Sunday Standard, 23 February 1958

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Total Pages: 26
1 26 Sunday Standard
  • 13 1 SUNDAY STANDARD Vol. VIII. No. 235 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1958 20 cts.
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  • 307 1 Pro-Soekarno Men Held I JAKARTA, Feb. 22. I (UP)— A "number" of revolutionary sympathizers, including army officers, have been arrested in Northern Sumatra which up to now has remained loyal to the Central Government, it was learned today. The Press officer for the first military district
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  • 552 1 MORE THAN 3.000 under-privileged children from all corners of Singapore, fateluding the neighbouring i.slmds, yeslerday took over the Great World Park when The Standard Cheer Funds 57th and la>t party went off with a big bang. It wa.> by tar tiie biggest and
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  • 130 1 Welcome For Queen Mother sydney. Feb. 22. (Renter). Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother wi nt through another hand-shaking marathon at a State welcoming ceremony In Sydney Town Hall yesterday as 25,000 people in th.e >tivet outside chanted: "We want the Qu« d In W than haif-an-hour -he Shook hands with
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  • 44 1 LONDON. Feb. 22. (Renter). -Mr. A. P. Makatlta, Commercial Counsellor a the Indonesian Embassy in London, bas been "dishonourably dismissed" for accepting an appointment M aa European representative of the rebel regime" In Centra] Sumatra, the Indonesian Embassy here announced yesterday.
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  • 58 1 NINE secret society gang-ster.-i dashed with lour members of the Lun Woh Cub in New Market Street on Friday ni^ht. Bottles were thrown by boh parties. The fight started after the gang belonging to the S.ew Mui Fah (Little May Flower) secret society, entered the premises ol
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  • 62 1 taipki. Peb. 26 (DP).— Six peftom were killed end 18 to* lured yesterday fas the Rrsi coaH nline disaster on the land Tne 'ident oc urred when -ix < al > can loade I with miners back to work fnr-n Chinese Hi w Year'j ho
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  • 185 1 INDONESIAN rebel leader Lieutenant Colonel Vent fc Sumual kept a large number of Pressmen "ftucssins'' at Singapore's International Airport when he tailed to arrive by Pan American Airways plane from Manila But a niinotn later m the evening put Pressmen in a Hurry when
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  • 136 1 TOKYO. Feb. 22. (AFP) T\v young .Japanese lovers plunged to tb.cir deaths, tied in last embrace, from the roof of a department store yesterday They fell DO feet xind were found side by sicic on the track of downtown railway. The 2 n-oid salesman and the
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  • 362 1 Febrja-y 23. 1953 THE president of Party Negara, Dato Onn bin Ja'afar, has once again come out of hibernation and broken his silence with the announcement of his party platform. He is a persistent trier in the political field, but there is nothing new in his political programme. However,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 204 1 wr tm Tm mW '^^***m *n mm Jm 2mm mm. M tm. RR -Ut m^k Mx. A?A mM A—ttL """-zAak ek\ \weLm J» red lion c is wonderful! It's the still orange drink ..ide by ERASER NEAVE k j}\ Famous for flavour since ISB 3 **\^^^^m*rmti J _^o_^mr linlont^ia and
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    • 142 1 I'm talking to everyone I meet about the mileage my make o£ car ivill achieve in the 1958 Malayan Mobilgas Economy Run. ..maybe I can cut my petrol bill. If you arc a member of any motoring C] ib or Association whose badges are shown below and drive a 1
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 2 ix I J WJ L /l.riv IHESfi two 18-year-olds, Wong Yaw bah (left) and Kandralingam Chelliah test their haversacks and study a map for the first stage of their round-the-world hitch-hike which they propose to make shortly. Both are former students of the Ipoh AngloChinese School.— Standardpic by Lee.
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  • 338 2 Wanderlust Hits Schoolboys Standard Staff Reporter iron, Sat.— Two 18-year old youths will hit the adventure trail towards the end of this month by hitchhiking to faraway places— in fact, they plan a round-the-world jaunt. Tht boys, students of the [poh Anglo-Chinese Bchool,
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  • 136 2 SINGAPORE Kiml Board has a big programme for the building Ol several agricultural roads to give access to lana wttlemaits in the Colony tiie Chairman of the Board, .Mr. P H. Meadows. ■aid yesterday Mi Meadows. who was speaking sl the opening of the
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  • 237 2 DANCER OF TOO MUCH SMOKING' People Should Be Warned Of The Risks, Says Heah PKNANG, Sat.— Community leaders should organize an intensive campaign to give the widest publicity to the danger facing the people of the country in excessive cigarette smoking. This was stated by the president of the Straits
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  • 29 2 TEH MOOI CHAK. 74 VM i tally kao tod A sra agr an c :or-< yc'e a: ths l| Ifilc [pi R Kb Kjlj Lumpur on Pridsj
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  • 19 2 REVEREND U San Les hai nccn granted a ence to lolnmnim Christian man. In I E Colt r.v
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  • 212 2 AMERICAN ARMS CARGO FOR Rl. POLICE A LARGE consignment of modern American tarbines reached Singapore by air recently for the Indonesian Government in Jakarta. The arms, equipped with telescopic Infra-red target Viewers, were addressed to the Chief of the Indonesian Police Force In Jakarta. Government and the Indonesian Consulate officials
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  • 82 2 KHOO TIAN HOCK. bill collector, yesterday pleaded guilty in a Singapore Court o a Charge Ql criminal breach Of trust of $288. Insp. Y. L. Fong, prosecuting, told thc Ninth Singapore Magistrate, Mr. R. B I. Pates. that Khoo collected $54 from a woman
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  • 73 2 TAX Seng Hock and An? Geok Seng were yesterday produced in the Singapore Ninth Magistrate's Court and tentatively charged with armed robbery. Thev were alleged to have, with six unknown persons, robbed Tay Peo Seng of 33 piglings worth $1,200, while armec. with daggers at
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  • 39 2 CHAIRMAN ol the Asian Seamen's Club. Captain R. L. Richard, yes'.erday told The Standard that accommodation for Asian Seamen, including officers, will be available at the Club from today. Meals vvill be provided from noon Feb 27.
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  • 24 2 HAJI HAMZAH. 39. was found drowned in a tish-pond where he had gone fishing on Friday, the Kuala Lumpur Police disclosed yesterday.
