Sunday Standard, 12 December 1954

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Sunday Standard
  • 32 1 SUNDAY STANDARD ghbfghfghgfh rt m it m Y fM NGLBH.S.£-A.)LTD. ff U Kuola Lumpur J* 9 0 Vol. V. No. 162. SINCAPORE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, J 954 TWENTY FOUR PACES 13 CENTS.
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  • 281 1 'Don't Count The Cost' Get Expert On The Job At Once— Order SINGAPORE'S Governor, Sir John Nicoll, whose push and determination brought an early end to the Colony's blackouts, has now stepped in to deal with the island-wide flood menace as a matter of top priority.
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  • 784 1 THE SMILE THAT SURVIVED YRS. IN AN IRON LUNG Double Event (Xmas And 21st birthday) For Brave Boy CHRISTINE DIEMER ■s Dec. 20, Guru-,V-rogoo wiil be 21 o|<j,0 |<j, and ne will yi this great day i j combined party »in Singapo. e. ri'j Y'.ppv smile. warmly en- person- Middle-
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 MRS. HOZACK looking proud and bappy after giving birth to two boys and a girl (below). Standard photos.
    Standard  -  20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    193 1 boys and a girl to L Colony skipper's wife;''-] Standard Staff Reporter MRS. Elizabeth Hozack, 36-year-old wife of a British merchant captain, gave birth yesterday in Singapore to triplets two boys and a girl at the Youngberg Hospital. The first infant, James, named after the attending physician, Dr. James
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  • 79 1 AVA GIVES $500 Flood Relief MISS Ava Gardner, the Hollywood fllm actress, last night donated $500 for the relief of Singapore's flood victims, at a cocktail party held in her honour at the Capitol Theatre Blue Room. Shaw Bros, also donated a similar amount to the same cause. Miss Gardner,
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  • 121 1 WINCHESTER, England. Dec. U, (Reuter) A mother stood up in court here yesterday after her Boy Scout son was found guilty of murdering a 74-year-old woman and shouted: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Her son. Barry Musson. aged
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  • 53 1 HONGKONG. Dec. 11 (UP) Singapore beauty queen Miss Violet Ho arrived here today aboard a Cathay Pacific Airways Skymaster as a guest of the airline. Her victory at a recent contest in Singapore got her a free trip as well as an expensive wardrobe and a
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  • 103 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sot. Forty-three men and women, many of them teenagers, have been detained as Communist suspects in Semenyih, a village about 20 miles from here. A Government spokesman told The Standard tonight that the swoop was part of an operation to disrupt
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  • 73 1 Xmas Toy Fund McNeice Gives $50 -THE President of the CiU* -Vvi.'i.. Singapore. Mr.. T.ffF. MrWce. «nd Ms wife donated $50 to the Slandard Toy Fund" The East Magazine donated 400 comics Other contributions received yesterday were: Students of Std lI IC. Dorset Afternoon School. Singapore. $20 50 Mrs F
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  • 40 1 CALCUTTA. Dec. 11 (AFP> —Military forces disarmed 3.000 hunger-striking members of the Calcutta armed police force here today. Troops mounted guard on all police armouries. Fifty-four policemen have been arrested on charges of breach of discipline.
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  • 37 1 VATICAN/ CITY, Dec. 11. (AP) Pope Pius XII briefly interrupted the telephone service in his big apostolic palace apartment yesterday by unexpectedly appearing in the switchboard room to visit his pet birds.
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    • 147 1 THE heaviest floods to strike the Federation for many years showed signs of abating yesterday. Railway traffic from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore was reopened after two days. The railway authorities have decided to extend the day mail service today to Batang Malaka from Tampin and from Singapore
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    • 73 1 Parts of the town lay under 18 inches of water yesterday. Seventy Chinese in Permatang Duyong. A\ miles from town were evacuated to a Malay school and were provided food by the Welfare Department. About 100 persons were also evacuated from the Bachang and Batu Berandan areas as the
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    • 76 1 Tampin: 55i to 56 mile Tampin to Gemas Road, four feet deep. 571 rnile for a quarter mile, two feet deep. 64th to 64_ mile. Gemas town to Johore boundary clear. Sungei Dua Ayer Kuning Road, clear. 26th to 26 i mile. Pedas Lubok China Road, clear. Main road
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    • 81 1 Kluang-Mersing Road, at 98J mile water 1_ feet, rising. At 90-J to 91J, four feet falling. Kota Tinggi— Jemaluang Road, 54 mile, water one foot falling. Johore Bahru —Pontian Batu Panax Road. 49 mile, water 20 inches, rising: 34 mile, water eight inches, stationary: 45 mile, water seven inches,
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  • 65 1 SINGAPORE detectives were out in full force yesterday to catch the man who threw acid on Mr. J. L. F. Revel. Secretary of the Moine Comte Company Limited, and his wife, on Friday night. The acid was thrown into their faces as they drove out of
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  • 650 1 Many Homes Still Inundated AFTER more than one I hour of promising sunlight, rain-laden clouds rolled' 1 over Singapore again yesterday and the whole island suffered a further torrential downpour. Rain weary farmers and squatters, who had begun to move into their homes
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 Kr Cool Running W running s the key to greater mileage. By :i:n g (cr curing) India tyres at lower eratjres r 'd employing advanced rubber "■Pounding techniques, India ensure the cooing possible thus giving tht bonus ei fer miiea^ In greater safety. r"«*r^7^-____^j I U |too\ tuitf«J^^ BY SIME
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    • 42 1 R"«_sSfe y PASTEURISED tyg? FOR YOUR iimTTTyimTTTTTTTTTnit COLD STORAGE CREAMERIES LTD SINGAPOWf KUAIA MiMPIiP PfNANQ 1 AtLm 1 V-sS Is I- ■%*> kj gr *e m ITI *_"Vl___, f ch_hpag»c cqc.»*<J 111 lllv B"**" >* i /*i >^^^i__i_^y-^77^/-^MI I MACLAINE WATSON C- CO.. LTD.
