Sunday Standard, 3 July 1955

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1 20 Sunday Standard
  • 22 1 SUNDAY STANDARD n m s. m in #i i Vol. V. No. 362 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY* JULY 3, ]95.> 21 PAGES 20 CENT
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  • 156 1 K.L. MAN RECEIVES A HOAX RED NOTE KUA L A LUMPUR, Sat. A prominent member of a Malayan political party has received a letter purporting to come from the Communist terrorist "high command.'* offering to pay a big price if he would get a Red agent into the Federation's fi
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  • 240 1 Progressives And Democrats Pledge Co-operation Governor's Installation Speech 'Just Right' TWO Singapore political parties yesterday came out solidly in support of the policy contained in the Governor's (Sir Robert Black) installation speech. They pointed out that Sir Robert was carrying on the good work put in by
    Standard  -  240 words
  • 467 1 /.Y Singapore yesterday, rubber rose sharply as n result of nervous buying and closed at $1.22* per //>., a rise of 3* cents See 3 for details. Rising Price Cuts Federation $148.6 Mil. Deficit By Half By K. C. ARUN, Standard Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.—
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  • 204 1 Arsonist Reward Increased To $5,000 AS the toll of burnt motor cars in the Colony mounts unchecked (36 were burnt in the past month). Singapore Police yesterday increased the reward from SI. OOO to $.~>.ooo for information leading to the arrest ol the arsonists. An average of more than a
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  • 30 1 THE London Gazette announced last night that the date for the observance both at home and abroad of the Queen's birthday in 1956 will be Thursday, May 31.
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  • 19 1 THE Royal Thai ConsulateGeneral in Singapore will be closed on July 5. being Khao Pansa (Buddhist Lent).
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  • 34 1 LONDON, July 2. (ReutiT* —Mr. A.H. Ensor. who joined Llyoyds— one of Britain's bi? five banks at the age of 17 has been elected its vicechairman, the directors announced today.
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  • 184 1 'Problem No Longer Exists' LONDON. July 2 (Reuter) The Forces Help Society said in London last night that the "unsuitably housed service families" in Singapore referred to in their annual report was a thing of the past. The report said: "One of the major problems
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  • 1046 1 THE new Governor of Singapore, Sir Robert Brown Black, called upon the people yesterday to dedicate themselves to the t i; oi rooting out those .^victuals whose aim is *'vioi{piicc> disorder, chaos and eventual Communist dictatorship." Sir Robert, who was speaking
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  • 177 1 LONDON, July 2, (Reuter)— Mrs. Ruth Ellis. 28--year-old ex-model awaiting execution for the murder of her racing motorist lover. David Blakely refused yesterday to ask for mercy. She is due to han? in Holloway Women's Prison here on the morning of July 13.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 134 1 ATLAS |ARR|S OnS LISTER ENG LTD.. Kuala Lumpur Penon 9 SERVANT PROBLEM f pre- oblem -■•ricv, cs dom- k now. boys flours :>ed c by n t!i< arious ills the la/\ and m^il« nt tmrs, the f&i *"d reliable. And !:ko th»- amahs, the tuanN and menis tin* mctn »nd
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    • 65 1 ICt CREAM ytsf clmici COLO ITOMet CM««(«l(| LTD. MHC*tC*t. (WAI* IMMrW*. »i»»» y Ay^L^ f I v/r Ay/ m L V w' Ay V Avsm MM M A M wr* aW I L IVI between 1 Jl HOLLAND and MALAYA jJa and trovel in the \l-^k^ luxurious comfort A A
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  • 246 2 'Probe Has Exonerated Govt. Staff THERE is no evidence of corruption in the Seamen's Registration and Employment Bureau, the Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, said yesterday in a statement issued at his "Meet-the-People" session. Following an order he gave the Department of Commerce and Industry five
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  • 586 2 'Colony Has Set Course For Independence Governor's Guidance A Big Impact On Future Marshall SINGAPORE urgently needs self-govern-ment and independence, social services to give security and dignity to human life and a solution to a problem of its economic earning power, the Chief Miniser, Mr. David Marshall said yesterday. Speaking
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  • 20 2 Bail Of $1,000 Each Allowed THE Sii Disti 0 I iss< «>n M K• Km X on The t < Sepi
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  • 100 2 MISS I. am Rag II wearing the sash .uul < romfl which shr »nn irrrntlv in the "Miss Exhibition' test at th>- itailtMMl trade Exhibition in Sin* left the Colon. > foi X Lumpur ><-st«i<l.i Shr is fcoing on tin n; tation of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 408 2 lilt p| iJ means Atarvelious Music! Ultra -High -Fidelity RADIOS RADIOGRAMS at so tvith 3-D B 9 €*prod action Thn popular. y Automatic pouprfui and x Record Chanscr, V modrratrly A priced m. MODEL TOO 5 s f^ I 1)1 „,.'J«;X ifie $ttf H 1;=;;" W^lk \WM HI^H u| si«i
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  • 375 3 Police Declare War On Organized Procuring Gangs NEW DELHI, July 2 (Reuter)— lndian Police arc trying to stop widespread trafficking in women, which has filled brothels in Calcutta with girls from Tibet and from the Indian hill villages. During the past few years, Calcutta Police
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  • 263 3 Rush Owing To Shortage NERVOUS buying of ber in the Singapore irket yesterday was largely responsible for iarp rise in prices highest since Feb 1952, first grade July nt closing at per lb.. a rise of '31 cents on Friday. All sections of the trade were rushing
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  • 49 3 ABDUL Rahman claimed trial in the Singapore Second Criminal District Couri yesterday to a charge of selling two used sr> stamps to Mohamed Kasim bin Mohamed Ismail at Battery Road on June 1. Bail* of 51.000 was allowed and the case postponed to Sept. 28.