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  • 134 2 GOVERNOR PRESENTS MEDALS, TESTIMONIALS TO 21 AT GEREMONY IN GOVT. HOUSE tWENTY-ONE prison. u, I Micdnis and testimonials b\ tin s 1 Sir tYilliam (ioodc. at a Houm* yesfrrday. ards included one C.B.E four OBK'i bi: four be.m.s. three H. v- Humane So o Imperial Service D CM. II I
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  • 27 2 1 I Itoehe Al I pt under aaai sm vat ion for a ww*. J in* hurt to tv 1 stadents. ar 1 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 758 2 „.,i *«ittfu j4 t tei a t oo it a i^^^t^^^^^^^^i ANNOUNCEMENT LOST SOONEE COH S Tne Malaya School r r.-^r^p, ,t rcw C f.^ S es 291 lOST fnce Monday 17th February. Kt floor Tc 345 5 S'g ap f-» r <et arc*, short legged leg c Vacate m
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    • 106 2 IJMTfEifliflffliflfEJflifllfl^ ■> r < Li.OiZ&\ fl ifl aw' awM mmnwa fa fe K I The World's Most Honored Sto*. hh W BEST m [SmJ^ '^Js; picture A Wem^^K^ AWARDS W WmWi ■■$<*$'' I HONORS MICHAEL TODD'S \Y^^W ifl .tarring \m Jl ***> jjj DAVID NIVEN o&T*"i4k^ CANTINFLAS mM> ROBERT NEWTON
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  • 296 3 600 WANT LOW-COST HOMES We'll Go Back To Ghost Kampong,' They Tell Govt. Kl ALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Selangor Government has Keen asked to launch a low-cost housing project lor thc 1,600 former inhabitants of Jendaram, a "ghost kampong" which is being rebuilt. fbis WRR one of thc four main
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 3 Kl.. Hup Suan. is thr centre of attention in shp i«"lls ber .lass in World History t ..ns customs and h'storv of Ma'ava innclurted the e! iss uith her first-hand M. I Li\an independence, and was barra^ed n> lrom lier Xmerican classmates.
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  • 188 3 IKI \l M MPt'R, Sat. Ipnh schoolgirl l>ee sl l represent Malaya at the 12th annual lie I orum for hiijh schools in New York I City nexl month. *I of ion g. us Kangsa r I competition with other 'lalaya to reprent
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  • 92 3 IKS to the UMNO:> n rally yesterday oy the cha B irifl to re- bv the PAP .<ers Party to .r members away in elections, parties will put up i es the Malays who UMNO vote of members division, Inche at* nded by i from >re
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  • 31 3 I ORE tin sterner picul, up "rc Copra Assoc: s per picul Tea r merchantable mixed »ry shipment. 5 >*1| sellers Coconut O closing pr. for bulk shipMi* T
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  • 58 3 lIOUSL in Udd< r Bs rf A i.o Ri id. S ngap< re, was broken into on Thursday and •a ry w r:h So3o and $300 a.-h a- r- Ifli i -:v. in the area told Polio car arith two occa- isa 1 1 laavlni tbe
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  • 29 3 TH E ol ot the Ex-Sei A I li jj K A ishir eft f or Cai erra to attend trie 14th biennial Commonwealth E c-S< rvi League.
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  • 38 3 DONNA KAVE, 22. (above) nor only sinus. dances, and plays the ttrordion. but -she also walks on her hands in her entertainment acts. henna is now performing in a leading Colony night spot.
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  • 201 3 SINGAI'OKK Government will contribute SI 1,000,000 to ruial expenditure this year, Inche Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat. Minister for Local Government, Lands -md Housing, said yesterday. Speak. ng at the opening Of the Chansi Communi y Centre, Inche Jumat said that Government finances were limited
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  • 62 3 LEI kok CfiYl 2:,. ma yesterday acntonced to three posts' jail bs a Singapore Court when hs beaded guilty tO housebreaking and theft chargea Laa was also ordered to undergo tWO years' Police stipi rvision Hs Waa said to haVS forced the door of a
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  • 52 3 NEWS of t'ne <\ca\a of India'Mini ter for Education ano S ientific Research, .Mr Abdul Ka am A/ad. m New He. id. vc>terdny. has been received by the Malayan Indian GOBgreaa in Singapore. a condolence meeting aril] se held af I p.m. today at tf. Ra< e Course
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  • 33 3 MR. A. LOCKE. Command Secre ary. Headquarters Federation Armv. has been elected President of the Malayan Angling Association in place of Mr 11. J Kitchener who has left for Britain on retirement
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  • 229 3 CORONER COMMENDS DRIVER SINGAPORE'S Assistant Coroner, Inche Ahmad Hussein, yesterday commended a taxi driver, Xeo Kim Khoon, ior rendering immediate aid to an injuied man iu a motor cur accident. Um us nhmad wet ouiuuig an UMUMffI nuu UM deaui ui a\. ii. rarsniitiHU. a c*vu Kef" vaiiL snarntti to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 jgy -duck I CITRUS PRODUCTS^* GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS U handy 16oz. tins A 150... ORANGE JUICE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE sjp^^^'**'ejpen an v^^^ i
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    • 211 3 Shells QHS prevents wastage of power and money... ICA. was specially developed by Shell to (the regular grade) or Supershcll (the premium prevent carbon deposits interfering uith the grade). They both contain IC A. correct liming ot your engine. Without ICA. It you own a modern ear, you should use
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  • 1125 4  - Only The Dragon Was Missing AXDttEW ROTH front nFrORE the arrival in London of former UMNO Information Chief, Syed Jaafar Albar, a Malayan student joked: "He is coming here to keep his eye on Dato Nik who is. after all, a Negara man, and Mohammed Sopiee, who still sympathizes with
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 4 pic by LIEUT. T. E. LOPEZ and his bride, the former Miss Margaret Nancy Yeow after their wedding in Malacca ladt week. The bridegroom is an officer in the First Federation Regiment while the bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yeow Cheng Phiat of Malacca.
