Sunday Standard, 15 February 1959

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1 26 Sunday Standard
  • 19 1 -sUgp *l *n2.Kit ms. SUNDAY STANDARD Vol. IX No. 227. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1959. 24 Paget 20 cts.
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  • 269 1 Editoria. February 15. 1959 THE Muslim Youth Society in Penang is concerned over the present-day morals of the younger generation. At its first annual general meeting, a number of resolutions were passed, for submission to the Federation Government, for combating unhealthy influences to which youths ore exposed. These called for
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  • 193 1 SYDNEY, Feb. 14 (Reuter) Britain will form a large seaborne commando force based at Singapore for operations in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the China Sea, Rear Admiral V. C. Begg, Second-in-Command of the Royal Navy's Far East Station, said here today. He said
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  • 86 1 Ex-Police Inspector Found Hanging A FORMER Police Inspector, Vinosana Roa, 25, was found hanging from a tree at Tanah Merah Besar, Singapore, yesterday afternoon. Police found letters on his person. Tbe letters, addressed to his family, were te his own handwriting. Roa, who was at one time attached to the
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  • 143 1 BANGKOK, Feb. 14 (UPD—Bfcw Thai Foreign Minister Thanad Khoman said yesterday his country's foreign Mfticy will be "free and independent and wUI not be tbe um aa that af *ny other country—Western or Eastern.* But. he said, the new government under Premier Sarit Than ar at hM
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  • 1342 1 Public Rally To Aid S'pore Fire Victims Meeyor Tee Ask Council mFeer $i 00-000 THE people of Singopore, shocked by fhe disaster which overtook 10,000 people in the Kompong Tiong Bohru fire on Friday, yesterday went to their aid with promptness and generosity. Less than 24 hours after the Fire
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  • 8 1 DOREEN THO 1 f
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  • 226 1 Preparing For Moscow WENDOVER, England Feb. 14 (Reuter)— Mr. Harold Macmillan was spending the week-end at Chequers, his official country mansion near here discussing with colleagues the Soviet draft plan for his visit to Moscow next week for talks with Mr. Nikita Khrushchev. The Prime Minister
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  • 252 1 BOAC Comet 'Buzzed' By Chiang Fighters LONDON, Feb. 14 (Reuter) 4*ritish Overseas Airways/ Corporation is to protest about two Chinese! Nationalist Sabre jet flf h ters "bussing" a v BOAC Comet IV Jet airliner between Hongkong and Tokyo last month. K. Cotpor ation spokesman said today tnat the Incident occurred
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 134 1 Wflrtny ways to combine powder cream but Inly Creme Puff Beauty-blended Br 'w& >:&m mmMmiw < \MvSSS3tS9* >>yssfiß^^Biß^^^BßK^^^^SßQQß^^Bßßd6BftßMßgBBS MK PUFT-ONLY CREME PUFF brings ss beauty so quickly. Never dries skin, never goes streaky, never changes r Just the lightest touch of Creme Puff s vour complexion smooth and matt natural-looking
      134 words
    • 260 1 JUways St99eify.*7^ __^^^0^ m H******* \lS«A%ftlOl' VilllOll* l^ X THE X ECONOMY I RUN 1 MOTOR J V OIL f —-^rAmSTANDARD -VACUUM OIL COMPANY (Incorporated in U.S.A. with Limited Liability? t" \sropwir JtTOMMH ...WITH THF LATEST JAPANESE DISCOVERY WEISEN tab^Ts A NEW THERAPY FOR PEPTIC ft AND DUODENAL ULCERS Normal
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  • 46 2 TIN PRICE UP $l¼ SINGAPORE tin price yes&s&?££ ,u te Singapore Copra Association closing prices per picul yesterday Vere: fair merchantable mixed copra $434 business don^t. Tone steady. Singapore Coconut Oil Millers Association closing prices per pifcul were: Bulk shipment $634, drums $67 Tone quiet T
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  • 264 2 4,000 In Estate Ask Minister: Give Us Bus Transport THE Opera Estate Residents' Association has appealed to the Minister for Communications and Works, Mr. M. P. D. Nair to "redress a crave injustice" caused to the 4,000 residents by not providing transport facilities for the estate. A letter to the
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  • 128 2 Move To Shut Out Unqualified Midwives ONLY women who possess diplomas or certificates in midwifery recognized by the Midwifery Board will be allowed to practise in Singap pore An Ordinance to bar unregistered midwives who do not possess such qualifications will come for discussion at next month's meeting of the
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  • 24 2 THE sponsors of the Singapore Constitution Exposition yesterday invited local VlP's to make use of the guide service at the Exposition.
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  • 238 2 PENANG, Sat— The Legal Adviser, Penang, Mr. H. S. Ong. on behalf of the Attorney General, Malaya, has filed an appearance in the Supreme Court Registry to intervene in the proceedings of the divorce case of Sydney Hastings Dowse and Mary Ann Dowse. Dowse, who
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  • 147 2 Change System, SIT Asked THE newly-formed Katong United Residents' Association has asked the Singapore Improvement Trust to make a thorough change ln its policy of allocating accommodations In a 14-point recommendation, the Association suggested the Trust should forthwith stop registering new applications and also abolish the existing "points system." It
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  • 63 2 THE Indian film, Pather Panchali, will be screened at the Singapore Cultural Centre Theatre on Mar. 1. The film, which won' various festival awards, annexed the highly roveted Diploma of Merit "Pather Panchali" was also awarded thc Indian President's Gold Medal for the best Indian feature
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  • 48 2 DR lim Tay Bob. Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ma.ava. will speak on "The Task of the Government in the Economy of Self-governing Singapore" in the Arts Lecture Theatre of the University of Malava. Cluny Road, on Tuesday at 8 p.m
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 2 Admi Gree Admi MIU.H th Bntith^ r,r *n militM munitiry JJ Presenting •ulates i„ urrr the J Admiral H f, Comniindrr.,,. the tni rd Sm h^d on hoard cruiser I SS I on Friday The mem eehed on th, deck with fu including carpet an< fuird Photo shnm^ Gerald (.lad«U|
