Sunday Standard, 16 March 1952

Total Pages: 20
1 2 Sunday Standard
  • 21 1 With Free 8-Page Comicsi Sunday Standard ■ZKJLWM VMS. VOL. II NO. 258. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1952. 20 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
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  • 164 1 »k^<>. Mar. IS (Beater-AAP). Gen. hcadqwHrten announced today that 12 Hijsl prisoners were killed and 26 wounded i -h outbreak of unrest at the United Nations i- of war camp on koje island, south-west I'm -an, on March 13. ican officer and one South Korean civilian
    A.P.  -  164 words
  • 55 1 Operation In Brlum Completed UMPUR, Sat— B turn, •never, ej m North c bor- en terrorized n Communist ■.■•npietod. mprising two ScOUts into the the Malay a squaji ho made \y: a land tnck-fl m Kuala .•< iii Ufta i serted v.i!cid inhabitants, all en and chil- I out
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  • 70 1 A 10- YEAR-OLD schoolboy, W'■ g Sain Kirn was kilied 1 iv m a road accident i1 the I3| milestone Semba- H '.i i. Wong was in- c i m a collision with a bus, at 1 l.:;i) a.m. P i engera travelling m the
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  • 16 1 I R, Sal Da] 3 and Paioh, cancelled a derailment activities is expected to
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  • 32 1 Robin Gordon, a British busi- nessman, if ported yesterday to h ive been "detained" by Chinese Communists m Shanghai, has been released, it was reported ■c: t Hiighi Renter. I
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  • 222 1 Youth Sentenced To Death Weeps MALACCA, Sat.— Mr. Justice Abbott, this afternoon sentenced 17 year old student teacher Mohamed Sidek Baba to death for unlawful possession of 83 rounds of ammunition on Lendu Masjid Panab Road last January. Before passing sentence Mr. Justice Abbott said. "I do not want to
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  • 65 1 AN INDIAN, son of a pensioner of the former Federated Malay States who now lives m Bombay, has written to the Singapore (Government offering his services to Malaya. He made his offer on reading a Press Trust of India report m the Times of India on the
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  • 421 1 Templer Concerned Over Siam Border Arms Traffic Special Cable by arrangement with The Times, London LONDON, March 15— General Sir Gerald Templer, High Commissioner of the Federation of Malaya, is understood to be giving considerable attention to the increasing arms trafficking at the Siamese-Malayan frontier, according rb a despatch from
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  • 450 1 7 Human Guinea Pigs To Test New Survival Equipmen t A PARTY of seven R.A.F. "human guinea i>ij;s" Kill set off tomorrow for a seven or eight-day Irek through some North Borneo"* wild jungle and swamp country to test new survival equipment for crashed aircrew. They will have with them
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  • 32 1 MORE than 60 men. aged 50--70 years, have applied for the job of watchman m the nudist reservation on the German Nortb Sea island of Sylt.— A. P.
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  • 108 1 THE FIRST helicopter "air-strike" of the Emergency has just been made, the RA.F. said last night. A civilian reported to the Grik police that his car had been stopped by four terrorists on a lonely section of road outside the town. A police party went to
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  • 62 1 A STRONG appeal to overseas Chinese m Singapore to support the National Service Bill was made yesterday by both Mr. Tan Lark Sye. forme r President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Tan Siak Kew. the new President They were addressing a 'AO newly sworn-in
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  • 424 1 Standard Staff Reporter AN ORDINARY traveller who wants U.S. dollars to tide him over at his next port of call after he leaves Singapore. fac<*s the impossible task of getting mor c than $40 of the hard currency, according to a new ruling m^ie this week by
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  • 333 1 BANGKOK, Mai. II (UP)— A state of ir.1.rn.,1 unrest, whose nature- is not >«•! known, is lik«*l\ to laftc place soon. Colonel Luang Saraiiiiprapan. a<-tin<: rbirl of Government I'iiMir H< lations l)<-|»arimrin. IoM i»< wmim'M this all* riHJon. '1 lie si :i tf! iii•! i'
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  • 111 1 Hawaii Second Only To UK In RubberEstates Standard London Correspondent LONDON, Mar. 15 Malaya House is m "flap" over statistics recentl> published m the overseas economic survey entitled "Malaya" which is the product of the Tnited Kingdom Trade Commissioner m Malaya, Mr. X X MacKenzie In listing: registration of rubber
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  • 42 1 Mrs. Kathteen Martin wfa« l'uuiid guilty today ol the murder of her fivo children, aged 2 to 7. She killed hersell simultatteously. Slit- had turned on a g'"'s jel m the bedrown ol their home m Leeds on Monday. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 Heaaune wn, 10,000 *Active 9 f anin Damper On mii -4 Buhlt tlmmh K«wf Inside cto W /#l pare^p. 2 vamp. a€f j^ r p Kacmg. j^Ju^ft x CAMAYI THE SOAP SOLE AGENTS: LINDETEYES I.r.MFUB FENANG ;i ITOH n SINGAPOBB „> i SYNTHESIZED |jg^^| ULTRA DURABILITY I SPEED AUTO nil
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  • 141 2 Standard Staff Reporter A TIP from a public-spirited Singapore Chinese resulted m the discovery by the Kandang Kerbau Police of $2,000 worth of cast iron which was stolen from a dump m Norfolk Road. Describing it as an excellent example of public co-operation, a
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  • 48 2 LEE POO HEING claimed trial m the Singapore First Police Court yesterday, when charged with two counts of criminal breach of trust involving a total ot "^.585 between Jan. 17 and 21. The case was postponed to Mar. 22. Bail of $6,000 was
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  • 79 2 THL UNIVERSITY of Malaya represents a dynamo that is gradually sending out stronger impulses against the Red-inspired insulation a force of evil threatening to nullify the effects of prudent government and the aims of true Malayans. This is stated In the editorial of the Malayan Undergrad,
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  • 31 2 A postal agency at the Coopeiative Stores. 171 Joo Chiat Road. Singapore has been opened for the sale of stamps and the acceptance and posting of postal article-..
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  • 411 2 Bus Co. Holds Test Run In 'Isolated' Estate Standard Staff Reporter FOR THE first time yesterday, a bus rumbled down the narro.7 road m a test run into the Singapore Improvement Trust Estate at the 9th mile Bukit Timih and stopped before the artisan quarters. In the bus was the
    Standard; Michael Goh  -  411 words
  • 125 2 THE MALAYAN Undergrad reports that 14 geography students of the University of Malaya will take part m a pilot survey of Singapore City during the first week of the Easter vacation. This pilot survey will be under the direction of the Diagnostic Survey Team. The
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  • 28 2 THERE WERE 647 births m Singapore last week, compared with 206 deaths during the same period. Pneumonia clai ned 34 lives, enteritis 33, and luberculosis 29.
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  • 254 2 SINGAPORE Substations liable to load shedding today: DAY Alexandra Brickwork*. Pa«ir Pan Jang. Krtonnulory IM.. Oxygen Factory, crcw»nil«'. tt. Janus, Miri ltd.. SUaf IM ItnUit Pason, fS.A.T.. Trafalgar >L Anson IM.. Tiong Kiihrn, St., Kamali St.. Tropic* P.irk. Nan -son Rri.. I. am Soon Oil .Mills. <;uan Hin.
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  • 271 2 HOLDING that he found it impossible to uphold the conviction on the evidence, Mr. Justice Rogers, m the Singapore High Court yesterday, allowed the appeal by three mental hospital attendants against sentence of three months' imprisonment imposed m the lower courts for illtreating a
    Standard  -  271 words
  • 379 2 Standard Staff Reporter THERE is no complacency m the matter of improving the electricity supply position m Singapore and every effort is being made to reduce blackouts to a minimum. This assurance was given yesterday by the City Council President, Mr. T.
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  • 234 2 THREE Singapore schoolboys were among It recipients of Certificates of Commendation' at a presentation ceremony held at the Police Training School, Thomson Road yesterday morning. The others were members of the Police Force. The three youths, were all prefects In their respective schools: Tham Khal Wcng
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 226 2 Learn the French they speak in rdnCv tc b i k ca i teach y hi to ih a eijn language cor- v ii di» that m»u must hear than the lilt, the everyday ord n <: y people. l guaphone teaches you by this quick, thorough efl i tlessinethod
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    • 204 2 pUi of(MiH I HEAD OFFICE MO\Yre* The Company issued it's Krti 1871 81 years ago. Todov th thon 1,800,000 policies m force n countries around the globe where pony maintains on unequoilcd service. WiffhiiffhtH frmm ANNUAL REPORT for 1951 New Assurances issued during 195] Conodion *****6,754. Benefits paid to Policy!
      204 words

