Sunday Standard, 20 January 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 17 1 Sunday Standard •*kA.(-H«» DittJX VOL. II NO. 202 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1952. 16 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS.
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  • 202 1 British A rtillery Pound Port Said Rail way Station 1-^1 VII IV. Saei (anal Zone. Jan. 1M (Renter). troops pummelled the Port Said railroad station mortars mm! \>iii pOM overnight after a hitter -!i with Egyptian «;iierillas. battle raged with a hea\y e\rhaii«*e of fire for alimi-r thrrr liour-«. The
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  • 51 1 Storm Hit Freighter In S'pore J.ird Mapping K» porter Admi- s lay, I ft an roadfl safely let Line's deep-sea Cai line Moller. tancea dur- storm 900 a Singapore. fS the Admiral esa un the ith the v;nds at Ml visibility very 1 here tori t -apply of ving port
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  • 17 1 IS (AP> Ten killed and 10 yesterday bus blew up on at Bentre. 60
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  • 39 1 WHEN Peraks new school term opened on Monday the five main English schools m Ipoh admitted approximately 610 new primary pupils and put 670 others "on the waiting list. Reason was: "We have no accommodation."
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  • 142 1 Standard Market Reporter THE GREAT Eastern Trade Fair at Geylang Serai, which was duiit at a co.,t uf more than $700,000 by an enterprising band of Singapore businessmen under the leadership of Mr. Yap Chin Mitt, was declared open by Mr. William Addis, the Deputy
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 1 photo. (See Story on Page 2.) Sir John Hay poses with two of the oldest employees of Guthries who were present at the opening ceremony. They were: Mr. Tan Song Kang, retired cashier who was with Guthries for 34 years; and Inehe Abdul Rahman bin Abdul who was head Tamby
    Standard  -  54 words
  • 69 1 Legal Aid For The Poor Standard Shipping Reporter THE Social Welfare Department m Singapore has had m existence for some time a scheme to give free legal aid to poor people, Mr. B. L. Dunsford told The Standard yesterday. Ordinarily known as ''The Poor Man's Lawyer" the scheme is operated
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  • 76 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat— On behalf of the people of the Federation of Malaya, the Officer Administering the Government, Mr. M. V. del Tufo, has sent a telegram of welcome to the officers and men of the First Battalion, Fiji Infantry Regiment. He said that side by
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  • 58 1 Standard Shipping Reporter THE OVERSEA-CHINESE creche collected $10,000 from the proceeds of their charity performance m aid of the Creches building fund at the Majestic Theatre on Friday night. Three popular Peipmg dramas, Including "The Story of the Three Kingdoms", were staged the same evening before
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  • 400 1 Specific Measures Against I-C Invasion Plans Kept In Strict Secrecy WASHINGTON, Jan. ]<> (AP)— The military chiefs of the major Pacific nations harr completed consideration of specific measure* lo In a<l oil' a threatened Chinese Hed Invasion of ImioChina. What these step- are for meeting the |growtn£ Red threat to
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  • 160 1 WHILE MR. HAROLD Holt, Australia's MiniS t er for Labour, National Service and Immigration, was being "briefed" on the air wa r against the bandit? by the 1 A.O.C. Malaya, Air Commo- dore J. L. F. Fuller-Good, at Changi yesterday, news came m that 'Malays
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  • 73 1 1, 000 Paper Men Strike LONDON. Jan. 19 (Renter) Production of the Daily Graphic, one of Britain's national newspapers. w a s stopped here this morning when more than 1,000 employees of Kemsley Newspapers Limited came out on strike. They took action m protest against a decision to suspend London
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  • 56 1 Standard Shipping Reporter ONE OF the largest number of families (482 m number) from the United Kingdom to arrive m Singapore to join their husbands reached here yesterday m two troopships the Dunera and the Empire Halladale. Husbands were at the wharf early yesterday morning waiting
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  • 50 1 MR. GRAHAM Greene, wellknown British author arrived m Singapore by air yesterday from a 10-day private visit to the Federation of Malaya. He is on his return to IndoChina to complete his article for "Life" magazine. Mr. Greene has spent two months m InduChina so far.
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  • 116 1 Malayan bandits, here we come! Strapping six-foot warriors of the 750-strong Ist BattaIrwn. Hji infantry Regiment, disembarked from the British ship "Asturiarf* m Singapore yesterday afternoon. Their Commanding umw», o<.i^»«i 4 Tinker M.C., did not accompany them on the trip from Suva, »j.i He flew up
    Standard  -  116 words
  • 224 1 A SQUADRON of Hornet fighters and a formation of Sunderland flying boats from Malaya will join forces with six Shackletons, Britain's newest long-range sub-marine-killing aircraft, for duty m Ceylon next month for the visit of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. The Shackletons will
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  • 114 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A 45-Commando patrol wading through jungle, waist deep m water, came under heavy fire from bandits yesterday m the Tapah area of Perak and suffered casualties m the first The bandits who were firing from trenches guarding a partially erected bandit camp,
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 Mr T P F McNeice President of the Singapore City 6^££gSS f ass result of Mr. Spillance's tow^Y wi»n«f"»» m the !t Council Laboratory at MSnt R" 3 l x'steraay. photo. (Story om F*g« 2J Standard
    Standard  -  36 words
  • 112 1 Standard Staff Reporter TWO PARCELS containing fireworks caught fire m the Singapore General Post OfTu-e yesterday afternoon, but the Sames were quickly put out by the fire brigade and postal staff, who used extinguishers. No damage to other parcels was caused. The Director of Posts, Mr. W.
