Sunday Standard, 29 May 1955

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1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 16 1 SUNDAY STANDARD Vol. V. No. 327 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1955 J 20 PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 33 1 Runaway Van Kills Eight ided mmi I mg wildly r 100 n. d «m Not) Hill, i nine cars yesx] oded Into a I flame, kll it persons. epor- en EUld one man
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  • 19 1 IS M Rev- W i has tings id uin ol Belgium iing his Qrst state \n Congo.
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  • 19 1 Marti) < Wright, stage and scr< r, married George J. M Jr.. on Friday in y rk U.P
    U.P  -  19 words
  • 37 1 MANILA, May 23 (API Torrential rains on Friday washed out to sea the coastal village of Darumawang on Mindanao Island. Philippine news service reported >n Saturday. There were ttO reports of casualties,
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  • 32 1 RED China has "welcomed" Indonesian Premier Ali Sastroamidjojo's offer of good offices m talks with the United States on Formosa the Indonesian news agency, Antara. reported from Peking on Sai'irday.
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  • 253 1 Su rgeon Flies To Bedside Of Sick Da to Sent By Colonial Office By JOE SASSOON, Standard Staff Reporter A TEN-THOUSAND-mile dash by plane brought- an internationally known genitourinary specialist to the bedside of the ailing president of the Malayan Chinese Association, Dato Sir Cheng-lock Tan, at the Malacca General
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  • 266 1 By THE SPORTS EDITOR DENMARK will meet India for the right tu challenge Malaya forUe Thomas Cup. Last mfrrU* the Danes continued their cat and moiiSfc/ game with the Aushaj lians to finish off witfr a! nine-nil victory at tnd Singapore Badmityon Stadium. The crowd didn't
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  • 254 1 Report of Inquiry into Hock Lee Busmen's Dispute 'SPARE POOL' MAY CAUSE FUTURE LABOUR UNREST: SCRAP IT, HE URGES ONE hundred and sixty-two busmen of the Hock Lee Amalgamated Bus Company have been recommended for retrenchment by Mr, Charles Gamba, sole arbitrator of the dispute
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  • 62 1 MILWAUKEE, Wisoonsn. May 28 (AP) A mother who wont nto labour while alor.o In her homo had triplet- yesterday, two of thorn at the before help arrived. The third baby was born dead at a hospital, where, a policeman, summoned by a relative, took Mrs.
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  • 68 1 ROME, May 28 (Reuter) Nearly a million italiaa secondary school children, w on an Indefinite holiday today as most ol their 52,000 teachers declared an all-out strike. On the eve of the strike, called *> win Increase m wbai teachers i omplain are "M ni wag
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  • 122 1 The Five 'Strongmen' Of UMNO JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. •S-Turiijku Abdul Rahman, k^sjs&i of UM.NG,_an-' 53j3ced for ftle ftrsTfVf&e. today the names of five men m his organization who are considered "strong" m their individual electoral divisions, m the Federal Elections on July 27. The Tungku himself will contest Central Kedah
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  • 74 1 HONGKONG. May 28 (Router) The official Chinese Communist newspaper. Peking People's Daily, expressed satisfaction today with the responsible attitude "being taken by the British authorities m Hongkong over the Kashmir Princess airliner disaster, Peking Radio reported. It blamed "Chiang Kaishek agents" for putting a time-bomb aboard the
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  • 99 1 LONDON. May 28 (Reuter) With all but one of the <»0 seats decided the position m the new House of Commons which has five more seats than the last was: Conservatives— 344 net gain 23. Labour 277 net loss 17. Liberals 6. Sinn Fein 2
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  • 233 1 LONDON. May 23 (Renter). Mounting Industrial troubles cappe.' by the threat of a national rail strike tonight robbed Sir Anthony Eden of any chance to relax after his party's sweeping general election victory. The railway stoppage, timed for midnight and coinciding with* Britain's official Whitsuntide
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  • 353 1 5,000 Workers Get Better Deal THE 5/000 waterfront workers of the Singapore Harbour Board have called off their recent threat to strike. Yesterday representatives' of their unipns ancl oftiHie, Rosr'J met fti IW fcfibtj head office and. aiter three* hours; fcached' an ag *re*
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  • 53 1 NAIROBI. May 23 (Renter* —Senior reserve police officer. Richard Owen, 25. of Lustleight. near Newton Abbot. Devonshire, was gored to death by a rhinoceros while leading a patrol against Mau Mau terrorists, the police announced here. The forest path was too narrow for him to sidestep when
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  • 133 1 65 GIRLS FACE VARSITY RAGGING SIXTY-FIVE girls, one of them a 'married woman, will face the traditional freshies' "ragging" when the University of Malaya begins its 1955 academic year m October. They are among 331 students who have passed the University's entrance examination and will be admitted to the six
