Sunday Standard, 21 June 1959

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Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Standard
  • 16 1 SUNDAY STAN DARD \z 'X O 353 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1959 24 Pages 20 cts
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  • 643 1 PAY CUTS MUST START JULY Gopt. Tells 23,000: No Delay CUTS in the variable allowances of 13,000 Government employees, which will save the State $25 million a year, will take effect on July Singapore Government announced yesterday. Urgent instructions hove been given to deportment heads to complete salary returns for
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  • 386 1 TRIBUTES to the mmplary w«y m which Mm Federation of Malaya, tfttougl r^e fimn adhtrence o* its Government ■n r>r >ples t' > tne damoo ii c *ij of rule d^d hre. h^ve fauldmd ino responsibilities ol Independence and its membership in the BriI rti Commonwealtfi of Na' ms
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  • 85 1 MELBOURNE, Sat, (ReuItrl S ir [an Quniet-Ross, rhairmaa Ol the Cnmmonwealtll S< ientific and Industrial Utteai h Organisation, ben Si-- [an, aged 80, waa tdmitted to hospital here eight dayi ago, tWO nay. aftef h su!lrr- <\] MCOfld oi-onary thrombosis. One of A -1 1
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  • 188 1 Man Who Laughed As Homes Burned A WELL-dressed young man stood watching: and laughing av a fire gutted two house> at the 7i Mile, Bukit Timah Road. Singapore, \estrrcla>. rhr^ P families 'IT p< ip e) v «re rendered homeless Damasp to property was estimated at $10,000 No one wu
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  • 24 1 the Marmc Police yester- iav recovered the body of Seah Seng Hong, an 8->^r-oM boy, from the sea off Kallang Basin.
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  • 233 1 BAN KISSING AND HUGGING IN PUBLIC, SAYS PRIEST THE Singapore Government should ban kissing and hugging in public parks, said a newsletter circulated to parishioners of St. Joseph's Church Portuguese ."Mission yesterday. Lauding tne Government fog banninq "lewd" papers, \h<= newsletter suggested that "they take f':r*^ r r ?rrp hv
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  • 141 1 Press And Editor Sued THE Sin-apnrr Th:;d D;^ Urlci Court will hrar the summons aeain.-t Ui€ straits Times Press L<<i and tu Editor-in-Chief, Leslie Hoffman "n the complain! of Mr. Daviri Marshall chairman of the Workers Party for alleged defamation, on July 22. Mr K T Akwamkr. th< Judc 1
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  • 57 1 LONDON. Sat. Renter > Mr. Robert. Menzies, the Australian Prime Minister, arrived here by air from ParU today, Hr told reporters at London airport, that h: iristt tn Dr Konrad »Adenauer the West German Chancellor and G p n. eral Charles dr Oaulle the French President, must
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  • 253 1 KIALA M'MPI'R, Bat— Government is seeking io raise another $300,000,000 loan for national development but all of it will be raised in the Federation itself. a Bui giving Government the nccesMirv powers to float loans amounting to the bum targetted will be placed before
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 paj' BaS\ *l\i^b^bT .^m^^^. a> Wnl^y^ XMI|MN ACiEM e^' »r»'s« vour fir^ '^m? Puff, it a hlfnd O f I M|M hi < a inH I■- h f j.i p max Factor H *I~(r- 1/ s \u<!rr\ Hepburn Umnim GREEN MA VSIONS m -/> <h<>rtl IV^ aW r AVAILABLE WHAT
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    • 149 1 "-^^f^s .'■> -N^^ jMobilqos N V i 4. X QUICK Your friendly Mobilman is quick to see what your car needs and quick to take care of it he'll check your oil, battery, petrol, radiator and tyres, too! Always look for the sign of the Flying Red Horse. ...BUY THE
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  • 298 2 New Role For Govt. Men In Assembly I (iOYKK\\!r NT backbench! will more doaely MBt uaied Ith the da to(\a: i r,; Government It m they hi t r '^^n in the I sajj a al atemeni I »u- ed from th»» Prime Miniattf* The cottpi thai the bid 1
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  • 44 2 THE Mil ister I r Education. Mr. Yonf Hy lin 118 open the first Malay Language Course at the "I ben Trainn| P itcrson Road, Sin: r>< "r> for r.< p.-Ma ay q-;a-I'.r: tea. -hers a' 81 5 ajß. to- i
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  • 542 2 People Must Plan Their Families, Says Mentri Besar ITOH, Sat. With more mouths to be fed and more food to be provided, the family planning: movement and the planning of population is necessary, the Mentri j Besar of Perak, Inehe Mohamed Ghazali said in a message to the Perak Family
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  • 91 2 13-v car-old studeni of Um lt!»\ iTniti' tit I.rmUafc rK Si boo! m Ku.\la KurfTTlf Sh \rifah fHifcf rai hiritr s-. vd Oaamaa 1 a bnvp I»M wrok hrit I*> d'hor contestants in i h^mtv competition h^id .u ihr Clifford School paavai The rontrvt w\\
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  • 225 2 INDONESIAN Governmtnt's proposal to trade her copra dirort with purchasing: countries and consequently hv-pass Singapore had no effect on the market in Sin- gaporp yesterday. A spoke-man for the Indonesian i< ivt rn:r,i rn W9M re-! ported aa saying that Indonesia would n<>
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  • 47 2 At The Pakistan Stall SIK William arimirr* ceramir lampshades at the Pakistan stall a ihr International Bazaar for the Blind Arrnmpan.ving him is Mrs Lilian Vim:; oraani7cr ol thi B.izaai while on ihe right i^ R'-gum Ahmad Mi who is in i "f the stall Standardpu
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  • 105 2 Make your complaints to them SEVEN Peoples Action Party Legislative Amen will from tomorrow receive the public at the Singa: Improvement Tru.>t B.: ?:.r.? In Upper leering Strc A Pre>.s release issued yesterday from the Mm:>tr National Development that complaints must be on matters that come within the purview of
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  • 55 2 TIN PRICE IP SINCiAPORK tin prwr cnr.oci r> rent*., to {^r pirul yrstprdav. >inq.ip<>rp Copra \s>o« 1.1 losing prices per pi< ul >« s trrda were: fair hantable mixed ropra S4O huj ers. S4l scllrrs. Tonr: quiptly steady. Singapore n« nnut Oil Millers Association rjn^ns prices pr r picul
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  • 49 2 Chanrai Wins Fathers' Day Competition YESTERDAY, a large number of Singapore department men's es took part in a wind r Father's Day iay. The wk ompetition spt row of Arrow si J.T Char.ra; (S'p°re) I I Chotirmall and Co. and Radha re. hardson, Mrs Jomt) Munday a-.d Mr. H.V.
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  • 128 2 SI\(i A FOnrS ¥««g ?lri li graduates of the Blind Schwl Z blind people who had been trained as telep tors, ctrpenters or basket makers. m was speaking at the opening national Bazaar for the V Hall. The bazaar. one of the outstanding chaforti of Singapore and one
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  • 50 2 Iterday when MMIHM I or. j binte Abdu: Aminsh cd opened f argumer wing a when he made scan res. added: Mad to his r i of wood anr 4 chest and a' i Majeed *i; 1 rained blov. I left hand, v i amputation of her I finger.
