Sunday Standard, 6 May 1956

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Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Standard
  • 22 1 SUNDAY STANDARD I *>1 11 S )t I 1 Vol. VI. No. 1 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MAY 6, 197>6 21 PAGFS 20 CENTS
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  • 248 1 The Common Man il stress and turmoil of the past mths, a very larue section of the people of «P«>re have shown that they do r>tand what the word "democracy" frantic call for freedom and lion of the claims made by rete<l leaders to administer the nment of this
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  • 131 1 I tics in Singapore will organize F iM-rption <m tiir Padang to welcome t M. n home, it was announced > ester- meeting called by the for Communications Works. Mr. Francis representatives of <1 parties agreed reception should be caned off if the Mission fail-
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  • 283 1 Wages Up By $10 Mil. And Capital Dries Up MOUNTING wages and a reluctant inflow of capital into Singapore threaten to engulf the Colony in an economic crisis. Although Government officials are not in a position to say exactly to what extent Colony wages have shot
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  • 28 1 ACTOR Johnny WeUsmuller, former film "Tarzan" was Jailed in Hollywood last night on a drunk driving charge after his car and another collided, police repotted. fgfgds
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  • 319 1 Council Should Have Executive Powers UK Viewpoint By ANDREW ROTH Standard's London Bureau Chief LONDON. Bat The real battle over the extent of Singapore's internal selfgovernment has been joined over the Issue oi the poven of the defence and internal .security council proposed by Britain. The British viewpoint is that
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 1 If you want fun. defy Old 'Man Gravity! Thicken the air with a spi inkling of Peruvian :r.a^:c. hang up a skyhook, and send the .girl to lleep Then watch her riff to the occasion. The b:oorr.stick witchery if part of Richiardi's wizard show at the London
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  • 137 1 CUP FINAL Middk*«x M M Rrutri iii 11 LnKlMi mm .i i h\ hi it Birmingham it^ b> llm p...,K to <>ix !i. i. tin* afternoon aitrr tin l« 1 hrrn Icncl 1-1 at hall time. nukTol i.dmbuii:h all prrs 1 i! Hr 111 i.» tin I
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  • 33 1 rwobi :.!.:,r,d. tl w iefl HMiT motor cycle skidded and bum Into names ale They were Oldric Sidd People passing by put out toe O(v bms Cse t?rot vie Goneral Hospr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 ATLAS x TJxa, <vd JdtuUfS iONS L T E- ENG LTD, +j- Lumpur Penong FGFDSFGG lURYONE ACCLAIMs BLI SPOT' TO BE THE WORIDS H\LST RADIO J Jl V RADIO I^^^^^S^hl a wide i^^^^h^hsb^w^h range of i models for q£S yolr choice 1 Ml "Blur Spot" Distributors K^HUAT RADIO CO., LTD.
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    • 198 1 i I 44 Village Sentenced Itself ■npHKpfjjj^^^fflHjHHHHH^ JIM).(MM) Women on the to Death, by Jf j jf f^j Jfj f£j^j M lwf<MM FY*TT7!m Shelf, hv Hrttv Smith. :Mare Alexander, Page 7. ■BBHBHHHHIHi i^M^ |>, nr i 1 iSJffl^^ The Murder of Trotsky, Merdeka Talks iRM |^> i& J^S^^Cft-v by Natalie
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  • 200 2 500 POWER WORKERS THREA TEN TO STRIKE NEARLY 500 employees of the Pasir Panjang: and St. James Power Station in Singapore yesterday threatened to stage a one-day "sit-down" strike next week as a protest against the attitude of a senior officer in the City Electricity Department. Mr, K. SupfUlh, President
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  • 57 2 A SINGAPORE Fo'i;e OACO icepted an Illegal gratifl i.tion of |150 and was nabbo^: when he fe.l into a bap Ml by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, a Cotoay Co:rt was told yrsterday^ The oftcer, Probataoaaiy Inspcvtor Ifarfanuthu Balasusrir.Tv.. p'.enccd guilty to t.:o cn-'irnc in the Fifth Magistrate's
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  • 213 2 THE rubber market in Singapore closed quiet at hall a cent above Friday's closing lovels, first grade rubber lor May shipment being quoted at H9 cents per lb. The market opened steady at 89i cents per lb., a i:<e of one cent on Friday. The higher
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  • 34 2 CHEONG Yuen, of Duxton Road, was fined MO in 'he Singapore Second Traffic Court yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of inronsiderate driving at New Bridge Road, on Feo 11.
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  • 189 2 Jeyaretnam, however, expended ttfrtfttPt until '■!o:.r:^y in on'.cr to enable Mm to ftUOJF the case further. BftllMDdrML v.b.o v airichod to the Traffi PoliOt Ki IfaXWtil Roar!, jejMti tnc Force in March \d. z year. The Director. QOffUpl Pfcl tloei Invest gatfton Burea Iff, a. ii. Frew,
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  • 98 2 MOHAMED Yarr.b. a prr.n. was taken to the Singapore Fifth Magistrate's Court yesterday to face four charges of forgery. It was alleged that Yacob on or about April 16 at No. 265 Tanjong Pagar Road forced cheque No. F*****4 Intending to use it for purpose of
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  • 47 2 NEARLY 300 employees of the Hock Lee Bui Company Singapore, who are memberi of the B.j.- Workers 1 Union, have submitted a 17-poini demand to the management. The claims include a genera! wage increase for condu^toi? and drivers ranging from $1.25 to $1.40 per day.
