Sunday Standard, 3 August 1958

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1 24 Sunday Standard
  • 20 1 in •a. a n n SUNDAY STANDARD Vol. IX No. 32 SINCAPORE. SUNDAY, AUCUST i. 1958 24 Pages 20 crt.
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  • 516 1 TRADERS SMASH THE GANGSTERS Group Action And 'Defiance Foil Those Extortion Bids Standard Staff Reporter SECRET society thugs operating their extortion racket in the Serangoon, Ponggol and Tampenis areas have been stopped in their tracks by members of the Anti-Squeeze Association in the area, a spokesman for the Association told
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  • 236 1 FATHER SHOT DEAD AS HE WALKED WITH SON NICOSIA. Aug 2 (Reuter) A British Serviceman was shot dead here today by men using automatic weapons as he walked down a busy street holding his-two-and-a half-year-old son by the hand. The gunmen came up behind them and shot the father in
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  • 158 1 Today, when the Hydrogen Bomb is at the back of aM men's minds and in the forefront of the agenda for a Summit conference, this terrible series beginning in the Sunday Standard next week comes at a moment when it could affect aSI future history. Make no
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  • 219 1 Treason Trial Opening Drama PRETORIA. South Africa. Aug. 2 (UPI) South Africa's mammoth treason trial started yesterday with a bold demand from counsel for the 91 defendants that two of the three judges disqualify themselves. Defence Attorney A. M. Maisels asserted that the
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  • 98 1 AMMAN, Jordan. Aug. 2 vUPI) British paratroops on crisis duty here for the past two weeks may be shifted to the key south of Jordan port of .Aqaba shortly, reliable sources reported. Aqaba's importance to Jordan has increased immeasurably as a result of the
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  • 36 1 THE State Department reported yesterday that trade between the free world and Communist bloc last year rose to a post-war high of U556.279.000.000 but amounted to only 3 per cent of all world trade.
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  • 39 1 THE United States has designated Jacob Beam. American Ambassador to Poland, to resume negotiations with Red China on release of U.S citizens held in Communist Chinese jails and otn. er learned in issues, it was Washington yesterday. UPI
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 79 1 500 POLICE, TROOPS HUNT 50 CONVICTS JERUSALEM, Israel, Aug. 2, (UPi) Five-hundred policemen and troops today continued their search through the Beisan Valley in Northeastern Israel for 50 Arab convicts who escaped from prison on Thursday. Planes, armoured cars and civilian posses hunted down the armed escapees. Villagers tilling fields
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  • 70 1 LA PAZ. Bolivia. Aug. 2. (UPI). The entire cabinet of President Hernan Siles Suazo resigned yesterday. Reasons for the mass resignation were twofold: 10 leave the President free to reorganize his ministry on the occasion of the opening of a new session of Congress, and
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  • 328 1 August 3, 1958 IF the outstanding response which the citizens of Singapore gave to the primary phase of the first all-out drive to fight the incidence of tuberculosis in the island can be sustained throughout the next and subsequent stages of the survey, they can justly be proud of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 146 1 j.D HB-n ft i j\. w RADIOGRAM .Mauritius De Luxe l Comportment, Rec ord Changer. p r r 51. 050.00 f:- ***** per month i g anO HEAR THE LATEST > SPOTS 1/ lllu* V" i I Malaya and a A T RADIO CO., LTD. j U We fly
      146 words
    • 28 1 t*^__w A\ ___________WS_ t_¥_fo w *^ffM l__2)__K____H__l _H_P_MMP* '-> Mobilgas SPECIAL with iWVdlr* B______________i Afi nssTa product of {MobilgosJ, STANDARD VACUUM OIL COMPANY (Incorporated in U.S.A. with Limited Liability)
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  • 309 2 THIS 'BRIDGE OF SIGHS' FOR 4,000 FOUR thousand residents of Opera Estate in Singapore yesterday complained that a make-shift bridge is holding up the introduction of a bus service for the estate and threatening their health and welfare. The bridge, a temporary affair of coconut trunks, spans a monsoon canal
    Standardpic  -  309 words
  • 212 2 Quiz For Minister On Tourism LEGISLATIVE A6*emblyman lor Tanglin, Mr. John Edc. will ask the Singapore Minister tor Commerce and Industry. Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, whether he will make a statement on the plans formulated by the Director of Tourism to develop Singapore's tourist industry, when the Legislative Assembly meet,
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  • 182 2 SINGAPORE Mayor Mr. Ong Eng Guan, will make a house- to-house visit in his division in Hong Lim Green tomorrow to "deliver the message" of the antispitting campaign organized by the City Council. The campaign is the first phase of the Council's
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  • 60 2 TAj^.d between the Singapore City Council's Negotiation Committee and the LaWour Unions Federation to -ettie the workers' outstanding claims on conditions of service were held at the Citv Hall yesterday. After the meeting in official of the Council said "some progress"' had been made during the
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  • 92 2 A SINGAPORE MagistratesCourt yesterdav ordered the forfeiture of 10.000 Federation Social Welfare Lo;terv tickets seized from an .poh clerk. Chan Sum Choon, 38. Chan had pleaded not guilt v t< a charge of assisting in the arrying on of a public lottery bv being
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  • 52 2 HUNDREDS of people went to the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday to view the Health Exhibition organized by the Singapore City Council in connection with its mass-health movement. The exhibition will remain open daily until Saturday. Standardpic of two students who were warned of the gruesome dangers of
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  • 55 2 THE arrival of the Police prevented an imminent gang light at a sidelane off Havelock Road yesterday afternoon. About 20 youths armed with sticks, bottles and parangs had earlier gathered there. They dispersed on seeing the Police. A youth who had a parang was later arrested. Police
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  • 213 2 Mission Hospital Must Also Have Public Aid THE St. Andrew's Mission Hospital, although assisted by Government depended on the success of its appeals for voluntary aid. Singapore Chief Minister. Mr. Lim Yew Hock, said when he opened the Mission's fun fair at St. Andrew's Cathedral grounds yesterday. The fair, said
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  • 381 2 MALACCA, Sat. Hiss Alice Leo, a singer from Hongkong and known as the "Nightingale oi the Orient", fold a Magistrate's Court today that she wis very angry when the former manager of the Sea\i«u Hotel here Ho Koon Toh, pawned her jewellery
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  • 222 2 Plea To Call Off Homes Plan AN appeal by the Singapore Kampong Khoo Chye Fire Victims Rehabilitation Association to scrap a plan to build 190 houses for the fire victims will go before thc Trustees oj thc Fire Relief Fund for consideration, the acting Director of Social Welfare. Mr W.
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  • 137 2 HOTELS PLAN A 3 DAY STRIKE PENANG. Sat. Hotel owners here are planning to stage a three-day strike u a mark of protest against decision of the City Council to increase hotel licence fees. The City Council lan Thursday, approved a motion by Labour Councillor. Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew to
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  • 4 2 A -J j
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1003 2 I-— >qf—y r w——W_m W wAw wAw m mAf m mmw __m w_mbiYo_Wm AT YOUR SERVICI WHENEVER photocopy or microfilm- ng service* are reouired please do not forget to contact Tang'i Photocopv Serv cw 10. Boat Quav ***** MOORINC SERVICES, outboard moto> nsurarce D-drive-i, boat, fishing lines for nr© 655D
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  • 4 3 I I m
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 3 RKO Radio Pictures in i ited on the right of his last weel gave a dinner to Ihe taking mr r of \-:!m Rmi Organization. Mr. N p «^t 28 years.
