Sunday Standard, 9 February 1958

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1 24 Sunday Standard
  • 19 1 H M /S^ I. SUNDAY STANDARD Vol. VIM. No. 221 SINCAPORE, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1958 24 Pages 20 ct».
    19 words
  • 362 1 Victory For The People Ong Won't Get That $7,000 THE PEOPLE of Singapore yesterday scored a decisive victory when their elected representatives crushed a P.A.P. move to pay their Mayor a $7,000 monthly allowance. A solid voting block of Liberal Socialists, Labour Fronten and members of the Workers Par.v withstood
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  • 30 1 THE Federation Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman being greeted by Singapore Chief Minister, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, on his arrival from Ceylon aboard the Cambodge, yesterday.
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  • 128 1 An Offer By Malay Youths JAKARTA, Feb. 8 (Router). —A Malay politician and a Qimtbei of Malay youths uf Indonesian descent had offered to serve in the Indonesian Army U the Malayan Government had no objection and the Indonesian Government would accept them. PI A News Agency reported today. The
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  • 27 1 MRS. BETTY Macdonald. the author of the novel "The Eg£ And I" died in Seattle last night from cancer at the ase of 49.- AFP
    AFP  -  27 words
  • 253 1 Police Seize Weapons, Acid In Hideout GANG BISTERS of the Singapore Secret Society Sub-Branch, C.1.D., yesterday raided gangster hideouts in the City and seized several bottles of acid and an array of deadly home-made weapons. The acid and weapons were kept in readiness for an impending gang war when captured.
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  • 57 1 JAKARTA. Feb. B*(UP) Terrorist gangs raided two villages in the South Celebes, killing 20 citizens and kidnapping five students, it was reported today. The Information Service said the raiders belonged to the fanatical "Darul Lslam Army of God" an outlaw organization that was vowed to
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  • 25 1 THE peat north road through England from London was blocked by deep snowdrifts yesterday after heavy overnight falls in the Midlands and North.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 142 1 DUTCH NATIONAL HELD IN JAKARTA TOKYO. Feb. 8 (UP) Jakarta Military authorities are investigating a Dutch national arre.sted in the Indonesian capi:al yesterday for "insulting under the state of war." the Antara news agency reported today. The Indonesian news agency identified the Dutch national as Willem Van Swaay. Angara
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  • 120 1 R.I. Govt. Appeals To Nation JAKARTA. Feb. 8 (Reuter) —The Indonesian Gqvernmen: ha.s appealed to the nation to "intensify national vigilance and not to believe what it described as sensational foreign press reports on the internal situation in Indonesia. PIA news agency reported today. The agency said an Information Minister
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  • 353 1 February 9. 1953 AT sunrise yesterday the combined votes of the Labour Front, Liberal Socialist and Workers Party members in the City Council defeated the PAP motion that the Mayor be paid a tax-free allowance of $7,000 per month, out of which a sum of $5,000 would go to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 146 1 E2|ff ■•iiimiii I f^B^J I«8I!IU|(1 H^^l 6] s(irciHP(is«tikk I ■t_LI»M- J?3B^P Ct(Mf» It 91IU SIMM I 3 l^^O[2^W (Uti»o«iC HOUSJ I^l^^^r^S u« Hurt. W\.:- ""Ooels since iB4s U^^^^ Lj|| JIWIIM3 THROUGHOUT 1H 6 WORIO 62. SOUTH BRIDGE RD. SPORE. <WtCKER_^^ rwf sup£^B CO/Viro?r of jC-'LAS DC-6 s= D WITH A
      146 words
    • 109 1 I 111 .^^^to X 'I If ElNfi OF TEEM ALL Mobiloil Speciai Old cars and new cars alike all perform better with amazing Mobiloil Special the King of all oils. Not only does Mobiloil Special save petrol but it adds years to engine life by cutting engine wear to practically
      109 words

