Sunday Standard, 7 July 1958

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1 12 Sunday Standard
  • 25 1 SINGAPORE STANDARD 3H Telephone 2548J—5 Coble "TIGERNEWS" SINCAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 7, 1958 Vol. IX No. 5 15 cts. re <ss -^3_OSB-^ 12 Pages {FINAL EDITION]
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  • 65 1 ST. PETER PORT. Guernsey. Channel Islands, July 6 (Rcuter) Britain*! Colonial Secretary Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd sent a radio message for help from his 52 ton yacht "Tawau" when trapped in fog near here today. Pilot John Petit went out to the yacht's position between the islands
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  • 42 1 JAKARTA, July 6 (Router) Jakarta radio said today that air force planes this morning launched ?ir attacks against the remaining rebel strongholds in North Celebes. The aircraft engaged in the operation returned safely to base, the radio said.
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  • 597 1 PROTEST OVER DECK PASSAGE RACKET Colony Tamils To Welcome Ships With Black Flags THE Flagship of the Indian Naval Fleet, INS Mysore is expected to be greeted with black flags when she steams into Singapore tomorrow, The Standard reliably learnt yesterday. The INS Mysore will be
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  • 294 1 Eye Injured In Daring Rescue A TEN-YEAR-OLD girl, playing outside her father's coffee stall, dropped ncr doll and stood trembling with fear when two secret society gangs clashed in Sin Chew Street, Singapore, yesterday. Suddenly, a bulb containing acid exploded at little
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  • 84 1 Two Youths Stabbed By Gangsters TWO youths were stabbed in a gang fight a few yards from Highway Inn at Clemenceau Avenue, Singapore. last night. Ong Chin Kia'. 20, an unemployed and a factory worker. Tan Lay Soon, 19. were >tabbed in the chest. Ong and Tan live at Ganges
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  • 127 1 15 MIL HELD IN CHINA, SAYS PRIEST TAIPEI, July 6, (UPI). Faiher .Jo>eph Patrick Mccormack, Roman Catholic priest recently released from five years in Communist prisons, said today some 15.000.000 persons are in prisons on the China mainland. The Maryknoll priest said .10.000 persons are being held in Shanghai's Ward
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  • 26 1 SEVEN Nationalist secret agents were executed yesterday in Kwantuns Province for plotting disturbances, arson and other crimes, the New China news agency reported. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 185 1 BEIRIT, July 6 (Reuter) Lebanese politicians today hela a series of hill-resort conferences aimed at ending the eight-week-old civil war. A majority of Parliamentary Deputies and Ministers now appear to be convinced that fighting here can omy be ended through an internal settlement This
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  • 228 1 6 Firms Fleeced Of $500,000 In Car Swindle SING A^ORE Police are -investigating reports that a car broker had swindled at least six motor finance firm- to the tune of over half a million dollars. The broker has since disappeared. One of the firms cheated by the broker is the
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  • 186 1 TWO BRITONS SAVE INDIAN SEAMAN'S LIFE OFF S'PORE LOXDOX. July 6, (Renter) A mass-circulatiJn British Sunday newspaper today called on the Royal Humane Socie.y to give bravery awards to two young merchant navy app; entices for saving the hie of an Indian seaman in the NN uil Singapore. The Sunday
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  • 72 1 A SINGAPORE sundry shopkeeper was robbed of a bag containing $400 after pepper was thrown into his eyes in Sago Lane, in broad daylight, yesterday. The shopkeepeer, Lok Heng Siong, 65, was on his way home when he stopped to talk to a friend in Keong
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  • 135 1 NICOSIA, July 6, (Reuter) A curfew imposed on the Greek village of Avgorou, scene of a big clash between British troops and villagers yesterday, was lifted at dawn today. I Villagers started gathering in church shortly after to prepare for the funeral of two villagers
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  • 40 1 (ABOVE) Flagship of the Indian Naval fleet, I.N.S. Mysore, a cruiser with Rear Admiral A. Chakravcrti (inset) on board, which arrives in Singapore waters tomorrow on a three-day visit. (Below) A member of the fleet, the destroyer Gomati.
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  • 192 1 LONDON, July 6 (Reuter) Prince Charles, nine-year-old heir to the throne, is reported today to have failed to obtain sweets by selling some of his possessions. The Prince, says the Sunday Dispatch, was faced with a financial crisis in the tuckshop (sweet shop) of Cheam
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  • 82 1 IPSWICH. Eastern Ln S .ar.i, July H (Reuter) Farmworker William S. Wha.cs today confessed that he did not after all write to the Soviet Embassy threatening to drop an atom bomb near England. In a sipne statement to Police. Wha es said he
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  • 42 1 MR A. SOBOLEV. Soviet permanent represrntativ c at the United Nations n^ protested to the LJ.N secretarygenera 1. Mr. Dag Hamniarskjoeld, against demonstrations outiide the Soviet building in the United Nations in New York on June ly. 21 and 22.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 96 1 fj7eti_Beer Testimonials y v PKABODY. run] on his arrival at the p., r! rt'marked: You can quote me as saying: the Bnl thinii I want to see in .Vnilapore is a foaming mug r famous TIGER BEER!" eomio Singapore 8V I" B -ACC9 AN3 NLAVt LTD. fc^*"« 1 5* fl
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  • 258 2 KI 'ALA LIMPIR, Sun. The Central v Committee of the Malayan Chinrsr \n S m closed dooi meeting here today, felt that it tinue to have equal representation in tin Cenhal Executive Committee. The. MCA Publicity Chiet Mr. Yong Pung How told th( Pre>.s
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  • 124 2 'It's A Pact Between Goat And Tiger' PENANG, Sun. Inche Rash id All. Publicity Officer of Party Ra'ayat. today hit out at th- Alliance Government's defence pact which allowed foreign troops to be stationed in Malaya. Speaking at a party rallj in Kampong Bharu this evenIng, Inche Rash id deM-r.bed