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 671 2 I* J***^******?***^^ m ENCACEMENT ENGAGEMENT is announced between Wei Chen seeond son of Mrs. Cheng Hua Hsung, and Siew Chin only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kim Hong on 152.59. DEATH THUNG CHIN VOOK beloved wife of Mr. Teng Ah Kye of Central Police Station. Sassed away peacefully at
      671 words
    • 599 2 ACCOM. VACANT TO LET Two and JThree-bed-room modern flats Tfurnished) at Holland Road, Singapore with ail conveniences. Telephone *****/*****. ACCOM. WANTED WANTED TO RENT one Flat or Terrace House with 3to 4 bedrooms Apply Box T.3531 S.S. AT YOUR SERVICE PHOTOSTATS by FOTOMATIC *****. Plan Printing from Tracings: FOTOMATIC *****.
      599 words
    • 137 2 Tfce /ofes# from the Pioneers of the Motor Scooter definitely the Worlds Btst J jCT^^s, The NCW W imjMm^fi V Bh^jMn^^^H B Njß B>^^jk. s lls u^ fl I v MWMMmf, li IB i3 **S F/▼ -v M 5 p m Wj MAmmk^Mi B »Sfc IE fl^. 1^ I^^^^^^^ M/A
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  • 132 3 arving, 8 Ate sonous Fish Lgapore Malay of ei^ht who ate a 10US fish did so ie they had been n g for several days. nee, two of the d after the Labour and vce of the t ite UMNO had ome of the unL in Telok terda v M
    132 words
  • 83 3 puncil 's 'To New 2nd Dept. City Council r lple to Govto set up a nation and De] Trtment to I fix rates for ihe establishclepartment and the c oon hold the quesl n of stafforient and Iters. will consider or secondtaff froi tl Antn- thc Central >n as it
    83 words
  • 46 3 WOMEN TO HELP IN LLS FIGHT al So•rday inP? a en'j section npaign for general elec- the new seeLai Whatt Mr?. M. Mrs. M de re'arv. Miss isurer, Mrs? en are Chen?. Mrs. C Piibory, H 'nter Mrs C C M And M rs 'M> R
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  • 22 3 eil of the wiU meet at the at 10 m on Mo discuss their five£amme. The meeting J* opened to observpersons.
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  • 57 3 PENANG. Sat. The general secretary o* the Labour Party of Malaya. Mr. Tan Phock Kin, today said that the latest circular of the Ministry of Education that teachers should resign or quit politics was another clear demonstration of the dubious methods used by the Alliance Government to
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  • 54 3 *Al Veronica Taylor, a W.R.A.F. physical h, r StrU( tress at R A.F.! Changi, Singapore, reNrL from Mr Chin Nanf Yanf inBtruc t if at th e recent graduation ceremony of Dale P J C °urse No. 10. dipil^ w one of 40 graduate! who obtained L^'SSSL* 1
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  • 94 3 THE first batik show featuring Indonesian models will be held in Singapore at the new Orchard Hotel in Orange Grove Road at 9 p.m. on Tuesday. Seven models from the Marion Glamour School in Jakarta will display the latest designs in women's fashion
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  • 172 3 Assemblyman To Quiz Govt*. Independent Assemblyman for Farrer Park, Mr. A. R. Lazarous will ask the Minister for Education, Mr. Chew Swee Kwee, at the Legislative Assembly meeting on Mar. 3, whether Government plans to introduce a part-education service in Singapore. He will query the
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  • 83 3 New Dutch Consul For Singapore THE new Consul for the Netherlands in Singapore. Mr. Felix van Raalte, arrived by air yesterday from Holland to take up his appointment. Mr. van Raalte. who was accompanied by his family, was last posted in Warsaw. He i s here to replace Mr. J.T.K.
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  • 115 3 Crackers Mark Club's Opening THE Community Centre at Pulau Übin was yesterday officially declared open by the chairman of the Katong District Council, Mr. Lim Chuan Kim, when he set off a string of crackers. This $5,000 centre will be used by the 3,000 residents of the island for social
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  • 144 3 THE decision of .he Fede-* ration of Parent Teacher Associations not to dabble in politics was commended by the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Education. Mr. Lee Siow Mong. yesterday. Mr Lee was speaking at the inaugural meeting of the Federation held in
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  • 371 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat,— The United States Pacific Fleet is keeping a close watch on communist naval movements in the China Sea region, the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Admiral H.G. Hopwood said today. Admiral Hopwood is here on what
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  • 117 3 Jap dancers perform at Exposition TWO famous Japanese dancers, Mr. Hiroyuki Hanayagi and Miss Takiemi Hanayagi, last night gave a performance of classical dances at the Singapore Constitution Exposition theatre. Sponsored by the Japan Export Trade Promotion Agency. the pair were flown from Tokyo to perform here. Miss Hanayagi (above),
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  • 246 3 4-language reviews of Duke's visit over radio THE Australian Broadcasting Commission has loaned some valuable radio equipment to Radio Singapore to help with the coverage of the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh. Director of Broadcasting. Mr. H.H. Beamish, told listeners over the radio last night. With this equipment Radio
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  • 147 3 'Loan' Scholarships To Students— Plea THE Tamil Brotherhood Association has suggested to the Chief Minister that Singapore's share of the wound-up Indian Immigration Fund should be used "solely for the benefit of local-born Tamils. The Association argued that these Tamils were descendants of the early immigrants, and the fund was
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  • 58 3 PENANG. Sat. A youth. Choo Eng Sai. pleaded guilty in the Sessions Court today to a charge of stealing gold jewellery worth $355 from his mother, Khoay Kheng Eng, at Tye Sin Street yesterday. Sessions Judge, Mr. Au Ah Wah. ordered Choo to be remanded in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 NON-CATHOLIC FRIENDS. I LEARN at HOME about jj the CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 BY afcum ATNO j MAIL COST I I WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION I FUJ io the following R I C and mail to 24. Nasslm Rd. Z i Singapore 10 J 3ss— aßßsaaagaaa^ i 7 Name J J Address
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 430 3 CHURCH SERVICE A MEMORIAL service for the late Mr. Edwin J. Doraisamy. former Olympic hockey player and principal of Queenstown Secondary Technical School, will -be held at the Tamil Methodist Church. Short Street. Singapore, at 5.30 p.m. today. MMMMMMMMWMMMW m -*WMMM\. a m Red Gauntlet. Malay KIiTIBIW Biile Mixture am.
      430 words

