Sunday Standard, 2 March 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 21 1 Singapore Standard i (3H »I) 5H X i V(SL n NO. 244 SINGAPORE SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1952. 16 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
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  • 208 1 Sew Crisis In Egypt: Maker Pasha Quits tIROj Mar. 1 (Ht-iiler). The Kijyptian „n t of My Mailer l'a^lia, appointed by oak a month air«» offered its resignation forces operating m Cairo under martial .Timed lately reiniorced The iment*s act threw Egypt i new i risis when 11 see ned
    208 words
  • 101 1 I Fbi East--1 i i o r >to ten Gene Sei *a c i lei ed Its 4 authoi tei 1960 ent a^ci I; c I St a1 o 9 in- p rubber U II ci grade j the i :bber isea and private
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  • 28 1 RNOH design ite Mi John Fea na rmed the Singa m lhai if Ice vet the posiSeoul from 'ne Sir Franklin I c assumes bis
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  • 61 1 ISM \il.lA. Mar I (Renter) —Almost lOQ Egyptian prisoners rioted fOI an hour today m prism m Ismailia's Caracol (police headquarters). T v .e. threw b: icki and lumps j- >>i enchtd from vooden do<>\\ j; p »iice through the iron barred doorway* and windows. Polity
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  • 64 1 TOKYO Mar. 1 (AP) Seven majoi Japanese >: i™' l T.°--d-iv signed contract for tne Durch ise o- 1.M0.Q00 tons vi iron from Malaya the Kyodo ne ws agency reported. Representatives ol trie Eastern Mining Company ol Malaya signed the contract for shipment from March
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  • 291 1 Standard Stall Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. The j- e lV >:I e virtual physical c »mpletion of resettlement m Johore and the implementati >n of the Bi i^^s Plan. Considerable effect has been felt by consolidating the defences on the resettlement areas I i
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  • 109 1 PFN kNQ, Sat. Following the murder of a Malay special constable by bandits m Sungei Bakap area yesterday morning. several Malays lonk up arms and attacked a Chinese family m Relau Ri»a(i which is a bill oath leading from Sungei Bikap HUla to South Kedah m
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  • 43 1 LONDON Feb. 29: <Reuter» I ,'iv Templer wite .>f Sir Gel aid Templer. newly apoolnted H Commissioner n» Malaya, [en here b.v air today tv iota ncr husband In Kiful.t r v i Her 18-year-old daughMT Ja'»e Rew with her.
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  • 332 1 University Best Placed— MacD. photo. Standard Staff Reporter THE LMVERSITY of Malaya ia more fortunately placed to achieve the bringing together of different human cultures than any other university m the World. This was stated by the Chancellor of the University, Mr. .Malcolm MacDnnald. at the Convocation yesterday. Mr. Mac
    Standard  -  332 words
  • 105 1 PARIS Feb. 29. (UP)— Paul Reynaud, who was Premier when the Germans invaded France m World War II accepted a presidential mandate tonight to try to form a government and solve one of the country's most serious postwar crisis. Renaud was summoned home from
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  • 126 1 A 13-YEAR-OLD .schoolboy. Phua l>ck Thon^ was drowned m the Haw Par Swimming Pool. Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore, yesterday. Plma a student of the Chan Teck School. Silat Road, had gone to the pool with a schoolmate Tan Chooti Enjj. 12. They had not
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  • 49 1 RFXO Mar. 1 <AP>— Burglars entered the home ot millionaire investment broker. L. V. Redfteld, on Friday and made <>tt with a safe containing a possible $2,500,000 m cash, jewellery a"rt negotiable securities. They left behind another million m securities packed m <* suitcase.
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  • 160 1 Standard Staff Reporter THE Tungku Mahkota of Jr>hore m a ceremony at the State Council Chamber yesterday appointed Dato Syed Abdul Kadif bin Mohamed Yahya, DP MJ-, p S. Mentri Bes;ir of the Jobore State, effective from Feb. ->o Dato Syed Abdu] Kadir has
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  • 451 1 Europeans In j ured, Cars Burned By Big Mob In Kowloon HONGKONG, Mar. 1 (Reuter)— Five thousand yelling Chinese stormed through Kowloon today fighting the police, burning cars and stoning shops and Europeans. A British soldier and a police officer and several other Europeans were injured.
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  • 243 1 LADY Mountbatten, replying to a speech welcoming her when she inspected a Parade of St. John Nursing Divisions at SJAB Headquarters vesterdar said that she had seen Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mother immediately before leaving Fngland and they had sent a special message of
    Standard  -  243 words
  • 102 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat— A patio! ol the Brit Ca.metonian« who have i»-?n m the juncle North of Seiangoi foi nearly one month tracking down' a gani< of bandit* believed to be hiding m thu »rea ire being lifted oui by helicopter tomoj ow
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  • 85 1 Ceylon Will Ban Dual Citizenship COLOMBO, '•<: I: <K,-j. tei i ley m •>\> m lull By the i thli y f ay 01 ese k»y lei enl vlio to llfO a Of :i:iv u'm t i mil r ■■-•<* m i ten«h a Otbei r be will lose hi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 Headune M^Drfene^* Firm «e*ponrf Pmpropnnv Beds Uwt By »«^s-.«. full Results In News inside ToAlfpeal^ 2 Emergency. Sut rew<f rs^ R Racing: Penang^p. i<s I^^3 Bm. Jmm £„how from the famous Co9noc Province of brandy-making. Therr H no VPIIAW/ r aSHAiI/ Ntsi FR£NCH iAullrilf COGNAC BRANDY
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    • 10 1 I gJVf\j pint cents f^ kIKOAPORI COl STORAGE CREAMERIES M
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  • 265 2 THI INCREASE m Imj r1 o uring 1951 is an inct: rati t the si indard of living m Malaya ''has Dee:. proved over the full range od items* 1 ci nments The S > re Economic Inforn a- Bulletin I litorially. rding to figures,
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  • 36 2 A CHARGE of cheating a firm m Penang of diamonds to the value of 56.663.70 was exp^ined to S.S. Noor Mohamed s/o Shaik Dawood m the Singapore First Police Court yesterday. He was remanded
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  • 297 2 Free, Compulsory Education By 1963— Frisby Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S Director of Education, Mr. A. W. Frisby, who retires m June this year, told The Standard yesterday that if everything goes according to schedule as outlined m the Ten- Year and Five-Year Education Plans, all the children m the Colony