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  • 105 2 MRS. DANKER SENT TO MENTAL HOSPITAL ANNIE Dank r o cri'dr^cd with the tempted murder of her homad was ytsterday oidered to be i to Woodbnd-o Hospital a rriOnth. w came up for mention in S e K.fth Magistrate's C0..-: Mrs. Danker who fi«t Charfl n April L l ■UPWiI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 l Ml Bt^gi Made by Manufacture de Montres ■Sn^^HHßl\m NATIONAL S.A., La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland, producers W j3^Blg|£||fffc^R of precision watches since 1867 ■bS^^^Tthin watch x^ ■Hforsports or dress wear fW: r <^\ Hlnlw advanced models SBjt oS ANT|.MAGNENpMj|, \^/i INCABLOC > W^ MAINSPRING ''^^^|^A IAROiST-SfUING PIN IN AMERICA,
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    • 188 2 NOTICES IT is h( n by 1 1 ed fi r gen- ra] 'orrr; *;<, n that Mr Lnh Yr j r frorTi the po^t of A.- Ger.era 1 1 r of Company with (Tect fro- May and has no itl rity t< trai art any b..-r.. r behall Dated
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    • 238 2 CLASSI! ii| MK j lore Bahru 48 J passed away pcacefuQ India on 30th Apri leaving a widow and J children. ACKNOU Til .1 £< •]rr l fp por^r.a! ''M Mr. T. Jiannoo on 1^ JgPly and v ueron ann n for their kind SITUATIONS VAC* Kl M MP(| Ml
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  • 175 3 I „f st Joseph. strrrt SingaJP was the mm* tf -i ■*fT| T weddißK >rstrrd.iy E iiarwhrp Mr M.i..r..e W M.r.i led to W M »rv Pauline W > the eldest I Mrs Nelson m i Mii.i. i v i. t ri« s» nun
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  • 230 3 THEATRE CLUB MAKES GOOD tn ?t n e Kope he Seletar Theatre b. ha.; conceivably surthe quality or the ■k forts. |l play, by Patrick Hamili; do- intellectual n apparentrmotivf> > murder prei atmosphere. ned with moJans of sh :on. B* heat tolerance and staIC ements 2 ild reduce at
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  • 148 3 Too Many Babies For Sale THE i < r iei who arc illegally rred" v month in Singapore is lai ligh." Th :day by Mrs. Kismet Won; A latant Director of the Children and Y< iwtg V- raoil St ft I the Social Welfare Department She told The Sunday Stanrd
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  • 274 3 House Estates Get Credit DURING the lost four years there has not been a single case of malaria reported in the Colony, Dr. L.M. Ram, Chief Health Officer, said in a radio talk on rural health yesterday. Dr. Ham said that due to resettlement
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  • 225 3 Lost His Head When He Lost His Girl A BRITISH soldier, who jilted by h\< fiancee got "emotionally disUjrbcd" while driving big track, 1 Singapore Court Martial was told yesterday. Signalman O. T. Hoore, ol the Royal Signal Singapore was convicted toi gHgently driving an Army m Pcb,
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  • 90 3 INDONESIA'S President, Dr. Soekarno, and 15 ffffirif^i are t ■-.;-> etfjd to o in Singapore on May 14 v .-pecial ch ITtorca Qamda piano from Jakarta on tlsfii the United State it the invitation of President Eisenhower. The party will leave after an bour*i
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  • 308 3 MORE THAN JUST A HOPE, SA YS MARSHALL LONDON. May 5 (Reu- rj -M:-. David Marshall Singap< re's Chief Bdinister, said 1 e today that there ha moi than hisi 1 hoM 0! success h'v the AngloSingapore negotiations here [or independence for the C; OWH Colony. •■i 1 the nm
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  • 207 3 "Tie treat majority of the ptop I h IV« spoken to are of the v.c-v |hat ':ie risk of the Communist threat should be taken and the people of Singapore should be siven the f: rpdom they seek. On all sides and even amonf tha top men of
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  • 75 3 THE Singapore Rotary Club has. arranged f°r aeHai oi three career ';<;k 10 he civen at the British Council Hall during this month. All talk! will itari at 7 p.m. On May P, Ifr. C G. V Rudd qpeak on "Electrical Engnccring'*; on May (i Mr.
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  • 209 3 $3,000,000 Building Project Will Be Comple ted Nex t Yea r m first phase oi the 83,000,000 building project at Mount Vernon, lor accommodating the Gurkha contingent and the Reserve I nit «f the Singapore Police Force, has been completed by the Public Works Department The a ting senior executive
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 GRANDEST ATTRACTION HARi RAYA PUASA MALAY FILM 1 PRODUCTIONS^^ L I MITE D, proudly present iiiEIR SECOND COLOUR ACHIEVEMENT! tL' riS .-'•ll V^jfTj *1 M.W ipf' V jfijK^F Jb M JbV m. -9jß k F JB f "4 *r^®^3^^£|i T^^^iH^TP™^BMM^^li^^. 3i^.,. i jr V-^BV ~*?-«t V Bw a. WS^Stt */ss*
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    • 245 3 1 For the Lady with Finer Taste! I "5 e rictivtd the Latett i vt ro ri o\ y X /4^f\ wr e in 1 /^JSfeIW, .-tt our new range ////JttW&KSk xclusive Cotton ///MilWSxk Plain i /ffiMi£imxsv& /Jh£E/I!l iM'-Wi& pot s. Chocks J i s^sS§in lv&^\mV^\ ticsi g n s
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  • 178 4 YOUTHFUL READERS OUTNUMBER ADULTS THI growing demand among S ngapore youth I more and better books has resulted in increased n bcrship in the juvenile aection of the Raffles Library to such an ex a- to rnber the adults. The library lent out 3.000 volumes of books an -r.ts alone.
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  • 41 4 BAIL of $30,000 in two •uretie* was granted to Chen Siong. 34. when he claimed trial to possession of lbs. of raw or m i1 1>!o* Kurau on March I ITie case was postponed tr July 10.
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  • 62 4 T\:p:\ i Sat. The R I V-- »n Wedpen the new building and hall of the All SaJ Is 1 ting, at 10 a.m. The Venc: C. Dumper. Archdeacon of North I will perform the Dr Service. This school is run by the Anglican Church.
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  • 160 4 KUALA KANGSAR. Sat.— —The following W9H office-bearers of the Miv.:in Indian Congress, K;ala Kaai ii bnnch, 1956. tl i neral n i held at the Indian Association bolkllni recently. President: Mr K Tl >^~.: -velu: Vice-T: Ident: Mr. s Sundappa; Hon Becrei in K R 8
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  • 244 4 KIM A LUMPUR, Kri Thr Kuala Lumpur Municipality runs an elaborate Cleansing Department to keep the sprawling town Thi< Department his at its (ommand a large labour fnri a fleet of modern u isons. mobile water tankprs and a huge assortment of trolleys and "what
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  • 433 4  -  Ahmad Hussain THERE ARE 18 TYPES TO CHOOSE FROM BY EIGHTEEN vai uI ea of 4 from the ordin.r y Malay e ngk k to the Peshawai nr Kami] fur cap will set the styk lOC Muslims of all nOH fai
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  • 418 4 Says J. S. David AS he steps into the sixth decade of his life the average working man in Singapore becomes increasingly aware and anxious that his day of retirement from work is rapidly drawing near and he
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  • 195 4 AX APPEAL for lOdl] Worker?, technicians arid medical per.-nr.r.el to jo.n up a Ma- iy in mercy team *o South Vietna n tin been launched by 'he Singapore ?.ni K;;a!a Lumpur .1 inim Chamber] of Com- meres, Men ben thi teem wfll Mrve mx months
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  • 40 4 BANTING, Sat— Mr. Dank] Jtjaratnam, a Banting delegate to the Malayan Indian Dongresi annual conference, ■aid today that he will oppose the Klang branch's resolution Reeking to bar the MIC president from holding also a iwjnjg. terial office.
