Sunday Standard, 11 July 1955

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1 12 Sunday Standard
  • 14 1 Singapore Standard n it v*h SINGAPORE, MONDAY, July 11, |«r,.-» 12 pai;es ir> < fnts
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  • 8 1 1 I I 1
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  • 8 1 I iBBTPr at I
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  • 85 1 A GIANT crane toppled over scattering workmen in all directions after it failed to lift a heavy metal box containing electrical apparatus in Geylang Road yesterday morning. The crane driver jumped clear when the crane slanted to the right and escaped injury. With
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  • 266 1 They re A Trade Mission To Jakarta SEVENTEEN tight-lipped citizens of Red Chino including two girls flew into Singapore yesterday en route to Jakcta to fulfil trade mission. £jft Styling themselves as Staff of't^na 'Cojwnii f ee for the Promotion
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  • 57 1 HONGKONG. July 10 tßeu--The Briti>h freighter .wells. (1.896 ton>>. i bombed by two nderjet planes soon after nq out of the Commune>e port of Foochow rday, was today continuing her voyage to Shang- with >light damage to poop. Britain is expected here to protest to the Chinese
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  • 128 1 Concern In Ceylon Over Rubber Price Drop COLOMBO. July 10. «UP> The price drop on the Singapore rubber market is causing grave concern here The Ceylon-China rubber agreement is based on Singapore prices, and local rubber interests fear their negotiations with Peking for a reftsed price will be affected. The
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  • 50 1 HONGKONG. July 10. (Reuter> Twenty Chinese technical students, who had keen kept in the United States since the Korean war for security reasons, arrived here by steamer today on their way to Communist China. The party is expected to travel to the border by train today.
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  • 54 1 ANGERS, France. July 10 <Reuter) Sculptor Joseph Tessier was fined 1.000 francs (about $8> here for punching a neighbour who had knocked over a large plaster bust of M Pierre Mendes-France breaking the ex-premiers nose. The bust had been made by M Tessier and commissioned by
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  • 238 1 GOLF BALL GOBBLING COWS HAUNT FAIRWAYS GAINSBOROUGH. Lincolnshire. July 10 <Reuter> There is a new hazard on the Thonock Golf Club course here which the designer never included in his plansgolf ball gobbling cows. Twenty cows belonging to a neighbouring farmer, have developed a fiendish taste for golf balls and
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  • 461 1 ARREST ME' MR. LIM DEFIES GOVT. 'I'll Be A Bigger Threat To Colonialism' PAP Man Calls For Release Of Unionists Standard Staff Reporter PEOPLE'S Action Party Assemblyman, Mr. Lim Chin Siong last night challenged the Singapore Government to arrest him under the Emergency Regulations. In a signed statement, Mr. Lim,
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  • 93 1 No Change On Strike Front THE Singapore Workers" Union yesterday made another attempt to settle the claims of 150 workmen employed by a contractor Mr K. "Mohamed Abdullah who have been on strike for the last four days. Till late last night there was no settlement. There were no tresh
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  • 22 1 THE First Syrian parliamentary delegation to visit Russia left Damascus yesterday for Moscow on a 15- day visit.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 74 1 BUENOS AIRfcS. July 10 (UP» The official evening Press struck sharp not warning and criticism in porting renewed Catholic demonstrations in Cent ml Buenos Aires yesterday A crowd of Catholics marched down Fiorina Avenue alter visiting th« Othedrai and the burn* d churches shouting "Viva Christ orey
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  • 81 1 A SINGAPORE labourer Sarkam bin Amat Sartonu. 31. was found dead at the loot of the three-storey iabourerer's quarters in the Singapore Harbour Board. Nelson Road, yesterday. Sarkam. who underwent an operation recently Is believed to have fallen irom the top floor of the building.
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  • 208 1 Childish To Go At All HONGKONG, July 10 (Rcuter)-Three American soldiers who chose to stay in Communist China at the end of the Korean war but weie repatriated today, said here: "Death is better than Communism The three men Lewis Griggs, Oth<> Eell
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  • 72 1 TWO men w<r<> injured when two rival M'cret .societies clashed with sticks and bottles in Bukit Timah last ni h t The fight first, broke out in a coffee shop in Adams Lane and continued until the junction of Farror Road and Bukit Timah Road.
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  • 29 1 NORWICH. Norfolk. July 10 (Reuter) Agricultural production in Britain has increased by 55 per cent since 1939. the Agricultural Workers Union was told in conference here yesterday.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 p\ s. CI'PS, MM'^ presentation BROS., S pore. JcjWH^^^^^Ba^^^^^B Bwfc- "^tWtl nßiiteiriiMi By 9& RED LION I v te-tKrillinfe °RANGE OR PINEAPPLE I J IJ V »Oi tIMOUI UNCI IMI
      30 words
    • 40 1 HSC"^ A r>» its AGFA RECORD THE ELEGANT 1% x3 l 4 FOLDING CAMERA Various models at various prices Ask your dealer for a demonstration BEHN MEYER CO LTD. PO BOX 3017. SINGAPORE PATERSON SIMONS CO. LTD. Kuala iumpur penanc
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  • 147 2 BAD EGGS FLY AT NEGARA MEN IN UMNO STRONGHOLD SERF.MBAN, Sun-Bad eggs and other missiles were hurled at Party Negara members at the Bth Mile Labu, bftj considered to be an I'MXO stronghold, during an election rally, last night. Ti.< re .vas also much heckling when members of the Labour
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  • 57 2 TUNGKU'S WIFE TO OPEN JOHORE SHOW JOHORE BAHRU. Si n. Tungku Tun Aminah. wife <jf the Tungku Mahkota ol open the Johore A*ri< iltural Show at Kirn's Pane, Batu Pahat, at t> on A:;^ T 4 The .-how will run for three .lavs It trill bo Johore'a biggest ,r Bfricultural
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  • 124 2 'Intelligence Begets Wise Govt.' IPOH. Sun hv rj dollar; i Oovi mini ni spcnd.s r«paid by the toll <>t noUiini tr- m\y Installed pr» sident of t Rotary Club. Mr n said at. an .-urn dinm-r at th<- \k Turk Club Sport.-, Club. nltbt iifii must recogniie that th< t'">'-<
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  • 278 2 They Will See Colonial Office, MPs Two To Go On.'Mercy Mission" To London A LAST BID TO SAVE 4,000 TEMPORARIES KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Two men will leave Kuala Lumpur for London by air next month on a "mercy mission" on the outcome of which will depend the future of 4,000
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  • 73 2 Man Hurt In Row Over Girls A KOW between tuo Malay uirls in a kampong oil Robin Koad. Singapore, re suited in the uncle ol one of the sirls bein« stabbed. The uncle Supandir bin Ilussan. 22. alie«edl> had latenreaed whrn the row spread as tho fathers of the two
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  • 42 2 The Singapore Crown Counsel and Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. A. V. Winslow flies by a chartered plane for Taiping today to bo with his sister. Mrs. Ruth Sebastian who la lying "dangerously ill" In the General Ho.spital there.