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  • 65 1 MOBILE. Alabama, May 28 (AP) A 17->ear-old mother told police that a friend hypnotized her, told her he was her husband and raped her. She said her husband found out about it after hypnotising himself. Jesse Ovmon. 25-year-i old married sjposman, «^as ehargSfc wf+tn rape The
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  • 41 1 LONDCW, May 28 (AP) Dr. Roger Bannistrr. Britain's wonder four minute milcr, announced he is to marry a young Swiss artist. Miss Myra Jacobson. he met about a year ago. Both Bannister and ilisj Jacobson are 26.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 127 1 m ENGLISH (S.E.A.) LTD. v C;.^QgE KUALA LUMPUR, M SIR JOHN ■JF NICOLL A farewell profile of the "GovB Jl crnor who got things 4^ Page' 9." :E SINGAPORE ■c WIN MOVIE KfTS IN "A TOWN ■jKE ALICE." JJ wide /or Singam rr Sex York p o n dent B
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    • 27 1 SERVES L^tan MALAYAS 55.20 ICC CREAM (ACTUALLY I'M FLYING A l^ HOME BY SAS _J Generol Agents: THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. 124, Robinson Rood Telephone *****
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  • 249 2 They'll Appear In 'A Town Like Alice' THREE Singapore youngsters, sons of JtA,\nd Mrs. Frederick Ingham, from Rugby, >^nwickshire. England, will be seen m the movie "A Town Like Alice" soon to be filmed by J. Arthur Rank The boys' mother received a letter
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  • 1302 2 Varsity Entrance Examination THF. following have been ic^p'cn for the first year of l!i» course m Arts: Abd Ariz bin Haji Taha, Abdul Azi/ bin Hussain, Abd Aziz bin Mahmud, Abdul La tiff i tv-i sSian. Abdullah bin Abd t] Kadir. Abdullah bin Elim Din. Ab Bak i\ bin Abu
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  • 34 2 PROFESSOR C. K. Ingold. of the London University will lecture on "the Mechanism of Steric Hindrance" m the Chemistry Department, University of Malaya, Cluny Road, at 6 p.m. on June 1.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 128 2 i ~^^cS^ "^^^H |^^^^^^n^rr===s3 inn/11 ""tWBSb Another 1955 Success for mmmmmmm GRAND PRIX SHELL 3 d' EUROPE fIRRf IST MAURICE TRINTIGNANT MOTOR OIL j driving a Ferrari THE RIGHT OIL £^i£z! THE SMALL 4-SEATER mJi 7 r m he _o«*»*onding and world wide success of the ii seater 500 comes
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    • 321 2 \v a: m pc I I •mg 8 a .m. V I Eve: qB Maths. 1 Senio! m I I EARN SAN. -J ■versity I Bhavan A p- Capirar: I (/LOWER- <^1 Dressrr 1 I pAKEMAKIXG Cakes. afternoon cv, I C!;> v,.^ course Sso. 6 1 S J f IXSTI
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  • 354 3 liirni Adler has something for everybody on June 13 The visit of Lorry Adler to the Chen Wu t» en June 13 is an event which will please L mon people than the ever-growing circle of ■ffteroti concert goers. ha developed an f, so much
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  • 54 3 Big Fashion Show To Aid Charity the I I American civ: Road, on June 7 at 3 i also be i ■2 da rom eight of b: fashion the shod go to the Am gg project, the Chi'.< v supply i I milk and a •h all tcrials- neces•ne. show
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  • 8 3 »i from I nel, Singapore, on
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  • 227 3 IN 1855 MR. STRIPES HAD A MAN A DAY ONE HUNDRED years ago. it is written of Singapore, "there were always a few tigers roaming about and they killed, on an average, a man every day The last authentic record of a local tiger was of a beast shot m
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  • 36 3 an Indian living In Tras Street, who had a n*sht with two other Indians m a backlane oil Tapah Street, Singapore, was admitted to the Genera] Hospital with stab •a rands yesterday.
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  • 473 3 BABA' S BID FOR UNITY HAILED Ong Seeks Closer Ties With Malays And Chinese CHINESE m Singapore yesterday welcomed "as a step m the right direction" the suggestion of Mr. T. W. Ong, president of the Straits Chinese British Association, that it should forge closer ties with Straits Malays and
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  • 163 3 Modern Quarters For The Force's Rank And File A POLICE colony that will cost Government 53.--000.000 is fast taking shape on Mount Vernom, m the Paya Lebar area of Singapore. There will be quarters for police families and a school for their children. The Public Works
    Standard  -  163 words
  • 339 3 According to one who knows Standard Staff Reporter "THE Abominable Snowman," said Everest cameraman Tom Stobart, "is about this high," measuring: to a point just below his shoulder. Considering Mr. Stobart is r 6ft 4in.. that made the creature just about as tall
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  • 87 3 HONGKONG, May 28: (Reuter.) Mr. George Henry Stacey, acting chief manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, died suddenly this morning at his residence at the bank building. He was 57. Mr. Stacey was due to retire m a few months to California to join his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 w$ YOU TO "^#^^AlR TOURIST ■'^^m^^' IPOH-K.LUMPUR $24. FLY MALAYAN AIRWAY f n 5-95
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    • 691 3 />r\C^K| TONIGHT AT Vl/EV/ll MIDNIGHT ▼jSsfisf'J ir^JE^l s^^l 1 I Lv^si > wCiA^g rJB *M~m WWi i 1 !LH li!J&2r* 'WP^H b^IW d II I I I k^HIV a^o*\ .E^^^^^Ssl V -f iS^Sf m m r I Swßlß^Bv^BW a^^B ■&t<gt-, < t B /i^ w m swaH sV^V JB /^bfl
