Sunday Standard, 7 June 1959

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Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Standard
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  • 63 1 THF Royal he.irse. bearing the coffin of Sultan Sir Ibrahim, moves off from belovc the Grand StaireaK <»f the Istan:i Besar, Johore Bahru, with eitjht Royal Tmbrplla^r^ on each sid,- and th«> l(i Regatta bearcri prrcedinti:. In slow march, the cortpgo took t<i minutes to
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  • 1318 1 1.4.7 A.M. Five Seats Go To The Socialist Front PENANG, Sun. The Alliance have scored another victory here having won a majority in the first State Assembly Elections held today. At 1.45 a.m., the Alliance had won 13 seats, while the Socialist Front captured
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  • 315 1 f e 7 1959 V N women are dmrmined to keep pace v I t> en outshine rheMff western listers. Fheir emergence into the publie ire m their countries goes on unabated as mown bv the increasing number of conferences lht| heve been holding in the last year or
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  • 692 1  -  CHRISTINE DIEMER By JOHORE BAHRU, Sat.— The most princely and most solemn rites, which lasted nearly four continuous hours, attended the funerd today of the 85-year-old Sultan Sir Ibrahim of Johore. While thousands of his subjects from throughout the St.ste or Joho\< start- d
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 255 1 I BUJESPOT I RADIOS 6 I* RADIOGRAMS BaaHS* Lbb^^ py t«^^2 I Br-4 I MAURITIUS oe luxe 3^o I V WITH COCKTA U COMPAHmim Ji I MODELS CM TASY PArMENTS if HUAT RADIO CO., LTD I POSF pmoiE J4566 2:i88 I a p M A Nf gj,,, tif%) I HIT.
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    • 23 1 HBI^Q!^HH Coy; Gasoline 4 Mobilgas A« DA 0 V AC U UM^^^^ Fill up with 59 Mobilgas SPECIAL Buy the Best Buy Mobil
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  • 130 2 THF Chief Administrative Officer of thr Sine.ipnrr itv Council. Mr. P. C. Marcus, has been suspended from imtt. The order of suspension HslfM by thr tUltiftr] of National Dtrelopoittil and signrri rv |ta Permanent Secretnry, A »!:v Hon Su: in [moi6disitelf a* taking the office as
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  • 133 2 THF \nicr of diminutivf I lorrni i'mn: 1 h*' daughter «,l l>r and v rs Phillip S Pong of Singapore who u know n in the \ii"»ti .i lian music .ti u «»r ld v\ i^ i. mtis likeaed t« Mi if ol famous sint< r lih
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  • 54 2 Che 1 Kin S-:, '1 Knoon Hip. and Ch*Bg Peng S I PK4 each bound over in the ISM for one year. when they pleaded guilty to the theft of the statue belongng to a hospital assistai Sg Kok Chan, from a %rw fard In Tanjong Tok tig
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  • 96 2 TANJONG MALLM Sot. Thi EwgHrti Bdi n reachers' Oo iperativc nirifi and Loan Bode! v. i Pederatl I \h layai Ltd.. here made a B profit of $24 08 S3 I t yeai states the anaua] report ol the society. M< mbefi b rtmi rs ounting
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  • 75 2 SHUI Chin Hwa iliai Wah Chai. pleaded not guilty in the Singapofi Fov Dittrid t yesterday to a charge of housebreaking and theft of pi belonging to El Chi-.. v at Jalan Dadi WTbyg nn April "JO Up i p'.eaded not guilty to an alternative charge
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  • 55 2 THI I ring were elected office- rarer- ol the Singapore Ch;» B: Pre deni Mi FraserBrunner, Vie^president: Mr. S. B. Kwa Sc rel Mri J Simon, Treasurer: Mr. Sunny Onf Committee— Mrs. O. Mit- ■hr I, Mr. Lin Koon Wan. M r Frank Lfan Mr G CaOVan
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  • 204 2 A GBOUJP af Singapore-born Chinose u:ll present a plav "Nas» Brrapi (Thr F.rr Drafon) nt thr Sappy World St:iri um on June ?"> and 2H. in aid «»f thf Sineapore After Cnrp Association. Rehrarsals are in an advanced stm" and the play promises It be
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  • 190 2 Salesman, Woman Robbed Of $1,700 nan. Karaala. was held up robbed of a gold chain w $80 and eignt valued at $120 while at home in Yan Kit Road. Singapore. Four men rushed into house and produced daggers. Bound and gagged, she stripped of her gold chain eight saris were
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 425 2 sdfsd ANNOUNCEMENT j WFICOMI TM^ SFU K C H earn a to pwwaol* I runr >e the vkoi Phone SITUATIONS VACANT OFF R MIS'. \>vl<r\\T grade En£ salary vith experience e x r. i two Ir-u-r-c it S n: Julv 19 MS355— $530 I f ce oreferr^d \r ting to
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    • 603 2 I ACCOM VACANT ro u i i^ r m"• rhree-beu i Kfern I lati furnis i furnished si Holland Ro^ s:> ;,ip r* 1 vith all c >nvenier *e5 pViore 30fiP8 30^67 BEDROOMS spmi detached ii ''">'.v fnm fa Frig )ngb 1 i ro ]d hoi i i'pr Telephqn* P
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    • 6 2 rf mmmW A \\\aA aaagfl *Jaf3
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    • 183 2 f^Tl LENSMEN [ANI LAM OF MALAY* Thank you for vour rcsj for phctogroph.c tranvp- for illustrating Long Plcv S our Malay and Ch.nrsr P have selected seme fine effort! many more, so we n *r vnew offer. w f ifl POV s;^ for «i»y «*«w «•*>* T rnnxnn r rft
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  • 45 3 pi r h v THE Principal of the LftßfMgfl Institute. Mr <i V. Daniels ereets the i in? di Agong •ind his consort on arrival for thp ofTlrial opening of the lancu.igp Institute. at Pantai Valley Kuala I.umpur on ThurMlav Standardpic Fah
    Standardpic; Fah  -  45 words
  • 206 3 I > ,>? -iv-man rew of a SingaI ret:;rn*d here >p<4terday to relate I :r im being detained b^ an Indo I port the detention of the sixth ITh« escapees said that their colleague. I Hock taken away by the crew of the
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  • 61 3 plans to Each-hike Europe tag. 24. will soon to Europe :r. hopes to settle is looking poet Tho has simiI am up for P* Standard yesterI has been my I *d ambition to I 40. I began I for this I I think I me about a I > to