  • 152 2 Clerk Told Fiancee: I Used Firm's Cash PENANG, Sat. Soon after a clerk had misappropriated over $3,000 belonging to his firm, he wrote to his fiancee admitting he had taken the money, ASP Mr. N. Nadarajah, told the Sessions Court today. The clerk, 27-year-old On.: Boon Choo, pleaded guilty to
    152 words
  • 140 2 The Teachers' Dispute Goes To World Body IPOH, Sat.— The diautt between the Federation ol Malaya Malay Tflfhtfl Association ■nd the Education Minif&ry is to be submitted U) the International Tea '.'hers Confederation in Washington. This international body, representing teachers throughout the world, has been asked tor •dvicc on how
    140 words
  • 86 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Guy Charles Maddock. a Deputy Secretary (Intelligence) of the Prime Minister's Departmen', was today fined $50 by First Magistrate, Tuan Haii Mohamed Taib, for negligent driving. Tuan Taib also ordered that Maddock's licence be endorsed. Maddock's car had on the morning of SeDt.
    86 words
  • 70 2 PEXAXG, Sat.— Road-blocks were set ud by the Police a 1 several places in town last night following yesterday'? daylight burglary in a housein Merican Road. The Police are looking for two Singapore youths, believed to be members of the burglar gang. A Police spokesman said
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  • 106 2 Governor Opens New Home For The Aged MALACCA. Sat.— The Governor of Malacca, Mr. Leong Yew Koh, today opened a welfare home at Machab Bharu village. Mr. Leong said: "The Government has always made it a point to try and improve the conditions of the people, especially those living in
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  • 64 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat- Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives, Mr. John McLeay, will arrive here on Monday, on a two-day visit. Mr. McLeay recently attended Ceylon's tenth anniversary celebrations a s Australian representative and is taking /idvantage of his presence in the area to
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  • 30 2 MADAM Choong Sen Ngon, 58, wife of well-known miner and former State Councillor Mr. Foo Yin Fong, died yesterday morning at her residence in Falim, after a long illness.
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  • 227 2 'Come To The First Asian Women's Meet' KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A world federation of governments would be more effective than the United Nations, Mrs. Lakshmi Menon, India's Deputy Minister for External Affairs, declared today. Speaking to reporters prior to boarding the plane whicn would take her
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  • 37 2 photo. MR. LIM EWE HOE, a Shell Company chemicals sales assistant who returned to Kuala Lumpur on Friday, after a four-m onth training course in chemicals marketing in Brilain and Holland Shell Co.
    Shell Co.  -  37 words
  • 45 2 PENANG, Sat. Major Mr. D. S. Ramanathan was one of the three speakers, who gave talks to prisoners inside the Penang Prison yesterday evening. The talks were in connection with the Civics Course for prisoners, organized by the Department of Information.
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  • 192 2 RURAL FOLKS WILL SUFFER, HE SAYS PENANG, Sat.— A severe burden will fall on the people in the rural areas if there is any increase in the education rate. This was stated by the chairman of the Rural District Council, Tuan H. A. Azyze A! Haj, when asked for his
    192 words
  • 257 2 TEMERLOH, Sat— After losing his life savings of about $1,000 in a gambling bout during the 1957 Chinese New lear, labourer Ng Kiow, 55, of Kampong Awah, was found missing, the Coroner Indie Hamzah bin Dato Abu Samah, was told at an inquest
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  • 109 2 Charge Clerk With Negligence Coroner IPOH, Sat Coroner Ibrahim b.n Abdul Manan in the Magistrate's Court today recommended that an esta:e clerk, Teh Chee Cheong, 35, be charged with negligent driving fo* an accident which resulted in the death of his seven-year-cla son. Teh Bing Tat. Teh, attached to Bin'.ang
    109 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 638 2 HAMMRDs¥«3SZi3 PERSONAL FO» tVgg'T b DOfWa, for luscioci vegetable*, 'or th cker. dark gr«en lawns, use NETTCLIN the mag *.a~d to nacre's fairyland. Phon SITUATIONS VACANT SALES REPtESENTATIVES to •mm uo to 5^ p-n plus i serai pnzes f:f a f WANTED a cle'k *-r te~rorv -.rrpnt a LOrr-mor-weilt Covem~o~r
      638 words
    • 279 2 TUITION POSTAL TUITION: English language Le*sont for Senior and Pr»-Semor students. The Cambridge Tutory 5 5- A. Boundary Road. S ngapor* 19 PUBLIC ENCLISH SCHOOL 1931 ;c >58 Johore BaHru t h e biggest private *chool m K'a'.ava rccju res 400 500 children for standard one form four. Enrol now.
      279 words
    • 253 2 ISO BIG! SO it has to Q/ JI I A 3-THEAIRE GAU fl 1 TOMORRofI i Rex S 5 »hows daily at n m 1 QUEENS SINGAPORE I S at 1 45-4-6.30-9.30 pm v I the real PoimTii 1 I ON THE SCREEN FOR THL Flttr Crr LEGENDARY CHARacS OIL
      253 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1374 3 THE THREE MOTIONS w 2. LIB-SOCS... 3. U.M.N.0.... A tax-free $7,000 allowance with $5,000 for a Mayor's Fund administered by a Board of Trustees. A $1,000 allowance plus the councillors pay and maximum entertainment allowance of $5/000 a year. A $1,500 allowance plus the councillors' allowance. The
    1,374 words
  • 130 3 SINGAPORE'S Mayor, Mr. Ong En? fiuan and the Liberal Socialist Councillor, Mr. S. M. Vasagar. had a two-minute argument on the former's riant to preside over yesterday's meeting of the Council which debated and decided on the Mayor's monthly allowance. Mr. Vasagar asked Mr. One: "Is
    130 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 Qt REX at 9.15 a.m. ij I IMI i i (lip .ntirp history of r: unrn nt in Singapore. j "MEN ONLY" sessiox m \or \DMirn i) I I l*i >: Stalls $I.oo— Circle S-'.OO L JAMES STEWARIJfe I FAUDIE MURPHY j w i f\ i j t* aar J^slßi
      196 words
    • 478 3 Shells OEQ prevents wastage of power and money... I.C.A. was specially developed by Shell to (the regular grade) or Supershell (the premium prevent carbon deposits interfering with the grade). They both contain I.C.A. correct timing of your engine. Without I.C.A. If you own a modern car, >ou should use a
      478 words

  • 209 4 TOP JOBS FOR COLONY GOVT. MEN SINGAPORE Govern- 1 ment is to select a new batch of serving officers Cor its newly-created General Executive Service, The Standard was told yesterday. This is the second time serving officers were given a chance to apply for higher posts. The government will glvel
    209 words
  • 269 4 S-EA Leaders Must Be United— Tunku BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR PREMIER THE Federation's Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, yesterday urged South-east Asian leaders to build up I united front based on mutual under- j itaoding and closer cooperation* Th« Tunku who ivturmd to (Singapore aftei i tour afl j Vietnam, Thailand
    Standard  -  269 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 4 pic MR AND MRS. JOHN K. F. KAAN after their uedding at St Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore, yesterday. The crooni is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ka/m \am 1W and the bride is the former Mi«s Florence X i. Wone. second daughter of Mrs. Won? in Onn.
    Standard  -  51 words
  • 47 4 SINGAPORE tin price yesterday was BSS9I Der picuL, down 'i~h cents on Friday. Singapore Copra Association closing prices per pica! lair merchantable mixed copra 130 j buyers, S3U severs. Tone steady. Singapore Coconut Oil Millers Association closing priceper picul: bulk S4si, drums $4yj. Tone quiet.
    47 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 983 4 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. *****/6. *****/4 U2/6 Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICI T« Halifax, Montreal, Boston. New York. Baltimore, Philadelphia 6 Cult Ports S pore P. Sham fenane T"«R 28Feb/10Mar 1 1 Mar 15/16 Mar *J LY SSES 23/27 April 26 April 29 April Carriers option
      983 words
    • 238 4 EAST ASIATIC I OUTWARDS Soilings tot Bonofcok nnc *W o>. "LALAND'.A" 23 24 F Pfc S I "KOREA" 25 26 F (fc -V* Accepts corgc »oi Bangkok '> I "DUbUANGA" 26/27 F rfc "SELANDIA" 9/10 Mo, S HOMEWARDS Soilings fo. t 6 r H |^H B^B^BJ Rotterdam Hamburg Bremen C
      238 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 492 4 fl^Mv~*^"^^^f k^HflP^Htf%/*'V^tfMß SBSBBH"WW"fIsMRBB?ji^^^^B: Religious Soriety of Friends roUAY: Singapore 207 am .9ft (Quaker*): Moei-.rc lor u.>:>:y.:i 3i:i > jM.< n t YMCA Orchard Road 6 u.i P-:: D:cks '45 am «<nt t.nj pjn.: Discussion -it T.U pan lo 15 m is Ibe Independent Missionary Mo\e- Pc. m i.n int'iu- Free
      492 words

