Sunday Standard, 4 April 1954

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Sunday Standard
  • 23 1 SUNDAY STANDARD f i] $1 Jl ft jfc ?t ft Vol. IV. No. 276. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 4, I954 TWENTY PACES 10 CENTS.
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  • 232 1 AND NOW IT'S THE N-BOMB: 'RUSSIA HAS IT' LONDON, April 3, (Reuter) Two Labour Members of Parliament one of them Mr. Herbert Morrison former Foreign Secretary claimed in speeches prepared for delivery last night that the Russians are developing nitrogen bombs. leading British atomic scientists were sceptical i i any
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  • 84 1 Dark Blues Win The Boat Race ON, Apr. S: easily heat Camn the 100th. I'niBoat Race from Mortlafce today. uon hv fourI! lenjahv They the course of four yards in ?o 3 seconds which outside the re..n.< was only ppy. but at f«nd near the Mark, the dark oughed up
    Reuter; A.P.  -  84 words
  • 44 1 regis-i e are 1 W« 19 or 20, 11. 1954.! terda y There may re some who at♦a.r.eJ their 21st birthday on or atter March 12. 1^54 "who were 20 on March 11. 1954. Thesa would also be required register.
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  • 17 1 ea, Apr. 3 Die were -.000 lost the third o through "">• united
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 1 fAP) ith thouE student amouring I T: Jtionary i the ra- -t arv govern- MR. JOSEPH KOH he was to be engaged to be mmrried
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  • 65 1 LONDON, Apr. S! (Reuter) "l Twenty youth leaders •lere today to irnngi a conference of more than 1.000 youths in Singapore during A [gust. They are the Executive Committee of the World Assembly of Youth which has -41 member countries. a nd through its. affiliated
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  • 160 1 FOR NEARLY two hours yesterday morning, three children their ages ranging from three to ten years roamed the streets of Singapore looking for their parents. They succeeded only in losing themselves hopelessly. #>f# Their fruitless Quest ended when a trisha rider took them
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  • 79 1 Students Give To Nanyang KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— A group of Confucian School students today cailed at the oflfir-e of the Sin Chew Jit Pao. Kua'.a Lumpur, and proudlv handed over $4,072 as their 'contribution to the Nanyang University Fund. A list was passed round and the students all emptied their
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  • 73 1 NAIROBI. Apr. 3 (Reuter) A few hours after taking* a Mau Mau oath to kill and decapitate a European, a Kiku.Mi terrorist today crept up behind the 41--year old son of a Royal Air Force officer playing outside his parents' bedroom window and slashed the child
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  • 34 1 JAPANESE scientists yesterday found traces of radioactivity on the clothes of the crew of a further Japanese fishing boat back from a fishing trip in the South Pacific, the Welfare Ministry announced. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 344 1 Death Strikes At 10 a.m. Man Nabbed After Chise? Standard Staff *eporre» A YOUNG Singapore clerk was stabbed to death yesterday at 10 a.m. as he sat drinking tea at a stall in Cuppage Rood. And almost immediately after the stabbing, a Chinese was
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  • 39 1 LISBOX. Apr. 3, (AP).— The 10.90 1-ton Belgian liner Elisabethvillc, radioed yesterday sh« had a fire aboard and was changing course for Lisbon. The vessel \va s enroute from Antwerp, Belgium, to Leopoldille, Belgian Congo.
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  • 162 1 LONDON, April 3, (Reuter) —The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will set foot on English soil for the first time since Nov. 23 last at 3.13 on the afternoon of May 15 it was announced here last night. The Royal barge which will
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  • 284 1 STAND DIE ORDER TO TROOPS French Forces Throw Their Last Reserves To Bold men men Phu A *5 M (Ul>)-French lorces threw their lost reserve, into the crumbling defence or Dien Bien Phu lost niqht tn ihl 6XP fu t al i tlOOps t0 die on P^itions assigned to them
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  • 160 1 Vietminh Take Two Cities In Cambodia PARIS. Apr. hmding vietmmn regulars capture* two cities m northeastern Cambodia and were striking southward today lowardi the Mekong R.ver city of Stung Treng. a French Kfwa Agency dispatch said. The rebels swept down from the plateau of Laos an i crossed the frontier
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  • 230 1 Tourist Found Shot Dead A BRITISH tourist, Mr. Donald John King, who arrived in Singapore on April 1, was found stot jlead in his room in T«r*r Hotel in Scotts Road, yesterday morning. Au automatic pisto! was lying on the floor near the bed where the body of Mr. King
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  • 135 1 THE HAGUE, Apr. 3 (Reuter)— Mr. All Sastroamidjojo. Premier of Indonesia, today appealed to world powers to stop atom bomb tests "which endanger human lives," according to an Indonesian news agency report received here. The Premier said statements he had received from various Indonesian
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  • 119 1 MIGs Now Patrol Coast Of China TAIPEI. Apr. I (UP) The Nationalist Chinese Air Force Is carrying on a "hot" shooting war today with a growing armada of Communist warplanes based less than 100 miles tCTOSI the Straits of Formosa. Nationalist Air Chief. Gen. Wang "Tiger'' Hsu Ming, told United
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 125 1 With 8-page COLOUR comics FREE >Ns I ISTKR fcXG. LTD. U Lumpur Singapore Ps-nans;. f WORRY 1 ANXIETY GRIEF I I OVERWORK I I EXCITEMENT I I SLEEPLESSNESS I I T **y Relax Your Nerves I I source of absolute relaxation and 8 i*~ by uking RELAXA-TABS-they bring tranquilly to
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    • 62 1 Fish Fit For A King LONDON. Apr. 3 (Renter)— The Master of the Household at Buckingham Palace has accepted, on behalf of the Queen, a 5-foot sturgeon, landed at North Shields, Northumberland, yesterday from the trawler Polar Prince. Sturgeon, ichich fs known as the King's fish, is so rare that
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    • 81 1 ICI CtiAM BB? COLO STORAGE nPTH f H*# CREAMERIES I f '< ™VT > if** WAQ^M fc CO. HO HtNWV W>»f.H ft CO L J o r A LING HAM's (J I X C Q I o No meof complete wjthout fhe delightful flavour 0f.... o i LINCHAN S Chilly
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  • 352 2 PARENTS of school children will always be discouraged from waiting for their children in the school premises during study hours unless they have a positive reason to be there, said Senior Inspector of Schools, Mr. T. P. M. Lewis, yesterday. "The presence of mothers and relatives talking volubly outside
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  • 111 2 MANY READERS had the right solution to last week's picture puzzle. The first correct solution to be opened was that of Mr. Abdul Razak bin A. Ilamid. c o District Hospital, Kuala Pilah. The solution the top of a steel helmet. The S!0 will be sent to
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  • 4 2 Last week's solut ion
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  • 221 2 A SINGAPORE tailor admitted in the Fourth Police Court yesterday, that he wrote "salacious" posters in Chinese characters and pasted, them in his house. Complainant. Sou Tai Koo. a middle aged woman, tolri the Magistrate. Mr. J. B. JeyareCnanv that the posters reierrM to
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  • 107 2 Query On Officer's Dismissal j THE Singapore Government lj expected to Mate, at the next meeting of the Legislative Council, the circumstances under which an Eurasian Picventive Offl.-er of the Customs and Excise department was dismissed after long and satisfactory service Dr. C..T. Pag'ar. Member for! Changi will ask the
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 2 lI A.IK K All bin llaje* Mohamed Salleh. Chief Kathi of Singapore, uas the lucky recipient of a Ilumber bicycle from Robinson Company, for being the 5».000th customer to visit the firm's 1954 annual bargain sale, on its fifth day yesterday. Picture shows the Kathi receiving the bicycle from Mr.
