Sunday Standard, 13 January 1952

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 17 1 Sunday Standard 'fcJJI.OH* 17*1 VOL. II NO. 195. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1952. 16 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS.
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  • 94 1 BANDIT EDITOR SHOT I I MPI K. Sat tarCC9 yestvrday ,1 ivc bandits, wounded i iptund a suspect 1 t deration. ten tsta killed t ol a Communist r Press. He was patrol while I his clothes m tnent c tate m the fire at s'.v two ban- I the
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  • 54 1 I night, tne Commis- .Mr. Malcolm deacrii c i tne end rie Lattre de •\i n at grievous Sen. de Lattre was djn tmic genius, -•on temporary reS safer m history's D of desolate Ma -Donald »a:d. i -vnd a message ithj to our -China and
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  • 104 1 ONLY 13 couples were preseni at a mass wedding sc tedute 1 for 14 couples at the Happy World Caba- yesterday m Singa- ;)'>•■'. The simple ceremoxiy of exchanging of rings and sign|n| a marriage contract was performed m the presence of Mr, Tay Koh Vat.
    Standard  -  104 words
  • 24 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 (\P). The Mutual Security Agency yesterday allocated Formosa an additional U551,525,000 for American and Japanese textile pi id icts
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  • 118 1 '.n 12 (Reuten— The News Chronicle today ,*d world-wide rumours that Princess Margaret bteJ to become engaged. papers are usually reticent about Royal family until an official announcement is made. hronicle pointed out that during; her seven-day bj m Scotland. Princess Margaret has often been
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  • 297 1 Malaya's 'Supremo' Meets Churchill Alexander Tipped Off For Big Job OTTAWA, Jan. 12. Prime Minister Winston Churchill today conferred with Gen. Sir Gerald Templer, vice-chief of the Imperial General Staff, said to have been picked as Malaya's next High Commissioner. Gen. Templer arrived somewhat mysteriously from London, where a British
    A.P.; A.F.P.; Standard  -  297 words
  • 353 1  - THE CLOCK WENT GEORGE RASIAH By And Then He Believed In Ghosts Standard Staff Reporter STRANGE happenings. ascribed to a poltergeist; have occurred during the last few weeks m the house, m Geylang, of a well-known Singapore Chinese businessman. Starting with the disappearance one evening, of clothes which were hung
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  • 111 1 AIR MARSHAL J. D. I. Hardman. Australia's Chief of Air Staff designate. left Changi airfield yesterday to fly non-stop to Darwin, en route for Melbourne to take up his new appointment. But. two hours out from Singapore, oil cooling trouble developed m one of
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  • 19 1 MALACCA, Sat. The floods m Malacca have receded and cars can now travel on the Malacca-Muar Road.
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  • 354 1 SOMKW HIKK m Hamburg m Western Germany there is <* $1 7.000— Stein way nine foot Concert Grand piano en graved with thes«« gold -let tered words: "The property of the City Council, Mgapore." But that piano is never coming to Singapore and here is the
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  • 93 1 .GUEST of honour at a cocktail party held at the Capitol Blue Room last evening wa Mr. Entile E. GrySS, Director of Technical Training. General Electric X-Ray Corporation who ii paying Singapore a short visit. A recent arrival from Bangkok, where be gave a series of
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  • 75 1 NINE DIED, HE LIVED Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, s. If keeping a hand on the teering iphed >t hi.^ police veh c mdi with the other emptying h revolver at bandits, \vl"» w 'i>* ihooting a1 him with machine gun>. an extn police constable escaped death where nine othei
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  • 212 1 NEW YORK, 12 (UP). British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, warned Communists today that aggression m South-East Asia would be resisted by the United Nations just as it was m Korea. Delivering a lecture at Columbia University when he was receiving an honorary Doctor
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  • 120 1 Standard Staff Reporter AMERICAN trade unionists will be coming to Malaya to see the work of the unions, here said Mr. Lim Yew Hock, president of the Singapore Trade Union Congress, yesterday when reporting on his recent tour of the United States. Mr. Lim
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  • 104 1 THE HAPPY World Stadium was m an uproar last night yfter King Kong's riotous battle with Chief Little Wolf. The match ended abruptly m the fourth round when King Kong floored the referee, exmatman. Jim Anderson. Another wrestler. Wong Buck Lee. called m to referee immediately
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  • 146 1 Standard Staff Reporter THERE must be no question of imposing upon any locality a community centre, which does not respond to the needs and th* nature of the locality, which it if to serve, warned Singapore'! City Council Pr§SdenCMr. T. P. F. McNeict, lerday. me centra,
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  • 114 1 Standard Staff Reporter FORMER commander of the British and local troops m Singapore District. Major General Dermott Dunlop, returned by air yesterday, as a Colonial Official. General Dunlop who is coming from Hongkong for a week's visit said: "I'm delighted to be bark here after an absence
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  • 54 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The public of the Federation is being invited by the Henry Gurney Memorial Fund Committee to send m views on the object of the Fund, bearing m mind the wish of Lady Gurney that the object of the Fund should be such as
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  • 180 1 MR. P. B. MAUD AN. Seni«r Sii|>rr\i>or of Tanali Merah Estate, n<*ar Sepanu, For! DickftOß, wan killr«l outright m a heroic action a»ainst l>an<lil> \«^h-nla\ mornim;. Mr. Mad lan, tipped tfa it band if were m 'he ne <* by Labu Forest Reserve led party
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  • 61 1 Standard Staff one^pundent PENANG. Sat. A surrendered bandit. 46-year-old ling Ah Chiao was found hanging inside a lavatory on the first floor of the Police Barracks list night. Un* wag found by Ah H surrendered bandit wli mi I an alarm but it wrai too iit
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 420 2 Hew Sheeting Lights Up Billboards Standard Staff Ueporter ABOUT a month ago, motorists have been pleasantly startled by advertisements and billboards on the back of buses which "lighted up" and gleamed m the glare of their headlights. Conjectures made were that the material was a new type of American luminous
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  • 551 2 They Bring Speed And Efficiency r Standard Woman Reporter EFFICIENCY and speed of operation have invaded the gentle art of fishing and the once seemingly sleepy villages of Singapore s outlying fishing districts are now solidly m the grip ot P They" have
    Standard  -  551 words
  • 108 2 A WAITER m a coffee shop m North Bridge Road, Singapore was stabbed m a brawl involving three youths at 1 p.m. yesterday. Earlier the youths had called on a waitress to serve them but she by-passed their table saying she was busy. The waiter
    Standard  -  108 words
  • 82 2 FOR SLEEPING while on armed sentry duty, a special constable, Shafli bin Misrullah (21), of Dunearn Road was sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment by the Singapore Second Police Magistrate, Mr. R. 8.1. Pates yesterday. Shafii pleaded guilty to the charge. Inspector T.S. Zain prosecuting, said
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  • 60 2 ...He Denies That He Slept A 19-YEAR-OLD policeman. Mohamed Dawi bin j Dulmat, of Kampong Marican i was charged m the Singapore I First Police Court yesterday I with sleeping, while on armed guard duty at the Registrar of Vehicles Office on Jan. 9. He claimed trial and bail of
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  • 99 2 THE RUBBER market m Singapore was quietly steady at the lower levels yesterday. There was little doing all morning -with prices ruling at about U cent per lb. below Friday* levels. Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association noon prices yesterday (Jan. 12) were (per lb.): Buyers Sellers No.