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  • 47 3 THE following sre the lucky numbers for the St. John Ambu ance Association Garden Fete held last week. The winning tickets of the two lucky programmes are 965 i and 1536. The number of counters, for i the table lamp, is 519.
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  • 219 3 LONDON. July 2. <Reuter>The Tailor and Cutter. men's fashion magazine. ■aid yesterday that a woman doctor who claimed "teddy boys" were danditted because the ratio of males to females is increasing, was "talking through her stethoscope." The drain pipe trousered longhaired and longjacketed "teddy boys"
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  • 71 3 -Standard photo by THE last war scar In Ipoh will be erased as a result of i demolition order issued t 0 the owners of the property by the Ipoh and M ennlembau Town Council. This "eyesore" in Post Office Road, which in pre-war days housed
    Lee Thong Choon  -  71 words
  • 435 3 Louisville Grants 'Standard' Man Key To The City A MALAYAN and a Britisher, Mr. James Peter Chin of Singapore and Mr. John Ross Newby of London, were granted the Key to the City of Louisville, Kentucky, during their recent visit. Both are Rotary Foundation Fellows now studying in the United
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  • 113 3 DR. A. E. F. SHAW. Director of the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service in Queensland, will visit Singapore and j the Federation from July 12., in the course of a tour of Hong- kong. Thailand and Indonesia. While in Singapore he will call on the Minister
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  • 45 3 A MERCANTILE assistant, W. K. Jonc? was fine;! $50 in the Singapore Second Traffic Court yesterday, for negligently driving his car. resulting in a collision with another car at Ihe junction of D* Almeida Street and Malacca Street en March 19.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 ".an I I lON i s I vc II I o\ :ra--1 123 p.m I |VH 44 ||)!I\IIO\ oft "\(VUM. ICANI I M!m 111 A\i()l S XI C etc I NOTICE 01 STOKES i:\iins Ml! 11 \l\\ 1 ()K( 1 S List sup- rivi arid i] i Car- Garden C.
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    • 270 3 NO GLYCERINE -ffßjf' NO SILICON E 4*nb NO GREASE mJ> KLEAR-GLASS* f keeps visibility unobscured Immediately following application, gloss, plostic and tile surfaces will remain FOG-FREE STEAMFREE DUST-RESISTANT OPTICALLY BRILLIANT for periods up to 14 days. This time end labor wving newcomer is unmatched for treating eyeglasses, window and protective
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  • Article, Illustration
    728 4  -  BALA CHANDRAN 40 EXPERTS PLA V SILENT BUT VITAL ROLE IN CRIME BUSTING By And This Is Their Chief "lie sealelh up ihn hmnl of rvrry man tltat all may know his uork.*' UNDER a sign bearing these words sits a 43-year-old man, Che Yahaya bin Jamaluddin, chief of
    Yons Peng Seong  -  728 words
  • 264 4 PENANG. Sat. When the Canton leaves here for Britain on July 8. she will have on board two young members of a family of tennis players in Penang: l(i->ear-old .Miss Betty Soon and her younger brother. Master Ronnie Soon children of the Kedah
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  • 218 4 MAKE MINING YOUR CAREER YOUTH TOLD If you want Malaya f<> be a prosperous country MALAYAN mining methods have bee almost at a standstill during the last 25 in spite of advances in mining methods in oth countries, the Chief Inspector of Mines, Mr F. Gripper, said over Radio Maloya,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 620 4 YOU MAY HAVE LIVED ON EARTH BEFORE! Keu placet, or people you pa^ in the street, may seem oddly Jamil tar to you. Hai c you kuou n them in a previous life? wond*»r why you are living on nrth to-day and for what purpose you are here. (Vrtain M»«rets
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    • 257 4 cQ-lmancic Information at a Glance 'ffilflKMßaflaßaaawßßWß*^" 1 •smm*m ISINfiAPO'Rt. Spare \rt Noclety: Exhibition ol paintings at B::t .-h Council Hall. 9 am to 330 p.m. Spore Jade Vlvm: Judo practice to. all members 10 am. to 130 liidiiM-iwlcn; MlftKlonary 4iim snow at Trafalga Home 7 pjn S'porr I nderwater
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    • 349 4 and 9 15 p.m BEX: s Of I 9 15. id 11 10 ajn "'l\;/d. So:-, chise" 1.15, 3.15. ti.43 aiu! 9.15 p m. HI l\\ ef Ol Venice" 10 ft a in "Last Time l Siw I' 12.: j ,u. 300. 630 and 940 p m GRAND: "All Ame:
      349 words
    • 281 4 11 a m Loi g John Si.ver 1 15. 3 JO, 1.4 a LIDO: v■ v^ < Wooaan ll 15 3 •'<". ni. M M ($1 XX: < k 12 30 .'i 30, 7 id I (.mm:: < max «.i.oi:\ p Bi okt a Hearted I a3O pjn. I'XK \moi
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    • 135 4 AUSTRALIA U lINO \l -tl< \ll\ I NT! l< <•) I Mo <I6«L'm 845 V mr Horn* 1168: m (U Round thi 1 t Bni of rhr s rr. V 0 of K. r 1 2 1 N 1 4' V fron IK I2m 1.4 I 14 1' < 14
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  • Article, Illustration
    91 5 Oldest copy of the New Testament -The C tnent red hothan :^e His the 227 Leaves use of to 31 no.v m d r>ubnk. ::roof w\ the fGrly i Estranlote it and Aramaic olished nguage .res of iivided church. the > v% ell a prcliof rhot the
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  • 219 5 Bid To Buy Rare Manuscript For Congress Library knowledge. For over 900 years it was held by the Malek Yonan family wro lived m the Kurdistan Mountains of northwestern Iran. There it was lianded down for generations from father to oldest son. Its present owner is Norman M Yonan, a
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  • 535 5  - Barmaid Dying Of Thirst? Tony Miles By London. J^VER heard of a barmaid dying of thirst? No such tragedy is on record— not during opening hours, at any rate. ...For treating the barmaid has become as big a custom in pubs as putting the clock forward five minutes. IT Is