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  • 297 2 EMANCIPATION OF WOMEN IS A MASK UNLESS... Dr. Lin's Views On Family Planning ALL emancipation of women is a mask and an illusion unless they are given the knowledge whereby they can plan their children wisely. Dr. Lin Yu-tang. Chancellor of the Nanyang University, stressed this point, when he opened
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  • 140 2 Signboard Laws To De Relaxed THE Singapore Citv Council may soon allow more than one signboard to b e exhibited free of tax at am- office premises provided the_e signs do not exceed a total 45 squaie feet in area The City Architect and Building Surveyor Mr. W. 1. Watson
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  • 127 2 SIX -hundred -and -eighty members of the Shell Company's Co-operative Society at Pulau Bukom yesterday decided that, with (hristmas only a few dav s off, they haa to give a gilt that wou'd do the most good to most people in Singapore They donated S3OO.
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  • 27 2 TING PONG HO 27 was found with his throat slashed in a bouse in Wallieh Street. Singapore, yesterday evening. A razor was recovered near him.
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  • 101 2 Salesman Misused Firm's Cash ANDREW Lam ShOOII Kor.-. 28. i talesman, pleaded guilty in the Singapore Third Criminal Distr. ct Court yesterdav to three charges of criminal breach of trust of sum- of money totalling S_.\4Bo aru: a refrigerator, valued at S 1.080. entrusted to him bv the East Asiatic
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  • 49 2 A SINGAPORE summons server. Se.amat bin Ha.ii Fazar. SO, was stabbed twice in a hou«-e in Holland Road yesterday afternoon follow. ng a light with another man. The other man wa? bitten on the hand. He was sent to the General Hospital along with Seiamat.
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  • 70 2 TIIE United Nation's Food and Agricultural Organization <F.A.O.> will hold a conference on plant protection at Tanjong KatonpGirls' School. Singapore' trom tomorrow to Friday The Conference will disrqm and decide on control of plant pests and diseases within South-east Asia and the Pacific The Colonial Secretary.
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  • 76 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Bal The UMNO president. Tungku Abdul Rahman. h.<^ ap; to the Sultan of Selangor !<» show mercy to Kamsrudd n bin Nordin. 21 -year-old army driver, who was sent need to death for the murder nf fellow soldier in a street fight
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  • 53 2 THE President of tlu- S pore Dance Hostel A tion. Chow May BD| bound over for lis tho Fifth Police Court Y day, for reusing hurt merchant. Yeo Lui >'• the Happv World Cai Her friend. Teo Lofc a former president, i insurance agent, was acqu.
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  • 139 2 THE Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoll yesterday praised the Colony Police Force for their part in rescuing life and property during the floods. fn a letter to the Commiss oner of Police. Mr xNigel Morris, the Governor says: "The Police Force has
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  • 131 2 Sopiee's Beard Will Go PENANG. Sat. Federal Legislative Councillor Inche Mohamed Sopiee. who started growing a beard some months ago as a protest against a move to raise school fees in the Federation, has decided to shave off his beard on Jan. 10 next year— the day the new school
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 102 2 >^ ■•./**>< i -.-l X. i v I i// J^^*- V ->. x 4 iT"^- 11 v v yak A* s^m^ -^=^L <S*^)^V v r_J'- '"i -V- fr "^^^S^ tcO^ s, ***s__y *^52__&^^_^5^ __i^ v^ Jl w xs c^r; o ••->Q>^-^ \n "c*»_ <: <Sy^ T'CER BEER fR »d .1
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    • 125 2 lm ,0P <«. N, CI 1 _H _l «°°<i _^L c *n£__l J 1 J 1 no^ of r_?___ Mijl J ■..vl nn« f 9 SJ ADrjl,f «-ioni«L__. I -rdrt .^iJM 1 Vox T I i *J f M juntos I £a^ "'IW* !ffW___ '"3 V' v wrvr.Vjp-y K T
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  • 103 3 A BURMESE Trade Mission of lour people, headed by the Minister lor Trade Development and Labour, Mr. U. Rasehid, is expected in Singapore at .YIO p.m. today, by Qantas Airways. Object of the Mission is to increase trade relations between the two countries. The delegation
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  • 75 3 SINGAPORE Police yesterday warned the people who have copies of the Chineselanguage book Will-power Training" to either destroy them or hand them over to the Police. The sale and circulation ot this book is prohibited because the Government considers it a prejudicial publication under the Emergency.
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  • 408 3  -  R. G. PILLAI THE P.A.P. STATES ITS UNCOMPROMISING STAND By Standard Staff Reporter THE Peoples' Action Party expects no vote from those who wish to prolong the Colonial system of Government, for the Party stands for an immediate and uncompromising end of colonialism, the Party's
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  • 47 3 photo by Yong Peng Seong. MISS LEE KOOI YIN, Perak Police searcher, who is perhaps the first Malayan policewoman to win the Colonial Police Medal for meritorious service. Standard photo shows Miss Lee receiving the medal from the High Commissioner, Sir Donald MaoGillivrav. Standard
    Standard  -  47 words
  • 33 3 A STUDENT of the Chung Cheng Chinese School. Lee 800 Han, who was arrested by Singapore Special Branch officers last month. Is still being held under the Emergency Regulations.
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  • 36 3 THE Singapore Supreme Court vacation is from Dec. 20 t 0 Jan. 15, but a judge will be present to deal with summonses in Chambers on Dec. 29 and Jan. 6 and 13. lif
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  • 41 3 THE St. John Brigade annual dance to be held on Dcc. 18 at the Singapore Badminton stadium is now cancelled as a token of respect to its Treasurer and District Surgeon, the late Dr. C. J. Paglar.
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  • 260 3 KUALA BELAIT. British Borneo, Dcc. 11 (Reuter).— A plan to cap 13. 500-foot Kinabalu. British Borneo's highest mountain, with a sunreflecting beacon and to open a memorial park at the mountain's foot, as a tribute to Australian prisoners of war who died in Japanese
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  • 195 3 Former Director Of Gardens LONDON, Dec. 11, (Reuter)— Henry Nicholas Ridley, the man who founded the rubber industry in Malaya and never made a penny out of it, celebrated his 99th birthday yesterday at his home near the Kew Botanical Gardens, London. In 1888. he went
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  • 84 3 Welcome Left Ava Limp SINGAPORE'S welcome to Ava Gardner was exhilarating but exhausting, .Mr. David Hannah, her press agent told The Standard yesterday at noon while the famous movie star was still sleeping. "It was wonderful, but it left us all pretty limp." he said "and so far we have
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  • 128 3 THE rubber market in Singapore, yesterday, remained ouiet. first grade rubber for December shipment closing at 82 A cents per lb., a rise of cent on Friday. Prices opened steady on better overseas indications with business reported passing at 82« cents per lb. at one
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  • 20 3 SINGAPORE, Sat. The price of tin in the local market today was $353| per picul (Down 87K cents).