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  • 20 2 SINGAPORE. Sat. The price i of tin on the local market today i \va s $467£ picul. (same).
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  • 48 2 $1,000 Bail In Abducting Charge NEO CHONG NAM claimed trial m the Singapore Fourth I Police Court yesterday, when charged with abducting Chiat i Teng Wah at Paya Lcbar Crescent at 8 p.m. on Jan. 11. Neo was allowed bail of $1,000 m two sureties until Jan. 19.
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  • 345 2  -  MICHAEL CONNORS By Standard Staff Reporter ARROGANT menfolk, supremely egotistical, loudly contend that "woman's place is m the home." Having babies, running the household, attending to the comforts and welfare of husbands and babies should be, they aver, the ladies' mak* concern. Few would
    Standard  -  345 words
  • 198 2 AS THE result of recent dissatisfaction rrprrwd by Malay girls that lack of space prevented bmk them from continuing: their education above StHtei VI, the Department of Education has devised i mktm by which they may take a further year's eour < A the EUg
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  • 111 2 A 13- YEAR-OLD Javanese, Arshad bin Rat m. h-.d a narrow escape _Jrom death when an object he picked on the beach off Pulau Brani exploded m his hands. Arshad was ai'empting to cut it m two when it went off. The object has
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  • 53 2 PACKILT VADI\ F1.T.0 pleaded suilty m the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday, when charged with s'f.iiire $55. belonging to Pakiry Subratmaoiam at the Citj Council Depot m Joo Chial Road on Jan. 11. Vadiveilo was allowed i><il of £100 and the case w.i^ postponed to Jan 19 for
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  • 19 2 p; IDING tyre i From .1 '<■ Jan. 4. Chua wa< i ten Sec-)tid Poiire to six Aeoki
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 Presenting l^tadl Record Changer The WEBSTER CHICAGO Model 170 Three Speed. ELECTRON RADIO CO. 114 Orchard Hoed Phone 6187 BABY CHAN KOK SOO ■JICVD6EIH IM^jgg^^^ FOR THE WORLD'S BABIES This nine months old hahy was fed on LACTOGEN Hi from his first month. His firm flesh, strong hones ■Epiii^Ba and
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    • 34 2 mV \\l IV Y |k|V V v^ j 1 $v 5/ 4,, a M at w fmSß^Jp' m=J^^)j A la Carte Dishes and Full- I j^^ f^^l— A Course dinner by Arrange- Wm '^^p?ffiS;ffiJjl
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  • 447 3 MAWAI(UNDER)GETS WATER ITS FOOD BY AIR RAF Answers Radio Call A ROY VL AIR force Dakota transport plane yesterday parachuted more than a ton of food to floodhound villais*^ at Mawai, Johore, and its adjacent resettlement camp. Rice, fish and tinned were dropped m eight low-level runs across a small
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  • 116 3 THE TWO senior Air commanders m Malaya are due to be replaced soon, on the expiration of their current duty tours m the East. They are Air Marshal Sir Francis Fogarty. Commander-in-Chief of Far East Air Force, and Air Commodore J. L. F. Fuller-Good,
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  • 84 3 REV. FR. TEXEIRA of the Church of St. Joseph has decided to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Fatima on the 13th of each month instead of only on two or three occasions as hitherto. Today the solemnity will take place when there will be a high
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  • 49 3 A CHURCH service at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 10 a.m. will precede the opening of the 1952 Assizes at the Singapore High Court tomorrow. The Colony's new judge, Mr. Justice Clifford Knight, will preside. There are 12 cases on the list and pleas will be recorded.
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 3 THE BADGE for volunteers of the Singapore Civil Defence Corp. In addition, to distinguish the various seri'ices, each member will have on nis ihoulder the name of m* t corvs' "Ambulance Reserve^ 6r "Civil Defence Corps.