  • 292 5 I ,:..c have launched a campaign I (irnre of the public, with good- n which is essential to eradicate ew bumptious todhridias who are f the For by exceeding their I t^htest provocation. r a handful of -courtesy n c when another vehicle it or not they.
    292 words
  • 122 5 Missing Million Go West NEW YORK, Sat. A Million Americans disappeared from their homes last year. But most returned after second thoughts. Why do they leave? According '.o a bin private detective agency the main reason is MOTHERS-IN-LAW. The agency reports that Tor every husba.nd who slips away with another
    122 words
  • 267 5 usband Kept Diary Of Week's Nagging W$X StL .:t' to for a I her .round fc exDivorce Mr. by .rr 1 r ay.nsind had provoked his wife into more naming so that he could get t down as evidence. 'For Years' Because of this the diary incidents in themselves
    267 words
  • 272 5 5 LONDON, Sat. An Army officer who was posted 5 to Japan asked his Roman Catholic parish priest to J keep an eye on the wife he left behind, a divorce judge said yesterday. And the judge added that he was satisfied that the priest's
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  • 52 5 en It's sh-Go Mum! Sat. t a n to buy some- •Purchase, get htttare on dM wry about the bank r. most wives a-;!o meal *5* deckles L v r. J l.tims I <v 'in a is ear. I ...v I r >h e i buy only *»ys. I >"-
    52 words
  • Article, Illustration
    10 5 NDAY AUTY «>nd "NX 1 i hose n'the U.P. gvdb
    U.P.  -  10 words
  • 267 5 The Day He Turned Against Mother-ln-Law LONDON, Sat. FOR ten years William Noble suffered his mother-in-law's continued visits to his home, a judge said yesterday. Then came the day when Mr. Noble said "Out!'' Mr. Commissioner Edgedale described the scene yesterday in the London Divorce Court. "It was a very
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  • 113 5 I'm an English cat and this is an English winter as you can see by the fire and my proximity. Cold? You can soy that again! But quite apart from the fire, I'm pretty well treated without being exactly spoiled. What did you say?
    Morjorie Doggett  -  113 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 268 5 MY CONSTIPATION WRRIES ARE OVER MOMMY ALWAYS GIVES ME Milk of Magnesia Because it provides more Jjj %MffS^i complete relief than singlen JM Bl purpose laxatives, which have &i no effect on the acid mdigesBA tion that usually accompanies constipation. For Milk of jt^P^ M A Magnesia relieves bofh Ji
      268 words

  • 589 6 Spore Crack Up In Second Half KI'ALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Perak led by Rodrigrues, defeated Singapore by 11 points (goal, try penalty) to five (goal) in the All Blues rugby cup final at the Merdeka Stadium here today. The victory by Perak Asians give
    589 words
  • 182 6 Kiyoshi Likes 'Em Tall In The Ring A JAPANESE boxer was yesterday mistaken for an oAdll from Red China all because of his DRESS. But Kivoshi Ifiura Is no tightlip Communist official He i> Japan's Number Three featherweight champ. Short, stocky Kiyoshi arrived in Singapore in a KLM Super Constellation
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  • 39 6 BOW, Feb. 8 (Renter) Eintracht Frankfurt, leading team in the South German football league. wiU fly ir> two separate groups to London next Friday because of the Manchester United crash. The club meet Arsenal.
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  • 124 6 HEAVY SNOW HITS U.K. SOCCER RUGBY LONDON, Feb. 8 (R« ut "j,7 Snow in Britain caused widespread postponement and cancellation of matches in today s soccer Rugby Union and Rugby league programmes All 18 matches in the Scottish soccer league first and second divisions were po^poned and up to noon
    124 words
  • 189 6 AUSTRALIA 295 FOR 7 BY LUNCH JOHANNESBURG, Feb. 8 (Rcuter). Australia had scored 295 for seven wickets in the*r first innings by lunch on the second day of the Fourth test against South Africa here today. South Africa, without their captain, Clive Van Ryneveld, who had an injured-left hand, restricted
    189 words
  • 274 6 Berry Most Critically Injured MUNICH, Feb. 8, (Reuter) Matt Busb>. Man Chester United manager still lighting for his life in hospital here after Thursday air crash, summoned up a smile today and told a doctor; *Tm feeling a little better now." But the
    274 words
  • 80 6 WELLINGTON". New Zealand. Fob. 8 ißeuier* Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother went |O thf races UwUy 9Mi MM presented with or,e of the winMfl Bali Hai. joint holder of the New Zealand record over one mile and six furlongs, won the St. James Cup at the Wellington RaCinf
    80 words
  • 152 6 Manchester Club Will Fight Back LONDON. Feb. 8 (Reui Britain .s s cccr and rugby league chir-:> last night they wi der whether to ban bailers from flying t< int. national gamt>. A Thursday's disaster, which seven Mar. United players died. The tragedy whir} the star<->*» r uar on
    152 words
  • 19 6 Prom Colt Austr A T| I -»'■■>. r, \vnii; h t sh; 4 nsh r H v- r i '-mb(
    19 words
  • 49 6 world' on behalf o sportfeH public of Nov. ?.<:.- r. Sir Er:.e*t. tormer Mayor of A-ck -d hr~ spor;ir E fir.:: c t h.rop :-t sa:r \> for Bal: Ha the Que^i :.!other'i sttbla in Er.alard Bali H ie a o gelding by Marco F c
    49 words
  • 20 6 H'kong Orders Armb HOMOWrf I I m Hpi 1 i F i i weekend to 4 minute sileoctl H :k >-
    20 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 608 7 Donaldson Completes A Splendid Double BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: $192,270 Isf Prixe: ($51,91 3)— *****6 2nd *rize: ($25,956)— *****1 3rd Prize: ($14,420)— *****8 i ef^ 6 *3,296 each): Nos. ifof?o' *****4, *****8, 207f72' *****0 *****9 PENANG, Sat. Slipway (late Cargo Rice), a former Ciass One performer,
    608 words
  • 85 7 IPOH. Bet Buha-ia, a HVel -year-old New Zealand hone by BaQocb out of Rural Lady, collapeed and died this morning on his way to the liable Baha^ia was being prepared for the forthcoming Selangor Turf Club's meeting. He had completed his gallop and was being led back to
    85 words
  • 83 7 SINGAPORE Harbour Board Police beat Customs Sports Club by live goals to nil in the quarter-Una] of the SHA junior knockout competition at Bukit Cbennin yesterday. The Policemen ied 4-0 at half-time through Jaiil 2. George Fox and Dilbara Singh. In another match In
    83 words
  • 121 7 ORISSA. Feb. 8 (Renter) The A.-ian GSBWI records for UM 5. (I'm metres, the 100 metres and the discus were bmteO during yesterday's tvntl in the Indian National games. Aik Arjun Singh won the 5,000 metres final in 14 mm 57.0 sec to clip the Asian
    121 words
  • 475 7 Two K.L. Newcomers Show Promise KUALA 4.UMPUR. Sat. Grand Pappa and Cayman, two Kuala Lumpur trained newcomers, shaped extra well in workouts on the training track yesterday morning in preparation for their engagements at the forthcoming Selangor Turf Club's uold Cup meeting Only locally-trained horses and a number of candidates
    475 words
  • 461 7 Pakistan Stage Great Recovery PORT OF SPAIN. Feb. 8 (Reuter) Pakistan made a fighting recovery after being threatened with the follow-on and trailed by only 43 runs on first innings on the third day of the second Test here against the 'Vest Indies. They owed the great comeback to the
    461 words
  • 259 7 Two-Ton Tony Is World's Most Colourful Heavyweight FIGHTER, referee, singer, dancer, story teller, song writer two-ton Tony Galento, the most colourful heavyweight in the world, will be in Singapore next month. Galento is one of the few boxers in the world to have knocked former world champion. Joe Louis, down
    259 words
  • 42 7 TELOK Kurau United beat Malayan Basic Training Centre by four goals to two in a friendly soccer match at Telok Kurau yesterday. Willie Chin 2. Kellwon and Teo Kirn scored for the winners while Sawtik and Campbell netted for MBTC.
    42 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 193 7 Lichever way you shave LIMOLIVE lives you Perfect Shaving i mi- 4 Jk Ji^^^^^^WßC- 4& m i 7 L UTHIR CREAM PAIMOLIYE BRUSHLESS I j comfort I Oulckait, •sil«it ihsv* of all I I shive that's really smooth and long I -r.z;c with Palmolive. Even with I a closer, more
      193 words
    • 211 7 Hht'&CUxYLOPOI STOPS COUGHS, SOOTHES SORE, HOARSE THROAT 5 Times better! J^jtHwf^tf Instantly penetrates even I pSgffi^^K 1 tiniesf "pockets' 1 of mem- I W^^Mii^r^ brane surfaces. I \^jj^y<^^- Safely destroys germs that I cause almost all respiratory I infections. I FT Fjf The only cough remedy made 7m r Q
      211 words