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  • 67 3 A TAXI driver. Soon Kiong Eoon. who stopped his vehicle at the entrance to Albert Street to talk to another person on June 8 was fined $25 in the Singapore Pint Traffic Court yesterday for causing obstruction. Soon said he did not stop to talk but
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  • 233 3 BATU PAHAT, Sat. The fight, against Communist terrorism in Malaya can only be won with the trust and co-operation of the people, the State Secretary. Dato Mohamed Seth bin Mohamed Sa'aid. said today, at a civic luncheon. Referring to the fact that Batu Pahat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 !The tradition to use only the best has been handed down from days gone by. Tomco Perfumed Coconut Hair Oil has contributed greatly to the j secret of soft lustrous hair. g&g; cy PERFUMED COCONUT HAIR OIL AND SHAMPOO THE TATA OIL MILLS CO.. LTD. Distributors: GIAN SINGH CO., LTD.
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  • 109 4 NINE hundred and ninety University of Malaya students ended a busman's holiday that they termed a "Day of Academic Non-Cooperation." yesterday. But for 60 students taking their -tnird year examination in anatomy in College Road, the University took the appearance of just another holiday. Majority of the
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  • 95 4 Paglar's Funeral Today SPORTS associations and public bodies in Singapore with which the late Dato Dr <-■ J Paglar wa s closelv associated, will send representa♦lSS tO Uend his Eneral today at 4 p.m. Dato Paglar well-known colony leader, who died on t Thursday, will be buried a t Bidadan.
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  • 290 4 Ex-Tec Who Sent 'Death Notes' Goes To Jail An ex-Singapore detective, Sg Kim Kang, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment by the First Criminal District Judge, Mr. F. A. Chua, yesterday for sending "death letters" to three Colony businessmen. One of the victims was the president of the Singapore Chinese
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 4 !MR. Aw Cheng Chye. general manager of Eng Aun Tong, (right) and his personal secretary Mr Foo I Han Hin. photographed at Kallang Airport yesterday prior to their departure to Jakarta on a business trip. I
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  • 160 4 WONG FOOK KWONG, a political prisoner who escaped from the Singapore General Hospital lockup ward in 1953, was sentenced in the First Criminal District Court, yesterday, to five years' imprisonment for possession of terrorist papers in an attap hut at the Pasir Lebar area on
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  • 114 4 New Trouble At The Dockyard TROUBLE is brewing :n thc I Singapore Naval Base. v. I civilian emp; the Admiralty recont'y tbrt*tened to go on strike. The Naval Base I Union will hold a gc. meeting todav to decide steps it should take to persuade the Admiralty to scrap
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  • 69 4 OF 159 people who gave their blood to the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service this week. 124 were Asians. Seventy-five new donors were registered. 43 being Asians. the rest, Europeans. Recipients of blood totalled 148, and the present stock of flasks is 82. The BTS is appealing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 587 4 DFGHDF 20,000 MEN HAVE TESTED THIS NEW HAIR TREATMENT Sent to YOU on 30 Days Approval Now you can test it yourself try this famous treatment in your own home under any conditions you like, and F *<*_»^H^ "1 ii it doesn't stop failing hair, rid you of dandruff or
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    • 186 4 1 M0«1«I Morton"*^ H«RING N foi I|t p m *\*,J* •"V I ■*5 2 __^»v^l«S MORTON HER_ih_ WITH RICE m _y.'tM_jSL____» C.! < ,x im i..„. MORTON CASSEROL OF HERRINGS "©"on noR'NC. IN TOH*t 0 j^". I ••»>.« mtm tm***l 2 I .Ml |i""«,k<tw Mw M«lt«»to C i» w^ M
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 329 4 Singapore Diary lIIMM s\HHA: Annua meet m« S.f ,3 pm at Ramakrishna Mission Norn? Network V 7 J, C KT A:r <Rcd Road. 10 am. v£„ '•7 m News tS, i I!• TOc II: Recital of recorded musx i -ft .f o,!? Mala V a <KL>; 715 at 11. Scotts
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  • 132 5 TOOK UP MUSIC HE HARD WAY Un** 1 uin pro u (be wrnsk Ue Fiesta tie gram! charity Ltaei bj the Filiw l)aro>.i. uho will .p^.,. all Filipino > rU d playing the J, -the _K« m'aß xif firrles rank him ■J b.M 10 dance k'in Singapore. L hi-* U*
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  • 21 5 Ten Nia of the Iged betRiver 'hat of IChui, 7. Weld I tnday. highly de•ui. Police into the i. No
    21 words
  • 360 5 Colony's Latest E— kt», l By CONRAD SMITH __U_______. m N ard core °t opportunists who ore out to moke a quick bv JI«tS»« m9 hundreds of l° bl «s people of their meagre savings by siting employment agencies. for a D°r?co th,? S
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  • 454 5 The Jade Is GREEN But The Seller Is NOT Colony's Latest Rackets...2 By P.C. CHAN A RING of unscrupulous people in Singapore and the Federation has introduced a new racket this time in jade to fleece unsuspecting persons of their money. Their favourite method is to approach a victim with
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  • 113 5 KUALA LUMPUR Sat. The newspapers of the world should not fear to report any event truthfully. Truth is always constructive and is a vindication of itself in the long run. the visiting American journalist and authority. Mr. Carl Rowan told newsmen here at a Press
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  • 204 5 Braga His Rare Orchid Armand Braga may be an amateur magician of some standing but this spray of orchids was srmething which he couldn't have pulled out of his box of tricks. In fact, this orchid is a very rare pink variety of Rothschildiana which he received from Hawaii three
