Sunday Standard, 27 January 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 17 1 Sunday Standard *fcji(-H» f)SWX VOL. II NO. 209 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952. 16 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
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  • 728 1 Standard Staff Reporter IHI need for an overhauling of Government i:iirrv and for resolute, courageous leadership <l toward* prnetiral aims and for a reorganization i ln- police was emphasized by Sir John Hay, an interlioaal authority on the rubber industry, at a press ftitlCC
    728 words
  • 239 1 Excessive Taxation Criticized (INK EXGESSVE la\a- i on ihe rubber industry -Iroiigly crilieized by John liny at a press tirrrmr m Singapore :<■ I •■:;!:> rcstl so U It IDgC that it treated m the postwar ibabbilj t) I v §ov- both th :ne and here."' S *hn said that
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  • 106 1 Angpow For Little Ah Loy Picture by the ANG POW FOR AH LOY! Four-year-old Ah Loy was so fascinated by her first closeup of a European lady m an evening gown that she nearly forgot to accept her angpow. Comely Hong Moh Poh is Mrs. Peggy Swain, wife of Kheem-Hume's
    Peter Robinson studios  -  106 words
  • 233 1 SAIGON, Jan. 25: (Reuter)— France will seek an armistice m Indo-China if one is signed m Korea, M. Jean Letourneau, French Minister for the Associated States of Indo-China said here today. Such a move would be undertaken m the international field, he said.
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  • 54 1 SAIGON. Jan. 26 (AFP> Four people were seriously wounded when three hand grenades exploded yesterday evening m a bar m the centre of Saigon. Two of those wounded were Frenchmen. A policeman who happened to be near the bar. succeeded m arresting
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  • 53 1 JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri, Jan. 25 (UP).— Vice President Alben W. Barkley became ill tonight after making a speech before the Missouri Bar Association. Barkley had completed hit address when he was stricken. He sat down for several minutes befor# walking to his room* from the ballroom* wiieif tilt
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  • 198 1 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOK, Sat.— The bursting of a tin mining bund belonging to the Weng Lien Foong Mining Kongsi m the 4J mile Gopeng Road yesterday evening caused the inundation of a large area m and around the picturesque Sam Poh Toong Temple
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  • 330 1 Egypt To Sever Ties With Britain Decision Said Reached At Cabinet Meeting CAIRO, Jan. 26 (AP) The pro-Government newspaper, Al Misri, said today that Egypt's Cabinet Friday night decided to sever relations with Britain. Egyptian political observers also said they believed the Cabinet discussed the question of severing diplomatic relations
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  • 158 1 BO AC Diverts All Planes From Cairo CAIRO, Jan. 26: (Reuter). Anti-British demons trations this morning forced all British Overseas Air ways planes to be diverted from Cairo, one of the most important aerial cross roads of the world. Four BOAC planes which arrived at Farouk iirpori last night found
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  • 42 1 GOVERNOR of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, returned yesterday by RAF Dakota from Saigon after a visit to Hongkong and Indo-China. He was met at Kallang Airport yesterday by Mr. W.L Blythe, Colonial Secretary, and Mr. T.P.F. McNeice, City Council President.
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  • 208 1 TOKYO, Jan. 26 (AP). Communist China announced today it has made an official protest to Britain over the "persecution" of Chinese at Hongkong. Peking Radio broadcast a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of "the Central People's government of the People's Republic
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  • 158 1 MOSCOW, Jan. 26 (AP) Moscow newspapers yesterday carried headlines suggesting the Russians are concerned over any possible use of Japanese military forces against Communist China. One paper said Russia, under her pact with Red China, would go to the aid of the Peking government
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  • 25 1 MOSCOW, Jan. 26, (AP). The death of Major General Vassilli Gavrilov, 50, a 32-year veteran of the Soviet Army, was reported yesterday.
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  • 194 1 WHEN Johnny Wright, 3. was born, his mother was a little disappointed by his weight. -Only 5 Ib. 14 oz." she murmured. "Never mind, he'll soon catch up." Johnny did. At eighteen months he weighed more than Ast—and now. with
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  • 168 1 CAIRO, Jan. 26 (IP) Rioting demonstrator* broke into Rivoli Cinema, which hi partly Briii»liowned, today and smashed iiirnitiirr and started -tttinfire to the building. Other demonstrators entered Metro Cinema, owned the American Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Company. MIMIMd all the windows and attempted to set it
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  • 58 1 New Year Angpows' For Bandits Chinese New Year ang pows for bandits m five States were bombs, rockets and gun-strafing by the R.A.F. and R.A.A.F. m yesterday's air operations m support of the security forces. Targets m Kedah. Negri Sembilan, PaJ'ang. Perak and Selangor were attacked by RAF. Brigands, Hornets
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  • 156 1 TOKYO. Jan. 26 (UP) j Special Presidential ambassa- dor, Dean Rusk, and Assistant j Secretary of the Army, Earl D. Johnson, arrived m Tokyo this morning to negotiate administrative agreements on the stationing of United States forces m Japan after the occupation. The
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  • 117 1 Bus Strike Paralyzes Kota Bharu Standard Staff Corresponds nt KOTA BHAKU. Sat Hentri Besar's last effort to MfOtiate settlement on behalf "f North-Eastern Transport Withers Union failed and a sti ike started at seven o'clock Hi is morning. Members MPfmhlrd at the Union premises and bus Am* tion with slogans
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  • 46 1 HONGKONG, Jan 25. (Reutei AAPi— Mr. Ronald Ruskin T'.dd Secretary for Chinese Affairs, was today appointed as acting Colonial Secretary here unti. successor is found to the former Colonial Secretary Mr J t Nicoll. the newly appointed Governor of Singapore.