    Yong Heng  -  53 words
  • 192 4 tbtoOM Ml'A (Prince l.duard Koad): Roy S.'out.* and Art Li.ib 900 am Art Cia.-s SJO cm Red Croaa I W p.m Camera Club monthly outing 4.;<0 p.m Badminton Rilliards. Body-Building. Weignt-Lifting and Basketball 9.00 am. to 900 p.m: Rad:o Malays Broadcast Service 330 p.m Religion Socle if af
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 34 4 ROYAL INTEROCEAN LINE^^I J^TljLi rr cc\ -rz ud ~g 4 dc\s s'e/ Return fares as trom— m JOI THE MASTERPIECE I EfHu IN OILS C. C. WAKEFIELD CO., LTD. KUALA LUMPtJR S.NGAPORE PE ANG
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    • 681 4 EAST ASIATIC U;J OUIWARDb So.l.ngi to. bon,k ok n( ''lyß Penong p -LALANOIA- Zi/14M "BUSUANGA" 28/1 Mo, >■ Uooding for Shonghoi. m KORtA 1/2 Mc 1 Accepts corgc for Bonqkok So. qo "SELANDIA- 9/10 M„ ''1 HOMEWARDS 0 aden r W Rotterdom Homburg Bremen Cop C nh o<.0 <.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 228 4 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. Tol: *****/6. *****/4 132/6 Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE To Halitaa, Montreal. Boston. New York. Baltimore, Philadelphia Cult Ports. S'pore P. Sham Kenans TIVJCER 28Fe'b/10Mar 1 1 Mar IS/16Mar ULYSSES 23/27 April 28 April 29 April Carriers option to proceed eta othot
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    • 63 4 i'OD.W: Singapore 118 a.m (Bft. 9in i 1.28 p m <Bft. Oia.l Port Dickson 8.51 a.m tBft. 2in.» 913 p m iBit 7in Penang 241 am (7ft Sin > 100 m (7ft sin i lOMPKKOW: Singapore 144 am (Bft. 9in.) 204 nm (Bft lln. l Port Dickson 9.13 a.m (7ft.
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  • 44 5 photo. 1 l Pi. i ini; rose. RITII CISSY shows why she's been chosen to reign as In Bermuda Moral Pageant on April 24. The blonde beauty is erntre of a miniature rock garden reDlica of the mid-Atlantic island chair UP
    UP  -  44 words
  • 343 5 Vife's Non-Stop Nag Lasted 2 Days i:\3ON. Sat. Nag. S;C on and on and t wjs Mrs. Lena s method of get- awn way with nd. a judge said 54, was "a the nei i Mr. Justice i the Divorce C l a result, her husId Pedder. ression of 1
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  • 48 5 MUSEUM PIECE \m, frcsidential railpi car. 'Ferdinand In to become piece after fh 13 years' atukc. li K u>evelt wetted Mere thin iRA allies in it Irui less *reeatlj. and th>« nhouer R* •are. It hi> four ii ii diningk itchen all fei with halht-pi oof ::ntir plate.
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  • 205 5 The Parlourmaid And The Cowman DRDQN. S.\ A letter said to have written by a I vrcad to co;;: t vis to a pretty young tamaid and sad I line. Just a Bae» to Mi feu darlaua> with i mt md won't hin wife's u.os hagw ook for you erery
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 5 BRIGHT-EYED London actress Susan Travers, 18. went along to see producer John Jacobs. He wanted a girl for a play he is filming for American television. Susan said last week: "Mr. Jacobs liked my acting "BUT I DIDN'T CET THE JOB. HE SAID I WAS TOO BEAUTIFUL FOR
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  • 167 5 HE PRAYED I WOULD RESIST LONDON. Sat.— A twelve-year-old prl told Wimbledon (Surrey) juvenile court yesterday that her Sunday school teacher committed offences against her in the back of his car. And before he did so. he prayed that .she would be able to resist him. she said. "I had
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  • 135 5 LONDON, Sat. Evelyn Callaghan, 14. carried some fire-works in the back pocket of her jeans last Bonfire N. ght— and a youth put a match to :hem, a court was tr#ld yesterday. Evelyn was severely burned. For his "malic. ous act" the youth. Barry Shepstone,
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  • 269 5 LONDON, Sat. For eight years, said a judge yesterday, Alfred Duffield, 35, refused to allow his wife June, 32, to have a baby. So she left him. 'mien Mr. Duffield wrote |0 a friend, pleading: '"Help me to win her back. *Tf given a chance again
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  • 427 5  -  'Bo Peep' RETFG4 THE "mobile police station" launched by the Singapore Police for the public to make immediate reports instead of going to a Police Station, has yet to yield good results. knowing the people of Singapore, we feel that this venture is a flop, because
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 225 5 MK CONSTIPATION WORRIES ARE OVER I ALWAYS TAKE Milk of Magnesia IJecause lt provides mor# j| pB 11 complete relief than smglepurpose laxatives 1 ConstlpaJS tion and arid indigestion 53 usually go hand in hand f^nuYn ips' 1 only half efTcctlve But Mllk f "!..T.- of Magnesia relieves both conditions
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  • 90 6 U you re*) old. tired, ar.d worn out because of Backache. Rheumatism Pars. Sore. Stiff. Swollen Joints, get CYST EX from your chemist today. aid see how fast rou tm p-ove. CYSTEX also helps men ar.d women who lose s.eep ar.d energy because of Gttting
    90 words
  • 71 6 Stop Asthma Sleep Like a Baby If yon tough. *hiM» cA.n't *re*the ot aleep well due to A***.™^ J* tan b or BronchiUt attack* set MENDaCC trom four ehemlet or tore today MENDACO work* ihrougb the blood and bronohlaj tubae to dissolve and remove offend* xixg phlegm congestion. Then four
    71 words
    • 2815 6 Abdul Mawi Boots Home 3 Winners K. Lumpur. Third iittty. SttU. Ft>b. 22. /.9.7#. "Vttttd" By WINDSOR LAD I/DDIE LARKIN. who leaves ior England next week, rode in masterly fashion when he landed Dr. Lee Tian<* Keng and Mr. C. H. Hashim's Prince of
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    • 42 6 TOTAL POOL: $206,750 Ist 1.M3531 (574.4MU1 2nd *****70 ($24,810) itrd 1****** ($12,405) Starters ($629 each): *****21. *****42. *****25. *****47, *****47, *****55. *****78. *****09. 1406 226. *****48. Consolations ($620 eaeln: *****93. *****77. *****71. *****65. *****07. *****56. *****88. *****07. *****88, *****68.