  • 448 3 1 0,000 IN COLONY HAVE TB-GARLICK SAT A Tops 100,000 th X-ray Standard Woman Reporter III! \nli.Tube r H loMs Association clinic this week ,mI »it.i»ut Iml for arrlaim, filed away its 100.*****1 X-Ray signi- ii.v patienN v,ho walked through i ls d oora sim n Has j 4)llll< i
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  • 73 3 30-Storey Sky scraper For S'pore V sky- v thC I the O I n d Road begin the:>• :>• building being and propro\ ••'<. tatively plan- 2C storeys i firms, and turned ential quart- lurant s, ol >; u- >kvPij Keng Siang is plan of the ol the.^ getbei with
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  • 91 3 (II \R(.I l> mi n the Singapore First Police Court yesterday, with selling beer without a licence. Oiig- Lye Soon said that it was his mother's birthday, and the three people drinking beer m his shop m Desker Road were merely guests. "Don't you come and
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  • 69 3 A CHINESE. Ang Chwee Chy c was charged m the Singapore First Police Court yesterday, with stealing tJO pieces of cast iron blocks valued at $2,000 belonging to Shan? Yu Shcng at Norfolk Road on March 14. Lim 800 Siong was charged with dishonestly retaining the
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  • 28 3 J> gailty I n I each lh« trade i the ed b c l.: ci Pen Cora J; .y was fined re yesterday c confiscated.
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  • 287 3 Standard Staff Reporter Tulips from Holland, as well as hyacinths and cyrangea are expected by air for the Singapore Gardening Society's fourth post-war flower show on Mar. 28. Mr. Max Lewis, secretary of the Flower Show, said yesterday that the show will be declared open by
    Standard  -  287 words
  • 3 3 photo. Xni aso\>*4/r>4Ju/rMinfr.
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  • 122 3 THE RUBBER market m Singapore was quiet but firm yesterday at slightly better prices than Friday's levels. Small business passed during the morning with overseas orders on the small side. The market was quiet after being steady shortly after the opening. Singapore Chamber of Com merce
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  • 128 3 MORE rish rifts from readers of The sinncJnd have hern h int*"d to ihr two Sinv..ip > woitic i v > n^ lo»i'4"r have jnvone *<» brine kowe the m;>ney for the family. One is a widow. Mrs. Tay Lee Sent;, nrhose husband, a
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  • 134 3 USE Mrs SAW eldett wn Of Mrs. .\'y Fook Loony, I ,■> wrote the letter on r>u« irn thanking reader* oj The Standard for their genertmt donations, ims gircu awty by liis mother irlicyi he lOCS a baby. Mrs. Ng gate him (9 her
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  • 73 3 Standard Stuff Repnrirr THE DEATH of wa Ui .n Aoiiian. Venktdasalam, m liotel m Geylang Road on !>''<• 14 last v«\ir h:iri sequel ;r L the Singapore Assizes yesterday when a coffee >i'>p assistant, Govindasamy Armugann urn charged nritn tnurdering I o .v»man. Fallowing evidence by Mr P
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 156 3 THE NEW AUSTIN A4O S (fi/ lijj ii Xi S Is Tin* instruments and controls are easy to c^ r«-a<l. easy to reach; the seats are separately adjustable over a wide range. The deep seats give firm, restful support the door width and height make it easy to K«*t m
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  • 399 4 —Must Go To School Stamlanl Staff Correspondent hi MX II MII K. Sal. In one corner of Kuala I it m pur** blllh, about five miles from town, at tli< Xnipaiiu Koail Resettlement ramp, there i* known io rxiM ahout _\OOO *l>a«l hats' living among
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  • 72 4 Rl \l A MMPIR. Sat The target date of March 17 for the control of free rice has been rescinded and the control will come into force on March Ml. The order whereby holders «>i ration card* must take three and a half katies of (iovernment rice
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  • 159 4 $5, 000 Bail For Woman JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. -She; was hard pressed for money, i i he offi red to convey some p kets ol Opiu n ..rid deliver i it Batu Pahat, -aid n i -i woman, Thio Soh Wah, j ear-old i i ployt c of a Sin
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  • 58 4 MALACCA, Sal Be.-..u«;e a youth had adm tied this morning at the Assizes here; he had supplied foodstuffs and stationery to bandits near the IS mus Gading-Kesang j R *;.d on N•' ::n and Dec 4 last Mr. Justice Abboti sent j nto a flve-yi ar term
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  • 62 4 THE DOG i/J the picture seen eating out a saucer, was the one captured by three members of the South Johore Branch of the Malayan Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal* yesterday. (From left): Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Cant (m slacks) arid behind her, Mrs. Scudamore,
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  • 703 4 By PERCY JOSEPH, Standard Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Sat.— The target was Jalan Datoh. It was from here that a report was received that a ***** and its litter were prowling from house to house m search of food and usually foraging m rubbish heaps
    Standard  -  703 words
  • 203 4 By A. Gunasekera Standard SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Since the Moneylenders Ordinance was passed m the Federal Legislative Council last year, people who follow this occupation, particularly Chettiars, have been reluctant to do fresh business. The Chettiar community, whose investments m the colony
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  • 171 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The group which under the sponsorship of the British Council presented "Midsummer Night's Dream" In the Lake Gardens m December is to undertake a second presentation this time Bernard Shaw's "Androcles and the Lion." Mr. David Lyttle of Radio Malaya has consented to
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  • 85 4 MALACCA. Sat. Radio Malaya, Malacca, will hold the third and fourth performances of its third series of Talent ime at the City Cabaret on Sunday, March 16, at 11.30 a.m. A feature of the show i? a harmonica band make up of boys between six and 12 years
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  • 71 4 KUALA LUMPUR Sat. Mr. Leung Cheung Ling is to ask the Secretary for Defence. when the Federal Council meets next week, how many persons have been repatriated by the Government from each Settlement on State of the Federation since the enforcement of the Emergency Regulations m 1948. and how
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  • 51 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Member for Education is to be asked m the Federal Council how many backward pupils were discharged at the end of last year from Govern-ment-aided English schools m each State or Settlement. And what arrangements have been made by the Government f< these backward
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  • 144 4 Standard Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Sat.— Mahmood bin Paseh, a Bugis Haji, who stands charged with possessing a false certificate stating that he had lost his identity card, came before the President, Che Taib bin Haji Andak, m the Sessions Court, today, applyuig for bail pend- ing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 326 4 pHr pßßni^B^p! ■ppr^7iu^F!pppppp^^ppP^flpppWjt/^pl w B 2— ■A-Bp^^^^^l ESk^B < 1 m I^Ha £wJ A.r r 'At t *pppppppppppß ppppßßEßpßpp^^pß IT f^^^T^^^w^^^^^^^r^^^^^^pp^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Tppß Ifß I 31 |v bI IE I I Vws^ i *i'- II E^ I I pfl^y I K^r PS. VflM B II W r PP*V^YJpWngfcJV|o^Br£lrH^Bj VJ PHF^ '■•^PPPI pBPw-
      326 words
    • 156 4 I Hj|^, iH^#ff'^^Br /P. f r'Q^^^L Voull he f^ wonderful c. tonight Smile into K'^^d!!""^ makrs.oyour,. K^/^ week your teeth be w/ -J/ white, brighter ihu:. x^^-^/'^ Pcpsodent contain^ Ni v T n" C 'f 3 vo^ r "T h grcdient called In with Pcpv<Klrnt. Do this, c morning and
      156 words