    Standard  -  59 words
  • 106 2 Rescued, He 's Now Begging PEXAXG. Sat. A t;o-year-o\(\ Singapore Chinese, who was rescued clinging to an i drum in the sea oil the coast of Penang, on Mar. '2'A. is now forced to beg for alms and to s'eep In a market because he has no relations or friends
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 365 2 Jw from PARIS \jj&3Bjtl VV-^y 2^' from LONDON o[^ \i r:'S'--'^': \fragra\cf.s\ No. j Curry a hit of bcavca Cfja I Icatbtr I Perfumes In many fciyoarhmdbag— Gardenia tttracfivesi/csand Gnat each Goya fmj^rance hat ExpetlatiomX its own matching Soap. Bu>ury.i» V^ TJc, Perfumed Cologne. bottk n a chic PmkMimosa\ Bath
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    • 222 2 FEDERATION MILITARY FORCES TENDER NOTICE RENDERS are invited for the Renoii.-hing and Repair of F;:rm:;;rc and Barrack Stores during period Ist May *M to 31s1 Dec. 'M. Tender Fofltni can be obtained personally or by written application, from* Ordnance Depot, Federation Military- For es. Port Dickson. Tenters will be received
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    • 627 2 SITUATIONS VACANT^ VACANCIES KXIST FOR STLDfcVT NUaWM next course in tt^jjTjJJj 5252-12A-288 p .m. plus C«jJ.,J ment f Free quarters are provid test will be required of not peaeessinf Senloi Cambnr CertScutei The actual prrj^d of irainind i> 3 >eari pn ided bv 4 monUi* in the Pr^tmUtmry Trainlni School
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    • 352 2 Standard Smi^ For Tfce Unrmn! j AT ¥oi"R si :n i, nnrmplotrd .in.: *ej help vou find w«., k th«Standard I'nfii offers you frr, M)1 column Juvi „|j it. Jocal St.iniUrt: application f,, r M should return *|t)i tu testimonials from plovers. 'u SITUATION WAN LJ CHINLbh i, male. ajjecj
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  • 100 3 DAVIS SOUNDS FINAL WARNING TO DODGERS VIDUALS who try to evade national service 1 they v, ill not be able to shoulder the responof si'lt-sovcrnment, the Proper Authority, Davis, said yesterday on the eve of 5 warned that any attempt to evade the false statement or misrepresentation would concerned liable
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  • 19 3 SINGAPORE, Sat—The price of tin in the local market tolay was $3545 (up $2.37* ccnti) per picul.
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  • 20 3 KR BASRI i t in the ri t on the 16, Basri s nor he she He
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 3 photo. Mat»r S>cial Welfare Department.. Mr. P. T. Cromwell (third from ?"4 VArJ 3f Kwonff Wai Shiu Free Hospital in Serangoon Road. >•*'»«: Couitfa* pi ans to demolish two blocks and replace them with >at *T .1 n S aS to incrci se accommodation to 390 beds. Mr. Lee Leone
    Standard  -  63 words
  • 68 3 Questions On White Slavery THE Singapore Government will disclose, at the next Legislative Council meeting, what step* it has taken or will take to prevent trafficking in women and children. Oato C. J. Paglar (Progressive, Changi). will ask for information on: The number of persons convicted during the last three
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  • 96 3 Photo. Confusion .tnd excitement, heightened by yells and v.rej:»s. reigned as Indian dtvk passengers jammed the gailffwaj of the Sirdhana which took them to Indian ports. The mad scramble fee their "berths" was HJn? short of a mob scene, which could have been easily prevented if
    Standard  -  96 words
  • 201 3 Standard Shipping Reporter Li IGI ROSSIOLONI, a deserter from the French Foreign Lesion, who disappeared from the Italian liner Victoria, just prior to her sailing for Continental ports an April 2, and could not be founll, is now in the custody of the Immigration authorities.
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  • 71 3 PENANQ, Sat— No settlement has been reached over the four demands of the Fj^on; Smelting Workers' Union, the Deputy Commissioner f>r Labour, Mr. J. Grimly told The Standard today. A sab-committee has been formed to look into one of the points of the dispute. Mr. Grimdy added
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  • 22 3 First BO AC Tourist Plane THE first 8.0.A.C. Constellation on the tourist service is due in Singapore this afterno m from London.
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  • 60 3 A POLICE party from Central Police Station prevented a gang clash in Telok Ayer Basin, Singapore, on Friday afternoon. Acting on Information, the police party rounded up eight gangsters four from the 08 Gang the others from, the 206 Gang. The other thugs who had assembled to
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  • 264 3 Japan Will Buy More Malayan Rubber JAPAN will buy more rubber from Malaya this year than she did last year, a spokesman of the seven-man Japanese Rubber Mission, told The Standard. The mission, which comprise manufacturers and importers, left for Japan last week after spending more than a month in
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  • 115 3 Discrepancy Found In Sales Book AN EMPLOYEE of Borneo Motors Ltd.. pleaded guilty in the Singapore Fifth P I e Court yesterday to charge of criminal breach of trust of .52.08(1. The man. Joseph Too. wrai hed to the Orange Grove petrol station. Sing ip ore. one of the Company's
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  • 25 3 THE annual general meeting of the Singapore Council of Women will be held at the Y.W.C.A. on April 8 at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 379 3 Anglers' Postbag Q. I tish under rod and after a time my rod bends down and will not set back What shall I do?— NELSON TAN. A. It nuy help if in the future you fish over rod a few time] and under rod a few times. On occasions, the
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  • 41 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Dato Sir Onn bin Ja'afar, the I nber I r Home AtYairs and lirman of RIDA today opena lar^e poultry project in Seremban sponsored jointly by RIDA nd the Department of Agricu ure.