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  • 25 2 Hian. 37. tnd a e Yan Hu. 39. were fined $5,000. or fi* jail in default by! .ing 154 P •:ai Stoat 15. Th-
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 2 TEN Vtetaanese Amy I purr v.vt.,,1,. I fare training > I The nllnrr. 1* if I will vp-nd .1 month m v 1 U part of their I fortrrssrs paxt i« I Cap. (Iv, ...1,, i I firs, bat< h ..I tn.»n Malaya for trn ni \h«n- th, offi.rr.
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  • 88 2 A WARRANT of arrest was yesterday IfStied bf the Singapore Third District Judy Mr K T. Alexander, agr:iri?t i Christopher B. Campos, hargpd with criminal breach of trust of a refrigerator belonging «o the General Electric! Company. His am was tbi r. q Insportc llaha ift«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1006 2 K.W mmW mm\ W^-~mmmm^e^\^£^mmmmmmmWmmJ Ll JrSar^gAniif tm in^T«tt^>n U'^V**^, ACKNOWLEDGMENT FC \Ri i> K I Ban b .tes. ex lions of sympathy and attendance at the funeral of his bei a r ANSOuNLt>.:tN7 I»R K f NiHII> at K 'nn£. e 21 f !!'v.ved b ecial lecture in V
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  • 56 3 THE Federation Prime Minister. Dato Abdul Kazak kisses the hand of the Va,ng di-Pertuan Asjonc to wish him happy birthday" after the prayers at the Pasir Roa.d Mosque, Kuala I.umpur on Friday Following the Premier is the Minister for >\orks. Post and Telecommunication. In< he
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  • 279 3 Police Hunt On For Big Time Con Men H-iwiis branded eleven 'top brass" mhers with the dreaded "X" and tMe waiting list". Perak Police's time'" confidence tricksters, who dim- their \utims by inducing them to brt ia ?am§iing. x>ut six gangs who axe r.r- n^ coun' N» operating prey of
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  • 149 3 MALAYAN MUNICIPAL HEADS MEET PXNANG. Sat.— The Cor. 1 '^mmittee of the Muni- i rporation consisting of d s H ire nathan. the Presirir--. noth the Municipal Councils in Kuala Lumpur and Maiacca. and i ier members fa HI each of the Coun be held at the City Council Chamber
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  • 293 3 Repaying Loans Will Help Bank— Sultan KIM A LI'MPI'R. Sat— The Sultan of Selancor today called on 80.000 members of the Rural Cooperative Apex Bmk, who have been granted loans, to repay them because "it is only by so doine you can reap the full benefit from them." tie Bull
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  • 97 3 PENANG MAY SEND DEPUTY TO ROME PENAN-. M -tti Ftr ang Social Welfare Committee :r.av ?eni a rie'.egate to the International Conference for S^ ■a Welfare work in Rome next year. T-e ommittee had approv- n principle, the me e to jsa*a Stagate. bu- w s !e r lay e
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  • 44 3 KrA I.l'MPl'R. Sll A e p scrvi e for Raub S iL a h e r Sa e rn mm bS; a« h the 1 llin A f so. We fare tcJv tickets were sold to IBesar. Bandar tnd BenU.
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  • 22 3 THE SinMSPOn Naval Base Empiovees Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society has donated $inn to the Ramaknshna Mission Boys' Horn*.
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  • 830 3 More Power To Aid New Industries In Fed. Electricity Board's $18m. Malacca Station Opened MALACCA, Sat. Electric*] expansion in Malaya, considered not long ago as a "white elephant," is today making immense fundamental contributions to the growth of the country in general and its industrial development in particular. This was
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 3 THE I'nitert Kingdom High Commissioner in the Federation. Sir Geofrev Tory and Mrs. Tory are spen receiving; the Premier, Dato Abdul Razak and his wife, Datin Rahah at a rereption piven by Sir Cieofrey to celebratr the birthday of Queen Elizabeth, at Carcosa, Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. Standa^dpic
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  • 54 3 SHE'S NOT WORRIED LOVKI.Y Honsknn? film star Tin? Ning on I visit to Ipoh. is not perturbed about the ban on "Kork 'n" Roll" music in Singapore. "Rock 'n' Roll" is a passing fad and iikr all fads. rather harmless. The latest. < r.»7c in Hongkone. is the Cha. Cha.
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  • 62 3 THE Singai Anti-Tuber-culosis Association will 'r its anni;ai F if Day on Julv The BBOPej raised will go to f r-,- r r k n f the di] pud its mass X-ray rir.vp which begins on July 1. During the drive, free X rajs WUJ
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  • 415 3 Govt. Ready To Help Trade Unions— Ong KI'ALA LI'MPfR. Sat.— Minister for Labour and Social Welfare. Mr. Ong Yoke Lin, said today that Government would give reasonable assistance and encouragement for the Malayan trade union movement to 1 continue to grow in strength and stature. Speaking at the fourth i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 PILES ie 3 new tt treatment I r "*T! S I n I I z':Ji.-:r.:% in I bowels I -.1 the ram I t. -,> full and I have I -s (.Vet a piOTABS s s Kotltch fitd in 3 Days yj**^» wmmrt and burn i p«^l or I LS
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    • 938 3 I VOTE FOR SECURITY i^flttSisssi^ ST "MV > SSSBb-^^ y«SSSS»r^^I^BSSSSSSSSSSS^ .^slSl^sssssssi <1 T V;/ ff^JssssP^ SV Lrf***L^B^BsV /^BSBSW K 3 I B B '^SBBSSSsi BSSSsI f^jSj B B V .^^e^lH^l jEjj3 11 1 4 Securi!) pets my vote even, time I I as the most important need in life. Security
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  • 665 4 THE following are the prize winners and the numbers of the lucky tickets in the Inited Kingdom Donation Draw held in connection with the International Bazaar in aid of the Blind Association of Singapore. Women's Pri7e* Dress from E e Mary *o the w» m
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  • 377 4 'Woody, Turns Down Offers A VOt'NG man in Singapore who can mimic noises of animals and birds, recently turned down several offers h\ local firms to commercialize his antics. His explanation: He wiahat to ttlt art purely as hobby, Thi fersatile birdmao |g s Ragavao Naidu SO, i inner
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  • 276 4 Parang Gang Slash A Youth To Death skven paraag-wield-ine men early jreaterday slashf-d a youth to death outside a hotrl at the junction of Race Course Road ;inrl Birch Road. Singapore Thr youth. Ho Poon sum. IS "ii^ itmctj dou at B.W am He had tuo deep cashes on the
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  • 207 4 Malpractices And Corrupt,^ SINGAPORE Government is to launrh a *< i' h M I 700 schools in the State I The M:m?try of Education IMI It! up a special commttl* administration of canteens and make rr-- ing. I An fficial of the Hlnhlij 1 d 1-- B1 ind r*
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  • 140 4 91 annual Royal Signals (Far East Corps Week will nave a Ms I proi;rainme on Saturday (J me 27 whi h v. in ide a tie M^ry barn, ks ground at 9 s m Th€ r.; e f Signs fficer FAREI F, Brig H. L. Lewi?,
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  • 45 4 THE Bishop of Singapore, the Right Rev. Henry B i i appointed Mrs. r M Idox. Principal of St. Hilda's Girls School from July 1 in place of who will retire on that day. Ml "t.tchell leaves for EngItfl I on July 4.