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  • 33 3 >_ public public correspondence and lephone. statement added that n mld be drawn to more common acts of urt( s < mettmes detoct- mployei and suggeswouid be offered on how courtesj could be eli-
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  • 18 3 S gap* re City Council aUrth dispensary lien ot Desker and is on Tues I i_»
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  • 417 3 MASS RALLY OF DOCTORS TB Will Be The Theme For Colony 'Medical Week' A MASS rally of doctors and medical students at the Sepoy Lines sports field tomorrow evening will launch Singapore's Medical Week. Medical Week will be declared open bv the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the
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  • 182 3 FOREIGN DEGREES GOVT. STILL UNDECIDED IJIK Singapore Ministry of Kducation is still pondering over the question »f recognizing fortiga degrees. M\ Ministry works on lbe principle that we will recognise individual decree. <>n ita wn merits ithfl immm S general blanket recognition of l|] foreign university de,,s Mr. (hew Swee
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  • 87 3 Shows To Raise Funds For School THE Kheng Cheng School in Singapore, will present two variety shows beginning at 7.30 p.m. on Aug. 29 and 30 at the Singapore Badminton Hall to raise funds for the rebuilding of the school. Local cultural organizations and dancing schools have agreed to contribute
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  • 37 3 A MAN o n his way to work was set upon by five thugs and stabbed near a market at Lim Tua Tow Road. Singapore early yesterday. He was admitted to hospital in a serious condition.
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  • 72 3 JESSELTON. Sat. The Posts and Telegraphs Department here has begun a drive to prosecute people who operate radio receivers, without a licence. People who have bought sets and have failed to take out licences have been warned to do so without delay They were also reminded
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  • 67 3 A PETROL kiosk assistant, Lim Jee Soon, 20, was yesterday charged in a Singapore court with causing the death or a postman. Yusofl bin Rahmat, hy driving a van in a negligent manner along East Coast Road, on the night of June 19. Lim uleaded not
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  • 22 3 THREE boys entered the home of a postal clerk at Jalan Klang in Kuala Lumpur on Friday and stole $100.
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  • 146 3 JESTTON bv an ntist to start ide collection of th to check on Ihe of radioactivity by children was pi .i sed by Sin's Director of Mc lices, Dr. M, Dorai- n ir le in Nature Re itc s. said lion be il I] ic
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  • 68 3 SINGAPORE Scouts will hold a '"Job Week" from Aug. 25 to 31 to raise funds for their movement. During the week, S*.*outs in uniform will call at homes and firms and offer the:r services for any fee the "employer" pleases to give. In the past scouts
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  • 97 3 Course For Drama Students A TWO-DAY drama course. which will include instruction on lighting, make-up, history of drama, movement, st.ige nroduction, dramatic music, and stage dwelling, will be held at the Singapore Victoria School hall on Saturday and Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thc course will be conducted
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  • 80 3 TWO youths. Latiff bin Taib and Jantan bin Ahmad were produced in the Singapore Ninth Magistrate's Court yesterday in connection with the death of a prawn pond caretaker. Foo Kok Tee. at Jalan Serangoon Kechil at 1.15 a.m. on Saturday. A charge of murder
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  • 442 3 They Leave With 'Memories Time Cannot Erase' THIRTEEN American university undergraduates who had spent a '"hectic" four days in Singapore, leave today for Hongkong with, as c-np student put it, "memories that time cannot erase." The students, nine girls and
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  • 29 3 SWAMI Ekatmananda, president of the Ramakrishna Mission Singapore, who was away in India on a pilgrimage tour for the last six months, has returned to che Colony.
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  • 198 3 MALAYA IS POLITICALLY MATURE N.Y. TIMES NEW YORK. Aug 2 <Reuter> —The New ¥ork limes said today in an editorial headed "Malaya Meets an Emergency." "The Government of the free Federation of Malaya has now extended Its state of Emergency for another year The special regulations will remain in
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  • 38 3 SINGAPORE Cnpra Association closing prices per picul yesterday: Bombay Japan current shipment, $32 buyers, $32| sellers Tone steady. Singapore Coconut Oil Millers Association closing prices per picul yesterday: bulk shipment $48|, drum* $52f a Tone quiet.
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  • 145 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Prime Minister Tunku Haji Abdul Rahman, in his message to the third General Assembly of the World Assembly of Youths, declared that "in youth the world sees not only idealism and energy, but hope and fulfilment." The General Assembly opens in New
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 60 3 S«lW'»c3_S7'| 4, I( I^HT EXTENSION 1 a.m. i;i ,l KMl11^ IN .TOV.N TO-DAY »OUDATS KNURTAINMMNT:!! I: «S ";;r „N amfr,can l ft* i HARRISON 1 i, i,,",' u,,,f lOMPHINK BRADLO B u XNI > HIR lit SHAM) _T {to r lN N,s "own WSiaJ BJA M»0 and RAION t ik
      60 words
    • 154 3 KB^- 9m^ mmmmmmmmmmmmuummmmw9mmmm^^^ H .w win this violent M Wm H sea -world of W wm -i_m 11. hot- eyed men! W% lJ__________H __m Amm wm. _J_ m *<m ■VSI MM UK Jr__" S* ~*U_\ mWL lass. __lh Qm um? r _H_ <B__ _R*l Pf 1 iH_l __oM KL r^'
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 325 3 ;_*-___Ll___m of the Singapore Police Force. _____WZ_T7T m AJf _TKltK___fl Rviiio malava W__\h\\ A-W J llj fcl _Wmm\ "\ice): 1-1S m Prosramme sarn- l and Music Midddj Paya Lebar Methodist Church: J Mood 130 Time Signal and am Church School Combined Mews, 145 Relax and Listen. ISviCe S rSglish-Mr. Andrew
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  • 686 4  -  CIVITAS addfdfg 'TWERE can he no finer tri■A bute to the democratic waj lof life than the "draa-.i'' which preceded the turrendei ct" tour Communist terror:-*--.n the Cameron Highland, lasl Monday. Thc surrendered enemy personnel (SEPsi were led bv a State Committee Member who was formerly Political Commissar
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  • 61 4 SINGAPORE millionaire and chairman of the .Asia Insurance Company, .Mr. Tan Boon Khak, yesterday declared open a new Stanvac service station off Dunearn Road in Singapore. The station is operated by Eaffle Company, of which one of the partners is Legislative Assemblyman Mr. William Tan. Standardpic above
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  • 182 4 SCHOOL DEBATE: OLD BOYS WIN THE DAY FILMS, music and dances of the Rock TV Roll nature are detrimental to the proper upbringing of adolescents, decided Singapore lawyer Mr. Tan Boon Teik. at the end of a debate at the Gan Eng Seng School yesterday. Mr. Tan. who presided over
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  • 1634 4 He Kills In Cold Blood Without A Qualm GRIVAS, FANATIC T_z_-____\ MEANS WHAT HE SAYS JN the welter of haphazard bloodshed that has stained Cyprus so deeply over the past few weeks the name of Colonel George Grivas, the Fascist-style leader i»i Eoka, the Greek Cypriot lebel organisation, has aimost
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  • 325 4  - On the POLICE BEAT Ba Peep M/f PANG-BUSTER, Superintendent Cheah Teng Cheok Qf the Singapore C.1.D., surprisingly enough, has exchanged his dreaded gun for a scholarly PEN Perhaps the Superintendent can take heart from the well-known saying that 'the pen is mightier than the sword Superintendent Cheah, who is now
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 338 4 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. Tel: ***** 6. *****/4 132/6 Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE To Halitax, Montreal, Boston. New York Baltimore. Philadelphia fr Cult Ports S por. P. Sham P.nang TEUCER 3/9 Aug lOAug 14 Aug MYRMIDON 17 '25 Oct 26 Oct 2728 Oct Carriers option
      338 words
    • 217 4 EAST ASIATIC I MOMIWAROi Sailing 0| A 1 Rotterdam. Hambur*. _r e »t.c n r fl < "LALANDIA" a,* "KINA" 75 H "MALACCA" in:,, 1 "SELANDIA" 2= 2 ,s ol OUTWARD hi Baagko. IH<l "SELANDIA" 19 -vi Aug "SONGKHLA" N "KOREA" ;t 1 DENMARK HOUSE KUAtA LUMP, o SINGAPORE 84
      217 words

  • Article, Illustration
    27 5 og| craxe f --RHAT «ne |it«l rdiusei Haf made LIOStV ALOIS U^a auburr „„->? < j with r;! 0 b :ck t ♦orrm ocoed clip bv f ArpeU.