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  • 65 1 SAIGON. Jan 1!> <\FP> The Governor of Singapore. Sir Franklin (iimson. ar rived bore from Singapore by air today on a fMk'i visit to Indo China. He was to call on Kmp« ror Bao I>ai and Vietnamese Premier Tan Van linn tins afternoon. He will
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  • 161 1 S' pore Plane Force-Landed In Cuntest Standard Stufl Correspondfnl KUALA LUMPUR, S I Royal Singapore Flying Club i ger Moth, competini In I AJI-Malaya Plying Oub'i ra m Kuala Lua^nu today, Utt j landed on the r<>;n\ m I fill estate near the ■etodrome iftel the plane bad developed I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 Net d ilfside 1»* Robbery: jSS^l!2^- Young: Movi*** Qy PQuQ9**Jr9 2 m Raises Hope*** P. 5 JMWfVMiss© Wacings^P. 11 With Free 8-Page Comics/ ~*Jf IHESOAP-^ HARBRIY EIECTRIC L imiuni^ WATER HEATER rLINDETEVES KUALA LUnruß MNAN6 IW»M i»iaA*O«i
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  • 395 2 Police Sound Chinese New Year Warning CO-OPERATION between the public, the Radio Police and the Divisional Police on Friday resulted m the detention of four suspects m a matter of a few hours after a robbery. "Three Chinese, one armed with a revolver
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  • 226 2 ML CHEONG San Thau of the Onrral Hospital told the C itv Police Court yesterday that when he examined Ralph Nay lor suspected of beins drunk he found only a "very faint smell of alcohol" m his breath, and as he considered Nay lor
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  • 27 2 PERIASAMY, agea 18. of 'agoh, was fined $12 by Bfuar] Magistrate, Che Rauf, for fail- log to pepoti that his identity i was defaced. i
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  • 45 2 Gambler Fail ed In Suicide Bid A? lEH S hravi.v m g, 17-yt uh > Lee i ~M..y *c> mmil naci tc by drinki] g istie s la s.: gap ire Se tmd I ewer to be ol good ehaviour tor a 8 months m (20(1
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  • 382 2 Standard Staff Reporter "316. DLNEAKN ROAD" is a village m itself. Standins m the shadows of the University's new students' hostels. this blight is fortunately hidden by shrubs from the road. In this address are concentrated a score of attap houses
    Standard  -  382 words
  • 104 2 QUIETLY v;uiv conditions prevailed on me Singapore rubber market yesterday with vt-ry rile fluctuations. Prices were maintained by some upenuntry buyers and small selling m Singapore. TIN SINGAPORE, Sat The price of tin today was $430^ per picu] a \O<)N PRICES Singapore Chamber of Comraerce Rubber Association noon
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  • 575 2 Standard Staff Reporter THE HISTORY of Singapore is the story of Guthries, said Sir John Hay, chairman of the Board of Directors of Guthrie and Co., when he declared open the new offices of the Company at the Chartered Bank building at Battery
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  • 239 2 SINGAPORE City Councillors, and prominent members of the Chinese community visited the City Council laboratory yesterday to 'find out for themselves whether towgay could be grown from tap water. *v->« For more than an hour they scrutinised the exhibits of the toweav experiments carried out
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  • 63 2 A 29-YEAR-OLD seaman. Kenneth Donald was fined a total sum of $35 In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to three charges of being drunk and disorderly, assaulting a volunteer special constable, and causing mischief by damaging a telephone at the Southern
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  • 111 2 Standard Staff Reporter THE FIRST stage of the reorganisation of the Singapore Police Force began on Tuesday l*st said Mr A R Anderson, one of the five Assistant Commissioners of Police, yesterday. Under this new set-up, there is only one Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Nigel Morris.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 68 2 This healthy boy was four months of age when this photograph was taken. -~2g> Fed on Lactogen, he has developed a sturdy frame and strong muscles, r t Lactogen is prepared from tresh full cream milk which is modified to closely resemble breast milk. It contains added vitamin A to
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    • 143 2 5 De five ries m this big capacity von increase your goodwill! Extend jour sphere of opcratß as with a *dy MORRIS 5 cwt. VAN. Easily ad ipted to me needs of many trades. Capaciv 70 cubic faai with an 4* WwM> 9 cubic feet besick tlie driver Short overall
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  • 256 3 Millions Of Dollars Worth Wait For Shipping Space Standard SiaflF Reporter MILLIONS of dollars worth of goods ordered l>y Singapore mevefeantfl for ihe Christina* market here m either mill on the high mm or lying at shipping ports m Kiiro,H-, the L.K., and America, Singapore importer!
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  • 137 3 ARMED and masked robbers struck at two places m Singapore on Friday night, one gang at the 9th milestone Changi Road and the other m North Bridge Road. within three hours. In the first robbery at Changi. six masked Chinese armed with pistols entered a
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  • 48 3 A SUNDRY SHOP salesman Ang Chit Pern of Yeo Chu Kang Road was fined $120 m the Singapore Second District Court yesterday, for selling a katty of sugar 11.6 cents above the controlled price and without a licence. K. G. N. RAJAN
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  • 79 3 THE CATHOLIC Young Men's Association of Singapore are organising a social evening on Fea 9 at 3 p.m. to collect funds for the association. Valuable prizes aacr c offered for lucky dips. etc.. and there will be games, food-stalls and various novelty stalls. The highlight of
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  • 231 3 THE AIRPORT Hotel restaurant at Kallang is expanding and Refurbishing m keeping with it* popularity as Singapores allniflht spot, where one can get something good to eat 24 hours a Known to Far East voyagers all over the world, the attractive airy restaurant can now
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  • 446 3 Says Principal O£ 3 Schools Standard Staff Reporter THERE is no shortage of stenographers m Singapore and it is easy to train one within three months' time to acquire a minimum speed of 75 words a minute. This is the opinion of 29-year-old Mr. K.