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 2 photo. MEMBERS of the St. David's Society, representing the Welsh community m Singapore, gathered at the Esplanade yesterday morning to pay homage to the Welsh who lost their lives m the two world wars. Picture shows Rev. B. D. M. Price, Chaplain at Fort Canning and President of the Society,
    Standard  -  63 words
  • 530 2 Civil Defence: 100% Response From Firms By CHRISTINE DIEMER, Standard Staff Reporter ALMOST 100 per cent affirmative response i from leading business houses m Singapore has been received by the Assistant Commissioner for Civil Defence, Brigadier P. H. Denyer, following his appeal to employers and manufacturers with more than 500
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  • 146 2 Standard Staff Reporter FOR THE 700 Singapore students who were successful m their Cambridge examinations. I yesterday was a day of reI joicing. I Most of the students expressed anxiety for the detailied results which follow m about a fortnight's time. "Get- ting a Grade
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  • 76 2 CAUGHT trying to pawn two bunches of stolen sarongs and sarees, an 18-year-old Malay boy. Hussuin bin Ghafor. pretended to iaint m a pawn shop at Geylang Road while being interrogated by two detectives, it was stated m the Singapore Second Puiice Court yesterday. Hussain pleaded
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  • 30 2 A DETERMINED effort by importer? to meet the huge backlog of orders has resulted m an increased import of 9.500 I cars and 2.800 lorries m *****
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  • 78 2 LI3B LAM SEXG. claimed trial i:i the Singapore First Criminal District Court yesterda?, when charged with assisting m the management of a unlawful society, the Malayan National Liberation Army. Singapore Office. fl e also denied a second chaise of being m unlawful possession of 13 copies
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  • 59 2 SINGAPORE City Councillors decided on Thursday that Chinese or any other private bus company should have the right of objection when the Singapore Traction Company applies for permission to operate any new route or to extend of existing routes which would run into the
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  • 109 2 AN APPEAL by a postal 1 clerk. Yaacob bin lshak. senI tenced to eight months' rigorI ous imprisonment m the lower courts for theft of a sealed letter, was dismissed by Mr. I Justice Rogers yesterday m i the Singapore High Court. The letter contained a
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  • 172 2 Standard Staff Reporter BRIGADIER P.H. Denyer told The Standard yesterday that on April 21, there would be a Course of Basic Rescue from 9 a.m. ,1o 4.30 p.m. daily for three weeks. This course would be primarily for those responding to the letter he
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  • 29 2 TAN CHIN, who used private trishu-for hire and accepted 60 1 cents from a passenger was lined j $]00 fn the City J?ulic c Court. yesterday.
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  • 288 2 Standard Staff Reporter KALLANG Airport is not a mi i table* site for a sports stadium. This is the opinion of two of Singapore's prominent sports officials, Mr. Soh Ghee Soon and Mr. W. McGregor Watt. They were common ting on the City Council's
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 354 2 SEW THIS DRESS J#fe}/ FOR ONLY $1.50 'tfj/^ BEGINNING next Sundoy, March 9, The /A TO^^k Standard will run a pattern service for its women JIL W/ m\ readers a service which will help you keep down /rjfc#/ your tailor's bills. ///ml \l Every Sunday we will choo'.e a pretty
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    • 362 2 ;i pro 4f>n j•I y I 3 1 lie Fines! M,a| x j Profosional 16 m m IN-ojrctur j Sii|wrior 16 mmi M<> i, SW»Jb£i j Sound or N ih nl. I i The R.C.A. 400 'Junior B >, a sing]« case sound motii icli c pn Brilliant illumination. p
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  • 490 3 THREE FINED IN TEST CASE HOLDING lhat the Nw World Aniim-ment Park is a "public place" ami gambling at such stalls as the shooting gallery or the ring and dart counter etc. for money is an offence miller the Vagrancy Ordinance, the Singapore
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  • 402 3 CRECHE IS HER DREAM COME TRUE Boon To Working Mothers Standard Staff Repo.ter THE dream of a Singapore woman doctor to provide a creche for the children of the poorer dosses of the Chinese community has come true. The building for the creche is now completed and is already m
    Standard; Tony Goh  -  402 words
  • 117 3 THREE candidates or the Cambridge School Certificate examination who learnt yesterday that they had passed with Grade I will leave Singapore soon to further their studies m a college m Brisbane. Two of them, Mr. Choo Poh Boon a former pupil of the Antflo-Ohinese School, and his
    Standard; •Standard  -  117 words
  • 74 3 Police Find $10,000 Silverware A LARGE quantity of silverware including cutlery estimated to value more than $10,000 and suspected to be stolen property has been recovered by the Singapore Police recently. The Police have also recovered three typewriters, three cameras, three fur coats, one microscope, a record changer, and a
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  • 27 3 THE FIRST scholarship for the Indo-Mulayan Association for this year has been awarded to Master P. Chachinahaden. a Std. II pupil of Monks Hill School.
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  • 128 3 'Marks' Case Postponed SUMMONS charges under the Merchandise Marks Ordinance were preferred against three Chinese businessmen m the Singapore First Criminal District Court yesterday, for allegedly having lor salp fountain pens with counterfeit traae mark and false trade description. The defendants were Ten Kek Boon. Lam Phun Van and Goh
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  • 54 3 SINGAPORE City Councillors on Thursday agreed not to accept the recommendations of the Playing Fields Committee that no site should be approved without space for a playing field. The opinion was expressed by several Councillors that the drive against m the Colony would be hampered if
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  • 44 3 A LIGHTERMAN", Low Cheng Lai. sentenced to 18 months' rigorous imprisonment m the lowei courts for theft of a quantity of rubber from a boat anchored m Singapore harbour, left th P Singnporo High Court a freeman yesterday on his appenl succeeding.