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 41 5 K/AAfGLE F% Ml ~*l >' _fl *W$T r I &me&* s^*^vA____a ki pSetines GLORIA GRAHAME Presents *UWI OESIRE L,., BRODERICK ,l^N FORD CRAWFORD «___f F ""***)tah_^ ___rS _rO ft £X Colours Polishes JED TILE FLOORS tlj ji J J loft ORDINAL POLISH
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    • 243 5 _____^^____H x^^^^^K _j __F r_^B __i JmmmWj \W m\ ___Br __P lk I/l lllam i nufiii mm** IVI -Ml I I w^^ ___l v a_ _r _r _r If V I _T _r _r I ____.B# Am* K. 0 V .MB/ _fl_L_f M lIMATAM I \^_F X I I I
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  • Sunday Standard
    • 342 6 'VISITORS from overseas to Malaya whether they come as official envoys or merely as tourists are as a rule careful and diplomatic in giving the outside world a picture of the developments which are taking place in the countries which they claim to represent. They are usually
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    • 326 6 r rHOSE of us who have read stories of bullfighting in Spain, seen films depicting the hazards of the bullring or read Mr. Ernest Hemingway's book "Death in the Afternoon' 1 dealing in an extensive and warmhearted manner with bullfights as an art, have naturally come to accept
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    • 189 6 JN these days of high international tension, even such a mild and insignificant incident as a friendly pinch easily sends statesmen and diplomats off in a whirl of angry protests and threatenings. Cuban Consul to the United States xSenor H. Morales appears to be one on
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  • 803 6  -  JACOBSON Watch for a smash-and-grab by this hustler who hates Britain SYDNEY o A NEW wave of fear 5 is passing through S South Africa. g With good reason. For 2 power has passed into S the hands of the Man tS of Menace— r) Last week's election
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  • 1060 6  -  ANDREW ROTH ;.\\v\\ \\w\v\* 1 1/ AT LEAST Malaya's flag is being flown in style up Whitehall in Trafalgar Square. The new Malayan Commissioner has ordered large flags and they are more prominently displayed. Ue ha_ also taken more advantage ot Malaya House's excellent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 A^.^£,^.-,.-^.j..:. r AAA^AAA_»AAA«!jrI.&Ai!._.Ad»i»;AA 5 NOTTE ROMANA NOTTE ROMANA NOTTE ROMaNA t W j? W77r zoniAVA |?l <' T I E <r, RaMleA Hotel l I S S p 3* |2 On 15th 16th December o 1 a .rom 8.30 p.m. to 2.00 a.m. M J; Ii A BUFFET. DANCE FASHION
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    • 285 6 SiMvl 111 o, \V I if arr w:ji »«ntir^is l V,ull aift > <s?=!_^ <lugbrthe> k«ii aUOPHANI-SEALEO v^fH ALUMINIUM BOXES <^g OR AIRTIGHT TINS lY^^^^^**^ i -~^^s^^^*^^^y t%erj SHEFFIELD ENGLAND _J can help you to success i through personal postal fuitioi r T^HOU.'"AST)S OF MEN* in imp. rar.t PWitiMf ff.-nv^
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  • Article, Illustration
    883 7  -  CHRISTINE DIEMER j\\\VV\\\V\\V\\V\\vv\\VVV\\\VV.\VW I By WHAT happens to that most lovable of all servants in the Far East the amah when she grows too old to work or, when having served most faithfully for many years her foreign missy sails away and, in all likelihood, forgets her>
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  • 489 7 First Matadors To Tour Far East By BERNARD WILLIAMS t A.VA Gardner who is in Singapore now on a tour is known to have a penchant for "Brave Bulls" and Matadors associated with one of the most dangerous sports in the world Bullfighting. Her name has many a time been
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 271 7 red-blooded vigour ___H Tf Am Ifll VIKELP H a natural sea plant jf Mineral Tonic, I Tn <- danger signals nature gives for vitamin and M mineral deficiency are all ry too often put down to Mmm "leeling out of sorts", if Jt' y° u wa *H to feel vitally
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    • 183 7 _amu4in6 Loixl«~-~_ I /or youeeff folk w^^ and the wnore f j grosrn ups tool V *™"™™™™|7l T| A Automatic Speller 2.85 Kaffir Gold 7.15 Bendy Cowboy 4.60 Cluedo 9.55 Miniature Aerodrome 4.75 Calypso $11.20 Electric Quiz Master 4.55 Escalado $12.10 Sculptor Craft 7.20 Electronic Radio Station $30.00 ROBINSON'S CHILDREN
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  • 599 8  - Your Sunday Chess I Column QUEEN'S CASTLE By 1 fN the last World Cham--1 pionship Candidates Tournament. the well known ending occured R 4 pawns vs. R+ 3 pawns. When the pawns are all on the same of the board, the game is drawn in all normal positions. The stronger
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  • 299 8 WHEN the Singapore w Motor Club, open their eighth racing season in February next with their annual halfmi 1 e standing-start speed trial on the Lim Chu Kang stretch, two new racing motor cycles, each costing about $3,000 will attract much attention. They are
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  • 207 8 Saved By Safety Belt 23-YEAROLD en^ineering: student lost control of his automobile and crashed into a utility pole. The front of the car was demolished and the pole jarred loose from its base. The student. FrancY M. Kocm-ki. escaped with two chipped teeth. He thought he was lucky. He said
    AP  -  207 words
  • 782 8 T am tired of catching lkan Merah from four to eight pounders. Can you tell me where I can -get bigger nsh and with «■**•<». »«#»tr<nds' > NEI SON TAN In the Sunday Standard of July 11, we published big catches of Ahi Alu (Barracuda) and Tenggiri Batan«
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 519 8 I NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD AND HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE lOIN7 SERVICE To Colombo. Cenoa, Marseilles. Antwerp. Rotterdam. Hamburg 6 BREMEN Y. S'pore P. S'ham Penang •SCHWABENSTEIN (LLOYD) 13/16 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dee •LEVERKUSEN (HAPAC) 3/7 |an 8 |an 9 |an HESSENSTEIN (LLOYD) 15/20 |an 21 |an 22 |an FRANKFURT (HAPAC) 5/12