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  • 179 4 The rubber market m Sinj gan^re remained quietly steady all morning with only moderate trading reported first grade rubber for June shipment closing at 923 cents per lb., a drop of i cent on Friday. Prices opened .-lightly below Friday on a quiet market and steadied during
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  • 263 4 chief foreman and assistant foreman Promotion to higher grades «U1 wherever possible, be made from among those Oread? m the service an I who are suitable and qualified The Board also plans to I build flats for married employees. Construction at these nats may begin m three months' time. New
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  • 225 4 WOMAN AGENT VITAL LINK IN HARBOUR GRAFT Shipping Clerks Share In Seamen's Bribe By Bernard Williams Standard Shipping Reporter A MID D L E-AGED Malay-speaking Cantotonese woman is alleged to be deeply involved m the seamen's racket which was exposed m the Sunday Standard last week. She was described as
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  • 85 4 DATO Sir Onn bin Ja'afar has resigned as Pro-Chan-cellor of the University of Malaya and the resignation has been accepted. The Chancellor of the University. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. has appointed Dato Panglima Kinta (Haji Mohamed Eusoff) m place of Dato Onn. The Dato Panglima was a
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  • 81 4 THREE hundred people attended the fashions festival held m the West Point Gardens last night. The function was m aid Of the Singapore Anti Tuberculosis Association. Many of the dresses modelled showed a variation of east -west trends. One of these entitled -White Phoenix" was a
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  • 31 4 THE \a\\\ annual general meeting of The Singapore Indian Chamber ol Commer which was to be he'd yesterday, was postponed to June 4 due to lack of a quorum,
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  • 296 4  - Black Magic Scare In Klang Estates P. K. NAIR HUMAN EFFIGY USED IN RITUAL By Standard Staff Correspondent KLANG, Sat.— A black magic scare is spreading among the thousands of estate labourers here following the discovery one night this week of a weird ritual involving a human effigy. The fear
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  • 87 4 TWO electricians ci the Paya Lebar airport. Loi Joon Wah, 27. and l-brahi:r i bin Alohameri. 28. were admitted to the General Hospital suffering from food poisoning, yesterday. I.x}: had a cup of coffee i:i the canteen. He did not like the taste and asked Ibrahim
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  • 43 4 A WOMAN pharmacist. Annie B. Eiliott. of Lornie Road. was fined 510 m the Singapore Second Tragic Court yesterday, for causing unnecessary obstruction by parking a oar m front of the post office m Newton Circus on March 8
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 290 4 V k I E\ m S* V I 1 End the miserable pain and embarrassment of toils and ulcers moto. Clear up Eczema, pimples and all skin troubles the quick, comfortable way with D.D.D. Let D.D.D. bring you soothing relief from itching, irritation and embarrassment. DO D i SPECIAL QUICK
      290 words
    • 137 4 if can afford i V I t^facuq arc b y^ Vou-il rind them ai I CELLOPHANE-SEALED Jt^>\ ALUMINIUM BOXES r --^^^P^T I OF2S I OR AIRTIGHT TINS V^^^J^^^i^^. <jJ\\WmT/ I to\ LLOYD TRIESIIM I fj Jr^ >H^ > X M m M SPECIALLY REDLCE! cf ROUND -VOVAtLF^ J First Dbti
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 87 4 "1 could kfck mqself" P^^l^7 \fa-i* 'owj-pcFy*is<~j jj*>e) V !<3st week l*e bee* bc?ysdi4 pi^vn^tJ <*» <j taat^ if you're f Z i at's a a{iAestiov\\\ [s&tin^d^^/SXki^iyear. -fautt. I've let <K«m calwcays. 1/ lof t^jctic s-bu* Hock v 7 dc?w^.TusUc?Ki j ATTHE OOCTOR'S I AND SO, SOMETIME LATER HORLICKS /Now
      87 words
    • 1083 4 Standard cJllmancic Information at a Glance wRBBHBmmmBaam**—-" m j, :r. Fad Malaya Sons Goes Round the World. S" f I fcl m is"* j"\ y 9% r hesira iS 130 News (S»; ilH.32 19.59m 1130 New?. w: IJ Pi VI M K CJ K r 1 4.3 Sweet Serenade (Ml:
      1,083 words

  • 407 5 Marshall's 'Meet The People 9 Session Chief Minister To Consider Benefit Fund SINGAPORE'S Chief Minister, Mr. David 1 Marshall, at his "meet the people" session rdav dealt with two of the most knotty jobltWl facing the Colony Government the MfStiofi of growing unemployment and the gration
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  • 53 5 I \!»K PONNI \H. i-. bi't-n .iv irdrd a\\ m iii\ rrnirni hip uiidti th> i h> Plan to do t\ il r\u .it thf I'm ->f Melbourne. 1 1 fa iri if r t'd lit .t lion X i H ii- > Instltui ion. poi i rid
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  • 81 5 St. Joseph 's Cadets Score 100% Successes fin ■i1 r itrj I nooi r rtificate I fart of those con< the -.n-Chi* I Major D. D. C. TulX n a leti I the st j Corps, I ut ion C before rcent lined 11 Credit and 26 Ea P 1953
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  • 74 5 SINGAPORE cafe singer 2 -v.\. v. |i Yang I Yuen, Ed o r atpting suicide vaa dis«n wai ol the General Hospital erday. barge n ad out to ber her by the First I DR Magistrate, [b Ahmad bin Mohamed Ibrahiin. 5 s wh<
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  • 94 5 inaugural meeting ol the i Nonacademic Start" Union held at the Arts Theatre, Clunv Road, Singapore, attended by 120 member.--. ele te I Mr. Chan Teong Sin a* their first Presil 'it. Other office-bearer-; elected Pr< lenl Mr Swee Lim Swang, S. v i I Mr V.