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  • 499 5  - Wives are most hit by the mother-in-law Lewis Onslow 93 OUT 100 WHO QUIT HOME By NEW YORK UORK than 93 per cent of American wives who leave homo do so because of mother-in-law trouble. But only 21 per cent of husbands take off for the same reason. Husbands are
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  • 18 5 THERE are three kinds of husband the 2 prize, the surprise and the consolation prize. f\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\w\>\*\\\\ <
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  • 103 5 CHICAGO: General Motors released this artist's sketch, showing; the new railway train GM is building;. GM President Ilarlow Curtice says the new train will be a lightweight diesel. able to carry 400 passengers along at more than 100 miles an hour. A 10-car train of this
    UP  -  103 words
  • 188 5 Look, a flying saucer TAKE a good look at a "flying saucer." That's what Norman Day. 2.V a carpenter by trade, calls the disc -shaped object that begins a flight 2.000 feet into the air as he conducts a secret experiment at a secret "testing ground" in Charlotte. He. Along
    U.P.  -  188 words
  • 94 5 rPHE monster you are A working for probably didnt jet there by marryin? the boss's daughter liter all —in case you think 80. Anyway, a survey among American corporation presidents shows that only three per cent reached the top via marriage. But this doestti moan that all
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 124 5 d Only panamemcm: has made 50,000 Atlantic crossings a record no other airline can match! This week Pan American World Airways completed its 50,O()Oth Atlantic crossing! No other airline has approached this record. Pan American is first on the Pacific too— has made more Pacific crossings than any other airline.
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  • Sunday Standard
    • 407 6 DATK has still to be set for the grand official opening of Singapore's luxury artificial habitat for fish the $.V)()-thousand Van Kleef Aquarium. It is expected to take place .some day this month. Much water, salted to suit the fish and findings of the experts who have
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    • 309 6 IX a nil mood, tat back for a few momenta In the course of our daily tasks to take stock of the Changes that have been making themselves so nt and in some cases so forcibly during the last few decades. It was difficult to dissociate our
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    • 197 6 '•yy HEN a Government is clean, competent, honourable and representative of the wishes of the people when it is the people Communism not have the <jho.>t ot a chance.. It never as a victor, but as a scavenger in a country Where Democracy has died This is how
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  • 948 6  -  DUMA BAHRU (Qur special correspondent* report L _M sy_ NEW YORK LEGALIZED, low-cost :>upply Of drugs for dope addicts has been advocated here by the New York Academy of Medicine a.s a means of shattering the vicious. illicit narcotic trade and bringing addicts under
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  • 531 6  -  Andrew Roth By LONDON I J^ONDON Airport was curiously quiet when I arrived out there to meet R. B. Ooi, Editor of the Singapore Standard, and his colleagues, S. Zahari of U tusan Melayu, Y. B. Lee of China Press. J. Manjai of the North
    Andrew Roth  -  531 words
  • 24 6 "I'll toy they've oil gone and if I wasn't the next speaker I'd have gone too!" 'You waiting for glosses too, chum?"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 V SOOTHES HEALS SORE, L^^k_ ACHING BLISTERED FEET Rub Zam-Buk into your feet every night to lT?r=!==£^^!?s\4^» «eep them comfortable and healthy. Zam- V><%l*~^'' x^flv^ Buk drives out aches and pain^, quickly heals timers and sores, s«)t tens u>rns and hard akin. Use Zam-Buk too for skin diseases and injuries,
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    • 192 6 r. U7t ij/^ s^fji Two beauty aids i 0 \J| flaller your l^volimw Pond's Face Powder and Lipstick th* choice of lovely women eicryvl,, r€ /^^ZsJ^^^ PONDS OFF IF. YOU -un»r, throughout the wtm "^i"^v^ /J// i cnliancc YourV our neural V Ir%»* JjJ'/r'i choose shade of Pon<: v., |^>f'^
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    • 1284 7  -  O.D. Gallagher Founder Of The Industry Will Be 100 In December by when r Ridley lioned I t I lriery f rertoi Botanic I .'hout c aieni £mO a what c«i ten I B ;t four -nine i i b exvears treei His Rewards j i
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    • 89 7 1 A f~" •cwen, being tronsferred on a jockstay HMNZS Black Prince to a destroyer. Sir 'eked up by the cruiser at Kota Bahru. r HA/AS Anzac seen from the Black Prince trough heavy seas when the fleet sailed ♦> of 0.l l.nes
      PHILIP GOH  -  89 words
    • 494 7  - AUTOMATION AND THE HOUSEWIFE Len Jackson By \\HAT will the housewife get out of automation the coming age when robot machines and electronic "brains" take over factory production, and speed the way to a new world of plenty? Mr. Frank Woollard. one of the pioneers of automation he introduced it
      U.P.  -  494 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 1189 8  - SHORTER HONEYMOONS -MORE OFTEN BRIDGET JONES By \v hen actresses reminisce about their romantic proposals. ETHEL MERMAN loves to tell the story about an evening before she married her airlinesexecutive husband ROBERT SIX. They went to dinner at the home of a friend and afterwards wandered out into the garden
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  • 294 8  - Take Shares In Me, Says Actress STAN MAYS IJRL'XETTE actress Mara ■■> McAfee, 23, has offered shares in her Hollywood him career. She turned herself into a limited company and put one hundred shares at £.'i 10s. each on the market. Which makes Mara that's her on the right an
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  • 252 8 A Swell Job Is This Film A crashingly (and the word is used literally) good action picture hit Singapore last night at the Cathay's midnight showing of Republic's "The Eternal Sea." Filmed with the cooperation of the United States Navy, the story is based on the life of the heroic