    46 words
  • 45 1 CASABLANCA. Jan 26. AP> The American freighter, Newberry Victory. was refloated yesterday after three days «»n a reef outside the Casablanca harbour Tbe «iip Wh» <airyiHj^ a nrgo valued at 5.1 .'H.OOO. tnrlu<*ii 15 plane* far ue LI A atf 4m*' 4O M^iucc-M.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 228 2 Food And Drinks Take Most Of It Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S 750,000 Chinese population spent something like $10,000,--000 at a "conservative efttimate" for their New Year, according to a Colony banker. Most of this money was spent on food and drinks and on offerings to the
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  • 161 2 THE MONEY contributed by The Standard readers who gave so generously to Madam Loh Kai Chee has enabled her to celebrate Chinese New Tear. Yesterday, while she was away from the house, the elder four of her five children remained at home. Twelve-year-old Toh Nam, the "man of the family,"
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  • 42 2 CHOO CHAK NG was charged m the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday with stealing a fountain pen. worth $12 from Tan Kuan Che e at North Bridge Road on Jan. 25. He claimed trial and '>vas remanded until Jan. 30
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  • 250 2 Standard Woman Reporter IN THE midst of a great deal of work, Mr. William A. Rea, Radio Malaya's talented Musical Assistant m Singapore, yesterday received a cable informing him that he had won a first-prize for his piano sonata m the Festival of Britain's
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  • 34 2 SIX HOTEL keepers were fined a total of $750 m the Singapore First Police Court yesterday, for failing to register the particulars of their lodger* between Dec 26 and Jan. 17
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  • 23 2 SEREMBAN, Sat.— The Negri Indian Association observed Indian Republic Day with a dinner today at the Negri Sembilan Club, Seremban.
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  • 311 2 Nay lor To Make Defence on Feb.2 Standard Staff Reporter RALPH NAYLOR, a 29-year-old engineer employed m the Singapore City Council charged with negligent driving by knocking down Mr. G. Bolton on Nov. 24 at 7.30 pjn. last is to make his defence on Feb. 2. At the resumed trial
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  • 242 2 Standard Staff Reporter SIX WEEKS after he had been discharged from prison. Wee Kirn Hock (48) went to a house m Wilkie Road, and cheated Thyihappon Arumugam of $80 under the pretence that he was the manager of the Great World Amusement Park. This was
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  • 69 2 A POLICE constable. Alias bin Baba. was charged m the Singapore Second District Court yesterday with causing the death of another constable, Mohamed Din bin Merah, by doing a rash and negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide. while driving a police pick-up along Thomson Road
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 a happy and Fraser Neave Ltd. Malayan Breweries Ltd. Arc!r;,je!aso Brewery Co. 1941 Ltd. MyCOUGHU sf opped at once r 1 fc People ill ov;t the world praise DrjVl')?! Vf>( >' )'>l«'H HIXTVKE. My \^^^F^B P^ 1 I u«lM*n cr>-^h sopped it one:," thy ray. —m—qp j TiTpfjr^Pl It" y«>«
      174 words
    • 407 2 MAUYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION MILLION DOLLAR LOTTERY. PRIZES INCREASED. 111 view of the heavy demond for Hcktti {lie Seventh Million Dollar Lottery it h decided to make a further and Hrn IJS Issue of tickets. The PRIZES wiN NOW be m him I' Ist. Prixe. 360. u00/Ith. Prixe. 6) of IQ
      407 words

  • 118 3 Window Burglars Raid 4 Houses vi.imLml Maff Reporter H>l X more houn«*t>reakinsa v>»T»- reported to the i .1.1). \«-*t«'rday, when fourglan v* ho gained entry tiirmiuh open windown -.loir l»r«*|»«-rtv valued from $300 i<> o\»t S6OO m each cane. 1 burglaries occulted m i Basal] Road. Marine Cavenagh Road and
    118 words
  • 267 3 "»l lt> I \IH>N> m >ii)K;i|M»rf liti»l» to load -.ii.iidini; today: DAY \lli uiilir i. KafTlt^ Hotel. Aljunld Kil veil il*-. l\i>a l.t'har r nn|»- Joo (hiat Pla<«\ .lalan -n Kiiiioo. aiiihrnlt;«* IM Kui-iM.ii mi Towner IM •m i ißftaoa Ktl >»*iiiirtt Estate. holam \\rr MrPhersofl
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  • 227 3 Standard Staff Reporter MR. M S NABI. Singapore business man, is to make a motor-car tour of Europe and Britain to visit the various shipping concerns and his overseas agents. Mr. Nabi. who is Managing Director of Singapore Baggage and Transport Agency Ltd Managing Director
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  • 478 3 New Body To Discuss Details Of Development Standard Staff Reporter A SCHEME for the development of community centres m Singapore will be considered at llie first meeting of the Committee for Community Development to be held at the Education Department on Feb. 6. The scheme has been
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  • 108 3 THE RUBBER market m Singapore yesterday was quiet but slightly higher than Friday's levels. Small business was reported. the market m the main being disinclined to trade. NOON PRICES Singapore Chamber of Com merce Rubber Association noon prices yesterday (Jan. 26) were (per lb): Buyers Sellers No 1