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  • 138 2 Standard Shipping Reporter THIRTY-NINE ifture deck officers of the British India Steam Navigation Company arrived on the Champala on Saturday. They are all serving as cadets on board the vessel doing the required period of four years sea time before sitting for their 2nd Mates Foreign
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  • 136 2 Xl LAI bandits were on the run over the weekend when their jungle hideout was subject to shelling from four 25-pound field guns mounted Oj the padanf of the Malay school here. Tlie first shell was fired l>> local council chairman, Mr. Huns Chin Poh.
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  • 114 2 THEY'LL JOIN MCA-BUT NOT IN POLITICS THE Johore Bahru Women's Association decided at their inaugural meeting yesterday to affiliate themselves with the Malayan Chinese Association and to take part in all their activities except politics. The meeting also elected Mrs. Ten Yoon Fong as their first president. Other officebearers are:
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  • 28 2 ALL river shipping stopped on the Danube yesterday as flood waters lifted the water level so much that ships were unable to get under bridges. Reuter.
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  • 151 2 Son Tries To He -Open Murder Inquiry PARIS. July 10 (Reuter)— Leon Dominici, nephew and foster son of the French lather sentenced to death foi the murder of the British Drummond family, is trying to obtain a new investigation of the three-year-old crime. He had an appointment with ft high
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  • 157 2 Nibong Tebal Residents Honour Planter PARIT BUN'IAR. Sun Mr. B.E. Smith of Val Dor Estate. Nibong Tebal who was honoured with the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by HM. the Queen was entertained to dinner by his many friends and well wishers at the Nibong Tcbal Recreation Club
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  • 79 2 RAoB Sun Agreeing with the submission of the defence counsel Mr B C CJuha, ol Kua.a Lumpur, thyt there was reasonable aoubt in the oroset ution story as witnesses gave conflirting and contradictory evidence. Mr J R. Whlmster, the President ol the Sessions Court, on Saturday,
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  • 70 2 A battalion of the Singapore Boys' Brigade, numbering about 600 of all races and creeds, marched past in an impressive array after a ceremonial service at the Chinese Prebstyerian Church, Koon Sens Road, yesterday evening. Mr. J. M. Fraser, president of the Boy's Brigade, took the
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  • 66 2 photo This happy photograph of Mr. Mrs. Malcolm MaiDuiiaid. British Commis-sioner-General in Southeast Asia for the past seven >ears was taken in London last week. They are .spending: four weeks in London before returning for a month to Singapore. Mr. Mac-Donald is ffoins; to
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 143 2 KUALA Ll'MPl'R, Sun. nearly 3,000 bank workers in IS banks in pur. Malacca, Negri Sembilan and Kit a meeting here today that the> i like cattle" and resolved to form improve their lot J The meeting decided to convene a mass meeting of bank workers
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  • 103 2 TERRORISTS killed a Special Constable, wounded another and seriously injured the Indian assistant manager of the Jeram Padang Estate in Bahau, Negri Scmbilan. yesterday. The three were together in a car which was attacked by about 10 Communi>t terrorists on the estate road. The
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  • 42 2 MR P <.H I it SINGH <>hi I m ■f til; N j Tranttport N< Im'cii .ju.ih' I list crant t«« viril I nit.d Stal« Mr. Gill. i aua\ for fmir numth* leaving Sm^.ip«i< 'I July 11
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  • 32 2 Dysentery Epidemic Kills Three KOTA I I 20 oth< r with dy pni few d Pasir i Th' considered I agßravai- I kamp I medical The local M bom j for I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 KINSO rW>, 1/ i\ COSTS YOU lpcc W *wtf~yoii can tell that by its rich, gentle lather. Kinso just ease?, out every trace of dfrt from e\cn A lhc rL^ bhl^^ clothes. No need to wear out PH^ materials b> hard rubbing, either. And that's a a V^ Whiter whites,
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  • 38 3 photo. MISS Eileen Santa Maria. 19, chosen SelanRor's "Golden Voice" for the second year, beams as she receives a trophy from Mrs. L.V. Waumesley. wife of the Selansor Regional Telecoms Controller.— Standard
    Standard  -  38 words
  • 184 3 GOVT. AWARDS 27 SOLARSHIPS TO COLONY TEACHERS ~~~W N\\- x 1 S Singapore teachers have been I arships by Government for various from one If five years. m [01 England later this I will be admitted to the I new academic year I in October. Ten government primary icbers have
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  • 6 3 PAP Wants Hawkers On Board I-
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  • 67 3 MERSING. Sun. Four Tan Gam Peng. Koh Phen (t k, Ng Swee Lim and g Fan. were tencharged in the MaCouft here today. ng grievous hurt to h, at the Mersing Market on June 2(5. All pleaded not guilty and claimed trial The Magistrate,
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  • 8 3 13 HK Squatter Huts Gutted FSDFSDF ASDF ASD
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  • 126 3 H e Took Police To Pawnshop "iild not resist the temptation to the Singapore First Criminal Uimluv to serve a 12-month stretch inir crime oi theft 1 I Anc I i ctttoa, ;ok the Police to a pawnin North Bridge Road I aii oj the
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  • 165 3 R \!.A LUMPUR, Sat.— At a ri: of the graduates of r Diversify of Malaya held hC r c today a hve-men "nucleus" working committee. led by Mr. Lawrence H.C. ii Mlg, chairman of the Selangoi Branch of the Labour Party of Malaya, was elected
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  • 156 3 PENANG, Sun. A suggestion that the basic salary of a new shop assistant should be 5159 a month was made by the Hon. Seceretary of the Malayan Trade I'nion' Council, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew. at the inauguration of the Penang Textile and General Merchants Employee
    156 words
  • 57 3 Falls From Bed Dies KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A man died in the General Hospital here yesterday a lew hours after he 101 l from bh bed. He was Lim Chai. a Sabak Bernam contractor, who was rushed to hospital after he had fallen off his bed in a hotel at
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  • 389 3 ALLIANCE SEEKS VOTES OF KL SQUATTERS $250 Grant Pledaed KUALA LUMPUR, sun.— Alliance members at on election roll> today promised the large number ot squatters who face eviction undc the Municipal Counci Amendment ordinance that they would be com pensated by the landlords concerned. The rally was organized by the