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  • 38 4 TOKYO. S«i Mn. Shizue fftret Sanger of W endorsed the pluij 1 of Malaya p women with mor f^y f children -«to. a Sooty ber of the D 4 kniband could be 2 more simply this i
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  • 33 4 for hmvmg ammunition. *1 pefenre counse' Mr P* l Singh, fivTifil peal but hit apS haH^wa, ret*^** 1 when police ttopnffl Vap who wersTld searched the vehkh J munition under Ml j
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    • Article, Illustration
      59 4 FORMKK \sian (lames silver lTiedaili^t vpnnter, .Mary Klass. w 3s vpvterri.l3 married to Mr N He Souza at thr Church of "<t Joseph in Victoria Strret Thr hririf. represented at thr second Asian Games at Manila Shr retired trnm athletic* due to iH health A reception was held
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    • 114 4 They Met Only Once Before A COUPLE who met only once ni > years ago in Hongkong, but kept touch with each other through the pnst. were yesterday married at St Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore. The groom was Mr. T.G.D. Mason, an executive of the Cold Storage Co. and the bride
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    • 35 4 MB. JACK TAN Kl XT and fl Leaf who I I I I'lifn in© ••^i^™ Mrs. Lau. teat a local km I dinner was M<B ■iftit at thf irf^H iMencc 19 ffWbwteH MHHM H
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    • 27 4 S.M.S.U. ELECTION NEWS OFFICIAL E foUowing were elected twelfv d At ght.Presid. nt ice jiM'sidmtv Hon r.en Srr Thanabalasincam. Hon Irra is»urer;— M:. kooi P?r^ l.« IS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 51 4 It doesn't matter what you're do-n^ or where you're \dJLi S nin S- r e nfw Vauxhall Victor Estate Car is y^jjßH the ideal multi-purp^-e vrhxlr for business Sf -^^^^^^t *^^KSk i&S^ > opening and closing is a ore ?|lf handed job. For busin^s-s VAUXHALL VICTOR re hard Motors ■hiiw
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 159 4 I Silk I ll I 1 I SBw^t fi I S 1 j A 1 k 1 j^^Sß^ \MI (Orrharrt K C M v s R A C a ?i 2.15 t^in-v Mi —vnn T• r T ten- .< am B 900 U Boys basketball t«am 9.00 a■ B-ys Sv-
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    • 168 4 im w t *i 1 r rt- 5.30 Im. Good Morning. Pn ide. 7.0i Signal and N of Melody. Bno The News. 8.05 Breakfast Club. IJt a.m. Proframme S 902 Concert Orchestra!. 9.30 es and Memories. 10.00 Take It from He:e. 10 JO Popular O.v I 4"^ Popular V 11
      168 words
    • 51 4 I i < c 1.4' insi no I P rt D.ckson 638 am. t3ft 1 709 p.n Penanf IS am. |?£1 Bini 13 41 i m 9ft I roMOKRow s -v-e II lini 11.33 p.m. (W1 61m p Kson 724 an tft Hi 752 p m (9ft I (Tft ffaM)
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  • 378 5 .itors to Singapore are continualh hem? fac^d with this, > fin local women compare with their Furopean counterparts in f- M > g o o Naas e e: asked the ion. do local f. pared counterpar ompari *o^d for fashion h women at ;n r h an occae rare
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  • 762 5 Alice's Essay On Industrial Medicim Was A Winner STUDENT from PeOßiig, MIM Alice Cheai) Etten Im, has won th fc Univfrsity of Melbourne- s Edgar Rouse Award lor an rssay on Industrial medicine. TMi ft tbi i <" i■' the student i tesi "The linportar
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  • 301 5 'Maid Of Cotton' (To Visit S'pore) Tries On A Cheongsam I GIRL the eye of fashion is about to start a round-the-world jet tour I toon to f nonstrate nnp n[ the world's most popular materials cotton. I Th° ilrl l| American but her ti ur will have a .-trcng
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 209 5 Hi 3»s Bm -AriHX *^l B^L ii^m Bb BBSaßlß^^^fl BV sP^^H B^Bk^_ .^Bi Bk BfltßjsUtt vl I Jhl B b» shi^^ Bl *v.s Bv A ■^^Bl BBf^^' xVBt I H ■>* inffl B/^ v9 l BT I^SB^b^Dhß^B^B^Bl jnbd B^EB^btt -'^J***^ > < I ■■b^bVbi Hr t I Laok who >
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    • 98 5 V MWft^X-X'.-. *?y ,-.y. v>-'*£vj§'S£*'^ >"" jjJSHjHng^^B S^ 1 -v■ '^x :>.' y '^Jlc^^^*'^Sß3s^BSM if- :^.<.->:-.-s»^y J| SUPERSHELL m T V flf If BmBSSB %J\J fj \JM \J \J v^mß It's sound business sense to buy Supers-hell with ICA. The ICA in Supe^hefl ensures that your engine wastes no pemer,
      98 words

  • 322 6 AUTHORITIES SHOULD TAKE STEPS TO DEAL WITH OFFENDERS AT CONCERTS T ATE-COMERS at con< erts. This is a well-worn theme that has often been sounded in these columns, and sometimes with results. I'nfortunately the habit seems to be gaining favour again, judging by what I saw at
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  • 62 6 She's Off Ta Sing To The Troops 0f Seven Nations Photo. SiyQER Mae Sagan unves before boarding an Alitnlin Airline* plane at Idleuild Airport, Meir York 9 reccnth. yfar in part of a uroup of entertainer g en 1 route to (raza* Egypt, irhere they will entertain the fire thousand
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 355 6 I Reviewed By I VICTOR DOCCETT I j < '»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\w' BEETHOVEN CeUo Sonata*: F major Op 5 No 1: G minor Op 5 No 2; A maior Op h9 PiatUnrsky (cello), Salomon piano) HM V. ALPS 1345, \LP 1346. yHESE form part of these ari.^s 1 complete
    355 words
  • 318 6 MUSIC AND DRAMA NOTES by Anacrusis worse one at last Sundays MBeati n Y th p Indonesian MpnUM, Fffie Tjoa Beta all ->'»rts of people J&ll ■trolled in as inri when th°y pleased; of course. thrre t/frc many 'supporters" in the audience who would not normally bo spon clnnrl at
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  • 107 6 Society's 150 th Programme 'TO mark the 150th pro- gramme since its fc tion. the Singapore Recorded Music Socip' present -Beethoven programme a* |tl regular Thursday night concert in the Y.W.C.A., Raff e«= Quay, on June The works you can hear are the "Prometheus" overture the C minor piano concerto
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  • 392 6 'THE week's top three selections are: (1 NEW SFNSA/\j r IO NS IN JAZZ RCA: <3) THE DAY THE RAINS CAME. London; (3.) A tip; (A) FROM THE FMFRMI) ISLE Decca. (B.) THOUGH NOT A WORD WAS I (JKEN. RC A. NEW SENSATIONS IN JAZZ FROM RCA.