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  • 32 5 i I.- c ncen at lal 3 Jun. r Bjrmphonj UOd the Teach' :V the bed CommisMr Ma:, a are still late, la la Andrei 'a Mi sion
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  • 47 5 photo. CHRISTINE ANN. daughter of Inspector of Police. Mr. K\ Lawrence, and Mrs. Lawrence, was christened in Singapore's Cathedral of Good Shepherd yesterday. Godmother Mrs. C. Akantra. is holding Christine. On the left is Inspector Lawrence while godfather Mr. Alcantra is on the right. Standard
    Standard  -  47 words
  • 144 5 Mr. Lee withdrawn Part apthe H< C >mi ntals of i ting, 1 H< I Superintendent r Ing Depart■,i that the the fish stalls be i fr m |1Q to $20 I for class -A"' markets Mr. Lee opposed this pn>poaaL He pointed out that
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 5 MR. Peter Richard Andrew. S.I'.C Tapah. and his bride walk under an archway of swords drawn by Officers of the Perak Polite Contingent and the 1 »i (iurkha Kifles after their marrime in the Church of St John the Divine in [poh yesterday. The bride is the former
    Standard; Lee Thong Choon  -  71 words
  • 213 5 And They Were On Loan KAHMAH binte Koming, borrowed jewellery from her sister-in-law for her wedding. Three weeks alter, her husband, Noor bin Mohamed, absconded with the jewellery. This was stated m the Singapore Third Criminal District Court yesterday when Noor pleaded guilty to
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  • 44 5 A THIEF who stole a wallet containing $125 from the back room of a house m Dunearn Road, yesterday, left his bicycle behind when chased by the watchman. The thiet. however, escaped. The bicycle was handed over to the police.
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  • 111 5 THREE men, Kwan Ah Yccn. Huang Po- 1 Kok and Tan Ghim Nam wore charged m the Singapore Second Criminal Distrid Court yesterday with being members of an unlawful assembly with the obj, oi throwing stones at members of the Police Force m Alexandra Circus on May
    111 words
  • 91 5 LIM All Yew was charged m the Singapore Second Crimina] District Court yesterday with cheating Hui Kuk Po of $3,075 between April 2 and 4. He was alleged to nave induced Hui to believe he would transfer the tenancy of a house m Blair Road
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  • 43 5 THE Sennett Estate Residents' Welfare Association will hold a children's party tomorrow at St Andrew's School, Serangoon Road, from 2 p.m. Buses will cruise round the Estate from 1 p.m. to bring children and parents to the School.
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  • 125 5 HAINAN SEAMEN JAILED IN MERSING JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. The four seamen from a sailin? iunk which came into Mersing early this month are m jail m Merging, Johore. They wore arrested by the Johore Police when they came ashore and were charged before the Mersing Magistrate on May 22 for
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  • 103 5 SHOOTING SEQUEL: 3 CHARGED A CHARGE of attempting to cause grievous hurt \va^ explained to three men m Ward 36 of tiie General Hospital. Singapore, yesterday, by Magistrate, Inche Ahmad Ibrahim. The men. Ambak bin Haji Hussain. 40, Hussain bin Abdullah, 21, and Abu Wahab bin Jono, 2r>. are alleged
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 112 5 smmSb I toning Clipper serv,ce vio Momto i q fltahts weekly 2412 Call your Travel I P/^flwr^^* 4Ae lUantortd symbol 0f ffl'^ V, V/ Obtainable f\^ at all TITONI < S >^ SWISS MADE 1 Here is the NEW I 1 Styled I CRAFTSMAN _J*S£o® !«BS!S|fiSSB^ Famed as a quality
      112 words

  • 599 6  -  GERREE READ By [T is a fact, and a i egrettable one, that at least ninety-five per cent of all beauty articles are written for the women between twenty and forty, or for teen-agers. People" tend to forget that the woman who is past filty abo needs
    Mirrorpic  -  599 words
  • 284 6  - SCIENTISTS TAKE OVER Ronald Bedford By 81-G department store calk m a scientist, and what happens? Women buying pots, pans and kitchen gad gets m a London store are finding out. ...And they are liking the ideas he has introduced for their benefit. Burly Arthur Knight, 34, of the Industrial
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  • 544 6  -  MARY BROWN By rFHAT question, asked A mainly by husbands, crops up m my mail almost every day. This time a girl writes. Her. name Is Ellen and she lives m a coast town. "I'm getting married m June." writes Ellen. "Jim, my boy friend, is quiet.
