Sunday Standard, 30 November 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 20 1 Sunday Tiger Standard With Free 8-Page Comics S);ttJX VOL. 11l NO. 151. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1952. 16 PAGES— FIFTEEN CENTS
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  • 16 1 lentary Foreign >•. > v. :nle en erica to i I Brii f natic repre-
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  • 643 1 Move To Protect City's Industries Standard Staff Reporter A "MOSAIC" of civil defence m which both a strong Civil Defence Corps proper and separate defence units within industrial and commercial firms will cover the whole of the City of Singapore, is the plan of Bri
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  • 73 1 TEMPLER EN ROUTE TO LONDON GENERAL Sir Gerald Ternpier, High Commissioner of the Federation, accompanied by Lady Templer and daughter .June, arrived In Singapore yesterday m au RAP Valetta. Kalian? Airpon off! ;ia knew nothing of the flight until half on hour before the plans touched down. Sir Gerald is
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  • 17 1 THE- i N itions P ai I il i ponfid until at lea A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 107 1 ESCAPED PRISONER CAPTURED PROMPT action by Police officers and men of Rochore Police Station was responsible for the recapture yesterday of Lidon bin Sulaiman who escaped from Changi Jail on Thursday morning. At 10 a.m. yesterday, a driver of the Prisons Dept. saw the prisoner m Kallang Road. He made
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 CAPTAIN John Slim is met by his parents. Yield Marshal Sir William and Ladj Slim, on his arrival at Southampton by flying boat from Singapore. A. P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 123 1 KUALA I UMPUR, roi isl v killed by i 'I of the Fii st W RH men;, vf- terdaj a |OC(M I M wounded, and two tthen <P~ tured. A double barrelled shotgun was found. A Temiar capture-] < t brought terrori ed with a
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  • 16 1 WINSTON hwi MB if 7J „f, mil b« n*i :ii ling tropi rt
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  • 508 1 Gala Ball For Toy Fund At The Cathay A host of surprises m store i^*A S jo SflfiS > j j ft Vso& I a £SSbb& 7 TWFNTY rtve d^\y s nio'<- for (hristmas- You re dead risjht Ho^r t-me flies. But did you know that it »s only nlm
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  • 486 1 Standard Staff Reporter TOMORROW, you will enter the month or December. The majority of you have begun your Christmas shopping, some have already completed it. There will be new dresses, presents,, greeting lard, o"i toy. and a thousand and one th.ngs the occasion of
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  • 78 1 Rubber Is Up 2 1/2 Cts. THE rubber market m Singapore ruled tin!. terday. t ftrst grade rubber December shipment reaching 91 cent- per Ib at on< of the trading. 891 c>ents at Ihc close on Friday c improv i menl m quota-, tions was attributable to i m both
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  • 57 1 BUENOS AIRES. Nov. 2') (Ifeuter)— About 250 firemen arith 12 engines yesterday rattied a multi-million douar blaze raging out of control roi ■>4 hours In the building ing the central fuod and vegetable market. -J-,, me p^v tont, m Brei mi m the fire, c
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  • 179 1 SFOI T L, Nov. 29: (IP)— American Superfortresses from every B-29 group assigned to the Korean theatre blasted the doorstep to •Communist China m their biggest night raid of the war last night. Forty-nine B-29s pounded the twin cities of Sinuiju and Uiju <on the
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  • 23 1 SEVEN Chinese elan m Kuchin y U i were lei lay released theii [ion th re i
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  • 22 1 IX hi si, I \K«il KS ovii B lori which darted la feature. I in*laline«t uill be published iv li"-
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  • 68 1 BANGKOK, Nov. 29, (AFP. Thai Pc> i'-e Ch rt I fenei i Phao. osed here last night •.hat there were 10.00(1 Chinese Communists m 1• •< a' Ki »ver 2,000 Thai Communists. Phao issued new orders yes- cting Police to iceep a w at< h on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 i 5 WATCHES itflyxMWriN Amtlrrdum and Paris— 4 thm I'll rail KLMfintr For FIRST C4ass Flights Call KLM FIRST V^ KOYAITSuTCH M'
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    • 80 1 PERFECT AFTER CE CREAM >^ v 10EAMEOIE& UO THE TALK OF THE TOWN A $12.50 BIRO PEN for $3.00 \v an appr»'i i I i <»n t Ibc «-onlinu«*H patrowajM of llio« "BIRO DE LUXE" BALL-POINT PEN i e*rii per. b a«dked In a Silk lined Prr*entatlon Case for ONLY
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  • 716 2 i FOR SERVICE IN MA- C LAY A: Four members of I the Women's Voluntary Service from Britain flew into Singapore yesterday by Comet jetliner for Service welfare work. They were met by Miss Cecilia Glover (centre) of VVVS headquark ter m Singapore. Pictured from
    Standard  -  716 words
  • 55 2 Took Mothers Jewellery v g. (18) who ■TV tO v A. W. I that he v for whit he had guilty to I braclet. I I ring and elonging »ci Oh Ah Enq. on N ious oon- c Court vt <«r. all for <re g \vellery from bis mothei and
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  • 64 2 KOTA TINGGI, Fri.—The m Kota Tinggi are v much con h with the r of rain. 1 fear that the Hoods which occurred m the last two year again. c Raja Perempuan <-. r XtK t !sm-i tan opened the Ar:s and Handfbition of Zainafc She Koi Bharu,
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  • 78 2 U.M.N.O. Lottery, Results PEN\ N G s I'.'N' W< i Etuttei worth day: T :al Pool $55 MM No *****2 520.000. *****4 10 K» 3rd No 1321?€ 5,«00 41 prizes ol ?l.t>oo each, Xo 1671 44. *****1. -'..200 each, *****3, *****8, *****8, 1063 prizes oi $80% < *****6, *****4, *****0,
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  • 282 2 Standard Staff Reporter WHILE there is a "remarkable" fall m the death rate m Singapore, the birth rate remains on the increase and will £O on increasing until, m 15 sears' time, the island may have a population of 2.000.000. This prediction was made by
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  • 90 2 JOIIORE BAHRU, Sat.— The ceremonial observance of the anniversary of the funeral of Sultan Abubakar will take place on Dec. 5. at the royal mausoleum. Johore Bahru. On Dec. 4. there will be a iahilil service at !he J-Uina Besar held at the request of the
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  • 137 2 Youth Gets Jail For Consorting KUALA K.-WGSAR. Fri A -1 year-old schoolboy, Leo X Chong was yesterday ■■sentenced to three-and-half years' rigorous imprisonment m the Sessions Court here, for being m possession of terrori. documents at Padang Rengas Pleading guilty .to the char Lee said that a school m.r. I
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  • 107 2 KUALA". rUMPUR.. Sat. -r The Muslims today celebrated tlie birthday of prophet Muhanuid with a procession throiißh town and a mass prayev at the State Mosque m Mout batten Road. The prayer at the Mosque was led by Raja Muda of Se!angor and Inche Patch Akhir.