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    • 66 6 TOTAL POOL: 5203.000 Ist. *****7 (554.810) 2nd. *****7 ($27,405) 3rd. *****9 (513.702) Starters ($1,522 each): Nos. *****0, *****8. *****6, *****2, *****4, *****5. *****3, *****8, *****1. Consolations (Sl,2lBeach): Nos 193.304, *****4, *****2, *****2, *****4. *****4, *****3, *****8, *****8, *****0 FORECAST POOL: Race 3 20 tickets ($46 each). Race 5
      66 words
    • 178 6 v M "W J y-A u A il- w i 1 be run L I I I GUIDE Tr. J 1 a "g l years I I 1 I i 1 I 1 <nr "SO ..-l I I not at a T? G r Riven 75$ the best aTSI
      178 words
    • 16 6 PTC TAKE 'SEVENS' TITLE riuO 06 mmm E 5 SjC tO;l^^.,.. d MlJ| 'cue two r.,rt
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    • 9 6 fl lto w a I I 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 760 6 TO OUR CHINESE PATRONS mjf A HAPPY NEW YEAR 55^1 THE YEAR OF THE DOG REMEMBER TO BUY CHINESE MANDARIN RECORDS BY "HIS MASTERS VOICE" featuring our popular local artistes Miss Yung Yung "Island In The Sun" NAC. ***** A B "C'est Si Bon" Miss Poon Sow "Tammv" NAC. *****
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  • 414 7 International Hockey lin toleration of Malaya once again asserted their v supremacy over Singapore when the two teams mternational match at Farrer Park yesterday rati n won by the convincing margin J .3 to nothing Al the goals were scored in t first nail. h
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    • 35 7 a aa-.y a rta h Ream at Fan. A SJ I RM\ SOFTBALL: sr.r. Wwtm m Pawmu ri 9C C 4 pan, Y"- Squeßtem Fli let nt l tttiktn 4 fun. Bon hart p.m.
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    • 18 7 7 I A s HCRC open Champion.', pt 7*OIOH Yo\nCll Co\ Ttt ft ifl 1 M AJW.
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    • 33 7 CftlCKfT HtitMfr) Penang S^or:? CHtb vs P |In laoctatioa at W Ro id ground at 10. 3 HOCKEY (league): 7o*Ho S .'\;.->-oivafion rs Malayan readier* 1 Collage D:ro Kramat ground at 5.15
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  • 27 7 II :j RemK rean soccer !ers of t A >n Cup. A to the Hongk )ined Chinese 1 of a sene» of thr at zames
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  • 433 7 F.A. CUP LUCK FOR SECOND DIVISION SIDES LONDON, Sat. The giants clash In the sixth round of the Cup, and at least two Second Division sides MUST be in the semi-final. Happies: men ln the country were the Fulham players. 'last of the London teams left In the competition Along
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 7 TOKYO: The Ministry of Postal Services will isst/e four colourful commemorative postage stamps (above photo) on f he occasion of the Asian Garnet in Tokyo in May. According to a Ministry announcement, the four commemorative stamps—s yen, 10 yen. 14 yen, and 24 yen— will be on sale throughout country
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  • 66 7 ADELAIDE. Feb. 22 ißoutOfl chancelesi innings ol 92 I v lefthander lan Huntington g i ishted a solid bati i cO ,rt b\ Victoi i on the opi ina day of their Sheffield S ::e'd match against South Australia here yesterday Victoria had made 23'J fnr .«nx wickets
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  • 196 7 ERSKINE LOSES TO SWEDE GOTHENBURG. Feb. 21 (Reuter) Ingemar Johansson, unbeaten Swedish' boxer, retained his European' heavyweight title here tonight by battering British and Empire champion Joe Erskine in:o submission in 13 rounds Erskine, tottering on his feet and with both eyes cut and almost closed, retired at the end
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  • 357 7  - THE AMAZING ILSA AND JOHN KONRADS PATRICK DAVIDSON By SYDNEY, Sat— The New Year has opened well for Australian sport with two young Sydney swim-mers--a i:>-. year-old girl and her 15-year-old brother shattering eight world swimming records in less than iwo weeks. i The ypUQgftcn are Ilsa and John Konru
    D. Edwards  -  357 words
  • 406 7 x \lill DIVISION Arsenal 4. Tottenham H 4 .Vton Villa 1. Chelsea I Blackpool 2. Sheffield Wod 2 Bolton W. 2. West B'wich A 2 Everton 1. Newcastle Utd. 2 Leeds Utd. 2. Portsmouth 0 Leicester C. 8, Manchester C 4 Luton Town 1, Preston N. End I -Manchester
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  • 32 7 ALAMEDA California, feb 22. (Reuter).— Sylvia Ruu.ska. American tree-style swimmer covered a mile in 21 mlns. 37.5 sees, here last night— the fastest time by a woman over the distance.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 f* HONG KONG ROUND TRIP nt 0R /A VACATION TO dSSg' EUROPE B R*k VMtr^-e^mmmwmWlmmmt Reserve ./'-\^^^ss! your place LLOYD TtIESTIMO tull details from Agents: HARPER, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Singapore Tel. *****—3 Penang Tel. 4022 Hnl Oil \C-ZZ2. }i y(mVmmmm—Z^ w£Brm am. a tata* -"St t<nm\ WwV.W
      77 words
    • 197 7 /YOUR name II should be HERE. JL \^£_&_&m I Bank Deposit Acc< vjntswith I o~. K :-.l Banking cam interest M Send for your cep> of Bank Deposit M^ J mLSm I Br 1 General Manager Jl LOMBARD BANKING If BANkLK> If Head. Office i.o\iii\Ki> hoi <»k It CLB/ON JsIRH
      197 words

  • 848 8  -  Jack Peart By A HORSE FETCHES £250,000, A FOOTBALLER £30,000, LONDON, Sat— To the best of my knowledge, nobody's ever heard of a turkey roasting a chef. But all kinds of improbable things happen in the name of sport these days. Who, for example, would have dreamed
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  • 226 8 CAPETOWN, Feb. 22 (Reuter The Australian cricketers were well placed to complete a double over Western Province after one day's plav in their return match here. For the loss of three wickets, they scored 92 to get within 12 runs of the home side's
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  • 383 8 TOKYO, Sat. (Pan Asia): With the opening: day of the 3rd Asian Games less than four months away, preparations are steadily taking concrete shape tor the 3-day Asian Olympiad which is expected to surpass the scale of the previous ones held in New
    News  -  383 words
  • 229 8 First AirConditioned Badminton Stadium PENANG. Sat— The City Council has plans to build Malaya's first air-condition-ed badminlon hall which would be used to stage Thomas Cup games. The mayor of George Town Mr. D.S. Ram..*. .Man. ftBSI KBBBSI st a press conference I i• v thai •die City Council h
    229 words
  • 30 8 Indians Win The Hard Way PENAN m m with a weil deserved Wl H I assured of les: S Malays drew fir* B out mi< Will Ull netted. AM* -htobsm^W
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  • 18 8 00. emtn* I xture I KrSaat ITP» Chee Tong P** second :i a __^L\
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 8 TOKYO:— Photo shows a scale model of the Tokyo Metropjjl'i- I^.,', I Stadium now under construction. This stadium is beinn special' > |iM Games at Meiji Park here. It will be provided with the latent tts .t'- the air-conditioning and machineries to keep the water at the year. (UP).