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  • 42 4 BEREaCBAN, Sat.— Five DM D who were alloged to have visited an estate at lw'-miie Kuala Lumpur road on Feb. 9 and robbed the owner of a quantity of durian.s were discharged by the Sessions judge, Mr. J. R Whim.ster today.
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  • 174 4  -  Mr. Yang Wee Kuang. MALACCA, Sat. Mr. Qofa Joon Hoc. re-e.ected presirient of tb« Malacca K.neng Chew Hoay Koan, was sworn in on l'h 1 sday. The other ofTV.-e-bearers are: vice-pro- idents Mr. Lung Chow KOQg and Dr. H.K. Lunjt; hon. secretary— Mr. Lui Nai Chin; assistants Messrs.
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  • 807 4 The Giant Footprint Of Penang By "TRAVELLER" YOU have read about footprints of the Himalayan "Abominable Snowman", but have you heard of the giant footprint of Penang? Probably not, as many in Penang are unaware of this oddity in their midst. Insatiable curiosity gnawed at my thoughts when I learned
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  • 48 4 S7A'.- B look round ffe^ it immediately »nJLjJ n Itfdif et. HI tells of th, *Jfll 5 ■a''' f U H the 'pgrenrfs r II ixtory. 1 de* the oi ont I print, (tee i rf ty ll" II eyes, the hanyfcu If flic sea ll If II
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  • 17 4 Village Goes To The Polls Undents •*»«J on May 1 Ham vV local cour and the f <
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  • 41 4 3 i c' pi Sa* I I m and StntiP<**J 1 mSS tlielr wares it M mal whicH will be held *1 Rahang. from June 10 to I Miss Trade Fiir cd also be held «i
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  • 39 4 OR.\ T r- lea *by the < 4nof the Singapore Harbour Beard ail] be beard at the next puhlic session of the MalayaßKatiOß Commission tomorrow at 5 p m. at the P Relation] OMB e C r.ference room.
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  • 36 4 THERE are itfll Bfl e I M ft* eta in the S tool Certifl ate Oral Eng Ksh an conducted by Mrs. I am len Miln< if Bri;i.- Counci H I, Sing, p< re
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 96 4 rf I I I I tll lad!) I A selection of Sterling Silver fh&Sf* j BRUSH SETS combining luxury with (^l^^ nifbj^ j the latest c- uSr becn V i unpacked. v -nl> IsSSSSS^^v I r j H^*^^ 111^ 1^" v presentation, these arc available j -^^^\^r C-^':^-ng brush, ccmb,
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    • 72 4 v\vv\v\V\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\\\\\\\\\vvvv\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\\\v\\\\\\\\w»^v^^ x^ N i I used to drift from job to job. Then I bou^ t 8 Carrier Room Air Conditioner. I'm still drifting job to job but, boy, is my bedroom nice and I*' For over fifty year* the people who know o" cof-l •'<-" P—^JiL 1 INTERNATIONAL AIR-CONDITIONING
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 351 5  - PENGUINS 'You Can See Them Here In Singapore WILLIE MA By YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO TO THE ANTARCTIC TO SEE PENGUINS. WE HAVE THEM. HERE IN SINGAPORE. The man who had them brought over is Mr. S. M. Tong, the owner of the Wildlife Zoological Farm. Rare bird? and
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  • 466 5 Exclusive Designs For Those Who Want It By CHRISTINE DIEMER SINGAPORE, which WgM, with reservations, be called the city oi sarongs, has hut I single factory where they are produced. The factory, i kmSi tow wooden structure up a mean, mpaved one, belonss
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  • 63 5 K: ALA I.r.MPL-R. S.-.'. The Pederation Goven aai asked more than 2,000 ex- nea in I ofllcei to refister their names with the Ex-Servicemen's Association to facilitate offeffl of suitable employment when possible. allows consideration o r a petition the Association had to Inche Abdul A bin iak,
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  • 42 5 NKW >'(U>K ".^iv 4 i(Ti I> a -.7 ri.- 2 Aver STOCKS: I rndustriali 51fl M 20 la 171 2 I Util ties 65 66 cki 183.2" Dow Jooci Commodit futiirci Index (IIM-Sfl aver■M Nut 100) <■ wd ii l
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  • 72 5 BINOAPORETS Qrst Agricult ural sh o w originally scheduled for July has now iv i n postponed to Sept. 1. It will be held at the femur Kalian^ Airport. Tins b to give farmers more time to prepare and collect their exhibits. i.'
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  • 71 5 Ban On French Film Upheld THE Singapore Ti'.ma Appeal Committee h;-s L.nhelf} the nan on thi FRBCh miltical revue, ••Paris Follies" it was revealed yesterday. The reason for the ban OH UM fl m, 1 Ilich i> buili arou'id the stor v of a dre<^ rehearsal, is that "the costumes
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  • 54 5 THI A ll Foundation has g|i en 1 donation ol 011 to tiio rnivcrsity of Malaya'l Historical Ekxtety towardi <^^- ppp.^cs nf tiio Society's India-L'oy>."n-Paki>tan Goodwill and Si idy Tour. Then will be II turn aiiri three wopeß °n the tour, which lasts M dayi
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  • 267 5 Shipping Trade Bene fitted By BERNARD WILLIAMS MALAYANS are getting more sea travel-minded, OUtthaf seasonal booms in the passenger shipping trade between Singapore, Europe and the Far East. Diacli sing this to The Standard, b spokesman for Messrs Islay Kerr Co., Singapore agents lor the P. O.