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  • 180 3 Tomatoes. Limes 10 Cents Less 1 DURING the past week, the retail price of meat remained the same, generally, while that of fish showed the normal seasonal upward trend. Poultry prices increased slightly and hens' eggs went up to $1.20 lor 10. The better
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  • 72 3 DR. and Mrs. V. Kandasamy Pillai. who were married recently at 407 New Bridge Road. Singapore. The bride, who recently got her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Malaya, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Arumugam of Singapore. She is also the sister
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  • 46 3 PENANG. Sun.— The man agement of the White House Hotel entertained a host ol friends to a cockta:i party at its official opening by Mr Thye Kok Leon? togay The hotel which has 2 J rooms is "topped" by a roof garden
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  • 117 3 FPA,YMCA Will Benefit By Fair A WIDELY varied programme of entertainment will enliven the Combined Charity Fair at Victoria Memorial Hall, on July 30. in aid of the Chinese V.M.C A. and the Family Planning Association. The Misses Chang I-wen and Mona Fong from Hongkong, will sing in Mandarin and
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  • 70 3 18 Die On The Road In One Mth. EIGHTEEN people were killed in 13 road smash-ups in Singapore during the month of June, this year. Out of a total of 1.770 accidents during the month. 91 persons were .seriously injured. There were 162 road accidents during the Safety First Week.
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  • 108 3 KUALA LIPIS. Sun— SiiKcn bin Ahmad, a businessman at Parit Daiiaarn. Kota Bharu. Kelantan. pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of cbandu valued at $400 and was lined Sl. noo or ftour months' imprisonment by the President of tho Sessions Court. Mr. J. R.
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  • 62 3 'Mr. Health Culturist' PENANG. Sun Pak Wai Phung. won the senior 'Mr. Happy Health Guitarist" contest beid at the Clerical and Administrative Stafl Union here yesterday evening Runner-up was Suppiah and third, Lim Pens; Gran Hassan bin Abdullah of Alor Star annexed the Title in the junior division. Second was
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  • 262 3 Rash Driving Soldier Is Jailed 4 Months JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Zainal bin Alma. 20. a soldier with the RASC. Kluang. was today sentenced by Mr. N. L. Cohen in the Sessions Court to four months" imprisonment for rash driving. Zainal was the driver of a military lorry conveying men to
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  • 37 3 The Commander-in-Chk Far East Land Forces. Gen eral Sir Charles Loewcn. Un veiled the Memorial Window at the St. George's Church Tanglin Garrison, yesterday. A service was conducted by the Army Chaplain, the Rev. J. Gwinnett.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 337 3 The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products CHEE THONE SAN Provides Instantaneous relief for Toothache, Earache, Stomachache, Muscle Pain, Indigestion, Backache, Colds, Sore Throat, etc. ENG AUN TONG I THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL SALE <€*#? NOW IN FULL SWING ALL llh.ll (LASS DRESS MATERIALS OFFERED AT SLASHED PRICES BUY
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  • 35 4 J<> l 111 Aaashtti of Mr 3ml Mrs Mil Chandra. celebrated h«*r first birih«!.i\ at her home in Meyer Kind last wetk. Mr. Chandra v an Assistant Librarian in The Singapore Standard.
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  • 11 4 >Rfc BAHRI S Court, 1 r
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  • 64 4 TEMERLOH. Sun. Twen-ty-one residents of Kerdau New Village in the Temerloh <iistr; Pahang, yesterday crul-r-day civi •> course conducted by the Department of information in co-operation with the District War Executive Committee. During the course they '.ver»- givrn talks by Government officers. The "students" also visited
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  • 405 4 They Will Lead To A Number Of Future Resorts KUALA LI MPI R, Sun. Some of the tallest peaks in the Federation will soon be accessible to by mountain highways which have just been laid to connect main roads to the chain of VHP radio stations vital
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  • 156 4 Emeritus Professors For Varsity THE Chancellor of the University ol Malaya. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. announced yesterday that any professor of the university may be conlerred the title of Emeritus Professor. Such honours are reserved for professors in recognition of their distinguished scholarship and conspicuous service to the University. The
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  • 74 4 KL'ALA LUMPUR. Sun. Librarians in Malaya could learn a great deal from Indonesian bibliotheques. Mr W. J Plumbe, of the University of Malaya, toll a meeting of the Malayan Library Group here. The Varsity's assistant librarian said, although conditions in Indonesia were not very favourable, people were
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  • 60 4 MALACCA, Sun.— Eighteen names have been nominated for selection by UMNO members as candidates for the forthcoming Settlement Elections on the Alliance ticket. More tnati 15.000 UMNO members all over the Settlement are now busily engaged in circulating these names through their 74 sub-branches. The result
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  • 368 4 ST. JOAN IS INTELLIGENT ENTERTAINMENT THE Victoria Memorial Hall was temporarily converted into a theatre last night for the presentation of the Singapore Arts Theatre first production this year. George Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan. Produced by Virginia Johnson, and with Dorothy Morrell in the title role. tli is was also
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  • 61 4 Experts Bag 100 Monkeys KLANG. Sun— A team of "monkey-catching experts." who have been combing Sungei Dua. off Port Swettrnham. this week. for simians, returned here today with 100 of them destined for America. A large crowd of humans today watched with great excitement the "sorting" of the simians on
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  • 44 4 THE second Fun Fair of the Kampong Silat Estate Community Centre was declared open by the Minister for Labour and Well are, Mr Lim Yew Hock, at Silat Avenue, off Kampong Bahru Road yesterday. More than 400 residents attended the opening.