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  • 464 3 CID Step Up Pressure On Pen Racket Standard Woman Reporter THE CRIMINAL Investigation Department of Singapore is increasing its pressure against the imitation Parker Pen racket which is flooding the local market with counterfeits from Japan. It is possible so far to institute prosecutions against 10 different dealers, The Standard
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 3 photo. OPERATING the sweepstake globes at the A.A.M. draw. From right Mrs. W.G. Thurston, Mrs. E.G. De Chaneet, Mrs T.P.F. McNeice, Mrs. N.G. Morris, and Mrs. J. Falconer. Standard
    Standard  -  29 words
  • 226 3 Standard Staff Reporter IMF DRAW of an -|m riiiK-nlal pjHI run l>> the Automobile A*>»ori;ition of Malaya (Singapore and Johore Branch) on Friday night at the Association 'ft premise*, proved to be an unqualified BuccettH. Mr. P. J. Darnell, chairman of the Association told The
    226 words
  • 42 3 Tia Huat Thong, aged T2, was fined $12 by the Magistrate fur selling food nt Jiilan Daud without a licence. He was aiso fined $'A<) for offering bribe of $1 to a Police Constable to avoid being arrested
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  • 39 3 CHIN Sin. aged <i. r who successfully appealed m the Seremban High Court again t a sentence of three months' rigorous imprisonment previously passed by the Kuala Pi!ah Sessions Court, was cautioned and discharged by Mi Justice Abbott
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 /I §f^ BL HP 1 P 1 *^r (^y^mwuMMm out S A r E '^/fteafei i^BjßgßßKßoßoffißßoCTKffir^^^Sr^ffiJ^'i??-**^^ jiK 'SSH^^^^^K' I* Si I**-' Tf\ C|7F and yet further protection is provided by this ENQUIRIES INVITED AIR-CONDITIONED THROUGHOUT THE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA CHINA W.W,,,,",""',
      43 words

  • 65 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— To obtain further medical evidence about the treatment of opium addicts, Mr. Justice Taylor at the Criminal Court of Appeal, has adjourned an appeal by a 60-year-old Chinese. Pen Chook, against the conviction and sentence of six months' rigorous imprisonment passed on him
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  • 20 4 SEREMBAN. Sat.— A Chinese New Year's Eve dance was held tonight at the Negri Sembilan Chinese Recreation Cliib.
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  • 68 4 FOUR Chinese, their ages ranging from 17 to 25, were arrested at a road block on Jan. 22 at Mantin m Negri Sembilan. They had failed to remain indoors during specified hours m that area. In the Magistrate's court m Seremban, on the following day,
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  • 127 4 Standard Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Sat. Ten couples were married at the fifth mass wedding held at the Meng Seng Charitable Association when the President, Mr. Cheong Seng Wan, officiated. The couples were: Mr. Lee Kheng Kwee and Miss Tan Tai Lan; Mr. Sai Sang Cbiaw and Miss
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  • 255 4 CRISIS IN KAMPONGS ABATED,' SAYS K G CHIEF Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Kampong Guard organization m Pahang number more or less 15,000 men since its inception m the middle of 1949, said the Officer Commanding. Che Yeop Maidin m a broadcast talk over Radio Malaya last night.
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  • 114 4 LONDON, Jan. 26 (UP). Colonel Arthur Edwin Young, 45-year-old London Police Commissioner, will fly to Malaya on February 15 to take over the reorganization of the Federation of Malaya Police Force. A meeting of the City of London Court of Council on Thursday granted Col. Young
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  • 385 4 Standard Staff Reporter A FULL and varied programme has been arranged for Lt.-Gen. Sir Otto Luntl, Commissioner-in-Chief of St. John Ambulance Brigade, from the time he arrives m Singapore, at Kallang Airport, at 5.50 this afternoon until he leaves for Sydney on the morning
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 4 ELEVEN new sets of automatic light signals are being installed at different key points m Kuala Lumpur town to regulate traffic. Two signals are already m operation, one at the Mountbatten Road and Batu Road junction (above) and the other at the corner of the General Post Office.
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  • 60 4 A WOMAN, Chia Gek Huay, aged 70, was fined $2,000 or six months' imprisonment by the Muar Magistrate for possession of 28 gallons fermented mash and 104 gallons liquor at Jalan Jabbar, Parit Jawa on Jan. 6. Chia was also fined $150 or one month's jail
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  • 38 4 MICHAEL Pas and Thomas son of Saravanamuthu were each fined $15, m default one week's rigorous imprisonment by the President of Sessions Court, Muar, Che Hamid bin Musthapa for breaking the curfew order at Pagoh, Myjr.
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  • 23 4 The Vivekafianda Ashrama will celebrate the 90th birthday anniversary of Srimat Swami Vivekananda mi n Kaela Lumpur at 10 a.m. today.
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  • 16 4 THE Negri Chinese Recreation Club will hold a dance today at the club premises.