  • 633 8 W/Cdr. Robinson Presents Trophy For Inter-Station Fencing RAF FENCERS THE FIRST RAF. Singapore Fencing Tournament was held last Wednesday afternoon at RAF Changi with a triangular match between RAF Chanjri. Seletar and Tengah. It is hoped that this venue will be a regular yearly. occurr ence, and Wing Commander S.
    Michael Anchant  -  633 words
  • 74 8 SINGAPORE Crkkd C'.ub and Selan^or Cub drew one a.! in ttMif a! hockey nal fa on the padang yesterBoth teams were evenly matchi I md Qmn was no KOTig m the tirst ha'.f. The Colony lem improved in the wcop i hall and took the lea
    74 words
  • 295 8 Wanderers Hold Changi With Rally A FIGHTING recovery in the second half enabled Wanderers Sports Club to hold Royal Air Force Chans* to a two-all draw in the first round of the SHA senior knockout competition on the padang yesterday. The Airmen, who were she:: c: a player the first
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  • 138 8 Forders Will Miss Spearin SOFTBALL FORD will be without iheir Xo. 1 pitcher Spearin in their Important league game against the Bombers on St. Joseph's ground today. Spearin's absence is a stiff jolt to Ford's chances, but if the Forders miss Spearin. they certainly have youth and speed on their
    138 words
  • 311 8 Bth Company Boys Brigade Champions EIGHTH Company, with a total of 37 points won the Championship Shield donated by Officers of the Singapore Kngineer Regiment in 1949 at the Singapore Battalion Boys" Brigade 10th annual swimming gala held at the Gillman Swimming Pool yesterday. 14th Company, with IT point? were
    311 words
  • 55 8 C. Gbadwick 90-20 70) won the Royal Singapore Golf Club *'C" Division Medal Stroke yesterday. Other Cards: Col. J W Whitmarsh—Knight W-M 73: C. J Spearin 97-23 74: T. A. L. Gethin— Jones 97-23 74. Ball Sweep: Ist Nine Col. J. W. Whitmarsh Knight 34; 2nd
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  • 28 8 JUNIOR Athletic Association won the Veerasingham Memorial soccer championship when they beat Tamil Brotherhood Association by three goals to one at Naval Base yesterday.
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  • 275 8 NOTHING WILL STOP THE 3rd ASIAN GAMES —Japanese M 'mister Gives Assurance By A Special Correspondent TOKYO, Sat. Any talk about putting off the Third Asian Games to be staged here in May is groundless, State Minister Juichi Tsushima, emphatically stated today. i^ Tsushima, who is president of the Asian
    275 words
  • 340 8 Flyhalf Hunnings Sparks SCC Win Over Signals SINGAPORE Cricket Club confirmed their rugby superiority over the Royal Signals, Malaya, with a smashing 'l? points (goal, 3 tries, drop-goal) to six (2 tries) in their annual friendly match on the padang yes- terday. Clur/s ruggerites adapted themselves much better than their
    340 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 67 8 I CATHAY NOW SHOWING Ha. m ..L45. 9.30 P m J •^t Special Featurette kit Vi I L* Jn"l i Ln *PW 1 11 ■1 B ■'1 k 4 r^L^H 'HBi II ■M^ H^fc *^n^n^P '^Bi BMHHHBIBBHIBaB :>^ •,'■>< Jn^ 'V^ kH b^B B B bf Bmß 4^fSS R9r ava^a^
      67 words
    • 243 8 YOUR NAME SHOhJ HERE I Mm i n 4.Hfc£'-/A/i'£srb« J II YOUR MONL^ \n lU I wM k A Bank Deposit vv I accumulation witho..- m I I risk s^hen >our more, s n the Ban, I I Assets KxutdfK*- I I -r^ k til I I i < ;,-neral
      243 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 77 8 SINGAPORE SOFTBALL: Hellcats vs SCC Wasps at SCC; Pandas rs Flashes, Ford vs Bombers at SJI. HOCKEY: SHA Senior K.O. Quarter-final Khalsa vs Police at CSC BOXING: Kiyoshi Muira public training at SYSC 5 p.m. KUALA. LUMPUR ATHLETICS FMAAV Asian Games Trial at Merdeka Stadium 3 p.m. HOCKEY— State Trial
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  • Standard's FILM Previews
    • 675 9  - The Miracles At Lourdes STEVE NEOH By THE SONG OF BERNADETTE is a classic of the motion picture industry, and what is more fitting for public screening during this centenary year of Lourdes than such a film that relives the miracles at Massabielle with such emotional power. This was Twentieth
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    • Article, Illustration
      302 9 films that are due for preview next week include MERRY ANDREW. SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS. NIGHT PASSAGE, THE PASSIONATE STRANGER, MAN AFRAID and OILY MAN. Danny Kaye will be seen in his best form portraying ten characters, and this extravaganza will definitely be the picture of the season.
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    • 78 9 character, however," Dan points out. "or it doesn't mean a thing. Each laugh that I develoo for a movie is a little different from the last. "I live with it. I sleep, eat and digest the character before I let it laugh." Thus does the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 429 9 i Xx| n% M i.v iv yL H^k *p l> EASTMAN COLOR f C A M P BE LL^ KjNG D O M J i~ in P\ l IOKY" miumhla )f H KK)\(. |j <>l;m»larln) yL rnnxi today! i'« v s- .'^p^ J f :ifsh 3nd the SPUR" ",Vs:,u,— J
      429 words
    • 618 9 _^^_P^3_L^^Jl _r A __^Pttl|l_3 _3 I 1.45. 4.H.30 9.30 jcKgs.^rrft. 1 'ESCAPADE IN JAPAN" IfIfiSK, j Next hange: George Montjtomer> -BLACK P\T(II" <WB) Today 9 a.m. "BLOOD ALLEY" (scope Color 4 1""^ /9ra_E__& MM V 4 J 11. t.45. 4. 6.30*9.30^ SSS« oiSiui "CHICAGO CONFIDENTIAL XA) rr X Tomorrow Simultaneously
      618 words