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  • 74 3 A CHARGE of cheating Tejak Singh at 8 m.s. Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur on Oct. 31, was explained to 42-year-old G.L.F. Willis m the Singapore First Police Court yesterday. The charge alleged that he dishonestly induced Tejak Singh to deliver to him $2.50 m return for
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  • 152 3 POWER CUTS SIBSTATIONS In Singapore liable to load shedding today: DAY Asia Rubber I.nrong 3. Sims Aven. Sawmill, Shell Co., Lee Rubber Works, Mtbatten network. Spore Swimming Club. Tanjong Khu. V.E. Shipyard. Rliu Cross, Nanyang Ice Works. Firestone, Mackenzie Rd., Bt. Tlmah Pumps, Balestler Rd.. Jalan Amnas. 8.M.8.C., McRitchie, Bradriell
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  • 201 3 Standard Stuff Reporter THE SINGAPORE Civil Defence Technical Training School m Kolam Ayer will be declared officially open on Feb. 4 when the first batch of about 30 volunteers will be trained as instructors. Colonel L. T. Firbank, Commissioner of Civil Defence told The Standard
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 445 3 IN MEMORIAM JH FOND memory of Mr. Aw Hoe, Mr. Paul Feng, *At. Poul Epperson, hAr. Raymond Ko, Mr. Cheah Kirn Bee, Mr. K. H. Lou, Mr. Foo Mm Keat, S\r Foo Pong Kong, Inspector Leng Chak Ngion end Mr Louw Yang Cheng who lost their lives m on air
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    • 334 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Vn Ute Mr. Lee Hin Pow. Lee Hin Pow and family (Mr, and Mrs wong Mean Kwi. Mr. and Mrs Boej Heng Fook. Mr. and Mrs. Mun Vui. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mun Kit) beg to thank all relatives and friends f or their kind expressions of condolence, help
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    • 134 3 I (120 Balestier Rd.) 1 I 00l$k lurncr 6i g W%mL Detamore S I ■^^^^^Hfc^^ Bs^ Drama! I ■H^BHHh^^S blusiv hpj 1 S B^^'l^l Br AVit' Electric s g PI I Hammond Organ m 9 \J*J B Electric g B ll libra Harp Jm la I V /l O B
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  • 112 4 Standard Stall Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sa». Seremban will have a People's Co-operative Store within the n«'\t tVv days. It was revealed a* yesterday's meeting hrl«I to inaugurate the scheme. Che Mahaman bin Samsudin, the District Officer president. The store w;il be at Wilkinson Street and a
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  • 246 4 R.E.M.E. DOING FINE JOB TN a quiet, efficient way, the A Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers m Malaya are playing a vital part m the anti-terrorist campaign. At the Command Workshops m Kuala Lumpur daily **ep.iir work varies from watches to bull-dozers; wireless sets to assault boats and a thousand
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  • 60 4 Tapper Had Later— Jailed MTAR. Sat. Two tappers. Goh Chai Hong, aged 23, and Goh Chang Tiap. aged 23. who are brothers, were charged liefore the Muar Magistrate. Che Raul for unlawful possession of 11 katies of latex at Tangkah Road. The first accused, Chai Hong, was found guilty and
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  • 30 4 MR. K. S. SAMY has taken over the post of manager of the Port Swettenham CoOperative Store. A new sales girl has also been employed by the Store.
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  • 82 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Better housing, improve- ment of radios, drainage, water supply and lighting and the improvement of the general sanitary conditions of the town, including the provision of children's playgrounds and parks, were some of the aims mentioned by Mr. V. G. Thalayasingham, m his pre-election
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  • 239 4 PENANG, Sat. Some eight hundred monkeys m the Botanical Waterfall Gardens are becoming a nuisance and immediate steps will be taken to destroy some of the males. The Horticultural Officer at the Gardens, Mr. H. Bitchings, told The Standard that the monkeys have done a lot of
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  • 752 4  -  CHRISTINE DIEMER By Greer Back From Industrial Tour Standard Staff Reporter A CANDID, overall impression of industry and the reactions, outlooks and feelings of the people living m England, Ireland and Scotland was given to The Standard yesterday by Mr. D. I.
    M. Ingram  -  752 words
  • 93 4 MCA Aid Sought For Building New School Standard Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sal People m Kundang resettlement are, Ulu Seiangor collected among themselves $10,000 as part of their contribution towards the erection of a new school to take the place of the old one which serves the town only. Government
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  • 77 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR S;>r. The Malacca Social and Welfare Department have been rendering relief m the form of clothing and food parcels to about 500 families m Sungei Rambai and to flood victims m Cho Chong and Chin Chin Assistance has also been given
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  • 66 4 KLUANG. Sat— Fong Tong Yin (55) entered the No Entry* street while cycling. When questioned by a Police Constable on duty it was found that he had a defaced identity card. Fong who appeared before Che Ibrahim bin Haji Salam. the Circuit Magistrate, was convicted on
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  • 60 4 KLUANG, Sat.— The following have been elected to the committee of management of the Kluang Co-operative Store /or the year. Chairman: Mr. M.J.T. McCann; Hon. Secretary: Mr. A.T. Rajah; Hon. Treasurer: Che Haron bin Manap; Purchases Supervising Committee: Messrs. Teoh Chze Chong, S. Mapanapillai and Che
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  • 257 4 'Kir by' Students Are Comfortable LONDON. Sal. Mai i y a n teachers m training will have to overcome their re serrations about ihe aoslhe tics of their surroundings bof arc otherwise pet) <omfor table. 'Col -<■' seems jel a dig lified U n lot their rather dismaying though well-kepi
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  • 28 4 To Stand Trial >: lard S ill LONDON, set retail < (Ml I lin -> P b ;hi w :ti' i nmitli d ih." v set Central < rfn nal 1 p
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  • 11 4 Had OpiumJailed m PIT LAT i i P Court, Must P
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  • 8 4 I Pai Muar, Eioussin, I M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 HEALTH WARD OFF DISEASE r% C^ Br^^^ MB|HnKM| TO KEEP you fit No he rtt r r\ mt<Jy exists against pricfcl] itching o» the dua or ecxeaa than /^UROV') v^ I his pou<!< r kttp^ your skin dry and COoL r ;tv<nr pcw!^' uous perspirj. I uoa iod lights
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    • 74 4 ICE-COOL SHAWN6 MHf/i Colgate Lather Sliuuing Drwuiw Colgate Lather Shaving Cream Removes that hot dr\ now contains MENTHOL, leaving your skin MB* No more pain, dryness or > refreshed— cooler, •tinging razor rash. Its cool comfortable than ever b tonic action smoothes the way Buy Col^te Lathi-r v for a
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  • Article, Illustration
    123 5 PICTURE at left shows the nmlti coloured rubber mat. bearing the Singapore coat-of arms, that will trace the entrance to the South Kast Asian Territories' Pavilion at the forthcoming Colombo Plan Exhibition m Ceylon. The mat whirh is 12 feet square, was specially made by the (ressonite Industries
    Standard  -  123 words
  • 194 5 *>i ;i ff ftrreftpoadeni N\ v f.. >.»!. U tlh a rrror.l nmtlnirtit of 2..">00 iht riiun: 1 .i.ii: Riga Srhool, premier ml m Malawi, will have a total of ."> I classes. 4 v Ul|J| Aw !m i"Hu\ of students the II two leanim
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  • 19 5 Commerce Classes Progress ....,.,1 g S 1 Mr. Da HS m gust this re I p ipils g ejects
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  • 26 5 $1 Mil! ion Goldsmith Shop Opens I ed, at B i is fo t the I Wit I ie as ire Loo N^ p c Thccin.