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  • 99 4 THE SKIbAPORE Baggage Transport Agency Ltd., who are using buildings to store baggage m Irravvady Road, may have to demolish the buildings if the City Council decides not to grant them a temporary permit for them. This was stated m the City Police Court, yesterday, when
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  • 81 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat— Because the father of the accused, an important witness for the defence is seriously ill m Kota Bharu. the re-trial of a Malay police constable, Zakaria bin Mohamed at the High Court, here on a charge of murder was adjourned sine die
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  • 36 4 SEREMBAN, Sat.— The management of Metropole Theatre. Seremban, gave a cinema treat today to 800 poor children who were admitted by tickets issued by the Welfare Department. There was also an ice cream treat
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  • 99 4 Tlfß. P. H. Yong, 25-year-old ITJ son of Federal Legislative Councillor, Mr. Yong ShookLin of Kuala Lumpur, has just returned to Malaya after studying law at Downing College, Cambridge University. Ha has secured his B.A. and LI.B. degrees. In his first year he won first class
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 429 4 PERSOHAL TLffR. MRS. Toh Thiam Watt of the Singapore Harbour Board, wish all their friends Ik relatives A happy and Prosperous New Year. SITUATIONS VACANT ACCOUNTANCY, COST ACCOUNTING COMPANY ■ICRITARYSHIP, BOOKKEEPING. A six months' intensive Method Course (ReBOgnlsed for award of Diploma Is Associate or Fellow) will Qualify you for
      429 words
    • 353 4 "YOU.too.may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer from VITAMIN AMINERAL^f^ That is why you feel Worn out Nervous, Irritable, Have he*d. -aches, lose Weight. Worry Try this Prwed Way Back to Health eMp/mm When vo«'»t •oaemic, fed oenout, h«v« uapUnt jr<m dtep dizzy fpelU. oo energy for work or
      353 words

  • 34 5 Yesterday was ''Agricultural Day* at Titi Serang Padi Experi. mental Station. Talks ori various aspects of agriculture were broken by a curry tiffin at 1 p m. at the Malay Girls' School.
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  • 234 5 Here's How To Obtain Advice And Free Gear Standard Staff Correspondent LNANG, Sat. Anybody m Malaya wanting to get into the edible oyster growing business need only approach the Director of Fisheries, FederaUon of Malaya, Mr. D. W. le Mare, at Penan^ and he will get
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 5 photo. A SCROLL was presented to the two sisters. Chen Siow Lee and Chen Siow Kiew of Hongkong, who gave a charity performance at Seremban recently m aid of the Negri Sembilan Maternity Hospital. The Chairman of the Hospital, Mr. C. Chong, is seen holding the scroll. Keng Li
    Keng Li  -  49 words
  • 228 5 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sal. Mr. T. V. Ramakrishnan Rao, At-tiii" A«ent of the Government of India m Malaya, iir»rd Indian* to give iheir best services and unreserved Mipport to the Malays who are at present m need of it. He was addressing a large gathering
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  • 115 5 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat. So card conscious are the people of Penang this Chinese New Year that cards already posted (1.30 pjntL today) exceed last year's total by 25 per cent. Mr. C. E. Slaton, Acting Controller of Posts, Northern Division, revealing this,
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  • 148 5 Doors Of 25 Shops Barred Standard Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The North Selangor Circle War Executive Committee has advised the District Officer, Mr. P. A. Coates, owing to the approaching Chinese Year, to extend the closing order on 25 provision shops m Batu Arang to February 5. instead of
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  • 96 5 BUTTERWORTH, Sat— On the night of Jan. 20 three unknown gunmen, armed with automatic pistols, forced their way into a clog-maker's shop In Aston Road. Bukit Mertajam and shot dead three of the inmates. This was told by the clogmaker, Chan Foo, at the triple inquiry
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  • 365 5 A MOBILE radar detection unit has been sent to Bayan Lepas airfield, Penang, and will shortly come into operation there, the Royal Air Force announced yesterday. The radar unit is to be used to train volunteers from the Penang Squadron of the Malayan Auxiliary Air Force
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  • 60 5 A FATAL motor accident occurred at Simpang Ampat on Thursday when a Chines* cyclist who was involved m a collision with a car. died. It X believed that the driver oi the car was Mr. B.R. Hawes, a pilot from Singapore The cyclist wa> removed to the
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  • 79 5 Standard Staff Reporter ARMED gang robberies and hold-ups by thugs m the Colony are becoming more frequent as the Chinese New Year approaches. The Assistant Commissioner (Crimes). Mr. F. G. Minns, said yesterday that three more incidents— all on Thursday night -had been reported to