  • 248 5 THEY SERVE AS THE ARMY'S EYES 1 i M ttthrvt S, Iff, North < Oi r t Right lv A i m ited nineteen l>aniit > imps m the jungle and I directed f iie ground troops to them Ob four occasions they guided troops towards bandit, •'•••< fi Mm
    248 words
  • 102 5 Standard Stun" Reporter THE opening «»f an Engineer ng Faculty lhiul Geological Department m the University of Malaya, probably m the 1953/54 academic year, will help to meet Malaya's urgent need for trained people to develop her mining resources. This is stated by the Vice Chancellor
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  • 26 5 FOR stealing 20 sarongs and six sarees, worth $250 Hussain bin Gaffor (18». was sentenced m Singapore yesterday to six weeks' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 85 5 MORE than 250 guests attended the wedding of Mr. Teo Whee Heng to Miss Lim Liew Kiow yesterday afternoon at the Adelphi Roof Garden, m Singapore. Father of the groom Mr. Teo Kirn Eng. a well known Singapore Chinese merchant donated 52.000 to S.A.T.A.. the Chinese V.M.C.A.. the
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  • 480 5 hoto. APPEALING for public co-operation m observing Singapore's liquor laws, a senior customs official pointed 1 out yesterday that it is illegal lor any kind of alcoholic drink to be sold or consumed on public premises such as restaurants, roadside food-stalls, dance halls bars
    Standard  -  480 words
  • 67 5 Standard Stuff Reporter SEVENTEEN people were murdered last year, 105 committed suicide, and 14f> were killed as a result of road accidents m Singapore. This was revealed by the Coroner, *Mr Choor Singh, m hi.s annual report for 1951. The report says that the Coroner
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  • 37 5 THE High Commissioner of the Federation, Sir Gerald Templer and Lady Templer. with the Governor's aide-de-camp. Capt. Newland Bingham, yesterday visited Mr, Aw Boon Haws residence at Nassim Road to see Mr. Aw's jade collection.
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  • 316 5 O\ KR 808 -iT 1 era an I 1 teif kj.i^-'-i i* f vl l Ft iI iv ri".;!i f the last p■?:i:ti UK 6 r -i HIW rofl Theatre >£ th« pl-'Y H Past" IV Frederick Ja »m nrh b <• i J perform- i
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  • 348 5  -  LIEW MOOK YOON iSoiMfon Lies Wtth SWk'arko By Standard Special Correspondent PENANG, Sat.- Thousands of workers here face the prospect of being thrown out of employment unless a solution is found within the next two weeks m the hitch caused by
    Standard  -  348 words
  • 134 5 Standard Staff Reporter ABOUT 20 per cent of those recruited into the Singapore Volunteer Corps m the last few days are Chinese, the Adjutant, Capt. J. F. Jones of The King's Regiment, told The Standard yesterday. The rest of the recruits were mainly Malays but
    134 words
  • 107 5 THE Commander m Chie< Fat East Laud Forces has <«p--i proved the issue of his Testi- tnonials tor Good Service foi the period July l- Dec ::i. 1951 to the following: Lav Chon Poh, E. A D Moreyra, T P. Sundaram Yap Kwee Shing. B. M
    107 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 :kly heat i ibsotutelj a .i:!v by w which :i tIMJ aor v •v op is i See to j c a Jt- r Ahei I d alieraooa > powdei abm i ues the I J r::..,. .on 'S lICMOMW <*v.J 1 I a t I s 'i. 'pou
      58 words
    • 234 5 I V DYNAMO LighftMg Z f^ c Jfv e wor d?« ji» wf H '^U fa milliMl Wk I i' I < cvclntf tk« MILLER I I trade mark t« oi» »«r«.t %ZaSR. y f'anr quality 3-J r.''.j>iJ ng| MILLER left ore ttreamtmod Hi —fl oppeoroncc, impretn»j m perI II
      234 words