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  • 60 3 IAPOPE Teachers e staging the Gilbert and Sullivan i Opera "The Gonri 'rom July 27 to Aug. 1 at the Cultura. sitvi Theatre. The opera will be the lege eff< year. The College has presented successfully in the past few years The .ado. H.M S iforf
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  • 60 3 Pakistan Sends Greetings I t the Re■J*Uiitan, General ■^jvub Khan, yes- lelicita di-Per >mgap<>re. Sir I I s l!e Commonwealth. Kjj tan Presid ■jLJjfctonc occasion I oi smga- independent Comn I J*B. 1 offer Go?» ■c** x People of ■*•:/;>• -..citations wishes on I Govern W\t^ Jtoubt its S*» pea<
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  • 128 3 Dr. Chuang Offered His Old Job EH Chuang Chu Lin. former Principal of the Chung Chei Hg 1 School, Singapore who detained under the -servation of Public Security Ordinance and released r, has been asked to return to his p< u Tr Stai i.^rd understands that the |fl cement I
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  • 51 3 SIN(iAPORF tm price gained >1 8 yesterdav to $399-1 S per p:ru! Singapore Copra Association clo>ins prufs per pit ul yesterday were: fair merchantable mi\f*d copra > trj nominal. Tone quiet Singapore Coconut Oil Millers closing prices per pica] uere. Bulk shipment S»iH' drums $70 buyers.
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  • 39 3 THE eighi Pi plea Iction v iff i ic id< n who weri r<[eased fi v> I ill reeeatlj win entertained to tea nn J",v,* 20 by the Singapore City n Laboui Onloiii Fodpral I >n.
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  • 72 3 MFMBKKS of the -tiff of the Sineapore \ntiTuhvrculosis \^<m iation yesterday p.iid tribute to the hte Mr H Oarlick on th- first anniversary of his death The* tttenrteri x service in the St. Andreu s Cathedral in the morning, later they went to the erne of the
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 246 3 Nurses win first round in fight for better deal Quit threat is called off KUALA LI'MPIR, Sat. Assistant nurses at the Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital, have won the first round in their fight for a better deal and their threatened mass resignation has been called off. "We have '\nn the
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  • 196 3 Sambanthan a 'cert' for election irOrl. Bat Thp Malayan [ndl tn Confresi will nomlDate it., president, Mr v.t. Bambanthan, a^ one of the I partj men to fiaht thp Fed- 1 eral cti n.Hnwrvrr. the Alliance National Council will dPrlrip whpre Itl candidates will stand. in thp lift Federal p!pctloas,
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  • 87 3 the sif>o.nnn nP w in of the Ramakrishna Home in Bartlpy Road, Singapore, was oppnpri yesterday hv Swami Mirlhavananda.ii. thp Sprrptary-Gpneral of thp World Ramakrishna Miss inns. In a short hut imposing rprrmon\. lf > n dian Hich Commissioner in Sineaporp Mr S.R, Baner.ii. introduced
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  • 47 3 THI She Emp fees' Union, Singi port aril bo tti fourth ann genera meetii z at T^p tor a Memorial Hall at 6 p.m. on Fn r Prim MinJMer, Mr. Lm k :~n v^-.v < tbe union'i ega adv er) is b^en into the meeting.
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  • 244 3 Kl\l\ I I MPIR. Sat Govprnment will soon institute lp£is|ition on .i <ountr\-wide basis to fieht t he growing men.irp of thefts and illegal tapping of njhhrr in pst.itrs ,md smallholdings. i 4 li Httnutted that Utan ptratiOßl in nib'rer iftstei are causing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 587 3 A ITO Vnlo f ■■UI M DKW CARS ARE WORLD ACCLAIMED FOR nf Al TV. PERFORMANCE. RELIABILITY AND ECONOMY. MERE'S A LIGHT CAR YOU -ftdjfi "^S WILL WANT TO jfc£V% UcfrN You'll morvel ot its r^ sporttngness ond deli I rontwhn You'll opprt. Auto-Union 100 Coupr dc Luie f el.ghtfu
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  • 128 4 THE Rut! mtTm with the remains of Sultan Sir Ibrahim and with his Crown and S» rd hine <>n the t<>p receives t^e list homaee from his wife and son. the lady Marcella, ind Sir Isrmil The Yang di Prrtuan Agong. the Sultans, and Sir
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  • 315 4 16,000 A ttend Rotary Convention NEW YORK CITY. June 7 (Special)— WYh an attendance of more than 1 6.000 Rotanans and members of their families from mo?t of the 112 countries in whirh there are Rotary dttbs the SOth annual of Rotary International convened here today. Kevrote of this five-day
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 4 MR SFOW KHOY YONG and )u< bride, the former Miv N Lim (hyr Fonff, eldest daughter ol Madam U«.nc Wai iun of Siii2;»porr. w h«» WtH ■Ifflei .ti |kt Sißfapore Kei;istr\ of Marriaices r<M<nllv. Thr cr«M»m is on thr sta!T of the Indian Tr.ulr and (ieneral In mnUM
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  • 50 4 MOHAMED Arif .off, pleaded not g\ nftpore Magistrate's Court terriay to three chartet of rob! He is alleged to have rooted Se^k Merif Yian. 3en£ On£ an<j Foo Tooi Henjj at Mountbatten Road between June 2 to 4 He wa s remanded in custody will be mentioned
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  • 23 4 THE Singap< b mi Ptedcrr today pxp.-p.^pd the bereaved Mr J -ivy. former n Ambassador in ih* 1 Hague, who died recer
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 AHW W sE ff WCf LONDON -SINGAPORE- HOHGKONG FASTEST EVER TO AND FROM SINGAPORE Ttu #M HONGKONG 4 hoUrS J?°, w y° u can fl y directl y f«>m Singapore, eastward to Hongkong and mM Tokyo, westward to London and New York, by the incomparable aW 0% A COLOMBO 4»
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 110 4 SgJ^Hßf^^^^^^^^^^j^^ff g J **>*• lOrrh;,r,| h KiM m. RAF < h,n.'M. M« x pier); SJO p.m.. Red Crot* I School Rally c 9.00 a m pm. Mini i Inir. h (finaajftw a^ «5t ?&>. ship 10 30 I Ci^ianr hiin li Open 2 48 pm 4 T-h n Cathedral by
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  • Article, Illustration
    675 5 I dee? and growing m Asian cul- the |t»t#s U reflect- exhibition it E Cox C York City. 200 piece* ting -TIM e Far East* I 5? large num- ericans each W*d several pieces Mym purchased. I nt reception CTwhibition is 1 great trend, Lto Warren E. of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 5 r"o*t a% drunk a* v\p are."