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  • Article, Illustration
    209 6  -  Nora Littlejohn By new hairstyle this week, shaped like a diamond with the side points fluffed out to their widest at eye-level. It's brushed flat on top. This is a particularly good style for girls with soft baby-like hair, because it is so easy to manage. TO SET
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  • 237 6 ]\TEW YORK— (NE A)— With new fabrics and blends, many cleaning bills can be forgotten m favour of easier and far less expensive washing for men's clothes. Nylon, long used m women's wear, is popular for casual clothes for men. In many weaves for different appearances, nylon
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 427 6 OH! WHAT A RELIEF!! S^ x a iXo need now to dread those sudden 2k*^7 ACTLJMA I ffTVsN^^J MM 3 I MM D 1 neglect that cough t //l/>'///\S%. ]h\ Per si i tent caught ng may *lHlir^Z?~~*^ ATTAr*lf Q damagt thi lungs, bronchi iJf ~-^^s'\ IMv»IVO or trachea, leaving
      427 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 139 6 {fit RySaoK^^K" >*«^ v ""'v''*X H "V c Si .JJHgSMgy yfl mortal ■••J tor i lie fra the sufft i bi this I illotson v| mi \v I I Ml People wi i adily to e meut and Promote i ke s er-u I'OI K I M I I I
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  • 2 7
    2 words
  • 3034 7  -  Duncan Neish By 1 A thousand pounds, eh Very well, ill take it.' And Findlay made out a cheque for that amount I EMPTINGLY, Samuel Benson dangled the ar ring before the tall, lean man who had red his establishment and expressed a w
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 83 7 fLM mm w\ H S( <• j^^ JJBB^ j C..:r.V;nod Ch.iiri and Go »r Dvv. c I Available m a two-needle machine MADE l\ GERMANY CertMcate of Ufetime Guarantee Avf presents the finest I\ 1* monograms, sews on JBr I\\ s an^ makes button holes jw and I latest Model
      83 words
    • 100 7 j^w4> /fjfl hf sjf col <B£Ba&t //tf s^ yty Zgr Feather Foundation- i ''|jjl a tinted liquid cream l'|l| ogives a perfect surface Vi to hold the fine I^\ 111 it \a t i m\\W bJoom ot your ijowdcr. Feather light, feather soft, this non-drying foundation hides every tiny blemish,
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  • Sunday Standard
    • 340 8 (^HIEF Minister David Marshall's call to the Chinese at Thursday's Legislative Assembly meeting struck a much lower note m plaintiveness than any of his sudden somersaults from a challenging leader of the Labour Front Government at the recent emergency session of that august body. His plea that
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    • 324 8 r VHK recent labour unrest In the Colony, coming as It did With the return to power of Singapore's first Labour Government, was undoubtedly caused r; Communist propaganda which has deliberately isted the Marxian theory to support its doctrine economic processes can only develop along p lines 1
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    • 250 8 tyilE move by the western democracies for a Big Four meeting la an indication how great is the yearning for dispelling nervous war tensions and t:. establishment of a long and lasting peace In agreeing to hold this conference, they sincerely ye that these talks will lead
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  • Our special correspondents report...
    • 949 8  - 'World-wide Black Eye For S'p ore Reaction To The Riot Of May 12, 1955 By DUNIA BAHRU nnHE Riot has given A Singapore a worldwide black eye. This should come as no surprise but to make matters worse, it has destroyed the popular impression that the Colony was moving slowly
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    • 975 8  - COLONY-BORN LADY HUGGINS SURE OF VICTORY Andrew Roth fpoigodfgod By lIKN I last saw vibrant Lady (Milly) Huggins at last year's Association of British Malaya dinner, she was sure that she would be Singapore's first LadyM.P. m the House of Commons. She had already boon adopted as the prospective Conservative
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 .These wonderful DpOQ S9| banish bronchial TROUBLES, COUGHS, COLDS INFLUENZA V Suck Peps tablets and breaihe pleasant meSto* 'nal essences into all air passages to the lungs* W That is how Peps so quickly destroy dangerous W m 9% mgm%L A sciim toot he throat and chest, and overcom* W
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    • 243 8 "^^o The secret of easier shaving Preparing the beard for the mot is an all importam part of shaving. Gillette scientists have evolved two new > Shaving Creams— G.liette Lather and Gillette Brush -sj These creams dissolve the natural oily film which e-j as a protective covering to the *Hfat.
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  • 837 9  - THE GOVERNOR WHO GOT THINGS DONE SIR JOHN NICOLL David Tambyah gfgtryghgh Kfi Flash hacks* HEN Sir John Fearns Nicoll sails from Singapore on Thursday on retirement 1 he will leave behind a record of service which, perhaps, has no parallel m the history of the Colony. His policy of
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  • 471 9 Tongues Can Tell An Unhealthy Tale MEDICINE NEW YORK,— Tongues can tell many tales but few are as meaningful as those they can tell a physician. a quick glance at your tongue may give your doctor the only clue that you arc suffering from a nutritional disease, according to the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 109 9 \lnnp the ireather 9 services by 'T^S^SS^^?^^ m <l a pore r^ To HO\G KO\G departure* Bam MS la --Ajr- TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS. SUNDAYS 395| dskk i THUP3DAYS SUNDAYS 223 1 i^^rSft. > l#tf»O.V departures 8a m. MS gjjftafr TUESDAYS 189 I |/*r» connecting "skymanter ncrrice* to: n\\Goo\ rucirri MANiIA Th#
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    • 37 9 Testing Times \T '2.15 p.m. a man m Gaffney, South Carolina. U.S.A., passed his driving tost. He was ticketed for speeding at 3.15. for recklesj driving at 6.30. and warned by a third policeman at 8.30 p.m.