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 300 8 i j^Buc m*m. yL. tppq' C x ***** •*****' Ov vOOOOOt Ov f^flflftft^^^w »^%^J %rt^^ft#i#vvvvvvtfvvvvvvwPwQQ^#^^^QQwQQQQQQQQQ I jOOul jO <KKHjO"QuOpP SO VjOO JUUUU CODDO yMMUum DC rXTOOP"""""""* WWWWWWWftMBMWWWWWWWWWWWWIWIUUO I SQQQC )Q .1 Oi vQQQQ i »V /(SQ ii Wm WWW l,i L _WWPW QC QO ur r Q Ov* <W yy
      300 words

  • 1056 9 f ummmmu mmmmt um m Steve Neoh meets THE MUSICAL ORCHIDS] but does Spore know 17-Slone Samoan Beauty Smcddlc Brothers first Mm to •>■ BTBT110f)IlOBjB HfOPf<B^ Q Daring Mvrons i Royal Ciri^'icnd stars in Palladium Model Turns Chorus Girl To Visit Mala\a SULTRY Carmine
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 565 9 ___^LAVm T mmCA V^^VPHF^^hl ft ■^-S3IL%J li\V T l ill IBS Ift /"I^^^Q^^ .voir .%h»^i n 11. 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 X DI \U CHARN of 3 KINGDOMS" ctV,^vr K > I *^i*r 1 m (Kl x Rf^^Tj^rxTios^i s 1 "T". '^'IT^BafiSv i»'#:f-;A' ft 1 x 1^ 35h0vi5:1.45,5.30&9j nlt I
      565 words
    • 622 9 *I Ells l TYd PPQ 1^ t^ WmM^t fc% -^rr^v^ni n mnAv» v < IJ J ft] JI ,7, lUIJAi; A |.m j^ Mit. hum "Tlir EIfCUV DC I fMU" t urt Jurcens rit t/tt/Wf DCLUVf Lentury-lo* Today a.m.: I. m Ual in 111 MIII\I M »N luk s ALl
      622 words

  • 64 10 JHESE are some of the pictures taken by Singapore Standard <*meram under privileged children 1 Chiloren s Party at the Great World. Singapore, g****J "'re £r "the party ol thc The from all parte of Singapore, including the neighbouring Waa ria vere t»mw^ i
    64 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 442 10 r:,ui DOUBIi-ACTION V^PAIN KILLER The White Shell The Yellow Heart strikes at the centre prolongs the relief of pain in a matter brought by the instant of seconds action of the shell fFbljß"7iEblc7NTs~lT«"o7^Eri j Yes— it's a fart that DOUBLE-ACTION 'ANAON* contai ns four carefully selected medicines all in one
      442 words

  • 309 11 N ,i.,v. March we are to hear the American baritone, William Warfield Mrmnrla" Halt. aPtmiC eder and n( r MrMuaii ta th? us have nr.r fc WLmf gilB f before. M lacfev- ire n this Ott tha» Ml) til accounts 1 1 b7 f fir's from It
    309 words
  • 395 11 Testing the memory LEARN THE GUITAR WITH BERT WEEDON Lesson No. 5: iT*HIS week I am going to give you some of the notes found on each string. 1 Practise the first two pieces on the right (A and B) until vou can recognize the notes and their positions on
    395 words
  • 441 11  - MUSIC Notes Anacrusis m and a profcfl or and associate director ol the New York College of Music. Otto Herz ha> accompanied miny other famous BTtlatS, including Francescatti. Menuhin, Piatigorsky and the .soprano Grace Moore He and William Warfteld have collaborated regularly .since 1950. Tickets from $8 to $3 are
    441 words
  • 375 11  -  VICTOR DOGGETT Reviewed By ELGAR. Enigma Variation*. Op 36 PCRCEI.E (arr. Barhirnlli A Purerl] Suite. Halle Orrhestra rond Barhirnlli. Pyc CCL *****. < 12 inch) Much of "En fg 1 V r from Bt-^ ro hnh r,« over-dramatizing F. T g <•: r The-r ;s mmensf r> r--j-j
    375 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 200 11 %zszjmMTmmmKmmmmmmMMMMmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMm^kmmmm^——^m—^——^——^m—m—m—mm—m— LONGINES Women of exquisite taste "choose LONGINES! LONGINES is beauty wedded to technical -giis^ >^|21l^ 8 8^|gg^^ perfection; a watch eminently useful, t jewel B infinitely precious. Longines Watchmakers, with j^r \|l the rich heritage of more than two .centuries HI craftsmanship, make each Longines watch H I petite
      200 words

  • 129 12 ASANSOL, West Bengal, Feb. 22, (UP).— lndia's prized coal mine was deserted by rescuers and mourners yesterday as authorities fought desperately with sand and water to quench an underground inferno touched ofT by an explosion which took at least 181 lives on Wednesday night.