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  • 178 2 BRITiSH.a J fejje jE ts ajid pro- tecterf* piiwqws 11 Coiony who are owners of property m Japan are informed that provision is made m the Japanese Peace Treaty for the return, i A Government gazette notification published last night states that property will be j
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  • 167 2 A YOUNG married woman pawned her jewe'.icry m the. nope °f setting accommodation m an SIT Bat m Prinsep Street. I the Singapore First Police Court Magistrate, Mr. T. Kulasekaram, was told yesnay. In the dock stood Lee Thiam Siak charged with
    167 words
  • 125 2 Lab. To Break 'Monopoly' KL'ALA LUMPUR. Sat The monopoly of vested inter- ests and the 'capitalist cia><' m the Municipal Council will be broken by the people ti-irough the Labour Party which recognises the unpartance of the people, said Mr. M. Arokiasamy, at a Labour Parly election meeting, here ye-tcrriay.
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  • 272 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Pood production m Malaya was fundamental not only to the I economic well being but also j to social and political conrtih,em arid happiness ol the population, Mr. ?.ki".-o':in R&acDonaldi Commissioner General Cor South Easl Asia at Layang Layang Kiri. Perak. Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 6 2 J O OO o°^ y^ I
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    • 293 2 t^BEWIETT COLLEGE SMEFFILLD, tVGLANT) can help you to suc:_-3s through personal postal tuition THOUSANDS Of MEN m impOrtMM po^tio: of this facnou*, English GDllege. Th; *l Personal Postal Tuition The Bennett I o are offered the same chance to wua;ij\ fi pay and social standing. One of these course* will
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  • 414 3 Girl With A Will Awaits Her Big Chance I Standard Stiff i Keporter DGuTREN year old Lily Lee Lai Lee of the New World Parks F«Uf P«Bg Kfvur hi "ust another mrl with a wonderful! v husky viiiic. contralto if your are musically inclined, to the hun-dr«-u\ of patrons that
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  • 140 3 Standard Staff Reporter THE Sinsupore City Council is conducting preliminary examinations to add fluorine to the Colony's drinking water a> an aid to check dental deeav. Mr. W.S. Stredwick, the Water Engineer. told Thy Stan lard yesterd »y w is unlikely the City i Id
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  • 214 3 MEDICAL STUDY AWARDS THE Sii Bi F owship number of felps to Chii who look is their homes, to a the 1 Kingdom. c year, the 'i i pa ire open to both men m I women of iged »1 ity m prooa M public life. itions for these Felipa
    214 words
  • 76 3 LONDON". Nov. 2?, Eight years ot preferen d are being p^'id < )Ut u > shareh i ders of the Perak Rivei ilvdr nele :tri Poy er mad i of seven years' arrears plus the current year's dividend. This leaves a i •< of £103,403, on nett
    76 words
  • 365 3  -  Christine Diemer By Standard Staff Reporter A Club For Girls In Early January IN RESPONSE to an appeal from the Social Welfare Department, the Singapore Council of Women will open their first V/omen's Council Club for Girls, at the Joo Chiat Social Welfare Centre
    365 words
  • 126 3 Sunday Prize Puzzle Ml! LIONS hive sfi-n and held this uselul tommodity throughout thf world In Mala y.i thousands h.i\e h«*ld or st'fii it. What is It? Some One must know Twenty dollar- will t>^ paid to the (ir^t correct sohition or solutions to rea< h the Sunday Standard <
    126 words
  • 59 3 LONDON, Nov. 28— Profits of less than half of last year's •.\ere reported yesterday by Chairman J.L. Milne of Merlimau Pegoh. The year ended j March 31 and produced profits! after taxation of £135,582 for] the parent company as compared with £297.884 last year. Planned
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  • 92 3 WINNERS of last weel Sunday Standard Prizt Puzzle were Mr. Lawrenc* i Leow oi No. -VM-.l Towner Road. Singapore, and Mr. John Chia Ait MongofNo.Zi Norris Road. Singapore. They will share Uie (20 prize ns- their correct repli '1 came m hist Monday i -ing's mail delivery.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 102 3 '-TTyvM'yNT 'Ay, y, I ft v i theur r r« a- night Sate rrics. -MKN'T I Vr iH 1MB) p.m. Total X years c essen- C) and t be at 2 A years 'ate and he iti A g Improvercd ba -achcrs •x:eri- BCT< Musi te E:.^ out :ience -timoe