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  • 272 5 Fashion Now Leaves A Different Footprint On Its Path With The New Line For Shoes Launched By Shoe-Stylist Enzo Alhanese Of Rome. He Steps In With A Revolutionary Heel For Ladies 9 Footwear. Most Of His Creations. Now Being Presented In The "Accessories" Section
    UPI; U.P.I.  -  272 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 272 5 s i I A powerful factor in modern engine performance more e dent t s a story of The influence of ,cA is far re aching. for as engine compression STdSJw making best use of the higher quality fuels ratios go up. the need for i, grows greater and greater.
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  • 129 6  -  ANACRUSIS dfdfgdfdfdf Pianist To Make S'pore Debut Aug. 20 pOH SOON TTOE is presenting a recital by a Penang pianist. Miss Wu Mee Chee, in the Victoria Memorial Hail on Wednesday. August 20. at 8.30 p.m. Miss Wu has recently returned from California where she did a scholarship
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  • 470 6 Tenor In Great Demand ALL Over r THE next event on the musical calendar Is the recital on Saturday. August 16. by the celebrated young Rumanian tenor, Petre Early studies, prize-win-ning and operatic debut took place either in Budapest or Bucharest, the cities being variously quoted in biographical notes which
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  • 139 6 NOW GRANDPA PRESLEY SINGS THE man who used to sing TO Elvis Presley before the rock 'n' roil singer cut his first teeth Is now aiming to become a disc star. His name? Jesse Presley better known to Elvis as "Grandpaw." Spurred on by his grandson's success, Jesse decided to
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  • 477 6  -  Victor Doggett Reviewed by t RA I*J$ S Violin sonata, in G major 0p.78, in A major 2 Op. 100 Leonid Kogan (violin). Andrei Mitnik (piano) 2 1 Columbia 33 CX 1381 (12-inch). 2 'THIS is in every way a L first-clas issue. Kogan is one of
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  • 280 6  -  Bob Peries By VES, you will say that the picture on the right is that of a contented, happy family. The children look wellfed and intelligent. So do the parents. The family live in an attap house, in a kampong off Somapah Road, Changi and
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  • 585 6 DARWIN MEMORIAL STATION THE high-spot in Darwin's career was undoubtedly h:s visit to the Galapagos Islands, in the Equatorial Pacific. riur:ng the voyage of the Bea_le in 1835. Here when he found slightly tiih'erent form? of and giant tortoise on adjacent islands. the seed whs sown which led tn
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  • Article, Illustration
    238 6 JAPAN'S Eiffel tower has fl When :t is finished, the fl 1,088 ted skywards to rank as fl dent tower, lt will a! so top fl hundred workmen on fl are swarming over 'ro lower's fl girders in an effort to fir fl Officials of Nippon TV fl
    UPI  -  238 words
  • 99 6 MELBOURNE, Set AUSTRALIA bai develoi a new technique < fingerprinting soon to be explained in Lond< n i0 about 64 police ChU il the world. The Victorian P Commissioner. Mr B er said the new U chl I I was known as the "to digital system." It was designed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 192 6 '■^'v'Sg _fc_WL-_8 .'w &.i!s___?ffij^f3_\^m9^^ y'* v j! 1 <fl t:_j^'£ :,i f^:'&7?^r&v^^ .ri'-f '> '^wt^_fcS?<' SHf J^E -ilf W-I-B9 _^t mm W"JM--__fi f^.. Wm W ?J;l'iso_il- E&' *_^_i HI K__u__ _____Bv«lK_-B_H BK JaWrac jpayMF-l-BP l_^-Bl^^-^-B-^-^-H--HWWy*-?WW^ _?\^P &i_S- J *_Et3-^-ffi^,-;S^-?'^___' ____3___n '^fflß_H S^_^ *c^lw:^^g __<_» -W___-__w_-__\c\ :_-jfe^^i^gi^c-^^^K jf .4-M B-K-HB BaK^y-;
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 157 6 ff M fl_flff ff A A u—m Mm Mmm _fc_R_l_ft_w_^-B-B--^-i-H mmmm mmt B>i:c:n's bcst-seUinq records up to last voeek: 1 ALL I HAVE TO DO IS DREAM/CLAUDETTE— ErerIy Brothers. 2 BIG MAN Four Preps. 3 TULIPS— FROM AMSTERDAM YOU NEED HANDS— Max Bygrcves. 4 ON THE STREET WHERE YOU LIVE—
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  • Article, Illustration
    812 7 learning The .language And Culture Of China In America fl qo fl 9 rOU P of F me Amcr,con businessmen and war Concerned that their children were growing up without an Tj the language and culture of China— established one of aa^^oH__fl____H ________W_ Detro 't's most schools. It is
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  • 441 7 Prince Or Wales i I tpirc i^d t mmon wealth Games ln 1 in an excitement greater even fa '1 generated with the an|p-: b} the Queen that she intended to It fetC furies prince of Wales. PVH of Priacc PiS.A back to l| IfH mhtm EfiuOr obliging^ fc*»p!-n
    441 words
  • 639 7 FOR centuries now men have been turning envious eyes to the sky. The power to be able to soar on wings over hill and dale has occupied the attentions of scientists of many lands. Great men such as Leonardo da Vinci, devoted years of thought and hard
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  • 220 7  - TAKE A BOW, YOU MEN, YOU'VE WON! ALISA GARLAND By PARIS, Sat. TAKE a bow you men. you've won! The sack-line is OUT and women's waistlines are IN in the proper place! That is the big news rrom here, after the first of the Paris shows of autumn and winter
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 18 7 ipaisd? *iung soming? "elltake Ws No Kfc_*«N S ■"»«> "< «m» ►> -V V aa R•• k > g s_ ••>• S*a, £_y
      18 words
    • 394 7 Does it MERIT ONE'S attention...? Amplified Gramophone for the W________W budget minded at $180, with an automatic record changer J____^^_______*_K or single play jA\ mA powerful, c\ear and und^torted _"*^^_2_lsSKifi_sPlß^3j|^ _r^?s4_i_' i_m m'^K <_l r_g__W M 'CmcQA W m^'Jm Wr Jn., i i^J^JtmuJMiatlm -P_j_l _9 _^_> m__ _W_\ *i» trier
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  • 160 8 QOLUMBIA Pictures have announced that Sam Spiegel's first production since he fashioned the Academy Award winning "The Bridge on the River Kwai" into cm overwhelming creative triumph and Columbia s biggest boxoffice success, will get underway later this year when he puts the screen version oj Horton Foote's
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  • 224 8 The Maharajah Gives A Party FLOODLIGHTS illuminated the penthouse apartment on top of Jaipur's City Palace. Jewels, encrusted in mirrors, glittered from the walls. Far below, fountains played in the Palace gardens The Maharajah of Jaipur was giving a party to show Dirk Kogarde. Yoko Tani, Ronald Lewis, John Fraser,