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  • 64 5 Poor Are Not Forgotten MALACCA, Sat. Rising food prices, curfews and restrictions on the movement of foodstuli here have curbed much of the usual frenzied buying on Chinese New Year's Eve. But the under-privileged have not been forgotten. The Rotary Club. M.C.A. and many individuals have contributed a total of
    64 words
  • 71 5 IPOH, Sat.— Highlight of Red Cross "Week" which starts m Ipoh on March i, will be the gala ball, to be held probably at the Celestial Cabaret on March 5 with the band of the 12th Royal^ Lancers m attendance. Prices of admission are
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  • 598 5 PENAING HEX: Two Tickets To Broadway HIS am, 130. 3.30. 6 15 and 9 15 p.m. CATHAY: Pak Jeen Sun Kung (C) 12.30. 2 30. 4 30. 645 and 9 15 p m. Second Wife iC) 1145 p.m Whispering Smith 10.30 am ODEON: Meet Me After The Show
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 199 5 Www y*"^^\ Yoa can fly with Speedbird regularity over earth and ocean, m perfect confidence, to fifty-one countries on all six continents, m all seasons, m all climes 3 OAC TAKES COOO CATC Of YoIT^JP^^ fLY ir B'Q'A'C 1 OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION ..>v\\\\\\\\\\\v\v\vv\v\\v\\\\\v\\\\v\\vv\v\\\\v\\vv\\\\\\\\\\\w« lIIIEINIDIE ***** I 111 I \>^M N|'H
      199 words
    • 112 5 KEEP YOUR MONEY SAFE IN THE POST OFFICE SAYINGS BANK Adit J 1 I I J |1 STAN TIV I V|l 113 1 1 Status Shoes M for men m I crease > olir I heiuht tw o PRHpHW|^H ln< \ns over E^^yUZ^fl I usual sh<H-v I perfectly I normal
      112 words
    • 142 5 ife*^^^^^ 5^ For Flexibility mm w* 11 4~t f'l I r* f jiicni vpciduon Vg^fW*** W Runnin, x^^^ 1 or a cars ani X,^^* commercial vehicles Stocked by leading Motor Dealers I' actory Reprrnpntalirrn T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE I M M. 1.1 \||'l I! l'|\ \\C Now I clean
      142 words

  • 1226 6  - Noel Barber's Diary MONTE CARLO r r*°-tA MONTE CARLO AT ITS BEST NOW MONTE CARLO, Sat. YESTERDAY tHe rainswept streets of Paris m mid- winter today the blue skies and sparkle of Monte Carlo. Magic carpet? No— just 14 hours m the Blue Train's comfortable sleeper and you are transported
    1,226 words
  • 391 6  -  The Arab airls danced tX)R half an hour I had sat on a bench that reached round the bluewashed stone walls of a room In the Arab quarter of the town of Bou Saada while four poutymouthed Berber girls, m traditional costume, danced their
    391 words
  • 205 6 W ***J ODD STORIES ih the news SO many women m New York subways complained about Paul Henry winking: at them that he was arrested. The judge was about to sentence him for contempt of court for winking AT HIM, when he learned Paul could
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 f MolayTrn 1919 and 1950 produced over $50,000,000 m customs duties. CONTRIBUTION y Shell employs a staff of 4,200 of whom k $9,000,000 a year of whi-h it is -a'-iilated mM at least 80% is spent \c ~'\y to the benefit of many hundreds of Malayan Shell purchased goods worth
      132 words

  • 2107 7 I LAY ON THE COUCH AND LET MY MIND GO BLANK i IKRF. was a time when I used to move m very p „sar circles. Ido it even n i whea at about midigi any Saturday I am ■■tad to walk the white rtn.k line In fact only a
    Michael Goh  -  2,107 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 171 7 "MARY, MARY, QUITE CONTRARY-^ shes the l.fe of the party/ y^^^^^^^^rß^S?!! l^!!!! 11 11. J'l'Jr a ■v^ PHSBHBHH^HWo'oN'T^A'yTHAT'HB THE DOCTOR'S ADV/CE 1 HYOI.'CAVT RUNAWAY^ ■[SORRY JACK- BUT I REALLYI^^^^ f IM WOT GOING TO ANY Hi DA RLING. BUT YOURfI -^«J |SO EARLY. MARY -HOWJ ffi HAVEN'T THE ENERGY. I'mJ^^^
      171 words

  • 1915 8  - INDOCHINA Two Rice Baskets On A Pole Andrew Roth By LONDON 'T'HE difference between the Malayan conflict and that m Indo-china was repurtedly emphasized by Field Marshal Sir William Slim m the recent Washington talks. He also apparently insisted that Burma's situation is as precarious as Indochina's. There is not
    1,915 words
  • 1073 8 MAN: Is He Natures Noblest Creation? QUR vanity leads us to describe Man as Nature's most ingenious and most perfect feat of engineering. The human frame has been portrayed as the supreme chemical and mechanical marvel turned out by the Great Engineer. Artists and sculptors have found inspiration for their
    1,073 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 11 8 BBfrffiUPillL^ (J Send f r Mustrated /older. W (Olirtt QUA* SINGAPORE
      11 words
    • 444 8 I REACHING ANOTHER MILESTONE j For over three decades now we ha><- la ,j 1 the patronage as well as goodwill of n a lV 3 customers to whom we are supplying continuously 1 SANITARYWARE FITTINGS 1 Manufacturers and suppliers of i,,-, S standing m a number of countrir> m
      444 words

  • 1061 9  -  CASSANDRA By PANMUNJOM. T^ViiN the name sounds odd, 1 Panmunjom "the inn by the road." But if the name sounds odd what goes on at Panmunjom is a good deal odder. It is at this bleak and desolate spot m Korea that the United