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  • 11 5 MALA YA GIRL IS ALL SMILES the ...mi- if n», ofc
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  • 738 5  -  MARGO O'CONNOR by SINGAPORE'S famed snak^-rharmers have renounced the pariancs in favour of the suburbs No loneer do our Indian fakirs rely solely on Sunday afternoon strollers for bottom, F?~j:-:p"'« of J^erargoor. Gardens a^d Sembawar. 2 E----. -ok hr,\-e re\ <=r see^ <^> rr.
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  • 183 5 She's 57, but hands all her pay to Mum! \Y~HITE-haired Mrs. Sarah Weller. 87, was born in Queen Victoria's day and ll a nrm believer that what was food tor children then should bo good enough for them today. So when her fifty -s'.-vpn-yr>ar-o!d daughter Marv comes home with her
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 189 5 PASSPORT TO SECURITY 1 I BANT DFPf)SrTS \^7TH LOMBARD BANTTNO I earn a Meady 5° 0 i^'erest in assured Secunrv, without deduction f1 r ted Kingdom income u\. K,^ A«k 'he M.i-icer s. Branch nr uTite f r» the Ger;er.ii Manager ai Head Office for >our enpy I of Ba-k
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  • 89 6 who comes from On Stecle. Wilr> -^ir.g--e conducted by Larry es. Duffy, II -\-shirt-s ber in a London lau- gets his vocal break on the Fontana label with "That's My Little Suzie" And he sounds something liV mate Marty Wilde. Ambition of Mr. Power: •To be
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  • 266 6 CZECH PIANIST TO PERFORM TONIGHT Firkusny's Wide Repertoire Has Won High Praise CTRANGE to relate, there are still some seats left for tonights recital by the distinguished Czechborn pianist. Rudolf Firkusny. (These will be available at the door— Victoria Theatre— from 8.00 p.m.) Firkusny, now an American citizen, will be
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  • 228 6 Reviewed by VICTOR DOGGETT BFETHOVEX Nwnphony No h in h mi Pastoril I" > »rrr >n > Orchrsrr, r-nl hi^mperer f o!,, m h i v.(\ I' il2ln< h A I conductors as they ein yean take Standard works af slower tempi, they the best, ones ;s
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  • 49 6 r PHE next ISSBSOII of QM ?'-re Re^orde-i T isir Sr>"ie*y T^:'^ ;r.e LI, VW A Raffles Quay si IDO p *-e new Be^^a""! vp~ n v i"~^ of BerliOS 1 Symphonip Fr^ntastique. Chop;-, 1 F r::r.or piano co^.rrr'n (Rubinstein/ S*r:nberg,) ar.-i cr,— e Dvorak Admission free
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  • 111 6 TPHI BlmupWii QMHfefj Ensemble is to present Effle Tjoa. an ItadOMl isj soprano, in a Ndtti at the Theatre on Sunday :4, at 1.49 r is a graduate of the Amsterdam Co- e of Music and the Rome Academia Santa Cecilia, winner of t
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  • 217 6 ..this record should NEVER have been made £)ONT lock DOW but it's ertaptaf up on you in a str-kly sort of was a flacart tti stands at No 21 la ttM r---* Itiltn and ;ust Mlasti todays Pop Ml -T:.ree Stars/ 1 ericao offering Issued Britain e
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    • 110 6 Sago Lane 'wonder boy' for concert I"*HE British Council is J- iponsoring a conoe" the Goh Soon Tios String Orchestra in the krtl Theatre of Nanyang University on Saturday nun, •••.;re 11 Bon pm. Tr**<* a-e four Ifti |po Phi Hob (.who o re j 0 e pu the nickr.R":^e
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    • 137 6 /^OH Soon Tlos :s pNH I ing a chamber-music concefi by I (violin), Noreen Si kes (piano) rod Louis er (cello) on Wednesday. June 11 si :'re CuItUTS sntn Theatre The tVCIH Is in the nar ::<* of a farewell to ftfisi Stokes and Mr. Moyser, two
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  • 657 6 MY top three selection of the week are <1) SENTIMENTAL GENTLEMAN Tommy Dorsey Album) FOA: (2) THE FIRST LADY OF SONG (Ella Fitrrrrald> Brunswick; (3) A Tie (a FOLK SONGS FROM THE NEW WORLD Canitol and b> RAT ANTONY PLAYS FOR DREAM DANCING Capitol THAT SENTIMENTAL GENTLEMAN
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  • 927 6 LEN THOU \E I latest discs m Y r) l at Federal am A i W w w w v\ I f i ••••MUSIC BY THE MARINES (No 5). Marine Band Of Royal Netherlands. Philipps Stereo 840 301. BY. A tne favourites— 'S 4 r;Kf Up The Bend,'
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  • 9 6 =r Poor: Caii do; Good; Very good; Excellent
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  • 55 6 ftoordi: 4 FOOL M TCrs lati 4 ivi wAiral LONG -AHM S $iOf SAMtf 6 louirrrt 8 PCTITI RBI 9 COm! MM Frtdrii ii 10 COMim 10 IGOA«-3| 12 MIAN STIMfI IS. GUITAIKi IMMi 14. CHOLStfj 11 FOIT WOWj 17. WHW «J^ it. lonyg 19 20 MAYYOMJIJ By
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 24 6 SUNBEAM G R EAT NAMES I N MOTO RING rapier 1 HILL X f^^ Pl^niASE TFRM9 I; ARE AVAILABLE SJ^m^MffmmSf inUm&D, Uumhrr. and Rapirr.