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  • 79 8 TVORMAN WISDOM will have a New Look for his sixth Pinewood comedy THE SQUARE PEG. Gone will be the peaked cap, and the world famous "gump" suit. Of course there's no guarantee that his clothes will fit any better than the gump suit for he
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  • 178 8  - FILM REVIEWS of the week STEVE NEOH Taylor, Widmark wits... who By CURRENT Western films tend to follow a stereotyped pattern, and producers invariably seem to exploit the CHASE, the HUNT or the VENDETTA. Of these we have much lately. Now Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer have brought out a CinemaScope colour Western, THE
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  • 2 8 G
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  • 217 8 'pWO of Britain's beautiful and luscious starlets turn street walkers in this EROS Films production, THE FLESH IS WEAK, which seeks to expose the inside story of London's **square mile of vice." A pity this is, because curvaceous Vera Day and Shirley Ann Field could have been appreciated better
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  • 81 8 J It is difficult to guess how many will find J this British musical production. AFTER THE BALL, entertaining and satisfactory. But if you like music hall vaudeville of the Edwardian era, perhaps Pat Kirkwood portraying Vesta Tilley, Britain's first male impersonator, will delight
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 632 8 -=s?sSs33sffiss__sS_BssEffl_raffi_B_B^ t \__________m_m rtr_^.^-i-^-=i 4- IIBC-a-2-C l-L^-1 -f A -1 ____wJt^nWx-\\Ex_\ rf i _k' I _B___iii<lPWliik- I U tr-MW-IM ■f 1 LL P^9 E 3'OW^ Shoring \^gg^^^^ 11,1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 ffl Robert TAYLOR *i AW rl IAI^F WAHF" C Srope I ffl Richard WIDMARK LMff ft OI\WL IfftUL Color
      632 words
    • 278 8 4c _r#i ii mS\\ h m i o ii i' •4c P <.Ul.(.(»m IM K .low «oi |v. j Ctraa6oopa M TH£ SJ? 4 V ADOS I *"iSir r SOU SEE YUEN m_ Today laom: "SKVKN m\iiu\s Tomorrow H a.m: "CJOI'RT Jt>Tl K l J______3___|'': v' 6th usa j. Pncfs:
      278 words

  • 182 9 f Vs. Stirling lS our Flag Flying s Philippine ami Asian B Deyro, today lived up io Ihe Malax an Lawn tennis onesia's Koo Hong Bo 7-5 antages that cost nal b She exploited St< r Log's weak back the I dlest. It was due tc this that ab
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  • 59 9 r TOMORROW Siwfl ?p" >r c ynships* 9. 'HO I p.m. S: Ceylon SpOTtS Road, 2.30 vi sc-~-;es. fc 3 VER SKI M ilauan ships, Pasir Ris, 11 'CER: Friendly' S»caSelection vs Kelantan Bea Si td ii rn, 5 15 3A: Rajaji SC vs SC c.r Geylang,
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  • 87 9 GOAL NUMBER ONE. .Ibrahim Hassan sent the ball into the net, and Kelantan" Yacob Hassan dives in vain to reach it. GOAL NUMBER TWO...srorer Arthur Koh lets fly th e shot which beat Yacob again. THE Kelantan Malayn Cup team which y "ade the long journey
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  • 919 9 Takes Five North Wickets For 27 Runs iPOH. Sat.— At the close of play on the first day of the North-South cricket classic, South were 53 runs behind on the first innings with three wickets in hand. Scores: North all out 155. South 102 for
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  • 854 9  - S'PORE RETURN FINAL KEN JALLEH By BACK into the Malaya Cup competition after a year's enforced lay-off, Singapore got right back into the final with a six-nil victory over Kelantan in the semi-final of the soccer competition at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. It tcoK the giant that was Singapore exactly
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  • 80 9 F. T. Haddock (79-8-71) won the A division medal golf competition at the Singapore open amateur meeting at the Royal Singapore Golf Club yesterday. Runner-up was Goh Kee Seah (82-11-71). Haddock won on the count back. In the B division. B. Marks (67) was the winner,
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  • 30 9 THE Singapore Combined Schools will hold their fourth athletic meeting at Farrer Park on Thursday and Friday starting at 2.30. p.m. on Thursday and 3.00 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 90 9 MAT MEN RETURN THIS SATURDAY W O R L D CLASS wrestling will resume at the Happy World stadium on Saturday, Aug. 9, the promoters said yesterday While Sheikh Ali ben Yo u s o ff (pictured above) will return to the Happy World ring after his Australia and New
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  • 127 9 A CENTURY by Brian Marks gave Singapore Recreation Club a good start in defence of the Padang Shield cricket match when they made 314 for nine wickets and declared at the end of the first day of their two-day match against Singapore Cricket Club yesterday. SRC E.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 jjjy Reach for Listerine before flfe that coid takes hold! The first sniffle or sneeze is a uarniug reach for Listerine! (*argle it full-strength H every few hours. 1 2-year tests proved: People who gargled Listerine Antiseptie twice daily had fewer, shorter, \m_\w%-%___\\ \m\^4A___V-_ f 'HEftlftlE s W No. Protection
      56 words
    • 243 9 ni ft NEDERLAND LINE Royal Dutch Mail Sailing Schedule 195 8/1959 MV. "ORANJE" Calling at AMSTERDAM, SOUTHAMPTON, GENOA, SUEZ CANAL, COLOMBO, PENANG, SINGAPORE, DJAKARTA. MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, and FREMANTLE. 1958 1959 D Amsterdam 8/9 5/11 4/2 22/4 A/D. Southampton 9/9 6/11 5/2 23/4 A/D, Cenoa 12/9 10/11 9/2 27/4 A. Port
      243 words

  • 210 10 A CENTURY partnership for the second wicket by S. Kulasingam (78) and T. Rajendram (s'i) helped Ceylon Sports Club to hit 117 runs against Tamilian Physical Culture Association in the opening day of their annual cricket for the Modliar Nagalingam shield at Balestier Road yesterday. CSC
    210 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 10 G.P.O. Counter be;.t Registration Branch 4-3 in a badminton friendly played at Orchard Road last night.
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 10 FAST GIRLS RIGHT: The Bukit Astana Sekolah Umum, Klang, winners of the in-ter-school championships at the 24th annual athletic meet of the Malay School sports. LEFT: The Teluk Anson Convent girls which won the relay at the South Perak Combined Schools Sports at Teluk Anson Left to right: Misses A.