      102 words
    • 91 3 FOR A GIFT... J W 1| REMEMBER PEN NAME FOR THE PERFECT GIFT For that special gift occasion— a birthday, anniversary, re- II Jig.ous holiday-give New Parker U 5l". Us fame assures y^ W\^ M instant recognition and welcome. The New 4 51" Pen is the \L only one with
      91 words

  • 563 4 21 7 BANDITS PUT OUT OF ACTION Federal Polite Jungle 1 Company Has Proud Record MARKING a further stage m the development of the Federation Police's own force of jungle fighters, the training system of the 22 Jungle Companies of Malaya's Federal Police Jungle Force, is to be entirely reorganised,
    563 words
  • 363 4 A -econd feature of the Ii plan be tra!isat;un of h'.\ training, tno i >•.'■<• pondcni continued. 'i ;u N i immissioiied Qffi- cers' Training School tA Sii baa »lready and al Jungle C any training, of both I and re r will m
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  • 87 4 MR. A. Guibaut, French Conjsul General m Singapore, will I address the Chinese Ladies Association of Singapore on "Tibet" on Dec. 6. 1952. He will be the Guest Speaker at the Association's Quarterly Lunch at the Island Club at 1 p.m. that day. photo. General
    Standard  -  87 words
  • 532 4  - Malayan Writes Of 'Vanished Tyrants' i MA-RAI-EE is the title of a book written* by Mr. Chin Kee Onn, former Malayan tennis champion and English school-teacher at Batu Gajah. In it the author tells of life m Malaya as he saw it under the Japanese. The 3J years domination of
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  • 96 4 To Discuss S-EA W omen MIIS SHIRIN FOZDAR, Hon. Genecai Secretary of the Singapore Council <>l Women. will fly iiy ffiiarai Ain\'ays this moniiiig to New Delhi, where she will it present the Council s\ the Seminar next month to investigate the status ol womtn m South East Asia. The
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  • 85 4 WEI Gek Chew nlias Wei Gek Cbenf (33) was tentatively charged m the Singapore Second Poltoe Court yesterday on two counts of rasing a girl. Qr;<-k S\p [m m Jane an^ July thh c.i r. We- 1 wras allowed l)aii of $2,»J(iu u;:-il Dec. a. EMMANI EL 0
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  • 359 4 LONDON. Nov. 29: (Reuter). Today's soccer results: LEAGUE DIVISION 1 Bu nley 0 Wolves 0. Cardiff Bolton. 1 Liverpool 2 Blackpool 2. Manchester C 1. Derby v. Middlesbrough 4, Chelsea 0. i Newcastle 1. Portsmouth 0. Preston 2. Charlton I. Sheffield Wed. 2. Aston Villa 2. Sioice
    359 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 T [j Give him a PONSON fi Wm^ of tkest M<mJxi<(ut BONSON A JOY TO GETt RONSON STANDARD U you warn to ong rcmembt rc j hy W^S^^^^^^' F- or purse trm popular, good- a lady, kivc her the Ronson Princesi li c- 1! 1 Km KM always wins admiration.
      155 words
    • 156 4 tl > 'A L lie J i-Kh- oj llk Here she comes the new Baby from Nc Oh, do let me have a peep simply lov,ely— and how like her No, no, she's Mummy's eyes! Baby loan docsnt worry she happy contented smite for everyone, longing to get home again
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  • 164 5 Scheme To Improve Health fn Rural Areas P>t .uidard Stall" Uepmrttt ft Mht-ine to improve the health of the lU Ifec Mirul arras m StttgapMC is now the Mediral Department, Dr. \V. J. tor ftJ Mcdkal Services. dis<losed at a Depa 1 I n the
    164 words
  • 84 5 13 Pet Fish Couldn't Take To The Sea Keportet ING cfefcl B f freightet tons, unfolded 6>hy i iH»t Hsh who md i H a mm ig;e from Siafl ipevc s k lmpo»i--i uaael even hut •rt ruht »f th* 1 n [I tink. iri i h.t l f tulei
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  • 2 5 n
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  • 3 5 j flat
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  • 322 5 Returned Buddhist Relics To Be Enshrined i nt f I c Kashmir, Kushok :> > the Maharajah of S state I Ind a) and Bik\ui Da navai ol Siam followed Dr. Mookerjee m he carried: ie i ca to a g 'tcieii jewelled m I »ted chariot n n oiderecj
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  • 34 5 ma oi oy Chia i ~:-yeari npt, •a S. I Police yestei day. H was hi inself pore 14. m .i n ny ow n life re led m the hospital
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  • 26 5 H FAIR m aid or :r.c k C Home B ling Fund" ■■>''■•■ r Java S tod A md is organised Good S Nuns.