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  • 279 8 Says CHRISTINE DIEMER \S for the music. I object to the old-time device of using a chorus of pure female voices soaring skyward whenever a body dies or a plane takes off for the blur. It's sheer corn from way back. Also the final musical effort in "Sea" could be
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  • 1063 9 STARS BAN KISES-FOR OTHERS SHOCKING HOLLYWOOD "::r:j;t zf"£* ff a 21-hour ntm-stop bauty treatment, of the countless opcm* lions that keep the stars gtmm- S <>rous T and of the cuddling and kissing that are forbidden in the snobbish star quarter Beverly JJilh. EXCLUSIVE STORY TO be natural in Hollywood
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  • 289 9  -  Reg Whitley HOW much longer before British cinema s fall into line with most of the rest of the world, and are divided into smoking and nonsmoking sections? I ask this question after seeing a remarkable new screen spectacle, "Strategic Air Command." This is the first film to
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  • 215 9  -  Bernard McElwaine Reports: It's back to a \\w\\\w\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ two-year-old »\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\w love-clinch for \\w\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Kay Kendall i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\w\\\\\\\\\\\ ittltef in I i Kay the md■- ars, in ul «»f an> !>!a> rd .1 [ought oil .1 II of k .v the ng t hiNt\ lo\e. D r The m<
    215 words
  • 42 9 jv' recent nomi- for the I fullI in h»T i and now. -called "wo though re. And I I part ach M-O--m >ther ed of in r ilia for peri ■in. "Thai nt to wort h unanin of those
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 9 "There's one thing I like about your house and that's your daughter!"
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  • 345 9  - Small Towns Provide Many Screen Stars BRIAN YOUNG By FIIHE ill I 'Wiis have pro--1 •i:o more than their re of Rlmdom'a whistleami In many virtually .:i hamlets there are who say "1 knew hi when" as they sigh over mvrr >ries °f one-time male nl-mates whose faces on movie
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 9 and what sort of little came could I interest you in Sir?"
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 211 9 sunshine, sand and sea You'll smg the praises of |pr jF the new Jantzens, too, when >Sfl^ 1^: J$BW you see what their wonderful fc line does for you! She weors dm 'Bib-'n-tucker', a feminine style in lusfous Pearlastic, with a frilly, cuffed bra; apron skirt. He weors Marlow', a
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  • 494 10  - It's a HOT SPOT NORAH LITTLEJOHN By MAHtMEH VLAYSViT I JERK'S a holiday twopiece for the girl who likes to be spotted on a hot, sunny day. It's the newest idea of a beach bloomer-playsuit with matching skirt. Wear the two together and you have a sun dress. You'll be
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  • 315 10  -  Peggy Briggs IN Britain many young men. no longer patronise their locals of an evening. They go to coffee bars instead. And I can't say that I blame them. Coffee Society abounds in dark-eyed beauties. And when it comes to choosing between a pint and pretty girls,
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 10 "lie not only looks a bit qu»*er he's just ordered a poached egg on a stewed prunes'."
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  • 296 10  - GIRLS WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO BE LOVELY Gerree Read **!l THE aim of cosmetic manufacturers is not merely to make women beautiful, but to make them more beauty conscious. Returning soon to Australia alter a successful tour of Singapore and the Federation, is Miss Betty Hearne who has been
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 164 10 know the secret W\yardley crystallised lavender Yardlry'i famous Larndrr in johd form, and Yard'ey lavender soap— •mooih-lathering, richly perfumed 'iht luxury soap of the xiorld* Pepsodent really gives T»rili ciMaed witli Peptodeal tre lnter, much whilerl Tluf> kecaatc thr\ tic i leaner! And they are (leaner becmst iVp-od'tit i- Uh
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    • 116 10 vi <* STRAPLESS BANIM %l FOR HARI s||()l I IHi; I \slNO\< HOLLYWOOD MWUM Only at WASSIAVU Us Singapore. I Lovely European f /^gfjfctjfc^ girls like this '/fuL^gA afe>&». I i protect t>rir -lineal BaA. v complexions vith IK > Iwßy y X^^fe-^^afa^i aa^^ alttack your compk-XK n. I P^
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 396 10 iRKI y i i $XMv& mm IIM I J sjjjljfe 1 B» m tiki P^ 1 1 Amoi) hi or l iny d. call* tor an extra j I -.ty tin 1 r«*.il ami effori I harmo A iMrm.iiwnt Kr.uuh'iir of 4 tin Statrf mu^t be their hohb.e- ioa.
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  • 885 11  -  Norman Wrotham Wizards With The Golden T0uch....(4) !l After Juggling With £100,000,000 He Died A Pauper ,n--sing >v Lc n I do beI H tng b- :id C cmoney so the 81 had the bo lit rally md." 20 •i total 00.000.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 11 "Miss Jones, when I ask you to state briefly what happened at our last meeting, I mean the last meeting of the Board not when you and I—."
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  • 1342 11  - FRED'S WHITE ELEPHANT G.H. LEWIS SHORT STORY W cousin Fred looked at the sign outside the second-hand shop. "We buy or sell anything" it said. "Ho!" said Fred, who is a great joker, especially after a few old and milds, "we'll see." Inside the shop a big man emerged from
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  • 5 11 J I
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  • 2 11 t
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  • 19 11 *****0 mere* in Dixon, Illinois. ISA :> presented with a SKUNK He hands it over to xi new member.