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  • 79 3 joy Flights for the public hav e become a standard institution at the Royal Singapore Flying Club. This Chinese New Year (Sunday Monday) the Flying Club will again make its fleet and club rooms open to the public. There will b e flights for $10 and
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  • Article, Illustration
    152 3 A GROUP of 44 bungalow type houses bein* built for Seacon Ltd. on part of Frankel Estate. between Chanjri Road and East Coast Road, i s nearing completion. Already, some families have moved into several of the completed homes. Consisting of two main types of bungalows, the group
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  • 294 3 Standard Staff Reporter MORE THAN $2,000,000 have already l»een collected by the Income Tax Department thin year, said Mr. D. H. Tudor, Comptroller of Income Tax yesterday. The department expects to collect more money this year owing to the general rise m income
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  • 116 3 Namiaril Slafl Krnorier industry to !>«• financed an<l run M»l«-lv by the Malaya m Singapore and llir h«l«r«--lion, is «'\|»<tl«ml to laiitH-hrd shortly m tinColon*. The ruV < tad regulations this industry i^ now being drafted rod meeting will !i <* held as soum as the
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  • 126 3 DESTITUTE patUfMl of SAT and then families numbering tiGU yesterday received with grateful thanks the RifU w money, milk and Tire ristribdted by the Lifeguard Milk Companj and SATA. Mr G. H Kiat and Dr C. H Garlick were present when distribution began Eighty two families
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 416 3 SELANGOR TURF CLUB NOTICE. #\WTNG to the interruption to the R— flwaj Services CSUSe l Hood wateri between re and Kuall Lumpur, ittee ol the Se!ar)_jor :iub announce that their ip Meeting hai now tponed fot f »ru- week. i Firsi D.i;. racing will fall on Saturday 2nd the Second
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    • 129 3 FJO.R TLH.I.S 1 PEN HE'LL DISCARD f^vsßl^^ ALL HJ.S OTHERS! vWORLD'S MOST WANTED GIFT PEN f|.. fFor successful civ ing— there could be no finer choice. New ">l^ SHEATH alone brings the new pleasure of the. Aero-metric Ink System^ j, j jThe Phuhenium tip writes instantly— satin-smooth, ink meters] I
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  • 98 4 SEREMBAN, Sat.— With his left arm m a sling. Yap Foh, aged 42, arrived at the Magistrate's Court m an ambulance and heard tentative charges under the Emergency Regulations of having m his possession a rifle and 31 rounds of Jap pattern ammunition explained
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  • 23 4 A CHILD suffered from superficial injuries when part of the roof of a shophouse at Jalan Mengkibol, Kluang, collapsed on Thursday.
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  • 106 4 Police Need 'Signals' Recruits Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat The Penang Police need men to staff the Signals Branch which is responsible for communications with the mainland and Marine patrols watching Malaya's western coastline. Recruits have every chance of promotion to the Inspectorate, said Signals Officer, Mr. J. H. Mcc,
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  • 62 4 THE hide-out area of a bandit gang ii Northern Perak received a dawn-to-midday hammering yesterday from relays of R.A.F. and R.A.A.F. aircraft. The hide-out area, m thick jungle on steep ground overlooking an important road, was bombed and straffed by R.A.F. Sunderlands and Brigands and R.A.A.F. Lincolns,
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  • 104 4 SYED Ahmad bin Ali, assistant librarian m the United States Information Service library at Singapore, visited the new Washington Mosque and Islamic Institute building before concluding a twomonth orientation tour of the United States. He returned to Singapore this week. Syed Ahmad visited many libraries on
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  • 197 4 Standard StaS Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— The planters on the front line ran be reassured that the replanting they are abk to do now under such trying circumstances seems certain to be bad!y needed, states the January issue of the Natural Rubber News.
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  • 45 4 SEREMBAN, Sat. The Mentri Besar of Negri Sembilan officially opened the People's Co-operative Store today. Che Lokman bin Yusof, the chairman said that the cooperative store represented their fight against inflation and high cost of living. Membership is open to all.
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  • 43 4 Che Mior Hashim bin Mior Abdul Hamid, visiting teacher of Malay Schools. Tapah, has been appointed Headmaster of the Central Malay School, Kuala Kangsar, m succession to Che Ibrahim bin Abdul Samat who has been transferred to the Clifford School, Kuala Kangsar.
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  • 285 4 Standard Sttff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUB. Sat Despite efforts by the Singapore Muslim Mission Society to enlist the support of the Federation Muslims to secure the banning of the film "David And Baihsheba" the Federation Film Appeal Committee list night passed the film tor general exhibition
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  • 31 4 Najin Khan bin Haib Khan Indian was fined $30 by the Muar Magistrate, for stealing rubber trees at the 7$ milestone, Panchore Road. The trees were valued at $10.
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  • 570 4 standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. —The journal Natural Rubber News m Kb January issue regards 1953, with he United States stockpile completed, to be the really critical year for natural rubber. The U.S. must take effective action m 1952 to forestall real trouble for the producing
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  • 235 4 By MARJORIE SHANNON MR. PETER ButlerMadden. Senior Superintendent of Tanah Merah Estate, who was killed last week m a heroic anti-bandit action m the Federation came from a family, who have lived m Singapore for three quarters of a century. The family are members of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 SQUASHES A PRODUCT OF Ip^lgP SOUTH AFRICA Ij| Wfi)k_£ L Give you real value I ?f Of your money i°)iiGffSoi>^l 95 cts. per bottle W/. tlf; P/?/C£S O,V APPLICATION 4"**«**T imar A new standard m >■• dolim for untk first-rotfl < < 1.-.; efficiency, new GOBLIN f. \V .■>•»::?.>.; Ifaofeinc
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    • 422 4 SHOP WINDOW TO THE UfAQI A f^^^SZ^mt- if afl H^B >;^b^b!b^H^L Visit Britain In May for tbt most famous of all nations fairs. Nowhcpc else can be y such a vast and varied of new products designc tot tho world by a single v BRITISH INDUSTRIES FAIR MAY 5-16 LONDON
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  • 197 5 Standard Staff Reporter Hlr A.lrian (lark. SclMlarship of $120 which nvailable to th, ,iii!il •»l "uny local rx-tervieeinaii WW BCTVcd ill lh€ I oral Defence Corps of Clangor and nho retreated Singapore m January IWl," i* being offered •ftain l»\ the donor who
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  • 72 5 Ji\.- u» tbe 13 Perak Shell employees who received the Company's awar for long service. They an-: (Seated) Mr. < I smith Branch Manager (left) and Mr. (ioh Kai Eok, assistant to Branch engineer. (Standing left to rite Ht > Mr. Worn; Theano Kirn, chief rl^rk.