  • 321 10 TWO PRETTY SINGAPORE MUSLIM BRIDES =0" (Left) Captain Audrey William son, WRAC, daughter of Lieut Colonel and Mrs. F. Williamson of Cheltenham, and Major Brian Mitchell, R.A.S.C. who were married at St. George's Garrison Church, Tanglin, Singapore, last week. The bride, it will be remembered, was second
    Standard  -  321 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 353 10 i ERRES 1 88 /^^iiii^i-: ?^H^ i A Medium sized powerful fll .tegl^B j 5-valvcssef with. finite GAaJ^HSmHfIVy aerial anditOn«;controf« KY 5751 tf^^^^B An exceptional 6-va<ve A 9H I set with fimre aenal fl f and beaut 1 ftil wcoden l VHi^^^^^^^Jl cabmer. I ■flffiß An attractive 6-valva M^l "y**^^?H
      353 words

  • 305 11 YfHEN it was installed nearly thirty years ago the Victoria Memorial Hall organ was considered the best in the Far East. It was known as the St. Clair organ after Major W.G St. Clair, editor of a Singapore daily newspaper and founder of the old Philharmonic Society (now
    305 words
  • 340 11  - MUSIC Notes Anacrusis 4 Prise, she says, "Mr. Allman urged me to enter i° n ai s, but I really didn't think I stood a chance against the more experienced men organists" Miss Cheng has since been the organist on several occasions at the weekly University recitals which are broadcast
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  • 213 11 gsd LESSOJX 3: The Plectrum and First Exercises WITHOUT a plectrum you'd soon wear your fingertips to shreds on the steel strings of most modern guitars. So the strings are picked with the pointed tip of the tortoiseshell plectrum. The picture here shows you how to
    213 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 11 He's making eyes at me! Full length porlrait of a hit singer Marie Adams, the girl on that squeally No. 5 disc in the Pop Twenty "Ma. He's Making Eyes at Me." You can hear her on a new record, with the Johnny Otis Show—"Bye Bye, Baby" (Capitol).
    49 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 11 CATHERINE TAN SIEW ENG. 18-year-old pianist, will be playing: two-piano music with Margaret Cheng Shao Yong. as well as two groups of solos, on Feb 20. Miss Tan was awarded First Prize hy Julius Katchen in the Open piano competition last year and has recently been elected to
    60 words
  • 373 11  -  VICTOR DOGGETT Reviewed By ELGAR. Symphonic Study "Falstaff". Op GB. Philharmonic Promenade Orchestra cond. Boult. Nixa NTT *****. (10-inch). SHAKESPEARE, England's greatest playwright, gave vs two Falstafis: the buffoon Of THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR and the equally rotund but dgni]\ed gentleman. Sir John. of HENRY IV
    373 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 89 11 A.9tf-lOfc case magnificently styled /^o^^^^^^^^mSf^Sß elegant dial of exclusive design uffl^k^'\ \sith raised crold symbols and luminous dots. jn?/ffl^ 'VO^» \AwjUb A small gold-framed window between the centre W [ißr^^^iSifc^^ r^ Mllß^r v-ith the i^^^^mk^b v w\l\^Hi S^^^^Bk l|DDfllfllfflllß I HMr LONGINES I k 10 GRANDS PRIX AT THE UNIVERSAL
      89 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 132 11 tn o 11 AT THE HOP— T Donny and the H CISE ROCK Juniors. J v, P^ lcv 13 KISSES SWEETER S TO* Y 0F THAN WINE Frankie Vaughan. 14 THE STORY OF 0 I MY LIFE Gory MilUr. THE aY 15 I "-OVE YOU, T BABY Paul J f
      132 words