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  • 44 11 FUN AT THE FAIR ITS all the j fun of the fair at the j Festival Gar- dens. Batter- sea. A n d j helping you to it f is Chclsra j model Brenda j Webber who \va s a stall- j holder.
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  • 29 11 INSTEAD of smoking three cigars. Earl Wdton. °f ois, USA. is now eating a day Earl is KOl'R. He i hanged to iics alter his mother received
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  • 24 11 DUSTPROOF, shockproof v. Bterprool radio v-an be heard above a tractor is being to reduce the "lonetedium of long I tractor. 1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 148 11 TOO MUCH JAW BIG moment of I lion tamer's act at Salisbury. > Rhode.-ia. was when he put I his head in a lion's mouth. At a matinee the lion misI behaved and closed its I mouth. Doctors report that I the lion tamer will soon be i well again.
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    • 189 11 The wor/c/ famous family of TIGER medicinal products CHEE THONE SAN Provides Instantoneous relief for Toothache, Earache, Stomachache, Muscle Pain, Indigestion, Backache, Colds, Sore Throat, etc. ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL What is more heart-rending m* m m than the sight of a child in Upy ZuOSG pain?
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  • 143 12 I u^i_nur,_run^^-u-u^un J n J T_ru-u-c crisis j SPEAKING O* PICTURES M Name Address Title I Camera Used Aperture < j Speed Film i HOY E: "Cecilia" by Chow Kok Keng of 77 .V or t h Bridge Road* S i n g a pore Rollvijlvx, fll,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 66 12 f io.s-x I V More 8.0.A.C. f > worldfaed iOnStSUBtUttS along all routes east including Majestic services from SINGAPORE to HONGKOSG, BAXGKOK- and LONDON* DIRtCT k'tffc'i.e la'e m July Cm! >~ v mlac 8.0.A.C. TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU I I 1/ D ffl m m //«IW. S.«W« /Ar/. 1
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    • 120 12 Ntw AGFA Isopan ISS Films Just Arrived irith AGFA Color Film* AGFA Color P/vccttinp Outfit. Syntha Color S /a^k J Processing Outfits, Z 120, 620, 127, 35mm Sheet Films ore ovoilablc. Photographers amateurs con process print AGFA Color Photos at home with home Processing Sr* It is becouse Home Processing
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  • 664 13  -  Betty Smith By Place For Holland's Elopers Where Fathers Never Follow SCORES of eloping brides are heading for a secret haven, a small hotel in the heart of London that has become a modern Gretna Green. It's a place where angry fathers never follow.
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  • 85 13 HPHE pretty blonde nurse was so helpful. Lit- tie Anthony Palmer I he's not yet two met her in the park near the j film studios at Ealing. 1 And she shared her > magazine with him and 1 read out all the stuff under the
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  • 433 13 Tokyo Police War On CASE OF 17-YEAR-OLD COUNTRY GIRL SPARKS CITY-WIDE INVESTIGATION TOKYO. TOKYO police intend to crack down on open traffic in white slavery after widespread publicity in the case of a 17-year-old country girl who was sold by her father to a call house. Suspects will
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  • This mODern WORLD
    • 42 13 CHOPKEEPERS in Casa■3 blanca, Morocco. have been told by Nationalists to close their shops if they want to remain alive. Simultaneously the Pasha announced that they would be expelled from the city if they ciid not keep open.
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    • 35 13 THREE-YEAR-OLD Billy Oliver. of Spokane. Washington. U.S.A.. rolled out of an open window the ground 15ft. below -'nd was unhurt. He had been clutching his pillow in his flight and landed on it.
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    • 36 13 YT'HEN the tar surface of a Manchester road melted in a temperature ot 72 degrees three women were stuck They were rescued, without their shoes. by a man who carried them to the kerb.
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    • 31 13 POLICE travelling with A convicts i n a van *n Ahmedabad. had to save one man from the wrath of his companions —after he picked the pockets of another convict
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    • 31 13 CAMELS will be used to carry six lifts across the desert in Arabia. The llft:!--made in Vienna are being installed In the palace of King Ibn Saud. of Saudi Arabia.
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    • 20 13 CHARON SLAUGHTER was elected beauty queen of a Michigan. U.S A. safety conference held to combat traffic deaths.
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    • 35 13 AN inquiry in America is trying to find out why high-ranking officers of the U.S. navy hoarded enough tomato ketchup to pour a gallon over every pound of their supply of tinned hamburgers.
      35 words
    • 26 13 THE words "Crime Does Not Pay" were already tattooed across the chest of a man in San Francisco. U.S.A. arrested on suspicion of ROBBERY.
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    • 22 13 DURING a practice game at Pertenhall (Beds) Cricket Club, a cow picked up the ball in its mouth—and SWALLOWED it.
      22 words
    • 27 13 THE men who read electricity meters in Doncaster. Yorkshire, are to be given lessons from the R.S.P.C.A. on how to avoid being bitten by dogs.
      27 words
    • 55 13 A WOMAN at Bolton. Lanes, caught her finger in the plug hole of her steel kitchen sink. Doctors and ambulance men were called to free her. The fire brigade arrived and firemen released her by using a hacksaw. Then she was taken to hospital for the removal of a
      55 words
    • 39 13 IN hospital at Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, with a broken leg. a patient puzzled the staff with the number of telephone calls he received. Investigations revealed that he was running an illegal book-mak-ing business. He was fined Cl6O
      39 words
    • 44 13 THE defence lor a man on a robbery charge at Indianapolis. U.S.A.. asked that members of the jury should be examined by a psychiatrist. Refusing the request the judge said: •There is no statutory requirement that a juror be sane."