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  • 267 5 Standard Siatl Correspondent IPOH, Sal. lirliiml every lotlerj prize winning ticket there is a -.lory ami the niccess of an Ipob lawyer, Mr. S. M. Sharma who won 820.000 a fourth prize m the recent MCA sweepstake i«» no exception. 1 On ins return
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  • 63 5 Standard orrespondent PEN \i Sal A tin miner. M s vho was assaulted h i group Sia mese whom he i- lughi ite iling tin ore. arrived ii Matang md was taken to the General Hospital b> ambulance. Mr, Mair<j is an employee nf
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  • 118 5 1 >■■-.' have been elected office-bearers of the Central Xi lah Branch of the Malayan Cl inese A>.>ociation: President Mr. Lim Teng Kwang 1 e-elected\ Vice-Presi-dents Messrs Kee Hup Keng. Teoh Kok Ana < re-elected*. Ban Siew P<i*->\ (re-elected), and Yee C'rv.e'V Mi»i).i. Hon. Secretary Mr Yeoli sfong
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  • 203 5 Young: Bobby Chief's Appointment Raises Hope n Standard Staff Correspondent Ulf Sat. The appointment of Colonel i Xoung a> the new Commissioner of Police, of Malaya, has raised hop,, m the hearts oj many leading Chinese citizens m Perak. iVJ! vnm Swee Onn a member of the Perak Executive Council
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  • 178 5 Brother Follows Sisters' Footsteps [NCHE Ismai] Abdul Majid, at present Clerk of Work-,. Malayan Railways (Johore Bahru) has been awarded a Selangor State Scholarship to study civil engineering at the University of Western Austra- !ia for live years. Inche Ismail Mai id. who Is 2i>-years-old, comes from a well-known Kuala
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  • 65 5 SERF.MBAN". Sat.— A Chinese woman motorist, Lai See M-i!. was fined $100 and her provisional driving licence endorsed when -iie was convicted by the Seremban Magistrate Che Abu Johan for negligent driving. It was stated that a Tamil woman received injuries and was m hospital for
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  • 44 5 MR L. Natarajan, Assistant Pubiic Trustee. returned from India m the Jala Dvi ga on Monday and resumed duty at Penang. Mr. Chov Meng Fook. Assistant Public Trustee. Federation of Malaya, who acted for him will leave for Kuala Lumpur next week.
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  • 99 5 OTEC Sports Club Officers THE FOLLOWING Officials i have been elected official.- vi the OTEC sports club: President Mr. A. J. Thursfield; vice-presidents Mi. J. V. Inch Mr. J. A. Gagan. Hon. secretary Mr. Chua Kirn Chiang; (re-elected) Hon. Treasurer Mr. J. R. Nesbit; Sports Captain Teoh Ong Teck: Committee
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 469 5 OPENING TODAY s| 3,6.154 9.1" I niUd Artists l otional Dram* SO YOUNG SO BAD" Starring Maernw Mi Leoi AT 11 AM. irn.uint Pirtur»*N i:ii 9 Of PAll IM IS IK JINK OI OK ip re's Newest Cinema NEW CITY laiiii Srrai SHOWS DAIU > M 5 9.:ior. \i. Screen
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    • 166 5 DYNAMO LIGHTING SET Scores every time LIGHTINC-RELI IBIUTY. FINISH^ U 1 E >OA/> LEADING CYCLE DEALERS Fa< tiji y Represents! l\ e> T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE, 1 KUALA LUMPUR PENANG PALMOLIVE LATHER smooths my chin "''^ww! w^y '^^H i and remember, Pahnolive softens tbe toughest beard m k*
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 419 5 Federation Diary PENANG i^m^': fr- l ki Wl!h Love l| SELANGOR „..v v r- XT a;! pm- MADRAS: Target Unknown 3. 630 REX: Abbott And CosteHo Meet ip O u and 9.15 p.m Treasure of Sierra The Invisible Man 1.30, 3.30 6.10 ir^Ffl Madre n a m and l and
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  • 1498 6 UK URGE JAPS TO TRADE WITH RED CHINA PARIS, Sat. pRENCH trade officials just back from Japan tc me British authoritk art encouraging the (laps to expand trade With Red China. The reason is simple. Britain wants to divert Jap commercial interests front the lucrative markets of South-East Asia. S.r
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 14 6 I r Ota tfow j33SMBp j^H Hv 4BMa Macleans V <//</ /y Peroxide Tooth Paste
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    • 344 6 "YQU.tDO.may be ona q he MILLIONS who suffer m VfTAMINftMINERAL^ 7?7J/ why you feel Won, 8 Nervous Irritable Hay ■j. •aches, Lose Weight, Wor~ this Proved Way Back to Health c Wfieo you're anaemic, fee! nrr\ ou«. f.i> aMpAMf j dixZ)' *p«ii". oo energy tor work er pi\. I'ltu* VIKM
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  • 1948 7  -  Michael Goh By I want t »>- o: Protecl I of Dq cians. I kn to make n jp eveigj I of r.- lets (thi kmateci >y loi Mil man for lost it at the i are In lan- cai lii po
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 oil fnti billy w M **^l\ I. you have eaten unwisely, or too well, take a dash of ENO'S "Fruit TOs win set your digestive juices flowing, help your stomach deal with bunfcn, remove the feeling of discomfort and congestion. And thanks to its rferru) effervescence, how freshening ENCS is
      116 words
    • 386 7 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL I Leonard. Relvinator, Westinghouse. Astral. t SMadiom A HadioyrtiniH: t Telefunken, Krres. Pye. (ireatt, R. C A. Braun. Zenith Full Range of Moffat Cookers al*o T. (i.EC. Revo. m I II it sit i tiff Mttfttiitt's: Miele with self contained water heater j ti. B N. Dual :5."»
