Sunday Standard, 30 March 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 17 1 Sunday Standard •ffc^LC"-*-! «)»IX. VOL. II NO. 272. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1952. 16 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS.
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  • 260 1 Good Progress Recorded On C olombo Flan 111. Mar. 2tt (l<«-ui«r > Mini«,i« r-. of the I'l.m i o'i«ulta!i\ t* < oiiniiilhr aiiiUMinrcil h(*r«* tin- -rti«-tm' hail maili- a good >lart and s,,\ "a furthrr Mih-tanlial quickening m the lopim lit" nr\l \rar. The v of Ifl Commonwealth md South
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  • 62 1 Templer Picks Executive Councillors i MPI R Sat h omiii; siOSCr, UM llll«Wli K\«Hiitivt* 1 .dtration; Rob I •>( khart, ;> ;i. Mr. J.l). I). i to BJB.C n Dato Mahl».it;H S«*tia iv l< Muli.i icok, »'V- htm all ortitials). I K.ija MnhamI poai Yew Koh. lul Kahnian innI C
    62 words
  • 47 1 Se rgeant Ex-Red Killed A b pean &i g ml and rendei bandit. ambush the Ayei eading to Balik a a:.*' 1 I man iis head The lean sergeant mtil tne next ed of hi, ted v ->. v ie m operation neni that fo!--kTiled by sten gun
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  • 5 1 nd Vi<
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  • 8 1 I i i R id res
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  • 29 1 THE 9 U3 ton British 1 eight- <. c lisle, and the 000 >n It ilian freighter Marile I during hissd winds m ;> Adel lide today. A P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 20 1 M .!i".\.\' de Hauteclocque, Fi Resident-General, ester cjtv h• i hi ns named foreign minister Tunisia. A P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 228 1 Standard Staff Reporter THE >inv:a,M»rr Government will, later this year, -^aniic task of replacing the Colony s 800.000 klenlitj i'riU with new type plastic cards. An official statement issued yesterday stated that the replacement would be "gradual" and that the new cards would be
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  • 153 1 The Ceylon Commissioner m Malaya, Mr. M. Saravanamuttu. speaking at the mass condolence meeting which was attended bj about ">OO people including members of other communities, at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday. The picture also shows Mr. T. A. Simon ,011 the extreme
    Standard  -  153 words
  • 78 1 KUALA* LUMPUR, Sat. •\n empty car crashed into tae front ol the Tivoli Ho el a Batu Road today and br u^' down the Whole facade ol Ihe building The car was parked near the hotel when it suddenly inove-l nil and tan into tbe buildinf It
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  • 245 1 PVKIS. Mar. :>» (Reuler) French Foreign Minis,ler Robert Schuman lodaj dHViuh «l the government's action m forcing a change of govern men I m Tunisia before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, a spokesman <>f 1 1>«- committee disclosed M. Scliumaii
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  • 95 1 LONDON. Mar. IS.— Oxford won tin* boat race today by a matter of feet. For nearly the whole of the distance, m driving: snow and difficult water, the boats were practically level. Cambridge held a lead of less than a quarter length for a while and
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  • 136 1 CAIRO, Mar. 29 (UP) —I British Ambassador Sir Ralph Stevenson confer red with Egyptian Foreign Minister Abdel Khalek Hassouna Pasha today as reports circulated that Britain had agreed to recognize Egypt's demands on Suez and the Sudan. Stevenson was with Hasspuna for two hours and
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  • 114 1 I LONDON. Mar. 29. CReuter).— Blizzards swept London thismorning as the capital's Ereak "winter m spring" entered its second day. Roofs were white with snow i and a knite-edgod wind whistled along streets half an inch deep 1 In slush; The meteorological office promised strong to gale
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  • 56 1 LONDON*. Mar. 29 (AP) The War Office today anroun(vd the appointment of Major General Sir Hugh Stockwell to be General-Officer Commandiog Malaya, effective U Major Gen. J .H. N. Poett will succeed Gen. Stockwell as commander, Third Division, Middle Fast Land Fckc-s, thf announcement said. His
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  • 23 1 unwied mother In R< me yeiterdav contused that she Mled tuT three babies to «aye tite ti >■'. i.hut tier family.- AP.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 138 1 THfi m;t!ii:i4e Of Mrs Phoebe Amelia Hamilton Fowte, the first QARANC other Hank to yet married m the Far Bast, was solo/linked yesterday m the tiny British Military Hospital Chapel. Alexandra* Th>' bridegroom was Joseph Bern nd Aubrey Bright, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brighi
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  • 417 1 Only Federal Citizens Should Be Called Up, Says Rahman Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday Tengku Abdul Rahman, President of the United Malays National Organization, said here today that he was personally and m the first place opposed to the idea that non-citizens of fhe Federation should be called upon
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  • 289 1 SPECIAL GABLE BY ARRANGEMENT WITH THE TIMES, LONDON I ONDON. Mar. 29— Some, .of j the Communist terrorists m j Malaya have learned to make landmines. It is understood that they arc crude contraptions, generally encased m concere, hut. nevertheless, fairly effective, according
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  • 285 1 Standard Si:i(l Corrcupoitdrtil KUALA LUMPI R, Sal. When BfMfring i»h Srnnl Council meeting at ibe i«J«»ria In^iiiuiion today, iii< lli»li Commissioner, Gen. >ir Gerald Templec, that be l«a«l complete belief m >«»ulh ami > onih mimwments, bul would fipfbl ivitfa everythtssf; be lu«<l rtiMire that
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  • 201 1 STRIKE THREA T BY 800 Standard! IJ<|mml r ABOUT MO iifn d. nits ill various Sui;.i|nn-(.()V»-rnni<iit Hospitals mi strikr if tlwir two \«\ir did d<* niaiuis for Kafary iwitttai .u-* not met soon Severa Singapore Mcdi Wor\ > Fnion told 1 Standard terday that li >ntenl growing o
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 Headline China Wiv»c* T JLfaH«%*« Vte>^ Of 4 Ri* ft^. Plastic Shuttle news inside vnina lTives. PhOtOS^p. z Naum: Newsman^p. 4 o *o3i« Testt^p. is i 1^ f— > hi i SWISS '/.-'ChES I /"IC J s- ■Ok \9Ml^2u^l tXJmx i Exthow, from world ft SHAW "NEST FRENCH IAUIIHIf COGNAC