    1,061 words
  • 178 9 THERE are Sunday drivers A out m space, colliding m heavy traffic. They are tiny planets, called asteroids. Their collisions create millions of tons of pulverised dust each year. Dr. Stefan L. Piotrowski, Polish astronomer, estimated. The asteroids race around the sun m a belt between Mars and
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  • 1503 9  -  SEBASTIAN HAFFNER By Sebastian Haffner, foremost European commentator on international affairs, studied at the Universities of Berlin HJ PMif, emigrated to Britain for political reasons m iw», and became a naturalised British subject m 1948. «a« r °f ermai| y Jekyll and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 mm Here's the bwt Elf\ 3/iartng l\ews B» m years! ICE-COOI SHAVING with Colgate Lather Shaving Cream Colgate Lather Shaving Cream j Removes thai hot dry feeling, now contains MENTHOL. I leaving your skin wonderfully No more pain, dryrjess or refreshed— cooler, mori •tinging razor rash. Its coo) comfortable than
      260 words
    • 155 9 SPECiAL OFFER OF DRM\Ki\G GLASSES i Pint Jacobean Usually $4.50 Doxen Now $3.50 8 oz Pressed Heavy 3.50 2.50 8 oz Pressed 3.50 2.25 9 oz Square Bottom 3.25 2.50 i Pint Thin 3.25 2.50 1 Pint Heavy 6.50 5.50 CR YSTAL WA RE Small Baskets Usually 6.75 Each Now
      155 words

  • 961 10 Nor Kraal's Kallang Diary HE BLAZED A TRAIL FOR DUTCH AVIATION QUSTENING m bright sun os it swept down gracefully on to Kallang, the Constellation then almost glided towards the Terminal Building and was brought to a halt with a clean halfturn. Three minutes later out stepped the pilot i
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  • 1082 10 $Qyii\ people like doing things to their car. Take for instance the cute little Minor painted a vivid maroon that can be seen flashing around town. This little car has been very cleverly converted locally into a slick convertible. The hood
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 446 10 fAS I REGULAB riIVNS-PACIFiC SERVICE IMrett Overland San I- ran<i sco l.o> 4ngtles Al Americas Canadian Cities Penang P. Sham Spore Arr LA/SF J \t OH hVCKESBACH 25 2&J*a 29Jan/ IFeb ZlFeb IIIINA BEAR UZGFtb 27Feb 28Feb 2Mar 21Mar fta lull particulars ot Dry Cargo Deep Tanks and Passenger Bookings
      446 words
    • 681 10 nW Tnf nIH r i^^^fl nm^aJ^ "INDIA" for Bangkok X Hongkong, Manila Kobe Yokohama S-4Feb 31-2 F*b k r "MORELIA' for Bangkok, n Hongkong Kobe Yokohama 18 2«Feb 16-m#.b 11 c v TATAGOBfIA" for Bang- kok Hongkong Manila 26 27 Feb "SELANULA' for Bangkok 27-28 Feb "FION1A" for Bangkok 17-17
      681 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2913 11  -  OSWALD HENRY fWITH I r\i».. Ym 'Hoffmann' Is Magnificent r PHERE is only one word 1 that adequately describes "The Tales Of Hoffmann" and that is "magnificent." This descriptive phrase, combined with the film itself, provides a fitting tribute to the genius and imagination of Michael Powell
    2,913 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 187 11 YOU'LL FIND THE EsT ATTRACTIONS mil IN TOWN AT THE I=C4TIMIf ORGANISATION THEATRES^, rTEL 5400 AIR-CONDITIONED FIFE ENTERTAINMENT— CRAMMED SHOWS! 11 a.m. -1.45-4. 15-6.45 9.30 p.m. i BIG AS TEXAS f y^j^^^L^^^Jm Ml SICAL^IT^P^^X^J^H^^JHB^ BB^MBBBBBar!! l^lj^^VAm, < Rgp i^^\P'^SCb^BW^JP jf^ y *^r SnMP MiTCI Vl u^ttMßßßiv j(f&jol^^y\ io»* «o^»' >£*^^r
      187 words
    • 164 11 WISHING ALL OUR CHINESE FRIENDS AND PATRONS A HAPPY NEW YEAR] 3 Shows 3, 6.15 9.15 p r Distributed by Shaw Bros. Hilarious! Gorgeous! Great! "HAPPY GO LOVELY" Starring David Vera Cesar Niven Ellen Romero —IN TECHNICOLOR— To-day at 11 a.m. "THE GREAT LOVER* To-morrow at 11 a.m. "MOONLIGHT IN
      164 words
    • 60 11 mr^ml Ii Wishin 9 all our Chinese patrons A i 6? Prosperous^^^ fe~*^J The Restaurant will be closed today tomorrow. Busl- U^jf# _£J^~^ ness will resume from 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan, 29, 1952. -^^g=»**ii P. 5 CMMY RESTAVRANT sffi v »s^ ti Reservations! /Tr i/ Book *our a i^
      60 words
    • 137 11 MASTERS OF r^^^l ENTERTAINMENT SHAWS' ORGANIZATION Wish all friends patrons A HAPPY VERY PROSPEROUS j| JMIWKE NEW YEAft^ HOLIDAY MORNING SHOWS at 9 a.m. i TODAY: "Flame The Arrow" Technicolor TOMORROW: "Sugarfoot" Technicolor J TUESDAY: "All New Tech. Cartoons 6 Short* TONIGHT TOMORROW at M'NITE Li Li Hwa "A SONG
      137 words

  • 759 12  -  ISABEL POLLARD by ....BUT WHY IS SHE STILI SO ATTRACTIVE TO MEN -AND WOMEN? She will leave nothing behind for future generations except th» memory of HERSELF. By the time REPORT has been circulating m New York that the Duchess of Windsor has
    759 words
  • 829 12 ]^EW YORK, Jan. 26 (AP)— Every year is leap year now for thousands of girls. They have as much to say about marriage these days as men do; and sometimes they do the proposing: themselves m their own way. You
    829 words
  • 165 12 Wanted More Girls EVEN if they wanted to get married, nearly 10.000 men m Victoria, Australia, must stay bachelors— at least for the present. There aren't enough women to go round. So Victoria, which till a year ago had woman surplus of over 3300, join* the other Australian Statea as
