 15" wWr*V& M )^^'Jt^^^^^^a^^S^ ft Kalzana tablets are a boon to such \\bJl|^ girls as myself who suffer a great Ix^Paf^ ea P am at cerram Periods. I -H have suffered these unnecessary pains "''lip/"" s^ nce was fif teen years of age, as a matter
      594 words
    • 73 16 Ij Bwßt Mao, r) JV M Le», r I y cbruTiiaa, I sr I Plated. f ,ji Stocked By MCX WOH HINC IS >,n. Braig, B^l l.t th- .'imalli w-u tha I<<1 1 inuatrai B 88.75 t4r^ l.< .i urn Oil V» rurh Bj .1 2 5 Cents _pa_at_B_kM
      73 words

  • 896 17 THE ROMANCE OF BAU. CHINESE FIND MUCH COLD AFTE I OTHERS LEAVE. :rom Singapore, m Bau near Kuching, thecapirvak, a little gold rv^h is m full swing. It recalls Rush of many years ago, only here you do not Arctic mows, the hardships of the blizzards
    896 words
  • 622 17 Indian Doctor's Assault Allegations. (From Our Oun Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 24. JpBORGI and L. T. Williams to-day ap| H before Mr. G. S. Hellings. MagisBntte lice Cour... to answer a charge of Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Dr. Kathigaau •ir, d Grey. D.P.P., conducted the P rusi
    622 words
  • 68 17 Dropped From Strange Planes Over Berlin. f— Berlin. Jun An official communique, which the Press has been ordered to publish, points out that. no police planes were available to chase the "foreign pianos," at Germany is reduced to I impotence against i Ir agar eat on. ty virtue
    68 words
  • 411 17 Chinese Acquitted Of Theft Charge. A typical Indian bra s pot, commonly known -"'.ii. among Tamils as a -thondi." was a novel libil i ihe Second Magistrate's Court (Mr. J. F. P, Gregg) ycsteida./. when Ng fleng was cl irged with theft of iha{ vess-.-l. 1
    411 words
  • 290 17 -port Prohibition Creates -.lor.opoly. ETELANTAN, as from June 5. has absolutely h p J hli>ited he bnportation of matches into |j£ c l 1 writes a Ke antaa correspondent. nie Kelantan Government has no doubt tt < pted thia measure to assist a local industry—the Kelantan match factory
    290 words
  • 73 17 Local Amazons Separated By Police. i (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, June 24. Two Chinese women, one of them with her Jack! t torn, won- charged with having fought en the public road, at Jalan Trus, this morntng Lie he Ahmad bin Pandak, Court Inspector, I said
    73 words
  • 752 17 Open-Air Theatre. SPECIAL LIGHTING EFFECTS. }fIE may a.s weU say frankly, we are highbrow, or rather, the exact word is experimental. We are trying to give something that people cannot see at the talkies, something j that has not had a successful two- year run m London
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 27 17 2 5 Cents tk I\FG2 TUBE Every Whore _£$SRsK*>' \3r x PASTE XT A LA--I §>%)& iry I 1 A PlfsHNCgm J BJggDgSHIIa] f>ASI E "1 SdISiHMMP CMMCI
      27 words
    • 673 17 Test Your Skill and Win Cash Prize of $50. $50 Sunda y Tribune I No Popular Football r Must Be Contest EntranCC Won (No. 6.) m view of the large fOUcwtni which aoooei anJoßfl and tba aflflnreat avfllaß even up-country peepla tak- la tbe progrcaa the aooee? Laagaat In a>t
      673 words

    1,809 words
  • 771 18 (By "X.0.") DATTLING Guillermo is back m form again. After losing badly to Goodie and Kid de Silva m Rangoon, he fought Gunboat Jack. Guillermo conceded nearly 20 lb. and only list on points. The Filipino was next matchad with Max Prilka the
    771 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2370 19 The glorious uncertainties of crick* r cc again demonstrated n the Tamilian^ Physical Culture aged the Selangor Indian m a two day match m Kuan c ur last week-end, the feature '"> me being come remarkabli lormances, resulting m et-t >h for Sine.... B Thr T.'\C.A. took
    2,370 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 43 19 I j Up* >./t WEAKNESS, IJ^ id] DEBILITY fW 1 _fl aarU Lr*W* *fc Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have _£n_i, t_j d t;_._ radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far Letter than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines, etc
      43 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 308 19 SPORTS DIARY. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. a. a a t. Darn tad 1 C A P.I Ml 1.. a i BJLC a sco r. B.CJ B DNI c a. I v •im BBOA P.S. v. IB i.« nuuai M Johoi M.ilu 0 I SATURDAY. JULY I. Malays II v M una! C
      308 words