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    • 112 9 j KODAK auto releases, cable I JliSt arrived! releases, tripods, exposure J I meters, flashlights, lens j CAMERA FILM cleaning papers, etc. I I Also KODAK photo lab (for a MUST for storing your own developing), cameras, lens, films, etc. chemiccls, film clips, photo especially m this dimatf. guide ond
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  • 426 10  - MONCRIEFF TIPPED TO WIN NEXT HILL CLIMB EDIN PETERS By 1 motoring] THE next- speed meeting m the Malayan motoring calendar is the annual hill climb programme to be held at Bukir Batok, off eighth mile Bukit Tirnah Road, Singapore on June 5. Singapore Motor Club, t]ic organizers of this
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  • 30 10 No ProfitQuick Return MAX who broke out of gao Castaic, California, U.SA., thumbed a tide m a car It was drivtn by man on his u av ti> the saol. <
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  • 49 10 Hit ting It Home MAX fined m Nor 1 is, i sA [or failing to stop at a ha I sign led ired by the judge on the peri's oi ign< ving traffic signals. On his 9 .;>■ home he stopped at the Stop md was hit by another car.
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  • 30 10 l?OR parking his lorry on the railway track just before a train was due to a driver was fined £18 m Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The train stopped m time.
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  • 27 10 r>.\I)IO headphones have been plated by a Paris, Frame, hairdresser m his hair-drying machine so that women tan be entertained while having their hair done.
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  • 237 10 LAST WEEK'S CONCOURSE D'ELEGANCE A cheongsamed beauty and a gleaming Triumph I AST Sunday night, the i Ocean Park Hotel was the venue for the Singapore Motor Club's Concourse D'Kleganee. More than 20 cars were entered for this beauty contest. A Triumph T.R 2 owned by I). Hiorns
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  • 684 10 I CHESS By Queen's Castle ALTHOUGH chess has its roots deeply laid m tlie pas: it was not until the 15th century, that it assumed something like its present form and modern chess may be said to date from that time. During this period two
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 463 10 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. Tiki *****/6. *****/4 132/6 Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN itRVICt To Maiit«» Monttcti Boston. N«w Yoffc. SalttiM**. Philadelphia Cult Ports S pora P S ham Pcnjng art N V WLYSSES 9/ l 6 Mn 7 un- S MB 25 |uly M£NTOR 1?/»8 lul*
      463 words
    • 743 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCandik. Fo» Aden, Port Sold, Gcnoo. Antwerp, R of Cf U Copenhagen, Gothenburg' ard q^* S'oore p r.. x) "SELANDIA" 5/7 June s "MALACCA" 3/ sjulv Jg l( X) Colls Beyrouth, London (possengers onK r, udvn, c SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA U X tm Spore p
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 86 11 ROME Switching from the ragged peasant girl's clothes of her recent successful serial "Bread Love EtcoeterG" into a gorgeous cbundance of laces and ostrich feathers, Italy's sceen lady Gina Lollobrigida tries on a costume for her next film, under the direction of Hollywood's Robert
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  • 239 11  - Woman Tailors His Suits ANDREA DOUGLAS CRANE By and HOLLYWOOD TAB HUNTER, who has appeared in "Battle Cry' and The Track of the Cat,"' is well on the way up alter a fairly hard time. A year ago he had boiv row money to buy ins mother Christmas present. BoI
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  • 360 11  -  Christine Diemer PARADE of expensive floats, the Army band. police lines, ticker tape showers and a '"Beauty Guard of Honour" for what WBfl described as ''the cream of Australia's social, governmental and military life." hailed, with more exuberance than truth, '"Interrupted Melody" as the greatest musical drama
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  • 1064 11  -  Donald Zec > vv\ vvw vvv\ w r^ \\v\\\w vvw w —and still climb the hill back to success W/HEN film star Susan Hayward was found unconscious from an overdose of sleeping tablets recently she was clutching the script of a picture m which
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 324 11 SHAW BROTHERS ORGANISATION ATTRACIiONS CAPITOL sfp a »'5» LJUIi-—^ and 9.30 p.m. (S 10th DAY of the Battle of the Giants! i-.fcsjU k JTc f Aa^bmbb^b^M»b^MbMMbWbWbWbWßbWbWMßl 8^ i*? S\ F^j 5^ P ff SCOPE I ua h**M im TECHNICOLOR COMING! ▼In the green hell of Burma's &L HKb^^ Elephant Country
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  • 87 12 SPEARING OF PICTURES Name Address Title Camera Used Aperture Speed Film ABOVE: "Water and Sand" by Miss S.K. Boey of 44 Green Hall, Penang. Solida, fS, 1 100th, Perutz Perpantic. LEFT: -'Family Picnic" by Abdul Jalil Yusoff of Dept. of Information, Alor Star. Rolleicord, f 16, 1
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 125 12 AH over the world people use automobiles. And all over S* the world the Vo'kswagen has won f Cy countless friends. Some love it chiefly for its remarkable economy, others for jju, \/m^tf\ 1> its rugged construction and fine Ij^^. fßrnlkl workmanship and still others for its 2 magnificent finish,