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  • 195 5 SALANAH ate Dullak an e \l.V;iv girl h:i.s journeyed hundreds ni; to S and f° r tlrst time m her life thrill of S gapoi o is a v for this md is the hi-^e-t ture ol '--'I" l»fe ut m vom very lit-
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  • 302 5 photo. Standard Stall Reporter A BEAUTIFUL portrait of Queen Elizabeth lithe tir>t of its kind to arrive in Singapore in the Chosan lor the Coronation celebrations next year —will be auctioned at the University Ball at the Singapore Badminton Hall on Dec. 13. Proceeds from
    Standard  -  302 words
  • 29 5 SINCJAPO r tE public ..-on: iibuted >14,761.19 on the Flag Day m aid of the Mount Alvernia Hospitals Building Fund, organised by the Franciscan Sisters, Singapore.
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  • 80 5 THE three candidates who are contesting m the Dec. 6 City Gfcuncii elections m the Fait Ward turned up at the Presbyterian Boys School yesterday to tell the voters of the stand they would take if elected. Ttu v were .Miss Ainv Layfock (Prog.), Lee Youg
    80 words
  • 43 5 Genera] Sir Ouvry 1.. Robert Quarter-Master-Crenentl to the British Forces m the i War Omce. arrived m Singapore by air from London yesterday on a visit. He will fly to Hongkong Monday, am! then to Korea before returning to Britain.
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  • 57 5 BRIGADIER J. R. G. Andre, retiring Director of the Federation Military Forces and former Commander of the Malay Regiment, with Mrs. Andre and their six-year-old daughter Margaret, embarked on the s.s. Corlu at Pehang on Friday evening on tlieir, .v;;v back to the U.K. on retirement after having
    57 words
  • 145 5 Labour Parly Councillors 'Power Mad' S I AT] thai the Labour Coun illor! Messrs Lim Hork, M. P D Nail K. Nair and F. V. Duv er mad" and v. ci c irting Mr. S. Jaganathan m the forthcoming City Counections, Mr. C. H Dasaitha Raj. Legislative Councillor (Lab. Rochore),
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  • 259 5 SINGAPORE substations liable In |0,.| v|| )M |,|jiijj lo<lay: l> Tiong Ruhrn, Hanson ltd.. Lam ><»•••! <hi. CJuan liiii. N vi I Devonshire, Armenian st. smti«. V<»«l|)lii. < apitol, Newton I and Chancery Lane. Wayang Sato, Paterson Kil.. Balmoral Kil.. Dalve3 im.. Chartered Bank ii w China Bank
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  • 181 5 WHO should first get oil a plane when a Very Important Person is on board? The %> un written" rule gives preference to the \IP through "courtesy." Then the ordinary passengers follow. But yesterday morn m 4 an American passenger appar- ently thought
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  • 212 5 Standard Staff Reporter THE Singapore Government has started investigation into the adequacy or otherwise of the total remuneration of its 14,000 Asian employees. This inquiry was promised by the Government at the last meeting o f th c Legislative Council. It has
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  • 76 5 He Makes' NO Promise IX a campaign meeting for the Dec 6 City Council elections yesterday at Mt. Emily Road. Mr. J. G. Parambil. Independent candidate for West Ward, promise*} nothing to his voters. Mr. Parambil told the voters of the Ward that, if elected, he would not act m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 583 5 ...A /.Of MORE PERFORMANCE WITH LONGER CYLINDER LIFE. every motor cycle, motor cc r ;ommeicial vehicle, stationary engine, air »*orld, any size o f type is ava>iab!« suitable for cylinder bo-# lIZ4M between j»m and lOftn STOCKED BY LEADING MOTOR -^■TTT'-^-^N-^'^^r^ SINGAPORE 1, KUALA LUMPUR PENArO, *a& vfei i%& gga
      583 words

  • 1556 6 Nod Barber's Diary |»K()l 1) Premier I'inax. the man who pegged the franc, has IMJimlj become cockier, almost cheerful about his money. Despite all rumours of more inflation, despite signs which the sceptics point out dolefully, Pinay cocks a snoot at the Treasury, has told his closest confidents he will
    1,556 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 23 6 vIH f Gen tune ißJke Go&i rIH^^SW tA«DE COLOGNE |ffl J|| tK^y^^'^^^/JS'Ms. 0^1792. >p|i||| L\U DE COLOGNE CRE;\M SOA?- a famous Mi product
      23 words
    • 155 6 (Pujtt (ammo POWDERID The purest, richest. full-cream mtik with only the water extrortH Your grocer sells Neiprcir -milk i« its most convergent *orm MADE BY NESTLES FAMOUS THE WO£LD Q\ FOR MILK PRODUCTS ANNUAL" AW I I _1 1 tinfif bcnsational bargain on 911 ifp Silk Diuciqctt While a Green
      155 words

  • 972 7  -  WILLIAM DRURY By \[II)»MGHr m Singapore. The last waltz is ended. lUc bar is clos«d m accordance with the law. me mull o dhotel ;s bowing goodnight. Respectamnty rails for its limousine. But the young and those with slightly .hop-soiled souls are not willing to
    William Drury  -  972 words
  • 1246 7 ill' I'l1 1 A SINGAPORE terriei who claims to be J v- secretary of the Federation of Canine Associations m S japore and the Federation turned up at the office this week and demanded to see the Chief. "I am afraid thar win not be possible
    1,246 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 419 7 DENTISTS PROVE THAT BRUSHING fEETM AFTER MEALS WITH COLGATE DENTAL CREAM STOPS TOOTH DECAY BEST eai CO itionoos research at leading ■^ith hundreds of case histories, I it brushing teeth with Colgate I directly alter eating stops dec i) best ate's active, penetrating foam gets hidden crevices between the teeth
      419 words
    • 28 7 •••••••••••••••••••••a*00AA0AAAAAAAAA tf?y f l j$ SJ^m WWW so easy +o give V* *V >^ci r| cl a pleasure S*-**9 •I Lv.\^ to receive I J f m> 9
      28 words

  • 320 8 lmhi>< ntlrnl l/or/imy (fIUJMfHF pHINESE Indians, Ceylonese and Malays are exhorted to i up their oari >v communal and v i become Malayans. 1 business oi nation making, we are lold ill be made impossible if the v»; «s keep looking longingly ov < theii boulders to
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  • 808 8 SA CRED SHRINES IN INDIA I rom Our Special Correspondent S \N( 111 (Bhopal Mitt). India.— -A new page m the history ol Buddhism will have been written this week, with the return of the relics of saints Sariputta and Moggallana to their sacred shrines m centra] India this week.