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  • 129 2 ROTARY'S SUCCESS IN ITS 4 IDEALS MALA 7 |t l Malacca Re: :r.g on tl < cmm.::. intern^ and v(j h ha d accord. n:: sidcnt, D] las! ni^ Dr PaK.arr, the Insta.lai Whli h Bill Miilci v Ail}) alw; had br< v: t« R tai i th< larg< r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2451 2 TM A T GOES A LONG WAV I TUITION SAMBA/VIENNESE-WALTZ/CUBAN iltOß'-thfr $1" start ng S3O pro le day Lee's School oi Daec.r^. 126 Sims Avenue, Singapore. MALAY: Mm C wwecsattow Courii merer, vVed 9 July 530 rm 10 KSOns C-l Ser. :r E>^"n Pre irat on ISI Std I (h^i;
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    • 608 2 IN QT I CE S Head Teacher, All Saints' School. Kamunting, Taiping, (National Type Assisted Secondary English and Standard Type Primary English) APPLICATIONS stating age and qualifications from Anglican male teachers for the above post as from 1.1.1959 are invited to be sent before 31.7.58. to thp Diocesan Secretary for
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    • 634 2 SINGAPORE CITY COUNCIL WATER DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS MAJOR works to be carried out at the Gunong Pulai pipe line, near Farrer Road, will necessitate a shutdown of this main from 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m on Wednesday, 9th July, 1958. The areas ailected will De: i Coronation Road ii)
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    • 599 2 The Bankruptcy Ordinance (CHAPTER ID In the High Court Of The Colony Of Singapore Island Of Singapore IN BANKRUPTCY No. 486 of 1957. Re: LIM HENG LEE of No. 77-B, Prince Charles Crescent, Singapore. Receiving Order made 13th September, 1957. Date of Adjudication 13th September, 1957. Date and Place of
      599 words
    • 197 2 NOTICI The Bankruptcy Ordinanre (CHAPTER 11) In the High Court of the Colony of Singapore Island of Singapore IN BANKRUPTCY. No 517 Bl UK7. Re C O HENDRICKS No. 42. Gilstead Roa Singapore. 11. Receiving Order made nth September, LOS 7. D;<!c of Adjudication l.'Uh September, 1957. Date and pla<
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    • 448 3 -hE urin.mous findings of the Court of w was set up in Penang, "to inquire 3*6 circumstances" which led to between the Eastern Smelting Company orkcrs union will have an important bear- of a similar nature taken by employees ,<, cc of rhe union leaders. The report
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    • 310 3 v <HiLE on the subject of workers and unions, will welcome the promise given by fhe Singapore Traction Company Em- Union jnd the Bus Workers' Union to f H;.r members the need for courtesy and on to citizens using these travel services. -ive been numerous complaints
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  • 838 3 Police Week starts today. It is one of the many campaigns by the Singapore Police Force to bring the Police to the people. In this first article, Standand Staff writer Goh Tuck Chiang reviews the history of the modern police force, the Singapore Police Force and the rights
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  • 1552 3 Deafening Silence CASSANDRA says: "Murder is murder and what goes on in the cellars of prisons in Budapest is of concern to Warsaw, to Belgrade and to the rest ofi the world/ 9 LONDON CORNER YTHAT has been called "the deafening: silence" of Warsaw over the killings of Mr. Nagy
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  • 435 3 the NEWS as it strikes me PHE burning topic over the weekend was the proposed United Socialist Front The question on the lips of most people was: "Will this» mean the death of the Labour Front and the Libe-ral-Socialists or merel> a "behind the doors" fusion of the two?" This
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 -:;.:OND JEWELLERY c;LVERWARE p^ference is always for pH. HENDRY Manufacturing Jewellers ud a umpur and Singapore. iI!!£APORE j| CER STANDARD PRESS L"" Teck Kirn Road. Vpore 2 '.4 ri. No 1563 Caoies "TICEwNEWS" M^LR o-*-5l (5 lines). All departments -'ance Blag 174. Batu rtd ■'Na y r ***** -4 A
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    • 69 3 ....OA/M/IV4Y It's true! only f f^ 1 Chung Khiaw Bank offers your children a bank of their own. f^^^L^^^ It's never too young j\ J to save. C\ 1 C^i I I ren to The Corns S I Bank at our Head m^m^}c^>E- I Office ln Robm ?nr^ '-Z&pp^& i^T-'l
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  • 76 4 THE French tanker "St. Onge" which has arrived in Pulau Bukom from France en route to Miri, will leave the port without her master Captain J. Fradin. The Standard was tnVl that the master Capt. Fradin had developed severe eye trouble after his arival in Pulau
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  • 445 4 Training School, Ten Stations On Exhibition SINGAPORE'S "Police Week" will be launched this evening at 10 headquarter stations and the Police Training School when they throw open their doors from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. for a five-day "at home" to the public. The stations Central.
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  • 170 4 IPOH, Sun.— A lively debate was heard at the St. Michael's school hall yesterday when, ironically, the budding "scientists" of the school's Form VI argued in favour of the motion "That Shakespeare's Hamlet is a greater achievement of the human mind than Khrushchev's Sputnik
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 4 SINGAPORE Polirr Force headquarter stations will be open this week to the public each evening. Standardpie shows the entrance of Central Police Station with a bis: "Welcome" sign and the building decorated with bunting.
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  • 364 4 It's Out— Reason For Suppressors MANY people are under the impression that Government's demand that motorists fix suppressors in their vehicles is to protect radio listeners from interference, but this is not so, The Standard was told yesterday. Government is concerned with far more vital problems concerning the disruption of
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  • 50 4 THE Singapore Telecommunication Department's mobile interference detector. Note the two white direction finding loops on the roof. In the foreground, is Mr. Whitley, who is seen testing a mobile set with Technical Assistant Mr. Lv Ngian Tong. one of the officers in charge of the mobile detector.