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    • 51 6 WHAT SECRET POWB DID THIS M AM PO^ j _^^^^^B r: WRr««laipatf»t K.r»om- rht mTsrrr' >nj world WO* J you Ammr H i'-S Jpamr.; and £rr .it rr" I wm*Bmkmdm R«icnici*ns r77^ROSICRUCIA^ j sikd Th COU rK F 'N'S (AMORCI. S«i Jo«. I P.r.»r „r« rrr -h« 1 ADDRESS A
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  • 1210 7 COMMERCIAL RADIO for the FEDERATION? WHY NOT?! SGF t »vE had m very tni,ri verr I etter from a I -*r The I wishes remain tho»fh he I n name IL4 faith. The M ICU 1 points and I answering in IL j what It aays: E?p fa f J.
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 7 f". ,1,,,rm,T I. Holly rood nctrex Dana t Inndon import recently alter V. l,,rA, Dan* later fle« to [>übhn nt her film, "Shake Hand* tcUh Mirrorpic
    Mirrorpic  -  29 words
  • 711 7 A Pain In The Neck For Private Airline Men [HK garden of American civil aviation has never bloomed more beautifully than now. Passengers and freight carried are on the Increase, and profits are steadily rising The mass production of the big new four-Jtt airliners give American operators a good htad
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 365 7 I^l $10,000.00 I >^^^^___> BTI fl a H Bbl ■■■■■■_>.__■■■■_. M _J^ BRANDS essence of chicken HEALTHY CHILDREN' competition Look at these eight photographs of children and Read the Rules and then write your name and choose the one that you think looks the healthiest address on the entry form.
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  • Article, Illustration
    503 8 JaftWtlf k/H0 review Birds of a feather flock to this hotel SUCH ODD CHARACTERS TV E KNOW that DAyiD MVEN won the best actor award in SEPARATE TABLES. So he must be good. We also know that WENDY HILLER won the award for the best supporting actress.
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  • 445 8 He'd kill anybody to get to the top QAXG3TERISM 15 the special province of the Americans. It is ther~forp no surprise at ill that they tirrn out the b6tl films on organitOd crime. Wr; T MOBSTER (Vte, CilMDiaSoQpt) |i by no means a crime fi'm of exceptional men's, :t nonethele.--
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  • 480 8 $T LOl IS RLI FS tIM been QlflMd before 80l b6Ctm |ta bM become almost an institution wrtth mu>:r lovers it is worth ref.'.mirs asain to tell the potmgex fenermtloa of the nrlglii of this form of music, or art As
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  • 196 8 TCE COLD Df ALEX is anOthet one of tho?e war films whose entertainment value far outwei^u their prod ictioo coat Thi> Kim, howevtr noes rvt deal <o much with the actual tighting Ltaell a? with the rxP Jits of an offirer (JOHN MILLS) who is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 465 8 mm^on top in shqwbusiness m i |OthayOwaNisationw| W ■faiaMHBMBBaaMMjM ATTRACTIONS i^MM I P. A. P. MAKES HISTORY I T I r- i A *»pe« iil N*»w»r.'<»l imTfi*' by i ithaj-Ker^ Kilm*) i J i« now hpin? *<r>^'np(| n all «hnu« at thr OI»FO\. «mmi \ril\\ M\\ \IH\^IRR\ md iIPKtN KUIINT,m%«i
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    • 234 8 I J y to in, Sjohn mii i %x irr /-a, r. I sylvia mm> Kt V.ULJ i;j /rv t hi^B 4" /0 I I 4- room! j^^^Hlj I 'I) \l,i I Separate Table* T "T 1, 1 J Mrrpv H \II(,HF x i I SPECTACLE of the R I
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  • 1036 9 Problem day For FAM THREE CONTROVERSIES HOLD UP PROGRESS to hove cropping up so soon. r^en there was the bid bv the fohori F A to cia>m a walk-over from the Joint Strvict* (SinnPO^e btCaUM Ibi latter uere unable lre P Pat un- r r^ ave! t0 K!^^g a
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  • 371 9 Inside Sport With Bob Pedgeon SELANGOR LEAD THE GOAL RUSH "I AM CERTAIN that this year's Malaya Cup tournament will be one of the most successful ever—with the accent on goals, the iifeblood of sorter" That I w*ott In tr,^?e .-o' two weeks djn wr.-?n "iiscussinf Cud prospers, zrd
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  • 179 9 HKKKM>IN champions ;.,u"nament. will «gg* in matchM "^V^jlT on SMSeb thp I A. who have slumped badly in recent weeks, Police will have tough opposition from the Baiestier Road club, placed third in the league table. Ceylonese with the h^lp of a match winning bawling
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  • 337 9  -  Ken Jallah... FAM Should Find A Happy Compromise WHEN the Football Association of Malaya meets to discuss the action of its coach Mr. Choo Seng Quee on the propriety or otherwise of his press articles, I would urge some sober consideration and restraint on
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  • 150 9 ST. STEPHENS School right in the heart of Frankel Estate, makes its bow in the States athletics with its first annual sports on St Patricks School ground at Siglap tomorrow from 3pm It's always good to spp a nrw s< hool grovr