  • 1800 6 PARIS, Sal. JUSTICE i» to be polished up m France. In a country that prides itself on it* liberty, 99 per cent of people tried m tbe last 20 criminal assizes have been found guilty a percentage rivalled only by the Soviet Inion.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 Mg^K?jßjll^aaJel^^*^v'j^f ■■■■>■■"■■— ••■.->.■ JF 1> ■X'^SHr v .^^""^Bt Jr y S-- TnSiißwßr' j^'-"''-' >' '^Stty*^^* :^>^ieeMfc x^ 1 m €/M LCM \M CM *——mm* Wr^ «.^r V^ m m m \*<% w Wfi m^ W* r F^jfflJEL JX" TPBh™ *''jlg ■•"•Ji^BS"*"' ■■'".V" '\£sß mSßfiss 4n& x 1 *^na^i -*^i3SF X
      171 words
    • 659 6 V^ Hennesffy Brandy is the heart of t> 1! is distilled and matured ir famous Cognac vineyards The. or Ainstune. soil, tot an i3 prc>: brandy w»cfa is enjoyed in every oo«Nry c Aa a liqueur, as a Leveia;stimulant. Hennessy Era: i Restore Youthful Vigour To Glands in 24 Hours
      659 words

  • 1926 7  -  Michael Goh Illustrated By by U@ &*>cm I jOW many of you mer know how to make a chee c fondue? (It's no v .c. mcs ami staring hard a' the ceiling for you are not likely to find any help
    1,926 words
  • 240 7 IN honour of St. Patrick's Day, Radio Malaya is putting on a programme, "For St. Patrick's Day at 7.15 p.m. tomorrow. Under the direction of Producer Charles Free, it is a lighthearted Irish programme. The story of the Scott Antarctic Expeditions will be presented
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 539 7 k-aooL mvm Colgate Lather Shaving Cream ■tha Shaving Cream Removes that hot dry feclin*. a.ns MENTHOL. leaving your skin wonderfully ra pain, dryness or refreshed— cooler, mori g razor rash. Its cool comfortable than ever before. on smoothes the way Buy Colgait Laihcr Shavjn| kOg cleaner shave. Cream tndjeel the
      539 words
    • 140 7 Your own good taste Wi Hi .l Hi 111 s you why this is f II i the world s most wanted pen [FI i J _,^^^^^^»^^^B»»a^^^^a^^aaßaa«a»B»Baa»B»B»»»Maßa»»^aß»«^aja»>»Baaß>Ba»aßßaaß»aM 1P A U 'i I Parker 51 f v The sleek, distinctive design of this pen instantly X y^^vJH^ jf\ identifies you as
      140 words

  • 1809 8 Good News For YOU [)EAR Reader:— You must no 1 1 doubt be wondering why i this page is not carrying its usual features today. The reason is we have decided to take time off to i talk a little bit about ourselves and you. For example have you ever
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 4 8 MlMi >-■ 2^^^J Fully guaranteed
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    • 342 8 CLEANER SHAVES CLOSER SHAVES MORE SHAVES with Blue Gillette blades jflue Gilletie blades have the sharpest Bdfn v^ Tlicy are the most economical to use ta the longest and d«C shaves. Each blade i next and their qu<i!n\ i Cts fin M Gille, (t Blades COOD MORNINGS BEGIN W'TM c:
      342 words

  • 1352 9 1— EYES ON ASIA The Roofs Of A World War 111 r rHF: great struggle be- tween East and West— between Western Civilization and Comn uni m is not ronfinrri to Europe. It is .spread over three parts of the world's surface— Europe, the Middle East and the Far East.
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  • 1195 9  - US AID LED TO CRISIS IN INDONESIA ANDREW ROTH By LONDON. COUTH Asia has recently witnessed a most significant but little noticed resurgence of neutralist feeling. It demonstrated that a proAmerican foreign minister m a country with a professed independent policy cannot lean over too far to embrace American proposals
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 475 9 HIS MASTERS VOICE" /{JiSC-li y^^^MlP-TO-THE-MIHUTJ v i I j^*^_^*^Wls^_^_l _I^fC3E«w*^w^B _^Ss^^*^_l i>_h^^\\ /^/iV" kr I Bifc^?^BSß^^__i _^_^_^_S__H_^_B^~^^_p^_^^^_l <^^*^j^^^r~3|fi^^^B SaTa i^^S^»^r3w^^~* li__ja. "^k*^ ~S«__i_Eß_Wra&ii_i J -l— T SfiSrlSil''* iii fi^iftf^^^i^T" jQ lifl ft JOEL 5112 AC. 6 valve Be»dspreo<J :DEL 2 Betrery 6 Yolrt Bondsprcad MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION] MILLION DOLLAR LOTTERY.
      475 words
    • 54 9 I ROBINHOOD I THf LOW PRICED J Till- Kinrß WHO K\oW^ II vws io buy nil bi;st < g^BWllio^ > CHOOSES A I ROBINHOOD CYCLE!! TV /*V I Sole Agents: RoblVlSOn Co., Ltd. y (Incorporated :a sp'.rei *i I SINGAPORE and KUALA LLMPLR protection against coughs, 4 PfllflC QfIFP infflSliC
      54 words