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  • 125 5 Nursing Sisters 'Found Romance In Malaya' FIVE tnocc Australian MUBiIM IfTS1 fTS will U: fa in Kuala Limpur ihoctl) to |oin the itafl of the Lady Templec Tuberculosis Hospital. Of the original tram of Australian nursing sisters at tlio hn>pital thrro liavr returned home because o! ill-health and two have
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 278 5 IIIOYD 7 I mi; lIK MM ING SAILINGS M From Smgapora arr. Genoa 3 June 24 June I 1 July 22 July t- 2 Au 9- 23 Aug. I Scpf. 23 Sept. L I Ocf. 23 Oct. I Nov. 23 Nor. I 1 Dec. 22 Dec. t 2 Jan 1957
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    • 47 5 $W'i.SS Ml ABE A MASTERPIECE \J^J OF WATCHES a*. TXdS&tlty s > k \=f« I^^S kS Lfj^/ 'i nil ckln A D Sfc^ -^'^[^^^a^aa^a^a^a^a^a^a^^^r H" 9 v A r > -S^^ uS^^a^la^aaaaaaMaw^B 9^^ 3 1 I a^L.^ j/liAmMleA, -;€B-'- TITO FLEX >/. v UNBREAKABLE 21 JEWELS WITH spring a gg
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  • 1081 6  - Imarried TROTSKY NATALIE SEDOVA Concluding By SIX shots were fired in Trotsky's bedroom, and when they rushed him to hospital to clean his wounds and undress him, Trotsky said to me: "I don't want her (the nurse) to undress me. You do it for me." These ill! were his last
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  • 1164 6 i> passport. Leon followed a J few days later. By then he was known as Leon t was the name on his jalse passport when Z he had escaped )rom SibeJ rim years before the first name that came to his mind, that of one
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 P%^ yam-Buk SOOTHES HEALS SORE, k^^RA ACHING BLISTERED FEET Rob iam-Bu* into yuui tcct every mghl ir^.frTJ^^^Vsj^B keep the en cnmfonablc and hrairhy ZamBui dr:va out tchc* and pain?, quickly hemi* bkitcrt sad aoreSf softens oorns and hard Ala. Use Za»-Buk too lor akin dLueaaes and injuries, VMkfcfcV^L^a^Bfe •fcera, pDea,
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    • 169 6 f MOMEXTS |^>FC.M^SF the rollinc motion «»l n J> V jj^_<s.*>.^ J^ iross-Channel steamers iluays g 1 I P /^BS^- t 3^ made him violently siek. Sir Henry V S rilw^" n fnlii ft| Bessemer designed an anil seasitk a^lr i 1* i^SJfiK**^ sh P *ne saJoon Ui4S mounted ou
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    • 239 6 ALL THE BEST FEAT,:: V| OF MODERN DESlc', j^Proskopf FAMOUS SINCE 1867 IV ri UNBREAKABLE "AlNSPtliir I ARCADE BUILDING, RAFFLES PLACE l k a I P 0. BOX 393 QUICKEST "WAY to SToF r^^^^^^^ medicine lc^ kM§m STOMACH JlHtiSI TROUBLES P Ml mHS^SS9S[^9 I Taketcr tDf/l W 4 I Powder
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  • 289 7 Sayings Of The Week \VE must sell England to MM Enzii.^h— It ha s already been done In Australia and Canada, and can be dnne lltft, Sir Irvine Gane, C'hcimberlain of London. Encli.-hmpn will only wort u hard as Englishmen.—Mr. C.J.M. Alport, Ass. Postmaster General. it's m |od rtmtttni your
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  • 1048 7  - Village Sentenced Itself To Death MARC ALEXANDER Ry mHEY still call it Plague 1 Village. Today the frirndly folk of Eyam talk about it as though it happened last winter. not a winter VH) years aeo. Then, as a church-yard stone tells "of the pestilence 1666, at Eyam. 259 persons
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  • 291 7 NEW USES FOR DRUGS LONDON. *iA FJRITISH scientists are work in? on two new applications of antibiotics (peni-, cillin and similar sub stances). for preserving food, and for preventing cor rosion in underground pipes, i Food goes bad largely because of the activities of certain bacteria. These would not be
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  • 22 7 Fast— And Furious 4 MICHIGAN, r.S.A., driver heading f «ir the courthouse to pay a reckless ririvinc fine WAS STOPPED FOR SPEEDING.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 195 7 ju c world famous family of TIGER i ncd ici nal products riN PACKED BALASHIN SAI PAf KUA fANJ iry effective fot Coughs, igestion, Sec^ickness, Tiredness :chache, Foul Breath. ENC AUN TONG hIIETN.KR MEDICAL HALL LlJft fji Two heauty atds to flaiier your loveliness *ond s~Fact Fouler and Lipstick— the
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    • 67 7 I yS< NOW! /I/ld/V^Vr/r loir-cost Contemporary I fIS Furnishings from the L.S.A! I if "f m^- *''s&^ h\ j now 36" wide $2.75 I 48" wide $3.25 I Also Plain Matching Colours, P;e v runk before the/ leave the fccto r y. 48" wide $3.25 Write to Joan Gray m
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 98 7 1?| 1 I V .-.v. y l in the uorld. J hat- not ji>l inv H\ V— l £DP6 >i, "You only want m* to j^jl,a,JL j a l _i_ 1V»4» \g^»." ilX*Sf\ sav ooc^ |Tlorn i n so you j. v rrgSfi tan contradict me." "See how clever the
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  • 649 8  - SKEIETON TOOK 30-YEAR CRUISE George Mell By iriVF. times as bis: as any ship thrn afloat, the (irrat Hastrrn. built by I!<ainb a r (I Brunei, the famous raihvay ensinrrr, was. the wonder of the uorlrl when planned a century aso. With >:x masU ft&d Bfi funnels Bproutlng from her
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  • 536 8  - PHONE CALLS STOP SUICIDES Mary Archard A MONG London's trfmlnf millions are 100 men and uomert whose live* have been saved by a voice. By now they would be do, 1( j suiHdes. Unominiously ending their lives in gas oven, with bullets or poison, by drowninc or a six-storey leap.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 496 8 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. T«4 IJ92J 6. *****/4 132/6 Robmion Road. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICt Mallfaa. Montrtal. Bo«fon. New York. Baltimora. Philadelphia Cult Porti. S 0O»« P S h«rr Htnjni AUTOMfDON luna 9/14 |un« 15/16 |un« 17/18 Carrier* option te proceed other pott* to loao and duchaige
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    • 468 8 EAST ASIATIC LIH SAILINGS TO CONTINENT SCAND| NAV|I V For Aden, Port Soid, Genoo. Antwerp c f Copcnhogcn K Spore x) "JUTLANDIA" 18 20M OV 21 B xxi "FALSTRIA" obt 29 31 Moy xxx> "MEONIA" 7 6 June I t I xi Colls London 'Passengers only Aobo I xxl Calls
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  • 570 9 ESCAPIST- BUT FUN too (rflta a lot of advance publicity acclciirr.s a film as the 1 Birth n:akr-r of 4 ::o contar/. By the t.n-.e the fi!m-£oer gets around to seeing it, he di covers t Uml tbOQffa the film gc's oil |q a eraddlog start, v -av t rju-},
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  • 132 9 I JOY KOCiL:KS: "Don't resent powtQf old. M.iny pt'opit- ui dt-nied that pr:v:lrcr." R O B i; R T Mill HIM: "Nothing ll M phony as the chirm and Interest shown :n yon by someone who is about to a.-k you for a 1 an JANET
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  • 455 9  -  BERNARD McELWAINE by HPAKE a look the sirl on the right just for a second. To {jive you a onesecond close-up like that on the screen may cost the movie makers VI'OO. For lovely Jayne Mans■tld ll AMMMdiBf C2BJMI for her NEXT film. In her LATEST
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  • 119 9 V.VI AME WOOD says: "1 don't like girls much hut I love boys." JINK ALLYSON MfS: "The thing 1 hate most In this world la fosslp It is not only in extremely bad ta.-te bat it i.s malicious and can seriously damage the lives of Innocent people" TAB
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  • 545 9 HOLLYWOOD ANITA Ekbcrg, engaged to wed a British actor, failed to find a husband here because Hollywood men are "married, engaged or dull.'' Thi; vi!'. r.n A^\:r\ he a bow tn The czo pf -r.v. ie males, but the rifling Swede de^ic.i it's tn;e.