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  • Article, Illustration
    111 5 I ai ng 51 ite ■cupation np baser er that regarding nistake. m luni ipaJ j i V KN numbers of the Singapore Polic* Force who received medals for gallantry f r 'm-rit«rious service fro« the Governor of SlfTOOt*, Sir franklin Ginwon on a M vl u ofT
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  • 35 5 MUAR, Sat. Three hun•i m abourers Hood j I ora Panchore and estat< were hous- I m the Chettiars M ii About three I Chinese evacuees I areas were look- MCA ai Muar
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  • 74 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. r. c hundred Chinese families. ea ed from the Kluang de-'-'firi-»(i camp, where they were 1 nig w ith hun Ireds of othei ii ding many Malays ■■•••> fr mi Jenderam. have been asked by the SelanSQi i m; h "f the MCA to
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  • 33 5 FOB us Dg a bicycle with- n.r x lire c at Pagoli Swami N'.rnir; Pfllai, son of Narayanan i-; I -•>. was fined S3 by M i: Magistrate. Che R I Cycle*tax
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  • 136 5 Merchants Demand A Revision PENAN<3, Sat. Since the new tax on bicycles came into force on April 16, last year. the bicycle trade throughout the Federation has boon greatly affei ted This 1 3 si ited by Mr. Lee Chairman of the Federation >f Malaya and Sing >i c C
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  • 27 5 SPECIAL Constable, Oth- 1 man bin AH, was sentenced to j three months' rigorous imprisonment by the Muar Magistrate for unlawfully absenting himself from duty.
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  • 19 5 TANJONG Malim's water suppi;. is restored on Friday. Bandits bad cut ofl supplies a few d..<'-.s before.
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  • 202 5 Open erdict: Truck Driver Had Amnesia Standard Siatt orrespondent PENANG, Sat. An open verdict was returned by the Coroner, Mr. D. C. I. Wernham. today, at the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of a soldier Edward Mac Gibbon (19) who died at the Genera] Hospital <>n August 27.
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  • 56 5 Standard Staff Correspondent I rAIPING, Sat.-- Taiping is to .it c tad own labour party. It will be known as the Perak Labour Party, said its youtbmvenor Mr. R. A. Abdul Karim. He proposes sending invitations t the Selangor and Penan;* Labour Parties to send representatives
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  • 212 5 MOM] TO GET FAIR PRICES Standard Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Rubber producer m the Federation strongly urge the formation of a united front by all producers m South-East Asia [with the primary object of keeping prices at a remunerative levelOne of the sponsors of the
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  • 171 5 TIIRKF. men, Gan Kau Tee, j Lai Aik Kow, Tan Say Sing and a woman, Gan Poh Teh, were each fined $15 by the i Mu:ir Magistrate for gambling m a public place at Bukit X mgk i;i. AT 'i ii. ANG TIAN TIN was rharg--1 i
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  • 132 5 COURT DRAMA SC GRABS RIFL E TO SHOOT ASP Standard Staff Correspondent TAiPiNG Sat.-A sensation M^i^T^ m lhe Taiping Magistrate's Court yesterday stable' 18 Whe a SS S(11/ v erl another to ,h f 6 v blno a (i attempted office Eur °P ean Po"ce The Special was quickly overpowered
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  • 31 5 For carrying three pigs In a private car without a "haulage permit at Sagil, the driver, ley Ten Soo, was fined $15 by tne Muar Magistrate Che Rauf.
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  • 70 5 Girls' School Accepts Some RejectedBoys RAUB. Sat. A new Pri- mary Class has been opened at the Methodist Girls 1 School. j.Haub, because of the many j children seeking entry into schools. The Mahmud School, Raub's only Government English i school has turned down many applications for admission due jto
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  • 34 5 TAY KIM TENG was charged with using his car at Tangkak for the carriage of goods without a haulage permit and was fined $30 by the Mnar Magistrate, Che Mansoor bin Sahol.
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  • 33 5 A LEARNER driver, Poh Pi Tong, was fined a total of $20 for failing to display the "L" sign and for nut being accompanied by a competent driver while driving.
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  • 153 5 PENANG. Sat -In spite of the Building Restriction Regulations there are several construction jobs m progress m Penang, that are estimated at well over $2,000,000. Rows and rows of chophouses are being constructed m various sections of the town, while bungalow types and other
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  • 167 5 TAIPIXG, Sat.— The recently constituted Perak Tin Mine Workers' Union, which has its headquarters at Taiping, has submitted a memorandum requesting the raising of the basic wage for daily rated employees by SI and S3O m the case of monthly paid employees to be
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  • 97 5 Mr. Bingham Opens New SA Church j Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat— The Resident Commissioner, Penang, Mr. R.P. Bingham, this afternoon formally opened the recently completed church of the Salvation Army m Perak Road. Captain S.E. Bairi- bridge is In charge of the ne;v church, Built at a ros! of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 2 5 flk fslf'SF:F
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    • 16 5 K\er.vbod.Y became Si'ir ron scious us sooo us I n.ilkt-J lnio the stop Mrs. Wi-jihi; orrvouvj/