      386 words

  • 256 8 Independent Morning Newspaper W"E are glad that somebody with courage and patience has at last vindicated the crow. Of all birds the crow has been the most maligned of winged creatures. Me is not pretty or graceful His rasping caws have been pronounced as one of the most
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  • 2195 8  -  ANDREW ROTH By LONDON. m urious way the future 4 a nerican policy toWaids Communist China hinges on Urn 'ate oi 4,00(1 malaria-ridden Kuomintang Chinese g lerillas holed up m the .1 most inaccessible mountain ■is jungles of the Shan S T .i't^ of Northeast
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  • 800 8 indictment that has been levelled against crows throughout the ages we feel that any slight bias m our presentation of evidence m favour of the crow is justified when balanced against the anticrow bias which has rested on very little certainly very partial evidence.
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  • 189 8 As His Feathers? We were, therefore, quite resigned to letting the crow enjoy its evil reputation (and as will be clear later, the crow does enjoy being thought of as cad) without our ever being able to put m a word m its favour. Recently by chance we came across
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1 8 JKDLFJF
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    • 266 8 and breath odours mucd/y, da/e/'y, dt v L AMPLEX dt>es mi nurclv v them kappe)tih£ Gram vu- Is Gordon Young activated chfacop bfegiving substance fvunc v, ifl er. gives complete immunity Bon all ©dours. Already m*>rc than a n,; tely on Amplex for that perM-na', fee •11 the difference to
      266 words

  • 1082 9  - A Day With Mr. Everybody Of Japan Michel Jalenques HOW THE OTHER MAN LIVES -10 By TOKYO. HPANAKA-SAN. 'Mr. Mid- dle-of-the rice-field". has just got up. It is seven o'clock m the morning. He wraps his hilled body m the padded kimono. The morning is icy and Japanese h o
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  • 1090 9 MEN into BEASTS? FLJGFD A DOCTOR, bow practisins at Loughton, In Essex, swears that he saw a man and woman turn into jackals before his very eyes. It was the climax to a most horrible African dance, whipped to a pitch of frenzy by the insidious beat of jungle drums.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 244 9 This set has been TRIPLE TESTED... ~^L CASH PRICES L^^jfcM Sin B«P«rc IVnan^r $211.50 Federation $243.00 t/if mJ JOMM UTUI S BUILDING S Sf v TIL" 7OSO f HE <JF. F-HOiM t-. rangapoca ice-cool mvm with Colgate Lather Shaving Cream olgaic Lather Shaving Cream Removes thai hot dry feeling,
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    • 172 9 MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION MILLION DOLLAR LOTTERY. PRIZES INCREASED. In view of the heovy demand for tickets for the Seventh Million Dollar Lottery it hot been decided to make o further and final limited issue of tickets. The PRIZES will NOW be as follows Ist. Prize. 360,000/--2 nd. Prixe. 1 50,000/--3
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  • 897 10 Legionnaire Who Wants A Chance In Life MAN who wonts to fight- Communists, even Malayan Communists, but hasn't hod a chance, lives m Singapore. He hot tried to enlist m the Police, Royal Air Force and the U.S. Army m Korea and foiled. He is on alien, and the word
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  • 893 10 1 S\^ wa! lne s 'y^ prewar **S t«i use the rear window of a car a* the frame for dancing; dolls and pecking birds. But thank goodness, this childish and dangerous practice is almost totally absent these days. Instead, decorative mascots mounted on bonnet
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 432 10 F\^T lUGLLAR TRANSPACIFIC SERVICE Direct Overland Ban ruiliMH l.«w \nsrk* Al American ""anadian Cities Penan* P Spore Arr LA/SF II<KKNN\CH M r^AB n !*J.»n 29Jan lFeb 21Fcb CHINA BfcAK -M SSFrb tlFcb :BFeb/2Mar 21Mar iTSOI Dl] CarfO Deep lanks and Passenger ftnoUmi tuc ANGLO FRENCH BENDIXSENS LTD. Tel S pore
      432 words
    • 451 10 Spore P.Shu,, i •'INDIA" for Bangkok, Hongkong. Manila Kobe Yokohama 3 4 Feb 11-2 FH "MORELIA" for Bangkok, Hongkong Kobe Yokohama 19?lFeb 1T1K1,., -PATAGONIA" lor Bang kok. Hongkong Manila 26-?7 Feb "SELANDIA" for Bangkok 2 7 28 Feb '♦FIONIA" for Bangkok 11-11 Mar "PANAMA" for Saigon, Bangkok. Hongkong, Manila. Kobe
      451 words

    • 1918 11 HOLLYWOOD'S Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner proved to be 1951's favourite stars among Malayan film-fans, according: to The Standard's Pan-Malayan Popularity Poll conducted during: the past fortnight for the Foreign Press Association of Hollywood who. m turn, are holding a world poll to pick