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  • 885 6 Len Thorne Reviews The Week's Sew DU ft/1 TINGS' I• Poor; fair; Good J \>r, good; Exrrllrni an outstanding week only four five-star and four fourstar discs out of a total of 22 selected for review. SELECTION OF FOPt'I AR MANDARIN TINTS T.ithp CPA IIC T< n tracks,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 Pan Am announces the only scheduled all-cargo service between Manila and the U. S. .4.' CONVEN7FXT COVVFCTTOVS FROM STNCxAPORE Thij new all-carg flight adds 14.000 pounds oi lift to Pan Amer; v.r > regular weekly service &!gB®h of 5 pwi<-- r-car?n zhtA. Larpe, heavy, bulky §&s- »hipTr>pnts ran h^ -^ily
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  • 950 7 Wanted: Brighter, Bigger Disc Jockev Shows! WHY NOT SOMETHING NOVEL AND POPULAR I NIGHT OF THE WEEK? I n-lish .-non has now n K iriio M tlor> an *Ush out '.1! -live TZ i*» so many things FJb away the tear B rre KZ*iyr.e-' for 'outside' ■iceswentaton. wr.Ew -^rs and
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  • 723 7 LYING IX MALAYA AIR VIEW By Chipmunk ;he Air View column has its first birthdav and I think it is approfa) take a backward glince ind see Just what has materialized in hard. vomr of t 1 i which I have championed
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  • 46 7 Unusual ...But Enchanting! Photo UNUSUAL but nevertheless enchanting, this hat n '3s the env v of many othpr women at the Variety Club's Sixth An ual Ladies' Luncheon at the Dorchester Hotel, London, recently Sportins the headwear is Mrs Michael Carreras, one of thr guests. UPI
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 351 7 fej $10,000.00 L«3|^^J BRANDS essence of chicken HEALTHY CHILDREN* competition Look at these eight photographs of children and Read the Rules and then write your n.ime and choose the one that you think looks the healthiest address on the entry form. Put \our entry form in and happiest child in
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  • 726 8 THE NEW FILMS Two in one, it's one of the best I^Jamtnif kima 1 r DLL is the I k eatatt little blonde who ever winked an eye. I thought she was very good in 'The Reluctant Debutante." She's superb in "Imitation of Life." (U.I, Eastman Colour). SI SAN KOIINFR
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  • 242 8 |)EBORAH KERR, wi 1 star in Jerry Wad's of "BELOVED INFIDEL," the story of thi lasl turbuleni years m the life of tutbor F Scott Fitzgerald The Mth Cen- tury-Fox reJeasd based on Snefah Graham's hest-sell- lag novel, wl Ii before the h cameras I itei
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  • 486 8 U HEN an idealist meets a cynic, ranethlnf or somebody must gtVC way MONTGOMEBI CLIFT the iriralistir newspaperman in Lonelvhoarts (U.A ROBERT RYAN is his cynical, embittered boss *he lovelorn editor on the papr-. M ty, with his 10-jooder instinct, tssumes the problem! of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 672 8 »J 4 T •J--■4" T -jf n,i.45 4- Nlore m VKIIK ihm Horrrvr .>f PrirulT* 1 f^^f^ r^Ual *K* I i 1 1 1 1 1 il il "1 is 1 *J I'l*A*llT^l f'l |1| IIJAy Pin* Pith<» N.'u* \M T/K TI"N"(i introduce* Snrrpw^or -f NF\T "IfiNFIY UT ADTQ"
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    • 361 8 f fyg OW TOP IW b»^^-^ 1 1 Qnwr QpcMiiam^rSl lIMI 'vl» <! II T 11 1 f lOhju2ui. *J^ HSL. v 1^ .********** tJUWEHS mlW f 3 i f f i I I ox Mm irt'»np |ton oht__ mi fUn ii iTER. FOR WORSE I I I iwAHibsATAi Titian
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  • 245 9 H7f/i 255 I Sl "^Pore were shot out for I Ktl Association league match here ipore I 1 the last I 45 nd^^^l K. b Marks (66) I thectr.rr I victlir. I k > x for ILscflWd Ma nins In E^tes; He survired I introduced I *cx)k
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  • 51 9 DIANA W n (serabore), thp <nntastic wcr* f British i 10 ij i rrmodt^ ityle. Throughout the t |tcr py, her coach, hns rnj the itylf tl I star and tpri'or champion at 13. I top ind i t bi .-'ore rre hp^r iboill again. —W
    Mirrorpic  -  51 words
  • 56 9 LONDON Sal rjU it«i Keith M le Australian all-rounder, has been elected I -nember I thi If.C C He is at preteni in F-^'and rtinf cricket and is expected to r lor the II in one or two matches ifainsi the Vn. He ::a< a'rc f
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  • 714 9 Best Performance Award To Him VICTOR Fans; was the champion athlete at the 51st annual athletic meet of St. Joseph's Institution held on the school ground yesterday. Victor -v:u f.r»t -n the 12--yvda hurdleß, lon« :ump. iti putt arid the d:.?cu> He iho playi
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  • 183 9 Lee Geat of [Boose became the at the an- r i vesn the B' tl?e Geat won first ?nts 90 me lonf jump, n winner was Heng Jai Jong of I skm ents out ?k Nfoh Guek Ngoh Hen i Jai Jon: <Hbk 1. Foo Hen* Jai Jong. pap:
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  • 5 9 I I I r
    5 words
  • 273 9 I Cheng Peng c: v. stedt House beat wet Cheng Joo of Young Hou^ 1 narrow margin of I p Int :a 16 come the champion ath- at the B rt B ndar: S seventh annual I n the school ground yesterc Wee Cheng
    273 words
  • 191 9 TOT Pint C v t led their unbeaten rd'in the Singapore Base :-.ior division s<3 nameni when th r lost to PARELF, three goals to two ranglin yesterday. CRJ IKW >• v—l; C vi p- ce, S C.C. S G.S.C. I m R-A F S G S.C
    191 words
  • 168 9 new YORK, Sat (UPI) Gene;. tenner heavyweighi r.rnr.pion. laid today etievei hallenger Ingemar Johansson btl more Bi I Ity he's currently being nt with. Chatting at hil mi Ito oil] t. ealthy Gi na i ade oar >• bi If no irdeni idmirer of champion
    168 words
  • 300 9 BOILDER COLORADO, Sat. (Reuter). Two Olympic champions sprinter Bob Morrow and hurdler Glenn Davis were beaten in the I'nited States National athletic championships here yesterday. Davii who holds the r. a- H Olympic records for thi 4■ mttrn hurdles i ffered Ms r rr defeat rince
    300 words
  • 258 9 DAVID TAKES 'A' TITLE THREE; Dew records were Kl up at the annual ithletic meel Ol 'hr Presbyterian Boys' S; r> o: held at Telok Kurau yesterday. David Ga- won the "A division todivid ial 1 iiampionsnip cup with victories in the high jump and the IOBJ jump event- He
    258 words
  • 313 9 LONDON. Sat (Reuter)— England b^": f India ty right wickets in the second T r match fr.tiPti ■I Lorri> i:rrp todsv Final scores were. India 168 and 165 22< and 108 for two India were 147 for seven at lunch With only thret wl
    313 words
  • 56 9 ACS WIN BY 17 RIXS AN V 9INISI I HOOL beh' :n a ftiendly cricket match played at Balestier Rns ter A.C.^ 71 ::amid" Jot p achimuthu 16, Parry three for 10 and llvtt t 17). I M A 61 runs (Parry 24, Banifl five for v.y PachiDmthi] two for
    56 words
  • 64 9 INDIA— I*I Inning-!--I NT.I AND-1M Inn*- I\T)l\_Yd Inn.n;- err fhi Jfi.H for Fn;jr X I M., u n Stath.m <tl A. Kripal --c h Stath,m 41 r ir.*i h v- I n (iinirs<t''>f no' 11 >stn run out S nupt* v, rvan h drfrr 1 »'if ti TK^ai b
    64 words
  • 64 9 SAIGON. Sat. (Reut<>~ atadtum near here lurm§4 into a fist light last week because one of the playttß was an 18-year-old otrl. The gxn ua« close "marl^ by a young w>r- oppostr.c 'he two coUidtc r ro rh« around. Tfu young r- r p
    64 words
  • 38 9 J O H ANN E S B r r --uter).— Genera: H B K per. Chairman of the South mor. Council has said wortr African nr would be given the opportu* to compete in the
    38 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 58 9 MCC faking no chances Following the disappointing Australian tour, the M.C.C. are determined there shall be no g-round for criticism about the pyhsical fitness of the touring party in the West Indies. Present suggestion is that the whole tour team shall assemble a fortnight or so before they sail in
      58 words
    • 188 9 Krishnan Now Beats Fraser LONDON. Sat (Reuten Ramanathai Krishntn. India's number one. won the men's singles title in the London law i tennis championships which ended at Queens Club here today. The burly Madras pla>pr followed up his fine semifinal victory over Wimbledon favourite Ale* Olrnedo by today defeating Australian
      188 words

  • 36 10 THESE leaping te stc Lea Per nearest the and A? I Bueno. of Braz'l, piePi 'heir way to the courts yeste-(l4-6-59) to rn i tenn' c gate, and «m I I in >ntr».