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  • 100 3 THE Geaenl Officer Commanding. Singapore Base District. Major (ieneral A. G v OTarroll Scott, paid a farewell visit to the Malayan Basic Training Centre. Nee Soon, where he inspected the last platoon of the Federation Regiment at their passing-out parade, yesterday. Maj. C.en. OTarroll Scott will retire this
    Standard  -  100 words
  • 40 3 IPOH: Sat.— Chow Hong, 44. today received nil tenth viction, thi< time for stoit two ducks valued it v He was f mnd guilty sentenced to months rigorous Imprisonment to be followed by a year*! Police supervision.
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  • 66 3 THE Sin g t C mm< i K a i prices terday vere-. No. 1 RSS spot loose ">»} No. 1 RSS II N >. 1 HSS t o.b. M ly n«)i ml N 2 i. M iy II »t No. 3 H Appil St] -.H| RMA on
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  • 68 3 Rubber Prices Steady RUBBER i n tki Simfapora market yetterd iy i•maintd itet ttrday, n* >t le rubber for April ment closini* at :y.»; r ent.s p-r Lb, <">!» 7 h ccnti on Friday) Oo'ij ;»n around buying contributed I i eti In the market i opene i well
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 SAVE AND SEW WITH SINGER AT LAST pre-war hire purchase terms on new SINGER hand, treadle and electric machines and motors. i I Hand and treadle machines from $12 per month Electric motors from $10 per month H^^j t r ri v nfe^^u 1 ~^^^^Ls_J^^ I rV4P>B FJ!££ five-day home
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  • 551 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A STRANGE story was broadcast over Radio Malaya last night. A story of Communist trickery, justice, escape and ruthlessness. It told of a gory trail a father and his two sons travelled after they had been inveigled into Communist
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  • 99 4 SIXTY-TWO airmen responded to the call to .save lives when the Mobile I'nit of the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service visit R.A.F. Stations in Seletar and Changi during: the week. Twenty naval men of the H.M.S. "Terror" and ten men from the Poliee Training School also gave
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  • 132 4 A MAN in dark flassej posed ai a wireman to gain entry into a house in Brahmaputra Road, Singe) pore, on Friday afternoon and robbed a woman of $27 in rash When he demanded for more money, the woman rushed out screaming. The man immediately
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  • 72 4 FIRST CLASS" Londun-tvpe Ini wne r s in Sifl S^Pore will SS be f all w «I to replace taxis 1S With ordinar v The Traffic and Vehicles romm.ttee of the Singapore Mr. A P. Rajah. (Prog) that it 11 not fa:r to the "ordinary" taxi
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 4 z^mmmm
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  • 156 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. Dato Syed Abdul Kadir, the ICentri Besar, said today Government was doing all it could to prepare the "soil In which j the p'ant of democracy will be sown." He laid this En an address at the opening of the Joh'orc <-
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  • 298 4 v O r Salvaging Mail I n Kallang Plane Crash LETTERS hire been received by the Smg-pore G ener, o Office from private persons in Great intom. Netherlands flrid Germany thanking thise responsible for ma.l from Hm Co* stelE' wSd. cashed at Kollang Airport March 13,
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  • 78 4 Colony Capital For R.I. JAKARTA. Apr Indonesia has r ber of appliedinvestment from H Singapore whi. h crpted if they prow the nation's rconcv* announced yester, l A spokesman try of Economic A that Indonesia flr kficm- the capita! most f ly comu fi sour The ipokf the M know
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  • 148 4 Schools Take More Students ENROLMENT figures submitted by. Singapore Schools at the end of February showed a total of 181.435 children attending schools— an increase of 3.624 compared with the preceding month. This was revealed in a statement released by the Education Department yesterday. English schools with 82.808 showed an
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  • 2 4
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  • 27 4 photo. THIS is one of the letters received at the Singapore General Post Office. It was posted at 1 Stepney. London. E.I Standard
    Standard  -  27 words
  • 64 4 CHAP .11 KE slips valued at $2,000 were found in the possession of a li»-year-o\d stuck i.t. at the junction of Mohamrd AH Lane and South Bridge Road. Singapore. The student. Lee Lai Wing, pleaded guilty to assisting in the management of the Chap Ji Ke
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  • Article, Illustration
    88 4 THIS French designed and manufactured 10 pound, all aluraimium Monet and Goyn n racer, which has been imported into Singapore, is expected to rive strong challenge to other cycles in raring competitions. The bicycles are now on display at the premises of Ban Hock Hin Co. and Chin* Lee Company.
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  • 325 4 LONDON. April 3 <Rcutcr> Football results. FIRST DIVISION Bolton Wanderers 3 Arsenal 1 Burnley 1. Chelsea 2. Charlto n 3. Sheffield Utd 0 Liverpool 4. Sunderland 3 Manchester 2. Cardiff Cilv 3 Middlesbrough 2. Aston Villa L Newcastle 4. Manchester City 3 Preston 4. Portsmouth 0. Sheffield
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  • 25 4 SFTIA Java SC drew i>n#» nil with Po.,ce --A- m X SAFA K.^.rf s°f<»r match at Thomson ""•id yesterday. Scorers wtre ;"""«<« Internationaj Young.
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  • 68 4 A MOTORIS Sciiß. who !<»i I Magistrate of his car collision. negligeTiUdnvm Traflßc Al.u Chua. yetlei Mr. Howt Vi MacMraU i last month, thai along HavtJock rar driven by C< 8010 Stuot w down He *ai«l thai 1 his car's 1>:. avoid en" isioi «dded. niadi*
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  • 116 4 KUALA LUM?I'R, Sat— Health Week agent* vn the Federation yesterday with the themt "cleillißi It is timed to coincide with World Uealtfc Dl] mkkk is celebrated all over the world on \\u\\ 1 un^tr arrangements sponsored by the Won! Hnlth Organisation.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 (eggggg) Lenses All Over \K^fu2^ActU Lenses of the trade markv V^N^^iy Xenar, Xenon. Angulon. Telr Xenar, Radionar etc. ji f*\ I are wellkaown all over the Ihp til Ail A globe by professional and i"V \JIVUV amateur photographers. They are a guarantee of success to the professional photographer. M L
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    • 9 4 P°9* I t FOR THE EVfNT O« TMI Y£><
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  • 560 5 >. llamachandra r of Fort tian cemc tery on ite its unBut it contains of Sii ai lit -or, G D. hi re n \R22 and 1 EU files. a comting of A.L. >n. Bonham and D ivii for the Euroi others
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 5 FHESE once destifute boys of mony roces ore enjoying o wholesome meol iiTrtie Seremjoh Boys Home.