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  • 108 4 SINGAPORE'S Chief Secretary, M r E. B. David, will open the "Fight Extortion" poster competition, exhibition on Wednesday at the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club. The winners of the competition Which drew [35 entries WiU DC announced at that time. The posters wi.'l be on
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  • 212 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The War Department Civilian Staff Association's 7,000 members have conditionally accepted the War Office's offer of severance pay which was submitted on June 30. But they have asked that MOM small amendments be made in the offer, The Standard was told. The
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  • 82 4 MEMBERS of the Singapore Recreation Club, Eurasian Association and Girl's Sports Club gave a dinner party on Saturday night in honour of the Assembly Speaker, Sir George Oehlers, and Lady Daphne Oehlers. Sir George received his knighthood in this year's Birthday Honours Standardpic (from left): Mr.
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  • 107 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Wives of foreicn diplomats in the country will be invited to become members of th< Women's International Club here, a nonpol.tical. non-reli-gious and non-communal organization. Miss W. G. Talalla. the dub president, said last night that >he hoped more Malay women will
    107 words
  • 80 4 BIG SCOUT MEET OH AUGUST 10 Ipoh. sun,!, l.*>o scouts and from all nvrr th. tion arr V n». attrnd a P, n patrol camp m Außust Id to It iv hopifl Hirf s,,, ul of Malaya 1., v man Km \b<l U Minisirr f<»t Inn Justice, v ill <i,.,
    80 words
  • 90 4 COLONY FREIGHTER HELD UP A MONTH THE L'( Cu«b has «r he So h S an ours, 1 Tne S the vessci arrive-i .rds thr While the ship was in J pro c» return trii the: It ny lUefßd th« rj tarjr i -.ere i that the argo be checked
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  • 101 4 THE Chi. Lim Y( v. H be -nr Tamil Lang iag^ 5 Associate n M Oth< r w! become natrons ire Educa': r M.r... Swce X- Chancel r n| sity of Malaya Pr T: A dent ;s i I -Tarn.. M dent oi
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  • 17 4 THE 27! h -ocz of Oprratm S H I X ;a Lumpur, or. 'n. M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 76 4 The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products B^^^^B^^^iw!'*v^^^'^'&wli'^^XVyK*?^y^AX^^«; '.&?''.<■'<■■■''■'■ •C-y-''' J^yy-'y.''. '"ly^ '•''•''■''■''•'%£?'&s''•''•''■ '?s9^^9^B -*< ■.■s'■■'■ yyy.y >- -'^•-•-'^^S3c%fc'JflS^K^^^B B^^ropyßS^v:' .'/-•■•<■ -<■:■ -iy .y. •>::... > ;^ffiM^^B Wjx^ffi^-fy **vK"-' ••^"'*i-' <•*• ■> r "y* v ''Jb^fiK^^^^U CHEE THONE SAN Provides Instantaneous relief for Toothache, Earache, Stomachache, Muscle Pain, Indigestion,
      76 words

  • 278 5 jj o y Mean Jai7, Pi;/es Minister MPI K. >" n The Minister of Dev Ki/ak. has laid down five conditions IKlt Bintang Park Trade Fair organi- llto rs comply before he will allow v i r a lure on Wednesday. management and the
    278 words
  • 177 5 Dato Tells Rotarians Avoid Complacency n -Rotary, which S£ nun-political nun-racial. ■Sis P: n C *poh° when Mr. r arwg fSStt Oantang lor P^Sbiul Razak were t^SSuty Prime Minister KJ Rotarians that they EjT specially conscious i ftS* a sense of >* and a determiavoid comp C Huns 1 *>
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  • 46 5 PEXANG. Sun— Swimmers off Tanj mg Bungah here .terday scampered for •.:y when two sea-snakes .>:• d near them. T:> y then sounded a ■ to other bathers. One youth MMPt to "M" out one of ttM reptiles with a and kfll -t.
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  • 76 5 TWO of Radio Malaya.'* Malay programme executives, Inche Dol bin Ramli (centre) and Inche Ahmad Othman Merican (right) left recently for the United States on a four-month study tour. They vi 1 1 attend special radio courses at Boston University and work in commercial radio
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  • 104 5 Alliance In Sweeping Victory KUALA LUMPUR. SunAll ihrce Alliance candidates who >tood fOf the re-e ection to the Kota Bharu (Kciantan) Town Council by-e 'toot ion > were returnee by big majorities at yesterday's polling. They defeated candidates put as by the Pan-Malayan lilatnk Party m all the three warda.
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  • 154 5 Mentri Urges More To Study Malay IPOH. Sun. The Mentri Besar of Perak, Inche Mohamed Ghazali bin Haji Jawi, in his opening address at yesterday's annual general meeting of the Perak Adult Education Association, emphasized the importance of the Malay language as a means of bringing the different communities together.
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  • 283 5 PENANG, Sun. Secretary of the Penang Clerical and Administrative Staff Union, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew, said today that when a union adopted go-slow" tactics, menhers could not claim the law's protection if 4 he employers dismissed them. Mr. Ooi. who was addressing the
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  • 105 5 KOTA BHARU, Thurs.— ln response to 100 letters appeal sent out by the Persekutuan Pemuria Mclayu Keianlan. the following six contributions towards the development of the association are gracefully acknowledged: Messrs. Soon Cheon^ Ltd.. Kota Bharu, $.W Tuan Haji Mohd. Yusof Bangs. Manager Kuala Pcrgau Estate, L-iL'.v.
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  • 58 5 Mr. and Mrs. P. L. B. David Hendriek, pictured after their wedding at the Singapore Registry yesterday. The groom is the son of the late Mr and Mrs P. L. B. Hendrick, while the bride, the former Miss K. B. Nanawathie, is the daughter of Madam N. B.