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    • 13 1 <<f\^- j < pint ss ctNrs-^^^ J SIMCAPORE S \f'* COLD STORAGE CRtAMERIES fiiE^YOQHOURT
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 2 spun.; m the .iir and a (.ran;! Beau, iower-bedccked, on his \*.i> i«> t'"' Hall, is thr motii" cbosen by artist John i..Mnl\iar m, ted States Consul m Singapore, for the poster prut :iriiinu thr m!;)mv\ Faster DftßCe and Fun Fair, to be tiwn lor Ihr b'-nrfi! of St Amlrrw's
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  • 128 2 Salvage Operations On 'Empress Begins Standard Shipping Reporter WOKK has already be^un off Singapore's Sultan Shoal lighthouse to salvage the wreck of the Canadian Pacific Liner, Empress of Asia, which was sunk by Japanese bombers m January, 1942 while bringing British reinforcements to the island. The Singapore Master Attendant has
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  • 129 2 Champion Of Workers To Leave Hurt In Fall MB H VRRY F. Joyce, Chief ■•<-. r oJ the tanker Frigene SkiriM i aas admitted into gaporc Genera] Hospital on nighi w :th i ispected ii < im k -..-i slipped from the th deck on to the main deck ■■i
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  • 311 2 BEHIND-TIIE-SCENE activity for the Grand Easter International Ball and Fun Fair to be held on April 18 m behalf of St. Andrew's War Memorial Fund, is gathering momentum daily as the Colony's many communities send m their individual plans for money-raising participation. The
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  • 289 2 THE SINGAPORE {miniI gration Department is on Ihe al«>rl lo detect fak«* wedding photographs ami for^ctl documents which are brinjs use«l by a considerable number of applicants for re-entry visas for their "wives" or "children** lo enter the Colony from Communist China. The
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  • 227 2 TWO HUNDRED servicemen and their wires and friends, armed with pencils, gathered m the brightly lit hall at Nee Soon Garrison, Singapore, on Friday night and listened expectantly to a voice calling out numbers. They were taking part m a game called iL Tombola" one
    Standard  -  227 words
  • 182 2 THE Singapore Marine Police are exercising the 1 "strictest possible vigilance" ovei crafts within the port, said Mr. G. D. Hunter-Gray. Superintendent of Police, m charge oi" the Marine Division yesterday. •'We are taking all steps within our power to prevent crime. Our patrols
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  • 46 2 THE ROYAL College of Music m London has awarded a scholarship to Miss Lim Bek Neo of Singapore, according to an AP mpssaffe yesterday. She is expected to arrive m London the next year to spend three years at the school.
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  • 132 2 THE SINGAPORE Hire Car Association has sent a petition to the City Council to postpone confirmation of a decision by the Vehicles Committee to reduce the number of second class hackney carriages from the present 1.500 to 1,452. Mr. T.A. Simon, President of the Association,
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  • 19 2 PENANG, Fri.~ The British Red Cross Society realised a nett profit of $14,226 during its appeal week.
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  • 37 2 SENTENCE of one year's rigorous imprisonment was imposed on Salleh bin Hanilfa (20) m the Sjngapbre First District Court yesterday for cheating Abdullah bin Mahmood of $42 worth of cloth at Arab Street In February.
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  • 32 2 A LABOURER. Loh. Wan Toll, was sentenced m the Singapore First Criminal District Court yesterday, to three months* rigorous imprisonment for gross indecency on the Padang on Mar. 18.
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  • 209 2 CHARGED In \h^ Singapore Third Criminal District-Court yesterday, with cheating Fraser and Neave of a total of $507.54 Cheong Yin Wing, an Englishspeaking clerk pleaded guilty, but said that he had cheated the firm of a much larger sum. Cheong .said: "The amount mentioned
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  • 29 2 F OST ladii s white hand-bag rt..';»> p.m. 27.3.52, between North Bridge RH Coleman/Hill St. River Valley Rd. Finder please return Box T. 751, Standard, S'jx:!«r Reward olTered.
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    • 37 2 i It k rfrn^w I wKM^^^bSSSKKbIKS^^ You can fa sure that Jeffrey Leow will be a "'^m ii handsome young man, for he has had the right •tart m life. He has been started on Lactogen, bjpKMiEl/
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    • 551 2 How the farTious Bennett College can help y our career through pcnonal POSTAL Tin lO\ rvou ft^l th«t >ou amnot pass tie T" exams Much uill qualify wm m yo lIN Vf X 1 ti»Ojp or pnaftarioay tf yen age handicaprx I im m your career by missed education ,1
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  • 289 3 **i.u»i! rd Woman i»rl« r .\r<-]»! has al'Aav- found ii iliifieulfl to ~t r i< tin ;>."* Mid »ir. K. M. I Mailman}*, <>t i*o:..»» lnt< ritaiion;,! r-*ic wrhen i:i_; hi: !tu- H UOI I m l:i»I M«>iitla\ ■> >lamlanl a I ij.t'i
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 3 photo. ROSNII It the ;m th, Audit' Li'bon |M .1 si\ months ii i mcf, Mr. J. who recently arm ih,- (:.!o!iy from ,11 be M.iJKiser of ia Mr (rosnier's Standard
    Standard  -  31 words
  • 119 3 i.. i.. m| i M M i'"l:>y'ii' ill >!.. Peoples x I i mi now 'mlii, IMiii Til ltd.. i; i < h iriirwl Bank. St.. t i>i»«r ilokwn i rrtes si liii!< i» St., i r < ill ir k<i arpeaiM hi ill Kit t 1 1
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  • 77 3 Standard Stiff Reporter THERE ':>.«- been a marked increase m applications for 1 naturalisation by overseas Chinese ii Singapore since Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, Secretary oi Stal tor the Colonies announce I the lifting of the language t>,u- on naturalisation, a Government spokesman told
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  • 4 3 CHAMBER COMMITTEE i com-
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  • 14 3 (V--ho arf •noil o> Soy* 'ion i" m n o write
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  • 162 3 Standard Staff Reporter THE ANNUAL genera! meeting of the Singapore Teachers Union will be held on Saturday at St. Joseph's Institution at 3 p.m. One of the resolutions to be tabled says "that the S.T.U. expresses great concern at the continued detention ol P.V.