    36 words
  • 391 10 Qualifying Time Set For Macao Grand Prix Bv PETER WONT. A FOl'S-MINI'TE qualifying time for one lap ("S mile) has been set for the first time for all drivers compptin; in the sixth Macao Grand Prix to be held at the Guia l ircuit on November 15. I rand Prix.
    391 words
  • 326 10  -  ALEX SOARS AS a young man, Kwok K I Keng. got Mi *«i c: 'he plaudits when he a| IHM "r. his skill at football, cricket ar.-i other games. Today sportsmen Malaya will 0m I a special cheer for Bm jv axr.ri i to by the
    326 words
  • 70 10 VEET Ntgri't badminton playing tuteri lefl to rig) P KunalecHumi, 77, KiMalecitiiti, Ifi. and Smvdi Dm ill Aimlo Ch tm N .Sr^orl! pjffj m Stftmbmi T i |<n ttsn td ''P !rs<;f n>if^ mmth beaten i" i doiiblci hi r^ Mntof dioifion of thp fiSBA i Satwb
    70 words
  • 447 10 Ken Jalleh... A DUTY TO PLAY FOR THE STATE FOl'R footballers in Kuala Lumpur who will be "put on the carpet" next Thursday for failing: to turn up for the match against Hong Kong, poses a common problem which has plagued many sports controlling bodies in Singapore and Malaya. HAS
    447 words
  • 476 10 Criticise AND THEY QUIT! FIVE SAFA councillors quit their posts on some subcommittees and reports described the actions as tantamount to a ''crisis." The word "crisis" in sport somewhat been e\affser.itcd and sives the erroneous impression that chaos had resulted in certain iriven cases. When a Kins: dies, a
    476 words
  • 381 10 SINGAPORE Badminton \ssociation officials and players of the Chinese Middle Schools were in for a mild shork last Monday, when the Nanyans University revealed its badminton talent Before the n it I 1 h p •v. SBA BVcieif and Chinese Middle S<~b'^ p ijeri nrt
    381 words
  • 162 10 YOUNG Piuhno of the Philippines half killed Thailand's defending Oriend middleweight champion. Dowthong Sinphanlok. on May 1" at Singapore's Happy World. but the Orient Boxing Federation refuses to belie\p it Its May ritinss put the Thai still oi top with Paulino second True. Singapore b
    162 words
  • 375 10 AUSTRALIA is looking forward to Singapore's representation at the 1962 British Commonwealth Games to be staged in Perth, the vice-president of the Commonwealth Games Association, Sir Thomas iMeagher, said in Singapore yesterday. In u w*ci lew aboard the Gorgon, in which he
    375 words
  • 335 10 Malaya's Soccer fej Must Heed The \%M Kl ALA II MIM H >.it. M lLi W up Irom the \i<im and ronsoli dated b' i Asian (up i- i- I j. i» 0 Tit,.. 1 \nd\ K(»7.ii The was dea.t H K rea in the an. Cup fina. jst
    335 words
  • 41 10 Thf n defeated Qu2 to 19 today after hi to 6 at Queer.<'.and was foo' < p Ki^jj classed depanrr The Kiwis ran 19] in If n ha 7 ions of the rrowci walked Lu The et trite and five j
    41 words
  • 6 10 \LA KANGSA* The Par the
    6 words
  • 8 10 —The BntS 1 F .ptning 1 1
    8 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 ess 3 lectra I to i HDa r-rN 17 1 the fastest prop-jet I in the irvorld S cathay pacific airw<«^| Booking Otticei Stn^^p.i* Tel :fel7?-« H Malayan Commert al A^enciei ltd K L Ttl 8544^ fl Th« Borneo Co Ltd Borneo and Sarawak your usual Travel Agent*.
      48 words

  • 259 11 tieores Double ith Top Races |««*ey landed Satoro a 11 IB :he Mfe event for Class 1.. n One horses with a ;n t r.-- Master. Thta wa* Batof a B tffci n• the ir.a.r. 6f n 1 me Noble Albert a thrc- nner ou-- Fill. H PWIIf the
    259 words
  • 95 11 for Selangor against Singapore and a shock defeat for Perak administered i by Combined Ser- vices last week-end have kept the Malaya Cup tournament wide open —and this is no small part of the attraction of the new-style home-and-away competition, which seems set fair to have its
    95 words
  • 111 11 H.uh nth Ist 1855 5597: 2nd 1476 $298; 3rd 1307 5149. Starters ($2l earh): 1870. 197«, 1662. 1859, 1483, 1511. l«6f). *ACE SiX Ist 1818 $592: 2nd 1120 5296: 3rd 1848 Sl4B. Starters (SlB earh): 189S, 18'»0. 18M7. 1087. Ifi4r,, 1761. 1268. 1115. hub: shii£j% Ist lOlf* 1561;
    111 words
  • 19 11 L: 5179.4tt I Lis i51.513 each) Noa. :*f,M«. I 338. *****5. 15C777. 151.#7f tju h I 1M335.
    19 words
  • 15 11 < ticket* (SIS «a rioatec tickets; I ward to wmd I I forward :> wef k.