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  • 175 5 Aussies To Hold Trade Talks In Malaya KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. An Australian Government team is expected here shortly for trade talks with the Federation Government, Australian High Commissioner Mr. T.K. Critchley, said today on his return after several weeks consultation with his government. The talks, which pave the way for
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  • 237 5 Call To Modify Economic Policy KUALA LUIUrUK, sun. The Labour Party of Malaya, at its national executive council meeting here today, resolved to isk the Alliance Government to modify its economic policy and to develop to the fullest extent the country's industries and agriculture to meet the present deter iorating
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  • 180 5 PENANG, Sun.— The sarong and baju, being the national dress in independent Malaya, should be given first preference by Government in its manufacture. This was stated today by City Councillor, Mr. Cheah Phee Aik in his address as adviser at a meeting to form the North
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 CONVERTIBLE WEEK!!! yS Mit^^^^^S H oif Full range of beautifully designed, new FORD Consul, Zephyr and Zodiac convertibles on show this week! For safe fast cruising and steady cornering in the open air down an open road there is nothing '•ke a FORD Convertible! ft ftfr^fy DEALERS
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  • 346 6 Some Quit Union Thinking It Will Save Their Jobs' PEN ANG, Sun. The acting president of the Penang Clerical and Administrative Staff Union, Mr. Pow Kow Koni, told the annual general meeting today that the country was facing a trade recession and many clerks were beni£ retrenched.
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  • 70 6 FORMER gang-buster. Superintendent of Police, Singapore, Mr. Cheah Tcng Cheok. has been appointed Police Secretary. Mr. Chcah will take over from Mr. Eu Cheow Eang, who will be away on leave in August for two months. Mr. Cheah returned from Britain a few days ago after attending
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  • 137 6 $4 MIL DAM APPROVED FOR BRUNEI BRUNEI. S;;n.— The Brunei State Council at a recent meeting has approved the construction of the TIKI Dam Scherpe costing an estimated 51, 800, 000. Tenders will s-oon be ca'.led :or the construction of this dun. The OmmHl llfO agreed that, writh regard to
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  • 104 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The Acting Minister for Labour and Social Welfare. Mr. V. T. Sambanthan. yesterday dismissed the appeal of the National Union of Factory and General Workers against a decision of the Registrar of Trade Unions The Union was struck off the register in April because
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  • 91 6 SEVEN THROW ACID AT TAILOR A TAILOR, Loh Tuck Yee. was attacked a few yards from the Singapore Central Police Station yesterday by seven gangsters who threw acid at him and then stabbed him. Interviewed at his sickbed at the General Hospital. Loh said his attackers asked him to which
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  • 146 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Many Chinese schools in Solangor prefer to use their spare periods to teach English, he Selangor Education Department Schools Liaison Officer. Mr E. S. King, told The Standard. This Ls mainly because teachers in this subject are more tasily available, he said. Mr.
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  • 68 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Mr. Leo S. Nicholson, chairman of the division of and Physical Education ot the Central Washington Coiiege. is now in Malaya on a three month tour of youth ciubs oy courtesy of the United States Information Services. He is scheduled to visit
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  • 46 6 POLICE-LIEUTENANT Kenneth William Baker and his bride, the former Miss Irene Lam Yuet Lin. pose for The Standard cameraman after their wedding at the Ipoh Registry on Saturday, July 5. P/ Lieut. Baker is attached to No. 2 Police Field Force in Ipoh.
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  • 177 6 THE proposed United Socialist Front came under fire last night at the first Kallang by-election rally held by the Peoples' Action Party. PAP Party executives called it a "facade behind which a merger of the Liberai-Socia.-ists and the Labour Fiont was being planned."
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  • 119 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The University of British Columbia will hold a seminar on the Federation of Malaya between July 28 and August 1. The object of this seminar is to provide an opportunity to study Malaya under a distinguished teaching staff drawn from Malaya.
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  • 64 6 KUANTAN, Sun. —Minister for Works. Posts and Telecommunications, Inche Sardon bin Haji Jubir. yesterday paid tribute to the expatriate officers who. he said, worked under very difficult conditions. The minister, who is at present on a tour of me East Coast, paid this tribute when addressing
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 519 6 z* I#4sf 4, 6.30 9.30 IbWA^ V&. "RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP" j;:PM*»' SWIMMINfi Short "Training Champion*" d\) I phone r*- wJJJB^ 11. 1.45. 4. 8.30 U.M) I narcis in "MOTHER INDIA" International \»rsi»»n with supfrlinposfd tnchsh Sub. Print hy IHHMHILim DMnhulert fty Shaw Hros. I c^nV, "WOMAN IN A
      519 words
    • 183 6 j i^-;a "THE YOUNG LIONS" W J] 11 1 mi a vi n ivi. 111 ('a»h HiNikine>> Only: Prues: <2 >-, Sl -k ool^* 1 Che Cm Onimarulmmrs J IMiiMMiW:! TODAY! J 428%80 "ESCAPE from SAN QUENTIN JEEJUIHSB h r': fodav OnK r i .VVV."x k m vi>^ i «i(
      183 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 722 6 PF\lA\lP the Record, fi 15 Women's Mapa- ■llnl If il V J l| Vil ■.fiWllMil* fl u* u zi::e H. 55 Regional Announce--111 Ul'i UI"J i llllr Ul'll CAPITOL: 115, 3.30. 630 and ments.iop.m .Str::ip Snug 10.30 y.30 p.m. 1) 11 Dancing m the Dark. R!-'\: Bop Girls Goes Calypso
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  • 526 7 1 m m sit f I I B X nqs we J |i *o one Jenny Meets 2 Lovely Singers M Poori. n-ho is i. r' Tknown to \s, htt just reed t/tCT font and a half me stau r llnng- rd Mandarin foup- r Mbf
    526 words