    60 words
  • 868 10 e Finishes Heah In Straight Sets SINGAPORE'S newlycrowned junior champ on, V.S.S. Nathan made his first big 'kill' in Colony badminton when he whipped internationally known, Thomas Cup player Johnny Heah in straight sets in the second round of the men's singles at the Sin gapore
    868 words
  • 385 10  -  ANDREM ROTH There's Fui Ur A International cl om By > aV-'l.aa- r. lAJMUUN, Nat. >]. u M '"M facilities it could turn out V^ had »<K passive capabilities f or 'r l*% Gamos despite its small lnon *«i Boon rtf captain cd t 7^-r. Cardili Games yesterday. r
    385 words
  • 26 10 GOODWOOD. Sussex, Aug Reuter I— Mr Michael Sobell London Cry won the Chest f:eld Cup run aver one mile I a quarter here today.
    26 words
  • 99 10 WALLY BARNES, Um former Arsenal star and Welsh captain. met Radio Malaya's experts in the Sports Forum before he left this morn ing for Rangoon and Beyrouth. Barnes was bombarded with questions about football a s he found it in his coaching toot ol Singapore
    99 words
  • 30 10 Health < Bi i'b^l athlete, hr. f 1 Ifl iffem i v 11 Gardi I Gar- South 1 I i j v I Kmm 2 -I M I M I
    30 words
  • 1 10
    1 words
  • 4 10 F I I
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 254 10 f_U_B_B__BO _En_k__i_aißSß_B_R_s^^ ::,X.v.:: y -,>:-W^;» ->' 4 ■>:'x':S:Sx :;M :A§ --"™^^^^^!!^TM.^^^!"'srf^ 7y;-7 m+7.+77y ii i"%_f DULUX llilfl_L -I" •^w^bl la __r™ j gloss finish •|m I The man who knows will tell you «f that the best is alwa y s cheapest in I the end...take Dulu.x for instance... W^B»_
      254 words

  • Article, Illustration
    21 11 GARNET BOUGOURE, riding in his mastery fashion, landed an early double, winning the first two races at Penang yesterday.
    21 words
  • 75 11 IPOH. Sat.— Five hundred boys and girls will 'ake part tn the sports moot of the Primary and Middle sections of the Vuk Choy School and the Perak Chinese Girls' School to be held nn the Assembly Hall ground on Aug 10 and 11. The
    75 words
  • 325 11 Day's Top Honours Go To A CI. 3 Horse THE best performance of tiie day was put up by Traveller's Cheque, a CUss Three horse trained by R. van Breukelen. This speedy three-year-old made hacks of tne opposition in the 5. furlongs race for Division One horses, romping home all
    325 words
  • 275 11  -  WINDSOR LAD 7ii f raveller s Cheque Pays Otf And Gives Ward A Grand Treble By •J IDOR WONDER, outclassed his field in the Com. missioner-General's Cup over the mile at Penang yesterday, first day of the Penang Turf Club's August Bank Holiday .Meeting. Splendidlv
    275 words
  • 53 11 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: 5171.470 Ist. Prize (546.441) No. *****4 2nd. Prize ($18,576) No. *****5 3rd. Prize 9.288) No. *****1 Starters: ($2,064 each) Nos. *****6. *****3. *****3. *****1. *****9. *****0. *****2. *****2. *****2. Consolations: ($l,OOO eaeh): Nos. *****9, *****7, 260.549. *****0. *****2, *****4, *****6. *****6, *****4, *****9. TREBLE TOTE Ten
    53 words
  • 1904 11 RESULTS DIVIDENDS OF ALL THE RACES M^fTs^|M CLASS 1. 'DIV. 2—6 FURS. g Est. of late Mr. C. H. Chong's Trainer: R. van B'kemn. 74-31 No 1 PROSPERITY 8.11 (1) Bougoure 1 ?6-39 No 5 JOE'S TIPPLE 8.07 (7) Ward 2 42- 26 No. 4 GALLANT EMPEROR 8.07 <4» Mortimer
    1,904 words
  • 52 11 A GOAL in each half bv M Thillagalingam enabled TPCA 'o edge Ceylon Sports Club by two goals to one in the annual hockey match at Balestier Road vesterday. Thillagalingam gave the lamilians an early lead in the first half but Vijiaretnam levelled the score shortly before
    52 words
  • 266 11 S< hoolboys and schoolgirls will be admitted FREE to the finals of the Singapore national badminton championships to be played at the badminton hall, Guiltemai'd Road on .Monday night. The SBA decided this in order r to enthuse more interest in badminton among the
    266 words
  • 237 11 ENTRIES total 303—43 more than last year and represent the cream of athletic talent in Singapore's English and Chinese schools. A record number of entries have been received for the Colony's fourth Combined Schools Athletic Me*n to be held at Farrer Park on Thursday
    237 words
  • 224 11 Chia Fights Best In Youth Finals CHIA JEE HOCK of Pula-j I Bukom Youth Club fought the best fight of the night when he beat Yong .Meng Kun of St. Andrews School for a narrow verdict at the concluding night of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association Youth championships at the
    224 words
  • 90 11 ANGLO-CHINESE School O'.d Boys Association scored a 60 run.-, victory over *he Present Boys In th^ir annual Present vs. Past crieket match for the T. W. Hinch Cun at the Hong L:m Green yesterday 0.8.A.: 150 runs: Ong Swo«» Law 22 retired Ra^ikial 31. Teo Tye
    90 words
  • 55 11 TOPEKA. Kan_a_ Aug S Reuter >. Chri_ von Saltza. 14-year-old Califorman girl. broke the women's world 200 metres backstroke swimming record here last night with a time of two minutes 37.4 seconds. Lenie De Nljs (Holland) the previous fastest time, two minutes 38.5 seconds at
    55 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 223 11 A A A A A A A AiV* \IS booming with the bloodr^ AL f. BREEDS.... screaming T ;th Hat* 1 -*r _#_P^^ _____\r j^ ™A ft it.rr.-| b ROD CAMERON j f l_ jP > __w mr s v /d_X^^ I PP^ \v^& NHWN n_ir.ii UJPS J CARROL NAISH
      223 words

  • 303 12 US And The Baghdad Pact LONDON. Aug. 2 (UFI) The United States this week delivered its toughest hands-off warning yet against Communist aggression In the Middle East. I* did > f> oy becoming a member, in all but name, of the Baghdad Pact the Free
    303 words
  • 39 12 THE FRENCH NAVY Ministry said yesterday that in view of an easing of the situation in the Lebanon the French cruiser De Grasse and her escort vessels have been Instructed to return to Toulon from the Eastern Mediterranean.—Reuter.