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  • 77 4 Speech Day A t Taiping School TAIPIN'G. Sun— The Raja Perempuan of Pcrak on Friday distributed prizes at the annual Speech Day ol King Edward VII School here, before a distinguished gathering including the Mentri Besar and the Member of Education, Mr. L. D. Whitfield. After inspecting the schools cadets,
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  • 176 4 MALACCA. Sun. Community leaders here are working hard to ensure- that their gala Ball in aid of the Boy Scouts and Church Workers Association Fund will be a success. Scheduled for Hari Raya Haji night, Friday, July 29. at the Kubu Stadium,
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  • 54 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Mr. K.P. Dawood Sultan, a Malacca businessman, has been elected president of the Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce. Mr Sultan is at present chariman of the Malacca Indian Chamber. He Is also patron of the Malacca Red Cross, and a member of the
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  • 272 4 Malaya Has The Men To Run Govt Unionist KAJANG, Sun.— Mr. Lee Moke Sjug the staff side of the Whitley Council md trade unionist, said here last night lv that there were a sufficient number oj (juaiSJß capable Malayans to administer the the elections Addressing the annual reun: Kajang High
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  • 29 4 Lumber Tax Studie JOHO: J The Ex. I Johor. discuss* d Johore against on 10l which <• < the begini I Loi J again I I rarily stop] to Bingap I
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  • 20 4 KOTA 20-year-old 'I found dead f a hou Bharu. I It I her thl arc inv<
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 136 4 SAYjE?MOW^yf Before its too /ate Ch^yfi. FOR AS LITTLE AS SI you v^/ZV y n >t*rl a >avinj; account S^r^K >S U PtKitM IMtKtST 2«j \\l///£h will be paid to you r r that S T\ /"^f //ji« /v ant ever > s up to a Ail L3^ 7 maximum
      136 words
    • 48 4 I A A !SAVESAFEO| i REMEMBER TO I FULL-CREAM POWDERED MILK ft f* I 4 Jj J l&^^P OENTS'ddIADItW FULLSTELL PO AND COLC TC T Obtainable > LOTION FOR < Kiviv.-x ci*e> h.t< days the natural to while hair mI all aces. S4 CIIARI X CO BM *5», Robinson Road
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 584 4 c&lmanac Information at a Glance |Ti N<i A P O^R E B c- iT*»£ n*Su 3 S! J IIIIC (Cental Owr^as. >„„«■,•>: Ji'.Mm?!'" j"? 1 5 IH" I.1 Flower Making 4 .30 p. n 930 Rad:o Newsleel; Tffl SSF/JRP'mHJ'TiU*** A^ :an JOO CHIAT COMMUNITY CKN- "<& y T 4: >
      584 words

  • 41 5 Old African Custom: Sipping Through STRAW LONDON l r hag containing I I (PidrtS 0/ d their vecks p :hc milk by \JILKSIPPING is as them or >"\ok■mc people in this co Then when they 'hey grow fatter r and r.
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  • Article, Illustration
    270 5 Capt. Asker Wight Somewhere in the South Seas shall sail the Santa Maria until I die at the helm" N \-k< r W inlit. .">">, is jroing lo die M {Uv Parifir. v il...;iiHl riiilit now lie i> >ailin^ li,|i coast on liU Voyage of No 3
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  • 44 5 But they want to look up! lIT i* i.'He J an ia*4'' a <_•- |f •os put r -ilk- "I it 1 0. 30 4 1 w Jwk'i -19 oM j H w lowing men queuing .j.uong iplamcd y I ion rHaf 4 they 1
    44 words
  • 315 5 His 'Salty Tales Won Him a Wife CMOOTH-TALEING Nor- C man Johnson, 2(>, soon impressed the modest Bar- nett family. His charming smile his J casual way with money, his J tales of life aboard the J trawler he owned, fascl- J nated them all especially H 18-year-old Patricia. Soon
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  • Article, Illustration
    974 5 A Danger •A Nuisance A young German packed himself inside a wooden crate, with hammock, blankets and provisions, and shipped it to New York for a free ride. yiNCENZO BASTI was workiiu; as a decorator on 1 'rack Italian transatlantic liner at Trieste, wishing he had the money to
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  • 252 5 says David, aged 2 IV-WID was thirsty. The J water in the jam jar looked sparkling and Mean In fact, two-year-old David did not like the look of the goldfish with its owlish eyes. The rag-and-none man who gave him the jar was just leaving
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 Gnanambigai iwL WL 4| Life is PDN for these lively Im LACTOOEX- fed babies. .lust IM MM look at thoir lovely limbs, their IM mßm shining eyes theii whole IML expression is one of abundant fJP^ 1 Cff\i\t\ \\f**\ It Jl f LACTOGEN, being a well- ,*dsj^ balanced food, supplies
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 145 5 I'l I s ,:e (4) They i ang up iust to snarl 2 nc '4» C N inderhand here <(>'^ !■> <■>•:•- steak or .votid <4» ••la .»b<>.it in articles i>j irge C4i rreaturei o; -'Milton i (7- j ad., with others eat height l7> iine hill lor an estate^
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    • 14 5 r IAT 3 M FLAT "So you're our nrrt door neighbour well, well" 9
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  • 893 6 Singapore Standard Miseries Ministries I*HE Marshall Government has come in for severe criticism because of the lack of any indication o: its earnestness to carry out promises made to the electorate when its candidates sought support. It is believed that none of the plans and schemes referred to In the