      44 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 164 13 77 n Wimbledon sj Biggest Mystery iwwwt 4 4 I -i i ires --t a a hat? But GS Pamela n It .:zied— I it i.wS I*'1 7 CATCH IN IT Kni- conRheumatism and Backache Gone in 1 Week Xld "«>» W.Hi Cyite* mni 4 #r ,Y= -l Fe;l Fi
      164 words
    • 710 13 TSughefTfaKie nugfaftjobtf A n'RE needs to be tough to stand vjyi^T \l R up to the constant bumping and jafii^fc: Jf^jy jarring on the rough tracks which VK M^ often have to serve for roads. The rugged Henley P.G. Tyre has been Tk9 rugfmtl H mUy rc r specially designed
      710 words

  • 580 14  -  RALPH CHAMPION By fJERE'S something British headmistresses haven't thought of yet... High school girls in Chicago, with exams due any day now. are being offered a new bait— get top marks and win your man. The idea comes from a social worker, Samuel G.
    580 words
  • 901 14  - THE KEYBOARD'S CANDY-RID CLIFFORD DAVIES No. 1 Phenomenon Of American Show Business By Out and Out Charmer In Silver and Gold I But I just H Love Pianos' Los Angeles. I IBFRACE smiled through his tears. "Please," he said, "forgive me. But I have been filming a very emotional scene.
    901 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 297 14 BROOKIAXSSH CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE Jhv fid CONSTIPATIOM N^j OVERNIGHT /^\j Children and lJ^, jJ3 Adults love its CT^ 1 Jcbcious taste Aiirill WOMAN is^jL since f^j^^^M taking) y;/^ BILE BEANS Laxative Plus Ordinary laxative) cannot free you from undigested fats lhat are the cause of constipation, sluggishness, indigestion, livenshness. You should
      297 words
    • 284 14 CAT -ASTROPHIC A GAS lamp caused a tire when a cat jumped on it in a village in Upper Egypt. It destroyed 45 houses leaving 300 people homeless. THE airport cat at Cairo, Egypt, ate two canaries kept in quarantine. The owner of the birds claimed damages PLENTY ON HER
      284 words
    • 120 14 'Elegance plus comfort The Van Heusen 'COUNTRY* Shin worn w or bow, with or without a coat, is always con- 1 supremely comfortable. The attached itmj-r Vn Heusen Collar sets immaculately all day; there both spread (as illustrated) and cU«*icj: v Heusen 'COUNTRY* Shirts in fully shrunk r are available
      120 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 57 14 r^^^ L^H I V*V H Thr i.nies Tve told you about parkin* the) I I {pTJ KA i fchcJve* 100 tiehtb. Mi*s Jon«*! M I "Don't get sloppy with me •Tn»M »Lt ■w» ri.V*V. t i m rry lwin r irtP»«»- clot, I'm your other end iv mjht lh *l
      57 words

  • 958 15 Engaging A Domestic? This May Help You Solve... Two Who Handle It BIG HEADACHE TO SPORE MEMS AND TUANS THE servant problem is probably the handiest and most absorbing icebreaker when ladies meet since Stone Age fashions were first introduced. Q CHIEF COMPLAINTS OF EMPLOYERS T^ against
    958 words
  • 873 15  -  Laurence Thompson By A London woman was found dead in her kitchen. Her head was in the gas-oven, the gas on. It seemed an ordinary case of suicide, except that the doctor called in was not entirely satisfied with the way her body was lying.
    873 words
  • 347 15 MIR BASHIR, the internationally known palmist, presents a new series —Know Your Own Hand. This week he tells you of THE horizontal lines that enter the palm from the outer edge of the hand beneath the little finger are known as the Lines of Marriage,
    347 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 384 15 (fyeeeaf Dellveiy! i* \A A keep on jarfrfc afterwards! A > 'he finest buy in light vjr en > ou chouse a Morris, "^^fffc i SslfeftN X :s re a r*<*> lo *J *pace. JVV^Htt^^^^^^K^^MS ci/r.j feu; ure% and rrrra ji> > too. the <-»;r<i orerajing VU^^ j£ M^^ft&J* economies
      384 words
    • 78 15 0 1 0 1 6 11 from men s?^^ ...made pretty -n- practical for you *9k jLyClxfc lit iiiCwJ Jockettes are snug and form-fitting, heavenly S^^^Qm V 4^ comfortable. Knit to fit and jb^f > V W famous for years as makers W X of Jockey brand, the most 1
      78 words

  • 258 16 MORE new Continental cars are beginning to make their appearance on Mala ya n roads and the latest of them to do so is the Simca "Aronde 55," a French car which is sure to be popular in this country Dr. F. C. B. Marshall, a well-known Colony racing
    258 words
  • 610 16  -  QUEEN'S CASTLE ghfghfg By THE third round of the Club championship did not produce chess of a high standard, but it was notable for giving us some exciting games, particularly that between Mrs. D. B. PritChard (white) and Tay Kheng Hong (black). White opened
    610 words
  • 239 16  -  EDIN PETERS By with the reverse which took him five minutes to find. On subsequent attempts he was better. "It is certainly the most awkward reverse to find and engage that I have experienced/ said Dr. Marshall, "but the Simca is very easy to
    Standard  -  239 words
  • 156 16 YANKEE DEFEATS RUSSIAN CHAMPION MOSCOW, July 2 <AP) World chess champion Mikhail Betvinnik of Russia was defeated Friday by Samuel Rcshcvsky ol the United States in what was described as one of the greatest upsets in chess history. On Thursday Reshevsky and Botvinnik drew. Friday's game was actually the first
    156 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 523 16 AKGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. m. mm w Vf)E funn£l lin U/6 NO«TM AMIRICAN SERVICI T« M41.t,«, Mo«»re»l. lotton. New Yorh. Baltimore Philadelphia Cult Ports kJiiuina Spore P Sham Penane. •n n/1... 19/26 |«l, 27 28/29 July rOl?O0>0S 9/16 Sept 17 S«pt sepi Cjrr.eri option to proceed «>a other porti to
      523 words
