Sunday Standard, 11 April 1954

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Standard
  • 22 1 SUNDAY STANDARD Jl llT( Jl Mill.fl nll V..1. I\. N... 28... SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 195* TV. KM V PAGES 10 (EMS.
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  • 384 1  - MYSTERY RAID ON SAFE BAFFLES OWNER EE BOON LEE PERCY JOSEPH By and Standard Staff Reporters' SILENCE shrouds the secrets of on iron safe that was smashed open by a group of eight men, believed to be plainclothes policemen, on the night of March 30, at No. 159, Telok Ayer
    Standard  -  384 words
  • 96 1 Now Only Eddie Is Left In Last Four k ONEJPOST I FALLS, April I three Malayans j m the quarter d ot the U.S. bad- I n singles chamvosterday, only I »n the I j He is Eddie others, David I Onq Poh Lim I m straight sets. I 5
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  • 33 1 TOKYO. April (AP).— A c physicist tys a uradepo>:t foun north oi here "will yield enough urai n for an experimental atofurnace.** Thi« ;s Japan's inly known deposit. _______M______________________M__«M_i^M
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  • 613 1 BIG COMET MYSTERY DEEPENS THE CLUES: No time for any signal A Disaster pattern noted Apparently it exploded Scientists Grope For The Answers LONDON, April 10, (Reuter) Britain's most brilliant aircraft technicians were completely baffled last night by thc big mystery of the jet age-why three apparently foolproof Co met
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  • 139 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Nine Malay ex-terrorists, including a woman, are appealing to their former colleagues of the Communist 10th Regiment m the name of Islam to surrender and return to God." Remnants of this one-time notorious terrorist unit are known to be operating m the around
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  • 61 1 WASHINGTON, April 10 (AFPi— The Thai Govern- ment has accepted an American invitation to join m forming a common front against Commu n is t aggression m I South-East Asia, a State De- partment spoke.-man said toi day. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles expressed his
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  • 26 1 AX earthquake jarred the downtown section of Tokyo at 124:. GMT today but there was no immediate report of any damage or injuries. UP
    UP  -  26 words
  • 197 1 They Will Destroy One For Solution LONDON, April 10 Royal Air Force test pilots at Farnboroii-ih are now preparing to test a De Havilland Comet jetliner to destruction to find the causes of the string of accidents to these machines. The pilots will perform every possible manoeuvre m the plane,
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  • 111 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. J. Anthony, a special consta- ble. attached to Sungei Way Estate, near Klang was today found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by the Chief Justice. Sir Charles Mathew, at the High Court j here. His Lordship told Anthony that as he
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  • 30 1 LOXDOX. April 10. (UP)— The Home Office announced today Britain will go on summer time at 0200 GMT on Sunday. Britons will turn their clocks forward one hour.
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  • 32 1 LONDON. April 10. (Ken ter). The British Ministry of Transport last night withdrew its certificate of airworthiness of all Comet aircraft pending investigation into the causes of the recent disasters.
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  • 262 1 —If Demands Are Not Met SAN FRANCISCO. Apr. 10.— General Claire Chennault said m an interview today" that Communist China is preparing for an all-out war m Indo-China m October if its demands are not met at the Geneva conference later thimonth. General Chennault.
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  • 91 1 'GIVE UP IN THE NAME OF ISLAM' Ihc vast Pahang expansl where the 10th is believed t» be lurking. Voire planes wilt reiterate the appeal. The Malayan Communist party, the surrendered Malay,, aftM had cheated them into taking the jungle on the promise of top jobs "when victory comes." First
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  • 259 1 Smiles Despite Threats COLOMBO, Apr. 10, (IP)— Saffron robed priest* and skirted drummers greeted Queen Kli/ahetli a> she stepped ashore on her newest and most colour! u I dominion today Although Communis elements na d tnieatci.e.i den ,n- strations. the Queen and Prix cc
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  • 75 1 TOKYO. April 16 (t T P' Red Chinese scientist, are rond i< ing atomic energy reseat n. Peking Radio revealed today m a broadcast monitored m Tokyo. The disclosure wai made In a report by Kuo Mo-.0. president of the recently established S( .entitle h of Red
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  • 186 1 LO.VDON, April 10 (Reuter)— A jury of seven men and five women decided m court here yesterday that the inscription over a woman's tombstone did not libel her 27-year-old daughter. The daughter, Miss Bessie Solomons, brought tbe action against Mr. Mark Simmons. with whom her mother
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  • 35 1 BOMBAY. Api 10 (UP).— Bombay's fishermen have ed their desire to co eel donations for token to he sent to the ii.- n bomb victims ol the Japanese fishing boat "Fukurj i Maru.**
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 175 2 THE last day of the an:: sale al Robinson's yaater was I v *ky day ior Mr. W Kee Boon. He was t luti.umith rustompr who ed the departmental store for *'<heaper buys** ...*;e was surprised when he was singled out an ng I
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  • 94 2 A SUCCESSFUL annual banquet of the S gapore Ox for„ r...a Cam -m So. ;etv Was he d re 1 1 \y m the Cap toi Ballroom attended by a large gathering ol mi nbers and guests. Archdeacon Eobia Woods proposed a toast to Oxford University
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  • 146 2 Walked Out Without Paying Bill SEREMBAN'. Sat -T;vo men aho had food and drinka at Majestic Hotel, Seremban. and then lefl without paying the bill are row m Seiem erhere they will be lor the next lix months. Appeal j fort Urn President of tbe Sessioni Court, Mr. E. Corbally.
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  • 297 2 More Traders Are Urged To Visit Australia Standard Staff Reporter THE Australian Trade Commissioner m Malaya, Mr. George S. Anderson, said he would like more Maloyan businessmen to visit Australia. That would enable them "to see for themselves the wide range of products Australia could supply to
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  • 32 2 THIEVES broke into the house of a Chinese fitter at Cheras Road. Kuala Lumpur tg t te ar y hour? of Friday and stole property and 567(1 m cas i
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  • 41 2 I MR. G. I. A MONT-WATT. M.i aaw «»f Ko!ipmui> I JOMtcd. and the luclft 100. 000 th tv*. nur. Mr. Her Kir Bo;.n. who received a $405 six-valve Cassor K;idio»ram given by the firm. Standard photo
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 2 LKTCHMANAN s 0 Kalimuttu, (above) who escapedl from PolU c custody lost Tuesday after he had twen ronvieted the vame rn the Magistrates £«W >v ted for ketog m passion of a Ntole n camera. Police ar now looking for SSeT'-sf a C, er >ft m height J own m
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  • 215 2 PENANG. Sat. The Resident Commissioner, Penang. R. P. Bingham told Home Guards of Sunt}, i Lembtl. Province I Wellesley (Ceptral) yesterday communist terrorists wanted guns si I ammunition and that they should hide their weapons skilfully during the da} The Home Guards of S Lembu
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  • 84 2 FOLK Sumner c\i< s destroyers of the United States Navy. ie Ault WaldltX. Hayneswortn. and John w' Week will arrive m Singapore on April 17. They have been go operational service m the Korean theatre. of Comdn. P. Flanagan FE Wi sic. WD. Baker. Ed MX
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  • 43 2 TAX CHEE TECK wa< charged m the Singaoore Fourth Police Court yesf^da, SS w ?e ni on March »at IOA High Street. It was alleged that Tan disga JBt sirs Claiming trial to the charge Tan was offered $5,000 bai^ and
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  • 28 2 RATEPAYERS' ANNUAL MEET THE Singapore Ratepayers* 2*225*12 gS hold it. annu™ eßg^JMtfag at the Adelph gammtttaa has appealed to all members to maka a special effort to attend.