  • 1704 4  - The Architect Of Freedom SHARIFF AHMAD Tunku Abdul Rahman JPutra I He'll Convey Govt. Ideas To The People KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Malaya's first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman on Monday begins his two-month furlough prior to his retirement from his post. His resignation has already been approved by the Yang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 175 4 1 W**Nk *&9ifc^&9la mmmm****mm****m~^^ V *JM R 4Hff VA L t^ ■fc -TJ3AofifiCt'#)flfeClftLrLnS •.'*^mmW iHLc Am* m***W WttT*^ _j£ *r' Bf *^^*i^BP'XH^^^B^Blßfipft mmW ''^^^^'^^^mfciv'-J^^Tf^ I—^ 'mp^Wß^^C^^-Si^^^^ j^^''-'*iK^":*^!j v jjjr ..J^-MK .vW JMmaK H "***'^^osj|gk>ys? «Tj^| ->!^i^w^9Sy^lH KSv«fl^Bw^!>:v' aH **m*t******±*. 9 T^v'^i'v ■^fliroffmmy' H jM*\W *?*s' Wm l^«^^^^^^ aj't'rfMl MmW^^Mmm "DRIVINfi
      175 words

  • 682 5  -  Jenny Lee Dy LOOKS AHEAD New $450.000 Building For More Than 700 Students More Than 700 Studentsᆲh role In the development of the school. Sophia Cooke's 42 years of work ln the Colony will be ever remembered, for teaching in those days was
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  • 66 5 FLANKED by lovely memben of her court in San Franclaco i s Miss LEONA LEE (centre), of Honolulu, Hawaii, selected as Miss Chinatown, U.S.A. recently. Miss Lee will hold the title for a year. With her are (left to right): Patricia Hew, New Orleans, La.; Beverly Jo
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 427 5 If RESOLUTION An excellent suggestion. It will mean a secure return on our money at a very good rate of interest ••Afl agreed? Right Then we open a Bank Deposit Account with Lombard Banking at 5%.? A capital decision For companies and individual* requiring the highest possible return consistent with
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  • 788 6 'There's No Future For Me In Communist China' 'ALL THIS TALK ABOUT HIDING IS NONSENSE* HOU TS'ONG, the young Chinese pianist who recently made headlines when he flew from Warsaw to London and refused to return to Communist China, has arrived ln Singapore and
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  • 343 6 BOUQUET TO MISS STOKES f MUSK AND I DRAMA NOTES n> Anacrusis j JOEL ROSEN, a young American pianist, gave a splendid recital in the Cultural Centre, Singapore, recently. He also played in Kuala Lumpur and Penang and was to hava given a final violin sonata programme with Goh Soon
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  • 174 6 'T'HE Golden Gate Quartet (above) will give three performances on Feb. 18 20 and 21 at the Victoria* Theatre. Their first recording, "Jonah", a spiritual, sold more than 300.000 copies. Since then, they have made many other records both spirituals and popular hits with great
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  • 178 6  -  Victor Doggs Reviewed by BRAHMS Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat Git* Chicago Symphony Orchestra cond. Reiner RrT (12-inrh). •pHIS is a highly galvanised, technically prodigious and eminently listenable performance by the Soviet pianist. Emil Gilds But I find a distinct absence of real serenity and
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  • 126 6 Britain's best-sellino records: I. I GOT STUNG/ONE NIGHT— Elvis Presley 3?cc KNOW H,M ,S T0 LOVI HlMl— Teddy Beer. 3. KISS ME, HONEY HONEY, KISS ME— Shirley B«sey 3. AS I LOVE YOU— Shirley Bassey. 3. BABY FACE— Little Richard. 6. PROBLEMS -Ererly Brothers. 7. SMOKE GETS IN
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  • 406 6  - OH, BOY -HE'S IN THE MOD PATRICK DONCASTER by \TY hero of the week is an l ht year old, <*a rk-haired, dark-eyed stick of Discland dynamite late of Cheshunt Secondary Modern School, Herts. Name: Cliff Richard. Profession: Rocker extraordinary. When he sang at the Lyceum ballroom off the Strand
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 211 6 P Brighten 'Queen Bnnd f AlumWumware VOUr manufactured to Indian m Standard Specifications, ts KltCncn made from the best quality •xLj aluminium. Combining an WJUI elegant shiny finish with Aiammiumware urd y durability, these lightweight utensils are s4^^^^* designed to satisfy the iff y^ needs of every housewife, v\, llmjbi
      211 words

  • 1007 7 OCGHT there waa reasonable selection eclal holiday proget from the Engtervtca of Radio ra during the Chl\.jt Tear festivity included ManMusic programmes, lequest programme I some interesting re g with T.C.Ee's Gods and God►s of China' taking j of place. L most listeners, ph.
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  • 687 7 D OA Cs plans for the Introduction of the fourjet Comet 4 airliner to Southeast Asia are now almost fully matured. Dates for the commencement of services are now finalised. First regular scheduled service with the new airliner will commence in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 112 7 I Business thrives on I swift, reliable I communications •jdk *sJ*9Hh9^ ,j V^H -V* f*m Jr W,S ...keep in touch by Cable Many firms of all kinds are doing more and bigger business since they started making full use of the high-speed communication services offered to all P parts of
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    • 307 7 The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products l ■MfcM-s ~X S&*j& l(, 1& lli^^ H^H e^AmmmW mW^mmmXeAt^Am HEADACHE CURE Unmatched by any other pain reliever for Headache. Neuralgia, Colds, Mental Strain. ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL TO <<}&&**> FEEL FITTER, Ifm^A FASTER TAKE HZ WATERBURYS :JI f^A^
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  • 5 8  -  sammy king
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  • 812 8 gLIZABETH Taylor is the 'Cat on a Hot Tin Boor. And what a cat she makes in the film of the same title. Her husband Paul Newman no longer loves her but she swallows all her pride and suffers all his abuses to win him back.
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  • 670 8 'pHE man goes right through the film without so much as a smile. And yet you cannot help but be amused by him. Funny? Yes, he's a funny fellow in spite of his serious nature. Clifton Webb believed that it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 510 8 I SPECIAL CONCESSIONS Hair-prim eoooesslona for children are available at all tho L Cattwy Orranlsatlon Theatres for all shows except the J 2 last show and mldnlfht. \m jti y± J ansa 'ssmth tt^msmi****** "f^ Inirid BERGMAN Curt JLRGENS Robert DONAT \*i* "THE INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS"^ c o,'?T
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    • 426 8 I *-rm^*m*-*n-.-i.n.m.4\.u.*.-*-\*.u-ri i ■)j;y^--t r^n^ B^^B Phono .^ll^. %'«a ::=:^^B TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' PLLITZEB PR|/| w |v ELIZABETH TAYLOR "Cat on a Hot i-'J B Panl NEWMAN Color (MGM) No lm flB S Today 0 a.m. "7 HILLS OF ROME .J**' (hlv »M j-tITTLE WHITE DRAGON* S;^l I Opens Tuesday; Ll
      426 words