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  • 3 3
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  • 151 3 Rehabilitation Scheme THE SCHEME for the rehabilitation of disabled persons which was introduced m Singapore some m*i\ monllis a«-o by the Labour Department has met with reasonable success up to date, said Mr. J. K. Lawrence, Third Assistant Commissioner of Labour yesterday. Some 50 per
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  • 121 3 RUBBER MARKET STEADY THE RUBBER market m Singapore remained steady around the $1.10 per 1!). level for first grade rubber for March shipment. The steadiness was attributable to speculative trading. The market was waiting with keen interest the reopening of the New York commodity exchange on Monday. Singapore Chambe- of
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  • 56 3 THE prnposa by the Singapore Traffic Advisory Committee to establish a wie-way traffic system m the vicinity of Ellenborough market m the Boat-Quay Fish Street Ellenborouah Street area whs approved by the Singapore City Council Thursday. Thi* Committee said that the plan would speed ut>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 460 3 gniATMHB VACANT i- 1. i eacbej s- C mbridge Mandarin Apply pei i Pei Hwa Yeo Cbu a mi c, Singa- 1 kNCY, COST AC- 1 ING, COMPANY iRYSHIP, BOOKAn "Intensive m award iate or q i'iiv you for GUARANTEED C ercia] and i n Chanv :::rnen c, RS A
      460 words
    • 622 3 How the famous Bennett College can help your career through personal POSTAL TUITION IT you feel that you cannot pass the I exams which will qualify you m sour IN WHICH Of THESE trade or profession, if > oti are handle jppcil |j£| yQUR FUTURE? m your career by mi^cd
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 65 3 TOD A Y'S PO WER CUTS SUBSTATIONS In Singapore liable \o load shedding today: I>\Y Paslr P;wjang. Reformatory Road, Oxygen Factory, Cressonit»* M. James. Miri K<»:nl. siint Kil Hukit PaSOh. 8.A.T.. Nt An^on KH-. Tiong Kahm. Sago St., Kamali >t Peoplea Park Nanson K»i., Lam Soon oil Mills, Guan
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    • 64 3 nlan St. Static. Adelphl. Capitol, Newton 1 Wayang Satu. Halmoral Kd.. Dalvey K«l.. Chartered Hank, (ieorge St. Static, I PP^r Cross St./Pagotla St.. I l»l«T Httkicn St.. Filtering St/Churcli St.. I pper C'irrular Kil./( arprnter St.. Cavanah R«l./< o11j»t Quay. irtorla Memorial Hall 1 <X 2. Prince St. Market St..
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    • 57 3 S^ah SI. Waterloo St.. St. Andrews/High St. Stamford Rd.. Albert St.. short St., New Ice Works, i in* Stone, Mackenzie IM., ffiikil Timali Pumps. liaU'stl«r Kd.. Jalan Ampas, 8.M.8.C. Mcßltcbie, ltradd«'U Rise. Island Golf Chili, Seletar Pumps. NetSoon, Seletar Wireless. Mental Hospital Trafalgar Estate, New Bendemeer ltd itan Hock I
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  • 100 4 Situated m the vm-1! k^pt Botanic (iurdenv the buildinu was er♦*c t d about M years .mo. It not b<***n occupied siacc l:ist >t-ar With a view to preservinu the building, the Sultan Made the decision to convert it into a miiM'um. which would
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  • 356 4 hi \i V LtMPt'R, Sal.— Cher 20.000 learner drivers \*ii<» applied t»>r driving licences m Selangor «luria^ ihr |KJ-t 12 months y\\\\ have to undergo ft i \t'rr S!u i«M«\ i* when examiners are available m the near liiturr. the Registrar oi Vehicle*, Vr.
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  • 663 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. "'There is no such thing as humanity ami religion among the Communists," said Mohameil INoor bin Hussein, one of t!u* few hundred bandits who have surrendered. He was disgusted when forced to eai loud forbidden by his religion and told he
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  • 39 4 W ng Che >n, Hokkien, aged 52, was charged before the Muar Magistrate. Che Rauf, with possession of clothing in- n led for the use of terrorists. Bail was oppose,'.. The case p tstponed to March 6.
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  • 284 4 Paglar Wants Elections Law Amended Standard Staff Reporter DATO (Dr.) C. J. PAGLAR, Singapore Legislative Councillor yesterday suggested amending tin- Elections Ordinance to allow only those born and bred m thr Colony to stand for elections m both the City and legislative Councils. Commenting on the decision of the City
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  • 75 4 MALACCA, Sat. Forty eight textile stall dealers, who had been ordered by the Municipality to quit from the backlane of Bunga Kay a to a plot of vacant land by the end of February, have failed In their attempts to gain a respite to enable them
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  • 165 4 Owners Make Protest JOHORE BAHRU. roes.— In the Galang Patah area of Johore, it is learnt that only one omnibus caters for the need of its 10.000-odd inhabitants. Galang Patah is 10 miles towards tho interior from the main Scndai Road. Of late, licences of about 10 private cars have
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  • 105 4 MUAR, Sat.— Mr. M. Gopala Menon, representative of the Government of India, was entertained to a tea party yesterday afternoon at the Chiang Chuan Association premises by Muar Indians m honour of h:^ visit. This was followed by a public meeting at 6 p.m. at the
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 4 photo. Mr. Ho Tack Whye was married to Miss Lee Chwee Neo m Singapore. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. Ho Ton and the late Mrs. Ho. Standard
    Standard  -  30 words
  • 34 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fat.— j The annual meeting of the' Government Temporary Om"- j cers' Association will be he'd m the Town Hall here on j Sunday, Mar. 2. at 10.30 a.m. i
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  • 73 4 MR. T. K. TAYLOR has taken over the headmastership of the Johore English Coileqe from .Mr. A. H. Hill who wii! £>> on medical leave to Eng- shortly. Mr. Taylor is I from the Sultan Idris Training College Tanjong M. lim. Mr. Hill is an
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 304 4 "YOU.too.maybeoneofthe MILLIONS who suffer from YITAMINiMINERAL^^ That is why you feel Worn out Nervous. Irritable. Have hed ■aches. Lose Weight. Wi iy x-.v j^j I Try this Proved Way Back to HeMe Happen When you're ■minir, tee' nervou«. have dizzy spells, no BMgJ tor »o-k or piav, DO appetite, and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 140 4 Highlights Of The Week's Radio Programmes Standard Woman Reporter "BRITAIN SINGS" is a new feature produced by the 8.8.C. and listeners will hear the fine voices of young Scottish amateur singers. Being the first choir to be selected to broadcast m this series, these youngsters aged 14—19. are extremely enthusiastic
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    • 132 4 sometime this week. Previously broadcast In "Adventures In Music" series, which it impressed the listeners so much, that conclusive ments were made for ftproduction. Kenneth Alwin who will conduct both the choir and Radio Orchestra, arranged the music for the orchestral accompani ment. Mrs. Lyne will be directing th.* choir.