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  • 444 9 CHINESE SCHOOLS SHUTTLERS ON SHOW AGAINST NAN YANG TOMORROW is the day when Chinese students will show their paces in badminton. The venue thp Singapore Badminton Stadium. The time— 7.30 p.m. There shall dp ?pven (fames in all. Thrpp singles, two double?, one girl's singlet and one mixed doubles. On
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  • 538 9 Malayans Will Strive To Keep Ho Ho Cup Here KT'ALA Ll'MPl'R. Sat.— Cup final fever grips the Federal Capital again. Thousands of soccer fans will go to the Merdeka Stadium here tomorrow to see the 13th inter-port match between Hongkong Chinese and their Malayan counterparts for the Ho Ho Cup.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 127 9 I Ctfirs of beaut v ITft'!) with I ~^r I jht mlnel* I tue 812: I I lan mny oth«r Es: because it s so I 10 easL Bn ttifnl eoloun, I lists so lor.? I Kem 010. E0 i WO r I 1 metal I 1 -*ces, kitchen \Ji
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    • 75 9 Jm|| round trips to /r ton AiXll I M s TJIWANGI TJILUWAH Jj^//o^'P\ commencing 16th June iMik 27 DAY ROUNDTRiP J M§§^b *'A mVNp 6 DAY STAY IN |APAN J i\ days in hongkong each way J rv f V \s C' ass Airconditioncd throughout 7 Ija b=dsi^j J) A^EZr
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  • 174 10 INDIA COLLAPSE, FOLLOW ON Tea Score 37 For One HOTTIHOfIAH Sir 17 t India id scored 37 lot qc .v: dcel nv lea tJ er follow ng on 2!^" runs 1 England n ri .r. the flr t Test match r« day First Innings sc res: Er.sland 42: i-i.i 206
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  • 73 10 W WOOD "6— s^~: n X-- :5:-r T.edai ke competition a- f S.r.gip^r* 1 G'-;f Cub c y- 1 A a e r -p. 5= 72 and C Pas-* Hoblyn i83 11 =72 became joint runners-up. r. r. p rr^r.- Frank D xith 34 points T
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  • 415 10 FIFTEEN records were set up at the forty-fifth annual sports of the An^lo-Chinese School held at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Man of Thp records tflO in the 'B' division. There wng keen fi^ht for individual honours with Kok Ah Koong and Chen Yen Wan
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 10  -  ATLAS
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  • 787 10 WEE KIM LENG became thp Victoria srhool (h.impion .ith'ete for the second >par it the schools .innual sports mret at Jalan Besar yesterK m L? r w n t p •i e D oi lump uid T r.^ beqp step
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  • 111 10 BINOAPORI Cri< -ft Club Ul4 thi N n Bendei in v their srl I m itel on the Pad_ana st< rd A:- r so rin 181 for nine T »v: declared, the Nooj Ben: Ad taken nine of the Cl ib w r s for 112
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  • 48 10 SINGAPORE £T Senior (S; Unii'cr? 'y Ar S S.C.C. Pr re P.T.5. S?rvs. F Temgah r Police, F ar Po/jcp B I 'H Q II CH O 1 *9Oftf WR^^^^^^l fl 11 c I CArrro r^ I I I I nolcan. Depot Difl I 1
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  • 240 10  - Schoolmates They An Rivals For The Junior Title Now JASBIR SINGH By The long awaited clash between the two most improved Singapore junior shuttlers. Ronnie Oon and Tan Cheng Kng. for the Singapore Badminton Association junior singles title, will take place on Tuesday at the Badminton Stadium. The match. ma;n
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 269 10 i^^^^^^b ii^BIL^I hL^L^L^Lb LiiV H H hL^hlßb I m/KKKKB Hmn §^Bb^Bh wSs*^^ P*r±j-\ ci f\\ c* ma kes this wonderful t:p^i v_^uicL O ff er t0 you 1 i|^5 l lf y° u live in the Federation of Malaya m Your PEPSI-COLA bottle top now has a vellow band instead
      269 words

    • Article, Illustration
      1494 11 TODAY'S CARD SCRUTINEER FRANCIS •Race i Hcp Ce x Race 3 Hare 4 Haee 5 Hoee 6 Aace 7 Pace 6 j Mnlao T "ri H FLIGHT KRAKATOA GRAND COUP M. HOUSE II T. WONDER [Y. BRIDGE THE FRIAR II F.n* P Fmgall Kola Boy Brave General Tiny Jade Marigold
      1,494 words
    • 1002 11  - Grand Coup to make amends SCRUTINEER B> Result II Merits Eachway Support H«'Miit II lai iniid^ntiy backed in till fint run on Wednesday and gave a good account of himself to finish a closeup third to Queenswaj over BJf. The five-year-old by My Bah'i looks T he type tO saddle
      1,002 words
    • 381 11 TVDOR WONDFR and sei ond dav dinner. MARIGOLD, should fight out the finish of the mam .V 2 f straight for Class One. Division One sprinters Thrre will be little between the two but m^ fanr^ '5 Tudor Wonder, who has hit a bright patch
      381 words

  • 121 12 LINCOLN, England, Sat. (Reuten Herbert Scott. a 23-year-old unemployed labourer, was sentenced to life Imprisonment here yesterday after being found guilty of the murder of a six-year-old girl. The girl. Linda Brown, was found dead in the woods near her home at Cleethorpes on February 16.