    165 words
  • 98 12 BEFORE buying a cooking utensil, check to see whether.S. A i l handle may came Instability of th e pan, and meaiy or dangerous accidents may remit from such a heavyIS!? 1^!^! 11^ 1 f spill Check for balance with the lid on the pan, then re2J«*f «JJ«
    98 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 243 12 **z u **i powder m i/, r t Wt|i(^| N^ s v. babi's hai' rrrfffed m BABY g POWDER THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED ENJOY easy breath. ng all day long m spite «-^'^7/\i^V^d of that stuffy head-cold! How? Just keep a Jj^r^iK-^_ilk^^ handy little Vicks Inhaler m your pocket and
      243 words
    • 115 12 Mil OJ^E^j B 4 Rfe^^^^^S Bvx T^'ipriP^ B B^ 888 Ht^l^F 'jM*s^si; BfiSSBSSE-aiSßi'^ WITH T H I MAi! B;im r *^W^ t'OBI.NM <\ivi| w j j y) /I/lax factor At leading Or eg y^~*) *nd Dtporlnt ni Sror«» The Only Pain Reliever containing Vitamin B J^^ If \<^u \i' L7L
      115 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 374 12 COVERING PERIOD JAN. 27— FEB. t, 1952. JAN. -'0 TO FEB. 18 (Aaurius): Not the week to make decisions or to tackle problem*. Anything that can be left over until a later date should be so postponed. Older follc will flnd things easier. FEB. 19 TO MARCH SO (Pisceit: A
      374 words
    • 304 12 anjoy a farther period of relaxation and quiet. OCT. 2S TO NOV. 21 (Scorpio Opportunities for social unpro ement exut. Take advantage of them. A good week for young parents who will flnd that anticipated difficulties do not arise. NOV. 22 TO DEC. 21 (SariUarius> A better week than last,
      304 words

  • 1114 13  -  KENNETH HARRIS USA AFTER DARK By WASHINGTON. "WELL, if it's the first time you've been to a television party," said Lucille, "lean back and enjoy yourself." She pushed a thing like the top of a music stand towards me. "Here, lift your feet up." "What's that." I
    1,114 words
  • 1451 13  - Land of Tragedy and Miracle ROBERT STEPHENS *J CAIRO, gCAVENGIIVG birdt tH'enting corruption wheel lazily on dusty black wing* round the penthouse* of the luxury flats that have sprung up all over Cairo since the war. They look down on the biggest city of Africa and the Middle East. Two
    1,451 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 354 13 The most BEMIFUL ani PRACTICAL Range if all ——^^^BKKBBBf J_ MOFfAi iaas A itrram to *ork *tth the beautiful new Moffat l>rl u«tr gives >ou mure cooking capacity than any other NMIgC on the market. 1 he two lull size ovens allow you m r>j*e and roast at the tame
      354 words
    • 218 13 BROOKLAXSSH CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE I[^ j^j CONSTIPATION OYEKMICM^ /j^J Children and ff^ jCm Adultt kovt io Jdidoui an \n-auv\M\\\\\v\\\\\\xvv\u\\\w f I BEST D.T. LIM'S i PRAWNCRACKERS i"< I i^lurackeps t urrykurma. S urryvendhally, C«rry- iMittrifi. Curry pifkle. Tried Curry -prawns. Carrynah [I hillliaorr, SambalSorenr, Javasauce. Redan. Prawn Chips, Tepong- honk we,
      218 words

  • 259 14 Lanza Has Patched Up With M-G-M TTOLLYWOOD, Jan. 26 (AP> —Mario Lanza has started the new year with a smile he isn't mad at anybody. H e has called a 'halt to the feud h e had with MGM over a i period of months. The battle was pretty well
    259 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 156 14 ni IV IS KPk%^ -^*^^3^B^b *xj^F ens: 1: 3.5 F7.scm II With smooth body r«CW k '^^P JP flf lease. Price 31 20.00 \^H aH c *t» m- '"'3lCS^^ mk\ with yak*> New shipment of Ansco Super Pia Press roll fiJrn arrived. It P tM is the fastest panchromatic u^^
      156 words
    • 443 14 pjPPv MORE from every Blue Gillette Blade I I For the very be^ 1 ffl^B^>JOi matched That is (1\ 6 *l*o*? Gilletle bhuks and iettt mM^^^ml\ ra/or> are IPJF Gillette Razors ?nd Blades GOOD MORNINGS BEGIN WITH ETf| Trade enquiries to: Bario* Co., Ltd S^upore A ft**. n^'^nnim, Manners are
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 66 14 Radio Programmes RADIO MALAYA SINGAPORE (484 tn 41 m) m m<11 Pr <>K«"*niine Summary; 902 A Greeting In Music; ».3O Musical Round-up; io a.m. Emerrenc) ™iSLi <f X.): l«.O5 Inl«l«dir«S» e^aSau! 10.30 Latin America On The Airi 11 a.m. Time For Music; 11.30 Studio Sjjnrieo (Cathedral of the Good l
      66 words
    • 36 14 "The Great Elopement"— Handelhouse; 10.30 Starlight Serenade PEI\AI\G 1280 kc/s 234 m 8.8.C. (General Oversea* Service) 'JS BUS-- 6.11 p.«. Sport* Round l, i: «j. 30 JUh Macatlne; 7.Sf CalUnc All Forced Coacerto'--Bjß«thoTea: M.«ft a T»il^
      36 words

  • 179 15 ALL-MALAY HOCKEY TEAM CELEBRATES HISTORY was made m Singapore hockey when for the firgt time an All Malay team competed m the Singapore Hockey Association tournaments. This was the Latiff Wanderers of the Malay Settlement m Jalan Eunos who celebrate their anniversary this weekend. Malays have always taken a promiment
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  • 26 15 THE Bendemeer Athletic Club will hold a Social Dance and Dinner at their Club premises tomorrow m celebration of the Chinese New Year.