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    • 150 4 The cast of this feature are David Lyttle. Peu Cullen. Grenville Gould. Charles Potter arid Juliet Purnell- Opera lovers will have the opportunity tomorrow to listen to ""Carmen", which R.-idio Pcnang will present. Listeners are reminded r »f the chances of winning a cash prize m "Popularity Pull" which is
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  • 84 5 PLEA FOR MORE LIGHTS s Ttai il is re p msiDility o! Council to sec street i, roa h i bound ol are well Hij am al I c ,r-.' meeting fternoon. there were al streets badij I be said I arkne al n on dri-.'. the fl the Coui
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  • 43 5 il A S< w Lam tth by j n Pu .ai 1 i his I 11 I bin md I i with I that 1 inter I- ily to a c this morning v be was lullild lo so.
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 5 I ke new Victory Theatre I Pulas was re»ttj| declared open by Won B:;or Ali, District Ofr.ccr or Kulim. Picture inowj h:m accepting a pjir of scissors fror-* Miss, Koay Geok Sucn to cut the ribbon.
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  • 25 5 the P Office. me a r ins- i of h H gave him a Mr. S ft m C.PO.. •npur. ha -n OV«
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 5 For! Cinirt.ilh. which tho Prnanff Settlement Government b la prenenre lor its historical and cultural links with the pasi Uhni nis restored the statue of Captain Francis Light, i!t- founder, will b«* removed f"» m il present site vii khr Supreme Court grounds to the freen sward of land »n
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  • 64 5 The lVrak In: he QimtP 51 fa >. it »-i.tiy ifveaU'd 'l 111 :i i ;r> (jt ininir»K bjf tlit- various tie m the Slate. Prrak-British I©3 i 172 Kuala Kan«--1853, Chinese ialaj 170. I.arut. Selama British i(> iui 768. Dindia^ liuese 84. Malays 4. Batanf
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  • 295 5 Standard Staff Correspondenl M VIA KANGSAR, Sun. Scouts oi ihe 10th. kuaU k ut--iir Group belonging lo th« inglo-Chinege Ihm.l. >;ni-ii Sipul as their u good Imim" la^l year ;:;;««i.. <l -<»,im- broken down bomrs for <»M people m iheir town. "I >ned m the
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 5 picture. This Austin car overturned at Keda Murong m Kelantan. The driver sustained a head injury— Gan Boon Eng
    Gan Boon Eng  -  19 words
  • 152 5 IPOH. Sat. Telok Anson's St. Anthony's Sr hool ha* siarted work on a $280,000 pxtension to its existing building to provide mora accommodation for its pupils. The first stage of the project will be a two-storeyed extension to the left wing of the school. This
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  • 592 5 A VALUABLE survey of the problems and misconceptions regarding Malaya was given m the Lords debate by the Archbishop of York, who recently returned from a visit of dose study of the situation. In a strikitiiz tribute to British soldiers, Dr. Garbett declared
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  • 164 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Sj'.— Kamoong folk living around B-ikit Mertajam will soon be toid that it is against the law to ride two to a bicyi le. Lnis decision was taken ai a re'-ont meeting of the Province wei- lesley. Central Disti ict Committee. Mr.
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  • 45 5 PENANG, Sat.— Wong For-:? San. a sailor from Tienstin m Red China was lined $2,330 m default, one year's imprisonment by Inche .la 'a far bin Mohd Taha In the Magistrate's Court yesterday for concealing packets of Rangoon cigars Duty payable was $387
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  • 303 5 THE PERAK Game Department, m a report submitted to the Council <»f State, said that approval ha* been given to net aside an area m the district of Dindings with a view to making part of it a game sanctuary or Nat filial Park m the
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  • 31 5 PENANG, Fri. The proprietors of three sundry shops m George Town pleaded guilt to the charge of failing to rlose their shops under the Weekly Holiday Ordinance,
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  • 55 5 PENANG, Sat— For operating machinery without*a certificate the owner of the Tong Coffee Mill, was fined $~>o by Inche Abdullah bin Ghazali m the Magistrate's court m Alor Star. Khoo Boon Peng, proprietor of Lean Mow a; Jaian Bharu m Alor Star, was fined $5 on a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 238 5 \X f "rhood l a' BH) f> r •r < f i/iW-t b. careful plan-- -g s n*, i' you ff i 1 pros d*> -j t'>« H ng» >o<. *<jn| 1/ < |Jl for bob. Fhol S w^ mor« ond rnori ■r •I fo" r > m -i
      238 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 105 5 FVIPEKA TMOiX 1 DM Ail V 4 \PI 10l V iliani Hombre Warn tod 12.1S ».m A< rosa the V. lid M 11 30 ."id 9.15 pin I ||M»: > Cl 3 10 am S mi Kirn < M 1 Koo tC) X 7. and 9IS ki Once Thi»l 10
      105 words
    • 205 5 GRAND: Tarzan's Peril I. i. 7 and y j> m. pen ami; REX: The Golden Ho le (Technicolor) 1 1"». 3 30. 6 1". and 9 15 tn. Pride Of Kentuckj 11 l"> »no \TIIAY: Call 'Me M stei (Technicolor) ll'v S.l*. «M and 9.15 pm. Secret Ot Life 10
      205 words
    • 137 5 PAVILION: The Barber Tjkp< A Wife 1. 3. 6.30 and 9 p.m. King Of The Rocketmen 11 a m ODKON: Texas Carnival 3.15, 8.45 and 9.15 p.m. Re:«;i O: Terror 11 and 1 p.m. COLISUEM: The Savage Horde 1. 3. 630 and uin Invisible Agent 11 am. CAPITOL: Robinson Crusoe