  • 675 10 Hostesses Who Pamper You All The Way HEN the Allies landed m Japan at the surrender, they unlocked the secrets of the Japanese aviation industry for the first time. The Japs had built an industry comparable to several European countries. Many of her bombedout aircraft factories bore testimony to her
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  • 904 10 A New Departure In Light Car Motoring J HAVE just driven a new Austin A4O "Somerset" and I liked it so much that I wish I was buying a new car now. And it certainly would be the new "Somerset". When a friend of mine first saw the car, he
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 319 10 O FVHI iilhil.Mt TRANS PACIFIC SERVICE Direct Overland Stn Ir.inrisro l.os Angeles All All lit 11 Canadian Cities Penang PS'hara Spore Arr LA/SF i i i \\i Ist Call 22 23Mar ?nd Call 1 I kI.NKACH 21 iii.Mar 21 !S>lur 29Mar/2Apr 23Apr IHKhB.MI! 23/25 Anw !fe !7\|»r !BApr 2May 23May
      319 words
    • 420 10 _7 W I I J j^^"" Bk» 1 IB I f S nor* f > h^m t "FIONIA' foi Bamskok 18 IS Mar 'PANAMA* for Bangkok Hongkong. Manila Kobe Yokohama 11 l.'JApr llt Apt iK "MEONIA" tor Saigon Bansknk 11 l.'JApr "MALAYA" for Bangkok. Saigon Hongkong 18 19May 15-i:\1 a
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  • 7 11  -  OSWALD HENRY WI mm^- (BY
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  • 2569 11 New Romantic Team 1 1 WhKK. movie history .us made m Singapore -ii j. well-known .Malayan the OK. to an operai s*t cameras rolling Ike first Maliv film to be t here m colour! i i A h ike .su.e Film Pro- IS n
    2,569 words
  • 338 11 RADIO MALAYA SINGAPORE (484 m 41 m) m.m. Programme Summary: t.O? Good Mornlnc: 0 -30 Musical Round op;; 10 a.m. Emergency News (K.L.): 10.05 Interlude from Hawaii; 10.30 Latin America on the Air: 11 a.m. Time for Music; lI. SO Studio Service (Salvation Army, Spore): I p.m.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 347 11 TODAY 9am Anim Ncy le aw **OPKTI'K" 1> NOW S L !OWINGft 11. 145, 4. 6.30, 9.30 DORIS DAY 18 BIG NAME m II •rn<, > v I ES I S I KS TO THE PRERP.EASE PREMIERE OF Streetcar Named Desire" stirring VIVIEN LEIGH MARLON BRANDO TOMORROW at 9.30 p.m
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  • 318 12 Strapless Kind Will Fit To Perfection Says ANN REYNOLDS TVTINETEEN FIFTY--1 TWO is a year of beautiful swim suits. Never before have women been so favoured by the designers. Your choice this year will probably be a onepiece strapless suit that will fit to
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  • 508 12  - So Don 't Be Afraid Of The Dark! Eric Wainwright By zombifs and vampires croud your shivering brain when thini;* "co bump m the Bight"? B» nmforted In his b *»k "The Psycho- ">;■« o) the Occult" iDerricke i;viv, 21s >. D. H. Rawclirta appJiei the blowtorch of scientific expl
    508 words
  • 642 12 LOOK OUT OF THE KITCHEN WINDOW ghj says c;eor<;e Ambrose rpHERE are three ways of J- looking at a garden. First, the view looking down away from the hou.-e at ground level: looking the garden from an upstairs window, and looking toward^ your house from the far end of
    642 words
  • 333 12 SOME women live alone. Others live m loneliness. And there's all the difference m the world between these two modes of existence. The first woman is wise and courageous. If once a wife, she did not pack away her charm the day her marriage
    333 words
  • 134 12 rpO BRING up the pile after A you have shampooed upholstery fabric, brush against the nap with a toft brash when the material hi nearly dry. To shampoo, use a mild. cooL stiff lather, a stiff brush and circular motion, working over a small area and taking- care
    134 words
  • 445 12  -  BOB THOMAS By SHOULD a girl ask a man for his hand m marriage? This question has faced women •ince the beginning of history. I put the question to a number of movie glamour girls, and these were their replies: MAUREEN OH
    445 words
  • 53 12 BRIDES choosing their cooking utensils and experienced housewives replacing wornout kitchen equipment will do well to check pans to determine whether bottom and sides meet m a gentle curve. Those that meet m a sharp angle tend to make food 1 stirring difficult, and washing more
    53 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 360 12 i I 3 S^S Jill I'oiiW t «>ki kST:— I. ni .v «l> fi IS irllu it h» IhPlata tr '.i vi t pra t>> bt k pf mm I i slk i n I passikWt] pi Bl rbabli liirnu h MM Ihinc I Ui m ii n. On Ike
      360 words
    • 356 12 I/I KLIM is pur*. td?t fnilk r> V ,^J KLIM keeps wltkoat reM 9 er a ti«» > J VVWVW WVW^ AWM 3 KLIM QUALITY IS I>i inT^jfil »re sure of consist* I f/W c&<SF/^Ps^ tional value. In Cich I IW BS^S> KLINI is Ua l ra< t^aTT^-^'HBiMfeSL quality cow'i
      356 words