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  • 56 2 GIFTS FOR TWO: Hongkong singers, Miss Ping Pmg, (right), ond Miss Kck Ling Chee were each presented with a gold necklace end pendant by on anonymous admirer at Bukit Bmtang Park, Kua'a Lumpur, during their farewell performance recc 'lv. Presenting the gifts on behalf of the admirer
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 224 2 V a <W_a _____P [•l^Wy^r^^^^^mMf li j jf yJf^l *V/^C_ 4_____ T" I J _B?t2o-E^___fT 9w Pl THINNEST p| <■ Waterproof TKr first waterproof votth fo combine tKc attractiveness of a dress t'nr. :pt2CC with fke durability of a utility wotcK. TA K>l S SIN( h !.7i s< LO THE
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    • 378 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT \|R A- MRS IIM SIEW I 'lexprcw then la all frtcndi and Uvei their valuable i i U id, net el t i ion. SITUATIONS VACANT V \< AM IK \jv| kor sums r*| f V. Ifi I 1 v s Mi S •\.•.E L» i'i_ and Singai i
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    • 123 2 Slainl.,l,l s,r U, help xv, BtaiHbN i oltrrs lu 111 1«.t.,| •,,. should l«'slim v plt.xrrs. "VJ S»lLMMi\ su MINI C ex «n« i I outd ab. f s CHI! cms \\a L. j w I J 7 fifl B 1 I ii i'l i mm m oi iliU
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  • 84 3 Chamber Attacks City Ads Pol icy _x STRONGLY warded lettei has been sent by the Singapore Chinese Chun i )rl o! Commerce to the City I ouncil deploring ceruill aspects nt its advertisi;i hv-laws and terming yen unsatisfactory.* 1 m r a I for p i»es > >_ed j ire
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  • 31 3 rj *a- trade i•: i it pei Ml lily 1 i Irop m y busin 1 i levels or Fr lay. ri .or L v «r« m the
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  • 25 3 5 Chambe ,t i pei i yes j Vi-. \:> i .1-. >9| M i \i; Vp >:;• i 1 1 194 > j 3 i
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  • 3 3 5
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  • Article, Illustration
    91 3 MR. D. JETLEY (centre, bock row) and his pupils m the Indonesian Club, Goodman Road, Singapore, who took part at a dress rehearsal for their "Glimpses of Indian Dances." The show is to commemorate the first anniversary of the Jetley Dance Institute, and is to be staged
    Standard  -  91 words
  • 230 3 HONGKONG, Sat -The Castle Peak Buddhist Free School, the only tree school ior village children m Castle Peak, will shortly erect a $50,000 new building towards which .Mr. Aw Boon Haw. Governing Director of the Sin Poh Amalgamated, recently donated $10,000. The Pres lent
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  • 28 3 i'HK M i iv. Anglican th Fel lowshio i•• organised a w >rk > be 1 m Vong P»i 4. J .More. Api 19 to Api 5.
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  • 375 3 Q. Do you notice that most or all lihcimia live to very old age, as recently shown m a picture published by you of a Pawaag, who is now living and strong at SO. PATRICK TAY. A Yes. because Allah does not deduct rrom a man's life. the lime
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  • 40 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Malayan tin companies have made handsome donations ,r > the Lady Templet's TB Hospital Fund. The largest donation eras $10. 000 trom Anglo-Oriental (Malaya) Ltd. The total fund up to April 6 was $1,163,084.87
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  • 236 3 SPECIAL Holy Week programmes have been arranged lor vtie iast week m Lent beginning today Palm Sunday. At 1.2a p.m. there will be lunch hour addresses at St. Andrew's Cathedral on April 12. 13. 14 and 15. In the evening, at 5.13 p.m.. on
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  • 293 3 GRANTS FOR BUILDING TRADE MAY BE POSSIBLE PROMISING students of the Singapore's school of Building may be offered scholarships to Australia, if the plans of Mr. Normon R. Mnitn, a past president and still one of the ?hree trustees of the Master Builders Association of New South Wales, Australia, materialise.
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  • 30 3 ABDUL Raman bin Kemat of Parit Bakar Laut, Mirar. was t'c ed $70 In default two weeks imprisonment by Inche Ibrabin Abdul Manan, Magis\ate, Muar. for house-break-ing at night.
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  • 174 3 New Party Is Attacked By UMNO JOHORE BAHRI*. Fri— Th_« United Malaya National Organisation attacked the opening of Party Nagara m Johore Bahru today by describing ii as "the same old Independence of Malaya Party m a new form." 'If IMP failed miserably to achieve those aims arhal nope .is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 103 3 week's solution 4 I f'mAfm&mmf* > lit 4,'*' »Jr Ji»ria hbi? ii"''" l "H'st know U l) War >«>" r p tr SUNDAY Anibe, v ud Ki P(JZZLE alld s nd Mto |he who* entry Coateat Editor. Sunday Stan t »ac te I dard. Singapore U reach ition p v.
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    • 520 3 $***** FOR YOU AT AGE 55 Men or women, under 45 by setting aside regular monthfr half-yearly or yearly Bmounlj under the SUN LIFE OF CANADA plan can lor example receive at a^e IS a lump miiiH9,6H for men— or a private income io r life of M 200 i
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  • 822 4 MALA YA 'S NEW RICE BOWL 180,000 Acres Of Jungle To Be Transformed Into Padi Stondord Stoff Reporter IPOH, Sun. A new "rice bowl" for Malaya is being hewn, ot immense cost ond wifh bad* breaking labour, m the giont TronsPcrak River Irrigation Scheme which, now m stage one, will
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  • 105 4 Plaques Vor 2 Landmarks SINGAPORE'S Victoria Theatre and Elgia Bridge HjII be Ihe first tun ..icteric Monuments m. th. 1 t\ ic. H.i\ r gesrriptire l njnev Mt. M.IV I Tweedie. tiKiirman at ihc Committer for Ihe Preservatioe I Historic Sites anil -..thui.fics ia Singapore »...v souehl 1 1 i
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  • 353 4 By Anton Fernando, Standard Staff Reporter ON THE slopes of a hill m Kran.ji Village, a few miles from Singapore, is a hamlet where a unique farming community resides. This community is run by war widows for war widows. A widow o! any nationality whose family
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  • 145 4 PENANG, Sat. Penang pictorialists have formed i! elves into a body to promote the general advance rf photography, photographic salons and exhibitions Mr. Char. Eng Hock was t(*.tH President, while Mr. Lim Theng H_ n wis made Pat roi: Other office-bearers elected were: Ho:. Secretary. Mr, Tan
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  • 45 4 photo. SOME of the war widows and their children ore seen working on their vegetable plots ot the Kranp form which they run themselves. This is port ot the relief scheme to care for dependants of victims of the occupation.' Standard
    Standard  -  45 words
  • 264 4 Wearne Aids The Crippled -FAREWELL GIFT AN OLD Singapore hand. whose benefits to the Colony will be remembered m its history, -left to lake up pei man-; ent residence m Capetown. He is Mr. Theodore James B Wearne. a member of the Board ol DirtM tors oi Wearne Brothers Ltd..
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  • 76 4 Medals For Call-Up Men MEMBERS ol the Singapore Military Forces who are doing national service colour training do not qualify for Campaign Medals but would be eligible to earn awards for any act or service, as may be granted m time of peace. A spokesman of the SVC. told The
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  • 106 4 AN AUSTRALIAN. Mr. David Elder, who spent three and a half years as a prisoner of war at Changi, Singapore, is now collecting material for a biography of Colonel William Light, son of Francis Light, founder of Penang. Living at 6«>l, Nepean Highway. Carrum. a suburb of Melbourne. Victoria.