  • 227 12 'NO HOPE FOR CYPRUS IF TERROR RETURNS' NICOSIA, Feb. 8, (Reuter)— Sir Hugh Foot, Governor of Cyprus, said in a broadcast last night that there would be "no hope for the island if riot and terror return." Referring to yesterday's terrorist leaflets threatening a resumption of violence, he nid that
    227 words
  • 39 12 THE crew of four were killed when a US. Air Force liaison plane crashed into a peak yesterday while on a flight from Oujda, near the Algerian border, to its home base at Sale, near Meknes. (Reuter).
    39 words
  • 137 12 LONDON, Feb. 8 (UP) America's first rocket base in Britain is to be fully operational before the end of this year, ahead of the originally scheduled date, authoritative sources reported today-Anglo-American negotiations oi an accord on the establish- ment of four rocket bases
    137 words
  • 306 12 R.I. ARMY CHIEF MAY TAKE PART IN URGENT REBEL TALKS JAKARTA, Feb. 8, (UP) Lt. Col. Achmad Hussein, Central Sumatra military district commander, has indicated that he will join other Sumatran commanders in discussion of urgent political matters. Maj. Harsono, Indonesian Army spokesman, lold newsmen
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  • 161 12 But U.S. Will Go On With Missile CAPE CANAVERAL, Feb 8, (Reuter) The I nited States Air Force yesterday fired a fifth Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile, but the launching was an apparent failure tor the missile destroyed itself shortly after disappearing from view. An Air F ree
    161 words
  • 160 12 US Starts Space Agency WASHINGTON. Fob 8 (R uter) The Defence Secretary Mr. Neil McElroy. announced establishment i the Department's space ruency. named Advanced Res< ircM Project Agency Mr. R v Johnson, an official i f the General Electric 1/ mpany. was appointed dire:* r. The Advanced Research Proj
    160 words
  • 47 12 MADRID. Feb. 3 (Reuter) J c Fernan !ez ie Villaverde, :b e Srm'a Cruz, has -PP inted Spain's ambnsr to Lond«-r.. it was an-r.o-.r: ci a:*er a cabinet meetir.- last night. rhe 56-year-o!d Marquis has b~ Spanish Under-Secretary o! Foreign AfTairs since 1955."
    47 words
  • 72 12 PRINCESS Alexandra of Kent with her escort. 23--year-old David Bailley, an old Etonian. Whilst the Princess was having an early morning cup of coffee with Mr. Bailley at his home at Lansdownp Crescent. Notting Hill. London at midnight last week, a thief broke into Mr. Bailley's car
    U.P.  -  72 words
  • 143 12 R.I. Violates Law, Says Dutch Envoy WASHINGTON. Feb. 8 (UP) Netherlands ambassador Dr. J. H. Van Rojen charged yesterday that Indonesfa "had violated international law vi seizing Dutch assets in the island republic. The envoy spoke briefly with reporters after conferring for SO minutes with Secretary of Staff John Foster
    143 words
  • 69 12 JAKARTA, Feb. 9 (UP) Indonesian Army troops in Medan were called out to drive some 50 women from the office of the governor of North Sumatra where they had set up housekeeping, it was reported here. The women had set up cooking facilities and were sleeping
    69 words
  • 118 12 Dutch For British, US View On Summit THE HAGUE. Feb. 8 tßcuter> The Dutch Prime Minister. Dr. Wiliem Drees, today supported the British and American view that any summit conferences should be prepared '"through diplomatic channels and if necessary at a conference of foreign ministers." In reply to two letters
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  • 51 12 BUDAPEST Feb. 8 (Reuter) A Hungarian mother i s to pay maintenance to her former husband for their 10-year-old daughterDivorced on the grounds of adultery, the woman appealed against the maintenance order. But the Supreme Court upheld the county court's decision, reports the Hungarian News Service.-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 190 12 100,000 U.S. Army Men In Exercises FRANKFURT, Feb. 8. (UP)— The U.S. 7th Army has completed plans to put 100.000 men into manoeuvres next week, the largest winter exercise in Europe since World War 11. The exercise, named "Sabre Hawk," will test the new pentomic organization of the Army which
    190 words
  • 120 12 Terrorists Kill 20, Capture 5 JAKARTA. Feb. 8. (UP) Terrorist gangs raided two neighbouring villages in the South Celebes killing 20 citizens and kidnapping five students, it was reported here. The Indonesian Army Information Service said the raiders belonged to the fanatic "Darul Islam Army of God" an outlaw organization
    120 words
  • 24 12 A SHARP earth tremor damaged houses at Rouma, M miles east of Oneansville. Western Algeria, yesterday but there were no casualties. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 171 12 HONGKONG, Feb. 8 (UP) Hongkong ha s gone all out in its own once-a-year charity campaign. Hongkongites of almost all walks of life are contributing to the "Kung Hei Fat Choy" happy new year and lots of prosperity drive aiming
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  • 174 12 HE NEVER FAILS TO DELIVER THE MAIL Reward: 0.8. E. LONDON, Feb. 8 <Reuter> A British Army postman, who always managed to deliver his letters on the trouble-torn island of Cyprus, got his reward last night the British Empire Medal. The award wa s announced in the official London Gazette
    174 words
  • 140 12 WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. (t'P) The Navy saiu m teittmony published ye-terriay that Russia could use earth satellites to trace the course of every vessel in the Free \Vorld"< navies. A high Navy official said this would multiply by "many times' 1 the threat p m
    140 words
  • 27 12 A TEENAGE thieves •\!ub #f in Danville, Virginia, br up by police here reauired its members to steal at leasi one item each week. (Reuter).
    27 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 37 12 ,VTck iy \y »^> *r*. V^ /4fT |HH3 H[ i| i! ii m# LlAlJu S^aiffiM P- t V Cffi XVxtREAM CRACKERS TH YE HONG biscuit t mcimm hcimiv in 191. ALJXANMA ROAD. SINGAPORE. PHON iJ, 36J00 6 J3MI.
      37 words
    • 223 12 BIGGEST TRAVEL P APr I Vy 'n i Discover J Pan Am s Qpjl SIM i to the U.S.l| Visit up to 27 extra cities at no er^ Going to the I' S .\J i Iv Pan W$ W -see extra citns at round-trip fan- t a single 6^m distant
      223 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 162 13 L^e in OUI Led C<~ :r s STANDARD Problem Move 10,000,000 Yards lock, Marine Clay, -x lin A¥ i* fm #J *^^N— jflr^ lain the answer was [ir*sfOftt Tyres har.nel on Galop Island in the St. Lawrence Seaway, millions I uld-r strewn Rlacial till are being moved under the toughest
      162 words
      51 words
  • Feature Section
    • 8 13 Feature Section SUNDAY TIGER STANDARD February 9, 1953
      8 words
    • 1919 13  - One Feather That Caused MASSACRE Harry Lillie BERNARD McELWAINE The Sunday Standard today concludes "BLOOD ON THE SNOW" by Dr. 77fi» series is I Edited by I L grea v Canadian northland at the outlet of n lake near a beaver dam, a single goose vas Slicking m the snow.
      1,919 words
    • 198 13 us: a change of heart, with reverence and genuine .ove for all living things around us. II will be of little avail trying to buy immunity y pampering domestic pets when we (ion t care h' w << .r fur coat was
      198 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 509 24 Men Restore Gland Vigour and Feel Younger in 24 Hours Feel Strong-Vigourous-Get More Fun Out of Life Thanka to the discovery of a tclen- JB; H t<st. after 20 yvars r>f study, it is now "S possible for those who feel preraaturelyoki. Run-down and Worn-out, to *<p.rienre :ipain the thrill
        509 words
      • 186 24 ANAC The White Shell Th strikes at the centre p r u|j < of pain in a matter u r 1 of seconds n ["FOUR MEDIcINEsTNi Yes— it's a fact that DOUBLI-ACi: contains four carefully sclecu r j —Aspirin and Phenacctin.:: I killers— Caffeine, the invai-j 4 QUININE S SAFE
        186 words