    15 words
  • 1868 11 RESULTS DIVIDENDS OF ALL THE RACES Messrs. S. c. i Trainer: Voordte. R D Quck's 500-130 No. 3 (R! DIT (g) I -v 1 B\l.\N(» 8.09 NOW SHOWING 8.12 Johnson 2 6 J\IMTRI)RI\\ g.06 (1) Leong 3 1 hanks Million s»| g Xg 5 1 lutnmatinn Ml 6 9 Meteorite
    1,868 words
  • 1119 11  - UPSETS SPLIT MALAYA CUP TOURNEY WIDE OPEN Bob Pidgeon says N r 'ii Mc e guilty of thi slackness tnii comes trom over-contidence tnen tney must leam and officials must drum tne lesson home Mill •vary l^c match mm! dp arproac -?c as though it v\as tne Final. il ma)
    1,119 words
  • 65 11 KEDAH HEADING FOR DEFEAT Kedah mm with its Mcoad F ■-> avoid u •a defeat in i'e cricket match Scores: Bedah Ur .> 2nd Innins 2 for (our P< rai J -ov« 3S. M D de g,l va w K"\ U V. t 20. A P AuffMflflft for 21
    65 words
  • 27 11 Sit-in a du!! spmhilan b\ Iwn goal* to niif in Mala\a up nut. h phrpd nert toda.i \t half time Sflanfor led 1 0
    27 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 192 11 I BLUE FUNNEL LINE I M)RIH AMfKIC SERVICE I ■>••«.->»•—« 3-r" Cult *om I I MM i him Penani I M» l«ty 3 Au t Lbs MtMO i9 BVBoBfltf wtft f P NORTH GERMAN LLOYD L .MBURG-AMERICAN LINE I( I I tt Kill! JO |«M 1 |hj 3 i. v
      192 words

  • 70 12 JAKARTA. Sat. (Reuter).— The textile shortage in Indonesia has affected buria 1 The Sourahaya Pbff reported a meeting of the Sourabaya City Counni had a.^ked the Central Government to make more textile? available to overcome difficulties in getting white cloth fr»r wrapping COCptCS, Another Sourabaya oewspaptr laid
    70 words
  • 560 12 U.S. PLEDGES RENEWED SUPPOR T A GAINST REDS S-E Asians Are Under The Communist Gun, Says Admiral WASHINGTON, Sat. (Router).— Admiral Harry D. Frit. I'nited States ommander-in-Chief in the Pacific, said in testimony released today that the Soviet threat to Japan looked "bad" as far as Soviet superiority in the
    560 words
  • 73 12 More Blades Than A Jackknif! phnfo Sprouting more blade* than a jarkknife, an engine of Ru*sia TVII i airliner toicer* hish over an inspector at Motroxr. Tiro fourbladrd propellers are turned b\ the tour turboprop engine* of the plane, uhich is the world'* lan>e*t airhnrr. according to the Ru**ian. lhe\
    UPI  -  73 words
  • 80 12 AIRMEN'S BODY IS RECOVERED :-~.?^:t. Sat. uf Coast Guardsmen ye stei r -.-ered the body f a > ti jet flier from the Deti it F. r Flight Lieutenant Brian Pea c. 27 -pilot of a P il Air For Vulcan bomber that rashed a Ba near Windmill Point in
    80 words
  • 31 12 [HE Easi ment and Communist Party delegation left Mos lir Tesv- after th So e1 r and talks atthf Kr w were seen off hv Mr. Khrushcb- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 134 12 ICUfI l ook i k. [ndUo ::.;::.i..iv^, Saf < Renter >.— me Dalai Lama, addreasim In :e ILs scap I India tolas accused the Communist Chin< s< I trying I the Tibet in d ttl n c Dnia; l.i-^i saki u> had not
    134 words
  • 228 12 nt'RBAN. South Africa, Sat (IPD— White and Nejro leaders disagreed toria\ on the causes of rare noting which has taken two lives and injured 100 persons. I e rioting dwindled I -•■-red fcnddCßtf today.' V. en person? have been j rresi in the two days of, disorder.
    228 words
  • 169 12 HONGKONG, Bat tF-u--rr>. tjoutlmra QUaen wbo h.wp b'^n eat ins d^c a.- Inn? a- f '->- EnsV.-h have been r iSttHI betf, are now pav:ne lar.^v pflm for a Hec ptaflaip puppy. Witt Um appi i ich ol Bummet bv the Chinese lunar
    169 words
  • 52 12 photo. The ih.OfHhWTT tan. ker "Faith", the firnt aiant tanker built in Form n n h\ the ln«nll% Tniunn *hipbuildino Dry Dock Company, in *een at the Keelung hnrbnur beins eiten a j inn tnurh. The tanker ua» constructed and launched at the In. Kalis' Keelung
    UPI  -  52 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 12 I tn th, pj ••at «tf f /i Tmmkm, Iff afci
    12 words
  • 59 12 j I was an ur j Whilf whit M de Part is m ■al." Miss Ban ham j ne Rev. WM Badhair histr 1 Royal V Oraha- only a small miiwnll Hyde Ptrk. The i person <l<«t l» re? Miss Badham saMI not have IW .ng is less w
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 30 12 TI: i Hwaafa E I cr ;J Algeria has the rrench forccc ed to his rr dent de Gaulle* t**2 brtvt" offer, it r» l^ Oran. Algeria, m Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 208 12 GENEVA BIG FOUR TALKS BREAK UP Now A 'Cooling Off Period GENEVA, Sat. (IPD— The Rig Four onierem eon Belm hr K up today in a crossfire of Fast-West charges that left the time-bomb ill t «k > > l.erman < ip tal ■ie West, six weeks of g ate
    208 words
  • 196 12 TV 'Superman' is killed by a bullet "C r p f: r M a n ..f American tele\ is.un has been kil'ed by a bullet Actor (ienrue Keeves. hero to millions of tele\ision children as "Superman Tsilfl .1 speeding bullrt. morp powerful than .1 Ir.iin" shut himsolf in the
    196 words
  • 256 12 HONOLULU, Sit CUM) Carlos P Romulo, Philippines Amb Lssador to the United Btates Id a c< lvention of the Filipino community m Hawa I yesterday reporti i'■ grafi and corrupts n In th< Philippines han been M ezagBerated* 1 in UJa publications to |ive
    256 words
  • 61 12 BANGKOK. Sal (Reuter).— Polioa today reported that Hh Special Sq arrested 1 Communist susperts i n South Thailann. They said most of the 5 MCti were lltUHlim ig rubplantatiooi ar.i Wtfl believed to ha\-e connections w tfc Malayan Chinese terrorists In the Thai-Ma.ayan border jungle.