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  • 50 4 [POH. Sat I < R 0 R Mohd l I Negri Semi r. will take A: I Raja Amir is a Kirk* teachei the Tungk I Al I S of G. A Tui gku Hui Yahyi «hi rtari Peral No. Race C pa renl I to be
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  • 24 4 KAN SIX HAN, ta ry van m Urn Mi Io m CJfuti conform wil S-. [a ik. Ot X.. di V
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  • 206 4 FA.IAR. the organ of thc University Socialist Club, accuses "some Malayan leaders'' of thinking that all they have to do for building a successful political party is to keep on trying just like the spider m the tale of the Spider and Robert
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  • 148 4 Sought By Aust. Writer it so fascinating, and the gaps m the record of the life of William Light s o many, that he is now working m collaboration with Mr. Geoffrey Dutton, a South Australian writer, who is collecting material m London. Mr. Elder who is also associated with
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  • 259 4 FOOD CONTROL HITS REDS— THEY EAT CENTIPEDES KIALA UNas-Ftm, Sat.-The inte, food control measures m the Federation Ms ?J|| Communist terrorists that they have t.,k. all animals, insects, grubs, and loridcr t m the jungle. H One ingenuous Red even In. d pedes— "they taste like prime Miwn sider elephant
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  • 27 4 B I i ti I• t n Ni i n i i I n S Ti perti i B i i
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  • 6 4 Lam be To Tour Pearl Harbour
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  • 12 4 S I B point anothi i gati l
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  • 29 4 PBCAN4 to tht f ■to leu Madam MaiCu hours. 1 Enln the bach It.rrt c hal tit tn. |esn it ry A rep< po IC
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  • 32 4 PEN A M", few Asian P take IWO arrived hi Chusar: fl He il 1> of Police of the Si 'who took i courses at Ryt on.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 IT'S HERE AGAIN! I t^p 7/7 C amazingly adaptable E RADI( T r f mmW \m\\ 1"' 11 ELECTRIC WONDERBAR! E________L 1 1 Singapore $€40 V%_ BORKEO Federoffon $725 W S-_r.po„ U T.™,™, Jpoh Penanr Kuchi tnd cthtt BoinTO branchei
      40 words
    • 30 4 I BARGAIN 0 l You can I M t c.< h I rents a v I fieu Stand;,. r accepted Roan or of the StJ Z tf* Lumpur. lp ii
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  • 38 5 ID Bo row rr "rf head of the I icife who arrived m dat/i ttay m the Colony. *9s .a a d will have discusd Neave, T.ycr and Anchor h H Hers are technical con-
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  • 173 5 UMNO Chief's Bid To End Strike l statv Reporter XT of the ivs' National Tengku an, w. I I the ke of < c 1 by the i Coma P 1 preside I ii .1 c -Pakistani S oflft< c vi Ran>:i Friday .n-the-spol study nation. Iced with thei irs.
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  • 86 5 A COMMITTEE of thc Singapore City Council will soon consider a proposal to sell Council land to locally domiciled Council officers -to enable then, to build houses. The Council has allotted 1. 000. 000 for loans to Council officers to enable them to build their own
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  • 376 5 SCOTT CALLS FOR 'HARD THINKING' Deficit Budgets Flayed KUALA LUMPUR, Sot. Malaya cannot continue her "undue reliance" on rubber and tin and an economy "which has developed m a haphazard, opportunist way, blundering from slump to boom and back," Mr. W. G. Scott, vice-president of the F.M.S^Chomber of Commerce warned
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  • 141 5 Weather Records MicroFilmed Standard Staff Reporter AS a precaution against loss, damage or destruction of the originals, all essential weather records of the Malayan Meteorological Service from 1929 to 1952, amounting to about 50,000 pages, were micro filmed last year, states the Service's 1953 Report. The repdH adds that a
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  • 115 5 $5,000 Bequest For RSPCA PENANG. Sat The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Penanu and Province Wellesley. has been bequeathed 55.000 by the will of the late Mrs. B. M. Anthony, a staunch supporter of the Society. She died last year. The money was expended on a
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  • 391 5 Standard Staff Reporter THE salvaging of an 5.55 Royal Naval helicopter which force-landed m a padi field near Seremban on March 30 was yesterday described by the Commanding Officer of the Royal Naval Air Station. Sembawanq. Commander H. N. Martin, as "unique" and a
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  • 50 5 MORE than 14.000 children from 90 Chinese Schools m Singapore celebrated "Children's Day" yesterday. Cathay, Odeon. Alhambra and other cinemas' m the Colony ran special free shows for the children m the morning. They were also treated to ice-cream, rakes and sweets by their schools.
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  • 123 5 A SPECIAL appeal for blood donations so that the blood bank may be wellstocked before the forthcoming Easter Holidays was made yesterday by the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service. Transfusions last week exceeded donations by 48 units. Compared with the week before, "last week's donations dropped by
    123 words
  • 83 5 Battalion Presents A Throne PENANG. Sat— The officers and men of the Ist. Battalion. Manchester Regiment. have presented a Bishop's throne to the Church ot Saint George Thc Martyr. Penang. This was given to commemorate those members of the Regiment, who. m the last three years, have given their lives
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  • 60 5 7HE Dire "sio^iol Therapy Unit o/ Ton Tock Seng Hu >. :al will hold a sale of toys and Mpedleirork- on ihe gr ind floor of Robinsons m Raffles Place. jro<i 9 15 a.»... r 12 noon on April 14. .4!l goods On sale are well made,
    60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 5 photo STANDARD HI and IV students of Geylang Methodist Girls' School. Singapore, m one of the arts of. a variety concert staged mi n aid of the School Building Fund yesterday. Standard
    Standard  -  32 words
  • 124 5 THE Singapore City Council Services I'nion has lormed a five-man sub-committee to study the Ritson report and its possible adoption to the salary structure, of City Council employees. They are to draw up a Master Plan'" based on I Ritson principles, to be submitted
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  • 110 5 Terrorists Wound A Soldier KUALA LUMPUR. S..T 1 Malay soldier was w.» [yesterday In the Kuaia Li|<,< area of Pahang during m engagement between the 7th Bn. Malay Regiment MM Mnw ir> terrorists. In the Rengam area of •lohore yesterday two term. Istl m civilian clothes, wh were spotted by
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  • 50 5 THE British Council of Singapore yesterday asked per son> who are interested In joining listening groups., to hear Radio Malaya's programme. "University Of The Air" to contact the Adult Education Officer. Stamford Road. Singapore The programme Will be broadcast every Sunday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 132 5 A TIP FOR SINGAPORE m \4/L n L I THE Cola nut. one ot the. ingredients of Pevs Cole. grows on trees hi A' r tea and the West Indies The A* m*rA* AmmW B_!l'v __F lSV____ __k___^^^__ 99^m\ _____J________r* l^^__________________________L I _*f_r __B ______l I' tandt of whue-cnaied operators
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  • 1551 6 Thi* is the third mmm th* morivH ##e-#»#r#* iMrtirlfs hy tmtirtttin mWmmma t htiiriitiin W*M. Atomic EwMM-rfMy WMM MMM M S H M MM MM i&3O-1933- That MtMMthemr MMMMeMfjiiti'* I/I9MM hurt* MM tMMWM o/ iirt* ait tt lit'srri" ht»s the* Mtttiitths m 9iff p run* m
    1,551 words
  • 360 6  -  RALPH CHAMPION A CilKI. is luck> bet husband is a nine to li\. man with just enough mono to live on and not too bis a chance of promotion. Tn.« is an >pin i n w d< serves respect It m Daniel Eisei ii N rk's p pi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 FOR GOOD VALUE S inner A -A TftACf M*«_f Roadster .^cr'"Ty tfr lin rJflfrl FOR FAST PERFORMANCE A* 13 H.P. $4,995 CYCLE CARRIAGE CO (1926) LTD. j MMGAPOBE, KUALA ILMFLR Represented m the Federation j .TALCUM POWUfcASrV*\ i T«md«- skin* __-^^/7T^— l r\ bot we*ther. f C*§\L I A I.•