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  • 1571 6 Denmark Will Stand Four-Square With Nations Of NATO COPENHAGEN, Sat. "THE people of Denmark sit uneasily m the armed camp of Europe. This proud democratic country, with a way of life that other European countries should copy, watches her greater neighbours struggle painfully for the seemingly unobtainable goal of peace.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 107 6 I /fI Money can't measure I 1 jl 1 l m i I VA I V pride it brings! )IHI/ The moment you h6!d"lhe beautiful NeW*^ I"* Y\ vJW^ii'CM m your nand y° u ll see wn y tms P 2n s prized y^^i^^^mMmm I above all others. Here is
      107 words
    • 457 6 ■^-J.Tl.::X—^''■^'■^J^gj^SSS^^^^^BSSj Lcndon home of Ht>., 1 Piccadilly No. 1. full Virginia d/§&l&*» agarettes of supreme quality. They reach you factory fresh from the House of Carrcras, famous for over 150 years and makers of Britain's %p W&k SLMiAPORL TIN of 50s $2.10 I HISJSJJ2II» FEDERATION |2.3« il^ "T" T My
      457 words

  • 2163 7 Screams that are heard in the night J HOPE you are m a mood lor a tii' .r k ntific rrsearch. Nothing very complicated or difficult but sufficiently cheap for you t>» repeat this interesting and instructive experiment (My d'-ar fellow there is no need lor you t, puJ on
    2,163 words
  • 510 7  -  CASSANDRA By "TAKE anti-histamine,* 1 they say, "and, provided you are not a member of an aircrew, where it is considered unwise to run the risk of impairment of Judgment, mental confusion, blurring of vision, dizziness, drowsiness or fainting as outlined m the Ministry of Information circular
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 314 7 < '/-*>. ■XV*, BflK f> y w.iia. VI TC V s^ ptr tottla l. n) X!>r ».|t A^.nts: N\lN.\ MOII\M»II Jc SONS I TD. 4 K\m i s pi,\< i siNf;\r<>Ri. i. fljy*^ all for H^t £j*»& Eno's v u e eps f* ie out of sorts, take a glass
      314 words
    • 32 7 :■>■ V: B^B -i# B^h I V:" ■■:>.;:"■ :_:> ->. -^MB BT f jAyffl B^L '^'*-> v I ■'•':•.■'::< '^I^^E&^M BBr"^Bffl I Ibk i 7 JMI 111^^1 V&iL Hj^^^^uMpjgiggj^^2sSSß^Bß^KßiißM«^B^^Bß*«H^2sS£^^^«3^^^«i^^^^^^^a I w Macleans \ididlj Peroxide Tooth Paste V^T B^^!^^^^^^
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  • 1113 8 Sunday Standard BIBLIOPHAGI: The art or tasting, chewing and disgesting goodbooks Independent Morning, )enspaper YJ/HEN Francis Bacon, the 16th cenW tury English essayist, wrote of books that some "are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested he was, as usual, compressing into
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  • 1543 8  -  ANDREW ROTH By LONDON •'TONIGHT," wrote the Sin day T: nes corresr- a lent on "Black Saturc >•" (January -o>. "the sky over Cairo is like a scarlet ma k. with Barnes soaring 30 feet high.. '"For centimes." claimed British Foreign Minister Anthony
    A.F.P.  -  1,543 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 266 9 S 'pore's 16 New Doctors Standard Staff Reporter IN AN atmosphere of suppressed excitement and happiness, proud relatives and smiling friends witnessed the Chancellor of the University of Malaya, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, confer degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery to 16 at the fourth Con- vocation yesterday.
    266 words
  • 177 9 Dato Tan Praises New H.C. MALACCA, Sat. Dato Sir Cheng-lock Tan, today expressed great pleasure at the strong personal interest that General Templer is taking m welfare matters, particularly m the Federation resettlement areas. He said that he warmly welcomed, on behalf of the MaJayan Chinese Association, the initiative General
    177 words
  • 637 9 Varsity Orator Lauds Two Of Its Pioneers Standard Staff Reporter THE University of Malaya is proud to record among its graduates the name of Sir Franklin Gimson as one whose work for education has created new horizons for the future citizens of this island. This
    Standard  -  637 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 9 photo. THESE Police Boy Cadets marched with ft precision that earned the admiration of all uniformed youth organisations at yesterday's Youth Rally, last day of the Colony's first Youth Week. Behind them march the SI John'a Ambulance contingent.— Dave Soh
    Dave Soh  -  40 words
  • 36 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The death of the former OSPC Of Kuala Kubu Bahru, Dick Jessie, was avenged when a 42 Commando patrol yesterday killed the five bandits m the Rawang District at Selangor.
    36 words
  • 88 9 LADY Gimson, wife of the Governor of Singapore, who left the Colony four months ago to be present at the birth of her daughter's first baby m the United Kingdom, returned here yesterday with her three-month-old grandson m her arms. Lady Gimson and her daughter,
    88 words
  • 247 9 THE ONLY way to safeguard "our political and economic interest m the Colony is to elect more of our representatives to the Legislative and City Councils," Mr. Tan Lark Sye, President of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, told members at the annual general
    247 words
  • 23 9 FOLLOWING a police warning, 378 persons m Singapore replaced their torn identity .cards last month. Normally, replacements number 70 a month.
    23 words
  • 30 9 A BANDIT shot a special constable ki Province Wellesley yesterday after telling him to alight from the pillion of a bicycle and ordering his companion to ride on.
    30 words
  • 111 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Four Owen guns and a Bren gun blazed away when two terrorists stepped into a small grocery shop m the Sepang District of Selangor last night to demand food. One of the bandits, a Chinese was killed. The other, a Tamil,
    111 words
  • 362 9 Standard Staff Reporter ADDRESSING the Youth Rally, climaxing the Colony's first Youth Week at Raffles Institutions play ground, yesterday, the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson said: "At this stage of the history of the British Empire, you are fortunate m that you have U your