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  • 755 3  - Pleasure Trips To New Japan Will Soon Be Possible Michael Connors— Mi 9 s Cherry Blossom Tiftte I By j IT IS CHERRY BLOSSDM TIME IN JAPAN. Everywhere, m these magic spring months 6t March, April and Moy, the beautiful islands of Nippon are gay with the world-famed blossoms and
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  • 43 3 PROFESSOR J. C. Cooke of the faculty of Applied Mathematics at the University of Malaya, and President 01 the Royal Singapore Flying Club left m the Oranje on Thursday for the United Kingdom. Mrs. Cooke sons John and Jamie accompanied him.
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  • 197 3 It's Ang Again— He Stole More Silver Standard Staff Reporter ANG HOCK SENG, a 33-year-old ra«r ami bone man, who had been sentenced lo nine months' rigorous imprisonment last Saturday on three charges of lioustbreaking ami theft, was again brought lo court yesterday, and ffiven anolher 12 months' for three
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  • 134 3 Standard Staff Reporter FUTURE appointments and promotions of officers m the Singapore City Council may be handled by the Public Services Commission of the Colony if a recommendation of the Procedure Committee is accepted by the Councillors on Monday. At present these matters are handled
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  • 62 3 "Bi;T YOU anything the plates uepuw to his palms." Amazement, pti fj!!S xnd surprise are registered on the MO Of thesi* little pupils of the Fine Art O Movement Academy when Nur Bafcu did v soto dame of the saucers lor them at the Academy before the Indonesian
    Mobile  -  62 words
  • 99 3 THE RUBBER market In Singapore was quiet at quotations unchanged from Fridays Levels Small turnover of business was recorded. There was a lark of sellers In the market. Singapore Chamber of Com merce Rubber Asspciation noon prices (per lb.) yesterday (Mar 29' were: Buyers Sellers No
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  • 27 3 VOLUNTEERS attached to E Div mum ;trc reminded that the cxl meeting is at 5.30 p.m < n April a. *ii Orcharfl Road Police Station.
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    • 444 3 "YOU, too, may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer from YITAMIN&MINERAL(/^/^/ That is why you feel Worn out Nervous, Irritable, Have head--aches, Lose Weight, Worry" '*S» Bn^« JB X ai '"V>, tTfati "^aalflar^aaafr M/> Proved Way Back to Health Happiness When you're anaemic, feel nervou*. have ir^ r« //'■r>
      444 words

  • Article, Illustration
    7 4 i BOOTY formance ed '>•■ i Sard I
    A.P.  -  7 words
  • 32 4 IPINi;. S re- koh i ii I ol has alii g »up of •■'>" Society of Chrisi m s < ■he Rtk ii R
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  • 486 4 Standard Corrc»pondenl r .1 LI HPI K. Sii. Th»- offensive spirit ha* -hi pi ihrouuli Home Guards m kedah and I ,i~. formed ihe subjed of a radio talk tonight m llir oslisht on ihe Kmcr^nirv" feature when Mr. J. ii.i ,o i-.
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  • 717 4  - WAS GEN. TEMPLER RIGHT? ONLY TIME CAN TELL MICHAFX DAVIDSON By (Published simultaneously hy arrangement with The Observer, London). ONLY time ran show if the severe "punishment" itm>ose<l on Thursday l>y General Sir Gerald Templer on some 20,000 people m the district of Taiijong Malim, on the border of Selangor
    Dept. of Information  -  717 words
  • 85 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Malayan Railway Administration earned $755,666 loss m January uum the last month m 195] bul $464,479 more than the same period lasi year. Rents and miscellaneous were the besi earner, being Si 16,250 more Ih a n m December.
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  • 39 4 KOTA BIIARU. Sal.— Miss T.p.i Chji Wall, the first Asian Nursing Sister to be stationed ai the General Hospital. Kjta Bharu will be leaving the S?;itr soon on transfer to Penang. A farewell party was held recently.
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  • 31 4 MALACCA, Sat.— Ceylonese m Malacca have sent a message of condolence to Mrs. Senanayake and Mr. Dudley Senanayake on the death of the Ceylon Premier, the late Mr. Don Sananayake.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 4 A GROUP of Malayan students m Kirkby College photographed with lecturer, Che Sulaiman (second from left). The students are chid m winter clothing and snow can be teen on the (/round. Overhead is the pipe carrying hot water w warm the rooms, 111 the background is one 6f ihe lecture
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  • 412 4 Standard Special Corr: KIKKBY, (By Airmail) A group of students was invited to the Liverpool City Council Budget meeting. This was the first time that Malayan students m Kirkby had the opportunity of hearing a heated debate between members of the Conservative Party and the
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  • 46 4 SEREMBAN, Sat Mr Justice Abboti i'> the Serenaban Hij:ii Com; convicted and sentenced a labourer. Sooraflayiin of Tampin wilii slashing a woman. Suppamab. with a parang v.ith iiiitu: to cause death. Sooradayan said ho was drunk and S^ipuniMh had abused him.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 127 4 jf®^ PROMOTION <fe& PROGRESS x^Njfcv PRESTIGE *^^^^^^^^-^%mIIJZI ~~~I§BP The m e h a tide 'i >^Z^^^on-**^J^ the affairs of men Wh/cfc taken at the tlo&d leads on to fortune NOW IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY 6- C. E., School Cert,, Accountancy Secretarial Qualifications, University Degrees. INCREASE YOUR write for FREE BOOKLET
      127 words
    • 156 4 U^e long-life I i* ml l MM /jdk Jk. blue uillettejßg^ blades MOM SHAVES I ft I V yP Bu% R llc Gillefte X ">M I i 11 h h i% !hc sh I I Ij the -vorlJ. The.. t li^V Blue Vlus&M Gillette Blades fOOD MORNINGS EEC'S/ W' r
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  • 142 5 VIPIXG, Sat. A couple 01 miles hevond Taiping r>uth of Ike town on the Aver Knniac Road v \)w foot of the Larut Hills, fe a new settle-' d m the middle ot last jrear, the Pokok Assam g SiIICMC for the resettlement ot squatters from
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 Picture by RETIRING I man Immii. nice Society of (.niton's chief, .f .V Worswick, at Friday's farewell dinner sect with head Jaga, Narian Singh, head neon. Sirai bin Sada Noor. and hinese busmess Siiprrintcndent, Khu» Ens Watt. Peter Kobinvui studios.