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  • 92 5 MR. M.\F. STEWART. Counsellor of Foreign Affairs Branch, Commissioner GeneraTs Offi.-e. will address the Singapore Branch of the Malayan Historical Society on "Reflections on Ankor" at the British Council Ha.i on Tues at 8.::u p.m. To illustrate his talk. Mr Stewart will use film slides taken
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  • 441 5 Standard Staff Reporter FATHER Nicholas H. Wegner, present Director or the original Boys Town at Omaha, America a youth rehabilitation centre that gave rise to similar centres all over the world —will arrive in Singapore on a three-month tour of the b ar East,
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  • 388 5 II- THK Rendel Constitutional Commission's recommendations on Ijcal government are accepted, the result would be a slowing down of the "tempo of activity" and development work in the rural areas which have steadily progressed through the years, declared Mr. 11. J. C. Kulasingha, Legislative Councillor
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 5 THE tomb which contains the remains of late Mr. G. D. Coleman, the Colony's first public architect, engineer and surveyor, can be seen, at Fort Conning Christian Cemetery.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 110 5 A TIP FOR SINGAPORE Why take less THE Cola one of the W 0611 I 6|jSl S D6SI ingredients of Pepsi-Cola. grows on trees in Africa and the West Indies. The .people icho lire in tliose operators, have put quality, purity and flavour into this drink /rom the humble Cola
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 356 5 §P?T l Tm" ll T r !I T^'Ti «i SI X: Chee Hul Mien 10 am and B$ IN<iAP O R El Surface Mails if 0 a m n( j |;-V o. r h., W* JK *f S rATHAY: -n.e Cjty That Never p L X 381 m* Sleeps 11
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  • 1447 6 This is the second in a series of 12 articles by Gordon Dean chairman *of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 1950-53. Today's article is £\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\A\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\>\\\\\\\\\\,v. I U ionium 1,000 times as plentiful f as gold most of the supply too f expensive to extract. |S the Commission
    AP  -  1,447 words
  • 798 6  -  KENNETH BIRD By SYMPTOM of this age fa the Krowin* addiction ™i i noisy hobbies. At one time fretwork was the noisiest pastime Unown to man; to-dav it is the fn?T P v One but not thc modest gramophone of our >outn. Now it is a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products TIN PACKED BALASHIN SAI (PAT KUA TAN) Very effective for Coughs, Indigestion, Seasickness, Nausea, Tiredness, Stomachache, Foul ENG AUN TONG fTHE TIGER MEDICAL HALL I MILADY VARIETIES INCLUOtI M»tADY ASSORTED TOFf£E MILADY TOFFEE CALIPORNIAN H»UfT» M.LAOY TOFFEE FRUIT SALAD MILADY IUMPS Al
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    • 19 6 NEXT WEEK: Rratl what \,n, uon Id dn if Sitn hrrnnie ih, oun*r «»> n ton of mmrkmU* uranium ore.
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  • 2202 7 J SHALL always remember my service with Lord and Lady Louis Mountbatten as some of the happiest times I have spent. From my experience, and from what I have gathered in talking to other servants, I do not think there is any happier household
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  • 199 7 ENICE, citv of logoons ond crooning gondoliers, is >ijW |> sinking towards the doping *eas. No technique now known sove this perhaps most »3 n ou s of the world's strange local experts say. That docs not mean tour- >•-, th.s BMMMnet should Start ng the gondola
    A.P.  -  199 words
  • 943 7 Beautiful, She Is. And Brainy, But He Did Not *Enjoy. \|\l>\Ml DORIA SHAIIK, the 36-year-old Egyptian leader of the Daughters of the Nile, has described as the world's most glamorous MiiirauVtte. her fu:plett i prote-: Xaguib's I grant !*~yptian t~q e tor >! rights to bo a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 235 7 MioxvKoxa Si SBl _^^^hw 30 DAK EXCURSION FARES SINGAPORE to HONG KONG Lwith stop-over facilities in Bangkok and/or Saigon *►*.»!.> return. B. N. BORNEO to HONG KONG with stop-over facilities in Manila $513 return. (onsult MALAYAN AIRWAYS LTD «SjV Ocean Buildins. Singapore (*****) or >our usual Jts TRAVEL AGENTS These
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  • 1112 8 Fashion Business Has No Professional Secrets \LTHOUGB the fth shion business ranks as a profession here and a very exclusive one. at that it has no professional secrets. At least, not in the sense that lawyers, doctors have. While the collect' ions are being prepared, even a Mata Ihiri couldn't
    UP  -  1,112 words
  • 340 8 ...If The Civil Servant Say> So PARIS, I) I K 11 A K1) desk bound J French Civil Servants are furious. ''It couldn't happen!** they proteM. "Our system, though it, goe s back to Napoleon is perfect." But it did happen. And what's more the National
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 414 8 4 r \VIG W^^ Unit I*£* »r V f\r*^V vj"'"-'.*'- '^^^Tlbm KOp#^x-/3flß^' v^v^j Tl*^3 'v* 'WmHß™^^ mB/ «<v*^v i Oil Y v 44MMbV*3c- -jt <rn\C^ *c- TrMWßffr' ififMßr o£A»£ l iillrX No Krt<i "> ;}(to ■II LA iN.made Ml Sole Ageat*:- Nalna Mohamed Sons Ltd.. 4 KafTles Place. Mnxauore. 1.