    129 words
  • 112 12 World's Rubber Estimates WASHINGTON'. Feb 22. IUP).~Thc Secretarial of the International Rubber Study Group has estimated v, rid natural rubber production in December 1957 at l V"0d '.< r.-z tons compared with 1-7 500 Inn- tons in D« a mbt r 1956. The group's estimates were distributed today by the,
    112 words
  • 101 12 CREATING his own daughter's wedding dress may well be a fashion designer's life dream. Last ueek it was Rome's famed fashion designer Emilio Schubert's turn to see his dream come true. For his daughter Grethel's wedding to architect Carlo Rappa in the church of St. Ansehno
    UP  -  101 words
  • 561 12 MAC WARNS OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF DISENGAGEMENT LONDQN, Feb. 22, (Reuter) Mr. Harold Macmillan declared last night that "disengagement must not become the break-up of N.A.T.O. Germany going out and America retiring into isolation." The Prime Minister was being questioned by journalists on a British
    561 words
  • 192 12 SANTA BARBARA. California. Feb. tZ, (IP.). Thf Singapore delegation officially reached their two bi>r objectives yesterday when they had Singapore named the site for the 1A5!) Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA) conference an? succeeded in having lumabhov Mohammed. Singapore's Minister of Commerce and
    192 words
  • 81 12 VATICAN CITY, Feb a ,UP ..-Pope Pius XII Ts likely to receive Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser when he comes here this summer on a state visit to Italy. Vatican sources said last night. The sources said there still was no definite arrangement for an
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  • 34 12 MAJOR General -Bernard Schriever. air force ballistic missile chief, said yesterday that a Thor intermediate range ballistic missile had travelled 2.800 miles in a test. nearly twice Its de- signed range. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 31 12 AUSTRALIA'S populaion would reach the 10 million mark next year if the present rate of increase was continued, a survey by the department of statistics revealed yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 77 12 LONDON. Feb. 22 (Reuter) —A male racing reporter played fashion writer for a domestic news agency yesterday and almost turned the wor'd of haute couture upside down The reporter was at Sandown racecourse in Surrey when the Queen arrived with Princess Margaret to !T*u e of
    77 words
  • 31 12 PRESIDENT Eisenhower has sent a telegram to Sir Winston Churchill expressing pleasure at the former British Prime Minister's progress in recovering from his illness, the White House announced. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 83 12 ed carefully at the Queen and concluded in his masculine way that the Queen was following the new knee-length fashion. He told the agency which flashed this headline news to papers all over Britain. Mayfair designers were taken aback, when fashion writers dumbfounded by the
    83 words
  • 196 12 THE FIRST STEP TO FRENCH PULL-OUT IN TUNISIA PARIS, Feb. 22 (LP) Defence Minister Jacques Chaban-De.mas announced yesterday that France has "established a plan for regrouping French forces in Tunisia.' Such re-concentration ol 15,000 French troops scattered in Tunisia would oe the first step toward their withdrawal, which the Tunisians
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  • 142 12 The Queen's Physician For Churchill ROQUEBRUNE, Cap Mar t n Feb. 22 (Reuter).— Sir Winston Churchill, in bed with pneumonia and pleurisy. Is expected *.o receive a rlsit today trom Lord Evans, tht heart medalist and Queen's physician. The 0-year-old British statesman wa> last stated to be definitely Unpn ring
    142 words
  • 25 12 MAULAXA ABDUL KALAM AZAD India's Minister for Education and Scientific Research died in Xew Delhi early yesterday. He was 69 years old. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 112 12 /\J Vl/ A NEW KIND OF SNAPSHOT CAMERA KODAKS Q4%L BROWNIE OW CAMERAS *TAKE ALL THREE KINDS OF PICTURES COLOUR SLIDES JJ^S^^^j^^k with Kodak 127 Ektachrome Film tf^Hf'^i^-db 2 COLOUR SNAPSHOTS ißß^^^^n^ Wlt^ Kodacolor Film 1 9 ({^h I 3 BLA CK AND WHITE SNAPSHOTS 1 iß'i H wit^ Kodak
      112 words
    • 133 12 WHEREVER Vo„ I|E its r best to i\ I wmtrV^^&k -»»st> rt. <>«•• r 9m^S^^ '*i L ssi- *V 1 JL A Distributors CALDBtCK MACGRLCUK >> ncorporated m Hongkengl REMOVAL ANNOUNiEMEKI SHROFFS CARPETS take great p!e s jre announcing that their she J room is being removed c tm new
      133 words

  • Teatare Sectuur
    • Article, Illustration
      3371 13  -  MICHAEL TODD'S (onclttdittft the stortt of A?eu\it4 Tke Wwl4 I 11! exotic East of Siam I 1 c!s... liu elegant Fogg and the Aouda stand at the railing j; over the placid sea and the :u sun. lie is talking, as usual, (lll t whist. f Queen
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 176 13 II PAYS advertise in our flassifi d Columns -STANDARD "^w 'Ia? badminton lesson -j S/^^ w **h Wong Peng Soon f teiiti 2i Thn Backhand Crip V The correct Backhand Grip is that you must change your grip slightly and place a m your thumb against the back of the
      176 words
    • 114 13 WANT A JOB WELL DOME? OUR JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT GUARANTEES PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA 1 °'^v, TABLET skimM Desolate islands aren't the only places where FMNipt MMk ai Magnesia TaMeft In the over-eating or improper diet cause stomach cellophane packets trt convenient and egodistress. But always
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 39 13 Saddest words of tongue or pen But don't despair, fhore is e cure: If you will always bear in mind Are these two words; "Stuffed You'll find relief ts fast and Tha remedy mat folks all fmd^ again!" sure
      39 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1079 14  - Women touble ERNEST CORBYN Sunday Short Story by PERCY REDFERN was twentytwo when he discovered how to. make a fortune. "Might take a few years." he told his girl friend, "but it's a certainty." Betty looked at him sceptically. Percy had a good job in a bank and one day
    1,079 words
  • 154 14 '1 'm\ ***** a ci^to^H MY B I I gland J have takS?fß JEST st^d TLW room of -pp v S I ls movST|S c and Ma /JBo°d heavens, J about ii r I ss ed his-tr^uLM connect ior. l chan*. 1 Gove: I "1 1 I 1
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 96 14 "If you can spare a moment we should like to tell you just f S #5ff162 fi«^ W/b r./s^£. I < re, torced with hfi=a I/A\(i iTlllfflPM/ 1 Booi i I vitamins fi£2 l^^^wllßll |fegg)\ j I P a^H s J^?^g LACTOGEN h remarkably Wj^\ T^IZZ I i*' 6 f
      96 words