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    • 150 12 what is the (KoreH) 1 A unique attachment to convert your 5 a complete range-tmder job. 5 n^piy j 5 your camera end is reedy to go. 2 The focorect having no C feed !rng*ri of its own, does not effect the efficiency of s<~^& highly corrected lenses. jjPy&\ For
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  • 83 13 THE DIONNE QUINS (Emilie Died) ARE 21 YEARS OLD Last Year THE four surviving sisters of Dionne quintuplets observed fieir 21st birthday m Canada yesterday, and at the same hme received an accumulated I estate totalling nearly a million dollars. This account written by C. M. Fellman, managing editor of
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  • 114 13 FOUR BACHELOR GIRLS WITH A MILLION just another :nu. We were work a bit it day, but that I nh because it üblhhing date. t;>oM days we pub|m just three tinies ethiag hapit morning to a day of days the newspaper I ::.'J, some- m time did i transform us
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  • 998 13 There Will Be Suitors After Their Money' 1 n ites belt re 3 tin edit r, thf» Eddie) Bui 1 ph me ca!i fr< ro tm a garage r v Callander, nine t"!M had just learned he v iKinine an uncle of fk\ e I ifl b*»rn at once and
    AP  -  998 words
  • 837 13  - THE MURDERER who BOASTED about HIS KILLINGS ADRIAN BALL Why Do They Kill In Numbers? by I) >veied, of the masa nfiesa all tter than his determination Often, r:e be i. eves lore mur ea to, is chance ol I "guiity tot I gartfed .i- being EU *O They rs
    837 words
  • 459 13 MIR BASHIR, the internationally known palmist, presents a new series Know Your Own Hand. This week he tells you of HTHE major horizontal line that crosses the palm beneath the roots of the ringers is known as the Line of the Heart and speaks of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 316 13 i^gL^ 11.30. a.m. 2.00 4.15, <JSR»W^fc- 7.00, and fl ::d p.m. KIXBS IHIAIRt ftffl^^^ UNITED ARTISTS presents v— [|^Mwllalli Jack Mahoney— Peggy Castle WCOLOWirfl)U)>C»of»a» TO-MORROW 11.30-2.00-4.15-7.00 9.30 p.m. Jews mo vie MUS| wis/ f FRANK KATHRYN GENE > SINATRA GRAYSON KELLY I AWEIGIi >' 8E2353Z222Z11 V.' H inCr ITIIDDI »no
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  • Article, Illustration
    87 14 THE giant Sikh, Dtli Sinqh, meets King: Kong m a 'blood and thunder' 100-minute non-stop wrestle tonight at the Happy World stadium. Dara. due to return to India tomorrow, drew with King Kong when they met last at the Happy World, and is determind to scalp the Hungarian m the
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  • 408 14 CHUA BROS. PUT S'GOR IN STRONG POSITION Emr Chve Hits 118 Runs KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— A splendid batting by Chua Eng Chye who knocked up 118 runs, enabled Selangor Chinese to be m a commanding position m their annual two-day cricket match against Singapore Chinese which began today on the
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  • 494 14 AN unbroken fourth wicket stand between Barker 45 and Kirkham 15, of the SCC and a lucky innings of 71 by Barron, of the Army, put the Europeans m a strong position against the Rest,' on the first day of their annual three-day cricket
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  • 526 14  - Natekar A Coining World Champion LEONG HEW MENG By IN MALAYA, badminton is often used as a stepping stone to tennis, but the opposite appears to be the ease in other countries. One outstanding example was Dr. Dave Freeman ot America. Now, we have Nandu Natekar. the Indian National badminton
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  • 62 14 At Woodsville McNair S.C beat St. Andrews School by 87 runs. McNair 200 for five del Neol Perera not out 53 Thambyraj 40. T. Tim not out 27. Thasan one for 34 St. Andrews 113 all out Thasan 66. Neol Perera five for 25, Mohd. Laily three f'cr
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  • 121 14 THIRTY-ONE players have been selected by the Singapore Hockey Association tor training against the Delhi Wanderers hockey team from India, who are expected to arrive on Jane 6. Training will continiK through the week, except on Saturdays and Sundays At 9 a.m. today there will
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  • 103 14 At R.I. ground Indian Association drew with Raffles Institution. LA. 199, Razak 36, Kanchanlal 25. Manon 15. Ridgway three for 28. Satha two for seven, Joe de Souza two for one. R.I. for five. Baldiaraj Singh 23. Sachithanathan 16. Armstrong not out 30. Kanchanlal two for 20. On
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  • 173 14 HEADING the biJl of a seven-bout programme at the Happy World stadium tomorrow night. Kan Tong Kee meets Paul Cheng over six rounds. Interesting exchanges are expected m this fight as both boxers are regular crowd pleasers. In the supporting event, John Carter meets Poh Juat
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  • 91 14 SOCCER TRIA L MA T( 11 1954 Singapore Malaya Civ XI vs. Best at Jalan Besar a! r> IS p 7 n. Division 2B: Seletar FC. us. T. Bahru Ranger* at Jalan Besar at 4 p.m.; Star Soccerties "A" vs. Bukii Timah SC. at Geylang. CRICKET: Europeans VS.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 205 14 $entetma\ New Henley Trek Track Tyre |>r«ves ife worth on the roajli^t road* tni NfKLrv TtiK track is the amazing new tyre which has won an amazing reputation for j^S&SmL Ib^. find that there is a Henley Wmmw& J^t lyre specially made for it. v^ES^E^hJJJM| WBM^^r m ,i 'rrXM 'l''\