    808 words
  • 987 8 Will Europeans Become Malayans? with tho Chinese, Indians. Malays and Ceylonese to be considered essential ingredients m the new Malayan nation? When the European community a,sks us to foiget our old loyalties and become Malayans and pleads the cause for a Malayan nation with fervour and eloquence does it mean
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  • 374 8 hopes they will sing something .sad; Negroes al trays sing sad songs, don't they? Leaning over, he speak-, to one soldier: "Say, d'ya know Nobody knows th' trouble I seen?" '•Trouble'!" The Fijian looks puzzled. "No-o-o-body kno-o-ows th' trouble I seen The American starts to sing it himself,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 murphy act m mß' fti^E^B^ 2 liyij MODEL 160 :,^-^i^j |S S 505 %2^* Sole Agents: S. P. SHOTAM CO LT: 12, ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPC Vti^P^v G/bbs Dentifrice y^fe Gibbs Dc rtifrice kc really white an Healthy. Its FAST DIRECT SERVICES TO EUROPE YOUR CHOICE of 4 ROUTES via CAIRO
      177 words

  • 1195 9  -  PERCY JOSEPH jgg WEDDING LASTED 4 DAYS l By \LTHOLGH there has been a trend m recent years th* M*i c a COn °Jr and sim n lic "y in weddings among thPn #h,# S i 5 are ceremonies > every now and thp£
    Standard  -  1,195 words
  • 608 9  -  JOSEPH YEO By I'ODAY, twenty-year old Yip Lup Koi, a healthy Chinese boy described as "as boy with guts" leaves the Singapore Government Printing Office with a future. He had none before, because he was a cripple. Yip epitomises an experiment—an important social
    Standard  -  608 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 128 9 tempting satisfying coiiee any moment/any time/ :hat roaster- CF/#^ ""**i~ j The -,r -and the c. of If Ty refa jf one -f* *'/??£> nicSCAFE f« ci Compo9td cf tkdtxtrinst a >K^ll^:'S PRODUCT c of itrfr,-th »r.j RAT 111 At SEA-FRESH VITAMIN FOOD I khJ SevenSeaS r^E= I M"^t ll*
      128 words
    • 54 9 J^P^fe To &&s&t mC ijljj^if^} I i |!ii $1.00 Trial*' i tH/tiirii's litt iltil KEMANTIN poptW sice bouk $3 00 POPPY RAJAB $3^03 RADIN MAS $3.00 j ENO l IRII S 70 I ROBINSON co., i/m. ■■■■■■■'■■■■■■■■■■"■■■■^■■■■■■■■i^H HHHaaaHa^ HMM CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) L T D. SINGAPORE b KUALA LUMPUI
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  • Kallang Diary
    • 845 10 HAPPY couple going on leave were the first two Malayan passengers who travelled on the new, near-fc.OOO-mile Qantas route to Johannesburg last week. They were Mr. and Mrs P. S. Dew, who left last Tuesday morning and arrived Thursday morning. A Skymaster took them
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    • 1115 10 KL Traffic Chief Preaches Courtesy ETRAMED and hangii g on the wall of his Little office is the verse m the adjoining Column which guides Mr. N. Freeborn, A.S.P., Kuala Lumpur Traffic Chief and his small band ol men m their daily contact with thA public. From this, it can
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 262 10 FAST REGULAR TRANS PACIFIC SERVICE fel frindsui Im An?Hr 3 AJJ ftfrifM atudian Cities NMN V S'bam Spore An LA/81 \SKA BLAK 2b Dot 87/28 l>e( 2»llef I Jan 24 lai. I.: r..: parii;^. a:3 oJ Di Car?) O™? lanki ar.d passengei B Kin** itc. ANGLO FRENCH 7 BENOIXSENS LTD
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    • 442 10 EAST ASIATIC Li;;e SAILINGS nMNi SCANDINAMA LX Spore t i "KOREA" for Djakarta. Barj^kok Baurot] ri-kanf Manila Kc4m vokohnmi 13 1.; |>,- ni• fl "SELAMHA" toi B-- »l v k, Jfl h( (passermet- i.iv) "FALSTRIA' foi M«rißkiife tl fj |>f rpftSsefißen x v) "KIN A* t i Me:b<>btt.e. Sydney Brisbane
      442 words

  • Movie Talho
    • 2300 11 Singapore To See New John Ford Triumph )NE of the most-talked about films of th P year, to be made by a Hollywood man m Ireland, is soon to have its m this territory by Republic Pictures. It is the Merian C. Cooper production of "The Quiet Man" directed
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 371 11 nfci j£ 1 1 j|f i a. m, j ir>, 2^lS 1 lllf 1 <K r> vK LAST FEW DAYS! t ME ON THE SCREEN! w JPJI Technicolor I^^ Taylor -Fontaine H NGAPORE SI \M»\Kh:_ AA^,. A „M, Wns*^ even a i li.i. rritic speechless/ 1 f t"»- VV*> V
      371 words
    • 344 11 ,1 Mil TALLY OrTSI'Oh IX HH 1 1/ t Ttnttur§ O#t#» It***/ 10*1 tig "SUDDEN FEAR By Demand l i iti>sititt/! Mii 01 0k \inr! I do no! remember having s»»u anvihuig quite •■o Frcadl Kfft»re. e\rn m I ranre" DAILY EXFRtSS **Here is lo\e «itlu»ut humbug 'mi( without «(lihmh
      344 words

  • 618 12 iVOSV thai the ieason*i ai ii hand fot new round o! social activities, many teenagers find themselv s Facing the festivities with mingled anticipation and apprehension. The latter can bt- cut to a minimum il you avoid waiting until the zero hour on an ;m