  • 632 9 BOGEYMAN BENAUD MF COVERS TAP,. FROM AUSTRALIA „vc been asked so many times Ince Thursday: "Why did thia D o*erful England cricket ■a! start ike a symphony °°W tra nl t0 nniBh l,k tln Khistle?" r-I <ide ehleh «m hailed as the Th irive tngland for thirty CLtosakeadf lost the
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  • 12 9 Ma hv Hockey Inriian ASSOSMA senior °n on the padang
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  • 394 9 English Soccer Results LONDON, Feb. 14 < Reuter l Results of Today's English and Scottish matches were: Scottish Football Association Cup Second Round. Aberdeen 3. Arbroath 0. Airdrieonians 2. Motherwell 7. Ayr Utd. 3, Stranraer 0. Babcock Wilcox o. Morton 5. Brechin C. 3. Alloa A. 3. Celtic vs. Clyde
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  • 154 9 ENGLAND FIRST INNINGS (overnight 191 for seven) P. Richardson c and b Benaud gg T. Bailey c Davidson b Lindwall o P. May c Benaud b Meckiff M. C. Cowdrey c Lindwall b Davidson 22 T. Graveney c McDonald b Benaud 0 E. Dexter c Lindwall b
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  • 605 9 TRUEMAN WICKETS PUT ENGLAND BACK IN FIGHT MELBOURNE, Feb. 14 (Reut.r) Freddie Trueman, th. Yorkshire f.stbowler took the wickets of Austral!,,, stars. Nell Harvey and Norman O'Neill with successive balls shortly before te. today to put England back into the same when the fifth Test was continued here. At the
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  • 33 9 A HATTRICK by centre forward Don Slevin enabled Regimental Pay Office to beat Police Training School by three goals to one in a friendly soccer match at Thomson Road yesterday.
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  • 131 9 B. V. Salenius won the Royal Singapore Golf Club's 'B' division medal yesterday with a score of 87—17=70. Other cards— W. E. N. Small 88—17 71; E. C. Ouyatt 90—18 72; M. Melchior 87—13 74; A. J. Masterton 90—16 74. Ball Sweep: lst Nine—
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  • 104 9 SHIELD BRISBANE, Feb. 14 (Reuter) Victoria's middle batting collapsed against the accurate Queensland bowling on the second day of the Sheffield Shied match here today. Victoria, who were 84 for one overnight, had made 286 for seven in their first innings by the close. When Queensland broke the
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  • 76 9 OFFICIALS of the Gynkhana Sports Club, Singapore elected for the year are: Patrons: Messrs. Chew Swee Kee, Soh -Ghee Soon. Lee Choon Eng and G. Rathinasamy. President: Mr. Abdul Manan. Vice President: Mr. R. L. Anderson. Hon. Secretary: Mr. C. P. Phillip. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. M. Manickam.
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  • 71 9 PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 14 (Reuter) Don Bragg, a private in the United States army, claimed a world indoor best performance for the pole vault with a leap of 15 feet 9i Inches here last night. The official world outdoor record. 15 feet 8$ inches is held by
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  • 491 9 Naval Base Are 'Sevens' Champions INTERNATIONAL RODD WAS THE MATCHWINNER BRILLIANT work by Scottish 'International* scrum-half Tremayne Rodd, paved the way for Naval Base *A* to become the champions in the Singapore Cricket Club's seven-a-side rughy competition. They beat Singapore Cricket Club *C» by 24 points (three goals and three
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  • 78 9 KINGSTON, Jamaica. Feb. 14 (Reuter) The Lord Bishop of Jamaica. Dr. Perclval Gibson, ha s protested against the opening of the third Test between the West Indies and Pakistan on Good Friday. In a statement Dr. Gibson expressed his utmost regret that the West Indies Cricket
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  • 56 9 AMRITSAR. India. Feb. 14 (Reuter) North Zone, set to make 24« to win. had loit fou* second innlnfi wickett for 7T runs, by the close on the second day of their matck against West Indies here to* dav. West Indies scored 76 and 228. North Zone
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 mples Go !e Killed in 3 Days <,u n Nl,0(le lonieh* 4 r^ o°">0 °"> cl#ar Nino. ,n •o'< und am.oth or rerurn of "'BACKACHE ef Burnln- G U n 0 Up "l"')^ iu '•'N rou can't HES AM) 4 NTS i s Tae?" unitary Mnd A,, "«bl, fft n
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    • 218 9 look younger-live longer! EVERYONE, YOUNG AND OLD, SHOULD TAKE EXTRA VITAMINS AND MINERALS —advise world-famous authorities Our daily diet often fails to supply us with all the Phosphorus, Iron and Manganese. These amazing vitamins and minerals we need. To ensure an capsules will prevent and correct conditions arising adequate supply
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 140 9 !\V ENT lAINST CTOR'S JDERS [N-IHIf DU) Lim •anc took part in i Singapore Boys' Battalion annual i gala at tbe Gillrscka sgainst doc«n snd became the t iwimmei ol the the second year. that Lim doctor not D any form of physical qOR FVKNTS Free Snip; 1 I
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  • 774 10  -  Ronnie Duclos' More Than 700 Studentsᆲh there are clubs in this Sleepy hollow flouting their amateur status MONEY, they say, is the root of all evils. It has not only become a social encumbrance to the community, but has deeply rooted itself in the
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  • 156 10 Sir* I regret that I hav9 to draw your kind attention to certain erroneous statements made by Mr. Ronnie Duclos in his Malacca Round Up in your issue of Bth February, 1959. Firstly, it is quite incorrect for him to state that 8 of the Malacca Hockey Association
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  • 244 10 FootballAssociation Of Penang 's Dream May Come True Koii AS G Sa lf P'»n» go smoothly, the Football Association of Penanj will have its dream eSme three-storey elub house byTh. end At the annual general meeting of the F.A.P. on Thursday night, it was decided to purchase a piece of
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  • 50 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Thirtynine teams have entered for the Thomson Cup football competition for Primary Schools in Selangor, scheduled to start next week. The teams have been divided into seven zones Petaling, Imbi, Ulu Langat, Kuala Selangor and Ulu Selangor, Sentul, Bungsar and Kiang, and Kuala Langat.
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  • 150 10 FINE SUPPORT FOR ENGLISH SCHOOLS' BASKETBALL A RECORD number of entries have received this year for the English inter-school basket ball competition to be held next week at the Singapore Youth Sports Council. Last year, the competition was not held due to insufficient time. Boys Town won the championship in
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  • 115 10 MELBOURNE, Feb. 14 (Reuter) Australian lightweight boxing champion Max Carlos will "never fight again.'' his trainer Ambrose Palmer said today. Palmer former triple national titleholder, commenting on last night's match in which 23-year-old Carlos was badly beaten by Israeli boxer David Oved, said "Max will never fight
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  • 78 10 HOBART, Feb. 14. (Reuter)— American Sylvia Ruuska smashed the Australian record in winning the women's 220 medley title by six yards from South Australian Dawn Fraser in the national swimming championships at Hobart today. Her time was 2 minutes 40.3 seconds which was 8.1
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  • 132 10 PRETORIA, Feb. 14 (Reuter).—Mr. J. N. Kruger, Chairman ofr the South African Amateur Athletic Union, said here tonight that his union had no objection to African teams going overseas. But no white team visiting South Africa would be allowed to compete against Africans. Mr. Kruger was
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  • 150 10 SCHOOLS K.O. SOCCER DEFENDING champions Army Boys Trade School will have to clear a tough hurdle to survive the first round of the inter-school knockout soccer competition which is scheduled to start on Feb 20. In the draw which was held at the SAFA
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  • 724 10  - THIS SPIRIT OF SACRIFICE! Ken Jalleh */*9*J% efiej\ Will New Players Show THERE must be a "spirit of self-sacrifice" if Malaya were to recapture the Thomas Cup. So said BAM chief tsAr. Heah Joo Seang at Penang on Tuesday. This certainly seems to be high sounding and yet we have
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  • 193 10 SELANGOR MOVE Fl CUP B,TON REVISION KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Badminton Association of Malaya at its 18th annual general meeting at the Selangor Turf Club here on Sunday March 1 will consider a motion by the Selangor Badmintion Association on the Foong Seong Cup and Heah Joo Seang Cup competitions.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 42 10 mm.m* WM f^^LmVi 9 m >. wMmmmWtmm*m\*m*Wa£^ia V K <: -'''l V'HIIrJI 7 r^tporbmeiftrt 4mVttrMd tho finest drink for every occa- V •km. From the most appetising cocktail to tho thirst-quenching Gin ond tonic— Gordon"! is tho Supremo Gin. Gordons Stands SupX&mt (^^^^l W
      42 words
    • 105 10 WUJXHALL two supremely successful 'sixes' i* Ve .o* and ems* m XMgmlfmmm n m-m j^M MAA 6-cylinder, 6-seater saloons ldpntial allU WI Mm In size and mechanical excellence. iii The Cresta is distinguished by M *"> v > '**^m****v. -~^^^^^^y^m^^t*mm*TrSA*^^*mmmmmmmm*TS-ne9aAmmm*m*^^^^^^^9 &yfyjm9mmm^* m^ m 9L*^mmmvßßSß^ I .W j mmmWmmSSmmW* ill we^e
      105 words