      1,918 words
    • 374 11 OSMAN STEALS SHOW AT DANCE-RECITAL VSMAN GOMANTI, handsome In- fdonesian move star and dancer. undoubtedly .stole the show &t last Dight's D.ince Rerital y,i\eu nt the Victoria Theatre by the Fine Art of Movement Academy. Singapore. His Interpretation of Balinese dances—the first, as solo, the i.itter one partnered Dy Rose
      374 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 183 11 Mora. Matinee Today At 9. i A Blood" T DAY! ciJZMoJjnr"Bil9RM*""* *m 1 1 Ilijj 9.30 P.M. jj±B± I ilmed m Quebec. uh*re If Jff*) tlaliy happened I plus: '^r^^isiggrsfe NEXT CHANCE! IM>\ I>KFOHE-A\URKA kl\(; '^-^^■lHa^a«»^gnjjpnajn»M^^^^^^^^^ M^^TSa»^Mnlni2SßMnWßl m AIR>COHDITIONED 9.30 O.m. QAM A WITH DYNAMITE IN ITS KISSES! inr i
      183 words
    • 181 11 iANDMA a i\ MOTION PICTURE lliSlOm M.tria Shearer lltilin i i<ti>i«i«r«ti Leonide Vla--in»* A Ludmillj I< lv rina m I'ovrll PreadN t Booking Plans Opt n For jji GALA PREMIERE February Kri«la\ lih at *).'.<> ji.m. CAPITOL J ..and when be^^fl I^^ Jl^3a vl strikes back,^^ IS -walch for the
      181 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 372 11 Radio Programmes Rtlllik VI A I AY A Living i" an Itoatie lg»: pmi VIIH I i»l,1I.Al/l Ay Singapore; a i» m tot Hanie; WIV timlH 2 lil f7 lub: :p m l; Ntnire MiMi/ll »mr Griffen (piano), Jo«- KpeHman. <««-llo»; <t«4 II :<■•''• London studio Wdodies: I om l-aiin
      372 words

  • 597 12  -  ROSETTE HARGROVE By Fashion pictures from Paris show the suit with the fuller skirt, the coat with elongated lines, the elegant, formal look for evening and the simple wool dress with fitted bodice. Suit (left) by Jean Desses m medium blue has skirt set atop
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  • 116 12 the Pai »eh ite a a ll e wife and I 1, ...ced tv read a papei m s the attached poci W< led to 'p j md it has bee great us both. I i i might com! i I I :ne us. i it m^ht i bMI
    116 words
  • 210 12 A void 'Glamour' Unless Fitting Ii a IN G belu I thai I adjecr hen leminine apppal is being desei >■■ I, o/ this ge selves i»f af" of rhis el« i r -Ut StO: J well these I iea up to glamour; on i only those women with i
    210 words
  • 233 12 OLD-FASHIONED lap-board* still can function rfitienllj m modern living, purtiiularly for the home■alter whose many chorea are not suited to desk> or work tables. A board out lo drsirrd size from hardboard i«* .m aid to any woman who likes to do her sewing while sealed
    233 words
  • 287 12 COCKTAIL DRESS FROM GENEVIEVE O'ROSSEN (Paris) HPHE idea! style for a c >oktaj! dress this seaJ > »n? A simple line and a rich fabiic. One of he prettiest models oi this kind was made by Genevieve O'Kossen of Paris who was kind enough to send us the pattern U
    287 words
  • 206 12  -  ALICIA HART Fiddling Fingers AWOMAS falls into one of her mosi ungraceful tUtnces when she siuris raiting her arms to fiddle with her hot or hair. The shoulders oi |„y dress bunch into hi 'wps, her arms suddenly teem to be <omposed of angles, and her
    206 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 126 12 THIS POWDER kjlm itnix.s OI T urM^aß A"^ I j i /Vf^lJbi SHADOW ON THE WALL" Cor ,v.. j M f w, 1^ siuouilaieas to your likin. Never have >ou won v a Hj'-'AV-i**^ a uJ tlial aJtis 3UC^ war^« radiant colur-lovclute** '!<o^ M Lh,'. 0 i to fwi complexion.
      126 words
    • 181 12 Mil 7 'ii i■ f H JK i w w f\M IX jpßSßM^^^E^y ai. s w.vr: f^Sfi^B mJi^SS gentle, a: pfiH riinre hoair. k.^ I til 6 V I m gin n > Iowaf 1 SP'N CufW Kit 14.1S ,T.C%Vj I lQ l/** Home Perm —FOR THE WORLD'S LOVE: M.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 718 12 COVERING PERIOD JAN. 20 26, 1952 JAY. -JO TO FEB. JH 'Aquarius) gress. Do not cross your bridges Not a irery cheerful week at the before you (ome to them, and when Beginning but brightening up to- the problems arise face up to them w;»rds midweek, .md'ns on an
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  • 1310 13  -  DOUGLAS HOWELL By What happens to men who, after iirecting creat affairs of State for as lone as eleven years, suddenly find the responsibilities lifted from their shoulders? Douelas Howell has found out by going to see Mr. Attlee and other
    1,310 words
  • 162 13  -  Ranald Baggott I C/X HUNDRED people I *J think ihey fcuoio a cure > jor hicaxps. But sixty-five- I year-old Fred Ramsden of J < Shipley, Yorkshire, reckons I 1 that only a few of them have got the real answer. < 2 Mr.