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  • 242 12 U.S. Missile Blast Frightens, Then Angers Hawaiians HONOLULU, Aug. 2 (UPI) Explosion of a nuclear missile in a brilliant flash of blue-white "ght jossibly above 100 miles, at the edge of space yesterday frightened and angered residents of Hawaii 500 to 1,000 miles away. The blast was in the area
    242 words
  • 74 12 MOSCOW. Aug. 2 (UPI) From today on Moscow automobile owners can buy unlimited quantities of gasoline without special state-issued coupons. New regulations along these lines were published last night in the newspaper "Evening Moscow.*' The paper announced that eight gas stations will remain
    74 words
  • 96 12 PARIS. Aug. 2. (Reuter). General Charles de Gauiie said in a broadcast last night it was possible France would have to face the beginning of a tecession. '"It would be the government's duty to ward this off. But if need be we would bring national economic
    96 words
  • 349 12 ri j.j. _l Homes Flattened In Rio Suburb: Sabotage Suspected KIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 2, (UPI)— A chain of explosions possibly set off by saboteurs, ripped through an ammunition dump in suburban Deodoro todiy, killing an undetermined number of soldiers *nd civilians and
    349 words
  • 26 12 COMMUNIST China has stepped ud naval patrolling of the East China Seas to "protect fishermen from enemy disturbances Radio Peking report, ed yesterday.— UPl-
    26 words
  • 39 12 Left: seated around the table for their first meeting is Iraq's new Cabinet, with third from left facing camera. Deputy Premier Abdul Salam Aref. and fourth from left (also in army uniform) Premier Abdel Kassem.
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  • 118 12 TAIPEI. Aug. 2 (UPI) Communist China has moved MIG-17 fighter planes into a new coastal airfield within striking distance of Formosa for the first time, the Nationalist Chinese Defence Ministry said today. A division of about 40 to 60 Russian-built MIGs moved to Tenghai .Airfield in
    118 words
  • 197 12 Hussein Plans To Double His Army PARIS. Aug. 2 (UPD King Hussein of Jordan has declared he plans to doub.e the size of Jordan's army. In an interview published today bv the Conservative Daily Figaro Hussein also told its correspondent, Jean Chauvel, "we are waiting for the free world to
    197 words
  • 45 12 A GRENADE hurled by a Moslem rebel into the thick of an open market at Massena.. yesterday killed one person and injured 17 others. French officials announced today. Massena is a small town in the plateau country 110 miles southwest of Algiers— <UPP.
    45 words
  • 220 12 PENDLETON. Oregon, Aug. 2 (UPI) Capt. Marion (Pat) Boling, who said "Fm sorry I couldn't take it farther," landed his Beechcraft Bonanza here at 11:52 am (1952 GMT) yesterdav after flying 6.373 miles across the Pacific Ocean from Manila to shatter the record
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  • 59 12 JAKARTA. Aug. 2 (Reuter) The Information Ministry said yesterday West New Guinea members in the Indonesian Parliament had urged the government to form a special New Guinea regiment. The members had also asked that the "capital" of Indonesia's provisional administration of Dutch-occupied New Guinea, be moved from
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  • 96 12 ANKARA, Aug. 2. (Reuter) The Turkish Prime Minister Mr. Adnan Menderes, last night appealed to all Turkish Cypriots. asking their help in stopping terrorist activities on the island. The appeal followed a similar one on Wednesday from the Greek Prime Minister. Mr. Constantine Karamanlis. Mr. Menderes
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  • 45 12 COLOMBO. Aug. 2 (Reuter) —Police arrested 6,302 people in Ceylon for alleged offences under the two-month-old Emergency regulations in the island, Mr. Solomon Bandaranaike. the Prime Minister, announced here. Mr. Bandaranaike was answering a question in the House of Representatives yesterday.
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  • 110 12 MARGARET PRESENTS NEW COLOURS HAMILTON. (Ontario*, Aug. 2 <UPI> Princess Margaret left by train for Ottawa last night after an impressive ceremony in which she presented new colours to the Highland Light Infantry of Canada which she is Co.onel-m-Chicf. Some 20.000 jammed the civic stadium for the ceremony. They sat
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  • 76 12 UNITED NATIONS. Aug. 2. (UPI). Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold announced yesterday that a surcharge if three per cent on Suez Canal traffic will go into effect on Sep: 15. The surchage was agreed upon by the General Assembly last Dec. 14 to enable the repayment of
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  • 28 12 PRESIDENT Eisenhower yesterday accepted the resignation of Alaska Governor. Mike Stepovich, who will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator from Alaska. UPI.
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  • 22 12 THE Portuguese Government has recognized the Government of the Republic of Iraq, it was officially announced in Lisbon la>t night. Reuter.
    22 words
  • 73 12 WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, (UPI). The Pentagons space boss said yesterday the lirst U.S. rocket shot to the n wm, will be designed to get vhotographs of the far side oi *irth's natural satellite. Roy W. Johnson, who heads the Defence Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency
    73 words
  • 187 12 Boy Without Kidneys Loses Fight For Lile BOSTON', Au? (UPI) A young Swedish boy who had no kidneys died last night his small body too exhausted to wait for the one chance operation sur geons hoped would saw his life. The death of Ifgfr. Olov Wisell of Motala. Sweden was
    187 words
  • 34 12 RUSSIA'S Sputnik ffl launched nn May 15 tlr.- v< _t should stay up for ar least 18 months Judging fron. pr 1 liminary calculations, the Soviet news agency Tas.- reported yesterday.
    34 words
  • 16 12 r 111 Be a rl is for a g ihe Fn Str;, tion of 1
    16 words
  • 6 12 THI LB imeni recogr inn';:-
    6 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 62 12 _> 0 w6 6tg QOUAA> &HMW jVflN"^ V_^# _f _£jULY 28th to AUGUST 9th j*» __\_______rJ^_ INCLUSIVE I Big buys Wjj^^XS^, August Bank j r^^KV" Holiday j FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR MANY CUSTOMERS OUR STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 1 PM. TOMORROW buy Tomorrow! *w..... __-^lI, 118 Jfr>_Jj& I
      62 words
    • 111 12 m Why continue to be l M companion which n it with you cvcryv h< nlt H ready for use. p which continues to few the i world (8 lbs Ln< I Ij contains more than Ifl BC ments. m Please send me without obligation If leaflet giving full particular
      111 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1750 13  -  Allen Riches asters That Shook The Wortd-5 ________________________________H _L_a_V Volcano Eruption Destroyed A Whole City, But The Prisoner In Underground Cell Escaped Fiery Death CLERC liHed hi* field 'Id ,-^spected the cone of Mount 'Viced Mountain $o colled lova hod stripped her con* ...dof vegetation. j Palms in her
    1,750 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 7 13 .o qlij r rnhJ1 nns y t
      7 words
    • 126 13 Piefures YOU GET THE BEST FROM THE STANDARD Phone Photo Dept Tel. ***** £undau-_££ta_&ar6 >l DELICIOUS PRESCRIPTION &/b^_ ''Yes, he's the picture of health now, Mrs. A. He was Z' aV^W^^2^__Sh father underweight; due to his rapid growth the doctor A W*^?^!^^ "What did he prescribe, Mrs. B?" ||W A
      126 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 651 14  -  WILLIAM DRURY By columnist- cartoonist PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE BUCK IN this enlightened, civilized age (pardon my smile) there cannot be very many offences heard in our courts of law that would be punished with a fine as high as $2,400. A felon would
    651 words
  • 859 14 How True Is The Saying?: 'Like Fafher, Like Son' AMONG PEOPLE who are /A interested in the development of children from the scientific point of view 7 there has often been great discussion over which factor has the most influence on a child's development, heredity or environment. Heredity means those
    859 words
  • 41 14 THE exception that proves the rule, shapely dancer Julie Hawk, 17, is one back-seat driver it's a pleasure to behold Riding on this bear at a Detroit shopping centre, Julie makes even the metal "mahout" smile with pleasure.- -DPI.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 3 14 _m\ ■I
    3 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 184 14 ==Take a Peep 84th. Anniversary SALE Ladies* Dept. Embd. Cotton 36" 2.50 a yd. Prtd. Filament Silk 36" 3.90 a yd. Swiss Prtd. Cotton 36" 1-90 fir 2.90 French Laces 8.50 up French Stoles 6.50 up Ladies Panties 0.90 cts. each Ladies slips 2.90 each Ladies Can Cans 7.50 each
      184 words

  • 41 15 I, i Balenciaaa evening dress of self-dotted knee-length, dropped at the back from the a Balenciaga sounds the death-knell for the goicn with a puffed-out skirt whittled away t j s tiine! T h e fabric is white paper taffeta.