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  • 1151 6  -  NORAH BELOFF By PARIS (y> the ere of the ''Hit! Four" 9 Conference it is pleasant to report that I'aris's Sixteenth and smartest arrondissement district] is actively practising "coexistence/ 9 Of its two finest modern theatres, the Theatre dcs Champs Klysees is staging the famous musical
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  • 1525 6 Labour Undercurrent In Britain LONDON LETTER Kenneth Harris THE CHOICE OF MR. BROWN NEWSPAPERS' CENTENARY CORRESPONDENCE COLUMNS THE affairs of the Labour Party, on which an epochmaking inquest was rumoured to be imminent just after the election, continue to be quiet almost stagnant. Even Mr. Morgan Phillips, the Party Secretary,
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  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 175 6 Sir; I cannot help concluding that the City Council's Road Department deliberately takes a "tida apa" attitude towards the reconstruction of MacPherson Road. They started widening the road some time in November 1954 by filling the road reserve. Towards January 1955 they started to extend
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 18 7 Brave People Who Tell The Truth t e Hewsmen IV' H H B B B B B B
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  • 6 7 Mau Mau 'General' Goes Free It
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  • 90 7 LONDON. July 10 «Reuter) Officials of the Briti>h Embassy in Prague are ready tc ry a»i>tance to Mrs. (Phyllis Si>pera. in packing up and leaving Czechoslovakia with her family. Mrs. Si.>p!-ra. 32. a British «rar bride, ha> now received ion to leave the counher
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  • 3 7 I
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  • 30 7 (I I')— Communist Hungary «'d the amst of the t'nitexl Press and ixmdents in Budapest as well as met inn legation there. 1 a r pro-
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  • 61 7 MONTE CARLO. July 10. The board chairman of ico's biggest bank was red arrested yesterday on rmnenl charges of swindling and breach of faith He i of making pcr>nal use oi money entrusted to him by clients for investmerr i The chairman. Constantin Liambey. lives in France,
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  • 134 7 MONTGOMERY. Alabama 10, (AP)-A three-state renl oi:t yesterday for of four convict pel singers who literally ■ivcs out of prison In the group was Arville -7. who achieved a degree of fame by declining a parole this summer. as he explained. to keep
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  • 665 7 BLONDE SINGER LAUNCHES HUNT FOR A BEER-SELLING PEER She Batted Her Eyes Said: 'We Need A lord All Right' LONDON. July 10. <UP> Baron Nugent of Clonlost >at close to ash-blonde US. television singer Vicki Benet yesterday in the soft light of an American bar, sipped an Eau de Vie
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  • 213 7 It Will Liven Things Up' WELLINGTON, New Zealand July 10, (Router)— It a parliamentary bill is passed. New Zealand shops! will be allowed to trade during the weekend for the first time since the dominion became the first country in the world to institute a
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  • 154 7 Dublin Barmen Go On Strike DUBLIN, July 10. (Renter) The Jarmcn of Dublin went on strike yesterday one of the warmest days of the year. Some 350 of the city's «»00 public houses were shut and citizens, their .ioy in the bright sunshine dampened, set off to find those where
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  • 74 7 SYDNEY. July 10. <AP)._ Sydney lost its three Sunday newspapers yesterday. Latest casualties in spreading l?bour strife were the Sydney Herald, the Suncay Telegraph and Truth, which have a combined circulation of over l\ million. They failed to appear bera'iseof a dispute which began two weeks age when
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  • 31 7 NAIROBI. July 10. (Router) —The Kenya government's surrender otter to Mau Mau terrorists ends at midnight today. Since Jan. 18 a total of 910 terrorists have surrendered.
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  • 44 7 Ju agio Figh tor photo. I'rivate Bill Bailey, !0. of Ingham. North Queensland, MM of the men who will so to Malaya with the Australian Second Battalion in August to fight jungle terrorists, pictured during training at a ran ire in Brishane recently. AP
    AP  -  44 words
  • 178 7 PARIS, July 10, (Reuler)— About 300 scientists from eleven nations will cut themselves off from the world during the 1957 geophysical year and set up home in about 20 research stations in the frozen Antarctic wasteland. They will be taking part in the
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  • 213 7 NICOSIA. Cyprus. July 10 (UP)— Terrorists tossed a grenade into a British army barracks today to spark on" terrorism that has lain dormant tor nearly a week while Briti-h and Cypriot leaders, tried to thrash out the future of this troubled island. The grenade
    213 words
  • 212 7 She Listened In On Murder Over The Phone NEW YORK. July in. (AP) While his sister listened on the other end of an open telephone lice after hearing a scream, a frustrated press operator strangled his wife yesterday police said, Monte J, Samuel:;. 63, then picked up the telephone and!
    212 words
  • 34 7 THE Paris Poiice Chief. M. Andre Dubois. who has won his war against noise in Paris in persuading French motorists to stop using their horns is organising an antismoke week.— ReuttT.
    34 words
  • 29 7 TWEXTY-fivc hundred persons were made homeless yesterday by a fire that destroyed the village of Debucak in Turkey. Two small children were lost in the blaze.— AP.