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    • 69 8 K"^X TOE-RANGS ■laV Toeßings will be all the rage M the b- I s BJ mer (the fashion designers hope). The> r Jn I, < too, with open sandals or peep toe shoes Th. you see in this picture also has a matching d,*., „s < Both are in a
      69 words

  • 25 9 King Gustuv Is In With Subjects VI Ad uq into becmute d the cor. h j et nutc It I 7 lasl the road wwwwww
    25 words
  • 152 9 Gill Diversity psycbologtronics en- ivered be a pleabrains of Dr. merly of Ei land -be:e area, r stimulthe desire to fat. I m human an inter- am has be^n pxfor five >v Planting elecin the brair: !l re not any r,fa re neen J
    AP  -  152 words
  • Article, Illustration
    778 9 A heartbroken father denounces his two daughters to end a city's shame .ning cob- I H 11 trying to be a > another as well as a father to his three growing daughters was faced with a terrible decision —a derision no parent should be called upon to
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  • 816 9 HAT makes a Russian tick? How does a man Irom the West get into the strange world of the Communist mind? How can we get them to talk— and to listen? For two years, a British officer in Berlin lived with these problems. He
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  • 388 9  - US WOMEN ARE FEELING THEIR OATS DOROTHY ROE By j 30,000,000 clubl women ore feeling their oofs. It's beginning to down on the gcncrol public, it seems, that if a town needs a new school, i a community centre or somci bodv to tome its teen-agers, i the local women's
    A.P.  -  388 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 25 9 a^fta Jl! am Sw n 3Cll a! am i- ;2^^^^'*w«v' -^ii*-;-- .'--••V^B^B r "^tt' _Jp o^maimaß Hbt Itß W^^iml BRIBADIER DEWHURST hen* by SYDNEY JACOBSOM
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    • 643 9 OPINIONS DIFFER... \^f#« "y \o»6(»* 7 t BUT WE BOTH AGREE OH 1 PALMOLIVE for shave comfort VkkhtfCf mcLhod you prefer, there's a Palmoli\c shaving preparation made belter special blend of Palmolivc oils, made to soothe, smooth and condition your skin as you shave. Your shave comfort is guaranteed SOLE
      643 words

  • 634 10 IT IS Qrotifying to see that Vice-President-elect of Notionalist Chmo, Gen. Chen Cheng, has assured minority party kac^rs and OtftTMOl Chines* thot the Kuomintong ruled Nationalist Government is determined to reform itself. There hos been apparently some scul-search-ing among the Government leader*, following the rather shocking chcrges by
    634 words
  • 1784 10 Hydrogen Bomb Blasts Startle Whole World f J UK whole world was startk-d by the announcement made in Washington last week that another hydrogen homh has heen exploded in the Pacific. The commotion had scarcely died down when reports came to announce yet another
    1,784 words
  • 17 10 •Darn last night* Reunion Dinner: I'm cither still squifTv. or jour husband's Ir.uluv. '«üb)« life!*
    17 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 5 10 #>lr 91* 0 A 0901
      5 words
    • 347 10 "*^<a Jig J I Father tcl S the fam ly: I M tpur teeth KOLYNOS^/?/' Kolynos clean means really clean. The rich Aam penetrates into every corner 3S£^ and crevice and in between your teeth /O^< fighting the bacteria that cause decay and ill-health. Yes, Kolynos M \h cleans thoroughly,
      347 words

  • 2023 11  -  CHRISTINE DIEMER By 40, 000 Miles In Strange Lands Full Of Hazards )Ni: day, last week, an Englishman and his wife lett Singapore prosaically enough aboard a ship bound tor Australia. But behind them they had some 10.000 miles of travelling
    2,023 words
  • 333 11 RICHARD KASISCHKE MOSCOW \i]. minx is not a bour<MS s»« but for an aging "f1 to desert his wife 1 >ounser love partner ts Pursuing vheap happiness." W nuke for lasting r^W« that bring new W in middle a?e. it's best l avoid love at first
    333 words
  • 436 11 lIOVITrt GAVE A BRILLI/IMT RECITAL r THE blue uniform of the Girl Guides could be seen all over the town last weekend, when the Commissioners met for their Annual Conference. There was a Council Meeting at King's House under the Chairmanship of Lady *Templer, President of the Girl
    436 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 644 11 Famous as T^"- ■l'/w^. wT n^ *^bB aR- '">)' 1^ "^^^^^dSGa^a^Er' -—1 Jc iZrSBm&^BkL, MraSjjJnaWKawJrV 1 150 vcjrs. .^b^b«^ CELLOPHANE-SEALED /c^J I i^^^JvU^*^^^^ ALUMINIUM CONTAINERS 1 JL^# JL ROUND TRIPS TO 28 to 32 days with approximately 10 days in Japanese Ports "Sirdhana" sailing 10th May "Snnthia" sailing 22nd June
      644 words

  • 154 12 Top British Film Is Withdrawn Standard staff Importer "FRONT Pace Story,* 1 tl\o liiuh-ui ad« l British movie on newspaper life, v huh opencd its season at Singapore's Pavilion theatre is Being withdrawn l>\ its distributor^ following decidedly poor bux ofßce returns. spokesman r.f Shaw Ki )>. >.\ ill jresterdax.
    154 words
  • 125 12 (HI A HOCK SEXG of Sii pore vent behind the bar. j the foui yesU rday i left the dock i:i the Singa] Fifth Police Court to besm months' rigorous imprison to be followed bv 12 moi I police supervision. The prosecution told I Court that
    125 words
  • 43 12 TWO armed men robbed two Malay girls of their identity carts a gold necklace and a gold bracelet while they were Wa A n ncar a rubber" estate to the Woodlands area of Singa! S after midni s^ last
    43 words
  • 427 12 DOCTOR PRAISES 2 MEN OF ACTION —Together They Battled Disease Standard Staff RepojMrT THE retiring Director of Medical Screes, ,Dr W. J. Vickers, was yesterday described by the Chairman of the Southern Branch of the Association, Dr. A.W.S. Thevathascn, as i "ae'ntle, kind and eminently human." JC Dr Thevathasan also
    427 words
  • 234 12 Medical Centre Fo u n da tion La id THE hope (hat the Medical Centre would flourish and establish a tradition of learning, happiness and friendship was expressed bv Singapore's retiring Director <>1 .Medical Services, Dr. \\j. Vickers, yesterday, when he laid the foundation stone of the Centre l»t< s
    Standard  -  234 words
  • Article, Illustration
    129 12 t h i la drod •■•lnfs«)f RAV Seletar at l.nded a tea party at the Sea V ieu Hotel. y^terOAy. to honour Mr Ah dullah bi« Abdul Ghani MRP*™? arde d M.B.E. i n the Queen's year. fo r long service with the R.A.F. Mr. Abdullah has Wn a chief
    129 words
  • 27 12 NET collections of Income Tax In the Federation for the period Mar. 1 to 27. 1954 amounted to $8,472,63£J§, the Federal Government announced yesterday.
    27 words
  • 207 12 $100, 000 More For St.Andrew's A Parting Gift From Mr. Wearnt THE St. Andrew's Mission Hospital in Singapore yesterday received Siuo.wou the biggest single donation it hareceived since it came into existence from Mr. T. .T. B. Wearne. one of the islai be.»t known personalities. Mr. Wearnp. who wa< of
    207 words
  • 106 12 Gen. Bourne Expecting 'Active Job' LI.-gex. g. K. Bourn*, the new General Officer Commanding, Malaya, arrived In Singapore bv Qantas BOAC yesterday to assume his appointment in the Federation "I am ver v glad." Gen Bourne said, "to take over the operatic:. al command and look forward to an active
    106 words
  • 19 12 AN OLD man »u f oun d Road" 8 hls rOOm j a^au «oact Singapore. vesterdav
    19 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 369 12 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE AM) H/MEURG- AMERIKA LINIE JOINI SI IJVK K To Colombo <«< uoa, Marseilles. Anlwrp Rotterdam Ham f mi t a. Breaiea Spore H Sham Penang T.S KassH (BAPAU) <;<lnx id 11 G.\pr 7Apr M Srhwabcnstcin (NDL) 11/15ABC ICApr 17Apr T.S. levrrkusrn (IIAPAG) 5 llMaj I2M»J 13 MMa.v
      369 words
    • 341 12 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FKOM SCANDINAVIA/L.E./*****|\c.vr S'pore r* h%m p(nn "MALAYA" for Kobsichan*. Saigon. Hongkong. Manila. Kobe and Yokohama 14/lSApr 12/12Apr 10 in "MEONIA" for Bangkok 15/J2Ap r v J! -Jpr "INDIA*' for Djakarta. Kohsi- '"-M'r chang, s«igon. Hongkong, ManiWiCobe and Yokohama 7/10May 5 6Mav •> 'LALANDIA" for Bangkok ...14/15M»y
      341 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 84 12 Weather Report MINIMI M Tem.icraiurr from 7.30 p.m. on April 2 to 7.30 a.m. on April 3 Singapore iTbF*. Penan. (74F). Kota Bahru (74F). Kuala Lumpur |74F>. Ipoh i7SF), Kuantan Maximum Temperature: from 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on April »g'f t!i* (90F| Pfiiang |92F>. Kota Bahru <89F> Kuala Lumpur
      84 words

  • Movie Talk
    • Article, Illustration
      27 13 SCHOOL marni marries a son of the soil: the happy climax to a whirlwind courtship in "So Big" which co-stars Jane \V>man and Sterling; Ha>den.