  • 249 11 RIDER: Forte OWNER: The Loh Chins ...And A New Malayan Record by SCRUTINEER WHO KNOWS de"ed a backbreaking weight of 9.7 to win the Selangor Gold Cup race over 1J miles in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, concluding day of the Selangor Turf Club meeting. And what was
    249 words
  • 41 11 TOTAL POOL— SI9S,BOO lst *****5 ($52,866) 2nd *****1 ($26,433) 3rd *****9 (513.216) arters $1.468 each): Nos. *****9, *****0, *****7, *****4. *****4, *****2. *****1, *****1. *****3. Consolation (51.174 each): Nos. *****3. *****9, *****1. *****5. *****1, *****0, *****1. *****0. *****8, *****4.
    41 words
  • 46 11 TOTAL POOL $148,000 lst Prize *****56 ($53,280) 2nd Prize *****05 ($17,760) 3rd Prize *****49 8.880) Starters ($740 each): Nos. *****96. *****39, *****46, *****60. *****38. *****00. Consolation ($296 each): Nos. *****80. *****26, *****12, *****92, *****89, *****30, *****94. *****09, *****28. *****24, *****29, *****55, *****20, *****38, *****29.
    46 words
  • 166 11 HACE O\E Ist 1333 $435) 2nd 1322 ($217) 3rd 16*71 ($108) Starters: ($l5 each): 1091. 1181. 1485. 1660. 1682. 1314. 1410. HAVE TWO Ist 1709 ($765) 2nd 1466 ($382) 3rd 1207 ($191) Starters ($3l each): 1159. 1960. 2025. 2210. 1872. 1492. RACE THREE Ist 2078 ($945) 2nd 1027
    166 words
  • 27 11 FORECAST TOTE: Race 2: 33 tickets ($2B each Race 4: 28 tickets ($3O each) Eace 6: 30 tickets ($22 each) TREBLE TOTE tickets (S2U each)
    27 words
  • 57 11 MELBOURNE, Feb. 14 (Reuter Nearly a million people have watched the MCC matches in Australia during the current tour. The 20,706 spectators at the first day's play in the fifth Test between Australia and England have today brought the tours attendances total to 998,000
    57 words
  • 1764 11 RESULTS DIVIDENDS OF ALL THE RACES A. P. Lim and Mrs.' Trainer: Daniels. 816-326 No. 10 TINY JADE 8.00 (5) Ward 1 1384-391 No. 8 VERNI 8.03 (4) Donnelly 2 236-153 No. 6 ADJUTANT 8.07 (7) King 3 133-103 No. 1 r.xrelsior 8.13 U) Ransome 4 1770-509 No. 4 Ten
    1,764 words
  • 99 11 NEW YORK, Feb. 14 (UPI) The U.S. Lawn Tennis Association announced today that the draw for the 1959 American Zone Davis Cup eliminations will be made in New York on Feb. 23. Sir Pierson Dixon, the United Kingdom's permanent representative to the United Nations, will mate
    99 words
  • 117 11 Yearlings To Run 5½ In S'pore Meet YEARLINGS will have their first race at the Singapore Turf Club meeting beginning on March 21. They will run in the s£f Nursery Stakes which carry fixed stakes of $9,000. They have been allotted set weights of 8 st. 4 Ib. Other features
    117 words
  • 185 11 MANILA. Feb. 14 (Reuter) Philippines' Fellelsimo Ampon today eliminated Australia's Warren Woodcock from the national open men's singles tennU championship in a marathon five-set semifinals match here. Ampon won 2—6. o—3 2—6 o—o. 6—2. The match lasted three hours. Woodcock, apparently bothered by a head
    185 words
  • 93 11 BAMReport For Annual Meeting KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The Badminton Association of Malaya has decided to compete in the Über Cup 1960 in the Asian Zone. This was stated in the annual report of the association which will ba tabled at the BAM annual general meeting here on March 1. The
    93 words
  • 74 11 KUALA LIMPUR. Sat. The Ist. Battalion, the New Zealand Regiment, qualified for the final of the Far East Army Rugby final when they trounced Royal Signals Malaya by 43 points (5 goals, six tries) to three (try) in the Army Rugby Cup final (Malaya) on the
    74 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 551 11 ■rO-FRE» CH TRADI »G CO., ixn. J3,:3 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE H NORTH AMERICAN SERVICI 9*+ NeW Y rk „a,t,, 0f Phl, d l C«.f Poet, 9 ,P r P Pen*** 17/25 Mer 26 I^. V* M ■J" y) <,th perH 5 ,0^ rt# I NORTH CERMAN LLOYD HAMBURG AMERICAN
      551 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 132 11 SINGAPORE S O C C E R— Friendly— Jollilads vs. Pulau Bukom S.C, P. Bukom. Jolhlada 2nd vs. Pulau Bukorr 2nd* P. Bukom. BASKETBALL English Secondary Schools' tournament. S.Y.SC. HOCKEYSenior K./O Khalsa vs. SC.R.C. F. Park. S.T.U. vs. C.S.C 'A,' GSC. Junior K./O. T.T.C Serangoon Gardens vs. S.R.C. *C/ Paterson
      132 words