    Peter Robinson Studios  -  40 words
  • 108 5 m c re M JSS ema Cooper 'he tdita Vogue one of :he ishio mugazi ues i n :i •ough Singa- > hrr re/ HI Kingdom from I A .it ration wur with jour lop mannequins, un~ d« r ';o)i for the i which iras cancelled
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  • 59 5 Man Cheated Hotel, Store Cou r t Told i I >!.[\ Phi p Ansell (26), i m me Singapore y r Po C >urt yesterday ng 'iv* E 0 Hotel m Penang of approximately I nth Ac i also i harged with iting P ftrm, Prit- pany oi approHe oti
    59 words
  • 225 5 ONI! >l >M da) m mid-1919, a young World V ar I soldier stood on llic deck <>J a troopship m HtmgKong's ictoria Harbour and decided tliat m liked the I ;ir East* Hi resolved i«» return and carve a career for himself m
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  • 216 5 Standard Stafl (or respondent KUALA LUMPUR, S M Despite appe i by the P lent and members oi the Executive Council, UMNO today adopted a motion to reserve the post of the Deputy High Comm isioner for a Malay. The moti<.i!i was
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  • 53 5 PEXAXG. Sat. -The part played by the civil defence m j Penan" m 1941 was lauded by j the Deputy High Commissioner D. C. MacGillivray as a tradition to be carried on by the present organization m his address to instructor^ this evening. Twenty instructors sat for
    53 words
  • 124 5 IPOH. Sat— Al the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federation Adult Education Association here today. presided over by Mr. Heafa Jou Seang ol Penang a five-year plan to stari classes enrolling 5.000 and persons m ench State or Settlement every year was disclosed The
    124 words
  • 535 5  -  Rosalind £#>§■ i iii 1 1 iia^^MM By I MM j> tltiii" out a pattern I hi- w«-rk. faaleqd 'j. > ;uiM-cr -nine of tin- m-hiii^ «|iif*lions whiefa ling m since thi* pnilgrw service started. f miht have: For D 'f'rriVlv I I UUT3 Htfjl vow gest
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  • 158 5 THE Singapore Coroner \»as lold iliat a very raro Irui: Yohembine, was found m ihe liver o£ Challappan i'illai (34), a Naval Base employee ulio <lir<l during •tn operation for appendicities at the Naval base hospital. Dr. K. Shamugaratnam the Government Pathologist said that
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  • 47 5 KOTA BAHRC. Sal The members o! the Union Club, Kota Bahru held .1 bijg dinner aiul dance at !t:< i Union Club premises last night m honour of the Mi Be ar of Kelantan, Nik Ahmad Kami! who is proceeding to America on leave.
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  • 88 5 FIRK broke out on the first floor of a building m Middle Road. Sinuu- pore, occupied by the J Great China Press Ltd., I yesterday afternoon. j Cause of the fire was suspected to be a leakage j m a gas main. Two fire engines
    Standard  -  88 words
  • 267 5 Unified Malaya Key ToSelf -Rule Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. "Future independence of Malaya depends on co-operation of all communities," said Tengku Abdul Rahman, president of UMNO when it<- addressed tin* general assembly opening this morn in«. The two-day conference is being held m the Hotel Majestic. The lead
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  • 180 5 5 Terrorists Killed. One By Gordons Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat While bandits were inactive m Tanjong Malim area yesterday, five terrorists were killed elsewhere m the Federation, three m Perak. In Ipoh, terrorists attacked a Special Constables 1 post, killing two Specials, worn j another and overpowering the
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  • 35 5 Mahkota Is Made Regent JOIIORE BAHRU, Sat. The Tengku Mahkota of .Tohore was proclaimed Regent m the absence of his father, Iho Sultan of Johore. at an Investiture ceremony at the Council Chamber this morning.
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  • 32 5 PRIVATE f n d dates who intend to sit for the Higher School Certificate this ycnv are reminded thai the Education Department will accept applications a s tin!:! April 1.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 117 5 A TREASURE 'TRQVE FOR YOUNG FOLK V f l^jt^ 4 tOyS t^ 1 Irion^ rvnov. Ned th« v\ t .r durobilit| British i ad** by the wo r i >v- :.g organ^at'on. THE PRIZE OF THEM ALL... Tri-ong Jeep. splendid birthday I screen and ru K ~^K^ByBßft^^^^lF* ling coloLir> v.