      27 words
    • 252 13 HOLLYWOOD PUTS JEAN IN HER FIRST WESTERN IEAX SIMMONS has been cast by Hollywood in her first western. The picture is "A Bullet Is Waiting" in which Mis> Simmons plays a shepherd's daughter in a remote section i f California's high Sierras. What about thai accent? "Didn't you know?" she
      252 words
    • 607 13  -  Bernard McElwaine By T 1 REGORY PECK, llolly- J wood 's mf andcring, itchy footed. exportable heart-throb, is on the move again this time Britainbound from Ceyloa. where he's been making: "The Purple Plain." I reckon Peck will be glad enough
      607 words
    • 840 13 HEART-WARMING TALE OF A NOBLE WOMAN |)KSPite the tendency of •»i.^ Hollywood to "type" roles. *V ima n in character Mohnny Bpifime actress of Blue Veil" fame. ><rt*jt "The maintain her individuality, which is more than many a star successful or otherwise tan sa. for herself these days. And the
      840 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 288 13 jQCATHAY ORGANISATION j^ 1 ATTRACTIONS "^jjp f^rrrrp i 7^!" opens today iVif liul'lif i n 1 I<30 4< 6 43 I S« SSI ZSSi I Tec young H% LIiJiJU i> 'co beautiful. I K ww s—\f \\r •o be 'rapped i~kr*h r ~2'l/^} Fifil sM? I non old mon'i I
      288 words
    • 267 13 CMutftMhcimut tit-it I John HODIAK John DEREK D«,d BRIAN, ficn, MARQUET I^^^^ TECHNICOLOR I Plus! 3 STOOGES J^^^ I in '< I Gem of I I I^^^ N E^XT^cTTa^ gT) I io HINDUSTANI wfli riftftA^"^:.^. I jane Poweu g^oo^M^Rae 3SAIIORSTQIRL I l!==^TECHfi < ICOL.OR U/ I Today 9 am:
      267 words

  • 149 14 rAsmoKsnic»NiM£ score-—* S» Kfjg{ (heal a^OP^^ thp stars who -jj* I strike in Eg* eoc*po^r in a print StHM sandals from the film's wardi*br\ ***}> glamorous Brtty CraW« Khow. off a «hiW- Uw. a»klr-k"«jrth. §■-<•«< P« wl •Mr* b«rsts iato tirrs of tulk- •>
    149 words
  • Article, Illustration
    400 14 lam afraid for my husband He tells me there is a most attractive girl working at his office who is runnin? after hia What should I do? VVOKRIU) WIFE" (KL). NOTHING. As long as your hi.sband Tells you these thirtg* xher? is no need To I irorru.
    400 words
  • 961 14 \JK\ huxe become used to ♦•ven the more soph is tint ted feminine artificial tirx and thrse da>s no lons ft blink thfir ryes in astonishment iOi-i: false eyelashes arc m mked at thorn, nor do they tefuse to rrturn the
    961 words
  • 242 14 CLOTHES for y«.»ur baby durine t^ ho\ weather month*- need not be ia&h:onable, but thev must indeed be practical. Choose carments of lightweifcht cotton (they will abtorh pt :spiration Wool can be terribly irritating to a b;ib.\ 's tender s>kin. e>pecially. when n> hoi. Remember, too.
    242 words
  • 114 14 IF you want to be ccrtafn f- that your hair will look I'UeU under the revealing rays. of ;he sun. vou must give it fcome special treatment Always a must" i> bru-h--ing. One hundred *:rokes a dj> are the absolute minimum. Once a month give your
    114 words
  • 530 14  -  AILSA HARDING reports ]N a recent newspaper competition in Britain for teenage girls, many voted for Hardy Amies as the Man in the World they would most like to have as an escort for the evening. And many more young people want
    530 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 277 14 a^ l Jt| M G M St 0 P/IT-.outh .4a r f lU\»mfi lo<rli— I mi— aMtr.M* F "Taii-Calw* It dM fsmout (Umw Mftkc^up rtt*' p< Pi pw |m.i<il<l— mad fiotwenmm lor you* coatplrun* I CH^i^lrd bf M« f •rrwr W.Jyiwurf. "T. X eutad forauU Im(m fW skia »of» ai»4
      277 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 282 14 T^R/rADELmR% T'MI U' I <»l <H ||u\: I Vt* <«tn;»t( t«- tlif d»--«lk'll Ol 111, uoils u,It iv. m „,u ;i -titch h»-rr -•fi't tIHTC." -i M»\v txm i:\m\o\t T..!«. i, doi i especia 1 co.,>t uci \<• day. J; d tx> devoted to resi > the u> ua S^
      282 words

  • 217 15 Exhibition By Local Artists J>/(T(7?ED here art some of i Ilenl works of art by local friiNts thai will be at r Singapore Art Society** Fifth Ope E bit i at the Bmusfi Council lia/Z from April y to 18. ■'JV/E pxhtbttion, u?l >7i w bextpened by Mr. Loke \r,:n
    217 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 637 15 ifi».i ill i r i fii if +¥W ifitn Wondprtul Kidnpy L ponfir Wllll lIVIIIIQiI I 111 IllUHlif WPl^B^*ll«ii :nU\ bemuse the impuiitie;; and e\ce-< acids J Do you or any of your family at t.m M Nflto Then yon are bound ,o suffer from a lot of ».«m Backache
      637 words

  • Article, Illustration
    591 16  -  LILY TAN By "TURING! Tring! alarm <■ •>■ ringing In most >lo k.s within the romoo ind, heralded the break of dawn on Bth !♦:>•}. It was the first "»y <>f fin.ll tenr-hirig practi for second*year en! Tnc looming was bright and cheery u all 150 tru Iged
    UP; Mirror  -  591 words
  • 502 16  -  Tom Tan I By HID Uin congested crowd of all nationalities either drinking, smoking or bering away. I met Majid jiving furious'.n the much too crowded 11 or of Le Club du Fabouch, inexpensive joint d mostly by the I :i. y, an Anglo-Indian, 1 th< 22-yt ar-oM
    502 words
  • 601 16  -  HAL BOYLE ABOARD THE MA IKK I W.\l\ AT SEA A ship in i small world and there I is ao better place la study i hasaaa aature than from a 1 deck chair. It btatfl a house by the <»1 a road because
    AP  -  601 words
  • 141 16 Kampang LONDON impressed him most were the invitations extended to him by apparent strangers, to have tea at their homes. When his course of study i., over. Eng Kee intends > stay here lor some time \o gain industrial experience. by working for some firms it: London, After that lie
    141 words