  • 1233 14  -  J.C Wall MALAYAN SHORT STORY by Many are the stories that have come out of the Malayan jungles. Some weird, some frightening, some funny; but none so strange and mysterious as the legend of the "Jungle Man/ In the process of time, many of the
    1,233 words
  • 169 14 Sayings Of The Week I think it would be absolutely wrong for there to be dangled as a dowry to a shotgun marriage a contract for an aeroplane that the Customer didn't want.— Sir Miles Thomas, on Aircraft Industry Amalgamation. It is no fun to kiss a man when 100
    169 words
  • 811 14  -  Nurse Kathle By emergency which occurs among children, although it can scarcely be called an accident, is convulsions or fits. This looks alarming although it is often of a comparatively simple origin, and therefore I think it is a good idea for all parents to have some
    811 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 197 14 wi£\\" fHimosa A 4u P OUJC er ?m Cussons "Mimosa" iJR WBl talcum powder is \lf luxuriously cool and fi^ delightfully fragrant. iM\ m^^^ Inexpensive too. y CARGO ».<- ><o "II f or n f O rmo t ton co«iul' i I H""' c /^J four forwordmg Aginl or,, I
      197 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1092 15  -  Avdrey White WOMAN J% *>y WHETHER your vita! statistics follow the Jayne Mansfield pattern of plumpness, or the Audrey Hepburn one of the 'lean and hungry' look, you need to pay strict attention to that pivot of present day fashion-the brassiere. You may be a wearer of the
    1,092 words
  • Article, Illustration
    222 15 i 'HIXKSE women in Malaya have been aware for years, that the samfoo is just about the most practical fashion to wear for an active life, md inevitably fashion designers have borrowed the idea and claimed it as their own. On the beaches this year, women in Europe
    222 words
  • 228 15 FVKRYONE loves roM. ■L^ a.nd though few of us possess much of the Fort Knox variety, we can enjoy the next best thing for fashion at least, is going back on the gold standard. Clothes, cosmetics and furnishing fabrics are taking on a golden glow. Metallic thread glitters
    228 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 66 15 iniisc i r ;cw actually jrd carefree at prfaod natural, as •P tfloip. decide to •cmal tanirrus cnormooa cs ?sa and pad*, rrcntal rat TantfHS >ss.r 'c ■x c/i, c tjKOetit-you M i .•or— I Itwptci Regular I ir fcrr- nts I n >. OJn 1164. I P.74 F JF
      66 words
    • 446 15 Greatest natural health tonic in the world fr^j Ribena is tkc best way to R^ fer kc<?p your family free froivi \j>>^ infectiorv They'll love its V. tflste.TVicy'll thriv« on it/ l%jV*A Look at the^ U^ So happy/ So kcflltKy/ Yes, delicious Ribena is world-famous |^w J as the most
      446 words

  • 131 16 Telegraph Poles Get Chopper A FAMILIAR feature of the, British landscape is going, up in smoke. The Post Office is preparing to write offi telegraph poles completely, i Scientific progress has caught* up with the overhead teie- phone wires. It lasts longer,' costs less when it's routed j underground. Of
    131 words
  • 833 16 NEW BOOK GIVES S'PORE GAUDY LOOK ADVENTUROUS SINGAPORE! and. so forth say the advertisements appear- ing the past fortnight in newspapers and J magazines across the American hinterland. Reason? The ads wew proclaiming Alistair Mac Lean's new book, "SOUTH BY JAVA HEAD." It is the latest rage. Mr. Mac Lean,
    833 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 16 TTING K1 some d 3 shapely LEVON MCXI ready to roll her own obc Bee:- F '6c. A'lshewS ,s c -c UP
    UP  -  24 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 219 16 RASPING SORE THROAT? I I m^^X Soothe inflamed throats fast with Hudson's »luiubes Guard against coughs, >\"x|ffjv^ M colds, sore throats and 4JS?s^^^^^^^ smokers' throats with iwfcS^^M^ l^ Hudson's Jujubes. EVERYBODY WANTS THE BEST WE HAVE THEM ALL HERE I This book is a sign of j I BUSINESS EFFICIENCY
      219 words
    • 63 16 BY DENIS DUNN ty From recent radio talk of us can truthfully sa? i v In life which forces us to s. we've f ot?" can in called a wife Quote from a dorr.' w nagging has mar> ftn {f /P f% like »e<Ton<>' Suddenly announrinf th^J hf r c
      63 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 150 16 s/yS w .«j« m s orry, dear, I'll have to *v^ s/S divorce you I need the "It's not fair she doesn't have to run so far as the rest PU of us!" "I didn't want the children V^v ?i/i r*> to know you were in prison. \^y*^^ Iff -c^W
      150 words