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    • 5 5 Ihe yuun'j aid hund,<j<.ct t00k
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    • 86 5 1 tmHßßml ■*9lfeH^/ 'B BbK^l Baa wn^L^m'-'- r y '-'iJ> JKIL-y.' bWXVI<2kSv^3BRBv^ ■i^M^or: v.'^ r7r^ BjUCßaf I m-^W^M IfcWii:^------^ H? >:^Ki-«Bf b!^bb»^*^^ li llljll I||rk^l ii!iB^ 1 1 ll\T \BJ BE_E_B_^m^3Lgj*£2A^_Bi_B^_B b/ jf Jf/1, A(4 A I/r V-V.V I EJI B\l\ Jk^Jig -J bW. V J BBBB* BeaßV HB «B)
      86 words
    • 116 5 KOLOK inke« ribbons of lasting quality for use on all typewriters and other office machines ATTRACTIVELY p ac ked m vacuum tins to retain the original treshneM under all conditions. KOLOK nave been famous for rhefr TYPEWRITER, PEN, and PENCIL Carbons since 1904, and to day throughout all branches of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 340 5 Federation Diary TAIPIXr 1 3 fi; W and 9 p.m. 1/Vlllillr LIDO: I was a Male War Bride LIDO: Dee;> Valley 10.30 a.m. l 0 a-m. Pembalasan 3. 7 and yl5 Cariboo Trail (Clnej 12.45. 3 15. I^t 630 and yl5 djo Kh\: In Society 10 am and 12.50 REX:
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  • 1729 6 NOW ITS THE HANGOVER SEASON IN GAY PARIS r riliS a a hotch-potch diary. Pai is is almost d» ad. licking the wounds cf Christmas and the N» Year, a city of hangex* :s o| perplexed husbands scratching their heads us they wonder }1 a ti.rv will pay the Income
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  • 264 6 IT'S SO PAINLESS ....IF YOU BITE THE DENTIST I >t:OPLE who spend uncomfortable minutes m a dentist's chair having a lower birk tooth hauled out will have their dre.ims c-ome true if dentists follow a tip given to them this week. For patients will he permitted < yen enconrafed —to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 t ■:■>. :•:'■■■■■:•:>■: •>. < :>:<-:::-:fiK- < r.:::-.: ■.'r-.WS A,f Asf fi <Jt ZJ Tckalon Vanishing Sh-n Food /*T\ xTIOVf UriM/UftUfl^MftUlCW, 41 bthe perfect powder-base X »"at-es the darkest, roughest /yjf c^///^ 'Veouiu 4eckctj x&) v n ft and s :rv //A JcMaion Vanishing Sk.n Food and Pct.cire j] F
      115 words
    • 251 6 Here's t/^e^^^* J i4^>^ NEW WAY tO SHAVE-^^%£ you need no brush with W\ PALMOLIVE A BRUSHLESS SHAVING Jfyilk CREAM /\V«r Slaving;: >. jb^bP^^ s p e a s j >^ •JB^V^shb^^^ rr.odc 1 your face c.. Er Palmohve Brus* the n riiavi A d lib Palmoiive s'.dve yoi A
      251 words

  • 1956 7 Wait Till I Lay My Hands On My Diaries For 1950 And 1951! I my lac Ol bou >c > a sweat igt ri la of the Cf) up one fine mini and bawls -;t you ever going yotn drawers V > v table ke a j ih »p and
    Michael Goh  -  1,956 words
  • 322 7 DONALD ZEC FINOS IT'S TOUGH TO 8E... clutched at her curlers, then shot into a back room. Mr. Weaving crieled me like tif-vjfeant -major. "Smashing:," he said admiringly. "'Makes you look young 1 and handsome. Any chance «t getting me one?" For bald men,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 219 7 This Pleasant Ointment Fights 'olds m 2 Direct Ways at Once! /]M "^^^B r -N end colds quickly and jafely the y?^z3Ss ™l mm^mmfji it is famous all over the world b#- ■'^L '^^IRv^S -> voids m two ways at once and ends L^ A ,v :> C'-.ildren love Vickf
      219 words
    • 433 7 "YOU,too,may be one of the < MILLIONS who suffer from VITAMIN&MINERAL^^/^ That is why you feel Worn out. Nervous. Irritable, Have headaches, Lose Weight. Worry" /^/> H&/ A^c>f to Health c Happiness Whrto you're anaemic, (rr! ;;r-r-,oui. have wmfismt frwm imf J .*<.* <n :ht P., -6* diny spriiv no
      433 words

  • 267 8 Sunday Standard Independent Morning Newspaper V^ 7 HO said man's fashion does not change As a matter of fact we did once m the course of an article decrying the unpredicabilitv of women's fashion. On further reflection we feel that we had, m our article, overestimated the conservativeness of men
    267 words
  • 2356 8  - BRITAIN'S SECOND THOUGHTS ON KOREA Andrew Roth By \\< >YANCI with Wash- l' d*s publication ol .1 detail* agenda, tot -t Korea as a >eparate item, w.,< thinly disguised m the t-hill entourage as the Prime Minister embarked f. hu f;ref discussions with President Truman m Wj shington, Mr Churchfl]
    2,356 words
  • 826 8 Without Visible Means Of Support We have given considerable thought to this matter and we have tried to be fair. But we cannot get away from the fact that the banishment of sock-suspenders is perhaps the greatest boon to mankind since wigs were abolished as compulsory wear for gentlemen. Dignity
    826 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 7 8 1 xmr~ \s2kfW&m B^#^^ VJe' >«i^ WJ^n
      7 words
    • 315 8 1 AM/ H4SC OMA i/wek— /-< 1 V.- >\ TONIGHT Srr,,. J*^"^ your mirroi -a« r You'll be thrilled with the difference Pepsodent make? to your mxr—Ciam > I with PepvvVrxi tirnlc' In just one week your teeth moimng r u d become dazzlingly white brighter B tel l: than
      315 words

  • 1136 9  -  B. TESSELIN DOUGLAS WARTH, inquiringjnto the Supernatural lijfe^jpbge amatiilg^gg^^ by How The Other Man Lives 9 WHO WAS IN THE VAULT? gNOW covered Britain one wintry February, and people m Devon went shivering out m the morning, to discover a trail of eerie and
    1,136 words
  • 1280 9 Mr. Bung Djojo Of Indonesia DINCH your nose and then using the sharpest and most piercing tone at your command, scream at the top of your voice: "Hen! Heuuuuu!" "Bapou! Barbapouuuuu'." 'Aiiiii! Aiiiil" Add to this the clamour of car horns, the indignant cackle of geese, and the howl of
    1,280 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 296 9 Use long-life /?/j/e Gillette J&fo ii Buy Blue Gillette bted« and C^ > >ou buy the sharpest edges m J L the world. They will p.ove their value by lasting longer cr s ancJ giving you so many < rrrn^^A clean, comfortable sha\ea» if Si Blue ll^" Gillette r\g^^ Blades