    618 words
  • 485 12 r> A USK fear wears so many disguises, most of us fail to recognise it for what it is It may seen to b:> eftuxace. or snobbishness. ariihili<»M. huniiiitv. lov.ilt\ or seif-sacrifiee. And our only protection against the rairiens disßvises m i:;r .s:'i>;'s and
    485 words
  • 280 12 {WISH jo ;v*k a friend «>' mm** to partner m p to dance. l»ut Ii is sister, \\h«» is also my friend. may want him to iv her partner. Do you think that it is alright to ask him without bcin£ rude to th«. sister. "UNDECIDED"
    280 words
  • 102 12 'Dear goy gones" FOR the time being f whnte yon to take no decisive step Be polite and civil towards your girlfriend's brothers and letjhem see that their altitude makes no difference to your visits to their sister. Them, it you become serious about the girl and icish to marry
    102 words
  • 307 12 TO remove hardened paint from a brush that was put away without proper cleaning, try this method. Allow the brush to soak for two daj/s m turpentine, scraping off as much paint as possible. Then soak it m a hot soap solution—a quarter pound of soap
    307 words
  • 296 12 yARIETY can spice i;p your breakfast. Children, particularly. like variations on the cereal theme. So try some of the thrifty suggestions given below. Remember this important fact children who breakfast with the family instead of alone, generally eat better and start the day off with a
    296 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 292 12 WmL rt I I I Mc^ '^gggca^B^Bß^ v ■->■ 3Hj Sfr FACE POWDER v/ HOLLYWOOD v n, idiani C oloc M Harmony shade Max Facto: has created V- X" for your npe Nc erhas i \ct imparced such fresh, glamorous sm« s skin Sofi .is finest velvet, dcticatel) exqu eery
      292 words
    • 255 12 SpeciaMtj made for baby's tender rO.i/ cf» best is i^ J tnoojfi fbr l Po«d?r it wfe, p/f and bygJenfcaftjr perfect q\ modern Kftnoi can ma^9 /t. i*^^ 1 H»Wt I jL v f lvt)CM( U,',^ J\ c »j^ LOT.ON^I OIL s o^fj fffffffrfffTfl HERITAC£ CUTLERY G. C de SILVA
      255 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 352 12 fecfl^Ma^WMMfl6HßJßaa«^^a^BfloJg^wßp<dßW<CTTrT\thfrPC i^i^ J sk §L *1 1 i i nrODAVS QfOTATIOV: Ih^ I work! turns aside U> '<i m v man pass who know* ti.r.he is going." Davirf Starr I Jordan. I SI NDAY FOR EVKRVfISK: Shun tendency ta baste .<:id impure m mornint. Be eon- sdestttooa about duties to
      352 words

  • Article, Illustration
    342 13  -  ANGELA BEST By BY POST! not Jo^JSILiS^ that I is a trad*, pure and Th, r^^7 h '"i olh r v netds 2 be leaned. i 5! dbv Jl s uil (ts the household arts ran DO* be tVri «f «,Jt J !he SJ Ulul to this manor
    342 words
  • 678 13  -  JOY MANSON j By i A THO GH there .ire many hospitals m Singapore J and the Federation there is only one Children's Hospital. This is the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital Tanjong Pagar Road. Not only is St. Andrew's j the only hospital dealing exclusively with children,
    678 words
  • 295 13  -  ALICIA HART t FY on a rhnr M i'(tt emstfCvtc i.|;i\.<ii ii I »ir tl \oi;r jif-r-.fN arr M<»l tMtvr J ;kJ hit rr ,iw! v .<j j <.a •■>tii hope m lu-iji 'it V» i' 1 1 |on inu^l t l .<; i«. iii 2 in'fi
    295 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 223 13 1 ROWNTREE'S A \\\\wmii/////rt. I The Only Pain Reliever containing Vitamin Bi j j-^C^afek. ill* Chill, H -..Jachc ur Ma I'aiß i-^4 v 1 nan takini \TBAST-VITI A 1 *r'..rv \1 ONil'.. >>:i a !!bc 3P fe-j i 4 V ovrnm 4\ diflcrenu n S B^ko l|t;i VfWB old, m__
      223 words
    • 304 13 m**stri\§o iriiviu oq 0 i nipnts I need from you. Feßaw PATTERN No. 2C t the instru«tion> rWseb ai» 1 ,m the blank .parrs prat t helow IN INCHFS Rook r. .-<^S^ °w i«! f O©n ins instru< lions Bowers. Tiie full aJW 1 m. ■fe—.L*. v <lirr skif t
      304 words
    • 16 13 yl r ■>■ 1 -1 V Sturdy back resulting fro." correct ftcdinf-ci A NESTLES PRODUCT L.l OS
      16 words

  • 893 14 Jeff>ry James. Standird's sports t ommt'ntator. m this s^tond article on Singapore badminton, suyijpsts thre<* ways to promote goodwill. Firstly. d Coaching: Scheme for all players: Secondly, a refresher course for officials: and thirdly. tli«. setting up of a Committee to cater towards the welfare
    893 words
  • 117 14 Spor1 s 7 V n ot be sports to 1 Radio Malaya but to thou-\ sands of its listeners. Us a J lot of fun so many funny goings on\ [Take that terrific "comment- ary" last Sunday ot the l opening of the Asian Table I
    117 words
  • 173 14 ing our athletic performances. For instance, how can we improve on our performances the next time we sent a team to an Olympic meet? What were behind the disappointing performances of our representatives? How do we compare them with those of other countries? How should they train?