    41 words
  • 208 15 THEME OF FASHION PARADE I Duncan oi Dunr. Di SS S :>n, who i wed idc j from the I powerful of those tfu] P ri ian dedictators whom I »h io n able women throughout the world with barely a irmur. "he splendid show of ns oi
    208 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 15 I. h h ilelisht lh ll tx It 1 ler- LEONIE wears a short evening dress in silvei grey taffeta with a flower design in black. The bodice is tight fitting to the hip line where it flares out into a harem style skirt. A broad band of black velvet
    73 words
  • 170 15  -  JENNY I I rent and original and v a-e oopufrc i dai v wear inese "sam-ua [-a McAree said that tresses are diffi ill ke and in order to a rtri cie g batik dress, „esiims an I borders etc be properly and v arr in gc
    170 words
  • 417 15  - Waists Will Return In 1960 Jeanne Graham dfgdfgdfgadf By QF all the Paris couturiers, the most levered and influential is a stocky, taciturn, middle-aged Spaniard known as Balenciaga (only he knows his real name, and he insists that he has forgotten it.) "All the latest fashion trends can be traced
    417 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 266 15 worry over her health and figure until she learned about Ryvita. Rich in vitamins, wholesome and appetising.crisp and crunchy— that s Ryvita The perfect crispbread that keep* you fit and cares for your figure. Try some today— you'll love it! R Y V I T A makes you fit safeguards
      266 words

  • 1336 16 Only School Of Its Kind In The World XHE WORLD'S only tropical survival school, operated by the Far East Air Force at R.A.F. Changi, Singapore, will begin its 50th two-week course on August 18 next, by which time some 1,000 men of
    1,336 words
  • 298 16  -  Paul Jennings ODDLY ENOUGH Remove the protective piepe below by turning the knop to the left the piston perceptible in the tube is screwed down. Div the syJo-pen in the ink about 2 em. By slowly turning to the right, the piston is screwed up again until
    298 words
  • 80 16 SHE CAN SEE WITHOUT BEING SEEN The original hat at right caused a stir of curiosity at Italian Riviera resort when its owner promenaded round the town as if she could see through it. But curiosity grew even greater when it was revealed that the wearer could in fact see.
    80 words
  • 47 16 WHat l "a Jmtt c»».„ FfAt I *U based on iu« 9 Mad »-J f s?p,: ■W f| Pi mi k H wmtt U \m "tytmh^ MM P.m Of keo:i)^ OT f cpp f Greg i im 1 TOi'H 4 crcnK-.., 5 F. *d wm J
    47 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 302 16 1 _m_fi_Q&sß_?&'''\^&—\7^ _*~^^Ma '^sßßdK^ScJPsKogP^ssßSwxv^x^^-iwK^^'M t -ptfl BK&^ssF '*9^Sa_i Wsi '_.v^S_l mm*-*-\—rw &>* ____^s__m_¥' V &>t_-^_-___s^^ ___m___i___k^ M_lH-^Tiiiif^l i 'yfffr^i i pn i .tS^ V_^^^^s^^-__<m __p^^i liii ____^r^ xv =^_p^i 3F^m Wltx _¥K ——^a i in H. ?i_>inl'tiV*"- ____t^ T*m Ew____ x>«|H&; j: i Try Pearl Cutex Nail Polish and see
      302 words
    • 151 16 __f^L il i_ i^^ja^ a m\_ __^m__ m firjMiiysOJ Pd_fmLMmW mm_-____W __W-W_-_-_W CST WOJuLWCiv\^ _\u mt f>; w tis w r\ w y Wld fashioned methods lose customen. M< ,s^jfc efficiency wins them. The businessman wl m. use of the fast, reliable communications sen: (Cd Cable and Wireless Ltd. immediately
      151 words

  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 158 17 FAINT GLIMMER OF i&&^^ My fiR^ MPAW TOL p ME T'BOILED ME DANGER NOW/ \OUR A W 7V^ 1^ 7 /X /^>s 1 (;^__A 4^_Z^) I i^HTi IT BURNS ABOUT TH' GREEN MEN... IO DEATH/ I LIFES NOT WORTH IF *+*\w___S \*>JL /C T) 1 f fl/) I _X3tl y^^K
      158 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 64 18 F^MBBjajjjjj^ hi I mfim^aim\\£DF HE Y Ur favourite Masked Hero in I _m _P* V PKSMI COMES 1 another ACTION PACKED ADVENTURE! W^P RF A m P^lHf W Pasting h,s wa y starring *siil--BmS-^-B" Clayt n M re as THE LONE RANGER J^^ OPENING A^t^C^c^W^^ Ja Silverheels as TONTO MR
      64 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 291 18 Ii ia a aa*. aa. a >_-■ _Z \WS!WWI these timy men V/^/ tw^ ye s-- tell me ▼we travel7ear^B_^_^^_», li AkliMi A l#L _Mk '§&W{tfJh conquer us? sillyiV/k/wa MILLION ABOUTYOUR LISHT-SPEEP. our m_____w/w_ UAN ll# ii K F *C^i. N^V\A_7 WHYTHESETWO ARE /A 7 SPACESHIPS SHIPS AMP REDUCTION RAY
      291 words

  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 202 19 lI^V II LP IHB n 7^ 1 1 I //A\\ 1 1 H vA /-/Pit L~ I ~_>v I t \\m I'y IM -ll JL' jj rl Hi rf") I M PyT/ti n f§77>j~\ _m I «<^3-T>-5 l_H cs 7&7u u ill? 1 fi ff^% \_L_l H L_^^ AnPe£)on| I
      202 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 39 20 I J«riD IHDVOV3H mVB -3DII NVS INOHI HH3 11IHMV)INIHD IVS NIHSVIVB I S±\. f. HIQUtI 'i llf >M7liV VLLi __J Li M Ll jo ttiiuintj unouanj p/_»aa »qr_ HI— —l—— ill— ii l ——>'■»" ———mn «u in i a*——————.——————————————— I
      39 words
    • 9 20 ■1 1^!^ HH* <"*™ AV Y^ J I 6 -*»S^^
      9 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 101 20 J7^h w inS qL7) /<>}3ao 3^V3 V °^> \\f\ i no /A\/AA\ l ing J SQIVS Ir^^yjr 7^^ UavaM noA LNVD Wiriol Cq39NVHD 3A.1 /li QIQH -->o _w s a^ Vi i-iv^ iu i I w fill C-^ Ufiii y,> ww WPW M M M MW MWWWM m *mmmm-mm_ —-i
      101 words

  • 794 21 IM THE BIRD S' NEST SOUP! B^f^^^l Bj^P^PlV^^^JV Jfl V AHBHj Ifj y aff m V¥l g I L J gJ 3w fm# MB 1 LONDON, Sat. THERE is something about Chinese dress and Chinese courtesy that gets me. I am a sucker for it always have been. When I
    794 words
  • 324 21 Long Talks On The Telephone Save Many Marriages The American Scene ATARRIAGES in America are now being saved by long talks on the telephone. Chicago lawyer Irving Baer tells people who come to him seeking divorce: "Hold on— and join my Compromise Ciub." He then gives his unhappy clients the
    324 words
  • 106 21 LONDON* Windmill Theatre it whirl whirl of romance. And to it lovely dancer Pat Patterson. She it going round in circlet with excitement becaute thc har just become the seventh bride from the Windmill thit year. So far there hat been a marriage