    29 words
  • 359 7 Renounce War Or Die-A Timely Warning WASHINGTON, July 10. (lP)-(iov«mmrnt quarters here considered the Einstein testimonial as a timely reminder to the world on the eve ol thr Bijj Four conference of the danger which civilization laces and the need to take war preventive measuies. Officials noted that President Eisenhower
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  • 136 7 STOCKHOLM. July 10 <Reuter> A Swedish Air i Force Lieutenant. Bo Jonason. sentenced after his Czech-born wife had de- nounecd him as a Communist spy. has been acquitted by the Swedish Court of Appeal. The court found that his. wife. Editha. denounced him I
    136 words
  • 269 7 LONDON July (UP) Attorney* for convicted miirdrn Mrs. Ruth Kills. said today they ha\r fcui.d new e\idence thc\ hope will keep her hanging on Wednesday at Hollow ay Prison. Mrs. Ellis. 2M->oar-old platinum blonde mother of two children was sentenced to death last month
    269 words
  • 49 7 ALBANY July 10. fßcutrr) —A nur < at Albany I has died mtiofis following an infection, parrntly caused when a child pativm bit her. Hospital oflfc .d the woman. Ifn Lorraine Colburn. developed a r Infection and uscular weakni beii I in the forearm nths ago
    49 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 IT PAYS TO BUY THE kj<fe^ --"f?55 arcoun SHEETS bleached, plain hemmed 70" x 104" $12.25 each hemstitched or 2 Row Cord $12.75 plain hemmed 90" x 104" 515.50 PILLOW CASES Plain hemmed 20" x 30" 2.95 each Hemstitched or 2 Row Cord 3.95 ROBINSON'S -sr MALAYA'S ONLY AIRCONDITIONED DEPARTMENTAL
      51 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 769 8 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. TIL JJ92 3 6 26SS1/4 '32/6 Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMIRICAN SIRVICI T» Halitax. Montreal. Boston. New York. Baltimore. Philadelphia Cult Ports S pore t. Sham Penang MINTOR 19/26 |uly 27|uly 28/29 |u«y POLYDORUS 9/16 Sept 17 Sept 18 Sept MARON 9/16 Oct
      769 words
    • 1040 8 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (l 8 (Incorporated in Singapore) (12 lint* i •SS THE BLLK FUNNEL LINE Carntri option to proceed via othe. ports to load and dischar** ear t e SAIUNCS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW. LONDON b CONTINENT Singapore Due Sails P Sham Penang Mtmnon tor Liverpool
      1,040 words
    • 807 8 MITSUI JJ4^ LINE I Spore P. S'hom Penang FOR JAPAN from Indio Kyoritsu Moru from Calcutta, for Hongkong Kobe. Mo|i, Yokohamc, Nagoya 24 July Wayo Maru trorr Colcutto, Rangoon, for Kobe. Yokohomo. Ocko Moil 27 July FOR JAPAN from Continent Harunason Moru tor Yokohama Kobe vio bo.gon. Bongko* Hongkong 13
      807 words
    • 731 8 EAST ASIATIC li SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCanoinav/ B For Aden, Port Soid. Genoo, Antwerp. Rott C rd 0m Copenhagen, Gothenburg and o*i 0 **l S >ore Shorn x) "MALACCA" n M xx) KAMBODIA" 22/23 July 'Tj ••MEONIA" 22/25 luly 26/27 g(y \jm\ xxx) -INDIA" 7/9 Aug QJ •FALSTRIA" 14/17 Aug M
      731 words

  • 493 9 Share Deals Exceed The High For '55 I Finance And Commerce 8.8. PETROL A FEATURE By A Market Correspondent MALAYAN markets had an extremely good week in which the total volume of business easily exceeded Ike high for 1955. Industrials were the most prominent, while tins and rubbers were level
    493 words
  • 157 9 COMPANY REPORTS ISSUED Xl \N(. RIVIR TIN DRIDCI\«, I ll>: Poor values and roflt i 7 1' and ciivi. commendei for At balancinf equalled i %\J2\ per share iind cents per IM)R\(;!RI RI'BBFR CO. Ill): Ac r Ibe year 30 54 i a profit ol ■ving for taxnce has been
    157 words
  • 127 9 U.S. Still Biggest Buyer of Rubber RUBBER exports from Malaya in the first half of 1955 at 492,747 tons were well above the tonnage for the corresponding period of 1954, but -une shipments this year were slightly below those for May. The United States continued to be the Uffest buyer
    127 words
  • 124 9 INDIA'S first national newsprint factory has .started operations at Xenanasar in Madhya Pradesh State. The plant is expected to reach a capacity production of 100 tons a day within a few months, filling cue-third of India's newspaper requirements and resulting in ?n estimated annual
    124 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 9 .TI'XE rubber crops ann ince*: arc: Kompas 285,250 lb.; Raciella 13.000 lb. photo. THIS picture taken in the Holland Road branch of the Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. shoios Birdseve products on display it) the show window. Standard
    Standard  -  40 words
  • 414 9 BUSINESS DONE IN THE WEEK BUSINESS done in the share market from July 2 B: INDI STRIALS:— B: it Borneo Petrols. 45 and 4ti Brit Malayan Trustee Executor Co. $•♦;.»;.">. C.T.S. Ords ;^4 3 and ::4 7 1 V N Ords 51.70 to $1.73}. Gammons $2.67J and $2.65 to 52.75.
    414 words
  • 63 9 CHLORINATED rubber paints. stabilized with an organotin compound are now being manufactured commercially in the United Kingdom. A number of buildings have been painted with this new type of paint and it is being i sed for painting concrete swimming pools; steel structures, breweries dairies, gaivanizing. plating
    63 words
  • 20 9 JOHAN Tin Dredging Ltd. won 43.73 piculs during June Tribute to the company for the month was $967.
    20 words
  • 36 9 READY baked cakes in 12--ounce can.s have been introduced to the U.S. market by a New York baking firm. A food manufacturer in Kansas City ha s started producing canned fruit pies.
    36 words
  • 1084 9 Quick-frozen foods reach customers in perfect state By A Special Correspondent THE Singapore Cold Storage Company Ltd., who for over 50 years have been bringing the world's finest foods to the people of Malaya, have installed deepfreeze rooms at all their main branches to
    Standard  -  1,084 words
  • 80 9 Aust. To Build Hudson Cars AMERICAN Motors Corporation of Detroit. U.S.A.. plans to build Hudson cars in Australia during the next five years, according ;.o the export manager of the Hudson division of the Corporation. Mr. W.H. Thoreson, recently in Australia. He stated that because a local assembly plant would
    80 words
  • 145 9 A BRITISH firm's electronic device for the detection of fish at depths down to 240 fathoms Is now being fitted in U.S. boats. Made by Kelvin and Hughes Ltd.. of London, and known as the "Kingfisher." the complete installation consists of an electrolytic recorder of.