  • Standard Pattern Service
    • 211 13 THIS DRESS i» The Standard's choice this week. We can help you make it at HOME By YOUKSfcLF. Now look at these two diagrams and read carefully th«* six tips given below as to how you are to take your measurements. Now fill m the blank spaces,
      211 words
    • 90 13 Here are six tips as to how best you can take your measurements: 1 You cannot take your own measurements. So get your friend to do it for you. 2 Stand before a mirror and direct her how to do it. 3 Stand erect and have your measurements
      90 words
    • 644 13 Q From Page 9 peri ilism and th:it dose Indonesian association with th e United States might mean undue American coutrol over Indonesian affairs." Among the most hard headed section r if Indonesian officials an influential segment also resents Washington's attempt to '•buy' Indonesian support at cut rates
      644 words
    • 48 13 Do you want the pat- > tern pieces of any dress t you fancy cut for you. I Write to The STANDARD JV\\\\\\VVV\\\\V\VWV\\\\\\V\\VV\\\\\\\\ PATTERN SERVICE. Send us your choice of .< pattern and we will cut it j for you. 5 \>\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\V\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'» STANDARD PATTERN NO. 1.
      48 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 397 13 w Jy Eno's keeps r\ trie fl l j r--'--'.? liverish, headachy I akc a glass ot t-NO'S Fruit Salt**. s freshens a dry, stale mouth, banishes all trace ot headache .sea. And it is k<mki tor the liver ENO'S is a gentle ii iw« and a mild ant.icid. It
      397 words
    • 342 13 ISwfid These Measurements! These are the measurements we tequire from you. Before Mke them please look at these diagrams and follow Ine m- > Riven closely. DON'T forget to fill In your measurements m the blank g -spares irovideu below NEATLY IN INCHES. J DON'T fonjet to cut the«=e measurements
      342 words
    • 511 13 I I i .•<♦ v t I End Rheumatism While Yeii Sleep If rmi ratter alian* atabblna; palna. U JSIIaSA lolnta ara awolleniKflH >t ahowa your blood A^rFSSi Ja pnlsonad throufh /P'-^Baf faulty kldnay act loru Othar aymptoma of Kldnay Dlaorrtera ara Baalcaeha, Achlna Joints and Limbs, Sciatica, Neurltla. Lumbago.
      511 words

  • 1204 14  -  the Rt. Hon. PATRICK GORDON-WALKER. M.P. By PATRICK Gordon-Walker, who was Secretary of State for Commontiealth Relations m the Labour Government, has raised m the British House of Common* the question of t r c desirability of a Ivad to tfee Commonwealth m changing the
    1,204 words
  • 1265 14  -  CHARLES DUNCAN By THEY smile at the WEST r |"o the soldier, probably bourfd for service m Korea, his first sight of Japan will be the islands surrounding the Inland Sea— Kyushu on the left, Shikoku on the right mountainous, rugged-looking land with many bays and indentations
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 24 14 HI If M#iA&^ HI i II %f _»/5v' v i WmxJ* 4 IN APPEARANCE H HpJ| IN PERFORMANCE |H ■IP* CHAMPIOS^ MOTORS p LTU.
      24 words
      111 words

  • 942 15  - Chinese Hit By Increased Alien Tax In Thailand MARSI FARIBATRA I ruiirrrn is betag felt imon| Chinese .1. ni« m Thailand folowing the decision Ih. n <,o\t rumeiit lo inrrc—c die alien lax jo to MM) lirals |>er year. He wfwrt i« of liulr importance for the Furo,,r Xriu •ri<-:in»
    942 words
  • 954 15  - Malayan Street Names Poser For Council K. S. CHIA By r pHE Singapore City Council is finding difficulty m naming its new streets. Finding suitable road names have always been a problem, and Municipal Councillors are finding it more difficult these days, as j housing development takes rapid strides Old-time
    954 words
  • 323 15 A FARMER m Port FHrabfth. South Africa, staled m his will: "To my wife I leave her lover, and the knowledge that I was not the fool she thought I was." And he added: I leave her also the pleasure of earning a living. Foi thirty
    323 words
  • 524 15  -  ROBERT STEPHENS K> Reaction Of Wafd To Govt. A waited r FIIE dramatic change of A government here has been completed rapidly and calmly. But there is an atmosphere of suspense as the public waits to see how the Wafd. still the bigg* I political machine m
    524 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 36 15 HkS '"'^■^■v^vil i^^K J* mf> f'"^~ ant x. vNo i tactory-frcbh from —^Ml ..J L with the skill that has I louse v! e;arreras— Britain's |jpp:^^*j^S5 x .a: :tc makers— famous for I m One, s/
      36 words
    • 71 15 t choose this 'indispensable 1 Yardlry Comp!r Kw n Ai i,, N do(j()li Firstly a refreshing diyiime lra,,v,, r k l,ui a i )diaolve your naqwii]^ aod pm dt br bne tm I Secondly a* the Boot, 1. fh|. ,i.a.<jn ffjr a l.r Ung m enl hm* -.rp |YARDLEY Complexion
      71 words