      157 words
    • 199 6 mm 7 'J I C^^^VVswlV A m a 1 Ij YASOItY At last the perfect found.. u«.. to add a bre...1u...M. radiance to ytmm beauty j Feather Foundation— a unird cream— give* a pafta lat •<<• t., j the fine bloom i.i .mJ!r\ IV It hides every tiny b!etni«h *rd
      199 words

  • 792 7  -  JOHN BOLTON by ALL I HAVE LEFT IS AW ALBUM HILL GF MEMORIES Pf/i m seeping timely into my mind ,i I shall never again see the heauti- L i/7 irhom I married m May of ,i .i..n Office lvi- written to tell \%nm oUtttlnetl a Russian
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  • 451 7  - Women Are Smarter Than You, Bud P. C. CHAN 5L -T__l*^fc/_JS tXX vv vwwwwwww^ t J H thai outsmarting an>j female. Get OUt OJ your head t)ie idea that just because twet r whisperings of affirn I ciscade from her lips you }'.aye oui-wanoenrred her. P)Q NOT for one moment
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  • 351 7  -  Clifford David LEARIE CONSTANTINE famous cricketer By ,X VRIE Constantino, ihe Wert Indian cricketer, who is «oiii« home after twenty-five years m Britain, told B. B. C listeners he wa« "a little afraid" of the reception that English folk living m Trinidad would give llim
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  • 109 7 i 'T'HE official New China News agency said s in a recent dispatch from Canton that a tomb, datinf back to the Tang: Dynasty in S the 9th Century, had been discovered ia Canton's out- skirts. The agency said the tomb was that of a woman
    AP  -  109 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 Public Speaker His effusion. His sweetest words are: "In conclusion.' JEAN SARTW ELL
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    • 323 7 ROUND TRIPS TO 28 to 32 days with approximately 10 days m Japanese Ports "Sirdhana" sailing 10th May "Santhia"' sailing 22nd June "Sirdhana' sailing 24th July Ist Class $745 2nd C1a55... 5590 CHILD RE ACCORDING TO AGE ISLAY KERR Co., Ltd 11 A. Collyer Quay SINGAPORE Tel: ***** to iifiiiMi_Uy6lf
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  • 1497 8 For 1-M Francs A Day PROPRIETORS of the three big: "Music Halls' here— the Alhambra. the re-opened Olympia, and Bobino— are gathering ammunition for their war against tlie cinema. Currently starring at the Bobino is Edith Piaf. Pierre Anclrieu, who runs the Alhambra, tells me
    U.P.  -  1,497 words
  • 318 8  -  UNKNOWN By 1 \-V IM >' 1 ,< ntlti m Xi Vt rk. UA.A. fot N i hft had J coma icith riahi I bound ft lh«t > eing, j .< -j nj/iiiQ or ecr > onh. j) lt had 1 0 ltd > need. 'But tbij iraj
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 462 8 Why the whole family says: &£/> (/our teeth KOLYNOS clezn/l^gPs) mr*^^^gS. fl *>* \y^ ___________T__b- T fi^ %i«T '"'.ifff Kolynos Dental Cream N^ is the family favourite for four very good reasons KOLYNOS Foam reaches into every corner and crevice, where decaf mosl often shuts that's first m importance,** says
      462 words
    • 57 8 PRETTIEST GIRL /<S ___*/^__fr __wS^S YB •#-i2_r f *_________k 1%. v fi' > V ______L I* ...i A. 'jfl xoung French i ja _«^>-_-«a!_H ___L f SJ^sßl I _____C*. V J ti r& jSttßr^A t i I v k :^_k. I V s <fc_..^aBr 1 J -3zm w mmmmmr^^mW '^__w__.4"
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  • 1453 9  -  Jack Cahill r-<2y |\EEF i An below' Sydney's North Head one day 1 s>t week, near the bottom of an underwater can von, six men sat on a purple rock and laughed at i shark. 4 s>hark hovered warily only a few md
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  • 506 9  -  HAL BOYLE toy "•V YORK Your daygrow up as you do fact is giving me quite dache. My daydreams to be fun. Now they've r d mental work To tell the truth, my daydreams ™ing v Bive me i s I a vays
    506 words
  • 342 9  -  Alton L. Blakeslee CHOES equipped with a ~J kind of automatic _;ear shift are one way to give us happier feet, two bone specialists suggested In Clevß* land. The idea is to put into shoes movable joints which will automatically adjust to the
    AP  -  342 words
  • 31 9 Deliveries of office machinery to British users reached a new high level of 29,441,000 pounds last year, the Office Appliance and Business I Equipment Trades Associatioa announced m London.
    31 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 306 9 27ie world famous /«„<<t// o# TIGER medicinal products i SBf- r/"' <:^^£__fi c -^ft^hfcja&M_B_B________ _r_i7^^_______^^______r^^__>. TIN PACKED BALASHIN SAI Very effective for Couohs, Indigestion, Seasickness Nausea, Tiredness, Stomachache, Foul Breath. ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL i^ father your family depends on you /,> V >ur h^.-h anj Wimpf!
      306 words

  • 789 10 X ALTHOUGH the Geneva Conference is only a t\ fortnight owoy, the exoct stctus cf ComO munist Chino ot the folks hos not ytt been dehnitely established. V At *be conclusion of the Eerlin Conference > obout six weeks ego, John Foster Dulles told the O world
    789 words
  • 1936 10 THE WEEK'S WORLD NEWS in review West To Hold Talks Before Geneva Opens )NLY HISTORY will probably tell whether John Foster Dulles was right or wrcng m adopting a firm %tond ogainst the Communists m the present cold war. At present, he was meeting with more opposition thon support to
    AP  -  1,936 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 9 10 JjJ LITERATURE 1 TED 9. o ioi aai. •>n«a»o««
      9 words
    • 319 10 I JUST OME BRUSHING W|m X Colgate Chlorophyll Toothpaste j DESTROYS BAD BREATH M>_l .jfiS^.'^W. '<iA______________ ?v;'' mmWm^^^^^^mWm. *§4_f .vi _^_t AvABM 9_n_p_iE M^ ,s _b >> M <V > __3_fc_!a_l___R ___R *W^ __5^b v 1^ _^__r "<L a Clinical Tests Prove Gum Troubles Reduced Twice as Fast! Actual clinical
      319 words

  • 586 11 woollen knitted pullovers; three or more shirts; three ©r four ties; two or three thick woollen vests; two or three pairs of woollen pants; six pairs of woollen socks, or which three ar e heavyWeight; two or three cotton Vests for summer; two or
    586 words
  • 730 11  - Colonial Students In U.K. Made To Feel At Home Christine Diemer By m England from Singapore and the Federation need have no problems about acclimatizing themselves m a strange land, if they seek all the information they want before embarking on the journey, Mr. A.J. Thomas, Representative of the British
    730 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 467 11 f Costs no more IJ .rouble Saving! VI ime Saving ;^^^s Gilleke Quick-feed Dispenser THE MOST CONVENIENT PACK tVKR IDES ARE COMPLETELY OIL PROTECTED I I me wasted fmntbUimj So more untidy, dangerous N appint paper old blades tng around mtmLfh^TLmmmm^^ M'J'mt \fT j immmmmmmmmt' I c blade* <-itde safely
      467 words
    • 60 11 P^^^-*3_^*_^^__S^^_k V& a Landscapes a o 1/>o 0 A y-Msk ilk j?~ i -^iPm ek. Jt __r^__. 4 fl 0 ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS %RL__j_^^S?|'%| 0 MINICONVEX MIRRORS IM E^SB! y A I 'mm im 1 Jf* »i if*^^! j 0 mmtr'Amj &LT _Br «*l_-__ "^^^^^^d* J 9^** f^'-' -^Bl l_________r^__t
      60 words

  • 899 12  -  PETER STEPHENS A DENTAL MECHANIC SETS EUHOPE TALKING by ROTTERDAM, JAN VAN WYK is making a fortune by turning a trip to the dentist into a one-day affair and a pleasure! At his big three-storey clinic here Anything up to 1,000 teeth are being
    899 words
  • 112 12 \IALAYAN visitors to Holland will be accorded special facilities for getting better acquainted with the trade, industry and other aspects of the lovely country as a result of the estaoJ.shment of a tourist liaison centre called -Holland Hostess.'' This bureau has been vet up In Amsterdam, to entertain
    112 words
  • 526 12  -  D. P. GALLAHER bu SOMETIMES it is really difficult to decide |ust what to wear when having a special Photograph taken Make-up rather a mxt Insofar as mako-up is mocerned the be>t plan ij to apply the usual amount with perhaps, the iddition of a little
    526 words
  • 272 12 RECOMMENDATION that Pan American World Airways be granted permission to operate a Clipper seiviee from California to Japan via the Great Circle—a route which Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh surveyed for PAA nearly a quarter of a century ago— was m the hands of the U.S.