    A P  -  545 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 313 9 »^7hv^ MIJ(.AM^VHON ATTRACTIONS ■TTt nAV CATHAY HW.m-1.«3-4.13. It Si L'ATi r 6r. 9 .14, p. ra Hilt 1 Xv xv' f K xN N v M f N\ I -THE ROSE TATTOO" B— I MORROW Wm* I; :i"\ •"'i: '"I- ition l'r»-*«'r<f« I «AI I> FOK MARY" B K !»'«-n
      313 words
    • 359 9 SHAW 'BROTH ERS ORCANIS ATJON^ ATtV aVtTonV 1 I Q^jy^MW SHOWING! j J William Holocn STKA\(,i IMl\(,s J j \M L^a |JJ ULa Nuns mik... J^ KimNovajc jy- f M RosjujnoJßussblC M j ik h\k oioß ißfe^ TODAY f< am 3S Ml <>K^ \M> (.|KI If,! t NOW SHOWING! r
      359 words

  • 145 10 Airmen Score Easy Win IT AN Mong Old Boys* A ciation sm ompletely out- by R Air Pbh Cnangi when they I r six coals to nil in I SA? A l>. ..B '.ensue soccer it GfflHig yesterda Tne Old Boys* defence t h v:cr.:< a: \'.:c first half during
    145 words
  • 430 10 Tennis Basketball Badminton THERE has been an encouraging response to give the Colony's youth more opportunity to take part in " sports. The following articles on tennis, badminton and basketball, by Standard's sportswriters, show that big plans are underway to give schools' sports a tremendous push. By
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  • 220 10  -  KEN TOFT By HAS American roach Tom Bell of Pomona College succeeded in arousing greater basketball interest amons the schools? There tan be but one answer to this question positively VKS. Ever since this lankv American caser came to the Colony he I B*i >' e
    220 words
  • 164 10 Rovers Hold Tornados a GOAL hf Hainan bi Uw i mi me enabled Windsor r;. to bold Tornadoi Sports C lib to a one-all draw :n the SAFA Div SB igue BUitcil a*. k,,: I yesterday c XOTB idol I were trounced by tne Harbouf Board I 0 put up
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  • 69 10 a >:n rAI 081 Amat< or F ".ball A- iation Xl wiil play a friendly -ret match tg C ir.bir.cri rvicea at Jalan B< stadium oa Sund Miv 20 a1 i m Tl is match will he In I 'i at the Olympic fund. "1 1 p.m.
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  • 29 10 LEICESTER May 5 (Renter) Leicestershire had scored 84 for the loss of 1 wicket at lunch today when they began their match with the Australian touring side.
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  • 40 10 NAVAL Base Chines Athletic "A" beat Tamil B. hood Association bv thtef goals to nil in a Criei soccer match at Fairer Park yesterday. Josph Chan. Kum Senc and Yong Bkfeng scored for the C inese.
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  • 355 10 CHAN LYE CHOON, holder of the Malayan halfmile standing-start speed trial fjf cars with a time of 22.45 sec who has just returned alter being away in Europe for a month on I business-cum-pleasure trip says the world famous racing drivers. Keg Parnell, Mike
    355 words
  • 285 10  - EMPHASIS ON YOUTH TONY RANGEL Schools May M (l m Badminton A I Compulsory Gaum B} THF Badminton Association of Malaya ma\ MiugcM to the Education Department that badminton br made a compulsory game for srhools in this country. said Mr Heah Joo Seang. president of the B A.M. in
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  • 195 10  -  Thiam Situ VAZIR MARKAR By By A BRILLIANT rentur> by veteran Choonc Thiam Sirw of the Singapore Chinese Recreation lub hichlichtcd the friendly cricket matches played yesterda> !>c-, ;'c C z T: .i\'.r S •> r< u >urs e SCI with Nee Soon Garrison at Hong L Scores
    195 words
  • 21 10 .oped t«> Shield" as soon i ■B the Vm» to pa will take S ts Club. 7WT Sen n.