    121 words
  • 373 12 U.S. HITS AT COMMUNIST SPY RING Big Four given a detailed indictment of Red intrigues GENEVA, Sat. (UPI) Secretary of State Chris tian Herter yesterday called Russia to account for espionage, subversion and outright kidnappings staged from East Berlin. Mr. HertPr gave the Big Four a detailed indictment of Communist
    373 words
  • 304 12 JAKARTA, Sat (Renter; Indonesia's Acting Prpsirtr: Mr Sartono, said here that President Soekarr.o still a inted to nego*: it< with all groups on solvins thp nation's constitutional crisis Mr Sir* B 1 Hid thk IB a re v ;pefch in Tzr.yir.z r Rhio Islands,
    304 words
  • 147 12 DID FU MANCHU KILL ROHMER? Celebrated author dies Sax Rohmer (pictured right >. who created the Chinese fiend of firtion. Pr. Fu Manchu. rii^tl la*t week in Iniversity College Hospital. London. He was about seventy Rohmrr uas on holiday from America with his uife. Elisabeth a sister of Crazy (>ang
    147 words
  • 331 12 x ONE SHOT DEAD CIl DAD TRI'JILLO. Domimran Republic Sat. Some 30 Cuban exiles stormed the Cuban Embassy here tonight when one of their number was fatally wounded while demonstrating; outside the building. After they had smashed B6| rp t0 Fmba>>v furniture, they were p; p
    UPI  -  331 words
  • 190 12 MANCHESTER. England, Sat. (Renter) The Manchester Guardian yesterday irged Britain to come forward with «r offer abandon rvileai weapon* within the s^ope of a general agreement tha f thei n-ituT^ will not start manufacturing them "The pressure of ♦.he (Opporitiohl Labour Party tr, take a
    190 words
  • 38 12 HALIFAX. Nova Scotia. Sat (Renter). The cloak thv General James Wolfe wnrp :n the battle for Quebec when he Lost hh life 2no reara ago hp^ arrived here from London to on display for three months
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  • 62 12 Bread and salt for Mr. K A gift of bread and salt is presented to Soviet Premier ISikUa S. Khrushchev by members of the Cooperative, when he* leading the I SSR Party-Government delegation to Albania* visited the farming rO'O pern five "Pyf L e n i n a" 9 (Lenin's
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 97 12 Asian drlezatp* nrrn dunns the oppnins rerpmnns of thp Firnt Atian Rrerention Concrens hpld at thp Silk Hntpl in okohama. Jipan, nrp < Ipft to n^ht i Sim )liah Kfrrn of Sinzaporp, Ho Ho Spn of Jose Znidp oi thp Philippinp*. Ram Krishna I prma of
    UPI  -  97 words
  • 267 12 Confab to discuss migration of Asians UNITED NATIONS, New York. Sat. (Reut er) Legal barriers to the migration of Asians will be among specific topics to be taken up at a week-long conference opening here or Monday under the Joint sponsorship of the United Natfons and the International Labour Organization.
    267 words
  • 164 12 NEW DEI HI Sat R« ler) -The Dais l said ii an inter' e\v put a in I New De newspapei Statesn \r. t :ay the people at Tibel were eing su jc ted to a sarab c tort ires day tn<j nigM In
    164 words
  • 60 12 BERWICK. England. Sat. (Reuter).— A .-err Brydot -4-year-o.- physical training teacher, dieo m Berwick Hospital af'er befall Ul OB 4 "ie 10-ehead by a javelin ii his school sporta He fe a t the .-tee -':;v^<='. Weapon boy. p erced ii« head father of {^-.r Bijilub
    60 words
  • 68 12 Churchill's puff 75 minutes LONDON, Sal (Barter) The monster cigars r r c'bv Sir Win-ton Churchi take an average 75 minutes smoke. British i igar manufacturer? said yesterday They issued a "time 4 able" giving the average time the different ?i7e< la c t to enable smokers to choose the
    68 words
  • 41 12 WAS HI N UTON, Sa: <Rputer».— General Nathan Twining. Chairman of the U.S Joint Chiefs- of -Staff nil been discharged from the Walter Reed Army Hospllal after an apparently successful operation for removal of a cancerous section ox the lung.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Feature Section
    • 8 13 Feature Section SUNOAY TIGER STANDARD, June 7, 1959
      8 words
    • 987 13 ROM THE VENEZUELAN WILDS TO A BRAVE NEW WORLD Jungle Boy Mara Is New Addition To Josephine Baker's 'Rainbow Tribe 9 TWINS against the GESTAPO PCE to the late arrival from London of the fifth instalment of "Twins Against The Gestapo." it is regretted that this exciting feature has been
      UPI  -  987 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
    • Article, Illustration
      703 14  -  Marjorie Proops I Fifteen thousand wives say: My husband i GF mm is hil -*pinl FIFTEEN thousand wives can't be wrong. Fifteen thousand wives filled out my qui* a couple of weeks ago and wrote 900.000 answers to give me a clear picture of what the Average British
      703 words
    • 658 14  - A little bit more than can bai Felicity Green I CAN quite understand a girl wanting to become a dancer. Or a showgirl. Or a model. But for the life of me I can't imagine wanting to get up on a stage with only a few rhinestones between me and