    145 words
  • 156 9 A TRADITIONAL reremonj foreshadowing a break with tradition was carried out in the U.S. recently when the Vickers "Viscount" turboprop that will be the first all-British aircraft to be operated commercially in America by A/iericans was splashed with champagne and named "Capitaliner Viscount." The "Viscount" is
    156 words
  • 225 9 COMMODITY REPORT: Standard Market Correspondent THE Singapore rubber market in the past work suffered its first big setback since prices began climbing up from 95 cents per lb. in May. Despite the big uphc.v and drops, the pri ;ost only M cents per Ib. on
    225 words
  • 100 9 THE keel ha: been laid for a 4.000-ton pa -><>nger-car;:o vessel at a yard at Hushing < Province of Zetland), it is being built for the Indonesian Government. Dimensions are: length 42K It.; beam 61 it H< r I speed will be 16 knTh' 1
    100 words
  • 43 9 A BRi PISH v's brak- .ire to be manufactured fj s and fitted vehli i is Girling Ltd Birmingham. Bo far ai v.n. thi n the first time that the motor industry have decided nonponents in I vehicle
    43 words
  • 32 9 THE Director Genera! of the Mines Depart ment of Thailand bai ed that the United StaU I requested the Thai Government to renew the tin Dt between the two countr:-
    32 words
  • 18 9 THE output of Hong Fatt (Sungci Besi) Ltd.. in tht second quarter 1955 was 2,347.70 piculs.
    18 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 211 9 Sticks I I I > I I I wis a\ co it s -OTfl nni lnginei i **J rr\DtNc Hi 01 hyi ri> Used NOTICES 1 1 V COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE. nmns ARIAT: Supply of Cl Ca -;ot for prescnwit'n ronHonorary Freedom Inside measureCasket to be not ong. si" wide.
      211 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 256 10 X SHAW BROTHERS ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS •♦♦•♦•••♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦•♦♦#>••• t CAPITOL NOW SHOWING "n-SW "-l-45-4-6.30-9.30 V THE CLASSIC STORY W|; OF THK WKSTI ♦HT V 7 AL OI[ MURPHY -MARI BUNCHARO Ew /N t>L^« LYLE BETTGER LORI NELSON J .vfirl 1 wKWKl^Li>^ NEXT CHANGE J OMN GAi Lo l so>l )0M Bi»o«inai) I
      256 words
    • 281 10 \CATHAV ORGANISATION NOW ANDFOIUCM m<M I 111 \u, fc ill Mr Mil 'Ith JikemaScoH-; <r tr fh» •red*' c< f <s» ','[n I m f I *4H I if I From the Novel I by Kate O'Brien I It the Wonder of High F««e«<ty STOKOPHOMC ALHAMBHA nqw^ ill CeiDITIQNIt
      281 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 150 10 "Ever thought about 'aving a floor-show. AIP" '^^P^f.h^. V) f^^"^ /r/1^ The champ's girl friend has certainly been /fokj{y9 rl^^Ml^M o great help to him in his career r\r Jk "H) Birds of a "Henry says 'Good morn- >^ J £S~' a>w N /w^/' ing, Mother* DON'T you, s j\
      150 words

  • 246 11 Yorkshire's Hopes Of Title Suffers Slump II (Kruter)— Don Bennett, the youn ff allrounder, saved mplete collapse in their county cricket championship match Kdsaston yesterday— and was then dismissed needing I I after-tea's spell being 10.3-6--14-4. Yorkshire's prospect slumped however when the opening pair. Frank Lawson and Doug Padgett were
    246 words
  • 37 11 CORTINA DAMPEZZO. Italy July 10. <Rcutcr>— The Italian racing driver Piero Yaicnzano, Wta killed when he crashed today during the Cap of the Dolomites Road Race here He wai driving a two litre i Maserati,
    37 words
  • 124 11 PENAXG. Sun. Selangor's skipper. Chua Ens: Chens:, has been chosen to lead the North team against the South at cricket at Kuala Lumpur on July 30. 31 and Auk 1. In the selected North team, there are as many as eight Selangor players. The team will
    124 words
  • 80 11 LONDON. July 10. (ReuteD— Diane Leather, first woman to beat five minutes for a mile and holder of the world's best time for the distance (records for the distance by women are not officially recognised) with four minutes 50.8 seconds again beat five minutes yesterday. At
    80 words
  • 52 11 RESULTS of the SASA Water Polo league matches played yesterday were: "A" Division: Singapore Swimming Club beat R.A.F. 15-0. '*B" Division: Singapore Swimming Club beat R.A.F. 11-2, Chinese Swimming Club beat Tiger Swimming Club 5-2. •*C" Division: Swimming Club beat R.A.F. 6-1, Chinese Swimming Club beat Tiger Swimming
    52 words
  • 208 11 Penang S'gor Match Rained Off PENANG. Sun. A heavy down pour of rain which fell 45 minutes before tea time prevented what would have been a very exciting end to the inter-state cricket match between Penang and Selangor on the Western Road ground today. Selangor were leading by only 20
    208 words
  • 53 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Only one record was broken in the annual Sentul Methodist Boys School athletic meet held on the Sentul Ground yesterday. Hussein Mohamed Salleh cleared the high jump at 5 ft li Inches to better his previous record of 5 ft i inch set
    53 words
  • 103 11 MANCHESTER. Juiy 10 (Rev ter». Godfrey Evans is moM unlikely to keep wicket for Eng land tomorrow when South Africa continue their first innings in the third test here. This was stated today by Peter May. the England captain, who added that he would prob ably
    103 words
  • 1470 11 confiTmed^SPnn 4 t w r namcnt cricket in the Co 1 Sdtaw and 1h Si? mtles f the game when b 0 1 the and thl \f RC PSet he r <*Pective leaders, the Aimy and the Singapore Cricket Club. The Indian* snatched a
    1,470 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 41 11 stLvemwAme joice DfMH'^ JJJj J j ea Coffee sets, Salvers Trays, 5 Ladies Gents Brush Sets, Cutlery b Condiment Sets, J Cigarette coses Etc. J t\ Hers to Malay's Royality. p H HENDRY, N 'lersrnilhi K. Lumpur and Singapore. I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\w\\\\\Z