      117 words

  • Studen
    • 1634 6 PARIS, Sat. r rilK youth oi Francethai curious defeatist p i thai can hard- be said lo play a smni- anl part m post-war European afl lii has i announced its col- live pinion aboul the I' S. and v. Ol
      1,634 words
    • 477 6 Farmer's Mirror- Mind. For figues A DUTCH farmer, 23, who can only just read and write, has baffled i a ling mathematicians m lolland by his mirror-mind for figures. He memorises long lists of telephone numbers m a few minutes and recalls them correctly months later. Without putting a single
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 130 6 FOR THIS PEN HE'LL DISCARD i ''^^S^^ ALL HIS OTHERS! TV T T^ 1 ffmrni-afi \> New rarker Jl WORLD'S MOST WANTED GIFT PEN .t f,. jFor successful gTviiig— therecotTld be no finefchbTcer New "51*^ SHEATH j|| alone brings the new pleasure of the Aero-metric Ink System.^ I ft The
      130 words

  • 2229 7  - Need You Cling To The Paintwork? 10 m>i*W by I NOTICE I nobody baa written wort! on the subject ol how to travel by Ii ii Singapore. Arm this m spite oi t'ne ha/.ird > tiiat □normally accompaoy this mode of transportation. Day after day thousands of our citizens travel
    Michael Goh  -  2,229 words
  • 457 7 YY/lIJ-N ihe la*t performance m a Copenhagen cinema ended at half past midnight, instead of 11 p.m. as usual, men customers queued "P get a note signed bf tIH naa nager explaining t<» their wives why Ibej l»«d been kept late. EVIDENCE was given In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 234 7 16 mm I SOUND PROJECTORS 1 1 111 \railabi* jlj J Bell A llov>t II Cmmmnohul i)i' li II llo\%»ll Him i/ Revm i f I/ >> .1 Uiltlhf>' i In l imps. Sp*>oK. SpHcerm, Bewiaden, m\ ■ny EaMc tvprs X P.irUhlr Srrrrns. i Wins < ir toons. >N»*>trrii>. Sp<»rt>
      234 words
    • 13 7 'iigjA MACLEAN ,^HB^^ man m** j Macleans V' Peroxide Tooth Paste makes teeth
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  • 408 8 Sunday standard Inmdepemdem Morning A etvspaper T ITTLE boy?, we are told, should be j seen and not heard. Armed with this little bit of distill< i wisdom we adults erect a protective oar::": between us and gawky and wide-eyed juveniles. After the introii lions have been made, the little
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  • 1532 8  - Syria, $£$mt Pr&tnisin/f Of Arab States ROBERT STEPHENS By DAMASCUS. '■'HERE is always a consi- ible time- las between pron ise and performance m the Near East, but if one is prepared to a certain extent t<> take the will for the dccci, S;- ria is m many ways the
    OFNS  -  1,532 words
  • 1260 8 BOYS SHOULD BE SEEN AND NOT HEARD The most dangerous of these juvenile wits are those between the ages of four and seven. At least that has been our experience though for all practical purposes we remain on guard before any youngster below the age of 10. Let us assume
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 299 8 INCONVENIENCE &Jfiay easily avoided by getting supplies from ready stocks. We solve most of your prol m Sanitary Installations on< prompt service A complete list of Sonifai and Fittings available from FONGHIN CO., LTD 64 Wallich Street, Singoporc, 2 Phones ***** 7557. I6E-COOL SHAVIN6 with Colgate Lather Shaving Cream Colgate
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  • 597 9 j MKISTOPIIKK Isherwood bid "Goodbye to Berlin" m i hook uhith collected all the stories he had rittra about life m the (ierman capital during the irs just before aud just after the Nazi victory. To i,[i\ prewar readers Berlin was Isherwood's Berlin, mi and corrupt city caught
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  • 2102 9 The bomb-damage done to London was certainly terrible enough; but imagine South Kensington so thoroughly flattened that you could see the Albert Memorial from the King's Road! The street where I u<c\ to live is behind the Nollendorfplatz, about ten minutes' walk from my hotel. I knew
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  • 1077 9 3^ THE ROOTS OF A WOMLD WAR 111 By Li Col. F. O. Miksche r rilE unconditional surren- der policy, proclaimed hy President Roosevelt m Casablanca and bolstered up by a frivolous propaganda, was heedlessly put into execution. Whereas m l!) 19 the Allies only
    1,077 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 165 9 r>^V s A^r^:jfe^ fj^l'volt V '&W f^P^ AM fu!lv Bandspread. M/i/MW/ UKM BUILDING /szs %S s^-owc rtx. **a '**'<' '.J. LIJ. li-y«. NL-.::e,*x. S.^p-re Branch. hi— _a-^«»w~»«2*i^i^ !IZ^l-~_l-— —^i-^ MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION Million DOLLAR LOTTERY. |j m view of the heovy demand for tickets for the i t.ghth Million Dollar
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      195 words

  • 826 10  - Customs Men Show National Traits But They All Vary Of Course MVOR KRAAL* 1 3gBBßffiSsas£BSSfflffi££Bffi Kallanq Diary 1 By I HIS modern oge says Seymour Topping of Associated Press, has mode Poris, New York and London more alik* but the personalities of the three Western cities still remain worlds apart.