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  • 236 15 JIM CHAMBERS' Sports Column LONDON, Jan. 25 (AP) English soccer chiefs took a nasty smack on the chin this week as bookmakers held a "caH-over" on the Football Association Challenge Cup tournament. A "call-over" is a meeting of big time bookies at which odds
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  • 1157 15  -  'MAC' »y fROM A Service point of view the Singapore A.B.A. Championships were very successful. From the civilian view-po- invaluable experience was gained and the object achieved of placing amateur boxing m the Colony on a sounder basis. Our young boxers acquired valuable ring experience and even
    1,157 words
  • 411 15 TITLE CHANCE, BUT HE REFUSES NEW YORK, (UP).— Boxing experts who usually nave an answer for everything have no answer to the question of why Harry Matthews apparently doesn't want to be world lightheavy weight champ. If ever Fate worked hard to give a man a welldeserved chance at success,
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 15 photo. Singapore's team for the world tabl c tennis championships at Bombay next month (left to rirhl): Lam Pack Cboon (manager). Won* Ton* Goon (captain), Chan Poh Yin*. Lum Koh Wan, Loh Kum Soon, Loh Hcng Chew. Standard
    Standard  -  38 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 807 15 ANOTHER BIG CATHAY ATTRACTION I The Royal Command Film choice Where No fa /fares fly S%£} DINAH SHERIDAN IBKE&£^E^U aaaaaaaClßaL^Ba^^^aaV Iff+j. a^a*JaffjAjBt>^tfm^aaaa^^Pßaaßsa^a^afc. Bw^^^H LkU sV^K^L^' avvv^ir^By aVaaflW'^*B^feft [WATCH FOR IT!l 1 Youthful Vigor Restored m Z4 nours*v p Clands Fortijied^^jf^gg^g J BP'^* J tvl? ifmPaaaaaal Do rm. U« eid before
      807 words
    • 68 15 rBOW n aMbHrbkYlMMb BO Wishing All Our Patrons A Happy Prosperous New Tear Today at 11.00 a.m. Louis Hay ward m Columbia's "BLACK ARROW" Daily-4 Shows:— 1.00. 4.00. 6.30 it 9.15 p.m. ALL MALAYAN PREMIERE Stirring ladoftfra Productton "SIMPANG DJALAN" Starriar T. Djuiiaedy, Mica Sombakh, P. E. Zaiaah, Wahid Chan,
      68 words
    • 252 15 For M BIG CAR M comfort... REIULT,,o J a large car scaled down.., with weight-saving design from j stem to stern, o beautiful little j four-cylinder engine placed at i rear, minimum noise and Jast but not least, minimum I seats 4 comfortably f Sole Agents:CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LID.
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 29 15 iTIDHFjS! [ifiJHSI HIGH TIDES at the principal resorts m Malaya: TODAY A.M. P.M. Malacca 12.36 12.45 Port Dickson 11.17 1126 Port Sham 5.56 6.33 Penan? 12.42 1.54 Singapore 10.34
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  • 27 16 4t Sp 2? n Shoot for members or the Singapore Rifle Association wall be held at Bukit Timah 1952** ??Hn Sunda^, rebrufl nr 3,
    27 words
  • 515 16 FOLLOWING are the weights for the first day. Feb. 2, of the Selangor Turf Club Gold Cup meeting: CL. 1. DIV. I—6 F. Uninsured 9.00 No Regrets 8.13 Gambar Melayu 8.12 Red Carnation 8.11 Scotch Express 8.10 Pink Gin 8.09 Melbury Court 8.09 Good Gamble 8.06 Majestic
    515 words
  • 1303 16 NORTH WON THE annual classic against South at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday after one of the most exciting tussles ever. The score was North 16 (two goals, to tries) South 12 (two tries, two penalties), North coming up from behind to snatch the
    Standard  -  1,303 words
  • 53 16 SPORTS LETTER Sir: From what 1 have read of the splendid rugger display by the Fijians against the RASC yesterday, I think it would be a grand treat to watch them play against en All-Singapore side for a worthy ccaves c like th c SATA Fund if it could be
    53 words
  • 128 16 SYDNEY, Jan. 26. (ReuterAAP)._ The West Indies were all out for 78 today m their first innings here, today m reply to Australia's 116 m the fifth and final Test. SCOREBOARD Australia Ist Ins. 116 West Indies Ist Ins. Rae c Langley b Johnston 11 Stollmeyer
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  • 86 16 The following members were elected to the Election Committee of the Singapore Turf Club: Messrs. A. Donald, J.B Myles, S.H. AJkinson, W. Gordon, V.C. Bath, J.A.B. Morrison, R. Jumabhoy, R. 8.8. Donnell, E.L. Nathan, Richard John Hoe Lim. The Singapore Turf Club announced yesterday that the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 240 16 S CHUN CHONG S3 South Kridgt Rojd Singapore 1. s vwww^ > »\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\vws There is fan m life when you TUrVDF are health T- A*"* to keep If|t I X t mj healthy, to ward off colds and I X# Mm minor ills and to counteract yy^ £ff^&f the dangers
      240 words
    • 222 16 Wr^m Ufa k :>:< ewm■'* A i I To taste chocolate at its btst\ Sole Agents. EXCELSIOR LTD., Smgopofc. VXXVVXXXXXX v l v I Wishing \U o u j Chinese Friends ft Customer* H**PPy A l p m-i>spi»ruus \<>u OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO 14-D Chulia St. Spore J* ■.^\^\vv^^^v\\\^x\x\x^xx\xx^^^^^^^x^^^x Xxxxxxxxxxx^^^^^vv^^u^v\^x^^^^ /tekps^i
      222 words