  • The Weekly Page For Motorists
    • 787 21 Ug, Low And Sleek Plymouth THE BELVEDERE I//?Y SUSPENSION, WFUL BRAKES AND KOOMY INTERIOR N(l r is:>B C .rdere !'i: first r in m and out. I eves tuned to 1 cars, Cr and. per:ert.. I ONG. LOW KtnTl: EYEi [JR AND ur;\t c
      787 words
    • 788 21 Driving To Moscow? It Is A Tough Journey t k i t >k llvoia is rjger niMto l.d.ixs Soviet. te» -r template i n conI on f>rita in ftr the Ro Clab the hish _;e i from B-; London to nee the It < r<e nun of at v ir
      788 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 52 21 RING PLASTIC TAPE barter and Safer driving! Ideal for use on worn steering wheels !^m Packing: H inch x 12V 2 yds per roll K| Price; $2.50 per roll. m Postage: 50 cts. extra. in 7 attractive colours: Cray, Black. Yellow White. SiPPIY 175 Sel °O ie Road frLI Singapore
      52 words
    • 175 21 I l! M K|N( <.l«»K(.k, VI Wmi FiU your glass WATNEYS BEER, STOUT REDjjOT BARREL AND BROWN ALE BREWED INI LONDON FY WATNEY CCV C E PF'D CO, LTD IBy^vg/prLn spark [^^J&K^Aru plugs 1 vaai 9 aa fflB models to suit everyone who values the really good things in motoring
      175 words

  • 678 22 FVER since the first Sputnik was shot into space people have been writing anxiously to me. Chiefly they want to know whether the existence of such an object would constitute an additional effect upon their lives in terms of astrology. In short, they seem to imagine the Sputnik
    678 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 340 22 JjfuS Smart C vsfl men Zj I A jt- 0 W Blue Gillette Blades Successful men know th* l to look smart j^d^^£^£Z?b m^ m^ must b© we^ shaved. /^^O^J^'rpr^^ Nothing shaves so closoI -^^-I^T^P Gillette j •>' or leaves you feeling I B i^PJS S so fresh as Blue
      340 words
    • 40 22 < J^t- J Adding her j charms to those of p nature is shapely i«^*^ jj. vacationer berry jh**- > Kendrick, sunning s L Colorado Beach .Mfe'i^^-^ aI like to be there/ jHJ tOO? UP photo. i^H 5v H^ja j^, x&timM^r I
      40 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 1060 22 i i UvK Vlf c t H S MARCH 21— APRIL 20 be to work through quietly quiet contacts will be JAN 20— I KB is S (Aries).— The early part without an undue amount wise rius)— Probably a i 2 humdrum pvrioJ It.. 2of the week brings some of
      1,060 words
    • 262 22 BirthdJ SUNDAY. s. v opponuu s occur m t^ I aspects of imp *c €f ana I flfenernl ;,os*O«. Th€ pro total ,1 hi Mitt I -amity i n I icrvsi? idU produce €x 1 Uwmely affable adjustment* ar* 2 I Also one cm, iy I re'^rc < deuces I
      262 words

  • BOOKS of the Week
    • 313 23  -  MICHAEL ALEXANDER By A WAI. Through the Forosts North of the Amazon. By (3 vP pv John Murray. 285.) I riture IL£r*T» travel E*, to float PVgaioß from -r. a L Sir Guwf t *b/ dug ;t ETite back f Em* b*Hraz.l apart from PJps., jigs r.
      313 words
    • 283 23  -  JACQUETTA HAWKES VANISHED CITIES. By Herman and Georg Schriber. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 255.). 'THIS Is a piece of bookmaking but quite a good one. The authors are two cultivated and intelligent Viennese and they write agree- ably about an interesting selection from the thousands of cities throughout the
      283 words
    • 8 23 sdgsd Mirror ■pic.
      Mirror  -  8 words
    • 506 23  -  GLYN DANIEL By De *cc in Constance Smit fc Chjtfl||d« ISs.i. paphy. am ok e i ff- nineteen P;r came f act p» the Parisian ir m a L* "hijhwt- r.c--i w -:-vph .-r.uch v i- sorties over enemy territory was of incalculable value to Allied tactics
      506 words
    • 240 23 Writer Of Great Charm THE MENAGERIE. By Catherine Cookson, (Macdonald. 13s. 6d.) TT is pltasant to turn to x The Menagerie, a strong cup of tea brewed in Durham. Miss Cookson is an unpretentious writer of extraordinary charm. She builds up the colliery town of Feiburn brick by simple brick.
      240 words
    • 202 23 A SIANS complain that nearly all history taught in European schools is about Europe. Mr. Lan Thomson, himself a schoolmatster, has tried to remedy this by producing an account of Asian history in this century: The Rise of Modern Asia (Murray 18s.). It will be a good book
      202 words
    • 471 23  -  MAURICE RICHARDSON By TzULBENKIAN. By John Lodwick. (Hcinemann. 215.). ARMENIAN mul.i millionaires make the most money, as any student of wealth will tell you. In contrast to the cheertul extraverted Greeks, who will gaily lose one fortune only :o win another next week, they are secretive, withdrawn, onepointed
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 223 23 TAe iwrW famous family of TIGER medicinal products ■yJjßCtt'^f '■''^^BF- V '■■'">"- v# 2 ■Jr w^Hfl^^b '-jl ■V>'x'BKa /•v" IF >3ll vvfiv w '^^^^H|S^SU&V'^y^/^L'' >^^w {I M r^VH^Kx- -ift-'-'- v ■™*"4 tvH CHEE THONE SAN Provides Instantaneous relief for Toothache, Earache, Stomachache, Muscle Pain, Indigestion, Backache Colds, Sore Throat, etc.
      223 words

  • 878 24  -  BERNARD WILLIAMS {First Of Four Luxury Liners )ue This Week By Beginning Feb. 15 till March 20, this year, 100,000 tons of luxury shipping will grace Singapore's waterfront to disembark nearly 2,000 pleasure-seeking American tourists on round-the-world cruises. The cruise liners of Leviathan proportions that v.
    878 words
  • 132 24 'OXVICTS in Britain are* making crime pay IN- SIDK prison but it's all 1 kirt 4 S rt *t ry writing is one| I Uii most popular sub-, Jee a amoni men m prison \vh > take our courses.", said the d. rector of a corrt>p
    132 words
  • 343 24  - 5s. AN HOUR IS BARE LIVING IAN MACDONALD SAY NUDES By r J^HREE hundred nude models are stripping for action strike action for more pay. The girls, who work as models at London art schools, claim that their present pay— s.s. an hour is barely a living wage. Unless they
    343 words