    Standard  -  362 words
  • 66 9 KUALA LUMPFR. Sat. Four of the five bandits killed by the Royal West Kents m the Rawang District on Feb. 22, were members of the gang which ambushed the Rova! West Kents on the Ulu Caledonian Estate on o-t 22 last. They were Identified ai
    66 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 753 9 OUTSTANDING/ HM. V. Radiogram mLJLJLJE^^^ji *v?m was designed for the M smaller home. Jfl %?§k The beautiful walnut !^^^B cabinet and 10 record most excellent pos- JCI \tMm session. pMJgM^^: 7 4fl 111 \K IT AT YOl R H.M.V. DEALER OR AT Glands Restored to Youthful Vigour In 24 Hours
      753 words
    • 114 9 chain driven TRICYCLES I f^^f/^^s, 2/16 6LOO 9 jR* t/i/ eft Q| ap g TMMIWCUNMI vJ/i^i Ol.Ta? Special features of TRI-ANG TRICYCLES d i; inch, diomcter CYCLE TUBE FRAMES strengtticn 3 and enhance the oppcorance. I ROLLED CYCLE RIMS of »yperior type. 9 EFFICIENT ROLLER LEVER BRAKE operating tho front
      114 words

  • Ivor Kraal's Kallang Diary
    • 1037 10 US Airports As Models For Paya Lebar r VO catch some of the riches that future air travel promises, many countries m the world today have put their engineers on the job of changing old airports for new.' In the United States for example, the pace has been competitive almost
      1,037 words
  • 895 10 First US 'Cheap Car' With 'Powerglide' wonder who will be among the first few lucky motorists m Singapore to drive the new Chevrolet with the automatic transmission dubbed "Powerglide." Of the 300 Chevrolets to arrive m this country by June, a certain number will be fitted with "Powerglide" at an
    895 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 266 10 F\ST REGULAR TRANS PACIFIC SERVICE Direct OrerlMd San Franrisco Los Anicelei AH American Canadian Cities Penani r. Shan Spore Ait LA/Sl* V\ II .1.1 AM LLCRENBACH 24/26 Mar 27 JKMar 2»Mar/2Apr 23Apr roi full particulars of Urj U*rgo Ueep Taniu and P«M*ngei t 800 tin z 5 etc ANGLO FRENCH
      266 words
    • 442 10 BVSSBBSSSS*' -"^^^^aT j BJ T j^^^sar j^j-| L^^ I kl J I aa^Slv S'porc P.Viaa •SELANDIA* for Bangkok In Port -PATAGONIA* tor Bangkok Hongkong Manila In Port •FIONIA* foi Bangkok It-tttXac "PANAMA* for Bangkok Hongkong. Manila. Kobe Yokohama 111? Apr 8] •MfcONIA' tor Saigon Bangkok 10 12 Apr FROM JAPAN
      442 words

  • Movie Talk
    • 2413 11 Scenes From 'Ecstasy' t \!ii\(. the outstandini; movies of by-ROne era I hive made sensar,l tupM'batks m this m aue of clamour, I ..n sud NteW, is that Hedy l.amarr starrer i stacy" '">l> Life') pr<>and diretU'd by ti\ M.k haty. Btm-fam Ecstasj was pc
      2,413 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 415 11 SOLID ENTERTAINMENT THAT IS REALLY FUNNY Paramount pr«ents ,^kll| herp comes J^ Wj THE GROOM Joan FONTAINE -John LUND Mona FREEMAN- Peter HANSON COMING Darling, SOC.aI How OouldYoul J A P o'omounl Fictwr* TONiCHT AT MIDNIGHT THE SHOW MUST GO ON m Mandnrin stori-s HAN FEI WEI WF! I WATCH
      415 words
    • 209 11 Colo*' bf Tec*">"cc!or London Films Production Distributed by Shaw Bros. Today 11 am. "THE XEVADAN" m color J Tuesday I Warners pmemi ALEXIS SMITH m "The Decision Of Christopher Blake" Today 9 a.m. "FLAME THE ARROW' Technicolor 1M.454- TODAY -6.30-9.30 eggy DOW nWI Dana ANDREWS arley GRANGER people- Dorothy McGI'IRE
      209 words
    • 37 11 ROYAL .*****5 915. "BAHAR" (Hindustani) Starring Vyjayanthi Mala, Karan Diwan, Pran, Padmini and Om Prakath. Sun New World 3 00 7 00 and 9.15 p.m. "ONLY THE VALIANT' YOUR SYSTEM FOR LASTING HEAUH TO KEEP YOV FIT
      37 words

  • 1315 12  -  RUTH SACHS Says RUTH SACHS, th e worldfamous America ii writer on lore ivid marriage, addresses a startlingly candid ariiclc to wires. Why U there ever another woman m a husband's life? Why, m fact, is that other woman "potentially present m every husband's life
    1,315 words
  • 230 12 Wear With An Air IT takes a flair to wear a hat with an air. Without this certain touch, the finest piece of milinery art is nothing more or less than a functional head covering. This certain tilt that makes or breaks a hat is
    230 words
  • 194 12 A MON'G minor annoyances ■tV. that make life miserable for women are shoulder straps that won't stay put. Particularly for those with sloping shoulders is this an omnipresent problem. It's difficult to behave with poise and self-confidence when a straying strap causes a continual anxiety and discomfort,
    194 words
  • 93 12 nPO CLEAN to the very edge A of your mirror, without damaging the frame, try this trick. Wet a chamois m rich detergent suds, wring it well. and then insert into a fold of the cloth a pencil screwdriver or match -stick. Use this well -drape point for
    93 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 340 12 BREATH! FREELY! Enjoy cool, clear, and youi hcnA dears, too. vW-ar brcatiungal! day long Any- You fed deltghtfufly refreshed! turn- your nose ftcls stuff v,_iust SO CONVENIENT! Cnt\ smart* U>ki Vulj Inhaler to each uos- looking Y,».k<; Inhaiei with you* tril, md take one or two deep Iso it anytime,
      340 words
    • 170 12 were yi there... j L/ > y il f Mil /i. SPIN Curler Wt 54.15 Re': i: j.2.00 #V Home perm —FOR THE VVORLO'S LOVEI f M. FLINTER &S. GRINBERG DIAMONDS, J» wiin I SINGAPORE j Office ilu (<turt Building i i>! si.imi.rdi; ,f > fc l| ■> l| II
      170 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 114 12 3SCEEDQEi rpODAY'S FOBECAST:— Today I continues to be a »o«d da*. especially for the fair mcx. la their feminine pursuits, (her will generally be saoeestifal. The only bad hour of the day is aroand noon vhea there will be m risk of arcrvment and tat-t--lessness. accidents through impradence and incidents.