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    • 279 8 EAST ASIATIC |i SAIi.NCS TO CONT, N(N7 Fo Ad p O'» Said. Genoa a„ Co en e 1^ I 0^ Por c t x) "PATAGONIA" xx) "SELANDIA" ,7/ *0D C£ xxx) "ASIA" 8/9 Jo, O .JJ J "INDIA" J\ 3/,sJm '.V' Coll, Beyrouth. Goy^ZeJ^ 7] C0.,, London (possenger, o n,
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  • Article, Illustration
    1596 9  -  Bridget Jones By (IN HOLLYWOOD) ivuw mat colour is being used more and more in films it is fast becoming of primary importance to a star's wardrobe. For the first time in years actresses are paying more attention to the colour of their clothes than to the depth
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  • 531 9 Ballyhoo, Blood And Beer... WITH only 12 shocking days to Christmas, friends, I present to you the most horrible hearty laugh of the year. It concerns a nature-in-the-raw movie labelled "Karamoja Land of Lost People." I have received two fascinating descriptions of this picture one American, the other British. So
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 273 9 j^y BROTHERS^! P w TEL e 51 59 and B^o pan. SHOWING! J _______^_^^__r_____i < J AI f B '-mi hmim*i*mai g_^Ss^_S-SSSSLSBS?!SSBtt •J^virtlaia >° ln "DEVILS CANYON" <Tech)^ r^^ OPENS TO-DAY! £ji\()Tt REVISED SCREENING TIMESI^ KDAILY at 11.00 a.m. 2.15, 6.15, 9.15 J n i k_yf_j^^ ROMeU in MONTANA BELL
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    • 364 9 CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS 11th GREAT DAY! rkTUkV^ 11.00 am. 1.45 4.15 LH llf flf ft^/ 6.05 9.30 p_«. JBSSoo _W-3&__JE A MOTION PICTURE AS GREAT AS ITS GREAT, GREAT CAST! starring I HUMPHREY BOGART jftft Academy Award winner for "The Afriran <>urrn" Tf AUDREV HEPBURN J^^ Academy Award winner for
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  • 73 10 Speaking Of Pictures... Left: ••Water-Belle" by J. Tay of 17-C, Moh Guan Terrace, S'pore 3. FB, Light Yellow Filter 1/Iooth, Agfa ISS. Above: "Charming Smile" by Hor Hoi Yin of 19 Rope W.I km Fil, plus Yellow-Green Filter, l/lOOtli. fcrrama. Left: "Sunday Afternoon" by Khaw Eng Boon of 26, Kinta
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 178 10 \\\v\\\\v\\\\v\\\\\\xv\x\x\ XX XVXVV%xxxxxxxvvxxvxxvxvvxxvxxxvvxxvxxx^ xv^ A3IX 21 Inch camera with coupled rangefinder for professional photographers and for discerning amateurs C- keen on pictorial effects. Available with a selection 2 of fast, high-class lenses. C- 5 The Lenses: j J 4J inch (105 mm) Voigtlandcr COLOR. H HELIAR f/3.5, world-famous for its
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    • 92 10 SPEAKING OF PICTIRIS' Name Address Title Camera Used Aperture Speed Film o^jfiß© q^mZfh o^Mro I TITHES H i BEST ~> XMAS mui.* In l.rr-i-inr \^So^cba in J^ <^jk PUNS.F2.9 80<-- COWED Bl *f*T_l Ih _^Rf_l ■xl __l _____l s£* ___l f_L* H _R________H 33 __L-H_ Hi _tn i S^H J
      92 words

    • 435 11 Combined Services 15 2 trieM, 2 penalty goals. Johore 13 D 2 goals, 1 penalty goal. immiM k„o* _-x Referee— F. Cessford. years H_K M_fi? fcSS^SSIS 12 e ter thC this encounter"..' l?i_„ e *S2__i players> can count themselves lucky to
      435 words
    • 474 11 HOPE, AGAIN, FOR THE STADIUM Five Assns. Go Into Action IT seems that John Brown's body will not lie down The Colony Sports Stadium project, of which so much has been said and so little has been done, was to all intents and purposes dead and buried when the Colonial
      474 words
    • 49 11 DUBLIN. Dec. 11: (Reuter) Denmark swept into a fournil lead over Ireland here last night in the European zone semi-final of the Thomas Cup badminton competition, winning two singles and two doubles matches. The tie will be concluded tonight when the remaining five matches xvill take place.
      49 words
    • 363 11 Paglar's Death A Great Loss, Says McNeice THE third Asion table tennis championships, which opened yesterday, were 'unhappily overshadowed by the death of the President of the Singapore Toble Tennis Association and Vice-President of the Table Tennis Federation of Asia, Dato C. J. Paglar.' The Singapore Citv Council President. Mr.
      363 words
    • 426 11 SINGAPORE'S Loh Heng Chew and Poon Weng Hoe sprang an early surprise on the opening day of the Third Asian Table Tennis championships when they both beat the reigning Asian Games champion, Vietnam's Mai Van Hoe in straight games for the Baroda Cup— Men's
      426 words
    • 412 11 Mobilgas Economy Run At Easter THE FAMOUS Mobilgas Economy Run. which is a featured yearly automotive event in the United States, will be held for the first time in Malaya during the coming Easter holidays. frizes totalling approximately $3,000 have been oflered by the Standard-Vacuum Oil Company, whirh is sponsoring
      412 words
    • 204 11 Penang Surprise Colony PENANG. Sat Penane made a name for them selves when they heat Singapore 2-1 in a friendly inter-state hockey match played on the Western Road ground here today The Singapore team played a hard and fast game and went down fighting to the very end Wood and
      204 words
    • 28 11 AS a mark of respect for the Late Dato (Dr C. J. Paglar. President of the Singapore Recreation Club, the club premises will be closed today.
      28 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 593 11 Mm Wi/Zmmmi HRR > M _t. I Hu,* fo J J ||i (ARS LTD. IPOH PENANG (BROS. LTD i; SEREMBAN MALACCA IRK LEONG LTD. t JALAN BESAR, J of on JIH BRAMD jj gifresMira Lampj» n cW jj f!R USE BUTTERFLY I MANTLES |l 3LD EVERYWHERE I 1 A HIN
      593 words
    • 511 11 —the strongest. smartest bicycle in the world. V _I_Cl I I Make sura you sac the New^^P^ Ml Hudson Lucky Sign— before you buy. Take this advertisement to your m Dealer and ask him to show you the Vv JM mW k M AmW AmmW M /fit _l WM DISTRIBUTED
      511 words

  • 2296 12  -  WINDSOR LAD Film Studio Upsets By BIG SWEEP TOTAL P00L— 5271,082 First Prixe No. *****5 $76,325 Second Prixe No. *****4 $38,162 Third Prixe No. *****0 $19,081 STARTERS ($1,590 eoch) Nos. *****6, *****0, *****4, *****0, *****2, *****4, *****5, *****2, *****0, *****6, *****9, *****7. CONSOLATIONS ($l,OOO eoch) Nos.