    • 201 16 A. S. HAMMED. 90, Top Floor. Jalan Raja Laut. Kuala Lumpur. exchanging personal photos, and friendly correspondence. MISS NELLY PAULA LANG. t o 78. Klabat Street. Manado. Minahassa. Celebes, Indonesia. <18> stamps. view-cards. and general correspondence. MISS DORIS TAN, 11 6- A, Upper Serangoon Road. Singapore, 13. < 14 stampscollecting,
      201 words
    • 474 16 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Ho Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Otlo Spore P Shorn p x) "MALACCA" 7/9 July 10/10 July "MIONIA" 22 25 |uly 26/27 v "FALSIRIA- 16/19 Aug. 20/ 20 Au B x) Collt London (passengers only), Gdynio SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK
      474 words

  • 854 17  -  MICHAEL GOH I His Way 3f Red China by DWARD ZENKOVICH is probably the escaped from behind the with the help of the Red authorities. ni i alter the Bnithorities in Bamboo not have a passport. MJHHI Suuiilvs s f urn, and
    854 words
  • 846 17  -  CHRISTINE DIEMER Muttu und Co. in an utnusiny radio skit 30 in ins. at tun without wnulicu POPULAR, BUT ONLY A FEW WEEKS TO GO By SiuntUird Staff Uvpnrtvr 'IVM? KAY'S Tawm rrlicnrsnl begins uith GeojJ, script and k little silver heir 9 in hand, all ready to
    Standard  -  846 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 1119 18 JACK PEART arguvs with \\S his famous svvroiury ]'M right in the dog-house because I say that serious athletics is no game for girls. In n n •re should be a law against women subjectto the o r r;>in and stress of highly-competi-Ui rd- athli riles
    1,119 words
  • 760 18  -  JAMES AUDSLEY By A Severe Test For All LONDON —It has been said that A golfer does not join the immortals till he has won 'the British Open." This year the championship, which starts on July 4, takes place at the headquarters of
    760 words
  • 299 18 NORTHAMPTON, July 2, (Reuter) A risky declaration by Jack McGlew, when he closed the South African second innings at 80 for one, gave Northamptonshire the opportunity of scoring 219 to win in three hours on the final day of their three day match here.
    299 words
  • 151 18 HENLEY ON THAMES. ncLind, July :> (Keuter) Russian trews, who won three of the international rares here last year, haw reached the finals of three e\ents in this years Henley Regatta. B they have been eliminated in the biggest rare the Challenge Cup for eights
    151 words
  • 21 18 WELLING! land, .i h Sou t h 1 bury \t The H a firm g\ At swift Th<
    21 words
  • 39 18 SIXTCI ■than R lion forman c Thi Beatt) R Intci HI Bratt> Ks M<n Cboon Ho 11. B than.. wav 2 for 17. Raffles Inst H 20. Ricigeway 19. X not out b. Yum.
    39 words
  • 362 18  - Derek to beat the world! Vic Selwyn By A liN II" 1 W year. L< craftsman i> son. of Hud > have urn k. three-mil» r* held n> Ku Kutv That i j dent I K\i bean ron Leader h mrr L'ni\« runner, and unit <, a Thes< P"i.
    362 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • 172 19  - COLONY'S 'OFF SEASON'S HOCKEY TOURNEY OFF VERITY GILL B I, Hockey Associations proposed .V.mrnt is off. Mr G.K. Gossain, vice .....elation, said yesterday that there rounds for the matches to be played. "We had high hopes of ':ng a league, and entries (ailed. Then came the hitch. Because of the
    172 words
  • 20 19 fur but ial I "m- D.H i:. id nI I) i B i'
    20 words
  • 180 19 Malayan Chinese SF Officials OFFICIALS of the Malayan Chinese Sports Federation •d on Friday wriv: President Mr. Koh Teck K:n 'Spore 1 ice-Presidents If esSTS. I Ons Krng Seng Pg Yap! Eng Wah (Mc>, Lee Siew Joo tNS Dato Wong Shm Fun 1 -Joh>. Ho Chik Seong «Pah».; Kwung Hon
    180 words
  • 191 19 HONGKONG Chi- nese Football Asso- ciation XI due here > lor the ninth annual Ho Ho Cup against Malayan Chinese on July 9, will arrive in the Colony three days before the interport soccer encounter. j The lean of eigh- teen players
    191 words
  • Article, Illustration
    66 19 THIRTY members of the Chung Chen High School Basketball team, now touring the Federation. were entertained to a tea-party by officials of the Klang Kindergarten School management committee. The team played against two Klang teams, the Chen Hua and Heok Kong, at exhibition matches held at the (ireat World Amusement
    Ch'ng Seng poh  -  66 words
  • 164 19 MARINES ARE WELL ON THE WAY TO SENIOR LEAGUE TITLE MALAYS, with a better j:«>al average, have taken oxt ibc lead of the Singapore Community league Miecer from the Eurasians who have the same numluT of points from two panics. The Chinese are standing thirtl place, abo with the same
    164 words
  • 53 19 LONDON. July 2 (Renter). The Duke of Edinburgh, has accepted the position of President of the British Empire and Commonwealth Games Federation. The Federation is the con- trolling body of the British Empire and Commonwealth Games the sixth celebration of which will take place in Cardiff
    53 words
  • 219 19 TAIPING. Sat— The following are the positions >>• (earns in the Taiping District Football League up to June 28* Ist Division P W D L F A P:> Taiping Tigers 9 8 10 til 10 IT 2 Malay Rest 9 7 0 2 .")1 14 14 RF.ME
    219 words
  • 762 19 SAFA League tables up to and including July 1 a ic as follows: Community Lragur P \V D L F APt> Malays 2 2 0 0 19 2 4 Eurasians 2 2 0 0 (J 1 4 Chinese 2 2 0 0 I<> 4 4 R.A.F. 1
    762 words
  • 861 19 Linesman reviews Malayan riiket LAST weekend cricket was noteworthy for three unusual happenings In Singapore outright decisions were reached in all senior tourney matches and in Kuala Lumpur for the first time in the shield games, the results in two cases were on three innings.