  • 139 16  - GOLF Here's How Slammin Sam Snead /"I the putt fl rtice thai clubhead swung back slightly inside c di action line by the wnsl :::r- po>i*:uii pictured 1 iei c \s no tenseness m the h arms or bands en ess spoi a accuracy. The 15 it close m to
    139 words
  • 677 16 TV Takes The Blame For Some Bad Matches By JACK CUDDY, United Press Staff Correspondent \KW YORK (UP) Rocky Marciano** massacre of Lee Savold al Philadelphia has received more all round criticism than any other boxin- boot since the 2,000,000 (M) dollar Billy Conn Joe Louis
    677 words
  • 91 16 CAIRO. Mar. 15, (AP)— Straight Clark. U.S., pale and weak from his recent illness. paired with Polish exile W. Skonecki, to qualify for the final of men's doubles of Egypt's international tennis championships Friday. They defeated Australia's G. Tregonning and C. Cawthorn, 7—5, o—6. 6-3.
    91 words
  • 361 16 \£W YORK.— (UP) America has no hopes of winning any honours m Olympic bicycling, but ISA rycliatfl are training hard m the belief that an upset always is po*~il»lt\ if not probable. The American team has not been chosen yet, so lire battle for berths
    361 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 16 photo. French skater Jacqueline dv Bief who was beaten m the Olympic figure skating championship by England's Jeannette Altwegg. Asence Intercontinentale
    Asence Intercontinentale  -  23 words
  • 422 16 TWO SINGAPORE representative teams, Chinese and the Business Houses Combined, met at Jalan Besar Madium yesterday but the crowd which came hoping for some interesting, lively football, went home disappointed. After 60 minutes of the dullest play seen so far, Chinese walked away winners
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  • 81 16 LONDON. Mar. 15 (Reuter>— The European Boxing Union has selected the new British heavyweight champion Johnny Williams as official challenger to meet Heinz Neuhaus (Germany) the holder, for the European championship. This was announced today by the British Boxing Board of Control. The contest has te take
    81 words
  • 65 16 CHAMONIX, France, Mar. 14 (AP) Mrs. Andrea Mead Lawrence, America's Olympic double gold medal winner, finished m a tie for third today m the ladies' downhill race of the Arlberg Kandahar inter- national ski competition. Merl Buchner of Geimany was winner, followed by another German, Hildesuse
    65 words
  • 316 16 LONDON, Mar. 15 (Reuter): Following are results of soccer matches played today ENGLISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Bolton 3. Chelsea 0. Burnley 0. Derby County I. Charlton 0. Manchester C. 0. Fulham 0. Arsenal 0. Manchester U. 2. Wolves 0. Mid'brough 1. Blackpool 0. Newcastle 3. Portsmouth 3. Preston
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  • 45 16 PARIS. Mar.' 14 (Renter) G ilbert Benaim. boxing matchmaker at the Palais Des Sports here, today announced that the 10 winners of this year's Chicago "Golden Gloves" contest will meet the French national amateur boxing team here on April 29.
    45 words
  • 19 16 ENGLAND beat Scotland by 19 points to three m the Rugby Union International at Murrayfield today. Router.
    19 words
  • 412 16 THE RAF Soccer enthusiasts must be very pleased with results m the Inter-Services Leagues, during: the past week, and may well look forward to a very successful season. In three matches they scored 18 goals with only one against. When Changi beat GHQ. by 6—l. Gubbins
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  • 272 16 LONDON. Mar. 14, (Reuter). Bookmakers at the Victoria Club tonight gave no pointer to the Jack Jaryis Lincolnshire Handicap riddle whether Llanstephan is better than stable companion Benbow. Early m the day. Benbow was so heavily backed that he was thought likely to become favourite. Tonight
    272 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 109 16 (import*** I*** m I'ZUl 'ZU Good health of course wnLSioir -j^.. X CBS LTTCQ OD. I m |^p|^^ And good health expends very much upon j Mk Jn ade^ uate su PP'v oi correct food to bu;ld ~-=:=i. U P body strength and resistance to _=jiiiit= i^^ 5 ME&rZf&\ V^Kll
      109 words
    • 157 16 ALL COTTON PIECE GOODS o/ nifinv raii. designs >//,/,/, ALL GOING if 1 5 to 20 i o// Original Pria FROM TOMORROW 3T/SS iVOr 7TOS OPPORTUNITY as this offer will last for a f (lc c/a^s o/i/j7. I J Fk I"^ 1I *-V lii H SSlHflHMlHßHhMHHtHfl^feHfeMtftiilHtß^sE^iv- v '^^9^MX u/JHbß[. arc
      157 words

  • 821 17  -  Fairplay jj a... i Standard Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sat. Two goals m the last two minutes of the game scored by the Negri's inside men, Wai Keen and Herd, enabled Negri to register a 2-1 victory over the R.A.F. m a friendly soccer match played
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  • 30 17 KUALA KANGSA. Sat.— The Kuala Kangsar Malay College football tram will travel to on Friday, to play the annual inter-school fixture with the Penang Free Srhool.
    30 words
  • 365 17 ANGLO CHINESE School and Star Socc^rite shared points m the SAFA youth competition played at the Jalan Besar stadium yesj terday, each scoring a goal. The game was a thriller from j i the start to finish. Star Soccer ites mode an all out j
    365 words
  • 70 17 SINGAPORE Cold Storage beat the 8.0.D. m a cricket i match played OH the BOD ground yesterday. In the first innings. BOD. were all out for 94 Newman was the highest scorer for the BOD with 2G Scaife scored 20. Dp Kretser took 6 for 13.
    70 words
  • 44 17 THE Business House Soccer match between the Borneo Company and Robinsons, at Farrer Park was postponed on account of impossible ground conditions. Mud inches rteep on the CYMA and Qeylahg Stadium grounds yesterday forced the abandonment of two div. 2 soccer matches.
    44 words
  • 133 17 KOTA BHARL\ Sat Entries are invited U>r the 1952 Keiantan soever league for the i SuituM's Shield. The closing i (lute for entries la Tuesday, Mar. 25 and the 'rattle is <-x-peL-ted to start some time m the early part of April. Each team must include the affiliation
    133 words
  • 211 17 Billiards SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 15, (UP). —1 Veteran Wiilie Hoppe, playing some of the most brilliant billiards of his career, defeated l™ss Masako Matsura of Tokyo 50-31 m the world threecushion billiard championship last night. Hoppe making no allowance for the so-called weaker sex put
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  • 149 17 THE Singapore Business houses league tie between Dunlops and Breweries ended m a draw with each side scaring a penalty Roal. In the first half, the Breweries were constantly on the attack and play was confined to the Dunlop goal moulh. but brilliant saves by Hock
    149 words
  • 51 17 TAIPING, Sat.— Entries are invited for the annual North Perak tennis championships to be held here from April 11 to 20. The draw will take place at the Kempe Club, Jalan Lembu Larang, Taiping on March 22 at 7 p.m.. and the last day for entries is Mar.
    51 words
  • 203 17 Staiulard S|R*t*ial (.'orr<*sp<>n<l«'iit NEW DELHI, War. 15. An All-India basketball learn is planning a lour of Malaya. Secretary ol ihe All-India BaKkell»all Association has received an invitation from Mr. Goh Chye Hin of the Singapore Chinese j A.A.F. The offer will be discussed at the
    203 words
  • 104 17 MANILA, Mar. 15, (AFP) The projected trip of the Price Stabil zation Co rp o rat io v basketball team to Singapore on coming Monday will not have the official sanction <->l the Philippine A rial cu r Athiotic Federation, r;mki::^ P.A.F. official declared here
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 17 EASY DOES IT pnoio. Jockey A. Mullin.s raises a hand and waits for the bump, as his mount Ardfort. conies to grief m the Kew Novices' Steeplechase at Hurst Park.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 718 17  -  'ROGER' SELETAR SPORTS NEWS By GROUP Captain E. J. P. Burling (Ret.) the man v!io did m» much to promote nailing m Singapore waters, has broken a world tour for a short trfay on the island. In the early thirties lie fought hard against
    718 words
  • 61 17 BALTIMORE, Maryland, Mar. 14, (UP)— The steadily mounting damage suits filed against Sonja Henie and her Ice Revue as a result of the collapse of spectators' stands here last week, stood at $4,--218.000 today. About 227 of the 275 persons reported injured m the accident
    61 words
  • 194 17  - BIG BOXING GETS A FILLIP HERMAN KAPPA Ry THE boxing < ard si heriulrd for April 4 at tin- Happy World Stadium fraturiir ih« Fijian midrih w«it;ht. Set. Kodrodro Ism* li :;nd M»-v« Brian of Australia, should eive professional boxtag hrre a miu-h-nredcd fillip. Ro.iroiro v.'. :i bit F Igbf
    194 words
  • 116 17 MELBOURNE. March IS (Reuter AAP)— Mr. E R Williamson's Hydrogen by Delwille Wuiid oat of Sweet Sound won the St. Letter stakes of i £A3.500 at Fleminjctnn racecourse her e today m a field >■ th c c S' trting five to four on favou
    116 words
  • 103 17 KLUANG, sal U iar C won I w first fonoi Cttin< Inter I Mstrict Eootba leag .<• v. inn tney Aefaatad Xi uuif C nese by three foalf In tws un Wie Kluiuig padang yesterdaj ECluang took the Uad In V\e Brsi half and
    103 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 413 17 ENGAGEMENT „\< ;f\\IKNT is an- on 1 nth March *C< 0 Mr. TEO LAY H son of Mr. CHEONG CHUAN TAN SIOK WAN of Mr Mrs. Hwee Hong. TTtATIQNS VACANT i i) ninese salesman, experienced j Cinn. (lood j m '<t. Con- j rid a m bl l l OUs.
      413 words
    • 207 17 hIDESf ■TIIBiteTOJ HIGH TIDES at the principal I resorts m Malaya: TODAY: AM P« Singapore 1.00 1.37 Malacca 10.09 10.41 Port Dickson 8.50 9 .'!t» Port S'hara 718 1M Penanjf 2.44 M TMlrT^l Cleow Stuffy Nose r OTio£^ ...inaSpUt-S&coiMir \ft /^Pf-g^jr ENJOY MM bwHlty all day i«nt^> m spue Vr^^al^l
      207 words