      114 words

  • 1737 13 Archaeological Finds In Malaya Prove Historical Links With Indian Civilization By S. DURA] RAJA SBiGAM I HE historical connections between India and Malaya are »n>ul and varied. Indian culture ha^ filtered through llie a#es into many phases of Malay life. Its traces survive not only m lanmia^e and ritual but
    1,737 words
  • 797 13 EFFICIENCY-BEST WAY OUT FOR BRITAIN'S ECONOMIC CRISIS LONDON 'TODAY we are far. rig a n< v Dunkirk, And, v rile o sthig is n (thing "m lives or personal injui ;< is iusi a menacing to the future of Britain as were those attacks by the Ger- m France twel\
    797 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 Mb Hb I^B ■ti fl HI pn fi-inpr i;i»viTn«r said 1 .i t it»*st rHii;iouN .i > i h.ive eret 4 m Uhi evMMMf **x- i! m thl^ GREAT TEIAL! B^av»- -~«^^^H I t>- jB I* 9 m RKji 3B E3BIBMB— BBWOBB l**i^V^r«ißßPll 3 y m I\ tiirv ol in-i
      82 words
    • 415 13 aao^%::? ->:-' '^fl B^' sf I mJ3 K^jhily Ih'rv's thy hpnt I6E-COOL 3HAVING M?it/i Colgate Lather Shmuing Otwmm Colgate Lather Sha\ing Cream i Remove? thai hoi dr>- fcclinf, now contaim MENTHOL j lea v ing your *bn wonderfiiUy No more pain, dryness or refreshed— cooler, mort ttinging razor rash, lo
      415 words

  • 168 14 MWII.A, Mar. 1 (AP) Briliih Davii Cup player Ton> Moitram was eliminated yesterday from the PtnKppMCi national open ringkfl tennU championship* b\ Kavmiindo l)e\ri», of the Philippines, 6-1. 6-2, 7-5. Deyro, the islands 1 number two player and Mottram's doubles partner, took advantage of the Englishman's
    168 words
  • 281 14  - GOLF Here's How thmmiit Sam Sne&d 3y S H ukr-» a lot of m. Nt il disi ipiutr (v think ot milf us a intir of MCWacj m d placement rather of power. M»>t plivrrs could brinif the lubbrud luck from this ,»>nU!.>ii t<> the bill muratelv. ism it
    281 words
  • 118 14 CAIRO. Mai l. (AP)— Cairo's Geiza Sporting Club Friday nighl became the "Sporting Club oi the Prince of Said/ 1 The clu!\ on^ of the largest and most modern m the whole Middle Fa>t. was renamed after the title of Egypt's Crown Prince. Prince Ahmed Fouad,
    AP  -  118 words
  • 328 14 Xl VL\ UMPIR, Sat. When the Football lasociaiion of Malaya meets on March 29 for the annual meeting one of the subject* which will come up for JUcussion will be the question of agents acting for touring teams. The experience of last year when the
    328 words
  • 49 14 The following have been elected as office-bearers of the Haikowyu SC. for the year: Patrons: Messrs. Loh Ah Fong Yap Leong Kong. President: Patrick Ec Hon. Secretary: Mah Guan Chiat (re-elected). Hon. Auditor: Chan Keng Whye (reelected). Committee: Low Lian Hock (re-elected) and Chng Chee Beng. photo.
    49 words
  • 1463 14  - Services Soccer League Begins Th is Week 'Mac' By THE United Services (Singapore) season begin* on Tuesday. Each week (5 games will be played, 3 on Tuesdays 3 on Fridays, giving each of the teams taking part m the Senior League, one game each. Keener competition is assured by the
    1,463 words
  • 532 14 lor competitors under 18 yeans ol a2e Membership m the Sea Scouts— the nautical counter part of Buy and Girl Scouts— and m the Junior Mariners for children under 12 has zoomed m recent years Adult interest m boating has also been on the rise
    532 words
  • 97 14 SINGAPORE Volun I c c r Police play against the P T Sports Club on Monday m Uie SAFA league. The match will be played at the CYMA ground and the VSC team will be picked from the following: Sawal Sahib. Shazalt, V.
    97 words
  • 87 14 TIGER S UOO. champ i repeating I season tions. the Tig m p 1 can m il again aition ai i-;. c 1 t3 goa tgaii sue 1 -1 tinction to win i last year be N" ii v N rotnei the Reid 1
    87 words
  • 342 14 LONDON. Mar. 1 (Reuter) Following are results of soccer matches played today: FIRST DIVISION Bolton 2. Wolves 2. Burnely 0. Arsenal 1. Charlton 2. Blackpool 9. Fulham 1. Liverpool 1.. Manchester U. 1. Aston Villa 1 Mid'brough 2. Portsmouth l. Newcastle 6, Efuddersfield 12. Preston 1. Manchester
    342 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 83 14 Place of Quietude and Beauty J .•< f|-< »m A^ V" 1 y t»or transit l^uests: DELiaOUS DISHIIS served to -^^^V NON-RESIDENTS. superlotive (jiung jfjf imulsioh hrr."."" /sjlk The health of your family depends to a»una«. P jt^*^^fc 9 r< ?at extent upon an adequate "^'a l^'* L----. -j^r >upply
      83 words
    • 95 14 V'"-* '**'-*-wP •'^amß ■VlllP'fVfll w,iu£t<m H'H mm-—/ !,>,)». a: |fOW j A, X r The amazing difference Pepsodcm makes co your smile will thrill you^ si^ />. yr* In on/ w^A your teeth become Nfxr (iean really white, brighter than ever I before! That's because Pepsodent a v contains Irium.
      95 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 333 15  -  KEN JALLEII By INK. decision of the Selection Committee of the second Malayan 1 1M I ti|> tcuni to teled three players from each *Lite. re«ianllc*<«s of ii form, for a second trial 28 days before Malaya il<*fVii<ls the Thomas Hill he question*-*!
    333 words
  • 74 15 Suspended For His Own Good ,l iiioiT Feb. 2f> fL'P). much beaten U ..Id I**troit VtMu ht was suspended per,i -v today from the t,v the Michigan Boxing I I, i- -nin time natcbof DeBQ r;r. I ?e match- ge McDonald of Vo i Emoc of vas i m Hpa
    74 words
  • 65 15 BAM on the matter. If nothin? more can be expected, at least the Association can be assured of appropriate action on the part of that wise man of badminton, Mr. Khoo Teik Ec, president of the BAM. The least that ran be given to Cheong Hock Leng is his proper
    65 words
  • 278 15 S F.A.s Youth League tie between Kota Raja Malny School and ScranM M>n School at Jalar Besar j Stadium, yesterday ended m a one-all draw. G i >d. dean soccer was played vith indications ol real talent Strong r^ :i!l > n th e S wa Jj
    278 words
  • 102 15 I RC OFFICIALS \T th€ 3rd A-Kiual General Meeting o the Indian Recreation Club, the following were elected office-bearers: Patrons: Mr. S A Mohamed Mr. K. M. Oil Mohamed. Vi X S. JagathaseiL President: \1 A P. Rajah. Yioe-P:esi-dents: Mr. S N. Suppiah. Mr. X Joseph Pillay. Hon Secretary; Mr.
    102 words
  • 77 15 Oehlers Cup Stolen THE G.E.N. Oehlers Knock Out Hockey Competition challenge cup. symbol of club supremacy m Singapore hockey, was stolen from the Singapore Volunteer Drill Hall last ni ht The Cup was kept at the hall for show during the Singapore Hockey Association Leap Year Ball. It was found
    77 words
  • 308 15 Tl AN MONG 0.8.V were m top form ai Geylang Stadium yesterday against the Customs Sports Club m t opening game of this s sruTs SAFA 3rd Division le;s?ue. Ahead 2-0 at halftime Tuan Mong finally defeated Customs by three goals to nil.