    272 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 278 12 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD A SI) HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE JOINI SfcKVH E To Colombo (ienoa Marseilles, Antwerp Rotterdam Hambur Bremen Spore P Sham Penan tt SSlr" 1 mmm*9LZ Hons Kong Manila Kobe A Yokohama 1 s .h„h i enan Sham Spore •Howhst lIAPACiI .2«Mav 27M_i. i.M_. •M II ll (HDL, :K S
      278 words
    • 377 12 EAST ASIATIC li SAILINGS TO CONTINENT S( M)| For Aden. Port Said. Genoa. Antwerp Rot.. U| Gdynia, Copenhagen. Gotheiburg and '(K| H Spore pv x) "SONGKHLA" 17/22Anr n r^ xx) "FIONIA" '28 30^\Kr W xx) "MEONIA" .13 15Ma V ir xxx) -PASADENA- 22/24M a y i? !'\> I: x) Calif
      377 words

  • 78 13 MARIA of Menado whose latest picture "Nafsu" (a Keris Films Production) is now being locally released has turned an independent st; r with a view to free-lance later, following several attractive offers received from Singapore and Indonesia. Fans writing to the star have suggested she switch
    78 words
  • 402 13 OMAR KHAYAM FILMS' latest production "Dara" which stars Begum Para the 'Oomph' girl of Hindi films and producer Sheik Mukhtar, m the lead roles, depicts the perennial struggle of poor peasants against money grabbint landowners. The story revolves around the ambition of an elderk peasant woman
    402 words
  • 564 13 r PHE amazing Jane Wyman 1 has done it again! After playing m a leriet of highly emotional dama^ this great star suddenly switched fo musical comedy and proved she could not only take this m her stride. but make the wolves
    564 words
  • 590 13 THIS MUSICAL GAVE ME A 3-D HEADACHE! O-I^ can be tops when used JJ m a picture like "The House Of Wax- and when it reacts to polaroid viewers as it did m this movie, but it can almost ruin a first-rate film— and one's eves when applied to M-G-M's
    590 words
  • 479 13 HTHE world stooped laughing when Charlie Ch.nlin's famous baggy-trousered tramp —that little sad. laced lellow who tripped over is own bootlaces and went places Wl, h his twirling knotty cane stick disappeared from the screen. Since then, of course. there have been scores of imitators
    479 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 292 13 m mam hmh m_m ■m__h^Hh ORGANISATION jjf^ ATTRACTIONS !"^r TODAY fitflf^Pifkf- n "m?*Am M DAILY j^^ MM ?54cc aip ce»pmo«-D y/ fl i_- j A GREAT ADVENTURE IN A DANGEROUS ERA! V r THE C Squished #|1 JOHN PAYNE JAN STERUNG V>. H COLEEN GRAY f '^ta S LYLEBETTGER luck)
      292 words
    • 239 13 BSg^A"^^ THE ROYAL CO^MANti^^si gOw^ PERFORMANCE F/LM J^3 &2£k Cotnirt&SooHl c^Jfc£ Iflfil^rilfiTl^ atr **>**triii4i I ____UjU_____L» 11,1.45, JANE POWELL a. I Gordon MacRAE W^ mw Gene NELSON N&hJ^TV? _»:g w( IP* v Warners' BBB. WORTHY TECHNICOLOR Mii'lral Pins! Pallie Nmm OXFORD beat CAMBRIDGE m BOAT RACE Muni lilt I Miilitifihl
      239 words

  • 505 14  - NOBODY NEEDS TO BE LONELY! Dorothy Roe by J ONELY? 'Well, don't just sit there -do something? That's the a<_* ice of Muriel Davis, a Chicago insurance executive who has become a sort of Pied Piper for American working girls. She discovered a few years ago that some of the
    505 words
  • 368 14 DEAR JOY JONES... \fY brother and I are both i?1 m love with the same girl and she appears to have no preference. She treats us 1 both alike and bestows her 1 favours equally between us. J This makes us angry and we are always fighting. "ABDUL" (K.L.) SHE
    UP  -  368 words
  • 558 14  - Give in Not Dad... MARY BROWN SHOULD a parent apologise mm. lo a child? 4 Mrs J'• £fi YES ~»ut norso her Mhe wou,d hay writes- apo,0 isin ff- She "Evan, our eleven-year-old E5» w as accused by hts /ather o/ taJem? from our room a specially-prized book and losing
    558 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 254 14 It must be /35%) the best J^^^ for baby r^ii I Mada specially for baby, *S* (l;^ >; 1 Johnson's Baby Powder it IXr^^ fllB^ tht softest, finest powdar \^ssi \ifltM ll the wor/d. It prevent! *515* Ofl^ Irritation, soothas and I*!>** /S*. I comforts tender skin. Usm I Vj/
      254 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 70 14 .h,,,,.,.,,,,',,".' r__ 85uriJ58i ass? "•"> »<>"">"»<MIM..V AND I,| KI ,lUAT, I\- ii < a »'Ji.(JV\-j:i£ Mill! -Sept. 2:i ,0 o, l I 3tCh P «*l 0^ J SCORPIO-Ocl 23 lo N be lo •^'ajJlS? V A^con S cientiou s Employ H 4\|.|tlcoßvi l li;. v l (>i« '-,Mnin|. Plans de^on_.
      70 words

  • 396 15 RENDEL REPORT MEANINGLESS SAYS THE 'GONG' Standard Staff Reporter 111 l Rendel Commission's proposed constitutional „,s were meaningless because under it the elected ns.ntitives of the people of Singapore would be ided .v »inst themselves, the Gong, magazine of the Civil Service Inion declared editorially m its i ,i r
    396 words
  • 68 15 Teachers Challenge Mr. Tan RE CI in< >c High ers' Union yes- i to take legal millionaire Mr. [or issuing a April 5. asking to interfere m •ted" with the g University. of four decisions after a special meet- yesterday. ..-ions are: statement denying ran had suggested m •< nent.