  • 692 16 r yilE residents of Mai I Hall gave Miss Margaret Tay the biggest turprise of her life, when on her last birthday, they presented her with a colossal birthday cake Margaret was literally thrilled to tears at their kind and thoughtful gesture. A party attended
    692 words
  • 421 16  - British MPs Get Low Pay Altin Steinkopf By |N" the dining room at the House of Commons In London lunch cost s :^d, and tr.e restaurant io>es I motiey. A member with three guests may have to lay out nearly £1 and an increasing number of the <>2."> legislators I
    421 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 159 16 To rtmori make-up I A -J and cleans deeply, r~ m> *^j •kin, u— one of th« V|ii^/ J^r lai <iif> cleanting cream* T^«v the ClearHi'tut Mill- f I Toning f^~ YARDLEY •^.r^f To brace up, retreth, f'J*" I •nd prepare your (kin for 4^^« j V oiakf>-i)p,i]>« Atlringent lotion
      159 words

  • 302 17 'J^IIE LATEST Sultan ©I Brunei, successor to an older brother, is carrying on a dynasty which was established in northwest Borneo some 500 years afo. Within his lifetime the discovery and development of oil resources have brought about one of the most dramatic changes
    302 words
  • 1420 17  -  RONALD STEAD says of The Christian Xcirncc M >n r \T the back of the amiable Y gesture of the Sultan of Bnmei who offered a loan of $40,000,000 to help -in fightriy our war against Communism as well as theirs" is a story of
    1,420 words
  • 1650 17  - THE BEST MONTHS FOR FISHING F. ARE pleased ;o supply the infor nation ask< d f< and we hope the notes will be useful and of benefit to your officers mh! men Let us first take *>he four different seasons of ;he year namely:- North East Monsoon (March to May).
    1,650 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 124 17 WHYS UHIVERSAL NOW MORE POWERFUL THAN EVER by the Humcone F-hcod engine CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LTD. NGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR Ktprcscntcd tn the Federation WjliJ fi^aWnflaV^^ Bv.^^naaatfkw^^^^ V J» WCTURC Of I W- SLOAN M] KILLS PAIN (uticura i •■TtIIPTJt OINTMENT Rnd this world eptic Ointment luable for cuts, poaplet,
      124 words
    • 84 17 Brvicr|!!Si i ox smait, heaiwy V s XV^aV^Bißa^Baafete^ "v I^3BBHB\ QMART, healthy hair begins with Brylcreem, the cream 1 f *»r^ vj efnu isiji e j f or clean grooming. Begin your day wiih I I eSII Brylcrwrn and see how lustrous it makes your hair; see how I /Mfc^s
      84 words

  • 490 18 By SRK' TIIK Singapore Cycle Racing Association met last week under the Chairmanship of the Association President Mr. Son Ghee Soon, and agreed to a proposition that all events promoted this reason shall be open to riders of the Federation. It was earlier
    490 words
  • 149 18 In United Service! D-- '> game on the Balestier Road ground, tettom of the League ream M.R.NA.R. turned In a smart performance to beat R P.C Nee Soon, one of the league favourite*, by three goals to one The Paymen missed their powerful centrehalf Anderson '•ho was
    149 words
  • 312 18 PENANG, Sat. An article] by the Sunday Standard's cycling correspondent. SRK, on the proposed formation of a Malayan Cyclists Federation was described bv Mr. Gurchan Singh, the foun ler and honorary secretary of the Malaya Cyclists Federation as being 'misciiie\ misleading and a dire.-: attempt to
    312 words
  • 661 18 By KAI MAX TII E lcn fro >» Ten-all have taken (he leadership of the I II plav'ed talßl a nU n followin S «"<• point MM f are lll I SL positions to date are: DivuiSn OniiamTli^i: whi n d lUCC «»ive a
    661 words
  • 27 18 NORTH BORNEO will binpmtßlti al the Asian fllßlSji in Manila nrxt mrcith by a team of four— -thrrr athlct.s and one offic ial
    27 words
  • 238 18 THE RAF Singapore versus Singapore Police tournament an RAF Singapore versus Police match, and rules g OV ernint the Tournament agreed by both parties Indicatcd that should either team be unable to match any of 4U^eights from flv to lr-lh heavy, a walkover Would
    238 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 263 18 y~ ♦♦♦•> •> *♦> *<- *♦> 4 a ♦> J^L Wvj*« Mfl^s Bras 9Bs B^K L^fac 35W» XSnf PBB* BBB) BBBTYBBBB HBBI a iwt' BLhf Hv !^K2 sji vS3 99s C^BK HBb ■wl BBU bVBB fIMBBBft B^BBBBB BBHBBBI BBBBBBk a 1 14 p| pi |jjE|L j All a??/NGS YOU THE
      263 words

  • 500 19 Two More For Manila AN ATHLETE— Mary Klass (I*o m.)— and a ufißhtlifter Tan Howe Liang (Light Weight)— made the ftrade for the second Asian Games yesterday when both passed the SOSC's qualifying standards. Mary Klass ran the distance in 12.6 NO) beating the
    500 words
  • 107 19 TODAY'S Sport CRICKET:— SCA Senior i iey. Police vs. CSC at Road: i.A. vs. SCC angi; SCRC vs. Rorial Btisc or Hong Lift G een: RAF (Ml V*. SRC at Junior lourne-i .4 \h IS) r.c. SRC at SRC: ■>. YMCA nr 4: CYMA vs. RSAS at CYMA: University vs.
    107 words
  • 131 19 A FEATURE of yesterday s at Thomson 1 I i v ;i the SRC and the I i which ended in a win R v 93 runs, was d by Brian Marks John Marten? \viu> scored 1 centuries and followed this ombining ;o dismiss a weak
    131 words
  • 35 19 > M OF T H E when the Argos to i |1 h a! k i have now up third place. They eel two unbeaten S m i rites and S kh Association.
    35 words
  • 24 19 S ndary S hool re Eng i n inter-s re B sterBartley alised h College i -red a 1
    24 words
  • 66 19 Time robbed the Xon-Benderj <>: victory when they met the Singapore Cricket Club in fi rndly cricket match on the padang yesterday. Xon-Benders batted first and scored 108 runs f<>»- the loss ol six wickets. Scorers were V.C, Westerhout (42), F R. X. Masse;. <27>. J.