  • 150 7 PART-TIME MOTHERS ARE BEST Gloria Gordon reports from London children are past the age of ten Of eleven, they have their own world. their own friends. Husbands have their jobs. All mother has is a fund of second-hand stories She is reduced to the role of the eternal listener. CANT
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  • 182 7 55 Pass Sewing Exams TJOUSEWIVES. teach- ers, nurses and even schoolgirls were among a group of 55. who received their diploma in passing their sewing examinations. They were from three different schools attached to the Singer Sewing Machine Company, who also celebrated the occasion with a tea-party. Fifteen women passed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 I P &+^l**m 111 I B^^^Rlli IL 1 l^Bl ft refreshment throughout the day -~'e Vardley Lavender. Richer, longer lasting, jB Aith well-groomed people throughout Ilj?Vt/ F.njoy also Yardley J^Lr'' L soap and Lavender Talc. yardley English LAVENDER
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    • 15 7 B ATn Yesterday CAN M Z Z. %DO FOR YOUR HOME. YOUR I v TODAY
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 603 7 'TODAY'S QCOTATION: ■■■■■■■■■■■PH "A useless life i. but an K3 early death." —Goethe I Bfl MONDAY FOR EVERY- llw Hll S4^l ONE: From midafternoon through evening provides I the most constructive por- I K^£l*fl tion of the day A reason- U IV99V^a able. logical, considerate I I approach to people
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 945 8 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. ffi: *****/6, *****/4 132/6 Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE Te Halifax, Montreal, Boston, New York, Baltimore. Philadelphia 6> Cult Ports. S pore f. Sham Penang TEUCER j/9 Aug lOAui IS/16 Aue MYRMIDON 17/25 Oet 26 Oet 27/28 Oet Carriers option to proceed
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    • 1087 8 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (18 lines) (Incorporated in Singapore) 02 lines) p r THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Jg! SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL, CLASCOW, LONOON tr CONTINENTAL PORTS Carriers option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge cargo (Via Suez with liberty to proceed via Panama or
      1,087 words
    • 935 8 MITSUI IpQ LINE FOR JAPAN Spore P.S'ham Penang Amogison Maru from India 18 July 16 July FOR U.S.A. via SUEZ For New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore via Bombay. Awobason Moru trom ipan 20 July 23 July FOR U.S.A. via PACIFIC For Vancouver, San Francisco, L. Angeles, Cristobal Havana, Cd: Tru|ilo. New
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    • 654 8 EAST ASIATIC LINES HOMEWARDS Sailings for Aden. Port Said Cm,, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremen, Copenhagen. Cothcnb Spore P S ham p "MANCHURIA"" ».'oj.., "MEONIA" BOMA' 28 30 Jul V 31 1 A U q Beymouth, Gdynia. OUTWARD Sailings for Bangkok and for FAR EAST Penang P S harr "KINA" "I "LALANDIA"
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  • 180 9 Britain Leads In Motor Exports' BRITAIN'S two-mil. lionth vehicle for export since the war— one of the new seven-ton trucks— has vist beon shipped from Birmingham. It is bound for Malaya at the same time, two newest, car-. Mi for Sweden and another foe the United States, also left Britain.
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  • 105 9 Americans Spend More On Travel WASHINGTON. ,h:'.y rT— One of the important factors •ddinf to the recent li\eiy flow of dollars abroad has been the steady rise in American travel to Other parts of the world. All indication! point to a continuing expansion of this travel, which has characterised the
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  • 26 9 LONDON, July 6 (AFP).— An agreement tail boon reached between Great Bri*ain. Pakistan and India on the (.v-.llng levels foi cotton Imports into Britain.
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  • 289 9 BUSINESS in copra on the Singapore market on f.o b. terms continued slack during the week, says Lewis tVat (Singapore) Ltd.'s weekly report. However, says the report, there was some device of competition b> shippers for loose supplies Price of $36.44 was reported paid
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  • 67 9 THE FEDERATION of the Rhodesia^ and Nyasaland will send a trial shipment of about 2.000.000 pounds of beef to Israel this year, according to the Rhodesian Cold Storage Commission. The beef will be shipped ka two equal lots during August and September. If these shipments are successful,
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  • 62 9 AUSTRALIAN wheat harvest for the current season is reported to be the smallest .since the war. The 1957-58 crop la estimated at 96.000.000 bushels. It ll also less than half the crop two years ago. The reduction is due mainly to the extremely dry conditions prevailing in
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  • 61 9 THE Malayan Exchange Banks Association made the following changes to its merchants yesterday: New York: buying. TT. 32-13/16 OD .U-11/lfi. 90 days airmail :V2 credit bills. 32-1/8 *CANADA: BUYING. IT W-13/16, 90 H;<> s airmail 32 credit bills, 32-1/8 trade bills Selling. T.T or OD ready: Canada .U-l/4:
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  • 79 9 TOKYO July 6 (UPI)-A company wants to trade 66 coastal vessels with Indonesia for U5550,000,000 worth of oil, trade sources said today. Kinoshita and Company, sources said, already has approached governmental agencies in an attempt to get offirial approval of the plan and to ask the
    79 words
  • 378 9 GAINS FOR INDUSTRIAL SHARES #<Y#i ###!€•€> i\ntl Commerce Some Investment Support Seen By A Market Correspondent 1 INDUSTRIALS have had a quiet week/ but most leading counters achieved modest gains, being assisted by short-covering and some investment support. Gains of 5 cents were established by Fraser Neave Oids. Jacksons, Cold
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  • 124 9 THE volume of Malayan bank transactions rose to $3,747,690,000 in May this year from S3 :i»9.164,000 in the previous month, according to statistics. Cheques sent out for clearing in May totalled $1,631,251,000. against $1,525,405,000 in April. Debits to current deposit accounts amounted to $2,116,439,000 ($2,023,--759.000
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  • 177 9 Dealers To Visit Carlsberg Brewery FOUR Singapore dealers of Carlsberg beer leave fie Colony today for Kuala Lumpur, on route to Denmark on a three-week visit to the Carlsberg breweries in Copenhagen. Thcv are Mrs. Ang S^o Senf and Messrs. Ang Thian Te/k. Kg Kirn Lee and Foo Kia .Twee.