      658 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 359 14 V 111 r the torment of ITCHING SKIN 4j^ Wonderful LIQUID healer J^L gi^s you INSTANT RELIEF! c' -\^a|^ I l v fiffer the n;nnv of I'rhine VA j '^f^BV Skin? !>■■** it irritate yon all day \dL '"^^N Tr> P votl «"!^p:ng at night? Th«n If^^'^ S'j^^^S-J try rh"»
        359 words
    • 948 15  -  Irene Lim h Their viewpoints on fashion, cosmetics, and the change in clothing from schooldays to university life A FEATURE of ou r restless twentieth century is the vast expans i o n of the world's immemorial thirst for knowledge, which is reaching insatiable proportions. Much
      948 words
    • 136 15 Much Elbow E f litt to know pt rid of cane. tas on a raincoat." ITdld r. m to ron and brown I was afraid that 03 It— so 1 scraped fed the grease off Icoald. butt!— fe ntt I would Uke to it is the best thing
      136 words
    • 416 15 Milk keeps your figure in trim "MILK" cried Jane an e\ nf nock terror OB bar fa^e. "milk? Thank yoi, I'm quite rrvrfor*a v e as I am Milk fatklßl Bflvd I ha\ p qQ wish to put r>n \vr:qht And indeed. .1 i 3'.--figura h already i^ bed propori
      416 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 42 15 refreshment throughout the day \[§M r',2 Yardley Lavender. Richer, longer lasting. JB f ff ;e touch of sophistication. A nvUf^ I well-groomed people throughout lcQg*/ 1 w orld. Enjoy also Yardley \f jffi^^ ter soap and Lavender Talc I Urdley English LAVENDER
        42 words
      • 119 15 V\l 1 and stamina Those whose physical /^^fc H^B^Jh actiNitios make such a strenuous call I l^^^^^^i^^^^Bßl on their reserves, turn to Scotts \uM A7xL -^bH Cod Liver Oil Capsules— for that regular I W^\f^3r -v.r.'.'^* JB 1 supply of vitamins A& D so essential Hf to their well-being. Scotts
        119 words
    • Article, Illustration
      704 16  -  RONALD P.KRISS By Compared to motl of Japan*i crowing dtitt, Kyi i? pr t;ra y a: a ),000 ir 1947 and I kiay lt*l >r I.JL 1 ,nnn D-:r:ns u e -ame perio I, T 1 loarad fi m 4,10C OQQ :o nearly 9,000, Kj to, paw, b
      704 words
    • 178 16 KYOTO -The Sightseer's Delight In Modern Amenities, It Bows To No Japanese Citv ANCIENT K\oto figures its future is in the past. This city of temples, geisha girls and handcrafts is the frozen citv of Japan, anchored to an older wav of life in a nation that is rushing to
      178 words
    • 446 16 V^HEN the Indian subcontinent was torn apart by the partition of Pakistan from India in August, 1947, the new frontier ran unheedingly through the most complex and effective system of irrigation canals the world has ever seen Since then the problem has been how to put
      446 words
    • 84 16 photo by The Kinkahu-ji (GnUen Pmilinn), on. nl i1,.. W. city, i. reflated in Hin ,h. trrpnn, nr e rovrrrri ,nth golrlfnil. The tl. century byYoMminu Uhikn,. 'U^IWH ,hirH U) nasty. Ihe oncwal pavilion uc* httrnrH A nun ,n fl Jiff CMM| incendinr-s UPI t>h nt
      UPI; Lorna Kriss; Lorna  -  84 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 185 16 WpBHEw) now in a new Wl O) WATERBIRYS I R COMPOUND IkS?\ Iu if /S r"■ I Bk* B^b /^d STILL Er V) fcL^^irp fl ms food if you a-e S^S^S^S <^ I 9 run-down a~ c: B^ r"^^^^^^^ '^K <^H tired o^ s BL '^^sp^^ Jt^/jH| cajghs. colds or
        185 words
    • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • Page 18 Miscellaneous
      • 105 18 k i ikIKIi A B#PB K I'MfiOINSOOTFOR EVEW IP IT IS ABSURP-; auppp^lv^? ki Akll\ll A CIGARETTES, NARPA. WHAT IP ME CAME NOVVT T IP^ PR^ ura /H ■lAN IUAIIF WATCH THE SWOP. IP THE 6OSH-BRQAP PAYUGMT/ E^| BtJ k FROM HER h^-., Tlf fill All i L/|% aIbVI invisible
        105 words
    • Page 19 Miscellaneous
      • 127 19 v^ C.APL C :^P} JL ffjs" o q r^ <vh^ <~ Anderson N 1 f" 1 I 1 l. v 1 Rprft StP^^"We gotta /V) I /Vi vj X^l [TO INVITE AAE TO GO -X /^"v^^S^ \V J V?W^v /ITHINKI'M^ %Z\ V* II >-* B 0 Vg o^ l 6
        127 words
    • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 565 21 Greetting to know Pople: Have you Caused to think? —^^^^g^^^^^L^g^H^^^^^ s^B^g^g^sw. rp^d to KgskMt how v,>u tb \nd M t from I Oroups L^ set About Ml I 1 n I 1 are :iard way. Ry and by BHMB I keep at H itiadtly the hab Evhlch fixes knowI "wpit
      565 words
    • 781 21 LONELY SOULS ANONYMOUS Here's a parson with a new idea... ERIC WAINWRIGHT I goes to a strange country house party I* "venteenth-century manor house, ten miles from the nearest railway station, I joined the strangest house party in Britain. It started six months ago. Since then, the guests have included
      781 words
    • 296 21 v^TUDIES made with the 200-inch (508 centimetre) Hale telescope on Mount Palomar In California have made possible "a more realistic concept of the size and a?e of the universe," states a recent report of the California Institute of Technology. ["he :a*est estimate of the
      296 words
    • Article, Illustration
      8 21 "Don't Just stand there I cut the cake!"