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  • 342 14 Japan's bespectacled Hiroji Sato is perhaps, the world's j most reluctant world champion! And he admitted that rather reluctantly. A world title was very far from his mind when he played at Bombay this year, and no one was more surprised than Satoh himself when he won
    342 words
  • 829 14 'Small Bores' Are Thriving At Nee Soon Writes 'SAPPER' The Nee Soon Small Bore Rifle Club is proving a great success and while 200 sharp shooters compete others are m practice knocking at the door for admittance into a team. This week we will take a look at the position
    829 words
  • 772 14  -  'ROGER' By THE finals of the RAF. Seletar Tennis Tournament were held recently m which Sqd. Ldr. Williams laced Goodall m the singles final each having eliminated respectively Fit. Tew and L.A.C. Glaister m the semifinal. The finalists for the open doubles were Fit Lt. Tew and Sq.
    772 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 117 14 1 WffM^ illllir 1 a s the taU bottle^ You'll like ir Rrylcreem m this Mnart new jar. \ou'll 1 had it ea j, i grip, easy to dip into. Yes, this new disdnctive pack is a worthy successor to the familiar tall bottle. And ,y you'll km>A that you
      117 words
    • 625 14 4Bg B^^ h f 1 M i si| if lit a> a a 0^ tfi a a Iwl I L U 3 U L I F U M 4l| H^»^ I PACKED IN 3y 2 OZ. GLASS /A^S White Star Black Caviar $2.80 per jar Red Salmon Caviar $3.75 WHOLESALE
      625 words

  • 595 15 Perak 's Display Best In Quad Hockey A t Ipoh dav\ „,v .7 Perak amt Out on t0 P in the firs Penane liv n S" adr c an S ul hockey meet beating one alf On tTrf Se an or and Singapore drew mr nn fn' g a »pix
    595 words
  • 747 15 IPOil. Sat- Following are the weights tor nine races t<>r the first day, Saturday Dec. 6 and five races lor the tet-ojul i\\x\ IIORM S CL \SS I Div I— Si I urs. Nfumarkel 9.0(1 Coming \tiraction s.r; Itritixh Film 8.11 Trick su!i >ti-,t\ 1 \ne
    747 words
  • 436 15 MAAA POSTPONES CEYLON VISIT KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— A Malayan athletic team to Ceylon will not leave until after the MAAA meet m August next year, it was decided at the general committee meeting of the Malayan Amateur Athletic Association held here today. The Union will inform the I Ceylon Athletic
    436 words
  • 608 15 Negri A ll Blues Tie With S'pore NEGRI-SEMBILAM All Blues, m spite of sustained pressure, could not wear down the Singapore All Blues side and drew 3—3 (one penalty goal to one unconverted try.) The game \v.:s striking Ir that the rather lighter Singapore pack dominated the forward play, but
    608 words
  • 49 15 KOTA BAHRU, Sat—Kelantan beat Perl is 3 2 m a charity soccer match here yesterday. Perlis led I o at half time. Hassan scoring Kelantan's goals were by Ibrahim and Mohamed. Abidin Rot the equaliser for Perl is. The winning goal was deflected by Ahmad Abu.
    49 words
  • 66 15 AAA CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY TH E A ab e Atl A *ocial S < c .t id L' 4 l i am Cl fj F\( f| it th< Wat, t, attended by and i i ftartsd child i artj .r the < ciatkm*s pn i i The ft ftrom 1 p.m.
    66 words
  • 16 15 fe Com] S and third A '1 1..--h > |ai Se M M
    16 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 15 Singapore's Sinthamoney tackles well to spoil Ambrose Pinto's touch kick from a lincout won by Negri at yesterday's AH Blues rugby. The store was tied at three all. Standard photo.
    32 words
  • 78 15 KUALA KANGSAR. Sat— Perak Malays beat Pahang Malays by s—l m the Sultans' Gold Cup soccer competition on the Malay College around today. Faizul, Perak centre-Ibrward and Hussein. right inside scored a goal each m the first half. Hashirn Pahan^ centreforward replied with one goal. In
    78 words
  • 55 15 SCC beat RAF Changi by 55 points (eight goals, four tries and one penalty) to nil at Changi yesterday. Darrocb scored four tries, GroVea three, Cashin two and Ropei and Hoare one ea h. Parker converted six of the tries Plus a penalty while (Iroves and
    55 words
  • 151 15 PERCIVAL WILL RETURN "I have not severed connections with tiie Van I.reukeltns* Stables, but shall return m lime lor tiie Singapore February meeting next JtMt to ride for both the Van Breukleiis and Mr. Yeo Hock Seng. Mr. Kov nerciva! leading .kukev attached to the Van Brcuklen*" stables said yesterday.