  • 28 18 THE Sinhalese Asso. Home and Home cricket fixture scheduled for today, has been cancelled owing to the bad condition of St. Andrews School ground Woodsville.
    28 words
  • 2112 18  -  GOODWOOD Good Day For Van Breukelen, Percival By BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $463,785 FIRST PRIZE: *****3 $208,702 SECOND PRIZE: *****7 $104,351 THIRD PRIZE: *****6 57,973 STARTERS ($6,441 EACH): *****9, *****6, *****1, *****4, *****0, *****8, *****8, *****1 *****4. CONSOLATIONS ($3,478 EACH): *****5, *****6, *****9, *****4, *****8,
    2,112 words
  • 180 18 TAIPING. Sat— There will be 13 teams m the senior and 10 m the junior division of the Taiping and district football league competition which will start off on Monday. Last year's champions, the 40 Commando Royal Marines, are also competing. They may not be able to repeat
    180 words
  • 257 18 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Mar. 13 (AP)— The majjic name of the Kentucky Derby today drew a list of 167 nominations for this year's version of the internationally known turf classic. The 78th running of the Derby has been set for Saturday, May 3, at Churchill Downs. It
    257 words
  • 52 18 TODAY Sport SOCCER: Balestier Community Centre Ist annual married v. Singles soccer ai CYMA 4.15 p.m., Malaya FA XI r. Singapore "A" at Jnlan Besar. (Friendlyi Jollilads V. RAF Tengah ai Tengah. Corinthians v. RAF Tengah at Tengah. CRICKET: Sinhalese Assn Cricket; SCRC v. SCS on Padang, lA. V.RAF Seletar
    52 words
  • 179 18 NEW HAVEN, Mar. 15 UP) —John Marshall of Yale goes after hi* second straight triple sweep m the eastern intercollegiate swimming championships today when he defends his 440-yard free style title. Marshall, the brilliant Australian who .swept the 220 and 440--yard and the 1.500-meter
    179 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 127 18 j the PERFECT «*5 tnr pri'st>niuiioi*s A MAGNIFICENT ELECTION w WATCH W Truly Tropualised ffi (-fi Protection asainst Water. r 4 -f- Dust and Humidity. T \M 17 Jewels lever movement. g H Patent shmk absorber. ;j I4j Sweep seiond hand. a ij (Obtainable from All Watch Dealers ffi 5
      127 words
    • 233 18 INDUSTRIAL RUBBER HOSESt |J MINING INDUSTRY t i Armoured or Pj Q ]^^[g^^g A cid Hose, i A -TIGER" Rubb Mm 2 Consult SHUM YIP LEONG RUBBER WORKS Singapor. Kualo Lumpur l po h Burferworfh Klang Hongkong V "YOO.too.maybeoneofthe MILLIONS who suffer from VITAMINiMINERAL^fc^ That is why you feel Worn
      233 words

  • Unknown
    • 2658 1  - HELP THE GOVT BE TAXED! AW BOON HAW Appeal Against Income Tax Injustices Mm Mm r»_ ..L T ..11 By nTHE laws of a State change with the changing times. The Greek soldier-poet Aeschylus imparted this Wisdom to the world nearly 1.500 years ago, but its import seems to have
      2,658 words
    • 395 1 194« I the Clerical Union lAu* 26 Donation of Fund 1,000.90 May 28 Donation U Gymnasium Halt a Brass Bell to Uff 17 Donation Orphan School I 1,000.00 3rd Payment 4,600.00 Little Sisters of the Perak Sam Chai Ail* 27 Chinese
      395 words
    • 122 2 The whole view of the Phor Toy Institution. The 13}.:I 3 r /.<> Institution Shrine Chamber. Aii outside view of the I'hor Tay Institution. A classroom m the Phor Tax Institution. Tuo of the statins m t!ie Shrine ".hamhcr of /'/.<»r Toy Institution. Below: A
      122 words