      296 words
    • 6 9 NEXT WEEK: Mr. Everyman of JAPAN
      6 words
    • 115 9 NEXT Are these manifestations- of the 'Inexplicable 1 as rare as WEEK most people think? 1 5 only the BEST is c;oon I 4) ENOUGH FOR YOUR (HMD!! I $jLj&? II CHOOSE Wit' A y^ 'S^J&^^ lmmt CHILDREN'S "GIBSON n /A SHOES I T^ IN r A LF TYLE !n
      115 words

  • 168 10 Tengah has. m addition to the vast stock of parachutes, a iarge variety of Life-saving apparatus under care. There are the inflatable rubber dinghies of many shapes and sizes complete with equipment and rations miracles of compression and utility. Each requires unpacking and inflating reguarly, and must stay
    168 words
  • 565 10 Ivor Kraal's Kallang Diary THOROUGHNESS IS I HERE is a tradition m the Royal Air Force that a pilot or aircrew member whose life is saved through the use of a parachute goes to the man or woman who packed it and hands over £1 as a thanks-offering. Last year
    565 words
  • 861 10 r pHE year 1951 may go down as the one m which public conscience throughout the world has been shocked into tackling the problem of death on the roads. In America, the millionth road death, announced just before Christmas, has jolted the nation
    861 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 439 10 f9 %^fe?ALL PAST REGULAR TRANS PACIFIC SERVICE Di»ect Overlon *<9n froncucr Loi Angelet All American Canadian Cities Penono P S'nam S'ootc Art LA/Sf 19/21 Jon t\COb tUCKfNBACH 24/?6J 3 n 27/28 Jan 29Jan/2Feb 21Feb CHINA BSAR 24/26Feb 27Feb 28Feb/2Moi 21Moi -o* NjH pofticulon o' Or, v. i* q J?es 1
      439 words
    • 444 10 .Tim j^rmt&iL a 3 FALSTRIA- *nr Soioor 6 bj'igkcfe Gdnt. 15/16 INDIA' tor Boncjko* *~*or>g Kong. Manila Kobe Vokohamc 1-4 Fob 31 Jon Fob 2" JOi. MORfIIA" t O Hongnok Hongkong Kobe Yokohomr 19 21 Feb 17-18 Feb M lf "PATAGONIA" toe Bangkok "SELANDJA'" *r Bonqkok 26-27 Feb SAILINGS TO
      444 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2023 11  -  OSWALD HENRY WITH k JIMMY DESERVES AN 'OSCAR' Vi? H E N Oscar awarding time comes around this year. I hope they don't for*et James Stewart. For if ever there was a genuine star who deserves one for consistently high-quality acting, it's the tall, lanky, looselimbed Jimmy.
    2,023 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 296 11 Tft «400 AIR. CCMOlTlOlffn jjl tULASIOI S TIMFS DAILY t M a,, I.n-6.1.-> A «>..10 p.m. 1 \<) -M!)- |)|N(; OPF I- 3 TIMES As n \N\! .^P^**" v i Starring 808 HOPE iM i s: i ATESI GAUMONI British \fv\s i MX ill K< HILL LEAVES FOR AMERICA*
      296 words
    • 241 11 GIANT MElfc MATCHING BRUTE STRENGTH against BRUTE STRENGTH V X Timber J J y end S B^^ I p Women fn/jM vv MARDEII IHI\ I VII A <OLIMBIA I'HTIKK !i riro of n/f; sißKtxs toi ghesi he-men.. A Wayne Morris Preston Foster ANNOUNCEMENT /le I'm ilion I firntrr it ill
      241 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 360 11 Radio Programmes o nin mm *m IVA lo:MI As rinKaporr; II.:M> Studio SerRADIO MALA I A viie; I p.m.— J p «n. As Smicaporf: *i p.m. Time for Music: WW Ja*» SINGAPORE Vl*b: -f Pm. Musi. Recital: ZM LonHlilO.«tI doi si t t MekM|tes 4 p m Paul (484 HI
      360 words

  • 35 12 Seashell Shirring INTERESTING new "Seashell' Sbhrriag gives texture in-, rest i<» tin. r^hHl Nilk taffeta ball gown by Cecil hipm i This IS desiCßet «ses several novel types locks and pleats ia het Spring collection.
    35 words
  • 501 12  -  ALICIA HART Says 'III! (J.> uli.-n her flrdslin* I Hies Ifcf fat n betfcer yoll i th w nwinriagr 1 h a rrossro ui^ <! i f*f v ■Miller, lift r. i.tinn t>» t!irroptinrse "i Net b**se •"<! In iri it
    501 words
  • 836 12 HIS SECRET GLAMOURISES MOVIE STARS I fOLLYWOOD has just introduced a sensational new makeup which is heralded by the screen stars as bein? as important and revolutionary as the first lipstick was to the feminine glamourising scene. Mention ol make-up m conjunction with Hollywood and screen
    836 words
  • 222 12 FEATURED prominently m almost every woman's dream of luxury is a la: 40, lavish bottle of perfume. And almost always, this wish-bottle is spotlighted upon the dressing table with t :e sunlight striking gleams from its enticing amber depths. 'Thi.s is a fine idea, provided you're
    222 words
  • 97 12 TO enhance a slim girlish figure, Paris designer Lola Prusac designed the delightful model shown m our sketch. The flared skirt and short bolero wer c made m red grosgrain. But the yriginality lies m the trimming of course black guipure lace which gives a three tiered
    R.G.  -  97 words
  • 329 12 pORNISH pxsties coasisi <»r a round pocket or trian *Ie of flaky pastry with 4 flavourful meat and vrgeuble filling inside. Originally pasties c g ad with cooked cMced po md beel but any good c topped meal fining such v barbecued beef or cooked
    329 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 581 12 COVERING PERIOD JAN. 13—19, 1952. A J "it?? J,?, ir E ?an 18 be (A S rlO anl \f\JO im M (Gemini,bright if rou let things take their s.?°^ bother caused by a closfl course and d, not strain too hard J^l vnitr ta to <>-ci' vours^lf R#«;f fnr th*
      581 words

  • 817 13  - BEWARE OF THOSE PILLS AND PURGES SYDNEY JACOBCON i irilizfd ntvn ioa haw a tritvh dwtor nt<>tti4t!iitj ft YAW AM BANCO feels unwell. He is frightened. So he coes to the great medicineman llabulu. "All I want, llabulu." he says, "is something to make me feel better." Ulabulu mutters an
    817 words
  • 1034 13 WHy people get married an accept the Idea of |OT# tat first sitht m films, poetry and plays. And we are right The human heart would be poorer without it. Can such love be defined? How often does it happen m real life? Does it lead to happiness m marriage?