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  • 69 10 WRAF Changi and Girls' Sports Club netball teams after an exciting match at the GSC ground GS< w Photo by Mic-haol Amhant shows (standing from left) Babs Howes <C). Iris Ko/ario (G.S.O. n K <( Linda Carnegie ((i.S.C), Dixie Fardy (C), Iris Milne (CSC), Rene Butlrr (C), Gloria
    69 words
  • 96 10 Ai the anntuU xenenl mrrt ing oi the Singapore Khalra Association which VII held lnst Sunday at their club premise* at Pimsrp Street, the following were elected officials tor the your. Patrons: Messrs Tara Sinyh and Hardial Singh; President: Mr. Chooi Singh; Vice-presi-dent: Mi Kartar Singh: Hon Secretary:
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 263 10 md of the Rainbow lir< nwthitnl rmrk of the tnd t>f \oi//- husiiv >> tiff dors ft Yu>^\ hi:! f/tn/i t>J Ltfiltl till till Y^AV. Mm? >un Li /<•'.< tti<v saving ti /fii 'nj '^n\d f/ftf S till Hit \\V\\U\ \nu to 1 ii'ihl'- you to enjoy \\\\V\u \tjur ffinni'/it
      263 words

  • Article, Illustration
    53 11 i Isabella with H the trheel 3 I debii! 9. iq eompdi- *i hen if estobl :ed a fprorrf for sn'i rtn r5OO c.e fsl n nt th^ hi/I climb mcel 9 held at the Cinp last month, Wagner vill be driving Mr. Po"\g Yen San's Borgirard v> o
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  • 527 11 INDIANS PLAY POLICE IN GAME OF THE WEEK By Our Cricket Reporter INDIANS play Police today at Balestier Road, and there should be an absolute battle royal between the two top teams in the Senior Tournament. Both sides are playing well at the moment and capable of biff scores. But
    527 words
  • 54 11 Week's Best Performance BATTING H^bbi <SCO 100 no. 72 no. <SRC) 83 JLl* 48 1% F. 43 Abb an :sc> 31 BOWLING Is 4 for 74 A. M > 3 for 3 Doug 3 for 12 H U 3 for IS D. Jfc 3 (or 38 CMf 3 for 43
    54 words
  • 878 11 footba.. P W D LFAPt^ §■*• 42 25 10 7 83 51 64J ans 20 9 13 86 62 4y i** 20 9 13 «-■ Bam 42 1 J 69 46 aXMB fan* 4 61 46 • taral Wto _W__--7 18 85
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  • 638 11  - 'KILO' TRIAL WILL BE GREATEST EVER Edin Peters Says RECORDS should topple like nine pins at the Malayan Motor Sports Clubs kilometre standing-start speed trial meeting to be held on huala Lumpur's Lornie Road next Sunday. Mr. Derek President of the Malayan Motor Sports Club, told me vesterday that a
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  • 99 11 FOLLOWING were elected Cwiwti Ifetnben <>f the .inhore Amateui Football Association lor 1956 at its Annual General Meeting held in Kluang: President:— Mr. Teoh Ch7C Ch.>ng (re-elected); Vice President.^: Tunku M ah mood Iskariciar and Che 'Mohd. Slid b. Md. Tahir; Hon. Secretary: P. J. Danker (re-electedV,
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  • 357 11 Bowlers Dominate Juniors Bowlers generally dominated the junior sanies last week as eight of the twelve teams that took part failed to register a century with R.A.F. Seletar missing the rentury hy a run in the "B" section, writes J Louis. K Narayanan of the Indian Association second string was
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  • 347 11 MELBOI'RNE, May 6 (AP)— Berlin's record of 3,000.000 spectators for the 1936 Olympics likely will be smashed at the Melbourne #ames Nov. 22— Dec. 8. rtralia has onlf 9.000.000 i people but baa higher percm'.ue o f sport fans than any Already IJSOjOM seats have
    347 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 HhßloodPrcssure i Heart b -^stn^T-?'""''* S. i '.on gg ftp Arrhrif is B'"*'^ Pain Tod« B*"«??^2ri^as Bx^2j-i i5S B Bi m iritim. I?? Asthma I'P Like a Baby I <n •him, c*nt B t.t I 1 .V^s a I reath« L*: r n r ♦> :..«,'i allga of
      47 words
    • 131 11 MOrG °f evipry thing >x>u ivant most in economy motoring. o. lckev u 3 .V, ?act f llWr" I fine nrw Mnrn« Oxford V f V/ A drive S<^ corr.e *nd fakr rhc «hee! fee! the poutr «rd .«rv« of its spirited OH V er. c r- |1 ,^^(J eniovhe
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 77 11 SOCCER COMMVMtTY LEAGfE: AfMaj •■<■•. Ind'nns at /cfara Bctar, 5.15 Bjn, 5..-1 Fj| DAT. SB: nidiM BS n .S./f.B. Po'ire "A" fl Mn Be^ar nr 4 pj| CBfCXIT 5r.4. .sr.v/OR TOVMMAMEXT: S.C.RC. v* Unim* c 'V ll Hono UtH Grpry 1..\. ot, Police ot Balestier; CJS.C. vs, R A F.
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  • 1765 12  - Byzantium Strolls Away With Summer Cup Khoo Boon Choo Strong And Free Upsets To Pay $111 Bv I* ALL THE RESULTS AND DIVIDEXDS BYZANTH'M a five-year-old n v Orthodox, put up a sp.irkhn? staving prrformance to win the Summer Cup over It miks it yesterday, final day of the
    1,765 words
  • 388 12  - PI NOT PL A YING THE GAME Bill Funk SCRAP STORE-MANILA SOCCER SERIES AS Says While SAFA has no objection to the suggestion which has been put forward, the Selangor Football i Association appears to be unhippy over the deal as the Sinsapore-Selangor soccer match in Kuala Lumpur scheduled for
    388 words
  • 306 12 SI RPRISE was expressed in athletic circles some time ago concerning: the delay oi the promised Jesse Owens Trophy. It is the opinion of these folks that the trophy should be sent to Singapore sooner. But Jesse Owens, Amenta's famed 'Ambassador of Sports' has
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 271 12 ,THE BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: $201,000 Ur Pnxe No. *****4 $60,300 j 2nd Pnxe No. *****6 $27,135 3rd Pnxe No. *****2 $15,075 j Starters i SI ,507 each): Nos. *****8, *****0, i *****4, *****5, *****6, *****3, *****9, j *****6. CONSOLATION PRIZES (^603 each): Nos. *****4. *****6, *****6. *****2, *****3, *****7,
      271 words
    • 211 12 **^i?^ i-^^ B. i^B BBb^- sS^ )B^^?— -^^^2ff '>( 188 ,)/?re is >- loyment lor Jr every smoker CHOOSE "WILLEM II OCA RS FOR DEEP SATISFACTION W A S r", HAGEVEYER TRa: NG CO.. (MJ LTB »#^^y^^^ j^^^^^j^^S r y^ Br ij?*^ > '^Br^B'*"^^l^flj^^g^^^ HHHBflß^^^^^^^S^^^^ --jP^ lUh H WB^ 9
      211 words

    • Article, Illustration
      285 13 en without rr.en. a gossiping marriage:: q n?tcrs outnumber Ee bachelors by at I 100,000. the plac^ ttalf giril leave home for it's a to Hollywood but in a different k Legs and bosoms head ley find the going h I i IQs into the fital f»v rnmrnt like
      285 words
    • 570 13  -  Betty Smith by In BTaiMliptoil The pir's cou'.i work off their frustrated affections on their bosses— o mott of the bOMII weren't women. They might be httidl of riepartments themselves some day, because there's equal opportunity for all in Washington; rx ept when it conies to
      570 words
    • 81 13 GIRAFFE NECKS are Umbrella Handles QIRAFFES hate rain, especially on their heads or faces. During a storm they gather under trees and thrust their heads into the branches for shelter. If no trees are available they try to push their faces under the chin of another member of the party,
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    • 1791 13 SECRETS of a MAN ON THE RUN nfHOUSANDS of policemen all over Britain are looking for escaped convic! Alfred (finds John Edward Allen, the "Mad Parson," the murderer who made criminal history by outwitting the police for nearly two years when he was "on the run,' here reveals :he secrets