    177 words
  • 282 9 Bu> MM done as trom June 2fl 1 Ju'.v 4 Industrials: Federal Di-pcn-Mun H IS. Fraser md Neave Ordinary $2.55 to 1&57] to $2.55 Ganunoni 12.19 rd cct and $1.40 lo $1.48 w Hammer and C<> 11.55. Hongkong Banks iTo'j $43Q Hume Industries F,F. Ord
    282 words
  • 134 9 COMPANY REPORTS Gammon (M) Limited: For the year ended J«' 31. 1958 tt oroflt of 35 fi r<pr cent n ean.rci and a dividend of 25 per rrnt has been recomm"' d^d on tne canitai as increased by the 1 for 7 rights issue A free capitalisation issue of for
    134 words
  • 146 9 The Bri',i>h Government c r ar. 4cd a total of £17,308.000 for development projects in o\ rseas territories in. the year ending March 31 last ar.d an additional £1,250,000 for research schemes. This brings to a total of £156.000.()0ii the- amount approved by the
    146 words
  • 50 9 U.S. SHARE of the United Kingdom lard marxe* drr.ppod frnm 64 per cent in th« first quarter of 1957 in 51 3 per cent during the *same months of 1958. All other major lard suppliers to 'he United Kinedom increased their trade over this period
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 214 9 SAPPHIC SERVICE I jq Colombo and Europe V I t' i A*. Ctytei* <-'•'• A P'd« S-^apo-* *ir i ■■rw 3«cc« r^b I VICTOR III)., Sinaaporp, Kuala I'lrnftiir. Penant*ffjjj EVERETT ORIENT LINE J^J I Spore P. Sham Penarwj I 9 July 6 July I 30 July 27 July I •Chittogong.
      214 words
    • 217 9 SARAWAK GOVERNMENT DEBENTURES Sarawak Government Debentures in units of $10.00 are now on sale and can be bought at any Government Treasury or any Bank in Sarawak. Each $10.00 debenture will be redeemed for $14.00 in the following manner:— Once during each of the nine years immediately following the issue
      217 words

  • 544 10 The Big Badminton Meeting FOUR-POINT PLAN TO REGAIN THE THOMAS CUP KIALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Badminton Association of Malaya today introduced a four-point plan for producing a team to regain the Thomas Cup for Malaya. I Details of the pan were *o- day annowm-ed
    544 words
  • 94 10 PRETTY Mivs Lee Chine Kit of Ipoh. who became the women's champion athlete in the Perak Telecoms Ninth Athletic meet held in Ipoh on Saturday. Miss Lre. a telephone operator, established three nrw records in the Javelin Throw («9ft 10 ins), the Shot Putt
    94 words
  • 233 10 S'PORE FIGHT BACK BEAT THE SERVICES SINGAPORE kept up their good work with an unbeaten record in three games when they beat the Joint Services 0 in a Malaya run matrh nlaved at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. two games. j Kcjui Sembilan Q -.^•rxA'.d Artlmr Boh, ,v! •> -a..- on
    233 words
  • 134 10 SEREMBAN, S :n. Negri S i an beat Mala.-ca W in a HMS Malaya C m Wo*** pi T..i! h en tne S« ri St n padang toNcfli combined we. to take a le.- re hr.lf time a- i .:h Ma.nv-a made a f• i ha
    134 words
  • 66 10 PENANG, Sun. Inspector George Barnabas with HSA points emerged champion athlete in the seventh annual Penang Police Athletic meet yesterday. His Unit, the No. 1 Police Field Force, with a total of Ilsi points won the Unit championship. The best performance trophy went to P. C. Mohamad
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  • 42 10 SEREMBAN, Sun. Singapore Army beat 17 Gurkha Division by an innings and 25 runs on the Station Padang here today. Gurkha first innings 99 (Wilson 5 35), Gurkha second innings 96— (Collins 4 19), Singapore Army 220 runs.
    42 words
  • 80 10 REGARDING the criticisms of the committee levelled by Mr. Leow Kirn Fatt. manager of the 1955 Thomas Cup Team, Mr. Heah said that the committee considered this action as most unwarranted. He pointed out that Mr. Leow was a member of ihe Thomas Cup management committee.
    80 words
  • 356 10 FTD Award Goes To Lye Choon CHAN LYE CHOON. driv- ing his Cooper 1089 cc, smashed Chia Eng Quec's course record when he returned a splendid time of 1 mm. 42.81 sec, in the racing cars (1.100 cc and under class) at the Singapore Motor Club Sprint at the Princess
    356 words
  • 270 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Kilat Club enhanced their prospects of winning the Stonor Shield when they gained maximum points with an outright win against PWD Sports Club on the Pantai Green here today. On the other hand Selansor Club, defending champions, jeopardised their chances of ra
    270 words
  • 140 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. President of the Badminton Association of Malaya, Mr. Heah Joo Seang, said today he would stay as head of the association. However, he qualified the announcement by saying that he would agree to remain president "as long as my health permits me."
    140 words
  • 206 10 MALACCA, Sun. Singapore scored their big interstate cricket victory when they trounced Malacca by an innings and 101 runs in the two-day game on the Malacca Cricket Club ground today. Continuing their overnight score of 21 runs for three wickets in their
    206 words
  • 201 10 SEREMBAN, Sunday— J<>ho:e Malays beat Negri Sembilan Malays by one run in an exciting cricket match for their Ruler's Shield played on the Rabat. 2 Road padang here today Neeri Sembilan Ist innings Ali Yatim b Ismail Satiff 4 Jaffar Onn bin Siriek 2 Izaiddin c
    201 words
  • 41 10 Sun Thr of tickets f Or mas Cup (1111 raked in si. o»m, Mala>a\ share f) sriss.. 51 r xn n rurred i n Sin sap.*, r eluding transport l anrrs for p| a> ffry. rv 7 to 513.000
    41 words
  • 42 10 Mr Heah s the president tfJ^had dl/id.V u;is not p<ivs!^,, <**Pt the piop,, M Indonesian R, (l! Association t., "Cooduill i,, llt Federation as ij harril> an N t Mll plans to ir leave for «,u r pi.