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  • 295 13 At 17 Knots The King's Barge Is gNUGLY chained to a white-painted cradle on the after-well deck of the liner S.S. Gothic, which sailed from Southampton and will meet Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip at Mombasa, Kenya, is a sleek 40ft.long barge. Nothing Like any ordinary
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  • 174 13 PROSTITUTION due to the A skyrocketing costs of wives, is one of the many problems faced by white administrators m Central Africa's boom towns. The area, which includes French Equatorial Africa's capital, Brazzaville and several Belgian Congo cities, is undergoing the most important change since 300 years
    174 words
  • 172 13 T^IGHTSHIRTS are better for sleeping m than pyjamas, which are "particularly vicious," says the current issue of the "Tailor and Cutter." But. the journal admits, nightshirts have a drawback it is almost impossible to keep them from rolling uncontrollably up around one's neck. This, it suggests, might
    172 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 293 13 l^^^w^ •Professional, Scientific and tWESS Educational Advancement! gUS'N Greater Business Opportunities! 14 Doubled TroveJ Enjoyment! v'M Wider So<ici' and Cultural Horizons! TRAVEL "ffiS^g*^ one of 29 lan^e. Id/A UNGUAPHONE MISM FPENCH RUSSIAN GERMAN CHINESE ft MALAY or any of 29 language* available tht LINGUAPHONE WAY I E I ook give*
      293 words
    • 21 13 i PC p pOO Jm *Jl 0 9 I 3^j E E I^l^Su #%w# P»f c d p^#t^^ i Ci^pu^ t'v^C^
      21 words

  • Article, Illustration
    49 14 Bournemouth, Singapore's champion party at their court m Katong. Front row, (left to right): Tengku A. Jalil, Ismail bin Marjan (capt), Mrs. L. Edwards (Hon. Treasurer), Mr. L. Edwards (President). Ong Poh Lim and Sheik Ahmad. Standing: Yusof Agil. Amir Hassan (Asst. Hon. Secretary) and Aris Awang.
    49 words
  • 322 14 A M\(,MH(E>T run down almosl lli*- length of lli. lit hi by wiiiiS lhr««-qiiart«r Wortlebock, five minules before ike »am« eaded, gay«- the Army (Singapore) a narn.u two-point victOJTf o>er lln* S.C.C m a rugger iiiahh played on the patlauu. yesterday. c Army won
    322 words
  • 109 14 GRADUATES and the under graduates of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya drew m their annual chess match yesterday. Seven boards were played. Each team scored three and half points. The match was for the Dr. Chen Su Lan Cup. Results: (Graduates mentioned
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  • 646 14 WI REPL STROXGL V TO VICTORIA'S 387 MELBOURNE, Jan. 19 (Reuter-AAP).— The West Indies towing tea,.., with three mckete still to fall, were 197 runs behind Victoria on the first innings at the close of play today, second day_ofjhe four day match. Victoria, who were 293
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  • 115 14 THE WRESTLING match between Chief Little Wolf and King Kong ended m a deadlock at the Happy World Stadium last night when neither man could secure the deciding pin-fall although given an extra round to come to a settlement. King Kong was the first to score
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  • 424 14 THE R.A.F. defeated the Army m the Inter-Services Hockey Tourney by one goal lo nil at Tanglin Barrack.*, the winning goal coming from a penalty bully. There was considerable controversy following a goal by the Army m the second half. The ball was hit
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  • 99 14 EDINBURGH, Jan. 19--(Reuter)— Eddie Choong of Malaya today qualified for the final of the men's singles m the Scottish badminton championships here. Choong, holder of the title defeated R. S. Hodge of London 15-5, 15-5, m the semi-final. In the final later today he
    99 words
  • 336 14 LONDON, Jan. 19 (Reuter) Following: are the results of today's league soccer matches: ENGLISH LEAGUE DIVISION I Aston Villa 4 Blackpool i Burnely 2 Newcastle Charlton 3 W. B'wich J Derby C. 1 Arsenal J Fulham 6 M'brough C Hud'field 1 Chelsea M'chester U. 1 M'chester C.
    336 words
  • 363 14 Standard* Hockey Reporter THE inter-state hockey quadrangular played during the weekend proved conclusively that Singapore has a standard of play today much higher than any Federation state a testimonial to the energetic efforts of the Singapore Hockey Association and its band of energetic, progressive minded
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 105 14 X"*"** "j"- "^SSSSSBBX^F^^^^i'tß'} *'»*tlj \\»V>\V»N'» s i > ».x\ I Use Brylcreem and be sure of having lustrous, vital-looking hair the kind of hair i hat helps a man to get on m the world. Brylcreem means B perfect grooming and perfect hair health. It contains no gum, no •cap,
      105 words
    • 179 14 BE LOVEH f TO LOOK A I I ALWAYS! Let t/ie olive OIL /n palmolivf ba«. protect and cherish your S H^titt 111 i millBgMK4j^' Ay 4lvs .'"-THH^k ~i\^^9Q&'' II I "•"•"•>V\*X fcjgMl^^qTPH PALMOLiVt SOAP SOLE AGENTS: HARPER GILFILLAN b CC LTi Th<> Bent ChoiwJ *0/tWT Bandspread Radio (MAI)' 5
      179 words

  • 457 15 Cracks His 100-Metres Record In Dawn Trial AT a special trial held early m tin* Chines Swimming Club la*t w k, chwee Kok In* "l,lhe.S|^«P««world swimming honour* at Helsinki thf yea, ™J^ ,1, 17 h pc or S ,yle m 58.5 sees., improving on his «h-«
    457 words
  • 153 15 EDINBURGH, Jan. 18 (Renter) E. B. Choong of Malaya, holder of the men's singles title, lost only eight points m three match*** to reach the semifinals of the Scottish badminton championship here today. He von his quar-ter-final tie against the English international, H. R. Maryland,
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  • 48 15 PHILADELPHIA. Jan. IP (AP) Aging Lee Savold and Rockey Marciano, one of the leading world heavyweight prospects, will meet m a tenround bout here on February 13. Promoter Herman Taylor said both men had agreed to terms and would sijin contracts next Tuesday.