    861 words
  • 578 19 Batting SiNGAFOItB 63. A mar Singh. Straits Times v Ceylon Sports Club; 11, Martin. Straits Times v Ceylon Sports C:ub; 57 not out. VC westerhout SBC II v Indian I Assc. II: 57. Balwant Singh. Inaian Assc II v SRC II; 56. Marks. SRC v Chinese: 54.
    578 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 45 19 it /^"^N it S~~^S it /^^"^s it Vmikir i ODAY 1 NE MOK (AI Toniu) IODAY: 3i:> X.30-9.15 p.m. South -Ka>t Asia Film Co's Mom Powerful Musical Drama of the Year! J V. SHANTARAM'S SUBAHkaTARA" IN HINOVSJMMi 01 JH [KUik SUtIfTUS V JAYASHREE PRADEEP KUMAR
      45 words
    • 50 19 it r /M(/vr, VYtrisvs h\on Tlusc Cycle* arc winners. SUN ENGLAND PARKES ENGLAND FREJUS ITALY f tun On I stutuli ntf ltitlff<' 00 f C VCt, i: sin ttt; in hts. ■22 a Woi k .tly So'e Agents: Hup Teck Trading Co. 1 1 Cuff Rd.. Spore 8. Tel: *****
      50 words

  • 1466 20  -  WINDSOR LAD Leong 's Final Bid Pips The Camel At The Post By BIG SWEEP TOTAL P00L— 5267,740 Isr Prixe No. *****7 ($75,322) 2nd Prize No. *****3 ($37,661) 3rd Prize No. *****3 ($18,830) STARTERS ($2,690 each) Nos. *****6, *****3, *****1, *****4, *****5, *****4, *****9. CONSOLATIONS ($l,OOO each)
    1,466 words
  • 428 20 Two Ve terans Honoured By Ring Magazine NEW YORK, July 2, (IP) Heavyweight challenger Archie Moore and Ray Famechon of France, two veterans, were honoured today as the Ring Magazine issued its latest ratings. Li.; champion Moo:- e<l 'Tighter or the month," 1 y the magazine r «"f hi> iinprea
    428 words
  • 64 20 MALACCA, Sat Customs beat Medical Sports Club 4-2 in a Government Service league match at Hilir Park yesterday. The Medicals took on the Customs at short notice after the Telecoms gave the Medicals a walkover. After Kong Chce had opened the scoring for Customs. Chee Lim scored
    64 words
  • 116 20 Britain's Davis Cup 'Bombshell' LONDON. July 2 (Reuter) Britain's Davis Cup team selectors dropped a bombshell today when announcing the team to play Italy in the European Zone semi-final. They dropped Tony Mottram and Geoffrey Paish, who have been in the team since 1947 and nominated four of the young
    116 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 20 •Pholo by TRIPLE chmmpiom Lee Enii Cheomg (Irjt) u-ho defeated Sliaarani (riiihl) in the final of the men's singles of the Lower Per ah District Tennis championship at Telok Anson last Sunday, Enf* Cheonti also uon the men's doubles and mixed doubles.— J.C. Lee
    J.C. Lee  -  44 words
  • 123 20 Kelantan Beat Trengganu KOTA BHARU, Sat Kelantan beat Trengganu by three goals to nil in their Malaya Cun encounter before a large crowd at the Sultan Mohamed Stadium here today. Kclantan's schoolboy right half, Tahcer, played a grand game in his Malaya Cup debut. Credit must also be given to
    123 words
  • 125 20 Tickets For Games Are Available MELBOURNE. July 2 (Reuter) The early .sale of half a million pounds of tickets for the Olympic games in Melbourne next year had created a wrong impression that nothing was left for overseas visitors, the chief organiser. Lieutenant General William Bridgeford said last night. Although
    125 words
  • 39 20 NEW ORLEANS. July 2 (Reuter) Joey Maxim, former world lightheavyweight champion, was beaten on points by local boxer Willie Pastrano over 10 rounds here. Maxim, who was 13 stone one pound, had a seven pound weight advantage.
    39 words
  • 285 20 LAST DAY AT WIMBLEDON The 'First Mother' Tipped For Title LONDON. July J. < Reuter) Mrs. Beverly Fleitz, who will be the first mother for 35 years to play in the women's singles final at Wimbledon, will oppose Louise Brough for the title on the final day of the championships
    285 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 22 20 |CREAM CRACKERS l^^»4jU j ALWAYS~FRESH tr DELICIOUS |S THYE HONG BISCUIT CONFECTIONERY FACTORY LTD. WjS,y Alexandra Road Sinq&pore Phones: 6300 ***** vSlt
      22 words
    • 95 20 3 Stars 3 Cameras OneWorld-Pamoustae: r.v.v.v.v.v.v..^. QoUeine% \\+*m 5-.- BEHN MEYER CO., LTD. po. box 3on sincapch' PATERSON SIMONS CO. LTD. Kuala lumpur p, n^? /ftr-T— fl i^/w.* 111 I Jjl f* f 1/ M z^ i No, he i»nr getting married. mH^ f He wjnts the boys to know
      95 words