    2,296 words
  • 371 12 LONDON Dec. 11. (Reuter)Association Football results: LEAGUE DIVISION I Arsenal 3. Charlton 1 Burnley 2. Manchester U 4 Cardiff 0. Sunderland 1 Chelsea 4. Aston Villa 0 Everton 3. Sheffield W l Leicester 1. Wolverhampton 2 Manchester C. 0. Tottenham 0 Newcastle 2. Portsmouth 1 P^°" 2.
    371 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      257 words
    • 188 12 __L*^S> m s x 1«„ >Ss __^_H a, WOPIS P|J -m* U|< l___J xl S^ r m*m*A^*****\ I_\\J^ X> |y REASONS WHI the AVERY If best for your NONE, 0 ond FACTOUY mm tw fc. 1 t— n Wm mmlmm. *m rmm mm* H m 1111l *4* m thnriMxb'.WHMiii M
      188 words

    • 307 13  -  GERRE READ By (IGAKETTF is a 'Vrful thinß. It k o. nrrvrs and oU something vour hands 3 don't know [t0 put them can be a j when or—- and ln e case— look an t 'n you want pped on grey nble. a little alonu
      307 words
    • 126 13 NEIE\ HUGH IB 4 o flap unexpected g, You can l ite il you tricks. haywire upwards i comb it j .rids fall I through ien they Ynger, m. a band and a needle and cotton you can achieve an attractive hairstyle. Trv a broad, velvet ribbon swathed
      126 words
    • Article, Illustration
      97 13 THE home of Viscountess Cambrose teas the scene of a private fashion show recently which icas attend' ed by the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret. London's twelve top design* ers presented their newest looks, to the cream of London society. ABOVE: Hardy Ames looks tense as he sits
      Mirrorpics  -  97 words
    • 632 13  -  MARJORIE PROOPS Od V W m m *o**m* m to*o*o*o*o^o*o^o^o*\ "V^Or have only to mention A the word passes to me and my eyes start glinting:. Other women love new hats or mink or perfume Me, I love glasses. Big glasses, bold glasses, gay glasses glasses
      632 words
    • 371 13  -  Rita Del Mar TODAY'S QUOTATION: "The cause of freedom in Identified with the destinies of humanity, und in whatever part of the world it gains ground hy and hy. it will he a common gain to all those who desire it."— Kossuth. SINDAY FOR EVERYONE: Prior
      371 words
    • 666 13  -  ALISON SETTLE /-> '"N JTASHION workrooms turn into centres of frenzied activity as buyers come back from Paris with detailed information on new lines. It takes time to estimate what will be the winning models among the sheath dress outlines and suits of easy elegance. but
      666 words
    • 395 13  - Don't Scorn Cabbage AMBROSE HEALTH By j r rHE English way of eooking cabbage has always been one of the established jokes of the kitchen; but it is true no longer since the war taught us a good deal about the proper use of this pleasant vegetable. Now, of course,
      395 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 59 13 l A MILDER f m m**^emmmm\--m****W f Only Yardley know the f secret of blending lavender With rare ottos and precious ■U"b l0 S^e a concentrated Jonger-lasting fragrance. cool freshness and subtle function of Yardley Lavender is unique and inimitable. Yardley Jjgf LAVENDER Yardley Lavender Soap— _L smooth-lathering; "IP richly
      59 words
    • 166 13 PJJ R«aH« ARE 1 ||M\ MILDER Cj CHRISTMAS f Flower Bubble ferl<'~i' z A \V •iy^V>J .Ail Mtt tMt ttve t*mm4 V— X J_F rfff'ntp e*«f«>*# *r fc/u* •e*- s^^^s_J^'^ A tw* handbag tata Chnttmat Bubble. alt tf Gar* containing tw* h*n46*g f>»» perfum**. $2. 50 *f Cor*
      166 words

  • 568 14 Eastern Art Designs For U.S. Crystal r THE makers of America finest handmade crysta Steuben Glass Incorporate, have announced that th work of artists from 16 Fa East, South Asian and Nea East countries will be addr to the Steuben collection c International design ln cry stal. Karl Kup. Curator
    568 words
  • 715 14  -  RONALD STEAD lAn Informal A I News Report M By Staff Correspondent Of The Christian Science Monitor !y|Y first thought was that Grandma Kung wanted to sell us something sooner or later. Probably sooner. But this was because I did not understand her Chinese, either in the singular
    715 words
  • 71 14 hAJDA Buckingham, as you can see, has an ear for music even when it comes from an old phonograph. Saida. 23. was bom in Sofia, studied opera singing uhen she was eighteen, has appeared at Zurich Opera House, toured South and Xorth America, sung on the
    71 words
  • 183 14  -  GEORGE MELL By < YOU'D think thST in gathering of maker, at least one or iwo could remember the t_ro chimed by Big Ben before r strikes the hour But at recent dinner 'in l„ :i( when a guest eh anyone (here to ling K 2>H
    183 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 69 14 we beauty of lr%rio kwmmm^-^ ra_rvshO" v _-_-_-_-_-_-_P_-^_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_P_-_a _fe______=^ <^JF\Jpy** /____________|r^Q^_______________P'Vßm *m^t^^^^^^\ _v_!' v_?___^__-- J i ___r *^_l _^_^_l _^_B a.^^ _F^' ______________Hp^ *^_^h_i_l V^"-^^ •^fyyAß^**"^ -^b, J 1 _R% *9^^ 'iH 8K ;-_jj__. 1 "^^^^n^^^i^^W(l^^J(| fl__v __^_f s -J-BL. J\V_________________i _v _H_r fri-Brr aHH_,\,o _*f HK. I^K r x
      69 words

  • 1043 15  -  AILEEN GRIFFITHS A man touched my hand and after Bf^- more than a year after tak ing my final vow and just before Christmas three years ago I had to ask myself a frightening question. That question was "Have you made a mistake There had heen
    1,043 words
  • Article, Illustration
    88 15 LYNNETTE Rae. 25, has been a principal boy in pantomimes for seven years. This Christmas she vcill be princip'al boy in "Robinson Crusoe" at the Theatre Royal, Neivcaslle. Being a principal boy keeps Lynnette on the move. She has travelled all over England. Her ambition is
    Mirror  -  88 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 140 15 BV^Xj > One ofthe world's most desired I the ROAMER movement. ___r^^^^^^/fw v *H a_Hf I /ir* XirlLZ-*- Iji m Wm I ri etS^~ v__^r^--=^_i_^>>iS--_K3IQ l T^rs __fi__Hl__^^J__r ftt a___^^*e*^'__ev^ -==q#ai^K3K_^y_^ m*W ***^T^ m*T*Wm^^\**mm\\mT __T •B -fl*. -mwSSSSmm*\Mr -J~ I OBTAINABLE FROM ALL HIGH CLASS WATCH DEALERS THROUGHOUT SINGAPORE, FEDERATION
      140 words
    • 84 15 FOURS AND FOURS MAKE MATES r TIIE ancient Arabs had formula, for everything J even the glamour of their womenfolk. Arabian J J poets claimed that to be desirable a woman must J 2 have four of everything: 2 FOUR THINGS BLACK: hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, j 5 pupils. J J
      84 words
    • 207 15 Something new about ™r^r,_ s I WORLD'S SMOOTHEST me rarKer ren inai s Parkerhasfoundawaytomake j pen points smoother than any ever tried or tested before! hard to believe! j A special, electrically charged I solution removes any trace of roughness on the nib. I The result: Absolute smooth- ness in
      207 words
    • 15 15 NEXT WEEK I will tell you of life in the strange new world I found.