      1,791 words
    • 138 13 A MAN'S hat census IX taken in Salisbury, Rhodesia, showed these percentages: Trilbies, 24; topes, 1; no hats, 75. Other conclusions: Boaters, used by schoolboys and Afri- cans; top hats by bride- < grooms; caps by golfers < and anglers; bowlers, nil. i AMERICAN men have enough
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 1024 14 \T this writing the London talks on Singapore's independence seem to have run into a number of serious difficulties, including on the key issue as to who should control the Island's internal security when it becomes an independent Commonwealth nation. The reports on crucial talks are
    1,024 words
  • 665 14  -  Jim Henry Says Our Queensland I Correspondent "OEPORTS from Canberra suggest that if the Duke of Edinburgh's semiformal visit to Australia late this year to open the Olympic Games proves a success, it would be on the cards that more Royal visitors will make similar tours. Accordingly, the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 159 14 t -A i 'I jj^ *^a^kkYT^l^r f ot Dipped Tyre* have been proved to give outstanding 1 I tro'.blt-ffec performance and add:'ional c^^m^ cultagc Ye: :hev cost no more than ordinary tyres— Heres why /<» w^r Avtf/ Ftrtstoni dealer today. Kccause Firestone Sufx-r GumDipped Tyre* are far utron^er TJj A^^
      159 words

  • 1 15 mvß)*am
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  • 563 15  -  R. L. Williams Sixty-Second Story \\W\\\V\\\\V\\\\\V\\\\\\\\\\V NIGHT TO REMEMBER By ryhA) STAPLETOM pushed A hard at the door of the snack bar, and his anxious eyrs searched the tables it uas common knowledge to all who used the "Juke Box"
    563 words
  • 400 15  - 10 GIRLS AT VICE TRIAL Tom Tullett Bv r FEN pretty Belgian cirls are expected to give evidence this week in a case against the notorious Messina brothers, who are accused of "white slavery." They are to reveal how they met the brothers from Soho. Eugene and Carmelo, at dances,
    400 words
  • 52 15 rpHE biggest Bible in JL the world is believed to V that printed by a native of Los Angeles, I'.S.'V. a few years ago Weighing half a ton it contains 8.048 pages and the print is so large that anyone with normal sight ran read it while standIng
    52 words
  • 82 15 Coming adrift WOMAN u.js i r Upsrt W hrn t r do<tor hrnk« it I. her th.«t she was s,,n« •i c iinm a fl.Mtmc k.d. Shr wpml round i h p.isiii! «i{ Mci I'm .-i I c nil ri I, liii« 11 tl i "uiu ii.i in< I'l.iM i
    82 words
  • 57 15 I ancient Greeks wbe iled a loan on ships large enough to cover their ?\olue. Th tained by the owner if B ihe ship f turn but, after e safe voyage, the ewne* repaid the loan w/h agreed into; This procedure out the 12th tury AD. wMi insurance
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  • 377 15 DIAMOND KING DAREN'T BE PHOTOGRAPHED 1 [NLIKE most celebrities, .1. Picrpont Morgan the American financier disliked having his photograph taken. He was sensitive about this nose, which was a "bulbous and flaming red." as the result of a batlling skin disease. Other famous people are camera shy. Mr. Harry Winston,
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  • 46 15 A WASHINGTON, ISA. woman explained that she hadn't completed hrr income tax returns or replied to letters because her namr was wrongly spelt. She wouldn't talk to agents who phoned her as she thought they were "just trying to get a date or something."
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 122 15 EXTRA J^ IwATERBURY'S COMPOUND H r r.- r >mer.t your die! I. Waterbury's ComBe. invigorating V^%A I that's f/kmm £a«m^...a y,\ 1.. .n building Extra B C-?rr.rr-nd gives <=>^^' 1. r.r.7 elements Mil l f It's ideal for adults WATER BURY S SlB COMPOUND JiSj TO KEEP YOU FIT L^>S
      122 words
    • 124 15 ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\.\\\^^^\\\^\\^^\\\\^\\\\\\\^ '^^^^^^^\\\\\\\v\^^\\\\\^^^\\^^^^v^^>. > ■<• --J '■'•'■'■•t^^^^^^ \i J I I J s I j -<^*^Bj vt'*'^ S luxury of fixing Air- India 5 International... delicious o w~—-u J //re nieah; stopover privi- J Ifflfl fHp </'>' IN route; c charming hostesses at your i beck and calf who will Jy
      124 words

  • Article, Illustration
    107 16 *in a *2 f°rm in a registra «Ore. When she had to fill in her home ari< turned to him for hi "Does it mean where was I born? That's was Hull, but up mmed to Edinburgh I and then I \v;is brought up in Liverpool. Actually mv
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  • 408 16  -  Norah Littlejohn By MEET actress Gilda Russell. She's a good osrr f or fihf's always happy when she loses. "I can lose two Inches rr UkC off two pounds whrn it's ncce.v^ary." she says "I'm always fit. I don't believe in colds and I
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  • 523 16  -  Helen Hugh Says I 1 )()NT Irt your throat reveal the passing years. If you are growing older. have tried a too rigorous dimming diet or if you've simply been careless in your beauty care VOttl throat will tell the tale. The lack pi underlying fat
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 198 16 A Wide Range Just Arrived. Wigs of all descriptions /A -f i f U^ <„, -^j v I ««lv\ U(l L.idy s i." Sk rIV Vlrl rl i (mirt w'iic. jr A ,^b 8 h lrv THESE ARE OF W»»J Mohair. :^V'n V 5t SPECIAL INTEREST i t fjZ%. \Qj
      198 words
    • 229 16 j •V rnvsTALMSBD la v i >* r i b fuMa Lavrndrr in solid form, and Yafr\<-v i atiubiiioan •mooth-Latheringj richly perfumed "Ju *~x*r* The V (y| FlTTERfamily 5 Z favours v MARMIT! THE VITAMIN B FOOD FOR FAMILY V\ There are lots of ways you or health protecting, family-fitrje^
      229 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 681 16 £r TO PREVENT COLDS 2 ERE are GHda Russell's pep-me-up figure exer- 2 f^^ Hum ruitfC \W I ■■cises. Try them— and be fitter and happier. olfrf 1 Stand relaxed. Irgs Uh e n r»er y X T f O uiafM VAfl l Wt iifc J^> Stretch right leg. °V
      681 words

  • 1078 21 How Mary Lou Was Found Nude In Bed ■row i^Ew rojtjr wjf contribute t e JT item for past week in I -ous gourmets and -J .aing Stan--2 correspondent) S, d bottle 41 :ce.** «i not taste like :ther someg akir. to a fragarant sweet and sour -ers of this
    1,078 words
  • Article, Illustration
    4 21 "AND ONE FOR YOU—"
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 21 v,,v,,-, I "im haired A) «'f Parisian
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  • 1068 21  - 23 repretents the mind of Man EVELYN HOCQUARD says DOD/E.S icithout minds are Statues in the Market place, dumber Twenty-Three stands in symbolism for the Planet Mercury and represents the Mind of Man. The person influenced by Twenty-Three can always do the right thing at the right time, if he
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 246 21 BBBF^aai L^^2aaß^^aai bbl^bbßl /|hC EhM I O<' »"d Wjtjf t^-mem^f^ Sf>eedomf ters md dnv« H KaTaa for cars, motor cycles and I f m^^P^9v^aaV av commercial vehicles. vfl^flaal mMM Revolution rouiim and I li P^Sa i drives <or mcior cycles, layC^V t.M Ba f 1,, I /T -^J^^x^gi i ii.