    68 words
  • 49 15 A FINE ol $15 imposed <>;. a >rist, Won.; Ah Joo by Mr. .Toon Chong. m the SinSecond Traffic Court was immediately when the Magistrate thai Wong's hand and Chat he has oyed for .<i\ tor not king sign Oi 22, lasl I s-
    49 words
  • 11 15 UR Sfl.— was rgeri rm< I persons •< P. Kirby.
    11 words
  • 81 15 since a I lent hi his Serangoon Sunday. Sing. a] ot was ptort, e s fore Mr. I >re First St venth Court. Dong faces three tentative charges, one for the attempted murder of his 46-year-o'd wife. Peony Dong Mcc Sang, the second for voluntarily causing
    81 words
  • 161 15 'Mr s. Choy Back From MIS Taur SINGAPORE Legislative Councillor, Mrs. Elizabeth Choy, returned to the Colony yesterday after a two-month tour of the United States of America and Canada. "The people of these countries do not know much about Singapore or Malaya. But they are now taking an interest
    Standard  -  161 words
  • 105 15 Standard Staff Reporter HUNDREDS of Shma poreSJM tested their skill at sh> inn I'oeonuts. and took thantes m I inky dips .md other smusisg games, at the Tnivevsity of Malaya Fun Fair m Uaffles Institution ground yesterday. The fair was to eollett money for a
    105 words
  • 52 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Dr. Ismail bin Datoh Abdul Rahman. Member for Natural Resources, today presented certificates and diplomas to 27 new graduates of the College of Agriculture m Serdang. Mr. Khoo Swee Joo. a orivate student from Selangor, was the most successful scholar, coming out tops m
    52 words
  • 79 15 Minimum Temperature: From 7.:.0 p.m. on April 9 to 7.30 a.m. on April 10. Spore (7iF>. Penang (75F), Kota Bahru (74F). X.1,. (75F). Ipoh <74F). Kuantan <7'JF). Maximum Temperature: From 7..10 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on April 10. Spore (88FL Penang (89V) Kota Bahru (9'_F), K. L. (9..F).
    79 words
  • 78 15 FIVE men were tentatively charged m the Singapore Ninth Police Court yesterday with intentionally killing a vegetable hawker. Yeo Sab Tee. on the night of Jan. 8. tins year, at DBgodl Str< The accused are Yuen Kwai Chong. Foo Poh Teck. G >h Kee Leong, Leo
    78 words
  • Article, Illustration
    102 15 PENANG, Sat.— A Customs clerk. Chan Nyit Chin. 31, who pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust of $40, was sentenced to six months' imprisonment by Mr. B. V. Rhodes m the Sessions Court today. photo. HEADS of banking an d business houses attended a l-ft t fe*S*
    Standard  -  102 words
  • 283 15 'I OWE YOU GREAT DEBT' HE TELLS THEM Tempter ThanJts M.CSm KUALA LUMPUR, Sot.— The Federation nigh Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer, said tonight that civil service officers have the clear and unchanging duty of doing their best to serve the people of this country, now that Malaya is on
    283 words
  • 113 15 KOH AH PUAH. a trisha rider, who rode With both hands up "like a bid" m Sago Lane, was yesterday cautioned and discharged by the Singapore Trnffi-j Magistrate. Mr. F.A;«Chua. Denying the charge, Koh i said that he raised one hand ,to indicate that
    113 words
  • 132 15 $1,194 In Donations To S.A.T.A. SINGAPORE Anti-Tubercu-losis Association yesterday acknowledged the following donations. Army Central Pay and Records Office— s3os.64; Dr P. S. Bun— s2oo; Mrs. C. E. HudsonSi 10; Staff and Executives of the Dunlop Rubber Purchasing C 0 —5106.93; Chequers— Sloo; Staff of Radio Malaya ST3: Spore Cold
    132 words
  • 58 15 SINGAPORE Sixth Police Magistrate. Mr. R. W. H. Davies, told Zawawi bin Abas and A. Rashid bin Kalaban. yesterday: •"Vou could be fined SI, OOO or sentenced to six months' rigoroOs imprison--1 ment." Mr. David fined each SI OO for illegal entry into the Colony. They
    58 words
  • 58 15 TAXI driver. Pang Kirn Koe. who claimed trial m the Singapore Second Traffic Court, on a charge of stopping bis vehicle eight fe\ .l trom the edge of the roadway, rhangi his mind. "To save all trouble, lei tiir court fine me." said Pang The-
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  • 27 15 THE MaII y a n A.:. Youth fellowship have organised :i work camp ii nt held vi Yong Peng, J< from April It to U.
    27 words
  • 80 15 Mission 's Bus Probe MR. E. HONDELINK. transportation mdviMMt te *'<« World Bank Mission, visited tfie Tau Koh Vat Bus Go pany, yesterday to see tor lirusell liow a Chinese run transport company operates. Mr. Tny Soo Yong, manager of the company (left l e.i plains to Mr. Hondelink about
    80 words
  • 177 15 After Name Cleared. He Claims Standard Staff Reporter A SINGAPORE City Council employee who said he was "unjustifiably" dismissed from work after an official investigation had cleared him of certain allega tions, has appealed to The Singapore Standard for redress. Employed a s a watchman
    177 words
  • 87 15 A GRAND supper dance m Of St. Andrew's bui Id tund for old boys and Ml i < v erill be held at the En.X Hotel on Easter Mond.iv Guest artists. m< ludinf .i magic show by Mr Tan H Chuan. will enteitai;, patn Many valuable
    87 words
  • 55 15 SING \PORE. P gating the deal old Utter, R Got ii -.1 nv. who was I t op m Bukit i Road \n vt day mom i cause ol death ha jri been establl ihed but It i Inds smy 1 1 i i a
    55 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 413 15 Restore Youthful Vigour To Glands m 24 Hours New Discovery Brings Pleasures of Life to Men Who Feel Old -fm Before Their Time £jj toothful Viaor Restored Vigourotii Jss| tjentth. endurance, brar! ..:.d arcon-.;.libh,nent Caesar. Mark Anthony ouratmg tiie pland*. and thus tei-ds to re« >r Hugo, were the fortunate
      413 words
    • 146 15 WHITER TEETH with Macleans mt m m mm HI I HI HI H < a^H_H_____Sa____H______b_%* s_______K__lH_t y W^^sw. hJ___r MAKE THIS 14-DAY TEST: Why not give Maclean a t.ia' to r your sen? Be quite tar about it clean you» teeth thoroughly morning and n 'ght for a couple of
      146 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 166 15 SINGAPORE MARY SINGAPORE X \I»I4» MAI.VVA STORK: 7 It. am Morning Star; 730 New-; 733 Melody Mixture; X Come I to the Parlour; 830 Breakfast Hour; s> 30 Much Binding; 10'. Roundup; 10 15 Comedians All; lo:;" Music In Malaya: ll Jay Wilbui Strings; 113') Si Jd <> Service—
      166 words
    • 154 15 Interlude; 313 BBC Midla .<; Light Orch: 545 Remit O i Tht Royal Tour; 6 Su:ida> Sen Fust P'esb.vtenan Chu eh New tai Cou ity I) >w i Northe i Ireland; •;;.>> News .v News Ta'k: 'i 45 Sports R >.t ridr. 7 English Maj 7 3(1 'Star Bill News
      154 words

  • Kampong LONDON
    • 936 16  -  S. LINGAM by '['If I. Malayan students here do not have a meeting place of their own. but they have their own Association The Malayan Students' Association of Victoria. It was founded m early 1 Wi. I had a talk with Mr. Brie Ng. present
      936 words
    • 537 16  - AND ITS STUDENT PERSONALITIES Tons Tan fßyj A new arrival to Malays Hall is Miss Betty Teo. eldest daughter of Mr. It Mrs. S.J. Teo of Singapore. Sweet and very petite Betty came over hero by tho "Caff^ ton" and is making -Mateya Hall her temporary home. Betty, n former
      537 words
    • 557 16  -  LILY TAN »w« GRAND Sports Dance was held on Saturday vight. the Ttth of Mauh m aid ot the College Sports Council funds. The occasion marked the end of tho Winter Sports season as well as th c conclusion of ftnal leaching practice f
      557 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 506 16 CACH MONTH LOOK FO HERRING RECIPES HERRING PIE S .'f t.n Morton fr„h Hmr ~^B^^ "ngt. I on, on 14 mad tiaad mW gratad chaaaa. part- LW '*t. P*?P*r and braadcrumot r Graata p -d.ih hmm with kraadcrwmfci on and pot atoai vary thinly 9r»» up *»rr,nv. add tomato tauca.