    66 words
  • 49 19 MORMA lltilchinson* left, and Elsie Lint, the ttco Cmtomy schoolgirls icho are Singapore's best bets for Asian I, units' golds at Manila. Nmrmm will swim in the 100 and 400 metres free style events, while Elsie tcill try for the Asian 100 metres backstroke title.
    49 words
  • 491 19 THE value and importance of Rahim Omar's ability as a fluent, flourishing; goal-cracker was best born« out at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. In his capacity as inside-lei t for Star Soccerites in their SAFA Division One League fixture against Fathul Karib, his three goals
    491 words
  • Article, Illustration
    85 19 THE Colony team for the 800 metres relay show. from left to right: Neo Chwee Kok, One Choon Lim, Tan Cheow Choon. Lionel dice and Wieve Wolters. The relay swimmers qualified for selection twice. Neo who was exempted from the trials may or may not swim the relay. It will
    85 words
  • 243 19 Remember I referred to I Norma*s gold medal chance? i 'Tar: Sri What!. SASA secret- j lary says thai Norma has I always done well without s1 opposition. When she gets thig opposition at Manila, she' will exceed all her perfonnan- cos ::i Singapore. •"S::. the first
    243 words
  • 562 19 Nor ma Aims For The Channel NORMA Hutchinson, Singapore's best pro&pect for an Asian Games gold medal, ha* a secret ambition only its no secret after this. >orma wants to swim the English channel, some «ay. Some day she hopes to take off where Florence Chadwick left off, and no
    562 words
  • 203 19 With Xorma and El.sic. the Singapore swimming team for the second Asian Games will be Neo Chwee Kok. Ons Choon Lim. Tan Cheow Choon. Lionel Chee and Wieve Welters. Plu.s the water polo men: Kee Soon 800. Tan Ke.ui Bin Gaa Tnc Teck. Tan Entj
    203 words
  • 153 19 Star loeetritoi "A", reputed for hi^i Korinf. registered iheii bu«e>i win of the season when they trounced COMIXM Spoils Club 9-2 ni their fourth SAFA Division ;;C outing at QtylSßi stadium reatartfay. With this victor/ they havr the hmhe-t o«»al aver^Ke in the three Third Division
    153 words
  • 27 19 KOTA RAJA Old Bovs m^t Poll o B<m -Hi bv Military uoal in the second round Yooih onjj. -iltiua 4ame at Salaß Baaai K«udium <i>l«iday
    27 words
  • 362 19 SINGAPORE'S water polo team missed the Asian Games the first time and they hope to make amends. The Colony team was badly handicapped in the first Games because a new set of water polo rules were introduced and the Colony swimmers found it
    362 words
  • 177 19 JEFFERY JAMES' ASIAN GAMES SERIES MALAYAN sports history trill be mtde next month. In just over three weeks, the biggeU contingent of sportsmen rttfier*. boxers* athletes, swimmers* miter polo players* footballers ami Height lifters, trill leave Singapore by Cathay Pacific Airway* for what will be Malaya's biggest oversea sports venture.
    177 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 30 19 Jg S&W B£S/IF£/ '^gMgjggJgJQbga^^^^^'^'lS ;«i idvnl -^^^vgb^Rft 111 "I Kill Kr7o B K MPT lAT I \^l IT'S >- i 'or l/l\ SAF'K TO RIDE IN &co€efi£e& mJSß***** TAPS AUTO SUPPLY
      30 words
      163 words

  • 493 20  -  WINDSOR LAD Good Workouts Done By Ipoh Trained Candidates By iPftH <sat Always, (Bougoure) was again the best worker at this mom,; workoTtf o r cMdktotS In preparation for the Perak Derby meeting He did A XacUvc trial with Bridge Law II (Mawi) as companion running the
    493 words
  • 544 20 WEIGHTS for 12 races for the first and second das of the Perak Turf Club's Derby Meeting starting on Saturday are as follows: CL. I— DIV. I—9 F, Kgr^" i£ ?in?ml II 807 Si" Bios Mrlroslar 8.05 Rigotetto 8.04 Golden Lotus 8.00 Lucky Nick 7.13 Mubarak
    544 words
  • 541 20 h,,i I G^ TON J J a ma j ca Apr- 2: (Reuter).— West Indies were 184 for four when davs lift U ev P ,mi P n aV i°«, the dS y IU the fi al Test against En land
    541 words
  • 308 20 By LINESMAN BY SCORING 205 In the final Test match now being played in Kingston, Len Hutton, the England captain, has aggregated 677 run* in the present Test series, 16 runs short of the highest in these matches between England and the West Indies,
    308 words
  • 62 20 CHICAGO, April 3, (Renter) i Car; Bobo Olson. American holder Of the world middle-! weight championship, retained! the title by outpointing Kid i GaviUn ot Cuba, the world! welterweight champion, over 15 i rounds here last night. The referee and one judge awarded the fight to Olson
    62 words
  • 345 20 By LINESMAN T WEEK the curtain went up on tournament crickrt .n the Colony and the Federation and outr «h decisions were reached in all matches due principally to the tact that there was good weather. pnncl|>a 5 The hishli K l.t of the weeks cricket
    345 words
  • 97 20 ion r. BATTING 532' en V Armv v scnc CYMA I'niv. v v RAF^han gi InC me TaX Dept Yiic\ Walton> RAF (Seletar > v 62. Dunn. RAF (Spore> v K. Navy 53. Lightbum. RAF (C) v Income Tax 11. Cheong Thiam Siew, SCRC v Army t _so.
    97 words
  • 24 20 i MSA trounced Kerala K M nil at Fairer Park ye%\X". Alma Singh scored 5 A unit 2 and Hnrb;i?;m Sinuh.i
    24 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 185 20 f 1 HIGH LOW<W"' •*•<*'< Id O«tf >. 'I- on 1 '....•■I t>o«" o>t' a^t^HH tHUßßß^^^^^^Mm >•<>•> h«-'* Ibj "^^^■vaGk^flf^^^^^^V^sSo^^au^BV J VOIGTIRNDERVITOII" O*V*\ rl 'w*<'e* lound only in hi^hef priced vjjk\ krl i«mt|..iH i i*m*fi p»»ttd to to*. '^moy^j// DIETHELM CO., LTD. t'^S (incorporated in Switzerland) OBTAINABLE FROM ALL PHOTOGRAPHIC
      185 words
    • 130 20 X p—^ I w i f v I "v I > V I I CT.' I'll vII I I o I I- V* ill I f (roll films $i Sf«P S^r b D L "P SELOCHROMC FP b StrL. exrremely Hi9My it>iii ih 1 H p-^- wirn great V ns,tmt
      130 words