      246 words

  • 84 22 SPEAKING of PICTURES Alxnr: "WE ITHER IE ITBV hy Tim Fonk {s^ Kheong, il Campbell Street* I'mang. Solidu j ll Y^^/ 1 WO Ferrania N</^ Brloic: 'PIPE DREAM" by Miss .Ywiry Yong K 20 Aboo Sittee Lane. Penang, Solida 111 jo. 6 1 50 Perutz Almve: 'I CAUGHT IT THIS
    84 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 49 22 H«!^^P^^^^^^^^''^b^Bi3S!'~-^-_ BB fit > ■Bb3Bb^b^b^i^*^^^^ m^ JUST ARRIVED New "Pheinmetall' model KST portable quiet operation, light touch, tcbu'ctor shade keybocrd, g^ey crackle I Pr.ce $245 less 10^ cosh Easy payments can be c r -c r Distributors wanted, please epp'v 50/f? Agents: for Singapore, V< British IS'orih Bern'". FOUNTAIN AGENCY
      49 words

  • 445 23 ;:ik irf ider writes, "that most people have any real anxiety about what happens to the rest No, I don't. Nor does it greatly surprise me. Most of them have troubles enough of their umnf to say that most of us have no INTEREST! That's a different matter
    445 words
  • 737 23 m 21-APRIL 29 H< ough a sfotoH you soon H in tone. Hrek conditioTis are apt H rort'imfiM in trorfc ?n!ures. This nttn? dd settle B m should conition in B ny form of pwr[«r f nfenng upon speB ".rial arrangements. B VAY 20 (Taw >od a pe*
    737 words
  • 169 23 CHILDREN BORN THIS WEEK *5 working 5r ambi--52; excellent te There is 2JT great success re Ci: ble and I Jr u charm of prcs- < If w gjT are vu 9 high. In H ambitions < K feeling i i amount < B But at heart < •■d and
    169 words
  • 328 23 SUNDAY.— Very rntisfao tory conditions can be expected in a'.l interest <. There will be considerable uptrending In work position and chattgCf Which disturb, bui nUCk improve, home affairs. You tbOUld be able to get bettor Btftbility into everything. Importani new friendship! help developbm tits. MONDAY.— ToiI If a
    328 words
  • 60 23 D.irk haired -md lovely half Trench actress Zena Marshall now featured in the new Forth Film in Eastm.mrolor \MY WIFE'S FAMILY" which stars Ronald Shiner and Ted Kay, was born in Fast Africa of a Fnenrh mother and an English father, educated In France and B*l*ium and
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 554 23 Old Recipes «gHOES are just a T h od a ern invention. They are absolutely nn™T*f Ty >- So is medicine and doctors. Never worn shoes, never taken mediIhats wh v r m 1O f)- said Islands who savs she'« and 14 great-grandsons. EAT a raw onion a day and
      554 words
    • 333 23 ONLY COLGATE DENTAL CREAM HAS THE CLINICAL PROOF that brings new hope to millions for Day and Night Pmkction Against Tooth 'Decay! Actual ott by hemdreds of people has BIHBSiHLi^HB^IBLBL^MB proved the long-lasting protection of Colgate mBE^UgmmumKBBB^B^M Dental Cream with *Gardoll Tests svpervbed f^^PQ^^^^SSl^^HafiS by leading dental authorites for o
      333 words

  • 264 24 I/OR COO \f\irs Indians of Canadian tnhr s ha\e brm «.uffrrins from radiation burns Not until today, in trm atomic ace. h.vs it hrrn discovered that thrir war p.iint was made from radio-active material. Witch-doctors of the N -r.^; u.^d m:\-i !:-m 'he V init five
    Sunday Pictorial pix  -  264 words
  • 31 24 Wore R a d i o Active Make-up His discovery started onp r{ tlif grrate>t ru>h€j in Canada's history and. todaj, millions of totlfl of r.-'h or*-" 1 have bWB mined.
    31 words
  • 101 24 IN British Columbia. 1 Canada, a woman was fin^d for speeding after she twice bumped a poiice car, explaining to the police that she had mistaken their car for her husband's. NO COMMON SCENTS MAN m Sydney, AttftMh Y Ua, ivith a £3,600 bank kflteaCi lloli Innr bottles
    101 words
  • 174 24 INDIRECTORY SPEAKING SSOCIATION of Vermirulite Exfolia- tors" you'll find thus brow-fur-rowing entry among: the 100-odd associations listed in the London Telephone Directory. A vermiculite exfoliator is a man who makes a building material cabled vermiculite. Vermiculite li a ninera] rather -ike mica which comes from South Africa l\ ll "exfoliated
    174 words
  • 213 24  -  WATSON SIMS THERF UHU rjrbnrc In PMM pSftl ns 'o ipfcd had happened Co iprii p. b\f the b'rds ard t h e i^crs \'c r e as b'/.sy m? .Veu? Vnrlc ns HMMI Uul iMtfci Sbmi o/ them wcn wen biuAtr, named Bcmtof taii her
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 224 24 A PATRIOTIC inventor nnre «W V^ prpsentpd Qneen Victoria rv J^^Wj WW mm «ith a battle in which he A «v*J r/j^ y m M mmw had fittpfl a musical box that jKH te^^^ mm B plivpH 'God Sare 'Hip Qiiepn" r I,* fSSK mm nhpnerrr thp U'parrr «?at do^n
      224 words
    • 263 24 You get the finest on Pan America Vv4yJ.J. LL 0 (||)Tl"i~|/lirt" vAo Tjo iWLII 0 ACROSS THE PACIMc 1 {rom Singapore at^ ouTO( ..uuox 1 rested and retr c^ e For r«s«rvations coll vow- <t 1 Phon« 24'2 Mansfield A Co., Ltd Oceon B t Kuala Lumpur r p--^ Pan
      263 words