      8 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 314 21 PRICKLY HEAT AGNESIA DUSTING POWDER A-e you irritated 5 If your days a-e spoilt by r r o^ skin irnta* s t-en vou a r e not Ming A^flttil powdtr. Ae r p a is a pro\ ed remedy arc s ideal fo r in the nursery too GRAFTON LABORATORIES
        314 words
    • Page 21 Miscellaneous
      • 138 21 H \PRII. JO er iii I touchy the time you S hesitant about k ot yooß is moving aloof as you had hoped. 1 *t an optimistle MAY 20 lON'S are pu- you firA hard i many ma- n nng over- s -e large advan--2 rained ir rest and forge
        138 words
      • 261 21 :•-> :.i e'y There is 3 i fOf tare when <iea:;r.g r .vith some les* re'.iaKe frienis, tho'.:^h. Also you -an iic rr. h to improve matters In your m n ?t perrra. relation ships. SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 22 v Libra MOOD IN ESS a:, i la < of confldei hi
        261 words
      • 399 21 too dpv> miatic a Igvj of the fut ire fa fad :r.:r.g* are moving IB the right way to r.e'.p you FEBRUARY 19 MARCH 20 (Pisces). wOME emphasis now on family hea'.th. You are coming to one of the livelier periods when thins=; go your way This vo;;r
        399 words
    • 767 22 DGFDG The Weekly Page For Motorists Fiat 500 with better rear vision and more seating space HpH^HH|HIS bambino is a real dinky 1 I little car that can do most of mM the things a much bigger car I does and many others its bigger I
      767 words
    • 243 22 VOLKSWAGEN PLANS BIG EXPANSION DUSSELDORF, West GerBJUny, Sal Reuter The German Volkswagen car r^rppany plans to increase production '>O,noo r '-i~ -~Tr ithin the next Id years, the Iftnn'i iirertor Heinz Not Ihc Hf, >a:1 he-r re taieret led pro- meai the b lildmg of a uge new I evt
      243 words
    • 262 22 VV HEN the Russian rirs irrive in Britain under the trade pact signed recently in Moscow, British motorists will find them unexciting ut practiral. But they mi?ht he exported at 'Yut prices." and this is something British motor manufacturers hive bpen concerned about for
      262 words
    • 555 22  -  By HENDERSON GALL cars have displaced Soviet Zims and Zis* M the top cars for top people in Budapest. They are used today by practically every minister in the communist government In the past few months, ■bout Ml brand new (1958) models have
      555 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 183 22 Better^ performance MOTORS Lftv Kep'tscUM Ml Vu ftf<awHirw If WMM MM HERE IS YOUR NEW A him uT J j. j^gy ITT 1 I i i Mill Ili ggg 11 A n W— ■^■j «^BBH <bocm».-^. j m j j ßß»^Bßß| BßM^^^^^^^B M^^ I I"" bw^ M i Fbif fV
        183 words
    • 1121 23 Give These Children A Fair Chance fr telling YQy^\ A SOCIAL DISGRACE THAT IS ALL TOO COMMON IN STORE, says ERIC MITCHELL (PART TWO) r «e 3 lot of children in Singapore tt >:k ;n away from their parents 3 v hlch enables Government tr> 1 Circumstances, was ma^ more
      1,121 words
      • 542 23  -  PETER QUENNELL OF FRANCE: La Grande Mademoiselle. By V* est. By »ading a^ delusions of grandeur .ire delusions of simplicity: and '1 or semi-roval. per^on.urs they are sometimes ohserved to I about the year 1690. still ac e and Itfnu, souveraine de esse de arochefc? d'Auvergne
        542 words
    • 368 23 Alan Fair clough asks Well, he doesn't like it, you know )XL of the most faseinattni booki ever written tboat dogs has Jutt been published il a bargain priC6 paperback. (t .s Df K* nri Lorenz*! "Mar. Meets i>oe" (Pan, H What a meeting
      368 words
    • 70 23 \NIMAL expert George Canadale also discusses dogs in "PFTS ROOK" (Phoenix, LOi Bd I In fact, bt ilisid pra every pel you can think of: Newts, keys, tori Lses, rats, budgies, hamsten and MORE. How to no.-f them, feed them, handle
      70 words
    • 329 23 THE TENDERFOOT IN HIGH HEELS... I,'or rue months, Jtan Montgomery from I OOdOO was the only woman in remote Canadian mining camp gurrounded by lakci and firgin forests in ra b noon nt the hid Ighed on a.s "bu-h--o iuk t foul t<".:yh :n;n;im pm. pecti ra I inc.uding hex
      329 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 672 23 Built to rough it ft H^a^^KJMß^Bflflß^^^ .^aaa^ T^'^^ I KM la^^arT Hal Bfs!\yM ■BBBBBBBflr^aia^ 503 Tourh load*, rourh iu>d» MoirH ion mUM > j> x fAa^ Bflflflflfll Bnißß^a^HSSaV avav* > BHBk m Bflflfaar' I ■'<:*« I nil rp loadS bettPr <h i MTT aßßaaaßaaßßa^Ba^B^B^Ba^Ba^Ba^BaVßaßlßaVßlßaVHL. lIH^ MORRIS ■'^■■»SBaTßaßTdEß^aLaa«»Baaß»aßaßaaa»Bß»^Bl XCTCEI 'Tj ajgp
        672 words
    • 1147 24  - COUNTRY BUMPKIN BECAME A MILLIONAIRE Richard Berry Part B*-* Daniel Drew By But Ended Up Owing A Fortune From RICHES nHREE men dashed down the steps of an opulent New York office building, flung $6,000,000 in cash into a waiting carriage and raced off, hotly pursued by a posse of
      1,147 words
    • Article, Illustration
      68 24 On her toes /i<i« to be on her toes to get to the top ns a fashion model. But then, Patti King is the sort of girl who would look like a queen whatever she wore. If hen this picture was taken in the sunshine at Leeds, tiventy-four-year-old Patti uas
      Mirrorpic  -  68 words
    • 410 24 HTHE Pacific :s as beaut if ul- e:rl eoUßClom a-> Europe cr America rerv^r:> the Pacific Ares TraTel Aatoc;a* )n Miss K irea M Is ludfed In Seoul every Hay Bo*h a "M Hawaii" and M Mlss Baby Hawaii" will be Judged
      410 words
    • 361 24 f^S o 4 br' ak of anri v n olvmg United Ptai viremen and Ko: iians is worrying A can militar>' auth' in Korea, according treports received in T Seven r'-ajor were reported re r ev/ period of e:chi
      361 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 164 24 it's new! it's exciting I PYREX 9 ••-■uri.r i Ajt s y wtmb xi jVt_Z9CnE_3d3(3nK^JKi»«S£w«2n»aJK < ki ■OTwKMSMkwtMa*' In tomorrow's newest, most exciting glass two new round, easy-grip casseroles all pearly -white, with snowfiake motif in black 8 oz and 2 pt sin th or without serving stand) and clear
        164 words
      • 78 24 I QUICKEST WAY to STOP [indigestion medicine for M^m STOMAC r '111 vK&s^&S9r^ i {""Also try these f™ 4^! futicura Soal now contains a powerful ne» *ACTAMER-which relieves and?" against the burning and itcl»»f' J W^^^ Sr^E S <K^«Ak Stoufl i Itching, prickling, burni^ Inflammation are quick > iw" K^JL
        78 words