    826 words
  • 1113 10 THAT UBIQUITOUS 'GHOST WITH A COLD' HE'S been called a "ghost with a cold" a tough customer and almost everything else a stupid road user can think of. But all these unkind words said about him ore unjustified. After oil someone has to do it and it so happens that
    1,113 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 211 10 i i FV*l -'.'I i.l I \li ii; I 1 1! M SI U\ U Dim Overland !mh Fi lacisro I.<k Anj > \1 Aneriran Canadian Cities Penaac l'> Spore r\n LA st I! I f \M IIIK!NR\( I :i>M.u- .JApr 23Apr > 11 < Xi M! U .'-.Apr 81
      211 words
    • 478 10 aim j^^i^i, r iht; -PANAMA" t^T Bangkok b Hooßkong 1, W X[)l x 4 MtONU' tor Saigon I Bancknk 15 |j |)r "KOREA" for Bangkok, Saigon Hongkong jp.i., v M FKOM JAPAN ;.'Ht»MiKO\(i" Ma "PRODL'CE" (or Bangkok 10 KJApr SA!I.IN(;S l«) COMINhM S(\\ h ,s>v (x For Colombo Aden Porl
      478 words

    • 2468 11 N AC A DEMY Award "b?4i{lp" seems to have been rasing m Singapore last week judging by the respective claims put forward on the two top pictures being shown m the Colony. While "A Streetcur Named Desire" raised its "Oscar s overnight from three to four and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 260 11 i ON SALE A I 4 P.M. -APRIL "FILMAUYA" I 10DAY! I". I', a.m. I .:tO. 1.6. 1.'. A 9.:t0,-.n,. I >»■*. ITS THE TALK OF THE J'/i TOWN.... AND MUST BE SEEN! \'< #h(~£ APUCE IN ;^i! THE SDN LJh TAYLOR' WINTERS t!\\l N Ol \r\hl\n AWARDS 111 *1*
      260 words
    • 437 11 'J < d.y 9 a.m. /tftt^S loduy 11a.m. "KNOCK ON «IV| -I f 'M-\m OF Phono SISS fl "^fc Phonr <if>o3 CAPITOL Q' PAVILION 5 SHOWS V 4 SHOmS G. 30, J. 30 «BHHB fl U0 i. 01 Si mult a neously To da v "A Streetcar Named Desire" Co-starring
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 452 11 Radio Programmes CfMr APHRI? Evening Star; 10 p.m. Piano PiayalllUrtiUIlIi house; 10.30 Starlight Serenade. .dm a, PENANG 9 am. Proframme Summary: 9.02 Good Morninj; 9.:«» Musical Bound- (12H0 kc M4 ax) up; 10 a.m. Emergency News; 10»i:» In- 9 am Pro|framme Summary: 90'! terlude from Hawaii; latin Fnrcrs Favoud i
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  • 550 12  -  Max Far/or. Jr. liv (This is the second of a series of three articles on screen make-up, written by Max Factor, Jr.) IN 1907. as far as the motion picture industry was concerned, there was no Hollywood. What motion picture industry there was
    550 words
  • Article, Illustration
    323 12  - MARJORIE SHANNON. pill > i/r for K!.i!i« -tuiie |r v* t il mhk h tias mi -Pt Ike I 1 J5 And I nn>p«- th»'^p p.i^t \r\x Months has nun t:*u?!it up w i i *»:iicjp c viber-- le.idins; f.i>l)ion houses are disp!i\m- the ver> lat*"*t m designs reieixed from
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  • 238 12 ijX)R almost a year I lm\ebeen corresponding witl> a beautiful girl m KuirTi Lumpur. I am deeply m love with her and have told her that she is the only girl who can make me happy and that my happiness lies m her hands. Lately, when I
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  • 786 12 HPHERE is an art to making J pin curls. But once you've mastered it. you can whip them up m record time. And what's most comforting you'll know that they will brush out just the way >oti want them to. Your hair should be
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  • 406 12  - THE STARS AND YOU Cje l v:flS¥W^--!SSff^:v^W??^S :v r* :-> B: :<:W:::ft:;-^::?::i:^:::^ii:i;^ a. .vv# i 2 r pOI)\VS QUOTATION: Viei J JL pii-k <t gu.irrcl cun w h»-t\ it 5 i> ripr." \iinn. SI'MMV IOK HIRUiNr.: > Bhun a irnaency to baste and impulse. B* eooscteatkna about duties to parents
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  • 189 12 SINCE women are offered this season a choice m the silhouette of their clothes, your wardrobe is likely to contain a variety of slim and full skirts. There's more to looking stylish, however, than si m pi v filing your closet with gJcim that follow
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 102 12 Double your beauty today with MAX FAQOR'S PAN-STIK* See Your Completion Take On a Lovely New Color Tone anil o SmtofA Smooth Texture Instantly with This Wonderful G< jm sc?se Make Up AVA CAPON:-: M«< i,, r, -Ma;, cv 11 j m FASHION MAKt-UP xAGI OF HOLLYWOOD i .^lMfcF^'ijHn^nTßeay^^Ja^^SgnMHi^^v fs
      102 words
    • 401 12 YOU LI, THRILL a! fir and liislre m your Don't despair o\'er dr\\ lifirh I i t Get Lustrr-Cncme Sliainpoo, I i cm i liny iv 'ir. i'ii shampoo >.». liil^f/^r"* 7^4^/J toniaii^ Lanolin V you we v, ilm I I lanolin-i mm' -I lather of Lii trrCrane actually pu(
      401 words

  • 1106 13  -  K.S. CHIA by yy ISKN r#jianu*> cabarel hostesses Ukl Saturday look time oil from :'i««ir hectic v*ork. tiny spent h at a quid vegetarian luncheon m the peaceful ■mrrotuftdings of Penang's famous monastery, K< k l^ok Si. I^ikc* hundreds of others, iiu-lmlin^ foreign «|>rimt"*. ministers^
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  • 532 13  -  Andrew Roth By LONDON ON the crowded corners of London's busy Oxford Street angry, hard-faced men clutch distinctive brown suitcases. These loaded suitcases are as significant as the traditional dispatch case Ln which tiie Chancellor of the Exchequer bore his severe budget prop;- u!s to the Commons
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  • 287 13 ALAN FAFRCLOUGIf lights his 60,000 th cigarette and asks I AM reaching for my bO.OOOth I fflHtf and I am reflecting that. if the nicotine were extracted from it and added to that from four other gaspers, and if this poison were injected, with moderate skill. into my veins, and
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  • 112 13 HELP! If this isn't the rooring limit. Hollywood has just gone and made o curly chest wig for a lion, writes Donald Zee. It seems they hod been using o lion for the justcompleted colour film. "The Lion and the
    112 words
  • 290 13 Why Should The 20-A-Day Man Worry? terial disease, general inn.. tion of (ho stomach. chi«niic intestinal catarrh— and pm mature death. Theoretically. 100. ni«o tine could reduce fi-rtilit it has been al!e: <d On the brighter side, one cigarette, it is said will stave oil hunger .uul the contractions of
    290 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 553 13 Glands Restored to Youthful Vigour n 24 HoursiQ Scientist Explains How V#r New Discovery Makes Aen Feel Years Younger I c a-. »«n B»or» I trie worlfll for injtaike* r>r j. ■> m ii« .'«ci that h« has per- fur. ir. n 7 processes aac M 11..1 rr .f
      553 words
    • 42 13 f r'Z/ YARDLEY <9Mfc&ui lavender fthe vmm Id 9 wo* I famouf 1... <■ ider J* pn vith 'f r famous Y oid'- j >• t.. kS*s f**/ .-'t/ i an^ Irtfl I A X DLft r OLD lOU II MI 1 LOMOW*
      42 words