  • 2 12 WORLD NEWS
    2 words
  • 228 12 Greek Mayors Called In As His 'Advisers' ATHENS, Feb. 14 Archbishop Makarios who has been invited by the British Government to attend a tripartite conference on the future of Cyprus in London next Tuesday flies to Britain tomorrow, Ethnarchy officials announced today. Archbishop Makarios
    228 words
  • 24 12 AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Robert Menzies has accepted an invitation to visit Indonesia and will make the trip later this year. Reuter.
    24 words
  • 72 12 TOKYO. Feb. 14 (Reuter)— Seven labourers were crushed to dea i h today in an avalanche which buried a whole construction site in Toyama Prefecture, Central Japan. Two other workers were seriously injured. The accident occurred in a hilly region where an electric power company was
    72 words
  • 308 12 MORE BRITISH ESTATES TAKEN OVER IN SUMATRA JAKARTA, Feb. 14 (Reuter). The number of British rubber estates in North Sunia- tra taken over by local authorities had today grown to five, British estate agents said to- j day. Earlier this week it was reported that three had been taken over.
    308 words
  • 30 12 PRESIDENT Eisenhower visited Mr. John Foster Dulles yesterday in Walter Reed Hospital, where the Secretary of State is recovering after his hernia operation, the White House announced. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 167 12 LONDON, Feb. 14 .Reuter).— British Overseas Airways Corporation will start 'the first round-the-world service bv jet and turbo-prop aircraft cn March 31, the airline announced here yesterday. With Comet jets flying eastward from London to Hongkong and Tokyo and Britannia Turbo-prop airliners flying west
    167 words
  • 143 12 MOSCOW. Feb. 14 (UPI) Pravda warned today the Shah of Iran would stifier the same fate as assassinated King Feisal of Iraq or ousted Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, because of "twofaced" dealings with Russia. The Communist Party newspaper sounded the prediction in a three-column editorial
    143 words
  • 261 12 'STOP IT AT ANY COST* TOKYO, Feb. 14 (UPl)— Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea plummeted to their lowest ebb since World War Two yesterday in the wake of a Japanese decision to send Korean residents here to Inmunist North Korea jrious South
    261 words
  • 130 12 A Pigeon Stole Her $7,000 Ring NEW YORK, Feb. 14 (UPI). 1 One of New York's pigeons has really feathered his nest. Rosina Pagan, a green-eyed Brazilian actress, compla.ned to detectives yesterday that she put her 7-carat diamond ring worth US$7,OOO on her dressing table next to a window in
    130 words
  • 35 12 A NEW version of the Soviet TU-104 jet airliner the TU-1048 which can carry luu passengers instead of 70 has completed the last tests before going into commercial operation. Moscow Radio reported. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 29 12 PRESIDENT RAJENDRA Prasad of India will leave New Delhi during the third week of March for state visits to South Vietnam. North Vietnam. Cambodia jnd I.»o* UPI
    UPI  -  29 words
  • 19 12 SENOR ROMULO Betancourt, 51, has been sworn in as Venezuela's first constitutional president in ten years. Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 52 12 VANCOUVER, Feb. 14. (UPI) A big American tug hit a rock and sank in a gale off the British Columbia roast yesterday. Six members of the seven man crew died. The lone sarvl. vor, Edward Hansen, 42, the chief engineer, waa found clinging to aa
    52 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 222 12 Ten Commandments OmeafXWWrwtwt BUDAPEST, Feb. 14 MmWriMUWfmTJM. (Reuter)— The Hungarian Communist wm newspaper, "NepsztJt% TO mOOtC badsag" has brought w w the ten commandments of Moses up to date for its readers in an ironic cartoon, half comic, half serious. Hungarian readers applauded it as a witty and pithy comment
      222 words
    • 305 12 aw.'^ifett J J LST doing what come9 £j Tl naturally, little Chinese *Jw fi7 X girl, seren-year-old Lucy Msm!*t:*' jy t f.'. J Leung* dressed in her JlP^S^^* Chinese robes. di%s into imj^W^ a dish of Chinese food k Hp J with chopsticks. Lucy Mt£ Bi lfi p ira# «f
      305 words