    1,034 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 222 13 Now I clean my breath while I clean my teeth with COLGATE DENTAL CREAM because the dentist W NTAL (R! \M makes a special kind Th: d 09 > ,r. ail the tiny pieces of food ti teeth. O >LGATE*S Breath v youi Teeth. White, and helpi STOT TOOTH DECAY.
      222 words
    • 109 13 El I 11*^^ I ach smooth stroke brings greater pride; NEW "5 1 DEMI-SIZE -^IffffißSff^^B^f > < rajg^'i ir^^ {tiffin .-^mf^* mKalKt ~°J}*l clips upright m a purse, Here Ts the pen you II prize above ail others. Each xJ^ t^K^vV -V tinctive design is full decades ahead. And only
      109 words

  • 272 14 ROUNDINO off their two months re-trainin? period at Port Dickson. the 4th Battalion Malay Regiment held a successful intercompany competition last week. The following events were held:— shooting, football, hockey, tug-of-war and cross country race. In the shooting Contest held at Siginting Range earlier m the
    272 words
  • 140 14 SYDNEY, Jan. 11. (AP) If the Australians are worried about indirect complaints from the United States that the wedding fund for Frank Sedgman is a violation of amateur tennis rules, they certainly are not showing it. American Davis Cup captain Frank Shields said the other day
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  • 177 14 BOMBAY, Jan. 11 (Router) The draw for the groupings for the Swaythling Cup (men's team event) and the Corbillon Cup (women's team event) m the world tabletennis championships beginning here on Feb. 1 was made here today and resulted as follows: Swaythling Cup Group A Czechoslovakia (holders),
    177 words
  • 695 14 By Our Boxing Reporter FRIDAY'S "new year' 7 programme served to r r e al I that Malaya's best boxers arc not m tbeclass as the «opnotchers from Australia. Bernie Hall put an end to the aspirations of Golden Boy m the sixth round,
    695 words
  • 384 14 MARJ AN DESERVES MORE THAN ONE TRIAL ISMAIL bin Morjon deserves a break. The only ffrst son of tne *oil to ploy for his country. In the two state trials tentatively fixed for next month Marian figures only one trial m partnership With Ong Poh Urn against a combination they
    384 words
  • 32 14 Hamzah, Perak's right-winger, scored Hw ipraiai against Negri Sembilan m Friday's quadrunuuLi meet on the SVC ground. Hamzah i> sern ahoyNegri's goalkeeper out before scoring 0K B**l ft
    32 words
  • 58 14 GRINDEWALD. Switzerland, Jan. 11 (AP)— Madeileine Barthod of Switzerland won the Slalom m the Swiss women's national ski championship today with Andre Lawrence of the U.S., second, according to unofficial but almost certain final results. Celina Seghi of Italy and Boghild Niskin of Norway tied
    58 words
  • 65 14 SOON Garrison defeated i 19 Air Formation Sigs by 14 points (1 goal 3 trys) to nil at Nee Soon m the semi-final of the F N Cup (Singapore*. In a game where forward play was dominant Garrison made the most of their heavier pack and ran out
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  • 449 14  -  RANJIT SINGH WORLD TABLE-TENNIS From Standard Spoil* RrfM BOMBAY, Jan. 8. AN inspiring afHuyhiri hospitality, excellent conditions, and NMMI tfgmipi i tion await the 250 competitors from 30 nwiiiiti hlm will be here for the 19th World tahl«M<utii- h a »ii|,i..n ships which be m at the
    449 words
  • 807 14  -  MAC H» SERVICES SPORT GH.Q. Signal Regiment were no mutch for R.A.S.C. School last years District Champions, when they met at Tanglin m the Ist. round tie of this year's boxing championships. Fighting fitness might possibly have tipped the balance m Signal's favour m one or two
    807 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 157 14 BB&- OMVV n^KSJ. mk Engineers are car Hull) iraiiitMl, Corporatioa^ .52 years] experience) t.OA.C TAKLS GOOD CARL OF VOU^^^^ FLY' BOM •HIT I9H~OVi USE AS^AIIt WAYS CORPORATION Ifi^ ASSOCIATION Ai T H QANTAS tVIP AtRMAYS LTOI Of h^uryi^ < j2^ mm s*~* New Features:- I. "SYNCHRO-COPAL SHUTTER" 8, SUPERIOR DEFINITION
      157 words
    • 45 14 Horlicks builds strength tod creates extra energy because it contains both body-building and energy-producing nourishment. Made ffom rich, fullcream cow's milk plus the nutritive extracts of wh at and malted barley Horlicks is 100% nourishment. TAKE /^3% HORLICKS H FOR STRENGTH ENERGY £j*r^ HF. 25»
      45 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 159 14 SALESMAN IN A 'STUPOR'- m now hes «auy SUPER rf^ I po^ T "m*>"«^ p^ [pity .'they're j.g m I Fb 1 ri r ,;^;^^^ggyy^ii ai i T ur tww™. u«^ H^ T <^\ THI* LETTER FROM bMITHrbj l^^^ s^? ""NT T fT M QHT WrvFMF^^WWOT '"T iiip I COMrLAi\,NJG
      159 words

  • 387 15 KNKW Jan. 11 (I P)-Ernie (Thr IWk) ..mlo won an un*«-t sevrnth round technical kno< kout Kocky < asiellani m a riotou* ending thai resulted Ihc referee and ihe matchmaker being dogged and !lani\ manager *u*pf'tided indefinitely. Chairman Robert K. rhliMinLiiijf announced ihat the
    387 words
  • 53 15 X WPI'K. Jan. 12 (Rev- In (lii. winning the :\i\ batting first, lost I vidwta for 50 runs by inch ItaM on the opening t th»* fourth cricket i .unst Fngland. India were all out for 121 n Vivudu 21 Tatter!S Hilton 4 for tin close
    53 words
  • 86 15 Poh Lim, Mary Sim W in D'bles isw. w.n urn (F. n.) ,i hit firal Singapore I hi- >«ar when m rtnrrslup nith Mrs. Mary Sin, 'I nitt-tl Family) he nok ili*' < <>lony*H mixeil i rli;iiiipi<>n^hip at !iri(-;il I nion last eal Cheonf Hock Tec Ticiii i Seng i.)-5
    86 words
  • 50 15 BALM BEACH. Flori11, (UP) WelterNorm Thompson of .on i ten round de.ght over Sonny Lu:\.:erson. New Jersey. pound Canadian iuno to the canvas c t:na round. More -„\v the bout arena. Lunano 1. (Router) I m* the banks the 500Sterling) Si yeT c been vpec the to be
    50 words
  • 37 15 Golden Boy (right) attacks Bernie Hall m the third round of their flight at the Happy World Stadium on Friday. Three rounds later Hall handed heavy punishment and won on a technical knockout.