      205 words
    • 195 14 1 7HK!$\ I FORD I 1 /s^ ■I 'universal car: j S'porc f; fl VVEARNE BrcjJ K. Lumpur S, m i Ong Bon Hcr, c I arc Mohomcd JqH oi pui tiongyJ Ford 1 GROW TAUB Health bj Omusc SuiUbl -k sexes. Krsuit s i Picas. s. in v J
      195 words

  • 2293 15  -  WINDSOR LAD Talkie Wins Main Race By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Making a final spurt, Talkie II overhauled Townsman m the last tew strides to win the main 51 furlongs sprint for Class Three Division One horses today, opening day of the Selangor Turf Club's May/June Meeting
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  • 567 15 EIGHT records were smashed at the Anglo-Chinese School's 41st annual athletic sports held at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Quek Hon Van, who won the 120 yards hurdles, the hop, step and jump events and secured second places m two other events, became the individual
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  • 60 15 TOTAL P00L—5195,655 Ist Prize No. *****9 ($52,828) 2nd Prize No. *****2 ($26,414) 3rd Prize No. *****8 ($13,207) STARTERS ($2,641 each) Nos: *****8, *****0, *****9, *****3, *****6. CONSOLATIONS: ($1,173 each) Nos. *****2, *****9, *****9, *****9, *****3, *****3, *****4, *****6, *****8, *****5. FORECAST POOL: Race Three—lo Tickets S9O, Race Five—l
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 268 15 C faa are winners. SUN tI^4(jLAND PARKES F RE JUS ITA.Y llgAgl UiH siiitulitlij turtfji' of 4 VI Lh MrtMi t*AHTS. k 9 bp Teck Trading Co. S*pon 8. lei: ***** r lea r l Trouble aused fay High lood Pressure n« aroand th« bean. •*!rn»i*i». hrtdach't ay of. i
      268 words
    • 524 15 fHP MW' I ilP^ HIP Wfm I I Hlf mm I ihQt C tnD lUAt%fi w W i IP HP i lllulo lliu ffUl U W \J JL AA JL for the NEW With the elimination of objectionable noise &ni vibration, GWmmmm %W m mSf Johnson Sea-Horses" add entirely new
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 16
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  • 103 16 Heat Beats Eddie And Poh Lim MALAYA'S Thomas Cup players, Eddie Choong and Ong Poh Lira featured m a furious practice match at the Bidminton Stadium yesterday morning— but the heat was the only winner! After long rallies and smashing, both players stopped play m the middle of the first
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  • 466 16 ft fl t^^^^M *^^L I^J .^^^f Joe Alston, captain of the American Thomas 1 Cup team, left by air J •J for home yesterday morning. j* Carl Loveday and Dick 5 Mitchell are flying to S Hongkong this morning 2 to be followed on Tues- day by
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  • 280 16 Kobbero Plays 'Cat Mouse' With Russell DENMARK 5-0 Finn Kobbera beat Stan Russell 15 12, 15 1. Umpire: Sng Kong Beng. STAN RI SSELL opened the match with an encDuraging lead of winning the first point which was caught m the net from Kobbero. and smashing home his two other
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 16 2 Bowed m defeat Australia's Stan Russell gets J consolation from victorious Finn Kobbero, who beat J 5 him m straight sets to put Denmark m the Thomas J J Cup zone final m the decider of the match last J i night. J
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  • 249 16 DENMARK 8-0 Fi?i?i Kobbero and H. Hansen (Denmark) beat Stan Russell and Alan McCab c (Australia) 15—3, 15—1. Umpire: Sioio Watt Soon. THE All England champions. Finn Kobbero and Hamergaard Hansen played much better than they did on the first night, and from
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  • 161 16 DENMARK 9-0 Ovc Eilertsen and Ole Jensen (Denmark) beat Don Murray and Cliff Cutt (Australia) 15-8, 15—10 Umpire: Sng Kong Beng. Ole Mtertz was advised by the E« not to play last night m st doubles by arrangement ;he manager and captain Australian team, his olace aken by
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  • 273 16 Murray Fights In Vain DENMARK 6-0 Jorn Skaarup (Denmark) beat Don Murray (Aust 18-13, 15—12. SIX changes of services took place before the first point was scored, and that was by Skaarup who went on to 3-4 with crisp drops and crosses at the net. Don Murray placed two winners
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  • 183 16 DENMARK 7-0 Ole Jensen (Denmark) beat Rex Collins (Australia) 15—11. 15—3 Umpire: Sng Kong Beng. Ole Jei:<en was all determination, when he took Rex Collin on m the third singles. The Dane gained a lead of 5-1 only after some hard running. Both were playing the straight forward
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 138 16 I PHOTO-FEATURES I I OF THE WEEK I I jCatest jvldtnci 1 THE KODAK JUNIOR I CAMERA I mm y^-v fc i -amera Ul I* BPM •■-i WMI HM Mi *J iA:v j'-.t'pr, r stacta I' takti bhdMHMkwhiti or "r, daccior 9 I THE KODAK STERLING II CAMERA I Aaetbcf
      138 words
    • 113 16 AGFA SUPER ISOLETTE 12 exposures 2 4 x 2 it > Colour corrected Apota r 3 Synchro Compur chutter i -1,500 sec^ "-"""""3 I*4 7 7^kK j BEHN MEYER CO LTD. PO box i^^^^l PATERSON SIMONS b CO. LTD kuala lumpur P f*| ODEON SCO I 9 neven;ik&u^k£ moclv awux
      113 words