      506 words
    • 162 16 fjT Speedy deliveries nnnn ~^^S Hum um m. -g*&tm*\, XtmrnmrnVLm-^- JJ^"?^^^^^> *"**^*v^ gMHßU*^MH__acap_^ cJ^*4_ i •*?'Imm UUUUUUUUUUUU^. ~3-^^^^^E; YJL I mmmi mmmwmm m m ijfetv cab Tor non- >^^ aar/mmm^anuaufo am g sr,st£ f maoe m sty/c "•ah gear box HypotJ 'V These vehicles gain you a good name for
      162 words

  • 835 17 SHOCK GOALS UPSET THE TOURING MUDAS Down 4-0 In Maiden Bid NEARLY 3,i<r© spectators saw Kelantaa's Suara Mo4a A.F.A. suffer a 4-0 defeat against Singapore "A" in their opening game af their Colony tour at Singapore's Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. The early setback of two: shock goals m the first
    835 words
  • 366 17 PLAYING copy-booh poecer the Star Soccerite "A" maintained thei r unbeaten recc>rd In the Div. 111-C Ol the SAFA League when they gave a 7— 1 j thrashing to the Set.a Jaya S.C at the Geylang Stadium yesterday. T:.e Setia .tay a was plainly a
    366 words
  • 194 17 Arkell Hits Grand 78 A BRILLIANT 7* by Arkell a 'hattrick' by C W. Law i-i-____lighted the Singapore Cricket Club's 138-run victory ova [he C V.M.A. m s encket friemii.• placed on lhe p_.dar.g vesterdaj. Arkell took jus: over a n hour and a half to score his runs. while
    194 words
  • 309 17 LONDON. April 16 (Reuter) Following t U.K. -.-ocer results I.FAt.IK DIVISISION I Arsenal rpool 0 As: V I. Blackpool 2. Manchester U. 0. Cardiff 2 West B: om V Chelsea Bolton 0 Huddersfteld C. 2 Tottenham 5. Manchester C. 5 Middlesbre 2. Portsmouth 2. Newcastle c
    309 words
  • 113 17 THE Patron of the Sing.pore Tab.c Tennis Associate Dato C. J. became th< ;nt\v Table Tennis chief at t STTA'i annua! genera! mo ing yesterday. Mr. Choo Kwai Ix>\v eraelected hemorary secretary. Officials for the year ait Patron and Adviser: Mr. Soh Ghee Soon. President:
    113 words
  • 61 17 SINGAPORE Chinese Recreation Club beat RNAS by 84 runs m a cricket match a: Hong Lim Green yesterday. S.C.R.C. 163 for it (Eddy Fung 30. Fook Sian 57, Fong Weng 45 and Kee Meng 20. I Miller 3-25 and Bloor 3—48.) R.N.A.S. 68. (Williams 22 not out.
    61 words
  • 151 17 Hnnn^ ICh T: SENIOR TOURNEY. SCRC 9 Police at ot Rntm? Gre J n: SRC v Arm at SRC C *C «*F (S) Naval Bas e ri y BgS€ V Indian <ll l lt 2a*£2 MCA "I SRC af B^ S tier; Wanderers v CYMA dLn, pTr**,?**
    151 words
  • 593 17 Four TTC Records Go: Wong Ong Are Champions HHR records were broken m the Singapore Teachers' Training Colleges third Swimming Meet held at CSC Pool m Amber Road yesterday afternoon. lhe man responsible for two f of the lour new records set up was individual champion, Wong Sui Kvit. who
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  • 179 17 Shuttlers Vote For Cheng Chye FOR the fir?: time m n'*}*e years, the Singapore Badminton Association have a new head when delegates from 33 parties unanimously v^ted Mr. Aw Cheng Chye President of the association at its l§Ul annual general meeting at Guillemard Road yesterday. The retiring president. Mr. Lim
    179 words
  • 31 17 PEGASUS entered the fina' of the Youth Soccer competition by beating Kota Raja Olci Boys 4 o m the semi-final of the tourney at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday.
    31 words
  • 390 17 WHAT started off as a keen and exciting match, deteriorated into a rough scramble when Katong Sports Club beat Uni- j ted Sports Club 3—2 mi n their S.A.F.A. Div. 3C league match at the Farrer Park yesterday. Rough play crept into the game m the
    390 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 283 17 frotect VMS* nd LUNGS _b I I RELY OM _____________________3v3 -'V a.*; '__/__ißßa_B-__-Ba_B---_P mn KH i PIKO Provide! I I t or cold i < k i < f dually packed m i i presentation box d agaiasl radio and Interfereaee. i i HENG MOH ELEC. CO., I mvn Street.
      283 words
    • 135 17 I#* m 9999* 9W^ *7 -fl fc_^ V y^rnX T IH O? |OH^ IS ""^^-^ssssj^^^»____sir^^ J» "^^^^JBJ^^^ L^j^^S-^^^^ e^^^Sy \mmmmmP m^tl^^Qt^^mm\ ■TA^__i__. H_. PRODUCT Of S. C. JOHNSON a SON PIY. LTD., WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF WAX POLISHES AND ELECTRIC POLISIERS KIAIV GWAN (Ml LTD. Singoperc, Kuolo Lumpur ond Penang.
      135 words

  • 418 18 Nylon Studs Beat Mud A new type el foothjul stud, made from nylon, is gaiaiaf rapid popularity m both rugby and aaccer eireles. Permission for its use has been granted by the Kugby I'nion. and of the New Zealand tourists lop picture.' The n y Inn studsi moulded by
    418 words
  • 407 18 SUPERIORITY OF PL AICE The first open ia mile time trial of the season has fivea further pia*of of the superiority af Ralph Plaice ia held of unpaced <•>< liiu. In almost perfect weather last Sunday morning, he won the hr>t Open r.vent. promoted h> the Singapore Cycle Racial Association,
    407 words
  • 29 18 ATTRACTIVE Mrs A A. Zollinger demonstrating the forward hinge mi n foil fencing, Sfie it the only Swiss rcoman m the class of over 50 pupils.