  • Article, Illustration
    372 15 EVERY girl loves a sailor, and now it seems that many girls also like to look like one. Casual clothes are taking on a nautical air, from Breton sailor hats to modified versions of the sailor suit with a definate "twenties" flavour John Cavanagh, one of London's top
    372 words
  • Article, Illustration
    123 15 vour own pWO FEET ik ap jol: .vn rr..:-.J A- >ut Doa*t rnek far tnwtttm s> come and lead you by the hand OttVe not that kind I I MM iiieioUfifstu.h mm immw t ideas. What's keeping a tiring Tampax Ptrhaps you haven't stopped t i «fc»t internal sanitary
    123 words
  • 315 15 ODD SPOTS READING model Barbara Goalen's introduction to a new modelling book, makes me recall "Babs" as a fellow art student in a large West country town. Even at 17 she had that long, leggy model's grace. No-one ever knew her as "Babs" in those days; she was known, simply,
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  • 54 15 Gay Caps For Them Gone are those plain, old-fashioned basin-type bathing-caps. Just look at these gay numbers, shown in London recently. From the left: Sea Flower, Sea Queen and Coronet. Prices?— l2s. 6d. each for the two outside ones; three guineas for the centre one because each flower is decorated
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  • 474 15 If I were you. 4. YD liked satay, 1 would go along to Hoi How Road, off Beach Road (near the Alhambra Cinema). At the second stall along ott the right Haroun makes, the best satay to be found in either Malaya or Singapore. Having sampled satay in such places
    474 words
  • 309 15  -  Audrey White WOMAN I woman! •> by 4 f U'ASHION shows in Singapore are always well attended, but Joan Booty of the Mannequin and Charm School must have been particularly pleased with the huge audience that watched her most recent show, organised as part of the "Round the
    309 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 76 15 Am. lor— ,-t KrauLir s,n<i >our N l)on.«hv. I n Box 11G4. v^_____^ Pf>4 [tzemalkh Killed In 7 Minutes n naarty M million tiny m ,*-r+% whnri gacma hldo 1 kia lichlim. Cm«ktnc. •<■ :n K bwralnc. Acnn. iIEIT" H»ori*»i« Blackhondn. ll.h and <xb«r 'rnimnatn «l»o tl o-r*,.i«« «h«y do
      76 words
    • 511 15 W\^w /^^^a^mwmm^m\ m^m\ mmtmmmmWmW I .:Y.Y Laa^mmXW^, When your child is in pain Ik^Mg^B ou C2in now, at last, give a<-p;r:n %afel\ <>pc iai {j^^^^l! Children's aspirin. Doctors know that aspirin ii jff^^y i s cst f° r treating lever and relieving pain :n jl mtyP-'-'Atk^ Children, but only in
      511 words

  • 455 16 BRR Winter here is at its peak. Icey winds roar down the skyscraper canyons which dot this island of Manhattan. The temperature throughout most of last week hovered around 12 degrees F. Idles dangled from the running boards of automobiles and from the terraced
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  • 395 16  -  Aques Brackwans WR died here the other day at the age of 72. He made many visits to Singapore and Malaya and must have a host of old friends there. All told, Morden led at least six major expeditions into Asia ar.d Canada in the hunt for Siberian
    395 words
  • 638 16 A \EET Donovan .Andrea, Cey- lon's great impresario, a MOT u'llo has gambled all his life. Nm at card tables. Not un horses, but on his conviction that i] you want to go places you must be prepared to take risks. The words "cannot," "impossible", and
    A.G.  -  638 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 309 16 k soft, economical, wl double ||k for strength yr WW 3_—\% Ant*' *Wos f^r |j^| By w- *wmW r g new JL f" f I j <J*m it j^ _f »<*»*** It yon think that all toilet tissue Is crisp and harsh, try gentle Andrex and chance your mind. The
      309 words
    • 192 16 mt Ik new miracle \Zm\mMT washing powder WA&escumiesaeANBi.MW &stN in cote knrm _^R > *____o__^_^B______m C jKvSi BBpj OmßWk x ScQw^^l TtKWW f4 \k^fBWBB BS: &&X mmmW W^' '^___^_^_^^mfa_m_'i mmmmm Everyone is saying it! FAB is the perfect f I f v v J washing powder. It washes clothes cleaner
      192 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 94 16 *II BBaiuhA Sifel f /UftrfiU/fl "He used to make her dis- 0 .^w^hty I' 1 appear until he found it I --"Jl fl 1 *P I spoilt the act." L^-^A V I/ (V^A-d v I I *"^X— they don com e Quick uith another brrari I APS I yx L
      94 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 186 19 iiAk.-^ JT m m mm lIN PROE PEU.S LABORATORY MEANWHILE, TUEY WH I RL -™7___\ aa^R SXcE fei. M kiAkllV^Al/r THE 'GREEN THISJe'APPEARS- THE SQUNPLESS, SHAPELESS OREEN hIIp^WITH XV^W^' An AIM lis Ala w* manprake pives into it-- ,j ittfLiw^ grpem rafi) > V\ V xsv IW All L/K All
      186 words

  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 239 20 "S I I J3 O J jj ij i m i 'ii. < M ;I /O, Ijj <M I I II II yy 3T I [JA-.f^m /j/1 I 1 6YMNASIUMJ J x— «v Jl Jl 1 I ]T T~| //"Trx^* «f/C V I I AJL Abetter call a doc, quick/
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 27 21 For long lasting, refreshing, ZMifr^^^^^&^r^V-N f9kt\ l4i Wk^k* kVWP K" kW C* Peppermint flavour, Pf li |fil^7/| #CC/ •if #lf JC^f A Rowntrcc's POLO MINTS laH^^^t^^^'^^ r^«T«r
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 180 21 bl u IF THIS IS FUN. I'D H 0 7 ~~YI l°r WHAT'S^ (LOOKING^ 3\ HATE TO BE AROUND THEY'D GOING J > FOR J P( 9 1 k- 7 WHEN THE I'M K Vc^A INVENT A K^v^s». J ON > N fSOME-UA. Vz^ JKS \NORW < J ABOUT ]J
      180 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 35 22 Th, .r.xrl.l fnmnus family al PIT* T1 A3 l'tf ITD ttKWWtltMt WW9Wt'm ENG AUN TONG LI MD LC4 IHS ncm MIINCAI hau. I MIAOACHI CU«I BALASH.N SA. CH.NKAWH.TI CHII THOH, SAN T.GIP 6ALM TIN PACKED
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
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  • Untitled
    • 554 23 JHE GLAMOROUS LAURENTIAN HAS A LOT TO OFFER [MNTIAC divi- -iant Ameri--1 Motors Cor- i > always Mimething a than their cars but at time selling .!,icLn at a most A u > price. They the tradition m Ar.e a model in the 1968 cite series
      554 words
    • Article, Illustration
      8 23 H-.e I thought I fired you this morning!"
      8 words
    • 190 23 Car Of The Future With An Atomic Power Plant DETROIT. (Reuter) Ford Motor Company designers have introduced a model of what is their idea of a futuristic atomic-powered car. (see above). The small scale model of the new car features a power capsule suspended between twin fins at the rear.
      190 words
    • Article, Illustration
      12 23 "Quickest way to Hoskins' Farm, ma'am, is to follow thet ther cow."
      12 words
    • Article, Illustration
      13 23 M Arry! Bring; me Mr. Rossi ter'i bill and a glass of water!"