    61 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 30 12 fOMf r «> HONGKONG in 4 hours from Smgapf p Take idMniigr of BCMC's Tu-ket /■or tniermauon arxi Kvi k 4 V S MALAYAN f 4Y 1 ilUllSli OVERSEAS AIRWAYS wO^
      30 words

  • Sunday Standard
    • 2 13 Teathe Section
      2 words
    • 2962 13  - Bombs Pound Horror Camp, Nazi Cities JACK THOMAS \^f9ffffTM NE W PRISONERS, wL^AL^tMm MANY OF WHOM f^^^^^^K WE RE RESISTANCE j^^uY^Ta/j heartwarming 10 -By Twin brothers Henry and Alfred New- H ton, peacetime international variety artistes, waged a personal vendetta on the H Nazis after their families perished in aU-
      2,962 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 859 14 GIRLS WHO GO STEADY WITHSCOOTERS! ■syßysssssssßsssssflsiJ^^ THERE is no doubt about it. lam a fool for punishment. Someone has only to say to me "The way to live is excitingly/' and I ask where the excitement can be found. At this moment, I am living excitingly in The [fie of
      859 words
    • 612 14 TF there's one thin? that makes me Impping mad it's men who make sweeping generalizations about women. Women are illogical, they say. Women are ratty women are scatterbrained and so on. As if ALL women GUI be lumped in this way
      612 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 542 14 prickly heat H B^S^^^hP^B BBSm lS»SBlS»l Ijjg j AGNESIA j DUSTING POWDER His ri n iqju si Hii utmost oonsidtrsjtion. By using Agr:>a \ou are ensuring that prickly heat fd c '<in irritat vn d^ affect vou^ child CRAFTON LABORATORIES LTD. Wholesale Chemists. SINGAPOsE KLALA LUMPUR. PENAKG. IPOH, KUCHING. L
        542 words
    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 435 15 ►h ng that ;irl who eliminate figure is But rarely does dt u ndcr i course m ex 11. And this ii ist.ik? pjrt -^rpon with y c trying tc n \j t. ii not sufficient nz one s be most ef s to *o with ex
      435 words
    • 536 15 It is approaching mid-summer in the world of fashion, a season when peoples' fancies turn to the open-air and the beach. And in an island like Singapore, where it is perpetually sunny and hot, and where beaches are within easy reach, a day by the sea
      536 words
    • 291 15 BEAUTY TIP... AN you please tell me how to get rid of the uclv *.<ars that atp on my Irss and hanH- TVipv .ir* raided by mosquito bites, urite^ Miss Sally of Singapore rfctfi I M ri 'C r 4 remedy in the HMrfctt Ij J U QO
      291 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 69 15 IE BEANS ix Ail ye Plus keyou r^^^T h\ 10 MIL IS /V\l) WTS £"■»< NtlllCk tIMIU »ZJ?W» etc A k p« s ti it •> "'•»'> n d fait? i (Far Uat) "Backache 1 Rheumatism >i I i»o o'.d. "•1 !■>.- e «l«»*»p Setting up n 9. Smarting Itching
        69 words
      • 266 15 The true measure of cooling comfort is in Th*» Brii c h Thprmal Unit" i« ='ard*rd .-r-r^ w used by pnpinppi *to .r^»« an conditioners cooling capar .^1 12,000 BTUs guaranteed cooling capacity this new PHILCO AIR CONDITIONER This new PhilcO A I n^ B>l§l r was specially desiz r
        266 words
    • 1230 16 RENATA TEBALDI-A LEGEND IN HER TIME 'GREATEST UVffl ARTIST IN THE REALM OF ITALIAN OPERA 7 SOW difficult it is to write about this name! For those of us who admire her art, love her voice, and have been captivated by her person, she merits every superlative adjective in the
      UPI  -  1,230 words
    • 347 16  -  Dr. ABRAHAM MARCUS By 1 r. p!ta nIL eomiderini the kMtfilition of ipbdal electMoJ tq^iipmeal to providt a continuous record of the electrical activity .f t :le n earl in patients in the I lltfl Ftflff of r, -ronary thromboelt. ilooltarini dtvi h Lo
      347 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 256 16 r/i€ world famous family of TIGER medicinal products ■H™fc*JB^B BB~y^ ■v 'yy'ys.' -*'^i^"^3Ss9s^^s^^^^''^4*''4iJ-^* t^f^Bk _m_^^^M^ 'viii"v'**""v.' i I HEADACHE CURE I'^Tictcned by c n v o^her paifl re ever for Headache. NeuralgiOj Colds, Mental Strain. ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL '0« PERFECT OPTICAL ~J i 5 REQUIREMENTS M
        256 words
      • 28 16 immediately stof agonising pair ofter eating t^h OeWitt's Antacid Powder act- '*^f $o quickly that you arc sooc L V^ enjoying your food again.^^f ■)|||l v s>W S
        28 words
    • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • Page 18 Miscellaneous
      • 212 18 i i i,^^ i -^-B NEVER MINI? HER. l UNPERSTANP NOW? 1 J</ BRiLL?ANTWV I^^^ kii kl |\|l A l/r EQUIPMENT HERE^ YOU USEPTMIS AS /^«fcc llnius» AReW>/BB*^ I IiAN 11/AllF I IS ALL A FAKE -NO I ATRAPTO BR|M6ME/,^T«a #f- fSiWA AT •Je/ W? iH i' MUM L#KIIfV JCONNECTIOM
        212 words
    • Page 19 Miscellaneous
      • 112 19 S:) /f HAMBURGER^] HAMBURGER^ F™"^|2r^^3 H33^ H X^» [WE JUNGLE C«EP9 JUD&E WE MASSAU I HAVE YOU TWO SEEN PP 3 r^f/ A^( —^Tl' "^^^^X^^C^f^''^^^^^^X^' iZ^lJn^W" J£SJHE!^ CQ/MEg GAINST THE JUNGLE EMOU6H OF TWE 7~ Luj JV^l^^^ //AJ \%L- S nr^W" K/^^ 1 7//£/^ FALSE PLANT GOP, j Pj<E NEAR
        112 words
    • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • Article, Illustration
      351 21 \Za readers (tl WTte July) h.i e IJJ graph for a I tt looks a I ptctu w. «o much rar two lines. But PSnined closely. I he heavy KgrH-rr.: ing rr. I Sffts and flnanfnwtr*- upUsds. These ahould I general cor: dlsadvar* -f after times. -refill of LS*
      351 words
    • 1105 21 THEY HAVE MADE A BIG CONTRIBUTION TO THE RATE OF PROGRESS J> a field near Stanford University, in Palo Alto. California, a new kind of radio telescope is probing the blazing atmosphere of the sun. It tracks the sun across the sky every dav and
      1,105 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 63 21 —^^BS*BS*wf^ mtm jTTS^^^^^Jl i S^lt eN. rm 4 >. "~A^~ I pi never know when you'll need Elastoplast FIRST AID DRESSINGS 'ic. I 3 »?d to let wound* breotheC be too car:: .1 mth cuts, scratvhes or ;n,, o r Elastoplast -thc dressing Elastoplast -*rops the bleeding ind guarJ> infection
        63 words
      • 319 21 SUNDAY. Many nrw developments occur, some Inreiring changes. Thes** aro accompanied by acquisition of friendships of much valur. In the general run of your concerns there is a very settled tone and it is clear that, provided monpy prudence is exercised, you can do well. m A MONDAY Should be
        319 words
      • 448 21 BOVRIL fsM. i, FOR real STREHGTH gP' o n vitality are needed me*" -f |tf Bi ac'ion know tha' b '•'•ul \i 8,. B 2 snd Bu Bovnl take- i W a drink or in meat and nee ca v c^. is a source of really n niinuiHwrr***- health for
        448 words
    • Page 21 Miscellaneous
      • 75 21 Ammmmmmmmmmm\\\ m^Lm\ 1 M l Ik BSSSK. mmm. mmmml SBSB I sV MAK( H .1 APRIL 20 X- es fpHINGS you have been JL wan* ag do or to ge d be settled to your liking There might be some sort of change affc a younger perse jrour event, this
        75 words
      • 393 21 can have final gra" tions in all kinds of things to do with the home. It is er, not to be too impressionable if peoarant ta v a something. Get the f^"* c I re you e^ ahr MAY 21 .11 NE 20 (Gemini). 4 BETTERMENI in a matter dependent
        393 words
      • 185 21 Ig he a pm! any anxieties about home concerns. It > v.s'nt be that near the \> lr gnil there will be developments in money matters. DEC -EMBER 21 JANUARY If I Capri* m). DETTER go cautiously with friendships now. They can give you some *-->üble. Otherwise, though not too
        185 words
    • 1178 22 The most exclusive car in South-east A sin FERRARI WITH BODY BY PININ FARINA IS SUCH A BEAUTY DHAVE BEEN driving in the most exclusive sports car in South-east Asia. It is a beauty jointly produced by the world-famous Ferrari works and master-stylish Pinin Farina.