    308 words
  • 254 15 IN THE final game of the Army inter «li*triet horkev tournament, Singapore District surprisingly defeated Hongkong by one goal to nil at Tanglin yester- Singapore were a trifle lucky In Wresting the championship from Hongkong, who were the better team and hemmed the Singapore
    254 words
  • 363 15 Sel star Sports Notes SELETAK Yacht Club brought to a close t successful season by winning nine prices at the Royal Naval Base Regatta last week. Although many of the Mar helmsmen are gone or are down for leave m the United Kingdom, their skill and
    363 words
  • 69 15 MERCANTILE Bank defeated Singapore Cold Storage "B" by five goals to two m a Business Houses league tie played at Fairer Park yesterday. A. J. Ferroa. Ibrahim b Kadir. S. Duta scored for Mercantile Bank and Harper scored for SCS m the first half. While m the
    69 words
  • 49 15 ASTON Athletic Club will hold their 1952 billiards tournament m April and members are requested to send m their entries to the Billiards Captain not later than March 20. The events will be 3-b;iil championship. 3-ba'l handicap, 4-ball championship. 4-bnll Handicap, and Snooker Championship.
    49 words
  • 44 15 THE first badminton trial match of the RASC Civilian Association will be held at the Tanpjin Gvmnasiurn GHQ FARELF.. on Saturday, the Bth of March '52 at 4 p.m. Badminton enthusiasts who are members of the Association are kindly reqOested to attend.
    44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 15 Some of the 40 R.A.F. FootbaU Association referees who attended a three-day training and refresher course at Changi. Instructors (m black) shown m the picture are Senior Technician John Harrill (second row) and from left (front row) Sgt. (ieorKe Dimond, Cpl. Duncan Watson and Fit. Set. Leslie Smith.
    48 words
  • 288 15 MARINE Department Sports Club opened their soccer season with a hard fought i 2-0 victory over the Singa- j pore Harbour Board m the j S.A.F.A. Division II League. Half of the game was played m the Jain with both teams driving to beat
    288 words
  • 105 15 RKFEREE Jim Anderson w;is the badly used maji m the wrestl me ring at the Happy World Stadium last night. Looking after the fiaht between A] Costello and the Bo^ca Boa— Hardit Singh combination, he got thrown out of the ring by Costello who also
    105 words
  • 586 15 ROYAL Electrical ami Mcclmmlml Engim-rr* «1«--ffatcd Royal Army S*'r>irr < or|>« S<h«»o| by 7 Ik>ul* < IH points) to i bout* I ."> points; m aW M-mi-final of aW District Army Intrr-l'nit Team li«>\inu < Jiani|»ion»hip. R.E.M.E. 1**« I with a comforlahlr margin of 6 vinto
    586 words
  • 146 15 M M AN '■■■> i B p almost certi Malayan 1 :i, Wi ive tl > > United X igd p.- is Soon, m I his A i ;la time shi >s. ill repn 'l the state h <■•)■' II na fhmi hip i a
    146 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 259 15 KEEP YOUR SKI\ SMOOTH USD SILKY! with the OLIVE OIL n PALMOLIVE SOAP .jQErS' mSSte ive your complexion new ralinoliveway! Palmolive J2^%<st Soap's creamy lather is a f natural, olire-oil beauty I treatment. For, as .'{M ::-^v do<tors proved m tests f>n 'r^jra^^ \:\si women, Palmolive brings clearer, smoother 1
      259 words
    • 233 15 ANSCO A6FA FILM PHOTO CONTESTS $1009.00 PRIZES for the wrnners Rules for entry obtainafolr from photo d< i- oi from us. Free ntry. Date <>f entry before May Ist. I' l CooJ Vvs! FREE i,\V\ Im! To encourage more entries of the above $1000.00 Photo Contests wt offer 1 roll
      233 words

  • 2679 16  -  <;oodwood Magic Oak Gets Treble By PENANG, Sat. The first day of the Penang Turf Cluh Spring Meeting was a day of triumph for trainer K. N. Hohhs, from whose stable came four good winners. But best of all, it was a triumph for W.
    2,679 words
  • 194 16 SINGAPORE Polire beat Singapore Cold Storage by 25 runs m a friendly cricket match at Thomson Road yesterday. Outstanding performers was SCS bowler Keyt who took 8 for 42 and Police bowler Sandosham whose tally was 7 STORK POLICE Krishnan C Anthony b Keyt 31
    194 words
  • 43 16 TOTAL POOL $340,100. FIRST PRIZE No. 3*4165 $81,624 SECOND PRIZE No. *****1 $10,812 THIRD PRIZE No. *****8 $20,106 Starters ($8,162 each): *****6, *****0, *****3, *****6, *****3. Consolations ($2,040 each): *****9, *****7, *****0, *****2, *****2, *****3, *****2, *****0, *****8, *****1. -> U ril-J~i_rimjTi_>iT_<~L«^J~^'"XXX»r*>-)~>y«~Wi~>.r~«i»'''lw~w~M'*'
    43 words
  • 50 16 BOSTON. Feb. 29 (UP)— World welterweight champion Kid Gavilan of Havana, Cuba his face a bloody mask from a severe eye rut. squeezed out a split decision over choir boy Don Williams of Worcester, tonight m a 10-round nontitle bout at the Boston Garden before 12,212 fans.
    50 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 400 16 "»iab& -^^^^^^w- wy fv 'bT^BI >."■.■•■•"• 1 7 an bob-sled Is pictured nere al speed d O evenl irhicli they iron at Oslo front to r j Friednr^i Khun, Lorenz Nieberl and Franz Ke ser j I». Brani Win First League Soccer Tie I\ a colourless First Division sorter match
      400 words
    • 247 16 ON THE AIR RADIO MALAYA SINGAPORE (484 in 41 m) V a.m. Programme summary: <» <;ood Morning; 9M Hnsieal Round up; 10 a.m. Kmrr^ncv New* (K.L.); 10.05 Interlude Irum Hawaii; 10.30 Latin America on th« Air; II a.m. Time for Music: 11. SO Studio Set VIM (Cathedral of the CJood
      247 words
    • 100 16 INDUSTRIAL RUBBER HOSES for MINING INDUSTRY J Hydraulic Hoses J A "TIGER" Rubb- i Consult SHUM YIP LEONG RUBBER WORKS Singapore Kuala Lumpur l pO h Buttcrworth Klang Hongk y n^ I To taste chocolate at its hcMi I a AiuVS Sole Agents: EXCELSIOR LTD., Smgcpor; »\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\\\\\v\\\\\\\\v\\\ m TELEPHOTO
      100 words