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  • 1252 15 A VINTAGE YEAR FOR ARMY BOXING ARMY Boxing fans have seen a lot of rsod boxing m the past week, and there is little doubt m the minds of the connioseurs that this year will be a vintage one for the Singapore District Champions hip Finals, being held at Tanglin
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  • 129 15 PARIT BUNTAR, FTI.— A Krian tennis team will be travelling to Taiping on Sunday to play a Taiping-Kuala Kangs;tr Combined Malay team m a friendly match. Ten doubles matches have been arranged and if time permits, more matches Including fey singes matches will be played. All
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  • 141 15 CAMBRIDGE, Jan. 1» (Reuter)—Pl. y i ng m a gale JZTIT* lhe ThBi l ta^r LWn touring ,Lm m^n! Th ai received good service from set scrums, but territorial advantages gained by good allround touch kicking were lost by mishandling. Van Der Velde kicked
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  • 110 15 OESTERSUJQD, Northern Sweden, Jan. 18 (UP)— The Japanese Olympic skating team arrived by train tonight from their Swedish camp at Vaalladlen. Six skaters are manageJ by Mr. Enomoto and a Japanese coach, former Japanese champion, Shozo Ishihara. The ice track of Oestersund reported good ice condition
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  • 80 15 JOHANNESBURG. Jan. 18 (Reuter)— Bobby Locke, South African champion, today returned a 62. lowest score m the history of South African tournament over the Royal Johannesburg Cub course. His brilliant round knocked three strokes off the course record, and wa» 10 under bogey. At
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  • 112 15 SYDNEY. Jan. 19 (ReuterAAP) Arthur Morris, Australian Test opening batsman and New South Wales captain, will not be able to play again this season. Morris failed 1o pass a medical test. The examination was made at the request of the Australian Cricket Board of Control,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 398 15 atf V CAMf AY C w Ait arm 9 -:>» Urflex 35 mm Camera \\:th Built m Prismatic Telescope Finder with Focusing facilities for every sphere of photogra,ni Km final iengrth without complicated ac-F<K-al plan** shutter up to 1 1000 sec. with self flash synchronization. arl /.«*iss Tfssar 1:2.8 F=rsomm
      398 words
    • 394 15 a 4 1 q^MJIBb V. JjßT'^^w Jl fl^ HSI^HiMaweMCL'^ v (HK. > fyi > ft>^^9B^BSlK*V^Vpn^^^BVHt<^^^^H^^7j|^^EKV^^^29ft > .>J\^%.^^^l t^^B^^^^Vi^7^P^k^ki\ I^^^BaSaWMUi^2<^^ Piccadilly No. 1 taaory-fresh from m P x< London. These full V'irgirua cigarettes j^PSS^L i*^L are blended with the skill that has t^gBwEB^BBS^ made the House of Carrera- Britain's "^^^^^^^^L^^^X 1
      394 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 31 15 Itjmb^^l HIGH TIDES at the p:\ncipal j resorts m Malay a: TOD%Y A.M P.M. Singapore 3.29 3.49 Malacca 11.59 1.03 Port Dickson J0.40 11.44 Port Sham 9.09 10.09 Penung: 4.26 5.36
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  • 52 16 TOTAL POOL $536,760 FIRST PRIZE No. *****7 $241,542 SECOND PRIZE No. *****8 $120,771 THIRD PRIZE No. *****0 67,095 STARTERS ($6,709 EACH) *****4, *****2, *****0, *****2, *****9, *****1, *****2, *****8, *****3, *****6. CONSOLATIONS ($4,025 EACH): *****2, *****5, *****8, *****7, *****8, *****4, *****4, *****3, *****7, *****9. DOUBLE TOTE: 220 TICKETS
    52 words
  • 2211 16  -  OLLIE DAVIES BY CLEVERLY handled by "Porky" Donnelly, Chantilly won the Penang Plate, the main race over nine furlongs at Bukit Timah yesterday, the concluding day of the Singapore Turf Club Spring meeting. Donnelly kept Chantilly handy behind the leaders until the home straight was reached.
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  • 77 16 JOHANNESBURG, Jan. 19 (AP) Peter Keenan threatened on Thursday to "pack my bags and go home to Scotland" unless Vie Toweel foregoes a demand for a return fight m Johannesburg if he loses his world bantamweight title to Keenan on Jan. 26. Keenan wants the
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  • 308 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Selangor, the holders, entered the All Blues Cup competition for the fourth time when they beat Negri by six points (two tries) to three (try) on the padang today m a grim game which lived up to all -expectations of excitement. Selangor won
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  • 74 16 JESSE Owens, America's brilliant track star of the 1936 Olympics, plans to attend the games at Helsinki. He has requested a job as one of the U.S. track team's managers. "But nothing is definite, and if there is. it's news to me," he
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  • 74 16 LAHORE. Pakistan, Jan. 18 (UP)— Felicisimo Ampon, Filipino tennis star, won both the singles and doubles matches m the third day of the Pakistan national lawn tennis tournament today. In the first round Ampon beat Major Rafique of Pakistan 6-2, 6-2. He then combined with Straight
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  • 71 16 SYDNEY. (Reuter-AAP)— Schoolboy Brad man, 15. year-old Bob Simpson, has been tipped by critics as a future Australian chanspion. Simpson this year had recently made 853 runs ai an average of 94.77. The runs h?ve been made m school con. petitions and with fourth and third grades of
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 180 16 ELECTION I AUTOMATIC I S iteuuty And Arruntcfj A Available At All Match Dealers |sok A^nts: CHUN CHOMG- Spore l.| To get about -^sjg^quickly, safely -^gjjpß and m comfort save m oney jil||^^ buy a 350 c.c. B.S. A. m 350 c.c. B.S.A. Model 8.31 is the ideal generalpurpose motor
      180 words
    • 164 16 IjtO-Lilj 1 DOLLA R TEA Daicious» pure < mam Shum Yip Leong Tea Pic J CAMERON HH.HLANh-, I To taste chocolate at i Jv mm S PH f Jl MMrmmf I M/U CHOCOLATE COATING Sole Agents. EXCELSIOR, Ml> When you nord home First Aid.. I P\T^Ufl T.C.P. is a A•
      164 words