      15 words

  • 928 16 PLEDGED HIS LEG For Money Other People's Jobs Most jobs have their funny side. Here three men, a pawnbroker, a radiographer and a parson, describe the amusing things that happen to THEM. »\V\\\\\\V\V\\\\V\\\\\\\\\\\\xv\\W By a Pawnbroker's m* i Assistant «.v\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^-\ XV \\\x- A AVVV>A> CHE isn't well dressed. Her hands
    928 words
  • 657 16  -  Hal Boyle By ALL my life I have wonted to become a real gourmet one who makes an art of eating. gourmet, one Guess I never will. I fail the very first test-which is that the true gourmet never lets his conscience
    AP  -  657 words
  • 73 16 At A Cocktail Party Which Impressed Them JUNE, the Great Dane, and Chica are at a cocktail party given recently by the National Association of Dog Biscuit Manufacturers. And they're listening to the chairman, Mr. Sidney Crawford, telling the guests that seven and a half million pounds are spent every
    Mirror  -  73 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 225 16 k 1 c > I The same |]10% farther -tf-LM ana C^2n? you're fe|||P Once yojr car is equipped wiih fc new sc: ol Chomp on Spcrk Plugs, however, yoj cor* depend cn ce'. li'ng up !o 10",'.. more m.lec^e o**4 >full engine power. For Cr-ampiont ere precision-made produce a
      225 words
    • 387 16 5 T/ic refrigerator tcith more features:. J COLD-CLEAR-TO-THE-FLOOR! 7 CU. FT. IH /f! 2 A CABINET ONLY 24i" WIDE! I J h CZTT* ?a^ g ACROSS-THE-TOP FREEZER CHEST— 26-'b BS X CAPACITY! L**i (7 5 EXTRA-HIGH, EXTRA-ROOMY BOTTLE M_F ir-»vf t X SPACE. ■_JR*-i>V_/' S FULL-WIDE MEAT TRAY! -^^-Jlii J
      387 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1464 21  - Willing Spirit CHRISTOPHER FITZSIMONS By r) vy cr oumpea into nenry wooason iasr x week it was in my mind to tell him about g my flat. Henry is a very keen member of one V of those psychical-research societies which 5 delight in setting up trip wires and flashlight5
    1,464 words
  • 416 21 Pig Put On Trial For Murder T^HE bull which recently attacked a farm labourer in Co. Durham was promptly shot by its owner. Four or five centuries ago the animal which committed such an offence, would have been brought to court and tried before a judge and jury before being
    416 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 78 21 "dunhill cigarettes ecial'y imported ror ii London Available in packets of 10 and airtight tins of 50. B^ TH,J FAMOUS 'WHITE SPOT' IHt; B i^ your guarantee that tho Ihl t contents are of the high |P" quality associated with tho r^^? name Dunhill. I^^BSNf Wl < ac t*»>.'i« c^_
      78 words
    • 207 21 gEFEiV can he the always say "/Vo" i/uefcy number on the ivhen she asks for more 111 home /ront i/ hree- housekeeping money. I bands remember to Do thc weekly house follow these tips that hohl shopping one 7 make for married Saturday. Youll learn II hli.-x*. Seven negatives thing
      207 words
    • 79 21 Fashion JZ spring dress in red,flft white and black JM shown by the German fashion house, Alexander. [Price £3 10s. AP Pix. tissa- o a>sk ft otr- /^~^^mC^ m^~\. C *C *"-\C •fi-.:jwffVM *i i #__W #7 _r /_r lM ipilft LmmZjf Sm*jf*m\S t \mmm\ C-JbL^j} Gordons IB Sta+uls Sup'CmZffi^
      79 words

  • 29 22 ng at Miami Photo. g Carol Jane Abney is a daily visitor at the tj Ocean Front while holidavina at Miami Er Beach. Florida. A. P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 518 22  - Snatched One Pair Of Bishop's Gaiters ERIC WAINWRIGHT OPERATION *E*VSATICS AT LARGE* By And Another Soldier Proves His Initiative! J WAS standing by the main gate of an Army training battalion at Aldershot when Private D.J. Bull-Diamond marched in carrying a worn pair of bishop's gaiters. Private A.J. Sanders, rain
    518 words
  • 278 22  -  W.M. Gillies By I SAT with my pen poised 1 undecidedly over «L football coupon W Once more I had the opportunity of winning £75,000 for pence. All I had to do S put eight little noughts into eight little squares fh ut *i! n J 0 hlch 5253?