    29 words
  • 83 18 SEATTLE. Washington, Apr 10. (Reuter) Mr. Jack Hurley. manager of American heavyweight boxer Harry Matthews said today that his offer of CI O,OOO was still open to British champion Don Cocke! l for a return bout there against Matthews whom Cockell outpointed last year. He was
    83 words
  • 490 18 NEW 'LIFE' FOR FENCING CLUB THK Singapore FlMflf <_ltil» f Marled m I*>.>l ami I leer J six month* laler, had a new leane of life wfceei Britain.. Olympic fencer. Major A.E.E. Moore allra* Uml more than 300 Singaporean.-, to an exhibition al I an-lin (,vmna*iiim la.nt week. Following the
    490 words
  • 264 18 MCF Relax Rule For Cyclists PENANCi. Sat— Singapore cyclists will be glad to learn that they would be allowed to compete m thc Malayan Cycling Carnival to be held at Kuala l.umpur during the Faster holidays. Entries from Singapore v m rejected a few days ag > 01 grounds that
    264 words
  • 143 18 Farewells TO CAPT. C. E. G. SMITH. Royal Sussex Regt., popular Box ins and Sports Officer of M.B.T.C. and A.B.T.S. For three year s he held the position and will be missed by all his associates m sport TO CAPT. E. BILLS. R.A.P.C.. who has put m much hard and
    143 words
  • 567 18  - Up Tbe Corinthians THEY KEEP ON WINNING RAFMAN Xv THF' Corinthian* < ontimie.l on ||„.j r Nm|( Thursday whon lli«-v heat the Ro* u 1,,.,, »«aU to nil at <.illm..ii Barracks m i( >! paaaa. Once again Ihc Corinthian* nas on lop form, scoring ihrec of ill. "i„ (l( A
    567 words
  • 42 18 YMCA l 18 t S.R.C P I V VI C A t ;ln: R l.v i. I. B. Sun X -14 m, K. 1 R Sarjit Singh Si Teek. Gurd C. Femai S■ g Si" h Te* F Singh. H
    42 words
  • 31 18 IN i I I A i p I I I •)'->• .m. r I M I i i D m 1 I I P ii I S s
    31 words
  • 499 18  -  Nipper by IN a l SI. Jitision 2 match at Nee Soon on i% lop ol ihe Irage* Changi were held to a one-all draw I K. V.I.C. I lie yroiinil wae mudd\. ami m some part* umler water and goeal was practically
    499 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 48 18 IWiiliillillllli^ «i«^^ SWITCH TO^HORSE POWER I^=^k titHintas£__B_S_l__B7 =^~1 \m\r k^3_s iW\ mm- fri' v/ AmW minfrnW Bm¥mm\\ AWmmW <__*•______ -__-_pe^. -4M§il-BfS|l Seahorse Outboard Singapore K-i... Ump.r Pn^J af jfjl^. e-^ M A mmmmM m 320. f* wt mmm and olher B^rn^., branchy V I r r- n,^/^^ Mm JO.M./R.P.M./2
      48 words
    • 28 18 BARGAIN 8«' You can needs f N cents a v\ t tied Standar i t accepted Road v I ol the S T I' I Lumpur, l Ipoll
      28 words

  • 956 19 Our Lifters Best Bets At Manila THE gold medal hunt at Manila will be toush even for Singapore's brawn and muscle men. AND EVEN WITHOUT TUE IRANIANS, WHO SWEPT THE BOARD IN THE FIRST ASIAN GAMES WEIGHT LIFTING COMPETITION AND ARE OUT OF IT THIS TIME
    956 words
  • 201 19 JEFFERY JAMES' ASIAN GAMES SERIES I i i I ***t*rtt history will be mud.' next In m si over tim ueet.s. thy biggmmt reaa- tporltmem ftmr athlete<. /our weight m swimmer 9, tmmmm water pal a players. ul /."> footballers uill lenre StttgAfOim i I'm ,iic Hrunys for what uill
    201 words
  • 898 19 By LINESMAN NEXT week the SCC padang will be the venue of the first State natch of the >c:t-on when Selangor will be the visitors. The fact that the Singapore Cricket Association has made no arrangements for trial match suggests that the selectors will
    898 words
  • 309 19 THERE it a nutsnliicft is not ifiti nly am t nit: lifters bi th** \t (un i'd this is i *li v flit ti r. (futti I lian rice presij tleni o 1 11 find )ium h i>' die oftuty I Ml. I has
    309 words
  • 193 19 I PENANG'S Pane: Siang Teck still holds thc lead m the Fraser and Nt aye and Coca Cola competition > to mid the two most popular footballers for training m England but lie's getting stiff opposi- tion from the island's Malaya Cup captain. Yeap i Cheng Eng.
    193 words
  • 51 19 26 mem- c Bank p to te m Iminton r Kuala h v train on m rw .1 ie K.I. laj al ;<r bad al the Hall at 1 sivM will langor Sl!l '*-'y before Or a a„:l „:t r lhe uJ I* Chua ""anaaer Suva
    51 words
  • 524 19 Japan's Chance For Double Has Increased I.OXDOW April 10. (Reuter). Japan has a great chance today to equal a 17-year-old record by winning both the Swaythling and Corbillon cups m the 21st World Table Ten-! riis championahipa at Wembley here. Noi since the United States accomplished the feat at Baden,
    524 words
  • 39 19 Sl\trJr l ()RT/S Weight lifters far \tamia uith coaen than Tian Tech. are bach roir, ('dieting kok Cheong, left and Wang ha\ Poh. right. Trout Harold de C astro, left, and (.hay W eng Yew. right.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 232 19 4 SHOWS 11% I I.V LIS. 4. h m a ;o I JaneWvman I STERIING HAYDEN NANCY OLSOM' TODAY 11 am. "IRON MAN EASTER ATTRACTION THE GoQgiRI SHOW! M-St^^^W i^^h NAY WYMR MJHUANI Today at 11 a.m. < Serial > "Jame> Broy Of Missouri** ,^___«iiStf--SE-Sa^^ 4j^&>i^^t____. jJi_bL_SiA>.-i a iMijiwui ij.-i.rm
      232 words

  • 2487 20  -  WINDSOR LAD By IPOH, Sat.— The first day of the Perak Derby meeting: here this arternoon began with an upset when Stinstream came home first m the opening event to pay $85 and a mishap when Colonel Daly stumbled m the
    2,487 words
  • 48 20 TOTAL POOL $305,610 Ist Prize: *****3 ($86,683) 2nd Prize: *****5 ($43,341) 3rd Prize: *****5 ($21,670) Starters (52,709 each): Nos. *****7, *****2, *****6, *****2, *****8, *****5, *****6. *****5. Consolation ($l,OOO each): Nos. *****4, *****7, *****6, *****1, *****3, *****6, *****3, *****2, *****2, *****5. Treble Tote: 8 tickets $526
    48 words
  • 53 20 Japs Want Australian Athletes SYDNEY A ithleti. i i and the Urn 1 >l Biituj, Krj ilth Ga I m id i I 7 Invil r eived f| Mi I genei i t rai i.i i, powei to N 0 le teen mad Aii>': i pine Can th i* Iraliai
    53 words
  • 38 20 I. MELBOURNE. Apr. 10: (Rev- ten Ivor Germaine. the Barbados >outhpa\v. won t/ie Australian version of the British Empire lightweight boxing title, by beating Pit Ford, ihe holder om pointj over 15 rounds here last rw_;.i!
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  • 6 20 THE S for the
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 226 20 jl The Camera of Distinction it^^Btrs-g^_______H_____ r r^ -^_?"Z Kfl All over the world the VoigtlonderßESSA Itr II are known os j 21 3.1 inch 16 i 9 c.m.l cameras of distinction. Mora than o million BESSA cameras everywhere hove proved ttt*iir quoli- < ty and worth. It is designed
      226 words
    • 185 20 ROLL FILMS __^^_P______r^^ ____________________________?VV v' '"A mm^r r^r a "N V/ > W_W-l __^-*^^^^4v. V. -ful^ H P 3 SELOCHROME f P i Panchromatic, extremely Highly orrhochromatic and A m.i.-m peed MMAAmW „.h mmm, mmmm •r^T".. fc to artiticiol light. Has laritude. Very pooular for p _,rf.ciilar(v -u.toble whcra long
      185 words