  • 131 14 hi VI V II Ml'l K. Sal. H. O. Bennett's Irani balling tir-i. were all out for *>."> m ilu* first day of ihr Selangor rriekel trial plavnl here on the padaitg today. Isainsl tin' good bowling of Godfrey, Slaven and i.unirli.traii Singh, \»ho
    131 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 14 Mr Dradaa Withers, at 73. the oldest competitor m the rum Motor Cycle Run fWW Tattenham Coiner to r.-i-iii ,n is sen M his MOT, :>'O cc Douglas, a model that rajo.ved yrrut popularity m its day. Mr. Withers has competed mi every P >i< .r Knn siniv the inceutlOß
    53 words
  • 236 14 Till follow iag were the post- J lions of the trans pariieipat- J ing m the (poll and District ,1 xuier league as on Friday: ,1 rts. P U l» I F A C eng W*h i 11 4 4' 12th i 11l- i :<i k
    236 words
  • 47 14 KUALA LI MPI R. Sat. In spite of a last minute rally, the Negri Semhilan Chinese Recreatiou Club failed to avert a 4 3 defeat at the hands of the Tamilian Physical Culture Association m a soccer match played at the Princes Road ground to-
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  • 70 14 VICTORIA SCHOOL Old Boys and Present' boys drew 4-al! m their mutch yesterday for the On^ Eng Lian Challenge Cup. Down by four goals to one at halftime the present boys made a brilliant recovery m the second half and Dollah's last minute i>oal saved
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  • 684 14 WASHINGTON. America, it is Hni<l is a mixture of many cultures. IVople migrating here from all points of the globe have found that their own customs, instead of being assimilated by t»ome strange soda] order, serve instead to enrich life m their newly adopted country. Other contributions
    684 words
  • 247 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Sal.— The Council of the Foothall Association of Malaya today voted out of ham! a motion moved hy Mr. Koe Ewe Teck, the Malayan Chinese Football Association delegate, for FAM's recognition of a team a^ent. Speaking against the motion. Mr. S. C. Singam said that
    247 words
  • 100 14 i IPOH. Sat Excellent field4ng but pour batting were the (features m the first day of the 'two-day Perak state cricket trial 'held on the packing today. 1 S.V. Suppiah's XI. batting first, 'scored a poor 78 runs m 100 'minutes. Suppiah put up 39
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  • 199 14 day m aid of the Postal I'niou Athletic Building Fiind. The XSCRC scored two of their goals from penalties. They did well m the first session to hold their opponents to a oneall draw. After the interval however, they weakened and TPCA took advantage of
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  • 173 14 ST. ANDREWS SCHOOL entered the semi-final of the Singapore Amateur Football Association^ Youth competition yesterday when they defeated Young Soccerites by four goals to nil at the Jalan Besar Stadium St Andrew's nominated play from the start and opened the scording m the 12 1 n
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  • 59 14 CHINESE ATHLETES beat T.R.C. by two goals to one i i a SAFA Div. 2 League tie at Farrer Park yesterday. Quintas scored two goals tor CA in the first naif. On resumption the Indians played all-out but were always beaten oil. In the last few minutes,
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  • 32 14 KUALA KANGSAR. Sat. Iskandar Polo Club and the Ramblers played a goalless draw m the first round of the Kua!a Kangsar District Football League match on Friday.
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  • 87 14 KUALA KANGSAR, Sat— Malay College lost their annual inter school football encounters against the first and second elevens of the Ipoh Anderson School on Thursday on the College ground. The 'Andersbnians' first string won by four goals to two. A: halftime, they led 2-0 through
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  • 127 14 O.T.E.C. beat S.C.S. Sports Club by the odd 2<>^l m ffiev c m a Div.. A Singapore Business Houses League match at Fairer Park yesterday. OTEC opened with a quick goal scored by Amin Itam. In j the 20th minute Kai Seng scored for S.C.S. off
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  • 137 14 FLYING BOAT WING, with a 3—o victory over 223 BOD at Seletar yesterday, jumped to top place m the United Services League 2nd division. The Airmen dominated the game and led 3—o at half time. An early dangerous move following a corner kick by
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  • Article, Illustration
    189 14  -  Stammin'Sam jne&d 111 HERE S the backsxcing a driver. As you swing back ]rom i)>c address position carry r/ir club along the direction line for abou: a jool be jure you siart up and around. Notice ihp dolled lines oj ihe hands and shaft and thai Of hip-high
    189 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 121 14 SEND IT FASTER— SEND IT FRESHER -^ni~^ FLY YOUR GOODS AND ORDER YOUR GOODS yt\ BY QEA ml BOAcX j|t\^ V >.iv? all u-j\ m time, m HI mw ft I 1 cos*- -ir.itke premiums 1^ I '\l [Ik f^S. of lo^> t-n you •send your c Moments l»y air
      121 words
    • 308 14 "J^ <'001, healuur D.D 1 I porm« and <iii.> <uit ,< t^^~^ mcti Boot lvn k a i >n Ihitgoj f rt f la SS'ssssssssssss/s..' r M.SO ..11. N IF YOU PREFER A CRf Am Hi* H" > ODD B«lm Y'XCJn rs ssssssss/ s s r t \»^>RESCRIPTIOH /RjJtn (Sun
      308 words

  • 320 15 <>N«. I'OH Lini ami Mm on» Hock Leag |>ro\u\vi\ h |,i» < r ,.^,i Ull h a full measure of thrill* m their »in»|« match nhioh climaxed last ni«sht\ >a «L minion exhibition at the Great orl«l. The >lioh raised 52.000 for the
    320 words
  • 90 15 fahis Mar 29 (Heater) The [Malayan players, E.^U and E. B. [Choong. wan their first round matches m the French internatiooa] badnunlon championships which began here today. The Choong brothers g.ive a beautiful exhibition and L. L. Choong beat G. Bouvier (France) 15-1 15 4. while
    90 words
  • 387 15 AI)\I*TIM> lh«>iii!H«*l\rs well to the mii<M\ ground, a very til Sinjiaporr "A" >U\v beat Royal Air Force < nml>im <i at Jalan Bosar Stadium yesterday. Sin- «:apore "A*" \svrv up 1-0 at half lime. (hmml combination was the ba^is for Singapore A*a vio*>ry. While the
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  • 36 15 KM) AY: A M I'M Singapore I&58 1-5*3 Malacca 10.13 10 40 Port Dickson 8.54 H M Port Sham 8.07 8.15 Penxng 2.54 3.0! HIGH TIDfcS at the DMnriDal -esorts m Ma lava:
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  • 373 15 LONDON. Mar. 29 (ReuteD— The F.A. Cup semi-final between Arsenal and Chelsea which was to have been played at Tottenham this afternoon has been postponed owing to the UIOW blizzard which i s sweeping the southeast of England It is expected that the match will be
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 15 This close-up taken last week shows the Oxford crew all out as they shoot under Hammersmith Bridfie m a trial row.