    106 words
  • 21 21 A Tine time to yell 6 reek I just ot he hod hold of my flippin' orm 1 M
    21 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 239 21 ij famous family of J GER W 7->-V. X2>_S_P: _^v _4Kt r s^_tti T ij^j'^lß' B urjffi^" tZ y^MBB HEADACHE CURE A hv QW ether pain z Heod—^ Neuralgia, il Sti rv IG AUN TONG TIGER MEDICAL HALL \m\__k dfc. m- -__-_B m*m^mr~^-T x*sm§9 H^v\-' Mdin 2 medical specialist* Hfe>*-
      239 words
    • 164 21 '7m S*\. I_JL I ii- tm. _____________mmmmmmmtwk caw I BRINGS YOU A I iiiiui mmm_m__m__m_____________________________\ _^.v r vm i^£_&-S!3_tikmmo^^ M mtt^_m__mmm_____tK___m /^oIJIBCTC] '*%> -__ara_g„lllllllllllllllllltfl!lW f f VIA SAIGON N6KOK J AND BANGKOK I SAIOON^ i I SINOAPOII Now you can fly Pan American— world's most experienced airline direct to Europe
      164 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 887 21 MARCH 21-APRIL 20 healthy adjustments in his you will start on a run of t/E&U-Z concerns. Problems are begin- betterments in everything as THIS is a smooth-running ning to cancel out !^Jf re^fJ ""ome 1 week with much emphasis a tS£e with people. more on success of family arrange- OCTOBER
      887 words

  • 1076 22 a» AIR-CONDITIONING GIVES A TEMPERATE CLIMATE' TO FORD CUSTOM 300 'pHE Ford Custom 300 I have been driving: is a cool customer. Air conditioning makes the already inviting; interior as cosy as a den. On a day as hot as we have been experiencing, you
    1,076 words
  • 390 22 J^T FIRST glance. "dream cars" may appear to have been created from dreams, yet they very often reflect current trends in automotive styling and serve as indicators of things to come. A case in point is the E--196X. a 3/8 scale model unveiled
    390 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 91 22 -Tl 1 I ft J b=g w m t__^^ ;l I *P nret in ii 4 Jk\*+/fr~ J_ #8 Ib_>4.:-:.:,JL-- n _h _P _U^A FUEL INJECTION M FOR COMPRESSION IGNITION gn FEDEPATIQN REPPE U pPicfui 1 •ft d GET THEM fltOH--1 SINGAPORE STANDI 23, Lim Teck Kim Road, Si^J Telephone
      91 words

  • Article, Illustration
    651 23  -  HAROLD NICOLSON pcCLOCX *ndr* Dfutsch. 18s.) to fl I fl B I fl I fl I fl I B B fl fl B fl B I fl I fl ,V°T° fl a fl fl fl fl fl fl B I I B B I flfl fl I I fl
    651 words
  • 1119 23  -  Marie Battle Problems Of Adolescence— 6 By who write* of thc relations between normal adolescents and parents, giving examples from her own clinical experience. I MET a mother who said: "You know, of course, that her father's a painter.' And I
    1,119 words
  • 46 23 SAYONARA TO SPINSTERSHIP JAPANESE actress Hiyoshi Umeki. 29. and Hollywood television executive Frederick Winfield Opie. .14. smile happily after their wedding at the home of friends in Hollywood last week. Miss Umeki won an Academy Award this year as supporting actress for her role in "Sayonara
    46 words
  • 68 23 Ifs Just Another Sputnik AMERICA successfully launched a 38-pound satellite last week the 295th day of the Space Age. Yes, it's only 295 days since Russia's Sputnik made Page One news last October. Since then Russia has launched two more. and America four. including the latest. How stands Britain in
    68 words
  • 235 23  -  KENNETH W. GATLAND By Vice-chairman. British interplanetary Society BRITAIN IS in the Space Race. Her first Sputnik is almost certain to he launched hy a giant rocket now heing built at Hatfield. Herts. THE ROCKET is the de Havilland Blue Streak, a long-range ballistic
    235 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 628 23 E B EH E Bl B B B —^&+*iti4~*T*&______,..'.—.\l—— Wi«iE>»t«**'__i? T__ __ltT— >.< **_'J_flll *__*r_T_t, ?SBriJma__—_______m -******m-m_mw_-f_-_wm&*m\ -'y. bcl k -'rm^rr^ 1 iti ■•>. '?.,'.s mmmmmm— ——mmmmmta*m> ?t~ l~B_w. .i.TiiiUx _TaT.. i »'i >lP »j|!B?«__"» **t*?*'':?i:?T!7^*»"">M '••'•i'»" •>• t 'UffSBI I rVTti^r^i^-H •JPr^^l I ,~J__l P^~ .''iji Pft*- HmbMJi^hihhkA -__m
      628 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1827 24  -  Rae Johnstone CONCLUDING THE BIG SERIAL, SUCCESS.. by I dedicate my story to the racehorse, to all racehorses, without whom I should never have known so many people in so many lands. Thanks for the ride. NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE had not been my year. And my first
    1,827 words
  • 67 24 Monkey Fur FHat And Cape IT'S fashion show time in London, and the leading British designers have just shown or are about to show what they have for the well- J dressed women thi* winter season. Last week, model. Greta Grimshaw put on this i monkey fur hat and cape
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 310 24 RHEUMATISM? Not me People say to me, "You're so active for your age," but why shouldn't I be, when I keep Rheumatism at bay with a daily dose of Kruschen. The first twinge of Rheumatism made me decide to follow the lead of millions of others and get quick, positive
      310 words
    • 430 24 writing starts hj&ty Quink JgX Smootb-hViuincQ ilrj, h^M t__M *lsti>eonJv|nkronta r,. '^03 'n«redleM»hkh Vj^Bi tirans rotir pen m tt v writ* For w.fety.o^ CL Royal Ww,,, %W 1 Qu.nk- easily sh^ m)*_ out. For r^rmnnPnt \_fa?*L wrltltif. rise t,-r-. m&*7__\ an*r,t Quink N|__H Ouink inx rs a duct tv*
      430 words
    • 107 24 y igourout J Peraue* Prepared tt t stimulate Uie t waiting for r*< JJ most men repor J? in vitality. an<».';"^ most users r^ •jj'.*' ten year- r*- f some men ist.-w^J Results Guam Ro outstar.d.v suit* produ'xi J and prem&tuj-f ot the worid that .1 under in _hso.xa f
      107 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 241 24 W7E must be neither foolishly swift nor obstinately slow. Mr. Harold Macmillan. o• VJJ7E are living in good times. We are very happy. Mr. Khrushchev. f DO not think the position in the Middle East is a threat to world peace at all. Mr. Selwyn Lloyd. TF the oil flow
      241 words