    37 words
  • 398 15 SINGAPORE broke the "hoodoo*' that usually accompanies their postwar hockey matches against Negri Sembilan when they left the field clear winners by two goals to nil m the inter state quadrangular match played on the padang yesterday. This was the first time since the war that
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  • 94 15 The Singapore Clerical and Administrative Workers Union are to revive their sporting activities for the first time since the liberation and are making an appeal to all members to rally m support. The Union will hold a general meeting of all members of
    94 words
  • 506 15 PERAK TROUNCE SERVICES IN RUGBY FINAL Meikle In Brilliant Form KUALA LIMPLR, Sat. Perafc mm the BMS Mala>a Rughy f.nnl today after handing out to the g -*-n tftr nrniJ heavieU trounetna; ever suffered hy losers m this annual thriller since the series wag started 1921. Perak won by 29
    506 words
  • 249 15 Kong Fights, KOes Referee Anderson V Win MOM i M nicued m the Bappj World Stadium last niijU alt»r Kint Kong was disqualified for knock m« out the referee. »x wrestler. Jim Anderson m his hectic battle with Chirf Little Wolf. Po i' B were called In (0 the mom
    249 words
  • 98 15 SYDNEY, Jan. vi. (ReuterAAP) Miss Rfarjorie Jackson, Australian sprinter who is regarded as a probable Olympic Games winner at Helsinki, had a better time than her own 10.7 seconds, world record for the 100 yards here today. She was competing In the New South Wjji.'s athletic
    98 words
  • 33 15 MADEILEINE Bart hod of Switzerland won th* Slalom m the Swiss women's national ski championship yesterday with Andre Lawrence of the U.S. second, according to unofficial but almost certain final results.
    33 words
  • 24 15 SYDNEY, Jan. 11 <R< -AAP)—England beat Australia 59 points to 4u :u i second speedway Tr* tonia'it to Uvd ihe i 1-1.
    24 words
  • 342 15  - Malaya Can Reach World Class Says Coach Barkway KEN JALLEH By THE BRITISH Olympic and AAA coach, 27 year old Ray Barkway, now m Singapore conducting his athletic course, intends to tell the British athletic world "all about Malaya and its athletic potentialities." "There is so little people m Britain
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  • 195 15 HOBART, Jan. 12, (Keu-ter-AAP) Tasmania were all out for 223 runs today m their second match against the West Indies cricket tourists. West Indies opening batsman Jeff Stollmeyer was seen m a new role. When the regular West Indies bowlers failed to break a stubborn
    195 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 119 15 ■K^fljj^HPlK^' I ."> Sitinm a r i t ■n <! < omprcncDsii c rans*c «>i accessaries always m slo< AMATEUR PHOTO STORES UD. IO'» North Bri«l«e Koa.l i «i:- r..v: 1 j£« Has ASTHMA got /!g|SW you m its grip iJ^S^PSS You can break the suffocating IIP^SSSWj^ bold that Asthma
      119 words
    • 79 15 !> „-.->. -yx.--:-:->.-:-:-:^:^ ""o*^ i/^J^SS^^^^^ "^Bfe "i^ m 8 0 ft 1 mm F 1 J^; ji LlQnt Up Lthincsc JSbw tear wm Donson This h 3 n«home LEONA J \/^"<Jf i^/^j&As^ ll« \mm^~^^ T> Ntvvf ori T M<xh«r ele«*M .<—-> '^n V a ble l-gh't-f IJ £fw^y^7- 7" R
      79 words

  • 2305 16 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $474,325 First Prize No. *****8 $213,116 Second Prize No. *****7 $106,723 Third Prize No. *****5 59,290 Starters ($5,390 each)* *****4, *****5, *****2^ *****3, *****2, *****4, *****7, *****7, *****9, *****8, *****0. Consolations ($3,557 each) ff?^ *****4, *****4, *****6, *****1, *****0,. *****9, *****3,
    2,305 words
  • 420 16 Malacca Surprise Perak Favourites MALACCA sprang tlie first surprise of the inter state hockey quadrangular now heing played m Singapore, when they heat Perak, favourites for the championship, by two goals to one on the padang yesterday. It was a victory they fully deserved. With the ex-Singa-pore player, Abdul Karim
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 237 16 >¥*¥*\\\\\\V%\*%\\\\V\\\V\\\\\\\\VVVVVV\VVVVV\VV\\\\\\\V\\VV\\\\\\\\mVV^ GRAfsfSIPRIX L I ELECTION I) S Sole Agents:- f I CHUN CHONG 53 South Bridge Road. Singapore L i SINGAPORE SHIRT FACTORY LTD.] announces the GRAND OPENING of theif i SHOWROOM AND STORE at 226, South Bridge Road, j SPECIAL INTRODUCTION Qltf, p y^ OFFER of their products:-: SW&JyJ*
      237 words
    • 126 16 GOLD DOLLAR DELICIOUS PURE FRAGRANT Shum-Yip Leong Tea Plantations CAMERON HIGHLANDS. I To taste chocolate at its best I eat a jfldttfS Sole Agents: EXCELSIOR, LTD.. Singapore DRY CLEANING DYEING. AND CLEANING CARPETS /■if w m XrJmM* Ma /m M WASHINGTON DRY CLEANING CO., 412/414 ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. I £\\w\\w\OUß
      126 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 34 16 iTIMlilpTOi II lItII J mMaJa m HIGH TID^S the pnnri D al resorts m Malaya: A.M. P.M. Singapore 12.17 11.13 Malacca 8.43 8.52 Port Dickson 7.24 7.33 Port Sham ti.34 7.07 Penang 1.10 2.01
      34 words