  • Feature Sectter
    • 7026 13  - THE MAN DOES NOT WANT TO SEE William Travis By BEYOND THE REEFS I Part 11 -Continuing The Adventures Of An Airline Pilot Who Gives t Up His Career To Go Diving For Shells In The Indian Ocean. HE IS AFRAID OF A LARGE SHARK STEALING m UP BEHIND HIM.
      7,026 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 6 13 ad vertise in our lassife'd Columns
      6 words
    • 136 13 Pictures YOU GET THE BEST FROM THE STANDARD Phone Photo Dept TeL ***** Jhraday^ofttaatar& m^MMMW W i ■*mm^*lm\ M IP A* m K&> ■mfmima. mmW Wt^Bi' s --.J9 MM THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN TO YOU... When buying work ckxhes or any cotton garments, why you should always look foe *JANFO*IZt9*
      136 words

  • 528 14 A Doctor's Cure For Folk Who Can't Diet i Drink lots of Water Take plenty of Walks Above all, don t Worry AN American doctor has faced the hard fact that soma overweight people simply CANNOT diet. "For instance." savs Dr. George W. Calver. "politicians
    528 words
  • 916 14 marjorie Proops meets 3 French DREAMB More Than 700 Studentsᆲh *D HAD ENOUGH of those everlasting peaks. I was sick of being a maid of the mountains and tired of extricating myself and my skis from wet, cold snow and of wearing hefty boots and skitrousers all day and most
    916 words
  • 137 14 r PHREE drugs now being used on about forty men and wnomen in Broadmoor Institution for tha criminally insane may cause some sensational cures. The effect of the drugs is to restore, in a large measure, the mental balance of the patients. The drugs largactil,
    137 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 14 **>«** Vm critkbi» fete, Uf Nwt pOMijl ycr «T -erne 'd** WlJtgt gJN Ie This drawing shows a dress and bolero In tomato red Irish h tweed by Pater- 3 son. Note the t tightly clinched k walat and tha I skirt that Inst I cavers tbe
    51 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 41 14 J a\^« CHIVERS <^ J jeUieg Enjoy the difference of Chlvers today! They taste so much fruitier. So easy to make too. f^ JE-** J^V-. ,yt y° or m "y goodness of Chlvers jQj^i -<fe/>« rife Ae^ Wj> /fff^A Y°v ten brf
      41 words
    • 83 14 For that well-groomed look tW Wm*^^W W* m fl td 1" j^i^v I mKW WW <•••€••■. i 119 M •■'U.IANTIMI There is nothing so excelle nt fof keeping the hair smooth, srlossv healthy as Yardley solidified brilliantines. They give your hfi-' j At sleek look of grooming which Yfffi^Sl ik
      83 words

  • 727 15 Event Of The Year Singopore. The Visit Of Pr, nce Philip u The*** n d This Poses fy Problem Question What 0 Wear...? I BIGGEST and layest event in calendar of >mis just around corner: The visit ie Colony this 0 f Prince Philip, Duke of Edin- visits by Royalty
    727 words
  • 350 15 Information Counter TALE OF 3 SHIRTS IRENE LIM J PINPOINTS J THE LATEST J TRENDS IN J FASHION t W W \A \*A W \*m v.. "YOU seem to have an answer to so many different queries. I'd be glad if you could helo me," writes Mrs. P.P. "I've had
    350 words
  • 311 15  -  PEGGY BRICCS By pASHION-WISE London in the spring will be very much like Paris in the spring, judging from yesterdays top London fashion shows. RONALD PATERSON S elegant clothes had more than a touch of the Paris look with short jackets, bold belts, boleros, hemlines that JUST
    311 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 25 15 LM ARM ITE I keeps them in robust health < **f H*^" *l i^^Bb^ 1 rj W mm^mmM^ EH B* B »0M KWU (Malaya) WTD. r
      25 words
    • 60 15 WJL -V^*^ BtJJL a JH PT' Bd| '^LWW************** I 'm hungry what's this I see r -smß BB i i^^nH I Ah! It's my bottle, jM B with Dumex w^P^ *^J A 7 1 B 4 '^i M mrt I^—wMw^M MifL}* lJPi*nffi I I Feed your babies on Dumex: modified
      60 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 207 16 Great new idea! cigarette case too kTo give yon the best shaves in the world— a precision made Gillette razor and two Blue Gillette Blades. And look! When you take them 9 9m m out you can nfle the smart red case with the A ~jL aML*i 4*ha transparent lid
      207 words

  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 226 17 f^^^-Tfi^ tfeSli *\about cumpln rr vwvs mb abscxutedt (f"£**|*r TERRIBLE GONN /*vful_ I AINT VERY CLEAR ON I |Ta^* M >v YEAH.KVVN-.THERE I WAS. L^ <I PUNNO.COP. I l/^^Vf^^^S^ff I TWKT POINT MVSELF, BUT B^thERE'S UNABLE TMOVE AN* THIS HOWT> JUST KNEW.THA'S^ YEH, N^^JJ^_ AN J WWTLI- SOU HEAR THE
      226 words

  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 164 19 iii kIKK A l#P* MA6NA.6REATEST PLACET 1 I S X Tl FROM TWE SPACESWPTD A PLYING PLATFORM-^T^ 9AA kl fill Al/ °F ™E GALAXY HOME PLANET ./r^ x~^ /~>W MAN JlcAKr <* EMPEROR MAGNOW HAS^Nf/PRACTICALLY\ A M IrfMll T" T 7 B/ERrmMG\[ everything--) Ajf /V^J^^^/jZTv^ (<1 Oa.>su THE ns^a. r^W
      164 words

  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 169 20 I/O Ni W^i^^r^P^^ Yjit^cY- rv^r-l THREE f^^^^fc^ ■^^^k—^^^^^^^^^f ,ra m I I J mill S MJ m _^^Lw a*. J\ J i CPIrBJ I I V-->^K I I WUXTRY-- READ ALL ABOUT )p^||| I Q C^il [VOU SAY VOLfIRE SURE IT fl /mL^ 23^:«-»^~ t££??zP\ /Vk t L";T^ Am O^^K"^
      169 words