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  • 401 15 LONDON, Mar. 29 (AP). An underdog Oxford crew broke a five-year Cambridge grip on ilie varsity boat race today, winning by five feet m a blinding snowstorm. Tbe two crews rowed virtually side by *i<le over tbe entire 4j mile course on tbe
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  • 370 15  - Socccer Spotlight yki\p£iLf- SL A STRUGGLE is going on m Singapore soccer at the moment which few people (■(in be proud about. 1 refer io the unseemly scramble I for the services of soccer planers, at present unattached for various reasons. DMDaSs It is a veil-known fact thatl soccer officials
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  • 522 15  -  KEN JALLEH By WONG PENG SOON, Malaya's badminton wizard, predicts changes m badminton equipment that should revolutionise the gome within the next year or two. While m England for the All-England championships, he saw many experiments being conducted by
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  • 200 15 LAD BDONG HOO. Colony's schoolboy swim star, representing the (Jue. u n Street Boys Club yesterday bettered two Asian Games records m easy style m the third Singapore Youth Council swim gala held at Mount Emily pool. Lav swam the 100 metres free style m
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 187 15 NOTICE. I f OF BOOK-1 CPEB y' Examinations me 1 f*s2. a': Representj'uiON VACANT v, COS! ACi 1 BCX)K- r^i r o- 1 1 roe ISH Co!-; i. F(jr I UTION FOR B k. S Serang arid CO com- r ':•< Ben- P E R I M EN T: I
      187 words
    • 184 15 PONSONOL LIGHTER FUEL |L^lW I Use only the per j lect lighter fuel l!«SV g I RONSONOL \^^Jf »n your Renion x^~—«*^ Lighters. Ignite* •nttanHy witK M ?rong. clear fUik no fumes, no odour. World's Greatest Lighter «i t« I mmm n——■—■—■xmzixmmmakmmm urn m —Mi mum ip^wta—■—mw THE GREATEST ro\TRIBI
      184 words

  • 160 16 SEVEN hun Ire Methodisi Ycu^ r n Club members from all o\«*r Malaya will be partici; pating m the tliird post festival of spurts which will be he'd m Singapore from April 15 to 23. Aquatic sports figure prominently m the recreational programme with 12 events
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  • 73 16 TAIPING. Sat. The Tamilians football XI beat the Policy Reservfis by three goals «to one on the padang yesterday The Police opened the score j th! ouL;!i a penalty taken by Bahari and maintained thi.s lead til! the interval. In the second half, the Police were one
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  • 328 16 s^efe JVfeir TYme For Breast 0 1^ C/iCC^ PRINCETON. New Jersey, Mar. 28 (UP) John Da vies of Michigan, a twenty-one year old senior from Sydney. Australia, shattered the world record for the 00 yard breast stroke- record tonight as he won the N.C.A.A. championship m 2:12.9.
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  • 431 16 IPOH, Sat. Two Derby candidates, ('olonel Daly (Lansdown) ami Curlew (Percival) with \Yi?»e Bird Riding Boy) provided a rousing gallop this morning on No. 2 track. Wise Bird, near the rails. Colonel Daly m the centre and Curlew on the outside were >ent oil
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  • 151 16 CRICKET: SCA Tournament Senior: CSC V Police at CSC; Army v SCC at BOD; Alexandria; SRC v SCRC at SRC; IA V RAF at Balexi'wr Road. Junior: RAF Seletar r RAF TengaJt at Seletar: RAF Clwngi v TTC at Changi; REME v BODCA at REME; HM Dockyard o
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  • 68 16 PHILADEi.PHI. Mar. 28 (Renter' World heavyweight champion Jersey Joe Walcott and challenger Ezzard Charlel will siun here on Monday tor a title bout m Philadephia early m June The date of the fight ha s not yet been disclosed, but it was reported m New York
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  • 131 16 Chinese YMCA are organising two road races of about I two and four miles respective|ly on Saturday April L'f) over courses yet to be decided by the Association. The two mile race wi'l be confined to boys under 18 years of age while
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 206 16 1 t,, e PERFECT > prvsvniuitun* A MAGNIFICENT ELECTION j WATCH E nfi lrul\ I ;'»>;n ...Used p ffi I'i»UMlion against Water. frf Dnsi and Humidity. •11 Jewels level movement. Patent shock absorbfr. F| Sweep second hind. fObl from .-I W'.i'ch D f -f. roughottl MALAYA, fi iMR.UVJK and B«.
      206 words
    • 149 16 INDUSTRIAL > j RUBBER HOS:;: MINING INDUS; Palm t W^JzJlt Aod n Hose?" J A "TIGER" Rubb Consult SHUM Y!P LEONG RUBBER WOHIS > Singapore Kuala Lun.pcu looh i But^erworfh Klang Hong. ♦♦♦#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦^J *xj~u~u~i_i~u _~i_r*T_r~T_ i i i t__i i i i i i i i i i i_ii- i
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 640 16 HANDICAPS FOR PERAK RACES FOLLOWING are handicaps for the first days races, and four of the second day's races of the Perak Turf Club's Derby meeting: The races start at Pep-C 7.11 Cl. 1. Div. 3— 6 F Friendship B.l* Your Highness 8.07 Vincent B.u<J 2.15 p.m. Lembombo 7.07 rirr
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