    42 words
  • 143 10 4 RECORD GO AT PWD MEET X i i Put c V. created two-n.,\ v, ai c:.c rv.ricd n- r r ground All the records tftj were in track events. R. 1 athlete the urn I f by X. J> Highnes* the Sil Se:.ii -or 100 >ards 1 220
    143 words
  • 979 10 KILAT CLUB vs PWDSC AT PANTAI GREEN PWD— lst. Inns. R. G. Bryant c Wescoe b Navaratnam 21 Ramanathan c Maniam b C. Shepherdson 0 A. Samuel bC. Shepherdson 0 C. Jayatilika c G. Singh b D. Shepherdson 0 C. Mahadevan b Kanagaratnam 15 Lav
    979 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 58 10 3l ft? s**~ fy^r h a t a difference #^L* V THE •>TRO.\G STOUT WITH THE MILD TASTE rY% vi ake s When y*u need I Ri J m \twk t nn\ 1 f\^ Murk* v v j yF^-) IT'l %'Zii.i uuA v^Xi 11.1 and makss I V >Zjf item
      58 words

  • 203 11 I, WINDSOR LAI) K. Sun With favourites failing )t >, on Saturday, concluding |aMor T-: Ctal^J June-July Meeting H >. ith P P I a 1 .nner I urn in 1 ed a «i< :cd n WedU* got 11 anothci
    203 words
  • 516 11 ia— Stawaa schoolr '-Tn^ Tav. Peralc p tews ctoapwa for the I tour ifa«. mitfa an t and this aigh! here Choon w Kef Peng. been no to ia the tournaments 1 to end next Sunday live-set and y introduced. J- VJ. \J. *opinger-s mm
    516 words
  • 50 11 ZAANDAM. Holland, July G (Renter) P. Kantnrck of Czechoslovakia, won ,in internation il marathon here vesterdaj, dockinjl 2 hours 26 mins. 17.4 KCS. foi the classic distance of 26 milei :>B-") yard-. P. Blookcr (Holland) wai MCOQd in 2:20:30 and W. (lansslei (Germany) third in •2:' M 18:2.
    50 words
  • 44 11 LOS ANGELES. July 6 (Renter) Pancho Stjcura of Ecuador won first prize of $3,000 (£1.070 sterling) tor the singles event, when he bent Ken Rosewall of Australia *>-3, ♦>-3. yesterday in the $15,000 Masters round robin professional tennis tournament here.
    44 words
  • 302 11 Armed Forces Lack Shooting Ability KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Combined Servires today handed the Federation Armed Forces a >-2 beating in the HMS Malaya Cup soccer tie at the Merdeks Stadium. The Services turned on the pressure from the start and all their five goals were
    302 words
  • 38 11 THK victorious Brazihp.n football team with the coveted trophy after beating Sweden .»-2 to win the World Soccer Cup championship. They were given a big ovation by the croud for their well deserve^ victory. IPI Photo.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 209 11 SELANGOR MALAYS IN 7-WICKET VICTORY IPOH. Sun: In the first round tie of the inter-state cricket competition for the Ruier's Shield. Selangor Malays, the holders, scored «n easy seven-wicket victory over Kedah Malays on the V.M.C.A. ground here today. Kedah Malays baited first and were all out tor H7 runs
    209 words
  • 109 11 LONDON. July fi. (Reuter).— England*! high-powerea .-print quartet of Peter Radfom, Roy Sandstrom, David SeijHl and •John Young boosted tneir Empire Games chances wnen they beat the British four llf) yards relay record here yesterda.v. Running superbly, they clicked 4 1 .12 >c. i
    109 words
  • 62 11 EUROPEAN BASEBALL TOURNEY AMSTERDAM, July 6 (Reuter) Italy heat Belgium 3-1 in the first game of the 1T53 European baseball championship which began here yesterday. In the second game, Spain troun- ed France 29-4. Holland, the holders, and Germany are also competing. Winners of the championship will qualify for the
    62 words
  • 418 11 PENANG, Sun. Penan? showed their true worth today when they fought a gallant up hill battle to defeat Kedah 3-1 and chalk their third victory in thi.s year's Malaya Cup series at the City Sladium. Ffars( 11m Mtodoti vraal into i huddle when lii.-i'ie-lelt Cb ....i
    418 words
  • 66 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Despite the exreller.t weather and fine track oonditioßf on'.y two records were hroken in the annual Selanpor Police athletic meet held on the Federal Police Depot ground at Gurney Road yesterday. Burly Set Sarjit Sinch won the best individual performance trophy. Kurila Lumpur District won
    66 words
  • 32 11 LONDON. July 6. iUPI). The Australian Empire Games team flew into London 76--strong last night. Team manager William Young said the ath!etCs were 'fit and ronfident' after a remarkable trip.'
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  • 158 11 BULAVVAYO, Rhodesia. July 6 (Reuter) Picter Phillipus Stroebel. a Rbodesian jockey, yesterday equalled Sir Gordon Richards' world record of riding twelve successive winners. Stroebel started his winning streak at the Bulawayo Turf Club meeting on June 7. when he won the last
    158 words
  • 136 11 SINGAPORE SOCCER— Div. 3B—K ML vs. Haikowyii S.C. Geylang 5.15 p.m. Dir. 3B -Sernrigoon MY vs. Setia Jaya. M.F.A. 5.15. p.m. PENANG SOCCER (2nd Div V.M.A. vs. Police— Dato Km mat "A." LA. Pennug vs. P.I.S.C.—Dato Kramnt B T.P.C.A. "B" M. M.R.C. "B —P.S.C. ground. IPOH SOCCER Div.