  • 741 23 T™ thln which wiU appeal at once to PISCES readers (bom 19 Feb. to 20 March) wiU be the fairly consistently high level which 1« held in their new Graph. A great deal depend on how the two months prior to the start Of
    741 words
  • Article, Illustration
    598 23 MARCH 21-APRIL 20 (Aries).will be best for your arrangements It is a time when numbers of small changes are occurring. This means some disturbance of routines but things are going to turn out well. It is evident that some worrying nowadays will orove to have been unfounded. APRIL
    598 words
  • 8 23
    8 words
  • 294 23 She Is Only Fourteen Years Old CHE looks s little like French film star Brigitte Bardot. She is being groomed for stardom by Roger Vadira. Bardot's ex-hubby. But this cute little ffirl having a cup of tea is only fourteen years old. Her name ia GILLIAN HILLS. She calls Vadim
    294 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 238 23 NEW BALLPOINT DEVELOPED BY PARKERI /Til) bs EXCLUSIVE M fcIVES YOU If P SMOOTHEST I IIiTING EVER! 3 I W^KI Wa^t |Wte Instantly— ink starts flowing at your MMM Wntes Evenly- lays down a sharp, dark, ml m W always uniform writing line ml M w writes Smoothly— even over
      238 words
    • 496 23 SERVICE D.ri]r^[ I by DUnL u ■l i un^.iiiJUiiyiumi II mmLam*em9*m9*r^mfmmga^x m mmmamlZZ mmmW m*^K~** WWM\ I I j9w mm*m**m****W Wmm7mW 1 '^'^Evfi^ l l A*mmmm\\\\MM9\^^ I m^f mM i .<. > far Imfarmmtiam **4 book 8 t**,*h fraraf Agaa* ar' 1 MALAYAN AIRWAYS i (GlNtiAl SUM 4CfNfl| -'v <
      496 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 299 23 foe Lyndoe Feature fair ba lance of difficulties and successes. Could ism ;hf bes< ve fu* otion *l viewpoint Thi, J£d l« help on the material side Health should iT! u More rare with the financial aspect is needed u t f,^ f things, vou can do well. neeueu. I(
      299 words

  • 14 24 THE WOLSELEY 15/60 Tested By Rue Scribe THE ELYSEE P. 60
    14 words
  • 823 24 SLEEK AND SOLID 'pHE British Motor Corporation are determined to maintain their leading position in the British automobile industry. And with master stylist Pinin Farina to give beauty to their cars, I am sure it will not be a difficult job. No matter what the publicity pamphlets have to say
    823 words
  • 107 24 The winners of the 1959 Monte Carlo Rally, one of the most gruelling of its kind over 2,500 miles PU^H? 1 Eur °P«' P°»e beside their car, a Citroen I.D. 19. From left to right are Claude Desrosiers, 31 a pressman and book-sewer by profession
    107 words
  • 534 24 Stylish and Snappy QNE of the oldest French cars, the Simca Aronde now has an entirely new body while retaining the well-tried mechanical features. The four-cylin-der engine is, in my opinion, one of the snappiest in its class. You will still get up to 30 mpg on hard driving whilst
    534 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 310 24 ,^^^^^E m^m^^L AW* k H j I A g^^^B^^^L. .^fl^T m^^^H^mm*. Expert Technicians, J Latest EquipmJ GENERAL SECTION P Repair, testing and fitment of vehicle s*oclt a** Installation of car radios. Engine tuning MACHINE SHOP SECTION Grankshaft Grinding All shafts up to a maximum length 5 a maximum eccentricity of
      310 words

  • 177 25 Lruc Scribe presents some Lfrom the United States •TS indicate that the Sim r 1 uto makers ilrrtakes crash L»M» reach the bt late lt» op r »y Oenrrsl Motors. Ford Chrysler have already |t/ d millions of dollars twed in MOTOR LIFE, ,„t© trade mafatlne. the
    177 words
  • 1147 25  -  PHILIP TOYNBEE BOOK REVIEW BY COLLECTED STORIES. Vol. I. ll and til. By Williom Faulkner (Chotto and Winduj IS*, each.) "JTHE New Yorker calls him 'the one unchallengeable and unquestionable genius at present functioning at the full tide of his creative powers on the American literary scene'."
    1,147 words
  • 432 25 Dentist In Court THE lonr arm of the law rarely knocks on the dentin's door but he sometimes help* the law to knock on someone else's! Few people realise just how the dentist helps the police. His aid la often sought to identify a body. It is always
    432 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 167 25 rub h The this j* the maglai m arlitt t eo tion "yj tou propo,ed .mall car for 1960. fi U mmrnll Plymouth e rn d fiU th. pre ent gap bHte een th. < g^_ X imported Simca and th. lo*ce»t.priced Plymouth. mt mm m '>~^™*^i*********mm, '£^*£ZZ+?~ M '~~*'»m*
      167 words
    • 492 25 STOP your Baby's Mff fff Jl\ Y\\ *Jb *mt mmmV^^M {///t /a! ELD —^S» SmmmmT^C^C^** V I Babies love this NSt sweet, soothing syrup offsu. You will be delighted to see how I quickly De Witt's Baby Cough I h j mmtmm Syrup will cure your baby's cough. I mmmmmmm
      492 words

  • 109 26 "Her talents are too vital to the show," says Paris Follies Bergere manager Claude Derval who doesn't want to release sultry Cuban dancer Chelo Alonzo, 22, from her contract. Chelo wants to drop the Follies, where she exhibits most
    109 words
  • 231 26 How Old? Just Watch Her Hands! A WOMAN may disguise her age with dre Ss and make-up— bat her GESTURES will always give her away. That Is the theory of young American actress Leora Dana, who Is always playing middle-aged women on TV. She says: Watch a woman's hands. A
    231 words
  • 477 26 MALAYAN MELODY IN THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH r THE. melody of Dayong Sampan, well-known to radio listeners in Singapore, has been echoing through the Australian "bush" at Yarra Junction, a country centre near Melbourne Between Jan! 13 and 23 Yarra Junction was the scene of Australia's first international girl guide's camp.
    477 words
  • 2388 26  -  JOHN W. WHEELER-BENNETT BY KING GEORGE VI— PART V A Monarch Unprepared: Tm Only A Naval Officer': Malicious Gossip Refuted. Cl ING GEORGE VI was Roi malgre lui, and perhaps no monarch has succeeded to the Throne more reluctantly. From every aspect his new dignity was
    2,388 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 143 26 BE YOUR OWN EYE-WITNESS New EYE-MO with ZOARIN... assures incomparable hee J^^tW y anc l beauty for your eyes k v^^ ZOARIN. tho new ingredient in EYE-MO. Is employ* 1| fl P^ eye-specialists alt ov«r tha world becouie ol N j j||jx iiiiiiji^^^^B Mfe.- safety and prompt ond prolonged dtcongest"**
      143 words