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 74 23 _i(g)i(g^ gsg OQK-V/SOKS' »e)» provides T ON WHEN IT RAINS J^ la)*wm\m\wf» r// i/fU >//>'■ l/f^ 7/&TYY^'A; |w4 fi" be lett partially open •x rx tor air to circulate. Mode of BRASS, beoMtif*lly chromad Prices: For 4-door saloon care at $35/- per eat For 2-door soloon cars at $22/- per
      74 words
    • 168 23 Smart men- _^_____7^mmm^^mx^pW^n shave M^m Blue Gillette Blades Successful men know that to look smart they *I__^^^^^_ rnust be v-ell shaved. AmT^ —w^lL^ SMu m. il Nothing shaves so closelID _m^^mmAtm^^ r *—fm\ I Gillette ly or leaves you feeling \lfe^^§B^>i?l I B l^P-5 S so fresh as Blue Gillette
      168 words

  • 686 24 UAR C H CONDITION S.— Somehow the weather indicated for this month gives us a pretty fair picture of the rest of conditions to be expected. One has to report in terms of changeability, bluster, and caprice. But let us examine the factors: The first week will be
    686 words
  • 824 24  -  NURSE KATHLEEN J was recently asked a question about earache in a child, and this therefore seems a good opportunity to talk about the general rare of children's ears and what can ail them. Mothers often complain about wax in children's ears. This wax is normally
    824 words
  • 95 24 rj^HEY used to call America's West cowboy country. Now it is COWGIRL country. For as more and more uranium mines and oil fields spring up, the men are going into big business and swapping saddles for swivel chairs. And the wives look after the ranches.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 310 24 Greatest natural health tonic in the world fTT^kpV Ribena is the best way to ft. 2j ur faulty fee fron* \SL^T i*te*iov\. They'll love its \a tasfe.They'll thrive on it/ [fl&**A Look, at the w\ \&m* So Kappy/ So healthy/ Yes. delicious Ribena is world-ftunotH j^^jjjg XJ as the most
      310 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 1558 24 Birthdavjl SUNDAY— Soi en-hat fl tradictory cond You have a very forth Th fl year which prod.. 7 2deai neu- BSMM Bl Mu j" many 7m!ter> ri fl more lets c< ,•rj a d o fl Mt, There ntn bt :o r fl tendency :or *nM fl come off But
      1,558 words

  • 360 25  -  XAN FIELDING N uI'AIR OF THE HEART. By Dilys PowelL I md Stoughton. 215.) By re s* it may want r._ r--: r. i as a rtain r first phase— a besotby aa addic- es a per: I of l tone begin to cone to —an attempt
    360 words
  • Article, Illustration
    337 25 By MAL RICE r j'HF House Next Door, by White (Boardanan. Realistic hut tense documentary treatment ol oig crime-j >b: kidnapping, m irders, fcbery; in American lubuii i, Hea\ y suspicion n ni ier Of k: 2 benutifdl baby-sitti r. Rati il ar: i convincing. We 1 a:
    337 words
  • 1023 25  -  Angus Wilson K\# mmmmmTmTmmamtatatwiatata^ Jungle World MY FACE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE. By Alfred Hayes. (Gollancz. 12s. 6d.) THE ENEMY IN THE BLANKET. By Anthony Burgess. (H^emann. 155.) THE FEAST OF LUPERCAL. By Brian Moore. (Deutsch. 155.) THE ASSIZE OF THE DYING. By Edith Pargeter.
    1,023 words
  • 421 25  -  Constantine Fitsyibbon SEVENTY DAYS A DIARY OF THF WARSAW INSURRECTION 1944. By Warlaw Za-or>ki. (Muller. 21*.) By THE s ory is well known. the Red Armv just across tne Vistula and the German.^ :n full (light, the Polish Home Army rose ar.d seized large areas of Warsaw.
    421 words
  • 227 25  -  JOHN DAVY PROJECT SATELLITE. Edited by Kenneth W. GaW lana (Wingatr. 215.) By THE publication of this book coincides felicitously with thc launching of the American satellite -Explorer." the mon fo 1 r. ause tha man who launches Wcrnher von Br^ in. < ontnh :tei the fir c
    227 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 493 25 See up to 28 Extra Cities at no J>g^?^, extra fare with D#L|\T A(VT« ss====^i^ nS f xg=T 4^N FY TYPICAL SEE-MORI WAY TO lUROPI mmm* fIIAIIUI\ TUC UfADIH \%Vm\ £^§_uLf Lr^ Say you're going to Paris. For no extra fart tn EUROPE, U.S.Ao, ROUND THE WORLD /r^s^-^ #f you
      493 words

  • 489 26  -  Khoo Boon Choo By But He Can't Ride A Trisha Time For A Rest GONE are the days when rickshas were looked upon as a luxurious means of transport for there are only twenty seven of these vehicles on the road on Penang Island
    489 words
  • 68 26 SHE'S A GREENEYED BEAUTY photo. MAKING her first appearance on a movie screen, this lovely French red-hair, green. ey e d beauty. SII V I A LOPEZ has the leading role in •Tabarin." The famed Paris music hall which closed some years ago. has now reopened but for cameras only.
    U.P.  -  68 words
  • 349 26 The Sick Are Cured By Prayer RUCKED inconspicuously m Queen Street, in the midst of wooden huts, is a remarkable little temple which has been the boon to sufferers of ailments that have defied Eastern and Western medical science and skill. Here is practised the
    349 words
  • 175 26 FISH AND CHIPS— STRAIGHT OFF THE ICE FAMILIES queued on the quayside at Lagos, a West African port, recently for fish and chips fresh from England. They had been fried in England, frozen, then .packed in aluminium containers and p.aced in colourful waxed cartons. "The whole load was sold straight
    175 words
  • 87 26  - Punchesin PRINT DENIS DUNN By m Gossip quote: "—and the recent Royal visit to the Slates has started a fashion for jewelled headdresses which is going to put a song in the hearts of luxury salesmen this Christmas." Their song being: "TIARA BOOM TODAY!" Letter from husband: finally discovered a
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 35 26 The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products \t =E CHEE THONE SAN Provides Instantaneous relief for Toothache, Earache, Stomachache, Muscle Pain, Indigestion, Backache Colds, Sore Throat, etc. ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL
      35 words
    • 201 26 Be specific I fiy CA THA Y PA Off C I —CALCUTTA «z» I RANGOON ***s_ I '^SPr I a/^^m r HI om aa/a tu/npu i ||f fo //0/VG KOM ■E z= Y^~mA Umm __\_\\^t\mW A M FL,GHT WEIKIY IVERY MONDAT 'C4TJK4F PACIFIC Consult: Malayan Airways Ltd.. Ocean Buildng. Singapore.
      201 words