    151 words
  • 372 15 IPOII, Sat.-— Revelling: on the" heavy track this morning Double Dividend, Rapid Red and Kong Ming:, all ridden by Mawi, attracted the most attention m some last gallops m preparation for the Perak Turf Club December meeting next week. D mble Dividend, after hi; impressive
    372 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 90 15 EXTRA! tXTRA! t. FIMST ILAY il l HE f OL OH RVVIRA" u iil Ml ih<> S< tf< st So'ifi MATCH FOR IT mmmmßmi^^ m 4 "^N. «id Perfect Heaitt "3 1" °^^flM^H^^Ba^HsHßßaaaaaaaH taapS«J*^ .aK^B^^Ba^B^Bßil Key insurance -1.50 pjei voar REGISTER MOW w,vh The ACME TAB ATTACHED w.ll be reworded
      90 words
    • 107 15 Si RAY She s a»t BOLGER Maho*l. m Warnerßros w Jr^K^R^^ < iPITOL I K<JM Mil KSDAI Hi. M! I tHmmS On W,/,^? 1 .11 I\N and I'l ii SAKiI l( "South American Rhythm D rkra lolly Jeanetto F/u iartiil DEANS RiDSDALE MAINE tSELTON HIS D VND B■* Wf&>i?&M i
      107 words

  • 493 16 WHILE Hong Kong's Sih Su Chu thrilled the crowd with two spectacular victories— best of which was his win over the world champion, Hiroji Satoh to win the Asian singles title— it was the Indian "dark horse," Mrs Gool Nasikwalla who took the main honours by
    493 words
  • 134 16 HERE is the list of honours of the first Asian table tpnnis tourney which concluded last night after eight hectic days. Baroda Cup for Men's team Championship: Hong Kong:. Runner-up: Japan. Kamala Ramanujan Cup for Women's team Championship: Hong Kong and Macao tied. Each state to keep
    134 words
  • 116 16 LONDON. Nov. 29 (AP)— Bert Trautmann. Germanborn goalkeeper lor Manchester City Football Club which plays m the first division of the English League, wants to return home at the end of the current season to help put German international football back on the map. Trautmann. a
    116 words
  • 475 16 THE first Asian table tennis championships must surely go down m Singapore sports as a "marathon" tournament conducted tor long hours for seven continuous days. But nothing to beat the time taken to decide the winners ot the Baroda Cup and the Kamala Ramanu.jan Cup
    475 words
  • 111 16 MADRAS. Nov 29, (Reuter). A last wicket stand of 104 j enabled Pakistan to carry I their firs: innings total to 344 j when they continued batting ;in the fourth test against India today. Zulfiqar Ahmed and Amir Elahi who came together last night added 71
    111 words
  • 59 16 Tampenis Ro\*ers beat RASC (MC)H by ;V4 m a sofevt j friendly. Scorers for Tampenis J were Morais 2, Suppiah 1- and Frank 2. Dollah 2 and Ali 2, IN a friendly «;imo of soccer j al the Kampong Bahru Railway ground yesterday, Memorial Netaji B A
    59 words
  • 29 16 TODAY'S SPORT SINGAPORE FOOTBALL: Police and MOR Cup semi-finals at T/iojhsou Road. IPOH HOCKEY: Quadrangular tournament. Peruk v Selan- gor at 4 p.m. Singapore v Perak at 5 p.m.
    29 words
  • 327 16 ARMY defeated Royal Navy 11 points (a goal, a try, a penalty) to 8 (a goal and a try) m an interServices Rugby match at Tanglin yesterday. A large crowd of servicemen saw the Army make most of the good moves and defend stoutly
    327 words
  • 292 16 HONG KONG won the Baroda Cup but not after a terrific battle put up by Japan, the favourites. In every set and m every match the Japanese showed such fighting spirits that it took Hong Kong nine games m all before they gained the
    292 words
  • 142 16 Tokyo will be the venue of the nex' Asian table tennis championships m 1953. This was decided at the second annual general meeting of the Asian Table Tennis Ation held at Hie Singapore Badminton SI lim i y< day morning. The meeting ilso dt ?ided that
    142 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 136 16 1 1 1 1J-U jo {JfTM o Mr 1 SWISS MAO£ iAtHlVfl^ LAD7ES WATCHES j ALSO AVAILABLE. j OBTAINABLE AT ALL LEADINO WATCH DiALERS «ai Va i^» *W <^ I ntil Christmas Only MORE DOLLAR jM^ 5 VALUE PER STATION S 1/Jm*£i RADIOS S Mo4d T23AT (325.00 y} Model T26AT
      136 words
    • 72 16 f Flavour <£• Frag ram, I Gold Dollar Tea I SHUMIYIPILijQiH^TM;n.ILNTATIOIIS S FOR SUPREME LEISURE QQ||f| EXCELSIOR LTD 66. HIGH MINI I Mi Ml- ff 1 1 i nil iinlli fc 0. ■lV tUj:ll ti j t tw VIEW-MASTER #rAfIA "4^ y|£W-MASTf« «H^ >I^> J NON-STEREO $50.00 1 Jllop uereo
      72 words