      1,178 words
    • 129 22 LONGBRIDGE Sat —New small Morris and Austin cars, with 850 r.c. engines are to be announced at the end of August, it was disclosed here. Sir Leonard Lord, chairman of the British Mo' or Corporation which embraces both the Morris and Austin firms-said the
      129 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 113 22 We can service all electrical products for which we are Agents B^\_*^^*ctl^^^B Bi SmmmmmmmS^mmmT mmm. v IssssssssssssssssssssV ~r iit~*rfrintfrfr^**iftflft9Mriit^ H Kfl £*>s*fi3rc! {WKF n B^^B /."si Here's what we can do LEl_o_ctrical 1 Section Repair and testing of all makes of low voltage electrical equipment including starters, generators and regulators.
        113 words
      • 43 22 iffSmWC M*.^,^S WW* WmWmmSjgy f are***** MODEL r gtfn- Mt*** rf i 9c s L ran* Jj .>•' taste* T.malaai rstmstt** (dKisn and technics. PW^" Merceoea-Benx \t vmu m** f l*J**J «uarante« ot Mt^ct.oft. a-af"** star rha MaawdH ,< *\p**. truck* t*m» MUSM tractor MERCEPES^^i
        43 words
    • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 970 23  -  ERIC MITCHELL vdfsdfsd By >f^ L -n^inc f\ P Vu teS übe9anu be9an t0 i"vode Singapore a few ond s.nce then the obnoxious, insidious and revo'tin? "'l/."^ IH, on*! WesVe'm "m ortoHo" 9 d nT °t! Ur E eitraor -jV o f i►t e r I 0 who UlUirm
      970 words
    • 368 23 THY. WTlOy OF s/N. By Robert Mclaughlin. i Michael Joseph, (,41 1 TO THt: SEA. Hv Bryher. ((ollm*. 12*. f>H.) 'AKL. me American ro Ol The N"ti<'n of Sin. |fl an ola Md >^ r Mem-ridden twt r/v fil aIF• ft d J a
      368 words
    • 806 23  - BOOKS REVIEWED YORKSHIRE TRAGEDY NAOMI LEWIS ANNE BRONTE: A Bsogrmpky. IU Winifred Carta, (kelson. 30a.) ANNE BROMTE: Her Life and IT ork. By Ada Harrison and Derek Stanford. (Methuen. 2rts.) By "IF Anne Bronte had lived ten years longer." George Moore declared in a long praising diatribe, she would have
      806 words
    • 513 23  -  MURIEL SPARK By SWLET AM) PLEMTY. By Anm Viper. SADIAMOt H\ John rinyfair (Uuckuorth. Inn.) ONE advantage of youth ■l a subject for light fiction Ls the scope it a., wi for extravagant action, incongruoui effecti and hv consistent characters, Cotv rentl mally, n< thing is
      513 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 82 23 M But fcg»use he always has he can overcome anv Asthma *"■>•* W«aie m M there is nothing to in iea is^SSTuKe- nd in a few seconds rcl.rf he S ms. -a^es of mucus. ea,e> the pamftll cough S*^fiS-;";:": a. One tahie, WaTITCu c. >n excellent chance of j,
        82 words
      • 276 23 i f i «-4^^^^**t^***a*a*******a***a****a**a B? < 'WGc Pa. •*-'.<*• li'liJHffjn_- vJSKvSo^vr* -i-- I^y n m IHIIIIHIIIIIIiiIII^ iitlillHUnt Hl i -J-J+ j Ijlm H W**^ p.- "miHHtltlt ffi'*>ff /fl fl There are rr--. -r. Hr Vfl an unequalled choice ef Styles, materials and pa-terns fne Vantage Drip V i Mm iea
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      • 1 23 TIN
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    • 603 24  -  samuel kim J. .And She The Way +Of Living Bv PRFTTY. 19-year-old studentballerina uho won the title of •Mi**. Korea thi** \ **aid last week she would participate *.n the Long Beach. California. Miss I'niverse Contest as a goodwill ambassador rather than a contender
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    • 465 24  - 'Cadang-cadang Threat To A P I Industry MIGUEL MARABUT By THE Philippine coconut industry is waging a battle for survival against two of its most deadly foes a disease called "cadang cadang" and the black beetle. Coconut Industry offieia'; he*c saj thai these enemies. Of thi coconut tree have prevented
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    • 819 24 Part 10** George Hudson ...But Thousands Were Hit When He Went Off Them HHE high-chimneyed locomotives and primitive carriages of the first railways were to the men of the early nineteenth century almost as exciting and revolutionary a form of conveyance as sleek interplanetary rockets will be to the
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    • 56 24 king die iscredMl usioned. \Mr.n.MN MM SI TKFMVT. he process be J thousands the standar was •re than of fraud] great financier vlit er peoples n«S son was a i visionary. i achieved overshadowed r and greed wfakhj ion of tt people his c fl i roufhj rags
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    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 114 24 I Royal Blue Washab,e sssssWs*asssssi IP^^erfafS sss^ m wt m^L\ jM^fcew 1 yS^^^Pf^Wlf^lm^mm^ I Quia* Qur is n i-a ini nj wnrngts v t ■'^"ss^^^b^h^^^^ e iru-ij v.'.wuj-) pen. Qt N-v NK IS A PRODUCT O* THff PAPK£P PEN COMPANY Cuticura Soap now contains a powerful new antiseptic— *ACTAMER— which
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      • 69 24 Hsj|a? air *n «/< JWIMAN MINX Lc-3 te"* r e i at ecc-0~/, bu t--n sa'et> P'us br 3" per- .^r^'~m^ x forrnance3-" ?V. S-;r-*:- J^l mZA Vi 'i;*T*^t^^. *^^***> ZT"~-' w .^^^^mmWm^mmmmW^ *!S^-^::-> mftmmmWl MmmW u "mf fc^a*****fc*^ *^nss J^ *MfWwraalf-** m bAms mttsmtt i* de lasnosj Lr BOOTES
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