    136 words
  • 406 11 JOINT Services "A" beat Civilians "A" by four wickets in a friendly two-day cricket match at Seletar yesterd? y. i Resuming their inning yesterday, the Civilians had scored 13 1 runs in their But innings, the Services we:e a.l out for 157 run.-. Nicholas <25)
    406 words
  • 321 11 Thomson Gains His 4th Open Championship LYTHAM, Lancashire, July 6 (Reuter) Peter Thomson Australia's 28-\ ear-old wonder golfer, won »is fourth British open championship here yesterday. Thorn-on defeated giant David Thomas, of Sudbu:y, Middlesex b\ lour strokes 139 to 143 in a 36 ho!' > play-off foi the title. Stakes
    321 words
  • 69 11 MARGARET SETS JUMP RECORD MORRISTOWX. NfA- Jersey, July 6, (Reuter).— Miss Margaret Matthews of Georgia bettered the Ameriran rerord for !ne z .'v.p here vesterlay in the United States wolh r in p of 20 foot one in,~h (6.121 metres) boat the o ri re■ord of 19 feet 11 and
    69 words
  • 93 11 NEWMARKET. .1 lly 6, (Reuter)—Mr G A Gilbert's Right Bo y wo', the July Cup. r m er furlongs here ye tr rv Mr C, C Tayloi Prnd'.e--wa < seror *no Mrs P M Am Irr.'s Rarr.par.! third Fi r ran. Otfi ia ctting
    93 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      38 words
    • 79 11 Put your trust in the f^ y TRACK-MARSHALL DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTOR f*? 9 >5 T7& 1 Jl v: Over 12,000 lbs. drawbar pull *Mk -h 50 H. P. engine 1 1 ft Full range of equipment including Mm logging winch. <. IA^L }< *^^BV«R% S Jm epllillll i^MCf^aPfcJu- ™"*7 lBlafflWillf'yh^-
      79 words

    • 278 12 Experts Slate Defence System WASHINGTON. Mj 6 (Reuter Three leading §O*ernnvnt advisers said bM nuht the d( U nc< 5 i f the Ur.:* t d States hid been badly managed, and that the E' v( rnrt".- Nt It adiTs allowed only a few officials
      278 words
    • 89 12 THE NEW TRADE Minister Rachmad Hul.jomiseno, (extreme left), takes the oath during the installation ceremony for four new Indonesian Cabinet Members at the State Palace in Jakarta. Awaiting their turn in the background are (from left) Col. Supra.jogi, Minister of Economic Stabilization, Wahib Wahab, Mini<=t?r of
      UPI  -  89 words
    • 242 12 LONDON, July 6, (Rcuter).— A London barrister is today reported to have contracted a "sexless marriage" with a Cambodian nursemaid on the advice of a "spirit guide." The barrister. 3.vy ear-old Mr. John Averill, is a member of a sect which shuns meat,
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    • Article, Illustration
      74 12 CROWN PRINCE Constantine of Greece is pictured here wearing his official uniform after taking the oath as Officer of the three Armed Forces at a special com-ing-of-age ceremony at the Royal Palace in Athens. He is also wearing the Grand Cross of the Order of the Phoenix, awarded to him
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 349 12 Preservation Of Public Security Is Its Aim-Govt. ACCRA, Ghana, July 6 (Reuter)— The Ghana $ov♦irnment yesterday sought powers through a new bill to detain Glunaians for actions considered prejudicial to the security of the country and its relations with other countries Text of the bill, published
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    • 230 12 THE AMERICAN aircraft carrier 'Enterprise," veteran of the Pacific war was sold dS scrap for 1561.133 (about £200,000) at an auction in New York. Reuter. THE SAUDI ARABIAN Ministry of Health announced in Mecca that IS people died from severe heat or old a^e during the pilgrimage to the
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    • 188 12 LONDON. July 6 ißeuten. I —A Ru»;an-born watch- j maKfT claim.-, to have invented a car engine which runs *;thou: petrol or water. Mr. J^oph Masters, aged b- a.NStTta in newspaper interviews tha: he ha* di>c •■r- d -he M-cret of near- P-Tpet
      188 words
    • 197 12 YUGOSLAV PRESS HITS OUT AT RED SMEAR CAMPAIGN BELGRADE. July 6, The Yugoslav governmentcontrolled press today hit back at fresh attacks made against lugoslavia in Soviet bloc countries and said they were aimed at "expanding and aggravating" the current anti-Yugoslav offensive. The official Yugoslav newspaper Borba said the conlerence :n
      197 words
    • 149 12 Ike To Have Talks With Diefenbaker OTTAWA, July 6. i Reuter). -President Eisenhower and Prime Minister John Diefenbaker meet thU week in another major effort to smooth economic friction between Canada and the United States. The "Little Summit," talks, spread over four days starting on Tuesday will touch on such
      149 words
    • 266 12 BLOMFONTEIN. Orange Free State July 6. (Reuten —A search for survivors of a vanished race of people will begin on July 12 when an expedition leaves here for the unexplored regions of Angola. Portuguese West Africa. The expedition will seek a nomadic group of
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    • 154 12 LAHORE, Pakistan, July 6 (UPI) Pakistan's Prime Minister Firoz Khan Noon told Pakistanis yesterday that "if you want to go to war you will have to find another Prime Minister." "I want Pakistan to be Surrounded by friendly Afghanistan and India," Noon
      154 words
    • 108 12 WASHINGTON. July 6 (Reuter)— The death rate among regular cigarette smokers is 58 per cent greater than among non-smokers, according to the American National Institute of Health. Dr. Harold Dorn, the Institute's chief statistician, in a report to be delivered tomorrow to the Seventh International Cancer Congress
      108 words
    • 74 12 GENEVA. July 6 (UPI)~ Cuban rebel Fidel Casiro has offered to hand over unconditionally" to the Cuban Red Cross all the Cuban army wounded and sick now in ni* hands, the International Red Cross announced today. The Red Cross said it haa informed the Cuban Red
      74 words
    • 53 12 BURMESE WOMEN'S ARMY had their big day last week when the entire nation paid tribute to the fair ladies in arms. After a colourful military pageant, General Ne Win, Com- mander-in Armed the girls t.. ace in "hi from tr i rnmins fnshoulder n, tasks of
      53 words
    • 231 12 LONDON, July 6, (Reuter)— Bertram! f eminent Biitish philosopher, has accused M f, Duiles dvd Mr. Nikita Khrushchev of h willing to lead mankind to universal death t make- even the smallest concession in n« > In an undelivered speech. published today in the Observer, Earl Russell also called
      231 words
    • 90 12 THKTI in.J July 6 (Hi J Tow n m i decided Ih.ti a uay to "d^ tenants win. :;u with the i- c prive them v! >: It has a!n .id pi.:* plan into <p ..»n cessfull} in t h« < < a man thr<« I arrears. The Cihiih
      90 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 74 12 Cook WITHOUT Fat... with the /^T^h NEW NOFATPAN This wonderful frying par. ?r-icn 4 if:ra::y tredtcd so that you do r fat for normal ru -kin? So .e^n an J use, 'his boon to the harduork;:.? h-. J a real "must" for those peoplr w! told not to :r.d 2
      74 words