    278 words
  • 360 22 Life Saved Judge for GALLON 4 I Drifted Into Crime For Easy Money../ 4 i^JAJESTIC in scarlet H robes, the Chief justice of England bade the jury H retire to consider its verdict. To thc prisoner before 9 him, accused of highway H robbery (then a capital S offence*- a
    360 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 255 22 K'or/c. famous family of ledicinal products Jffi '■B»^ifc'i ___i_f v *w. yyYY fBB f "^y&S a______^^^_____^_____B___r K *^W \*W »______r&l^__9 __^_B _7 _F^*_____H ___P t? &j__v_««^_^_-_B v _^v 2__i_^_^_^_^_^i-_^B^_K __r^^______b CHINKAWHITE This invaluable Wind Mixture is on excellent remedy for Stomach Pains. Constipation, Indigestion, Acidity, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite. ENG
      255 words
    • 866 22 MAS. Z. ALY, 216. Gey- and stamp-collecting. West Jelutong. Penang. S n _Fw. Seral, sin K a P<> r e. <19). MISS AUDREY CH4N < 15) Hobbies: reading.* Hobbies: picnics, movies, co 67 Wolskel Rd Sinßa-' radio-listening, and cor- I hiking, exchanging photos. lo OK ?fo Hobbies- respondence. J views
      866 words
    • 55 22 TOVVR IPP« Sincaporr swimminf -j >ong> and >» .MISS MTjfl 347% H lt **3l Singapore '*ja 4 wimmsng. nicking. f cards. ***L^ p..' i ropond'' souih <;»■■ porr I (XchaniW^ I EJ s_i Jalan gfe] tennis. 5£ M 3 cycling. h j ffssa s_rs-ars» K»*" J P* >unk'>. .jd p-adin*
      55 words

  • 1012 23  - The Mon I Loved Has Paid With His Life SHIRLEY BEIGER PY*** —i— _-_-_n.n_.iT > Tke model a jury frcvd I They are calling this the most amazing ever love-shooting trial. Li how I look at my imperfect life Li fl t what I know of Arthur's, I can't L
    1,012 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 23 SHAPELY Joan^ Rawlings takes on a J bit of sunshine at Miami Beach, display- ing a welcome bit of beauty. She's a fashion model. UP Pix
    UP  -  28 words
  • 907 23  -  LIDDELL HART August 4th Was The Black Day j By Capt. P the near break-out by thc British, P. oi> Caen, many complaints were Non Montgomery, alleging that he '"led in this attempt, and the immeond noturol reaction from his supports to assert that the
    907 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 213 23 |r^^ls_______ SWISS MMI ,jfc tf &Wl >^^^^^_B _P_^__v____l ____B _______v v _A* '\l____________________l^ J ■l__ V '//AWmmmmmmmy S _____L^^.' */____r _B__f >^ n -Pi^V^ '^a______n_r^ mm^^^^^mmmm^r jf ___F I _B_T IfJr Tropicalized m Anti -magnetic |\V^Srf^ Incabloc V c£^ 17 21 Jewell Rotorei LADY'S WATCHES ALSO AVAILABLE Obtainable at all
      213 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

    • 105 24 T.OXDO.V. Sat Yesterday a day for trans- ic:>. and transfer requests. Winger David Taylor, who ed with his first kick in senior foot hall, has been p!ac- < on Luton's transfer list al his own request liny Roberts. Blackburn R< .ers reserve left back who
      105 words
    • 243 24  -  Alf Gover By \FTER the Brisbane Test t, 7 Johnson said to me •We k ,iaa and it might be your turn next^ thf LOOKIXCi AHEAD. T J* I*-"1 still confident we can reta.:. Ashes. LOOK I X C. BACK W \K!*s however, there must
      243 words
    • 129 24 Matthews An Aunt Sally DONT be fooled by that 3—1 l ;u Kind win. Only evergreen Stanley Matthews and. to a lesser decree. Lon Shackleton. were world <iav> in either attack. pNGLAND cricket skipper, J Lea Ilutton. has been an "Aunt Sally" since he won the toss, put Australia in
      Jack Peart  -  129 words
    • 434 24 Soccer Or Rugby MANY SCHOOLS have changed over from soccer to rugger in recent years. They claim it to be a "stronger builder of character.'* Those against a change reply that "soccer's a game for brain; rugger mostly for brawn"! Now read what the experts have
      434 words
    • 68 24 NEW YORK. Dec. 10. (UP)— "Of all the countries I have been. Japan wa.s the one I where I was most warmly welcomed." Pascual Perez the new flyweight boxing champion of the world, said on Monday. The Argentine boxer left yesterday by plane to Rio De
      68 words
    • 339 24 MELBOURNE. .Reuter) Almost _,000 athletes at \us traha's 195« Olymnic Carries x*il| find their gastronomic whims well-eatered for. National menus are beine Worked out bv a special committee, according to Lieut. -Gen W. Bndt-elord. the chief executive officer of the game's or ganizing committee
      339 words
    • 136 24 MOSCOW. Dec. 10, (AP) —Russia's leading sports paper. Soviet Sport, claims the recent world basketball championship play in Rib ac Janeiro which was won by the United States was not a real world tournament because Russia and teams of the Communist Peoples Democracies" were not invited.
      136 words
    • 579 24  -  Peter Wilson says: This is what England gets for taking things easy against world chamj-ns at Wembley <*jIR WINSTON CHURCHILL once said that the Germans are always either at our feet or at our throats. Apparently some of them are also not averse to a
      United Press  -  579 words
    • 238 24 Stan Halsey Moves a™"-* 1 U.K. Soccer pRESTON are asking the Football League for official help in sorting out the most extraordinary transfer tangle ever to cause a Soccer headache at Headquarters. Student schoolmaster Gordon Kaile. of St. Luke's College— and Exeter City is the
      238 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 149 24 W I w*" —^_r»- ml \w 1 V "C^*^_ IB HH M- 7 Y'...?*/ X _B _F___l ■H X__ o l£7 X^7^K R____r x_* e J__f mm ji*--—^ > jr N flp _^___________________tTw___f _>^L /A'* H I fjl l^i^w^i 'JT I W Mm i m ____f** *i _T ____B___ S^W
      149 words
    • 47 24 jH_______t______l________________---^---^-W-___wy^ •^'^^t^ iM** /!jßP^_ A jvfifl I r^H ■B________l^^ i^ftx 1 _^^_y J BJ^^^ itj_Pi V 1 1 flf cT II HH vi IA 1 t je^e ______^^^*^^^^T %K^_o 1 V f J J^ss_V T^^^^^^^^^^^^L^m K K___v \1 V 4m lffofrWr'! <* x. </____£_^__^ _i______Kß__^ ________________________________Hl9__P____H__p_^____4l___i__J_U j -Ti&lme _*Y<_______________________H
      47 words