      41 words
    • 687 11 CLASSIFIED ADS SITUATIONS VACANT PRINCIPAL SINGAPORE 1 POLYTECHNIC. APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of first PRINCIPAL of the SIN GAPORE POLYTECHNIC now being established under an aulo nomous Board of Governor* to meet the Colony's needs for higher technical and commercial education Candidates should have good degrees or equivalent
      687 words
    • 877 11 MINK IPAI.ITV Or (.LORGL TOWN PENA.NCi. Appointmrnt of l.ncmrrrinc Assistant tMetiianirah APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of Lngineerinf Assivtant (Mechanical) on the t<:n^nent e^labhsr.mcnt ct 4 h« Municipal Engineers I epar'.ment 2 Applicants mu>: be Bnt.<-n subjects or Federal citizens 3 Qualifications The minimum qualifications will be <a) an
      877 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 231 11 Abner By Al Copp f SOMe. GMAGTI.V SKELETON? HivjT£Rßu?"nOW.'. r rA |fvM r AeLCBBOViAN f****--"'- \*r^v PHOTOGRAPHS I -IT f-^S -ICAN j^rjC, r-^A HAIRLINE <^ t K^^> V OP" PP-EVIOUS /f MUST J/IA^DVCU 4 714/ TSiCRIT" O -i^f ATTEMPTS.'/- TV BE ,/f IN SLC&BOVIAVJ <^ r V'/| Xjl T WANNA
      231 words

  • 1244 12 Fans Cheer Peng Soon, TheWizard,Nowßetiring PETER KIM Reporting KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday The pint-size globetrotter Edie Choong, at long last realised his long standing dreams tonight when he beat Wong Peng Soon, for the Gold Cup (S700) trophy of the Selangor "International" Badminton championships which
    1,244 words
  • 279 12 MEN S SINGLES: Eddie Choong (Penang) beat Wong Peng Soon (Spore) 15-7, 7-15, 17-lfi. MEN'S DOUBLES: Tan Jin Eons and Kec rone beat One: Poh and Eddie Choong w.o. WOMEN'S SINGLES: Mrs. Cecelia Samuel (Sel.) beat Tan Slew Lng (Sel.) 11-1. 11-5. WOMEN'S DOUBLES: Mrs. Cecilia Samuel
    279 words
  • 900 12 Exit: The Indons NEVER in the history of Malayan badminton has there been anything like it that terrific battle between Wong Peng Soon, one of the greatest that the work! of badminton has ever known, and the brilliant youthful Ferry Sonneville. For sheer artistry, for
    900 words
  • 729 12 DAVID CO. MAKE ATHLETICS HISTORY By Achilles, Standard's Athletics Reporter SINGAPORE'S Education Department, who have just completed two high pitched inter-school sports for boys and girls, are going one step further in the organization of a Colony athletic meet on July 23 open to all students in English Secondary Schools,
    729 words
  • 677 12 Mansoor Is Roadman Of The Year Edin Peters reports... TWENTY -TWO-YEAR OLD Mansoor Sawi of the Malayan Rough Riders Cycling Club became the roadman of the year yesterday when he won the Singapore Cycle Racing Association's third annual Tour of Singapore mass-start bicycle road race decided over about 58 miles.
    677 words
  • 467 12 Wai Keen Keeps The MCFA Reputation lip: Hongkonq Chinese Held Hongkong Chinese 1 MCFA Selection 1 Kwok Yau, Mok Wai Keen. Referee: Wong Sek Hon of Xegri Sembilan. By EE BOON LEE THE hopes of the defeated Ho Ho Cuppers from Hongkong of redeeming their reputation by thrashing a not-so-strong
    467 words
  • 52 12 IXGLEWOOD Caliiorni;.. .1 10 I APl— California s Swaps. reeling ofT his eifhth sin victory, outshone lour rival year-olds and went on to win the U5557,750 westerner it Hollywood Park yesterday. The conqueror of Nashua In victory with ridiculous c; t> c over lour colts of considerable
    52 words
  • 79 12 DUBLIN. July 10 <UP>— Donald Beuuman of London was killed when his Connaught car was involved In triple crash overturned and burst into flame* durine Leinster Trophy race at Wicklow yesterday. Rescue* workers dragged Beauman from the burning Connaught and he was rushed to hospital
    79 words
  • 79 12 IPOH. Sun. Perak and Negri Scmbilan drew in their! inter-state cricket match Played on the padang during the week end. with a first innings lead of 48 runs Perak compiled 98 for six in the r second knock before declaring. When play enoed Negri Sembihan were
    79 words
  • 25 12 BIRMINGHAM, England July 10 (AP> Jaroslav Drobny. Egypt, on Saturday won. the Midland Counties lawn tennis championships W W,. 6 Ar 4° LarSen
    25 words
  • 45 12 vwm!! 1 r > th.rd s» s '»l she i Ti I). ship sorv an?: Ex| for Lii ncr« meet the RMm. Lim (quartir hn.^u X M X v ">cl«* < final Lake Sulli\ v (final and Sine lev srn Pclc-' I double i J 1
    45 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 48 12 GIIBtKJ m 0i The fowdown yX^H s/f Lfl on the high ftOM W CINEmaScoP^ =ODEON-coMi«i 74C/CS PHO7O Capitol Buildinci 157, North Bridge Road s '"fl ap< A\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\\\\\V\\\\\\\\\W\\X\\\N*\^ WOH* Fo» Aii Conditioned Com*©* MAYFAIR HO Centrol locotion All b.dro* Telephone ond Red.Mu*" 40. ARMENIAN STRUT. SINGaPO*^ > vvvvv^M^\vvvvvv\vvvi\\vvvvvvvvv\\vvvviVV\%^^ xxv \\y
      48 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 70 12 SOCCER-DIV. 1: R.E.M.E. vs. Kola Raja at Jahin Besar at 5.30 p.m. DIV. 3B: Blue Rovers SC. vs. Sukaramai S.C. Nt Ceylang at 5.15 p.m.: Arab Union vs. Town Rangers- at M F.A. a: 5.15 p.m.: Katony SC vs. Y.C,A.A. at Fruser Par}- at 5.15 p.m. DIV. 3 A: Western
      70 words
    • 159 12 WEDNESDAY'S WEK KIALA LUMPL'R, Sun.-Thi followa; race weights for Wednesday, second dayoftfe Turf Club July meeting here: Cl. 5. Div. I—si1 5i F. f Grandeur Passing Fair 9.00 Leonora Hnoghly 8.1:: Clear Vision llainur Meteorite 8.1 1 Actor II Majula 8.07 Flag of Peace 800 Rvmtir Westoth 8.07 Pearl Snap
      159 words